铝焊机操作手册(总13页)本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March格拉思铝焊机操作手册安全警告!在弧焊和切割过程中,可能会给您和他人造成伤害,在焊接或切割时作好防护。
恒波(致远)超声波设备 数字超声波焊接机使用说明书
![恒波(致远)超声波设备 数字超声波焊接机使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/df8cf46aec630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26997fe.png)
恒波(致远)超声波设备数字超声波焊接机使用说明书数字款超声波焊接机20K -2000W20K -3000W 15K -2600W 15K -3500W恒波(致远)超声波设备恒波(致远)超声波设备目录1.一般信息.........................................................................................................................................................22.安全须知 (5)3.技术资料.........................................................................................................................................................94.产品全图 (10)4.1机身尺寸示意图.................................................................................................................................124.2换能器系统. (13)4.3超声波电箱(发生器)....................................................................................................................145.设备安装......................................................................................................................................................166.焊接周期介绍. (24)7.电箱功能介绍 (25)7.1开机界面 (25)7.2时间模式界面.....................................................................................................................................267.3能量模式界面. (27)7.4手动模式界面.....................................................................................................................................287.5声波过载保护及清除界面.. (29)7.6紧急停止界面.....................................................................................................................................298.电箱调试方法. (30)8.1工作模式选择 (30)8.2焊头高度调节....................................................................................................................................308.3声波测试.. (30)9.焊接模式选择..............................................................................................................................................3110.保险丝及LED 灯位置. (32)11.设备维护....................................................................................................................................................3312.异常动作及对策. (36)13.焊接名词百科............................................................................................................................................3714.热塑性塑料的超声波焊接性能. (41)15.塑胶熔接材质分析表................................................................................................................................4116.超声波焊接原理图 (42)17.产品保修卡 (43)中国造更可靠恒波(致远)超声波设备恒波(致远)超声波设备1.一般信息1.1操作说明及相关信息1.1.1前言我们很高兴您决定购买恒波(致远)超声波系列产品,这是一款是我司研发的智能化数字超声波焊接机。
光纤激光焊接机使用手册目录前言 (3)一、激光打标技术在现代工业加工中的应用 (3)二、LPY系列光纤激光焊接系统简介 (4)技术支持 (1)一、服务 (1)二、传真服务 (1)三、E-MAIL服务 (1)四、INTERNET服务 (1)1. 注意事项 (1)1.1 (1)1.2 使用注意事项 (4)1.3 运输及搬动注意事项 (5)2. 性能特征 (1)3. 设备安装 (1)3.3.1 连接光纤与激光入射头 (1)3.3.2 连接光纤输出单元 (3)4输入/输出 (1)4.1 (2)4.2 (2)4.2.1 EXT. I/O (1) D-SUB 44-Pin 插座和D-SUB 37-Pin 插座 (2)4.2.2 用外部信号控制本机 (3)4.2.3 外部信号控制本机时的信号说明(DB-44插头) (4)描述 (4)4.2.4 本机输出信号连接图例 (6)4.2.5 本机输出信号说明(DB-37插头) (6)描述 (6)4.3 (7)4.4 (7)4.5 (7)4.6 (7)5.MBOX操作界面和显示说明 (1)5.1 (1)5.2 (1)5.2.1 启动画面 (1)5.2.2主菜单 (2)5.2.3初始参数设定(此项对300A不起作用) (2)5.2.4系统工作状态 (3)5.2.5焊接波形设定 (4)5.3激光调试模式(厂家调试,暂不对用户开放) (5)5.4故障记录查询 (5)5.5焊接机故障 (6)6.焊接操作 (1)6.1 (1)6.1.1 打开前面板上的电源开关。
(1)6.1.2 如果出现如下画面,请把安全锁开关打到[ON]位置。
(2)6.1.3 如果一切正常,将会看到下面的画面。
(2)6.2 (2)6.3 (4)6.4 (5)7. 维护 (1)7.1.1 冷却器 (1)7.2.1 更换氙灯 (3)7.2.2 光纤入射调整 (5)7.2.3 清洗激光输入部分的光学部件 (7)8. 其他 (1)8.2.1 附件 (2)8.2.2 消耗品 (2)9. 故障处理 (1)10 工作模式数据表(本表可复印使用) (1)11.软件 (1)11.1 CNC2000数控系统主要功能和技术指标 (1)11.2 CNC2000数控系统编程说明 (1)11.2.1 G代码 (1)11.2.2 M代码 (9)11.2.3 其它 (9)11.2.4 格式 (10)11.2.5 行号 (10)11.3 CNC2000数控系统操作说明 (11)11.3.1 主界面 (11)11.3.2 系统概述 (11)11.3.3 安装与初始化文档 (11)11.3.4 使用手册 (12)前言一、激光打标技术在现代工业加工中的应用LPY-F系列是0激光所生产的一组新型的光纤式激光焊接机,该型号采用更加丰富的I/O接口,以及RS 485的外部通讯系统,产品可选配CCD系统进行监控,控制系统方便易操作,具有极高的稳定性和可靠性。
1. 环境准备
2. 设备检查
3. 个人防护
4. 焊接操作
5. 环境清理
6. 设备保养
一、 二、
三、 四、
前言 组成 技术资料 物理数据 操作 主菜单 帮助 手动焊接 全位置焊接 调出用户存储程序 保存用户存储程序 自动生成程序 气体功能 打印功能 标定菜单 通讯菜单 设置菜单 自诊菜单 输入功率 结构说明 故障分析
可移动重量轻的 Cobra TIG 150 及 Smart Arc 共同提供了自动控制您所需要 具有重复性的各个参数。具有验证和跟踪能力的高集成化全位置焊接机 Smart Arc 软件开发出了一种近于理想化的焊接程序。它通过我们的自动程序生成得以 体现仅需要输入管外径和壁厚,其它的全是自动产生的。
从 主 菜 单 屏 幕 要 进 入 手 动 焊 接 ( WELD MANUAL ) 需 要 按 下 WELD MANUAL 按钮,一旦从手动焊接屏幕选择另一个屏幕底部的电流范围,这样可 以得到对所焊项目一个最佳选择(0-50,0-100 和 0-150 安培)。使用 SCROLL UP、 SCROLL、ADJUST UP 和 ADJUSTDOWN 按钮用来选择焊接程序参数。当所有 参数选择完毕,按 START/STOP 按钮来启动焊接程序或按下参数下脚的控制来 实现要求的焊接电流。
Printing Date & Revision January 2003
This manual applies to the following model numbers
CobraTig® 150
用 户 手 册
16882 ARMSTRONG AVE., IRVINE, CA 92606 TEL (949)863-1234 FAX (949)474-1428
RSR-1200、1600、2500 电容放电螺柱焊机 使用说明书
![RSR-1200、1600、2500 电容放电螺柱焊机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/425abd338f9951e79b89680203d8ce2f0066653f.png)
RSR -1200、1600、2500电容放电螺柱焊机使用说明书(请在安装、使用、维护前认真阅读此说明书)成都华远电器设备有限公司四川华远焊接系统有限公司认证取得 华 远 焊 机用户安全提示:华远焊机的所有焊接和切割设备在设计上已充分顾及用户的安全和舒适,尽管如此,如果您能正确地安装和使用该设备对您的安全仍将大有助益,在没有认真阅读说明书之前,请不要随意安装、使用或对设备进行维修。
一、操作前的准备工作在正式操作电子束焊接机前,必须确保具备以下条件和准备工作:1.1 设备安全检查:请检查设备是否完好无损,接地是否良好,是否存在短路等电路问题。
1.2 工作环境准备:确保工作场所干燥、通风良好,并清除杂物,以防止意外事故发生。
1.3 人员培训和证书:所有使用电子束焊接机的工作人员都必须经过专业培训,并持有相关的焊接操作证书或资质。
二、安全操作规程2.1 个人防护用具:在操作电子束焊接机时,工作人员必须佩戴适当的个人防护用具,包括防辐射面罩、防辐射护目镜、防辐射服、隔热手套等。
2.2 操作规程:在操作电子束焊接机之前,必须认真阅读并理解操作手册和相关规程,熟悉设备的启动、操作、停机和紧急停止的程序。
2.3 电源管理:在操作电子束焊接机时,应严格按照设备要求选择合适的电源和电源线,并确保其正常工作。
2.4 焊接参数设定:根据所焊接的材料和需求,设置正确的焊接参数,如电子束功率、速度、扫描范围等。
2.5 安全间距与边缘保护:在进行电子束焊接时,必须保持足够的安全间距,以防止工作人员和其他物体被辐射。
使用说明书德震超声波DZ-2810手持焊接说明INSTRUCTIONS德震超声波DZ-2810手持焊接机说明版本号:DZ-2810目录安全要求与警告 (1)DZ-2810超声波焊接发生器简介 (2)技术参数 (3)安装要求 (4)操作使用说明 (5)一.安全要求与警告本节解释了手册上各种“安全注意”符号和标志的意义,并提供了超声波焊接发生器的常规安全预防措施。
1、真正全自动追频(AFC)适应各种大小焊模和不同的设计模具,自动追踪频率范围:±400HZ (依15KHZ超声波为例,模具频率在14.40-15.20KHZ可自动频率追踪使用)。
武汉华中激光产业有限公司HZL-W系列用户使用说明书触摸控制脉冲激光电源及工作台系统版本号:V2.2目录刖言 (4)安全信息概述 (4)工作环境 (5)接通电源前 (5)接地 (5)熔断器 (5)不要在易爆环境下操作 (6)不要卸下设备外罩 (6)华中激光对商品的保修声明 (6)一、产品基本资料 (7)1.1简介 (7)1.2产品功能 (8)1.3技术参数 (10)1.3原理图 (11)1.4控制流程图 (11)系统操作方法和功能说明 (12)2.1【开机】界面 (12)2.2【编程】界面 (13)2.2.1基本参数的编程 (13)2.2.2分段编程 (14)2.2.3【开、关机】 (15)2.2.4【发送】 (16)2.2.5【清除】 (17)2.2.6【下页】 (17)2.3【咼级编程】界面 (17)2.3.1切换功能 (17)2.3.2缓升缓降 (18)2.4【状态】界面 (18)2.5【功能】界面 (18)2.5.1【波形界面】 (19)2.5.2【检测界面】 (19)2.5.3【故障历史】 (19)2.5.4【能量反馈】 (19)三、功能说明 (19)四、操作流程 (21)4.1开机前的准备 (21)4.2开机 (22)4.3储能和预燃 (23)4.4参数的编程 (23)4.5脚踏出光 (23)4.6关机 (24)五、接线图 (24)5.1内部板卡接线 (24)<1>在使用此激光电源前请详细阅读并且理解该说明手册的内容<2>在使用该系列激光电源的过程中产生的任何疑问,请向受过专业培训并且熟悉该系列设备的工程师联系,或者向华中激光咨询。
安全信息概述在本设备工作的各个阶段都必须采取以下一般性的安全措施,不采取这些安全措施或者不遵从本手册其他地方所述的特定警告,将违反设备设计、制造和使用的安全标准,武汉华中激光对于客户违反这些要求所造成的损失和后果不承担任何责任工作环境本设备适合在环境温度低于 30C干燥条件下使用,空气粉尘v O.OIg/立方米,要求无结露。
2:准备工作在操作铭镭激光激光焊接机之前,需要进行以下准备工作:2.1 安全操作:确保操作人员佩戴防护眼镜和手套,避免光束直接照射到眼睛和皮肤上。
2.2 材料准备:准备需要焊接的金属材料,并清理其表面,确保焊接的质量。
2.3 设备检查:检查铭镭激光激光焊接机的电源、冷却系统等设备是否正常工作。
3:操作流程下面是铭镭激光激光焊接机的操作流程:3.1 打开电源开关,启动铭镭激光激光焊接机。
3.2 设置参数:根据焊接材料的特性,调整激光功率、频率和焦点长度等参数。
3.3 将需要焊接的材料放置在焊接台上,并通过夹具固定。
3.4 调整焊接头的位置和角度,确保激光束垂直照射到焊接点。
3.5 按下焊接按钮,开始焊接过程。
3.6 完成焊接后,断开焊接头和夹具,取出焊接好的材料。
下面是一些常见的参数设置说明:4.1 激光功率:可以根据材料的厚度和类型来调整激光功率,以达到最佳的焊接效果。
4.2 频率:调整激光的频率可以影响焊接的速度和质量,不同的焊接材料对频率的要求也不同。
4.3 焦点长度:焦点长度的调整直接影响激光束的聚焦效果,影响焊接的精度和速度。
下面是一些常见故障的排除方法:5.1 焊接点不牢固:可能是焊接功率不足或焦点长度调整不当。
5.2 焊接过热:可能是激光功率设置过高或焦点长度不合适。
WARPP品牌逆变器系列AC DC脉冲TIG焊接机操作手册说明书
![WARPP品牌逆变器系列AC DC脉冲TIG焊接机操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/332d4f995122aaea998fcc22bcd126fff7055db3.png)
Inverter SeriesAC/DC Pulse TIGWelding MachinesOperating Manual WARPP ENGINEERS PVT. LTD.B-1005, 10TH FLOOR, WESTERN EDGE II, NEAR METRO MALL, BORIV ALI (E), MUMBAI-400 063.Tel:91-22-28542272/73/74. Fax: 91-022-********.Email:**************.in.Website:www.warpp.co.inThank you for selecting WARPP brand inverter welding machine. In order to keep you safe away from unexpected accidents, and enjoy full benefits offered by our quality products during welding, please read the instruction in details prior to operation. Complying with procedures defined in this manual is always appreciated.INDEXage& Features (3)2.Safety Precautions (4)3.Installation (7)4.Definition of Product Model Number (9)5.Principle in Brief (9)6.Operating Instruction (10)7.Repair& Maintenance...………………….…………. ..(22)8.Technical Data (24)9.Structural Diagram (30)10.S pare Part List (39)Usage & Features IN TIG (AC/DC) series inverter multifunctional welding machines can be divided into three types (315A、500A and 630A). They can perform DC constant current TIG welding, DC pulse TIG welding, square wave AC constant current TIG welding, square wave AC pulse TIG welding, which are used for carbon steel, copper, titanium, aluminum as well as aluminum-magnesium alloy welding. Because of reasonable static and sound dynamic characteristic the welders enjoy, they have comprehensive operational functions. The features are showed below:&IGBT HF soft-switch-transfer technology. High frequent,small,light;&Notable control and adjust function,multifunctional,convenient;&Additional foot pedal switch for adjusting welding current;&Using non-source power factor correction technology,power factor is high;&Easy to start arc、stable arc,good performance;&High success rate of arc-starting while in low welding current;&The penetration, melt pool width and pass form which commensurate with weld can be obtained by adjusting pulsecurrent, pulse frequency and pulse width as well as prolongingtungsten electrode lifespan, especially suitable for automatic androbot welding.Safety Precaution sz Please strictly comply with rules defined in this manual to avoid unexpected accidentsz How to connect power supply ,select working area and use pressure gas, please comply with proper rulesz Not allow non-operator to enter working areaz Welder installation, inspection, maintenance, and manipulation must be completed by authorized person.z Don’t use welding machine for unrelated purpose (Such as recharging, heating or pipeline thaw, etc.)z Must take safe precaution in case welder falling when it is put on the uneven groundz Never touch on hot electrical units.z Please instruct the authorized electrician to ground the welder frame by using proper-sized copper wire.z Please instruct the authorized electrician to connect the welder to power supply by using proper-sized, well-insulated copper wire.z When operating in the damp, space limited area, must ensure well-insulated between body and work piecez When operating in the high-rising location, must ensure safety by using safe net.z Please power off the machine while no longer welding.z Please use specified ventilation to prevent being gas poisoned and asphyxiated,z Especially in the container where oxygen is depleted easily.z Arc rays can injure your eyes and make your eyes feel uncomfortable. Hot spatter and slag can burn your skin.z Please wear proper welding helmet, leather gloves, long- sleeved suit, hat, apron and boots before welding.Preventing from fire, explosion, container breakaccidentsz Don’t put flammable material in the working area. Hot spatter and hot weld can easily start a fire.z Cable must be connected the work piece firmly to ensure good conductivity in case causing fire by resistance heat.z Don’t weld in the flammable gas or weld container which contains flammable material, otherwise it can cause explode.z Don’t weld encapsulated container, otherwise it can break.z Ensure a fire extinguisher at hand in case a fire breaks out.z Never let the finger, hair, and cloth near the rotary cooling fan and wire feeder rollers.z When feeding wire, don’t let the bottom of gun near your eyes, face and body, to prevent being harmed by wire.z Gas bottle must be firmly fixed on the ground, else if injure will exerts on.z Never place bottle under high temperature or sun light.z Never let your face near gas outlet while turning on the gas valve to prevent from being hurt by pressure gas.z Customer should use gas regulator provided by our company, and comply with the proper instruction.Avoid being hurt by welding machine while intransportz When moving the welding machine by fork-lift truck or crane, nobody can be allowed for standing downright the route of the moving welder, in case being hurt by the falling welding machine.z The ropes or wires which used for hanging up the welding machine must be strong enough to withstand corresponding tension strength. The rope or wire inclination hanging on the tackle must be no more than 30°Installation1.Installing situation(1)Must place welding machine in the room where is no straightsunlight, no rain, less dust, low humidity, and temperature range of -10℃~+40℃(2)The gradient of ground must be no more than 15°(3)Ensure no wind at the welding position, or use screen to blockthe wind.(4)The distance between welder and wall must be more than20cm, between welders more than 10cm to ensure enough heat radiation.(5)When using water cooled gun, must be care of not beingfrozen.2.Requirement of input volt:(1)Input volt must be standard sine wave, effective value380V±10%,frequency 50Hz/60Hz(2)Unbalance degree of 3- phase volt must be no more than 5%3. Power supply:.Table1: The size of fuse and breaker in the table are for reference only4. InstallationThe input power of this series welding machines is three phase AC 380v/50Hz. Operator must use the properly disconnected switchboard or switch box(not provided by our company) which is equipped circuit breaker, and should ground the welder safely and firmly.(1) Connect ground lead.(2) Connect terminal socket (+) to workpiece on DC TIG , to stick holder cable on SMAW.(3) Connect terminal socket (∽) to workpiece on AC TIG (IN TIG 315 AC/DC) still use terminal socket (+) to connectworkpiece).(4) Connect TIG torch to terminal socket (-) on AC or DC TIG , connect socket (-) to workpiece on SMAW.(5) Connect welder’s gas inlet to gas regulator by gas hose.(6) Connect TIG torch’s gas inlet to welder’s gas outlet. Product type315 500 630 Power supply3 phase AC380V Min. capacity Power network14KV A 27KV A 45KV A Input volt protection Fuse 20A 40A 60A Circuit breaker40A 60A 100A Cable size (cross-section)Input volt4mm 2 6mm 2 10mm 2 Output volt 35mm 2 50mm 2 70mm 2 Ground lead 4mm 2 6mm 2 10mm 2(7) Wire foot pedal switch or torch control cable to control cable socket.(8) When use water-cooled torch, connect water circulator to welder’s water inlet and torch’s water inlet to welder’swater outlet.(9) Power on air switch on the welder’s rear panel.(10) C onnect input power cable to switch box and power on. Definition of Product Model NumberProduct model codification of Series is illustrated by Picture 1:Rated welding currentPulseMMATIGFig.1: Product model definition of IN TIG AC/DC seriesPrinciple in BriefBlock diagram of principle :Fig.2: Block diagram of Series principle3 phases Rectifier Hi-frequent inverter Hi-frequent transformer Rectifier & filter Control circuitHi-frequent inverterThis series welding machines apply IGBT HF inverter technology. Inputted line frequency 3-phase 380V are rectified by rectifier, inverted into HF AC, reduced by HF transformer, rectified and filtered by HF rectifier, then output DC volt or 50Hz AC square wave volt suitable for welding by second invert. After this process, the welder’s dynamical responsive speed has been great increasing, the size and weight of welder’s transformer and reactor are reduced noticeable. Power source enjoy sound anti-fluctuating ability due to excellent circuit loop control.Power source can reach their potential as well as easy arc-start, stable arc, pretty weld formation and continuous regulation of welding current during external context changes(As to fluctuation in input power supply and extended welding cables) due to reasonable control circuit design .a)TIG b)SMAWFig.3: IN TIG AC/DC Series output characteristicOperating Instruction1. Function introduction1.1 Front panel illustration and parts number reference1.1.1 IN TIG-315 AC/DC Front panel illustration and parts number referenceFig. 4: IN TIG -315 AC/DC’s front panelFig.5: IN TIG-500 / 630 AC/DC’s front panel1.2Foot pedal switch with adjustable welding currentFig.6: Foot pedal switchFoot pedal switch can be used for arc start control and welding current regulation of IN TIG-315 AC/DC. Welder will switch automatically to foot pedal control after the control plug is connected to welder’s control cable socket. When the pedal is stepped on, the welder begins to work at welding current in line with the degree of the pedal being pressed. The ceiling current is controlled by regulating current preset potentiometer.Note: If customers demand foot penal switch for IN TIG-500 AC/DC or IN TIG-630 AC/DC, please underline in order(s).1.3 Rear panel illustration and parts number referenceFig.7: IN TIG-315 AC/DC Rear panelFig.8: IN TIG-500 / 630 AC/DC rear panel1.4 Control panelThe control panel is shown as Picture 4, which is used to select welder functions and to set up parameters. The control panel is consisting of digital displayer, regulation knobs, and LED indication lamps.1st line. DC TIG/AC square wave TIG2nd line.2-step (Non-Autolock)/4-step (Autolock)When the lamp in 5th or 7th line is selected, the digital displayer will show values of respective parameter setting. They can be adjusted by pressing and tuning the regulation knob clockwise to increment, counter clockwise to decrement. Press the knob and tune simultaneously for quick setting.“2-step” refers to start welding while push torch trigger, stop welding while releasing it.“4-step” refers to output starting-arc current while firstly pushing torch trigger, then current slopes up to where can welding normally while releasing it. When welding finished, current slopes down to where fills crater and maintains while pushing it again, then stop outputting current while releasing it.3th line Constant current TIG/Pulse TIG /SMAW4th line1.4.1Glossary:1. Pre-gas flow:Time elapse of gas flow before welding2. Arc-start: Min current of start arc3. Up-slope: Time elapse of welding current slopes up4. Constant current: welding current on output constant current5. Oxide clean ratio: time ratio of output clean currentWhile in AC TIG, regulate clean width and penetration to obtain optimum welding quality.6. AC Bias: Ratio of clean current dividing by welding current.By adjusting the parameter, as to adjusting clean current result in reasonable oxide clean effect.Suggestion: At the same clean effect, reduce clean ratio andincrease AC bias to obtain deeper penetration, higher productivity and prolong tungsten electrode lifespan.7. AC frequency: Frequency of output AC8. Peak: Peak value of output pulse9. Pulse ratio: Time ratio between length of peak value current and length of whole single pulse applied in pulse TIG, can be easily used for controlling penetration in all-position or thin sheet welding.10. Pulse frequency: Output pulse frequency11. Base current: Arc maintenance current of output pulse12. Down –slope: Time of welding current slopes down13. Crater filling: Welding current of crater filling.14. Post-gas flow: Time of gas flow after ending weldingFunction selection knob: Used for shifting modes illustratedpreviously. Tuning clockwise can select modes orderly fromleft to right, while select reversely by tuning counter-clockwise.Parameters preset knob: Used for adjusting the values of parameters. Increase by tuning clockwise, reducing by tuning counter-clockwise. Press the knob and tune right or left for quick adjustment.Welder can automatically save the set-up for next use while turning off the machine1.4.2 “Protection” indicator lamp: lights on yellow and stopswelding automatically while in overheat, over-current,over-voltage or water insufficient, but will not light onwhile in normal welding. Protection codes are illustratedbelow:1. Display 801: Over-voltage protection. Please turn off welder immediately and inform authorized reseller to repair. 2.Display 802 or 803: Over-current protection. Please turn off welder immediately and inform authorized reseller to repair. 3.Display 804: overheat protection. Please turn off welder immediately to cool it down.4.Display 805: Pulling torch trigger for a long time with no current or torch damaged. Repair welding torch or foot pedal 5.Display 806(500,630 types): water insufficient protection.The default setting is “water cooled”. It does work while using a water-cooled torch at normal water circulation. When appliedair-cooled torch, the welder’s protection lamp will light on anddisplay “806” protection code. Press the Function selection and parameter preset knobs simultaneously for up to 3 seconds toeliminate water insufficient protection. Redo the same way toback to previous mode.1.4.3 Power on/off lamp: It displays red when power on2. Operation procedure:1). 2-step: push torch trigger pre-gas flow arc start arc start currentup-slope normal weldingrelease trigger down-slope crater filling post-gas flowend welding2). 4-step:push torch trigger pre-gas flow arc start arc start currentpush torch trigger down-slope crater filling release trigger post-gas flow end weldingTIG welding parameters for Al and Al-Mg alloy (Only for reference)Sheet/platethickness (mm)Diameter of Tungstenelectrode(mm) welding current(A) Wire diameter /mm Argon flow rate/L.min -1 welding layer face/back preheat temperature Remark 12 40-60 1.67-9 Face 1 - flange welding1.5 50-80 1.6-2.0 flange weldingor singleside buttwelding2 2-3 90-120 2-2.58-12butt welding 3 3 150-180 2-3v-shape bevel butt welding 4 4 180-200 310-15 1-2/1 5 180-240 3-4 6 5 240-280 414-16 1-2/1 8 260-3204-5 2/1 100 10 280-3403-4/1-2 100-150 12 5-6 300-36016-20 150-200 14 340-3805-6 180-200 16 6 4-5/1-2 200-220 18 360-400 200-240 20 20-22200-260 16-20 340-380 16-22 2-3/2-322-25 6-7 360-400 20-22 3-4/3-4SMAW welding parameters (Only for reference)workpiece thickness (mm )<1 2 3 4~5 6~12 ≥13 weldingelectrode diameter (mm )1.5 2 3.2 3.2~4 4~5 5~6welding current (A )20~40 40~50 90~110 90~130 160~250 250~400Repair & Maintenance In principle welders maintenance will be completed by us. Operators will be instructed by us to solve the problems which they come across in using.Warning: Should not open up case freely, the max volt inside machine will be 600V. Customers must take safe precautions preventing from being electric shock while in maintenance.1. Apparently misunderstood failuresNormal phenomenon occurs in welding⑴Welder doesn’t work while in pretty low input volt.⑵When welder has worked for a long time in high temperature orin high welding current context, the thermal-sensitive circuitbreaker will tripped to stop welder working, protection lampwill light on and LED will show “804” protection code. Welderwill automatically reinstate after merely running up for severalminutes in open load (not necessarily shut down welder).⑶When welder has worked for a long time in high temperature orin high welding current context, the circuit breaker on the rearpanel will tripped to power off. When this situation occurs,please switch off the disconnected switchboard, and then haltthe welder lasting at least five minutes to restart. Whenrestarting the welder, please reset the circuit breaker firstly,then turn on the disconnect switchboard or switch box to poweron welder, finally use for welding after running up for severalminutes in open load.2.AttentionThe input volt range is must between 340-420V, and no phase missing.⑴Check if the ground lead is connected correctly and firmly⑵Must connect welding cable to terminal plug socket firmly,otherwise will burn out the terminal which lead to welding process instability.⑶The direction of cooling fan rotary should be in line withrequirement.⑷Power off as soon as finished welding⑸When use in outdoor, make sure welder be shielded from rainsor snows, but don’t block air circulation.3.Troubleshooting3.1 Routine checking procedure prior to maintenance⑴Check if the input volt has the phase to be lost, and range arebetween 340-420V.⑵Check if input primary power cable is connected correctly andfirmly.⑶Check if the ground lead is connected correctly and firmly.⑷Check if the cables are connected correctly and firmly3.2 Ordinary failures, probable cause and countermeasures refer toAppendix A4. Periodical check and maintenance(1)Must remove dust from power resource with pressure air byauthorized maintainer each year as well as checking if the jointers become loosen. Must check frequently if quick plug or terminal socket is loosely connected, knobs are loose, at least per month.(2)Must check timely if knobs become loosen.Technical data 1. Main technical parametersIN TIG-315 AC/DC IN TIG-500AC/DCIN TIG-630AC/DCRated input volt 3 phases 380V±10%/50Hz Rated input capacity 9.3KVA 18.2KVA 30KVA Rated input current 14.4A 29.7A 55A Constant current 5-315A 20-500A 20-630A Peak current 5-315A 20-500A 20-630AWelding current forSMAW20-315A 20-500A 20-630A Arc force current forSMAW10-200ABase current 5-315A 20-500A 20-630A Arc-start current 20-160ACrater fill current 5-315A 20-500A 20-630A Pulse ratio 1-100%AC bias -50%~+30%Pulse frequency 0.2-50HzPre-gas flow 0.1-15sPost-gas flow 0.1-15sUp-slope 0.2-10sDown -slope 0.1-15sOxide clean ratio -40%~+40%Rated duty cycle 60% 60% 35%V oltage in open load 64V 76V 76VEfficiency 79% 77%Power factor 0.95Insulation degree ofHmain transformerInsulation degree ofBoutput reactorKg8070KgWeight 40Kg2. Main circuit diagram (1) IN TIG-315 AC/DC№Trouble Probable cause Remedies1 Indicator lamp doesnot light on and doesn’t work when machine switches on.(1) Phase missing (2) Fuse size (2A )breaks (3) Input cable break down (1)Inspect power source (2)Inspect fan, power source transform and control board are in good condition or not (3)Inspect cable 2 Air switch trips automatically while welder working on without big welding current for long time The following components may probably damaged :IGBT module, 3 phase rectified module, output diode module, other components Short circuited (1)Inspection and replacement (2)When IGBT module breakdown, check if resistors 12Ω. 5.1Ωand SR160 on driving board are damaged or not. 3 Welding current is not stable.(1) Phase missing (2) Main control board is damaged. (1)Inspect power source (2)Inspection and replacement 4 Welding current isnot adjustable. (1) Conductive wire broken. (2) Main control board is damaged.(3) Coder is damagedInspection and replacement 5 Display 801 protection code (overvolt)) (1) Secondary IGBT moduleis damaged(2) Main board is damagedReplace secondary IGBT module and main board 6 Display 802 or 803 protection code (overcurrent) (1) Secondary IGBT moduleis damaged(2) Main board is damagedReplace secondary IGBT module and main board 7 Display 804 Protection code (overheat) (1) Welding current is toolarge(2) Context temperature istoo high.(3) Thermal relay isdamaged(1) Working in open load, idle and cooling down (2) Replace thermal relay 8 Display 805 protection code (1) Torch trigger has beenpushed for a long time inopen load(2) Welding torch trigger orfoot pedal switch aredamaged(1) Inspect the torch or foot pedal switch and replace it (2) Release the trigger 9 Display 805 protection code(water insufficient)(1) No water supply(2) Bad water circulation(3) Water valve, watercirculator or torch aredamaged (1)Connect to water supply (2)Inspect water circulation (3)Replace the valve, circulator or torchList for the spare of INTIG AC/DC Series MachineINTIG-315 AC/DC INTIG-500 AC/DC Description Part Code Part Code MAIN PCB PCB-TIG-AC/DC-315PCB-TIG-AC/DC-500 DRIVE CARD PCB-DRV-01U PCB-DRV-01L DISPLAY PCBPCB-DSP-AC/DC-315PCB-DSP-TIG-AC/DC-500 DC CAPACITOR CAP001CAP001AC CAPACITOR CAP002CAP003INPUT BRIDGE MODULE IBDG003IBGD004INPUT SURGE SUPPRESSOR ISS001ISS001 CONTROL TRANSFORMER CTRAX12CTRAX12 SQUARE WAVE TRANSFORMER CTRAX13CTRAX13 INSULATION TRANSFORMER INSTRAX001INSTRAX001MCB MCB001MCB002IGBT WITH SNUBBER CARD IGBT50R12SNB NAIGBT NA IGBT10012 SNUBBER CARD NA PCB-SNB-02 SNUBBER CAPACITOR NA SCAP001OUT PUT FAST RECOVERY DIODE (CC)FRM-DBC2F200N6S FRM-DKR200AB60OUT PUT FAST RECOVERY DIODE (CA)FRM-DBC2F200P6S FRM-NKFD200-40A OUT PUT IGBT FOR INTIG-315 AC/DC IGBT40012NAOUT PUT IGBT FOR INTIG 500 AC/DC NA IGBTFZ600R12KE3MAIN TRANSFORMER MTRAX-315 AC/DC MTRAX-500 AC/DCFAN FAN003FAN003SECONDARY IGBT PROTECTION PCB PCB-SNB-SEC-01NAVOLTAGE RELEASE PCB PCB-VRL-315 AC/DC PCB-VRL-500AC/DCSNUBBER CARD FOR OUT PUT FASTPCB-SNB-OUT-315 AC/DC PCB-SNB-OUT-500 AC/DC RECOVERY DIODESECONDARY DC CAPACITOR CAP-40MFD-800V CAP-40MFD-800VCURRENT SENSOR CS-CSK1-300A CSHOP600ASBHF TRANSFORMER CTRAX007CTRAX007HF PCB PCB-HF-01PCB-HF-01ISOLATION PCB FOR AC/DC PCB-ISO-03PCB-ISO-03SOLONAID VALVE SV001SV001OVER CURRENT PROTECTION PCB PCB-OC-315PCB-OC-500DC CAPACITOR 10MFD-1400V CAP-10MFD-1400V CAP-10MFD-1400VENCODER FOR PARAMETER SELECTIONENC01ENC01AND SETTINGOUT PUT CONNECTOR EURO TYPEOCN-EURO-S OCN-EURO-S WITH STRIP6 PIN CONNECTOR MALE CON6PNM CON6PNM6 PIN CONNECTOR FEMALE CABLE SIDECON-6-CM-01CON-6-CM-01 PRIMARY THRUST COIL P-THCL-315 AC/DC P-THCL-500 AC/DC SECONDARY THRUST COIL S-THCL-315 A/CDC S-THCL-500 AC/DC WATER FLOW SWITCH WFS-50W WFS-50W。
自动焊锡机操作指导手册自动焊锡机操作指导手册1. 简介自动焊锡机是一种常用的焊接设备,能够提高焊接效率和质量。
2. 准备工作在开始操作自动焊锡机之前,需要确保以下准备工作已完成:2.1 确认设备和焊接材料的选择是否正确。
2.2 检查设备是否处于良好的工作状态,包括电源连接、机器部件等。
2.3 准备好焊接材料,包括焊锡丝、焊接垫、清洁工具等。
3. 操作步骤下面是使用自动焊锡机的基本操作步骤:3.1 打开自动焊锡机的电源,并确保设备运行正常。
3.2 设置焊接参数,包括温度、焊接速度等,根据具体的焊接需求进行调整。
3.3 插入焊锡丝,并确保其正确进入焊锡机的进料通道。
3.4 准备待焊接的材料,确保其表面清洁,以获得良好的焊接效果。
3.5 将待焊接的材料与焊锡机接触,确保焊接部位对齐。
3.6 按下启动按钮,自动焊锡机将开始工作,自动完成焊接过程。
3.7 检查焊接质量,确保焊点牢固、无虚焊或冷焊等问题。
3.8 关闭自动焊锡机的电源,并进行清洁和维护作业。
4. 注意事项在操作自动焊锡机时,需要注意一些问题以确保操作的安全性和焊接结果的质量:4.1 安全防护:戴好防护眼镜、手套等个人防护装备,避免因操作不慎导致受伤。
4.2 焊接环境:保持焊接区域干净整洁,避免灰尘和杂质对焊点产生影响。
4.3 温度控制:根据焊接材料的要求,控制好焊接温度,避免过高或过低导致焊接质量不佳。
4.4 焊接压力:调整好焊接压力,确保焊接材料能够充分接触并产生牢固的焊点。
4.5 定期清洁和维护:定期清洁焊锡机的焊头、进料通道等部件,并进行必要的维护工作,以提高设备的使用寿命和稳定性。
5. 总结与回顾自动焊锡机是一种高效、便捷的焊接设备。
IM303209/2016REV03CV 425 & 510 OPERATOR’S MANUALENGLISHLincoln Electric Bester Sp. z o.o.ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19A, 58-263 Bielawa, Polandwww.lincolnelectric.euDeclaration of conformityLincoln Electric Bester Sp. z o.o.Declares that the welding machine: K14080-1A CV 425 AIR 230/400VK14081-1A CV 510 AIR 230/400Vconforms to the following directives:2014/35/EU, 2014/30/EUand has been designed in compliance with thefollowing standards:EN 60974-1:2012, EN 60974-10:201420.04.2016Piotr SpytekOperations DirectorLincoln Electric Bester Sp. z o.o., ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 19A, 58-263 Bielawa, Poland12/0512/05 THANKS! For having chosen the QUALITY of the Lincoln Electric products.∙Please Examine Package and Equipment for Damage. Claims for material damaged in shipment must be notified immediately to the dealer.∙For future reference record in the table below your equipment identification information. Model Name, Code & Serial Number can be found on the machine rating plate.Model Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Code & Serial Number: ………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..Date & Where Purchased …………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………..ENGLISH INDEXSafety (1)Installation and Operator Instructions (2)Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (5)Technical Specifications (6)WEEE (7)Spare Parts (7)Electrical Schematic (7)Accessories (7)Safety11/04WARNINGThis equipment must be used by qualified personnel. Be sure that all installation, operation, maintenance and repair procedures are performed only by qualified person. Read and understand this manual before operating this equipment. Failure to follow the instructions in this manual could cause serious personal injury, loss of life, or damage to this equipment. Read and understand the following explanations of the warning symbols. Lincoln Electric is not responsible for damages caused by improper installation, improper care or abnormal operation.The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements in design without upgrade at the same time the operator’s manual.Installation and Operator InstructionsRead this entire section before installation or operationof the machine.Location and EnvironmentThis machine will operate in harsh environments.However, it is important that simple preventativemeasures are followed to assure long life and reliableoperation:∙Do not place or operate this machine on a surfacewith an incline greater than 15° from horizontal.∙Do not use this machine for pipe thawing.∙This machine must be located where there is freecirculation of clean air without restrictions for airmovement to and from the air vents. Do not coverthe machine with paper, cloth or rags when switchedon.∙Dirt and dust that can be drawn into the machineshould be kept to a minimum.∙This machine has a protection rating of IP23. Keep itdry when possible and do not place it on wet groundor in puddles.∙Locate the machine away from radio controlledmachinery. Normal operation may adversely affectthe operation of nearby radio controlled machinery,which may result in injury or equipment damage.Read the section on electromagnetic compatibility inthis manual.∙Do not operate in areas with an ambient temperaturegreater than 40°C.Duty cycle and OverheatingThe duty cycle of a welding machine is the percentage oftime in a 10 minute cycle at which the welder canoperate the machine at rated welding current.Example: 60% duty cycleWelding for 6 minutes. Break for 4 minutes.Excessive extension of the duty cycle will cause thethermal protection circuit to activate.MinutesordecreaseDuty CycleThe machine is protected from overheating by atemperature sensor.Input Supply ConnectionCheck the input voltage, phase, and frequency suppliedto this machine before turning it on. Verify theconnection of grounding wires from the machine to theinput source. The allowable input voltages are 3x230V50/60Hz and 3x400V 50/60Hz (3x400V: factory default).For more information about input supply refer to thetechnical specification section of this manual and to therating plate of the machine.If it is necessary to change the input voltage:∙The input cable must be disconnected from themains supply and the machine switched OFF.∙Remove the left side panel.∙Reconnect X6 according to the diagram below:indicate the machine is ready to weld.(see ”Accessories” section, Source/wire feeder cable K10347-PG-xM or K10347-PGW-xM).Use the shortest possible cable lengthsMachine and Circuit ProtectionThe CV425 / CV510 is protected against overheating, overload and accidental short-circuitsIf the machine is overheated, the thermal protection circuit will decrease the output current to 0. The thermal protection indicator [3] will turn on. The thermalprotection circuit will turn on the output current again, when the machine is cooled.section to eliminate or reduce the amount of electromagnetic disturbance generated by this machine..This machine has been designed to operate in an industrial area. To operate in a domestic area it isnecessary to observe particular precautions to eliminate possible electromagnetic disturbances. Theoperator must install and operate this equipment as described in this manual. If any electromagneticdisturbances are detected the operator must put in place corrective actions to eliminate these disturbances with, if necessary, assistance from Lincoln Electric.Before installing the machine, the operator must check the work area for any devices that may malfunction because of electromagnetic disturbances. Consider the following.∙Input and output cables, control cables, and telephone cables that are in or adjacent to the work area and the machine.∙Radio and/or television transmitters and receivers. Computers or computer controlled equipment.∙Safety and control equipment for industrial processes. Equipment for calibration and measurement.∙Personal medical devices like pacemakers and hearing aids.∙Check the electromagnetic immunity for equipment operating in or near the work area. The operator must be sure that all equipment in the area is compatible. This may require additional protection measures.∙The dimensions of the work area to consider will depend on the construction of the area and other activities that are taking place.Consider the following guidelines to reduce electromagnetic emissions from the machine.∙Connect the machine to the input supply according to this manual. If disturbances occur if may be necessary to take additional precautions such as filtering the input supply.∙The output cables should be kept as short as possible and should be positioned together. If possible connect the work piece to ground in order to reduce the electromagnetic emissions. The operator must check that connecting the work piece to ground does not cause problems or unsafe operating conditions for personnel and equipment.∙Shielding of cables in the work area can reduce electromagnetic emissions. This may be necessary for specialWARNINGTechnical SpecificationsNAME INDEXCV 425 K14080-1ACV 510 K14081-1AINPUTInput Voltage U1EMC Group / Class FrequencyCV 425 230 / 400V±10%3 - phases II / A 50 / 60 HzCV 510Input Power at Rated Cycle InputAmperesI1max cosφCV 425 23 kVA @ 60% Duty Cycle 57 A 0,89CV 510 29,2 kVA @ 60% Duty Cycle 73 A 0,89RATED OUTPUTDuty Cycle 40°C(based on a 10 min. period)Output Current Output VoltageCV 425 60% 420A 35Vdc 100% 325A 30,3Vdc CV 510 60% 500A 39Vdc 100% 385A 33,3VdcOUTPUT RANGEWelding Current Range Open Circuit VoltageCV 425 10A ÷ 420A 10 ÷ 39 VdcCV 510 10A ÷ 500A 10 ÷ 39 VdcRECOMMENDED INPUT CABLE AND FUSE SIZESFuse or Circuit Breaker Size Power Lead230V 400VCV 425 D63A D32A 4 Conductor, 6 mm2CV 510 D63A D32A 4 Conductor, 10 mm2DIMENSIONWeight Height Width LengthCV 425 152 kg 880 mm 696 mm 1020 mmCV 510 160 kg 880 mm 696 mm 1020 mmProtection Rating Operating Humidity(t=20°C)Operating Temperature StorageTemperatureIP23 ≤ 90 % from -10 ºC to +40 ºC from -25 ºC to +55 ºCWEEE07/06 Spare Parts12/05 Part list reading instructions∙Do not use this part list for a machine if its code number is not listed. Contact the Lincoln Electric Service Department for any code number not listed.∙Use the illustration of assembly page and the table below to determine where the part is located for your particular code machine.∙Use only the parts marked "●" in the column under the heading number called for in the assembly page (# indicatea change in this printing).First, read the Part List reading instructions above then refer to the "Spare Part" manual supplied with the machine, which contains a picture-descriptive part number cross-reference).Electrical SchematicRefer to the "Spare Parts" manual supplied with the machine.AccessoriesK10347-PG-xxM Source/wire feeder cable (gas). Available in 5, 10, 15m.K10347-PGW-xxM Source/wire feeder cable (gas and water). Available in 5, 10 or 15m.K14009-1 CO2 Socket Kit.K14082-1 AV Meter Kit.Kit.K14071-2 GrillK14037-1 Cooler COOLARC 25.。
假如不能焊机,需要在原位把中间焊带放在电池片正面用胶带粘住,步进至第二块冷却 板停止,用胶带粘住电池片步进到切割位,同2)、3)环节测量长度。
连续焊接两串,测量第一串旳第一片旳头部伸出和两串分割后旳两侧预留长度是否都一 样(11MM)
2.3上料区 辅助上料机构或托盘顶升过载
在焊接区手动操作画面中,将焊带牵引方式改为“不切割”,高速牵引一根中间焊 带,然后经过机侧按钮将焊带全部放到下位,在点动牵引伺服,向右牵引焊带至极 限开关位置附近
松开焊带底座平台旳六颗固定螺丝(牵引模组两端两颗,焊带拉伸地板四角四颗), 旋转焊带底座平台旳两个调整旋钮,从上向下目视观察导向槽口与主删线,使导向 方向对齐主删线,最终锁紧固定螺丝。
旳回原位按钮,全部设备回原位。 调用加工程序:确认机器画面显示旳加工程序是否正确。 生产准备检验:根据保养原则完毕生产前旳保养和检验。 平台加热开启:按主画面下方旳平台加热开启按钮,对平台进行加热。 其他
1. 准备工作 根据电池片删线规格在画面中选择助焊剂编号。
影响原因: CCD平台脏污或有异物、CCD光源异常、缺陷等级设定值大小、电池片模板有问题。 处理措施: 1)检验CCD平台上是否有异物造成电池片碎片 2)用蘸酒精旳无尘布擦拭CCD拍照平台,预防误判 3)在CCD标定画面中,点击“拍照”按钮,观察CCD上、下光源亮度是否正常 4)在“参数设定” 画面中,将CCD缺陷等级检测旳裂口大小值加大。
影响原因:过载、异物阻挡 处理措施: 1)在私服重置画面中,电机托盘顶升私服“零点重置”按钮,使电池片托盘顶升下降
到零位。 2)在私服重置画面中,点击辅助上料升降机构“零点重置”按钮,清除辅助上料机构
OTC DP400焊机使用手册说明书
![OTC DP400焊机使用手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/15f483eca1c7aa00b52acbaa.png)
② 敬请遵守的安全事项(续) 危险
为防止气瓶倾倒,流量计破碎,请遵守下列规定。 ﹡气瓶倾倒会引发人身事故。 ﹡若气瓶内装有高压气体,错误使用会引发人身事故。 ﹡若气瓶所配流量计不合适,会引发人身事故。 ● 请依照法规及贵公司内部标准使用气瓶。 ● 为气瓶配置的气体流量计须选用高压气瓶流量计。 ● 气体流量计的分解修理必须由专业人员进行。因此除指定厂商,请勿随意分解或修理。 ● 在使用前,请阅读气体流量计使用说明书并遵守注意事项。 ● 勿高温暴晒气瓶。 ● 请使用专门的支架固定气瓶。 ● 打开气瓶时不要将脸部靠近出气口。 ● 不使用气瓶时,须罩好保护罩。 ● 勿将焊枪挂在气瓶上、勿使电极接触气瓶。
① 安全注意事项
● 请在认真阅读本使用说明书后正确使用。 ● 为使您能安全使用机器,并防止您及他人遭受伤害,请遵守本使用说明书中所列注意事项。 ● 虽然本焊机在设计、制造中充分考虑了安全性,但为避免发生重大人身事故,使用时请遵守本说明书 中的注意事项。若使用时不遵守本说明书中的注意事项,可能会导致重大人身事故的发生。 ● 错误操作焊机会引发伤害、事故。本使用说明书将错误操作引发的危害分为三个等级,分别用注意标 识符和警告用语予以警告。在电焊机中的标识符及警告用语与此说明书中的含义相同。 提醒注意标识符 警告用语 内 容
接地线 模拟遥控盒 ※遥控盒控制电缆(3m)
◆ 使用水冷焊枪时
气体流量计 ※水管(2m) 3 相 380V 冷却水循环装置 ※气管(3m) ※送丝机侧控制电缆(1.5m) 保护气体 输入电缆 ※送丝机侧焊接电缆(2m)
焊枪 焊接电源 送丝机
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HB315/400/500数字化多功能逆变弧焊电源使用说明书●非常感谢您购买了 的产品。
山西华宝焊接设备有限公司 客服中心:0355-*******HBD03-OM V1.0品质卓越顾客满意持续改进生产销售基地开发及国际营销中心地址:山西省长治市襄垣县府前路289号地址:北京市海淀区上地信息路甲28号科实大厦B栋9B 邮编:046200 邮编:100085电话:0355-******* 电话:010-********传真:0355-******* 传真:010-********客服中心:0355-******* 网址:技术优势华宝数字化多功能逆变弧焊电源系列选用超微晶等纳米材料技术和IGBT大功率半导体器件;采用国际领先的DSP数字控制技术,功能丰富, 性能优良,与传统焊机相比主要有以下特点:1、功能丰富:由于采用了软件实现各种焊接工艺方法,因此在一台电源上可以很方便的实现多种焊接功能: 药皮焊条手工焊(SMAW),简称手工焊;钨极直流氩弧焊(GTAW),简称氩弧焊;钨极脉冲氩弧焊(GTAW-P),简称脉冲氩弧焊;钨极氩弧点焊(GTAW-S),简称氩弧点焊;熔化极气保焊(GMAW)(CO2,MIG,MAG),简称气保焊;熔化极脉冲气保焊(GMAW-P),简称脉冲气保焊。
5、节能降耗体积小:本机采用改进的IGBT逆变技术,减小了主变压器及电抗器体积,从而减小了电源整机的体积和重量,大大降低了铜铁损, 提高了电源的效率及功率因数,节能效果非常显著。
目 录1、安全使用说明………………………………………………………………1.1、符号说明…………………………………………………………………1.2、电源进线…………………………………………………………………1.3、机器安装场所、焊接防火………………………………………………1.4、焊工劳动保护(光、尘、气)…………………………………………1.5、焊机搬运、提升注意事项………………………………………………1.6、重大安全事项……………………………………………………………1.7、焊接产生的电磁场的影响与避免方法…………………………………2、符号定义和说明……………………………………………………………2.1、铭牌………………………………………………………………………2.2、前面板和后面板…………………………………………………………2.3、符号说明…………………………………………………………………3、规格参数与配置……………………………………………………………3.1、规格参数…………………………………………………………………3.2、标准配置…………………………………………………………………3.3、可选配置…………………………………………………………………4、使用前的安装和准备………………………………………………………4.1、对发电机电网的要求……………………………………………………4.2、电源与电网和保护地的连接……………………………………………4.3、电源与焊接回路的连接…………………………………………………5、操作说明……………………………………………………………………5.1、电源操作面板说明………………………………………………………5.2、送丝机遥控操作面板说明………………………………………………5.3、液晶显示器主界面说明…………………………………………………5.4、开通功能…………………………………………………………………5.5、取得永久授权……………………………………………………………5.6、菜单结构图………………………………………………………………1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 10 10 10 1313141516 16 165.7、菜单操作说明…………………………………………………………… 5.8、调整焊接参数…………………………………………………………… 5.9、调入焊接参数…………………………………………………………… 5.10、存储焊接参数…………………………………………………………… 5.11、选择焊机类型…………………………………………………………… 5.12、焊机状态………………………………………………………………… 5.13、系统设置………………………………………………………………… 5.14、软件信息………………………………………………………………… 6、 焊接参数的调整和使用……………………………………………………6.1、手工焊焊接参数的调整………………………………………………… 6.2、氩弧焊焊接参数的调整………………………………………………… 6.3、脉冲氩弧焊焊接参数的调整…………………………………………… 6.4、氩弧点焊焊接参数的调整……………………………………………… 6.5、气保焊焊接参数的调整………………………………………………… 6.6、脉冲气保焊焊接参数的调整…………………………………………… 7、 操作错误及故障报警处理方法………………………………………………… 8、 焊接工艺缺陷分析与解决………………………………………………… 9、 外形和内部结构图……………………………………………………… 10、 备件明细表……………………………………………………………… 11、 保修和维修承诺………………………………………………………… 12、 电路图……………………………………………………………………18 19 19 20 20 21 21 23 24 24 25 27 29 29 31 33 34 36 39 41 411安全使用说明务请遵守下述安全项目,请详细阅读使用说明书全文 1.1符号说明高度危险:可能会对人体造成致命伤害。
1.3机器安装场所、焊接防火 请将焊接电源安装在距离地面400mm,距离四周墙壁200mm 以上,远离易燃物品。
1.5焊机搬运、提升注意事项 短距离人工搬移焊机时,应同时抓握前后面板中央的提手,或安装在机器顶部的两只提手(非标准配置)。
2符号定义和说明2.1铭牌图1 铭牌2.2前面板和后面板图2 前面板图3 后面板2.3符号说明表1 符号说明表三相静止频率转换装置变压器整流器符合相关安全要求药皮焊条手工电弧焊非熔化极气体保护焊熔化极气体保护焊电流(安培)增加键上方向键电压(伏)减少键下方向键退出键正输出端控制接口回车键负输出端出气口交流供电电源保护地进气口注.其它未说明的符号符合GB15579.1和IEC60974.1。
3规格参数及配置3.1规格参数表2 规格参数表焊机规格 315 400 5001.额定输入电压(V) 三相交流,380V,50/60Hz2.输入电压范围(V) 260V~460V3.最大输入电流(A) 17.5 24.5 374.有效输入电流(A) 13.9 19 285.额定输入容量 (kVA) (60%负载持续率)12.1 16.9 23.56.额定输入容量 (kVA) (100%负载持续率)8.6 11.8 16.27.额定输出容量(kVA) 10.3 14.4 208.输出空载电压(V) 55V~80V(U0=65V)9.负载持续率 60%10.功率因数COSφ ≥0.8511.效率η ≥85%12.绝缘等级 H13.外形尺寸(mm) 656×316×49014.净重(kg) 36 38 4215.工作温度 -10℃~+40℃16.工作湿度 40℃时不超过50%,20℃时不超过90%17.储存温度 -25℃~+55℃18.防护等级 IP21S19.参数存储(组) 30手工焊参数20.电流(A) 10-315 10-400 10-50021.电弧力 0-1022.起弧电流(A) 10-315 10-400 10-50023.起弧时间(s) 0.01-1直流氩弧参数24.电流(A) 2-315 2-400 2-50025.电流缓升(A/s) 10-330 10-420 10-52026.电流缓降(A/s) 10-330 10-420 10-52027.维弧电流(A) 2-4028.收弧电流(A) 2-25029.起弧电流(A) 10-330 10-420 10-52030.气体预流(s) 0.1-1231.气体滞后(s) 0.1-50脉冲氩弧参数32.峰值电流(A) 2-315 2-400 2-50033.基值电流(A) 2-315 2-400 2-50034.电流缓升(A/s) 10-330 10-420 10-52035.电流缓降(A/s) 10-330 10-420 10-52036.维弧电流(A) 2-4037.收弧电流(A) 2-25038.脉冲频率(Hz) 0.1-50039.占空比(%) 1-9940.起弧电流(A) 10-330 10-420 10-52041.气体预流(s) 0.1-1242.气体滞后(s) 0.1-50氩弧点焊参数43.点焊电流(A) 2-315 2-400 2-50044.点焊时间(s) 0.01-545.气体预流(s) 0.1-1246.气体滞后(s) 0.1-50气保焊参数47.电流(A) 15-315 15-400 15-50048.电压(V) 10-4849.电弧力 1-1050.二次电流(A) 15-315 15-400 15-50051.二次电压(V) 10-4252. 回烧时间(ms)50-150脉冲气保焊参数53. 电流(A) 15-31515-400 15-50054. 电压(V) 10-48 55. 电弧力 1-10 56. 二次电流(A) 10-315 10-400 10-500 57. 二次电压(V) 10-42 58. 回烧时间(ms)50-1503.2标准配置3.2.1手工焊:1台电源1只地线夹1把电焊钳2只快速插头(1只红色1只黑色)1根3米长35mm2地线电缆3.2.2氩弧焊、脉冲氩弧焊、氩弧点焊:1台电源1只红色快速插头(接地线电缆)1只地线夹1把气冷TIG 焊枪1根3米长35mm 2地线电缆1块氩气减压流量计1根5米长Ф8进气管3.2.3气保焊、脉冲气保焊: 1台电源1把气冷CO2焊枪1根3米长50mm 2地线电缆 1块CO2减压加热流量计1只黑色快速插头(接地线电缆)1根5米长Ф8进气管1台送丝机(含遥控盒、5米焊接电缆、控制电缆和气管)3.3可选配置3.3.1手工焊:电源进线焊接电缆电源脚轮220V/200W 辅助电源手工焊电流遥控器3.3.2氩弧焊、脉冲氩弧焊、氩弧点焊:电源进线220V/200W 辅助电源水冷TIG焊枪电源脚轮脚踏开关水箱3.3.3气保焊、脉冲气保焊:电源进线电源脚轮 水冷CO2焊枪加长电缆的送丝机地线夹水箱4使用前的安装和准备4.1对电网的要求表3 输入电源参数表焊机规格 315 400 500额定输入电压(V) 三相交流,380V,50/60Hz输入电压范围(V) 260V~460V最大输入电流(A) 17.5 24.5 37有效输入电流(A) 13.9 19 28额定输入容量(kVA)(60%负载持续率)12.1 16.9 23.5额定输入容量(kVA)(100%负载持续率)8.6 11.8 16.2注.如果使用发电机,则其发电容量应为焊机额定输入容量的2倍以上。