1. 比喻(Metaphor):用某个事物来比喻另一个事物,使语言更加形象生动。
2. 拟人(Personification):将无生命的事物赋予人的特征,使表达更具有生动感和感染力。
3. 对偶(Parallelism):通过平行的句子结构或词语来表达相同的或类似的意思,使句子更有力量和韵律感。
例子:Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
4. 反问(Rhetorical question):表现出说话人的强烈感情和肯定态度,让听者思考并自行找到答案。
5. 比较(Comparison):通过将两个不同的事物进行类比,使得听者或读者更容易理解某个观点。
常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though 等,例如:1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.这头象和任何人见到的一样像一条蛇。
2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.他看上去好像刚从我的童话故事书中走出来,像幽灵一样从我身旁走过去。
3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.它那长长的叶子在风中摆动,好像伸出纤细的手指去触摸什么东西似的。
1、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.钻石部是商店的心脏和核心。
2.He is a pig.他简直是头猪。
)3.She is a woman with a stony heart.她是一个铁石心肠的女人。
)3.Mark Twain is a mirror of America.马克•吐温是美国的一面镜子。
8.Parallelism 排比, 平行
这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大 体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的短语. 句子排列成串,形成一个整体. 1>.No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. 所有的人自由後,才能完全自由;所有的 人都有道德,才能完全合乎道德;所有的 人都幸福了,才能真正幸福。
2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻
隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物 的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 例如: 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
这种修辞是将一系列词语按照意念的大 小.轻重.深浅.高低等逐层渐进,最后达到 顶点.可以增强语势,逐渐加深读者印象. 例如: 1>.I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so extremely sorry.
19.Anticlimax 渐降法
The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes.
11.Iro误时,用赞同过 失的说法,而在表扬时,则近乎责难的说 法. 1>.It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning. 早上没有时间观念还真是一件 好事啊(真实含义是应该明确早上的时 间观念)
英语中有19种修辞手法,它们分别是:Simile明喻、Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻、Metonymy 借喻,转喻、Synecdoche 提喻、Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉、Personification 拟人、Hyperbole 夸张、Parallelism 排比,平行、Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法、Allegory 讽喻,比方、Irony 反语、Pun 双关、Parody 仿拟、Rhetorical question 修辞疑问、Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶、Paradox 隽语、Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻、Climax 渐进法,层进法、Anticlimax 渐降法。
下面和大家分享一下这19种修辞手法的全部解释和例句,快来学习吧!1.Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比。
标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等。
例如:1>.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow。
2>.I wandered lonely as a cloud。
3>.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale。
2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。
例如:1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper。
2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested。
1. 嘿,simile(明喻)呀,就像“她的笑容像阳光一样灿烂”,这不是一下子就让你感受到她笑容的温暖了嘛!
2. 哇哦,metaphor(隐喻),比如“时间是小偷”,多形象地表达了时间悄悄偷走东西的感觉呀!
3. 嘿呀,personification(拟人),像“风在怒号”,把风当成会发怒的人,是不是很有趣呢?
4. hyperbole(夸张)可太有意思啦,“我能吃下一头牛”,这得是多大的食量呀,哈哈!
5. understatement(低调陈述),“这不算太坏”,其实可能已经挺糟糕了,但这么说就感觉还好啦。
6. irony(反讽),“你可真聪明啊”,但其实是说反话,在讽刺呢,这种感觉很奇妙吧!
7. euphemism(委婉语),“他去见上帝了”,多委婉地说一个人去世了呀。
8. metonymy(转喻),“白宫决定了”,其实是说美国政府呢,很巧妙吧!
9. synecdoche(提喻),“帆来了”其实说的是船来了,这种指代很特别呢!
10. alliteration(头韵),“Sally sells seashells by the seashore”,读起来朗朗上口,很有意思吧!
英语中的修辞手法1.明喻(Simile)明喻是一种最简单、最常见的修辞方法,是以两种具有共同特征的事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体的关系,两者都在对比中出现,其基本格式是“A像B”,常用的比喻词有as, like, as if, as though等。
例如:●He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushedsintoshis wrinkled face.●The cheque fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. (支票跌落到地上,像一只断了翅膀的小鸟。
)●Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two.(正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。
)I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery blodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.(丘吉尔在此使用了一个恰当的比喻,把德国士兵比作蝗虫,因为二者有着共同之处-传播毁灭。
)2.暗喻(Metaphor)暗喻也是一种比喻,但不用比喻词,因此被称作缩减了的明喻(a compressed simile)。
例如:●What will parents do without the electronic baby-sitter? (如果没有这位电子保姆,父母该怎么办呢?)形象地说明了电视机的保姆功用。
●... while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.(……但是我们中的很多人太容易给别人批评的冷风,而不愿意给自己的同伴赞扬的阳光。
标志词常用:like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as 等。
例如:1. I wandered lonely as a stay dog.我像一只流浪狗一样孤独地四处漂泊。
2. Einstein likes to put a cloak on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.爱因斯坦喜欢披着斗篷,就好像刚刚从童话故事中走出来。
例如:1. Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.希望是顿美好的早餐,但却是一顿糟糕的晚餐。
2. Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.03metonymy借喻,转喻借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.1. 以容器代替内容,例如:1)The kettle boils.水开了。
2)The room sat silent.全屋人安静地坐着。
2. 以资料、工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please.请听我说。
3. 以作者代替作品,例如:a complete Shakespeare莎士比亚全集4. 以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it.我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱。
1. Alliteration(头韵): The slippery snake slithered silently.2. Anaphora(重复): I have a dream. I have a dream.3. Antithesis(对偶): It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.4. Assonance(协韵): The light of the fire is shining bright.5. Chiasmus(倒装): Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you.6. Climax(递进): She started laughing, then chuckling, then finally bursting into uncontrollable laughter.7. Euphemism(委婉语): He passed away peacefully in his sleep.8. Hyperbole(夸张): I've told you a million times to clean your room!9. Irony(讽刺): How nice of you to be late again!10. Metaphor(隐喻): Life is a journey, and we are itspassengers.11. Onomatopoeia(拟声): The bees buzzed by my ear.12. Oxymoron(矛盾修饰): The silence was deafening.13. Parallelism(并列结构): She likes cooking, swimming, and reading.14. Personification(拟人): The flowers danced in the wind.15. Pun(双关): I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough.16. Repetition(重复): I must do it. I will do it. I can do it.17. Rhetorical question(修辞疑问): Who can resist the aroma of freshly baked bread?18. Simile(明喻): Her smile is as bright as the sun.19. Synecdoche(提喻法): The pen is mightier than the sword.20. Allusion(典故): She had a Mona Lisa smile on her face.21. Apostrophe(呼唤): Oh, love, why do you torment me so?22. Consonance(协音): The ship has sailed to the farthest shores.23. Enjambment(跨行): I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills.24. Litotes(婉言): She is not unkind.25. Metonymy(转喻): The pen is mightier than the sword.26. Paradox(悖论): The more you know, the more you don't know.27. Periphrasis(迂回说法): The city that never sleeps (New York City).28. Sarcasm(讽刺): Oh, you're so clever, I can hardly stand it.29. Symbolism(象征): The dove represents peace.30. Understatement(轻描淡写): It's just a little cut, no need to make a fuss.31. Zeugma(两义): She lost her keys and her temper.这些修辞手法在英语写作中非常常见,它们可以使文章更加生动有趣,同时也能够增强表达的力度。
以下是一些常见的修辞修辞,每种都附有示例:1. 比喻(Metaphor):将一个事物与另一个不同的事物进行比较,以突显它们之间的相似之处。
2. 拟人(Personification):赋予非人物品或抽象概念人类特征,使其更具生动性。
3. 排比(Parallelism):通过重复相似的结构或短语来增强语言的韵律和重复性。
4. 比喻(Simile):将一个事物与另一个不同的事物进行比较,但使用"like"或"as"来表示比较。
5. 修辞问句(Rhetorical Question):提出一个问题,不期望得到明确答案,而是用来强调观点或概念。
-例句:难道我们不应该追求更好的未来吗?6. 反讽(Irony):说一件事情的时候,意思与字面上的意思相反,用来讽刺或表达不满。
7. 比较(Comparison):通过比较来强调相似性或差异。
8. 反复(Repetition):多次重复一个词或短语,以增强强调或情感效果。
-例句:自由,自由,我们都渴望自由!9. 排比(Anaphora):在一系列句子的开头重复相同的词语或短语。
10. 夸张(Hyperbole):故意夸大事物的特征或特点,以创造强烈的印象。
常见的英语修辞修辞手法(figure of speech)修辞手法是通过修饰、调整语句,运用特定的表达形式以提高语言表达作用的方式和方法。
常见的英语修辞1.simile明喻A simile is a figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly compared, usually in a phrase introduced by like or as.明喻是常用as或like等词将两种不同事物通过比较而连接起来的一种修辞手法。
让我们看几个例子:Good coffee is like friendship: rich and warm and strong.好的咖啡如同友谊,丰厚,温暖,热烈。
Life is rather like opening a tin of sardines. We're all of us looking for the key.人生就像一罐沙丁鱼,我们大家都在找开启的起子。
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen from him to crow.他这人就像一只骄傲的公鸡,以为太阳升起是为了它的啼叫。
2.metaphor暗喻A metaphor is a trope or figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.暗喻是将两种有共同点的不同事物进行隐晦比较的修辞手法。
明喻与暗喻的不同点就在于是否有出现like或者as(像)这一类比喻词,下面这几个句子都是暗喻:Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take action.幽默是生活的减震器,它可以鼓舞人们付诸于行动。
例句:Her laughter was music to my ears.(她的笑声如音乐般动听。
例句:The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.(花儿在轻风中跳舞。
例句:He was a real Romeo with the ladies.(他对女士们来说就像真正的罗密欧。
)反问(Rhetorical Question):用问句表达观点或意义,而不需要回答。
例句:Isn't it ironic that the firefighter's house burned down?(消防员的房子烧毁了,这不是讽刺吗?)平行结构(Parallelism):重复使用相同的语法结构,增强语言的韵律和效果。
例句:He came, he saw, he conquered.(他来了,他看到了,他征服了。
例句:I came, I saw, I conquered.(我来了,我看到了,我征服了。
例句:I've told you a million times not to do that!(我已经告诉你一百万次不要那样做了!)比较(Simile):通过使用"like"或"as"等词来比较两个事物,以形象地表达相似之处。
例句:She sings like an angel.(她唱歌如天使一般。
• 2."Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. " The waiter said to the beggar.
• 作者对乞丐说,当然,你只收大钞,所以没零钱啦。
• 12、pun 双关 • 双关就是用一个词在句子中的双重含义、借题发挥、作
the woods. • 我很开心,似乎听到了林中唱歌的鸟儿。
• 7、hyperbole 夸张 • 夸张是以言过其实的说法表达强调的目的。它可以加强语
• • 举个例子
• 1. I beg a thousand pardons. • 我千百次地祈求宽恕
• 2. Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars.
《My heart leaps up我心雀跃》)
• 17、oxymoron 反意法、逆喻 • • 这也是一种矛盾修辞法,用两种不相调和的特征形容一
个事物,以不协调的搭配使读者领悟句中微妙的含义。 • 往往这样的句子写出来具有很震撼的效果。 • • 例如: • 1. No light, but rather darkness visible. • 没有光,但有看得见的黑暗。 •
• 2. If we don't hang together, we shall hang separately.
• 如果我们不团结,就上吊去吧。(注意两个hang意思不 一样)
• 13、parody 仿拟 • 这是一种模仿名言、警句、谚语,改动其中部分词语从
大学 英语修辞整理及例子
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1.Alliteration 头韵heart,home2.Assonance 元韵late,make“The rain in spain falls mainly in the plain.”The kind guide said aside he would chop the way for us.好心的导游在一旁说他将替我们开路。
3.Consonance 辅韵They left half a loaf in the safe.4.Onomatopoeia 拟声The stream murmurs through the woods.5.Aposiopesis [æ'pəʊsaɪəʊpi:sɪs] 说话中断法,跳脱“You’d better do this or else…”6.Apostrophe 呼语Captain!my captain!rise up and hear the bells:7.Pun 双关ball:(1)any round or spherical object (2)a formal social dance8.Repetition 重复The rain pours and pours.9.Anaphora 首语重复法Light come, light go.10.Epiphora 句末重复法Waste not,want not.11.Simploce首结语重复法This is the world’s fight, This is civilization’s fight.12.anadiplosis 顶针With Bewick on my knee,I was then happy:happy at least in my way.13.Parallelism 平行结构The young actor was tall,dark,and handsome.14.Antithesis 对偶Marriage is easy,housekeepin g is hard.15.Climax 层进法We want peace,we want freedom,we want a better life.16.Anticlimax 突降法Where shall I find hope, happiness ,friends, cigarettes?17.Syllepsis 一语双叙He lost his coat and his temper.18.Zeugma 轭式修辞法We ate a bun and a glass of milk.19.Chiasmus 回文One should eat to live,not live to eat.20.Asyndeton 连词省略法Nothing is insider them, they were sealed up before the creation of pestilence.21.Polysyndeton 连词叠用法I am a soul,or a body, a mind.22.Rhetorical question 反问Isn’t it the best choice?23.Simile 明喻Time flies like an arrow.24.Metaphor 暗喻You are my sunshine.25.Metonymy 借喻He has a good ear for music.26.Synecdoche 提喻He paid the workers $5 per head.27.Antonomasia换称He is modern Hitler---a tyrant.Jack is Michael Jordan on our basketball team.28.Personification 拟人The bird is singing joyfully.29.Parody 仿拟I had no outlook,but an uplook rather.30.Synesthesia 通感The music breathing from her face.31.Transferred epithet 移情a sleepless bed32.. understatement 轻描淡写,低调陈述1.AUTHOR &WORKS1>William Faulkner is the author of ______.A. Far From the Madding CrowdB. Sound and FuryC. For Whom the Bell TollsD. Scarlet LetterKey B2>The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by _____.A. Jack LondonB. Charles DickensC. Samuel ColeridgeD. Ernest HemingwayKey: D3>James Joyce is the author of all the following novels EXCEPT ______.A. DublinersB. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManC. Jude the ObscureD. UlyssesKey: C4>Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson?A. This is my letter to the world.B. / heard a fly buzz —when I died.C. This is just to say.D. Because I could not stop for death. Key: C (William Carlos Williams)5>Francis Bacon' s _____ is a great essay on education.A. The Advancement of LearningB. The Importance of Being EarnestC. The New AtlanticD. The Learned Reading upon the Statute of UsesKey: A6>William Makepeace Thackeray' s most famous work is ______.A. The School for ScandalB. Past and PresentC. Major BarbaraD. Vanity FairKey: D7>Which of the following poems is NOT written by George Gordon Byron?A. She Walks in Beauty.B. The Solitary Reaper.C. When We Two Parted.D. Childe Harold' s Pilgrimage.Key: B8> William Golding' s first and most well-known novel is ______.A. Coral IslandB. Lord of the FliesC. Treasure IslandD. The Brass ButterflyKey: B9> Moby Dick is the most important work by ______.A. Jack LondonB. Herman MelvilleC. Sinclair LewisD. Ralph EllisonKey: B10>Stephen Crane is famous for ______.A. An American TragedyB. The AmbassadorsC. Main StreetD. The Red Badge of Courage Key: D11>Robert Frost is a famous _____.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. literary criticKey: C12>Eugene 0' Neil is an American ______.A. novelistB. playwrightC. poetD. essayist KEY:B13>_____ is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare, and his representative works are plays inspired by social criticism.A. Richard SheridanB. Oliver GoldsmithC. Oscar WildeD. Bernard ShawKEY:D14>Who is the only woman writer that has won both Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize?A. Pearl Buck.B. Virginia Woolf.C. Tony Morrison.D. Katharine Mansfield.KEY: A15> ______ is NOT among the postwar poets in modem American literature.A. Robert LowellB. Gary SynderC. Alien GinsbergD. e. e. cummingsKEY: D16>Shylock is a character in ______.A. The Merchant of VeniceB. The Twelfth NightC. The Winter's TaleD. MacbethKEY: A17>This line "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?' is quoted from ______.A. Don Juan.B. Kubla KhanC. To AutumnD. Ode to the West Wind KEY: D18>The sentence "Shall I compare thee to a summer' s day" is quoted from Shakespeare' s ______.A. comediesB. tragediesC. historiesD. sonnetsKEY : D19>"Beauty is truth, truth beauty" is an epigrammatic line by ______.A. John KeatsB. William BlakeC. William WordsworthD. Percy Bysshe ShelleyKEY: A19>"Beauty is truth, truth beauty" is an epigrammatic line by ______.A. John KeatsB. William BlakeC. William WordsworthD. Percy Bysshe Shelley KEY: A20>Tess is a character created by ______.A. D. H. LawrenceB. James JoyceC. Thomas HardyD. Dylan Thomas Key: C21>As a literary figure, Heathcliff appears in ______.A. Jane EyreB. Oliver TwistC. Wuthering HeightsD. Middlemarch Key: C22>Emily Grierson is a literary figure created by ______.A. Willa GatherB. Doris LessingC. William FaulknerD. Nathaniel Hawthorn Key: C23> Mr. Micawber in David Copperfield and Sam Well in Pickwick Papers are perhaps the best ______ characters created by Charles Dickens.A. comicB. tragicC. roundD. sophisticated Key: A24> Mr. Darcy is a character in ______.A. Tess of the D' UrhervillesB. Pride and PrejudiceC. Happy PrinceD. The Mill on the Floss Key: B25> The image of the famous "henpecked husband" is created by______.A. Washington IrvingB. Fennimore CooperC. Edith WhartonD. William Dean Howells Key: A26> ______ is a popular literary form in the medieval period.A. RomanceB. NovelC. SonnetD. Drama Key: A27> ______ was the most important person of the transcendental club.A. HawthornB. WhitmanC. EmersonD. Thoreau Key: C28> The literary spokesman of the Jazz is often thought to be _____.A. O'NeilB. PoundC. Robert FrostD. Scott Fitzgerald Key: D29>Together with Lawrence and Joyce, ______ is considered one of the three giants of the modern English novel and a master of English prose.A. Henry JamesB. Joseph ConradC. E. M. ForsterD. Aldous Huxley Key: B30>_____,the author of The Interpretation of Dreams has great impact on literary creation and criticism.A. Carl JungB. Jean-Paul SartreC. Friedrich Wilhelm NietzscheD. Sigmund Freud Key: D31> Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism?A.To elevate the individual and inner being over the social being.B. To put the stress on traditional values.C.To portray the distorted and alienated relationships between man and his environment.D.To advocate a conscious break with the past. Key: B32>Whitman's poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT _____.A. a strict poetic formB. a simple and conversational languageC. a free and natural rhythmic patternD. an easy flow of feelings Key: A33> Who initiated the name of the Lost Generation?A. Hemingway.B. Fitzgerald.C. Gertrude Stein.D. William Faulkner. Key: C34> The high tide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around ______.A. 1820B. 1850C. 1880D. 1920 Key: A35> The success of Jane Eyre is partly due to its introduction to the English novel the first _____ heroine.A. explorerB. peasantC. workerD. governess Key: D36> _____ is the representative work of the Beat Generation.A. The Great GatsbyB. On the RoadC. Look Back in AngerD. The Sun Also Rises Key: B37>The most significant idea of the Renaissance is ______.A. humanismB. realismC. naturalismD. skepticism Key: A38>The title of Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" is taken from __A. The Holy BibleB. The Faerie QueenC.The Pilgrim's ProgressD. Paradise Lost Key: C39>Who is considered the father of American poetry?A. Philip Freneau.B. William Cullen Bryant.C. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.D. Henry David Thoreau.Key: A ( The Wild Honey Suckle)40>Iceberg Theory is a writing principle proposed and closely followedby_______.A. Jack LondonB. Sinclair LewisC. William FaulknerD. Earnest Hemingway Key: D41> _____ is featured by black humor.A. CaricatureB. Catch-22C. The Catcher in the RyeD. Death of a Salesman Key: B42>______ has won the Pulitzer Prize four times and Nobel Prize.A. Ernest HemingwayB. John SteinbeckC. Eugene 0' NeilD. William Faulkner Key: C43> ______ is known as "the poet' s poet".A. ShakespeareB. MarloweC. SpenserD. Donne Key: C44> Robert Burns is a poet from ______.A. EnglandB. New EnglandC. IrelandD. Scotland Key: D45>Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between _____ and _____ centuries.A. 14th/mid-17thB. 14th/mid-18thC. 16th/mid-18thD. 16th/mid-17th Key: A46>O Captain! My Captain! was written in memory of _____.A. Walt WhitmanB. Benjamin FranklinC. Abraham LincolnD. Martin Luther King Key: C47>The first book of the Old Testament is called ______.A. ExodusB. NumbersC. LeviticusD. Genesis Key: D48>William Blake' s The Tiger is collected in ______.A. Songs of InnocenceB. Songs of ExperienceC. Marriage of Heaven and HellD. Poetical Sketches Key: B49>Who is the father of English poetry?A. Shakespeare.B. Edmund Spencer.C. John Milton.D. Geoffrey Chaucer. Key: D50>The 1954 Nobel Prize for literature was awarded to _____ for his "mastery of the art of modem narration".A.William FaulknerB. John SteinbeckC. Saul BellowD. Ernest Hemingway Key: D51>It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of___.A. odeB. elegyC. epicD. sonnet Key: A52> 0. Henry earned his fame mainly for his _____.A. novelsB. poemsC. short storiesD. dramas Key: C53> Works by ______ are characterized by stream-of-consciousness.A. George EliotB. Jane AustenC. Emily BronteD. Virginia Woolf Key: D54>Who of the followings is a playwright of the "theater of absurd" ?A.John Osborn.B. Wystan Hugh Auden.C. Bernard Shaw.D. Samuel Beckett. Key: D55>In the works of such aesthetics, as ______ and Walter Pater, the theory of "art for art' s sake" is advocated.A. Oscar WildeB. Mrs. GaskellC. Alexander PopeD. Charles Lamb Key: A56>The Romantic Age in England came to an end with the death of______.A. Jane AustinB. Walter ScottC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. William Wordsworth Key: B57>The Victorian Age was largely an age of ______, eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray.A. pessimismB. naturalismC. modernismD. critical realism Key: D58>In which novel can "Yahoo" be found?A. John Bunyan' s Pilgrim' s Progress.B.Edmund Spencer’s The Faerie Queen.C. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels.D. Henry Fielding' s Tom Jones.Key: C (Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Yahoo)59>The Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels EXCEPT ______.A. The Tenant of Wildfell HallB. Jane EyreC. Wuthering HeightsD. Agnes Grey Key: A60>Beowulf narrates a story taking place in _____.A. the MediterraneanB. Northern EuropeC. EnglandD. Scandinavia Key: D1.The national epic of the Anglo-Saxons is ____.A . Robin Hood B. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightC. The Canterbury TalesD. Beowulf2. ____was the most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend written in alliterative verse.A. The Canterbury TalesB. Piers the PlowmanC. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD. Beowulf3. Most of the ballads of the 5th century focused on the legend about____ as a heroic figure.A. Green NightsB. GawainC. Robin HoodD. Hamlet4.In the 16th century, Thomas More’s work ____became immediately popular after its publication.A. Paradise LostB. A Pleasant Satire of the Three EstatesC. Of BeautyD. Utopia5. ____was Edmund Spencer’s masterpiece which has been regarded as one of the great poems in the English language.A. AmorettiB. The Shepherd’s CalendarC. The Faerie QueenD. Four Hymns6. ____ is from Shakespeare’s sonnet No.18.A. “Let me not to the marriage of true minds”B. “To be or not to be: that is the question”C. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”D. “No longer mourn for me when I am dead”7. The vivid portrayal of ____ by Shakespeare in Henry IV has earned for him an enviable place in the history of English literature.A . Julius Caesar B. Falstaff C. Hamlet D. King Henry8.The four great tragedies written by Shakespeare are Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and ____.A. Antony and CleopatraB. Julius CaesarC. Twelfth NightD. King Lear9. Which of the following does not belong to Shakespeare’s romantic love comedies?A. Twelfth NightB. The TempestC. As You Like ItD. The Merchant of Venice10.The hero who has fallen a victim to his own ambition must be ______.A. HamletB. OthelloC. King LearD. Macbeth11. ______ is acclaimed as “the poets‘poet”,A. ShakespeareB. SpenserC. KeatsD. Chaucer12. The allusion “A Pound of Flesh”comes from Shakespeare‘s ______.A. HamletB. The Merchant of VeniceC. King LearD. Othello13. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries ______ appeared in England as a new trend in literature.A. RenaissanceB. ReformationC. RomanticismD. Sentimentalism14. Of studies was written by ______.A. John Bunyan.B. John Donne.C. Francis Bacon.D. William Blake.15. Which of the following is the highest form of literary expression?A. Prose.B. Poetry.C. Novel.D. Speech.16. The 18th century in English literature is an age of ______.A. novelB. poemC. proseD. play17. Which of the following work tells how Satan rebelled against God and how Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden?A. Paradise LostB. Paradise Regained.C. L' ALLegro.D. Lycidas.18. Who is the creator and a great master of the historical novel?A. John Keats.B. Walter Scott.C. Jane Austen.D. Charles Lamb.19. Bunyan‘s most important work is ______, written in theold-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.A. The FootprintB. On His BlindnessC. Vanity FairD. The Pilgrim's Progress20. Romanticism as a literary movement came into being in England early in the latter half the ______ century.A. 16thB. 17thC. 18thD. 19th21. The novel Oliver Twist was written by ______.A. Jane AustenB. John Keats C . Charles Dickens D. George Eliot22. In Anglo-Saxon period, “Beowulf”represented the ______poetry.A. paganB. religionsC. romanticD. sentimental23. The epoch of Renaissance witnessed a particular development of English drama. It was ______who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.A. Christopher MarloweB. Thomas LodgeC. Edmund SpenserD. Thomas More24. At the beginning of the 16th century the outstanding humanist______wrote his Utopia in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people‘s suffering and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.A. Thomas MoreB. Thomas MarloweC. Francis BaconD. William Shakespeare25. Of the following plays ______ is not a comedy.A. A Midsummer Night‘s DreamB. The Merchant of V eniceC. Twelfth NightD. Romeo and Juliet26. The first poem in The lyrical Ballads is Coleridge‘s masterpieceA. Kubla KhanB. The PreludeC. The Rime of Ancient MarinerD. Tintern Abbey27.Dickens takes the French Revolution as the background of the novel______.A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. Great ExpectationsC. Hard TimesD. David Copperfield28. Chaucer was the first important poet of a royal court to write in ______ after the Norman Conquest.A. FrenchB. LatinC. EnglishD. Greek29. Beowulf was written in ______.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Early Modem EnglishD. French30. The English Renaissance period was an age of______.A. drama and novelB. poetry and dramaC. novel and poetryD. romance and poetry1---5 D C C D C 6-10 C B D B D11-15 B B C C B 16-20 C A B D C21-25 C A A A D 26-30 C A C A B。
常见的英语修辞修辞手法(figure of speech)修辞手法是通过修饰、调整语句,运用特定的表达形式以提高语言表达作用的方式和方法。
常见的英语修辞1.simile明喻A simile is a figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly compared, usually in a phrase introduced by like or as.明喻是常用as或like等词将两种不同事物通过比较而连接起来的一种修辞手法。
让我们看几个例子:Good coffee is like friendship: rich and warm and strong.好的咖啡如同友谊,丰厚,温暖,热烈。
Life is rather like opening a tin of sardines. We're all of us looking for the key.人生就像一罐沙丁鱼,我们大家都在找开启的起子。
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen from him to crow.他这人就像一只骄傲的公鸡,以为太阳升起是为了它的啼叫。
2.metaphor暗喻A metaphor is a trope or figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.暗喻是将两种有共同点的不同事物进行隐晦比较的修辞手法。
明喻与暗喻的不同点就在于是否有出现like或者as(像)这一类比喻词,下面这几个句子都是暗喻:Humor is the shock absorber of life; it helps us take action.幽默是生活的减震器,它可以鼓舞人们付诸于行动。
今天小编为大家介绍20中常见的英文修辞手法,任你挑选,喜欢哪种用哪种~ Simile明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比,这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性。
标志词常用:like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as 等。
例如:1. I wandered lonely as a stray dog.我像一只流浪狗一样孤独地四处漂泊。
2. Einstein likes to put a cloak on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.爱因斯坦喜欢披着斗篷,就好像刚刚从童话故事中走出来。
例如:1. Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.希望是顿美好的早餐,但却是一顿糟糕的晚餐。
2. Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.一些书需要被“浅尝辄止”地阅读,另一些需要被“狼吞虎咽”般地阅读;很少一部分需要被“细嚼慢咽”地阅读。
1. 以容器代替内容,例如:1)The kettle boils.水开了。
2)The room sat silent.全屋人安静地坐着。
2. 以资料、工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please.请听我说。
3. 以作者代替作品,例如:a complete Shakespeare莎士比亚全集4. 以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it.我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱。
学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考1.Alliteration 头韵heart,home2.Assonance 元韵late,make3.Consonance 辅韵sing,rang4.Onomatopoeia 拟声The stream murmurs through the woods.5.Aposiopesis 跳脱“You’d better do this or else…”6.Apostrophe 呼语Captain!my captain!rise up and hear the bells:7.Pun 双关ball:(1)any round or spherical object (2)a formal social dance8.Repetition 重复The rain pours and pours.9.Anaphora 首语重复法Light come,light go.10.Epiphora 句末重复法Waste not,want not.11.12.Simploce首结语重复法This is the world’s fight,This is civilization’s fight.12.13.anadiplosis 顶针With Bewick on my knee,I was then happy:happy at least in my way.14.Parallelism 平行结构The young actor was tall,dark,and handsome.15.16.Antithesis 对偶Marriage is easy,housekeepin g is hard.17.18.Climax 层进法We want peace,we want freedom,we want a better life.19.Anticlimax 突降法Where shall I find hope,happiness,friends,cigarettes?20.Syllepsis 一语双叙He lost his coat and his temper.21.22.Zeugma 轭式修辞法We ate a bun and a glass of milk.23.24.Chiasmus 回文One should eat to live,not live to eat.25.Asyndeton 连词省略法Nothing is insider them,they were sealed up before the creation of pestilence.26.Polysyndeton 连词叠用法I am a soul.or a body, a mind.27.Rhetorical question 反问Isn’t it the best choice?28.29.Simile 明喻Time flies like an arrow.30.31.Metaphor 暗喻You are my sunshine.32.Metonymy 借喻He has a good ear for music.33.34.Synecdoche 提喻He paid the workers $5 per head.35.Antonomasia 换称Hitler---a tyrant36.Personification 拟人The bird is singing joyfully.37.38.Parody 仿拟I had no outlook,but an uplook rather.39.Synesthesia 通感The music breathing from her face.40.Transferred epithet 移情a sleepless bed学习资料。
英语修辞举例以下是一些常用的英语修辞手法及其举例:1. 比喻(Metaphor):使用一个事物来形容另一个事物。
- He is a shining star.(他是一颗闪耀的星星。
)2. 拟人(Personification):使非人物拥有人的特征和行为。
- The wind whispered through the trees.(风轻声低语穿过树林。
)3. 夸张(Hyperbole):夸大事物的特征或情况。
- I've told you a million times not to do that!(我已经告诉过你一百万次不要那样做了!)4. 对等结构(Parallelism):在句子中使用相似的语法结构或词组进行平衡的修辞手法。
- She likes singing, dancing, and playing the piano.(她喜欢唱歌、跳舞和弹钢琴。
)5. 反问(Rhetorical Question):表达一种陈述或意见的修辞手法,实际上是一个问句。
- Do you think I was born yesterday?(你以为我是昨天才出生的吗?)6. 类比(Analogy):通过比较两个或多个事物的相似之处,来解释或说明某个概念或观点。
- Life is like a roller coaster, with its ups and downs.(生活就像过山车,有起有落。
)7. 反语(Irony):用语气相反或与实际相反的话来表达意思。
- What a lovely day for a picnic!(多么适合野餐的好天气啊!)8. 反复叠加(Anaphora):在连续的句子或短语中重复相同的词语或短语。
- I have a dream. I have a dream that one day...(我有一个梦想。
8.Parallelism 排比, 平行
这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大 体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的短语. 句子排列成串,形成一个整体.
1>.No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.
13.Parody 仿拟
这是一种模仿名言.警句.谚语,改动其中 部分词语,从而使其产生新意的修辞.
例如: A friend in need is a friend to be
avoided. 处于危难之中的朋友是一个为众人所
14.Rhetorical question 修辞疑问 (反问)
17.Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻
这也是一种矛盾修辞法,用两种不相调 和的特征形容一个事物,以不协调的搭 配使读者领悟句中微妙的含义.
例如: 1>.No light, but rather darkness
18.Climax 渐进法,层进法
这种修辞是将一系列词语按照意念的大 小.轻重.深浅.高低等逐层渐进,最后达到 顶点.可以增强语势,逐渐加深读者印象.
它与疑问句的不同在于它并不以得到答 复为目的,而是以疑问为手段,取得修辞 上的效果,其特点是:肯定问句表示强烈 否定,而否定问句表示强烈的肯定.它的 答案往往是不言而喻的.
Shall we allow those untruths to go unanswered?
英语的修辞英语中常用的修辞手法:1. Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比。
标志词常用like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等。
例如:1). He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.2). I wandered lonely as a cloud.3). Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.2. Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成。
例如:1). Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.2). Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.3. Metonymy 借喻,转喻借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称。
I、以容器代替内容,例如:1).The kettle boils.水开了。
2).The room sat silent.全屋人安静地坐着。
II、以资料、工具代替事物的名称,例如:Lend me your ears, please.请听我说。
III、以作者代替作品,例如:a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集IV、以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:I had the muscle, and they made money out of it.我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱。
4. Synecdoche 提喻提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般。
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1.Alliteration 头韵heart,home
2.Assonance 元韵late,make
3.Consonance 辅韵sing,rang
4.Onomatopoeia 拟声The stream murmurs through the woods.
Aposiopesis 跳脱“You’d better do this or else…”
Apostrophe 呼语Captain!my captain!rise up and hear the bells:
Pun 双关ball:(1)any round or spherical object (2)a formal social dance Repetition 重复The rain pours and pours.
Anaphora 首语重复法Light come,light go.
Epiphora 句末重复法Waste not,want not.
Simploce首结语重复法This is the world’s fight,This is civilization’s fight. anadiplosis 顶针With Bewick on my knee,I was then happy:happy at least in my way.
Parallelism 平行结构The young actor was tall,dark,and handsome.
Antithesis 对偶Marriage is easy,housekeepin g is hard.
Climax 层进法We want peace,we want freedom,we want a better life. Anticlimax 突降法Where shall I find hope,happiness,friends,cigarettes
Syllepsis 一语双叙He lost his coat and his temper.
Zeugma 轭式修辞法We ate a bun and a glass of milk.
Chiasmus 回文One should eat to live,not live to eat.
Asyndeton 连词省略法Nothing is insider them,they were sealed up before the creation of pestilence.
Polysyndeton 连词叠用法I am a a body, a mind.
Rhetorical question 反问Isn’t it the best choice
Simile 明喻Time flies like an arrow.
Metaphor 暗喻You are my sunshine.
Metonymy 借喻He has a good ear for music.
Synecdoche 提喻He paid the workers $5 per head.
Antonomasia 换称Hitler---a tyrant
Personification 拟人The bird is singing joyfully.
Parody 仿拟I had no outlook,but an uplook rather.
Synesthesia 通感The music breathing from her face.
Transferred epithet 移情a sleepless bed。