





以下是我们在过去一段时间里取得的成绩和经验:1. 加强教师队伍建设,提高教师业务水平。


2. 优化教学资源,提高教学效果。


3. 创新教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣。


4. 注重学生英语素养的培养,关注学生全面发展。


二、正视问题,明确方向在取得成绩的同时,我们也清醒地认识到英语教学工作中还存在一些问题,如:1. 部分教师对英语教学的理解不够深入,教学方法单一,缺乏创新。

2. 学生英语学习兴趣不高,学习效果不佳。

3. 教学评价体系不够完善,难以全面反映学生的英语水平。

针对以上问题,我们将在以下几个方面进行改进:1. 加强教师培训,提高教师综合素质。


2. 创新教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣。


3. 完善教学评价体系,全面反映学生英语水平。











二、优化教学设计,提高课堂教学效率1. 创设情境,激发兴趣兴趣是最好的老师。


例如,在教授“Healthy Eating”这一课时,我们组织学生进行角色扮演,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习单词和句型。

2. 重视听说训练,提高学生语言表达能力听说能力是英语学习的基础。



3. 注重阅读教学,提升学生阅读素养阅读是英语学习的重要环节。


例如,在教授“My Family”这一课时,我们推荐学生阅读相关家庭主题的英文文章,拓展学生的知识面。

4. 加强写作训练,提高学生写作能力写作是英语学习的重要环节。


例如,在教授“Describe a person”这一课时,我们引导学生进行人物描写,锻炼学生的写作技巧。






下面,我就我们教研组的工作情况及未来展望做以下汇报:一、教研组工作回顾1. 加强理论学习,提高教师素养教研组定期组织教师学习国家英语课程标准、教学大纲以及国内外先进的教育教学理念,使教师们紧跟时代步伐,不断提高自身的理论水平和业务能力。

2. 开展教学研究,提高教学质量(1)围绕教学重点、难点,开展课题研究,形成了一批具有推广价值的教学成果。



3. 关注学生个体差异,实施分层教学针对学生的个体差异,我们制定了分层教学计划,关注每个学生的学习进度,使他们在原有基础上得到充分发展。

4. 加强家校沟通,形成教育合力通过家长会、家访等形式,加强与家长的沟通,共同关注学生的成长,形成良好的教育合力。

二、教研组工作展望1. 深化教学改革,提高教学效率我们将继续关注教育教学改革动态,积极探索新的教学方法,提高教学效率,为学生的全面发展奠定基础。

2. 加强教师队伍建设,提升教师专业素养我们将继续加强教师培训,提高教师的专业素养和教学水平,打造一支高素质的英语教师队伍。

3. 深化课题研究,提高教学成果我们将围绕教学实际,开展课题研究,努力形成更多具有推广价值的教学成果。

4. 加强校际交流,拓展教育视野我们将加强与兄弟学校的交流与合作,借鉴先进的教学经验,拓宽教育视野,提高教育教学质量。





在此,我代表英语教研组全体成员,向长期以来关心和支持我校英语教学工作的领导和老师们表示衷心的感谢!一、英语教研组工作回顾过去的一年,我校英语教研组在学校的正确领导下,紧紧围绕“以学生为本,以教学为中心,以质量求生存,以创新求发展”的办学理念,积极开展教研活动,努力提高英语教学质量,现将英语教研组工作回顾如下:1. 加强师资队伍建设(1)组织教师参加各类培训,提高自身业务水平。






2. 深化教学改革(1)开展课程改革,优化教学设计。






3. 关注学生个体差异,实施分层教学针对学生个体差异,我们实施分层教学,根据学生的英语基础和兴趣爱好,开展针对性的教学活动,使每位学生都能在英语学习上取得进步。

4. 加强英语教研组建设(1)完善教研组管理制度,确保教研活动有序开展。



二、英语教研组工作展望在新的一年里,我校英语教研组将继续以学校办学理念为指导,紧紧围绕教育教学工作,努力做好以下工作:1. 深入推进课程改革,探索适合我校英语教学的新模式。






二、教研组工作目标1. 提高英语教学质量,使学生掌握扎实的英语基础知识和技能。

2. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的英语素养。

3. 加强教师队伍建设,提高教师教育教学水平。

4. 深入开展教育教学研究,推动学校英语教学工作的发展。

三、教研组工作举措1. 加强教师队伍建设(1)开展教师培训,提高教师业务水平。






2. 提高英语教学质量(1)优化课堂教学。






3. 深入开展教育教学研究(1)组织教师参加课题研究。










一、近期教学工作总结1. 教学计划落实情况本学期,我们教研组根据学校教学工作计划,结合英语学科特点,制定了详细的教学计划。


2. 教学质量分析通过期中考试、月考等检测,我们对教学质量进行了全面分析。



3. 教研活动开展情况本学期,我们教研组开展了多项教研活动,包括集体备课、听课评课、教学研讨等。


二、下一步工作展望1. 深入推进课程改革我们要继续深入学习新课程标准,结合我校实际情况,进一步完善课程体系,确保课程改革的顺利实施。

2. 加强教师队伍建设(1)组织教师参加各类培训,提高教师的专业素养;(2)开展教学竞赛、教学观摩等活动,促进教师之间的交流与合作;(3)加强对青年教师的培养,提高整体教学水平。

3. 优化教学方法(1)创新教学手段,运用多媒体技术,提高课堂效率;(2)关注学生个体差异,实施分层教学,满足不同学生的学习需求;(3)开展丰富多彩的课外活动,培养学生的英语兴趣和实际应用能力。

4. 加强家校沟通(1)定期召开家长会,向家长介绍学校英语教学情况;(2)建立家校联系制度,及时了解学生在家学习情况;(3)开展家长培训,提高家长对英语教育的重视程度。










二、教研组工作重点1. 加强理论学习,提高教师素养教研组定期组织教师参加各类培训和学术研讨活动,学习先进的教育教学理念和方法,不断提高教师的专业素养。


2. 优化课堂教学,提高教学质量(1)开展集体备课,共同探讨教学策略。






3. 开展教研活动,促进教师成长(1)开展课题研究,提高教师科研能力。






三、教研组工作成果1. 教师队伍建设取得显著成效。




36 33 321 829
36 33 319 777
24 25
新坡中学 龙桥中学
八年级 八年级
214 105
88 104
48.7 47
59.1 30
及格率 (%)
82 100 83.37 80.3 83.5 75.2
优秀率 (%)
34 79 60.02 25 57 52
7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
海口八中 实验中学 永兴中学 义龙中学 中亚学校
海港学校 七中 三江中学 大华中学
七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级
七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级
5. 青年教师培养
搭建成长平台。 教学跟踪指导。
全国中学生英语能力竞赛,获全国一等奖60人、二等奖219 人、三等奖276人; 第七届全国初中英语青年教师课例展示评比一等奖2人;二 等奖5人。
平均分 及格率(%) 优秀率(%)
西城实验学校 城西中学 演丰中学 荣山中学 三门坡中学 红旗中学 十一中 东升学校 云龙中学 龙桥中学 华泰学校 新坡中学 永兴中学 坡博实验 十四中 三江中学 甲子中学
七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级 七年级
205 742 337 538 32





现将我校初中英语教研工作总结如下:1. 加强师资队伍建设(1)组织教师参加各类培训,提升教师专业素养。






2. 优化课程设置与教学内容(1)根据国家课程标准和学校实际情况,优化课程设置。






3. 创新教学方法(1)运用多媒体教学手段,提高课堂教学效果。






4. 提高教学质量(1)加强教学常规管理。






















下面我们再来看这几道题:( 见课件)不难看出,学生要想答对题目,必须要对四个选项完全掌握。


而对于带有双宾语的动词,则有一定的难度,其中尤其是省略to 的动词的考查,特别是在词运用的考查中,许多学生都爱弄混,该带to 的时候往往不带,这就需要我们在复习中反复的为学生再现,我暂且称其为“烙饼式”方法,也就是说来回翻,饼在锅里需要来回翻出了层以后才好吃,同样,学生要想准确无误的拿到分,必须反复练习,才能成功。






英语教研领导发言稿English:Good morning, esteemed colleagues. As the English teaching research leader, I am honored to address you today. Our goal is to continuously improve the quality of English education through research and innovation. By collaborating on research projects, sharing best practices, and providing professional development opportunities, we can ensure that our students receive the highest level of English instruction. Let us remember that our work has a direct impact on the future success of our students and the society as a whole. Let us continue to strive for excellence in our teaching practices and inspire our students to become proficient English speakers. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our students and contribute to a brighter future for all. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to English education.中文翻译:早上好,尊敬的同事们。






然而,在当前的教学过程中,仍存在一些问题值得我们关注:1. 学生英语基础薄弱。


2. 教学方法单一。


3. 评价方式单一。


4. 教师队伍建设有待加强。


二、提高初中英语教学质量的策略探讨针对以上问题,我认为可以从以下几个方面着手提高初中英语教学质量:1. 加强英语基础教学。


2. 改进教学方法。


3. 优化评价方式。


4. 加强教师队伍建设。


5. 创设良好的英语学习氛围。


三、教研组工作汇报及展望1. 工作汇报(1)加强教研活动。




第1篇Good morning! It is with great pleasure and honor that I stand before you today as the Head of the Research and Teaching Group. Today, I would like to share with you my thoughts and vision for our group, as well as the plans and goals we have set for the upcoming year.Firstly, let me express my heartfelt gratitude to all the members of our research and teaching group for their dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to the education of our students. As we all know, education is the cornerstone of our society, and it is ourresponsibility to ensure that our students receive the highest quality of education possible.In the past year, our group has made significant progress in various aspects of our work. We have organized numerous workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the teaching skills of our teachers, as well as to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences among our colleagues. Moreover, we have conducted several research projects to explore new teaching methods and strategies that can improve the academic performance of our students.However, we must not be complacent. The education landscape is constantly evolving, and we must continue to adapt and innovate in order to meet the needs of our students and society. With this in mind, I would like to outline the following key areas of focus for our group in the upcoming year:1. Teacher DevelopmentThe success of our students largely depends on the quality of teaching they receive. Therefore, it is crucial that we invest in the professional development of our teachers. We will continue to organize workshops and training sessions on various teaching methodologies, classroom management, and curriculum design. Additionally, we will encourage our teachers to participate in professional conferences and seminars to keep up with the latest trends in education.2. Curriculum InnovationIn order to prepare our students for the challenges of the future, we must ensure that our curriculum is up-to-date and relevant. We will work closely with our teachers to identify areas where the curriculum needs improvement and develop innovative teaching materials and resources. We will also explore the integration of technology into our curriculum to enhance the learning experience of our students.3. Research and DevelopmentResearch is an essential component of our work as educators. We will continue to encourage our teachers to engage in research activities that contribute to the field of education. This will not only enhance their professional growth but also provide valuable insights into the best practices for teaching and learning. We will also collaborate with other educational institutions and researchers to share our findings and promote knowledge exchange.4. Student Performance ImprovementOur ultimate goal is to ensure that our students achieve their full potential. To this end, we will implement targeted strategies to improve student performance in all subjects. This will include identifying struggling students and providing them with additional support, as well as implementing formative and summative assessments to track their progress.5. Parent and Community EngagementWe recognize that education is a collaborative effort that involves not only teachers and students but also parents and the wider community. We will work to foster strong relationships with our parents and community members by organizing parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and eventsthat promote communication and collaboration.6. Continuous ImprovementIn order to ensure the success of our group, we must commit to continuous improvement. We will establish a feedback system that allows us to collect input from our teachers, students, and parents. Thisfeedback will be used to identify areas for improvement and guide our decision-making process.In conclusion, the upcoming year promises to be an exciting and challenging time for our research and teaching group. We have set ambitious goals, and we are committed to working together to achieve them. I am confident that, with the dedication and hard work of all our members, we will be able to make a meaningful impact on the education of our students and the betterment of our society.Let us all strive to be the best educators we can be, and let us never forget that the future of our students is in our hands. Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to working with all of you in the year ahead.Godspeed.[Your Name]Head of the Research and Teaching Group第2篇Good morning! It is my great honor to stand here as the head of the Research and Teaching Group. Today, I would like to share with you some thoughts and insights on our work and the direction we are heading in the coming year.First of all, let me express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers and staff in our group for their dedication and hard work. It is your passion and commitment that make our school a wonderful place for students to learn and grow. As the head of the Research and Teaching Group, I am committed to supporting and guiding you in your professional development, ensuring that we provide the best education for our students.In the past year, our group has achieved remarkable progress in terms of teaching quality and research. We have implemented various innovative teaching methods, conducted numerous research projects, and organized numerous workshops and seminars. However, we should not be complacentwith our achievements. The world is constantly changing, and we must keep pace with it to provide our students with the best education possible.The first aspect I would like to focus on is the importance of professional development for teachers. As educators, we must continuously update our knowledge and skills to meet the changing needs of our students. In the coming year, we will prioritize the following areas of professional development:1. Curriculum reform: We will continue to explore and implement new teaching methods and materials that align with the latest educational trends and standards. This will help us provide a more engaging and effective learning experience for our students.2. Technology integration: We will encourage teachers to incorporate technology into their teaching practices, as it is an essential tool for enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. We will provide training and resources to support teachers in this process.3. Assessment and evaluation: We will focus on developing more effective and fair assessment methods that promote student learning and growth. This will involve exploring alternative assessment methods, such as portfolios and performance-based assessments.4. Collaboration and teamwork: We will promote collaboration among teachers, as teamwork is crucial for providing a comprehensive and holistic education. We will organize regular meetings and activities to foster a culture of cooperation and shared responsibility.The second aspect I would like to discuss is the importance of research in education. Research helps us understand the effectiveness of our teaching practices and identify areas for improvement. In the coming year, we will focus on the following research areas:1. Student engagement: We will conduct research to identify effective strategies for promoting student engagement in the classroom. This research will help us develop innovative teaching methods and materials that cater to the diverse needs of our students.2. Teacher effectiveness: We will investigate the factors thatcontribute to teacher effectiveness and identify ways to supportteachers in their professional growth. This research will help usdevelop effective professional development programs and policies.3. Curriculum evaluation: We will conduct research to evaluate the effectiveness of our curriculum and identify areas for improvement. This research will help us ensure that our curriculum is aligned with the needs of our students and the expectations of society.4. Assessment and evaluation: We will explore alternative assessment methods and develop tools to evaluate student learning outcomes more effectively. This research will help us provide a more accurate and comprehensive picture of student performance.The third aspect I would like to emphasize is the importance of communication and collaboration among our group members. Effective communication and collaboration are essential for achieving our goalsand providing the best education for our students. In the coming year, we will focus on the following areas:1. Regular meetings: We will hold regular meetings to discuss our work, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. These meetings will provide an opportunity for us to learn from each other and support each other inour professional development.2. Collaboration with other departments: We will collaborate with other departments within our school, as well as external organizations, to share resources and expertise. This collaboration will help us provide a more comprehensive and well-rounded education for our students.3. Parent and community engagement: We will work closely with parentsand the local community to ensure that our education efforts are aligned with their expectations and needs. This engagement will help us build strong partnerships and create a supportive learning environment for our students.In conclusion, as the head of the Research and Teaching Group, I am committed to supporting and guiding you in your professional development,ensuring that we provide the best education for our students. In the coming year, we will focus on the following areas:1. Professional development for teachers, including curriculum reform, technology integration, assessment and evaluation, and collaboration and teamwork.2. Research in education, with a focus on student engagement, teacher effectiveness, curriculum evaluation, and assessment and evaluation.3. Communication and collaboration among our group members, including regular meetings, collaboration with other departments, and parent and community engagement.Let us work together to create a vibrant and dynamic learning environment that prepares our students for success in the 21st century. Thank you for your attention and support.Thank you!第3篇Good morning/afternoon! I am honored to stand here as the head of the Research and Development Group (RDG) of our middle school. Today, I would like to share with you some insights and plans for the upcoming academic year. Before diving into the details, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers, staff, and students for their hard work and dedication in making our school a great place to learn and grow.As we all know, education plays a vital role in shaping the future of our students. In the ever-evolving world, it is crucial for us to adapt and embrace new teaching methods, technologies, and educational resources to ensure that our students are well-prepared for the challenges ahead. Therefore, the RDG is committed to promoting educational innovation, fostering collaboration among teachers, and enhancing the overall quality of teaching and learning in our school.I. The Current State of EducationBefore we delve into th e RDG’s plans, let’s take a moment to reflecton the current state of education. In recent years, we have witnessed significant advancements in educational technology, such as the integration of digital devices, online learning platforms, and educational apps. These tools have the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn, making education more accessible, engaging, and personalized.However, despite these advancements, there are still some challengesthat we need to address. For instance, the digital divide remains a significant concern, as not all students have equal access to technology and online resources. Additionally, traditional teaching methods may not always cater to the diverse needs of our students, leading todisparities in learning outcomes.II. The RDG’s ObjectivesTo address these challenges and promote educational excellence, the RDG has set the following objectives for the upcoming academic year:1. Enhance the integration of technology in teaching and learning: Wewill encourage teachers to incorporate digital tools and resources into their lessons, making them more engaging and interactive. We will also provide professional development opportunities to help teachers master these technologies.2. Foster collaboration among teachers: Collaboration is essential for sharing best practices, exchanging ideas, and improving teaching methods. We will organize regular workshops, seminars, and networking events to promote collaboration among teachers.3. Promote student-centered learning: We will encourage teachers toadopt student-centered approaches, such as project-based learning,inquiry-based learning, and cooperative learning, to help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.4. Develop a comprehensive professional development program: We will create a comprehensive professional development program that coversvarious aspects of teaching, such as curriculum development, classroom management, and assessment strategies.5. Strengthen partnerships with parents and the community: We believethat a strong partnership between the school, parents, and the community is essential for the success of our students. We will organize parent workshops, community events, and outreach programs to foster this collaboration.III. Specific Plans for the Upcoming Academic YearTo achieve our objectives, the RDG has developed the following specific plans for the upcoming academic year:1. Professional Development: We will offer a series of workshops and seminars on various topics, such as integrating technology in the classroom, adopting student-centered approaches, and using formative assessments. These sessions will be conducted by experts in the fieldand will be available to all teachers.2. Curriculum Development: We will work with subject experts to review and update our curriculum to ensure that it is aligned with the latest educational standards and meets the diverse needs of our students.3. Technology Integration: We will provide teachers with access todigital devices, online resources, and educational apps to help them integrate technology into their lessons. We will also offer training sessions to help teachers master these tools.4. Collaboration: We will organize regular collaboration meetings and networking events for teachers to share their experiences, exchange ideas, and learn from each other.5. Student-Centered Learning: We will encourage teachers to adoptstudent-centered approaches by providing them with guidelines, resources, and support. We will also monitor the progress of these approaches and share best practices with the school community.6. Parent and Community Engagement: We will organize parent workshops, community events, and outreach programs to foster collaboration between the school, parents, and the community.IV. ConclusionIn conclusion, the RDG is committed to promoting educational excellence and fostering a culture of innovation in our school. By working together, we can overcome the challenges that we face and provide our studentswith a world-class education that prepares them for the future.I would like to invite all teachers, staff, and students to join us in this journey of continuous improvement. Let us work together to create a vibrant, inclusive, and dynamic learning environment where our students can thrive and achieve their full potential.Thank you for your attention and support. I look forward to a productive and successful academic year ahead.Best regards,[Your Name]Head of the Research and Development Group。



第1篇Good morning/afternoon! It is my great honor to stand here today as the Head of the English Research Group at our junior high school. Today, I would like to share with you some thoughts on the current state of English education in our school, the challenges we face, and the strategies we plan to adopt to enhance the quality of English teaching and learning.Firstly, let me express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers, students, and parents who have contributed to the English education at our school. Your dedication and commitment have brought us to this point where we can proudly say that our English program has been recognized both locally and internationally.However, we must also acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. As we all know, English is a global language, and its importance in our lives continues to grow. In today's rapidly changing world, it is crucial for our students to acquire strong English language skills to compete and thrive in the global marketplace. Therefore, it is our responsibility as educators to ensure that our students receive the best possible English education.In this speech, I will focus on the following aspects:1. The current state of English education at our school2. The challenges we face3. Strategies for enhancing the quality of English teaching and learning4. Our vision for the future of English education1. The Current State of English Education at Our SchoolOver the years, our English program has been continuously evolving and improving. We have a highly qualified and experienced teaching staff who are dedicated to providing our students with a well-rounded English education. Our curriculum is designed to cater to the diverse needs of our students, from beginners to advanced learners.We have implemented various teaching methods and resources to make our English classes more engaging and effective. Our students have access to a wide range of learning materials, including textbooks, workbooks, multimedia resources, and online platforms. We also organize regular English competitions, debates, and cultural exchange activities to enhance our students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.2. The Challenges We FaceDespite our achievements, we must face the following challenges:a. The rapid development of technology: As technology continues to evolve, we need to keep up with the latest trends and integrate theminto our teaching methods. This requires continuous professional development for our teachers.b. The diverse needs of students: Our students come from different backgrounds and have varying levels of English proficiency. We need to tailor our teaching strategies to meet their individual needs.c. The pressure of standardized tests: Our students are expected to perform well in English exams, which can create unnecessary stress and anxiety. We need to strike a balance between preparing them for exams and fostering their love for the language.3. Strategies for Enhancing the Quality of English Teaching and LearningTo address the challenges mentioned above, we will adopt the following strategies:a. Continuous professional development: We will organize regular workshops, seminars, and training sessions for our teachers to keep them updated with the latest teaching methodologies and technologies.b. Personalized learning: We will implement a more personalized approach to teaching, where teachers can cater to the specific needs of each student. This will involve individualized lesson plans, targeted interventions, and regular feedback.c. Fostering a love for the language: We will encourage our students to explore the beauty of the English language through various activities, such as reading clubs, storytelling sessions, and cultural exchange programs.d. Collaborative learning: We will promote a collaborative learning environment, where students can work together, share ideas, and learn from each other. This will enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.4. Our Vision for the Future of English EducationIn the future, we aim to establish our school as a leader in English education. We envision a world where our students are confident, competent, and compassionate English speakers who can contribute positively to society.To achieve this vision, we will:a. Strengthen our curriculum and teaching methods to ensure that our students are well-prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.b. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in our school, where every member is committed to excellence.c. Collaborate with other educational institutions and organizations to share best practices and promote the importance of English education.In conclusion, as the Head of the English Research Group, I am confident that with the collective efforts of our teachers, students, and parents, we can overcome the challenges we face and achieve our vision for the future of English education at our school. Let us work together to create a vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive learning environment where every student can excel in English and achieve their full potential.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your continued support and cooperation.God bless our school and its English program![Your Name]Head of the English Research Group第2篇Good morning! It is with great pleasure and a sense of responsibility that I stand before you today as the Head of the English Research Group. As we embark on another academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to address some key points that will guide our collective efforts in enhancing the teaching and learning of English in our middle schools.Firstly, let me express my gratitude to all the dedicated teachers and educators who have contributed to the English department's success in the past. Your passion, expertise, and commitment to our students are the cornerstones of our educational journey. Today, I would like to highlight several areas that we will focus on to ensure that our students receive the highest quality of English education.1. Aligning with Curriculum Standards:As educators, it is crucial that we remain aligned with the national curriculum standards. These standards provide a clear framework for what students should know and be able to do in English. We will review and update our teaching materials to ensure they are in line with these standards. This will help us create a consistent and comprehensive learning experience for our students.2. Enhancing Teacher Professional Development:Teacher training and professional development are essential for maintaining high standards in education. We will organize regular workshops and seminars to keep our teachers updated with the latest teaching methodologies and strategies. These sessions will also provide opportunities for collaboration and the sharing of best practices among our faculty.3. Fostering a Love for Reading:Reading is the foundation of language learning. To foster a love for reading among our students, we will implement a variety of initiatives.These include establishing school libraries, organizing book fairs, and encouraging teachers to integrate literature into their lessons. We believe that by exposing our students to a wide range of texts, we can inspire a lifelong appreciation for the written word.4. Utilizing Technology in the Classroom:In this digital age, it is imperative that we leverage technology to enhance our teaching methods. We will explore the use of educational software, online resources, and interactive whiteboards to make our lessons more engaging and interactive. By integrating technology, we can cater to different learning styles and provide a more dynamic educational environment.5. Promoting Speaking and Listening Skills:Effective communication is a key skill in the English language. We will focus on developing our students' speaking and listening skills through activities such as debates, group discussions, and presentations. These activities will not only improve their language proficiency but also enhance their critical thinking and public speaking abilities.6. Encouraging Critical Thinking and Analysis:In addition to language skills, we aim to cultivate critical thinking and analytical skills in our students. We will incorporate activities that encourage students to question, analyze, and evaluate information. This will help them become well-rounded individuals who can navigate the complexities of the modern world.7. Assessing and Monitoring Student Progress:Regular assessments are vital for tracking student progress and identifying areas that require improvement. We will implement a comprehensive assessment system that includes formative and summative assessments. This will enable us to provide timely feedback and support to our students, ensuring that they are on track to meet their academic goals.8. Collaborating with Parents and the Community:The success of our students is a collaborative effort that involves parents, teachers, and the wider community. We will establish regular communication channels with parents to keep them informed about their child's progress and to seek their support and involvement. We will also engage with local organizations and businesses to create opportunities for our students to apply their English skills in real-world contexts.9. Celebrating Achievements:To maintain motivation and a sense of accomplishment, we will celebrate our students' achievements. Whether it's through awards ceremonies, newsletters, or social media, we will highlight the successes of our students and encourage them to continue striving for excellence.In conclusion, as the Head of the English Research Group, I am confident that by focusing on these key areas, we can create an environment that promotes excellence in English education. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that every student who passes through our classrooms leaves with a strong command of the English language and the confidence to pursue their dreams.Let us work together, with passion and dedication, to make this academic year a memorable and successful one for our students. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the education of our youth.May the words of Shakespeare inspire us all: "To be, or not to be: that is the question." Let us strive to be the best educators we can be, and in doing so, we will undoubtedly create a brighter future for our students.Thank you.第3篇Good morning! It is my great pleasure to stand before you today as the Head of the English Research Group at our初中. Today, I would like to address several key issues that are of great importance to our department and to the overall educational experience of our students.Firstly, let me begin by acknowledging the dedication and hard work of all our teachers in the English department. Your commitment to our students' success is evident in the exceptional teaching and learning that takes place in our classrooms every day. Your passion for the English language and literature is contagious, and it inspires our students to reach their full potential.As we embark on this new academic year, it is crucial that we remain focused on our core mission: to provide our students with a solid foundation in English language and literature that will serve them well in their future endeavors. To achieve this, we must continuously evaluate and refine our teaching methods, curriculum, and resources.One of the first areas I would like to address is the curriculum. We have made significant strides in recent years in updating our curriculum to align with the latest educational standards and best practices. However, there is always room for improvement. I encourage each of you to review the curriculum and consider the following questions:1. Are our lessons engaging and relevant to our students' lives?2. Are we providing opportunities for our students to develop critical thinking and analytical skills?3. Are we incorporating technology effectively to enhance the learning experience?It is essential that our curriculum not only equips our students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in standardized tests but also prepares them for the complexities of the modern world. This includes fostering a love for reading, writing, and speaking English, as well as promoting cultural understanding and global awareness.Moving on to teaching methods, it is important that we remain adaptable and open to new strategies that can help our students learn more effectively. Here are a few suggestions:1. Differentiated instruction: Recognize that students have varying learning styles and abilities. Tailor your lessons to meet the needs ofall students, including those who may require additional support orthose who are particularly advanced.2. Project-based learning: Encourage students to engage in real-world projects that require them to apply their knowledge of English in practical situations.3. Technology integration: Utilize educational technology tools tocreate interactive and engaging lessons that can enhance student engagement and understanding.Furthermore, we must not underestimate the power of collaboration within our department. By sharing our experiences, insights, and best practices, we can collectively improve our teaching and support one another in our professional development. I urge all of you to participate in departmental meetings, workshops, and professional development opportunities that are designed to enhance your skills and knowledge.Another vital aspect of our role as educators is to provide a supportive environment for our students. This means not only fostering a positive classroom atmosphere but also being attentive to their emotional and social well-being. Here are a few ways in which we can achieve this:1. Regularly check in with students to discuss their progress and offer guidance.2. Encourage peer-to-peer support and collaboration.3. Create opportunities for students to express themselves creatively through writing, speaking, and other forms of artistic expression.Additionally, we must prioritize the development of our students'literacy skills. Reading proficiency is a cornerstone of academic success, and we must ensure that our students are equipped with thetools and resources they need to become lifelong readers. This includes:1. Providing a diverse range of reading materials that cater todifferent interests and reading levels.2. Incorporating regular reading activities into our curriculum.3. Offering additional support for students who may struggle with reading.Lastly, I would like to address the importance of assessment and feedback. Effective assessment not only helps us gauge our students' progress but also provides valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. Here are some key points to consider:1. Use a variety of assessment methods to gather comprehensive data on student performance.2. Provide constructive and timely feedback that focuses on both strengths and areas for improvement.3. Use assessment results to inform our teaching and adjust our curriculum accordingly.In conclusion, the English Research Group plays a pivotal role inshaping the educational experience of our students. As educators, we have a responsibility to provide them with a rich and dynamic learning environment that fosters their intellectual growth, personal development, and love for the English language.To achieve this, we must continue to collaborate, innovate, and strivefor excellence in all aspects of our work. Let us commit to:- Continuously reviewing and refining our curriculum to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.- Exploring new teaching methods and technologies that can enhance the learning experience.- Fostering a culture of collaboration and professional developmentwithin our department.- Providing a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes student well-being and success.- Prioritizing the development of literacy skills and reading proficiency.By working together, we can create a thriving English department that not only prepares our students for academic challenges but also equips them with the skills and confidence they need to thrive in the 21st century.Thank you for your attention and dedication. Let us embark on this new academic year with enthusiasm and a shared vision for the success of our students. Together, we can make a lasting impact on their lives.Thank you.。






























一、过去一年的工作回顾1. 加强教研组建设,提高教研水平过去的一年,我们教研组紧紧围绕“提高教学质量”这个中心,加强教研组建设,提高教研水平。


2. 优化课程设置,提升学生英语素养针对初中英语教学特点,我们优化课程设置,注重培养学生听、说、读、写、译等综合能力。









3. 开展教学研究,促进教师专业成长我们教研组积极开展教学研究,鼓励教师参加各类教研活动,提升教师专业素养。




4. 加强教学交流,促进资源共享我们教研组注重与其他学校的交流与合作,积极参加各类教学交流活动,分享教学成果。


二、未来的发展规划1. 深化课程改革,提高教学质量在未来的工作中,我们将继续深化课程改革,优化课程设置,提高教学质量。









一、加强理论学习,提升教师素质1. 深入学习国家教育政策,紧跟时代步伐。


2. 开展教育教学研讨活动,提升教师教育教学能力。


3. 鼓励教师参加各类培训和考试,提高自身学历层次。


二、关注学生个体差异,实施分层教学1. 根据学生的英语水平,将学生分为A、B、C三个层次。


2. 采用小组合作学习、分层作业、个性化辅导等方式,使每位学生都能在原有基础上得到提高。

3. 关注学生的情感态度,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。


三、丰富教学手段,提高教学效果1. 利用多媒体技术,丰富教学资源。


2. 开展课外活动,提高学生的英语实践能力。


3. 加强家校沟通,形成教育合力。


四、开展课题研究,促进教师专业成长1. 围绕教学中的热点、难点问题,开展课题研究。


第一轮复习阶段,应坚持“全面、系统、扎实、 灵活”的基本指导思想,立足课本语言基础知识, 进行系统地梳理、归纳、总结和拓展。
第二轮为专题复习阶段,主要以“八大模块(按 题型)”复习策略。根据各题型的具体特点,重点 突破、抽取规律,拓宽理解,形成能力。
第三轮复习任务,主要是进行大综合的训练,应注 重学生综合运用知识能力的培养。通过模拟适应性的 复习训练,查漏补缺,把握有效信息,及时反馈,总 结提升。
能力的培养 :不断地训练,不断地实践 ,能力逐步提高, 做到: 坚持每天听一点,看一点,背一点,做一点,做到 四点。
三遍听力法。第一遍按题目要求听答一遍,第二遍看着听力材 料再听一遍,第三遍姑且叫做盲听,就是什么都不看再强化听 一遍。
一、领导重视 :
互相学习、优势互补 资源共享、随时随地
课前课后、研讨调整 任劳任怨、付出奉献
初三英语每周复习内容详情表及周周清作业安排表.doc 高效课堂用语评价120句.doc
惫不堪,浪费大量的精力和时间,从而费时多、收效低。 正确的方法是每天适度做一些题型,而不仅仅是题目,针 对较难的语言点,有目的、选择地训练,切忌难,偏,怪。 实践证明:归纳对比、融会贯通是中考复习制胜的法宝
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

误区之一: 能以教材为复习的唯一中心吗?
教材可以作为复习的内容,但不 是唯一中心。应当以中考所要求的技 能和知识为纲要与结构,将教材作为 知识复习的材料,而不是按教材的原 编写顺序进行复习。
误区之二: 资源分配与试题的分值比例相匹配吗? 中考主要是考查交流技能,完型填空、 阅读理解、书面表达几大题型占去了 大部分分值。但是,有些人复习时花 在读、写的技能训练上所用的时间与 试卷中的分值不成比例。
几年省市中考英语试题,明确中考命题思路、发展 方向。准确把握中考英语的新动向,每位教师做到 心中有数,把握全局,备战中考。 2. 通览各册教材(1----4册)教学内容,把握重 点、难点、考点、热点,明确复习范围及目标,增 强复习的针对性,确定有效的复习策略。
采取“三轮复习法”作为毕业班的总复 习计划。 “三轮复习法”要求先全面学习,后进 行重点专项复习和适应性考试训练模考。 做到着眼全面,突出重点、考点和学生易 错点,有针对性地进行重点复习。做到点 面结合,把全面复习和重点复习有机结合 起来的策略。
第一轮复习阶段,应坚持“全面、系统、扎 实、灵活”的基本指导思想,立足课本语言基础 知识,进行系统地梳理、归纳、总结和拓展。 第二轮为专题复习阶段,主要以“八大模块 (按题型)”复习策略。根据各题型的具体特点, 重点突破、抽取规律,拓宽理解,形成能力。 第三轮复习任务,主要是进行大综合的训练, 应注重学生综合运用知识能力的培养。通过模拟 适应性的复习训练,查漏补缺,把握有效信息, 及时反馈,总结提升。
(2)语法复习重基础,抓重点,抓 理解,避免过偏,过难,过深,突 出动词的运用。 重点难点的归纳、通过单句、翻译、 语法填空等,与写作结合起来。
总之,在复习中,我们结合我校实 际情况安排练习的难度。学生的英语水 平不是很高,以练习基础题为主,把基 础词汇、基本句型弄扎实,做到懂、会、 熟,从以往的经验来看,历来基础知识 掌握牢固的学生常能在中考中出好成绩。 除了一些个别的尖子考生,绝大部分考 生都无须在高难题目上争高下,只要保 证基础题上不丢分,获得了比较好的成 绩。
十三、话题回归: 我们毕业班需要什么样的英 语课堂教学?
•理性。讲究科学、有度,计划性强, 制定切实可行的复习计划,有的放矢 地突破薄弱环节。 •精确。就是要回答中考考什么,怎 样应考和为什么这样复习。 •高效。指的是单位时间内的效率问 题。
3. 明确题目形式,抓住题型变化,确 定训练方法(方式),增强指导的力度。 4.对每一轮复习的知识掌握情况做好 阶段归纳、总结,及时发现问题,及时 解决。 5.做好复习内容及时间的安排。根据 学生学习的实际情况,合理安排复习进 度,制定周密的复习计划,使每个学生 做到心中有数。
与时俱进,畅想未来---2014潍坊市英语骨干教师培训总结体会.doc 2013年10月15潍坊中考英语质量分析会体会.doc
2、夯实基础、培养能力。讲究“细” 字,重在落实。 (1) 重点突破词汇关(抓好重点的词 汇;理清哪些需要识记;哪些需要拼 写掌握;哪些是写作常用的表达方式 等)词汇复习是核心,是关键。把课 本词汇与新课标中的1600个要求四会 的词汇相对照。精选过虑加以总结、 归类,挑出重点单词单独强化突破。
误区之三: 练习定位准不准,处理方法当不当?
•根据目前命题原则和难度系数,选 用过难过偏的练习,对大多数学生 来说是得不偿失的.
误区之四: 复习存在三重三轻吗? 重蛮干,轻策略; 重答案,轻思路; 重教辅,轻课本。
思路因循守旧,节奏拖沓滞流;资料贪多求全, 课本视而不见,看似扎实又热闹,双基夯不牢; 单项选择学生所爱,参考答案学生所求,急功 近利重结果,做起题来一团糟。 优化复习资料。现今中考教辅多如牛毛却千篇 一律,毫无新意又漏洞百出。宜紧扣课标,优 化资料。
三、毕业班英语课堂教学要求: 三精两适
1、把准重点,抓住考点,逐一落实 复习时不能脱离开教材,应当在教材中 去理解,分析,掌握知识点,但又应当认真地 研究课标,以课标为目标,把握住考点,做到 方向明确,不可面面俱到,应轻重有别,精讲 精练,事半功倍。
2、讲练结合,以练为主,提高效益。 讲与练一定要讲究个“精”字;以练 为主线;以补漏为主旨;精选习题,抽取规 律。 考点选题与讲解要透彻、精当、典型。 因此,我们做到了“三精”与“两适”。以 精讲精练为策略,因为在有限的课堂教学时 间里,要完成众多的教学任务,最好的方法 就是精讲精练。
能力的培养 :不断地训练,不断地实践 ,能力逐 步提高,做到: 坚持每天听一点,看一点,背一点, 做一点,做到四点。 1、听一点。即每天听一篇中考听力模拟试题,坚 持采用三遍听力法。第一遍按题目要求听答一遍,第二 遍看着听力材料再听一遍,第三遍姑且叫做盲听,就是 什么都不看再强化听一遍。 2、看一点。阅读理解是中考试卷中的重头戏。但 阅读理解的训练非一蹴而就,因而每天坚持阅读2-3篇 题材广泛、体裁不同的文章极为重要。提高阅读能力的 重要前提是掌握足够的词汇,因此,通过广泛的阅读, 增加词汇量也是提高阅读能力的有效途径。如有可能也 不妨读点英文报刊,多关注时事热点。
对重点词汇和短语,要多造句,在用中记,在语境 中记。 结合语篇材料学习巩固新旧词汇。 可采用每日记10词或每节词汇听写5分钟。在复 习词汇时,节节要涉及词汇检查,该写在纸上的要写 在纸上,克服记住而写不出的现象。形式要多样化, 如自己筛选,同学互记,老师检查等。隔段时间挑出 重要的或经常出错的搞个竞赛,形式多样化,如考查 单词拼写的,句中意义的,猜词的,考查搭配的等等。 建立两本台帐----记住了的“收入台帐”;没记 住的“欠债台帐”。 “天天135”英语听读写能力快速提高的做法,即 每天一次听力练习、读三篇文章、造五个句子,常抓 不懈,直到中考。
要在中考中取得理想的成绩,平时 的工夫固然重要,但在最后冲刺阶段, 掌握科学、实用的答题技巧也非常关键 。我们在最后中考前夕,细致地向学生 强调答题技巧和注意事项。
刘欣:中考备考金点子2014.6.doc 中考英语八种题型的思路点拨及答题技巧.ppt
第二卷是书面题,书写的工整与否直 接关系到中考成绩,所以我们要求学生在 提高答题能力和答题速度的同时必须重视 清晰、工整、认真的书写,尤其是书面表 达。 要求学生合理调控时间,因为有的同 学往往在第一卷中费时太多,形成时间上 的前松后紧局面,结果出现会答而没有时 间答的情况,这一点我们对学生特别强调 ,要求他们会的题就要把分得到手。
2013--2014期末考试初三英语组总结.doc 初三英语第三次月考分析.doc
在复习检测时应对平时练习中将 错题归类,找到自己经常失分的题目 ,并分析错误的根源,研究与之对应 的例题,各个击破难点。 有针对性地进行综合性专项练习 ,纠正在学习过程中存在的不足。注 重中考模拟训练,辅之与题型相适应 的习题进行专项练习,强化弱项,及 时补救。
唤醒主体意识、调动积极性、制定计划、 沟通交流、心理辅导、分组分层。
制定目标责任书:学有目标,赶有方向 没有一个不学习的学生。
大胆删减、整合教材 夯实基础、适当集中 反复选环、归纳总结
把握动向,夯实基础, 理 性,精确,高效,大面积提高 英语教学质量.
繁华初级中学 刘欣
一、领导重视 : 认真就是水平 实干就是能力 时间就是效率
课前课后、研讨调整 任劳任怨、付出奉献
初三英语每周复习内容详情表及周周清作业安排表.doc 高效课堂用语评价120句.doc
•突出计划性和针对性,切忌复习的盲 目性和随意性。 •以课标为导向,以课本为载体,以考 点为依据,以能力为重点,以运用为 目标,滚动复习,系统知识。
英语中考命题以英语新课程标准五 级要求为依据,参照学生实际学过的 三年制教材。“稳定中求发展”,立 足双基,强调运用。以能力立意为主, 注重考查学生在一定的语境下对语言 基础知识的综合运用,强调考查学生 对知识结构体系的整体把握能力。
“复习反馈”有两大优点:一可以检查教师复习 指导的效果;二可以强化学生的学习动机,改正学 习错误,避免问题积累。 在复习中,每复习完一个单元,每做一份题, 对学生都要作好调查,学生知识缺漏,做题的出错 率,出错的原因都要作出详细的了解与调查,发现 问题,及时点拨,及时矫正,并配以相应的练习加 以巩固。对出错多的题目,加以筛选或改编,再选 上,实行二次过关,过关题要尽量做到全批全改, 直到掌握为止。 初三2013—2014年第二学期第一次月考总结.doc
3、背一点。俗话说得好:熟读唐诗三百首,不 会作诗也会吟。背诵可以强化记忆,加深理解,还 可以增强语感。所谓背诵,不仅仅是简单地反反复 复背单词,还要尽量做到字不离词,词不离句,句 不离篇,多背些常用表达及典型句式,或一些常用 谚语。 4 、 做 一 点 。 曾 有 人 戏 言 是 “ 上 初 三 , 下题 海”。适量的“题海战术”是必要的,但过滥过多 会让学生疲惫不堪,浪费大量的精力和时间,从而 费时多、收效低。正确的方法是每天适度做一些题 型,而不仅仅是题目,针对较难的语言点,有目的、 选择地训练,切忌难,偏,怪。实践证明:归纳对 比、融会贯通是中考复习制胜的法宝