
PUJ1 富士電機工具机床用主轴驱动系统FRENIC5000MS5MCH569a①工具机床最适宜的驱动系统不同与普通变频调速主轴。
MS5系列还可选择带编码器反应的闭环控制方式,由于采用了d-q 矢量控制,所以到达了伺服主轴的控制特性,可以实现主轴多点定位、同步.宽调磁绕组切换、数字速度设定.机械变速换档控制等功能。
3.7KW/5.5KW 以下〔M5 型〕为一体化结构.5.5KW/7.5KW 以上〔M5型〕采用电源.驱动器别离结构。
独立的电源模块可选择PD5电阻制动方式(发电制动变流电元)或PR5 能量回馈电网制动方式〔电源再生制动变流单元)。
备有按Wind O WS95工作的计算机输入功能选件.能按照计算机画面进行所有功能的设定和运行状态监视等.操作简单。
型号代码表示驱动单元.变流器单元FRENIC5000 系列额定功率(50%ED)FRNJ Z T7 5 MC5- 2 4;400V系列2: 200V系列单元种类l~M5~lM5 一体化驱动单元IMC5 I M5驱动单元fPDSl发电制动变流器单元fPRTI电源再生变流器单元本资料的内容仅供选择机种用。

正常现象。 当长时间拍摄或观 看图像时, 请使用 AC 电源适配 器。
2 照相机使用的是 AA 碱性
电池、锂电池或可充电镍 氢(镍金属氢化物)电池
* 有关您可使用的电池的详细信 息, 请参阅相机的用户手册。
■ 使用电池的注意事项
• 请勿加热电池或将电池扔进火 中。 • 请勿将电池触碰金属物体, 如 项链或发夹。 • 请勿将电池浸入水中, 弄湿电 池或将电池存放在潮湿场所。 • 请勿拆卸或改装电池, 包括电 池的外壳。 • 请勿让电池受到强烈冲击。 • 请勿使用有泄漏、变形、变色 现象的电池。 • 请勿将电池存放在高温或潮湿 的地方。 • 请将电池存放在婴儿和儿童够 不着的地方。 • 确认电池按照极性标志 (C 和 D) 正确安装。 • 请勿混用新旧电池。 请勿混用 已充电电池和未充电的电池。 • 请勿混用不同型号或品牌的电
表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 备注 ○: ×: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。 “X (铅) 属欧盟 RoHS 指令的豁免范围之列。“X (Pb)” exempted from the application of EU RoHS. ” / is
下述标识表示误操作或忽略标识的警告信息可能造成的严重后 果。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成死亡或严重伤 害。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成人身伤害或物质 损失。
请勿在浴室 中使用相机。
警告 注意
请勿触摸内 部部件。
下述图标表示必须遵守的信息性质。 三角标志表示此信息需要注意 “重要” 。 ( ) 圆形标志加一斜线表示禁止行为 “禁止” 。 ( ) 实心圆形加一惊叹号表示用户必须执行的操作 “必 ( 须操作” 。 )
AV-2020 20x HD All-in-one PTZ Camera 用户手册 V1.0说明书

Model: A V-202020x HD All-in-one PTZ CameraUser ManualV1.0Please read this user manualthoroughly before using.PrefaceThank you for using this HD All-in-one PTZ Camera.This manual introduces the functions, installation process and operation of the HD camera. Prior to installation and usage, please read the manual thoroughly.PrecautionsThis product should only be used under the specified conditions in order to avoid any damage to the camera:◼Do not subject the camera to rain or moisture.◼Do not remove the cover. Otherwise, you may risk receiving an electric shock. In case of unintended equipment operation, contact an authorized engineer.◼Never operate under unspecified temperature, humidity or power supply.◼Please use soft dry cloth to clean the camera. If the camera is very dirty, clean it with diluted neuter detergent; do not use any type of solvents, which may damage the surface.Note:This is a class A production. Electromagnetic radiation at certain frequencies may affect the image quality of TV in home environment.CONTENTSAFETY GUIDES (1)PACKING LIST (2)QUICK START (2)PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS. (3)CAMERA SPECIFICATIONS (3)CAMERA INTERFACE. (5)CAMERA DIMENSION. (5)IR REMOTE CONTROLLER. (6)VISCA IN (RS232) PORT. (9)OSD MENU (10)UVC CONTROL (13)WEB SETTINGS (14)VIEW RTSP STREAM VIA VLC (18)VISCA OVER IP (19)VISCA PROTOCOL (22)PELCO-D PROTOCOL (29)PELCO-P PROTOCOL (30)WARRANTY (32)SAFETY GUIDES1. Electric Safety Installation and operation must accord with electric safety standard.e caution to transport Avoid stress, vibration or soakage in transport, storage and installation.3. Polarity of power supplyThe power supply of this product is +12V, the max electrical current is 2A. Polarity of the power supply plug is shown in the drawing below.4. Installation precautionsDo not grasp the camera lens when carrying it. Do not touch camera lens by hand. Mechanical damage may result from doing so. Do not use in corrosive liquid, gas or solid environment to avoid any cover (plastic material) damage. Make sure there is no obstacle within rotation range. Do not power on before installation is completed.5. Do not dismantle the camera We are not responsible for any unauthorized modification or dismantling. CAUTION! Certain frequencies of electromagnetic field may affect the image of the camera!Note:Video quality may be affected by the specific frequencies of electromagnetic field.Never grasp the head of the camera, or move the camera by hand when it is working. Otherwise, mechanism maybe affected.PACKING LISTWhen unpacked, check if all supplied accessories are included:Camera ··································································· 1pcPower Adapter ··························································· 1pcPower Cable ····························································· 1pcRS232 Control Cable ··················································· 1pcUSB2.0 Cable ··························································· 1pcRemote Controller ······················································ 1pcUser Manual ····························································· 1pcDouble-sided Adhesive················································· 1pcQUICK START1. External interface: RS232 I/O, HDMI output, 3G-SDI output, USB2.0 output, LAN output, DC12V power, Audio input. Please check all connections before powering on the device.2. Dial switch settings (at the bottom of the camera):Dial Switch (ARM)SW-1 SW-2 Instruction1 OFF OFF Updating mode2 ON OFF Debugging mode3 OFF ON Undefined4 ON ON Working modePRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS▪ Adopts advanced ISP, 1/2.8-inch 2.1MP sensor, providing full HD video resolution. ▪ High-quality 20x optical zoom, 2x digital zoom lens with 60-degree field of view. ▪ IP, HDMI, 3G-SDI, USB video output interface, compatible with different applications. ▪ White Balance/ Exposure/ Focus/ Iris can be adjusted automatically or manually.▪ Support PoE+: one single CAT5/6 for video, control and power, highly efficient video encoding. ▪ Support line-in function, ACC and LPCM audio encoding.▪ Advanced focusing algorithm: fast and precise focusing performance during movement. ▪ Smooth PTZ mechanism, accurate pan tilt motor control. ▪ Up to 128 presets available.▪ Support VISCA, PELCO-P , PELCO-D and VISCA over IP control protocol; IP VISCA over both TCP and UDP.▪ Support RS232 daisy chain, up to 7 cameras under VISCA protocol. ▪ Support upside-down (ceiling) installation, H/V flip.▪ Support RS232/UVC control▪Standard UVC1.1 protocol, seamlessly compatible with all major video conferencing software and platformsCAMERA SPECIFICATIONSCAMERA INTERFACE1. Camera Lens2. Camera Base3. IR Receiver Panel4. Power Indicator Light5. Dial Switch6. Tripod Screw Hole7. Installation Hole8. RS232 Control Input9. RS232 Control Output10. HDMI Output11.3G-SDI Output12, USB Output13, RJ45 Output14.DC12V Power Jack15.Line-in Audio InputCAMERA DIMENSION(MM)IR REMOTE CONTROLLERPOWERUnder normal working mode, press POWER to enter standbymode;Press it again, the camera will start self-configuration, then goback to HOME position.It will go to preset position 0 if the preset is set.FREEZE (do NOT support USB output)Press FREEZE to freeze/ unfreeze the image.IRT (IR Transfer/IR Pass)Open / close the IR pass function. Once press the IRT key, thecamera will receive and pass the IR remote control signal to thecodec/terminal (via VISCA IN port).SET 1~SET4 ADDRESS SETTINGTo set the current camera’s address (ID), press and hold thekey for 3seconds until the backlight of that key is ON.CAM1~CAM4(CAMERA SELECTING)Press the corresponding camera number to select the camera.NUMERIC KEY (1-9)Set preset: press and hold the number for 3 seconds to set presetposition.Call preset: press the corresponding number to call presetposition.CLR PRE (CLEAR PRESET)Press CLR PRE + number key to clear the corresponding presetposition.Press and hold the key to clear all existing preset positions.FOCUSManually adjust focus, only valid under manual mode.ZOOMManually adjust zoom.NA VIGATE KEY: UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHTUnder camera normal mode, use navigate keys to pan/ tilt;After entering camera OSD, use navigate keys to select and enter submenu.OK /HOME KEYUnder camera normal mode, press OK to make the camera go back to its HOME position;After entering camera OSD, press OK to confirm selection.AF: Auto focusMF: Manual focusRESET: Press and hold for 3 seconds to reset cameraMENU: Enter OSD menuLEARN+LIMIT L: Set the pan tilt left limit position.LEARN+LIMIT R: Set the pan tilt right limit position.LEARN+LMT CLR: Clear all limit position.BLC OFF/ BLC ON:Not availableBRIGHT-/BRIGHT+: Set image brightness, only valid under bright priority exposure mode.Video Format Selection:Press and hold for 3 seconds to select different video format output.VISCA IN (RS232 PORT )VISCA Network Construction:SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATIONNo. V_IN V_OU T VISCA IN RS485 1 DTR DTR 1 2 DSR DSR 2 3 TXD TXD 3 4 GND GND 4 5 RXD RXD 5 6 A 6 A(+) 7IR OUT 7 IR OUT 8B8B(-)VISCA IN & DB9 Connection Camera VISCA IN Windows DB-9 1 DTR 6 DSR 2 DSR 4 DTR 3 TXD 2 RXD 4 GND 5 GND 5 RXD 3 TXD 6 A (+) 7 IR OUT 8 B (-)VISCA IN &Mini DIN Connection Camera VISCAIN Mini DIN1 DTR 1 DSR2 DSR 2 DTR3 TXD 5 RXD4 GND 4 GND5 RXD 3 TXD6 A (+) 6 NC7 IR OUT7NC8 B (-) 8 NCParameter Value Parameter Value Baud rate 2400/4800/9600/115200Stop Bit 1bit Start Bit 1 bit Check BitNone Date Bit 8 bitOSD MENU1. Under working mode, press the MENU key on the IR remote controller, to enter the OSD menu as shown bellow:2. After entering the main menu, use navigate UP/DOWN keys to select the from the main menu options.3. Press RIGHT key to enter sub menu; use UP/DONW key to select the sub menu; use LEFT/RIGHT key to change current settings.4. Press MENU key again to return to the previous menu, repeat and exit the OSD menu.5. OSD Menu setting listSYSTEM PROTOCOL Optional item: VISCA/ PELCO-P/ PELCO-D Default: VISCA ADDRESS VISCA: 1~7 PELCO-P/D: 1~255 Default: 1 BAUD RATE 2400/ 4800/ 9600/ 115200 Default: 9600 PTL LOCK Protocol lock: once set, above protocol settings will be locked Default: OFF RS485 RS485 ON/OFF Default: ON VISCA OVER ALL/ OVER IP/ OVER COM Default: OVERALL LANGUAGE Chinese/ English Default: EnglishEXPOSURE EXPOSURE MODEAUTO/ MANUAL/ SHUTTER/ IRIS/ BRIGHT Default: AUTO SHUTTERShutter speed: 1/30~1/10000, only valid under MANUAL andSHUTTER modeDefault: AUTOIRIS Iris setting: CLOSE~F1.8, only valid under MANUAL andIRIS modeDefault: AUTO GAIN Gain setting:0dB~30dB, only valid under MANUAL mode Default: AUTO EBRIGHT Bright setting:0~27, only valid under BRIGHT priority mode. Default: AUTO BRIGHT 0~15 Default: 8ALL RESET Reset all settings to defaultINFO IR ADDR Camera IR control addressUSB USB firmware versionCLIENT Default client end protocol: VISCA MODEL NO. Model numberARM VER ARM firmware versionFPGA VER FPGA firmware versionCAM VER Camera versionRELEASE Software release dateSET IP ADDRESS IN MENUIn order to facilitate customer debugging, the camera supports IP address configuration under OSD.1. Press "MENU" to enter the camera OSD, then select “IP”;2. Press “ ” navigation key to enter the IP setting interface. Select the parameter needs to be changed using the navigation “ ” and “ ”keys”;3. Use numeric keys to set the corresponding parameters. After finishing entering, press the "MENU" again to complete and save the setting;4. Press "MENU" again to exit menu.UVC CONTROL1. Make sure the USB2.0 camera output is connected to the USB2.0 port on the PC/MAC, and it is recognized by the PC Device Manager. If connected to the USB3.0 port, video resolution may be compromised.2. The interval of control commands sending from the server (via USB) to the camera should be no less than 250ms.PU_BRIGHTNESS_CONTROL 81 01 04 4d 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_CONTRAST_CONTROL 81 01 04 A2 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_SATURATION_CONTROL 81 01 04 A1 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_SHARPNESS_CONTROL 8x 01 04 42 00 00 0p 0q FFPU_GAMMA_CONTROL 8x 01 04 5B 0p FFPU_WHITE_BALANCE_TEMPERATURE_CONTROL 8x 01 04 35 0X FFPU_BACKLIGHT_COMPENSATION_CONTROL 81 01 04 33 02/03 FFPU_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY_CONTROL 8x 01 04 AA 00/01/02 FFCT_ZOOM_ABSOLUTE_CONTROL 8x 01 04 47 0p 0q 0r 0s FFCT_PANTILT_ABSOLUTE_CONTROL 8x 01 06 02 VV WW 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Y 0Z 0Z 0Z 0Z F CT_PANTILT_RELATIVE_CONTROL 8x 01 06 01 pp qq rr ss FFCT_ZOOM_RELATIVE_CONTROL 8x 01 04 07 pp FFWEB SETTINGS1.Download and install Flash PlayerWhen access the camera via Internet Explorer browser for the first time, Flash Player needs to be installed. We recommend users download it from flash official website to get latest version:https:///englishAfter installation is complete, it will be listed in PC’s Programs and Features Control Panel:2.LoginTo access the camera interface, open IE browser, input IP address(default IP address is Users can select language(Chinese/English). Default username: admin Default password:admin3.Real-time PreviewWhen log in to the web interface for the first time, a message below will show. Please go to IE browser “Settings”, allow pop-ups and allow running Flash Player.On the Preview interface shown above, there is a virtual control panel on the right-hand side. Options include pan, tilt, zoom, focus, presets, focus speed and zoom speed. On the bottom of image preview, main stream and sub stream preview can be selected.4.ConfigurationClick “Setting” to enter camera configuration interface shown below:Video Encode: To set image encoding mode, main stream and sub stream resolution/bit rate/frame rate, bit rate control option, I frame interval, etc. as shown above.Video Transmission: To set RTMP settings.Audio Setting: To enable/disable embedded audio. Audio encoding mode can be selected. Parameters such as sampling rate and bit rate can be adjusted.Image Parameter: To set focus, exposure, white balance, image, image quality, noise-reduction, etc.Ethernet: To set DHCP mode, IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, http port, web port, main stream port and sub stream port. Default settings are as following:DHCP OFF Default gateway address HTTP port 80Subnet mask RTSP port 554Firmware upgrade: To update the camera ISP. Steps are shown below:Click “clicking to upload file”, in the dialog box, select the upgrade file. Click “upgrade”to start the updating process.DO NOT power off or do any operation when upgrading. Please reboot the camera at least 5 min after the upgrade is finished.Then re-login to web interface, select “Reset all” to reset the camera completely.Reset to default: To reset the camera to default settings.Reset simply: reset camera image settings; Reset completely: reset all camera settings including IP configurations, image settings, language and protocol; Reboot: reboot ISP part of the camera.Account Setting: To set camera account username and password.USING VLC TO VIEW RTSP/RTMP VIDEODefault RTSP main streaming URL: rtsp:// RTSP sub streaming URL: rtsp:// RTMP main streaming URL: rtmp:// RTMP sub streaming URL: rtmp:// OVER IPVISCA over IP means VISCA protocol transmit via IP.This can be used to reduce RS232/RS485 cable layout(the controller must support IP communication function).Communication port specs:⚫Control port: RJ45 Gigabit LAN⚫IP protocol: IPv4⚫Transmit protocol: UDP⚫IP address: set via web interface or OSD menu⚫Port address: 52381⚫Confirm send/transmission control: depend on applied program⚫Applied range: in the same segment, not suitable for bridge network.⚫To apply, enter camera OSD, choose VISCA option: OVER IPHow to use VISCA over IPVISCA CommandCommands are sent from controller to peripheral equipment (camera), and when peripheral equipment receives commands, it returns ACK. When the command is executed, a complete message will be returned.VISCA InquiryInquiry is sent from controller to peripheral equipment (camera), and when peripheral equipment receives the command, it will return required message.VISCA ReplyIt is sent from peripheral equipment (camera) to controller. ACK, which is the complete message, can be either reply or error reply.Command format: Note that LAN output is big-endian, and LSB is in the front.Payload type: data definitions are listed below:Name Value (Byte 0) Value (Byte 0) Value (Byte 0)VISCA command 0x01 0x00 Stores the VISCA command.VISCA inquiry 0x01 0x10 Stores the VISCA inquiry.VISCA reply 0x01 0x11 Stores the reply for the VISCA command and VISCA inquiry, or VISCA device setting command.VISCA devicesetting command0x01 0x20 Stores the VISCA device setting command.Control command 0x02 0x00 Stores the control command.Control reply 0x02 0x01 Stores the reply for the control command.Payload length: V alid data length in Payload (1~16), is the command length.For example, when valid data length is 16-byte, Byte 2: 0x00; Byte 3: 0x10Controller will save sequence number of each command, when one command sent, the sequence number of the command will add 1; when the sequence number reaches the max, it will return back to 0. The peripheral equipment will save sequence number of each command, and return the sequence number to controller.Payload: According to Payload type, the following data will be saved.⚫VISCA command: Save VISCA command packet⚫VISCA inquiry: Save VISCA message packet⚫VISCA reply: Save VISCA return packet⚫VISCA device setting command: Save VISCA equipment setting command packet.⚫Control command: The following data is saved in control command payload⚫Controlled reply: The following data is saved in return command payload of control command.Delivery confirmation:VISCA over IP uses UDP as transmission communication protocol. UDP communication message transmission is not stable, it is necessary to confirm delivery and resent in application.Generally, when controller sends a command to peripheral equipment, controller will wait for the return message then send the next command, we can detect and confirm if the peripheral equipment receive the commands from its return message’s lag time. If controller detects it overtime, it is regarded as error transmission. Controller will resend the commands to check peripheral’s status. The resent command sequence number is same as the last one. Following chart lists possible received message and the corresponding status after the resent command.Note: Do not change IP address, subnet mask, or gateway parameters under VISCA over IP mode, otherwise, it will cause network inconsistency.VISCA PROTOCOLPart1 Camera Return CommandsAck/Completion MessageCommand Packet NoteACK z0 41 FF Returned when the command is accepted. Completi onz0 51 FFReturned when the command has been executed.z = camera adderss+8Error MessagesCommand Packet NoteSyntax Error z0 60 02 FF Returned when the command format is different or when a command with illegal command parameters is acceptedCommand Not Executablez0 61 41 FFReturned when a command cannot be executed due to current conditions. For example, when commands controlling the focus manually are received during auto focus.Part 2 Camera Control CommandsCommand type function commandAddressSetBroadcast88 30 01 FFAddress settingSequence chart when command lostSequence chart when returned message lostPart 2 Camera Control CommandNote: 【x】means the camera address: 【y】=【x + 8】. VISCA Pan Tilt Absolute Position V alueVISCA Pan Tilt Speed ValuePELCO-D PROTOCOL COMMAND LISTPELCO-P PROTOCOL COMMAND LISTWarrantyThank you for your interest in the products of AVIPAS Inc.This Limited Warranty applies to HD Conference Camera purchased from AVIPAS Inc.This Limited Warranty covers any defect in material and workmanship under normal use within the Warranty Period. AVIPAS Inc. will repair or replace the qualified products at no charge.AVIPAS Inc. provides a two (2)-year warranty (from the date of purchase) for this HD Conference Camera.This Limited Warranty does not cover problems including but not limited to: improper handling, malfunction or damage not resulting from defects in material.To receive warranty service, please contact AVIPAS Inc. first. We will decide whether a repair or replacement is needed and will advise you of the cost of such repair or replacement.Copyright NoticeAll contents of this manual, whose copyright belongs to our Corporation cannot be cloned, copied or translated without the permission of the company. Product specifications and information which were referred to in this document are for reference only. We may alter the content at any time and without prior notice.VER: 2020-07-14 (EN)AViPAS Inc.Address: 4320 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 227San Jose, CA 95129Phone: 1-844-228-4727Fax: (408) 228-8438Email: ***************Website: 32。

• 閱讀完這些注意事項後,請將其妥善保管。
周圍溫度低於 +10 ℃或高於 +35 °C 時,充電時間將會延長。
請不要在溫度高於 40 °C 的環境下為電池充電;溫度低於 0 °C 時,電池將不會充電。
■電池壽命在常溫下,電池大約可以充電 300 次。
若準備長期不使用相機,請取出電池,並將其存放在比較乾燥的地方,且周圍環境溫度需在 +15 °C 至 +25 °C 之間。
■注意:電池使用注意事項• 請勿與項鍊、髮夾等金屬物品一起運輸或存放。
• 請勿將電池扔進火中或加熱。
• 請勿分解或改造電池。
PEL 105及配件说明书

Nº de catálogo 2137.82 (opcional) Juego de dos (incluye pin de seguridad)el uso al aire libre!ANALIZADORES Y MEDIDORES DE CALIDAD DE ENERGÍA Registradores de potencia y energía serie PEL 100CARACTERÍSTICASimple de usar, registradores depotencia y energía de una,dos (fase dividida) y tres fases (Y , ∆)iseñado para funcionar con entornos¡NUEVO!ESPECIFICACIONES* El valor máximo depende de la sonda de corriente.** Las computadoras con Bluetooth Clase II se restringirán a 12,19 m (40 pies). Las computadoras sin Bluetooth requerirán un adaptador de radio de Bluetooth Clase I o Clase II. *** Corriente máxima reducida por un factor de 2 para la frecuencia fundamental de 400 Hz.*Corriente máxima reducida por un factor de 2 para 400 Hz de frecuencia fundamental.Nº DE CATÁLOGO DESCRIPCIÓN1201.51Sonda amperimétrica de CA/CC modelo SL261 (BNC)2140.37Adaptador de corriente de 110 V (USA) (elimina la necesidad de baterías) 8220 y 8230 únicamente 2140.28Sonda de corriente CA/CC modelo MR193-BK2140.32Sonda de corriente CA modelo MN93-BK2140.33Sonda de corriente CA modelo SR193-BK2140.34Sensor AmpFlex® de 60,96 cm (24 pulg.) modelo 193-24-BK2140.35Sensor AmpFlex® de 91,44 cm (36 pulg.) modelo 193-36-BK2140.36Sonda de corriente CA modelo MN193-BK2140.48Sensor MiniFlex®de 25,4 cm (10 pulg.) modelo MA193-10-BK2140.49Sonda amperimétrica de CA/CC modelo J93-BK2140.50Sensor MiniFlex® de 35,56 cm (14 pulg.) modelo MA193-14-BK2140.75Sensor de 60,96 cm (24 pulg.) AmpFlex® (resistente al agua – IP67) modelo 196A-24-BKSL261 **Nota: Consulte el manual del usuario del analizador de calidad de energía para accedera las especificaciones completas del producto.Todos los sensores de corriente se pueden utilizar con los Modelos 8435 y PEL 105.Sin embargo, sólo los sensores flexibles 196A son resistentes al agua.** A daptador BNC exclusivo parasonda amperimétricaCA/CC modelo SL261Nº de catálogo 2140.40Configura todas las funciones del medidores de calidad de energía• Visualiza y analiza datos en tiempo real en su PC •C onfigura todas las funciones y parámetros desde su PC •P ersonaliza vistas, plantillas e informes según sea necesario •C rea y almacena un listado completo de configuraciones que pueden descargarse según sea necesario•A cerca y aleja con zoom y obtiene vistas panorámicas de las secciones del gráfico para analizar los datos•D escarga, visualiza y analiza los datos registrados •V isualiza las formas de ondas, gráficos de tendencias, espectros de armónicos, resúmenes de texto, transitorios, registros de eventos y alarmas almacenadas•I mprime informes empleando plantillas estándares o personalizadas diseñadas por el usuario•S e encuentran disponibles actualizaciones gratuitas en nuestro sitio web Software de análisis e informes de datos para medidores de calidad de energíaPantallas funcionales, digitales y gráficas típicas de DataView Configuración clara y sencilla de todas las funciones desde una ventana de diálogo con lengüetas.Visualiza los armónicos en una tabla de textos desde el armónico 0 (CC) hasta el 50º.Visualiza las formas de ondas en tiempo real por fase, parámetro o totales.potencia.DATAVIEW ®Software para medidores de calidad de energía。

自然影像技术经过 Fujifilm在摄影领域的多年技术攻关,融合各种技术,全新开发的SuperCCDEXR传感器,它与富士龙镜头以及强大的 EXR 处理器技术将为您带来如眼所见的超高画质。
新开发的Super CCD EXR传感器与与高分辨率富士龙镜头及先进的自然影像处理器EXR技术相结合,在您拍摄您双眼看到事物的瞬间,就形成了优质的影像质量。
全新传感器 - Super CCD EXR采用全新排列方式的色彩滤镜阵列产生的图像画质超过了传统传感器。
融入新的三种图像捕捉技术后,Super CCD EXR具有三种不同的工作模式:超高分辨率、超宽动态范围和高感光度、低噪点。
获得超高EXR画质的图像处理技术为了获得逼真的画质,S205EXR处理器采用先进的电荷技术控制 Super CCD EXR 传感器的电荷输出。
该技术还使快速连拍成为可能,促成了新的多帧技术,使S205EXR 能自动将一次快门下的多张照片合并处理成特殊效果的图像。
Super CCD EXR 传感器更接近于人眼所见的成像效果,超乎您的想象。
备受赞誉的可切换式 EXR 传感器可实现理想拍摄效果,确保摄影的高分辨率、高对比度与弱光下的漂亮效果。
三种图像捕捉技术Super CCD EXR 具有超高照片质量,实现了“3合1”传感器组合:“精细捕捉技术”(高分辨率)、“像素联合技术”(高感光度、低噪点)以及“双重捕捉技术”(超宽动态范围)。


现在背景虚化最好的ps技术是这样的,用knock out滤镜扣图,然后背景虚化用模糊镜头,效果逼真,据说相当于单反镜头。

5.按箭头方向匀速转动相机 同步到片长框时到达终止点 转动相机的速度不好掌握 试几次 是达到同步旋转6.到达片长框终点时机器自动存储注意 相机设置要也考虑,例如出片模式 jpg、raw等.
2.相机将自动采取图像尺寸为5760×720,拍摄镜头要跟着箭头转动 (270°左右);有时箭头移动变慢是因为镜头跟着转动太慢的缘故;
6.如何使用白平衡 选择不同的白平衡,将直接影响到照片的色调以及所表达的意境。一般来说不要选择自动白平衡,这样会影响到灯光固有的颜色,使之失去特有的色温感觉。如果是拍摄城市夜景的话,一般来说我们都会使用Tungsten(钨丝灯)白平衡,因为用这种白平衡比较接近灯光的效果。当然这也不是绝对的,视乎环境而定。
4.光圈与快门 一般情况下,除了特别需要,我们都喜欢使用较小的光圈值(大概F8至11左右)以增加曝光时间。较小的光圈可以令远景与近景画面同样清晰与细致,特别是商店橱窗的霓虹灯招牌可以清晰的显示,否则霓虹灯招牌就会形成一团光,看起来模糊不清。有意思的时,只要曝光时间足够长,路上的行人就不会出现在照片里(原因是人群在移动,在长时间曝光下,人的身影便变得不明显),而行驶在路上的汽车则会形成一道道光的影子(光圈值F7、曝光时长12秒、ISO值160)。如果你想要以夜景中的人群为拍摄的主体,那么就得使用较大的光圈(F5.6左右,太大会使背景虚化)或者使用高感光度(ISO)来提高快门速度。
富士电机 UG20系列 说明书

基於操作說明上的方便,本書採用了以下的記號: 重要事項
1. 溫控器網路的概要 .............................................................................................1 2. 接線電纜 .............................................................................................................3 3. 終端阻抗的設定 .................................................................................................4 4. 溫控器通信設定 .................................................................................................5 5. 處理週期流程 .....................................................................................................7 6. 直接指定溫控器記憶體時 .................................................................................8
● 請勿接觸通電中的端子等之充電部,以免觸電。

目录第一章概述 1 第二章主要特征 1 第三章技术参数2一、函数信号发生器 2二、计数器 5三、其它 6 第四章面板说明7一、显示说明7二、前面板说明8三、后面板说明12 第五章使用说明13一、测量、试验的准备工作13二、函数信号输出使用说明13三、计数使用说明32 第六章遥控操作使用说明33一、遥控操作前的准备工作33二、SCPI指令的语法33三、SCPI指令的详细说明33 第七章B路信号说明48一、概述48二、B路信号的技术指标48三、面板说明49四、B路信号操作说明49五、注意事项50六、附加遥控指令说明51 第八章任意波模块说明53第九章功率放大模块说明60第十章USB接口说明61第十一章注意事项与检修64第十二章仪器整套设备及附件65本仪器是一台精密的测试仪器,具有输出函数信号、调频、调幅、FSK 、PSK 、猝发、频率扫描等信号的功能。
1、采用直接数字合成技术(DDS )。
2、主波形输出频率为1μHz ~ 120MHz (F120)。
3、小信号输出幅度可达0.2mV 。
9、调幅调制度1% ~ 120% 可任意设臵。
概述 12主要特征一、函数发生器1、波形特性主波形:正弦波,方波, TTL 波(方波,TTL 波最高输出频率≤40MHz ) 波形幅度分辨率:12 bits采样速率: 200Msa/s (F80、F40、F20、F10、F05) 300Msa/s (F120)正弦波谐波失真:≤-50dBc (频率≤ 5MHz )≤-45dBc (频率≤ 10MHz ) ≤-40dBc (频率≤ 20MHz ) ≤-35dBc (频率≤ 40MHz )≤-30dBc (频率 > 40MHz )正弦波失真度: ≤0.1%(频率:20Hz ~ 100kHz ) 方波升降时间: ≤25ns (F05、F10)≤15ns (F20、F40、F80、F120)注:正弦波谐波失真、正弦波失真度、方波升降时间测试条件:输出幅度2Vp-p (高阻),环境温度25℃〒5℃储存波形:正弦波,方波,脉冲波,三角波,锯齿波,阶梯波等27种波形 波形长度:4096点波形幅度分辨率:10 bits脉冲波占空系数:0.1% ~ 99.9%(频率≤10kHz )1% ~ 99%(10kHz ~ 100kHz )脉冲波升降时间:≤100ns直流输出误差:≤〒5%+10mV (输出电压值范围10mV~10V )2、频率特性频率范围:主波形:1μHz ~ 5MHz (F05) 1μHz ~ 10MHz(F10)3技术指标1μHz ~ 20MHz (F20)1μHz ~ 40MHz (F40)1μHz ~ 80MHz (F80)1μHz ~ 120MHz (F120)储存波形:1μHz ~ 100kHz注:F80和F120型仪器的方波,TTL波最高输出频率≤40MHz分辨率:1μHz频率误差:≤〒5×10-6 频率稳定度:优于〒1×10-63、幅度特性幅度范围F80、F40、F20、F10、F05:2mV ~ 20Vp-p(高阻),1mV ~ 10Vp-p(50Ω)[其中F80频率>40MHz:2mV ~ 4Vp-p(高阻),1mV ~ 2Vp-p(50Ω)]F120:(频率≤40MHz):0.2mV ~ 20Vp-p(高阻),0.1mV ~ 10Vp-p(50Ω)(频率>40MHz):-76dBm ~ +13.5 dBm(50Ω)或0.1mV ~ 3Vp-p(50Ω)最高分辨率:2μVp-p (高阻),1μVp-p(50Ω)幅度误差:≤〒1%+0.2mV (频率1kHz正弦波)幅度稳定度:〒0.5 % /3小时平坦度:幅度≤2Vp-p:〒3%(频率≤5MHz),〒10%(频率≤40MHz)幅度>2Vp-p:〒5%(频率≤5MHz),〒10%(频率≤20MHz)〒20%(频率>20MHz)F120、F80:〒1dBm(频率>40MHz)输出阻抗:50Ω幅度单位:Vp-p,mVp-p,Vrms,mVrms,dBm4、偏移特性直流偏移(高阻,频率≤40MHz):〒(10V-Vpk ac),(偏移绝对值≤2〓幅度峰峰值)直流偏移(F80,高阻,频率>40MHz):〒(2V-Vpk ac),(偏移绝对值≤2〓幅度峰峰值)最高分辨率:2μV(高阻),1μV(50Ω)偏移误差:≤〒(5% +10mV)信号幅度≤2Vp-p(高阻)≤〒(5% +200mV)信号幅度>2Vp-p (高阻)5、调幅特性载波信号:波形为正弦波或方波,频率范围同主波形调制方式:内或外调制信号:内部5种波形(正弦、方波、三角、升锯齿、降锯齿)或外输入信号调制信号频率:100μHz ~ 20kHz失真度:≤2%调制深度:1% ~ 120%1%~ 80% (频率>40MHz,载波幅度>2Vp-p(高阻)时)相对调制误差:≤设定值的〒5%+2%≤设定值的〒10%+2%外输入信号幅度:3Vp-p(-1.5V~ +1.5V)6、调频特性载波信号:波形为正弦波或方波,频率范围同主波形调制方式:内或外调制信号:内部5种波形(正弦、方波、三角、升锯齿、降锯齿)调制信号频率:100μHz ~ 10kHz频偏:内调频频偏Δf ≤ fc(载波频率)/2 Δf + fc ≤ f MAX + 100kHz外调频频偏Δf ≤ 100kHz(载波频率≥5MHz),输入信号电压3Vp-p(-1.5V~+1.5V)外调频:载波频率精确度≤ 10-2 ,频偏误差≤ ±20%FSK:频率1和频率2任意设定控制方式:内或外(外控:TTL电平,低电平F1;高电平F2)交替速率:0.1ms ~ 800s7、调相特性基本信号:波形为正弦波或方波,频率范围同主波形PSK:相位1(P1)和相位2(P2)范围:0 ~ 360.0°分辨率:0.1°交替时间间隔:0.1ms ~ 800s控制方式:内或外(外控TTL电平,低电平P2,高电平P1)8、猝发基本信号:波形为正弦波或方波,频率范围同主波形猝发计数:1 ~ 10000个周期,同时满足COUNT≤800*Freq (Hz)猝发信号交替时间间隔:0.1ms ~ 800s控制方式:内(自动)/外(单次手动按键触发、外输入TTL脉冲上升沿触发)9、频率扫描特性信号波形:正弦波和方波扫描范围:扫描起始点频率范围同主波形扫描终止点频率范围同主波形扫描时间:1ms ~ 800s(线性)100ms ~ 800s(对数)扫描方式:线性扫描和对数扫描外触发信号频率:≤1kHz(线性)≤10Hz(对数)控制方式:内(自动)/外(单次手动按键触发、外输入TTL脉冲上升沿触发)10、调制信号输出输出频率:100μHz ~ 20kHz输出波形:正弦、方波、三角、升锯齿、降锯齿输出幅度:5Vp-p〒2%输出阻抗:600Ω11、存储特性存储参数:信号的频率值、幅度值、波形、直流偏移值、功能状态。

4.1 运行准备.................................................................................................................................16 4.2 预热运行与运行 ......................................................................................................................16
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富士胶片 CF 镜头适配器 使用说明书

User ManualCe texte dans votre langue? Utilisez “Google Translate” sur Internet.Diesen Text in Ihrer Sprache? Verwenden Sie “Google Translate” im Internet.Este texto en su idioma? El uso de “Google Translate” en Internet.Questo testo nella tua lingua? Utilizzare ‘Google Translate’ su Internet.Este texto na sua língua? Usar “Google Translate” na Internet.Denna text på ditt språk? Använd “Google Translate”på Internet.Deze tekst in uw taal? Gebruik ‘Google Translate’ op het internet.FRA DEU ESP ITA PRT SWE NLD JPNCHNINDRUSSAUThe CF Lens Adapter (3043500) allows the use of all C-type lenses from the V System on H cameras. Integral processors for data con-version bridge the two systems to access a number of the H-display and lens-control functions. The adapter allows:• light metering at full aperture.• electronic focus confirmation on viewfinder display.• exploitation of databus connection with CFE lenses.• access to shutter speeds (manually set on lens) from 1s–1/500s including B and T mode.Functions such as autofocus and continuous drive are an integral part of the H System only so they are therefore not available when C lenses are used. Likewise, as the light measuring and aperture/ shutter controls are also different between the two systems, then camera operation differs too. Some other restrictions also apply regarding specific lenses or combinations of lenses/converters. Operation of the adapter is not difficult but requires an awareness of certain points that contrast with regular H operation. You can use the adapter immediately by going through the procedures described under the Quick Start heading but a thorough reading of this manual is advised to ensure optimum performance.CF Lens Adapter compatibilityPlease make sure your camera has the latest firmware which you can find at .The H6D camera requires firmware 1.19.0 or later for CF Lens Adapter use.When using the CF lens Adapter together with an H6D camera, the function “My Lenses” is not available. Hence, all references to “My Lenses” is only valid for H5D cameras and earlier.F/FE type lenses and video with H6DFor still images it is not possible to use F/FE type lenses as they don’t have a built-in shutter. However, they can be used on the H6D for making video capture.Note that when attaching an FE 110 or FE 60-120 lens, there will be a message on the camera grip saying “Lens type not sup-ported” and the camera is blocked for still image captures. It is however, possible to activate video mode and recording from the Sensor Unit user interface. F type lenses will not generate this message and you can activate video mode and control re-cording from the grip.See H6D User Manual for more details.All Lenses screen with the H6D cameraThe illustration below shows the H6D grip screen that will ap-pear when a lens is mounted on the CF Lens Adapter. This cor-responds to illustration 5 on page 19.The figures beside the headings refer to the relevant illustrations for that section. Rotation directions are described as seen when facing the camera.Please note that the adapter requires firmware version 9.0.0 or later (H6D1.19.0 or later) installed in the camera! (see camera manual for details). Parts and Components 11. Lens locating index2. Connecting cable3. Databus connector for CFE lenses4. Lens cocking lever5. Adapter locating index6. Drive shaft7. Adapter release catch8. Camera databus connectorQuick start 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 C-type lenses from the V System have changed over the years in functionality and appearance. The illustrations therefore show some variations that might not match the lenses you are using. The later CFE/i models, for example, have a locking device on the PC flash con-nector whereas earlier models did not. Please see the relevant user manual for details.a. Align the red adapter locating index on the rear of the adapter with the redindex on the camera body (illus 2) and rotate the adapter clockwise until it clicks into place.b. Align the index on the lens with the red lens locating index on the adapter(illus 3) and rotate the lens clockwise until it clicks into place.c. Attach the connecting cable to the PC socket on the lens (illus 4).d. The grip LCD on the camera will automatically display the lens and converterchoice screen (such as in illus 5).e. Rotate the front control wheel to choose the lens and the rear control wheelto choose the converter (or No converter). For example, 150 mm lens with ‘No converter’, as in illus 6. Finally, press the button labelled “Save” to store the setting and automatically access the standard screen.f. The focal length of the lens chosen (illus 7) as well as a ’X’ symbol for a con-verter if chosen (illus 8) now appears on the LCD beneath the AF button.g. Ensure the depth-of-field button on the lens is in the off position, illus 9.h. When measuring the light, the camera will display setting informationwhich has to be transferred to the lens, for example 1/60s at f/11 as in illus10. See relevant lens user manual if you are not familiar with the settingson C lenses. This procedure varies according to the type of lens:C/CF/CFi lenses — Rotate the front control wheel on the grip to scrollthrough the list of aperture/shutter combinations visible on the grip LCD and the viewfinder LCD. Transfer the chosen shutter speed / aperture combi-nation settings (or EV visible on grip LCD) to the lens.CFE lenses — Pre-set the aperture of your choice on the lens. This setting will appear on the grip and viewfinder LCD alongside the shutter speedchosen by the camera. Transfer the shutter speed setting from the grip or viewfinder LCD (or EV visible on the grip LCD) to the lens.i. Make the exposure.j. The message ‘Cock the lens’ now appears on the grip LCD (illus 11) and on the viewfinder LCD together with a warning triangle. Before another expo-sure can be made, the lens shutter must be re-cocked by pushing the lens cocking lever all the way up until it stops (illus 12).Attaching the adapter 13 The adapter should be attached to the camera body first and then the lens to the adapter. When using a converter or extension tube see ‘Converter/ Extension tubes’ section for specific details.✐Any resistance experienced when attaching a lens should be assumed to be a fault in fitting. If the lens does not click into place then check to see whether the lens shutter has been inadvertently tripped thereby causing the drive shaft to be out of alignment for attachment.If this is the case, the lens shutter can be cocked again by inserting a small coin or similar in the slot on the drive shaft coupling and rotating it clockwise (about 4/5 turn) until it locks. See illus 13 for correct alignment.✐The connecting cable should be attached whether you intend to use flash or not as it not only conveys information about flash synchronisation but completion of the shutter action as well. The adapter/lens combinationwill work correctly (except for the lack of flash synchronisation) if the cable is not connected but film advance is consequently delayed by 1.5 seconds.Please note that with some older lens types there may be a delay anyway, even if the cable is correctly attached.Removing the adapterAfter exposure, you can remove the adapter from the camera without re-cocking the lens but you cannot remove a lens from the adapter without re-cocking the lens.Remove a lens from the adapter by pressing the lens adapter catch on the adapter and rotating the lens in an anticlockwise direction.Remove the adapter from the camera body as you would a lens by pressing the lens release button on the camera and rotating the adapter in an anticlockwise direction.Converters, extension tubes and lenses should be removed in reverse order to attachment, that is, lens first followed by the converter or extension tube. Avoid removing a lens and converter/extension tube as a combined unit as separation will cause the lens shutter to trip. See note above under ‘Attaching the adapter’ for details.Lens choice and H display 5, 6, 7, 8,16 Attachment of the adapter or adapter/lens combination auto-matically causes the camera to display the lens/converter choice screen on the grip LCD. The grip screen is scrollable or partly so, depending on lens type (see below). There are two possible screens (shown by the setting information on the lower row of the LCD), namely All lenses (as in illus 14) and My lenses.Toggle between these two screens by pressing the AF button (signified by the commands Next in the top row on the screen). The My lenses screen will provide access to a list you have already created (see below for details) while the All lenses will provide ac-cess to all lenses available.When a C/CF/CFi type lens is attached, all ‘C’ lenses are available (by scrolling) on the list.To simplify operation however, when a CFE lens is attached, only CFE lenses that share the same widest aperture appear on the list. For example, when attaching a CFE4/40 mm lens, the CFE4/120 mm and the CFE4/180 mm will also appear as they both have f/4 as their widest aperture. Therefore when attaching a CFE 2.8/80 mm lens, only that lens appears as it is the only f/2.8 lens in the CFE range. Please note that this feature functions by way of the databus connections and therefore will not work if the converter/extension tubes have no databus connectors.Whether choice is manual as in C/CF/CFi type lenses or semi-automatic with CFE lenses, a choice must still be made regarding a converter at least, and then saved. It is essential that the lens/ converter information is correct as failure to do so can cause er-rors in light metering while the camera will appear to behave normally.If you want to correct your choice afterwards then press the AF button in the standard screen mode to access the lens choice screen again.To set or reset a lens /converter choice proceed as follows:1. Press the AF button to access the lens choice screen.2. Toggle the AF button to access either the ‘My lenses’ or ‘All lenses’.3. Rotate the front control wheel to choose the lens attached and the rear con-trol wheel to choose converter (or No converter). For example, 150 mm lens with ‘No converter’, as in illus 6.4. Press the button labelled “Save” to store the setting and automaticallyaccess the standard screen. Note that the focal length of the lens attached now appears on the LCD beneath the AF button, illus 7, along with an ‘X’symbol to signify a chosen converter, illus 8.✐Remember to check and save the lens/converter settings when attaching a lens!✐Remember to check the lens/converter settings each time you change lenses or converters!The camera cannot recognize CFE or CF lenses when used in conjunction with converters or extension tubes without databus connectors so consequently manual settings must be made.Creating and using a ‘My lenses’ setting 14, 15, 16, 17 If you regularly use the same lenses, you might want to speed up lens choice when changing lenses by creating a personal My lenses list that matches your equipment. This method also helps to avoid errors in choice. Until you create such a list the My lenses screen will display the Empty! Select lenses in “My lenses” menu message. You can add to the list at any time by following the same procedure and you can delete any or all lenses at any time by using the same procedure simply by choos-ing No instead of Yes and saving. Note that CFE lenses will override a favourite list (see previous section) and automatically implement the correct setting (though the use of a converter still has to be set). How-ever, if you attach a CFE lens that is not on the My lenses list, the All lenses will display all the CFE lenses with the same maximum aper-ture instead.1. Press the ‘Menu’ button, illus 14.2. Rotate the front control wheel until screen 4 ‘Settings’ (illus 15) is displayedon the grip LCD and press the button labelled “Enter”.3. Rotate the front control wheel until screen4.5 ‘My lenses’, illus 16, appearsand press the button labelled “Enter”.4. Rotate the front control wheel until the desired lens appears, then rotatethe rear control wheel until ‘Yes’ appears, illus 17.5. When you have matched all lenses of your choice that you want on the listwith a ‘Yes’ and each lens you don’t want on the list has been matched witha ‘No’, finally press the button labelled “Save”.When accessed, the ‘Lens choice’ screen will now only display the lenses you have chosen when you rotate the front control wheel, allowing much faster choice. Please note that the correct lens still has to be chosen and the any converter must also be chosen before SAVE is pressed.✐Converters cannot be included on a favourite list and always remain asa choice that has to be set. “My Lenses“ is not applicable to the H6D. FocusingAlthough the autofocus function is not available with V System lenses, the H focus confirmation aid LEDs in the viewfinder func-tion as normal with exception of lenses slower than f/6.7. This function remains customizable in Custom Options #14. Operation is identical as with HC lenses. See the H user manual for full details.✐The focus confirmation function automatically shuts down with lenses slower than f/6.7 (as it does with HC lenses) on condition that the cor-rect lens/converter settings have been made. However, this automatic shutdown does not take place if extension tubes are fitted.Light metering 9 For all types of lenses, choice remains between metering meth-ods in the camera – average, centre weighted and spot – as well as exposure compensation.✐Remember to ensure the depth-of-field check/ stop down button is in the ‘off’ position when taking a light meter reading (illus 9).✐An error message -’Stopped down’ - appears on the grip LCD and a warning triangle appears in the viewfinder LCD if you have forgotten to open the aperture again after stopping down for a depth-of-field check, but only with CFE lenses. No warnings are possible with C/CF/CFi lenses as they have no databus connections.Exposure 18, 11 When the exposure button is pressed (or the remote release) the conventional sequence of events takes place. However, after exposure, the shutter in the lens remains closed and so conse-quently there is no image in the viewfinder.If you forget to re-cock the shutter, camera operation is blocked and the message ‘Cock the lens’ appears on the grip LCD (illus 11) and in the viewfinder LCD alongside a red warning triangle. The standard screen returns again on the grip LCD when the lens has been cocked.Avoid pushing up the lens cocking lever or holding it half way up when making an exposure as this will cause errors. An error message – ‘Lens cocking lever problem’ (illus 18)– appears to warn you of this.B- and T-release 19, 20 For B exposures, proceed as follows:1. Ensure the connecting cable is connected between the lens and adapter.2. Set the shutter on the lens to “B”.3. Program the USER button (AE-L button on H4D) to “B mode” by first pressingthe the MENU button and then the USER/AE-L button. Rotate the rear control wheel to set the function to “B mode”.4. Press the USER/AE-L button to activate “B mode”.5. Make the exposure (elapsed time shown on the grip LCD) as normal bymaintaining pressure on the exposure button or remote release cord for the desired amount of time.For T exposures, proceed as follows:1. Ensure the connecting cable is connected between the lens and adapter.2. Set the shutter on the lens to “B”.3. Program the USER button (AE-L button on H4D) to “T mode” by first pressingthe the MENU button and then the USER/AE-L button. Rotate the rear control wheel to set the function to “T mode”.4. Press the USER/AE-L button to activate “T mode”.5. Start the exposure (elapsed time shown on the grip LCD) by pressing the exposurebutton or remote release cord. The button can now be released. Stop the expo-sure by pressing the exposure button or remote release cord button again.In both cases, the Mirror Up function can be used as normal.✐An error message – ‘Set lens to B’ (illus 19) – appears if you made the wrong shutter setting on the lens (T exposures only).✐An error message – ‘Check cable’ (illus 20) – appears if you have omitted to attach the connecting cable (T exposures only).Converters / Extension tubesConverters or extension tubes are attached and removed in the conventional manner. They should be attached to the adapter first. When removing however, remove the lens first and then the converter/extension tube. If you remove the lens and converter/ extension tube together as a unit and then separate them, there is a possibility that the shutter in the lens will be tripped. In this case see the special note in the ‘Attaching the adapter’ section and illus 13 about how to re-cock the shutter when detached from the camera.✐If you remove a C/CF/CFi lens but leave the converter attached to the adapter which in turn is still attached to the camera, then you must manually make a new lens choice from the list and save it. This also applies to CFE lenses if the converter does not have databus connectors.✐Only V-series converters and extension tubes can be used with the adapter.✐When a converter or extension tube is attached, the camera cannot recognize lens changes when it is not active and therefore the semi-automatic choice facility normally available with CFE lenses is tem-porarily lost. The camera can only recall the information from the last lens change made when the camera was active. This means you should check settings carefully in these cases or simply ensure the camera is active when you make changes.Points to note• The camera must have firmware version 9.0.0 or later (H6D 1.19.0 or later) installed.• Continuous drive is disabled.• Interval timer is disabled.• Rear flash sync is disabled.• Bracketing is disabled.• The stop down button on the camera is disabled.• Ensure the stop down button on the lens is in the open position for light metering.• H System converters and extensions tubes cannot be used.Technical specificationsDimensions: approx. 86 x 112 x 20 mmWeight: 135 gCF Adapter.. 3.eps 040920DERS ENGSTRÖM LUSTRA TÖR 2112345678***********************To lensCOPYRIGHT ©2004ANDERS ENGSTRÖMANDERS ENGSTRÖM,ILLUSTRA TÖR Östra vägen 4643091HÖNÖtel/fax 031-968464***********************3501+3..41.eps 001206COPYRIGHT © 2000 ANDERS ENGSTRÖMANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR Östra vägen 46430 91 HÖNÖ tel/fax 031-96 84 64***********************4578CF Adapter.. 5.eps 041007TRÖM 6123COPYRIGHT © 2000 ANDERS ENGSTRÖANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR Östra vägen 46430 91 HÖNÖ tel/fax 031-96 84 64***********************9101112CF Adapter.. 4.ep ***********************131415S ENGSTRÖM,ILLUSTRA TÖR gen 46HÖNÖ31-968464***************16181917201600701 3043500 7 2018 2018 Item no:3043500。

二、机台规格:最大承载测试重量 -------- 10Kgf最大测试行程 ------------ 100mm最小显示行程------------ 0.01mm、0.001mm(Option)测试速度范围 ------------ 0 ~ 100mm/min机台尺寸 ---------------- 300mm X 270mm X 500mm机台净重 ---------------- 31kgf机台电源 ----------------AC220V控制系统尺寸 ------------ 450mm X 560mm X 200mm控制系统净重 ------------ 20Kgf荷重元 ------------------ 2Kgf(精度0.2%FS)荷重元最小读值 ---------- 0.01gf荷重元治具 -------------- Φ径2、4、6、8、10mm工业计算机一组(含屏幕、打印机)三、机台各部名称说明:3-1、测试机台:(A)荷重元固定座:此固定座是用来固定荷重元之用,固定时请注意荷重元之左右水平及前后水平,以避免因荷重元有一倾斜角度而影响试验的准确度。

富士s205说明书篇一:富士f75(f70)EXR说明书篇二:富士长焦机使用技巧保戬的资料富士长焦机使用技巧1、点测光怎么用, 点测光是从P档开始的手动档才有的测光方式,从AUTO开始的自动档没有。
2、什么是光圈优先与快门优先,分别在什么情况下用, 我们知道,佳能A系列有光圈优先与快门优先档,他们分别用在什么情况下呢, 光圈越大,则单位时间内通过的光线越多,反之则越少。
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富士s205说明书篇一:富士f75(f70)EXR说明书篇二:富士长焦机使用技巧保戬的资料富士长焦机使用技巧1、点测光怎么用, 点测光是从P档开始的手动档才有的测光方式,从AUTO开始的自动档没有。
2、什么是光圈优先与快门优先,分别在什么情况下用, 我们知道,佳能A系列有光圈优先与快门优先档,他们分别用在什么情况下呢, 光圈越大,则单位时间内通过的光线越多,反之则越少。
在拍摄风景这一类的照片时,我们往往采用较小的光圈,这样景深的范围比较广,第 1 页共 15 页保戬的资料可以使远处和近处的景物都清晰,同样这一点在拍摄夜景时也适用。
4、怎么拍好人像, 首先,要用到长焦,3--4倍的长焦非常适合拍人像,广角端会使得人像有些变形,不好看,超过4倍甚至更长焦会使得人脸过于扁平,不够生动。
6、曝光补偿怎么用,分别用在什么情况下, 按动+-键,就会出现曝光补偿调节条,左右键调整正负补偿及大小,一次1/3级。
曝光补偿怎么应用呢, 总起来讲,是白加黑减,白的环境下,测光有偏低的状况,需要增加,反之亦然。
第 2 页共 15 页保戬的资料a、拍摄环境比较昏暗,需要增加亮度,而闪光灯无法起作用时,可对曝光进行补偿,适当增加曝光量。
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b、充电电池套装 2200毫安、2300毫安,2500毫安都可以。
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