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1. A short while ago, I lost access to my WeChat account. I am not sure why it wouldn’t let me log in; perhaps it was my ancient, out-of-date phone. But I wasn’t too upset because it offered me an opportunity to take a break from social media — something more and more people are doing.

In the United States, Twitter is losing millions of users each month and Facebook has seen a 44 percent decline among its younger users. Some of these users may have deserted Twitter and Facebook for other social media platforms, while many others have quit because

they felt that social media was having a negative effect on their happiness and overall quality of life.

Stars such as Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeren have taken a break from social media because they were tired of many Internet trolls (网络喷子) leaving negative comments. Ordinary people (like me) are turning away from it because of the feeling that they were spending more time online and enjoying it less.

It is not unusual for people to spend two or three hours a day posing or reading posts, to the point where it becomes an addiction. And it is an addiction. There is a chemical in your brain known as dopamine (多巴胺) which is sometimes called the “reward molecule” and its release gives you a feeling of pleasure. For instance, when you post a photo on WeChat and get a hundred likes, you feel happy. That’s dopamine at work.

In my case, being off WeChat left me with a feeling of anxiety

for a few days. No doubt I missed my dopamine. And I got e-mails from friends wondering if I was fine or if I was just being anti-social. But I soon began to feel quite peaceful and started to worry less about what other people were doing and concentrate more on my

personal life. And it is an added bonus that I’m getting better

sleep at night.

I’m not advocating that all of you quit social media, but spending less time on these platforms does bring you advantages. You could start by leaving your phone at home when you go to school (For some, that’s already a school rule). And it is also a good idea to charge your phone outside of your bedroom at night, as you are unlikely to get a good night’s sleep when the notification (通知) bell keeps ringing.

Somed ay I may reconnect with my WeChat account, but I’m not in a hurry. Life can be more relaxing and just as interesting without it.

【小题1】The author’s disconnection with WeChat is mentioned at the beginning to _________.

A.introduce the disadvantages of social media

B.explain why he lost access to his WeChat account

C.illustrate the function of dopamine

D.prove how WeChat makes life easier

【小题2】The fourth paragraph mainly talks about _________.

A.how dopamine works when you are posting or reading posts.

B.the reason behind people’s addiction to social media.

C.why WeChat is so popular among ordinary people.

D.what you can do if you want to get many likes on WeChat.

【小题3】What is the author’s attitude towards social media?

A.To turn away from them as soon as possible.

B.To choose a social media platform that suits you.

C.To keep away from them temporarily is a wise choice.

D.To quit them will make your life more relaxing and interesting.

2. During the outbreak of novel coronavirus, cities are locked down and borders are closed. Science, on the contrary, is becoming more open. And this "open science" is already making a difference.

Soon after the epidemic started in China, a research team from Fudan University in Shanghai successfully sequenced (测定序列)the DNA of the virus. But they didn't keep the information to themselves. Instead, they placed the sequences on GenBank, an open-access data platform, so researchers around the world could download them for free and start studying the virus.

Due to this openness, pharmaceutical (制药的)companies across the globe are now able to work simultaneously (同时地)to develop a vaccine. “There may be room for multiple different vaccines for different purposes and different age groups,”, Amesh Adalja, a
