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Cross-bridge rice noodle
Believe it or not, a set of Cross-bridge rice noodle can even include more than tens of dishes. It is worth to having a try. because this special flavor just can be enjoyed in YN. Furthermore, after enjoy a set of this kind Cross-bridge rice noodle, you have also enjoyed most snacks in YN. It is a wise choice to have a try.
The most important factor of Cross-bridge rice noodle is soup. It was made by natural hen, pig stone and Xuanwei ham. It needs to be boiled for over 6 hours until the soup become savory and the oil in these stuffs are distilled.
The stuff can be divided into two categories: vegetable and meat. The vegetable often use seasonal one. The meat is focus on slice. The thinner the better, so the slice is one of chara -cters of Cross-bridge rice noodle.
Thank you
The next thing worth mentioning is the stuff. There are two kinds of rice noodle, the
proper kind for Cross-bridge rice noodle is the
slim one, which is good at keeping the flavor of valuable soup.
the history
Cross-bridge rice noodle is originated during Qianlong period, nearly 200 years. There is a popular legend regarding its origination. It is said that a scholar in Mengzi, who was preparing for the imperial examination, went to an island in Na Lake everyday to study. His wife went across a bridge to the island to bring his meal to him. Owing to the long distance, he had to eat cold meal. Accidentally, his wife discovered that a greasy chicken soup is not easy to cold. What’s more, fresh stuffs, such as seasonal vegetable, fresh meat and so on, can become edible by put into this kind of boiled soup. From then on, the scholar could have a delicious and hot meal everyday. Because his wife went cross a bridge everyday, the rice noodle made by this way was named as Cross-bridge rice noodle.