Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200数字阀控制器说明书
Fisher™ FIELDVUE™ DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerThe FIELDVUE DVC6200 digital valve controller is aHART r communicating instrument that converts atwo‐wire 4‐20 mA control signal into a pneumatic output to an actuator. It can easily be retrofitted in place of existing analog positioners on most Fisher and non‐Fisher pneumatic actuators.FeaturesReliabilityn Linkage‐Less Non‐Contact Position Feedback— The high performance, linkage‐less feedback systemeliminates physical contact between the valve stemand the DVC6200. There are no wearing parts so cycle life is maximized.n Built to Survive—The field proven DVC6200 instrument has fully encapsulated electronics that resist theeffects of vibration, temperature, and corrosiveatmospheres. A weather‐tight wiring terminal boxisolates field wiring connections from other areas ofthe instrument.Performancen Accurate and Responsive— The two‐stage positioner design provides quick response to large step changes and precise control for small setpoint changes.Ease of Usen Enhanced Safety— The DVC6200 is a HARTcommunicating device, so information can beaccessed anywhere along the loop. This flexibility can reduce exposure to hazardous environments andmake it easier to evaluate valves in hard to reachlocations.n Faster Commissioning— HART communications allows you to quickly commission loops with a variety oftools, either locally at the valve assembly or remotely.LINKAGE‐LESSFEEDBACK SYSTEMn Easy Maintenance— The DVC6200 digital valve controller is modular in design. Critical workingcomponents can be replaced without removing field wiring or pneumatic tubing.Valuen Hardware Savings— When installed in an integrated control system, significant hardware and installation cost savings can be achieved. Valve accessories such as limit switches and position transmitters can beeliminated because this information is available via the HART communication protocol.n Increased Uptime— The self‐diagnostic capability of the DVC6200 digital valve controller provides valveperformance and health evaluation without shutting down the process or pulling the valve assembly from the line.n Improved Maintenance Decisions— Digitalcommunication provides easy access to the condition of the valve. Sound process and asset managementdecisions can be made by analysis of valve information through Fisher ValveLink tsoftware.RED INDICATES ALERT IS ACTIVESTATUS MONITOR ALERTSGREEN INDICATES NO ALERT IS PRESENTValve DiagnosticsThe DVC6200 digital valve controller provides a comprehensive library of valve diagnostic alerts, as shown in figure 1. These alerts are easily accessed with the 475 Field Communicator. When installed as part of a HART communicating system, the DVC6200 delivers prompt notification of current or potential equipment issues directly to the asset management system.Alerts assist in identification and notification of the following situations:n Valve travel deviation due to excessive valve friction or gallingn High cycle due to dither or improper tuning n Total travel movement accumulation beyond a specified point resulting in packing wearn Valve travel above or below a specified pointn Various instrument mechanical and electrical issuesThese alerts are stored in memory on board theDVC6200.For additional information on FIELDVUE diagnostics and ValveLink software refer to Fisher bulletin 62.1:ValveLink Software (D102227X012).2‐continued‐31/4 NPT internal and integral pad for NOTE: Specialized instrument terms are defined in ANSI/ISA Standard 51.1 - Process Instrument Terminology.1. The pressure/temperature limits in this document and any other applicable code or standard should not be exceeded.2. Normal m 3/hour - Normal cubic meters per hour at 0_C and 1.01325 bar, absolute. Scfh - Standard cubic feet per hour at 60_F and 14.7 psia.3. Values at 1.4 bar (20 psig) based on a single ‐acting direct relay; values at 5.5 bar (80 psig) based on double ‐acting relay.4. Temperature limits vary based on hazardous area approval.5. Not applicable for travels less than 19 mm (0.75 inch) or for shaft rotation less than 60 degrees. Also not applicable for digital valve controllers in long‐stroke applications.6. M20 electrical connection only available with ATEX approvals.7. 4‐conductor shielded cable, 18 to 22 AWG minimum wire size, in rigid or flexible metal conduit, is required for connection between base unit and feedback unit.8. 4‐20 mA output, isolated; Supply Voltage: 8‐30 VDC; Fault Indication: offrange high or low; Reference Accuracy: 1% of travel span.9. Position transmitter meets the requirements of NAMUR NE43; selectable to show failure high ( > 22.5 mA) or failure low (< 3.6 mA).10. One isolated switch, configurable throughout the calibrated travel range or actuated from a device alert; Off State: 0 mA (nominal); On State: up to 1 A; Supply Voltage: 30 VDC maximum;Reference Accuracy: 2% of travel span.Emerson Process Management Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA Sorocaba, 18087 Brazil Cernay, 68700 FranceDubai, United Arab Emirates Singapore 128461 SingaporeThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher, FIELDVUE, and ValveLink are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business unit of Emerson Electric Co.Emerson Process Management, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. HART is a registered trademark of FieldComm Group. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Process Management, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。
FISHER6200 485手操器校验步骤一、校验步骤:1进入菜单找到组态配置 2选择基本设置Guided Setup3.仪表模式切到离线状态4. 进去设备设置Device Setup选择压力单位。
8.选择执行机构制造商9.执行机构型号(不知道的都选其他) 10.执行机构尺寸11.选择阀门作用形式(故障位) 12.确认好后去设置行程传感器13.是否配置放大器,快排阀。
16.设备组态配置准备发送到仪表17.是否使用工厂默认设置(初始化) 18.选择NO完成设备设置,运行自动行程校验19.设备进入初始化。
二单独设置参数挂手操器读取菜单,定位器切到离线状态下,进入手动设置菜单组态里选择valve and actuator 可修改阀门和执行机构参数。
三手操器现场给阀位1.在维修工具菜单里选择Diagnostics2.点击Stroke Valve给阀位。
4.给阀位,选择设定目标值Step to Target5.给定自己想要的阀位值。
6.对阀位完成后,选择Done完成7.阀位核对完后,将仪表切回在线模式In Service四阀门自动校验1.在组态菜单里找到校验菜单Calibration2.选择行程校验Traver Calibration3.选择自动校验Auto Calibration4.是否连接自动校验选择Continue连接5.选择校验类型。
选标准自动校验Auto Calibrate-Standard6.点击进入后会弹出以下对话框。
FIELDVUE™ DVC6200系列阀门定位器的工作原理和应用李宝华摘要:FIELDVUE™ DVC6200系列阀门定位器是FISHER 新一代高性能的阀门控制器,以响应市场需求和替代DVC6000系列,其综合现有系列的技术特长,采用经5万台DVC2000系列验证的非接触式阀位反馈测量和DVC6000系列隔爆/本安壳体以及气动架构,采用延续现有在板微处理器、应用软件和功能模块的电子部件,并且能适应所有安装连接模式,支持主流现场总线通信及使用嵌入式AMS ValveLink 预测性维护,便于系统集成,有着高适用性和高可靠性,可为用户提供更多的利益。
关键词: DVC6200系列;阀门定位器;工作原理;应用。
引言艾默生过程管理费希尔阀门部(EMERSON-Fisher )是研发数字式智能阀门定位器的领军厂家,于20年前的1992年推出第一款FIELDVUE™ DVC (Digital Valve Controllers 数字阀门控制器,简写DVC ),重点在定位控制及其扩展控制和诊断功能,先后有DVC5000系列、DVC6000系列、DVC2000系列,目前市场占有量超过100万台。
在2009年,FISHER 又推出新一代高性能FIELDVUE™ DVC6200系列,用以响应市场需求和替代DVC6000系列,其综合已有系列的技术特长,采用经5万台DVC2000系列验证的非接触式阀位反馈测量和DVC6000系列隔爆/本安壳体以及气动架构,解决了DVC6000系列阀位反馈机械连接结构复杂且故障率高和DVC2000系列仅有本安型致使GX 型控制阀无一体化隔爆型阀门定位器的问题,同时延续DVC6000系列现有在板微处理器、应用软件和功能模块的电子部件和I/P 电气转换器、气动放大器的气动部件,并且能适应所有控制阀安装连接模式和直行程范围0-6.35-606mm 、角行程范围0-45-90°;支持HART ®(包括使用无线技术Wireless HART ®)、FOUNDATION™ 现场总线(FF )、Profibus-PA 现场总线通信和FDT/DTM 及使用嵌入式AMS ValveLink 进行预测性维护,便于系统集成,有着高适用性和高可靠性,可为用户提供更多的利益。
HART手操器调试fisher费希尔dvc6200阀门定位器HART调试FISHERdvc6200阀门定位器DVC6200与475通讯器阀门校检调试步骤进入界面,选择HART1、离线2、在线3 、多功能4、诊断选择online后enter找到两个非零状态码、忽略下一个50状态的发生1、供给压力低报警2、需要维护如有报警信号,选择YES后enter1、概述2、组态、配置3、维修工具online 下拉菜单选择configure(组态)后按enter1、引导设置2、手动设置3、报警设置4、校验选择calibration(校检)菜单后按enter1、自动校验2、手动校验3、校验类型4、校验时间5、校准器6、上次自动校准状态选择autocalibration警告菜单选择outofservice警告:校准会照成仪器的输出突然变化及其它损失1、继续2、退出选择CONTINUE 后enter选择travelcontrol阀门自动校验无须操作,只需等待直到下图界面自动校验完成OK键确认选择OK注意:要细调相应,使用性能调节器在仪器处于维修模式时,阀门可能会移动在服务/运行中止服务修改成为inservice状态,校检完成。
定位器反馈调试使用说明:1、引导设置2、手动设置3、报警设置4 、校准在configure(组态)菜单选择manualsetup1、模式与保护2、仪器3、行程、压力控制4、整定5、阀门与执行机构6、输出选择模式保护将inservice改为OUTOFservice1、仪器模式中止服务2、更换仪器3、写保护禁用4、更改保护帮助发送菜单选择改变仪表模式警告!在以下情况下输出将不跟踪输入模式以停用在服务中止服务选择o utofservice。
菲舍尔 FIELDVUE DVC6200 数字阀门控制器安装说明书
Use these instructions to mount a Fisher r FIELDVUE t DVC6200 digital valve controller mounting kit forUniversal (side mounting), sliding stem applications.Avoid personal injury or propertydamage from sudden release of processpressure or bursting of parts. Beforeperforming any installation operations:D Always wear protective clothing,gloves, and eyewear.D Do not remove the actuator fromthe valve while the valve is stillpressurized.D Disconnect any operating linesproviding air pressure, electric power, ora control signal to the actuator. Be surethe actuator cannot suddenly open orclose the control valve.D Use bypass valves or completelyshut off the process to isolate the controlvalve from process pressure. Relieveprocess pressure from both sides of thecontrol valve.D Use lock‐out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effectwhile you work on the equipment.D Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measuresthat must be taken to protect againstprocess media.D Vent the pneumatic actuatorloading pressure and relieve anyactuator spring precompression so theactuator is not applying force to thevalve stem; this will allow for the saferemoval of the stem connector.Refer to figures 7, 8 and 9 for mounting parts identification. Hex key, 2.5 hex, L-key flat end, long (key 15) is to be used to secure the M4 hex socket button head screws (key 4). Refer to the DVC6200 digital valve controller instruction manual for digital controller parts identification. Refer to the appropriate actuator instruction manual for actuator installation, operation, maintenance, and parts identification.1. Isolate the control valve from the process line pressure and release pressure from both sides of the valve body. Shut off all pressure lines to the actuator, releasing all pressure from the actuator. Use lock-out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect while you work on the equipment.2. Determine the stem diameter (must not be smaller than 6.35 mm (0.25 Inch) mm and not larger than 25.4 mm (1.00 inch). Use the stem blocks and shims in the kit, drill out the stem block assembly to the actuator stem dimension (see figure 1). Once desired diameter is reached, loosen the two stem block assembly screws and remove the shims.Figure 1. Stem Block AssemblySTEM BLOCK ASSEMBLED WHEN DRILLINGMAX. BORE, 25.4 (1.00)MIN. BORE, 6.35 (0.25)SHIMSSHIMSTEM BLOCK HALF (BACK)STEM BLOCK HALF (FRONT)(2) SCREW, CAP, HEX SOCKETM8X1.25X35SHIMmm (INCH)3. Attach the stem block to the stem, in relationship to the desired location of the mounting bracket (key 5). Use the (2) M8x1.25x35 screws to secure the stem block to the stem in the predetermined position.DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 20132Figure 2. Rib Style Yoke95.3 (3.75) MIN 120.7 (4.75) MAX76.2 (3.00) MIN 156.2 (6.15) MAXmm (INCH)1 1 MUST HAVE CLEARANCE FOR STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLYFigure 3. Stanchion Style Yoke94 (3.70) MIN 119.4 (4.70) MAX76.2 (3.00) MIN 156.2 (6.15) MAX11 MUST HAVE CLEARANCE FOR STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLYmm (INCH)NoteWhen the stem is in either the fully open or fully closed position, the distance from the centerline of the mounting bracket (key 5) and the centerline of the stem block assembly should not exceed (see figure 15).4. Revisit the desired location of the mounting bracket.a. If actuator has a NAMUR rib (figure 2 and 7),verify the width of the yoke is a minimum of 152.4mm (6.00 inch) up to a maximum of 155.7 mm (6.13 inch). Once this is verified, ensure the distance from the face of the mounting bracket (key 5) to the mounting face of the stem blockassembly is a minimum of 95.3 mm (3.75 inch) and not more than 98.6 mm (3.88 inch). Attachmounting bracket (key 5) using either 5/16-18 X 1.375 inch hex head screw(s) or M8 X 1.25 X 36mm hex head screw(s) (key 8)(see figure 2 and 7).b. If actuator has a stanchion style yoke, verify the width of the yoke is a minimum of 144.8 mm (5.70 inch) up to a maximum of 147.3 mm (5.80inch). Once this is verified, ensure the distance from the face of the mounting bracket (key 5) to the mounting face of the stem block assembly is a minimum of 94 mm (3.70 inch) and not more than 98.55 mm (3.80 inch). Attach mounting bracket (key 5) using M8x1.25x35x69 U-bolts (key 13) (see figures 3 and 8).c. If actuator has a Plane Surface style yoke, verify the width of the yoke is a minimum of 162.6 mm (6.40 inch) up to a maximum of 165.1 mm (6.50inch). Once this is verified, ensure the distance from the face of the mounting bracket (key 5) to the mounting face of the stem block assembly is a minimum of 95.3 mm (3.75 inch) and not more than 98.6 mm (3.88 inch).These holes can be tapped either for 5/16-18 or M8 X 1.25 hardware. Attach the mounting bracket (key 5) using either 5/16-18 X 1.375 inch hex head screws or M8 X 1.25 X 36 mm hex head screws (see figure 9).DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 20133Figure 4. Plane Surface Yoke84.3 (3.32) MIN 109.7 (4.32) MAX80 (3.15) MIN 160 (6.30) MAXmm (INCH)1 1 MUST HAVE CLEARANCE FOR STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLYFigure 5. Mounting Holes43 (1.69)43 (1.69)(4) M8X1.25 OR 5/16-18mm (INCH) 5. Ensure the actuator/valve stem connectormounting face is visually square with the actuator yoke legs.6. Attach the connector arm (key 7) to the stemconnector using the two hex head cap screws (key 11)and plain washers (key 9), but do not tighten (see figure 7, 8 and 9). See figure 10 through 14 for the proper arrangement for your application.7. Attach the adjustment arm (key 3) to the connector arm (key 7) with two M4 flange socket head machine screws (key 4) securely but do not tighten to maintain adjustability (see figure 7, 8 and 9).8. Attach the magnet assembly (array) (key 12) to the extension arm (key 6) with two M4 flange socket head machine screws (key 4) securely but maintain adjustability (see figure 7, 8 and 9).9. Attach the extension arm (key 6) and the magnet assembly (array) (key 12) to the adjustment arm (key 3) using two M4 flange socket head machinescrews, (key 4) securely but maintain adjustability. The next step will ensure that the connector arm (key 7)selected is suitable (see figure 6).Figure 6. Connector Arm Selection(A)(B)ARRAYFIGURE SHOWS MAGNET ASSEMBLY MARKING ALIGNED WITH SENSOR INDEX MARK FORAIR-TO-EXTEND ACTUATORSASSEMBLY MARKINGALIGNMENT TEMPLATEA) CONNECTOR ARM FOR LARGER SIZE ACTUATORS B) CONNECTOR ARM FOR SMALLER SIZE ACTUATORSDVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 2013410. Attach the black plastic alignment template (see figure 6) to the mounting bracket assembly by inserting the two protruding posts into the two recessed mounting holes in the bracket andsimultaneously position the magnet assembly (array)so that it can slide into the channel in the alignment bracket. The magnet assembly (array) should be fully in the alignment template channel so that theextension arm is contacting the back of the alignment template but not bending it. Tighten the hex head cap screws (key 11) at the stem connector and pan head machine screws (key 4) attaching the extension arm to the connector arm but do not yet tighten the pan head machine screws attaching the magnet assembly (array).11. For an air-to-extend actuator, slide the magnet assembly (array) (key 12) so that the bottom marking aligns with the sensor index mark on the alignment template (figure 6). The top marking of the magnet assembly (array) is used for air-to-retract. The mounting bracket (key 5) may require verticalrepositioning to get the magnet assembly (array) (key 12) in the correct location. When the magnet assembly (array) (key 12) is properly positioned,remove the alignment template (see figure 6) and tighten the two pan head machine screws (key 4).12. Attach the digital valve controller to the mounting bracket assembly and tighten the three hex head cap screws (key 10) (see figure 7, 8 and 9).13. Check the position of the magnet assembly (array)(key 12) in the channel of the digital valve controller housing and ensure that it is visually centered between the channel walls and has adequate clearance with the backside of the channel (approximately 3 mm).14. Connect and calibrate the digital valve controller as described in the instruction manual or quick start guide.For additional information concerning the mounting,setup, calibration and maintenance of the DVC6200digital valve controller, refer to the appropriate instruction manual or quick start guide.DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 20135Figure 7. Mounting on Actuator with NAMUR Rib Yoke154643911211105728DVC6200DESCRIPTION UNIV_RIB-YOKE WASHER, LOCK M8ARM, ADJUSTMENTSCREW, CAP HEX SOCKET M4X0.7X10 FLANGED BUTTON BRACKET, MOUNTING ARM, EXTENSIONARM, CONNECTOR (CHOOSE ONE)SCREW, CAP HEX HD M8X1.25X36 OR 5/16-18X1.375WASHER, PLAIN M6SCREW, CAP, HEX HD M8X1.25X16SCREW, CAP, HEX HD M6X1X12FEEDBACK ARRAY NOT USED THIS VIEW NOT USED THIS VIEWHEX, KEY 2.5 HEX, L-KEY FLAT END LONGITEM 123456789101112131415QTY 111611112321001PARTS LISTDVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 20136Figure 8. Mounting on Actuator with Stanchion Style Yoke1546439112111057213DVC620014DESCRIPTIONUNIV_PILLAR-YOKEWASHER, LOCK MM8, 1X14.5X2.0ARM, ADJUSTMENTSCREW, CAP HEX SOCKET M4X0.7X10 FLANGED BUTTON BRACKET, MOUNTING ARM, EXTENSIONARM, CONNECTOR (CHOOSE ONE)NOT USED THIS VIEW WASHER, PLAIN M6SCREW, CAP, HEX HD M8X1.25X16SCREW, CAP, HEX HD M6X1X12FEEDBACK ARRAY U-BOLT M8X1.25NUT, HEX M8X1.25-6HHEX, KEY 2.5 HEX, L-KEY FLAT END LONGITEM 123456789101112131415QTY 141611142321001PARTS LISTDVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 20137Figure 9. Mounting on Actuator with Plane Surface Style YokeDESCRIPTIONUNIV_PLANE-SURF-YOKE WASHER, LOCK M8 or 5/16ARM, ADJUSTMENTSCREW, CAP HEX SOCKET M4X0.7X10 FLANGED BUTTON BRACKET, MOUNTING ARM, EXTENSIONARM, CONNECTOR (CHOOSE ONE)SCREW, CAP, HEX HD M8X1.25X35 OR 5/16-18X1.375WASHER, PLAIN 6.4X12X1.6SCREW, CAP, HEX HD M8X1.25X16SCREW, CAP, HEX HD M6X1X12FEEDBACK ARRAY NOT USED THIS VIEW NOT USED THIS VIEWHEX, KEY 2.5 HEX, L-KEY FLAT END LONGITEM 123456789101112131415QTY 141611142321001PARTS LIST154643911211105728DVC6200DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 20138Figure 10.MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF ARM ADJUSTMENTMIN 96.5(3.80)MAX 121.9(4.80)MAX AND MIN BRACKET “A”(SEE FIGURE 6)MAX AND MIN BRACKET “B”(SEE FIGURE 6)15.2(0.60)48.5(1.91)33.3(1.31)17.3(0.68)45.2(1.78)63(2.48)mm (INCH)DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 20139Figure 11.STEMCONNECTOR ARM “A” OR “B”(SEE FIGURE 6)SCREW, CAP, HEX SOCKET (KEY 4)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLY(SEE FIGURE 1)ARM, ADJUSTMENT (KEY 3)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)ARM, EXTENSION (KEY 6)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)ARM EXTENSION MAX DOWNARM EXTENSIONMAX UP17.8(0.70)86.9(3.42)125.2(4.93)25.1(0.99)26.9(1.06)8.6(0.34)125.2(4.93)8.6(0.34)86.4(3.40)95(3.74)105.6(4.16)mm (INCH)STEMCONNECTOR ARM “A” OR “B”(SEE FIGURE 6)SCREW, CAP, HEX SOCKET (KEY 4)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 1)ARM, ADJUSTMENT (KEY 3)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)ARM, EXTENSION (KEY 6)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)ARM EXTENSION MAX DOWNARM EXTENSIONMAX UP65.5(2.58)48.5(1.91)29.2(1.15)125.2(4.93)29.7(1.17)95(3.74)48.8(1.92)125.2(4.93)mm (INCH)Figure 12.DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 201310Figure 13.STEMCONNECTOR ARM “A” OR “B”(SEE FIGURE 6)SCREW, CAP, HEX SOCKET (KEY 4)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 1)ARM, ADJUSTMENT (KEY 3)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)ARM, EXTENSION (KEY 6)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)ARM EXTENSION (KEY 3)TURNED OVER MAX DOWN121.4 (4.78) MAX125.2(4.93)95(3.74)ARM EXTENSION (KEY 3)TURNED OVER MAX UP125.2(4.93)18.8(0.74)16.5(0.65)95.2(3.75)16.5(0.65)101.6 MAX (4.00)10.7(0.42)mm (INCH)Figure 14.CONNECTOR ARM “A” OR “B”TURNED OVER MAX UPCONNECTOR ARM “A” OR “B”TURNED OVER MAX DOWNCONNECTOR ARM “A” OR “B”(SEE FIGURE 6)SCREW, CAP, HEX SOCKET (KEY 4)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLY(SEE FIGURE 1)ARM, ADJUSTMENT (KEY 3)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)ARM, EXTENSION (KEY 6)(SEE FIGURE 7, 8 AND 9)STEM125.2(4.93)16.5(0.65)125.2(4.93)48.8(1.92)94.5(3.72)94.5(3.72)57.2(2.25)30(1.18)41.1(1.62)DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 201311Figure 15.STEM BLOCK ASSEMBLY (SEE FIGURE 1)MAXIMUM UP & DOWN BASED ON 100 mm MAGNET ASSEMBLY (ARRAY)PLANE SURFACE YOKE (SEE FIGURE 4 AND 9)BRACKET MOUNTING (KEY 5)114.5 (4.50)MAX UP8.88 (3.50)MAX DOWNmm (INCH)DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerMounting Kit for Universal (Side Mounting)Sliding-Stem Actuator ApplicationsMounting InstructionsD103778X012June 2013Emerson Process Management Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USASorocaba, 18087 BrazilChatham, Kent ME4 4QZ UK Dubai, United Arab Emirates Singapore 128461 SingaporeThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher and FIELDVUE are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business unit of Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Process Management, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. HART is a mark owned by the HART Communication Foundation. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Process Management, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。
475手操器调试DVC6200定位器步骤By Derek LV1、 设置向导调试2、 行程校验3、 反馈设置4、 整定参数5、 校验按钮激活1、 设置向导调试选择HART选择online如有画面所示报警,选yes 选configure 选Guided Stup 选Device Setup仪表模式,改为out of service 压力单位,任选,一般用psi 放大器类型,一般选A or C选 Travel Control执行机构厂家,一般选FISHER。
气路上有无放大器或快排阀,据实际情况选yes或no 发送设置数据,选send并enter确认。
其它数据用出厂默认值?一般选yes 出厂默认值发送到定位器,请等待。
如要是需要优化相应,请选择Performance Tuner,选OK. 定位器模式改为in service,即运行模式。
选HART选Online. 选yes 选configure选Calibration选Auto Calibration 更改模式,选out of service,并ENTER 选continue,并ENTER。
仪表模式改回in service,即运行模式。
在configure菜单下选Manual setup 选择mode and protection。
DVC6200(带4-20ma 反馈反馈,,直行程直行程))操作指导一、 反馈件安装如下图所示,确认无论阀门在全开或全关状态下,校准板上的标准线(黑色塑料板上白线,指示的是定位器阀位传感器位置)在反馈磁条上标注的有效行程范围内(两条白色线之间)。
二、 自动行程校验步骤如下步骤如下::定位器将自动开始行程校验校验完成后必须将定位器投入校验完成后必须将定位器投入““In Service”模式模式。
三、 反馈信号设置1\ 功能激活注意:选择”SEND” 发送后才能完成阀位反馈功能激活。
2\反馈信号正反作用设置:在下面这个菜单的第3项Transmitter of Output 里,可以选择阀门在关闭状态或全开状态下反馈信号为4m A.四、调试按钮:在manual setup 菜单下功能激活:1\功能激活选择send 发送完成接线盒自行程校检按钮设置。
五、 灵敏度灵敏度的的调整如发现阀门有震荡,或阀门动作过慢。
可通过Tuning Set(简单理解为灵敏度)的调整进行改善。
点击send 发送。
有 C D E F G H I J K L M 可选,C 阀门反应最慢,M 阀门反应最快,反应越快越容易引起震荡。
六、 Instrument Mode 的设置设置::在进行定位器校验在进行定位器校验、、参数调整时参数调整时,,一般需要将Instrument Mode 置于Out Of Service (或者Not In Service )状态状态,,校验校验、、调整完成后必须投入In Service!。
Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200系列数字阀控制器危险地区批准和安全使用指南说明书
Digital Valve ControllersHazardous Area Approvals and Special Instructionsfor “Safe Use” and Installations in Hazardous LocationsCertain nameplates may carry more than one approval, and each approval may have unique installation/wiring requirements and/or conditions of “safe use”. These special instructions for “safe use” are in addition to, and may override, the standard installation procedures. Special instructions are listed by approval type.NoteThis information supplements the nameplate markings affixed to the product and the DVC6200 Series quick start guide(D103556X012), available from your Emerson sales office or Local Business Partner, or at .Always refer to the nameplate itself to identify the appropriate certification.WARNINGFailure to follow these conditions of “safe use” could result in personal injury or property damage from fire or explosion and area re‐classification.FlameproofWARNINGDo not open while energized.Potential electrostatic charging hazard. Do not rub or clean the cover with solvents. To do so could result in an explosion. Covered by Standards: IEC 60079-0:2011 IEC 60079-1:2007DVC6200 and DVC6205 Series (HART HW1 & HW2, SIS, F OUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS) Ex d IIC T5 (Ta ≤ 80°C) / T6 (Ta ≤ 75°C) Gb 30 V max, 20 mA IP66DVC6215 Remote Mount Ex d IIC T4 (Ta ≤ 125_C) / T5 (Ta ≤ 95_C) / T6 (Ta ≤ 80_C) Gb 30 V max, 20 mA IP66DustWARNINGPotential electrostatic charging hazard. Do not rub or clean the cover with solvents. To do so could result in an explosion. Covered by Standards: IEC 60079-0:2011 IEC 60079-31:2013DVC6200 Series (HART HW1 & HW2, SIS, F OUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS) Ex tb IIIC T88°C (Ta ≤ 80_C) Db Approval requires fluorosilicone elastomers 30 V max, 20 mA IP66Type nWARNINGDo not open while energized.Potential electrostatic charging hazard. Do not rub or clean the cover with solvents. To do so could result in an explosion. Covered by Standards: IEC 60079-0:2011 IEC 60079-15:2010DVC6200 and DVC6205 Series (HART HW1 & HW2, SIS, F OUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS) Ex nC IIC T5 (Ta ≤ 80_C) / T6 (Ta ≤ 75_C) Gc 30 V max, 20 mA IP66DVC6215 Remote Mount Ex nA IIC T4 (Ta ≤ 125_C) / T5 (Ta ≤ 95_C) / T6 (Ta ≤ 80_C) Gc 30 V max, 20 mA IP662Intrinsically SafeWARNINGPotential electrostatic charging hazard. Do not rub or clean the cover with solvents. To do so could result in an explosion. The apparatus enclosure contains aluminum and is considered to constitute a potential risk of ignition by impact or friction. Care must be taken into account during installation and use to prevent impact or friction.Covered by Standards: IEC 60079-0:2011 IEC 60079-11:2011DVC6200 Series (HART HW1 & HW2, SIS) Ex ia IIC or IIB T5/T6 Ga (see figures 1 and 5) Ex ia IIIC Txxx°C Da (see figures 1 and 5) Dust approval requires fluorosilicone elastomersDVC6205 Series (HART HW2, SIS) Ex ia IIC or IIB T5/T6 Ga (see figure 2)DVC 6200 Series (F OUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS) Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga (see figure 3) Ex ia IIIC Txxx°C Da (see figure 3) Dust approval requires fluorosilicone elastomersDVC6205 Series (F OUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS) Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga (see figure 4)IP66DVC6215 Remote Mount Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga (see figure 2 and 4)3Intrinsically safe when connected per drawing GE42990, as shown in the following figures...........................DVC6200 HW2 and DVC6200 SIS figure 1 and 6........DVC6205, DVC6205 SIS, and DVC6215 Remote Mount figure 2 and 6..................................DVC6200f and DVC6200p figure 3 and 6DVC6205f, DVC6205p, and DVC6215 Remote Mount figure 4 and 6.....................................................DVC6200 HW1figure 5 and 6451 SEE NOTES IN FIGURE 6Figure 1. IECEx Loop Schematics—FIELDVUE DVC6200 HW2 and DVC6200 SISUi = 30 VDC Ii = 130 mA Pi = 1.0 W Ci = 15 nF Li = 0.15 mH LOOP TERMINALS AUX TERMINALS LOOP TERMINALS Ex ia IICLOOP TERMINALS Ex ia IIBUi = 30 VDC Ii = 101 mA Pi = 757 mW Ci = 15 nF Li = 0.30 mH Ui = 27.1 VDC Ii = 130 mA Pi = 880 mW Ci = 15 nF Li = 0.30 mH Ui = 30 VDC Ii = 130 mA Pi = 1.0 W Ci = 15 nF Li = 0.30 mH Uo = 30 VDC Io = 101 mA Po = 757 mW Co = 52.4 nF Lo = 5.84 mHNot Used or Not ProvidedAUX TERMINALS Uo = 27.1 VDC Io = 130 mA Po = 880 mW Co = 75 nF Lo = 2.73 mHAUX TERMINALS Uo = 30 VDC Io = 130 mA Po = 1.0 W Co = 546 nF Lo = 16.93 mH HW2 - WITH OR WITHOUT I/O PACKAGE DVC6200, DVC6200S AUX TERMINALS LOOP TERMINALS Ex ia IICUi = 28 VDC Ii = 100 mA Pi = 1.0 W Ci = 15 nF Li = 0.20 mHOUTPUT TERMINALSEx ia IIC or Ex ia IIB IECEx APPROVED BARRIERIECEx APPROVED BARRIERNOTE 5 1NOTE 1, 3, 4 1NOTE 1, 3, 4 1POWER MAY BE APPLIED TO EITHER THE LOOP TERMINALS OR OUTPUT TERMINALS OR TO BOTH SETS OF TERMINALS AT THE SAME TIME UNITS WITHOUT I/O PACKAGE WILL NOT HAVE “OUTPUT TERMINALS” OR “AUX TERMINALS”AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTIONDVC6200DVC6200ST91_C (Ta ≤ 80_C)T85_C (Ta ≤ 74_C)TYPE WITH I/O PACKAGE WITH I/O PACKAGE WITHOUT I/O PACKAGE WITHOUT I/O PACKAGEHAZARDOUS LOCATION NON‐HAZARDOUS LOCATION*Li = 0.15 mH WHEN THE AUX TERMINALS ARE NOT USED OR IF THEY ARE NOT PROVIDED*ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC OR IIB T5…T6ZONE 20, Ex ia IIIC Txx _C*** EQUIPMENT MARKED Ex ia IIIC Txx _C MAY USE ANY OF THE ENTITY PARAMETERS STATED ABOVE.Ex ia IIC or IIB T5…T6**Ex ia IIIC Txx _CT CODE =Txx _C =T CODE =Txx _C =T5 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 74_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 61_C)T104_C (Ta ≤ 80_C)T85_C (Ta ≤ _61C)**ONLY IF THE NAMEPLATE BEARS THIS MARKING.**GE42990 Sheet 11, Rev. CFigure 2. IECEx Loop Schematics—FIELDVUE DVC6205, DVC6205 SIS, and DVC62151 SEE NOTES IN FIGURE 6GE42990 Sheet 12 Rev. CAUX TERMINALSNot Used orNot ProvidedUo = 30 VDCIo = 21.2 mAPo = 160 mWCo = 55 nFLo = 78 mHUi = 30 VDCIi = 226 mAPi = 1.4 WCi = 50 nFLi= 0.55 mHAUX TERMINALSZONE 0, Ex ia IIC OR Ex ia IIB T5…T6Ui = 30 VDCIi = 130 mAPi = 1.0 WCi = 15 nFLi = 0.15 mHNOTE 1, 3 1REMOTE FIELD WIRINGTERMINAL BOXUo = 30 VDCIo = 101 mAPo = 757 mWCo = 52.4 nFLo = 5.84 mHUi = 30 VDCIi = 101 mAPi = 757 mWCi = 15 nFLi = 0.30 mH ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC T4…T6DVC6215Ex ia IIC or Ex ia IIBTERMINALSEx ia IICLOOP TERMINALSEx ia IICLOOP TERMINALS*Li = 0.15 mH WHEN THE AUXTERMINALS ARE NOT USED OR IFTHEY ARE NOT PROVIDED*Ex ia IIC or Ex ia IIBDVC6205TYPEWITH I/OPACKAGEWITHOUT I/OPACKAGET5 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 74_C)HW2 - WITH OR WITHOUT I/O PACKAGEDVC6205FIELD WIRINGTERMINAL BOXT4 (Ta ≤ 125_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 95_C)T6 (Ta≤ 80_C)Ex ia IIC T4…T6T CODE =DVC6215TYPET CODE =T CODE =T5 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 61_C)6Ui = 27.1 VDC Ii = 130 mAPi = 880 mWCi = 15 nFLi = 0.30 mHAUX TERMINALS AUX TERMINALS Uo = 27.1 VDCIo = 130 mAPo = 880 mWCo = 75 nFLo = 2.73 mH IECEx APPROVED BARRIERHAZARDOUS LOCATION NON‐HAZARDOUS LOCATIONNOTE 51NOTE 1, 3, 4 1Ex ia IIC LOOP TERMINALSEx ia IIBLOOP TERMINALSUi = 30 VDCIi = 130 mAPi = 1.0 WCi = 15 nFLi = 0.30 mHUo = 30 VDCIo = 130 mAPo = 1.0 WCo = 546 nFLo = 16.93 mHEx ia IIC or Ex ia IIBOUPUT TERMINALSUi = 28 VDCIi = 100 mAPi = 1.0 WCi = 15 nFLi = 0.20 mHIECEx APPROVED BARRIERNOTE 1, 3, 4 1POWER MAY BE APPLIED TO EITHER THE LOOPTERMINALS OR OUTPUT TERMINALS OR TOBOTH SETS OF TERMINALS AT THE SAME TIMEUNITS WITHOUT I/O PACKAGE WILL NOT HAVE“OUTPUT TERMINALS” OR “AUX TERMINALS”AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION781 SEE NOTES IN FIGURE 6IECEx APPROVED ENTITY DEVICEHAZARDOUS LOCATIONNON‐HAZARDOUS LOCATIONZONE 0, Ex ia IIC T4…T6ZONE 20, Ex ia IIIC Txx _C Ui = 24 VDC Ii = 380 mA Ci = 5 nF Li = 0 mH Pi = 1.4 WIECEx APPROVED BARRIERNON‐HAZARDOUS LOCATIONHAZARDOUS LOCATIONENTITY FIELDBUS LOOPIECEx APPROVED FISCO BARRIER IECEx APPROVED FISCO TERMINATORIECEx APPROVED FISCO DEVICEDVC6200F, DVC6200FS DVC6200P, DVC6200PS FISCO LOOP1 NOTE 1, 3, 4NOTE 1, 3 11 NOTE 51 NOTE 2, 3, 4NOTE 2, 3 1GE42990 Sheet 4, Rev. FT CODE =T4 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 77_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 62_C)Figure 3. IECEx Loop Schematics—FIELDVUE DVC6200f and DVC6200pGE42990 Sheet 3, Rev. FDVC6200F, DVC6200FS DVC6200P, DVC6200PSUi = 17.5 VDC Ii = 380 mA Ci = 5 nF Li = 0 mH Pi = 5.32 WEx ia IIC T4…T6*Ex ia IIIC Txx _CTxx _C =T103_C (Ta ≤ 80_C)T100_C (Ta ≤ 77_C) T85_C (Ta ≤ 62_C)LOOP TERMINALS *ONLY IF THE NAMEPLATE BEARS THIS MARKING.ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC T4…T6ZONE 20, Ex ia IIIC Txx _CEx ia IIC T4…T6*Ex ia IIIC Txx _CT CODE =T4 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 77_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 62_C)Txx _C =T103_C (Ta ≤ 80_C)T100_C (Ta ≤ 77_C) T85_C (Ta ≤ 62_C)LOOP TERMINALS ***ONLY IF THE NAMEPLATE BEARS THIS MARKING.1 SEE NOTES IN FIGURE 691 SEE NOTES IN FIGURE 6IECEx APPROVED ENTITY DEVICEHAZARDOUS LOCATIONNON‐HAZARDOUS LOCATIONUi = 30 VDC Ii = 226 mA Ci = 50 nF Li = 0.55 mH Pi = 1.4 W IECEx APPROVEDBARRIERNON‐HAZARDOUS LOCATIONHAZARDOUS LOCATIONENTITY FIELDBUS LOOPIECEx APPROVED FISCO BARRIER IECEx APPROVED FISCO TERMINATORIECExAPPROVED FISCO DEVICEFISCO LOOP1 NOTE 1, 3, 4NOTE 1, 3 1NOTE 5 11 NOTE 2, 3, 4NOTE 2, 3 1GE42990 Sheet 10, Rev. DFigure 4. IECEx Loop Schematics—FIELDVUE DVC6205f, DVC6205p, and DVC6215NOTE 1, 3 1DVC6205f, DVC6205pUi = 24 VDC Ii = 380 mA Ci = 5 nF Li = 0 mH Pi = 1.4 W DVC6215Ui = 30 VDC Ii = 226 mA Ci = 50 nF Li = 0.55 mH Pi = 1.4 W Ui = 17.5 VDC Ii = 380 mA Ci = 5 nF Li = 0 mH Pi = 5.32 WDVC6215ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC T4…T6Uo = 17.5 VDC Io = 44 mA Co = 121 nF Lo = 30 mH Po = 0.33 WNOTE 2 1ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC T4…T6ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC T4…T6GE42990 Sheet 9, Rev. DUo = 24 VDCIo = 44 mACo = 121 nFLo = 30 mHPo = 0.33 WREMOTE FIELDWIRING TERMINALBOXFIELD WIRING TERMINAL BOX LOOPTERMINALSTERMINALS ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC T4…T6T CODE =T4 (Ta ≤ 125_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 95_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 80_C)Ex ia IIC T4…T6T CODE =T4 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 77_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 62_C)Ex ia IIC T4…T6DVC6215TYPE TYPE DVC6205F DVC6205PT CODE =T4 (Ta ≤ 125_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 95_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 80_C)Ex ia IIC T4…T6T CODE =T4 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 77_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 62_C)Ex ia IIC T4…T6DVC6215TYPETYPE DVC6205F DVC6205PDVC6205f, DVC6205p REMOTEFIELD WIRINGTERMINAL BOX FIELD WIRING TERMINAL BOX LOOP TERMINALS TERMINALS1 SEE NOTES IN FIGURE 610Ui = 30 VDC Ii = 226 mA Pi = 1.4 W Ci = 5 nF Li = 0.55 mH ZONE 0, Ex ia IIC OR IIB T5…T6ZONE 20, Ex ia IIIC Txx _CLOOP TERMINALS AUX TERMINALS Ex ia IICLOOP TERMINALS Ex ia IICLOOP TERMINALS Ex ia IICLOOP TERMINALS Ex ia IIBUi = 30 VDC Ii = 101 mA Pi = 757 mW Ci = 5 nF Li = 0.55 mH Ui = 24.3 VDC Ii = 169 mA Pi = 1.026 W Ci = 5 nF Li = 0.55 mH Ui = 30 VDC Ii = 226 mA Pi = 1.4 W Ci = 5 nF Li = 0.55 mH Uo = 30 VDC Io = 101 mA Po = 757 mW Co = 64 nF Lo = 5.34 mHNot UsedAUX TERMINALS Uo = 24.3 VDC Io = 169 mA Po = 1.026 W Co = 118 nF Lo = 0.30 mHAUX TERMINALS Uo = 30 VDC Io = 226 mA Po = 1.4 W Co = 558 nF Lo = 3.76 mHDVC6200, DVC6200SIECEx APPROVED BARRIERNOTE 1, 3, 4 1NOTE 5 1AUX TERMINALS HAZARDOUS LOCATIONNON‐HAZARDOUS LOCATIONEx ia IIC OR IIB T5…T6DVC6200DVC6200S*Ex ia IIIC Txx _C T89_C (Ta ≤ 80_C)T85_C (Ta ≤ 76_C)T5 (Ta ≤ 80_C)T6 (Ta ≤ 75_C)TYPE GE42990 Sheet 2, Rev. FFigure 5. IECEx Schematic—FIELDVUE DVC6200 HW11 SEE NOTES IN FIGURE 6T CODE =** EQUIPMENT MARKED Ex ia IIIC Txx _C MAY USE ANY OF THE ENTITY PARAMETERS STATED ABOVE.*ONLY IF THE NAMEPLATE BEARS THIS MARKING.Txx _C =*Instruction Manual Supplement D104206X012DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllersJuly 201711THE APPARATUS ENC LOSURE C ONTAINS ALUMINUM AND IS C ONSIDERED TO C ONSTITUTE A POTENTIAL RISK OF IGNITION BY IMPACT AND FRICTION. AVOID IMPACT AND FRICTION DURING INSTALLATION AND USE TO PREVENT RISK OF IGNITION.THE ENTITY C ONC EPT ALLOWS INTERC ONNEC TION OF INTRINSIC ALLY SAFE APPARATUS TO ASSOC IATED APPARATUS NOT SPECIFICALLY EXAMINED IN SUCH COMBINATION. THE CRITERIA FOR INTERCONNECTION IS THAT THE VOLTAGE (Vmax OR Ui), THE CURRENT (Imax OR Ii), AND THE POWER (Pmax or Pi) OF THE INTRINSICALLY SAFE APPARATUS MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE VOLTAGE (Voc OR Uo), AND THE CURRENT (Isc OR Io), AND THE POWER (Po) DEFINED BY THE ASSOCIATED APPARATUS. IN ADDITION, THE SUM OF THE MAX UNPROTECTED CAPACITANCE (Ci) AND MAX UNPROTECTED INDUCTANCE (Li), INCLUDING THE INTERCONNECTING CABLING CAPACITANCE (Ccable) AND CABLING INDUCTANCE (Lcable) MUST BE LESS THAN THE ALLOWABLE CAPACITANCE (Ca) AND INDUCTANCE (La) DEFINED BY THE ASSOCIATED APPARATUS. IF THE ABOVE CRITERIA IS MET, THEN THE COMBINATION MAY BE CONNECTED.Vmax or Ui ≥ Voc or Uo Imax or Ii ≥ Isc or Io Pmax or Pi ≥ Po Ci + Ccable ≤ Ca Li + Lcable ≤ LaTHE FISC O C ONC EPT ALLOWS INTERC ONNEC TION OF INTRINSIC ALLY SAFE APPARATUS TO ASSOC IATED APPARATUS NOT SPECIFICALLY EXAMINED IN SUCH COMBINATION. THE CRITERIA FOR THE INTERCONNECTION IS THAT THE VOLTAGE (Vmax OR Ui), C URRENT (Imax OR Ii), AND POWER (Pmax or Pi), WHIC H AN INTRINSIC ALLY SAFE APPARATUS C AN REC EIVE AND REMAIN INTRINSICALLY SAFE, CONSIDERING FAULTS, MUST BE EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE VOLTAGE (Voc OR Uo), CURRENT (Isc OR Io), AND POWER (Po) LEVELS WHICH CAN BE DELIVERED BY THE ASSOCIATED APPARATUS, CONSIDERING FAULTS AND APPLICABLE FACTORS. IN ADDITION THE MAXIMUM UNPROTECTED CAPACITANCE (Ci) AND INDUCTANCE (Li) OF EACH APPARATUS (OTHER THAN THE TERMINATION) CONNECTED TO THE FIELDBUS MUST BE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 5 nF AND 10 uH RESPECTIVELY.IN EACH SEGMENT ONLY ONE ACTIVE DEVICE, NORMALLY THE ASSOCIATED APPARATUS, IS ALLOWED TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY ENERGY FOR THE FIELDBUS SYSTEM. THE VOLTAGE (Uo OR Voc OR Vt) OF THE ASSOCIATED APPARATUS HAS TO BE LIMITED TO THE RANGE OF 9 V TO 17.5 VDC. ALL OTHER EQUIPMENT CONNECTED TO THE BUS CABLE HAS TO BE PASSIVE, MEANING THAT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PROVIDE ENERGY TO THE SYSTEM, EXCEPT FOR A LEAKAGE CURRENT OF 50 uA FOR EACH CONNECTED DEVICE. SEPARATELY POWERED EQUIPMENT NEEDS A GALVANIC ISOLATION TO ASSURE THAT THE INTRINSICALLY SAFE FIELDBUS CIRCUIT REMAINS PASSIVE.THE CABLE USED TO CONNECT THE DEVICES NEEDS TO HAVE THE PARAMETERS IN THE FOLLOWING RANGE:LOOP RESISTANCE R': 15 TO 150 ohms/kmINDUCTANCE PER UNIT LENGTH L: 0.4 TO 1 mH/kmCAPACITANCE PER UNIT LENGTH C': 80 TO 200 nF/kmC' = C' LINE/LINE + 0.5' LINE/SCREEN, IF BOTH LINES ARE FLOATING ORC' = C' LINE/LINE + C' LINE/SCREEN, IF THE SCREEN IS CONNECTED TO ONE LINE.LENGTH OF SPLICE: < 1 m (T‐BOX MUST ONLY CONTAIN TERMINAL CONNECTIONS WITH NO ENERGY STORAGE CAPABILITY) LENGTH OF SPUR CABLE: < 30 MLENGTH OF TRUNK CABLE: < 1 kmAT EACH END OF THE TRUNK CABLE AN APPROVED INFALLIBLE TERMINATION WITH THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS IS SUITABLE: R = 90 TO 100 ohms AND C = 0 TO 2.2 uFNOTE, A BUILT‐IN TERMINATOR IS INCLUDED IN THE FIELD SIDE AND A SELECTABLE TERMINATOR IS AVAILABLE ON THE HOST SIDE. THE NUMBER OF PASSIVE DEVICES CONNECTED TO THE BUS SEGMENT IS NOT LIMITED IN THE FISCO CONCEPT FOR INTRINSICALLY SAFE REASONS. IF THE ABOVE RULES ARE RESPECTED, UP TO A TOTAL LENGTH OF 1000 m (SUM OF THE LENGTH OF THE TRUNK CABLE AND ALL SPUR CABLES), THE INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE OF THE CABLE WILL NOT IMPAIR THE INTRINSIC SAFETY OF THE INSTALLATION.INSTALLATION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL WIRING PRACTICES OF THE COUNTRY IN USE.LOOPS MUST BE CONNECTED ACCORDING TO THE BARRIER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS.IF HAND‐HELD C OMMUNIC ATOR OR MULTIPLEXER IS USED, IT MUST BE IEC Ex APPROVED WITH ENTITY PARAMETERS AND INSTALLED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S CONTROL DRAWINGS.GE42990 Sheet 8, Rev. EFigure 6. Notes for IECEx Loop SchematicsInstruction Manual Supplement D104206X012DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllersJuly 2017Emerson Automation Solutions Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USASorocaba, 18087 BrazilCernay, 68700 FranceDubai, United Arab EmiratesSingapore 128461 SingaporeThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher and FIELDVUE are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Automation Solutions business unit of Emerson Electric Co. EmersonAutomation Solutions, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Automation Solutions, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。
针对使用专家级的来说,就是修改三个参数来进行调节。三个参数修 改效果如下: ①比例增益P:P增加,响应加大、增益加大、精度变高、稳定性下降。 缺点:容易超调喘振。 ②速度增益D:这个数字一般不修改,与阀门执行机构大小成比例,一 般0.5-8 ③MBLF小回路反馈:MBLF越大增益小,响应慢,稳定性强,精度小。 对于专家级参数的调整是一个很需要经验耐心的事,可以对P和MBLF 相对的增加减少来调节阀门精度。
对于气开阀, 阀门全开时, 磁条下面的白 线对准霍尔传 感器中心点
掌握好了这一点,平时我们在角阀附件的 安装中,把这一点做好可以大量减少我们 调试的时间。
说到角阀,在以前角阀维修后出现过维 修后行程变大,而磁条短了导致线性不 好的问题。那么磁条有效范围是: 60%L≤行程≤磁条L
小贴士:当你在475显示界面见到阀位显示NAN%时,基本就是你的磁条装的有问题脱离了行程检测范围了。出现此类故障会导致阀门给小阀位(约50%)以下没有动作,但是大点 阀位却有动作。
速度增益 小回路反馈
现场基本选 择Disable 稳定/优化
增益档有C-M的选择,另外还有Except专家级选择,C-M越靠近M增益 越大,越靠近C增益越小。增益越大阀门精度越高,响应快,但稳定 性也同样差,容易超调。增益越小阀门精度相对较低,响应慢,但稳 定性好,但是容易欠调。另外选择C-M级别的时候,比例增益、速度 增益、小回路反馈无法修改,但是选择专家级的时候这三个参数是可 以进行认为修改进行调节。
DVC6200调试步骤详解DVC6200调试步骤详解一、DVC6200与475通讯器阀门校检调试步骤二、定位器反馈调试使用说明三、DVC自行程校检按钮激活四、DVC整定设定五、DVC6200与475通讯器阀门引导设置校检调试步骤六、DVC6200 的模拟输出激活方法一、DVC6200与475通讯器阀门校检调试步骤1、进入界面,选择HART2、选择online后enter3、如有报警信号,选择YES后enter4、online下拉菜单选择configure(组态)后按enter5、选择calibration(校检)菜单后按enter6、选择auto calibration7、警告菜单选择out of service8、选择CONTINUE后enter选择travel control9、阀门自动校验无须操作,只需等待直到下图界面10、自动校验完成OK键确认11、选择OK12、修改成为 in service 状态,校检完成。
二、定位器反馈调试使用说明1、在configure(组态)菜单选择manual setup2、选择模式保护将in service改为OUT OF service3、选择改变仪表模式4、选择out of service。
Enter后返回5、温馨提醒选择OK6、在manual setup中选择outputs用来设定定位器反馈7、选择output terminal8、选择output terminal6、选择enable后enter7、一定要选择send发送后完成反馈使用设置。
记得将阀门改回in service状态。
三、DVC自行程校检按钮激活激活前必须将阀门设置成out of service状态,参考定位器反馈调试说明设置成为out of service。
1、在manual setup菜单下选择instrument2、选择terminal box3、选择calibration button按右键4、选择autocal后enter5、选择send发送完成接线盒自行程校检按钮设置。
一、dvc6200功能说明适用的执行机构:反馈杆角度:土40到t 20°(“大于t 20°时,通过角度放大连接机构实现。
)旁路操作:自动/手动开关(仅适用于单作用执行机构)供气压力:140至700 kPa(1.4至7.0 kgf/cm2)单作用执行机构和双作用执行机构直行程执行机构控制信号输入:4-20 mA直流信号输入阻抗:AVP80型*大3000/20mADC输出特性:线性空气消耗:4((N)/分钟(140 kPa(1.4 kgf/cm2)时的大值)5((N)/分钟(280 kPa(2.8 kgf/cm2)时的大值)6(Ny分钟(500kPa(5.0kgf/cm2)时的大值)10(N)/分钟(400 kPa(4.0 kgf/cm2)时的大值,对双作用执行机构而言)大供气流量:140 kPa(1.4 kgf/cm2)时为110L(N)/分钟;400 kPa(4.0 kgf/cm2)时为250L(N)/分钟(对双作用执行机构而言)输出平衡压力:55+5%(仅限双作用执行机构)雷电保护:浪涌电压峰值:12 kV;浪涌电流峰值:1000A震动允许值:dvc6200执行机构上装有标准安装组件时:2G(5至400 Hz)环境温度:-40°C至+80*C环境湿度限制:相对湿度为:10%至90%二、dvc6200使用、维修方便:①自动设定其自动设定软件是一个全自动配置程序。
与其它品牌的dvc6200不同,SVP3000 Alphaplus无需外部设备。
DVC6200与475通讯器阀门引导设置校检调试步骤进入界面,选择HART选择online后enterplication__code(s)foundsIgnorenextoccuireriCBKnlstilus?AlertMaintenancerequired如有报警信号选择YES 后enteronline 下拉菜单选择configure(组态)后按enter选择guidedsetup(弓[导设置)菜单后按enter[VvARNilH'G!will noIinpulwhuntn*is.口N[of Servi^t?!(InSwiwiL压力单位选择可任意,选择PSI放大器类型,选择AORC用于单作用和双作用放大器,B为反作用定位器。
k后enter 选择yes阀门自动校验中6200:lAuloCdlibiAli^n PM A|M白地IJW闻口呻HB诂量AHORI|阀门自动校验中Pr限蜘ii■e A:¥.55ADHRI自动校验中luteTvlCahbhascompleted.ABOHf阀门校检完成ok后按enter选择ok校验完成后恢复到in状态。
6200HC系列475编程器:1、Overview2、Configure (√)3、Service Tools1、Guided Setup→调试2、Manual Setup (√)3、Alert Setup4、Calibration(恢复出厂设置)→Relay Adjust1、mode and protection2、instrument3、Travel/pressure control4、Tuning5、Valve and Actuator6、Out puts(√)1、Output Terminal config2、Switch configuration(√)3、HART var Assignm4、Transmitter output 4mA:Valve5、BurstmaleAlert switch source→out service→(改成)Enable→in service→返回初界面→in service375编程器:1、HART Application(启动HART应用)2、自动寻找→进入online(在线)否则将进入Field communicator(现场器)菜单3、进入Setup&Diag(设置和诊断)4、Basic Setup(基本设置)5、Auto Setup(自动设置)重点:不管如何一定要保证“必须置于out service(非投用状态)”,在设定完校验完成后必须返回in service(投用状态)。
对375不太熟的用户可选择setup Wizard(设置向导),它将一步一步引导您怎样对阀门进行校验。
执行机构确定厂商Actuator Manufacturer,如果不是Fisher厂商选others。
Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200f数字阀门控制器PST校准和测试使用ValveLink
Fisher ™ FIELDVUE ™ DVC6200f Digital Valve Controller PST Calibration and Testing using ValveLink ™ SoftwareThe test procedure contained in this Instruction Manual Supplement is to be considered as a guideline only and should be modified to address site‐specific requirements. Use this procedure in conjunction with the DVC6200 Series quick start guide (D103556X012) and the DVC6200f instruction manual (D103412X012). In addition, exercise good engineering practices and abide by specific plant safety guidelines for safe operation.For additional information on Partial Stroke Testing and associated parameters refer to Partial Stroke Test Information on page 19.PST CalibrationThis document covers the basic PST calibration, as well as details for making adjustments to the normal end, using Advanced Settings (see figure 11).Figure 1. Calibration > Partial StrokeConfirm PST TierFigure 2. Set Transducer Block to Manual23Figure 3. Enter the Desire Outgoing Ramp RateSupports separate ramp rates for outing andincoming strokesFigure 4. Enter the Desired Incoming Ramp RateAdditional ramp rates for the incoming strokeFigure 5. Enter the Minimum Travel MovementFigure 6. Partial Stroke Calibration progress45Figure 7. Partial Stroke Calibration progressWill calibrate to 30% from the normal end if the Minimum Travel Movement +Set Point Over Drive is less than 30%If it is greater than 30% the user-definedpoint will be calibratedFigure 8. Step or Ramp to Normal Position on Failed PST6Figure 9. Partial Stroke Calibration ProgressFigure 10. Calibration Procedure CompleteList of parameter values being downloaded to the deviceIf you need to make adjustments to the normal end default settings, select Advanced Settings, as shown in figure 11,and make the necessary adjustments.7Figure 11. Select Advanced Settings to Make Adjustments to the Normal EndSelect to define the normal endFigure 12. Set Travel High EndDefines the end of travelFigure 13. Enter Minimum Travel MovementIf Minimum Travel Movement + Set Point Overdrive is more than Maximum Allowable Travel then the below message is presented and you are directed to the next screen as shown in figure 1489Figure 14. Review InputsMinimum Travel Movement +PST Overdrive Amount is greater than theMaximum Allowable TravelFigure 15. Enter New Maximum Allowable TravelEnter a value greater than Minimum Travel Movement + PST Overdrive AmountFigure 16. Partial Stroke Calibration ProgressConfigurationAfter successfully calibrating the valve for PST go to the Detailed Setup FST/ PST tab and verify that the values for the parameters in the Valve Stroke Test group box are correct. Then go to the Partial Stroke group box and enable any of the behaviors required for the PST.Figure 17. Verify FST/PST Values10Once the PST has been setup and calibrated go to the VST Abnormal Criteria group box and select the criteria to be used to evaluate PST after they are run. Then, select the criteria to be used to abort a PST immediately on initiation, and the criteria to be used to prohibit a PST before initiation.Figure 18. Select VST and PST CriteriaCategorize the stroke alerts from the Valve Stroke Alerts tab into one of the Field Diagnostic Alert categories and suppress them if publishing on the segment is not desired.Figure 19. Set Valve Stroke AlertsInitiating a PST DiagnosticIf an Auto PST is desired then go to the Auto PST tab and set up the PST schedule. The instrument will present a message when the next PST becomes due. If a scheduled PST is not initiated then a PST overdue alert is generated. Figure 20. Setting Auto PSTTo run a manual PST select the Partial Stroke Test icon as shown in figure 21.Figure 21. Initiating a Manual PSTFigure 22. Upload or Delete Saved Partial Stroke DiagnosticsBefore the manual PST initiates, you are given theopportunity to upload and save the instrumentdiagnostic data to ValveLink software. Select thedatasets that are Not In Database and upload. Deletion ofthe data from the instrument is not necessary as newdata will overwrite the oldest dataset. Datasets that arenot uploaded to ValveLink software will not be accessiblein the instrument once they are overwritten by new dataFigure 23. Partial Stroke Test ProgressOutgoing StrokeIncoming StrokeFigure 24. PST Analyzed DataPST ResultFigure 25. Resulting Press/Tvl Graph ResultsMinimum PST Pause Time Enabled – PST startsincoming stroke on reaching the MinimumTravel Movement (10% in this case)Figure 26. Resulting Tvl/Time Graph ResultsSelect Mark Golden to set dataset as areference for future comparison. Thegolden dataset will be stored in theinstrument and will not overwrittenMinimum Pause Timeenabled with return leadA PST Diagnostic can be run with Minimum PST Pause Time disabled, as shown in the figure below. When Minimum PST Pause Time is disabled the pause time will be in effect when the valve reaches the desired test point, resulting in a slower PST.Figure 27. Disable Minimum PST Pause Time in FST/PST Partial StrokeMinimum PST PauseTime disabledFigure 28. Resulting Press/Tvl Graph Results with Minimum Pause Time DisabledPST travels to Minimum PST Travel + Set Point Overdrive(20% in this case)Figure 29. Resulting Tvl/Time Graph Results with Minimum Pause Time DisabledPST Pause TimeFigure 30. PST Analyzed Data with Minimum Pause Time DisabledSelect a PST style, either with or without Minimize PST Pause Time, and standardize on that style, as the data may be difficult to compare between the two styles. If the desire is to minimize the amount of time the valve is away from the normal end, then enabling Minimize PST Pause Time is recommended. If the amount of time away from the normal end is not a concern, then disabling Minimize PST Pause Time will cause the set point to pause at the end of the outgoing stroke for the travel to catchup to the set point. The results of the test with the Minimize PST Pause Time disabled will be similar to the PST as offered in earlier versions of SIS instruments.Partial Stroke Test InformationValve Stroke TestA valve stroke test is the process of taking the valve from the normal end to another target position at a preconfigured ramp rate before returning to the normal end while gathering data. The data is analyzed to evaluate the condition of the valve assembly against a set of user defined thresholds. A valve stroke test is only run if everything is normal in the instrument. A safety demand signal will always take precedence over a valve stroke test.D Valve Stroke Test, select Partial Stroke Test, Full Stroke Test, or Disable to select the test to run when the test is initiated using the VST_COMMAND parameter.D Partial Stroke Start Point defines the normal end of the valve. The valve needs to be at this end for a PST to be initiated. When a FST is initiated the valve will be moved by the test to this end before being ramped to the opposite end and ramped back. Setting this value to Not Configured will disable partial stroke tests.D Travel Open End defines, in percent (%) of calibrated travel, the point above which the valve is considered to have reached the high end.D Travel Closed End defines, in percent (%) of calibrated travel, the point below which the valve is considered to have reached the low end.D Test Pause Time is the time between the outgoing and incoming strokes of the test. The default value is 5 seconds.Pause Time will not be used if Minimum PST Pause Time is enabled. The outgoing stroke is from the normal end to the PST target and the incoming stroke is the return stroke to normal. See figure 31.D VST High Friction Breakout Pressure indicates that the breakout required a higher force than configured by the user.Refer to figure 31.D VST Low Friction Breakout Pressure indicates that the breakout required a lower force than configured by the user.Refer to figure 31.D Action On a Failed Test defines if the valve should step or ramp back on a failed stroke test.Figure 31. Valve Signature Representationj SUPPLY PRESSUREk INCOMING PRESSURE THRESHOLDl LOW FRICTION BREAKOUT PRESSURE THRESHOLD m HIGH FRICTION BREAKOUT PRESSURE THRESHOLD n OUTGOING PRESSURE THRESHOLD o TARGET TRAVEL MOVEMENT 100%TRAVELP R E S S U R EVST Abnormal & Abort Criteria D VST Abnormal CriteriaA partial stroke test is marked as abnormal if it fails one of the following criteria.The device always evaluates a PST on the following criteria:1. Target Travel achieved2. Return to the normal endIn addition to the above, any of the following can be selected to evaluate a Partial Stroke Test.1. Breakout Time2. Outgoing Pressure Threshold3. Incoming Pressure Threshold4. High Friction Breakout Pressure5. Low Friction Breakout PressureD VST Abort CriteriaThe PST is terminated and the valve is returned to the normal end. The return to the normal end will be per the user configuration for an aborted test. The abort criteria will only be active if it is added as a criteria to be evaluated during PST by adding it to the PST Abnormal Criteria.The device always aborts a PST if the Max Travel displacement is exceeded.In addition to the above, any of the following can be selected to abort a Partial Stroke Test:1. Breakout Time2. Incoming Pressure Threshold3. High Friction Breakout PressurePartial & Full StrokeD Partial StrokePST Max Travel defines how much travel displacement is allowed before the PST aborts (see figure 32).PST Minimum Travel is the percentage of total span that the valve moves away from its normal operating end of travel towards its tripped end of travel during the test. The default value is 10%.Set Point Overdrive defines the extent of the set point overdrive over the Minimum Travel Movement when the early turn around is enabled. When the early turn around is not enabled it defines the travel target.Freeze Analog / Discrete Feedbac k when enabled, freezes the corresponding feedback during a partial stroke test. Minimum PST Pause Time,when enabled, the incoming stroke is initiated as soon as the travel reaches the minimum travel movement. Refer to figure 32 for a time series representation of this parameter.Randomized PST, when enabled the instrument randomizes the target travel, for each PST.PST Randomization is defined in percent (%) of calibrated travel span, it defines the extent of randomization from the minimum travel movement towards the normal end. If the user defined randomization is too large the instrument will cap the max randomization to ensure that there will be at least 1% travel movement away from the defined normal end. Refer to figure 31.2122Figure 32. Time Series Representation of Minimum PST Pause TimeT R A V E LPAUSE TIMEj MINIMUM TRAVEL MOVEMENT k MAX. ALLOWABLE TRAVELNORMALNORMALT R A V E Ljj kTIMETIMEEARLY TURNAROUNDBREAKOUT TIMEOUT SETPOINT OVERDRIVERETURN LEADREDUCED PST TIMEOUTGOING RAMP RATEINCOMING RAMP RATERETURN LEADSETPOINT OVERDRIVEMINIMUM PST PAUSE TIMEENABLEDMINIMUM PST PAUSE TIMEDISABLED Outgoing Ramp Rate is the rate at which the valve will move during the Outgoing stroke of the Partial Stroke test. The default value is 0.25%/second.Incoming Ramp Rate is the rate at which the valve will move during the Incoming stroke of the Partial Stroke test. The default value is 0.25%/second.PST Return Lead defines the percent (%) change in setpoint to overcome the hysteresis in the valve assembly. The error between setpoint and actual error is added to this percent change. For example, if the Return Lead is set at 0.5% and there is a 1% error this will be set at 1.5%PST Breakout Timeout is the user configured amount of time before which the valve must leave the normal end during a PST.VST Outgoing Pressure Threshold defines the actuator pressure at which a partial stroke test will abort during the outgoing stroke (see figure 31). This prevents the DVC6200f from exhausting (or building) excessive pressure from/to the actuator in an attempt to move a stuck valve. During PST Calibration, the Partial Stroke Outgoing Pressure Threshold will be set automatically.VST Incoming Pressure Threshold defines the actuator pressure at which a partial stroke test will abort during the incoming stroke (see figure 31). This prevents the DVC6200f from exhausting (or building) excessive pressure from /to the actuator in an attempt to move a stuck valve.D Full StrokeFull Stroke Ramp Rate is the rate at which the valve will move during the full stroke test.FST Wait Time is the amount of time to wait for the valve to move to the normal end after initiation of the full stroke test.Full Stroke Breakout Timeout is the user configured amount of time before which the valve must leave the normal end during a full stroke test.PST ProhibitedA partial stroke test will not be initiated if any of the following user-configurable conditions are active:1. Check Bit Alert2. Drive Current3. Drive Signal4. Processor Impaired5. Travel Sensor6. Output Pressure sensor7. Supply Pressure Sensor8. Temperature Sensor9. Supply Pressure10. Temperature Limit11. Travel Deviation12. Pressure Fallback13. PST Abnormal23Emerson Automation SolutionsMarshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA Sorocaba, 18087 Brazil Cernay, 68700 FranceDubai, United Arab Emirates Singapore 128461 SingaporeThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher, FIELDVUE, and ValveLink are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Automation Solutions business unit of Emerson Electric Co.Emerson Automation Solutions, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Automation Solutions, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。
Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200 HW2数字阀管控制器说明书
Single Point CalibrationFisher ™ FIELDVUE ™ DVC6200 HW2 Digital Valve ControllerThe Single Point Calibration procedure allows you to replace an existing positioner with a DVC6200 HW2, onsliding-stem applications, without performing a travel calibration. This procedure should only be used in emergency situations where a positioner must be completely replaced and is part of a valve assembly that does not have a process bypass or the process cannot be shut down. For other procedures, refer to the DVC6200 Quick Start Guide and the DVC6200 HW2 Instruction Manual.Related DocumentsD Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200 Series Digital Valve Controllers Quick Start Guide (D103566X012)D Fisher FIELDVUE DVC6200 HW2 Digital Valve Controller Instruction Manual (D103605X012)These documents are available from your Emerson sales office or at . WARNINGPersonal injury or property damage, caused by unexpected valve movement and an uncontrolled process, could result if this procedure is attempted when the valve is not locked at its present position. If you cannot safely lock the valve in position until this procedure is complete, do not proceed with this procedure.NotesThis procedure should only be used in emergency situations where a positioner must be completely replaced and is part of a valve assembly that does not have a process bypass or the process cannot be shut down. Do not proceed if the valve has a bypass or the process can be shut down.The valve will need to be locked at its present position. This can be accomplished by using a handwheel or other mechanism. If the valve assembly or valve application will not allow you to safely lock the valve in position until this procedure is complete, do not proceed with this procedure.This procedure can be used to replace a positioner with a DVC6200. The DVC6200 used to replace the existing positioner must have firmware 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, hardware 2 and HC, AD, or PD diagnostic tiering. Do not proceed with this procedure if the digital valve controller does not meet the tiering and firmware requirements mentioned above.This procedure can only be performed on sliding-stem valve assemblies and only supports feedback connections using the linear sliding-stem arrays. This procedure cannot be performed with a long stroke roller array. Do not proceed if you have something other than a sliding-stem valve assembly with a linear sliding-stem array.The Single Point Calibration procedure cannot be completed with Pressure Control. Do not proceed with this procedure if the Travel/Pressure Control Mode is Pressure.This procedure is not recommended for a valve assembly with a double-acting actuator that uses a DVC6200 with a Relay A that was previously configured for a valve assembly with a single-acting actuator.This procedure requires the use of ValveLink ™software 13.5 or newer.Instruction Manual Supplement D104490X012DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerJanuary 20202Installation WARNINGAvoid personal injury or property damage from sudden release of process pressure or bursting of parts. Before proceeding with any procedures:D Always wear protective clothing, gloves, and eyewear to prevent personal injury or property damage.D Do not remove or uncouple the actuator from the valve while the valve is still pressurized.D The valve will need to be locked at its present position. If you cannot safely lock the valve in position until this procedure is complete, do not proceed with this procedure.D After the valve has been safely locked in position, disconnect any operating lines providing air pressure, electric power,or a control signal to the actuator. Be sure the actuator cannot suddenly open or close the valve.D Use lock‐out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect while you work on the equipment.D Check with your process or safety engineer for any additional measures that must be taken to protect against process media.1. Lock Valve in Place1.1 Ensure the mounting kit for the replacement DVC6200 is compatible with the valve assembly. Do not proceedwith this procedure until you have obtained a mounting kit compatible with the replacement DVC6200 and the control valve assembly.1.2 Block the valve into position either with a handwheel or other mechanism. If you cannot safely lock the valve inposition until this procedure is complete, do not proceed with this procedure.1.3 Disconnect the operating lines that provide air pressure to the actuator. Bleed any extra air that may be built up inthe instrument. Please note which air connections go to the actuator and which come from supply for future reassembly.1.4 Determine and record the following parameters:D Feedback Connection: The magnetic array type that will be used with the replacement digital valve controller .NoteThis procedure only supports feedback connections using linear sliding-stem arrays. Do not proceed if you are not using a linear sliding-stem array.D Travel Sensor Motion: States whether increasing drive signal causes the magnetic assembly to move toward the top of the instrument or away from the top of the instrument .D Air (Closes/Opens): States whether adding air opens or closes the valve.D Actual Travel: The measured distance from the closed position to the fully open position of the valve .2. Configure Replacement Digital Valve Controller Prior to Installation2.1 Open ValveLink software and connect to the replacement digital valve controller .Instruction Manual SupplementD104490X012DVC6200 Digital Valve Controller January 20202.2 Open the tag for your replacement digital valve controller and run Setup Wizard .2.2a Initiate the Setup Wizard from either the Instrument Setup menu or Setup Wizard Iconon the toolbar.2.2b Select the appropriate Travel/Pressure Control Mode and the Relay Type.D Travel/Pressure Control: This defines the operating mode of the instrument as well as the behavior of the instrument should the travel sensor fail. There are four choices:d Travel Control- The instrument is controlling to a target travel. Fallback is not enabled.d Pressure Control - The instrument is controlling to a target pressure. Fallback is not enabled.d Fallback- Sensor Failure- The instrument will fallback to pressure control if the travel sensor failure is detected.d Fallback-Sensor / Tvl Deviation - The instrument will fallback to pressure control if the travel sensor failure is detected, or if the Tvl Dev Press Fallback setting is exceeded for more than the Tvl DevPress Fallback Time.D Relay Type: The relay type is printed on the label affixed to the relay body.d A = double-acting or single-actingd B = single-acting, reversed C = single-acting, directNoteThe Single Point Calibration procedure cannot be completed with Pressure Control . Do not proceed with this procedure if the Travel/Pressure Control Mode is Pressure .Travel/Pressure Control Mode must be set to Travel for double-acting actuators.2.2c Set the desired Pressure Units and the Max Supply Pressure for the application.2.2d Select the required Actuator Information including: Actuator Make, Actuator Model, Actuator Size, anddesignate if a Volume Booster or Quick Release Valve is present.2.2e If prompted, fill out any additional screens (eg: Zero Power Condition, Actuator Style, and TuningInformation).2.2f Select Yes when prompted to Use Factory Default Settings.NoteIt is not necessary to run an Auto Travel Calibration since the digital valve controller will be calibrated with the Single Point Calibrationfeature in future steps and is not currently mounted to a valve assembly.Instruction Manual Supplement D104490X012DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerJanuary 202042.2g When prompted to run an Auto Travel Calibration select No .2.3 Place the instrument In Service and close the tag. Then disconnect the digital valve controller.3. Manually Replace Positioner WARNING Refer to the Installation Warning on page 2.3.1 Disconnect any operating lines that provide air pressure, electric power, or a control signal to the actuator. Be surethe actuator cannot suddenly open or close the valve. Remember to note where each line goes for reassembly.3.2 Confirm the valve assembly is safely locked in position. Do not proceed if the valve assembly has not been safelylocked in position.3.3 Carefully remove the existing positioner without disturbing the mechanism locking the valve in position .3.4 Mount the replacement digital valve controller by following the mounting instructions for sliding-stem valveassemblies in the DVC6200 Quick Start Guide (D103566X012).Valve movement may occur if air is supplied to the digital valve controller during calibration. The Single Point Calibration process cannot be started if air is supplied to the instrument.3.5 Attach pneumatic and electrical operating lines to the replacement digital valve controller but Do Not Turn On AirSupply .D Measure and record the valve assembly’s Observed Travel (%). Observed Travel is the current position of the valve as a percentage of the actual travel.4. Run Single Point Calibration4.1 In ValveLink software, connect to the replacement digital valve controller. Open the tag for your replacementdigital valve controller.4.2 Initiate Single Point from the Calibration menu. Set the device Out of Service if prompted.4.3 Read the Start Screen and confirm you have completed the required initial steps for Single Point Calibration. ClickNext if you have completed the required steps listed.4.4 Review the travel configuration information pre-populated by Setup Wizard and/or enter the correct values in theblanks on the Configuration Screen . Click Next when all the values are entered correctly.4.5 Review the tuning information pre-populated by Setup Wizard and/or enter the correct values in the blanks on theTuning Screen . Click Next when all the values are entered correctly.4.6 Read the Warning Screen (figure 1) that describes how to adjust the travel sensor. Click OK when finished readingthe screen.Instruction Manual Supplement D104490X012DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerJanuary 2020Figure 1. Warning Screen4.7 On the Travel Screen, enter the Actual Travel (in) and Observed Travel (%). Then click Next.4.7a Read the alignment recommendations in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Follow the alignmentrecommendations, to move the feedback assembly up or down, until the alignment is indicated with thegood status symbol (Figure 2). Then click Nex t to put your digital valve controller back In Service.Figure 2. Good Status Symbol4.8 Review the travel setpoint and measured travel on the Control Signal Screen. Adjust the travel setpoint to matchtravel. This will minimize valve movement when air is resupplied. Once the travel setpoint matches travel, click Next.4.9 Reintroduce instrument air pressure to the digital valve controller. The air pressure supplied will be shown on thedial graphic on the Air Screen. Once you’ve confirmed instrument air has been supplied, click Next .WARNINGRefer to the Installation Warning on page 2.4.10 On the resulting Finish Screen adjust the Travel Setpoint to remove force on the valve locking mechanism. Thencarefully remove the valve locking mechanism.NoteThe lack of a full travel calibration can impact the accuracy of the position feedback. While this does not impact the instrument’s ability to control the process, it can influence the results of diagnostic tests.This calibration is approximate and accuracy is limited. To ensure optimal accuracy and operation, perform an auto travel calibration on the digital valve controller as soon as conditions allow.Instruction Manual Supplement D104490X012DVC6200 Digital Valve ControllerJanuary 2020Emerson Automation SolutionsMarshalltown, Iowa 50158 USASorocaba, 18087 BrazilCernay, 68700 FranceDubai, United Arab EmiratesSingapore 128461 SingaporeThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher, FIELDVUE, and ValveLink are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Automation Solutions business unit of Emerson Electric Co.Emerson Automation Solutions, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson, Emerson Automation Solutions, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。
DVC6200调试步骤详解DVC6200调试步骤详解一、DVC6200与475通讯器阀门校检调试步骤二、定位器反馈调试使用说明三、DVC自行程校检按钮激活四、DVC整定设定五、DVC6200与475通讯器阀门引导设置校检调试步骤六、DVC6200 的模拟输出激活方法一、DVC6200与475通讯器阀门校检调试步骤1、进入界面,选择HART2、选择online后enter3、如有报警信号,选择YES后enter4、online下拉菜单选择configure(组态)后按enter5、选择calibration(校检)菜单后按enter6、选择auto calibration7、警告菜单选择out of service8、选择CONTINUE后enter选择travel control9、阀门自动校验无须操作,只需等待直到下图界面10、自动校验完成OK键确认11、选择OK12、修改成为 in service 状态,校检完成。
二、定位器反馈调试使用说明1、在configure(组态)菜单选择manual setup2、选择模式保护将in service改为OUT OF service3、选择改变仪表模式4、选择out of service。
Enter后返回5、温馨提醒选择OK6、在manual setup中选择outputs用来设定定位器反馈7、选择output terminal8、选择output terminal6、选择enable后enter7、一定要选择send发送后完成反馈使用设置。
记得将阀门改回in service状态。
三、DVC自行程校检按钮激活激活前必须将阀门设置成out of service状态,参考定位器反馈调试说明设置成为out of service。
1、在manual setup菜单下选择instrument2、选择terminal box3、选择calibration button按右键4、选择autocal后enter5、选择send发送完成接线盒自行程校检按钮设置。
定位器或者增速器的灵ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ度设置是否太高
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如有报警信号,选择YES 后enter
选择guided setup(引导设置)菜单后按enter
选择device setup
警告菜单选择out of service
放大器类型,选择A OR C用于单作用和双作用放大器,B为反作用定位器。
选择travel control
校验完成后恢复到in service 状态。