


























一、试验前准备1.1 确认试验标准:在进行阀门试验前,首先要确认试验标准,包括国家标准、行业标准或者客户要求的特殊标准。

1.2 准备试验设备:根据试验标准要求,准备好相应的试验设备,包括试验台、压力表、流量计等。

1.3 检查阀门状态:检查阀门的外观和内部结构,确保阀门无损坏或者异物,保证试验的准确性。

二、试验操作步骤2.1 压力试验:将阀门安装在试验台上,逐步增加压力,观察阀门的密封性能和耐压性能。

2.2 流量试验:通过调节流量计,测试阀门的流量特性,包括启闭力、启闭时间和流量系数等。

2.3 寿命试验:根据试验标准要求,进行长期的循环试验,检验阀门在不同工况下的稳定性和耐久性。

三、试验记录和报告3.1 记录试验数据:在试验过程中,要及时记录试验数据,包括压力、流量、温度等参数。

3.2 分析试验结果:根据试验数据进行分析,评估阀门的性能和质量,及时发现问题并提出改进措施。

3.3 编写试验报告:根据试验数据和分析结果,编写试验报告,包括试验过程、结果和结论,供相关部门参考。

四、试验后处理4.1 清洁阀门:试验结束后,及时清洁阀门表面和内部,防止试验介质残留影响阀门性能。

4.2 保养维护:对试验后的阀门进行保养维护,延长阀门的使用寿命,确保阀门在下次试验前处于良好状态。

4.3 存档管理:将试验数据和报告进行归档管理,建立阀门试验档案,方便日后查询和追溯。

五、安全注意事项5.1 严格遵守操作规程:在进行阀门试验时,必须严格按照操作规程进行,确保操作安全。

5.2 注意试验环境:选择安全的试验环境,确保试验设备和人员的安全。

5.3 防范事故风险:在试验过程中,要随时注意阀门的状态和试验设备的运行情况,及时处理异常情况,避免事故发生。




























第三条定义1. 阀门试压:指在阀门安装完成后,按照规定的压力进行试验,检验阀门密封性能和承受压力的能力。

2. 阀门试压活动:指阀门试压的组织、实施和管理活动。

3. 设备安全运行:指阀门正常运行,无泄露、无故障,保障系统的正常运行。
















UDC中华人民共和国行业标准P SH 3518-2000阀门检验与管理规程Code for valves inspection and management代替:SHJ 518—91主编单位:北京燕山石油化工有限公司建筑安装公司主编部门:中国石油化工集团公司批准部门:国家石油和化学工业局2000-06-30 发布 2000-10-01实施国家石油和化学工业局发布国家石油和化学工业局文件国石化政发(2000)239号 关于批准《石油化工企业污水处理设计规范》 等10项石油化工行业标准的通知 中国石油化工集团公司:  你公司报批的《石油化工企业污水处理设计规范》等10项石油化工行业标准草案,业经我局批准,现予发布。

标准名称、编号为:  强制性标准:  序号 标准编号 标准名称  1. SH3095—2000 石油化工企业污水处理设计规范  2. SH3097—2000 石油化工静电接地设计规范  3. SH3098—2000 石油化工塔器设计规范(代替SYJl049—83)  4. SH3099—2000 石油化工给排水水质标准(代替SHJ 1080—91)  5. SH3100—2000 石油化工工程测量规范  6. SH3010—2000 石油化工设备和管道隔热技术规范(代替 SHJl0-90和SYJl022-83)  7. SH3502—2000 钛管道施工及验收规范(代替SHJ 502—82)  8. SH3513—2000 石油化工铝制料仓施工及验收规范(代替SHJ 513-90)  9. SH3518—2000 阀门检验与管理规程(代替SHJ 518-91)  推荐性标准:  序号 标准编号 标准名称  1. SH/T3511—2000 乙烯装置裂解炉施工技术规程(代替SHJ 511-89)  以上标准自2000年10月1日起实施,被代替的标准同时废止。

  国家石油和化学工业局  二000年六月三十日 前言本规程是根据中国石化(1995)建标字269号文的通知,由我公司对原《阀门检验与管理规程》SHJ518-91修订而成。



总则1 主题内容与适用范围1.1本规程规定了通用阀门以及安全阀的检修周期与内容、检修与质量标准、试验与验收、维护与故障处理。


2 编写修订依据GB/T 12241—12243—89安全阀SH 3518—2000阀门检验与管理规程API 598-1996阀门的检查与试验检修周期与内容1 检修周期1.1 阀门的检修周期,根据生产装置的特点、介质性质、腐蚀速度和运行周期由各企业自行确定。

1.2 安全阀的定期校验按SHS 01004—2004《压力容器维护检修规程》进行。

2 检修内容2.1 清洗、检查阀体和全部阀件。

2.2 更换、修复损坏阀件。

2.3 研磨密封面。

2.4 修复中法兰、端法兰密封面。

2.5 更换或添加填料,更换垫片。

检修与质量标准1 检修前的准备1.1 备齐有关技术资料。

1.2 备齐机具、量具和材料。

1.3 阀内介质清理干净,并符合安全规定。

2 一般规定2.1 阀门应挂牌,标明检修编号、工作压力、工作温度及介质。

2.2 如有方向和位置要求的拆卸的阀件应核对或打上标记。

2.3 全部阀件进行清洗和除垢。

2.4 非金属材料的密封面损坏后,应予更换。

2.5 密封面研磨的研具材料及磨料的选用参照附录A(参考件)、附录B(参考件)、和附录C(参考件)。

2.6 工作温度高于250℃的螺栓及垫片应涂防咬合剂。

2.7 铜垫安装前应做退火处理。

2.8 螺栓应安装整齐。


2.9 阀门每经过次修理,应在阀体上做出明显标记。

3 检修质量标准3.1 阀门铭牌完整,安全阀铅封无损。

3.2 阀门的铸件不得有裂纹、缩孔和夹渣等缺陷。

3.3 阀门的锻件加工面应无夹层、重皮、裂纹、斑疤等缺陷。

3.4 阀门的焊接件焊缝应无裂纹、夹渣、气孔、咬肉和成形不良等缺陷。

3.5 阀门螺栓应满扣,无松动。


和验收的阀门,安装前可按每批到货数量 5%(不少于1个)进行本规范规定的材质检 查和阀门试验,如发现问题,应逐个进行 检验。
2 阀门检验
2.1 一般规定
2.1.1 阀门必须具有质量证明文件。阀体上 应有制造厂铭牌,铭牌和阀体上应有制造 厂名称、阀门型号、公称压力、公称通径 等标识,且符合《通用阀门标志》GB12220 的规定。
2.1.2 阀门的产品质量证明文件应有如下内 容:
• 1 制造厂名称及出厂日期;

2 产品名称、型号及规格;

3 公称压力、公称通径、适用介质及适用温度;

4 依据的标准、检验结论及检验日期;

5 出厂编号;

6 检验人员及负责检验人员签章;
2.1.3 设计要求作低温密封试验的阀门,应 有制造厂的低温密封试验合格证明书。
截止阀 旋塞阀
碟阀及 耳轴装配球阀
上密封① 需要 需要

低压密封 需要 供选 需要 备选② 需要
- 需要
高压密封③ 供选 需要④ 供选 需要 供选
① 具有这种部件的阀门均必须进行上密封试验, 但具备上密封特征的波纹管密封阀除外;
② 经买方同意后,阀门制造厂家可以使用低压密 封试验代替高压密封试验;
3.2.2 阀门壳体压力试验最短保压时间应为 5min。如果介质为液体,壳体外表面不得 有滴漏或潮湿现象,阀体与阀体衬里、阀 体与阀盖接合处不得有泄漏;如果试验介 质为气体,则应按规定的检漏方法检验, 不得有泄漏现象。
3.2.3 夹套阀门的夹套部分应以1.5倍的工作 压力进行压力试验。




















































2〉壳体试验的具体方法:标准GB/T13927-2008试验温度5~400C试验介质液体:水或黏度不大于水的非腐蚀性液体;气体:空气、氮气或其他惰性气体;试验压力试验介质试验压力气体200C下最大允许工作压力的1.1倍;液体200C下最大允许工作压力的1.5倍;试验最短公称尺寸持续时间DN/mm 最短持续时间/S≤50 1565~150 60200~300 120≥350 300试验结果试验时,不应有结构损伤,不允许有可见渗漏通判定过阀门壳壁,任何固定的阀门连接处﹙如中口法兰﹚,如果试验介质是液体,则不得有明显可见的露滴或表面潮湿,如果试验介质是气体,应无气泡漏出。

4、阀门密封试验的具体方法:标准GB/T13927-2008试验温度5~400C试验介质空气,氮气或其它非腐蚀性的气体;试验压力气体:0.6±0.1 mpa液体:200C下最大允许工作压力的1.1倍;试验最短公称尺寸最短持续时间/S持续时间DN/mm 其它阀门止回阀≤50 15 6065~150 60 60200~450 120 120≥350 120 120试验结果在试验持续时间内无可见泄漏;判定5、阀门压力试验完后,审请质检部门抽检,抽检合格后挂牌入库。




二、编制依据1.阀门的试验与检验 JB/T 9092-19992. 《工业金属管道施工及验收规范》GB50235—19973.设计文件4. 中石油安全相关标准及规范【中国石油天然气集团公司企业标准 Q/SY1002.1-2007健康、安全与环境管理体系; Q/CNPC 124.5-2006(中石油)|石油企业现场安全检查规范】三、阀门类别由于设计图纸没有出全,阀门类别及数量无法统计。


四、阀门检验1. 到货阀门必须有符合“阀门规格书”要求的质量证明文件,无质量证明文件的阀门不得使用;同时对质量证明文件进行审查并与实物核对。



2. 阀门的外观质量必须符合相应的产品标准的要求,不得有裂纹、氧化皮、粘砂、疏松等影响强度的缺陷;传动装置检查合格。

3. 阀门检验前向监理书面报告,在其和相关单位见证下进行阀门检验。



4. 阀门检验合格后方可进行阀门试验。

五、阀门试验准备1. 阀门试验前,阀门试验方案须经逐级审批完毕,并向有关人员进行技术交底。

2. 做好阀门试验机具、设备的准备工作,压力表测量精度不低于1.5级,满刻度值为试验压力的1.5~2倍,经过校验合格并在有效期内。

3. 有专门独立的阀门试验场所,且能满足试验介质供应;阀门及其他试验材料、机具、设备摆放空间;阀门试验环境(防风、防雨、防冻)的需要。






二、试验前的准备工作1. 检查试验设备:在进行水压试验前,必须先检查试验设备,包括试验台、水泵、压力表等设备的完好性和安全性。


2. 确定试验条件:根据阀门的规格和使用要求,确定试验的压力、时间和温度等条件。


3. 检查试验环境:试验环境应保持干燥、通风,并且没有易燃、易爆等危险物质。


4. 安全教育培训:在试验前,必须对参与试验的操作人员进行安全教育和培训,使其了解试验过程中的安全注意事项和紧急处理程序。


三、试验操作步骤1. 阀门安装:将待试验的阀门正确安装在试验台上,并确保阀门的安装牢固、连接紧密,防止在试验过程中发生松动或漏水的情况。

2. 清洗阀门:在试验前,必须对阀门进行清洗,将阀门内的污物和杂质清除干净,以确保试验结果的准确性。

3. 连接试验设备:将试验设备(如水泵、压力表等)与待试验的阀门连接起来,并确保连接紧密、无漏水现象。

4. 开启试验泵:在进行水压试验时,必须先开启试验泵,使试验介质(通常为清水或其他适用介质)流动起来。

5. 增压试验:通过调节试验泵的压力,逐渐增加阀门的试验压力,直到达到预定的试验压力。


6. 保压试验:在达到预定的试验压力后,保持一定时间进行保压试验,一般为5分钟以上。

石化 阀门检验与管理规程

石化 阀门检验与管理规程

阀门检验与管理规程SH 3518-20001总则1.0.1为了与现行《石油化工剧毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范》SH3501规定的适用设计压力和温度范围相一致,设计压力由400Pa(绝压)~100MPa(表压)改为400Pa(绝压)~42MPa(表压);设计温度由一200℃~850℃改为一196℃~850℃。







原规程 1.0.7条取消,从现行的《石油化工钢制管道工程施工工艺标准》SHJ3517中没有找到阀门本身分类、分级说法。




3.3 阀门密封实验
2 阀门检验
2.1 一般规定
2.1.1 阀门必须具有质量证明文件。阀体上应有制造厂铭牌,铭牌和阀体上应有制造厂名称、阀门型号、公称压力、公称通径等标识,且符合《通用阀门标志》GB12220的规定。
2.1.2 阀门的产品质量证明文件应有如下内容:
碟阀及耳轴 装配球阀

碟阀及 耳轴装配球阀




SH 3518-2000 标准阀门检验与管理规程本规程是根据中国石化(1995)建标字269号文的通知,由我公司对原《阀门检验与管理规程》SHJ518-91修订而成。



1.0.1本规程适用于设计压力400Pa (绝压)〜42MPa (表压),设计温度-196〜850℃的石油化工通用铸铁、碳素钢、合金钢、不锈钢和铜、铝、钛等部分有色金属阀门安装前的检验及管理工作。




1.0.5凡按现行《石油化工钢制通用阀门选用、检验及验收》SH3064或API标准制造并有相应认证标识,且用户到制造厂监造和验收的阀门,安装前可按每批到货数量5% (不少于1个)进行本规范规定的材质检查和阀门试验,如发现问题,应逐个进行检验。


2.1 —般规定2.1.1阀门必须具有质量证明文件。



2. 1. 3设计要求作低温密封试验的阀门,应有制造厂的低温密封试验合格证明书。



SH中华人民共和国行业标准Industrial Standard of the People's Republic of China P SH 3518—2000阀门检验与管理规程Code for valves inspection and managementIssuance:30-06-2000 Implementation:01-10-2000 Issued by the State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industry中华人民共和国行业标准Industrial Standard of the People's Republic of China阀门检验与管理规程Code for valves inspection and managementSH 3518-2000Mainly prepared by:Building and Installation Engineering Co. of Beijing YanshanPetrochemical Co., Ltd.Authorized by:China Petroleum and Chemical Group Co.Approved by:State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical IndustryBeijing 2000Notice for the Approval of 10 Petrochemical IndustrialStandards Such As“Code for Design of Waste WaterTreatment in Petrochemical Enterprises”No.:SPCB(2000)239Sinopec,This is to notify that we have approved your protocol with regard to 10 petrochemical industrial standards such as Code for Design of Waster Water Treatment in Petrochemical Sectors. The following is the designations and numbers of these standards:Compulsory standards:No. Code No. of Standard Title of Standard1.SH3095-2000 Code for Design of Waste Water Treatment in PetrochemicalEnterprises2.SH3097-2000 Code for Design of Electrostatic Grounding in PetrochemicalIndustry3.SH3098-2000 Code for Design of Towers in Petrochemical Industry(toreplace SYJ 1049-83)4. SH3099-2000 Standard for the Quality of Water Supply and Drainage inPetrochemical Industry(to replace SHJ 1080-91)5.SH3100-2000 Code for Engineering Measurement in PetrochemicalIndustry6.SH3010-2000 Technical Specifications for the thermal Insulation ofEquipment and Piping in Petrochemical Industry(to replaceSHJ10-90 and SYJ 1022-83)7.SH3502-2000 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Ti piping(toreplace SHJ 502-82)8. SH3513-2000 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Aluminum Hopperin Petrochemical Industry(to replace SHJ 513-90)9.SH3518-2000 Regulation for Inspection and Management of Valves(toreplace SHJ 518-91)Recommended standards:No. Code No. of Standard Title of Standard1.SH/T3511-2000 Technical Regulations for the Cracker in Ethylene Plant(to replace SHJ 511-89)Oct. 1,2000 shall be the commencement date for implementation of the above standards and the ending date for the replaced standards.Regards,The State Petrochemical Industrial BureauJune 30,2000Content1. General Rules (5)2. Valve Inspection (6)2.1 General regulations (6)2.2 Appearance check (6)2.3 Check and test for valve driver (7)2.4 Other check and inspection (8)3. Valve Test (9)3.1 General regulations (9)3.2 Housing pressure test of valves (10)3.3 Sealing test of valves (10)3.4 Adjustment test for safety valves (13)3.5 Adjustment test for other valves (13)4. Management of Valves (14)4.1 Valve storage (14)4.2 Valve protection (14)4.3 Document management of valves (15)Description of Words (15)Attachment: Description of Clauses and Articles (16)1. General Rules1.0.1 This code is used for inspection and management for some nonferrous metal valves including general petrochemical – industrial cast iron, carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel, as well as copper, aluminum and titanium ones with design pressure of 400Pa (absolute pressure)~42Mpa (gauge pressure)and design temperature of –196~850℃before they are mounted.1.0.2 The valve inspection shall be conducted according to the design documentation unless otherwise specified in it.1.0.3 The relative external inspection standard should be followed for the valves produced in compliance with external standard when they are inspected.1.0.4 Safety technique and labor protection for valve inspection should be carried out according to the covering regulations in current national laws, standards and <<Constructive Safety Technique Rules of Petrochemical Industries>> SH350.1.0.5 For valves which are produced according to the current <<Selection for Use, Inspection and Acceptance of General Petrochemical-Industrial Steel Valves>> SH3064 or API Standard with relative certification identification, and supervised for manufacturing and accepted in the manufacturer’s plant by the customer, check for quality material and valve test specified in this code can be conducted by the number of 5% of each batch (not less than 1 piece) prior to mounting, and inspection shall be performed for them one by one if there are problems.2. Valve Inspection2.1 General regulations2.1.1 The valves must be accompanied by quality verification documentation. Manufacturer’s nameplate shall be located on the valve body, identifications such as manufacturer’s name, valve type, nominal pressure and nominal through diameter, etc shall be on the nameplate and valve body and they should conform to the regulations in <<General Valve Markings>> GB12220.2.1.2 The verification documentation of product quality for the valves should consist of the following:1. Manufacturer’s name and ex-factory date;2. Name, type and specification of product;3. Nominal pressure, nominal through diameter, suitable media and temperature;4. Followed standards, inspection conclusion and date;5. Ex-factory number;6. Signature and stamping by inspectors and the leader.2.1.3 Valves with low-temperature sealing test operated according to requirements of design should be accompanied by manufactur er’s low-temperature sealing test certificate.2.1.4 Magnetic particle and ray inspections for cast steel valves should be agreed between the customer and supplier. If it is necessary, the supplier shall operate according to the inspection standard required by the contract and make the inspection report.2.1.5 For the stainless valves with intercrystalline corrosion test being operated according to the requirements of design document, the manufacturer should provide the intercrystalline corrosion test certificate.2.1.6 Appearance inspection must be implemented before the valve is mounted.2.2 Appearance check2.2.1 For the transportation of valve, opening and closing position should conform to the following requirements:1. Valves including gate valve, globe valve, throttle valve, control valve, butterfly valveand foot valve should be fully closed.2. Closing components of the cock valve and ball valve should be all in fully openposition.3. Diaphragm valve shall be in closing position and not too tightly in order to prevent thediaphragm from damaging.4. Blades of check valve should be closed and fixed.2.2.2 Phenomena such as damage, lack of parts, corrosion or pull-off of the nameplate for the valves mustn’t be permitted, and it must not be dirty inside the valve body.2.2.3 There shall be protective cover on the two ends of valve. The handle and hand wheel should be flexibly operated without any jam.2.2.4 When the valve body is made from cast, its surface should be smooth and even without any defects such as crack, shrinkage cavity, blister, porosity or blur, etc; when it is forging, there should not be any defects such as crack, sandwich, cold-lap, scar or missing fillet on its surface.2.2.5 Movement of the blades or core for the check valve should be flexible and accurate without any eccentricity, shifting or aslant.2.2.6 Spring-type safety valve should have lead sealing and lever type safety shall have the location device for the weight.2.2.7 Rubber-lined, enamel-lined and plastic-lined inner surface of the valve body should be even and smooth, the lining and base shall be bonded firmly without any defects including cracks and bubble. The lining shall be qualified if it isn’t sparked over (white flash occurs) when surfaces of the lining are checked one by one by means of high-frequency spark igniter.2.2.8 Flange sealing face of the valve should meet the requirements without radial scratch.2.3 Check and test for valve driver2.3.1 For the valves used for the gear and worm gear to drive, their driving mechanism should be checked and cleaned according to the following requirements:1. The worm and worm gear should have good engagement and operate flexibly withoutjam or excessive wearing.2. The gear mating surface and bearing of the opening type mechanism should be cleanedand filled with new lubrication grease;3. Valves with closing type mechanism should be checked by 10% sampling and not lessthan 1 piece, inside the mechanism, it shall be clear without dirt and with complete parts, driving components have no blur as well as clearance among all parts and the mating surface should conform to the requirements. If problems are found, the driving mechanism of this batch of the valves should be checked one by one;4. Opening the cover to check, the lubrication grease of this batch of the valves should bereplaced if it is found to deteriorate.2.3.2 For the valves with chain wheel mechanism, its center surface of chain support andchain wheel shall keep in consistence. Check chain’s operation according to the working position, its movement should be smooth and not out of slot, the chain should have no defects such as decyclization, sealing off, rustiness or nonconformance with the chain’s pitch.2.3.3 The air pressure or hydraulic driven valves should have air or water as media, opening and closing check shall be performed according to piston’s working pressure. The valves should be tested for sealing when necessary.2.3.4 Gear-shift box of the electric valve shall be cleaned and checked in compliance with the rules specified in item 2.3.1 of this code, besides that, coaxiality of the couplers should be also rechecked, then the position limit device of the valve shall be checked and adjusted under status of fully opening or closing through connecting temporary power supply. Tests should be repeated not less than 3 times, with reliable movement of the electric system and accurate indication.2.3.5 Electromagnetic valves should be connected with the temporary power supply and tested for opening and closing not less than 3 times. If necessary, sealing test shall be performed under the condition of closing for the valves.2.3.6 Valves with mechanical interlock device should be tested and adjusted on the simulation support in mounting position. The two valves should have coordinated opening and closing movement, easy operation and accurate position limit.2.4 Other check and inspection2.4.1 Welding joint bevel of butt-welded connected valves should be conducted for magnetic powder or penetration tests according to the following regulations:1. The bevel of steel material with lower limitationσb≥540Mpa of nominal tensionstrength and Cr-Mo low alloy steel material should be checked by 100%;2. The bevel of non-austenitic stainless steel with design temperature less than or equal to-29℃should be checked by 5% sampling.2.4.2 The material quality of valve body for the alloy steel valves should be rechecked one by one by means of spectrum analysis or other methods, and make markings. The valves that don't conform to the requirements should not be used.2.4.3 Before the alloy steel valves and extremely toxic and flammable media pipe valves are mounted, material quality of the valve body, sealing face, specially required washer and fillings should be checked at random according to the “Valve Specification Manual” in the design documentation and at least one piece is sampled per batch. This batch of the valves can't be used if nonconformance is found.3. Valve Test3.1 General regulations3.1.1 Valve tests consist of housing pressure test, sealing test, adjusting test for the safety valve, pressure-relief valve and drainage valve.3.1.2 The housing pressure test and sealing test should be implemented for the number of checked valves defined in relative specification, for the valves with upper sealing structure, the upper sealing test shall be also conducted.3.1.3 The air, inertial gas, paraffin, water or non-corrosive liquid with viscosity not more than that of water can be selected as test media for the housing pressure test, upper sealing test and high pressure sealing test, air or inertial gas can be used as the media for low pressure sealing test.3.1.4 The antirust agent is permitted to add when using water as the media, the chloride content in water can’t exceed 100mg/L when operating test for austenitic stainless steel valves.3.1.5 Temperature of the test media should be 5~50℃if it is not specified particularly.3.1.6 Oily stain and dirt on the sealing face should be removed before valve test, and it is strictly forbidden to apply anti-leakage grease on it.3.1.7 Pressure gauge used for the test should be verified and qualified, as well as used within periodical calibration with precision not less than grade 1.5, its full scale value shall be 1.5~2 times as much as maximum measured pressure. The pressure gauges should not be less than 2 pieces for test system, and mounted respectively at the inlet of storage tank, equipment and tested valves.3.1.8 For the valves equipped with by-pass valves, the housing pressure test and sealing test should be also conducted for the by-pass valves.3.1.9 The air inside the valve shall be discharged completely when liquid is used as the test media, and accumulated liquid inside the valve shall be discharged in time after the pressure test of valve is finished.3.1.10 For qualified valves after verified by the tests, test identifications should be made in apparent parts on the valve body and test records shall be filled in. Valves without test identifications can’t be mounted or used.3.2 Housing pressure test of valve3.2.1 Test pressure of housing pressure test of valve shall be 1.5 times as much as nominal pressure of it.3.2.2 The shortest dwell time of housing pressure test is 5 min. there should be no drop leakage or moisture on external surface of the housing as well as no leakage in the bonding between the body and its lining, body and the cover if liquid is used as the media; perform the test according to specified leakage inspection method and leakage is forbidden if gas is used as the test media.3.2.3 For jacket valve, pressure test for the jacket portion should be conducted at pressure of 1.5 times as much as the working pressure.3.2.4 For gate valves with the nominal pressure less than 1Mpa and nominal through diameter more than or equal to 600mm, the housing pressure test can be operated non-individually and together with the pipe system test.3.3 Sealing test of valves3.3.1 The sealing tests of valve include upper sealing test, high pressure sealing test and low pressure test. They must be implemented after the housing pressure test is qualified.3.3.2 Items of the sealing tests of valve should be selected depending on diameter and pressure. They will be selected according to table 3.3.2-1 when the metric diameter is less than or equal to 100mm, nominal pressure is less than or equal to 25MPa as well as the metric diameter is more than 100mm, nominal pressure is less than or equal to 10MPa; they should be selected according to the table 3.3.2-2 when the metric diameter is less than or equal to 100mm, nominal pressure is more than 25MPa as well as the metric diameter is more than 100mm, nominal pressure is more than 10MPa.3.3.3 The test pressure for high sealing test and upper sealing test of valve shall be 1.1 times as much as the metric valve pressure, and 0.6MPa for the low pressure sealing test. It is qualified when the sealing face doesn’t leak. See the table 3.3.3 for the dwell time.3.3.4 The gate valve with nominal pressure less than 1Mpa and nominal through diameter more than or equal to 600mm can be tested for sealing non-individually, the sealing pair of valve sheet is suitable to be inspected through method of color printing. It shall be qualified to get continuous bonding face.Table 3.3.2-1 Sealing test of valvesNote: ① All valves are required for upper sealing test except bellows-sealed valvefeaturing upper sealing;② The high pressure sealing test shall be mandatory and low pressure sealing test be selectable for the lubricated cock valve;③ The valve manufacturer can operate the low pressure sealing test instead of high pressure sealing test under permission of the buyer;④ Sealing can be reduced of elastic seat valve if it is used at low pressure after the high pressure sealing test;⑤ For power operating globe valve, the high pressure sealing test shall be operated at 1.1 times as much as the design pressure difference while powervalve actuator specification is defined.Table 3.3.2-2 Sealing test of valvesNote: ① All valves with this kind of component are required for upper sealing test exceptbellows-sealed valve featuring upper sealing;②The valve manufacturer can operate the low pressure sealing test instead ofhigh pressure sealing test under permission of the buyer;③Sealing can be reduced of elastic seat valve if it is used at low pressure afterthe high pressure sealing test;④For power operating ball valve, the high pressure sealing test shall be operatedat 1.1 times as much as the design pressure difference while power valveactuator specification is defined.Table 3.3.3 Dwell time for sealing test3.3.5 Basic steps of the upper sealing test should be the following: sealing the inlet and outlet of the valve, loosen the packing gland, opening the valve and making the upper sealing close, filling the test media into the cavity, increasing the pressure to the test pressure gradually, it will be qualified till no leakage is found after reaching the specified dwell time.3.3.6 When performing the sealing test, the test media shall be filled fully with the cavity on one side of measured sealing pair in state of closing and the pressure shall be gradually increased to the test pressure, then visual inspection for leakage should be operated on the other side of this sealing pair after reaching the specified dwell time. Direction of introduced media and applied pressure shall conform to the following regulations:1. The introduced media and applied pressure shall be operated along the line of specifiedmedia flowing for valves such as the globe valve, etc, whose media flowing direction is defined;2. The introduced media and applied pressure shall be operated along each endrespectively for valves such as the gate valve, ball valve, cock valve and butterfly valve.3. The media can be introduced and pressure can be applied into the cavity between thetwo sealing pairs for valves with two sealing pairs.4. The media shall be introduced and pressure be applied along the closing line of valveblades for the check valve.3.4 Adjustment test for safety valves3.4.1 The adjustment test for the safety valve shall consist of the following items:1. Opening pressure:2. Returning-to-seat pressure;3. Repeatability of movement for the valve;4. Check frequent throb, flutter, jamming and other harmful vibration for the valve whenreturning to the seat by visual inspection or hearing.3.4.2 The safety valve shall be commissioned according to the design requirements. When it is not required in design, the opening pressure shall be 1.05~1.15 times as much as difference between the working pressure and back pressure, the returning-to-seat pressure shall be no less than 0.9 time of the working pressure.3.4.3 Media used for opening and returning-to-seat test for the safety valve shall be selected according to table 3.4.3.Table 3.4.3 Test mediaNote: The air shall be permitted if there is no suitable saturated vapor, but the safety valve should be re-commissioned when it is put into operation.3.4.4 The opening and returning-to-seat test for the safety valve should be conducted with no less than three times. The using department and relative units shall supervise and confirm it in site during the tests. Lead sealing shall be made, and “Test Record for the Safety Valve” shall be filled in after the tests are qualified.3.5 Adjustment test for other valves3.5.1 Pressure adjustment test for pressure-relief valve and movement test for drainage valve should be operated in system after it is mounted.3.5.2 Any adjustment for the pressure-relief valve should n’t be implemented during the test. It can t be re-adjusted without changing any parts until test conditions are changed ortest results deflect.3.5.3 Following requirements should be followed for test of the drainage valve:1. Movement is quick and operation is proper;2. There is no gas leakage for the valve seat;3. The valve should be in the state of full closing after drainage is completed;4. Double metal slice drainage valve should act within the rated working temperature.4. Management of Valves4.1 Valve storage4.1.1 The valves should be registered and accounted according to the main description on the nameplate when they are taken into or out of the storehouse. Test records and markings should be made for qualified valves verified by the test.4.1.2 The valves are suitable to be placed in the interior storehouse and respectively stored according to their specifications, types and material quality. Protective measures should be adopted when placing and preserving the nonferrous metal valves including titanium material ones which are not permitted for iron pollution and ultra-low-carbon stainless steel ones.4.1.3 Valves returned to the storehouse should be re-registered. Valves for which the housing pressure test and sealing test have been performed should be re-inspected prior to being used if their idle time exceeds half a year.4.1.4 Tackle mustn’t be directly bound up to the hand wheel or the valves shouldn’t be placed upside down during preservation and transportation of them.4.2 Valve protection4.2.1 The exposed part of valve stem should be greased for protection.4.2.2 The other closing components of the valve and sealing face of valve seat should be applied with industrial antirust grease except that plastic and rubber sealing face isn’t admitted to apply antirust agent.4.2.3 Interior cavity, flange sealing face and bolt thread of the valve should be applied with the antirust agent for protection.4.2.4 Interior of the valve should be cleaned and protective cover should be used on the two ends of it after its test is qualified.4.3 Document management of valves4.3.1 The quality verification document supplied by the manufacturer should correspond to the real material, and an account book should be established for management.4.3.2 Inspection department should give document including re-inspection report of material quality, valve test records and adjustment test records of the safety valve, and the relative personnel should make signature as well as special personnel should preserve for qualified valves verified through the tests.4.3.3 For the ex-factory valves, the quality verification document and relevant inspection and test records supplied by the manufacturer should be submitted to the relative department being as document of handing over the completed work in compliance with the requirements in current <<Technical Document Regulations of Handing over a Completed Project for Petrochemical Engineering Construction>>SH3503.Description of WordsDescription of words used for requiring to perform different degree of strictness in clauses of this code is as following:(I)For words expressing that it is very strict and must be done like that,“MUST” is adopted for positive ones;“STRICTLY FORBIDDEN” is adopted for negative ones.(II)For words expressing that it is strict and should be done like that in normal conditions,“SHALL” is adopted for positive ones;“SHALL NOT” or MUSTN’T is adopted for negative ones.(III)For words expressing that it is permitted to make selection a little and should be done like that at first when possible,“BE SUITABLE” is a dopted for positive ones;“NOT BE SUITABLE” is adopted for negative ones.“CAN” is adopted to express that it is selectable and can be done like that under certain conditions.中华人民共和国行业标准Industrial Standard of the People's Republic of China 阀门检验与管理规程Code for valves inspection and managementSH 3518-2000Description of Clauses and ArticlesBeijing 2000Content1. General Rules (18)2. Valve Inspection (19)2.1 General regulations (19)2.2 Appearance check (19)2.4 Other check and inspection (19)3. Valve Test (20)3.1 General regulations (20)3.2 Housing pressure test of valves (20)3.3 Sealing test of valve (20)3.4 Adjustment test for safety valves (21)4. Valve Management (21)4.1 Valve storage (21)4.3 Document management of Valves (21)1. General Rules1.0.1 The design pressure is changed from 400Pa(absolute pressure) ~100Mpa(gauge pressure) into 400Pa(absolute pressure)~42Mpa(gauge pressure)and design temperature from -200℃~850℃into –196℃~850℃in order to correspond with the practical design pressure and temperature scope specified in current <<Construction and Acceptance Specification for Extremely Toxic and Flammable Media Pipeline Engineering of Petrochemical Industry>> SH3501.1.0.2 The types and structure figures of valves will be increased and improved with development of the petrochemical industry, therefore the design department maybe set some requirements beyond regulations of this code when selecting valve types in order to meet the demand of production workmanship. This article is edited aiming at the conditions mentioned above.1.0.3 In this article, the valves produced according to the foreign standard, at the same time, including the ones made by internal valve manufacturers in compliance with the foreign standard, besides those introduced along with complete sets of equipment and purchased abroad individually.1.0.5 This article specifies that valves made according to the current SH3064 standard or whose manufacturer has gotten API certificate as well as supervised, checked and accepted in the manufacturer’s factory by the customer shall be only conducted with appearance check before mounting and can be mounted if they are qualified.When editing this article, some valve manufacturers recommended by several group corporations were investigated and they were found to have properly operating quality assurance system, the valves produced by them have a reliable quality and some of them which normally manufactured according to standards such as API, ANSI, BS and DIN have been exported to several countries and areas in the USA, Western Europe, Western Asia and Southeast Asia. External customers entrusted the third party to or directly supervise and check in the valve manufacturers, then perform mounting directly without any check before construction.Editing this article plays a positive promotion role to advance increasing of product quality for internal valve manufacturers, to decrease constructive cost of petrochemical device and make the petrochemical industrial standards in line with the international ones.Articles 1.0.2~1.0.4 of the old code have been deleted, in respect that application scope for article 1.0.1 of the specification is defined, so the departments whether using the specification on other occasions can decide by themselves.Article 1.0.7 in the old rule has been deleted, description for classification and grading for valves themselves can t be found in current “Construction Workmanship Standard f or。






正文内容:一、试验前准备1.1 确定试验对象:根据实际情况确定需要进行试验的阀门类型和数量。

1.2 检查试验设备:确保试验设备完好无损,并进行必要的校准和维护。

1.3 准备试验介质:根据试验要求准备相应的试验介质,并确保其符合相关标准要求。

二、试验操作步骤2.1 清洗阀门:在试验前对阀门进行清洗,确保其内部无杂质和污染物。

2.2 密封性试验:采用适当的方法进行阀门的密封性试验,如气密性试验或水密性试验。

2.3 耐压试验:根据阀门的设计压力和试验标准要求,进行相应的耐压试验。

2.4 流量特性试验:通过改变介质流量和压力,测试阀门的流量特性,如流量系数和流量特性曲线等。

2.5 操作性试验:模拟实际操作情况,测试阀门的开启、关闭、调节等功能,确保其操作性良好。

三、试验数据记录与分析3.1 记录试验参数:在试验过程中,及时记录试验参数,包括试验介质、压力、流量、温度等。

3.2 分析试验结果:根据试验数据进行分析,评估阀门的性能和质量,判断其是否符合相关标准要求。

3.3 编制试验报告:根据试验结果编制试验报告,记录试验过程、结果和分析,为后续的阀门使用和维护提供参考依据。

四、注意事项和安全措施4.1 遵循操作规程:在试验过程中,严格按照操作规程进行操作,确保试验的准确性和安全性。

4.2 注意阀门材质:根据试验介质的特性,选择适合的阀门材质,避免材料腐蚀或泄漏等问题。

4.3 安全防护措施:在试验过程中,采取必要的安全措施,如佩戴防护眼镜、手套等,确保人员的安全。

五、维护与保养5.1 清洁阀门:试验结束后,及时清洁阀门,防止杂质和污染物对阀门的影响。






二、阀门分类及管理职责第四条车间阀门分为以下几类:1. 低压阀门:压力小于1.6MPa的阀门。

2. 中压阀门:压力在1.6MPa至10MPa之间的阀门。

3. 高压阀门:压力大于10MPa的阀门。

第五条车间阀门管理职责:1. 生产部门负责车间阀门的使用、维护和保养。

2. 设备管理部门负责车间阀门的采购、验收、报废和更新。

3. 安全管理部门负责车间阀门的监督检查和安全培训。

三、阀门使用与维护第六条车间阀门的使用:1. 使用前应检查阀门是否完好,如发现异常情况,应及时上报并停止使用。

2. 使用过程中应严格按照操作规程进行,不得擅自调整阀门参数。

3. 使用后应及时关闭阀门,防止泄漏。

第七条车间阀门的维护:1. 定期检查阀门密封性,发现问题及时处理。

2. 定期对阀门进行清洁、润滑,确保阀门正常运行。

3. 定期对阀门进行保养,延长阀门使用寿命。

四、阀门检修与更换第八条车间阀门检修:1. 发现阀门泄漏、损坏等问题,应立即停机检修。

2. 检修过程中应严格按照操作规程进行,确保检修质量。

3. 检修完成后,应对阀门进行全面检查,确认无问题后方可投入使用。

第九条车间阀门更换:1. 阀门达到报废标准或经检修无法修复时,应及时更换。

2. 更换阀门时应选用符合国家标准、质量合格的产品。

3. 更换后的阀门应进行试运行,确保其性能符合要求。

五、安全培训与监督检查第十条安全培训:1. 安全管理部门定期对车间人员进行阀门安全操作培训。

2. 培训内容包括阀门使用、维护、检修和更换等。

第十一条监督检查:1. 安全管理部门定期对车间阀门进行检查,确保阀门正常运行。

2. 设备管理部门定期对阀门进行检验,确保阀门质量。


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哈尔滨广信市政工程有限公司GX-QP-003 阀门检验与管理规程2009—07—16 发布 2009—07—20实施哈尔滨广信市政工程有限公司发布前言本规程主要起草人:许英林本规程审核人:刘洪滨那利伟本规程批准人:滕泽龙本规程自2009年07月16日发布,07月20日起在全公司范围内试行。


阀门检验与管理规程1 总则1.0.1 本规程适用于设计压力400MPa (绝压)~42MPa (表压),设计温度-196~85℃的石油化工通用铸铁、碳素钢、不锈钢和铜、铝、钛等部分有色金属阀门安装前的检验及管理工作。

1.0.2 设计文件中对阀门检验另有要求时,应按设计文件的要求执行。

1.0.3 按国外标准制造的阀门,检验时应执行国外相应的检验标准。

1.0.4 阀门检验工作中的安全技术和劳动防护应按国家现行有关法规、标准及《石化工施工安全技术规程》SH3505 的有关规定执行。

1.0.5 凡按现行《石油化工钢制通用阀门选用、检验及验收》SH3064 或API 标准制造并有相应认证标识,且用户到制造厂监造和验收的阀门,安装前可按每批到货数量5%(不少于1个)进行本规范规定的材质检查和阀门试验,如发现问题,应逐个进行检验。

2 阀门检验2.1 一般规定2.1.1 阀门必须具有质量证明文件。


2.1.2 阀门的产品质量证明文件应有如下内容:1 制造厂名称及出厂日期;2 产品名称、型号及规格;3 公称压力、公称通径、适用介质及适用温度;4 依据的标准、检验结论及检验日期;5 出厂编号;6 检验人员及负责检验人员签章;2.1.3 设计要求作低温密封试验的阀门,应有制造厂的低温密封试验合格证明书。

2.1.4 铸钢阀门的磁粉检验和射线检验由供需双方协定,如需检验,供方应按合同要求的检验标准进行检验,并出具检验报告。


2.1.6 阀门安装前必须进行外观检查。

2.2 外观检查2.2.1 阀门运输时的开闭位置应符合下列要求:1 闸阀、截止阀、节流阀、调节阀、蝶阀、底阀等阀门应处于全关闭位置;2 旋塞阀、球阀的关闭件均应处于全开启位置;3 隔膜阀应处于关闭位置,且不可关得过紧,以防止损坏隔膜;4 止回阀的阀瓣应关闭并予以固定。

2.2.2 阀门不得有损伤、缺件、腐蚀、铭牌脱落等现象.且阀体内不得有脏污。

2.2.3 阀门两端应有防护盖保护。


2.2.4 阀体为铸件时,其表面应平整光滑,无裂纹、缩孔、砂眼、气孔、毛刺等缺陷;阀体为锻件时,其表面应无裂纹、夹层、重皮,斑疤、缺肩等缺陷。

2.2.5 止回阀的阀瓣或阀芯动作应灵活准确,无偏心、移位或歪斜现象。

2.2.6 弹簧式安全阀应具有铅封;杠杆式安全阀应有重锤的定位装置。

2.2.7 衬胶、衬搪瓷及衬塑料的阀体内表面应平整光滑,衬层与基体结合牢固,无裂纹、鼓泡等缺陷,用高频电火花发生器逐个检查衬层表面,以未发现衬层被击穿(产生白色闪光现象)为合格。

2.2.8 阀门法兰密封面应符合要求,且不得有径向划痕。

2.3 阀门传动装置的检查与试验2.3.1 采用齿轮、蜗轮传动的阀门,其传动机构应按下列要求进行检查与清洗:1 蜗杆和蜗轮应啮合良好、工作轻便,无卡涩或过度磨损现象;2 开式机构的齿轮啮合面、轴承等应清洗干净,并加注新润滑油脂;3 有闭式机构的阀门应抽查10%且不少于一个,其机构零件应齐全、内部清洁无污物、传动件无毛刺、各部间隙及啮合面符合要求。

如有问题,应对该批阀门的传动机构逐个检查;4 开盖检查如发现润滑油脂变质,将该批阀门的润滑油脂予以更换。

2.3.2 带链轮机构的阀门,链架与链轮的中心面应一致。


2.3.3 气压、液压传动的阀门,应以空气或水为介质,按活塞的工作压力进行开闭检验。


2.3.4 电动阀门的变速箱除按本规程第2.3.1条的规定进行清洗和检查外,尚应复查联轴器的同轴度,然后接通临时电源,在全开或全闭的状态下,检查、调整阀门的限位装置,反复试验不少于三次,电动系统应动作可靠、指示准确。

2.3.5 电磁阀门应接通临时电源,进行开闭试验,且不得少于三次。


2.3.6 具有机械联锁装置的阀门,应在安装位置的模拟架上进行试验和调整。


2.4 其他检查和检验2.4.1 对焊连接阀门的焊接接头坡口,应按下列规定进行磁粉或渗透检测:1 标准抗拉强度下限值σ≥540MPa的钢材及Cr-Mo低合金钢材的坡口应进行100%检测;2 设计温度低于或等于-29℃的非奥氏体不锈钢坡口应抽检5%。

2.4.2 合金钢阀门应采用光谱分析或其他方法,逐个对阀体材质进行复查,并做标记。


2.4.3 合金钢阀门和剧毒、可燃介质管道阀门安装前,应按设计文件中的“阀门规格书”对阀门的阀体、密封面以及有特殊要求的垫片和填料的材质进行抽查,每批至少抽查一件。


3 阀门试验3.1 一般规定3.1.1 阀门试验包括壳体压力试验、密封试验和安全阀、减压阀、疏水阀的调整试验。

3.1.2 阀门应按相应规范确定的检查数量进行壳体压力试验和密封试验,具有上密封结构的阀门,还应进行上密封试验。

3.1.3 对于壳体压力试验、上密封试验和高压密封试验,试验介质可选择空气、惰性气体、煤油、水或粘度不高于水的非腐蚀性液体,低压密封试验介质可选择空气或惰性气体。

3.1.4 用水做试验介质时,允许添加防锈剂,奥氏体不锈钢阀门试验时,水中氯化物含量不得超过100mg/L。

3.1.5 无特殊规定时,试验介质的温度宜为5~50℃。

3.1.6 阀门试验前,应除去密封面上的油渍和污物,严禁在密封面上涂抹防渗漏的油脂。

3.1.7 试验用的压力表,应鉴定合格并在周检期内使用,精度不应低于1.5 级,表的满刻度值宜为最大被测压力的 1.5~2 倍。


3.1.8 装有旁通阀的阀门,旁通阀也应进行壳体压力试验和密封试验。

3.1.9 试验介质为液体时,应排净阀门内的空气,阀门试压完毕,应及时排除阀门内的积液。

3.1.10 经过试验合格的阀门,应在阀体明显部位做好试验标识,并填写试验记录。


3.2 阀门壳体压力试验3.2.1 阀门壳体压力试验的试验压力应为阀门公称压力的1.5倍。

3.2.2 阀门壳体压力试验最短保压时间应为5min。


3.2.3 夹套阀门的夹套部分应以1.5倍的工作压力进行压力试验。

3.2.4 公称压力小于1MPa且公称通径大于或等于600mm 的闸阀,壳体压力试验可不单独进行,可在管道系统试验中进行。

3.3 阀门密封试验3.3.1 阀门密封试验包括上密封试验、高压密封试验和低压密封试验,密封试验必须在壳体压力试验合格后进行。

3.3.2 阀门密封试验项目应根据直径和压力按规定进行选取。

当公称直径小于或等于100mm、公称压力小于或等于25MPa和公称直径大于100mm、公称压力小于或等于10MPa时,应按表 3.3.2-1选取;当公称直径小于或等于100mm、公称压力大于25MPa和公称直径大于100mm、公称压力大于10MPa时,应按表3.3.2-2选取。

3.3.3 阀门高压密封试验和上密封试验的试验压力为阀门公称压力1.1 倍,低压密封试验压力为0.6MPa,保压时间见表 3.3.3,以密封面不漏为合格。

3.3.4 公称压力小于lMPa 且公称通径大于或等于600mm 的闸阀可不单独进行密封试验,宜用色印方法对闸板密封副进行检查,接合面连续为合格。

表3.3.2-1 阀门密封试验试验名称阀门型式闸阀截止阀旋塞阀止回阀浮球阀蝶阀及耳轴装配球阀上密封①需要需要————低压密封需要供选需要②备选③需要需要高压密封④供选需要⑤供选②需要供选供选注:①要求对所有阀门进行上密封试验,但具备上密封特征的波纹管密封阀除外;②对润滑旋塞阀来讲,进行高压密封试验是强制性的,低压密封试验是可选择的;③如果购买商同意,阀门制造厂可用用低压密封试验代替高压密封试验;④弹性座阀门的高压密封试验后在低压情况下使用可能会降低其密封性;⑤对于动力操作截止阀,高压密封试验应按确定动力阀动器规格时设计压差的1.1倍来进行。

表 3.3.2-2 阀门密封试验试验名称阀门型式闸阀截止阀旋塞阀止回阀浮球阀蝶阀及耳轴装配球阀上密封①需要需要————低压密封需要供选需要备选②需要需要高压密封③供选需要④供选②需要供选供选注:①具有这种部件的阀门均必须进行上密封试验,但具备上密封特征的波纹管密封阀除外;②经买方同意后,阀门制造厂家可以使用低压密封试验代替高压密封试验;③弹性座阀门的高压密封试验后在低压情况下使用可能会降低其密封性;④在动力操作的球阀中,高压密封试验应按确定动力阀动器规格时设计压差的1.1倍来进行。

3.3.5 上密封试验的基本步骤为:封闭阀门进、出口,松开填料压盖,将阀门打开并使上密封关闭,向腔内充满试验介质,逐渐加压到试验压力,达到保压规定时间后,无渗漏为合格。

3.3.6 做密封试验时,应向于关闭状态的被检测密封副的一侧腔体充满试验介质,并逐渐加压到试验压力,达到规定保压时间后,在该密封副的另一侧,目测渗漏情况。

引入介质和施加压力的方向应符合下列规定:1 规定了介质流向的阀门,如截止阀等应按规定介质流通方向引入介质和施加压力;2 没有规定介质流向的阀门,如闸阀、球阀、旋塞阀和蝶阀,应分别沿每端引入介质和施加压力;3 有两个密封副的阀门也可以向两个密封副之间的体腔内引入介质和施加压力;4 止回阀应沿使阀瓣关闭的方向引入介质和施加压力。

3.4 安全阀调整试验3.4.1 安全阀的调整试验应包括如下项目:1 开启压力;2 回座压力;3 阀门动作的重复性;4 用目测或听觉检查阀门回座情况,有无频跳、颤振、卡阻或其他有害的振动。

3.4.2 安全阀应按设计要求进行调试,当设计无要求时,其开启压力应为工作压力与背压之差的1.05~1.15倍,回座压力应不小于工作压力的0.9倍。
