
招标invitation of tender
投标submission of tender
总代理人general agent
代理协议agency agreement
累计佣金accumulative commission
来料加工processing on giving materials
黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve
汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuation
贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade
进口配额制import quotas
自由贸易区free trade zone
对外贸易值value of foreign trade
国际贸易值value of international trade
普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences缩略形式GSP
重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity)
商品检验局commodity inspection bureau
净重net weight
毛作净gross for net
毛重gross weight
溢短装条款more or less clause
港口税port dues
回佣return commission .
折扣discount, allowance

商务英语专业四级考试术语解释经典商务英语专业四级考试术语解释1. g lobal company : 跨国公司--a company that integrates its international biz activities-- A multinational corporation or multinational enterprise is an organization, that owned or controls productions of goods or services in one or more countries other than the home country. (维基百科)2. joint venture : 合资企业--a partnership that is formed by two or more parties cooperating in some special biz activities.-- a business or project in which two or more companies or individuals have invested, with the intention of working together. (柯林斯词典)3. merger & acquisition : 并购--combining of two or more entities through the direct acquisition by the net assets of the other.-- transactions in which the ownership of companies , other business organizations or their operating units are transferred or combined .4. distribution channel: 分销渠道;销售渠道--all the organizations and people involved in the physical movement of goods and services from producer to consumer.5. listed company : 上市公司--a company whose shares have been quoted by the Stock Exchange.-- A public company, publicly traded company, publicly held company, publicly listed company, or public corporation is a corporation whose ownership is dispersed among the general public in many shares of stock which are freely traded on a stock exchange or in over the counter markets 场外交易市场 . (维基百科)6. I ndustrial complex : 工业生产基地--a manufacturing area that consists of many different factories turning out different products.7. brand recognition : 品牌认知(度);品牌识别--a product or products that has or have been recognized and appreciated by local consumers .8. specialty shop : 专卖店--an outlet that deals in or sells a particular line of products.9. household name 家喻户晓的名字-- a brand, person, company, etc. that is known to all or very popular in a place. 10. loss-maker : 亏损企业--a biz that continually makes no profit.11. home country : 祖国,母国--the country on which a multinational corpo ration ’ s HQs is based.12. quota : 配额,定额,限额--a restriction on the quantity of imports of a particular product that a country impose.13. market economy : 市场经济--an economy in which the market is used to determine resource allocation, prices, and investments.14. new economy : 新经济-- a different form of economy that is mainly supported by IT sector and characterized by knowledge-based economy instead of manufacturing.-- an economic system that is based on computers and modern technology, and is therefore dependent on educated workers . (朗文词典)15. labor force : 劳动力-- all of the people in a country or in a region that are employed or are likely to be employed in the future.16. bubble economy :--an economy that primarily depends on banking, financial market and other transient 短暂的 operation.17. venture capital : 风险资本--funds that are invested in new plants or hi-tech startups open to large risk of loss.-- Venture capital is capital that is invested in projects that have a high risk of failure, but that will bring large profits if they are successful . (柯林斯词典)18. biz cycle : 商业周期--A period of time that a biz goes through consists of four stages---boom 繁荣 , recession 衰退 , depression 萧条 , recovery 复苏 .19. stock market : 股票交易;证券市场,股票市场--a stock exchange that deals in stocks and shares.-- the business of buying and selling stock s and share s .-- a place where stock s and share s are bought and sold . (朗文词典)20. product life cycle : 产品生命周期--a theory stating that certain kinds of products go through a cycle consisting of four stages, namely, introduction 投入期 , growth 成长期 , maturity 饱和期 and decline 衰退期 .21. S eed money=seed capital 启动资金--the initial equity capital 股本 used to start a new venture or biz.-- the money you have available to start a new business . (朗文词典)22. liquidity 流动资产--available cash or the capacity to obtain it on demand.-- In finance, a company's liquidity is the amount of cash or liquid assets it has easily available. 资产折现力23. exchange rate 汇率--the amount of one currency that can be bought with another.-- the value of the money of one country compared to the money of another country 。

商务英语词汇大全文库一、国际贸易1. 进出口:Import / Export2. 贸易顺差:Trade Surplus3. 贸易逆差:Trade Deficit4. 自由贸易区:Free Trade Zone (FTZ)5. 关税:Tariff6. 世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization (WTO)7. 贸易壁垒:Trade Barrier8. 非关税壁垒:Non-T ariff Barrier (NTB)9. 贸易协定:Trade Agreement10. 区域经济一体化:Regional Economic Integration二、商务谈判1. 谈判:Negotiation2. 议价:Bargaining3. 报价:Quotation4. 还价:Counteroffer5. 合同:Contract6. 交货期:Delivery Date7. 支付方式:Payment Method8. 谈判策略:Negotiation Strategy9. 协商:Mediation10. 仲裁:Arbitration三、营销策略1. 市场调研:Market Research2. 目标市场:Target Market3. 产品定位:Product Positioning4. 品牌建设:Brand Building5. 促销策略:Promotion Strategy6. 广告宣传:Advertising Promotion7. 公共关系:Public Relations (PR)8. 市场细分:Market Segmentation9. 定价策略:Pricing Strategy10. 销售渠道:Sales Channel四、金融与投资1. 货币:Currency2. 外汇:Foreign Exchange (FX)3. 本币:Domestic Currency4. 外汇市场:Foreign Exchange Market (FX Market)5. 国际金融市场:International Financial Market (IFM)6. 投资组合:Portfolio7. 股票:Stocks8. 债券:Bonds9. 期货与期权:Futures & Options10. 对冲基金:Hedge Funds11. 风险投资:Venture Capital (VC)12. 私募股权投资:Private Equity (PE)。

商务英语词汇大全一、基本商务术语1. 商务活动(Business Activity)2. 市场营销(Marketing)3. 销售额(Sales Revenue)4. 成本(Cost)5. 利润(Profit)6. 投资回报率(Return on Investment, ROI)7.SWOT分析(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)8. 目标市场(Target Market)9. 市场细分(Market Segmentation)10. 定位(Positioning)二、商务谈判术语1. 谈判(Negotiation)2. 合同(Contract)3. 报价(Quotation)4. 还价(Counteroffer)5. 成交(Close the Deal)6. 付款方式(Payment Terms)7. 交货期(Delivery Time)8. 质量保证(Quality Assurance)9. 售后服务(Aftersales Service)10. 合作伙伴(Business Partner)三、商务函电术语1. 询盘(Inquiry)2. 报盘(Offer)3. 订单(Order)4. 发票(Invoice)5. 装箱单(Packing List)6. 信用证(Letter of Credit, L/C)7. 汇票(Bill of Exchange)8. 托运单(Shipping Order)9. 提单(Bill of Lading)10. 保险(Insurance)四、人力资源术语1. 招聘(Recruitment)2. 简历(Resume)3. 面试(Interview)4. 培训(Training)5. 薪资(Salary)6. 福利(Benefits)7. 绩效考核(Performance Appraisal)8. 晋升(Promotion)9. 劳动合同(Labor Contract)10. 职业规划(Career Planning)五、企业运营术语1. 企业战略(Corporate Strategy)2. 企业文化(Corporate Culture)3. 组织结构(Organizational Structure)4. 部门(Department)5. 团队协作(Teamwork)6. 项目管理(Project Management)7. 生产计划(Production Plan)8. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)9. 库存(Inventory)10. 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)六、财务与会计术语1. 财务报表(Financial Statements)2. 资产(Assets)3. 负债(Liabilities)4. 所有者权益(Owner's Equity)5. 现金流(Cash Flow)7. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)8. 利润分配(Profit Distribution)9. 折旧(Depreciation)10. 纳税(Taxation)七、国际贸易术语1. 进口(Import)2. 出口(Export)3. 贸易壁垒(Trade Barrier)4. 关税(Tariff)5. 配额(Quota)6. 原产地证明(Certificate of Origin)7. 贸易术语(Trade Terms,如FOB、CIF等)8. 国际支付(International Payment)9. 外汇(Foreign Exchange)10. 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO)八、市场营销策略术语1. 市场调研(Market Research)2. 产品生命周期(Product Life Cycle)3. 广告(Advertising)4. 促销(Promotion)5. 公关(Public Relations)6. 品牌战略(Brand Strategy)7. 网络营销(Internet Marketing)8. 社交媒体营销(Social Media Marketing)9. 客户满意度(Customer Satisfaction)10. 忠诚度计划(Loyalty Program)九、企业管理术语1. 领导力(Leadership)2. 决策(Decision Making)3. 风险管理(Risk Management)4. 企业伦理(Business Ethics)5. 知识管理(Knowledge Management)6. 创新能力(Innovation Capability)7. 企业形象(Corporate Image)8. 危机管理(Crisis Management)9. 持续改进(Continuous Improvement)10. 企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)十、电子商务术语2. 在线支付(Online Payment)3. 网络安全(Network Security)4. 顾客评价(Customer Review)6. 网络营销策略(Online Marketing Strategy)7. 搜索引擎优化(Search Engine Optimization, SEO)8. 率(Clickthrough Rate, CTR)9. 转化率(Conversion Rate)通过这些词汇的积累,您将能够在商务交流中更加得心应手,展现出您的专业素养和沟通能力。

常用商务英语术语1.出口方面的词汇出口信贷export credit出口津贴export subsidy商品倾销dumping外汇倾销exchange dumping优惠关税special preferences保税仓库bonded warehouse贸易顺差favorable balance of trade贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制import quota自由贸易区free trade zone对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences 缩略形式GSP 最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment 缩略形式MFN2.价格方面术语运费freight码头费wharfage总值total value卸货费landing charges关税customs duty印花税stamp duty净价net price含佣价price including commission 港口税port dues回佣return commission .折扣discount, allowance目的港port of destination装运港port of shipment卸货港port of discharge零售价retail price现行价格(时价)current price/ prevailing price进口许口证import licence出口许口证export licence现货价格spot price期货价格forward price 国际市场价格 world (International)Market price离岸价(船上交货价)FOB—free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F—cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF—cost,insurance and freight信用证letter of credit ( L/C)跟单信用证documentary credit光票信用证clean credit可撤销信用证revocable credit不可撤销跟单信用证irrevocable documentary L/C保兑信用证confirmed L/C不保兑信用证unconfirmed L/C 即期信用证sight letter of credit 远期信用证usance letter of credit 可转让信用证transferable L/C不可转让信用证non-transferable L/C循环信用证revolving credit备用信用证STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT开证申请人applicant for the credit 开证行the issuing bank通知行、转证行advising bank/ transmitting bank保兑行confirming bank 受益人beneficiary汇票bill of exchange商业发票commercial invoice 提单bill of lading装箱单packing list受益人证明书beneficiary’s certificate保单insurance policy3、交货方面术语交货delivery轮船steamship(缩写装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship) 交货时间time of delivery定程租船voyage charter装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter 油轮tanker舱位shipping space报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods 空运提单airway bill选择港(任意港)optional port 选港费optional charges立即装运immediate shipments 即期装运prompt shipments装运通知ship advice对等贸易countertrade4、交易磋商、合同签订实盘firm (definite) offer虚盘non-firm (indefinite) offer 发盘人offerer收盘人offeree询盘inquiry报价quotation递盘bid; bidding递实盘bid firm还盘counter offer参考价reference price习惯做法usual practice 交易磋商business negotiation有效期限time of validity一般交易条件general terms and conditions purchase contract销售合同销售合同sales contract 购货确认书purchase confirmation 销售确认书sales confirmation需经卖方确认subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认subject to our final confirmation 5、贸易方式寄售consignment拍卖auction招标invitation of tender投标submission of tender 一般代理人agent总代理人general agent代理协议agency agreement 累计佣金accumulative commission 来料加工processing on giving materials来料装配assembling on provided parts独家经营/专营权exclusive right 独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement独家代理sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; exclusive agent6、品质条件品质quality原样original sample规格specifications复样duplicate sample商品目录catalogue对等样品counter sample 标准standard type参考样品reference sample宣传小册pamphlet封样sealed sample货号article No.代表性样品representative sample7、商检仲裁索赔claim争议disputes罚金条款penalty仲裁arbitration不可抗力force Majeure仲裁庭arbitral tribunal产地证明书certificate of origin 品质检验证书inspection certificate of quality重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity) 商品检验局commodity inspection bureau8、数量条件净重net weight容积capacity毛作净gross for net 体积volume毛重gross weight溢短装条款more or less clause9、外汇与汇率外汇foreign exchange 法定贬值devaluation外币foreign currency法定升值revaluation汇率rate of exchange浮动汇率floating rate硬通货hard currency软通货soft currency直接标价direct quotation 间接标价indirect quotation 金平价gold standard金本位制度gold standard 买入汇率buying rate 卖出汇率selling rate固定汇率fixed rate纸币制度paper money system 国际货币基金international monetary fund黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuation~。

国际商务英语贸易术语:1.EXW (Ex Work)工厂交货2.FCA (Free Carrier)货交承运人3.FAS (Free Alongside Ship)船边交货4.FOB (Free On Board)船上交货5.CFR (Cost and Freight)成本加运费6.CIF (Cost Insurance and Freight)成本、保险和运费7.CPT(Carriage Paid to)运费付至8.CIP(Carriage Insurance Paid to)运费、保险费付至9.DAF(Delivered At Frontier)边境交货10.DES(Delivered Ex Ship)目的港船上交货11.DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay)目的港码头交货12.DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)未完税交货13.DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)完税后交货mercial Councilor’s Office 商务参赞处15.consignor 委托人、发货人、寄售人16.consignee 受托人、收货人、承售人17.firm 商号、商店、公司18.corporation 公司商会19.private-owned corporation 私有公司20.nonprofit corporation 非营利公司21.public corporation(state-operated corporation)国有公司22.limited liability company (股份)有限公司23.agent 代理人agency 代理代理权sole distributor 独家经销代理sole distributorship 独家经销代理权distributor 经销人distributorship 经销权24.duplicate 副本25.in duplicate 一式两份26.in triplicate 一式三份27.stipulation 规定28.rule 法则w 法律30.term 条款31.cash on delivery 货到付款(缩写C.O.D)32.m/t 公吨33.The sight L/C 即期信用证34.The usance L/C 远期信用证35.The revocable L/C 可撤销信用证36.The irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证37.partical shipment(s)分批装运38.Transshipment 转船39.Liner 定期班轮40.Tramp 不定期货轮41.Fragile 易碎42.Easy to Be Damaged 易损43.Easy to Be Deteriorated 易变质44.Inflammable易燃、Explosive 易爆、Poisonous有毒45.。

商务英语翻译练习题一、词汇翻译1. 合同 (Contract)2. 报价 (Quotation)3. 交货 (Delivery)4. 销售合同 (Sales Agreement)5. 信用证 (Letter of Credit)二、句子翻译1. 我们收到了贵公司的报价单,并对其内容进行了仔细的审查。
(Translate to English)2. 根据我们的市场研究,这种产品有很大的销售潜力。
(Translateto English)3. 请提供贵公司的详细地址和联系方式。
(Translate to English)4. 我们希望与贵公司建立长期的业务关系。
(Translate to English)5. 我们公司提供多种付款方式,以满足客户的需求。
(Translate to English)三、段落翻译1. 尊敬的客户,我们很高兴通知您,您的订单已成功下单。
(Translate to English)2. Dear Customer, we are pleased to inform you that your order has been successfully placed. We will arrange for the shipment as soon as possible and ensure that the goods arrive on time. Should you have any issues, please feel free to contact our customer service team. (Translate to Chinese)四、商务信函翻译1. 翻译以下商务信函的开头和结尾部分:尊敬的先生/女士,我们对贵公司的产品非常感兴趣,并希望建立业务关系。

一、各类货运提单名词解释 1)提单 BILL OF LADING(简写B/L)是指一种用以证明海上运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装船,以及承运人据以保证在目的港交付的单证。 2)货运提单 HOUSE B/L 是指由货运代理人签发的提单。货运提单往往是货物从内陆运出并运至内陆时签发的。国际货代通常都使用此种提单。一般货代为满足客户的倒签或其他船东无法满足的要求时也使用这种提单。 3)船东提单MASTER B/L 是指由船东签发的提单。 4)已装船提单 SHIPPED OR BOARD B/L 指承运人向托运人签发的货物已经装船的提单。 5)收货待运提单或待运提单 RECEIVED FOR SHIPPING B/L 指承运人虽已收到货物但尚未装船时签发的提单。 6)直达提单 DIRECT B/L 指货物自装货港装船后,中途不经换船直接驶到卸货港卸货而签发的提单。 8)联运提单或称转船提单 THROUGH B/L 指承运人在装货港签发的中途得以转船运输而至目的港的提单。 9)多式联运提单 MT B/L 指货物由海上、内河、铁路、公路、航空等两种或多种运输方式进行联合运输而签的适用于全程运输的提单。 10)班轮提单 LINER B/L 班轮是在一定的航线上按照公布的时间表,在规定的港口间连续从事货运的船舶。班轮可分定线定期和定线不定期两种。 11)租船合同提单 CHARTER PARTY B/L 一般指用租船承运租船人的全部货物,船东签给租船人的提单,或者并非全部装运租船人的货物,而由船东或租船人所签发的提单。 12)记名提单 STRAIGHT B/L 是指只有提单上指名的收货人可以提货的提单,一般不具备流通性。
二.汇票条款 汇票属于金融单据(Financial Documents),是一种可转让的有价证券。目前绝大多数跟单信用证都有凭汇票支付款项的规定。汇票的各项内容必须严格符合有关条款的规定 ,不得随意涂改。下面是一些国外来证中所常见的汇票条款,供参考。 例1 All drafts must be marked“Drawn under the Royal Bank Of Canada, Montreal L/C No.XXX dated XXX and Banco de Chile, Santiago Credit No.XXX dated XXX.”上述出票条款(Drawn Clause)中有两家银行、两个信用证号码,两个开证日期。前者是转开证行也是指定的付款行或保兑行,后者是原始开证行。由于原始开证行与通知行无代理关系,因此通过另一家银行转开信用证,这样就出现两家银行、两个证号、和两个开证日期的条款,出口人在开立汇票时须按该条款的要求缮制。 注;在一般正常的情况下,出票条款中只打:一家开证行 、一个证号及一个开证日期。 例2 Draft must be drawn for HK$ equivalent of invoice value (RMB)converted at negotiating bank’s buying rate of exchange on day of negotiation. 上述条款摘自香港来证,信用证及买卖合同的币制均为外汇人民币,因汇票须在香港银行以港币支付,所以来证加列上述条款:,我可按议付日中国银行的港币买入价将外汇人民币折成港币开立汇票。例3 Draft to be enfaced with the following clause: "Payable with interest at bank’s current rate of interest pertaining to the currency of this bill from date hereof to the date of payment. 上述条款要求在汇票上注明开证行自汇票开发的日期(即议付日期)起至其转向进口人收回垫款之日止这段时间的利息 ,开证人应按条款规定偿付给开证行。事实上这是开证行与进口人之间的利息结算,与出口人无关。但出口人须按此条款缮制汇票,以符合信用证要求(一般由银行代加)。 例4 Draft at 90 days sight. We are authorized to pay interest at the rate of 9 % p.a. for full invoice value at maturity. Invoice and draft must show the amount of interest . 上述条款是90天远期汇票,见票后起算。开证行被授权按年息9厘计息到期付款。 发票与汇票上必须显示利息金额 。此条款表明货款金额连同利息都可于见票90天后在信用证项下支付,这就是真远期加利息。在发票上应打出Plus 90 days interest XXXX 然后再把货款加利息的总金额打在下面,汇票上应打出:“The amount of 90 days interest at 9% p.a. being XXXX is included”例5 Drafts for 50% invoice value payable at sight and for remaining 50%payable at 30 days after sight free of interest.(L/C amount USD20,000)Documents to be released after full pay meritof invoice Value. 上述条款系即期与远期信用证结合,应开两张汇票,半数即期付款,半数见票30天后付款,不计利息。开证行于收到全部货款后放单。 例6 Drafts at 180 days after sight drawn on Snitama Bank Ltd., Tokyo Office. Usance drafts drawn Under this L/C are to be negotiated at sight basis. Discount charges and acceptance commission are for account of accountee. 上述条款由日本银行开来,汇票开立远期见票180天付款, 但可即期议付,其承兑费和贴现费均由开证人负担。对受益人来说是即期信用证,通常称为假远期信用证。 例7 Documentary Credit available with yourselves by payment against presentation of the documents detailed herein..... 上述条款意为:该信用证可由通知行凭受益人提供证内所规定的单据付款,不需要提供汇票。 例8 Available by draft accompanied by the documents specified herein.上述条款需凭汇票支款,但未明确汇票的付款人。此种情况,我汇票应以开证行为付款人。 例9 90% of the total L/C amount is payable at sight and 10% will be payable when the buyers issue a no objection certificate for payment of this amount. 这是利比亚来证条款:90%即期付款赎单,其余10%货款 须待开证人签发“无异议证明书”后,开证行才予付款。 什么时候签发“无异议证明书”,条款未作明确规定,这就给出口人带来了事后一连串的催理工作。 例10 We hereby establish this Irrevocable Credit which is available against beneficiary’s drafts drawn induplicate on applicant at 30 days sight free of interest for 100% of invoice value. "Document against acceptance". 上述条款见于新加坡来证中,是真远期,见票30天付款, 不计利息,承兑交单(D/A)。这承兑交单是开证行与开证 人之间的事,与受益人无关。汇票到达开证行后经开证人承兑,银行即交付单据。至于信用证项下货款,开证行保证在30天到期时偿付与议付行。

商务英语课后习题答案一、词汇题1. 请解释以下商务英语术语的含义:- B2B: 指的是企业对企业的商业模式(Business to Business)。
- ROI: 投资回报率(Return on Investment),是衡量投资效益的指标。
2. 选择正确的商务英语词汇填空:- The company is looking to expand its market presence in the region.- The negotiation process was successful, leading to a mutually beneficial contract.二、语法题1. 将下列句子改为被动语态:- The manager will review the proposal next week.- The proposal will be reviewed by the manager next week.2. 用正确的时态填空:- We have been working on this project for two months.- The company was established in 1995.三、阅读理解阅读以下商务英语短文,并回答问题:短文:In the current business environment, innovation is key to staying competitive. Companies that embrace new technologies and adapt to market changes are more likely to succeed. However, innovation also requires a culture of risk-taking and the ability to learn from failures.问题:1. What is considered key to staying competitive in the business environment?- Innovation is considered key to staying competitive in the business environment.2. What does innovation require?- Innovation requires a culture of risk-taking and the ability to learn from failures.四、写作题1. 写一封商务邮件,请求安排一个会议来讨论新的市场策略。

individual proprietorship 个体经营partnership 合伙企业corporation 公司企业unlimited liability 无限责任limited liability 有限责任Home office 公司总部Business activities 经济活动operating activities 经营活动business house 商行;商号financial activities 筹资活动capital stock 股本trade association 贸易协会creditor 债权人to trade in 经营某商品business scope / frame 经营范围trading firm / house 贸易行,商行to do business in a moderate way 做生意稳重commercial channels 商业渠道commercial transaction 买卖,交易manufacturer 制造商,制造厂middleman 中间商,经纪人dealer 经销商wholesaler 批发商retailer 零售商tradesman 零售商merchant 商人(英)批发商,(美)零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 授让人,特许权获得者stocks 存货,库存量bulk sale 整批销售,趸售wholesale 批发retail trade 零售业cash sale 现货hire – purchase 分期付款购买(美作:installment plan) registered trademark 注册商标registered office, head office 总公司,总店,总部public ownership 公有制private ownership 私有制foreign – funded enterprise 外资企业joint venture 合资企业cooperative enterprise 合作企业wholly foreign owned / funded enterprise 外资企业common ground 共同点adjustment and compromise调整和妥协common interest 共同利益advantageous contract 有利的合同bargaining range 谈判范围concede ground 让步,屈服bargaining strength 谈判实力concession trading 让步贸易bargaining 讨价还价conflicting interests利益冲突basic interests基本利益conflicting objectives冲突的目标behavioral norms 行为规范core outcomes 核心结果bottom line 谈判底线defensive - offensive posture 防守—进攻立场breakdown in negotiation 谈判破裂collective well - being 集体利益difficult decisions 决策困难dogmatic negotiator 独断的谈判者negotiation sketch 谈判简图equitable agreement 公平合理的协议negotiation skills 谈判技巧exaggerated positions 言过其实的的立场on the routine basis 在惯例的基础上expected benefits 期待的谈判结果one-off business 一锤子买卖face-to-face negotiation 面对面谈判opening position 初步价位factual information 实际信息optimal timing 最佳时机fail to reach any agreement 无法达成协议optimize the interests使利益最优化pull tricks 耍花招failure of negotiation 谈判失败renounce a negotiation 放弃谈判favorable outcomes 利好结果reservation price 保留价格give-and-take 给予和索取room for maneuver 周旋的余地good joint outcome 互惠的共同结果rough style 激烈的谈判风格scheduling of concessions 让步进程information loophole 信息空缺settle differences 解决分歧sham position 虚假立场signal firmness 表现出坚定立场knock-down fight 强力反击stakes 投资资金leverage 手段,优势straight compromise 彻底妥协mange concessions 掌握让步的分寸strategic activity 策略活动strategic ploy 战略手段margins of maneuver 机动空间strategy formulation 策略构想marked disadvantage 明显的劣势stumbling block 绊脚石maximize the interests 使利益最大化successful implementation 成功实施tactical moves 谈判技巧minimum level of acceptance 最底的接受底线terms and conditions 条款和条件negotiation processes 谈判过程access to power 利用权力choice assignments 选择权的分配achieve recognition 得到公认continual compliance 一味迁就acquire power 获取权力courage under fire 应对责难的勇气analytical ability 分析能力create opportunities 创造机会breed resistance 导致怨恨critical task 重要任务breed resistance 导致反抗decisional role 决策作用build reputation 树立威信delegate responsibilities 授权build trusting relationships 建立依赖关系direct intervention 直接干预eliminate the bottleneck 消除瓶颈问题chaotic situation 混乱局面enhance the power 增强权力norm of reciprocity 互利互惠的规范exert influence 施加影响exert information 提取信息office layout 办公室布局follow directions 遵从指示organizational capacity 组织目标formal influence 正式影响organizational principle 组织原则gain power 获得权力organizational structure 组织结构give recommendation 提供建议organizationally ambitious 对组织工作有远大抱负的good judgment 正确的判断organization’s ends 组织目标higher-up 上级personal attractiveness 个人魅力holder of an office 公职人员power acquisition 赢得权力individual goal 个人目标power seeker 权力的追求者induce cooperation 促使合作pressing deskwork 紧迫的案头工作informal influence 非正式影响promote visibility 提高显著程度informational function 信息功能public speaking skills 演讲技能interactions 相互交流relevance of the work 工作的实用性interpersonal activities 交际活动leader power 领导权力sense of timing 选择时机的意识leadership arts 领导艺术serve on committee 在委员会任职leadership position 领导职位sheer willingness 完全积极主动leadership responsibility 领导责任show one’s stuff 展现自我leadership science 领导科学sincere interest 真诚的兴趣legitimate reason 正当理由sneaky tactics 卑鄙的手段low-power position 低等的权利职务subgroup goal 子群体目标subordinate 下属make a good impression 留下好印象technical decision-making 技术决策technical expertise 专业技术managerial job 管理工作managerial skills 管理技能workers’ grievnances 工人的抱怨net influence 净影响account holder 开户人account number 账号automatic teller machine 自动取款机average rate of interest 平均利率balance 余额bank depositor 银行储户bank teller 银行出纳员banking regulations 银行管理制度bounce burglar alarm 被银行退票cancelled check 防盗警报certificate of deposit 已注销的支票checking account 存单close an account 结清账户demand account 活期账户demand deposit 活期存款deposit inducement 吸纳存款deposit interest 银行利息depositor 存款人deposit 存款overdrawn 透支的paid check 已付支票passbook saving 存折储蓄payee 收款人petty current deposit 小额活期存款predetermined maturity 预先规定的到期日rate limit 利率限制receiving teller 收款员record keeping 记账saver 储户saving account 储蓄账户saving deposit 储蓄存款savings bank 储蓄银行service charge 服务费source of funding 资金来源statement 结算清单early withdrawal 提前取款effective overall cost 实际总成本explicit interest 现付利息fixed maturity 规定到期日fixed rate 固定利率flexible maturity 灵活到期日insufficient funds 资金不足interest penalty 罚息interest – bearing deposit 计息liquidity reserves 流动性储备资金make additions 增加存款make withdrawals 提款maturity 到期日negotiable certificates of deposit 可转让存单negotiable instrument 流通票据negotiable order of withdrawal accounts 可转让提款单账户nonnegotiable 不能转让的note circulation 钞票流通open an account 开户头a order of withdrawal 提款命令out of business 破产outstanding check 未竞现支票overdrawn account 透支账户stop payment order 止付令stopping payment on a check 停付支票terminate the account 结束账户time deposit 定期存款trustworthy 可依赖的uniformed guard 便衣保安unobstructed counter 没有障碍的护栏variable – rate 浮动利率vaults 保管库volume of deposits 存款量withdrawal application 提款申请withdrawal order 提款命令,支取单withdrawal receipt 提款收据withdrawal 取款working balance 往来余额accounting 会计、会计学financial transactions 金融交易financial statements 财务报表public accountant 公共会计师、会计师certified public accountant 执业会计师Accepted Accounting Principles 公认会计原则audit 审计statement 报表periodic statements 定期报表balance sheet 资产负债表income statement 收益表、损益表asset accounts 资产账户current assets 流动资产revenue 收入、收益expenses 支出、开支net income 净利润operating income 营业收入interest expense 利息支出income before tax 税前收入gross profit 毛利depreciation 折旧accumulated depreciation 累计折旧owner’s equity 业主权益、业主产权bad debt 坏账备抵savings and loans 储蓄与放款、信用合作社brokerage firms 经纪人事务所control operations 控制经营活动cost – effectiveness balance 成本效益平衡原则creditor 债权人net profit margin 纯利润率notes payable 应付票据posting 过账solvency 偿付能力working capital 运营资本、流动资本informed decisions 精明的决策internal control 内部控制原则account payable 应付账款accounts receivable 应收账款accumulated deficit 累计亏损absentee ballot 缺席投票balance sheet 资产负债表better returns 更好的回报broker 股票经纪人business prospects 业务展望buy a call 买进期权call price 股票购进价格chart 走势图common stock 普通股company effect 公司的影响core businesses 核心行业current price of gold 黄金现价current share price 股票现价dividend 股息dominant factor 决定因素draw lines to find resistance 找阻力线draw lines to find support 找支持势线draw lines to find trends 画走势线earnings outlook 盈利潜能earnings per share 第股盈利earnings trend 赢利趋势economic uncertainty 经济不稳定exercise price 认购价exercise the option 行使有关期权external factor 外在因素financial ratios 财务比率financial strength 财务实力forward contract 远期合同fundamental analysis 基本面分析fundamental of the company 公司的基本面future price movement 未来股价走势futures contract 期货合同hire-purchase company 租赁信托公司historical records 历史记录income statement 损益表stock return 股票回报stock trading 股票交易strong economic growth强势经济增长superior returns 优厚的回报supply-demand balance 供求平衡sustain a loss 蒙受亏损balance sheet items 资产与负债表的项目indicator 指标,指数information economy 信息经济initial public stock offerings 公开发行的原始股intrinsic value 实际价值investor 投资人issue additional stock 增发股票joint stock company 合股公司market factor 市场因素market movement 市场行情market prices 市场价格market system 市场经济体制move in a uptrend 持续攀升normal economic forces 正常经济力量option 期权overwhelming evidence 非常明确的证据part – owner 合伙股东price movements 股价走势price of a stock 股价price of the call 买进期权的价格price of the put 卖出期权的价格price – earnings ratio 价格收益比率professional investor 专业投资者proxy 代理投票sell short the shares 卖空股票sequence of analysis 分析的先后顺序share price 股价shareholder 股东size of the loss 亏损程度stock exchange 证券交易所stock information 股票信息stock market 股市stock price 股价tech stock 高科技股票technical analysis 技术分析undervalued 贬值的unstableness of market 市场不稳定upward price trend 股价逐步升高volume of a stock 成交量voting power 表决权share, equity, stock 股票、股权bond, debenture, debts 债券negotiable share 可流通股份convertible bond 可转换债券treasury/ government bond 国库券/ 政府债券corporate bond 企业债券closed – end securities investment fund封闭式证券投资基金open – end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金fund manager 基金经理/ 管理公司fund custodian bank 基金托管银行market capitalization 市值p/ e (price/ earning) ratio 市盈率mark – to – market 逐日盯市payment versus delivery 银券交付clearing and settlement 清算/ 结算commodity/ financial derivatives 商品/ 金融衍生产品put/ call option 看跌/ 看涨期权margins, collateral 保证金rights issue/ offering 配股bonus share 红股dividend 红利/ 股息ADR (American Depository Receipt) 美国存托凭证/ 存股证GDR (Global Depository Receipt) 全球存托凭证/ 存股证retail/ private investor 个人投资者/ 散户institutional investor 机构投资者broker/ dealer 券商proprietary trading 自营insider trading/ dealing 内幕交易market manipulation 市场操纵prospectus 招股说明书IPO (Initial Public Offering) 新股/ 初始公开发行merger and acquisition 收购兼并marketing concept 营销观念,营销概念marketing program 营销计划marketing mix 营销组合marketing channel 营销渠道marketing research 市场调研,营销调研target market 目标市场marketer 市场商人,商家production-oriented 面向生产的consumer-oriented 面向消费者的consumer satisfaction 消费者感到满意distribution system 销售系统,分销渠道distribution channel 销售渠道sales force 销售队伍promotion 促销advertising 广告personal selling 向个人推销publicity 宣传,媒体宣传sales promotion 促销promotion activity 促销活动demonstration 展示,展示会sweepstake 抽奖free sample 免费赠送的样品coupon 赠券,订货附单resaler 转售商intermediary 中间商,中间人middleman 中间商,中间人mass selling 大批销售research method 研究方法potential customer 潜在客户primary data 原始数据,原始资料,第一手资料consumer reaction 消费者的反应inventory control 存货,库存warehousing 仓储storing 储存grading 分类,分级risk taking 承担风险wholesale 批发retail 零售to identify customer needs 认清客户需求to obtain information 获得信息to collect/ gather data 收集资料to interpret data 分析资料to run the risk of failure 冒失败的风险tangible product 有形产品intangible product 无形产品consumer product 消费产品industrial product 工业产品,供工业使用的产品competing product 竞争产品sample product 样品产品potential product 潜在产品life cycle of a product 产品生命周期introduction 引入期growth 成长期maturity 成熟期decline 衰退期potential profitability 潜在获利可能性marketing mix 营销组合promotion 促销promotion cost 促销成本gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值research and development (R&D) 研究与开发market research 市场调查product development 产品开发text marketing 试营销customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度distribution channels 销售渠道consumer taste 消费者爱好buying motive 购买动机purchasing habits 购买习惯expert examination专家鉴定opinion leader 引导舆论的专家或行家packaging 包装brand 商标,牌号label 标识,标签to make a purchase 购买to fend off competitors 排除竞争者to break even 收支相抵,持平to meet the needs and expectations of customers 满足消费者的需求和期望to be outdated 过时ad valorem tariff 从价关税balance of payment 国际收支balance – of – payments deficit 国际收支逆差bill of exchange 汇票business norms 商业准则capital resources 资本财源commercial credit 商业信用competitive advantage 竞争优势conflicts of interest 利益矛盾consumer protection 消费者保护currency 货币customs duty 关税deficit 逆差depreciate 贬值documentary credit 跟单信用证domestic demand 国内需求domestic trade 国内贸易dominate 支配,占优势dumping 倾销economic motivation 经济动机encash 兑现ethnocentric 种族中心倾向excessive interventionism 过度干预主义exchange rate 兑换率export intelligence department 出口信息部export market 出口市场export subsidies 出口补贴exportable commodities 可供出口的商品favorable balance of payments 国际收支顺差financial assistance 财政资助fluctuation 波动foreign currency 外币free interflow 自由流通free trading system 自由贸易体系government intervention 政府干预government purchases政府采购high technology 高科技技术import commitment 进口承诺importing agent 进口代理商importing and exporting firms 进出口公司importing channel 进口渠道independent currency system 独立货币体系infant industry argument 幼稚工业保护论international trade 国际贸易intervene with trade 干预贸易interventionist 干涉主义者invisible trade 无形贸易locally produced products 本地生产的产品market economy 市场经济mercantilism 营利主义mercantilist theory 重商主义者的理论merchant 商人monetary conversion 货币兑换national security 国家安全nonsubsidized industry 非补贴工业profit margins 利润幅度quota 配额redistribution of resources 资源重新分配register of shipping 船籍登记relative differences 相对差异retaliatory tariff 报复性关税run deficits 遭受逆差separate treatment 分别对待start – up period 起步阶段surplus 顺差tariff for retaliation 报复关税tariff 关税technical assistance 技术协助trade barrier 贸易壁垒Trade Protectionism 贸易保护主义trade restrictions 贸易限制trade surplus 贸易顺差trade theory 贸易理论trade – expanding devices 贸易扩张手段trade – restricting devices 贸易限制手段trading partner 贸易伙伴unfamiliar territories 陌生的地域unfavorable 逆差的values of imports 进口价值visible trade 有形贸易welfare economy 福利经济welfare state 福利国家career planning 职业计划career path 职业道路career development 职业发展self-assessment 自我评价career anchors 职业动机incentive compensation 奖金profit sharing 分红制frequency rate 频率stress 紧张role conflict 角色冲突union 工会local union 地方工会craft union 行业工会industrial union 产业工会national union 全国工会bargaining union 谈判组collective bargaining 劳资谈判arbitration 仲裁strike 罢工internal employee relations 内部员工关系discipline 纪律disciplinary action 纪律处分grievance 申诉demotion 降职transfer 调动promotion 晋升corporate culture 企业文化organizational culture 企业文化esprit de corps [法]团结精神;集体精神sense of identity 认同感sense of togetherness 团结一致的感觉shared values 员工共同拥有的价值观念organizational motto 企业格言role models 模范;学习榜样number 1 rule 最重要的规则;头等大事informal system of rules 不成文的规章制度bureaucracy 官僚主义company uniform 公司制服probation period 试用期proving period 证明自己的阶段;试用期standard of performance 衡量工作表现或业绩的标准quality product 优质产品timely service 及时服务rites and rituals 仪式employee stock ownership plan 员工拥有股份的计划profit-sharing program 利润分享方案to indoctrinate 灌输信仰或意识to brainwash 洗脑to communicate culture 传播企业文化to promote corporate culture 促进企业文化to fashion a specific value system 形成具体的价值体系to emulate somebody 学习某人to motivate employees 激励员工organization development, OD 组织发展survey feedback 调查反馈quality circles 质量圈management by objective, MBO 目标管理Total Quality Management, TQM 全面质量管理team building 团队建设cohesive force in enterprise 企业凝聚力detail management 细节管理core value 核心价值corporate principle 企业准则organizational effectiveness 机构效能result oriented 结果定向stability 稳定性innovation 创新initiative 主动human relationship 人际关系competitive 竞争enterprising 进取心loyalty 忠诚ambition 雄心cooperation 合作integrity 诚信teamwork 团队execution 执行tenacity 坚韧glory 辉煌ethics 道德标准business concept 经营理念cohesive force in enterprise 企业凝聚力corporate image (CI) / enterprise image 企业形象EOI 意向申请。

1.chartering n.雇船,租用
【商务用语】chartering broker 租船经纪人chartering agent 租船代理人
chartering market 租船市场
chartering order 租船委托书
2.checkout n.检查;结账,结账柜台
【商务用语】checkout counter 付账柜台
3.cheque n.支票
【商务用语】bearer cheque 不记名支票,来人支票banker cheque 银行支票
cancelled cheque 注销/付讫支票
certified cheque 保付支票
4.chit n.小额欠款单据
【商务用语】chit-system 票据支付制度
chit book 回单簿
5.chronic adj.慢性的,延续很长的
【商务用语】chronic inflation 长期通货膨胀chronic unemployment 长期失业
chronic trade deficit 长期贸易逆差
chronic stage 慢性期

常用商务英语术语 (张晓光汇编2015-12-28)1 、绝对优势 (Absolute advantage)如果一个国家用一单位资源生产的某种产品比另一个国家多,那么,这个国家在这种产品的生产上与另一国相比就具有绝对优势。
2 、逆向选择 (Adverse choice )在此状况下,保险公司发现它们的客户中有太大的一部分来自高风险群体。
3 、选择成本 (Alternative cost)如果以最好的另一种方式使用的某种资源,它所能生产的价值就是选择成本,也可以称之为机会成本。
4、非对称的信息(Asymmetric information)在某些市场中,每个参与者拥有的信息并不相同。
5、收支平衡图( Break-even chart)收支平衡图表示一种产品所出售的总数量改变时总收益和总成本是如何变化的。
7 、资本收益 (Capital gain)资本收益是指人们卖出股票(或其他资产)时所获得的超过原来为它支付的那一部分。
8 、资本主义 (Capitalism)资本主义是一种市场体系,它依赖价格体系去解决基本的经济问题:生产什么如何生产怎样分配经济增长率应为多少9 、勾结 (Collision)勾结是指一个厂商和同业内其他的厂商签订有关价格、产量和其他事宜的协议。
10、互补品(Complements)如果 X 和Y 是互补品, X 的需求量就与 Y 的价格成反向变化。
11、贴现率( Discount rate)当利率用于计算投资的净现值时,它被称为贴现率。
12、可分散风险(Diversifiable risk )可以通过多样化来避免的风险是可分散风险。
13、有效市场假说( Efficient markets hypothesis)根据这一假设,投资者在买卖股票时会迅速有效地利用可能的信息 .所有已知的影响一种股票价格的因素都已经反映在股票的价格中,因此根据这一理论,股票的技术分析是无效的。

经常听到的商务英语术语如果你觉得在工作中倍受打击,那你很可能并没有staying on top of your work。
经常听到的商务英语术语On the ball这个短语来自于运动场。
当你on the ball,你必须要警觉并处于掌控制地位。
"Make sure you are on the ball with those reports." 相反的是 drop the ball,意思是你没有完成任务并让和你一起工作的人失望了。
Think outside the box许多的雇主希望他们的员工能够创新并用不同的方式完成项目。
在这个短语中,the box代表着传统的智慧,或众所周知的东西。
"For this marketing1 project, we need to think outside the box."Get the ball rolling这句谚语意思是开始某事并使之运作起来。
"Let's get the ball rolling on this project."一旦你有个良好的开端,你可能通过使用keep the ball rolling.表示你的意愿。
许多的公司会召开brainstorming sessions来应对问题并构思新的想法。
"Let's brainstorm new ideas for the advertising4 campaign."Pull strings5如果你拉一个木偶的线会怎么样呢?木偶会按你的想的做。

一、词汇练习1. What does the abbreviation "CEO" stand for?A. Chief Executive OfficerB. Chief Financial OfficerC. Chief Operating Officer2. Which word means "to officially cancel or invalidate"?A. TerminateB. AnnulC. Reinstate3. What is the opposite of "domestic"?A. InternationalB. LocalC. Foreign4. What is the meaning of the word "logistics"?A. The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumptionB. The study of human behavior in organizationsC. The act of buying and selling goods and services二、阅读理解Read the following passage and answer the questions:In today's globalized business world, effective communication is crucial for success. Whether it is negotiating with clients, presenting ideas to colleagues, or writing reports, being able to communicate clearly and confidently is essential.1. Why is effective communication important in the business world?A. It helps build strong relationships with clients and colleagues.B. It improves productivity and efficiency.C. It increases profitability and revenue.2. What are some examples of situations where effective communication is necessary?A. Negotiating with clients, presenting ideas to colleagues, and writing reports.B. Attending meetings, answering phone calls, and sending emails.C. Analyzing data, creating marketing strategies, and managing budgets.三、口语练习Imagine you are attending a business conference. Practice answering the following questions:1. Can you briefly introduce yourself and your company?2. What are the main challenges you face in your industry?3. How do you see the future of your industry?4. What strategies do you use to stay competitive in the market?5. How do you handle difficult clients or customers?四、写作练习Write a short email to a potential client, introducing your company and services. Include the following information:- Briefly introduce your company and its expertise.- Explain how your services can benefit the client.- Offer to schedule a meeting or provide more information if they are interested.五、听力练习Listen to a business presentation and answer the questions:1. What is the main topic of the presentation?2. What are the key points the speaker mentions?3. What are the potential benefits of implementing the proposed solution?六、翻译练习Translate the following sentences into English:1. 我们希望能与您建立长期合作关系。

商务英语术语表达1. Get off the ground : 意思是“起步”,常用于某个产品或项目刚开始商业活动。
例如:Julien wanted to create a driving simulator for driving schools, but he didn’t find any funding, so his project didn’t get off the ground! (Julien 想要开发驾校专用的驾驶模拟器,但是由于资金没有到位,他的项目没有起步)2.To touch base : 用来表示之后保持联系,通常用在第一次商业会面结束后。
例如:We’ll touch base next week once you’ll have inserted all the corrections to the project. (等你下周修改过项目内容后我们再联系)3. Cut corners : 通常是贬义,表示我们用最简单最便宜最快速的方法做事情,即节约削减成本。
例如:Do not cut corners on any of the editorial processes because the result can be disastrous. (不要略过编辑过程中任何步骤,否则后果可能是灾难性的)4. This is like putting socks on an octopus : 你描述了一个生活中不可能存在的画面,引申为不可能完成的任务。
例如:The client has asked me to change the cover, which at this point, is like putting socks on an octopus! (客户要求更换封面,但是在目前阶段是不可能的.)5. To be promoted to a customer: 字面翻译是晋升为客户,实际含义则是反讽已经被解雇。

下面我们就来看下,专业的商务谈判中,各种技巧及原则的英文释义吧!1、Bargaining讨价还价petitive, win-lose situations.2、Selective perception 选择性感知When the perceiver singles out certain information that supports a prior belief and filters out information that does not confirm that belief.3、Intangibles无形因素intangible factors are the underlying psychological motivations that may directly or indirectly influence the parties during a negotiation.4、Interdependent相互依赖when the parties depend on each other to achieve their own preferredoute they are interdependent.5、Negotiator’s dilemma谈判者的困境the choice of whether to pursue a claiming value strategy is described as the “negotiator’s dilemma”.6、initial offer最初报价the first number the buyer will e to the seller.7、petitive situation竞争性情形:when the goals of two or more people are interconnected so thatonly one can achieve the goal, this is petitive situation, also known as a zero-sumor distributive situation,in which “individuals are so linked together that there is a negative correlation between their goal attainments”.8、Mutual-gainssituation相互获益情形: When parties’goals arelinked so that one person’s goal achievement helps others to achieve theirgoals, it is a mutual-gains situation,also known as a non-sum or integrative situation.9、BATNA达成谈判协议的最佳选择an acronym for best alternative to a negotiated agreement.10、Thedilemma of honesty诚实困境it concerns how much of the truth to tell the other party.11、Thedilemma of trust信任困境it concerns how much should negotiators believe what the other party tells them.12、Distributive bargaining分配式谈判accepts the fact that there can only be one winner given the situation and pursues a course of action to be that winner.13、Integrative bargaining共赢争价attempts to find solutions so both parties can do well and achieve their goals.14、Claimvalue主张价值to do whatever is necessary to claim the reward, gain the lion’s share, or gain the largest piece possible.15、Createvalue创造价值to find a way for all parties to meet their objectives, either by identifying more resources or finding unique ways to share and coordinate the use of existing resources.16、Stereotypes心理定势is a very mon distortion of the perceptual process. It occurs when one individual assigns attributes to anothersolely on the basis of the other’s membership in a particular social or demographic category.17、Contending争夺战略actors pursuing the contending strategy pursue their own outes strongly and show little concern for whether the other party obtains his or her desired outes.18、Yielding屈服战略actors pursuing the yielding strategy show little interest orconcern in whether they attain their own outes, but they are quite interested in whether the other party attains his or her outes.19、Inaction不作为战略actors pursuing the inaction strategy show little interest in whether they attain their own out-es, as well as little concern about the other party obtains his or her outes.20、Problem solving解决问题战略actors pursuing the problemsolving strategy show high concern for attaining their own outes and high concern for whether the other.21、target point目标点the point at which negotiator would like toconclude negotiations.22、resistance point拒绝点a negotiator’s bottom line, the mostthe buyer will pay or the smallest amount the seller will settle for.23、a positive bargaining range积极的谈判空间the buyer’s resistance is above the the seller’s, and the buyer minimally willing to pay morethan the seller is minimally willing to sell for.24、Reciprocity互惠主义when you receive sth from another person, you should respond in the future with a favor in return.25、The winner’s curse赢家的诅咒the tendency of negotiators, particularly inan auction setting, to settle quickly on an item and then subsequently feel disfort about a negotiation win that es too easily.26、Process-basedinterests基于谈判过程的利益related to how the negotiators behave as they negotiate.27、indirect assessment间接估计determining what information an individual likely used to set targetand resistance point and how he or she interpreted this information.28、ive presentation选择性表述negotiators reveal only the facts necessary to support their case.29、Pareto efficient frontier帕累托有效边界the claiming value line is pushed towards the upper right-hand side to the fullest extent possibleby creating value, and the line is called the Pareto efficient frontier.30、shared goal共享目标the goal that both parties work toward but that benefits each party differently.31、joint goal联合目标the goal thatinvolves individuals with different personal goals agreeing to bine them in a collective effort.32、Endowment effect捐赠效应The tendency to overvalue something you ownor believe you possess.33、Relationship-basedinterests基于双方关系的利益tied to the current or desired future relationship between theparties.34、Resistance point拒绝点a resistance point is the place where you decide that you should absolutely stop the negotiation rather than continue because any settlement beyond this point is not minimally acceptable.35、Alternatives可替代的选择other agreements negotiators couldachieve and still meet their needs.36、Target point目标点one realistically expects to achievea settlement and the asking price, representing the best deal one can hope toachieve.37、Halo effects晕轮效应rather than using a person’s group membership as a basis for classification, however,halo effects occur when people generalize about a variety of attributes basedon the knowledge of one attribute of an individual.38、Projection投射效应When people assign to others the characteristics or feelings that they possess themselves.39、Mythical fixed-pie beliefs固定蛋糕观念those who believe in the mythical fixed-pie assume there is no possibility for integrative settlements and mutually beneficial trade-offs, and they suppress efforts to search for them.40、Anchoring and adjustment基准调节cognitive biases in anchoring and adjustmentare related to the effect of the standard (or anchor)against which subsequent adjustments are made during negotiation.41、Issue framing and risk谈判框架的制定方式与风险the way a negotiation is framedcan make negotiators more or less risk averse or risk seeking.42、Availability of information信用的可用性in negotiation, the availabilitybias operates when information that is presented in vivid, colorful, orattention-getting ways bees easy to recall, and thus also bees centraland critical in evaluating events and options.43、The law of small numbers小数法则in decision theory, the law of small numbersrefers to the tendency of people to draw conclusions from sle sizes. Innegotiation, the law of small numbers applies to the way negotiator learn and extrapolate from their own experience.44、Self-serving biases感知错误The tendency to overestimate the causal roleof personal or internal factors and underestimate the causal role of situationalor external factors, when explaining another person’s behavior.45、Ultimatum最后通牒an ultimatum is an attempt to induce pliance or force concessions from a presumably recalcitrant opponent.。

1、商業書信寫法(BUSINESS LETTER WRITING)1)、原則(Rules)--------Attention; interest;Desire;Action;2)、6C’s--------Clearness;correctness;conciseness;consideration;character;3)、Element(構成元素)------letterhead(company name;address,conact Number;);reference number;date;inside Address;salutation;2、報價(Quotation)報價是一種以特定條款提供產品的承諾。
報價通常是由買方提供予買方,即賣方報價(SELLING OFFER),但亦有由買方提出價格,由賣方決定是否接受,稱為習方報價(BUYING OFFER)或出價(BID)。
一般報價可分實盤(FIRM OFFER/OFFER WITH ENGAGEMENT)及虛盤(No-firm /offer without engaement).實盤報價會詳細列明數量、交易條款及報價有效期,只要受盤人(OFFERENCE)在有效期內確認,便可達成交易。
報價亦可以報價單(PRICE LIST)形式發出,此種報價并無特定對象,只作回復一般詢價時使用,并于報價單上說明以最后確認為准。

1、CFR (cost and freight) 成本加运费价2、T/T (telegraphic transfer)电汇3、D/P (document against payment) 付款交单4、D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单5、C.O (certificate of origin) 一般原产地证6、G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences) 普惠制7、CTN/CTNS (carton/cartons) 纸箱8、PCE/PCS (piece/pieces) 只、个、支等9、DL/DLS (dollar/dollars) 美元10、DOZ/DZ (dozen) 一打11、PKG (package) 一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12、WT (weight) 重量13、G.W. (gross weight) 毛重14、N.W. (net weight) 净重15、C/D (customs declaration) 报关单16、EA (each) 每个,各17、W (with) 具有18、w/o (without) 没有19、FAC (facsimile) 传真20、IMP (import) 进口21、EXP(export) 出口22、MAX (maximum) 最大的、最大限度的23、MIN (minimum) 最小的,最低限度24、M 或MED (medium) 中等,中级的25、M/V(merchant vessel) 商船26、S.S (steamship) 船运27、MT或M/T (metric ton) 公吨28、DOC (document) 文件、单据29、INT(international) 国际的30、P/L (packing list) 装箱单、明细表31、INV (invoice) 发票32、PCT (percent) 百分比33、REF (reference) 参考、查价34、EMS (express mail special) 特快传递35、STL (style) 式样、款式、类型36、T或LTX或TX (telex) 电传37、RMB(renminbi) 人民币38、S/M (shipping marks) 装船标记39、PR或PRC(price) 价格40、PUR (purchase)购买、购货41、S/C(sales contract) 销售确认书42、L/C (letter of credit) 信用证43、B/L (bill of lading) 提单44、FOB (free on board) 离岸价45、CIF (cost, insurance & freight)成本、保险加运费价货代英语小词库---------航空运输常见英文缩略词1. T.A.T (Train、Air、Truck简称)。
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常用商务英语术语1) International business is business conducted in more than one country, including buying and selling goods and services.2) Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a competitive price, we certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.3) Considering the friendly business relationship between our two banks, we decided not to charge you the overdue interests.4) As a result, goods circulate more widely and at lower prices, jobs are created, andwealth is spread. Though people may act from the narrow desire to enrich themselves, “ aninvisible hand ” guides them to enrich and improve all of society.Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship and honor.I wanted to be a man, and a man I am.The latest type of TVR system is light, inexpensive and easy to manipulate.When most people expect a reduction of inflation rate after the tax cut ,there is stillsome uncertainty.The further expansion of your exports on our market will depend on your continued efforts tobroaden and diversify your product range.Theory is something but practice is everything.We will negotiate for peace, sacrifice for it; we will not surrender for it -- now or ever.In my opinion the damage to the goods is attributed to the fact that the bags are too thin. According to the contract the bags should have been 0.04mm thick.Saddam can not single-handedly cause shortages and gasoline lines.The pay rise promised by the Left could price French products out of European markets.The use of bio-chemical weapons is a sheer violation of international laws –the GenevaConvention in particular.We have advocated the principle of peaceful coexistence, which is now growing more and morepopular among the nations of Asia and Africa.In economic field, large companies are feeling the impacts of both constantly technological progress and of the newest production methods.Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their tactics in coping with theconstantly changing international political climate.Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity./ They build roads, houses,bridges, pipelines and canals.1. What is questioned is whether a country like Britain has a chance, assuming it has the will, to succeed where so many have failed and even assuming that it has, should make the tremendous effort and take substantial financial risk of trying to leap-frog into leadership in entirely new technology or whether it should take softer option of merely catching up with the rest of the industrialized world.2. The growth of class consciousness among the workers was inhibited by continued high levels of employment and rising earnings for almost 15 years, combined with the propaganda of views in the labor movement reflecting the influence of Keynesian theories about the ability of capitalism to solve permanently the problem of “boon and bust ”t hrough a “ managed economy ” of bu-iilnt stabilizers.3. 本宪法以法律的形式确认了中国各族人民奋斗的成果,规定了国家的根本任务,是国家的根本大法,具有最高的法律效力。
4. The African elephant and Indian elephant represent a pitiful remnant of a group that once included some 30 kinds of elephants heavy enough to make the ground tremble when they walk.翻译下列语句(1)We should be obliged if you would let us have some names and addresses of likely importers of goodstanding from your customers, together with brief credit reports on them.(2)Would you please let us have the particulars of your products?(3)It is our long-term wish to establish business relations with you.(4)If you are interested in setting up trade relations with us in this line, let us know your specificrequirements/demands.(5)We would like to know what you can offer in this line as well as your terms of sales.(6)We are pleased to send you here with our Proforma Invoice No.12 in triplicate as requested.(7)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on January the fifteenth, but we have not received your quotation yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.(8)As requested, we are sending you our quotation sheet in triplicate and wish you to place your order with us as soon as possible.(9)Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit.(10 )Owing to your delay in delivery, we are no longer in the position to accept your goods. We hereby cancel our order.翻译下列信件的摘录1)We would refer you to our captioned enquiry sent to you on the 22nd of June, which we trust must have long been in your possession, as up to date, we do not appear to have received any offer from you. We are at a loss to know whether the required commodity is suppliable now. We shall appreciate hearing from you at an early date.2)We were pleased to know from your letter of 24th October of your interest in our products and enclose the catalogue and pricelist asked for. Also enclosed you will find details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.(3)Considering this damage was due to the rough handling by the steamship company, we claimed on them for recovery of the loss; but an investigation made by the surveyor has revealed the fact that the damage is attributable to improper packing. For further particulars, we refer you to the surveyor ' s report enclosed.翻译下列信函19 January, 2006Ms. Sally McBride ManagerOutback Wool Ltd.44 Bridge StreetSydneyNew South WalesAustraliaDear Ms. McBride,We refer to our purchase contract No. 954.Under the terms of the contract, delivery is scheduled for June 2006. We would now like to bring delivery forward to March 2006.We realize that the change of delivery date will probably inconvenience you and we offer our sincere apologies. We know that you will understand that we would not ask for earlier delivery if we did not have compelling reasons for doing so.In view of our longstanding, cordial commercial relationship, we would be very grateful if you would make a special effort to comply with our request.We look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Eric EvansManagerPassage Translation(1)The rise of knowledge economy is the result of the accumulation of human knowledge over thousands of years. In the past 3,000 years, mankind has exper4ienced the stages of primitive society, agricultural society and industrial society, creating the glowing material culture and spiritual culture. It should be noted that ever since the first industrial revolution, the social productivity increased by more than 100 times. In the 20th century, due to the fast development of science and technology as well as the improvement of productivity, the total scale of the global economy has increased by 20 times, from 1,000 billion dollars to nearly 30,000 billion dollars. In the growth of the world economy, the contribution of science and technology account for 5% in the early 20th century and this number has increased to 60%-70% now. The development of science and technology or knowledge has become the source of the human culture. Presently, the world is striding form the industrial age towards the era of knowledge economy. The fast rise of knowledge economy propels this great “wave ” of knowledge revolution, which includes scientific revolution, high-tech revolution, information revolution, revolution of thinking, cultural revolution, revolution of beliefs and behaviors, etc. And it is rising now throughout the world, improving the trend of development of economic globalization and local conglomerate. It permeates through the areas of manufacturing, service and life very fast, changing the setup of world politics and economy and the conditions of human life and development.Before WWII, mankind had experienced the first industrial revolution featured by the wide use of steamer, and the second industrial revolution featured by the application of electrical power as new energy to production, which brought great extension to human knowledge.Unlike some other companies' incentive plans, in which a small part of the plan is weighted to the overall organization ' s business results, this one is heavily weighted that way. The vast majority of the incentive employees can get is based on how the Motorola business---such as the personal communication business---does in terms of cash flow and profit.The underlying philosophy is that employees should be paid according to show the company does. In Motorola ' s view, it is not fair to shareholders if employees get a big incentive even when the company is not prospering. With this structure, employees will together make the business succeed. Individual performance is important, but individual performance in the absence of business performance is not getting us where shareholders want us to be. In other words, if you are doing well and the business is not, you have to work even harder. The message that we want to send to our folks is that cash flow and profitability are key drivers of this business, and each of you can contribute.As a gateway to Mainland China and with close trading and business links with other Asian economics, Hong Kong is strategically located in a high-growth region. Over the years, Hong Kong has developed into an international recognized financial center, providing many Asian and multinational companies with fund-raising opportunities. However, growth enterprises, particularly those emerging ones, i.e., enterprises that have good business ideas and growth potential, may not always be able to take advantage of these opportunities. Many of them do not meet the profitability/track record requirements of the existing market of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (the main board) and are therefore unable to be listed. The Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) is designed to bridge this gap.GEM offers growth enterprises a fund raising channel. It does not require growth companies to have achieved a record of profitability to be listed. Thus, the growth enterprises may also raise capital in this well-established market with regulatory infrastructure, thereby taking advantage of the growth opportunities of the region. Besides local and regional enterprises, international growth enterprises can also enhance their business presence and raise their product brand awareness in China and Asian by listing on GEM.。