*deliver v. 交付,投递 e.g. The shop is delivering our new bed on Thursday.
deliver的名词形式为delivery,意为“递送,投递,交付”。 e.g. The next postal delivery is at four o’clock.
believed to bring good luck. 这个很漂亮。我相信他会喜欢的,先生。我们中国人更喜欢 买一对花瓶,而不是一只,因为我们相信“二”这个数字能带 来好运。 一个好的导购员应该具备一定的心理学知识:了解顾客的购 买心理。请注意,导购员在这里使用了一些与心理相关的词 汇,如so attractive, sure, good luck等,在真实地介绍产品的 同时,也满足了顾客的心理需求。
every hour.
2. Selling vases
pack当名词用表示“背包,一群,一小包”等含义。 e.g. The soldiers had to carry their heavy packs across rough ground. Mary took a pack of cards from the drawer and we all sat down to play.
A customer enters the clothing section of a supermarket. The
sales guide helps her choose a coat.
Listen to the tape or CD and put the following statements in the
《综合教程》第一册课件Unit1 The Fun They HadUnit2 Pre-reading Activities -Reading aloud1 Pre-reading Activities -Reading aloud2 Cultural information 1 Cultural information 2 Cultural information 2 Pre-reading Activities-Audiovisual supplements1 Pre-reading Activities-Audiovisual supplements3 Video Script1 Video Script2 Global Reading- Main idea Global Reading-Text analysis1 Structural analysis 1 Structural analysis 2 Detailed reading1 Detailed reading2 Detailed reading3 Detailed reading4 Detailed reading5 Detailed reading6 Detailed reading7 Detailed reading8 Detailed reading1--Quesion Detailed reading1--Quesion Detailed reading1--Quesion Detailed reading1--Quesion Detailed reading1--Quesion Detailed reading1-- head Detailed reading1-- crinkly Detailed reading1-- be supposed to Detailed reading2-- plenty 1 Detailed reading2– plenty 2 Detailed reading2-- scornful Detailed reading3–mechanical 1 Detailed reading3–mechanical 2 Detailed reading3-- send for Detailed reading4-- slot Detailed reading4-- in no time Detailed reading4-- superior 1 Detailed reading4–superior2 Detailed reading5–regular1 Detailed reading5–regular2 Detailed reading5– dispute1 Detailed reading5– dispute2 Detailed reading5–dispute3 Detailed reading6–adjust1 Detailed reading6–adjust2Detailed reading7–tuck Detailed reading7–light up Detailed reading7–insert Detailed reading8–sigh Detailed reading8–neighborhood Detailed reading2-- Many single-child Detailed reading2-- this may lead Detailed reading2-- They turned the pages 1 Detailed reading2-- They turned the pages 2 Detailed reading2-- He smiled Detailed reading2-- He walked Activity1 Activity2 Consolidation Activities- Vocabulary main Consolidation Activities-Phrase practice 1 Consolidation Activities-Phrase practice 2 Consolidation Activities-Phrase practice 3 Consolidation Activities-Phrase practice 4 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison1 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison1 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison2 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison2 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison3 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison3 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison4 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison4 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison5 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison6 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison7 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison8 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison9 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison10 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison10 Consolidation Activities- Word Phrase comparison10 Consolidation Activities- Synonym Antonym1 Consolidation Activities- SynonymAntonym2 Consolidation Activities- Synonym Antonym3 Consolidation Activities- Synonym Antonym4 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- advocate 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Word derivation- respect 1 Consolidation Activities- Vocabulary main Consolidation Activities- Grammar1 Consolidation Activities- Grammar2 Consolidation Activities- Grammar2 Consolidation Activities- Grammar3 Consolidation Activities- Grammar4 Consolidation Activities- Grammar21 Consolidation Activities- Grammar22 Consolidation Activities- Grammar23 Consolidation Activities- Grammar24 Consolidation Activities- Grammar25 Consolidation Activities- Grammar26 Consolidation Activities- Translation1 Consolidation Activities- Translation2 Consolidation Activities- Translation4 Consolidation Activities- Translation5 Consolidation Activities- Translation4 Consolidation Activities- Translation5 Consolidation Activities- Translation4Integrated skills Consolidation Activities- Integrated skills Consolidation Activities- Integrated skills Consolidation Activities- Integrated skills Consolidation Activities- Integrated skills Consolidation Activities- Hints1 Consolidation Activities- Hints2 Consolidation Activities- Hints3 Consolidation Activities- Hints4 Consolidation Activities- Hints5 Consolidation Activities- Hints6 Consolidation Activities- Hints7 Consolidation Activities- Hints8 Consolidation Activities- Hints9 Consolidation Activities- Hints10 Consolidation Activities- Oral activities Consolidation Activities- Oral activities Consolidation Activities- For your reference1 Consolidation Activities- For your reference2 Consolidation Activities- Oral activities Consolidation Activities- For your reference1 Consolidation Activities- For your reference2 Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Writing Consolidation Activities- Listening Consolidation Activities- Listening Consolidation Activities- Listening Consolidation Activities- Listening Consolidation Activities- Listening Consolidation Activities- ListeningConsolidation Activities- Script Consolidation Activities- Script Consolidation Activities- Script Section Five Further Enhancement Lead-in questions Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4 Text5 Text6 Text7 Text1 –Heinrich Bll Text1 – I envy barbers1 Text1 – I envy barbers 2 Text1–speak for themselves Text1 –at home in Text2–In my breast I harbor Text2–let it peal out in accordance Text2- indispensable Text3- infectious laughter Text3- punch lines Text3 - claque Text4 - bemoaningmy fate Text4 - marzipan Text5 - gets on my nerves Questions for discussion1 Questions for discussion2 Questions for discussion3 Questions for discussion4 Memorable Quotes Memorable Quotes Memorable Quotes Notation type here Memorable quotes What is science and art Read the following quotes and analyze the significance of science and artto all of us Guidance Science has discovered some of the wonderful knowledge about how the natural world works the place of humans in the world and the science-based technology on which modern civilization exists Science follows truth and truth is universal Art is the expression without language allowing individuals to relate to one another on human levels transcending nationality Art is capable of bringing about understanding amongst people regardless of faith or nationality Text II Memorable quotes Memorable quotes 1 Books must follow sciences not sciences books Francis Baconeg Not wanting to get lost in the city I preferred to follow the guidebook Text II Memorable quotes Books must follow truths themselves not vice versa Follow do in a way someone or something has told or advised you to do Science and art are universal have no ethnic or cultural biases and can be appreciated by all vanish disappear completely 2 Science and art belong to the whole world and before them vanish the barriers of nationality Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Some species of animals have now vanished from the earth eg Text II Memorable quotes From Television Back to Games In a society where every one is so fortunate as to be able to spend a lot of money on entertainment most of us end up with either in front of a television or spending time with our family and friends playing a game of some kind While television is probably the most popular form of home entertainment there is a small group of us who still believe board games offer the most enjoyment They offer us a variety of ways to learn new information to test our skills and most importantly to bring us together Vocabulary Grammar Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Television is one of our best sources of information but a lot of times it is not the kind of information that you want or need The commercials for instance always insult your intelligence On the other hand board games are set up to offer a variety of information which can cover subjects such as geography vocabulary or financial investment All of this information is offered ina way that makes you want to learn and lets you choose what you learn Ihave acquired more information about history geography and science from Trivial Pursuit alone than I have ever been able to get from the boringway they are presented on television Vocabulary Grammar Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Added to the benefits of learning new information board games test your skills and knowledge with a particular outcome ahead They let you use your ideas and strategies to win the game Whether you are trying to get your opponentsking in chess or trying to make the most money in Trump there is an outcomewhich you brought about with these ideas and strategies However you are forced to become a passive spectator when watching television In somecases a program might be produced to stimulate your thought processes butit doesnt offer you an outlet for following through with your ideas suchas the useless concept of the game show for entertainment Vocabulary Grammar Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Still the most important difference between television and the board gameis the interaction with others Getting the family together to watch a showon television is nice that is if you can find a show on for the whole familyBut playing a board game gives you the chance to learn not only about the subject but also about each other Everyone is different with their ownviews and unique ways of handling situations giving each game a different outcome One of the nicest parties I ever attended was one where we playeda murder-mystery game called How to Host a Murder We never knew what to expect next and it was a wonderful way to get to know everyone Vocabulary Grammar Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Instead of watching television all the time people are finding that board games give us the outlet to test our skills and knowledge against each other They are putting their remote controls away and giving up their Executive Couch Potato status and gathering around the kitchen table foran exciting game I would much rather pretend that Im a millionaire playingfor the high stakes rather than watch someone else on a glass tube pretending to be one Its more exciting less expensive and best of all I spend the time with real and interesting people Vocabulary Grammar Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Text II Memorable quotes Lead-in questions Text Questions for discussion Lead-in questions 1 What kind of weird jobs do you know that people can makea living at 2 Do you find those jobs appealing Why or why not Text II Memorable quotes The Laugher 1 When someone asks me what businessI am in I am seized with embarrassment I blush and stammer I who am otherwise known as a man of poise I envy people who can say I am a bricklayer I envy barbers bookkeepers and writers the simplicity of their avowal forall these professions speak for themselves and need no lengthy explanation which I am constrained to reply to such questions I am a laugher An admission of this kind demands another since I have to answerthe second question Is that how you make your living Truthfully with Text II Memorable quotes Heinrich Bll Yes I actually do make a living at my laughing and a good one too for my laughing is commercially speaking much in demand I am a good laugher experienced no one else laughs as well as I do no one else has such command of the fine points of my art For a long time in order to avoid tiresome explanations I called myself an actor but my talents in the field of mime and elocution are so meager that I felt this designation to be too far from the truth I love the truth and the truth is I am a laugher I am neither a clown nor a comedian I do not make people gay I portray gaiety I laugh like a Roman emperor or like a sensitive schoolboy I am as much at home in the laughter of the seventeenth Text II Memorable quotes century as in that of the nineteenth and when occasion demands I laugh my way through all the centuries all classes of society all categories of age it is simply a skill which I have acquired like the skill of being able to repair shoes In my breast I harbor the laugher of America the laughter of Africa white red yellow laughter and for the right fee I let it peal out in accordance with the directors requirements 2 I have become indispensable I laugh on records I laugh on tape and television directors treat me with respect I laugh mournfully moderately hysterically I laugh like a streetcar conductor or like a helper in the grocery business laughter in the morning laughter in the evening nocturnal laughter and the laughterof twilight Text II Memorable quotes In short wherever and however laughter is required I do it 3 It need hardly be pointed out that a profession of this kind is tiring especially as I have also this is my specialty mastered the art of infectious laughter his has also made me indispensable to third- and fourth-rate comedians who are scared and with good reasonthat their audiences will miss their punch lines so I spend most evenings in night clubs as a kind of discreet claque my job being to laugh infectiously during the weaker parts of the program It has to be carefully timed my hearty boisterous laughter must not come too soon but neither must it come too late it must come just at the right spot at the prearranged moment I burst out laughing the whole audience roars with me and the joke is saved Text II Memorable quotes 4 But as for me I drag myself exhausted to the checkroom put on my overcoat happy that I can go off duty at last At home I usually find telegrams waiting for me Urgently require your laughter Recording Tuesday and a few hours later I am sitting in an overheated express train bemoaning my fate 5 I need scarcely say that when I am off duty or on vacation I have little inclination to laugh the cowhand is glad when he can forget the cow the bricklayer when he can forget the mortar and carpenters usually have doors at home which dont work or drawers which are hard to open Confectioners like sour pickles butchers like marzipan and the baker prefers sausage to bread bullfighters raise pigeons for a hobby boxersturn pale when their children have nosebleeds Text II Memorable quotesI find all this quite natural for I never laugh off duty I am a very solemn person and people consider me perhaps rightly so a pessimist 6 During the first years of our married life my wife would often say to meDo laugh but since then she has come to realize that I cannot grant herthis wish I am happy when I am free to relax my tense face muscles my frayedspirit in profound solemnity Indeed even other peoples laughter getson my nerves since it reminds me too much of my profession So our marriageis a quiet peaceful one because my wife has also forgotten how to laughnow and again I catch her smiling and I smile too We converse in low tonesfor I detest the noise of the night clubs the noise that sometimes fillsthe recording studios Text II Memorable quotes People who do not knowme think I am taciturn Perhaps I am because I have to open my mouth sooften to laugh 7 I go through life with an impassive expression fromtime to time permitting myself a gentle smile and I often wonder whetherI have ever laughed I think not My brothers and sisters have always knownme for a serious boy 8 So I laugh in many different ways but my own laughter I have never heard Text II Memorable quotes Heinrich Bll 19171985 is a German novelist and Nobel laureate Bolls fiction is an uncompromising yet compassionate survey of modern Germany depicting the absurdity of war and the dehumanization of the individual Text II Memorable quotes I envy barbers bookkeepers and writers the simplicityof their avowal Paragraph 1 I am jealous of barbers bookkeepers and writers who can openly tell people what they are The verb envy can be followed by two objects the direct object and the indirect object The indirect object usually refers to a person and often comes first Text II Memorable quotes eg I dont envy you your journey in this bad weather However the indirect object can also be put after the direct object with a preposition in between This happens particularly when the direct object is much shorter than the indirect object or when we want to lay special emphasis on the indirect object eg He envied Rosalind for her youth and strength Text II Memorable quotes avowal an open declaration or act of admitting eg She made an avowal of her ambition to be a movie star speak for themselves Paragraph 1 show sth so clearly that no explanation is necessary Text II Memorable quotes eg The company has had a very good year the figures speak for themselves at home in Paragraph 1 happy or confident about doing or using sth Text II Memorable quotes eg By the end of the week she was beginning to feel at home in her new job In my breast I harbor the laughter of America the laughter of Africa white red yellow laughter Paragraph 1 I have acquired the skill of imitating the laughter of people of different nationalities Text II Memorable quotes let it peal out in accordance with the director Paragraph 1 The phrase peal out is to say sth loudly Here the author means that he laughs loudly according to the directors requirements Text II Memorable quotesindispensable Paragraph 2 too important or useful to live without Text II Memorable quotes eg A diving suit is a piece of equipment that modern divers regard as indispensable She is good but not indispensable for the team infectious laughter Paragraph 3 Infectious laughter spreads quickly from one person to another Text II Memorable quotes eg Her giggles were infectious and soon we were all laughing punch lines Paragraph 3 the last few words of a joke or story that give meaning to the whole and cause amusement or surprise Text II Memorable quotes eg The punch line for the joke How do you know an elephant has been in your fridge is You can see its footprints in the butter claque Paragraph 3 a group of people hired to give support by clapping at a performance Text II Memorable quotes bemoaning my fate Paragraph 4 complaining about my fate Text II Memorable quotes marzipan Paragraph 5 a sweet paste made of ground almonds and sugar often with egg whites or yolks used as a layer in cakes or molded into ornamental shapes Text II Memorable quotes gets on my nerves Paragraph 6 annoys me esp by repeatedly doing sth Text II Memorable quotes eg Her constant moaning really gets on my nerves Questions for discussion Why does the narrator envy such professions as bankers bookkeepers and writers He thinks that the nature of all these professions is easy to explain Text II Memorable quotes His talents in the field of mime and elocution are not good enough to meet the requirements of an actor 2 What does the narrator say about his talentsin the field of mime and elocution Questions for discussion Text IIMemorable quotes 3 What can we infer from the passage about the narrators occupation He is a professional laugher imitating the laughterof different kinds of people and of different occasions 4 Why does thenarrator mention the skill of repairing shoes He wants to stress thatskill comes from practice Questions for discussion 5 Why are third- andfourth-rate comedians scared They do not feel at home in punch lines Asa result their performance may fail to entertain its audience Text IIMemorable quotes 6 Why does the author bemoan his fate He feels sad becausehe cannot change or control the way that things will happen Questions for discussion 7 What change can you find in the author whenhe is off duty He goes back to normal and in fact he feels happybecause he does not have to play the laugher Text II Memorable quotes fun____ What 1 it is to jump into a pool or go swimmingin a river in summer How joyful and relaxing it is to have a 2 of table tennis after a day of study at school And how exciting it is toplay or 3 a close game of basketball or volleyball All over theworld 4 of people take part in different kinds ofsports Sports are perhaps the most 5 form of relaxationthat almost all can enjoy no matter 6 they are boys or girlsmen or women young or old game ______ millions ________ watch ______who _____ popular ________ fun ____ This word collocates with game ofbasketball or volleyball If you do not play the game of basketball orvolleyball what esle could you do Vocabulary Translation Integratedskills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar fun ____ What 1it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in a river in summer How joyfuland relaxing it is to have a 2 of table tennis after a dayof study at school And how exciting it is to play or 3 a closegame of basketball or volleyball All over the world 4 of people take part in different kinds of sports Sports are perhaps themost 5 form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy nomatter 6 they are boys or girls men or women young or old game______ millions ________ watch ______ who _____ popular ________This word is used to describe that the number of sports fans is hugeVocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities WritingListening Grammar fun ____ What 1 it is to jump intoa pool or go swimming in a river in summer How joyful and relaxing it isto have a 2 of table tennis after a day of study at schoolAnd how exciting it is to play or 3 a close game of basketballor volleyball All over the world 4 of people take partin different kinds of sports Sports are perhaps the most 5 form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy no matter 6 theyare boys or girls men or women young or old game ______ millions________ watch ______ who _____ popular ________ This adjective isused to describe something that is enjoyed or liked by a lot of peopleVocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities WritingListening Grammar fun ____ What 1 it is to jump intoa pool or go swimming in a river in summer How joyful and relaxing it isto have a 2 of table tennis after a day of study at schoolAnd how exciting it is to play or 3 a close game of basketballor volleyball All over the world 4 of people take partin different kinds of sports Sports are perhaps the most 5 form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy no matter 6 theyare boys or girls men or women young or old game ______ millions________ watch ______ who _____ popular ________ Here you can use aword to lead a confessional adverbial clause Vocabulary TranslationIntegrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar Somepeople seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things thatpeople do 7 times when they are not working instead of goingto the cinema listening to the 8 or sleeping But in factsports and games can be of great 9 especially to peoplewho work with their brains They should not be treated only as 10 at ___ value ______ radio ______ amusement _____________ This is aphrase with the word times It is used to say that something happens oris true on some occasions at some moments Vocabulary TranslationIntegrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar Somepeople seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things thatpeople do 7 times when they are not working instead of goingto the cinema listening to the 8 or sleeping But in factsports and games can be of great 9 especially to peoplewho work with their brains They should not be treated only as 10 at ___ value ______ radio ______ amusement _____________ This wordcollocates with listen to What do the people do when they do not workVocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities WritingListening Grammar Some people seem to think that sports and gamesare unimportant things that people do 7 times when they are notworking instead of going to the cinema listening to the 8 or sleeping But in fact sports and games can be of great 9 especially to people who work with their brains They should not be treatedonly as 10 at ___ value ______ radio ______amusement _____________ Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oralactivities Writing Listening Grammar You can use a word to emphasize thatthe sports and games are important and useful Some people seem tothink that sports and games are unimportant things that people do 7 times when they are not working instead of going to the cinema listeningto the 8 or sleeping But in fact sports and games can beof great 9 especially to people who work with their brainsThey should not be treated only as 10 at ___value ______ radio ______ amusement _____________ Here you can use a noun meaning pleasure Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar Giving a talk Making a dialogue Giving a talk Some day when youre 90 years old you will likely tell your grandchildren about the school you went to in your childhood Undoubtedly the school your grandchildren go to will be almost totally different from yours Describe to them your teachers the way you were taught the way you learned the way you did your homework your textbooks and examinations etc You could probably begin your description with I began my school at the age of six I still remember the school I went to was a very large one in the suburbs of our city Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar 1 You may want to use the following words or expressions in your talk For your reference Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar real book printed textbook exercise books real teacher classmates blackboard chalk classroom teaching building communication interaction answer the questions in class paper-and-pencil examination Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar My classmates and I have fun in the garden and in the playground of the school Face-to-face communication between teachers and students is impressive andunforgettable 2 You may want to express the following feelings to your grandchildren Everything can be seen smelled touched and felt Everything is real and vivid Making a dialogue Invite one of your fellow students to make a dialogue imagining that you were Tommy and Margieand were talking about your likes and dislikes about your school life Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar A dialogue for reference Vocabulary Grammar Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening TommyHi Margie whats up You dont look good Margie Oh terrible I failed in my arithmetic test The mechanical teacher gave me F again I hate test I hate school Tommy Take it easy Margie Well I think school is not so bad Yousee we have our regular lessons hours and if we are sick we can arrangethe study time by ourselves I think the mechanical teacher is kind and powerful When I input a keyword to search for something he can give me thousands of references at once Vocabulary Translation Integrated skills Oral activities Writing Listening Grammar Margie Kind When I am nervous about the exam and when I have difficulty in my arithmetic lessonshe never smiles at me and encourages me Of course he cant He is just a machine I really hope that there would have a real teacher I mean a real person and er a lot of classmates We can study and have fun togetherHow wonderful Tommy Poor litter Margie Dont be so angry Come here Letme help you with your lesson Margie Thanks Tommy Tommy You are welcome。
Unit 3 Gifts
Background Information Discussion
Why to give gifts? The Chinese treat gift giving as something serious and usually will not do so without a good reason, especially between friends, family members, etc. They generally give gifts to thank others for their help or when they are invited to attend a party, a wedding ceremony, or to visit a teacher, a patient, etc. To Westerners, gift giving is not only a way to express thanks, but also a means of keeping a good relationship with others. Therefore it is common for family members, friends, couples, and so on, to exchange gifts.
Unit 3 Gifts
Background Information Discussion
Question 1: All of us must have sent gifts to or received them from our friends, family members, relatives, etc. What is the most memorable gift you have sent or received?
大学走出牛津第一册unit 1
![大学走出牛津第一册unit 1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/89706c2b453610661ed9f45d.png)
3. The school club is fun
17 2. You must be kidding! It’s not for me. 你在开玩笑吧!它不适合我。 注意:kid在此作动词,表示“开玩笑”。“You must be kidding” 常 用来表示不可置信。
3. I’ve made up my mind to join the Literary Club because I like reading and writing. 我已决定加入文学社了,因为我喜欢阅读和 写作。 make up one’s mind下决心 e.g. You are 21 years old now, old enough to make up your own mind. 该短语表示面临多种选择时做出决定,注意如果主语是复数, 既可用mind,也可用minds。 change one’s mind意思相反,即“改变决定或意见”。
E 3. dormitory furniture set 4. table lamp
F 5. bunk bed 6. bookshelves
B _____ 学
E _____
D _____
C _____
F _____
Back Next
A _____
2. I’m homesick
Lucy feels homesick during the first two weeks at college. Listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks.
joining one. Hey, why don’t we join the same club? How about the Guitar Club? Brian: How about the Literary Club? Matt: You must be kidding! It’s not for me. Brian: I’ve made up my mind to join the Literary Club because I like reading and writing. Matt: It’s the right place for you. I hope to read an article of yours in our college paper! Brian: I’ll try my best and certainly enter my name.
nervous in the dark.
have a lot of guts 需要极大的勇气
One needs to have a lot of guts to do extreme sports.
1. a) to watch someone do it b) to jump one thousand feet…your legs c) bungee jumping 2. a) It is foolish enough to jump. b) It is far better to live a short and exciting life than to live a long but boring one.
She is well qualified for the job. 5-7-2-4-1-6-3-8
Task 5 increase v. 增加
The population has increased from 1.2 million 10 years ago to 1.8 million.
look like: seem; appear 似乎;显得
Task 4 weigh v. 称(…的重量)
How much do you weigh? [ [派生词]weight n. 重量 ]weight Bananas are usually sold by weight.
cm: centimeter 厘米 kg: kilogram 千克,公斤
be in good health: healthy 健康的 qualified adj. 符合条件的,合格的
fantastic adj. 极好的 (excellent; great)
Grammar explanation
Basic grammar rules
Subject-verb agreement
The subject and verb must agree in number (singular or plural).
Preposition usage
Adjective order
Multiple choice - Provide a paragraph or sentence with several possible meanings for a given word, and ask students to choose the correct one.
Vocabulary extension
List 2: abrupt: sudden and unexpected
absolute: complete and without limit
New vocabulary
theoretical or conceptual
foolish or unreasonable
The sentence "We carried out the lifeboat drill" is
grammatically correct.
The subject is "We," the verb is "carried out," and the
object is "the lifeboat drill."
Listening and Speaking Practice
A series of listening exercises and speaking activities designed to improve students' comprehension and pronunciation.
How to find the main idea of the whole passage?
• First paragraph • Last paragraph • Topic sentences • High-frequency words
Detailed reading
• Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.
Practical English
Comprehensive Course I
Unit 1 Going to College
By: Lillian
Tasks of Text A
• Related information • Pre-reading task • Skimming: to get the general idea • Detailed reading: topic sentences and
love having Fridays off.
Language points
I’m away from home, so I have many things to adjust to.
• adjust to: to get used to by changing behavior or ideas
• Underline the new language points.
Topic sentences
• The topic sentence of para.1 College is a new and different experience for
me. • The topic sentence of para.2 Living at college, first of all, gives me a
《走出牛津-大学实用英语综合教程》 unit1(2)28页
![《走出牛津-大学实用英语综合教程》 unit1(2)28页](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a49661990975f46527d3e17d.png)
3. If you have a chance to do bungee jumping, will you try it?
combination n. 结合
The combination of the 50 states forms the United States of America.
training courses in a club. The activities are exciting, full of surprise and are also very popular right now with the young. You should have a try. Susan: Yes, I’m very interested in it. I’ll try them later.
extra adj. 额外的
Dinner costs $3, and wine is extra.
suggestion n. 建议
He carried out my suggestions at once.
Reference answer
A: Do you have any plans for the coming holiday? B: Not yet. Do you have any suggestions? A: our Hiking Club is planning to climb Mount Tai. Would
同根词:combine v. 结合,联合
The two countries combined together against their enemy.
new words
Para. 2
Capacity n. ability, power 能力;容量,容积 e.g.
(1)He has a great capacity for remembering. (2)The theatre has a seating capacity of 2000.
Incapacity n. lack of ability or power to do sth. e.g. He was fired for his incapacity for hard work.
disapprove: v. (of)
to have an unfavorable opinion 不赞成, 不同意 e.g.
(1) He disapproves of women smoking. (2) They disapproved strongly of my proposal.
因为哭是人体的一种自然技能,是为了让感情失衡 的人恢复到平衡状态。
Para. 2
The return of the unbalanced organ systems of the body to steady or dynamic stability is known as homeostasis.
new words
Para. 1
in the least: (usu. in negative) at all 一点,丝毫,极少
(1)He is not in the least worried. (2)He was not in the least surprised.
• possibility: state of being possible; (degree of) likelihood (usu. followed by that-clause or of)
• 3. Spaghetti and the proper way of eating it: Spaghetti is the
Italian-style thin noodle, cooked by boiling and served with sauce. Usually you would put a fork into a plate of spaghetti, turn the fork several times so that spaghetti will wind around the fork, then place the fork into your mouth. It's impolite to suck.
• II. Language Study
• 1. The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasn't until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.: Ever since I was a child in Belleville, I had thought of becoming a writer from time to time, but I didn't make up my mind until I was in my third year in high school.
新版大学英语综合教程第一册 Unit1PPT课件
![新版大学英语综合教程第一册 Unit1PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/99dd536843323968011c9280.png)
Further Questions: Part One
Global Reading
• Scan the Text and find out all the time words, phrases and clauses.
• Match the heading with each paragraphs
• Part Division of the Text • Further Questions
• “A hard row to hoe” is used in the song to describe growing up daisfficaul_t _____ process.
• Sadly John Lennon n_e_v_e_r_d_id__li_v_e to see his son grow up; Lennon was killed by a mad man when his son was stifilvel yoeanrlsyo_l_d_______ .
when Mr. Fleagle finished (Para. 9)
Global Reading
• Baker’s feeling about English courses • What Baker discovered • Mr. Fleagle’s announcement • Classmates’ response to the essay • Baker’s impression of his new English
走出牛津unit 1第一节课
![走出牛津unit 1第一节课](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c7d0d8f8524de518964b7d21.png)
E—violinist I—engineer
Back Next
F—policeman G—waiter
Match the countries with the capitals.
China Britain (UK) Japan Australia Russia Italy Korea France London Bejing Canberra Seoul Paris Washington D. C.
Match the countries with the nationalities.
China Britain (UK) Japan Australia Russia Italy Korea France British Chinese Australian Korean French American
Country Britain (UK) Australia Italy France America (USA)
05 reading comprehension
Reading materials
选择适合学习者水平的文章,可以是新闻报道、短篇小说、 科普文章等。确保文章内容有趣、相关,能够吸引读者的 注意力。
根据学习者的实际英语水平,选择难度适中的阅读材料。 难度过高的文章可能会使学习者感到挫败,而过于简单的 文章则可能无法提供足够的挑战。
01 Unit Introduction
Unit objectives
Language Skills
To improve English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Communication Skills
02 Vocabulary learningΒιβλιοθήκη New vocabulary
01 02
Listening practice
The student should listen to the audio recording of the new vocabulary and repeat after the speaker. This helps to improve pronunciation and listening comprehension.
The student should match the correct vocabulary words with their corresponding meanings or synonyms/antonyms.
Vocabulary extension
1. How long had the author lived in that big old house?
2. How did the author like the family life of four generations living together?
the grandpa illustrates how one can overcome the sad feeling resulting from the loss of someone dear to him by recalling not the moment of parting but the happy times spent together. Para. 5-9: the grandpa’s intention of saying “it isn’t just the roses that
Through one’s tears:
With tears in one’s eyes; while shedding tears Through: among or between the parts or members of
E.g. I searched through my papers for the missing documents.
Touched with the laughter and tears of four generations: touched with the happiness and bitterness of four generations. The sentence implies that “…the house which had seen and/witnessed the joys and sorrows of the four generations of my family.” touch: have an effect on one’s feelings; to cause one to feel pity, sympathy, etc. E.g. His sad story so touched us that we nearly cried. * be touched with: have a certain amount of quality E.g. Her hair is touched with gray.
实用大学英语教程第一册ppt文件 unit-12
![实用大学英语教程第一册ppt文件 unit-12](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/26390423b42acfc789eb172ded630b1c58ee9b73.png)
Communication Skills dance to 伴着……舞蹈、跳舞 table tennis 乒乓球 appeal to 迎合…… Something appeals to someone. AnnMarie Nelson 安玛丽·纳尔逊(女子名) John Peterson 约翰·彼得逊(男子名) Forest Gump 《阿甘正传》(电影名称) West Park Elementary School 西郊公园小学 Students Union Building 学生会大楼 East City Park 东城公园
Learn the New Words and Expressions
Communication Skills
means /mi:nz/ n. (用作单数)方法;(交通)工具,手段
transportation /trAnspC:5teIFEn/ n. 运输;输送 transport
(4) A: Do you ride a bicycle? B: Yes, almost _______________. But it’s an important means of _________________.
(5) A: I hear you are having a school _______________. Did you take part in any events?
_____________ to miss it. (3) A: This dance hall is _______________ and the music is wonderful.
B: Yes, it’s a great place. The band is excellent. I love to dance to _______________.
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Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
Built in the 17the century, the Taj Mahal lies beside the Jamuna Rive in India. It is one of the most elegant and romantic architectures in the world.
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
The Gold Coast is located on the eastern coast of Australia, which stretches 42 kilometres and is made up of many beautiful beaches.
Unit 2 Travelling
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Places of Interest
Task 1
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
The Bund is the beautiful bank along Huangpu River in Shanghai.
Statue of Zeus 宙斯雕像
1. teቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱple n. 庙宇
Many temples are in Greece.
2. attractive adj. 吸引人的 Evaluation These goods are veryonly. attractive to eated with Aspose.Slides the customers. for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
attract v. attraction n.
3. the passage of time 时间的流逝,推移
Her confidence grew with the passage of time.
Evaluation only. 4. spectacular adj. 惊人的; 壮观的 eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 ① We saw many spectacular sceneries in Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Paris. ② China has got a spectacular achievement in science.
l Olympia 奥林匹亚
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
Parthenon 帕特农神庙
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
Phuket is an island in southern Thailand, famous for its unpolluted beautiful scenery.
Task 2
Proper nouns:
l Greece 希腊
Evaluation only. eated l with Aspose.Slides Athens 雅典 for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
The Great Pyramid is the largest pyramid in Egypt which was built as the tomb of Khufu, pharaoh of ancient Egypt.
Evaluation only. eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
The Great Wall of China was built more than two thousand years ago.
l 1. B l 2. E Evaluation only. l 3. F eated with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile 5.2.0 Copyright l 4. A 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.
l 5. C l 6. D