OBU论文 Presentation





这些知识应该是多学科的知识(cross-discipinry inquiry)。













问题有problem, question和issue三类。










• 总结词:结果解释是对主要发现的进一步阐述和说明,有助于听众更好地理解 研究结果。
• 结果解释1:主要发现1的结果表明,实验组所采用的方法或产品在某种程度上 对参与者产生了积极的影响,使得他们表现出显著的效果。这可能与实验组所 采用的方法或产品的特性、使用方式等因素有关。
• 结果解释2:主要发现2的结果表明,实验组的参与者对所使用产品或方法的满 意度非常高,这可能是因为实验组的产品或方法满足了他们的需求或期望。而 对照组的满意度较低可能是因为他们的需求或期望没有得到满足。
与已有文献相比,本研究不仅关注了 效果和满意度,还关注了健康状况的 变化。这表明本研究的视角更加全面 和深入。
本研究结果对现有理论进行了补充或 挑战,为相关领域的研究提供了新的 视角和思路。
研究结果对社会发展具有积极影响, 能够促进社会进步和福祉。Βιβλιοθήκη 数据分析方法定性分析
描述分析方法、分析过程和分 析结果。
说明分析方法、分析过程和分 析结果。
阐述统计方法、统计过程和统 计结果。
描述分析方法、分析过程和分 析结果。
主要发现是研究的核心内容,是研究结果的提炼 和概括。
研究还发现,实验组的参与者在使用产品后,满意 度评分为4.5/5,而对照组的满意度评分仅为3.2/5。 这表明实验组的满意度明显高于对照组。
研究发现,在实验组中,80%的参与者表现出显 著的效果,而在对照组中,只有50%的参与者表 现出效果。这表明实验组的效果明显优于对照组 。



关于presentation英文作文英文:When it comes to giving a presentation, I believe that preparation is key. I always make sure to thoroughly research my topic and organize my thoughts before I even start creating the slides. This helps me to feel confident and knowledgeable when I am speaking to my audience.In addition to preparing the content, I also pay close attention to my delivery. I try to speak clearly and at a good pace, and I make sure to maintain eye contact with the audience. I find that using gestures and varying my tone of voice can also help to keep the audience engaged.Another important aspect of a successful presentationis the visual aids. I like to use slides to support my points, but I make sure they are not too crowded with text.I also try to include images or graphics that can help to illustrate my ideas.Lastly, I always make time for a thorough rehearsal. This helps me to iron out any kinks in my delivery and make sure that I am within the time limit. It also helps me to anticipate any questions that I might receive from the audience.Overall, I believe that a successful presentation is a combination of thorough preparation, engaging delivery, and thoughtful visual aids.中文:谈到做演讲,我觉得准备是关键。

泽稷网校 ACCA-OBU论文申请如何写

泽稷网校 ACCA-OBU论文申请如何写

标题:泽稷网校ACCA-OBU论文申请如何写不管别人怎么说这个OBU学位作用不大(我看未必),但是在ACCA学习过程中能够收获一个学位证书,我还是选择了认真对待它,由于前九门的考试成绩不错,学位论文也有很不错的成绩,最终拿到的OBU荣誉学位是A等,在此分享我的一点点心得体会给大家:1.下载官方文件了解全面很多人缺少自己去寻找资料以及信息的能力,或者说你们真的有点懒,在知乎在qq群我看多了问这个学位的人,很多都是简单得不能再简单的问题,也辛苦了那些好心人一遍遍的解答,其实作为一名直接利益相关者,你的事情自己都不上心,别人再怎么帮你也没用,很多学位想关的信息直接登录去看就好了, 找这个学位的相关资料(OBU information pack),下载小册子下来研读,然后挑选合适的主题就ok了。


3.动手撰写论文稿通过研读小册子中的内容,对于该学位的论文要求就有了大概的了解,现在就可以着手准备写ACCA OBU论文稿了吗?其实你还需要委任辅导老师,从他那里获得一些帮助。





5.编写SLS总结讨论和presentation,写成报告,反映出自己人际交流的能力、学术研究能力,和使用计算机的能力,交待研究的进展,包括开题、研究过程、结论等,还要附上不超过一页的presentation提纲.6.哈佛大学文献标注方法(Harvard referencing system)OBU官方文件明确规定:论文撰写人在标注参考文献的时候,必须使用“哈佛文献标注法”。



Battery Lifetime
distinct Active and Inactive
HTTP web browsers and FTP
Newer Traditional applicationsApplications
Distinct Active and Inactive sessions
Energy Impact of Emerging Mobile Internet Applications on LTE Networks: Issues and Solutions
Maruti Gupta, Satish C. Jha, Ali T. Koc, and Rath
Vannithamby, Intel Corporation
PPI can be an enabling basis to implement efficient DRX switching PPI may also assist the network in Fast Transition to Idle,
Potential Research Directions and Solution Approaches
• Comparison a. Low background traffic activity and high mobility b. Low mobility and low traffic activity
Solutions Adopted in 3GPP R 11
• Power Preference Indication (PPI)



Global Positioning System Automatic V ehicle Location SystemBill J. Papatheofanis, Marvin L. Hasenack, Robert T. Teller,and Gerald F. RamseyAbstractLos Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a unique facility covering over 43 square miles. The Emergency Management and Response Office (EM&R) is required to respond, provide Incident Command(IC), and coordination for all Laboratory emergencies. This requires IC’s and support staffto respond to the actual scene of the incident. Since the IC is under numerous constraints and stress, the office wanted the capability of locating the EM&R vehicles on an electronic map. An automated vehicle location (AVL) system was required for the additional safety of the emergency response personal. The requirements for the AVL system include total automatic tracking and low cost. Mer carefkl consideration, it was determined that the most efficient and cost effective system would be based on packet radio technology as the transmission media. The location is determined by the Department of Defense Global Positioning System (GPS) communicate with each other. The first component was a GPS receiver which actually provides the location information, equipped with a digital hte- to communicate location information remotely. The second component is a modem that interfaces the GPS digital interface information to a radio. The third component is the radio itself which allows for the actual information transfer from the remote GPS receiver and modem. The fourth component is the software package that provides moving maps and displays the vehicle location on that map for the AVL application. This paper describes the steps taken in the integration of the equipment into the AVL package.1. IntroductionLos Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is a unique facility covering over 43 square miles. The Emergency Management and Response (EWR) office has the overall responsibility for coping with and mitigating the effects of any emergency at LANL. The EM&R office supplies an Incident Command (IC) which responds to all laboratory emergencies. This requires the IC and support staff to respond to the actual scene of an incident. The EMBER office wanted the capability of locating their vehicles on an electronic map because of the lack of markings on facilities, unmarked secondary roads, unmarked trails, and the lack of marked terrain fames. This automated location system would provide the additional safety for the IC's in cases where something adverse happens to the responders. Many times the EM&R IC is required to respond to a scene at night or during adverse weather conditions. With the automatic location system the IC can be directed to the scene even if land features are not availabb. The vehicle can also be located if the responderis incapacitated for any reason. Position System (GPS). The satellite based GPS system provides information to special receivers which collect data from several satellites and are then processed by a built in navigational computer. The GPS receiver then displays its location to within 100 feet in a selectable coordinate system. In addition to providing x-y coordinates the receiver calculates altitude, speed, direction of travel, date and time.The simplest method of vehicle tracking using GPS would be to install a receiver in a vehicle, and using a two-way radio, transmit the displayed Coordinates to a dispatcher who can take the received coordinates and mandy plot them on a paper map. Today's technologyenables this process to be totally automated. This paper discusses how to put together a totally automated system using commercial off-theshelf equipment.The automatic vehicle location (AVL) system is based on the Department of Defense Global2. EM&R VehiclesEM&R has two response vehicles which are equipped with AVL. Figure 1 is a photo of the 1994 Chevrolet Suburban which is the primary response vehicle. Figure 2 is a photo of the 1994 Jeep Cherokee which is the back-up vehicle that provides field support for the primary vehicle. Both vehicles cany numerous radios and cellular telephone for communications with the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)and multi agencies which respond to emergencies at LANL. The vehicles also carry documentation on Laboratory information required for the IC’s to carry out their function.3. Vehicle AVL PackageThe vehicle AVL package consists of three components. The first is the GPS unit, the second is the modem, and the third is the radio. Zn this section we will describe each component, the required specifications, and which manufacture’s equipment was u sed (see Appendix 1 for addresses and phone numbers).A. The GPS unit used is a Trimble Scout Master which met all the foxlowing requirements:1. External Antenna - The GPS receiver requkes an outdde remote antenna to work properly when mounted inside a vehicle.2. External Power - The GPS receiver should have external power capabdity. This allows the unit to get power directly from the vehicle and also provides a way of controlling when the receiver is powered on and off.3. Serial Port - This allow the GPS receiver to communicate its position information with an external device via RS-232.4. NEMA 183 Protocol - The output of the GPS receiver’s serial port is programmable for various standard and proprietary protocols. NEMA 183 is the National Electrical Marine Associations 183 standard protocol which has become a standard in the GPS world. Most commercial mapping SaRWare recognizes the NEMA I83 protocol as well as do most radio modems.B. The radio modem used is a Kantronics WM1200 packet radio modem. Thismodem met all of the following requirements:1. Packet Radio Standard AX.25 Protocol - This protocol provides a standardtransmission method which is specifically written for radio networking and provides error correction.2. Radio Interface - This modem is specifically manufactured to be connected to a radio.3. GPS Ready - The wM1200 has built-in software specifically written tointerpret NEMA 183 sentences from a G PS receiver and then broadcast them over theradio.4. Unique Identification - Each modem has a unique programmable identifkation callsign. The call sign allows each vehicle to have a unique address.5. Programmable Reporting - The modem allows the user to program vehicle reporting intervals allowing the system optimization.C. The radio used was a Motorola Maxtrac 300. This radio was selected because of the following features:1. External programmable interface - The Motorola Maxtrac 300 radio has a 16 pin external programmable interface. This interface is programmable through the radios programming software which allows the user to program the functionality of each pin onthe 16 pin connector. This feature allows the modem to interface with the correct internal radio circuits to hction most efficiently. This also allows for all the wiring to beexternal to the radio: no wires hang out from the inside of the radio that could provide interference paths to the radio and the modem.2. Multiple encodeldecode capability - The Motorola Maxtrac 300 is capable of generating and detecting all standard coded squelch signaling. This allows the radio toprovide the necessary signaling to access the repeater. This also allows the same radio channel to be used for both data and voice without the two modes interfering with each other.4. RepeaterThe LANL system required a repeater for reliable coverage over the 43 square mile complex and additional areas outside the Laboratory. The repeater is required due to the propagation o f V ” F radio being limited to line of sight. As LANL, terrain varies fiom mountain top to canyon bottom, the repeater was located on top of Pajarito Mountain which overlooks most of the Laboratory. The repeater is a Motorola Quanta Repeater which is a standard repeater station. The standard voice repeater was chosen over a digital repeater to avoid the hidden station problem. Digital repeaters rely on store forward technology which allows the repeater to transmit and receive on a single fiequency. The digital repeater does not retransmit received signal simultaneously. It actually receives data, stores the data in a buffer, and then transmits the data from the buffer. The store forward repeater can hear all the stations on the network, but they cannot hear each other. The hidden station problem occurs when all the stations cannot hear each other, allowing multiple stations to try to transmit at the same time causiig interference.5. Base StationThe base station is located at the EOC and consists of four components. The first two are the same 85 in the vehicle paw: the radio and the modem. The third component is a computer which is capable of running the software to interpret the received data and display that data on a map. The computer for this installation is an IBM PC. The fourth component is the software itself. The software package that we have implemented on the system is from ERM. ERM software is specifically written to interpret NEMA 183 sentences anddisplay this hfbrmation an a moving map. The ERN sohare is very sophisticated and provides not only location information but is capable of displaying and recording multiple vehicle’s positions at the same time.6. Vehicle ConfigurationThe equipment was selected and initial tests were performed on the bench. When it was time to integrate the components into a vehicular package, the first attempt was under the premise that the vehicle users should have access to the GPS unit so that they know their position information as well as the same equipment peiforming the AVL bction. This did work for a short period of time, however, problems with the AVL started to OCCUT which were traced back to the GPS unit being set to erroneous parameters. Everyone that saw the GFS unit in the vehicle had to press all the buttons which placed the Unit in an unusable operating state. At that point, we decided that the system should operate autonoumsly and the equipment should be packaged in a “Black Box” without any user selectable options. Figure 3 is an assembleThe next issue was where to put the boxes in both of the vehicles so that they w ere protected from daily vehicle use. In the Suburban, the “Black BOX” was located underneath the pull out drawer that is in the cargo campartanent of the vehicle (see Figure 5). In the Jeep, the “Black Box” was mounted in the rear cargo compartment next to one of the other radios (see Figure 6).iagram of the “BIack Box”. Figure 4 is a photo of the inside of one of the actual boxes.The other problem that we encountered was where to mount the GPS antennas on the vehicles. The antennas that came with the GPS units were intended to be temporarily mounted using a built in magnetic base. The units also came with a mast mount which is great for mounting the antenna on a boat mast. The mast mount adapter mounted to the bottom of the antenna with four screws. The four screw mount was used to mount the antennas on top of the emergency fight bar on each vehicle. Figure 7 is a photo of the antenna mounted on one of the light bars.9. ConclusionThe system described in this paper is in operation today and is providing location information to LANL”s EM&R EOC. The two emergency vehicles have been in operation for two months and continue to operate without any problems. This project met all of the requirements for a low cost reliable AVL system.10. AcknowledgmentsSpecial Thanks to the following people who made this project possible. Doug Tuggle, FSS-20, for providing coordination in vehicle availability. Dave Howard, FSS-20, for computer support and photographs. Abedon Ortiz Jr. and Pedro W. Romero, CIC-4, for installing the boxes and communications equipment on both of the emergency vehicles. Midshipman Matthew W. Fan, USN, for assisting in drawings and assembly.。





但是有一些注意事项,必须要在申请之前提前了解,你还不知道,戳:ACCA-OBU申请条件那么通过在MY ACCA里面进行申请,在小牛津布鲁克斯大学进行了网上学位注册以后呢?你的申请通过了以后,为了拿到海外会计学学士学位,我们应该开始做哪些准备呢?首先,你要准备2样东西,其一是7500字Research Report (RR),其二是2000字Skills and Learning Statement(SLS)。

并且需要包括15分钟Presentation on the project to your project mentor,需提交PPT)。




Research and analysis report(RR):这里面共有20个题目可以选择,题目内容包罗万象,涉及很多内容。

以这题目为例:需要分析一个公司最近3年的financial and business performance.Skills and learning statement(SLS):需要回答四个问题:怎样跟导见三次面的?论文的研究目标如何达到的?怎么跟老师沟通的?论文的写作对你的学习和工作有多大帮助?这个SLS只有过和不过。





obu(On Board Unit)是一种汽车电子设备,广泛应用于交通运输行业,可提供车辆定位、导航、收费和远程控制等功能。























导师会如何指导ACCA-OBU海外学位论文呢?1.首先, 导师需要给学生讲解一下论文的选题,内容等,让学员对论文的要求有个基本介绍. 当然, information pack 里的内容介绍的已经很详细了,需要让学员仔细阅读information pack. 同时,要让学员对自己完成论文的进度做一个估算。

2. 其次,充分利用学员跟导师的见面。






根据要求,学员在第3次见面时需要给导师做个15分钟presentation. 导师要让学员充分准备这个,因为通过presentation,学员能自己意识到自己论文中的问题,并且可以利用这个机会,能跟导师进一步讨论论文的内容。




OBU方案简介OBU(On-Board Unit,车载装置)是指安装在车辆上的一种电子设备,用于车辆通信和信息处理。




























美赛B题O奖论文中英对照版Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】2017MCM/ICMSummary Sheet(Your team's summary should be included as the first page of your electronic submission.)Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not include the name of your school, advisor, or teammembers on this page.A New Type of Toll Plaza Based on Bionics-HoneycombSummaryIn this paper, we analyze the performance of commonly used toll plaza basedon our proposed mathematical model. A new improved toll plaza is proposed toreduce the cost, decrease the probability of collision at the merging point andincrease the throughput.The distribution of our proposed tollbooths resembles the honeycomb. At thecenter of each regular hexagonal honeycomb, there are two tollbooths, whichserve two separated vehicle streams. The vehicles in these two separated streamsare merged in advance before they continue their journey on the highway. Due tothe specific pattern of the new toll plaza, the total area can be reducedsignificantly. Meanwhile, the average wasted time caused by queuing can bediminished, which means that the throughput will be raised. Additionally, bysplitting the merging procedure into two stages, the possibility of accidentscan also be decreased.The main contributions of this paper are as follows:(1) The new designed cellular architecture can greatly reduce theconstruction area compared with traditional linear distributed toll gates.(2) We analyze the throughput of toll plazas by means of the queuingtheory. To verify our theory, we simulate the behavior of the large number ofvehicles passing the toll plaza with the help of PTV- VISSIM. Simulation resultsshow that the ideal cellular distributed toll booths have better resultscompared with traditional toll stations, especially when the traffic flow isheavy, the average travel time reduced by about 55% and the average delay timeof each lane is reduced by about 70%.(3) W e analyze the influence of the proportions of different types oftollbooths to our design. According to relevant documents, the impact of exact-change tollbooths is similar to manual tollbooths, so we only consider two kindsof tollbooths: human-staffed tollbooths and E-ZPass tollbooths. PTV-VISSIMsimulation results show that full ETC tollbooth is 8 times faster than full MTCtollbooth.(4) We simulate the performance of the cellular toll plaza under differenttraffic throughput. Simulation results show that the average transit timeremains at about 11 seconds under different throughputs from 0 to 2000 (Unit:veh / h ). We can infer that this model is not sensitive to traffic flowvariations and has strong robustness which is suitable for practicalFor office use only F1 F2 F3 F4Team Control Number 56731 Problem Chosen B For office use onlyT1 T2 T3 T4construction.(5)To further reduce the possibility of accident, we improve the cellulartollbooth concept model: make the transition zone more smooth and arrangedifferent kinds of tollbooths more equitable.(6)For self-driving vehicles, in the center of the toll plaza, we reservespecial E-ZPass tollbooths, which match the characteristics of autonomousvehicles: safer and faster.Electronic toll collection and autonomous vehicles are the trends of modern transportation, our new designed model can improve the performance of toll plazain the aspects of cost, throughput and accident prevention.一种基于仿生蜂窝的新型收费广场概要在本文中,我们基于我们提出的数学模型分析了常用收费广场的表现。

[课件]会议presentation PPT

[课件]会议presentation PPT
different between the true and false choosing.
' k
Fig. 5. the distributing of Z k ' when true choosing and error choosing, P / N 0 equals to 40dB
Chosen combination : not always the results supposed to be
Performance performance
2 Methods
• M is set to be 2 for simplicity. The error probability can be



Vision Zero –Implementing a policy for traffic safetyRoger JohanssonRoad Safety Division Swedish Road Administration Roda Vagen 1 78187 BorlangeSwedenKeywords:Vision Zero Road Safety ImplementationAbstractThe scope of this paper is to outline in a general way the safety philosophy inherentin present road—and street design trace the he present road design philosophy are the main cause of the global road safetycrisis clearly indicating in Vision Zero。

They include a newbasic mechanism for creating error—tolerance in the road system and new designprinciples for road—and street design。

The tradition of “blaming the victim" is hereby questioned and focus is put on theneed for professionals to act based on these new standards。

During the last 10 yearsthe fatalities in Sweden have dropped from approximately 550/year to 450/year。



学士学位论文汽车倒车报警系统的设计目录摘要 (I)1 前言 (1)1.1论文设计的目的及意义 (1)1.2国内外的发展概况及存在的问题 (1)1.3论文的主导思想 (2)1.4系统设计中要解决的问题 (2)2 设计方案 (3)2.1 方案设计与论证 (3)2.1.1 控制芯片的选择 (3)2.1.2 测距传感器选择 (3)2.1.3 距离显示系统的设计 (4)2.1.4 声音报警设计 (4)2.2 系统的总体结构 (4)3 硬件电路设计 (5)3.1 主控单元设计 (5)3.1.1 主控芯片介绍 (5)3.1.2 最小系统 (7) 复位电路 (7) 晶振电路 (8)3.2 超声波测距单元设计 (9)3.2.1 超声波测距原理 (9)3.2.2 超声波发射电路 (10)3.2.3 超声波接收电路 (11)3.3 LED 距离显示器 (12)3.4 声光报警电路 (14)3.5 性能优化及改进 (15)4 软件程序设计 (17)4.1 主程序的设计 (17)4.2 中断处理程序设计程序 (17)4.2.1 定时中断程序 (17)4.2.2 外部中断程序 (19)5 结论 (21)5.1 设计成果 (21)5.2 展望 (21)参考文献 (22)致谢 (23)附录 (24)I汽车倒车报警系统的设计摘要:论文的内容是基于AT89C51单片机倒车防撞系统的设计,主要是利用超声波的特点和优势,将超声波测距系统和AT89C51单片机结合于一体,设计出一种基于AT89C51单片机的倒车防撞报警系统。







不停车收费系统(ETC)技术特点摘要:随着不停车收费系统(electronic toll collection, 简称 etc)技术的日趋完善,其技术优势越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注。


关键字:its etcobuabstract: with no parking charge system (electronic toll collection, hereinafter referred to as etc) technology has been improved, its technical advantages more and more get of social concern. especially in highway or busy traffic bridge the implementation and environment not parking charge system, its advantage is more outstanding, not only can greatly improve the highway capacity, reduce the cost for the administration, but also improve the operational efficiency of the vehicle, reduce the noise pollution charge export and emission, the maximum play intelligent transportation the convenience and fast.key word: its etc obu中图分类号:tu74 文献标识码:a 文章编号:随着科技的不断发展,如今人们比以往任何时代都更加迫切希望从琐碎的事务中挣脱出来,并通过技术的进步和革新,更加高效的代替人们从事那些繁重、单一和具有重复性劳动特点的工作,从而使我们有更多的时间和精力投入到更具创造性、挑战性和自由度更大的事务中去。



Parking Guidance Control System Based on Internet of Things IntroductionRoad construction in the city is becoming better,the parking lots as the main transportin frastructure,the construction of the parking area can effectively alleviate the city traffic congestion,therefore,the state has increased the construction of parking,especially the construction of intelligent parking lots.Parking space detection system as an important part of intelligent parking yard construction,detection function of parking spaces is the basis of parking space detection system operation, and the parking information transmission is the key of improving the efficiency of parking detection system.Therefore,This paper puts forward the research on Parking space detection system based on Magneto-resistive sensor and ZigBee,in order to improve the utilization efficiency of parking spaces.It has important significance to the construction of intelligent parking lot.This paper on the parking spaces were identified and judged by parking space detection node with reluctance sensor as the main detection function.Building a very powerful ZigBee wireless sensor network,the parking information data is transferred from one node to another node,and by way of relay is transmitted to the coordinator. And by designing the host computer display platform,Parking lot management can real-time observe occupancy of parking spaces,the implementation of effective management and monitoring of moving vehicle.The main research contents in this paper are as follows:(1)Combined with the characteristic and working principle of the magneto-resistive sensor,based on detailed analysis between network architecture of ZigBee technology,the network device type and network topology structure,the whole structure design of parking detection system is proposed.(2)On the basis of analyzing hardware structure of parking space detection nodes,the coordinator and router,the main hardware circuit module is designed in detail,includes a sensor module,a microprocessor module,serial communication module,power management module,antenna and balun matching circuit,and to complete the PCB design of the hardware circuit node.(3)The design of I2C bus driver,extraction of magnetic signal sensor detection, the use of parking space detection algorithm to determine the current state of parking spaces;based on the analysis of ZigBee protocol stack,the software design of node;application of Visual Studio2010to design a upper computer software,to realize the parking information visualization.To help drivers to quickly find a spare parking,a parking guidance control system was proposed.The principle of ultrasonic ranging was used to detect the state of a parking space,and through the internet of things the parking detector transmits the real-time information to the controlcenter.The control center mainly is an industrial computer and is responsible for dealing with the real-time information and sending the control command by internet of things.The guidance signs at each crossroad receive the wireless commands and execute them,by which the guidance function is performed.The internet of things was realized by ZigBee star network,in which the control center is a coordinator and other parts are routers or terminal equipments.The simulation experiment results show that the parking guidance system works well,and has the value of application and promotion to some extent.With the social progress and the economic development in china,people’s living way is changing greatly and cars have become the necessary tools for more and more people,which results in cars increasing rapidly,especially in cities.This phenomenon usually causes parking overcrowded and even chaos that is great inconvenience to people's lives.So we need try to deal with the problem by high-tech means.With the development and application of the internet of things technology,it is gradually entering the field of smart parking system that functions more powerful and intelligent,and is providing a more comprehensive technology service for the car owners.So the intelligent parking meets the need of keeping abreast of the times and is the fruit of high-tech development.The intelligent parking system can not only reduce the phenomenon of parking difficultly and save the car owner’s parking time, but also can promote the standardization construction of transport facilities. Furthermore,it can be easily combined into a more powerful integrated system with other intelligent systems,which is suitable for a variety of comprehensive advantaged management.To establish a set of intelligent parking toll collection management and guidance system that makes parking service is safe,simple and accurate,and to control the constructing cost and operating cost to the appropriate extent is the current trend of a parking management.Improving the work efficiency and overcoming the shortcoming of the traditional manual management is the ideal model of the modern parking.System ComponentsThe system performs the function of parking guidance according to the real-time state information in the parking and the counter values of parking regions,which reduces the parking time and improves the parking efficiency.As Fig.1shown,the system consists of control center,ultrasonic parking detectors,parking guidance signs, display of parking information and counters for different parking areas.The ultrasonicparking detectors is the basic of the guidance system,which collect the real-time state information for the control center;the parking region counter is used to count the number within some parking region and the core device is infrared transmitter and receiver;the parking guidance sign is usually realized by led lights,which is responsible for guiding th direction;the display screen is used to display the real-time parking information and notice;the control center may be realized by a industrial computer and is responsible for the overall management.Internet of ThingsIn order to achieve the communication between the various parts of theguidance system in a wide range of space,the internet of things is taken which is realized by ZigBee technology that is a low-power personal area network based on IEEE802.15.4 standard protocol.According to the protocol,ZigBee is a short-range,low-power wireless communication technology,which is characterized by a short distance,low complexity,selforganizing,low-power,low-data-rate,and low-cost.So it is suitable for the field of automatic control and remote control that can be embedded in a variety of devices.The ZigBee is realized by ZigBee module designed with TI's ZigBee chip —CC2530[6]as core.The CC2530System-on-Chip solution for2.4GHz is suitable for a wide range of applications and provides an IEEE802.15.4compliant radio transceiver.Furthermore,it provides an interface between the MCU and the radiowhich makes it possible to issue commands,read status,which makes it having excellent receiver sensitivity and robust 2530with enhanced 8051MCU kernel has rich peripheral,such as UART,12-bit ADC and21universal GPIO.And it can also be equipped with TI's standard and compatible or proprietary network protocol stack.The central server is as a network coordinator,the other parts as the terminal nodes.In the ZigBee network,star network is used,where industrial as the coordinator and other parts as router or terminal equipments.Parking Space DetectorTo complete the parking guidance the parking space detection is the basis of the parking guidance system,and the real-time state of the parking must be collected.As shown in Fig.3,the parking state detector comprises ultrasound ranging module,ZigBee data processors,the transmitting and receiving antenna and power. The device of transmitting and receiving is designed in the ultrasound ranging module. During the distance measuring,the transmitting part is triggered by the output signal of CC2530,and the time counter is cleared.Then the external interrupt events of CC2530is triggered by the ultrasonic echo signal,in which ultrasound reciprocal distance is calculated by calculating the ultrasonic round-trip time counter.When a car is parked,the distance gotten by ultrasound detector is significantly shorter than when there is no car parked.So according to this we can judge if there is a car in a parking place.ZigBee data processor converts the state information intomodulated signal by the internal transmitter and then the information is transmitted by the antenna.Through the wireless receiving device,the control center receives the real-time detection result of the parking state and programs the navigation.To complete the parking guidance successfully,only the parkingspace detection as parking sensor is not enough:when a car is driving to a parking place,the parking place will be unavailable for the other cars,though the parking place is not taken now. The working principle is as follows.The device is installed on the entrance and exit of a parking area.If a car is running into the entrance of the parking area,the receiver can’t receive the infrared because of blocking of the car and it triggers the counter to make the counter increased by one.On the contrary,if the car is leaving out of the exit of the parking area,the counter decreases by one.So we can know clearly how many cars exist in the parking area.By collecting the real-time information of the counters in different parking areas,and by combining with the state information of each parking space,the right guidance can be performed by the control center. Simulation ExperimentIn order to verify the scheme,a parking experimental model system was developed in the laboratory,where cars were replaced by electric remote control cars, and a personal computer was used as the control center.In addition,twenty four parking places were designed,and we got the areas In theexperiment,the situation that single car is on the road and the situation that multiple cars are on the road are separately tested.However,the phenomenon of competition for parking space and the phenomenon of error guidance didn’t appear and the simulation experiment result was good.ConclusionIn view of the problems of low automation level of manual service in parking lot, difficulty in finding an empty parking space and low parking efficiency of drivers,we proposed a parking guidance system.The guidance system is based on the internet of things that is realized by ZigBee communication.In addition,in the guidance system the central server was used as the central node.Manufacturing and Engineering Developments of a star network,and parking space detectors,parking guidance signs in crossings and parking area counters were used as terminal nodes.The simulation experiment shows that the guidance system can work well and steadily,and so has the value of application and promotion.基于物联网的停车引导控制系统引言城市的道路建设日趋完善,停车场作为主要的交通基础设施,停车场的建设可有效的缓解城市交通拥堵压力,因此,国家加大了对停车场的建设,尤其是智能化停车场的建设。































自动驾驶科普演讲稿范文(中英文实用版)Title: Autonomous Driving: A Brief IntroductionLadies and Gentlemen,大家好!今天我很荣幸站在这里,和大家分享一些关于自动驾驶的知识。


Autonomous driving technology has been a hot topic in recent years, promising to revolutionize the way we travel.首先,让我们了解一下自动驾驶的级别。



ow, let"s talk about the levels of autonomous driving.Autonomous driving technology can be divided into five levels, from level 0 to level 4, with level 0 representing vehicles that have no automated functions, and level 4 indicating fully automated vehicles that require no human intervention.接下来,让我们来看看自动驾驶技术的关键组成部分。



The key components of autonomous driving technology mainly include sensors, artificial intelligence, high-precision maps, andcommunication technology.Sensors are used to perceive the vehicle"s surroundings, artificial intelligence handles data processing and analysis, high-precision maps provide navigation routes, and communication technology enables information exchange between vehicles and their environment.然而,自动驾驶技术的发展也面临一些挑战。



【摘要】OBU(On Board Unit),即车载单元[1]。

在智能网联车路系统中,OBU使不同厂商车辆,以及路侧单元RSU(Road Side Unit)[1]互联互通。

本文设计了一种新型OBU系统,融合了5G通信、C-V2X通信(Cellular Vehicle to Everything,V2X)[2]和GNSS定位、硬件加密等功能。


——访德国大陆集团车身电子系统部车载智能通讯业务单元执行副总裁Kieran O'sullivan先生5.浅析地勘单位加强经济管理的策略

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A review of the marketing strategy of Mindray and its effectivenessACCA registration number:XXXXXXX2O b s e r v a t i o n a n d e x p l o r a t i o n 1P r o j e c t O v e r v i e w3I II M a r k e t S t r a t e g yIIIE f f e c t i v e n e s s E v a l u a t i o nC o n c l u s i o n s & R e c o m m e n d a t i o n sContents⏹IntroductionTopic : No.18.“A review of the marketing strategy of an organisation and its effectiveness”Target organization: Mindray Medical International Limited (Mindray)⏹Research Questions (RAP Logic)✓What makes Mindray distinguish from domestic competitors?✓How can Mindray compete with foreign brands on the world stage?✓What is Mindray’s marketing strategy?✓How effective is Mindray’s marketing strategy?⏹Overall FrameworkInternal Environment ✓Company OverviewProject ObjectivesMarketing Strategy (4Ps)Research QuestionsMarketing Strategy Effectiveness EvaluationConclusion & RecommendationExternal Environment ✓PEST Model✓PORTER’S 5 FORCESBusiness Model Analysis ✓SWOT ModelRatio Analysis✓Vertical Comparison ✓Competitor ComparisonMarco EnvironmentAspect Characteristic Political•China healthcare reform•Localisation tendency•Emerging industry classification•Regional market access conditions like CE & FDA Economic•Global growth of MedTech products•China becomes the 2nd largest market•Increasing spending on national healthcare Social•Population growth and aging•Urbanisation process, more middle class•Preference for foreign brands Technology•Multidisciplinary industry•Continuous research and development•Product structure upgrading•Government funds to support R&DIndustry EnvironmentAspect Rate CharacteristicRivalry High•Domestic manufacturers who supplylow to mid‐end products;•Foreign companies who supply high‐end products.Threat of New Entrants Low•High capital & technical barriers •High switching costThreat ofSubstitutesLow•Can not be replacedBargaining Power of Buyers High•Hospital& Government is powerful •Distributor is negotiableBargaining Powerof SuppliersLow•Can be replaced easily⏹Mindray OverviewLeading developer, manufacturer and marketer of medical devices worldwide.☐VisionWe will make better healthcare solutions more accessible to humanity.☐MissionImprove healthcare by optimizing and sharing medical technologies with the world.☐Core membersGood education background. Experts in computer science, biomedical and physics.☐Milestones✓Certification & Qualification (ISO9001, CE, FDA, etc.)✓Merger & Acquisitions world‐wide (Datascope, Zonare, Ulco, etc.)✓Listed on New York Stock Exchange⏹Mindray’s Market Strategy (4Ps)☐Product36.7%27.8%26.0%9.6%Mindray’s Product Share (2014)Patient monitoring and life support products In ‐vitro diagonostric productsMedical imaging systems OthersCommitted to Innovation ✓13% of sales revenue ✓Talent 2000+✓Patents 1300+✓New products 7‐10 annually ✓Master or PhD 63%✓R&D centers10⏹Mindray’s Market Strategy (4Ps)☐Place✓United States: Agents✓Europe: Direct sale✓China: Direct sale in first‐tier citiesAgents for lower‐tier marketsChina market breakdown✓City Hospital✓County hospital✓Broader basic healthcare system ☐Promotion✓ISO9001, CE, FDA, etc.✓Listing on the NYSE✓Exhibitions & Forums☐Price✓High price✓Focused differentiationRatio Analysis –Vertical comparison2945486347048811,0601,2141,32320040060080010001200140020072008200920102011201220132014S a l e s R e v e n u e ($, M i l l i o n )MR's Sales Revenue (2007‐2014)400,975486,441600,665686,585738,50456.9%55.2%56.7%56.6%55.8%0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%0100,000200,000300,000400,000500,000600,000700,000800,00020102011201220132014G r o s s P r o f i t M a r g i n (%)G r o s s P r o f i t ($, T h o u s a n d )MR's Gross ProfitGross profit Gross Profit Margin•In 2014, global sales revenue reached $1.323 billion.•The CAGR from 2007 to 2014 was 24%.•From 2010 to 2014, gross margin position remained relatively stable at 56%.Effectiveness EvaluationRatio Analysis –Vertical comparison12345Operating Profit 155,587167,038191,331210,224192,526Net Profit Margin 22.1%19.0%18.0%17.3%14.6%ROCE15.9%13.9%13.2%11.4%9.9%155,587167,038191,331210,224192,52622.1%19.0%18.0%17.3%14.6%15.9%13.9%13.2%11.4%9.9%0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%050,000100,000150,000200,000250,000R a t i o (%)O p e r a t i n g I n c o m e ($, T h o u s a n d )MR's Net Profit & ROCE•Net profit and ROCE continued to decline. Causes of deterioration need further discussion.Ratio Analysis –Vertical comparison•Current ratio and quick ratio were high •Collect payment quicker 20102011201220132014Current ratio 4.0 3.7 3.0 2.5 2.9Quick ratio 3.5 3.3 2.8 2.3 2.6Inventory period 95.387.787.596.194.1Receivable period 74.383.163.966.261.4Payable period53.344.942.364.858. e r i o d (d a y s )R a t i oMR's Liquidity Ratio•Pay suppliers slower •Stable inventory levelRatio Analysis –Vertical comparison20102011201220132014 Debt1,13337,38054,043222,925208,255 Equity434,158566,199700,007865,6911,000,272 Financial costs2,9001,3904,0936,3456,400 Dividend34,09146,10258,37558,85346,823 Financial Gearing0.00 0.07 0.08 0.26 0.21 Interest cover53.65 120.17 46.75 33.13 30.08 Dividend cover 4.56 3.62 3.28 3.57 4.11•Debt ratio was low.•Strong capacity in paying interest and dividend.Ratio Analysis –Competitor comparison•GPS’s sales revenue was 12‐25 times than Mindray•Mindray showed stronger growing trend than GPS.20102011201220132014GE Revenue $16,897$18,083$18,290$18,200$18,299Phillips Revenue $11,400$12,336$12,820$12,712$12,162Siemens Revenue $16,387$17,444$17,519$16,793$16,456Mindray Revenue $704$881$1,060$1,214$1,323GE Growth Rate 5.5%7.0% 1.1%‐0.5%0.5%Phillips Growth Rate 9.7% 2.9%12.8%‐4.1%‐4.1%Siemens Growth Rate 3.7% 1.2%9.0%‐7.3%‐1.7%Mindray Growth Rate11.0%25.1%20.3%14.5%9.0%‐10.0%‐5.0%0.0%5.0%10.0%15.0%20.0%25.0%30.0%$0$2,000$4,000$6,000$8,000$10,000$12,000$14,000$16,000$18,000$20,000G r o w t h R a t e (%)S a l e s R e v e n u e ($, M i l l i o n )Revenue and Growth Rate (2010‐2014)Ratio Analysis –Competitor comparison•GE’s net profitperformance was the best, followed by Siemens.•Mindray’s profit was climbing but itsmargin was dropping.20102011201220132014GE Operating Profit $2,741$2,803$2,920$3,048$3,047Phillips Operating Profit $1,148$38$1,318$1,746$604Siemens Operating Profit $2,406$1,859$2,331$2,699$2,684Mindray Operating Profit $156$167$191$210$192GE Profit Margins 16.20%15.50%16.00%16.70%16.70%Phillips Profit Margins 10.10%0.30%10.30%13.70% 5.00%Siemens Profit Margins 14.70%10.70%13.30%16.10%16.30%Mindray Profit Margins22.10%19.00%18.00%17.30%14.60%0.00%5.00%10.00%15.00%20.00%25.00%30.00%35.00%$0$500$1,000$1,500$2,000$2,500$3,000$3,500P r o f i t M a r g i n (%)O p e r a t i n g P r o f i t ($, M i l l i o n )Profit and Margins (2010‐2014)Ratio Analysis –Competitor comparisonU.S.45%Europe 22%Growth 33%GE HealthcareU.S.Europe GrowthU.S.38%Europe 36%Growth 26%Siemens HealthcareU.S.Europe GrowthU.S.42%Europe 33%Growth 25%Phillips HealthcareU.S.Europe GrowthU.S.14%Europe 10%Growth 76%Mindray MedicalU.S.Europe GrowthCompanyPrincipal market GPS United States & Europe MindrayGrowth regionsRatio Analysis –Competitor comparison •R&D: Mindray invested most for research and design.•Liquidity: Mindray collected the payment faster than GPS.•Efficiency: GPS’s employee output was at the same level, while Mindray was half of their performance.2014 ($'000,000)GEHealthcarePhillips HealthcareSiemens HealthcareMindray R&D expenses $1,000 $1,088 $1,337 $147 R&D intensity5.5%8.9%8.1%11.1%Current Receivables$4,350$2,796$3,324 $223Receivable collection period 87 84 74 62 Employees51,000 37,065 48,000 8,200 Employee output $0.36$0.33$0.34 $0.16Strengths Weaknesses•Strong in R&D•Product structure in line with China healthcare reform•Global presence in both developed and emerging markets•Good relationship with government •Product certification and license •Healthy financial condition •High price, high revenue and high growth momentum •Relatively poor market performance in first‐tier cities in China•Lack of experience in the post‐acquisition integration•Low output efficiencySWOT AnalysisOpportunities Threats•Fast growing medical device market, especially China•Increasing demand for qualityequipment and supplies•Booming capital market in China •Online sales of medical equipment just started•Wearable medical devices becomes fashion •Demand reduction and cost saving in United States and Europe markets •Changes in marketing strategy of foreign brands•Rapid growing domestic competitorsSWOT AnalysisConclusions & Recommendations⏹ConclusionMindray's marketing strategy is very successful fore the following reasons.✓What makes Mindray distinguish from domestic competitors?•Focus on quality and certification, establish a reliable brand image •Seizing customer's psychology, implementing price skimming strategy •Understanding government’s role, keeping up with Chinese healthcare reform✓How can Mindray compete with foreign brands on the world stage?•Grasp the dynamic market, always active in the most promising market •Flexible marketing strategies, diversified promotion and radical expansion •Constant innovation, adopt bidding machine to attract customers⏹Conclusion✓What is Mindray’s marketing strategy?•Diversified products•Custom‐made sales channels•Positive exposure•High price•Rapid growth through frequent M&A✓How effective is Mindray’s marketing strategy?•Product diversity improves overall competitiveness.•Home and abroad market achieve growth for its forward‐looking layout •High exposure and government relations contribute to the development •High‐end market position and price skimming strategy creates wealth •The M&A enhances the market position and market share.⏹Recommendations✓Stay more competitive in product and price✓Improve management efficiency✓Build cooperation with proper target company to achieve synergy benefits ✓Avoid cut‐throat competition✓Being listed in China stock market✓Seize the trend of online sales✓Introduction of wearable devicesThank you!A review of the marketing strategy of Mindray and its effectivenessnumber: XXXXXXX。
