


1. 2. 3.
工程热力学是一门研究热能有效利用及热能和其它形式能量 转换规律的科学 (能量转换), , .
热电厂(热能→机械能) ( →
汽车 (热能→机械能) ( → )
飞机(热能→机械能) ( →
冰箱 (机械能→热能) ( →
? ?
.自然界中的能源 ( )
自然能源的种类 ( .化学能( ): : 煤炭 () 石油 ( ) 天然气( ) 沼气 (, ). )
() () () () () () () (问题陈述) (示意图) (假设) (物理定律) (物性参数) (计算) , , (推理、证明和讨论)

(整洁) (有条理) (完整) (工整)
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() 德国 发现能量子(量子理论) 热力学第二定律 年诺贝尔物理学奖
() 德国 热化学,熵基准 年因发现热力学第三定律获诺贝尔化学奖。(年 补发)
() 美国 不可逆过程热力学理论 因创立多种热动力作用之间相互关系的理论获 诺贝尔化学奖。

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工程热力学与传热学(英文) 绪论

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 绪论

3. Basic Principles
(1)The first law of thermodynamics (2)The second law of thermodynamics
4. Main Contents
(1)The thermal properties of substances (2)Processes and cycles (3)Ways and technical measures to enhance the energy conversion efficiency
0-1 Energy
0-1-1 Energy
1. Energy(能量):
The measurement of the substance movement.
2. Various forms of energy
(1)Mechanical energy (2)Thermal energy
(3)Electrical energy
3. Research Approaches
Three basic approaches and their combination • Theory analysis • Numerical simulation • Experiment research
什么是能量?目前被人们认识和利用的能量形式有哪些? 什么是能源?能源是如何分类的? 热能利用的两种形式是什么? 热工基础的研究是什么? “热工基础”课与节能有怎样的关系? 以任意一种热能动力装置为例,分析其在热功转换过程 中所经历的过程。 7. 你能够从各种热能动力装置的工作过程中,初步概括出 它们在实现热功转换时的某些共同特性吗? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



CHAPTER1INTRODUCTION1.1What is thermodynamics?Thermodynamics is the science which has evolved from the original investiga-tions in the19th century into the nature of“heat.”At the time,the leading theory of heat was that it was a type offluid,which couldflow from a hot body to a colder one when they were brought into contact.We now know that what was then called“heat”is not afluid,but is actually a form of energy–it is the energy associated with the continual,random motion of the atoms which compose macroscopic matter,which we can’t see directly.This type of energy,which we will call thermal energy,can be converted (at least in part)to other forms which we can perceive directly(for example, kinetic,gravitational,or electrical energy),and which can be used to do useful things such as propel an automobile or a747.The principles of thermodynamics govern the conversion of thermal energy to other,more useful forms.For example,an automobile engine can be though of as a device whichfirst converts chemical energy stored in fuel and oxygen molecules into thermal en-ergy by combustion,and then extracts part of that thermal energy to perform the work necessary to propel the car forward,overcoming friction.Thermody-namics is critical to all steps in this process(including determining the level of pollutants emitted),and a careful thermodynamic analysis is required for the design of fuel-efficient,low-polluting automobile engines.In general,thermody-namics plays a vital role in the design of any engine or power-generating plant, and therefore a good grounding in thermodynamics is required for much work in engineering.If thermodynamics only governed the behavior of engines,it would probably be the most economically important of all sciences,but it is much more than that.Since the chemical and physical state of matter depends strongly on how much thermal energy it contains,thermodynamic principles play a central role in any description of the properties of matter.For example,thermodynamics allows us to understand why matter appears in different phases(solid,liquid, or gaseous),and under what conditions one phase will transform to another.1CHAPTER1.INTRODUCTION2The composition of a chemically-reacting mixture which is given enough time to come to“equilibrium”is also fully determined by thermodynamic principles (even though thermodynamics alone can’t tell us how fast it will get there).For these reasons,thermodynamics lies at the heart of materials science,chemistry, and biology.Thermodynamics in its original form(now known as classical thermodynam-ics)is a theory which is based on a set of postulates about how macroscopic matter behaves.This theory was developed in the19th century,before the atomic nature of matter was accepted,and it makes no reference to atoms.The postulates(the most important of which are energy conservation and the impos-sibility of complete conversion of heat to useful work)can’t be derived within the context of classical,macroscopic physics,but if one accepts them,a very powerful theory results,with predictions fully in agreement with experiment.When at the end of the19th century itfinally became clear that matter was composed of atoms,the physicist Ludwig Boltzmann showed that the postu-lates of classical thermodynamics emerged naturally from consideration of the microscopic atomic motion.The key was to give up trying to track the atoms in-dividually and instead take a statistical,probabilistic approach,averaging over the behavior of a large number of atoms.Thus,the very successful postulates of classical thermodynamics were given afirm physical foundation.The science of statistical mechanics begun by Boltzmann encompasses everything in classical thermodynamics,but can do more also.When combined with quantum me-chanics in the20th century,it became possible to explain essentially all observed properties of macroscopic matter in terms of atomic-level physics,including es-oteric states of matter found in neutron stars,superfluids,superconductors,etc. Statistical physics is also currently making important contributions in biology, for example helping to unravel some of the complexities of how proteins fold.Even though statistical mechanics(or statistical thermodynamics)is in a sense“more fundamental”than classical thermodynamics,to analyze practical problems we usually take the macroscopic approach.For example,to carry out a thermodynamic analysis of an aircraft engine,its more convenient to think of the gas passing through the engine as a continuumfluid with some specified properties rather than to consider it to be a collection of molecules.But we do use statistical thermodynamics even here to calculate what the appropriate property values(such as the heat capacity)of the gas should be.CHAPTER1.INTRODUCTION3 1.2Energy and EntropyThe two central concepts of thermodynamics are energy and entropy.Most other concepts we use in thermodynamics,for example temperature and pres-sure,may actually be defined in terms of energy and entropy.Both energy and entropy are properties of physical systems,but they have very different characteristics.Energy is conserved:it can neither be produced nor destroyed, although it is possible to change its form or move it around.Entropy has a different character:it can’t be destroyed,but it’s easy to produce more entropy (and almost everything that happens actually does).Like energy,entropy too can appear in different forms and be moved around.A clear understanding of these two properties and the transformations they undergo in physical processes is the key to mastering thermodynamics and learn-ing to use it confidently to solve practical problems.Much of this book is focused on developing a clear picture of energy and entropy,explaining their origins in the microscopic behavior of matter,and developing effective methods to analyze complicated practical processes1by carefully tracking what happens to energy and entropy.1.3Some TerminologyMostfields have their own specialized terminology,and thermodynamics is cer-tainly no exception.A few important terms are introduced here,so we can begin using them in the next chapter.1.3.1System and EnvironmentIn thermodynamics,like in most other areas of physics,we focus attention on only a small part of the world at a time.We call whatever object(s)or region(s) of space we are studying the system.Everything else surrounding the system (in principle including the entire universe)is the environment.The boundary between the system and the environment is,logically,the system boundary. The starting point of any thermodynamic analysis is a careful definition of the system.EnvironmentSystemBoundarySystemCHAPTER 1.INTRODUCTION4Figure 1.1:Control masses and control volumes.1.3.2Open,closed,and isolated systemsAny system can be classified as one of three types:open,closed,or isolated.They are defined as follows:open system:Both energy and matter can be exchanged with the environ-ment.Example:an open cup of coffee.closed system:energy,but not matter,can be exchanged with the environ-ment.Examples:a tightly capped cup of coffee.isolated system:Neither energy nor matter can be exchanged with the envi-ronment –in fact,no interactions with the environment are possible at all.Example (approximate):coffee in a closed,well-insulated thermos bottle.Note that no system can truly be isolated from the environment,since no thermal insulation is perfect and there are always physical phenomena which can’t be perfectly excluded (gravitational fields,cosmic rays,neutrinos,etc.).But good approximations of isolated systems can be constructed.In any case,isolated systems are a useful conceptual device,since the energy and mass con-tained inside them stay constant.1.3.3Control masses and control volumesAnother way to classify systems is as either a control mass or a control volume .This terminology is particularly common in engineering thermodynamics.A control mass is a system which is defined to consist of a specified piece or pieces of matter.By definition,no matter can enter or leave a control mass.If the matter of the control mass is moving,then the system boundary moves with it to keep it inside (and matter in the environment outside).A control volume is a system which is defined to be a particular region of space.Matter and energy may freely enter or leave a control volume,and thus it is an open system.CHAPTER1.INTRODUCTION5 1.4A Note on UnitsIn this book,the SI system of units will be used exclusively.If you grew up anywhere but the United States,you are undoubtedly very familiar with this system.Even if you grew up in the US,you have undoubtedly used the SI system in your courses in physics and chemistry,and probably in many of your courses in engineering.One reason the SI system is convenient is its simplicity.Energy,no matter what its form,is measured in Joules(1J=1kg-m2/s2).In some other systems, different units are used for thermal and mechanical energy:in the English sys-tem a BTU(“British Thermal Unit”)is the unit of thermal energy and a ft-lbf is the unit of mechanical energy.In the cgs system,thermal energy is measured in calories,all other energy in ergs.The reason for this is that these units were chosen before it was understood that thermal energy was like mechanical energy, only on a much smaller scale.2Another advantage of SI is that the unit of force is indentical to the unit of(mass x acceleration).This is only an obvious choice if one knows about Newton’s second law,and allows it to be written asF=m a.(1.1)In the SI system,force is measured in kg-m/s2,a unit derived from the3primary SI quantities for mass,length,and time(kg,m,s),but given the shorthand name of a“Newton.”The name itself reveals the basis for this choice of force units.The units of the English system werefixed long before Newton appeared on the scene(and indeed were the units Newton himself would have used).The unit of force is the“pound force”(lbf),the unit of mass is the“pound mass”(lbm)and of course acceleration is measured in ft/s2.So Newton’s second law must include a dimensional constant which converts from Ma units(lbm ft/s2) to force units(lbf).It is usually written1F=2Mixed unit systems are sometimes used too.American power plant engineers speak of the “heat rate”of a power plant,which is defined as the thermal energy which must be absorbed from the furnace to produce a unit of electrical energy.The heat rate is usually expressed in BTU/kw-hr.CHAPTER1.INTRODUCTION6In practice,the units in the English system are now defined in terms of their SI equivalents(e.g.one foot is defined as a certain fraction of a meter,and one lbf is defined in terms of a Newton.)If given data in Engineering units,it is often easiest to simply convert to SI,solve the problem,and then if necessary convert the answer back at the end.For this reason,we will implicitly assume SI units in this book,and will not include the g c factor in Newton’s2nd law.。

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第6章 动力装置循环

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第6章 动力装置循环

h1 h1
h2 h3
h 1 f ( p1 , t1 ) h 2 f ( p1 , t1 , p2 ) h 3 f ( p2 )
h 1 h 2 h 1 h 3
1 T2 T1
5 p1 6
Heat addition average temperature
吸热平均温度 T1 Thigh ,av
• Lowering the condenser pressure • Superheating the steam to high temperature • Increasing the boiler pressure
Improving Rankine cycle(改进朗肯循环) • Reheat Rankine cycle(再热循环) • Regenerative Rankine cycle(回热循环) • Combined thermal-electrical power cycles(热电联供循环等)
6-1-4 The ideal reheat Rankine cycle(再热循环)
How can we take advantage of the increased efficiencies at higher boiler pressures without facing the problem of excessive moisture at the final stages of the turbine?
state 2 — state 3
saturated liquid-vapor mixture — saturated liquid



二、工质(working substance; working medium)
定义:实现热能和机械能相互转化的媒介物质。 对工质的要求: 1)膨胀性 2)流动性 3)热容量 4)稳定性,安全性 5)对环境友善 6)价廉,易大量获取
三、热源(heat source; heat reservoir)
• 汽车发动机
• 汽缸-活塞装置(闭口系例)
• 移动和虚构边界
注意: 1)系统与外界的人为性 2)外界与环境介质 3)边界可以是: a)刚性的或可变形的或有弹性的 b)固定的或可移动的 c)实际的或虚拟的 1. 按组元和相
按组元数 单元系(one component system;pure substance system) 多元系(multicomponent system) 按相数 单相系(homogeneous system) 复相系(heterogeneous system)
— 平衡可不均匀 — 稳定未必平衡
* 二、 状态公设(state postulate)
状态变化 达到某一 方面平衡
能量传递 消除一种能量 传递方式
n f 1
n—系统独立的状态参数数; f—系统与外界交换功形式数。 简单可压缩系与外界仅有容积变化功一种形式
消除一种 不平衡势差
一、平衡状态(thermodynamic equilibrium state)
1.定义:无外界影响系统保持状态参数不随时间而改变的状态 •热平衡(thermal equilibrium) : 在无外界作用的条件下,系统内部、系统与外界 处处温 度相等。 •力平衡(mechanical equilibrium): 在无外界作用的条件下,系统内部、系统与外 界处处压力相等。

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第1章 基本概念

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第1章 基本概念

Thermodynamic temperature scale in SI(热力学温标)
Thermodynamic temperature: symbol: T,unit: K. Datum point: the triple point of water.
The value on triple point is 273.16 K.
adiabatic lysis
any non- isolated system
relative surrounding
Isolated system
Most systems we discuss are:
The Universe
Simple compressible systems (简单可压缩系统).
(1)Definition: The force exerted by a fluid per unit area,p (2)Units(单位)
SI: Pa (pascal ), kPa Times of the atmospheric pressure: atm, at Height of liquid column: mH2O, mmHg bar, 1kgf/cm2 (in Europe): psi(lbf/in2) ( in English)
• •
Single-valued function of the system state. Related with States but have nothing to do with the path from one state to another.
1-2-2 Equilibrium State


2 c1

( Q W ) ( Q W )
1a 2 1b 2
定义 dU = Q+W
!!!两种特例 绝功系 Q = dU 绝热系 W = - dU
heat transfer to a system and work done by a system are positive; heat transfer from a system and work done on a system are negative. Heat is transferred by three mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interaction between particles. Convection is the transfer of energy between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid that is in motion, and it involves the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion. Radiation is the transfer of energy due to the emission of electromagnetic waves (or photons). An overview of the three mechanisms of heat transfer is given at the end of this chapter as a Topic of Special Interest.

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第4章 热力学第二定律

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第4章 热力学第二定律
T1 q= 0 T2
q= 0
3. The Efficiency of a Carnot Engine(卡诺热效率)
For any heat engine wnet q 1q 2 q2 t 1 q1 q1 q1 For a Carnot engine Method 1: From T-s diagram
the paddle wheel • The internal energy of the gas is increased
• The reverse process, raising the
mass by transferring heat from the fluid to the paddle wheel, does not occur in nature.
2. p-v and T-s Diagrams
T q1
q= 0
q= 0
T2 v 0
• 1-2 Reversible isothermal expansion
(T1=constant, heat absorbed q1) • 2-3 Reversible adiabatic expansion • 3-4 Reversible isothermal compression (T2=constant, heat rejected q2) • 4-1 Reversible adiabatic compression

高等工程热力学英文课件 Chapter the second law of thermodynamics

高等工程热力学英文课件 Chapter the second law of thermodynamics
much of it as possible into work.
Байду номын сангаас
The importance of the Carnot cycle: • It is the theoretical foundation of the second law. • It directs how to increase the thermal efficiency • It is an ideal model of the real thermal engine. • It is not easy to achieve the Carnot cycle as (1) isothermal
3–1 Statements of the second law
1. The directionality of a spontaneous process (irreversibility)
a. From mechanical energy to thermal energy b. From electric energy to thermal energy c. Heat transfer from a hot object to a cold object
The overall effect of the Carnot cycle
• Carnot engine gives the upper limit of a heat engine. • No engine operating between the same two temperatures can be
Not in quasi-equilibrium
(process c, d and e)

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第11章 辐射换热

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第11章 辐射换热
nonblackbodies Radiation shields
11-1 Basic Conceptions of Radiation
Heat Transfer(热辐射的基本概念)
热辐射:物体由于受热而向外发射辐射能的现象。 热辐射的波长范围
理论上 :0— 整个波谱; 日常生活, 工业上常见的温度范围内
A perfect emitter and absorber of radiation 吸收,发射辐射能能力最强
distinction Example
A distinction should be made between the idealized blackbody and an ordinary black surface. 黑体,白体不同于黑色物体,白色物体
G G G G or 1 G G G
物体对热辐射的 吸收,反射与透过
• Absorptivity α(吸收比) • Reflectivity ρ(反射比) • Transmissivity τ(透过比)
如果投入辐射是某一波长的辐射能Gλ (光谱投入辐射)
• 白雪 : 0.94(接近黑体)
• 白布,黑布吸收比基本相同 • 玻璃可透过可见光,对红外线几乎不透过
11-2 Blackbody Radiation
• Planck’s Law(普朗特定律) • Wien’s displacement law(维恩位移定律) • Stefan- Boltzmann law(斯忒藩-波耳兹曼定律) • Lambert‘s law(兰贝特定律)
In 1900, by Max Planck. The law of the spectral blackbody emissive power (黑体辐射的光谱分布规律)

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 绪论

工程热力学与传热学(英文)   绪论
2. Engineering Thermodynamics(工程热力学)
deals with the principles of energy conversion among thermal energy and mechanical energy, as well as other form energies.
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
--- Introduction ---
❖ Energy and Energy Resources ❖ The Contents of Thermodynamics
Mechanical energy Thermal energy
Electrical energy Chemical energy
Nuclear energy
Radiation energy
0-1-2 Thermal Energy and Its utilization
1. Energy Resources(能源):
such as: cooking, warming, drying, smelting. etc
➢ The powered utilization:
Converting heat into other form energy.
• Steam power equipment • Gas power equipment • Thermoelectricity power generation • Nuclear electric power generation • Solar power


Environment or Surrounding
Everything external to the thermodynamic system is the environment or surrounding. The exchanges of mass or energy take place between the environment and the system.
environment. The boundary can be a real/physical interface or an imaginary one. It
can be mobile or fixed. It can be rigid or deformable.
Related concepts
(1) Working substance or working medium The medium for the inter-transformation between thermal energy and mechanical energy. Requirements: expansibility, mobility, thermal capacity, stability, safety, friendly to environment, low cost. Typical working media: combustion gas and steam. The state of working medium can be static or flowing.
5. Basic thermodynamic processes
6. Single phase systems

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第8章 热量传递的基本方式

工程热力学与传热学(英文) 第8章 热量传递的基本方式
Heat Transfer
--- Chapter 8 Basic Modes of
Heat Transfer ---
Chapter 8 Basic Modes of Heat Transfer

Conduction heat transfer and Fourier’s law of onedimensional steady state heat-conduction Convection heat transfer and Newton’s law of cooling Radiation heat transfer and Stefan-Boltzmann Law Heat transfer processes
Heat transfer
• To tell how long it takes to reach this equilibrium condition
(需要多长时间达到平衡状态, 即热传播的速率)
• To predict the temperature of both the bar and the water as a function of time.(钢棒和水的温度随时间的变化规律)
8-3 Radiation(热辐射)
8-3-1 Some definitions(热辐射的有关概念)
1. 辐射:是指物体受某种因素的激发而向外发射 辐射能的现象。
受热,电子碰撞, 光照,化学反应等
According to electromagnetic theory(电磁理论) The propagation of thermal radiation takes place in the form of electromagnetic wave. (辐射能是由电磁波传输的能量)

吉林大学 工程热力学 第二章 双语

吉林大学 工程热力学 第二章 双语
• 系统的能容量包括系统的热力学能、宏观动能、宏观位能 三者之和,是状态量。
Engineering Thermodynamics 2-4
§2-3热量与功量 Heat and Work
一、功量 Work 1.热力学中功量的定义 两个系统之间的相互作用,如果对每个系统的外部净
T 对热交换起着推动力的作用; ds 状态参数比熵的变化: 是衡量可逆过程中工质与外 界是否发生热交换的标志。 在T-s图上:一点:一个平衡状态 一实线:一个准静态过程
可逆过程中系统所 做的容积变化功。 功是过程量
Engineering Thermodynamics 2-10
SAM 出口边界上质量流的能流:
Ee E Wf e
me ee ( Wf e )
me ee me pe v e me ee me pe ve me (ee pe ve )
1 2 me ( ue ce gze pe ve ) 2 1 2 me ( he ce gze ) 2
The general expressions of the SAM on the first law of thermodynamics
§2-6 热力学第一定律的应用实例
Application Examples of the first law of thermodynamics Summary
Engineering Thermodynamics 2-1
1 2 mi (hi ci gzi ) 2
hi ui pi vi



工程热力学知识点英语总结1. Laws of Thermodynamics:The laws of thermodynamics are the foundation of engineering thermodynamics. There are four laws of thermodynamics, but the first and second laws are the most important for engineering applications.The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. This law is the basis for the conservation of energy principle. In other words, the total energy of a closed system remains constant.The second law of thermodynamics introduces the concept of entropy, which is a measure of the amount of energy in a system that is not available to do work. This law also states that the entropy of a closed system can never decrease.2. Properties of Pure Substances:In engineering thermodynamics, it is important to understand the thermodynamic properties of pure substances, such as water, steam, and refrigerants. These properties include temperature, pressure, specific volume, and internal energy. The most important property of a substance is its phase, which can be solid, liquid, or vapor.The behavior of pure substances is typically described using thermodynamic diagrams, such as the T-v (temperature-specific volume) and P-v (pressure-specific volume) diagrams. These diagrams provide a visual representation of the thermodynamic properties of a substance and are used to analyze processes such as phase changes, compression, and expansion.3. Power Cycles:Power cycles are used to convert thermal energy into mechanical work. The most common power cycles include the Carnot, Rankine, and Brayton cycles. These cycles are used in various applications, such as steam power plants, gas turbines, and refrigeration systems.The efficiency of a power cycle is an important parameter, as it determines the amount of useful work that can be obtained from a given amount of thermal energy input. The efficiency of a power cycle can be improved by increasing the temperature at which heat is added and reducing the temperature at which heat is rejected.4. Refrigeration Cycles:Refrigeration cycles are used to transfer heat from a lower temperature region to a higher temperature region. The most common refrigeration cycle is the vapor compression cycle, which is used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems.Refrigeration cycles are characterized by their coefficient of performance (COP), which is a measure of the amount of cooling produced per unit of work input. The COP of a refrigeration cycle can be improved by increasing the temperature at which heat is rejected and reducing the temperature at which heat is absorbed.5. Psychrometrics:Psychrometrics is the study of the thermodynamic properties of moist air. It is important in the design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, as well as in the design of industrial processes that involve the handling of air and water vapor.The key properties of moist air include temperature, humidity, and enthalpy. Psychrometric charts are used to visualize the thermodynamic properties of moist air and to analyze processes such as heating, cooling, and dehumidification.6. Combustion:Combustion is the chemical process of burning a fuel to release heat. It is an important process in many engineering applications, such as power generation, heating, and propulsion. The efficiency of combustion processes is determined by factors such as the fuel-air ratio, combustion temperature, and combustion completeness.The analysis of combustion processes involves the calculation of properties such as the adiabatic flame temperature, the products of combustion, and the heat release rate. This analysis is important in the design and optimization of combustion systems.In conclusion, engineering thermodynamics is a fundamental discipline for all engineers. It provides the theoretical foundation for the design, analysis, and optimization of energy systems. The key concepts and principles of engineering thermodynamics include the laws of thermodynamics, the properties of pure substances, power cycles, refrigeration cycles, psychrometrics, and combustion. Understanding these concepts is essential for the successful design and operation of engineering systems.。



工程热力学专业英语词汇一些工程热力学的专业英语词汇Heat pump(热泵)Heat source(热源)Heat(enthalpy) of formation(生成热(生成焓))Heat(热)Helmholtz function(亥姆霍兹函数)Hess’law(赫斯定律)Humidity(湿度)Ideal gas equation of state(理想气体状态方程)Inequality of Clausius(克劳修斯不等式)Intensive quantity(强度量)Internal combustion engine(内燃机)Internal energy(热力学能(内能))Inversion curve(转变曲线)Inversion temperature(转回温度)Irreversible cycle(不可逆循环)Irreversible process(不可逆过程)Isentropic compressibility(绝热压缩系数)Isentropic process(定熵过程)Isobaric process(定压过程)Isolated system(孤立系)Isometric process(定容过程)Isothermal compressibility(定温压缩系数)Isothermal process(定温过程)Joule,J.P.(焦耳)Joule-Thomson effect(焦耳-汤普逊效应)Kelvin, L.(开尔文)Kinetic energy(动能)Kirchhoff’s law(基尔霍夫定律)Latent heat(潜热)Law of corresponding states(对应态定律)Law of partial volume(分体积定律)Le Chatelier’s princip le(吕-查德里原理)Local velocity of sound(当地声速)Lost of available energy(有效能耗散)Mach number(马赫数)Mass flow rate(质量流量)Maximum work from chemical reaction(反应最大功)Maxwell relations(麦克斯韦关系)Mayer’s formula(迈耶公式)Mechanical equilibrium(力平衡)Mixture of gases(混合气体)Moist air(湿空气)Moisture content(含湿量)Molar specific heat(摩尔热容)Nernst heat theorem(奈斯特热定理)Nozzle(喷管)One dimensional flow(一维流动)Open system(开口系)Otto cycle(奥托循环)Parameter of state(状态参数)Perfect gas(理想气体)Perfect gas(理想气体)Perpetual-motion engine of the second kind(第二类永动机)Perpetual-motion engine(永动机)Phase(相)Polytropic process(多变过程)Potential energy(位能)Power cycle(动力循环)Pressure(压力)Principle of increase of entropy(熵增原理)Process(过程)Psychrometric chart(湿空气焓-湿图)Pure substance(纯物质)Push work(推挤功)Quality of vapor-liquid mixture, Dryness(干度)Quantity of refrigeration(制冷量)Quasi-equilibrium process(准平衡过程)Quasi-static process(准静态过程)Rankine cycle(朗肯循环)Ratio of pressure of cycle(循环增压比)Real gas(实际气体)Reduced parameter(对比参数)Refrigerant(制冷剂)Refrigeration cycle(制冷循环)Refrigerator(制冷机)Regenerative cycle(回一些工程热力学的专业英语词汇热循环)Reheated cycle(再热循环)Relative humidity(相对湿度)Reversed Carnot cycle(逆卡诺循环)Reversed cycle(逆循环)Reversible cycle(可逆循环)Reversible process(可逆过程)Saturated air(饱和空气)Saturated vapor(饱和蒸汽)Saturated water(饱和水)Saturation pressure(饱和压力)Saturation temperature(饱和温度)Second law of thermodynamics(热力学第二定律)Simple compressible system(简单可压缩系)Sink(冷源)Specific heat at constant pressure(比定压热容)Specific heat at constant volume(比定容热容)Specific heat(比热容)Specific humidity(绝对湿度)Specific volume(比体积)Stagnation enthalpy(滞止焓)Standard atmosphere(标准大气压)Standard enthalpy of formation(标准生成焓)Standard state(标准状况)State postulate(状态公理)State(状态)Statistical thermodynamics(统计热力学)Steady flow(稳定流动)Steam(水蒸气)Subsonic(亚声速)Superheated steam(过热蒸汽)Supersonic(超声速)Technical work(技术功)Temperature scale(温度标尺)Temperature(温度)Theoretical flame temperature(理想燃烧温度)Thermal coefficient(热系数)Thermal efficiency(热效率)Thermal equilibrium(热平衡)Thermodynamic Probability(热力学概率)Thermodynamic system(热力学系统)Thermodynamic temperature scale(热力学温标)Thermodynamics(热力学)Third law of thermodynamics(热力学第三定律)Throttling(节流)Triple point(三相点)Unavailable energy(无效能)Universal gas constant(通用气体常数)Vacuum(真空度)Van der Waals’equation(范德瓦尔方程)Velocity of sound(声速)Virial equation of state(维里状态方程)Wet saturated steam(湿饱和蒸汽)Wet-Bulb temperature(湿球温度)Work(功)Working substance(工质)Zeroth law of thermodynamics(热力学第零定律)。



《工程热力学》课程专业词汇中英文对照表thermodynamics热力学 heat热 work功 irreversible process不可逆过程 energy law of energy conservation能量守恒定律 temperature 温度 thermal equilibrium热平衡Zeroth law of thermodynamics热力学第零定律temperature scale温标thermometer温度计 thermodynamics scale of temperature 热力学温标 density密度mass质量 pressure压力 gauge pressure表压 absolute pressure绝对压力 system系统 boundary边界 surrounding外界 closed system闭口系统 open system开口系统quantity of state状态参数 process过程 reversible process可逆过程 irreversible process不可逆过程 quasistatic process准静态过程 isovolumetric process定容过程 adiabatic process绝热过程 isothermal process定温过程 polytrophic process 多变过程P-V diagram P-V 图absolute work 绝对功technical work技术功kinetic energy动能 potential energy势能 internal energy内能 specific internal energy比内能 specific heat capacity比热容 constant volume specific heat capacity定容比热容 constant pressure specific heat capacity定压比热容 flow energy流动能 enthalpy焓 specific enthalpy比焓 latent heat潜热 sensible heat 显热 law of conservation of energy能量守恒定律 first law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律 nozzle喷管 heat engine热机 perpetual-motion machine of first kind 第一类永动机 ideal gas理想气体 imperfect gas非理想气体 equation of state状态方程式 universal gas constant通用气体常数 ratio of specific heat capacity 比热容比 Joule-Thomson effect焦耳-汤姆逊效应 partial pressure分压力 Dalton”s law道尔顿定律 humidity湿度 dry air干空气 absolute humidity绝对湿度saturated steam pressure饱和蒸汽压 relative humidity相对湿度 dew point露点cycle循环 reciprocating engine往复式发动机 bottom dead center下止点 top dead center上止点 thermal efficiency热效率 refrigerator制冷机 heat pump热泵 72 irreversibility不可逆性 second law of thermodynamic热力学第二定律 Clausius statement克劳修斯表述Kelven-Plank statement 开尔文-普朗克表述perpetual-motion machine of second kind第二类永动机 isenthalpic process定焓过程 Carnot cycle卡诺循环 Clausius integral克劳修斯积分 Clausius inequality克劳修斯不等式 entropy熵 absolute entropy绝对熵 principle of the increase of entropy熵增原理 T-S diagram T-S图 real gas实际气体 steam蒸汽 boiling沸腾evaporation汽化saturation pressure饱和压力wet saturated steam 湿蒸汽convergent nozzle渐缩喷管critical pressure临界压力Mach number马赫数compression ignition engine压缩点火发动机 Diesel cycle狄赛尔循环 combined cycle混合加热循环 gas turbine燃气轮机 steam prime mover蒸汽原动机 boiler锅炉The name thermodynamics stems from the Greek words therme (heat) anddynamis (power), which is most descriptive of the early efforts to convertheat into power. Today the same name is broadly interpreted to include allaspects of energy and energy transformations, including power generation,refrigeration, and relationships among the properties of matter.这个名字源于希腊词热力学系统(热)和动态(电源),这是大多数描述转换的早期努力热成电。

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