中国姓名文化 英语介绍ppt课件

zhǐ shì
2.Based on the pictographic characters, Chinese people added more strokes to an existing character to indicate abstract点m击e添a加n标in题gs.
For example: 水(shuǐ) + 木(mù)
氵+ 木 = 沐(mù) wash
水(shuǐ) + 干(gān)
氵+ 干 = 汗(hàn) sweat
To write Chinese characters, you should know……
For example: 日(rì) sun +月(y点u击è)添n加o标on题=
明 (míng ) bright
木(mù) +木(mù) tree, wood = 林 (lín) forest
点击添加h标a题ve a rest
Xíng shēng
Mutually explanatory
4. With the expansion of civilization, a more complicated method of creating characters developed: Select one existing character to ind点ic击at添e加t标he题 pronunciation, and then integrate it with another existing character to create a new one. More than 90% of Chinese ch点ar击a添ct加e标rs题currently in use were created in this way.

4、包装功能。高雅、深邃的名字,会给 人留下美好的印象,妙如诗、美如画、 醇如酒,令人难以忘怀。
古代:“为尊者讳,为亲者讳,为贤者 讳”
1、通伦理,讲蕴藉,有出处,求承载 2、志在高远,讲究谦逊,如退之、如水、
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
伴随人一辈子的,除了影子,就是你的 名字。
孟浩然 ,《孟子》:“吾养吾浩然之气” 的意思。
老舍,原来叫舒舍予,那是把舒字拆开 了,意思是牺牲自我的意思,有佛家的 思想在里面。
3、代表血缘。表示家族成员之间血脉相 连,表明生命基因的延续。尤其,人们 长期按“字辈谱”命名的方式,更是有 浓厚的宗族观念和文化特色,表达着几 代人甚至数十代人之间的血缘亲合关系, 把人的个体生命延续意识和家族亲缘关 系传承下去,形成家族坚不可摧的亲和 力和凝聚力。
《My name's Gina》PPT精选教学课件5

Do you know their Chinese meaning?你 知道它们的中文吗?
1. [fə:st]
2. I’m Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344.
3. My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.
4. Mingming F 9. Zhang L
5. Gina F
10. Mary F
Do you know your first name and last name ?
A: What’s your first name? B: My first name is …. A: What’s your last name? B: My last name is ….
一直执着于生命的简约格调,只愿用一颗淡然的心看云卷云舒,看季节更迭。许多不合时节的事物,必然会被光阴遗落,就像曾经繁茂的秋叶,待生命枯竭,终将脱离叶脉的相系相牵。而我,一直在这里,抖落一身的负累,永恒以树的姿态站立于季风中,昂首向着那无边温暖的碧蓝晴空。 夜幕降临了,春雨柔柔的亲吻着薄如蝉翼的纱帘,有节奏的淅沥在窗棂上,更增添了无限的意念。意念中的我,在幸福和恬淡中,漫捻心弦化为若水般的轻柔曼妙在深情的雨夜里。此刻,窗外的雨不再是清冷的秋雨了,在我的眸里是一种柔软,似撒娇少女的情怀,是怜、是爱、是柔、是润在我的心里是一种憧憬,憧憬着一份美好的未来,与你相拥在花雨飘飞的时节,让爱情肆意的怒放在油纸伞下,青石边,丁香小巷这样的心境,这样的时光,这样的时刻,心不经意间便醉了、醉了、醉在这如曼妙轻盈舞步的秋雨中

赵钱孙李周吴郑王冯陈楮卫蒋沈韩 杨朱秦尤许何吕施张孔曹严华金魏 陶姜戚谢邹喻柏水窦章云苏潘葛奚 范彭郎鲁韦昌马苗凤花方俞任袁柳 酆鲍史唐费廉岑薛雷贺倪汤滕殷罗 毕郝邬安常乐于时傅皮卞齐康伍余 元卜顾孟平黄和穆萧尹姚邵湛汪祁 毛禹狄米贝明臧计伏成戴谈宋茅庞 熊纪舒屈项祝董梁杜阮
Most useful 李王张刘陈杨赵黄吴周 Most useless 死、难、黑(he)、老、毒
A person’s name can also have an important impact on his life
富兰克林·罗斯福—富兰 克林(Franklin)一词来源 于古法国,含义是自由自在 的人 乔治·华盛顿———乔治( George)的意思是“农民” 、“在田野上劳作”
We all have a name .no matter whether your name is special , it is just a sign of us. what we should do is raise its vaule.
The consists of Chinese name
Chinese name=surname + given name Foreign name = first name + surname
The Chinese were the first people to use family name .Each surname contains its unique cultural connotation .Each one also has its representative.
We all know a book about Chinese family names.<百家姓>It was finished in the Song dynasty. Now,it contains 444 surnames and 60 compound surnames (复姓).

Number of Names
500 surnames in China. In One Hundred Family Surnames, 《百 家姓》),there are : 484 surnames 408 (one character) 76( 2 characters) 上官 欧阳 少室 少叔 司徒 司马 司迁 司空 司寇 士孙 申屠
所谓排行,是指同辈兄弟强调 “长幼有序”,“睦如手足”。 有一些特定的排行字,如:
伯(孟)—仲—叔—季—稚—幼 例如:伯夷,叔齐兄弟; 孔子,字仲尼; 班固、班超的字分别是孟坚、 仲升; 孙策:伯符;孙权:仲谋 ; 孙翊:叔弼;孙匡;季佐。
家族也常用以下两种方法 :
(1)两字名中有一字相同 丁肇中(华,民,国) (2)单字名用同一偏旁的字 比如明太祖朱元璋诸子的单字名就都以 “木”为偏旁:标,棣,桢,檀,椿,柏, 桂等。 还有把这两种方法结合起来的,清康 熙帝诸子名中都有一个“允”也为胤(yin) 字:允祉,允祺,允礼,允禧、胤禛、胤 禩等,胤礽,这些名中除了一字相同外, 还有一个字也是同一偏旁的。
字,又叫“表字”,这一习 俗出现的也比较早。《礼记· 曲礼 上》已有“男子二十,冠而字; 女子许嫁,笙而字”的说法,男 女成人之后取字,标志着一个人 正式步入社会,受人认可、尊敬 的开始。颜之推的《颜氏家训· 风 操》云:“古者名以正体,字以 表德”,名和字有不同的作用。
名与字在古时可谓各司其职, 各有分工,在词义上往往又明明 暗暗地互相联系,互相补充,体 现命名取字的完整的意图。试举 几例:
清代是中国封建社会文化高 度成熟之时,人名与前朝相比 也显得别开生面,比如名字的 内涵扩大了,用典巧妙,含义 深远,用词优美清新而含蓄, 形式上注重创新。

英语姓名与文化 ----环艺四 邵静雅
Chinese nanmes
❖Family name + given name
➢ 1、保留首音节。
Eg: Timothy派生出Tim
➢ 2、辅音结尾的,双写辅音加后缀-ie或-y, eg:Tim=Timmy
➢ 3、采用尾音节,如:Anthony的昵称可 以 是Tony
➢ 4、由一个教名派生出两个昵称, Eg: Andrew=Andy&Drew ➢ 5、不规则派生法, Eg:William的一个昵称是Bill.
❖ 反映出生者的出生季节; ❖ 反映出生者的出生地、居住地; ❖ 反映名字持有者在气质、相貌、性格、态势上
与某种动物禽鸟有相似之处; ❖ 以职业来命名; ❖ 表明名字持有人的外部特征; ❖ 以颜色命名 ❖ 用金属来命名
❖ 用植物名命名 ❖ 英语中用“钱”命名 ❖ 英语名中反映浓厚的宗教色彩 ❖ 以古希腊古罗马神话中的神名来命名
教名:first name 自取名(中间名):middle name 姓:last name 其中教名和中间名又称个人名。
❖ 个人名:教名和中间名总称为个人名。
❖ 教名:一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候, 由牧师或父母亲朋为其取名。
❖ 中间名:通常由本人取用,排在教名 之后。
❖ 个人名的来源: ➢ 1、采用祖先的籍贯,山川河流,鸟兽

Given names
Name meanings male:
“Wen” (文means intelligence), “Wu” (武means martial), “Ming” (明means brightness), “Jie” (杰means outstanding), “Long” (龙means dragon), “Hu”( 虎means tiger), “ Xin” (信means faith), “ Zhi” (智means wisdom), “Yi” (义means justice) and
Given names
Taboo: To name a child after: • famous figures' names(not appropriate) • elder generations' first names(highly offensive) • emperors' first names(forbidden)
Given names
Chinese associated names for prominent people, example of Sun Yat-sen's names 1 Official name: Sūn Démíng (孫德明) 2 Milk name: Sun Dìxiàng (孫帝象) 3 School name: Sūn Wén (孫文) 4 Caricatural name: unknown 5 Courtesy names: Sūn Zàizhī (孫載之) 6 Pseudonym(s): 1. Sūn掉这个文本框哦)
Surnames & Baijiaxing
Surnames Origin of surnames
China 中国文化PPT英文介绍

汉字提高自己不断适应时代变化。与此同时,它取得了对中国文化极 大的贡献。
3.Chinese Medicine
Traditional forms of medicine have been used in China since [ həʊˈlɪstɪk ]
the 3rd Century. Chinese medicine is very holistic (全面的)and
hand. Many people were forced to work on the wall.
中国的长城是世界的奇迹之一。它是为数不多的人造物体在月球上 可以看到地球上。所有的工作都是手工完成的。许多人在墙上被迫工作 。
The Great Wall is the name of a wall. It first comes from the time of the Qin Dynasty.Shihuangdi of the Qin Dynasty, united China in 221 BC. He wanted to protect China's northern border. So he ordered his soldiers to build walls along the border.
传统形式的医学3世纪以来一直在中国使用。中医是非常全面的,主要集中在 “阴阳”的平衡以及身心。中医主要由天然草药,以及身体/精神技术组成。
Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicine revolves the principles of Yin and Yang, which are the opposites found in everything, such as day (Yang) or night (Yin) .
高中英语 畅谈中国文化 第27章 中国人姓名的含意素材

英语畅谈中国文化50主题第27章 Meanings in a Chinese Name 中国人姓名的含意A: Unlike in a Western name, the family name in a Chinese name comes before the first name. There are also meanings in a Chinese name.B: That's correct. The meanings in a Chinese name are reflected in the combination of the characters ,which are influenced either by elements of culture or era. Usually the cultural influence is stronger in the characters for family names. Any character that has the particle that means "woman" suggests its traces back to the matriarchal society. Some family names originated either in official titles or occupation, or in animals of worship. A few others come from numbers.A: I see. What about given names?B: In comparison, meanings in given names are always chosen to reflect elements of the era. In the old days, characters meaning "wealth", "fortune", and "happiness" were very common in names. Characters with the meanings of "gifted", "handsome", and "clever" were often chosen by parents as well wishes for their children to be beautiful, capable, and intelligent. During the 1950s and 1960s, many boys were given the name with the meaning of "building the country", "celebrating the nation", "fighting the American imperialists", and "overtaking the British". The reform and opening policies also provided more choices of characters, such as "bo" meaning "strive", "si" meaning "thoughtful", and "yuhang" meaning "aeronautics". Parents would like their children to learn more knowledge, to be more thoughtful and to have great aspirations.Some people also like to use translated Western names such David, Richard, Lisa and Linda.A: This is quite similar to English names. Some of the surnames also come from occupations, such as Sheppard, Smith and Baker. Some Western names also have meanings. "Laura " for example means "laureate" in Latin, and "Samson" means "Sun" in Hebrew.B: I don't know much about Western names. When translated into Chinese, Westerns names are simply a phonetic combination of Chinese characters. In order for people to remember Western names, translators in the 1950s and 1960s tried to localize names in literature, such as Scarlett O' Hara and Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind. Evena place like Atlanta was translated in such a way. Although it was easier to remember these names, they don't look Western any more. So when some of the literary works were retranslated in the 1990s, phonetic translation was used again.A: A Western novel with each of its characters having a Chinese name is very similar to a Westerner having a typical Chinese name like Da Shan, meaning "Big Mountain". It sounds weird. I'd rather have something that can remind me of the original.。
中西姓名文化 中西文化课展示

• 中国人使用姓氏比英国人早,有四五千年 中国人使用姓氏比英国人早, 历史。萌生于人类早期原始部落。 历史。萌生于人类早期原始部落。 • 目前现存姓氏有 目前现存姓氏有3000多个,而历史上出现 多个, 多个 的有4000多个。也恰恰与英语国家姓氏相 多个。 的有 多个 在不但简化、缩小。 反,在不但简化、缩小。
英语姓氏的构成与民族有关。 英语姓氏的构成与民族有关。 1.De-,Du-,La-,Le- 表示法国人的后裔。 表示法国人的后裔。 2.Van-表示荷兰人的后裔。 表示荷兰人的后裔。 表示荷兰人的后裔 3.Salmon,Lee, Low, Jay 表示犹太人的后裔。 表示犹太人的后裔。 4.还有一些外来移民保留院民族的姓氏特征。 还有一些外来移民保留院民族的姓氏特征。 还有一些外来移民保留院民族的姓氏特征 Inigo-西班牙语 Humphry -日耳曼语 西班牙语 日耳曼语 Urban-拉丁语 拉丁语
First names
• 名字是社会文化的反映。体现取名者的理想追求 名字是社会文化的反映。 爱好等。特定的历史条件,环境,物质条件, 爱好等。特定的历史条件,环境,物质条件,生 活结构心理特征, 活结构心理特征,道德价值观等对其名有深刻影 想。 • 陶行知将原名“知行”改为“行知”,因坚信 陶行知将原名“知行”改为“行知” 行是知之始,知是行之成” “行是知之始,知是行之成”。妇女运动先驱向 警予,原名俊贤,后改警予, 警予,原名俊贤,后改警予,向自己时时敲响警 努力学习以救民于水火。 钟,努力学习以救民于水火
6.以植物花果名为姓,如:梅、柳、李、桂、花 以植物花果名为姓, 以植物花果名为姓 等。 7.以爵位、官职为姓,如:王、公、侯、司马、 以爵位、官职为姓, 以爵位 司马、 司徒、尉迟等。 司徒、尉迟等。 8.以职业、手艺为姓,如:陶、卜、巫、商、乐 以职业、手艺为姓, 以职业 等。 9.以皇帝赐姓为姓,如唐朝皇帝给功臣赐予李姓, 以皇帝赐姓为姓,如唐朝皇帝给功臣赐予李姓, 以皇帝赐姓为姓 后代沿用李姓。 后代沿用李姓。 10.以少数民族姓氏译音为姓,如:呼延、宇文等 以少数民族姓氏译音为姓, 以少数民族姓氏译音为姓 呼延、
高中英语 畅谈中国文化 第27章 中国人姓名的含意素材

英语畅谈中国文化50主题第27章 Meanings in a Chinese Name 中国人某某的含意A: Unlike in a Western name, the family name in a Chinese name es before the first name. There are also meanings in a Chinese name.B: That's correct. The meanings in a Chinese name are reflected in the bination of the characters ,which are influenced either by elements of culture or era. Usually the cultural influence is stronger in the characters for family names. Any character that has the particle that means "woman" suggests its traces back to the matriarchal society. Some family names originated either in official titles or occupation, or in animals of worship. A few others e from numbers.A: I see. What about given names?B: In parison, meanings in given names are always chosen to reflect elements of the era. In the old days, characters meaning "wealth", "fortune", and "happiness" were very mon in names. Characters with the meanings of "gifted", "handsome", and "clever" were often chosen by parents as well wishes for their children to be beautiful, capable, and intelligent. During the 1950s and 1960s, many boys were given the name with the meaning of "building the country", "celebrating the nation", "fighting the American imperialists", and "overtaking the British". The reform and opening policies also provided more choices of characters, such as "bo" meaning "strive", "si" meaning "thoughtful", and "yuhang" meaning "aeronautics". Parents would like their children to learn more knowledge, to be more thoughtful and to have great aspirations.Some people also like to use translated Western names such David, Richard, Lisa and Linda.A: This is quite similar to English names. Some of the surnames also e from occupations, such as Sheppard, Smith and Baker. Some Western names also have meanings. "Laura " for example means "laureate" in Latin, and "Samson" means "Sun" in Hebrew.B: I don't know much about Western names. When translated into Chinese, Westerns names are simply a phonetic bination of Chinese characters. In order for people toremember Western names, translators in the 1950s and 1960s tried to localize names in literature, such as Scarlett O' Hara and Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind. Even a place like Atlanta was translated in such a way. Although it was easier to remember these names, they don't look Western any more. So when some of the literary works were retranslated in the 1990s, phonetic translation was used again.A: A Western novel with each of its characters having a Chinese name is very similar to a Westerner having a typical Chinese name like Da Shan, meaning "Big Mountain". It sounds weird. I'd rather have something that can remind me of the original.。

with a accompanied by th
e name of their
life, the name of each
person has a
different meaning,
每个人从一出生就有一个伴随自己一生 的名字,每人的名字都有不同的含义
Meaning of the name
姓名在精神方面的诱导作用,如自我暗示以 及人们对一个人名字的喜恶也是影响其命运 的一个重要因素。.
拿破仑——拿破仑(Napoleon)这个词语中的出处 是希腊文和意大利文。其意思有两个:一个是“森林 中的狮子”,另一个是“来自拿玻利(Naples,意 大利中部城市)的人”。拿破仑祖上在意大利中部生 活,他的名字也可能由此而来。
The name is the broad and narrow sense. Generalized the names of citizens first and lastname as well as legal persons and unincorporated name; the narrow sense of the namerefers only to citizens of the first and last name. Collectively referred to in the name andthe word. In ancient China, one name be used separately. This together, the "name"refers to the name or names.
姓名对一个人的性格倾向有着强 烈的诱导作用,不同的姓名诱导 着不同特点的的性格

Smith. 6.放映个人特征的,如:Black,
Longfellow. 7.借用动植物名的,如Bird, Rice. 8.由双姓合并而来,如Burne-Jones. 英语姓氏虽然出现较教名晚,但数量 要多得多。常用的有:Smith, Miller,
Johnson, Brown, Jones, Williams.
Beuben =>Ben 4.由一个教名派生出两个昵称,如: Andrew=>Andy & Drew. 5.不规则派生法,如:William的一个昵称是Bill.
英国人在很长的一段时间里只有名而没有姓。 直到16世纪姓氏的使用才广泛流行开来。英 语姓氏的词源主要有: 1.直接借用教名,如Clinton. 2.在教名上加上表示血统关系的词缀,如后 缀-s, -son, -ing;前缀M’-,Mc-,Mac-,Fitz-等 均表示某某之子或后代。 3.在教名前附加表示身份的词缀,如St.-,De,Du=,La-,Le-. 4.放映地名,地貌或环境特征的,如Brook, Hill等。
James, John, David, Daniel, Michael
Jane, Mary, Elizabeth , Ann, Sarah, Catherine.
昵称包括爱称、略称和小名,是英语民族亲朋好友 间常来表示亲切的称呼,是在教名的基础上派生出 来的。通常有如下情况: 1.保留首音节。如Donald=>Don, Timothy=>Tim.如 果本名以元音开头,则可派生出以’N’打头的昵称, 如:Edward=>Ned. 2.+ie或-y如:Don=>Donnie, Tim=>Timmy. 3.采用尾音节,如:Anthony=>Tony,
chinese name culture中国姓名文化(课堂PPT)

•What is the Chinese Name? •The Origin •Surnames (Family names) & Baijiaxing •Given names (First names) •Some Interesting Names •How to Address Chinese People
Given names
Surnames & Baijiaxing
Surnames Origin of surnames
Surname's origins can be traced back to the human primitive society matrial system period, so many Chinese ancient surname is beside the female characters .
What is the Chinese Name?
The Formation of Chinese Names family name (surname)
Chinese name given name (first name)
Different kinds of names
Bai Jia Xing
There about 6362 surna mes are existing in China at present and 468 recorded in the book Hundred Surnames can cover 90 percent of the Whole population.

the first refers to a plan t, plum trees, belongs t o the rosaceae. But the direct source of the li s hang dynasty the prime minister - Dali.
the last name of Zhang was used (the a ncient word Zhang looks like a person h olding a bow). During Chun Qiu, an offi cial Jia Hou of Jin kingdom changed his name to Zhang.
According to the last examination " records:" the summer guo, see the arms tree. Traders have Guo Chon g, see "three once", the beginning of the kwok." Guo, it seems, as ear ly as the xia dynasty, four thousan d years ago in our country has had.
Early western zhou dynasty, the duke of zhou JiDan third son is called "age, sealed in Chiang, establish Jiang Guo, is a small country in the zhou dynasty. Jiang Guo later destroyed by chu, the descendants of "age with the original name and surname life, jang said
高中英语 畅谈中国文化 第27章 中国人姓名的含意素材

英语畅谈中国文化50主题第27章 Meanings in a Chinese Name 中国人某某的含意A: Unlike in a Western name, the family name in a Chinese name es before the first name. There are also meanings in a Chinese name.B: That's correct. The meanings in a Chinese name are reflected in the bination of the characters ,which are influenced either by elements of culture or era. Usually the cultural influence is stronger in the characters for family names. Any character that has the particle that means "woman" suggests its traces back to the matriarchal society. Some family names originated either in official titles or occupation, or in animals of worship. A few others e from numbers.A: I see. What about given names?B: In parison, meanings in given names are always chosen to reflect elements of the era. In the old days, characters meaning "wealth", "fortune", and "happiness" were very mon in names. Characters with the meanings of "gifted", "handsome", and "clever" were often chosen by parents as well wishes for their children to be beautiful, capable, and intelligent. During the 1950s and 1960s, many boys were given the name with the meaning of "building the country", "celebrating the nation", "fighting the American imperialists", and "overtaking the British". The reform and opening policies also provided more choices of characters, such as "bo" meaning "strive", "si" meaning "thoughtful", and "yuhang" meaning "aeronautics". Parents would like their children to learn more knowledge, to be more thoughtful and to have great aspirations.Some people also like to use translated Western names such David, Richard, Lisa and Linda.A: This is quite similar to English names. Some of the surnames also e from occupations, such as Sheppard, Smith and Baker. Some Western names also have meanings. "Laura " for example means "laureate" in Latin, and "Samson" means "Sun" in Hebrew.B: I don't know much about Western names. When translated into Chinese, Westerns names are simply a phonetic bination of Chinese characters. In order for people toremember Western names, translators in the 1950s and 1960s tried to localize names in literature, such as Scarlett O' Hara and Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind. Even a place like Atlanta was translated in such a way. Although it was easier to remember these names, they don't look Western any more. So when some of the literary works were retranslated in the 1990s, phonetic translation was used again.A: A Western novel with each of its characters having a Chinese name is very similar to a Westerner having a typical Chinese name like Da Shan, meaning "Big Mountain". It sounds weird. I'd rather have something that can remind me of the original.。