



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十九课》(一)课文:1)课文:NIGHTINGALEFlorence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty. In her family, young girls usually spent their time going to parties until they married rich youngmen. But Florence found parties boring; she wanted to be a nurse. Finally, in 1850,when she was 30, her parents accepted her decision. So she went to study in ahospital in Germany. Then she was in charge of a nursing-home for women inLondon. Soon she was asked to go to the Crimea to take charge of the woundedsoldiers.The conditions in the Crimea hospital were terrible. Forty per cent of the patients died. Certain beds seemed fatal: soldiers died in them after two days.Nightingale decided that this was because of bad drains, and insisted that thegovernment do something about it. Workmen put in a proper drainage system andsupplied pure drinking water. The death rate dropped to two percent. On her returnto England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine. She was an importantforce in the movement to reform hospitals and nursing in England. By 1900 unsafehospitals and ignorant nurses were things of the past.2)译文:南丁格尔弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔出身于一个富裕的家庭,非常漂亮。



新概念115课课文摘要:1.对话背景及人物介绍2. Graham Turner 打电话给John Smith3.沟通误会及解决问题4.告知玛丽晚餐会晚到5.结束通话正文:【1】在一天晚上的某个时刻,Graham Turner 拿起电话,想要拨打一个久未联系的朋友约翰(John Smith)的电话。



【2】Graham 疑惑地问道:“Is that you, John?”(是你吗,约翰?)电话那头的John 听到这个问题,有些困惑。

他确认了一下电话显示的号码,回答说:“Yes, speaking”(是的,是我)。

【3】Graham 打电话给John 的目的是想告诉他,他们今晚一起共进晚餐的计划可能会晚一些。

于是他说:“Tell Mary we"ll be late fo r dinner this evening”(告诉玛丽,我们今晚的晚餐可能会晚到)。

然而,John 并没有立刻明白Graham 的意思,他回答说:“I"m afraid I don"t understand”(恐怕我不明白)。

【4】Graham 意识到John 可能没听懂他的话,于是他重新解释道:“I meant we"ll be late for dinner this evening, so you"d better tell her not to wait for us”(我的意思是,我们今晚的晚餐可能会晚到,你最好告诉玛丽别等我们)。

这次,John 明白了Graham 的意思,他表示感谢并答应转达这个消息。

【5】在告知玛丽晚餐会晚到的消息后,Graham 和John 结束了这次通话。





许国璋英语第一册课文、语法、对话文本第二课a pen pensa map mapsa pet petsa spade spadesa letter letters一支钢笔钢笔(复数)一张地图地图(复数)一只宠物宠物(复数)一把锹锹(复数)一封信信(复数)第三课This is a pen.Is this a pen?That is a pencil.Is that a pencil?This is a desk.Is this a desk?That is a table.Is that a table?This is a disc.Is this a disc?That is a tape.Is that a tape?这是一支钢笔。






那是一盘磁带吗?第四课Is this a pen?It is a green pen.It that a pencil? Yes, it is.It is a red pencil.Is this a desk?No, it isn't.It is a table.Is that a pick?No, it isn't.It is a spade.These are desks.Are these tables? No, they aren't.They are desks. Those are knives.Are those pencils? No, they aren't.They are knives.这是一支钢笔吗?是的。










新现西1册课后答案 第15课

新现西1册课后答案 第15课

第十五课UNIDAD 15I. 请跟随录音填充单词中空缺的字母(De acuerdo con la grabación, completelas palabras con las letras que faltan).(录音)estu dian te via jan colom bia no re cién mien trasexpe rien cia mi sión informa ción me dio pa cien ciacua tro cuán do cuen to cuen tan cui dadogua po len gua pe queño que dan quie roq uién al guien chi co Chi na ba chi lleratoprove cho so despa cho maña na bañar niñoscumple años dueño a llálla mas bote llaca lle e dad actuali dad reali dad facul tadha blante ham bre his pano ho la hom bres oy h oy m uy Lui s Méxi coe xa men ta xi ta xis ta s ed sa ludseguri dad sucie dad universid ad v ez v ozzo na za patoIV. 请听录音,注意其中有关课文内容的判断,然后模仿所给的斜体字例子,口头予以肯定或否定,并说出完整的正确看法(Escuche la siguiente grabación. En ella, hay proposiciones que guardan relación con el contenido del texto. Usando la expresión oral, confírme su corrección o corríjalas, para lo que debe seguir la pauta de los ejemplos en cursiva. Complete el ejercicio poniendo, junto a cada preposic ión, las palabras “correcta” o “incorrecta). profesora recién llegada se llama Verónica Fernández. profesora, aunque recién llegada a Beijing, ya conoce bastante bien la ciudad.3.Lo que le ha sorprendido especialmente es la modernidad de la ciudad.4.Verónica Hernández conoce mucho el tema de la enseñanza del español comosegunda lengua.5.Verónica Hernández tiene mucho interés por mejorar el poco chino que sabe.6.Verónica Hernández está preocupada de trabajar en un país diferente al suyo.7.Verónica Hernández habla, además del español, francés y un poco de chino.8.Verónica Hernández va a dar clases de culturas precolombinas de Hispanoamérica,como la inca, la maya y la azteca.9.No es necesario que los alumnos conozcan, además de la lengua española, otrostemas relacionados con el mundo hispanohablante.10.Los profesores y alumnos de la Facultad de español reciben a la nueva profesoracon mucho cariño.11.El profesor recién llegado se llama José González. Es colombiano.12.Liu Yang ya lleva varios años estudiando español.13.Liu Yang y sus compañeros ya pueden hablar normalmente en español con elprofesores hispanohablante.14. A Liu Yang le interesa mucho recibir clases de un profesor hispanohablante.15. El profesor José González piensa hablar con el decano para que no le asigne eldictado de clases (授课)en el primer curso.16. JoséGonzález quiere plantear este problema al decano porque le parece muydifícil enseñar a alumnos que no saben nada de español.17. Liu Yang no se va a poner nervioso frente(面对) al profesor González, en la clase,porque ya lo conoce.18. El profesor colombiano está dispuesto a invitar a sus alumnos a su casa los finesde semanas para que ellos practique el español con élClave1.Incorrecta. La profesora recién llegada se llama Verónica Hernández.2.Incorrecta. Recién llegada a Beijing, la profesora solo conoce algunos aspectos dela ciudad.3.Correcta. Lo que le ha sorprendido especialmente a Verónica Hernández es lamodernidad de la ciudad.4.Correcta. Verónica Hernández es especialista en la enseñanza del español comosegunda lengua.5. Correcta. Por eso Verónica Hernández piensa salir a la calle y hablar con la gente.6. Incorrecta. Verónica Hernández está alegre de tener un primer contacto docentecon un medio cultural diferente.7. Correcta. Verónica Hernández, domina bastante bien una lengua extranjera, elfrancés y un poco de chino.8. Incorrecta. Ella solo va a hablar en clase sobre algunos temas de Historia deAmérica Latina, porque conoce bastante bien las culturas precolombinas.9. Incorrecta. No solo es necesario que los alumnos estudien la lengua española,sino que también adquieran otros conocimientos relacionados con el mundo hispanohablante.10. Correcta. Los profesores y alumnos de la Facultad de español reciben a la nuevaprofesora con los brazos abiertos.11. C orrecta. El profesor que acaba de llegar se llama José González. Es colombiano.12. Incorrecta. Liu Yang solo lleva un semestre estudiando español.13. Incorrecta. Liu Yang y sus compañeros son todavía estudiantes del primer curso.Solo saben decir muy pocas cosas en español.14. Correcta. A Liu Yang le interesa mucho que un profesor hispanohablante le déclases. Cree que puede ser una experiencia fascinante.15. Incorrecta. José González tiene mucho interés en enseñar a los estudiantes delprimer curso.16. Incorrecta. Al contrario (正相反), piensa que puede ser una experienciaenriquecedora ver cómo se aprende el español desde el comienzo.17. Correcta. Es verdad: ya lo conoce un poco. Sabe, por eso, que no se va a ponernervioso. .18. Correcta. El interés que tiene el profesor colombiano en enseñar español a susalumnos chinos es muy grande. Eso se ve en la amabilidad que tiene de invitarlosa su casa para que practiquen hablando con él.V. 请用下列各组单词造句, 注意应有的形态变化,并增添所需的小品词,然后译成汉语(Forme oraciones con las series numeradas de palabras cambiando lo que haya que cambiar y agregándolas partículas necesarias. Luego, tradúzcalas al chino):1.Es imposible aprender una lengua extranjera sin practicarla.Es imposible que aprendáis una lengua extranjera sin practicarla.2.Es mejor pronunciar el discurso en españolEs mejor que pronuncies el discurso en español3.Es provechoso conocer medios culturales diferentes.Es provechoso que conozcamos medios culturales diferentes.4.Está bien asignar a la profesora García al segundo curso.Está bien que el decano asigne a la profesora García al segundo curso.5.No está mal hablar un poco de tu experiencia docente.No está mal que hables un poco de tu experiencia docente.6.Los libros son importantes pero, para conocer de cerca la cultura de un país, esnecesario vivir en él.Los libros son importantes pero, para conocer de cerca la cultura de un país, es necesario que vivamos en él7. Es importante organizar cursos de verano para estudiantes extranjeros.Es importante que organicéis cursos de verano para estudiantes extranjeros.8. Es útil tener estas informaciones profesionalesEs útil que ustedes tengan estas informaciones profesionales.9. Está bien encargar esa misión a Dolores.Está bien que encargues esa misión a Dolores.10. Es difícil encontrar al decano en su oficina.Es difícil que encontremos al decano en su oficina.VI. 请将括号中的动词变为适当的人称和时态。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十三课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:A DAY AT COLLEGEWang Qing gets up very early. He dresses, washes, and goes out to do exercises in the fresh morning air. Then he has breakfast.For most of the morning he attends lectures or practices his English. After class hereads in the library or reviews his lessons.Lunch is at twelve. After lunch Wang Qing takes a nap. In the afternoon he doeshis homework and reads the newspaper. Then he has an hour for sports. He runsround the track or plays ball games.After supper he often goes for a walk in the college gardens. Sometimes he listensto the English broadcast. He goes to bed at half past ten.2)新单词:3)课文译文:校园一日王清起得很早。









综合英语一上册第十五课lessonfifteenLesson FifteenUnreality of TvUnreality 不真实(性)Reality 现实Violence 暴力Present 显示,展现;描述Show 节目,表演Television show 电视节目Show 上演(戏剧等),放映(电影等)Park 停放(车子等)Very 真正地,完全地Back 使倒退,使后退;倒退,后退Available 可得到的,可利用的,现成的Block 街区,建筑群Distorted 被歪曲的,被曲解的Doorman 门卫Screen 荧屏,屏幕Nonsense 胡说八道,废话;无意义的话或行为Rain-swept 大雨滂沱的Gangster 匪徒,歹徒Kid (口语)小孩;年轻人Bandage 用绷带包扎Defend 为……辩护Defendant 被告Innocent 无罪的,无辜的Plead (法律)辩解Guilty 有罪的,内疚的D.A. 地方检察官Harm 损害,伤害Harmful 有害的Advertisement 广告Mouthwash 漱口剂,洗口药Mate 伴侣Useful ExpressionsNot….but.. 不是……,而是Not only … but (also) 不但……而且Cite an example 引用一个例子,举例On the first try 第一次尝试Think of 考虑,想想,想到,想起Grow up 长大,成长Get into trouble 陷入困境,招惹麻烦Keep up with 赶上,跟上Be innocent of 没犯……罪Make a deal (with) 做交易,达成协议Cannot afford sth./ to do 没有足够的(钱,时间)做……Do harm/good to 对……有害(或益)Lead sb. (on) to do 影响某人使其做某事Advertisements often lead people (on) to buy things they don’t need.Had better (do) 应该做某事;最好做某事You’d better go and see a doctor right now.You’d better not tell him about it.What …is /looks like ……是何物,……是什么样子My grandfather never knew what a violin looked likeTell me what your home village is like.Pay…down/ pay down 付押金;付定金;即刻支付They can buy the car by paying 10% down and the rest within two years.Translate1)他第一次尝试就成功了He succeeded on the very first try.2)我非常想念你,时常想起你I miss you very much and always think of you.3)你若在违反法律,你会惹出大麻烦的.If you break the law again, you will get into trouble.4)在国外,他们每天读报来跟上国内形势.5)大家都认为他没有犯谋杀罪.Everyone thought that he was innocent of the murder.6)这两家公司在经过长时间的讨论后达成了协议.Having discussed for a long time, the two companies madea deal.7)在那个村庄现在还有人买不起电视机.In that village, there are still s ome people who can’t afford to buy TV sets.8)躺在床上看书对你的眼睛是有害的.Reading on the bed will do harm of your eyes.9)你最好举出一个例子来证明你的观点.You had better cite a example to prove your viewpoint.10)一个国家的问题往往对全球产生巨大的影响.A problem in one country usually leads to a great effect on the world.11)那年他不仅给家乡修建了一所学校,.That year he not only built a school for his hometown, but also to the people of a flooded area.12)消费者常常受误导,结果买的东西往往超过所需.Consumers are often misled to buy things they don’t need.21)我们都叫他弗兰克.All of us call him Frank2)他证明自己是一个好司机.He has proved himself a good driver.3)学生们认为他是一个好老师.The students consider ed him a good teacher.Questions on the text1)What study did Dr. Applebaum complete recently?Recently he completed a study on the effects of television on children.2)According to him what is the greatest danger of television?The greatest danger of television is that it presents a world to children that doesn’t exist, and leads them to expect things that never happen.3)What was the first example he gave to show that TV presented a distorte d picture of theworld?The first example is that we have never seen a television show where a person in a car doesn’t immediately find a parking place on the very first try.4)It is easy to get a taxi driver in real life, isn’t it? What about the situation on the screen?No, it isn’t.Whenever a person walks out of a restaurant or office building and says to the doorman, ‘get me a taxi’ the taxi immediately arrives.5)Have you ever told a taxi driver to follow a car? Do a lot of people do so? What do we find onthe screen?No, I haven’tNo, they don’tOn TV every taxi driver looks as if he had nothing better to do than to drive 90 miles an hour through rain_swept street trying to keep up with a carful of gangsters.6)What picture do children get about emergency wards on TV?Kids have a false sense of what emergency wards of hospitals are really like. On TV it shows they take a kid to an emergency ward and four doctors come rushing down to bandage his leg. There always happens to be a hospital bed available when a kid needs it.7)What lies does TV tell about lawyers? What is the situation like in real life?On the screen the lawyer spends day and night looking for evidence to prove the person is innocent.In real life th e lawyer would stay he can’t afford to find that time out.8)Which is doing more harm to children according to Dr. Applebaum, the violence on the screenor the unreality?9)Advertisements give a distorted picture of the real world, too, don’t they? Can you give anexample?Yes, they do.Children are led to believe that when they grow up if they use a certain mouthwash they’ll find the mate of their dreams.10)Do our TV programs have the same problem?No, sometimes they are different.11)In what way are they different from American TVprogrammes?Educational programs for children are different, for they are instructive.12)Do you think TV is doing more harm than good or more good than harm to children?I think it is doing more good than harm.。

新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 15-1 At the Customs 在海关(1)

新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 15-1 At the Customs 在海关(1)

新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 15-1 At theCustoms 在海关(1)经典对话 (A=Clerk B=Lin Hao)A:Hello. Kennedy International Airport. Good morning! May I help you?A:你好。


早上好!请问需要什么协助?B:Hello! I'd like to book a flight to London on April 9th.Is there a flight at11:00 a. m. ?B:您好!我想预订4月9号到伦敦的机票。

请问上午11点有航班吗?A:One second, please. I'll have a look at the time tablefor you. Sorry, that non-stop flight you want is fully booked,but you can catch a UA Flight UA-1699 via Paris at 9:00 a.m.A:请稍等,我为您查一下时刻表。



B:To have a stopover in Paris before getting to London, right?B:是不是到伦敦之前,在巴黎停留一下?A:That's right,sir. But you won't have to change planes.A:是的,先生。


B:Okay. Flight UA-1699 will be fine.B:好吧。


A:Do you want to travel first class or economy class?A:头等舱还是经济舱?B:Economy class.B:经济舱。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十六课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:SUNDAY IN THE PARKIt is Sunday. There are hundreds and hundreds of people in the park. Some are walking by the lake. Others are sitting on the benches and chatting. Over there,under a huge pine tree, a group of boys and girls are playing games. Nearby, aninteresting game of chess is going on between two old men. Some people arewatching.Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine.Their grandchildren are playing on the grass. Not far off, some students are singingand dancing.It is Sunday in the park. Everybody is having a good time after a week of work and study.2)译文:服务中心瞧这家服务中心,大伙儿多忙呀!中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。




3)课堂笔记:1.表示很多:(注意要加S)Hundreds and hundreds of 成百的Hundreds and thousands of 成百上千Millions of成千上万2.Over there表示有一定距离Look at the building over there.Come over here. (到这儿来)。



新概念英语第一册第115Lesson 115Knock, knock!敲敲门! Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does Jim have to drink?听录音,然后回答问题。

吉姆只能喝什么饮料?Helen: Isn t there anyone at home?海伦:家里没有人吗?Jim: I ll knock again, Helen. Everything s very quiet. I m sure there s no one at home.吉姆:海伦,我再敲一次。


Helen: But that s impossible. Karol and Tom invited us to lunch. Look through the window.海伦:但这是不可能的。



Helen: Can you see anything?海伦:你能看见什么吗?Jim: Nothing at all.吉姆:什么也看不见。

Helen: Let s try the back door.海伦:让我们到后门去试试。

Jim: Look! Everyone s in the garden.吉姆:瞧!大家都在花园里。

Pat: Hello, Helen. Hello, Jim.卡罗尔:你好,海伦。


Tom: Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. It s nice and warm out here.汤姆:大家都想在花园里吃午饭。


Karol: Come and have something to drink.卡罗尔:来喝点什么。

Jim: Thanks, Karol . May I have a glass of beer please?汤姆:谢谢,卡罗尔。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第二十课》(一)课文:1)课文:LADY GODIVAGodiva was the beautiful wife of the Lord of Coventry. She lived in the eleventh century.According to an old legend, the Lord taxed the people of Coventry heavily and unjustly.If they did not pay those cruel taxes, they were thrown into prison.Lady Godiva asked her husband to have mercy on the people, but her stony-hearted husband showed no pity. Again and again she asked him to be merciful until at last, he answered jokingly.”I will do what you ask only if you will ride naked through the streets of Coventry at noon.”Lady Godiva rode naked through the empty streets of Coventry the next day. Every door was closed and every window was shuttered. The Lord kept his promise, and lightened the burden of taxes that he laid upon the citizens.Only one man ,a tailor had watched Lady Godiva as she rode through the streets. He cuta small hole in the door of his house, and peeped through this hole. The legend says that hebecome blind, and he has been known ever since as Peeping Tom.2)译文:戈黛娃夫人戈黛娃夫人是考文垂勋爵的美丽妻子。


tourists:“t”+“s”念[ʦ] 。
No,we are not.
too可以用于肯定句和疑问句中, 但不可用于否定句中。
Yes, they are. No, they are not.
8. Are your friends tourists too ?
That's OK. 好了。
tourist ['tuərist ] n. 旅游者,观光者
Dutch ['dʌtʃ ] these [ ð i:z ] a. 荷兰的/n. 荷兰人(Holland) 这些
customs [‘kʌstəmz] n.海关 officer ['ɒfɪsə] n.官员
girl ̸ 'gəːl ̸
1.名词分为:可数名 词和不可数名词。
可数名词 不可数名词
注 意 带 眼 睛 来!
pen book umbrella
tea water coffee
2.可数名词有:单数形 式 和复数形式。
注 意 带 1).单数形式:数量为一的事物。 心 哦! a pen a book an umbrella 2).复数形式:数量为两以上的事物。 pens books umbrellas
3. They are Norwegian.
Norwegian 挪威人 Norway 挪威
4. Your passports, please.
pass+port=passport 护照



新概念英语第一册第15、16课练习Name: ____________Date:_________ Mark: ________ Full mark :_______ I.将a或an填入空内: (语法部分)1)_____ elephant(大象)is a very strong(强壮) animal.2)New York (纽约) is _______ large city.3)John wants to be _______ engineer.4)China is ______ very large country(国家).5)I shall (将) be back in ______ hour. 6)Is there ______ hospital (医院)in this town?7)Everyone respects (尊敬) ____ teacher.8)We stay at _______ hotel in the city.9)_____ big dog runs out of the gate.10)We shall come if we get_____ opportunity(机会)II.填上适当的人称代词:(练习部分)1)My father is 55 years old. _____ is a teacher.2)This is my new shirt. I like ______ very much.3)Whose books are these? _______ are my books.4)Mr. ford is our teacher. ______ teaches _____ English.5)Mr. smith, can I have a talk with ______?6)Where is my pen? _______ is on the desk.7)I love my parents(父母) _______ are teachers.8)My daughter is a pretty girl. Everyone likes ______ very much.9)Get up! ______ is 8o’clock now.10)Whose shirt is this? _______ is mine.III.写出下列人称代词相应的主格或宾格:主格:______ you they ______ it _____ we宾格:me _______ ______ him ____ they ______IV.用am, is, are填空:1)_____ he your brother? Yes, he _____. His name _____ Alan.2)Excuse me. _______ your name smith? No. it _____ not. I _____ am John White.3)We _____ students. Mr. Black ______ our teacher.4)John and Tom _______ good friends. They _____ both(两者)Spanish.5)Miss Dupont ____ a nurse. She ____ Mr. and Mrs. Dupont’s daughter. They ___ French.6)What colour _ your umbrellas? My umbrella ___ red and my sons’ umbrellas ___ black.7)What _______ your jobs? We ________ air- hostesses.8)Which _______ your pencils? ______these your pencils?9)Whose ______ these cases? _______ they Mr. Blacj’s?10)_____ these your ties? No. they _______ not. My ties _______ orange.。

新概念英语第一册第15-16课Your passport,please

新概念英语第一册第15-16课Your passport,please

新概念英语第一册第15-16课:Y ourpassport,please.Lesson 15 Your passports, please.请出示你们的护照。

Listen to the tape then answer this question. Is there a problem with the Customs officer?听录音,然后回答问题。

海关官员有什么疑问吗?CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you Swedish?海关官员:你们是瑞典人吗?GIRLS: No, we are not.We are Danish.姑娘们:不,我们不是瑞典人。


CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends Danish, too?海关官员:你们的朋友也是丹麦人吗?GIRLS: No, they aren't.They are Norwegian.姑娘们:不,他们不是丹麦人。


CUSTOMS OFFICER: Your passports, please.海关官员:请出示们的护照。

GIRLS: Here they are.姑娘们:给您。

CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are these your cases?海关官员:这些是你们的箱子吗?GIRLS: No, they aren't.姑娘们:不,不是。

GIRLS: Our cases are brown.Here they are.姑娘们:我们的箱子是棕色的。


CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are you tourists?海关官员:你们是来旅游的吗?GIRLS: Yes, we are.姑娘们:是的,我们是来旅游的。

CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are your friends tourists too? 海关官员:你们的朋友也是来旅游的吗?GIRLS: Yes, they are.姑娘们:是的,他们也是。



新概念英语第一册课后答案Lesson115~120新概念英语第一册课后答案Lesson115~120【导语】为了方便同学们的学习,为您精心整理了“新概念英语第一册课后答案Lesson115~120”,希望有了这些内容的帮助,可以为大家学习新概念英语提供帮助!如果您想要了解更多新概念英语的相关内容,就请关注吧!新概念英语第一册课后答案Lesson115~116A1 I did nothing.2 I saw no one.3 I went nowhere.4 I met nobody.B1 No, I didn’t hear anything. I heard nothing.2 No, I didn’t speak to anyone, I spoke to nobody.3 No, I didn’t go anywhere. I went nowhere.4 No, I didn’t buy anything. I bought nothin g.5 No, I didn’t write to anybody. I wrote to nobody.6 No, I didn’t meet anyone. I met no one.C1 Everyone’s looking out of the window.2 Everyone’s hurrying to work.3 Everyone’s eating.4 Everyone’s drinking lemonade.D1 No, I haven’t got anything to eat. I’ve got nothing to eat. He’s got something to eat.2 No, I haven’t got anything to do. I’ve got nothing to do. They’ve got something to do.3 No, I haven’t got anything to drink. I’ve got nothing to drink. She’s got something to drink.4 No, I haven’t got anything to read. I’ve got nothing to read. He’s got something to read.新概念英语第一册课后答案Lesson117~118A1 He knocked at the door when I was answering the phone.2 He came downstairs when I was having breakfast.3 The phone rang when I was washing the dishes.4 The boss arrived when she was typing a letter.5 The train left when I was buying the tickets.6 It rained heavily when I was driving to London.B1 When he arrived I was cooking a meal.2 When he arrived I was washing the dishes.3 When he arrived I was working in the garden.4 When he arrived I was typing letters.5 When he arrived I was shaving.6 When he arrived I was boiling the milk.7 When he arrived I was phoning my sister.8 When he arrived I was dusting the bedroom.C1 While I was cooking the dinner, he was having a wash.2 While I was cooking the dinner, he was watching television.3 While I was cooking the dinner, he was cleaning his shoes.4 While I was cooking the dinner, he was listening to the radio.5 While I was cooking the dinner, he was changing his suit.6 While I was cooking the dinner, he was sitting in the dining room.7 While I was cooking the dinner, he was reading the paper.8 While I was cooking the dinner, he was driving home from work.新概念英语第一册课后答案Lesson119~120A1 He dropped the vase after he had taken it into the living room.2 He bought another car after he had sold his old one.3 He swept the floor after he had dusted everything.4 She drank the milk after she had boiled it.5 He turned off the television after he had seen the programme.6 He went to bed after he had done his homework.B1 Yes, I have just seen it. I had never seen it before.2 Yes, I have just read it. I had never read it before.3 Yes, I have just tried it. I had never tried it before.4 Yes, I have just been there. I had never been there before.5 Yes, I have just written a letter in English. I had never writtena letter in English before.6 Yes, I have just watched this programme. I had never watched this programme before.C1 It was too late. He had already painted it.2 It was too late. She had already dusted it.3 It was too late. You had already telephoned him.4 It was too late. You had already corrected it.5 It was too late. They had already shut it.6 It was too late. She had already made it.D1 I went to the doctor after I had made an appointment.2 The boss left the office after he had finished work.3 My wife went out after she had finished the housework.4 My teacher gave me my exercise book after he had corrected it.5 My sister went on holiday after she had taken the examination.6 I bought a new car after I had sold my old one.上一页下一页。

许国璋英语1 Lesson15课件

许国璋英语1 Lesson15课件
Lesson Fifteen
A Service Centre Dialogue On the School Farm Grammar 1. 现在进行时 2. 现在分词的构成法 3. “be going+动词不定式”的用 法 Phonetics 意群和停顿
on the right 是表示位置的习惯短语。“在左边”的英语是on the left。 本句 show是及物动词,后面跟两个宾语,一个直接宾语,一个 间接宾语。其句型是show somebody something (给某人看某物)。 同类的结构有: Tell me (间接宾语) your name (直接宾语). Give that boy (间接宾语) something (直接宾语) to read. some soap直译成汉语是“一些肥皂”。柜台上放着确实不止 一块肥皂。但也不必说明一定是多少块, 因此some soap是恰当 的,虽然“一些肥皂”在汉语里有些别扭。 有些名词,如soap, paper, news (消息)等,是不可数名词,这 种名词前面不能加 a, 也没有复数形式。如果要表示“一些”, 可以用some, any 等词,例如: Have you any paper? Yes, I have some. 如果要表示“一块”“一张”等,须用特别的说法,例如: a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a piece of paper 一张纸

The workers at the service centre help their neighbours in many ways. 介词短语in many ways 在句中作状语,修饰help, 意思是“在很多方面”。 They play an important part in people’s life. play an important part (role) in 在……方面起到重 要作用,在……中扮演重要角色 例如: The computer is playing a very important part in modern society. 在现代社会中计算机正在发挥重要的 作用。 She is going to play a role in that film. 她将在那部 影片中扮演一个角色。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十六课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:SUNDAY IN THE PARKIt is Sunday. There are hundreds and hundreds of people in the park. Some are walking by the lake. Others are sitting on the benches and chatting. Over there,under a huge pine tree, a group of boys and girls are playing games. Nearby, aninteresting game of chess is going on between two old men. Some people arewatching.Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine.Their grandchildren are playing on the grass. Not far off, some students are singingand dancing.It is Sunday in the park. Everybody is having a good time after a week of work and study.2)译文:服务中心瞧这家服务中心,大伙儿多忙呀!中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。




3)课堂笔记:1.表示很多:(注意要加S)Hundreds and hundreds of 成百的Hundreds and thousands of 成百上千Millions of成千上万2.Over there表示有一定距离Look at the building over there.Come over here. (到这儿来)。



许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第二十四课》(一)课文:1)课文:INSPECTOR HORNBERG VISITS A SCHOOLThe classroom was very quiet. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall. But not one pair of eyes stayed from the history books whichtwenty-five little girls were studying so earnestly.This was the year 1877, and the school was in Warsaw, Poland. A large part of Poland had been conquered by Russia. The Russia Tsar would not allow Polishchildren to study the history of their own country or even their own language. Buthere the teacher and her pupils were doing just that, although the Russians hadspies everywhere in Warsaw.Among the children was Manya Sklodovska. She was a very bright pupil. She was deep in the book she was reading. Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell.Manya listened fearfully. Was it the signal? Yes! Two long rings, two short rings.Every head came up. Quick hands grabbed all the Polish history books off the desks, and hid them away. The girls swiftly took sewing materials from their desks.They began to embroider little squares of cloth.The outer door opened. There stood Inspector Hornberg.Hornberg had been put in charge by the Russians of the private schools of Warsaw. He was a heavy man in a tight-fitting yellow and blue uniform. With himwas Mademoiselle Sikorska, the head of the school.“ We have tow sewing classes a week, Mr. Inspector.” explained Mademoiselle Tupalska, the teacher “ I read to the children while they work.”“And what have you been reading to your pupils, Mademoiselle?”inspector Hornberg demanded.She held up her book “ Russian fairy tales.” She said.The inspector gave a grunt of approval. “Now,”he said, “I should like to question one of your pupils.”“Manya Sklodovska, please stand up.” The teacher said quietly.Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble.“Recite the Lord’s Prayer in Russian.” Inspector Hornberg ordered.Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings.“Now name the members of the Imperial Russian Family.”Manya gave the names.“now tell me.” Hornberg demanded, “ who is our ruler?”Manya’s face went pale. She opened her mouth, but the words would not come.“So, my little Polish patriot, you do not wish to tell me who rules over us.” the Russian inspector said. “answer me!”“His Majesty AlexanderⅡ, Tsar of All the Russia,” she said. But her voice was trembling.“That’s more like it,”Hornberg rose from his chair. “Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes.”“Certainly, Mr. Inspector, “ Mademoiselle Sikorska answered.When the door had closed upon them, the schoolgirls began to stir. Without a word, the teacher put her arms around Manya and kissed her. Manya was in tears.2)译文:霍恩伯格督学查看学校教室里鸦雀无声。

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许国璋电视英语教学第一册《第十五课》(一)课文:1)课文原文:A SERVICE CENTERLook at this service center. How busy everybody is!The man in the middle is mending shoes. At a counter on the right, a woman isshowing an old man a towel and some soap. We see a girl at the door. She is going tohousework for the families in neighborhood.Two women are sewing by the window. One of them is making a shirt and theother is making a pair of trousers.The workers at the service center help their neighbor in many ways. They play an important part in people’s life.(二)DIALGUE:(对话)1)原文:IN THE COMPUTER ROOM-Is this your school computer room? Who are these people?-They are students of the Russian department.-What are they doing?-They are learning to use computers.-Do you often work her?-Yes ,we work here once a week. We are all keen to learn modem techniques.(三)新单词:(四)译文:1)课文译文:服务中心瞧这家服务中心,大伙儿多忙呀!中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。








(五)EXERCISES:1)回答问题:1.There are many people in the picture, aren’t there? How many people are therein it ?Yes, there are. There are six people in it.2.Who are these people? Are they very busy?They are worker of service center and customer. They are very busy.3.Who is sitting in the middle? What is he doing?The man is sitting in the middle. He is mending shoes.4.What do you see on the right? What is the woman doing?I see a women and an old man. The woman is showing an old man a towel andsome soap.5.Is there anyone near the door? Is she going out ? what is she going to do ?There is a girl near the door. She is going out to do homework for the families inthe neighborhood.6.What are the women doing by the window?They are sewing.7.How do the comrades at the service center help their neighbors?The works in the service center help their neighbors in many ways.8.They play an important part in socialist construction, don’t they?Yes, they do .9.Do you often do physical labor?Yes, I do.10.Where do you usually work?We usually work In the farm.11.Is there any farm in your college? What do you usually do in farm?Yes, there is . we usually after class go to the farm work.12.Do you sometimes work in a factory? In what factory do you work?Yes, I do. My job is to mend the machine.13.Are you all active in physical labor?Yes, we are .2)写出下列音词现在进行时和第三人称3)中译英:4)用下面词造句,再变为疑问句和否定句:1.Write (a letter, a slogan, a report, etc.)The girl is writing a letter.Is the girl writing a letter?Who is writing a letter?2.Do (an exercise, homework, morning exercises, etc .)3.Have (breakfast, a meeting, a rest, etc.)4.Make (a plan, supper, a pair of shoes, etc.)5)就划线部份提问:1.The girls are washing their clothes in the washroom.What are the girls doing in the washroom?Where are the girls washing their clothes?2.The students are having a meeting in Room 201.Who are having a meeting in Room 201?Where are the students having a meeting?3.They are going to work in the Machine –Building Plant on Tuesday after noon.Where are they going to work?When are they going to work in the Machine-Building?4.The peasant are going to plant cabbages next week.Who are going to plant cabbages next week?When are the peasant going to plant cabbages?5.She is going to help Wu Ming to review her grammar this evening.What is she going to do?What is she going to help Wu Ming?When is she going to help Wu Ming to review her grammar?6)用所给词汇仿照例句谈话。

-Is Comrade Wang reviewing her lessons?-No, she isn’t.-What is she doing?-She is doing her grammar exercises.-Are you going to review your lessons this afternoon?-No, I’m not.-What are you going to do ?-I’m going to do some grammar exercises.7)中译英:1.团支书在准备功课吗?-不,他在帮助王清订学习计划。

Is League Secretary preparing his lessons?No, he isn’t. He is helping Wang Qing make a study plan.2.四班同学在哪里?-在教室里,在开会。

Where is there students of Class Four?They is meeting in classroom.3.他们在上什么课?- 他们在上党史课,他们每次星期四下午上党史课。

What are they attending class?They are attending the history of Communist Party of Chinese. Every timeThursday they will have.4.房里有两个小女孩,一个在看连环画(picture-book),别外一个在做一朵纸花。

There are two girls in the room, one of them is reading a picture-book, theother is make a flower of paper.5.请你把你们的新课本拿给我看看。

Please show me your new textbook.6.这儿有(here are )两张照片。



