机密★开考前贵州省2015年7月普通高中学业水平考试历史试题2015.7 注意事项:1.本试卷共8页,47题,满分150分。
贵州省2015年7月普通高中学业水平考试数 学 试 卷参考公式:柱体体积公试:Sh V =;锥体体积公式:Sh V 31=;球的表面积公式:24R S π=。
1 .已知集合},{b a M =,},{c b N =,则=N M( )A .}{bB .},{b aC .},{c bD .},,{c b a2.6tanπ等于( ) A .21 B .3C .23D .33 3.函数x y 4cos =的最小正周期是( )A .π2B .πC .2π D .4π 4.函数31)(-=x x f 的定义域是( )A .RB .),3()3,(+∞-∞C .),3(+∞D .)3,(-∞5.以相同的速度向如右图的瓶子中注水,则水面高度h 和时间t 的关系正确的是 ( )6. 已知直线l 过)4,1(),0,1(B A -两点,则直线l 的斜率为( )A .2B .21 C .2- D .21- 7.某学习小组有2男5女共7人,从中随机抽取1人进行演讲,则抽到女生的概率为 ( )A .75B .21C .52D .728.下列向量中,与向量a =)3,2(--平行的向量是 ( )A .)2,3(B .)6,4(--C .)3,2(-D .)4,3(-9.在2014~2015赛季中,某篮球运动员前10场比赛得分的茎叶图如下图所示,则该运动员这10场比赛得分的众数是( )A .12B .22C .26D .3310.过点)0,2(P 且与直线1+=x y 平行的直线的方程是( )A .2+=x yB .2--=x yC .2+-=x yD .2-=x y( )11.已知函数])4,4[)((-∈=x x f y 的图象如下图所示,则其单调递减区间是( )A .]2,4[--B .]2,2[-C .]4,2[D .]4,4[- 12.若点)9,2(A 在函数)(x f 的图象上,则)(x f 的表示式可以是( )A .x x f 3)(=B .x x f =)(C .3)(x x f =D .39)(-=x x f 13.某中学高中一年级有400人,高中二年级有350人,高中三年组有250人,现从中抽取一个容量为200的样本,则高中三年级被抽取的人数为 ( )A .40B .50C .70D .8014.下列各点中,在不等式01≤+-y x 表示的平面区域内的是 ( ) A .)0,0( B .)0,1( C .)5,5( D .)3,1( 15. 函数1|2|+-=x y 的最小值是 ( )A .1-B .0C .1D .316.已知角θ的终边与单位圆相交于点)23,21(P ,则=θsin( )A .23B .22C .33D .2117.已知α为第一象限角,且31sin =α,则=αcos( )A .32B .32C .322D .9818.正方体1111D C B A ABCD -如右图所示,在三条直线11C A ,( )11C B ,1DD 中,与BD 垂直的有A .3条B .2条C .1条D .0条19.下列函数中,是偶函数的是( )A .x x f sin )(=B .x e x f =)(C .x x f 2log )(=D .2)(x x f =20.矩形ABCD 中,1=AB ,2=BC ,以AB 所在直线为旋转轴,其余三边旋转形成的面所围成的旋转体的体积是( )A .32πB .34π C .π4 D .π821.已知函数)(x f 的图象是连续不断的,且有如下对应值表:x 1 2 3 4 5 )(x f 5 3 1 -1 -3在下列区间中,函数)(x f 必有零点的区间是 ( ) A .)5,4( B .)4,3( C .)3,2( D .)2,1(22.为了得到函数R x x y ∈+=),21cos(的图象,只需把x y cos =的图象上的所有点 ( )A .向上平移21个单位长度B .向下平移21个单位长度C .向左平移21个单位长度D .向右平移21个单位长度23.向量a,b 满足|a |=|b |=1, a,b 的夹角为︒45,则=⋅b a( )A .22 B .23 C .21 D .22-24.已知等差数列}{n a 中,831=+a a ,则=2a( )A .16B .12C .8D .425.已知,7lg ,3lg ==b a 则=73lg( )A .b a -B .b a +C .b a D .ab 26.在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,所对的边分别为c b a ,,,2=b ,︒=60B ,︒=45A ,则=a( )A .362 B .6C .36 D .32 27.已知0>x ,则xx 22+的最小值为 ( )A .8B .4C .2D .128. 已知P 为直线01243=++y x 上一个动点,O 是坐标原点,则||OP 的最小值为 ( )A .57B .512 C .3 D .429. 在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,所对的边分别为c b a ,,,,4,3,2===c b a 则=B cos ( )A .1611B .87C .21D .41-30. 已知向量a =(2,1),b =(1,3),则|a -b |= ( )A .5B .4C .10D .531. 已知ABC ∆,N M ,分别是边AC AB ,的中点,从ABC ∆中随机取一点P ,则点P 位于 四边形MBCN 内的概率是( )A .41B .21C .43 D .132. 已知y x ,的几组对应数据如下表根据上表求得回归方程a x b yˆˆˆ+=中的2.2ˆ=b ,则=a ˆ ( )A .2B .6.1C .2.1D .2.11-33. ABC ∆的内角B A ,满足B A B A sin sin cos cos >,则ABC ∆是( )A .锐角三角形B .钝角三角形C .直角三角形D .等边三角形34. 端午节期间,某商场为吸引顾客,实行“买100送20,连环送活动”,即顾客购物每满100元,就可以获赠商场购物券20元,可以当作现金继续购物,如果你有1460元现金,在活动期间到该商场购物,最多可以获赠购物券累计 ( )A .280元B .320元C .340元D .360元35. 在ABC Rt ∆中,斜边BC 等于4,以BC 的中点O 为圆心,作半径为1的圆,交BC 于PQ 两点,则=++222||||||PQ AQ AP( ) A .14 B .12 C .10 D .不确定二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)36.已知}{n a 是等比数列,3,11==q a ,则}{n a 的前3项和_______3=S . 37.圆2)3(22=+-y x 的圆心坐标为______________.38.已知函数⎩⎨⎧≥+<=0,0,8)(x a x x x f ,若10)3(=f ,则=a ________.39.如下图所示的流程图,若输入x 的值为3-,则输出结果=y __________.40.某几何体的三视图如图所示,该几何体的各顶点在同一个球面上,则此球的表面积等于__________.三、解答题(本大题共3小题,每小题10分,共30分) 41.在数列}{n a 中,8,242==a a 。
岩石圈=地壳+上地幔顶部(软流层以上)地壳地幔地核1.岩石圈位于图中所示的()A.①顶部 B.②顶部 C.①的全部和②顶部 D.③外部2.在上图中地球内部第②部分,地震波传播速度随深度增加的变化情况为()A.横波减小,纵波增加B.横波增加,纵波增加C.横波关注,纵波减小D.横波增加,纵波减小3.图2示意某种无需外接电源且具有蓄电功能的新能源交通信号灯,其能量主要来自()A.太阳辐射B.太阳活动C.水能发电D.煤炭发电图3中甲为一页日历,乙示意二分二至日地球的位置。
8.下列叙述正确的是()A.乙是副热带低气压带B.甲是中纬西风带C.乙是副极地高气压带D.丙是东南信风带9. 回归线附近的非洲大陆内部和西岸,受乙或丙控制形成的气候类型是()A.热带雨林气候B.温带海洋性气候C.热带沙漠气候D.热带草原气候图6示意北半球某区域某时海平面等压线,箭头表示风向。
每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1. 会考制度最早起源于哪个国家?A. 英国B. 中国C. 美国D. 法国答案:A2. 会考制度的主要目的是什么?A. 选拔人才B. 促进教育公平C. 提高教育质量D. 以上都是答案:D3. 会考制度在中国的实施始于哪一年?A. 1985年B. 1990年C. 1995年D. 2000年答案:A4. 会考制度在中国的实施范围是?A. 全国范围B. 部分省市C. 全省范围D. 全市范围答案:A5. 会考制度的主要考试科目包括哪些?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 物理、化学、生物C. 政治、历史、地理D. 以上都是答案:D6. 会考制度的考试形式通常是什么?A. 笔试B. 口试C. 实验操作D. 以上都是答案:D7. 会考制度的评分标准是什么?A. 百分制B. 等级制C. 合格与不合格D. 以上都是答案:D8. 会考制度的考试结果对升学有何影响?A. 无影响B. 作为升学依据C. 作为选拔依据D. 以上都是答案:D9. 会考制度的考试时间通常是在什么时候?A. 学期末B. 学期初C. 学期中D. 以上都是答案:A10. 会考制度的考试费用由谁承担?A. 学生B. 学校C. 政府D. 以上都是答案:C11. 会考制度的考试内容主要依据什么?A. 教材B. 教学大纲C. 考试大纲D. 以上都是答案:D12. 会考制度的考试难度通常如何?A. 较难B. 适中C. 较易D. 以上都是答案:B13. 会考制度的考试结果如何公布?A. 书面通知B. 口头通知C. 网络查询D. 以上都是答案:D14. 会考制度的考试结果可以申请复核吗?A. 可以B. 不可以C. 视情况而定D. 以上都是答案:A15. 会考制度的考试结果有效期是多久?A. 一年B. 两年C. 三年D. 永久有效答案:C16. 会考制度的考试结果可以用于哪些用途?A. 升学B. 就业C. 出国留学D. 以上都是答案:D17. 会考制度的考试结果对个人信用有何影响?A. 无影响B. 有正面影响C. 有负面影响D. 视情况而定答案:B18. 会考制度的考试结果可以用于哪些领域的评价?A. 教育领域B. 职业领域C. 社会领域D. 以上都是答案:D19. 会考制度的考试结果可以用于哪些方面的决策?A. 个人发展决策B. 职业发展决策C. 教育发展决策D. 以上都是答案:D20. 会考制度的考试结果可以用于哪些方面的研究?A. 教育研究B. 社会研究C. 政策研究D. 以上都是答案:D二、多项选择题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。
一、(45分,每小题3分)1.下列加点字的读音,全部正确的一项是A.忤逆(wǔ)长篙(hāo)咬文嚼字(jué)B.莅临(wèi)游说(shuō)鲜为人知(xiǒn)C.敷衍(fū)塞责(sè)插科打诨(hùn)D.楔子(qì)贿赂(luò)心宽体胖(pān)答案C 篙gāo 嚼jiáo 莅lì说shuì楔xiē赂lù2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是A.浩瀚删栏畏葸不前B.煌恐松弛璀璨夺目C.疲卷矜持含蓄蕴藉D.桑梓逡巡有案可稽答案D 栅栏惶恐疲倦3.依次填入下列句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是但是马克思在他所的每一个领域,甚至在数学领域,都有的发现,这样的领域是很多的,而且其中任何一个领域他都不是。
A.研究独到浅尝辄止B.涉及独到走马观花C.涉及独特浅尝辄止D.研究独特走马观花答案A4.依次填入下列句中横线处的关联词语,最恰当的一项是然而有了血痕了, 不觉要扩大。
至少,也当浸渍了亲族,师友,爱人的心,纵使时光流驶,洗成绯红, 会在微漠的悲哀中永存微笑的和蔼的旧影。
答案A 明眸善睐:形容女子的眼睛明亮而灵活。
巧言令色: 形容花言巧语,虚伪讨好。
无所不为: 没有不干的事情。
绝密★启用前2015年省贵州省普通高中学业测试(必修科目)试卷物 理一、单项选择题:每小题只有一个....选项符合题意(本部分23小题,每小题3分,共69分) 1.宋代诗人陈与义乘着小船出游(如图所示)时,写了一首诗,其中两句是:卧看满天云不动,不知云与我俱东。
从描述运动的角度,“云与我俱东”的参考系是 A .河岸 B .小船 C .云朵 D .作者2.某校开展无线电定位“搜狐”比赛,甲、乙两学生从图中的O 点同时出发,并同时在位置A 搜到“狐狸”,两学生的“搜狐”路径已在图中标出,则A. 甲的路程等于乙的路程B. 甲的位移小于乙的位移C. 甲的位移大于乙的位移D. 甲的位移等于乙的位移 3.下列单位属于国际单位制中基本单位的是A .牛顿B .米C .米/秒D .米/秒24.两个共点力的大小分别是5N 和8N ,则这两个力的合力大小不可能...为 A .5N B .8N C .12N D .14N 5.在下列图像中,描述质点做匀速直线运动的是6.如图是“探究求合力的方法”实验示意图.图甲表示在两个拉力F 1、F 2的共同作用下,将橡皮条的结点拉长到O 点;图乙表示准备用一个拉力F 拉橡皮条。
下列说法正确的是A .甲实验时,两个拉力的大小应相等B .甲实验时,两个拉力的方向应互相垂直C .乙实验时,只须使橡皮条的伸长量与甲实验相等D .乙实验时,仍须将橡皮条的结点拉到O点7.如图所示,手沿水平方向将书压在竖直墙壁上,使其保持静止。
现增大手对书的压力,则书A .将沿墙壁滑动B .受到的合外力增大C .对墙壁的压力不变D .受到的静摩擦力不变8.如图所示,在孩子与爸爸“掰手腕”的游戏中,下列说法正确的是 A .爸爸“掰倒”孩子时,爸爸对孩子的力大于孩子对爸爸的力 B .爸爸“掰倒”孩子时,爸爸对孩子的力等于孩子对爸爸的力 C .孩子“掰倒”爸爸时,孩子对爸爸的力大于爸爸对孩子的力 D .孩子“掰倒”爸爸时,孩子对爸爸的力小于爸爸对孩子的力9.如图所示,质量不同的两个小球从同一高度同时做自由落体运动,则 A.质量大的下落得快 B.质量小的下落得快第2题图A第7题图第11题图乙 OF 1 F 2甲FO第8题图C.两球下落的时间相同D.两球下落的加速度不同10.如图所示,小强用与水平方向成θ角的轻绳拉木箱,未拉动,此时绳中拉力为F,则木箱所受摩擦力的大小为A.FcosθB.FsinθC.0D.F11.均匀小球A、B的质量分别为m、5m,球心相距为R,引力常量为G,则A球受到B球的万有引力大小是A.225mGRB.25mGRC.22mGRD.2mGR12.按照“贵州省校园足球振兴行动计划”要求,我省将建立1000所足球特色学校,如图所示,某校一学生踢球时A.脚对球的作用力大于球对脚的作用力B.脚对球的作用力与球对脚的作用力大小相等C.脚对球的作用力与球的重力是一对平衡力D.脚对球的作用力与球对脚的作用力是一对平衡力13.如图所示,小朋友在玩蹦蹦杆游戏的过程中,关于杆上弹簧,下列说法中不正确...的是A.弹簧恢复到原长时,弹性势能为零B.弹簧恢复原长过程中,弹性势能转化为其他形式的能C.弹簧形变量最大时,弹性势能不一定最大D.弹簧压缩过程中,其他形式的能转化为弹性势能14.如图所示,在地面上发射一个飞行器,进入近地圆轨道Ⅰ并绕地球运行,其发射速度v应满足A.v<7.9km/sB.v=7.9km/sC.v=11.2km/sD.v>11.2km/s15.伽利略的理想斜面实验示意图如图所示,不计摩擦和空气阻力,下列说法中正确的是A.该实验没有以可靠事实为依据,只是逻辑推理B.小球在水平面上不受外力作用C.小球沿右侧斜面上升的高度与其倾角有关D.该实验否定了“力是维持物体运动的原因”的观点16.一端固定的轻质弹簧处于原长,现用互成角度的两个力F 1、F 2拉弹簧的另一端至O 点,如图所示,在此过程F 1、F 2分别做了6J 、8J 的功;换用另一个力F 仍使弹簧重复上述过程,该过程F 所做的功是 A.2J B.8J C.10J D.14J17.行驶中的自行车,其大齿轮、小齿轮和后轮都可视为在做匀速圆周运动,如图所示。
贵州高中会考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列选项中,哪个是贵州的简称?A. 贵B. 黔C. 川D. 渝答案:B2. 贵州的省会城市是?A. 贵阳B. 遵义C. 六盘水D. 安顺答案:A3. 贵州的地形特征主要是什么?A. 平原B. 高原C. 山地D. 盆地答案:C4. 贵州的气候类型属于?A. 热带B. 亚热带C. 温带D. 寒带5. 贵州的民族分布特点是什么?A. 单一民族B. 多民族聚居C. 汉族占多数D. 少数民族占多数答案:B6. 贵州的著名景点黄果树瀑布位于哪个城市?A. 贵阳市B. 遵义市C. 安顺市D. 六盘水市答案:C7. 贵州的特产之一是什么?A. 茅台酒B. 龙井茶C. 普洱茶D. 铁观音答案:A8. 贵州的非物质文化遗产包括以下哪项?A. 侗族大歌B. 京剧C. 川剧D. 黄梅戏答案:A9. 贵州的经济发展主要依靠哪些产业?B. 工业C. 旅游业D. 服务业答案:C10. 贵州的地理位置位于中国的哪个方向?A. 东部B. 西部C. 南部D. 北部答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 贵州的省花是______。
答案:杜鹃花2. 贵州的省树是______。
答案:马尾松3. 贵州的省鸟是______。
答案:白腹锦鸡4. 贵州的著名民族舞蹈是______。
答案:苗族舞蹈5. 贵州的著名民族乐器是______。
答案:芦笙6. 贵州的著名民族节日是______。
答案:苗年节7. 贵州的著名历史人物是______。
答案:王阳明8. 贵州的著名自然景观是______。
答案:梵净山9. 贵州的著名历史文化遗址是______。
答案:遵义会议会址10. 贵州的著名传统手工艺是______。
答案:苗族银饰三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述贵州的地理位置及其对当地气候的影响。
AI woke up late and had breakfast in a hurry. I had never been late and didn't want my boss to be unsatisfied.However, it seemed that the day wasn't a lucky one for me from the very second I left my flat. The moment I wanted to rush downstairs, one of my stiletto heels (细高跟) broke. I had to return to change my red shoes. I also had to change my purse and other little things that I had tried to match with the shoes. I was sure I would be late for work.On my way to work I had to wait for over half an hour because of an accident. I had no choice but to wait. I phoned my boss and he told me that it was no problem, but he needed me for the meeting with the Japanese clients (客户) that morning.Finally, I arrived at the office one hour later. I had to keep calm and be fresh for the meeting to make the clients sure that our plan was the best for their future business project. However, I left the plan I had made the night before at home and was going to make a presentation (介绍) about it to the clients. I was about to get angry when I realized that I had a copy of it in my office.At last, the meeting came to an end and it turned out to be a success. But I have to say that I had a terrible day, full of incidents.1.Which of the following is NOT the reason of the writer being late for her workA. She got up late in the morning.B. She changed her purse and other little things.C. One of her shoe heels broke.D. She had a traffic accident on the way to work.2.According to the passage, what could we learn about the writerA. Her boss was very angry with her.B. She often arrived at her office on time.C. She left her plan on the bus.D. She was nervous at the meeting.3.What did the clients think of the writer's presentationA. Dull.B. Just so-so.C. Excellent.D. Terrible.BArriving in New YorkThere are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or a taxi to any place in New York.Eating outThere are many kinds of food in New York. And you shouldn't eat at McDonald's every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown, for example.HotelsThere are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is the Plaza on the 5th Avenue, but you don't have to spend a lot in the city. There are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near the Central Park is great for young people.Public transportIn New York, there's a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for the journey because it's cheaper. But you don't have to use the public transport —there are lots of places you can go to on foot, such as the Empire State Building, the 5th Avenue and the Central Park. The New Taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit.Places to seeFinally, there are a lot of places to see in New York — the Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, and so on. And you shouldn't go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.ShoppingShopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on the 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week. But be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax (税) on everything you buy in New York.4.How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passageA. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.5.How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $10 in New YorkA. $10.8.B. $10.08.C. $18.D. $10.6.When you visit New York, you should ________.A. do as much shopping as possibleB. take a taxi whenever you go outC. stay at the best hotel — PlazaD. try Italian and Chinese food7.From the passage, we can learn that ________.A. you should take a bus to travel because it's much cheaperB. New York is not a good place for shopping, for things are expensiveC. people can visit many places of interest in New York on footD. you're not allowed to go home without climbing the Statue of LibertyCWhat you seeNot all films are made in “real” places. When they are, they are shot on location, which means that real streets, trees and buildings are used. However, this can be difficult and expensive, so many films are made in buildings called sound stages. If this is the case, a backdrop(背景) may be carefully painted and hung behind the actors. Backdrops are so good that you often think you are looking at a real place.There are so many important words that refer to the camera. When the entire screen is full with one image, like someone’s face, this is called a close-up shot(特写镜头). When the camera moves back and the screen shows a picture from far away, this is called a wide-angle shot(广角镜头). Wide-angle shots are used to show things such as mountains and a river or a city with many streets and buildings.At the end of a film, the credits(演职人员) appear. They include a list of people who worked on the film and the list of songs you heard in the film, as well as other things.What you hearThe music which plays in the background while you watch a film is called the film score. The sounds like raindrops, a doorbell or footsteps in a corridor are called sound effects.Sometimes, when a film is popular in many countries, people want to hear the dialogue in their own language. In this case, new actors are hired to read the dialogue and it is recorded over the original talking. This is called dubbing and people describe this kinds of films as ‘dubbed’(译制片).8. The underlined world “their” in the last paragraph refers to .A. credits’B. films’C. actors’D. people’s9. Which of the following would be the best title for the textA. How to Make a FilmB. How to Paint a BackdropC. How to Act in a FilmD. How to Record Music in a Film10. Where can you probably read the textA. In a maths textbook.B. At a bus station.C. In a advertisement.D. At a lecture film.第二节(共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
一、(45分,每小题3分)1.下列加点字的读音,全部正确的一项是 A. 弥.望( mí ) 肄.业( sì ) 夙.兴夜寐( shù ) B. 诺.言( nuò ) 憎.恶( z ēng ) 沸.反盈天( fèi ) C. 孱.头( chán ) 谛.听( dì ) 羽扇纶.巾( lún ) D. 譬.如( b ǐ ) 胆怯.( què ) 锱.铢必较( z ī ) 答案:B 肄.yì夙.兴夜寐sù?纶.gu ān 譬.pì怯.qiè2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是A.寥廓 漫朔 陨身不恤B.切磋 撕打 良晨美景C.袅娜 溘然 清规戒律D.通霄 干燥 偃苗助长答案:C 漫溯 殒身不恤 厮打 良辰美景 通宵 揠苗助长3.依次填入下列句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是①我不由自主地想到了包弟,想来想去,我又觉得我不但不曾甩掉什么,反而背上了更加的包袱。
②天真的、孩童式的爱 这一原则:“我爱,因为我被人爱。
③这熙凤携着黛玉的手,上下细细打谅了一回,仍送到贾母身边坐下,笑道:“天下真有这样 的人物,我今儿才算见了!”A.沉重 遵守 标准B.沉重 遵循 标致C.笨重 遵守 标准D.笨重 遵循 标致答案:B4.依次填入下列句中横线处的关联词语,最恰当的一项是① 是阅读还是写作,字的难处在于意义的确定与控制。
高中语文 会考试卷及答案
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一、(45分,每小题3分)1.下列加点字的读音,全部正确的一项是A. 弥.望( mí)肄.业( sì)夙.兴夜寐( shù)B. 诺.言( nuò)憎.恶( zēng )沸.反盈天( fèi )C. 孱.头( chán )谛.听( dì)羽扇纶.巾( lún )D. 譬.如( bǐ)胆怯.( què)锱.铢必较( zī)答案:B 肄.yì夙.兴夜寐sù?纶.guān譬.pì怯.qiè2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是A.寥廓漫朔陨身不恤B.切磋撕打良晨美景C.袅娜溘然清规戒律D.通霄干燥偃苗助长答案:C 漫溯殒身不恤厮打良辰美景通宵揠苗助长3.依次填入下列句中横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是①我不由自主地想到了包弟,想来想去,我又觉得我不但不曾甩掉什么,反而背上了更加的包袱。
A.尽管然而何况B.尽管尤其况且C.无论尤其况且D.无论然而何况答案:D 无论……还是……5.下列句中加点的成语,使用正确的一项是A.经过集体投票,他以全票通过的绝对优势当选厂长,这样的结果让大家拍手称快....。
AOne day , a little boy decided to dig a hole behind his house after watching a science program. As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch. "What are you doing" asked one of the visitors. "I want to dig a deep hole all the way through the earth!" the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling him that it was impossible to do it. Then they left.The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly, a few small colorful stones caught his eyes. He collected them and put them into a glass jar patiently. Humming a song, he went on digging. The jar was full soon. Then he talked to himself calmly and proudly, "Maybe I can't finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I have found in the process of digging !"The boy's goal was too difficult, but it did cause him to go on, in other words, to cause us to keep working!Not every goal will be achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. Not every dream will come true. But when you can't achieve your goal, maybe you can say, "Yes, but look what I've found along the way! There are so many wonderful things that have come into my life because I tried to do something!" It is in the digging that life is lived. is the unexpected joy on the journey that really has ameaning.1.What caused Jack to dig a hole?A.A TV program about scienceB. A lecture about scienceC. A TV program about journeyD. A lecture about journey2.The boy felt ____ when he found the beautiful stones.A.BoredB. HappyC. DisappointedD. Angry3.What do you think of Jack?A.Active but impoliteB. Lazy and stupidC. Humorous but carelessD. Determined and hard-working4.What is mainly discussed in the text?A.A story about Jack and his two friendsB.A journey about Jack and his two friendsC.Enjoying a wonderful process of workingD.Searching for valuable stones in diggingBEverybody hates rats.But in the earthquake capitals of the world-Japan,Los Angeles,Turkey-rats will soon be man's new best friends.What happens after an earthquake? We send in rescue(救援)dogs. Why? Because they can smell people.Dogs save lives.They help rescuers to find living people.But dogs are big and they can't get into small spaces.So now a new research project is using a smaller animal to save lives:the rat.How does it work? First,the rat is trained to smell people.When this happens,the rat's brain gives a signal.This is sent to a small radio on its back,and then the rescuers follow the radio signals.When the rat's brain activity jumps,the rescuers know that someone is alive.The rat has smelled that person.Although there are already robots which can do this job,rats are better.Christian Linster at Cornell University—New York says,“Robots' noses don't work well when there are other smells around.Rats are good at that.” Rats can also see in the dark.They are cheaper and quicker to train than dogs,and unlike robots,they don't。
可能使用到的相对原子质量:H—1 N—14 O—16 Na—23 Mg—24 S—32Cl—35.5 Fe—56 Cu—64 Ag—108 Ba—137 必修模块卷(必修《化学1》、必修《化学2》)一、(本题包括26小题,每题3分,共计78分。
每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项....是符合题意的)1.安全重于一切!下列实验操作或注意事项中,主要基于实验安全考虑的是A.实验剩余的药品不能放回原试剂瓶B.分液操作中,上层液体从分液漏斗上口倒出,下层液体从下口放出C.点燃可燃性气体前应先验纯D.滴管不能交叉使用2. 将0.2L 0.5mol/L NaCl溶液加水稀释到1L,稀释后溶液中NaCl的物质的量浓度为A.0.05mol/L B.0.1mol/L C.0.15mol/L D.0.2mol/L Pb,核内中子数与质子数之差为3.对于核素20782A.43 B.82 C.125 D.2074.下列物质中,含有离子键的是A.NH3 B.HCl C.KCl D.CO25.下列关于胶体的说法不正确...的是A.胶体属于分散系B.当光束通过胶体时,可观察到丁达尔效应C.豆浆是一种胶体D.胶体粒子不能透过滤纸化学试卷第1页共10页化学试卷 第2页 共10页6.下列各离子组,能在溶液中大量共存的是 A .Mg 2+、Cl -、OH -B .Na +、Ba 2+、-24SO C .Na +、Ca 2+、-23COD .K +、Ag +、-3NO7.下列关于元素周期表的说法正确的是 A .共有7个周期B .共有18个族C .第IA 族元素全部是金属元素D .第三周期共有18种元素 8.分子式为C 4H 10的烷烃,其结构式有 A .1种B .2种C .3种D .4种9.下列反应属于氮的固定的是 A .NO 2与水反应生成HNO 3B .工业上用NH 3氧化制取NOC .雷雨时空气中少量的N 2转化为NOD .浓硝酸见光分解10.硅是重要的半导体材料,在太阳能发电过程中具有重要的作用。
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AI woke up late and had breakfast in a hurry. I had never been late and didn't want my boss to be unsatisfied.However, it seemed that the day wasn't a lucky one for me from the very second I left my flat. The moment I wanted to rush downstairs, one of my stiletto heels (细高跟) broke. I had to return to change my red shoes. I also had to change my purse and other little things that I had tried to match with the shoes. I was sure I would be late for work.On my way to work I had to wait for over half an hour because of an accident. I had no choice but to wait. I phoned my boss and he told me that it was no problem, but he needed me for the meeting with the Japanese clients (客户) that morning.Finally, I arrived at the office one hour later. I had to keep calm and be fresh for the meeting to make the clients sure that our plan was the best for their future business project. However, I left the plan I had made the night before athome and was going to make a presentation (介绍) about it to the clients. I was about to get angry when I realized that I had a copy of it in my office.At last, the meeting came to an end and it turned out to be a success. But I have to say that I had a terrible day, full of incidents.1.Which of the following is NOT the reason of the writer being late for her work?A. She got up late in the morning.B. She changed her purse and other little things.C. One of her shoe heels broke.D. She had a traffic accident on the way to work.2.According to the passage, what could we learn about the writer?A. Her boss was very angry with her.B. She often arrived at her office on time.C. She left her plan on the bus.D. She was nervous at the meeting.3.What did the clients think of the writer's presentation?A. Dull.B. Just so-so.C. Excellent.D. Terrible.BArriving in New YorkThere are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or a taxi to any place in New York.Eating outThere are many kinds of food in New York. And you shouldn't eat at McDonald's every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown, for example.HotelsThere are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is the Plaza on the 5th Avenue, but you don't have to spend a lot in the city. There are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near the Central Park is great for young people.Public transportIn New York, there's a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for the journey because it's cheaper. But you don't have to use the public transport — there are lots of placesyou can go to on foot, such as the Empire State Building, the 5th Avenue and the Central Park. The New Taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit.Places to seeFinally, there are a lot of places to see in New York — the Times Square, the Statue of Liberty, and so on. And you shouldn't go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.ShoppingShopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on the 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week. But be careful when you look at the prices; you have to pay a special 8% tax (税) on everything you buy in New York.4.How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.5.How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $10 in New York?A. $10.8.B. $10.08.C. $18.D. $10.6.When you visit New York, you should ________.A. do as much shopping as possibleB. take a taxi whenever you go outC. stay at the best hotel — PlazaD. try Italian and Chinese food7.From the passage, we can learn that ________.A. you should take a bus to travel because it's much cheaperB. New York is not a good place for shopping, for things are expensiveC. people can visit many places of interest in New York on footD. you're not allowed to go home without climbing the Statue of LibertyCWhat you seeNot all films are made in “real”places. When they are, they are shot on location, which means that real streets, trees and buildings are used. However, this can be difficult and expensive, so many films are made in buildings called sound stages. If this is the case, a backdrop(背景) may be carefully painted and hung behind the actors. Backdrops are so good that you often think you are looking at a real place.There are so many important words that refer to the camera. When the entire screen is full with one image, like someone’s face, this is called a close-upshot(特写镜头). When the camera moves back and the screen shows a picture from far away, this is called a wide-angle shot(广角镜头). Wide-angle shots are used to show things such as mountains and a river or a city with many streets and buildings.At the end of a film, the credits(演职人员) appear. They include a list of people who worked on the film and the list of songs you heard in the film, as well as other things.What you hearThe music which plays in the background while you watch a film is called the film score. The sounds like raindrops, a doorbell or footsteps in a corridor are called sound effects.Sometimes, when a film is popular in many countries, people want to hear the dialogue in their own language. In this case, new actors are hired to read the dialogue and it is recorded over the original talking. This is called dubbing and people describe this kinds of films as ‘dubbed’(译制片).8. The underlined world “their” in the last paragraph refers to .A. credits’B. films’C. actors’D. people’s9. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. How to Make a FilmB. How to Paint a BackdropC. How to Act in a FilmD. How to Record Music in a Film10. Where can you probably read the text?A. In a maths textbook.B. At a bus station.C. In a advertisement.D. At a lecture film.第二节(共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。