
医学专业英语翻译及答案(供参考)Chapter 1Passage 1 Human BodyIn this passage you will learn:1. Classification of organ systems2. Structure and function of each organ system3. Associated medical termsTo understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc.了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。
Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article.解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。

Accurate understanding and expression of word meanings
While conveying the original meaning in English, it is also necessary to consider Chinese expression habits to make the translation more natural and fluent.
Improving the quality of medical services: Accurate medical English translation helps doctors accurately understand the latest medical technologies and research achievements abroad, thereby improving the quality of medical services.
The Transformation and Processing of Passive Sentences
Simplification of complex presence structures
Summary: There are some complex sentence structures in medical English that need to be simplified in order to improve the readability of the translation.
The combination of literal and free translation: Based on specific situations, combining literal and free translation methods can preserve the original form and accurately convey meaning.

第一单元1、干预intervention2、预测因素predictors3、极度疲惫burnout4、队列cohort5、主要结果评估指标main outcome measures6、线性回归linear regression7、随访follow-up8、基线base-line9、代表性样本representative sample10、工作时间的减少reduced working hours11、在。
范围内in dimensions of12、极度疲惫量表Maslach burnout inventory13、情绪性疲惫emotional exhaustion14、线性回归linear regression15、与。
独立相关be independently associated with 16、全日病假full time sick leave17、显著降低a considerable reduction18、工作时间的减少reduced working hours19、人格personality20、贡献(有助于)Contribute to 第二单元1、怀孕期pregnancy/gastation2、微营养素micronutrient3、出生体重birth weight4、分娩孕周duration of gastation5、血红蛋白haemoglobin6、随机双盲对照试验randomised double-blind controlled7、维生素vitamins8、矿物质mineral9、头围head circumference10、早产early preterm delivery11、剂量充足sufficient doses12、新生儿死亡率neonatal mortality13、孕妇pregnant women14、体重增加weight gain15、怀孕期duration of gestation16、推荐量recommended allowance17、自信区间confidence interval18、早产preterm delivery19、血红蛋白(浓度)水平haemoglobin concentration20、显著差异significant differences第三单元1、并发症complications2、安慰剂placebo3、荟萃分析meta-analysis4、发表状态publication status5、需治数number needed to treat6、提取数据date extraction7、喉部水肿laryngeal oedema8、副作用side effects9、不良事件adverse events10、亚组subgroup11、给药administration12、发生率incidence13、拔管extubation14、明显效果positive effect15、纳入跟排除inclusion and exclusion16、成年危重症患者critically ill adults17、疗程给药occurrence18、养生法、服法regimen19、发生率odds ratios20、再次给药subsequent21、胃肠外的、不经肠的、静脉使用parenteral22、复制品duplicate第四单元1、并发症outcomes2、肾结石renal stone3、血尿haematuria4、急性肾衰竭acute renal failure5、尿路阻梗urinary tract obstruction6、超声检查ultra sonography7、异常abnormality8、试剂reagent9、小儿科paediatrics10、断面的sectional11、服用exposure to12、放射诊断学diagnostic Radiology13、器官造影organ Imaging14、横断面调查方法cross sectional study15、肾结石renal stone16、确实存在confirmed17、可疑存在suspected of 18、试纸reagent strip19、患病率prevalence20、过高估计overestimate21、值得投入更多的经费cost effective22、进一步治疗specific treatment第五单元1、基于人群的病例对照研究population based case-control study2、高发地区area with high incident /high risk area3、平均摄入量mean volume consumed4、中等一致moderate agreement5、邻居对照者neighbourhood controls6、经组织学诊断的histologically proved cases7、比值比odds ratio8、中等一致moderate agreement9、高度一致strong agreement10、具有强相关性be strongly associated with 11、食管鳞状细胞癌oesophageal squamous cell carcinama12、比值比odds ratio13、具有强相关性be strongly associated with 14、温度低于at temperatures less than15、高度一致strong agreement16、队列研究cohort17、高发率high incidence18、经组织学诊断的histologically proved cases第六单元1、人口老龄化纵向研究Longitudinal Study of Ageing2、生物标记物biomarker3、基于全国人口横断面分析的研究cross sectional analisis of a national population based study4、认知减退cognitive cline5、痴呆危险性risk of demetia6、分层随机样本stratified random sample7、前瞻性设计prospective8、浓度concerntration9、一组神经心理测试a battery of neuropsychological tests10、认知损害cognitive impairment11、生物标记物biomarker12、唾液中的可替宁浓度salivary cotinine concentration 13、认知损害cognitive impairment14、横断面研究cross sectional analysis15、基于全国人口的研究national population based study 16、分层随机样本stratified random sample17、人口老龄化纵向研究Longitudinal Study of Ageing 18、一组神经心理测试a battery of neuropsychological tests19、国家层面、有代表性的前瞻性研究prospective nationally representative studies20、危险因素established risk factors第七单元1、诊断准确性diagnostic accuracy2、双变量回归bivariate regression3、评分最佳scored most favourably4、敏感性和特异性sensitivity and specificity5、低风险患者low risk patients6、连续门诊病例consecutive out patients7、荟萃分析meta-analysis8、预先定义的predfine9、静脉血栓栓塞venous thromboembolism10、诊断准确性diagnostic accuracy11、系统评价systematic review12、预先定义的predfine13、双变量回归bivariate regression14、敏感性和特异性sensitivity and specificity15、平均年龄为range in mean age16、评分最佳scored most favourably17、尤其、尤为值得注意notably第八单元1、冠脉综合征coronary syndrome2、射频血管内超声影像检查radiofrequency intravascular ultrasonography3、心脏停搏cardiac arrest4、心肌梗死myocardial infarction5、肇事病变culprit lesions6、进行性心绞痛progressive angina7、经皮冠状动脉介入术percutaneous coronary intervention8、血管造影cardiovascular angiography9、心因性死亡death from cardiac causes10、灰度超声影像gray-scale11、动脉粥样硬化斑块atherosclerosis plaque12、主要不良心血管事件major adverse cardiovascular events13、冠状动脉狭窄coronary-artery stenosis14、冠状综合征coronary syndrome15、经皮冠状动脉介入术percutaneous coronary intervention16、肇事病变culprit lesions17、灰度超声影像和射频血管内超声影像检查gray-scale and radiofrequency intravascular ultrasonography18、多变量的分析multivariate analysis19、斑块负担plaque burden20、进行性心绞痛progressive angina21、心因性死亡death fromcardiac causes22、心肌梗死myocardial infarction23、心脏停搏cardiac arrest 第九单元1、筛查screening2、抗乙型肝炎病毒核心抗原antibodies against hepatitis B3、窗口期window period4、人类免疫缺陷病毒human immunodeficiency virus5、随访样本follow-up sample6、接种vaccination7、亚临床感染subclinical infection8、未接种疫苗的献血者unvaccinated donor9、转归outcomes10、血清反应阴性的seronegative11、供血者blood donors12、优势病毒株dominant strain13、筛查screening14、临床上没有意义的转归clinically inconsequential outcomes15、三重检测single triplex assay16、血清学、生化学和分子特征serologic,biochemical,and molecular features17、窗口期window period18、随访样本follow-up sample19、乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原hepatitis B surface antigen20、血清转化seroconversion21、人类免疫缺陷病毒human immunodeficiency virus22、亚临床感染subclinical infection第十单元1、高密度脂蛋白high-densitylipoprotein2、重要决定因素significant determinants3、逆向转运reverse transport4、冠状动脉疾病coronary artery disease5、比值比odds ratio6、提供心血管保护provide cardiovascular protective7、强负相关性strong inverse association with 8、胆固醇流出cholesterol efflux capacity9、高胆固醇血症hypercholesterolemia10、孵化incubation11、高密度脂蛋白high-density lipoprotein12、心血管的cardiovascular13、胆固醇逆向转运reverse cholesterol transport14、假设hypothesize 15、巨噬细胞macrophage16、动脉粥样硬化负荷atherosclerotic burden17、胆固醇流出量cholesterol efflux capacity18、经验证的体外系统validated ex vivo system19、冠状动脉疾病coronary artery disease20、流出量进行量化quantified efflux capacity21、颈动脉内膜中层厚度carotid artery intima-media thickness22、重要决定因素significant determinants23、反比关系inverse relationship24、校正之前和之后before and after adjustment25、代谢综合征the metabolic syndrome26、高胆固醇血症hypercholesterolemia第十一单元1、协同护理管理coordiated care management2、糖尿病diabetes3、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇low-density lipoprotein cholesterl4、内科疾病medical disease5、控制不佳的糖尿病poorly controlled diabetes6、整合性医疗护理系统integrated health care system7、初级保健诊所primary care clinics8、单盲、随机、对照试验single-blind, randomizd, controlled trial9、糖化血红蛋白glycated hemoglobin10、收缩压systolic blood pressure 11、单盲、随机、对照试验single-blind, randomizd, controlled trial12、冠心病coronary heart disease13、协同护理管理coordiated care management14、整合性医疗护理系统integrated health care system 15、被随机分入were randomly assigned to16、常规护理组usual-care group17、干预组intervention group18、结合(同时发生的)simultaneous19、糖化血红蛋白glycated hemoglobin20、低密度脂蛋白low-density lipoprotein21、调整胰岛素adjustments of insulin22、抗抑郁药antidepressant medications23、生活质量较好better quality of life24、基于指南以患者为中心的管理guide-line-based,patient-centered management第十二单元1、。

Homework: translations The aftermath of a particular disease is called the sequela, a sequel. The permanent damage to the heart after rheumatic fever is an example of a sequela, as is the paralysis of polio. The sterility resulting from severe inflammation of the fallopian tubes is also a sequela.
Since then, much research has been directed towards pinpointing the changes in the human immune system due to infection, seeking ways of reversing these changes, or supplementing the compromised immune system to hold the infection in check.
infectious agent pathogenesis diagnosis prognosis autopsy heredity hemophilia syndrome
alcoholism anemia pregnancy delivery leukemia malnutrition hyperactive thyroid hyperthyroidism
Mongolism urinalysis physician surgeon remission relapse complication

一、概述1. 健康 - Health2. 医学 - Medicine3. 医生 - Doctor4. 护士 - Nurse5. 患者 - Patient6. 医院 - Hospital二、疾病和症状1. 流感 - Influenza2. 感冒 - Common cold3. 发烧 - Fever4. 头痛 - Headache5. 肚子痛 - Stomachache6. 咳嗽 - Cough7. 呕吐 - Vomiting8. 腹泻 - Diarrhea9. 癌症 - Cancer10. 高血压 - Hypertension11. 糖尿病 - Diabetes12. 心脏病 - Heart disease13. 中风 - Stroke14. 痴呆 - Dementia15. 骨折 - Fracture三、医疗设备和诊断工具1. 血压计 - Blood pressure monitor2. 脉搏氧饱和度仪 - Pulse oximeter3. 体温计 - Thermometer4. 心电图仪 - Electrocardiograph5. X光机 - X-ray machine6. 影像扫描 - Imaging scan7. 磁共振成像 - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)8. 超声波 - Ultrasound9. 血液检验 - Blood test10. 尿液检验 - Urine test11. 细菌培养 - Bacterial culture12. 细胞学检查 - Cytology examination四、药物和治疗方法1. 药物 - Medication2. 处方药 - Prescription medication3. 非处方药 - Over-the-counter medication4. 抗生素 - Antibiotics5. 止痛药 - Painkillers6. 抗炎药 - Anti-inflammatory drugs7. 抗癌药 - Anticancer drugs8. 输液 - Intravenous infusion9. 手术 - Surgery10. 放射治疗 - Radiation therapy11. 化疗 - Chemotherapy12. 康复治疗 - Rehabilitation therapy13. 康复医学 - Physical medicine14. 接种疫苗 - Vaccination五、常见医学科目和专业1. 内科 - Internal Medicine2. 外科 - Surgery3. 儿科 - Pediatrics4. 妇产科 - Obstetrics and Gynecology5. 眼科 - Ophthalmology6. 耳鼻喉科 - Otorhinolaryngology7. 心脏病学 - Cardiology8. 神经学 - Neurology9. 肿瘤学 - Oncology10. 神经外科 - Neurosurgery11. 康复医学 - Rehabilitation Medicine12. 放射科 - Radiology六、常见医学研究领域和技术1. 遗传学 - Genetics2. 免疫学 - Immunology3. 病理学 - Pathology4. 药理学 - Pharmacology5. 分子生物学 - Molecular Biology6. 细胞生物学 - Cell Biology7. 遗传工程 - Genetic Engineering8. 生物医学技术 - Biomedical Technology9. 生物材料 - Biomaterials10. 器官移植 - Organ Transplantation七、结语通过阅读本文,我们可以了解到医学领域中常用的医学专业英语翻译。

医学英语翻译试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "cardiology" refers to the study of which organ?A. HeartB. LiverC. KidneyD. Lung2. Which of the following is not a symptom of diabetes?A. Frequent urinationB. Excessive thirstC. Rapid weight lossD. Fever3. The medical abbreviation "IV" stands for:A. IntravenousB. IntramuscularC. IntraperitonealD. Intradermal4. What does the abbreviation "MRI" stand for in medical terms?A. Magnetic Resonance ImagingB. Maximum Respiratory IndexC. Multiple Respiratory InfectionsD. Medical Research Institute5. The term "anemia" is associated with a deficiency of whichsubstance in the blood?A. PlateletsB. Red blood cellsC. White blood cellsD. Plasma6. Which of the following is a common treatment for hypertension?A. AntibioticsB. AntihypertensivesC. AntiviralsD. Antihistamines7. The medical term "hyperglycemia" refers to:A. High blood sugarB. High blood pressureC. High cholesterolD. High blood calcium8. What is the medical term for the removal of the appendix?A. AppendectomyB. ColectomyC. HysterectomyD. Nephrectomy9. The abbreviation "AED" in medical settings stands for:A. Automated External DefibrillatorB. Advanced Emergency DoctorC. Acute Epileptic DisorderD. Acute Endocrine Dysfunction10. Which of the following is a type of cancer that affects the blood?A. MelanomaB. LeukemiaC. Lung cancerD. Breast cancer答案:1. A2. D3. A4. A5. B6. B7. A8. A9. A 10. B二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. The medical term for the surgical removal of the gallbladder is __________.2. The condition where the body cannot properly regulate body temperature is known as __________.3. A person with a medical condition that causes them to have an abnormally high level of lipids in the blood is said to have __________.4. The abbreviation "CT" in medical imaging stands for__________.5. The medical term for a condition characterized bydifficulty in breathing is __________.6. The study of the structure and function of the nervous system is known as __________.7. A common diagnostic tool used to visualize blood vesselsis __________.8. The medical term for the surgical removal of the prostate gland is __________.9. A condition characterized by the abnormal presence of air or gas in the tissues is called __________.10. The medical term for the surgical removal of the uterus is __________.答案:1. Cholecystectomy2. Dysregulation3. Hyperlipidemia4. Computed Tomography5. Dyspnea6. Neurology7. Angiography8. Prostatectomy9. Emphysema10. Hysterectomy三、翻译题(每题5分,共30分)1. 将下列医学术语从英文翻译成中文:- Hypertension: 高血压- Diabetes mellitus: 糖尿病- Asthma: 哮喘- Osteoporosis: 骨质疏松症2. 将下列医学术语从中文翻译成英文:- 冠心病: Coronary heart disease- 脑卒中: Stroke- 慢性阻塞性肺疾病: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)- 甲状腺功能亢进: Hyperthyroidism3. 翻译以下医学句子:- The patient is scheduled for a cardiac catheterizationnext week.病人下周安排进行心脏导管检查。

UNIT 11.Although the DNA in the nucleus of each cell contains all of the geneticinformation for all human traits, only a small number of genes are actually active in a particular cell. These active genes are the codes for the proteins necessary for the specific cell type.尽管每一个细胞核中的DNA都包含有人类特性的所有遗传信息,但实际上只有小数基因在特定细胞中有活性,这些活性基因是特有的细胞类型所必须的蛋白密码。
2.In facilitated diffusion, molecules move through a membrane from an area ofgreater concentration to an area of lesser concentration, but they need some help to do this.在易化扩散中,大分子经一层膜从高浓度区域向低浓度区域移动,但分子要完成这一工作需要某些帮助。
3.The cell membrane is selectively permeable, that is, certain substances arepermitted to pass through and others are not.细胞膜的渗透性是有选择性的,即某些物质允许通过,而其它物质则不行。
4.Filtration means that water and dissolved materials are forced through amembrane from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure.过滤是指水和已溶解物质经一层膜从高压区压送到低压区。

完整版)医学英语翻译题汇总1.___ the DNA in the nucleus of each cell。
only a small number of genes are actively expressed in specific cells。
These active genes code for the ___.2.Facilitated n ___ to an area of lower n。
but requires assistance to do so.3.___ to pass through while blocking others.4.___ from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure.1.所有不同类型的细胞正常发挥其功能是体内平衡的基础。
(Homeostasis is based on the normal ning of all different types of cells.)2.这两个国家在人口和地域方面存在巨大差异。
(Chromosomes consist of DNA and protein。
with DNA serving as the ___.)4.氧气从空气中扩散到血液中,然后在全身循环,而二氧化碳则从血液中扩散到空气中被排出体外。
(Oxygen diffuses from the air into the blood for ___ the body。
while carbon xide diffuses from the blood into the air for ___.)5.科学不断发现新的事实,进一步支持他的假设。
___.)1.During ventricular n。
blood is pushed against the flaps of the right and left AV valves。

临床医学英语翻译如下:F ①Fahrenheit scale ②fluorine ①华氏温标②氟 f-12 氟利昂12,二氯二氟甲烷fabric 编织物,织品face 面部,脸face cushion 面圈face guide 面导,面标face mask 面罩faceometer 面直径测量器face piece 面罩,面具facer 刮刀,锉face shield 护面罩facial line 面线felicities 设备,工具facing 假牙面,牙面facsimile ①影印本,摹写②仿真factitial 人造的,人工的factor 因素,要素,因子faculty ①能力,官能②学院,专科fadeometer 裉色计faeces 粪便Fahrenheit scale 华氏温标Fahrenheit thermometer 华氏温度计failure 衰竭fair ①博览会,(商品)交易会②相当的,完好的 false image 虚像,假象false suture 假缝falsification 伪造,曲解family 家族,家属,科(分类)fan 扇,通风机fan-shaped instruments table 扇形器械台fantascope 幻视器fantasy 幻想Farabeuf's saw 法腊布夫氏锯,活动叶锯farad 法拉(电容单位)faradic brush 感应电流刷faradic current therapy apparatus 静电治疗机 faradimeter 感应电流计faradipuncture 感应电针术faradization 感应电疗法faradization apparatus 感应电疗机far infrared 远红外线far infrared laser 远红外激光器farinometer 面粉谷胶测定器far sight 远视far ultraviolet rays 远紫外线fascia ①筋膜②绷带fasciagram 筋膜造影片fascial grafter 筋膜移植器fascial strip 筋膜带fascial stripper 筋膜剥离器fast chopper 快速斩波器,快速断路器fast direct current amplifier 快直流放大器fastener 持着器,固定器fast film 快速胶片fast neutron generator 快中子发生器fast neutron source 快中子放射源fast screen 短余辉荧光屏fat 脂肪,脂fat determination system 脂肪测量仪fatal 致命的,致死的fate 命运,结局fatigue indicator 人体疲劳指标器fatigue machine 疲劳试验机FDAFood and Drug Administration 美国卫生附食品药品管理局faucet ①水龙头,旋塞②插口faucial catheter 咽导管fax 传真,摹写,电视画面faxcasting 电视广播,传真广播faxNO. 传真器F.D.1.fluorescent densitometer 2.focal distance ①荧光密度计②焦距 Feferrum 铁feature ①特点,性能②零件,部件Februaryabbr. Feb. 二月fecal vase 粪便瓶feceometer 排粪测量器feces 粪便,渣滓FECG fetal electrocardiogram 胎儿心电图federal 联邦的,同盟的fee 手续费,费用,税feed ①喂,馈给②进刀feed-back 反馈,回授feed-back amplifier 反馈放大器feeder 喂食器feed pump 供水泵feed roller 进料滚FEEGfetal electroencephalogram 胎儿脑电图feeler ①探针,探测器②触角③厚薄规feeler gauge 千分垫fel 胆汁Felcki's instrument 费累基氏器(前列腺按摩器) felt 毛毡,毡垫圈female ①女性的②内孔的,有螺纹的③凹陷部分 female catheter 女用导尿管female die 阴模female irrigating catheter 妇用冲洗导尿管female metal catheter 女用金属导尿管female screw 螺母,螺帽female thread 阴螺纹,内螺纹female union 管子内接头female urethradilator 女性尿道扩张器female urine bag 女用尿袋femoral catheter 股骨导管femoral myelocavity file 股骨髓腔锉female urine bag 女用尿袋femoral catheter 股骨导管femoral myelocavity file 股骨髓腔锉femur 股骨,股femur driver 股骨头打入器femur extractor 股骨头拔出器fenestrated forceps 孔镊,孔钳fenestrated forceps blade 有孔钳页FEPfluorinated ethylene propylene 聚四氟乙稀,特氟隆 ferment 酶,酵素fermentation saccharimeter 发酵糖定量器fermentation saccharometer 发酵糖定量器fermentation tube 发酵管fermentor 发酵罐fermiumabbr. Fm 镄ferro- 低铁化合物,亚铁化合物ferrohemoglobin 血红蛋白ferromagnetic 磁性铁的ferrometer ①血铁测定器②铁磁计ferrule 金属加固环fertility 生育力FESforced dxpiratory spirogram 用力呼气呼吸图 fetal 胎儿的fetal electrocardiogramabbr. FE-CG 胎儿心电图 fetal electrocardiographabbr.FE-CG 胎儿心电图机 fetal head extractor 胎头取出器fetal heart beat detector 胎儿心搏探测器fetal heart beat transducer 胎儿心搏换能器fetal heart detector 胎儿心脏探测器fetal heart monitor 胎儿心脏监护仪fetal monitor 胎儿监护仪fetal monitoring system 胎儿监护系统fetal monitoring transducer 胎儿监护换能器fetalometry 胎儿测定法fetation 妊娠,受孕fetography 胎儿X 射线照像术fetoscope 胎儿镜fetus 胎儿fetus detector 胎儿探测器fetus extractor 胎儿取出器fever 发热,热fever thermometer 体温计FGSfiber gastroscope 纤维胃镜FHRfetal heart rate 胎儿心率fiber 纤维fiberbronchoscope 支气管纤维内窥镜fibercholedochoscope 胆道纤维内窥镜fibercolonoscope 结肠纤维镜fibercystoscope 膀胱纤维镜fiberduodenoscope 十二指肠纤维镜fiberesophagoscope 食管纤维镜fibergastrointestinalscope 胃肠纤维内窥镜fibergastroscope 胃纤维内窥镜fiberintestinalscope 肠纤维内窥镜fiber lamp 纤维导光灯fiber light cystoscope 纤维导光膀胱镜fiber light guide 纤维光导fiber light ophthalmoscope 纤维导光检眼镜fiber-optic bronchoscope 纤维光束支气管镜fiber-optic cystoscope 纤维光束膀胱镜fiber-optic dual-purpose gastrascope 纤维光束两用胃镜fiber-optic duodenoscope 纤维光束十二指肠镜fiber-optic endoscope 纤维光束内窥镜fiber-optic esophagoscope 纤维光束食管镜fiber-optic examining cystoscope 纤维光束检查用膀胱镜fiber-optic gastroscope 纤维光束胃镜fiber-optic photographing cystoscope 纤维光束摄影膀胱镜 fiber-optic photographing laparoscope 纤维光束摄影腹腔镜 fiber-optic resectoscope 纤维光束前列腺切除器fiber-optics 纤维光学fiber pipe 纤维管fiberscope 纤维(内窥)镜fiberscope disinfector 纤维内窥镜消毒器fiberscope with light guide 光导纤维镜fibre 纤维fibre board 纤维板fibre glass 玻璃纤维fibre laser 纤维激光器fibre optic endoscope 纤维光束内窥镜fibre optics 纤维光学fibrescope 纤维镜fibrin 纤维蛋白fibrinoscopy 纤维素检诊法fibrin sponge 纤维蛋白海绵fibrintimer 凝血时间测定仪(商器名)fidelity 保真度,精确度field 场,野外field ambulance 战地救护车field emission 场致发射field emission scanning electron microscope 场发射扫描电子显微镜 field glasses 野外用双筒望远镜field intensity indicator 场强仪field ion microscopeabbr.FIM 场致离子显微镜field lens 场透镜field-master 视野描绘器field potential 场位field scanning 场扫描field tourniquet 野战止血带figure abbr. fig. 图形,图像,数字filament 灯丝,丝极filamentous patch fabric 丝状心脏修补织品 fialar micrometer 螺旋测微计file ①锉②文件夹filiform bougie 丝状探条filigree 银丝网filing block 锉台filler ①充填器②填料filling 灌注,充填filling apparatus 灌注器,充填器filling tooth material 补牙材料film 胶片,软片film badge 胶片剂量仪film bin X 射线胶片储藏箱film carrier 暗盒film cartridge 放软片暗盒film clip 片夹film corner cutter 胶片切角器film cutter 裁片刀film dryer 胶片干燥箱film drying cabinet 胶片干燥柜film hangers 片夹,挂片架film illuminator 胶片映光器,胶片观察灯 film marker X 射线片标记字母film of low speed 慢速软片film of moderate speed 中速软片film processing machine 胶片洗片机film processor X 射线胶片洗片机film roll 胶卷film speed 胶卷感光速度film speed indicator 胶片感光度指示圈 film viewer 观片灯film viewing illuminator 观片灯film winding lever 卷片扳手filter ①滤器,滤片②滤色镜③滤波器 filter aid 助滤器filter apparatus 过滤器filter bag 滤袋filter bottle 滤瓶filter box 滤箱filter cake 滤饼filter candle 滤柱,滤棒filter capacitor 滤波电容器filter changer 滤色镜转换器filter disc 滤片filter flask 滤瓶filter funnel 过滤漏斗filtering flask 过滤瓶filter lens 滤光镜filter membrane 过滤膜,膜滤器 filter pad 滤垫filter paper 滤纸filter plate 滤板filter press 压滤机,压滤器filter pump 过滤泵filter selector 滤波选择器filter sterilizer 过滤消毒器 filter tank 过滤槽filter tube 过滤管filtrable 可滤过的filtrate 滤液感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

医学英语文章带翻译医学英语文章带翻译1椎间盘突出Unit 2 Text A Herniated Disc (Disc Herniation of the Spine)第二单元主题A 椎间盘突出症Many patients with back pain, leg pain, or weakness of the lower extremity muscles arediagnosed with a herniated disc.许多患腰腿疼痛,下肢肌端乏力的病患均为椎间盘突出症。
When a disc herniation occurs, the cushion that sits between the spinal vertebra is pushedoutside its normal position.椎间盘突出发生时,脊柱间的缓冲带将发生侧突。
A hrniated disc would not be a problem if it werent for the spinal nerves that are very close tothe edge of these spinal discs.如果脊神经不是离椎间盘特别近的话,椎间盘突出就不是什么大问题了。
HOW ARE THE SPINE AND ITS DISCS *****D脊柱与椎间盘The vertebras are the bony building blocks of the spine.脊椎是建造脊柱的构件。
Between each of the largest parts (bodies) of the vertebrae are the discs.各椎骨之间为椎间盘。
Ligaments are situated around the spine and discs.脊椎和椎间盘周围散布着韧带。
The spine has seven vertebrae in the neck (cervical vertebrae), 12 vertebrae in the mid-back(thoracic vertebrae) , and five vertebrae in the low back (lumbar vertebrae).颈部有7条椎骨,胸部为12条,腰部有5条。

医学英语翻译一、常用医学词汇翻译1. Symptom(症状)2. Disease(疾病)3. Diagnosis(诊断)4. Treatment(治疗)5. Medication(药物治疗)6. Surgery(手术)7. Recovery(康复)8. Prevention(预防)9. Vaccine(疫苗)10. Infection(感染)二、人体部位与系统词汇翻译1. Brain(大脑)2. Heart(心脏)3. Lung(肺)4. Liver(肝脏)5. Kidney(肾脏)6. Skeleton(骨骼)7. Muscular System(肌肉系统)8. Nervous System(神经系统)9. Immune System(免疫系统)10. Circulatory System(循环系统)三、医学检查与测试词汇翻译1. Blood Test(血液检查)2. Xray(X光检查)3. CT Scan(计算机断层扫描)4. MRI(磁共振成像)5. Ultrasound(超声波检查)6. Biopsy(活组织检查)7. ECG/EKG(心电图)8. Endoscopy(内窥镜检查)9. Lumbar Puncture(腰椎穿刺)10. Colonoscopy(结肠镜检查)四、临床医学专业术语翻译1. Acute(急性的)2. Chronic(慢性的)3. Terminal(晚期的)4. Remission(缓解)5. Complication(并发症)6. Side Effect(副作用)7. Allergy(过敏)8. Intensive Care Unit(重症监护室)9. Ambulance(救护车)10. Organ Donation(器官捐赠)五、药物治疗相关词汇翻译1. Prescription(处方)2. Pharmacy(药房)3. Dosage(剂量)4. Pill(药片)5. Injection(注射)6. Intravenous(静脉注射)7. Topical(局部应用的)8. Analgesic(镇痛药)9. Antibiotic(抗生素)10. Antiviral(抗病毒药物)(文档将持续更新,敬请期待后续内容)六、医疗程序与手术术语翻译1. Appendectomy(阑尾切除术)2. Cesarean Section(剖宫产)3. Lithotripsy(碎石术)4. Transplantation(移植手术)5. Bypass Surgery(旁路手术)6. Hip Replacement(髋关节置换术)7. Lasik Surgery(激光矫正视力手术)8. Radiation Therapy(放射治疗)9. Chemotherapy(化学治疗)10. Dialysis(透析)七、医疗设备与器械词汇翻译1. Stethoscope(听诊器)2. Scalpel(手术刀)3. Syringe(注射器)4. Defibrillator(除颤器)5. Ventilator(呼吸机)6. Monitor(监护仪)7. Catheter(导管)8. Gurney(轮床)9. Incubator(孵化器)10. Endoscope(内窥镜)八、健康与营养相关词汇翻译1. Nutrition(营养)2. Diet(饮食)3. Vitamin(维生素)4. Mineral(矿物质)5. Calorie(卡路里)6. Obesity(肥胖)7. Malnutrition(营养不良)8. Fitness(健康)9. Exercise(锻炼)10. Hydration(水分补充)九、心理健康与精神病学词汇翻译1. Psychology(心理学)2. Psychiatrist(精神科医生)3. Therapist(治疗师)4. Anxiety(焦虑)5. Depression(抑郁)6. Schizophrenia(精神分裂症)7. Bipolar Disorder(双相情感障碍)8. PTSD(创伤后应激障碍)9. Psychotherapy(心理治疗)10. Cognitive Behavior Therapy(认知行为疗法)十、公共卫生与流行病学词汇翻译1. Public Health(公共卫生)2. Epidemiology(流行病学)3. Outbreak(爆发)4. Pandemic(大流行)5. Quarantine(隔离)6. Influenza(流感)7. HIV/DS(人类免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病)8. Tuberculosis(结核病)9. Sanitation(卫生)10. Vaccine Preventable Diseases(可通过疫苗预防的疾病)(文档将持续更新,敬请期待后续内容)十一、医疗伦理与法律词汇翻译1. Medical Ethics(医疗伦理)2. Informed Consent(知情同意)3. Confidentiality(保密性)4. Malpractice(医疗过失)5. Patient's Rights(患者权利)6. HIPAA(健康保险便携与责任法案)7. Do No Harm(不伤害原则)8. EndofLife Care(临终关怀)9. Euthanasia(安乐死)10. Bioethics(生物伦理学)十二、医学术语与缩写翻译1. BMI (Body Mass Index)(身体质量指数)2. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)(心肺复苏)3. ECG (Electrocardiogram)(心电图)4. EEG (Electroencephalogram)(脑电图)5. IV (Intravenous)(静脉注射)6. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)(磁共振成像)7. NGO (NonGovernmental Organization)(非政府组织)8. RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)(核糖核酸)9. STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)(性传播疾病)10. WHO (World Health Organization)(世界卫生组织)十三、医学研究与学术词汇翻译1. Clinical Trial(临床试验)2. Research Protocol(研究方案)3. Randomized Control Trial(随机对照试验)4. Placebo(安慰剂)5. Peer Review(同行评审)6. Grant Funding(资助基金)7. Hypothesis(假设)8. Data Analysis(数据分析)9. Publish(发表)10. Citation(引用)十四、中医与替代医学词汇翻译1. Traditional Chinese Medicine(中医)2. Acupuncture(针灸)3. Herbal Medicine(草药医学)4. Qi(气)5. Meridian(经络)6. Homeopathy(顺势疗法)7. Naturopathy(自然疗法)8. Ayurveda(阿育吠陀医学)9. Chiropractic(脊椎按摩疗法)10. Reiki(灵气疗法)十五、医疗管理与政策词汇翻译1. Health Insurance(健康保险)2. Health Policy(健康政策)3. Healthcare System(医疗体系)4. Primary Care(初级护理)5. Specialist(专家)6. Telemedicine(远程医疗)7. Health Economics(卫生经济学)8. Health Education(健康教育)9. Hospital Administration(医院管理)10. Medical Tourism(医疗旅游)(文档将持续更新,敬请期待后续内容)。

1.Appendicitis inflammation of the vermiform appendix阑尾炎阑尾由于多种因素临床上常有右下腹部疼痛、体温升高、呕吐2.Gastritis inflammation of the lining of the stomach胃炎胃部的炎症3.Gastrorrhagia stomach bleeding胃出血4.Peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum腹膜炎5.Ascites accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity腹水6.Apnea transient cessation of respiration窒息7.Tachypnea Shortness of breath呼吸急促8.Pneumonia respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants肺炎9.Bronchitis inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchial tubes支气管炎10.Glycemia the presence, or the level, of glucose in one's blood糖血症11.Goiter abnormally enlarged thyroid gland甲状腺肿12.Diabetes Mellitus diabetes caused by a relative or absolute deficiency of insulin and characterized by polyuria糖尿病13.Encephalitis inflammation of the brain脑炎14.Rachitis childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight 痀偻症15.Spondylitis inflammation of a spinal joint脊椎炎16.Hematuria the presence of blood in the urine血尿17.Migraine a severe recurring vascular headache偏头痛18.Audiometer an instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing听力计19.Otitis inflammation of the ear耳炎20.Tympanitis inflammation of the inner ear中耳炎21.Tympanotomy Tympanic membrane in operation鼓膜穿破术22.Nasitis inflammation of the nose鼻炎23.Arthrosclerosis Joint stiffness关节硬化24.Rhinorrhea persistent watery mucus discharge from the nose鼻溢25.Percussion the act of playing a percussion instrument叩诊26.Dermatitis skin becomes itchy and may develop blisters皮肤炎27.Cataract clouding of the natural lens of the eye白内障28.Glaucoma increased pressure in the eyeball due to obstruction of the outflow of aqueous humor青光眼29.Hyperemesis severe and excessive vomiting剧吐30.Polydipsia excessive thirst剧渴31.Lipoma a tumor consisting of fatty tissue脂肪瘤32.Infertility the state of being unable to produce offspring不孕症33.Amnion thin innermost membranous sac enclosing the developing embryo 羊膜34.Amniocentesis extraction by centesis of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman羊膜穿刺术35.Malformaiton something abnormal or anomalous畸形36.Genital of or relating to the external sex organs生殖的37.Nocturia excessive urination at night夜尿症38.gerd gastroesophageal reflux disease胃食管反流病39.Hyperplasia abnormal increase in number of cells增殖40.Dysplasia abnormal development of an abnormal structure resulting from such growth发育不良41.Dyspepsia a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea消化不良42.Antibiotic a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections抗生素43.arthritis inflammation of a joint or joints关节炎44.Suture an immovable joint缝合45.autism an abnormal absorption with the self自闭症46.Erythema abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels 红斑47.dement Dement is a surname痴呆症48.illusion an erroneous mental representation错觉49.unconscious that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware潜意识50.Resistance the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with阻抗51.gallbladder a muscular sac attached to the liver胆囊52.duodenum the part of the small intestine between the stomach and the jejunum十二指肠53.jejunum the part of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum 空肠54.ileum the part of the small intestine回肠55.Pleura the thin serous membrane around the lungs胸膜56.esophagus the passage between the pharynx and the stomach食道57.pharynx the passage to the stomach and lungs咽58.Eardrum the membrane in the ear that vibrates to sound耳骨膜59.leukemia malignant neoplasm of blood-forming tissues血癌60.lymphoma a neoplasm of lymph tissue that is usually malignant淋巴瘤61. pulmonary relating to or affecting the lungs肺的,和肺有关的62.constipation irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels便秘63.pregnancy the state of being pregnant妊娠64.tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils扁桃炎65.climacteric a period in a man's life corresponding to menopause更年期66.epilepsy a disorder of the central nervous system 癫痫67.ataxia inability to coordinate voluntary muscle movements运动失调68.arthritis inflammation of a joint or joints关节炎69.rheumatism any painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues风湿症70.somnolence a very sleepy state嗜睡71.strabismus abnormal alignment of one or both eyes斜视72.nyctalopia inability to see clearly in dim light夜盲73.tonsil two masses of lymphatic tissue on each side of the oral pharynx扁桃74.stupor the feeling of distress and disbelief 昏迷75.asthma respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing气喘76.palpitation a rapid and irregular heart beat心悸77. respiration a single complete act of breathing in and out呼吸78.neuralgia acute spasmodic pain along the course of nerves神经痛79.Scalpel a thin straight surgical knife used in surgery手术刀80.Stretcher a litter for transporting people who are ill or wounded or dead担架81.Gauze bleached cloth of plain weave used for bandages and dressings纱布82.Urethra duct through which urine is discharged尿道83.cochlea the snail-shaped tube耳蜗84.pupil contractile aperture in the iris of the eye瞳孔85.Urinary relating to the urinary system of the body膀胱86.Ureters a pair of tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder输尿管87.Kidney two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes肾脏88.Renal pelvis a structure shaped like a funnel in the outlet of the kidney肾孟89. Ovary organs that produce ova卵巢90.Tendons Sinew and tendon肌腱91.Cartilage tough elastic tissue软骨92.Vertebra one of the bony segments of the spinal column脊椎93.Cranium the part of the skull that encloses the brain颅腔94.Glands organs that synthesize substances needed by the body腺体95.Adrenals of or pertaining to the adrenal glands or their secretions肾上腺96.Pancreas a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach胰97. Gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and intestines肠胃炎98.Alveoii alveolar septum 气泡99.Platelet tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood血小板100.restraint the of act controlling by restraining someone约束101.catelepsy a trancelike state with loss of voluntary motion and failure to react to stimuli僵直102.jaundice yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes黄疸103.Myxedema hypothyroidism marked by dry skin and swellings around lips 黏液腺瘤104.Nausea the state that precedes vomiting恶心105.Excretion the bodily process of discharging waste matter排泄,排泄物药物或其代谢产物排出体外的过程106. Hypotension abnormally low blood pressure低血压107.orientation the act of orienting定向力108.apathy an absence of emotion or enthusiasm冷漠109.hallucination illusory perception;幻觉110.Mumps an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever 腮腺炎111.Vaccine injected in order to stimulate the production of antibodies疫苗112.Diarrhea frequent and watery bowel movements腹泻113.Vomiting the reflex act of ejecting the contents of the stomach呕吐114. Eczema generic term for inflammatory conditions of the skin湿疹115. Embryo an animal organism in the early stages of growth 胚胎116.Sepsis the presence of pus-forming bacteria or their toxins in the blood败血症117.Tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils 扁桃腺炎118.Encephalitis inflammation of the brain 脑炎119.Perforation a hole made in something穿孔120.Dermatitis inflammation of the skin皮肤炎121.Gynecology the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases of women 妇科122. Amnion thin innermost membranous sac羊膜123.Osteoporosis abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones 骨质疏松症124.Amputation a condition of disability resulting from the loss of one or more limbs截肢125.Aseptic free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms无菌的126.Hypertension a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high高血压ryngitis inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx喉炎128.Pharyngitis inflammation of the fauces and pharynx咽炎129. Enterorrhagia Intestinal bleeding肠出血130.Esophagoscopy A method for the examination and treatment of the lesions in the esophagus.食道镜检查131.Vasodilatation Vascular dilatation血管扩张132.Arteriosclerosis sclerosis of the arterial walls动脉硬化133.Peptic relating to or promoting digestion消化的134.Distal situated farthest from point of attachment or origin末梢的135.Moderately to a moderately sufficient extent or degree适度的136. Ployuria renal disorder characterized by the production of large volumes of pale dilute urine多尿137.fibrosis development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organ纤维化138.therapy the act of caring for someone 治疗139.Hepatitis inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin肝炎140. Necrosis the localized death of living cells坏死141.Liver Cirrhosis Chronic liver disease caused by many reasons肝硬化142.Apnea transient cessation of respiration窒息143.Mucosa mucus-secreting membrane lining all body cavities 黏膜144.Cholelithiasis the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder胆石症145.diagnostic concerned with diagnosis诊断的146.dyspepsia a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea消化不良147.Ligaments an existing marriage tie, which constitutes an impediment to the contracting of a second marriage.韧带148.Infertility the state of being unable to produce offspring不孕症149.Uremia accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine尿毒症150.Adenocarcinoma malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium腺癌欢迎下载,谢谢观看!资料仅供参考学习。

医学英语翻译flu vaccine(流感疫苗)flu caseload(感染病例数)flu strain(流感病毒株)anti-viral medications(抗病毒药物)contagious(会传染的)respiratory disease(呼吸道疾病)circulate(传播)contaminate(传染)infect(感染)contract(感染)epidemic(流行病,时疫)epidemiologists(流行病学专家)pandemic(尤指全国性流行的疾病)pneumonias(肺炎)confirmed case(确诊病例)suspected case(疑似病例)incubation period(潜伏期)outbreak(爆发)mutate into a more human-to-human transmission/spread/infection(人与人之间的传播/感染)antiviral drug(抗病毒药物)quarantee(医学隔离)step up surveillance(加强检测)flu jitters(流感恐慌)contain(遏制)stem the spread of the virus(制止病毒的扩散)dangerous strain(突变成更危险病毒株)public health emergency of international concern(国际关注的突发公共卫生事件)Liver CancerThere is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment of patients with liver tumors. This contributes to the pessimistic attitude that many have regarding the treatment of liver cancer. Aggressive treatment strategies can cure or significantly prolong the life of many patients with liver cancer.The liver is a common site of metastases from a variety of organs such as lung, breast, colon and rectum. When liver metastases occur at the time of initial diagnosis of the primary tumor, they are described as synchronous. If detected after the initial diagnosis, they are described as metachronous. The liver is frequently involved since it receives blood from the abdominal organs via the portal vein. Malignant cells detach from the primary cancer, enter the bloodstream or lymphatic channels, travel to the liver, and grow independently. We do not understand the mechanism of how a tumor cell can leave the primary site and grow in specific organs. Potentially, the environment of the liver is suitable to the growth of certain tumor cells. Once a tumor begins to grow in the liver, it receives its blood supply from the hepatic artery.肝癌对肝癌的治疗有分歧。

UNIT 11.Although the DNA in the nucleus of each cell contains all of the genetic information for allhuman traits, only a small number of genes are actually active in a particular cell. These active genes are the codes for the proteins necessary for the specific cell type.尽管每一个细胞核中的DNA都包含有人类特性的所有遗传信息,但实际上只有小数基因在特定细胞中有活性,这些活性基因是特有的细胞类型所必须的蛋白密码。
2.In facilitated diffusion, molecules move through a membrane from an area of greaterconcentration to an area of lesser concentration, but they need some help to do this.在易化扩散中,大分子经一层膜从高浓度区域向低浓度区域移动,但分子要完成这一工作需要某些帮助。
3.The cell membrane is selectively permeable, that is, certain substances are permitted to passthrough and others are not.细胞膜的渗透性是有选择性的,即某些物质允许通过,而其它物质则不行。
4.Filtration means that water and dissolved materials are forced through a membrane from anarea of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure.过滤是指水和已溶解物质经一层膜从高压区压送到低压区。

1.refer to 指的是;涉及(Unit 1 Text A)预防保健指的是某种生活方式和医疗保健(例如疾病筛查)的实施Preventive health refers to the implementation of certain lifestyle and health care practices, such as disease screening.2.make a diagnosis of…作出……的诊断(Unit 1 Text A)我们可以根据影像学特征对颈椎间盘突出症作出诊断。
We can make a diagnosis of cervical disc herniation based on the characteristics of MRI.3.medical interview 医学访谈(Unit 1 Text A)在医学访谈的过程中,病人在努力描述主诉时可能会出现不清楚或前后不一致的情况。
A patient might be unclear and somewhat inconsistent when trying to describe his or her chief complaint in the course of a medical interview.4.assist with 辅助;在…给予帮助(Unit 1 Text A)许多单中心研究都表明了可能应用超声心动图来辅助病人选择Many single-center studies have demonstrated the feasibility of echocardiography to potentially assist with patient selection.5.may indicate…可能预示……(Unit 1 Text A)这有可能预示亲代的激素及免疫情况对性别比例影响较小。
This may indicate a small influence of the parental hormonal and immunological status on sex ratio。

1. 生理学是研究生物体正常功能的一门科学。
Physiology is the study of thefunctions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations . The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite mac hines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry. Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for example —many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology. 2. 正如要了解一个动物如何活动,首先需要了解它的构成,要充分了解一个生物体的生理学活动就必须掌握全面的解剖学知识。

2. ... I’m piling yet another pill onto her ...
(Para. 3)我还要再给她另加一种药
3 …she's caught one of my neurons in mid-fire… (Para. 4) 她让我如火如荼的思绪戛然而止…
有些情况下,有个专注、出色的临床搭档,如一对一的护士 ,就仿佛有了第二个大脑,不过大多数医疗预算不会如此大 方,这样配备人员。
unit1 Text A
Vocabulary test
• _n_e_u_r_o_n__/ _n_e_u_ro_n_a_l_ overload(神经过载) • a typical office ___v_is_it___(典型的诊所就诊) • DEXA __s_c_a_n__(DEXA扫描) • medical __p_r_a_c_ti_c_e___(行医) • _m__a_m_m__o_g_ra_m__ report(乳房X-线检查报告) • _p_h_y_s_ic_a_l__ examination(体检) • _s_id_e_-_e_ff_e_c_ts_ of a medication(药物的副作用)
4. My instinct is to put one hand up and keep all interruptions at bay. (Para. 4)
我的本能反应是举手,阻止她打ely zip back and forth between them, generally losing accuracy in the process.
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4. 反译与倒译
• 1. Half an hour passed before the patient came to. • • • [原译] 在患者苏醒之前,半小时过去了。 [改译] 半小时后,患者才苏醒 [说明] 全句意思是强调事情而不是强调时间。
• 2. Until this is done, the danger of the infection becoming more widely spread always exists. • • • [原译] 直到做到这一点,感染更加广泛扩散的危险总是 存在的。 [改译] 如果做不到这一点,感染更加广泛扩散的危险总 是存在的。 [ 说明] until引导时间状语从句译成表示否定的条件从句。
4. 反译与倒译
• 所谓反译一般是把句中某一词语的正义译为否定的反义,如:把good (好)译成“不坏”,把failure(失败)译成“未成功”等等。所谓 倒译则是把句中某一词语倒其先后而译之,如:A precedes B ( A先 于B ) 译成“B 在A之后”,把before(在……之后)译成“在……之 后才”等等。反译与倒译的译文虽然和正译与顺译的译文含义基本相 同,但有时根据汉语表达习惯和行文需要,采取反译与倒译要比正译 与顺译更为通顺妥帖。
3. 具体化与抽象化
• 在翻译中,有时需将 原文的一个单词、词 组或某一句子成分所 表示的抽象意义具体 化;反之,有时也需 将一个单词、词组或 某一句子成分所表示 的具体意义抽象化, 有时还需将已经具体 的内容进一步具体化, 否则就不能按汉语规 范确切地表达原文的 意思。如:
3. 具体化与抽象化
• •
2. The pai night. [原译] 疼痛常使病人在夜间醒来。 [改译] 病人常在夜间痛醒。
[说明] 原译不能算错误,但把原文中的作宾语的人称名 词转译成汉语句子的主语似更好些,也更具有等效性。
1. Appendicitis is most common in the second and third decades of life. • [原译] 阑尾炎最常见于生命的第二和第三个十年。
• [改译] 阑尾炎最常见于11岁至30岁。(具体化)
3. 具体化与抽象化
• 2. When the syringes crashed to the floor, they were shattered into a thousand pieces. • [原译] 注射器坠落到地上时,碎成千块。 • [改译] 注射器坠落到地上,摔得粉碎。(抽象化) • 3. The disease may occur at both extremes of age. • [原译] 此病可发生于年龄的两极端。 • [改译] 此病可发生于老年和幼年。(具体化) • 4. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. • [原译] 一盎司预防等于一磅治疗。 • [改译] 预防胜于治疗。(或:一分预防等于十分 治疗。)(抽象化)
2. 直译与意译
• 1. Influenza has been with us a long, long time. • [原译] 流感和我们在一起已很久很久了。 • [改译] 人类患流感已有很长历史了。 • 2. Medical science, for the time being, has nothing to add by way of improvement on any of these remedies. • [原译] 医学科学目前还没有东西通过改进可 加到这些治疗方法上去。 • [改译] 目前,医学科学还未能对这些治疗方
丁年青 教授
1. 正确理解“等效翻译” • 怎样忠实确切地表达原文 实际上就是如何追求译文 与原文等效(或等值)的 问题。把“忠实于原文” 或“等效翻译”看作在语 法结构或词义上的对等显 然是错误的,对原文的忠 实不能理解为逐词逐句的 “字译”。换言之,译文 和原文的等效不能理解为 词义学和语法结构上的等 值。
4. 反译与倒译
• 3. There is risk for the sick child not to live.
• • • [原译] 病孩有不能活的危险。 [改译] 病孩有死亡的危险。 [说明] 否定的不定式not to live译成肯定, 而live则译成反义。
4. 反译与倒译
• 4. When the child is crying, one palpates the abdomen after a sedative has been given. • [原译] 当小儿啼哭时,可在给予镇静剂后触诊腹部。 • [改译] 当小儿啼哭时,可在触诊腹部之前先用镇静剂。 • [说明] 原译是错误的,使人误会“给予镇静剂后触诊腹 部”似乎是解决“小儿啼哭”的办法,显然与原文意思不 符。作者的意思是,在触诊腹部时如遇患儿啼哭,可先给 镇静剂。因此改译句中把after译成反义,意思正确清楚。 • 5. Only a few studies on this point have been made, and those leave the question still confused. • [原译] 对这方面所做的研究很少,而且这些研究仍使这一 问题混淆。 • [改译] 对这方面所做的研究很少,而且这些研究仍未使这 一问题得到澄清。
The illness quickly responded to
• [原译] 这病对治疗反应很快。
• [改译] 经过治疗此病很快好转。 • [说明] responded to一般义为“对……有反 应”,但在医学专业上用于治疗或药物的
2. 直译与意译
• 所谓的直译不是指逐字逐 句的硬译,而是指译文对 原文的结构、语序和词义 基本保持原状的翻译。但 前提是这种翻译能够达意, 且又符合汉语的表达习惯。 否则就应考虑意译。所谓 的意译也不是随心所欲的 自由化翻译,而是指在直 译不能清楚贴切地表达原 文的情况下采取适当的变 通,不拘泥于原文语法结 构和字句表面意思的较为 灵活的翻译。
• 1. In such circumstances the patient may be agreeably but mistakenly encouraged as to his progress. • [原译] 在这种情况下,病人可能对他的好转感到 愉快而误会的鼓舞。 • [改译] 在这种情况下,病人可能会误认为病情有 所好转而感到欢欣鼓舞。 • [说明] 原译文令人费解,误译的“愉快而误会的 鼓舞”主要是因为译者拘泥于原文agreeably 和 mistakenly两个副词与动词encouraged的搭配关 系。所以虽译出了原文的每个单词,但由于未能 对某些词的词性作必要的转换,致使译文含义不
2. 直译与意译
• 3. Essential hypertension is the name given to the type of hypertension for which no cause can be found. • [原译] 原发性高血压是给找不到原因的高血压类型的名称。 • [改译] 原因不明的高血压称为原发性高血压 • 4. The skill of the surgeon leaves nothing to be desired. • [原译] 这位外科医生的技术没有留下什么可以被期望的。 • [改译] 这位外科医生的技术高明极了。 • [说明] leave nothing to be desired义为 be perfect(完美 无缺)leave much to be desired义为be very imperfect (极不完善)例如:The water supply of the city leaves much to be desired.(这一城市的供水情况极不完善。