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Lesson 1 Nice to meet you!







词汇:classmate school new friend cousin

photo short thin tall strong

class b ig small clever kind

词组:a nice school have some photos have a look

short and thin tall and strong in our class

Lily's dog 句型:Hi/Hello, Fm Millie.

Good morning./Good afternoon.


This is my classmate Jill./This is my cousin Andy.

Nice to meet you (too).

Are you Lily? Yes, I am./No, I'm not.

How are you (today)? I’m fine, thank you.

What's your name? I’m Millie.





A Meeting new friends

Step I导入

1 教师先打招呼并自我介绍:Hi, boys and girls, rm your new English teacher. Nice to meet you.询问学生该怎样回答,并把Nice to meet you.和Nice to meet you too.这两句写在黑板上。

2告诉学生以后见到你可以用“Hi, Miss/Mr 来跟你打招呼。教师说:From now on, you can greet me with "Hi, Miss/Mr .…”并把该句写在黑板上。

Step II呈现

教师说:Now you're in this new school. What do you think of it?鼓励学生回答:It's a nice school.

教师说:This is a new class. Can you tell me your names?教师挥手跟任意一位学生打招呼并自我介绍:Hi, I'm Miss/Mr….鼓励学生用“Hi, I'm…•”回应。

3安排同桌的学生用“Hi, 互相介绍。教师说:Now introduce yourself to your partner, please. Don't forget to use "Hi”.

4 告诉学生:Today we're going to meet four new friends. Listen to the tape.教师播放录音,听完后问学生:Can you tell me their names?让学生集体回答。


Picture 1: Who are they? (They are Millie and Jill.)

Picture 2: What are they talking about? (They are talking about their school). Picture 3: Who is introducing Jill? (Millie is introducing Jill.)

Picture 4: Who is Andy? (He is Millie's cousin.)

6播放录音,要求学生集体跟读对话,教师说:Now read the conversation after the tape.播放录音时可一句一停,以便学生跟读。7请学生看图复述对话内容。

8把学生分成三人一组进行分角色朗读,并给学生几分钟时间准备,之后请两到三个小组上台表演。让他们用自己的真实姓名表演,达到活学活用的效果:Would you please come to the front and act out the conversation for us? You may use your own names to greet each other.

Step III 练习


Sample conversation

SI: This is my new friend ....

S2: Hi, .... Nice to meet you.

S3: Hi, .... Nice to meet you too.

2全班同学互相认识后,以小组为单位从前到后依次快速打招呼。使用句型“Hi, •…”和“Are you…?”并用yes/no回答。

Step IV呈现

1呈现A1部分的学生图片,教师问:Who's the girl/boy?鼓励学生用人称代词he、she、they回答问题。2完成A2部分的练习。

3教师介绍人称代词以及be动词的完整和缩写形式,向学生解释:I'm = I am、You're = You are等,前者是后者的缩写形式。


Step V巩固

