
2. Like knows like.
三 特点,翻译时就尽量保
习 语
的 译者不仅要忠实表达原
翻 译
方 可能保持原文的丰富联
法 想,修辞效果以及民族
习语不仅大量地出现在文 艺作品中和政治、科学论 文中,在口语中也会使用 一些习语,因此,习语的 翻译是一个非常重要的问 题,习语翻译的好坏对整 个译文的质量及听懂英语 口语都有直接的影响。
英语习语汉译主要有以下 三种方法:
习 很常用的一种方法。直译
语 (literal translation) 的字面
的 翻
译 翻译”。但直译法的运用,
方 法
1 不能引起错误的联想,要
有时尽管汉语读者对 英语习语的比喻或典故 不太熟悉,但通过上下 文体现的西方民族色彩 或是政治色彩,可以使 汉语读者接受和理解, 而且经大量使用后,又 丰富了汉语语言。
习 两类,一类是根据组成习
语 的
翻 整个习语意义的,一类是
译 方
法 作品,《圣经》,神话传
1 说或历史典故的。这两类
例如 第一类中:
as easy as turning over one’s hand
a gentleman’s agreement A rolling stone gathers no

1.语义的统一性习语的意义是一个整体,是习语的最重要特征,即它的意义并不是组成它的单个词意义的简单相加;例如to burn one’s boats 不是“to put one’s boats in fire and bum them”的意思,与“燃烧”也无关系,实际意思是(破釜沉舟)。
许多习语在意义上具有两重性,既具有字面意义又有习语惫义,例如:”miss the boat’’的习语义是(坐失良机)。
比喻是习语的重要修辞手段,比喻习语具有表达生动、形象的特点,例如:”fall off one’s chair”的字面意义是“从椅子上跌下来”,用来暗喻某人吃惊的程度。
2.结构的固定性英语习语里的构成词及其词序具有固定性,不能随意变化、替换或移动;如:”live from hand to mouth”,意思是勉强糊口).另外,习语的构成词稍有变化就可能变成另一习语,意义也大不一样,”on the board”的意思是“to discuss at meetings”(在会上讨论),如果使用board的复数形式boards将习语变成“on the boards”其意义也相应变为“to be an. actor or actress on stage”(登台做演员)。

英语习语特点及翻译论文:简析英语习语特点及翻译[摘要] 英语习语是英语语言的重要组成部分,是各民族语言中经过长期使用而提炼出来的固定词组、短语或短句,具有丰富的内涵和独特的文化背景。
[关键词] 英语习语特点翻译一、习语的概念英语拥有丰富的习语,它们构成了英语的核心和精华。
习语作为语言精华和民族文化瑰宝, 是一种形象化的语言,是语言的历史遗留, 也是语言特征的集中反映,更是历史文化积淀的结果。
那么,何谓习语? 习语即习惯用语,是由固定的词组和句子所构成的“语言模块”( linguistic chunks) , 这样的“语言模块”通常具有文字精练、音节优美、韵律协调的特点,往往言简意赅,含义深邃,形象生动,意境鲜明,富有哲理,令人启迪。

英语习语特点及翻译论文:简析英语习语特点及翻译[摘要] 英语习语是英语语言的重要组成部分,是各民族语言中经过长期使用而提炼出来的固定词组、短语或短句,具有丰富的内涵和独特的文化背景。
[关键词] 英语习语特点翻译一、习语的概念英语拥有丰富的习语,它们构成了英语的核心和精华。
习语作为语言精华和民族文化瑰宝, 是一种形象化的语言,是语言的历史遗留, 也是语言特征的集中反映,更是历史文化积淀的结果。
那么,何谓习语? 习语即习惯用语,是由固定的词组和句子所构成的“语言模块”( linguistic chunks) , 这样的“语言模块”通常具有文字精练、音节优美、韵律协调的特点,往往言简意赅,含义深邃,形象生动,意境鲜明,富有哲理,令人启迪。

英语习语的特征及翻译技巧英00l1l√ll';0语蠢赣羞_糕张伟伟孙永摘要:习语是经过长时间的使用提炼的固定短语和语句.本文较为详细的介绍了英语习语的特征及翻译方法等.指出要翻译好英语习语,必须先理解其文化背景,两国文化差异,而且要运用得当的翻译方法,翻译中切忌望文生义,逐字硬译.关键词:习语翻译团译是两种语言之间的文化桥梁和纽带.初始语言和西方语言中词汇和句法存在这很大的不同,因此翻译并不是件容易的事情,特别是英语习语的翻译.因为词汇组成习语的方式往往奇特,不符合逻辑甚至有时在语法上也存在错误.为了保持原作的风味和迎合中国读者的口味.翻译技巧就变得尤为重要.1.1英语习语的定义英语习语有着不同的定义.根据牛津高阶英汉词典,习语是意思不同于其组成单个单词的词组或句子,其意思要作为一个整体来理解.胡壮麟这样解释到:"习语是语义上还有句法上都受到严格限制的一组词."1.2英语习语的特征1.2.1语义集成(完整):其意思为习语是一个整体我们不应该把它分开来理解.比如: featherinsomebodyScap意为ANDMANAGEMENT"荣誉",他和"羽毛"和"帽子"没有任何的关系.Itwasa featherinhiscapforthenew teacherwhenhewasmadehead oftheHistoryDepartment.新老师得意的事是他当选了历史系主任.如果我们把"featherinhis CaP"分开来看,人们很难理解其意思.1.2.2.结构的固定性固定性意为我们不能随意添加或者减少成语中的一个词汇, 也不能用近义词随意替代其中的词汇,否则其意义就会有所改变. 比如:Shesangafewlinesoff thecuff.她即兴唱了几句.我们不能讲成"0ffthecuffs". "Haveotherfishtofry"意为"另有要事".如果改为"have somefishtofry",它的意思就彻底改变了.2.英语习语翻译的步骤英语翻译可以分成两个部分来进行:充分理解和充分表达.前者是后者的前提条件,后者是前者的最终结果.我们在翻译的过程中,不应该忽略任何一个部分, 英语习语的翻译也不例外.2.1.充分理解2.1.1a.翻译不仅仅是两种语言之间的互换,而且是两种文化的一种交流.因此我们首先应该多了解一些文化知识并能深刻的理解它,这样我们就能翻译的准确透彻.sourgrapes酸葡萄此习语出自伊索寓言,讲的是狐狸吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸的故事.后来人们就用它指做那些因得不到想要的东西便故意说它不好的人.b.我们同样要注意保持英语习语的民族特色.比如:"thelongestdaymust haveanend"与中文习语"天下没有不散的宴席"意思相近,但是我们通常把它翻译为"苦难终2007年?第5期有尽头",因为它保留了英语习语的原义并且避免了混淆.C.我们还需要弄清习语是褒义还是贬义.比如:tobehandandglovewith密切合作,互相勾结,此习语既有褒义又有贬义.2.1.2.英语习语和中文习语的相似点英语和中文习语具有对应性,即有些习语在字面意义和比喻意义上是一样的.这一类的习语要相对比较容易翻译.比如:gothroughfireandwater赴汤蹈火infromoneearandouttheother一一只耳进,另一只耳出b.英语习语和中文习语的不同点(知道这些不同点会帮助我们更好的翻译英语习语)不同的习俗很多英国人都非常喜欢狗他们经常用"狗"指代"人".比如:Luckydog幸运儿adeverdog伶俐的小子loveme, lovemydog爱屋及乌.但是中文习语中,狗通常代表不好的事物,比如:"狗腿子""狗仗人势" "狗血喷头"等等.不同的修辞:比喻和比较通常大量的应用在习语中,不同是事物有时候被借用来表示相同的意思.比如:"大海捞针"表示"没有希望地寻找",在对应的英语习语中"haystack"替代了"sea": "tolookforaneedleina haystack".类似的如:Likearatinahole瓮中之鳖spendmoneylikewater挥金如土不同的宗教信仰西方国家,特别是英国和美国,人们通常信仰基督教,这一点和中国人不同. 比如:Godhelpthosewho helpthemselves(上帝帮助自助的人),Godblessyou(在胸前十字架时说),actofGod(表示不可抗拒的力量时用),2.2充分表达2.2.1英语习语的翻译方法直译直译,是照表面意思翻译,保留了英语习语中的原有形式比如:tofighttothelastman(战斗到最后一个人),to breaktherecord(打破记录), armedtotheteeth(武装到牙齿),sourgrapes(酸葡萄),the coldwar(冷战),意译简单地说,即保持原文的内容,但同时不能兼顾其修辞特点, 不得不改变说法的译文为意译. 比如说:"henearlyfelloffhis chairwhentheytoldhimthe news",这是表达"他感到很惊讶"的一种隐喻的说法.因此翻译成"他从椅子上掉了下来"是完全错误的.意译加注释意译有时候也不能充分表达蕴含的文化信息,有时候也采用注释的形式来诠释习语.比如: "JustinthemiddleofchesS.he hadtothrowupthesponge"被翻译成"棋下到中盘他就只好投子认输"[注:"Sponge"是拳击中用以擦身的海绵.它还有个用途,那就是:在比赛中,当一方遭到对手的沉重打击,眼看就要被对手击到的时候,他的教练或副手就把擦身用的海绵往空中一扔,或是投入拳击场,做为裁判员承认失败的一种形式.从这个注释中读者不难明白为什么把"throwupthesponge"翻译成"认输".意译一译为意思相同的中文习语我们也会经常发现中文习语有些和英语习语有相同的内容, 形式,形象的比喻以及其他的修辞.如下例子可以做出很好的解释:strikewhiletheiron1shot趁热打铁amongtheblindthe one—eyedmanisking山中无老虎,猴子称霸王Likefather,like son有其父,必有其子修辞手法采用修辞手法主要是为了使得翻译看起来更形象生动,也就是做到了严复提出的翻译三标准中的"雅".这样看起来译文更有可读性.比如:Rollingstonegathers nomoss(流水不腐,户枢不蠹),这句英语习语句子很简单没有任何的修辞,但是却翻译成中国的一句大家都知道而且具有修辞手法的对句.3.小结在翻译英语习语时我们可以采用以上几种有效的方法,但是想成为一名好的译者,必须要苦心学习研究语言与其相关的文化知识,还要有足够的联系,只有这样才能真正的做出忠实于原文,表达充分的译文,从而真正能做到"信,达,雅".四参考文献(作者单位:山东行政学院)SCIENCEANDMANAGEMENT_嘲眦m呕-E:删.砉=&-E.㈣,№l亏一一~一一~帆喊一~~,跳-=椰一一~一一~~一一一一一~一一~,4,,m叭噌一~~。

(作者单位:1.哈尔滨师范大学教育系;2.哈尔滨市呼兰区晨光幼儿园;3.哈尔滨幼儿师范高等专科学校)英语习语特征及翻译策略戴 炯习语是在语言长期使用中形成的固定词组或句子,其精炼性、生动性和概括性使语言的表达更加传神,给人印象深刻。
如spend money like water(挥金如土);二是比喻物体不同,表现出民族特性。
如汉语中用“雨后春笋”来表示事物生机勃勃、蓬勃发展,而在英语习语中有“to boom like mushrooms”来表示汉语中的“雨后春笋”概念,这是习语的民族特性的表现。

习语(Idiom )是语言在长期的使用过程中自然沉积形成的固定短语和短句,具有形式固定、简洁明快、寓意深刻的特点。
例如:在英语中我们不能把“leave no stone unturned ”改为“leave no brick unturned ”,“live from hand to mouth (勉强糊口)”,不能写成“live from the hand to the mouth ”,也不能写作“live from a hand to a mouth ”。
例如:英语习语“tobring the house down ”不能按字面理解为“把房子拉倒”,而是“博得全场喝彩”;pull one “s socks up (振作起来,鼓起勇气,加紧努力),切不可根据组成这一习语的4个部分,把这个习语理解为“提起自己袜子”。
例如,习语face the music 与古代的演员有关。

英语习语特点及翻译论文:简析英语习语特点及翻译[摘要] 英语习语是英语语言的重要组成部分,是各民族语言中经过长期使用而提炼出来的固定词组、短语或短句,具有丰富的内涵和独特的文化背景。
[关键词] 英语习语特点翻译一、习语的概念英语拥有丰富的习语,它们构成了英语的核心和精华。
习语作为语言精华和民族文化瑰宝, 是一种形象化的语言,是语言的历史遗留, 也是语言特征的集中反映,更是历史文化积淀的结果。
那么,何谓习语? 习语即习惯用语,是由固定的词组和句子所构成的“语言模块”( linguistic chunks) , 这样的“语言模块”通常具有文字精练、音节优美、韵律协调的特点,往往言简意赅,含义深邃,形象生动,意境鲜明,富有哲理,令人启迪。

浅论英语习语及其翻译英语习语是英语的一个重要组成部分, 具有浓厚的文化色彩和形象性, 在表达上有其特有的作用。
如:the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠,此典故出现在《申命记》第32章“He kept him as the apple of his eye.”(保护他如同保护眼中的瞳孔)。

这里所涉及的习语从广义上讲,包括俗语colloquialism),谚语proverb,俚语(slang expression)等。
•To add flowers on the brocade•To add fuel to the fuel•To be mindful of personal gains and losses•To be on thin ice•To be wild with joy•Beyond cure•To blow one’s own horn•To call white black• A castle in the air•As easy as turning over one’s hand•To fish in troubled waters•To give up halfway•To go all out•To go through fire and water•Heart and soul•In broad daylight•To kill two birds with one stone•Misfortunes never come slightly.•To play the lute to a cow•Smooth tongue• A stony heart•Strike while the iron is hot.•To turn a blind eye to•To turn a deaf ear to•Walls have ears.•二、直译加注法•有些习语还含有比喻意义、象征意义或是历史典故等,在翻译的时候一般要在其后加注进行解释。
【关键词】英语习语;翻译;直译法1 英语习语的特点英语习语一般都短小精悍,干净利落,易懂易记,大都具有鲜明的形象,适合用来比喻事物。
2 直译法采用直译法翻译英语习语,是在不违背汉语译文语言规范的前提下,将英语习语按照英文的字面意思直译过来。
2.1 成功的英语习语的翻译就是使译文既能充分地表达出原文作者的意图,又不会引起误解,而且还有助于吸收一些新鲜生动的词语和新颖独特的语法结构及表达方法。
如:(1) Hitler was armed to the teeth, when he launched the Second World War but in a few years, he was completely defeated.译:希特勒在发动第二次世界大战时是武装到牙齿的,可是不过几年就被彻底的打败了。
在这句话中,“armed to the teeth ”就可以形象地直译为“武装到了牙齿”。
中英文互译技巧b 章

At dinning hall(餐厅)
Cola and tea(咖啡和茶)
The queue(排队)
Point of view(意见和观点)
Relationship (关系)
受风俗习惯的影响, 英语中的很多习语不可避免 的带有习俗的烙印。 Take― dog‖ as an example.
(五) 注释法 (commentary)
注释法是指为了保留原文的民族特色和地方色彩, 对于一些含有典故的习语,翻译时必须对其本身的 文化背景有所加注,以明确原意。在汉译英中,也 要具体对一些汉语文化背景进行注释以辅助译文。 司马昭之心: 若单译 :Sima Zhao’s trick 会使人难以理解,所以需加注。 守株待兔:watching the stump and waiting for a hare.” 亦同。
③隔墙有耳 ④滴水穿石
的联想的条件下,在译文中保留原习语的民族 色彩、语言风格和比喻形象的方法。
优点:直译不但保留了原文的形象和色彩,而 且增加了阅读的趣味。 Tips: 用心体会,理解其隐含意义。
e.g. His parents cannot take care of him anymore; he must learn to paddle his own canoe.
Play fast and loose: 扩展某些话或规则的含义以 欺骗或嘲弄某人。 出处:16世纪 游戏 “fast and loose” 庄家 卷皮带 吊圈 欺诈 玩家 勾圈 不可能完成

民族 文 化 的发 展 和 变 化 起 着 积 极 的 作 用 。语 言 是 人 在 劳 动 中 创造的 , 习语 是 语 言 特 征 的集 中 反 映 , 来 自于 普 通 百 姓 的 生 它 产 劳 动 和 生 活 经 历 , 语 言 的精 华 、 言 的 缩 影 ; 言是 一 个 是 语 语 任 意 的 符 号 系统 , 语 是 人 在 长期 的语 言实 践 中约 定 俗 成 的 ; 习 语 言 是 以交 际为 目 的 的 。习 语 的起 源 就 是 在 口头 交 际 中使 用 最 频 繁 的俚 语 和 俗 语 :语 言 是 人 类 文 化 中的 一 个 特 殊 组 成 部 分. 习语 则 反 映 出 文化 对 语 言 的 巨大 影 响 ; 言 是人 的智 慧 的 语 表现 , 习语 较 集 中 地 反 映 出语 言 的修 辞 手 段 和表 现 手 法 ( 中 其 相 当 一部 分 是 文 学 巨匠 的 精 彩 词 句 )语 言 是 为 人类 各 种 活动 ; 服 务 的 . 习语 生动 地 反 映 出人类 生活 的方 方 面 面 。 人类 生 而 在 活 中 , 言 几乎 无 时 不 在 、 处 不 在 , 人 的 活 动形 影 不 离 。 语 无 与 因 此 社会 文化 中的 每 一 个 侧 面 都 会 反 映 到 习 语 中 来 ,这种 语 言 词 汇 中 习语 的发 展 和 变 化 反 映 了 使 用 这 种语 言 的 民族 文 化 的 发 展史 。 那 么, 怎样 定 义 英 语 习语 呢 ? 语 习语 是 在 英语 的发 展 过 英 程 中 。 过 长期 的社 会 实 践 提 炼 出来 的 独 特 的 、 经 固定 的短 语 和 短句, 是语 言 的精 华 。英 语 习 语 是 富 于 色 彩 的语 言形 式 , 有 具 生 动形 象 、 喻义 明显 、 于哲 理 的 语 言特 征 。 富 在一 定 程 度 下 , 它 反 映 了 英语 民 族 的 文 化 特 点 。 广 义 的 英 语 习语 包 括 成 语 、 谚 语、 歇后 语 、 故 、 语 等 。 典 俗

Author analyzes the structure and feature of idioms, illustrating the possibility of analysis and translation of idioms. The idioms are featured with integrity, coagulability, and irreplaceability of which even some disobey the grammatical rules, Idioms employing simile, or keeping key words can be understood through analyzing process, however, except its idiomatic meaning, some idioms have its superficial meaning, the interpreter should judge its meaning from the context; and some idioms do not coincide your substantial world and our logic reducing process, since they are cultural-loaded. In order to solve these problems, the author proposes a practical way, i.e. First, interpreter should identify and confirm the idioms; then according to the difficulty level, interpreter can get the meaning from the words, metaphorical concept, context, and cultural background. Finally, the author proposes the literal translation, which is based on the similarity of objective world and human thought, and free translation or literal translation plus explanatory note, which is based on the differently conscious activity and cultural background.idiom 在汉语中的译法很多,有翻译成“成语”的,有译成“习语”的,还有将其理解成“熟语”或者“惯用语”的。

A cat has nine lives. 猫有九命。
Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。
Shed crocodile tears. 掉鳄鱼的眼泪。
All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
Money is the root of all evil. 金钱是万恶之源。

一般,习语兼具以下三个特点:1)来自民间,因而具有人民性和民族特色2)习语是各种修辞手段的集中表现3)习语是语言中的特殊成分,在意义上具有整体性;在语法与逻辑上又是不符合一般规律;在用词上保持相对固定例:1,To lay heads together.一般不译为“把头放在一起”大家在一起商量,集思广益(意义上的整体性)2,Money makes the mare to go.有钱能使鬼推磨(其中make后面的不定式go前加上to,不符合一般语法规律)3,A stitch in time saves time.及时的一针省几针(其中A不能用one代替,用词相对固定)正因为习语有如上特点,所以它的翻译也相对复杂。
例:Blood is thicker than water. Knowledge is power.血浓于水知识就是力量直译的例子还有:the cold war 冷战 a wolf in sheep’s clothing披着羊皮的狼a stick-and-carrot policy 大棒加胡萝卜the open-door policy门户开放政策二,意译法意译法即“抛弃外语习语原有的形象而采用本族所熟知的形象或比喻”,其条件为:在不可能用直译法保留英语习语的表达形式为前提。
例:Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.直译:盲人国里,独眼为王。

eeo y n是习语 , 为“ 意 密切关注 ” 。
2 动 词 加 介 词 ( 副 词 ) m o atpol dn’ o e ae 、 加 。I p r n ep o t f nhv t e t m c e m ste oktk pal hi t e 根 据 上 下 文 , u hf et ea i w r aeu l te i . r i hr r m
几 个 问题 。
( ) 合 习语 。 一 组
这种 习语一般 可从词 的结构形式 或组成词的词汇 意义上看 出整个词组 的意义 。但 是词 的组合能力 有限 , 能任意搭配 , 不 可 细分 以下几种组合 形式 :
1动 词 加 名 词 ( 介 词 ) I te epr n w ep a 、 加 。 n h xei t e k e me
t eu a p意为“ k 占去 ” 。
3 动 词 加 介 词 ( 名 词 ) oem te i aem e 、 加 。I p yf hrwl tk yr h a l —
cn in s i oacutw e u g g m xm nt n ae i o etl es n con h njd i yea iai .T k n l t n o t
特点 和汉 译 进 行 分 析 。
0 0 1 508
语, 常常利用 比喻 、 对偶 和谐 音 , 使语言生 动活泼 。
三 、 语 习语 的汉 译 英
由 于 英 语 和 汉 语 产 生 和 发 展 的 历 史 和 文 化 北 景 不 同 、 言 语
英 语 习语 的类 别
习惯不 同 , 以翻译 时会 遇到许 多难题 。在翻译 是应 注意 以下 所
好转 。
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英语习语的特点及其翻译[Abstract]Language is a main carrier of culture. It comes from culture and at the same time it is one of the effective ways to spread and inherit the culture. In this paper, the attention is focused on the characteristic features of English idioms, such as their origins, forms, styles, characteristics or features. As the language changes, so do the English idioms. All the things above cause a lot of troubles for people to understand idioms in a correct way. The style of English idioms is simple and vivid, and also the origins of English idioms are wide-ranging. Furthermore the form of English idioms and figures of speech are various. All of these cause the difficulty for people to understand. This paper mainly discuss the correct ways for people to understand and translate English idioms, and the purpose of this paper is to help the reader have an exact understanding and translation English idioms and to use them correctly.[Key words]English idioms,features,understanding,translationI. IntroductionLanguage, first, is a tool for people to communicating with each other; second, it is a window for people from different countries to know each other better. Language can reflect the national characteristics of anation, while idioms are crystals of language. They contain abundant information of culture, and they can largely reflect culture. Besides, idioms contain extremely profound and rich meanings and carry a vivid image.It is very hard for us to have a better understanding of English idioms, because English idioms have some specific features, mainly in terms of forms and figures of speech. Unlike most common vocabularies, they have implied meanings. So to understand them thoroughly and use them correctly, we should trace back to their origins of culture. There are many sources for them and this paper mainly discusses the following: from common people, legends, myths, tales and other classic works. Clearly knowing the background information of idioms will ensure a better appreciation and effective translation of English idioms. In other words, idioms carry rich cultural connotations. So culturally translating English idioms becomes a good way to realize cultural interaction.Ⅱ. Idioms, Language and CultureMany people try to give English idiom a clear definition. However, it is very hard for them to do so. Idioms, which constitute a large part of our knowledge of language, are one of the most important components of language. In order to make a comprehensive study on idioms in English, we will begin the research with the definitions of idiom in English.2.1 Various definitions of English idiomsAs it is hard to define culture, it is also hard to name idiom. The definitions of English idiom are different in different dictionaries. However, all of the definitions below have shared some similarities of English idioms in spite of some differences.The Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “idiom” as “an accepted phrase, construction or expression contrary to the usual patterns of the language or having a meaning different from the literal.” From this definition, it is clear that English idioms can be a phrase, a clause or even a sentence.The definition of “idiom” in Oxford English Dictionary is “a group of words whose meaning cannot be deduced from those of the individual words.”For this definition, it indicates that unlike any linguistic pattern, the meaning of an idiom cannot be predicted from the meanings of its individual or constituent words.These definitions show that idioms are a number of words whose meanings are different from the individual words of the idioms when they are alone. The words in idiomatic expressions cannot be deleted, added to, replaced by synonymous words, or put in different order.2.2 Relationship among idioms, language and cultureWhat is language? Different people have different ideas. In fact, the definition of language is not only affected by time, but also affected by the development of the study on the nature of language. It indicates that due to the persistent efforts of scholars and researchers, people are getting to know the nature of language. In the past, language was mainly viewed from a static angel. People paid more attention to its internal structure than to its social usage.What is culture? It is also hard to give a clear definition. According to Nida’s illustration, “it is a mixture of almost every aspect of a society, such as religion, politics, history, arts and so on. It is different among different counties in the world” (Nida 102).The relationship between language and culture is illustrated by Eugene A. Nida as follows: “Culture is the totality of beliefs and practices of a society; nothing is of greater strategic importance than the language through which its beliefs are expressed and transmitted and by which most interaction of its members takes place” (Nida 126). Language does not only come from culture, but also it is the main carrier of culture, while idioms can be called the crystals of language. English idioms occupy an essential part in its vocabulary, and they are the most colorful and fascinating aspects of English vocabulary.In a word, language is a component of culture and plays a veryimportant role in culture. Language and culture rely on each other. Language is the base of entire culture, and it is only in language that culture can be well presented and handed down from generation to generation. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture. Language reflects characteristics of culture and predicts the developing orientation of culture. The development of language often embodies the change of culture. It comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. To understand a language, one must know well about its culture. So it is quite reasonable to say that learning a language is learning the culture and habit of the country where the language is spoken.Ⅲ. Origins of English IdiomsWithout knowing the origins, it is hard for us to understand the meaning of certain English idiom, because the meaning of English idioms cannot be guessed word by word, or from their literal meanings. Knowing the origins of the English idioms can help us to have a better understanding of the implied meaning of English idioms.When tracing back to the origins of English idioms, we can find there are many sources, but the main sources are just as following: from the speech of the common people, the legends and tales, religions and classical works. From the above, we can know that English Idioms comefrom all aspects of our life, and it is beneficial for us to know the origins of English Idioms, if we want to have a good and correct understanding of English Idioms.3.1 From common peopleA great number of idioms come from the daily life of common people. They reflect every aspects of life from all walks of life. We can find a lot of idioms somewhat connected with sailors, farmers, fisherman, teachers and even beggars. These idioms are concise, colloquial, and vivid and charged with life, and consequently acquire a wide application to analogous situation in our daily life. By and by, after a long-time test of usage, most of them, especially the most expressive and vivid ones, make their way from the popular speech into the standard language and finally come to be generally accepted, even by governmental officials. On the one hand, they can reflect the social background of society, the economy and culture at that time. On the other hand, some of them are even the reflection of people’s simple life and thought patterns. Here are some examples of English that from people’s daily life:To get the root of something: To find out the real cause of something.To be in the some boat: In exactly the same situation.Make hay while the sun shines: Profit from or take the advantage of something while one has the chance.The top dog: A person, group, country enjoying superiority and advantages over others, or the person who has control power.A stitch in time saves nine: Damage will quickly worsen if it is not repaired immediately; immediate action taken as soon as something goes wrong saves a lot of wok later.3.2 From myths, legends and talesEnglish idioms may also come from the second source ancient myths, legends or fables. Greek and Roman civilization contributes much to the formation of English idioms. It can never be overestimated that knowledge of western culture plays a very important role in our understanding of English idioms. These three sources have made a great contribution and play an important role to enrich culture and vocabularies of English in simultaneity, such as the following examples:Trojans horse: Which is design to undermine or destroy from within.Pandora’s Box: A source of extensive but unforeseen troubles or problems.A Pyrrhic victory: A victory at to a great cost; an unprofitable victoryor success over another force, person where loses are greater than is justified by gained.Round-table conference: The table around which king Arthur and his knights sat political or other conference attended by representatives of various interests to have matters discussed. (Note: Around the table it is hard to know who the charger of the meeting is, and its implied meaning is that they are equally important.)Kill the goose to get the eggs: Destroy the chief cause of one’s profit or success. This is a Greece fable that there is a countryman who has a goose that can lay golden eggs. He is very happy and finally he kills the goose and in order to get more golden eggs quickly, consequently, his destroyed the rules of nature and he get nothing from the goose. This idiom has its implied meaning that people should not only be shortsighted, this is an advice for later generations.Rain cats and dogs: This idiom is commonly used nowadays, while few people know its source. Here are some explanations of it. First, it comes from North European, which cats have a great influence on weather, and the image of the witch looks like a cat, while dog is the signal of wind. So if they say rain cats and dogs, it really means that it rain heavily outside, or there is a storm.Lion’s share: The biggest part.3.3 From Literary WorksLiterary works are unexhausted language storehouses from which numerous idioms are created. Shakespeare is one of the most famous English writers. Some of his popular expressions have been widely accepted as established idioms. And there are many other famous writers who have made a great contribution in making idioms. Another important source is Bible, which also plays a very important role in the formation of English idioms. A great number of English Idioms have come from it. Look at the following:Wash one’s hands of a thing: To refuse to have anything more to do with or to accept any responsibility for something or somebody. The phrase is about the description in the Bible of Pontius Pilate’s washing his hands at the trial of Jesus.As poor as a church mouse: Extremely poor. From the phrase we may have some knowledge about poor priests in a church in which even a mouse can not find anything to eat.All that glisters is not gold: A person or thing may not be as good, valuable as he or it first appears.There are many other writers who have made a great contribution of creation English Idioms. For example:There is always room at the top: There are always too few people who are really outstanding in a profession art.A little learning is a dangerous thing: A small amount of knowledgpEvery cloud has a silver lining: every trouble has something hopeful that you can see in it.Language is created by human beings during their working and living. English idioms, as a most significant component of English language, have much to do with common people. Among them are many famous writers, who also make a great contribution in forming of English idioms, Such as Shakespeare and other writers. Bible is one of the sources, thus some idioms have religion color. In addition, we should not neglect the tales, Greece myth and legends, which started the new time of civilization of human beings.Ⅳ. Features of English IdiomsAs a particular part of language, idioms enjoy their own specific characteristics. Idioms are abundant in rhetorical devices. The meanings of idioms are often established by usage and implied in the images and figures they contain. Normally no component word in an idiom can bechanged. But on the other hand, idioms also possess common characteristics, namely the similar qualities shared by the vocabulary of a language. By common characteristics we mean idioms have emotional coloring. For example, they may be commendatory or derogatory. What is more, synonyms and antonyms also exist in idioms. The following paragraphs will be devoted to these features contained in English idioms.4.1 Features of English idioms in general1. Commonly used for a long historyEnglish idioms have been used for a long period and they have long-lasting and vigorous life. According to the estimation of some linguists, there are approximately 50,000 entries exiting in English language, while 20 percent of them are commonly in use now (Wang 372). English idioms, as a part of language, are widely used in many fields, both in oral English and in writing English. Although some English idioms are hackneyed and stereotyped expressions and they have lost the cultural environment, they have formed their special connotations and they are commonly used nowadays. Here are some English idioms that have a long history but are still used frequently nowadays:The apple of one’s eye: A person, usually a child, who somebody loves very much.Rack one’s brain: Think hard about something, especially try and work out the answer to a difficult problem.Lion’s share: The biggest or best part.Heart and soul: eager love, strong feeling, great enthusiasm.Tighten one’s belt: live on a less money than usual, use less food and other things.On thin ice: in a dangerous or difficulty position.Out of tune: not having the exact position or correct shape or balance.A dark horse: a race horse, competitor about whom little is known or who unexpectedly win.Just like the other components of language, there are a lot of new idioms coming, and at the same time, some of them have been getting of out. This shows that language, like other things in the world, is changeable, and they are continually renovating. This is one feature of English idiom. However, there are still some other features that cause the difficulty in understanding of English idioms.2. Semantic integrationSemantic integration can be also called “Meaning Unity” or “Semantic Unity”, which means that we should regard idiom as integrity. In other words, it means that we cannot understand the meaning simply from words of the idiom. So this is one of the difficulties that make people from different culture to have a better and thorough understanding of the idioms. Look at these examples:It is raining cats and dogs: The implied meaning of this is that it’s rain heavily. But if we just understand it facial meaning, there would be a great confusion.I’m under the weather: The corre ct understanding may be “I’m unhappy” or “I’m in bad mood or healthy.”Send in one’s jacket: It means you quit your job, which has nothing to do with the real object “jacket”.Bite one’s nail: Put or press your fingers to your mouth because you feel very excited, nervous or afraid. The real meaning of it is that you have difficulties in doing something. This is far away from your nails in reality.3. Structural StabilityIn the text book A Survey of English lexicology, Structural Stabilityis also named as “syntactic frozenness” (Wang Jiangrong 374). We can analysis this from two aspects, on the one hand, it is clear that we cannot change the words of an idiom, even if they are absolute synonymy; On the other hand, the word order of an idiom cannot be changed. If we do obey the rules above, we certainly make the idiom meaningless. For instance:As happy as king:It means extremely happy. However we cannot expressed as “as happy as queen”.At sixes and sevens: The meaning of it is something is in mess. But we s hould not use it like “at seven or sixes”.4.2 Features of English Idioms in figures of speechFigurativeness makes language beautiful. However it adds the difficulties for people from different culture to understand the true meaning of English Idioms. There are many kinds of figurative speech used in English, such as simile, metaphor, Metonymy, hyperbole, irony, alliteration and etc. Most of English idioms are figurative, because they may read smoothly and sound more pleasing and easy to understand and remember. For example, as busy as a bee, as still as a stone, hot and heavy, part and parcel, money makes the mare go, high and dry, wear and fear. Besides, repetition is a figure of speech in which the same wordappears repeatedly so as to give a strong statement. For instance, step by step, measure for measure, neck and neck. Still antithesis is another important figurative speech, which is using a conjunction to put two parts with different meanings together such as brawn and brain, fair and foul, weal or woe, now or never, through thick and thin, like father, like son, out of sight, out of mind, Penny wise, pound foolish, where there’s a will, there is a way.Although some of figurativeness in English idioms is universal, it is in some degree, unique and different from other counties. This is another factor that may cause misunderstanding of English Idioms for people from different cultures.Ⅴ. Difficulties and Their Solutions in Understanding ofEnglish Idioms5.1 Difficulties in understanding English idiomsBriefly speaking, difficulties in understanding lie in the cultural gap caused by the differences between two cultures in geography and natural environment, history, customs, and religious beliefs. As some famous linguistics have mentioned that two basic difficulties of translation are firstly to know the meaning of the source language and secondly to translate the style just as the source language does (Deng 1).1. Figurative and violation of grammarMost of English idioms are figurative and they do not only have the facial meaning, but also the intended meaning. For example, in English “from hand to mouth” does not really refer to the distance from hand to mouth. The actual meaning is barely able to feed oneself. Another example is “a stone’s throw”, which does not necessarily mean “the throw of a stone”, but rather a short distance (Pan 16).Furthermore some of the English idioms are formed against the grammatical rules, and this will make people confused. When encountering such difficulties, they may be trapped or may doubt whether they are right or wrong. For example:Diamond cut diamond: dispute or struggle between two well-matched opponents. Here it should be “cuts”, however, it is accepted.2. Lack of the background informationAlmost every idiom has its facial meaning and its associative meaning at the same time. Thus people may take the idiom too literally, whereas in most conditions, their implied meaning is very different from their facial meaning. Let try to understand these idioms thoroughly:Break a leg: the literal meaning is “the leg is broken”, however the real meaning of it is good luck to someone.Face the music: the associative meaning of it is to be blamed because of the mistake. If we translated it into “listen to music” it is far from the original meaning and it is meaningless.Have a long nose: the real meaning of it is the people who tell lies that his or her nose will become longer than ever, but not the one who really have a long nose.3. Culture differences and translation difficultiesCulture differences are one of the most important factors and also it is the greatest difficulty for translator to overstep. Nida has stated that if the translators want to translate perfectly, it is far from enough for them to have only a bilingual dictionary or an encyclopedia and the ability to speak or write two languages (Nida 10). Since translation is an inter-cultured activity, translators should have the ability to sense the connotative meaning from the direct or indirect expression. As some famous translators have summed up, translating can be an easier job, when really understanding the cultural background information. For example:The heel of Achilles: it comes from Greece myth, who is a so strongdeity that no one can defeat him. However, when his enemies find his fatal weakness is his heel, and then he is killed by arrow on his heel.Trojans horse: some people hidden in a wooden house, and defeat their enemies.In language learning, we may not avoid such idioms, which are unique to their culture. Without knowing the culture, we can hardly understand them correctly.5.2 Correct ways to understanding confusing English idiomsEnglish idioms are the essence of English language and they are elite of English language. However they are also the most difficult part for people from different culture to have a better understanding. On the one hand, since English idioms are firm in their form and their meanings are not the simply combination of their individual, they are expressions that can not be understood from their literal meanings of the individual element. On the other hand, most of English idioms are figurative, so if we want to understand them correctly, we need avoid taking their literal meanings. As has been mentioned above, language is closely related to culture, which often finds expression in idioms and contributes much towards the enrichment of language expressiveness. Rich and colorful as it may be, culture can also result in puzzle and confusion, especially inthe understanding of some idioms. Penetration into the custom and culture is required when such problems arise as have been mentioned above.Ⅵ. Correct Ways of Translating English IdiomsDryden has put forward three types of translation: metaphases, paraphrase and imitation. Metaphase means translating literally, but imitation is that the translator is apart from the text when doing translation and translator can interpret in a more easy way (Yan 369). Comparing the two methods, we can find that paraphrase is in the middle of them. Pope supports Dryden on these three theories. However Matthew Arnold is against freedom and insisting on preserving the fumet of the original text even the spirit of them happen to the same (Yan 369). While for this paper, it emphasizes on translating in a logical way. To this point, it is extremely hard to decide which methodology is right or wrong. The best way is to combine these ways together. How to achieve the desired effect in doing such translation depends on a large amount of knowledge that translators have. However, different scholars have different ideas about what is the best strategy for the success of translation.As translation is inevitably influenced by the source language culture and the target language culture, the competence of a translator, Nida assumes that the most important ability for a competent translator isnot only bilingual, but also bicultural in order to read between lines. He or she can sense the implied meaning and express them thoroughly (Yan 338).6.1 Literal translationLiteral translation means translating word by word in order to preserve the style of the original text. Generally speaking, literal translating sometimes can fully express the meaning and composing technique of the text. People can achieve this because the communication between countries became more and more frequent, and language is on the way of interaction and adsorption. On the other hand, all the human beings live on the same planet and during the practice to create the world people have a lot of common cognition. So although the background information may different, we can translate literally, which can still understand by most of Chinese people. Such as the following: Add fuel to the fire: make an already difficulty situation worse by one’s actions or words.Strike while the iron is hot: make immediate use of an opportunity; do something when condition is favorable.Fish in trouble water: take advantage of trouble or uncertain for personal profit.As firm as a rock: firm, reliable or loyal.As light as a feather: very light in weight and gentle in movement.Smooth tongue: flattering or insincere encouragement.Generally speaking, there are some similarities between two languages and cultures. Because all the people possess the same globe and resources and have the same experience in developing procedures, translating literally is understandable and reasonable because they have certain similarities. By literal translation, many English and Chinese idioms are translated directly without adding explanation or notes. They are easy to be understood and become popular.6.2 Free translationGenerally speaking, English and Chinese have a lot in common. However, there are still some diversities existing. “Traditionally, the adequacy of translations has been judged on the correspondence in lexicon and grammar between the source and target language. So “functional equivalence” (Nida 314) is not always applicable, or will arouse confusion and misunderstanding to readers. Free translation does not mean translators can translate according to their will. Rather, it means when doing translating, translators try to get rid of the abstract metaphysic usage in English, and find a good expression that isintuitionistic for people to understand.What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander: what is thought suitable for a woman should be suitable for a man.Eat one’s word: fail to keep one’s word. Probably it means that someone didn’t keep his or her promise.When literal translation method can not be employed and no Chinese substitute is suitable, we have to use free translation. Consequently, translation may be only concern about the meaning and the style of the text without the sentence patterns or figures of speech. Free translation does not mean we can delete or add content to the original text.6.3 Literal translation with notesSome idioms have their national characteristics. Since different countries have their own unique cultural and linguistic features, which are in fact not familiar to the readers in other countries. To avoid this disadvantage of literal translation, many scholars assume that the method of literal translation with notes can help people have a better understanding.An Englishman’s house is his castle: an English man’s home cannot be entered by anyone else without his permission and nobody can tell him to behave there.Meet one’s Waterloo: suffer defeat or failure; be faced with, especially after precious success, a final defeat.)In the arms of Morphesus: have a living sleep. (Note: Morphesus is the god of sleeping.)Literal translation can reserve national characteristics of original idioms, but it may also cause confusion in understanding since every idiom has its own particular culture and features. This method requires the translator to render source texts literally as well as add some explanation or notes to explain unfamiliar allusions or connotations of source idioms.6.4 Loan translationLoan translation is a method in which the translator borrows a target idiom of similar meaning to replace the idiom of English. People can achieve this mainly because languages have their characteristics of universal. There are several advantages of loan translation: on the one hand, it keeps the original context and forms of English idioms. On the other hand, it can help us to have a more intuitionistic understanding and a feeling of affability.。