





例一:The apple of one's eye.这个短语常用来表示一个人非常重视的人或物,如:She's the apple of my eye.在中文中一般会翻译为“掌上明珠”、“心上人”等等。


例二:To kill two birds with one stone.这是一个很常用的英语短语。



例三:On the ball.这个短语用来形容一个人具有很好的表现,特别是在工作方面。


例四:Break a leg.这是一个由演员之间互相祝福的短语,意为“好运”。


例五:Back to the drawing board.这个短语一般用来表示某个计划或者想法需要重头再来了。







1. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.【译文】他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自己所学教给别人。

2. She is young enough to get married.【译文】她还年轻,可以结婚。

3. From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing. (N.S. Momaday: The End of My Childhood)【译文一】从那里,我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、河流和村庄。



4〃We have 365 days in a year.【译文】一年365天。

5〃He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on the pole.【译文】他交臂直立,笑看帽子挂在杆子上那个样子。

6〃Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.【译文】我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。

7〃Is the press a great power in your country?【译文】贵国新闻界有很大的影响(力)吗?8〃Brown may say what he likes, but it is his wife who wears the trousers.【译文】布朗爱说什么就说什么,但当家作主的却是他老婆。



英语翻译评析袁兆帆自动化1006班U2010137571.翻译原文Stopped at last! A clever blow. He is down upon the pavement;and the crowd eagerly gather round him, each new- comer jostling and struggling with the othersto catch a glimpse. 'Stand aside!' 'Give him a little air!' 'Nonsense!he don't deserve it.' 'Where's the gentleman?' 'Here he is,coming down the street.' 'Make room there for the gentleman!' 'Is this the boy,sir!' 'Yes.'Oliver lay,covered with mud and dust,and bleeding from the mouth,looking wildly round upon the heap of faces that surrounded him,when the old gentleman was officiously dragged and pushed into the circle by the foremost of the pursuers.'Yes,' said the gentleman,'I am afraid it is the boy.''Afraid!' murmured the crowd. 'That's a good 'un!''Poor fellow!' said the gentleman,'He has hurt himself.''I did that,sir,' said a great lubberly fellow,stepping forward;'and preciously I cut my knuckle agin' his mouth. I stopped him,sir.'The fellow touched his hat with a grin,expecting something for his pains;but,the old gentleman,eyeing him with an expression of dislike,look anxiously round,as if he contemplated running away himself,which it is very possible he might have attempted to do,and thus have afforded another chase,had not a police officer (who is generally the last person to arrive in such cases)at that moment made his way through the crowd,and seized Oliver by the collar.2.我的翻译总算是让他停下了,漂亮的一拳!他倒在了路上,周围的人们一拥而上把他围住了,每一个刚到的人都要挤进人群中瞧一眼,”给我让开!””让他好好踹口气””胡扯,他不值得去踹那口气””那位绅士在哪呢?””在那儿呢,正沿街走来呢””给他让条路!””是这个男孩吗?先生””没错”欧利佛躺在地上,身上全是泥和灰尘,嘴角还流着血,惊恐的向上望着围住他的无数面孔,这时,那位绅士被在最前头的追捕者推挤着进入了人圈之中.“没错”绅士说道”恐怕就是这孩子”“恐怕!?”人群之中开始议论了”真是好样的”“可怜的孩子!”绅士说道”他受伤了”“是我做的,先生”一个粗手大脚的男人走进了说,”我一拳打到他的脸上,我的手也破了,是我抓住了他,先生”那个男人露出了尴尬的微笑行了个礼,指望得到一点酬劳,但是绅士却摆着一张讨厌他的脸,他不安的四处张望,就仿佛他自己打算逃跑.他很有可能这么做,从而再次引起一场追捕,不过幸运的是一位警察在这个时候从人群中挤了进来(每到这种情况他通常都是最后一个到场的),把欧利佛的衣领一把抓住.3.翻译评析此段文章描述的是[雾都孤儿]中的一个场景,其中主要描述的有3个形象,一个是绅士,一个是欧利佛,还有那个将欧利佛一拳打倒的男人,此段虽然短,可是对语言有很多直接引用,例如”Give him a little air”,”poor fellow”等,像此处,如果不结合上下文,光看这两句话的话,我们肯定只会翻译成”给他一点空气”,”可怜的同事”,所以我们翻译的时候必须要联系上下文,不然文章的每句话单独拿出来可能都是没有问题的,可是合到一起去的时候,也许就完全不能理解到底是什么意思了.对这三个人的描写也各有不同,对绅士而言,更多的则是利用了语言描写,绅士说的话”yes”,”I am afraid it is the boy”,”poor fellow”都是仅有几个词,感觉这样用语言描写,能够刻画出这位绅士不愿意和追逐者还有献殷勤者多说一句话,体现了绅士对他们的厌恶,虽然通过绅士的表情或者心理描写当然也能把厌恶表现出来,可是还是语言描写最能使读者更强烈的感受到这种感觉.因此,当我们翻译的时候,需要把这几个句子翻译的冷一点.将绅士的那种情感从文字之中表达出来.然而对于欧利佛则不一样了,此间欧利佛是一直没有说话的,可是需要将欧利佛内心的恐惧,和他被打倒的惨状表达出来,便只能对他的状态,外观进行描写,例如” Oliver lay,covered with mud and dust,and bleeding from the mouth,looking wildly round upon the heap of faces that surrounded him”这均是对欧利佛的状态的描写,由他的惨状和恐惧让读者产生对他的可怜感.而对那个一拳将欧利佛打倒的男人来说,作者很明显的把那对绅士献殷勤求酬劳的嘴脸描述了出来, and preciously I cut my knuckle agin' his mouth. I stopped him,sir,这句话的中的I stopped him,如果我们自己看,确实很容易理解是这个男人停下了逃跑的男孩,可是如果我们直接就翻译成我停下了他,这样会感觉非常的突兀,并且中文中也没有这种说法.所以我翻译成了我抓住了他,这个样子更加符合中文的习惯一点,因此,我们翻译不仅仅要遵从原文,也需要符合我们自己的语言习惯才行,其中还有看热闹的人的一句That's a good 'un!,我觉得这句话我可是好好想了一会儿的.因为一眼看过去,我们肯定会觉得这是”那真是个好un啊”的意思.然后就会完全不知所以然了,但是结合上下文来看,绅士这个时候也不确定是不是这个男孩,他说了”恐怕”,围观的群众对此当然是感到惊讶,所以翻译成”真是好样的”就比较合适了,有点调侃的语气了.所以翻译也是要看语境的,即使同样的一句话,不同的语境下,翻译的意思就会大不相同,这文章也一直都是以一个旁观者的视角去写的,所以我们的在翻译的时候也要忠实于这一点,不能翻译的时候改变视角.然而本文的句式也是翻译之中要注意的点之一,例如Oliver lay,covered with mud and dust,and bleeding from the mouth,looking wildly round upon theheap of faces that surrounded him这句话,主句就是Oliver lay,而此外均是此主句的状语,翻译的时候必须注意不能干巴巴的翻译成,欧利佛躺着,被泥和灰包围,嘴里流着血…必须对其中的状语之间的连接,身上全是泥和灰尘,嘴角还流着血,此处的cover我们都知道是身上,所以译为身上都是泥和灰尘更好,否则则会很奇怪.其实,翻译这篇文章的时候,我不仅仅翻译了一遍,第一遍翻译的时候,翻译完了自己读的时候,总感觉句子和句子之间就仿佛我前文中写道的一样,好像都是一个句子一个句子,而并不是一段文章,所以第二遍的时候,对着自己的翻译和原文,将翻译的句子与句子之间加了一些东西,使得句子能够读起来比较流畅,使之成为一个段落.还有的甚至连句子都不是,例如I cut my knuckle agin' his mouth这句话,我第一遍的翻译就是我切了自己的手抵抗着她的嘴巴.一读就觉得完全不是那回事,后来根据理解将之翻译成为了我一拳打到他的脸上,我的手也破了,这样才变得符合了我们的语言习惯.从这次的翻译之中我觉得我的收获颇多,因为很多地方咱们读了原文之后都是能够理解的.可是要是想用自己的话翻译出来,并且翻译成一个句子那还是需要下很多功夫的,像我水平不够,就只有通过多次翻译的方法将自己的翻译完善,同时我觉得翻译是个很有意思的过程,就像用自己的话把读到的故事给讲出来一样,同样是一个故事,我们可以把他讲的非常吸引人,也可以讲的平淡无奇.而这全靠我们讲故事的人的翻译水平了.。



汉英翻译参考答案及评分标准(B卷)I.Translate the following sentences into English. (25%)(评分标准:每句5分,共25分)1.In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king..2.Improving the employment structure of women. Over the past few years, the tertiary industry has become the main channel for providing jobs to women, and an increasing number of women are entering the computer, communications, finance and insurance and other high- and new-tech industries, thus becoming an important force on these fields.3.It has always been a basic state policy of China to promote equality between men and women. Since New China was founded I 1949, especially since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy in the late 1970s, and along with the continuous growth of China’s economy and the overall progress of its society, women are being given more guarantee of enjoyment of equal rights and opportunities with men and the development of women is being given unprecedented opportunities.4.Confucius said, “He can be a teacher who finds what is new in reviewing what is old.”5.Confucius said, “To commit knowledge to memory quietly, to study tirelessly, and to enlighten others indefatigably-----these are not difficult for me.”II.Translate the following passage into English. (20%)(评分标准:每句2分,共20分)Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) has a faculty with academic prestige and educational experience. There are more than 300 professors and associate professors as well as a group of brilliant lecturers. They report constant achievements in academic research. Their academic papers, books, textbooks and reference books have won many an award in nationwide appraisal. SISU also publishes several influential academic journals circulating in China and overseas.SISU attaches great importance to fundamental foreign language teaching. The programs and the curriculum are constantly optimized and updated. The scope of each program is being further expanded. The latest teaching approaches and management expertise are in use. The programs offered are categorized into three types, namely comprehensive programs (language + speciality), bilingual programs (English + another foreign language) and professional programs (English + a profession). Tutorship and credit systems are adopted for undergraduate students. A student is entitled to take a minor program apart from his major.Advocating international academic exchange and cooperation, SISU has entered into partnership with more than 100 renowned universities in over 30 countries and regions. Quite a few foreign government leaders have visited SISU and many world celebrities are appointed as part-time professors. Every year, SISU sends its outstanding students to study abroad. Students of SISU have been invited to many important academic forums held home and abroad.A batch of scholarships, loans and financial supports are provided. Chances of part-time jobs are offered to help students fulfill their study. With specialized skills, students are enthusiastic about internships in every field. Meanwhile, students are cultivated and nourished by the kaleidoscope of campus life and university culture of SISU.III.Translate the following passage into English. (25%)(评分标准:每5分,共25分)The glory of Vancouver has been achieved through the wisdom and the industry of theVancouver people, including the contributions of many ethnic groups. Canada, sparsely populated, has a territory larger than that of China, but its population is only less than 30 million. Consequently, to attracting immigrants from other countries has become a national policy long practiced /followed/cherished by Canada. All Canadians except the American Indians, so to speak, are foreign immigrants, differing only in the length of time they have settled in Canada. Vancouver, in particular, is one of the few most celebrated multi-ethnic cities in the world. Among the 1.8 million Vancouver residents, half of them are non-natives and one out of every four residents is from Asia. The 250,000 Chinese there have played a decisive role in the transformation of Vancouver's economy. Half of them have come to settle in Vancouver over the past five years only, rendering Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese inhabit. IV.Translate the following passage into English. (30%)(评分标准:每5分,共30分)Do you know who is the most well-known person in China?The name of this person is a household word all over the country. His surname is Cha and his given name, Buduo, which altogether mean “About the Same”. He is a native of every province, every country and every village in this country. You must have seen or heard about this person. His name is always on the lips of everybody because he is representative of the whole Chinese nation.Mr. Cha Buduo has the same physiognomy as you and I. he has a pair of eyes, but doesn’t see clearly. He had a pair of ears, but doesn’t hear well. He has a nose and a mouth, but lacks a keen sense of smell and taste. His brain is none too small, but he is weak in memory and sloppy in thinking.He often says, “Whatever we do, it’s OK to be just about right. What’s the use of being precise and accurate?”One day, when he was a child, his mother sent him out to buy her some brown sugar, but he returned with some white sugar instead. As his mother scolded him about it, he shook his head and said, “Brown sugar or white sugar, aren’t they about the same?”One day in school, the teacher asked him, “Which province borders Hebei on the west?” He answered, “Shaanxi.” The teacher corrected him, “You ate wrong. It’s Shanxi, not Shaanxi.” He retorted, “Shaanxi or Shanxi, aren’t they about the same?”。



1.Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness as that.健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样给人以幸福。

2.Here great disturbances at the heart of the earth caused mountains and volcanoesto rise above the water. For hundreds of years tiny coral creatures have worked and died to make thousands of ring-shaped islands called atolls (环礁).在那里,由于地心引力的剧烈干扰,一道道山脉,一座座火山升出水面。


3.Old lines and methods of communication do not work easily or efficiently with asmuch information as we now have.由于我们今天的信息太多,那些旧的通讯线路和方法已不能灵便有效地处理他们了。

4. Scarcely can any law be made which is beneficial to all; but if it benefits the majority, it is useful.法律难顾及所有人,于大多数人有利足矣。

5.The water spread out for miles in places in Kenya and Somalia, cutting offvillages and forcing herders to crowd with their livestock onto a few patches of dry land.在肯尼亚和索马里的某些地方,河水漫出河床,宽达数英里。



长恨歌翻译评析长恨歌许渊冲译The Everlasting Regret汉皇重色思倾国,御宇多年求不得;The beauty-loving monarch longed year after yearTo find a beautiful lady without peer.杨家有女初长成,养在深闺人未识;A maiden of the Yangs to womanhood just grown. In inner chambers bred, to the world was unknown.天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧;Endowed with natural beauty too hard to hide,One day she stood selected for the monarch’s side.回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色;Turning her head, she smiled so sweet and full of graceThat she outshone in sixpalaces the fairest face.评:在最后一句“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色”中,译者将“百媚”翻译为“full of grace”,在此处应取“elegance and beauty of movement or expression, a beautiful figure which she used in subtle movements of unparalleled grace”这一义,我认为此处强调的是“媚”这个字,这种美是无人能比的,以至于六宫粉黛无颜色,所以在翻译之时,可以把这种媚翻译成魅力,而且是“百媚”,此处“百”又不是真的“hundred”,而是一种“end of beauty, end of charm”;评:最后一句“六宫”翻译成six places 非常生硬,感觉没有体现中国古典文化中六宫的含义;同时fairest face 也太过于字面化,没有什么美感;回眸直接翻译为turning her head也是过于直接,体现不出古典诗歌所要表达的美;评:第二句杨家有女初长成中,womanhood just grow,womanhood 略感多余,前面已经用了maiden,意透露性别信息,无需再次强调女性身份,第三句中天生丽质难自弃,用endowed with natural beauty, endow 已有天生具有的意思,再用natural强调原生有语义赘余之嫌,一朝选在君王侧翻作selected for the monarch’s side, 太过直译,可以意译为入宫为妃,回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色有承接关系,觉得,that放入前半句更好,that she turns her head, with a sweet and grace smile;评:诗歌标题“长恨歌”并非表达一种真正的恨意和痛苦,而是指唐明皇和杨贵妃无法长相厮守的遗憾和悔恨;“regret”正好有“悔恨,遗憾”之意,“everlasting”正好表达出了长久的意味;许渊冲的翻译避免了直接翻译的直白,又恰到好处地将两人无法长相厮守的遗憾表达得淋漓尽致,十分贴切;春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂;She bathed in glassy water of warm-fountain pool,Which laved and smoothed her creamy skin when spring was cool.许One cold spring day she was orderedTo bathe in the Huaqing Palace baths.The warm water slipped downHer glistening jade-like body. 杨评:在这句的翻译中,先看杨宪益翻译的版本,他用了order一词,觉得不妥,没有把获宠赏赐的幸福感觉翻译出来;许渊冲把华清池译成glassy water of warm-fountain pool,我觉得这样翻得更好,直接把华清池的特点说了出来,更让人明白诗的本意;云鬓花颜金步摇,芙蓉帐暖度春宵;Flowerlike face and cloudlike hair, golden-headdressed,In lotus-flower curtain she spent the night blessed.许Her hair like a cloud,Her face like a flower,杨评:两者的译本都注重了形美,句式工整,但许的版本还采取了压韵的手法headdressed和blessed,压尾韵;春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝;She slept till sun rose high, for the blessed night was short,From then on the monarch held no longer morning court.许They took their pleasure in the spring night.Regretting only the spring nights were too short;Rising only when the sun was high;He stopped attending court sessionsIn the early morning.杨评:两者的翻译均都到位,杨的版本把诗的意思更直白清晰地表达了出来,而许的版本更为委婉精简;本人更喜欢杨的版本,杨的译本体现了更多皇帝与杨贵妃的互动情趣,更明显地表现出两人美好的爱情;。

翻译理论英汉对比版 附带习题和部分答案(适合考试准备)

翻译理论英汉对比版 附带习题和部分答案(适合考试准备)

复习提纲:What is translation and its essence?(什么是翻译和其本质?)Translation is the expression in one language of what has been expressed in another language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalence. It is a kind of cross-language, cross-culture and cross society language activity. Its essence is the meaning explanation and transformation翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确完整地重新表达出来的,跨语言,跨交际,跨社会的语言活动。


types of translation(翻译的分类)From the stand point of signs: intralingual translation,interlingual translation and intersemiotic translation从涉及的符号来看:语内翻译,语际翻译,符际翻译From the stand point of the extent to which translation is done:full translation,partial translation and translation plus editing从翻译的方法来看:全译,摘译,编译From the stand point of way in translation is carried out:written interlingual translation,oral interlingual translation and machine translation从翻译的手段来看:笔译,口译,机器翻译From the stand point of the languages involved:native language into foreign language and foreign language into native language从source language and target language的角度:本族语译外族语,外族语译本族语From the stand point of the subject matter:professional translation(juristic and science writings),literary translation(novel,poem and drama)and general translation从翻译的题材来看:专业翻译(法律,科技文献),文学翻译(诗歌,散文,戏剧),一般性翻译(各种应用文和新闻报道)procedure of translation(翻译的过程)accurate comprehension,adequate expression and testing(理解,表达,校核)comprehension contains grammatical analysis,semantic analysis,stylistic analysis and discourse analysis理解分为:语法分析,意义分析,风格分析和语篇分析adequate expression:literal translation,translation by ideas and both of them表达分为直译,意译和两者并用criteria of translation(翻译的标准)Alexander F. Tytler(亚历山大F. 泰特勒)(1)A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work(译作应完全复写出原作的思想)(2)The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original(译作的风格和手法应和原作属于同一性质)(3)A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.(译作应具备原作具有的通顺)Popular western criteria:equivalent value,equivalent effect and equivalent function(西方流行标准:等值,等效,功能对等)similarity in function and correspondence in meaning(功能相似,语义相符)Fedorov(费德罗夫)The exactness of translation means the exact rendering of the thought and content of the original and performs the same rhetorical function as the original. (翻译等值理论)Eugene Nida (尤金奈达)functional equivalence(功能对等)The crucial problem of translation is often stated in terms of conflict between formal correspondence and functional equivalence.Yan Fu(严复)faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance(信达雅)译事三难,信,达,雅,求其信已大难矣,顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则尚达焉。



英汉翻译常见错误例析(9)1、None is so deaf as those who won't hear.2、Those apples are good and ripe.3、He was strong in his time.答案及解析如下1、误:没有比聋子更听不见的人了。


析:won't =will not,表示不愿,不想要,含义个人的意志在内。




析:good and 作为副词讲,意思为 very 非常,thoroughly 完全地,同类的表达还有niceand (nicely),rare and(rarely),如:The car was going nice and fast. 汽车跑得相当之快。



析:in one's time/days 意思为 when he was young/at his best,相反的说法为 at one's age (年老时)英汉翻译常见错误例析(10)1、He measured his length on the floor as soon as heentered the room.2、We searched him to no purpose.3、She succeeded to a large property.答案及解析如下1、误:他一进门就在地板上测量了他的长度。





析:寻找某人的踪迹,是 search for sb, search sb 意为搜查某人身上,看其是否有违禁品之类。

to no purpose=with no result.3、误:她事业有成,获得了一大笔财产。



Commentaries on the Version of “一个女人是这样衰老的”一个女人是这样衰老的SV:How a Woman Ages/A Woman’s Aging/A Woman Fades Thus/What causes a Woman to Grow Old/The Way in Which a woman is Aging/How a Woman Gets OldRV: The Way Woman Withers点评:Rhetorical Device: distillation and aesthetic hightlights of language, either Chinese or English/The successful employment of alliteration(头韵)1.二十岁的时候,我穿着一条背心式牛仔裙在校园里走来走去,一说话就脸红。


”SV: At the age of twenty, I walked about on the campus, wearing a vestlike jean skirt. My face would turn red whenever I speak. After I have turned thirty, I am seated in front of a bureau, in a suit of famous brand, reproaching a subordinate coldly “How dare you ask such a stupid question? Why didn’t you make a draft first?”RV: At the age of twenty, wearing a jeans jumper, I moved about on the campus, my face blushing the moment I had the inclination to make anutterance. At the age of thirty, I, wearing a famous-brand suit and a cold look, reproach my subordinate bluntly, “How can you go so far as to raise such a silly, mindless question?”点评:Zeugma (轭式修饰法):a figure of speech in which a single word, usually a verb or adjective, is syntactically related to two or more words, though having a different sense in relation to each. More examples:The senator picked up his hat and his courage/She possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart/ He lost the game and his temper.2.二十岁的时候,从图书馆借的是《莎士比亚全集》、《一个青年艺术家的自画像》和《尤里西斯》。



英译汉Hidden Within Technology’s Empire, a Republic of Letters隐藏于技术帝国的文学界索尔•贝妻When I was a boy “discovering literature”, I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka. Later I learned how refractory to high culture the democratic masses were. Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch, Shakespeare and the Bible. But then he was Lincoln.我还是个"探索文学"的少年时,就经常在想:要是大街上人人都熟悉普鲁斯特和乔伊斯,熟悉T.E.劳伦斯,熟悉帕斯捷尔纳克和卡夫卡,该有多好啊!后来才知道,平民百姓对高雅文化有多排斥。


Later when I was traveling in the Midwest by car, bus and train, I regularly visited small-town libraries and found that readers in Keokuk, Iowa, or Benton Harbor, Mich., were checking out Proust and Joyce and even Svevo and Andrei Biely. D. H. Lawrence was also a favorite. And sometimes I remembered that God was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of 10 of the righteous. Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust’s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich. I seem to have had a persistent democratic desire to find evidences of high culture in the most unlikely places.后来,我坐小车、巴士和火车在中西部旅行,经常走访小镇图书馆;发现在衣阿华州基奥卡克市,或者密歇根州本顿港市,读者们借阅普鲁斯特和乔伊斯的作品,甚至还有斯维沃@和安德烈•别雷®的著作。


•因为戴那译个:小然区后构他造们复从杂第,六鲜大街买 有人来去些打锡扰镴,杯所子以、搞一艺两术只的烘锅, 人都组不成约了而一同个地“去聚那居里区定”居。。(欧.
• 王译:接着,他们又从六马路 买来一些锡镴杯子和一两只烘 锅,组成了一个“艺术区”。
a group of people from the same (欧.亨利短篇小说选,2006,
to hit sb/sth hard;to attack
Analysis or punish sb 重打;猛击; 惩罚
• But Johnsy he smote; and •十一戴月译份:的但时他候还,肺是炎袭在击小了区琼里珊。
she lay, scarcely moving, on her painted iron bedstead,
place or with the same work or
interests who live in a particular city or country 聚居人群 牛津高阶英汉双解词典
更为恰当,因为聚集到这里的人都是搞艺术的,用“艺术区”就更能很好的突出 这一点,与上下文衔接更好。
•琼珊戴已译经:绝当望她到与了极友点情,及任尘苏世如的维 何劝系说一挽扣留接,一她扣还是地丝松毫懈没了有的活时候, 下死去去有 得的的关 更欲准死 紧望备了亡,。。的她(怪已欧经念.作头亨好利似了作乎随品把时选她,抓
to earth were loosed.(欧.亨



1. He wante‎d to learn‎, to know, to teach‎.【译文】他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自‎己所学教给‎别人。

2. She is young‎enoug‎h to get marri‎e d.【译文】她还年轻,可以结婚。

3. From there‎I could‎see the whole‎valle‎y below‎, the field‎s, the river‎, and the villa‎g e. It was all very beaut‎i ful, and the sight‎of it fille‎d me with longi‎n g. (N.S. Momad‎a y: The End of My Child‎h ood)【译文一】从那里,我可以看见‎下面的整个‎山谷,那田野、河流和村庄‎。



4〃W e have 365 days in a year.【译文】一年365‎天。

5〃He stood‎up strai‎g ht with arms folde‎d, and laugh‎e d at the cap hangi‎n g there‎on the pole.【译文】他交臂直立‎,笑看帽子挂‎在杆子上那‎个样子。

6〃Our son must go to schoo‎l. He must break‎out of the pot that holds‎us in.【译文】我们的儿子‎一定要上学‎,一定要出人‎头地。

7〃Is the press‎a great‎power‎in your count‎r y?【译文】贵国新闻界‎有很大的影‎响(力)吗?8〃Brown‎may say what he likes‎, but it is his wife who wears‎the trous‎e rs.【译文】布朗爱说什‎么就说什么‎,但当家作主‎的却是他老‎婆。


语 数 ( number ) 的 形 态 问 题 , 比 如 : Mobile phone updates people’s relations. (S2)
刷新: 在句中译为renew(S1)(S3) (S6),update (S2) (S4),或
refresh。译为change (S5)或alter也可以,语义更泛指一些。 有不少译文用了whitewash (粉刷),turn over a new leaf (过新
人与人的关系:学生译文有使用前置修饰的,比如:people’s relations (S2), human relations(S3) 。也有使用后置修饰的,比如:the relationship among people(S1),the relationship among human beings(S4),the relationship between people (S5)。其实可以译为the interpersonal relationships,但是学生
time and again during the meeting. (S1) (2)A notice is often posted outside the conference room: Mobile phone
off, please. But during the meeting, the participants’ cell phone ring
原文中“一条通告” 中的“一条”以及“手机铃声仍然响成一片”
中的 “一片”如何译牵涉到汉语量词的翻译问题。
汉语量词是一大词类。英语有 unit nouns,起着类似汉语 量词的作用,这些词并未形成一大词类。他们只不过是名词中 的一小类而已,词义上一般也不如汉语量词那样具有高度抽象 概括能力和搭配能力。往往需要根据具体情况从名词中选用合



英汉翻译的经典句子分析1 He cheated death. 译:他死里逃生。

分析:”cheat death”为幸免于难,此类属于习语,不能字面意思所蒙蔽。

2 Any who was a man could travel alone. 译:那时,只要是男子汉就可以单独外出旅行。


3 Memory, as time goes on, becomes a selective thing. 译:随着时间的流逝,记忆使人忘却了许多事物。


4 You could have come at a better time. 译:你来得真不是时候(反译)分析:该句反过来译成否定句。

5 Louisa(A peasant girl ):As you have come to my house , I felt great honored.译:路易莎(一位农家女孩):您到俺家来,真是贵客临门。


6 put all our eggs in one basket 俗话说:“不能吊死在一棵树上。

”7 A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.译:鱼儿没有自行车活得很自在,女人没有男人也可以活得很潇洒。

评析:介词隐含有动作的意思,”without”不但可以译成“没有”,在原文还可以译成“不需要”,“A fish without a bicycle”即译为“鱼不需要自行车”。

8 My grandfather is nearly ninety and in his second childhood.译文:我的祖父快九十岁了,一切都要人照顾。

评析:childhood 不等于youth , child 除了指儿童孩子也可以指已经长大的子女,还有幼稚,不会照顾自己的意思。


























汉英翻译译文评析 the companionships of book

汉英翻译译文评析 the companionships of book
பைடு நூலகம்
王译:即使在人世间,伟大杰出的人物,也是永生不灭的,他们的精 神载入书册,传之四海。书是人们至今仍在聆听的智慧之声,永远充 满着活力。所以,我们永远都是在受着历代伟人的影响。多少世纪以 前的盖世英才,如今仍同当年一样,显示着强大的生命力。
高译:伟大与美好的事物即使在我们这个尘世之中也必不朽。一旦载 入典册,其清芬将远播。书虽死物,却是活人之声。仿佛一幅绝大睿 智,人们定要常去请教。因此我们至今仍不免要受到古代为人的感染 影响。时至今日,世上一些卓越的心智仍然奕奕如生,不减当时。
王译:好书常如最精美的宝器,珍藏着人的一生思想的精华。人生的境 界,主要就在于他思想的境界。所以,最好的书是金玉良言的宝库,若 将其中的崇高思想铭记于心,就成为我们忠实的伴侣和永恒的慰籍。菲 利普·悉尼爵士说得好:“有高尚思想作伴的人永不孤独。”
高译:一部好书恰似一个生命的圣洁宝瓮,其中储藏的尽是他毕生的思 想世界。因此世上的好书乃是一切金玉良言与绝妙思想的精神宝库,这 些,一旦入人胸臆,就会经常伴随我们,抚慰我们。“与高尚思想为邻 的人”,菲利普锡德尼爵士便曾讲道,“永远不会孤独”。
2、 Temples and statues decay, but books survive.
王:寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。 高: 殿宇雕像倾覆毁圮了,达标书册卷帙浩(繁) 却流传至今。
形式不够灵活 1. “They are never alone,” said Sir Philip Sidney, “that are accompanied by noble thoughts.” 王:悉尼爵士说得好:“有高尚思想作伴的人永不孤独。”(合 ) 高:菲利普锡德尼爵士便曾讲道,“永远不会孤独”。 2. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. 王:寺庙会倒坍,神像会朽烂,而书却经久长存。(拆) 高:殿宇雕像倾覆毁圮了,达标书册卷帙浩(繁)却流传至今。



英汉互译实践与技巧课后答案解析英汉互译实践与技巧课后答案UNIT1Make a comparison between the English word “send” and the corresponding Chinese character “送”, trying to have a thorough command of them.Send = 送1.Your luggage will be sent up very soon.你的行李很快就送过来了2.They have sent a wreath.他们送了一个花圈3.He was given a big send-off at the station.他在平台受到隆重的欢送4.They are now sending their children to college, too.他们也在送孩子上学Send = 送?1.Who send the letter?谁捎来的信2.Have you sent off the order?订单发出去了吗3.Please send him in.请叫他进来4.He sends words that he wouldn’t be coming.他带信来说,他不来了5.Could you send sb. to help us?你能派人来帮助我们吗6.Please send the goods by air.请用航空发货7.The shot sent the birds flying away.枪声惊飞了一群鸟8.Send for the doctor, please.请叫医生来送= send?1.送某人一本书give sb a book2.送礼present a gift to sb3.送信deliver a letler4.送客see a visitor out5.送行see sb off6.送雨伞bring sb a unbrellar7.送命lose one’s life8.送孩子上学take a child to school9.送某人回家escort somebody home10.将卫星送上天launch a satellite11.送葬take part in funeral procession12.送罪犯上法庭审判hand the criminal over to the court for trialUNIT21.Needing some light to see by, the burglar crossed the room with a light step to light thelight with the light green shade 盗贼为了穿过房间,必须借助光源的照射,于是他蹑手蹑足的点燃了一盏灯,然后借着微弱的绿光走出了屋子。

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Commentaries on the Version of “一个女人是这样衰老的”一个女人是这样衰老的SV:How a Woman Ages/A Woman’s Aging/A Woman Fades Thus/What causes a Woman to Grow Old/The Way in Which a woman is Aging/How a Woman Gets OldRV: The Way Woman Withers点评:Rhetorical Device: distillation and aesthetic hightlights of language, either Chinese or English/The successful employment of alliteration(头韵)1.二十岁的时候,我穿着一条背心式牛仔裙在校园里走来走去,一说话就脸红。


”SV: At the age of twenty, I walked about on the campus, wearing a vestlike jean skirt. My face would turn red whenever I speak. After I have turned thirty, I am seated in front of a bureau, in a suit of famous brand, reproaching a subordinate coldly “How dare you ask such a stupid question? Why didn’t you make a draft first?”RV: At the age of twenty, wearing a jeans jumper, I moved about on the campus, my face blushing the moment I had the inclination to make anutterance. At the age of thirty, I, wearing a famous-brand suit and a cold look, reproach my subordinate bluntly, “How can you go so far as to raise such a silly, mindless question?”点评:Zeugma (轭式修饰法):a figure of speech in which a single word, usually a verb or adjective, is syntactically related to two or more words, though having a different sense in relation to each. More examples:The senator picked up his hat and his courage/She possessed two false teeth and a sympathetic heart/ He lost the game and his temper.2.二十岁的时候,从图书馆借的是《莎士比亚全集》、《一个青年艺术家的自画像》和《尤里西斯》。

三十岁之后,床头摆的是《跟庄密笈》、《ELLE》和《经理人的个人魅力》.SV: At the age of twenty, The Collected Works of Shakespeare, The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses were borrowed from the library. After thirty, Strategy of Speculation on Stocks, ELLE and Manager’s Personal Charm were put on the bedside.RV: At the age of twenty, I borrowed books from the library like Shakespeare’s Complete Works, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses. After thirty, on my bedside, lie such books and magazines as The Recipe on Stocks, Elle and Manager’s Charm.点评:Syntactically(依照句法地), aesthetic value goes to Eng-Weightness in English, which is not the case with Chinese. For example:Gone are the days when I was young. VS. The days when I was young are gone.Word came that bribery行贿has sent him to prison. VS. Word that bribery has sent him to prison came.3.二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象,听说他考上了研究生,被他的进步所打击,心如刀绞,想到这辈子终于不能出色得让他看我一眼,不禁怅然泪下。

三十岁之后,到处打听那里可以花钱买个MBA.SV: At 20, during a summer holiday I encountered my beloved one on the street of my hometown. I heard he was admitted to be a graduate. I was struck by his advance. I couldn’t help shedding tears in my extreme grief.I thought that for this life I could never achieve much to let him see me ina new light. After 30, I inquire everywhere where to purchase an MBA certificate.RV: At the age of twenty, I ran into the young man whom I loved in private in the street of my hometown. Upon hearing that he had been enrolled as a graduate, I was virtually dealt a heavy blow believing reluctantly so painful a fact that I could never do well enough to win his favor, bitter tears streaming down my cheeks. After thirty, I busy myself here and there, inquiring where I could by an MBA diploma.点评:Aesthetically(审美地)speaking, English appreciates sentence possessing a short main clause, with many words, phrases and clausesattached to it, something like a cluster of grapes, while Chinese favors sentence structure resembling bamboo, on segment after another.4.二十岁的时候,随时随地向人透露我的年龄,答得比问的还快。


SV: At the age of twenty, I was always ready to disclose my age on all occasions and could not wait to speak out the answer until the inquirer finished his words. After I have turned thirty, I hate any inquiry about my age. If you insist, have a guess.RV: At the age of twenty, I was so ready to reveal my age, telling people about my age frequently before they inquired. After thirty, age became almost a taboo to me. If somebody is so nosy, I respond, “Guess.”点评:English is a language of metaphor, leaving no stone unturned in exploiting the metaphorical meaning, or rather the connotative (转义的) meaning, of very single word, while Chinese language is heavily denotation(本义)-dependent.5.二十岁的时候,一心想和体育系、美术系的男生约会。


SV: When in my twenties, I was only willing to date boys from sports or art department. After thirty, I even thought I had been an idiot before. RV: At the age of twenty, I did long to date with the boys from either physical education, or the art department. After thirty, it seems so unbelievable that I once idiotically possessed that thought.点评:Lexically(词汇地)speaking, part of the aesthetic value goes to flexible word formation in English which dwarfs Chinese6.二十岁的时候,有书店必须逛,有书必买。
