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Unit One


Hello, I’m(my name is) __________.

Hi, I’m(my name is) __________.

Nice to meet you. Glad to meet you.

2. 询问某人的姓名

What’s your name?

3. 介绍朋友

This is my friend ______.

This is _______________

必背词汇:table; window; desk; chair; door; book; notebook; chalk; pen; ruler; your你的; my我的; open; close;

必备词组:stand up站起来; sit down坐下; tough your bag碰一下你的书包; open your book; close your book; please be quiet请安静; listen carefully仔细听

Unit Two

目标:1. 询问单个的物体

What’s this? It’s a notebook.

What’s that? It’s eraser.

2. 确定单个物体

Is this a kite? Yes, it is.

Is that is car? No, it isn’t.

3. 询问某人今天的状况

How are you? Not bad.你今天怎么样?不是很坏

必背词汇:ball球; school; bag; cake; car; cap; tree; glasses眼镜; gate大门; eraser; kite; bike自行车; homework家庭作业; look; draw; door

必备词组:look at the chalkboard看黑板; draw a picture画一副图画; come here 来这里; go to the door去门口; look up抬头看; look down低头看; make a circle 围成一个圆圈;

Unit Three

目标:1. 询问其他并介绍自己的家庭

Who’s she?

She is my mother.

Who’s he?

He’s my father.

Who’s this?

She’s my sister.

Who’s that?

He’s my friend.

必背词汇:mother; father; sister; brother; aunt姑姑;old年老的; family家庭; hand手; head头; give给; write写; home家

必备词组:put your hands up举起手; put your hands down放下手; clap your hands拍手; wave your hands挥手; write your name写下你的名字; give me the


Unit Four

目标:1. 询问某体物体的位置

Where’s my bag?

It’s in your hand.

2. 询问某人的位置并说明某人在房子的某一地方

Where’s Dol-Dol?

She’s in the living room.

必背词汇:sofa; picture照片或图片; headphone耳机; carpet地毯; in; on; under 在。。。下面; by在。。。旁别; computer; bat球拍或球棒; doll布娃娃; bathroom 浴室; kitchen厨房; dining room餐厅; living room客厅; bedroom卧室;

必备词组:take out your book拿出书; put your book in the bag把书放在书包里; pick up your pencil捡起笔; put your pencil on the desk把笔放在桌子上; put on your cap带上帽子; take off your cap摘下帽子; read a book读书;

Unit Five

目标:1. 询问关于颜色

What color is it?

It’s yellow.

2. 用颜色描述某一物体

What’s this?

It’s a yellow hat.

3. 询问某人的能力

Can you swim? Yes, I can.

Can you skate(滑冰)? No, I can’t.

4. 表示感谢

Thank you. You’re welcome.(谢谢,不客气)

必背词汇:hat; beach ball(水球); swimming pool(游泳池); swimming cap; yellow; blue; red; green; gray; pink; purple(紫色的); black; orange; white; brown(棕色的); skate(滑冰); dance; sing; ski(滑雪); walk; run; fly; stop; fly; swim

必备词组:play basketball; play the piano(弹钢琴); ride a bike(骑自行车); draw a picture; jump two times(跳两下); hop three times (单腿跳三下)

Unit Six

目标:1. 询问关于天气并描述天气

How’s the weather today?

It’s fine.

2. 祝贺某人的生日

Happy birthday! Thank you!

3. 给某人生日礼物

This is for you. Thank you.


4. 询问某人的年龄并回答

How old are you? I’m ________.

5. 询问某人是否喜欢某东西

Do you like it? Sure, I like it very much.


必背词汇:candle(蜡烛); birthday card; party hat; balloon; sunny; rainy, windy; cloudy, hot; cold; warm; cool凉爽的; snowy;

必备词组:throw the ball扔球; catch the ball接球; play a game; fly a kite放风筝; clime a tree爬树; ride a bike 骑自行车

Unit Seven
