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1 —Have you moved into the new house?

—Not yet,the rooms _________________ (paint).

2. The new plan __________________ (discuss) now.

3. The whole city looks like a big construction site.Many new factories ____________ (build).

4. Look! The roads ____________ (wide n) now.

5. —The wi ndow is dirty.

—I know.It __________________ (not clean) for weeks.


are being pain ted

is being discussed

are being built

are being wide ned

hasn ' t been cleaned


1.1 was invited to the English party.

2. The life of Milu deer is being studied at prese nt.

3. He said that the work would be fini shed the n ext week.

4. These books are specially writte n for childre n.

5. The bridge was being repaired.

6.Some an imals are not being protected well eno ugh.

7. This class will have bee n taught by Miss Brow n for two years by n ext summer.

8. The English novel is being written by the author.

含有现在进行时的被动语态的句子: _______________

归纳:现在进行时的被动语态的构成为:_________________________ +

答案:2, 6, 8; am/is/are+being+过去分词

三、试着把下列含有现在进行时的句子改为被动语态例句:They are singing the song in the classroom.

—The song is being sung by them in the classroom.

1. The workers are repairi ng the bridge.

2. The stude nts are clea ning the classroom.

3. Their aunts are taki ng care of them.

4.0ne of the best stude nts is writ ing the report.

5.They are carry ing out an in teresti ng experime nt.

6. My father is painting our new house.

答案:The bridge is being repaired by the workers.

The classroom is being clea ned by the stude nts.

They are being take n care of by their aun ts.

The report is being written by one of the best students.

An interesting experiment is being carried out by them.

Our new house is being pain ted by my father.




在进行的动作。现在进行时的被动语态由“ is/am/are+bei ng及物动词的过去分词”构成。

下面以动词短语look after为例,列表说明现在进行时的被动语态的句式变化:



The books are printing.



The material feels soft.


I am feeling the material.





1) Looki ng at the beef _____________ (cook) on the stove,the mother pictured the whole family hav ing meals together.

2) 1 n many coun tries the con cept of exte nded producer resp on sibility ____________ (consider) or has been put in place as an incentive for reduc ing waste.

3) A nd it is not just rob ins that _________________ (keep) awake by artificial light.

4) Food supplies in the flood-stricken area ___________________ (run out).We must act immediately before there

s none left.

5) The new gen eratio n of computers,with artificial in tellige nee,

______________ (develop) and perfected now.
