
morning afternoon book ruler pencil rubber eye mouth下午早上,上午尺书橡皮铅笔嘴巴眼睛face nose ear dance read sing draw grandfather鼻子脸跳舞耳朵唱歌读书祖父画画grandmother father mother mefat thintall short父亲祖母我母亲瘦的胖的矮的高的one two three four five six apple pear二一四三六五梨苹果peach orange hamburger pizza cake piechick duck橘子,橙子桃子披萨饼汉堡馅饼蛋糕鸭子小鸡cow pig bear tiger monkey panda red blue猪奶牛老虎熊熊猫猴子蓝色红色yellow green Danny Eddie Alice Kitty my绿色黄色爱迪丹尼凯蒂爱丽丝我的hello hi goodbye good give you thank anice see for and this Jack touch look您好您好好再见您/您们给一个谢谢瞧见漂亮的与给杰克这个瞧摸Peter John Linda Tom night sun Mr、is约翰彼得汤姆琳达太阳晚上就是先生can what do flower house who she he什么能花做谁房子她她yes no fine classmate friend Ann seven eight不就是就是的同班同学很好安妮朋友八七nine ten little rabbit paper please round juicy十九兔子小的请纸多汁的圆的an may help soup Moo Qink Quack Peep可以一个汤帮助love eatsweet cut stick that吃爱剪,切甜那个贴。

eat dinner
get up
visit grandparents
climb mountains
play the piano
go shopping
go hiking
have an English class
fly kites
play chess
collect leaves
do an experiment
catch butterfly
go to school
traffic light

三(上)Unit 1钢笔pen 卷笔刀sharpener 铅笔pencil 学校school 铅笔盒pencil-case 蜡笔crayon 尺子ruler 书book 橡皮eraser 书包bag三(上)Unit 2头head 胳膊arm耳朵ear 手指finger 腿leg 脸face 脚foot 鼻子nose 身体body 嘴mouth 眼睛eye三(上)Unit 3黄色的yellow 绿色的green红色的red 蓝色的blue棕色的brown 紫色的purple橙色的orange 白色的white粉色的pink 黑色的black三(上)Unit 4猫cat 狗dog猴子monkey 熊猫panda 兔子rabbit 鸭子duck猪pig 鸟bird熊bear 大象elephant 老鼠mouse 松鼠squirrel三(上)Unit 5蛋糕cake 面包bread热狗hot dog 汉堡包hamburger 鸡肉chicken 炸薯条French fries 可乐Coke 果汁juice牛奶milk 水water茶tea 咖啡coffee三(上)Unit 6一one 二two三three 四four五five 六six七seven 八eight九nine 十ten玩具娃娃doll 小船boat 球ball 风筝kite气球balloon 小汽车car飞机plane三(下)Unit 1男孩boy 女孩girl教师teacher 学生student 这个this 我的my朋友friend 我是I’m=I am好的愉快的nice 早上好goodmorning下午好goodafternoon遇见碰见meet再见goodbye 也太too三(下)Unit 2父亲爸爸father 爸爸口语dad 母亲妈妈mother 妈妈口语mom 男人man 女人woman外祖母grandmother 外祖母口语grandma外祖父grandfather 外祖父口语grandpa 姐妹sister 兄妹brother 让我们let’s=let us 太好了great真地确切地really和并且and多么怎么样how三(下)Unit 3十一eleven 十二twelve 十三thirteen 十四fourteen 十五fifteen 十六sixteen 十七seventeen 十八eighteen 十九nineteen 二十twenty 多少how many 能够可以can看瞧look at三(下)Unit 4桃peach 梨pear橙子orange 西瓜watermelon苹果apple 香蕉banana 草莓strawberry 葡萄grape 喜欢like 一些某些some 多谢thanks三(下)Unit 5公共汽车bus 自行车bike 出租车taxi 吉普车jeep 椅子chair 课桌desk 台灯lamp 随身听walkman动物园zoo 你的你们的your三(下)Unit 6大的big 小的small 短的矮的short 长的long 高的tall 长颈鹿giraffe 鹿deer四(上)Unit 1窗户window 我们有have 写字板board 新的new 灯灯管light 去go画图画picture 在...哪里where 门door 计算机computer地板floor 讲台teacher’s desk教室classroom 墙wall 许多many 扇子电扇fan四(上)Unit 1我们的our 打扫清洁擦干净的clean同学classmate 好主意good idea 看一看have a look 好吧好的all right 座位seat 干的好good job 在...的旁边near 你you 什么what 看see 在...里面in 我me这个这里the 看look at 我们we四(上)Unit 2语文书Chinese book 铅笔pencil 英语书English book 二十一twenty-one 数学书math book 三十一thirty-one 书包schoolbag 四十一forty-one 故事书story-book 五十fifty笔记本notebook 太多了too many颜色colour 重的沉重的heavy胖的fat四(上)Unit 2可以may 是什么what’s=whatis当然可以sure 对不起sorry 给你here you are 书book 包bag 尺子ruler钢笔pen 铅笔盒pencil-case四(上)Unit 3夹克衫jacket 衬衫shirt裙子skirt 连衣裙dressT恤衫T-shirt 红色的red蓝色的blue 黄色的yellow 绿色的green 白色的white 不不是no 不不是的not颜色colour四(上)Unit 4暖和的warm 寒冷的cold凉爽的cool 今天today 牛仔裤jeans 长裤pants 袜子socks 鞋子shoes 让我们let’s=let us玩踢play足球football 下雪的snowy 晴朗的sunny四(上)Unit 5多少钱how much 大的big小的small 长的long短的short 苹果apple 香蕉banana 梨pear橙子orange 西瓜watermelon是are 它(他她)们they四(上)Unit 6马horse 不是aren’t= are not猫cat 兔子rabbit 猪pig 鸭子duck 狗dog 十一eleven 十二twelve 十三thirteen 十五fifteen 二十twenty 多少how many 那儿那里there五(上)Unit 1年轻的young 先生Mr.滑稽可笑的funny像喜欢like高的tall 严格的strict强壮的strong 聪明的巧妙的smart和蔼的亲切的kind积极的活跃的active年老的old 安静的文静的quiet矮的short很非常very瘦的thin 但是but五(上)Unit 2星期一Monday天day星期二Tuesday 有、吃have星期三Wednesday 在…时候on星期四Thursday 做作业dohomework 星期五Friday 看电视watch TV星期六Saturday 读书read books星期天Sunday五(上)Unit 3茄子eggplant 好吃的tasty鱼fish 甜的sweet青豆green beans 酸的sour豆腐tofu 新鲜的fresh土豆potato 咸的salty西红柿tomato 最喜欢的favorite 为for 水果fruit中餐lunch 葡萄grape我们we 他们是they are五(上)Unit 4倒垃圾cook the meals铺床make the bed扫地sweep the floor洗碗碟do the dishes打扫卧室clean the bedroom摆饭桌set the table使用计算use a computer机浇花water the flowers洗衣服wash the clothes五(上)Unit 5窗帘curtain 客厅living room 垃圾箱trash bin 在…里面in壁橱closet 在…上面on镜子mirror 在…下面under床头柜end table 在..旁边near卧室bedroom 在…后边behind 厨房kitchen 衣服clothes卫生间bathroom五(上)Unit 6河流river 照片picture 花flower 房子house 草grass 桥bridge 湖泊lake 树tree 森林forest 公路road 路path 建筑物building 公园park 干净的clean五(下)Unit 1晨练do morningexercises 吃早饭eat breakfast吃晚饭eat dinner 进行体育运动play sports 中午noon 什么时候when 夜晚晚上evening 起床get up 在……点钟at 通常一般usually看望祖父母visitgrandparents 爬山climbmountains经常often 弹钢琴play the piano 购物买东西go shopping 去远足go hiking 有时候sometimes 周末weekend 上英语课have an English class五(下)Unit 2春天spring 夏天summer秋天fall 冬天winter季节season 哪一个which最极best 游泳swim放风筝fly kites 滑冰滑冰鞋skate堆雪人make asnowman种树plant trees为什么why 因为because 睡觉sleep五(下)Unit 3一月Jan./January 二月Feb./February 三月Mar./March 四月Apr./April 五月May 六月June七月July 八月Aug./August九月Sept./September十月Oct./October十一月Nov./November 十二月Dec./December 生日birthday 叔叔舅舅uncle她的her 日期date五(下)Unit 4画画draw pictures 做饭cook dinner看书read a book 书房study写信write a letter 爷爷外公grandpa妈妈mom听音乐listen to music接电话answer the phone写电子邮件write an e-mail打扫房间clean the room五(下)Unit 5飞fly 跳jump走walk 跑run游泳swim 袋鼠kangaroo睡觉sleep 往上爬climb打架fight 荡荡秋千swing喝水drink water五(下)Unit 6照相take pictures 观察昆虫watch insects 采摘树叶pick up leaves 蜂蜜honey数昆虫count insects 举行野餐have a picnic 写报告write a report 下棋play chess 收集树叶collect leaves做实验do an experiment捉蝴蝶catch butterfly六(上)Unit 1经乘by 脚foot自行车bike 公共汽车bus火车train 怎样how上学go to school 交通traffic交通灯traffic light 交通规则traffic rule 停停车站stop 等待wait 到达get to六(上)Unit 1图书馆library 邮局post office 医院hospital 电影院cinema书店bookstore 在哪里到哪里where请please 与…相邻next to 转弯turn 右边right左边left 成直线地straight 然后then六(上)Unit 3下周next week 今天上午this morning今天下午this afternoon 今天晚上this evening 漫画书comic book 明信片post card报纸newspaper 购买buy六(上)Unit 4居住live –lives 读,看read--reads教teach--teaches 去go--goes看watch-watches 做do-does爱好hobby 跳水dive--diving 拉小提琴play the violin—playing the violin骑自行车ride a bike--riding a bike制作风筝make kites—making kites 集邮collect stamps—collecting stampsdoesn’t=does not六(上)Unit 5歌唱家,歌手singer 作家writer 男演员actor 女演员actress画家artist 电视台记者TV reporter 工程师engineer 会计accountant 男警察policeman 销售员salesperson清洁工cleaner 在哪里到哪里where工作work六(上)Unit 6雨rain云cloud 太阳sun 河溪stream来自从…来come from 种子seed 土壤soil 苗芽sprout植物种植plant 应该should 然后then六(下)Unit 1更高的tall-taller 更矮的short-shorter 更强壮的strong-stronger 年龄更大的old-older 更年轻的young-younger 更大的big-bigger 更重的heavy-heavier 更长的long-longer 更瘦的thin-thinner 体型更小的small-smaller六(下)Unit 2发烧have a fever 忧伤的悲伤的sad感冒have a cold 事情麻烦matter疼的sore 疼痛hurt鼻子nose 疲劳的累的tired兴奋的excited 生气的angry高兴的happy 无聊的烦人的bored头疼have a headache牙疼have a toothache喉咙疼have a sore throat六(下)Unit 3看watch-watched 洗wash-washed 打扫clean-cleaned 玩Play-played 看望visit-visited 做do-did上一个周末last weekend 去go-went 读read—read去公园go to a park—went to a park去游泳go swimming—went swimming去钓鱼go fishing—went fishing去郊游go hiking—went hiking六(下)Unit 4学汉语learn Chinese—learned Chinese唱歌和跳舞sing and dance—sang and danced好吃的食物eat good food—ate good food 照相take pictures—took pictures买礼物buy presents—bought presents划船row a boat—rowed a boat看大象see elephant—saw elephant去滑雪go skiing—went skiing去滑冰go ice-skating—went ice-skating上一个的仅余的留在最后的last爬climb-climbed 有吃have—had 怎么如何how 到达get—got颜色类颜色colour 红色red黄色yellow 白色white粉红色pink 紫色purple棕色brown 蓝色blue黑色black 绿色green 橘红色橙色orange数字类one ten nineteen fiftytwo eleven twenty sixtythree twelve twenty-one seventyfour thirteen thirty eightyfive fourteen forty ninety six fifteen 第一first/1st seven sixteen 第二second/2nd eight seventeen 第三third/3rd nine eighteen天气类天气weather 下雨的rainy晴朗的sunny 下雪的snowy 刮风的windy 多云的cloudy 温暖的warm 寒冷的cold凉爽的cool 炎热的hot动物类动物类一兔子rabbit 猫cat狗dog 鸭子duck猪pig 熊猫panda 鸟bird 母鸡hen奶牛cow 羊羔lamb山羊goat 绵羊sheep 马horse 熊bear长颈鹿giraffe 猴子monkey 驴donkey 袋鼠kangaroo动物类二狮子lion 老虎tiger鹿deer 松鼠squirrel 蛇snake 鲸whale 鱼fish 老鼠mouse 大象elephant水果类课程类苹果apple 语文Chinese 橘子orange 体育P. E.香蕉banana 音乐music梨pear 科学science 葡萄grapes 英语English 西瓜watermelon 数学math草莓strawberry 美术art食物类鱼fish 牛肉beef鸡肉chicken 米饭rice面条noodles 豆腐tofu西红柿tomato 土豆potato黄瓜cucumber 萝卜carrot茄子eggplant 面包bread蛋egg 青豆green beans 洋葱onion 茶tea牛奶milk 咖啡coffee可乐Coke 果汁juice 味道类星期类可口的tasty 星期一Monday 酸的sour 星期二Tuesday 好吃的yummy 星期三Wednesday 甜的sweet 星期四Thursday 咸的salty 星期五Friday 新鲜的fresh 星期六Saturday健康的healthy 星期天Sunday天day服装类长裤pants 裙子skirt牛仔裤jeans 夹克衫jacket短袜socks 连衣裙dress鞋子shoes 靴子bootsT恤衫T-shirt 衬衫shirt短裤shorts时间类通常usually 经常often从不never 有时候sometimes …点钟o’clock明天tomorrow 昨天yesterday 今天today今晚tonight 今天晚上this evening 今天早上this morning 下周末next weekend 这个周末this weekend 下周next week 在周末on the weekend 在中午at noon在早上in the morning在晚上in the evening 在下午in theafternoon 今天下午this afternoon职业医生doctor 农民farmer司机driver 护士nurse老师teacher 会计accountant 歌唱家singer 作家writer售货员salesperson 工程师engineer男演员actor 女演员actress警察policeman 画家artist电视台记者TV reporter 学生student 清洁工cleaner地点图书馆library 学校school宠物商店pet shop 公园park 邮局post office 电影院cinema书店bookstore 医院hospital花园garden 银行bank超市supermarket 鞋店shoe store科学博物馆science museum方位在…里面in 在…上面on 在…下面under 在…后面behind 在……前面in front of 在…上面over 在…附近near 与…相邻next to向右转turn right 向左转turn left 西west 东east北north 南south 在右边on the right 在左边on the left月份季节一月Jan./January 二月Feb./February 三月Mar./March 四月Apr./April五月May 六月June七月July 八月Aug./August十月Oct./October 九月Sept./September十一月Nov./November 十二月Dec./December 日期date 季节season春天spring 夏天summer秋天fall 冬天winter描述人物的形容词强壮的strong 积极的active 瘦的thin 重的heavy 大的big 酷的cool 小的small 聪明smart 高的tall 和蔼可亲的kind 短的矮的short 严格的strict 长的long 安静的quiet 年轻的young 滑稽可笑的funny 老的old 胖的fat用品类尺子ruler 图画picture 铅笔pencil 板board 铅笔盒pencil-case 足球football 钢笔pen 电脑computer 书book 风筝kite包bag 灯light 讲台桌teacher’s desk家具类镜子mirror 椅子chair 床头柜end table 桌子desk 衣柜closet 窗户window 窗帘curtain 台桌table床bed 电话phone 垃圾桶trash bin 沙发sofa地板floor 门door墙wall称呼类家庭family 叔叔uncle父亲father 阿姨aunt母亲mother 父母parents 兄弟brother 婴儿baby姐妹sister 男孩boy外/祖父母grandparents 女孩girl外祖父grandfather 男人man 外祖母grandmother 女人woman 朋友friend交通工具火车train自行车bike飞机plane汽车car吉普车jeep轮船ship走路on foot公共汽车bus地铁subway小船boat书籍漫画书comic book报纸newspaper 杂志magazine明信片post card 字典dictionary房间类客厅living room书房study 厨房kitchen浴室bathroom 卧室bedroom教室classroom。

第1册abacus abroad absent accept ache across 第2册awake a able about after again第3册behind bell belt bench berry beside 第4册brush 画笔brush 刷牙buddha build building bull第5册CD celebrate cereal chair change chase 第6册cold 感冒cold 冷的collect college colour come 第7册deer degree delicious dentist desk dessert 第8册easter easy difficult eat egg eggplant eight第9册feel fence ferry festival[theSpringFestival]fever fifteen第10册fox France fresh friday fridge fried第11册grandfather grandmother grandsongranddaught grape grassgrasshopper第12册he him his his head headache healthy hear heart第13册how many how much how old I me mymineice ice cream 第14册kind 友好的kind 种类king kitchen kite knee第15册lobster lock log lonely long short look第16册model Monday money monkey month moon第17册notebook notice November now then number nurse第18册parent park parrot part party pastry第19册plum pocket point policestation policemanpolicewoman第20册rabbit radio railway rain rainbow raindrop 第21册sail salad salary sale salt salty第22册sharp she her herherssheep shell shine shiny第23册sock sofa soft soldier solve someone 第24册stranger strawberry stream street string strong 第25册taste tax taxi tea teacher team第26册tongue tonight tooth toothache toothbrush toothpast e第27册umbrella uncle underground unhealthy uniform UK 第28册well 井west wet what wheat wheelactor actress add address adult advice aeroplane afraid afternoon all also altogether always an and any 任何any 一些around between bicycle big small bike bin bird birthday biscuit bitterburn bus businessmanbusinesswomanbusy butter butterfly button buycheck cheese cherry chess[chinesechess]chickchicken鸡chicken鸡肉childchildrenchillicompass computer contract control cook cooked cookery cool 酷cool 凉快的diamond 菱形diamond钻石diary dictionary diet digdiningroomdinner dinosaureighteen eighty electricity elephant eleven e-mail end enemy energyfifty fight film find fine 译林finger finish fire fire enginefriend fries[frenchfries]frighteningfrog from frozen fruit full full emptygreen grey ground group grow guard guess guest guitar heat heaven heavy hedgedog height helicopter hello help 帮助help 救命ice-skate idea ill image important impossibleininformationingredientknife know keep lady ladybird lake lamp land Lantern [the Lantern Festival]lorry lot loud quiet love lovely lunch last lets litter mooncakemop morning moth mother motorbike mountain mouse mouthnut never next nice 好看的nice 美味的not ocean October officepath pavement PE 体育pea peach peacock pear peel penpolite pollutepollutionpond pool poor pop pork post box post officerainy raw read really 真的recorder rectangle red refuse regretsame different sand sandalsandcastlesandwich satellite satisfy saturday sausageship shirt shoe shop shorts shoulder shout show shrimpsomewher e song sorry sound soup sour south spacespacecraftstudent study 书房study 学习stupid subject sugar suggest sum summertear technologyteenagertelephone打电话telephone电话telescope television tell templetop tortoise touch towel tower town toy traffic train USA up down use useful usually van vase vegetable videowhen where which white whowhomwhy wild win windagainst age agree air airport along am is are ambulanceangelas at baby back 后背back 回到backache bacon badminton [playbadminton]bag 袋子black blackboardblanket blind blouse blow blue boat bodyby because before both but cabbage cage cake callChina chinese汉语chocolate choir choosechopstickschristmas church cigarettecopy corn corner cost cough count countrysidecousin cowdirty dish district diver doctor dog doll dolphin donkeyengine english 英语enjoy enter entranceenvironmentestate eveningeverywherefirecrackerfirefighter firefly fireman fire-safety firework fish 鱼fish 鱼肉fisherman fun funny furniture for game garage garden garlic gasgun gym get to get up goboatinggoclimbinggo homegoshoppinggo skatinghen here there hero hi hide high hill hippo historyinsect inside instrumentinteresting internet interview introduce invitation invitelarge late laugh lawn lay lazy leaf learn leavemad magazine magic make 制作man men manage mango map Marchmove Mr Mrs museum mushroommusic 音乐many matter may 可以ok olympic on under oncetwiceone onion openopenclosedorange 桔黄色pencil pencil box penguin people perform pet phone [onthephone]photophotograghposter postman pot potato pour prawn present pretty prince relative remember repair reservoir restaurant rice rich ride rightsay scared scarf school schoolbag science科学scientist scissors scoreshy sick sign sincerely sing singer sirmadamsister sitspaceship spaghetti speak special speech speed spell spicy spidersun sundae sunday sunny super supermarketsure surprise sushiten tent test Thank Thanks Thanksgivingtheatrethesethosethey themtheirtheirstram travel treasure tree trial triangle 三角铁triangle 三角形trim troublevillage violet violin visit volleyball[playvolleyball]very wait waiter waitresswindow windy wing wink winter wise wolf womanwomenwonderangry animal another answer ant apologize apple april aquarium bag 书包bake bakery ball ball pen balloon banana bank barboil bone book bookcase bookmark bookshelf bookshop boot boring camel camera camp campfire can 罐头can 能canada candle candycinema circle city clap class 班级classmate classroom clean 打扫clean 干净的crab crayon crazy cream create crisps crocodile cross crydoor dragon dragonfly draw dream dress drill drink 喝drink 饮料exciting exercise exit eye early either every except facefive flag flight floor 层floor 地板flour flower fluffy fly 苍蝇gate general gentlemangentlystronglygiant gift giraffe girl givego swimming go to bedgo toschoolgetgreat 好极了great 很多habit hair halfhit hole home homeworkhoney honour hoop hop horseisland IT it its if 如果if 是否into jacket jam January left leg lemon lemonade length lesson letter 信letter 字母lettucemarket marry mask match 比赛match 火柴maths 数学May 五月mean meatmight much name narrowwidenature near neck need needleorange 桔子order ouch out 外面的outside oven owl oyster oclockphysicaleducationpiano pick up picnic picture pie pig pilot pinprincess prison programme 程序programme 节目promise pudding pump pumpkin pupilright wrong ring river road roast robot rock rocket rollscrewdriversea seafood seal search season seat seaweed secondsitting room six sixteen sixty skateskateboardsketchbookski skipspinach spoon sport spread spring sprinkle square squid staffswan sweater sweet 糖果sweet 甜的swim swing switch sword skinthick thin 粗细thick thin厚薄think thirsty thirteen thirty this that thousand threetrousers truck trunk try try on T-shirt Tuesday tuna turnwalk wall want war warm warn wash watch[watch tv]watch 手表wonderful wood woods word work worker world worm worryarea argument arm army arrive Art 美术artist ask asleepbarbecue base basket basketball[playbasketball]bath bathroom beach bean beanstalkborn bottle bow bowl box boy branch brave breadcant canteen cap capital car card card [playcards]careful carnationclerk clever climb clock 挂钟close clothes cloud cloudy clubcup cupboard curry cushion cut cute class 课程dance dangerou sdriver drop drum dry duck duckling dumpling durian dust factory fail fair fairy family fan 扇子far farm farmerfly 放飞fly 飞fly 驾驶fog foggy follow food foot football[playfootball]forbiddenglad glass glasses globe glove glow glue go goalhall Halloweenhamhamburgerhammer handhandsomehappy harbourhospital hot hot dog hotel hour house huge human hundred Japan jeans jeep jelly job join juice July jumplibrary lie 谎言lie 躺lift light 灯light 光light 轻like lime medicine meet melon member menu metre middle milk milkmanneighbour nephewniecenest net new oldnewspapernight 黑夜nine nineteenof often only or others pack packet page painpineapple ping-pong[play ping-pong]pink pipe pizza place plane plant 植物plant 种植puppet puppy purple purse push put put on puzzle pick roof room root rope rose rubber rubbish rug rulesecret secretary section see seesaw send septemberseven seventeenskirt sky sleep slice slide slow slowlyquicklysmell smilestairs stand star 星星star 星形starry start 发生start 开始station steakso some sometimesspend 度过spend 花费tabletabletennis[play tabletennis]tadpole tailthrough thunder thursday ticket tidy tie tiger time 时间timetableTV tweet twelve twenty twin twinkle two than thewater watercresswaterfallwatermelonwave 波浪wave 挥手we us ouroursweak weaponwrite way with x-ray year yellow yes no yoghurt you yourassistant [shop assistant]astronaut attend August aunt australia autumn aviarybear beautifulbecomebed bedroom bee beef begin break breakfast breathe bright bring broken brotherbrowncarrot carry castle cat catch 捕捉catch 赶上caterpillar cave coach coat cock cocoon coffee coin cokecoladaughter sondaydead deaf dear dear cheap Decembe r decoratio n do 助动词do 做干does eagle ear earache earth east fast fat thin father favourite fax feather february feed forecast forest forgetforkforty fountainfourfourteen goat goldgood bad goodbyegoose government graduategrandparent hard hardworking harmfulharvest hat hate hawker hay hungry hunt hurt happen have 吃have 有holiday how long Junejunglejustkeykickkidkill kilogram me lion list listen litre little live living room lizard million mine minibusminute mirror Miss mistake mix ninetynodnoise noisynoodles noon north nosenotepaint 绘画paint 颜料pair pancake panda paperparachute parcelplasticplateplay play chess player playground playtimeplease pity [whata pity]qualityquarter queenquestionquick quiz race ruler run ready really 非常rest rise sad safe safety seventy sew shadow shake shaker shapeshareshark smoke smoothrough snail snake snow snowman snowy soap stealstickerstone storm stormy stop 红灯story stove take (transport)take photos talk tall short tap tape target taro tintiredtoasttoetogethertoilettomatotomorrowthere throw time 次数to today too 太too 也uglywear weather wednesdayweek weekend weight welcome well 好的young old Yo-yo yesterday zebra zero zip zoo zoo-keeper。