
新标准英语四听力答案Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)。
Section A。
1. A2. B3. A4. C5. B。
Section B。
6. C7. A8. B9. A 10. C。
Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)。
Section A。
11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D。
Section B。
16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. C。
Section C。
21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A。
Part III Vocabulary and Structure (10 minutes)。
26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. D。
31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. B。
Part IV Translation (15 minutes)。
36. 更多的学生应该参加这个项目,以便他们能够更好地了解中国文化。
37. 虽然他工作很忙,但他仍然每天花时间练习英语。
38. 这个新发现对科学界来说具有重要意义,因为它可能会改变我们对宇宙的理解。
Part V Writing (20 minutes)。
Dear Mr. Smith,。
I am writing to express my interest in the position of marketing assistant at your company. I have recently completed my degree in marketing and have gained valuable experience through internships and part-time jobs in the field. I am confident that my skills and knowledge make me a strong candidate for this role.During my studies, I developed a solid understanding of marketing strategies and consumer behavior. I also honed my communication and analytical skills, which I believe are essential for success in this role. In my previous internships, I had the opportunity to work on various marketing campaigns and projects, which allowed me to apply my knowledge in a practical setting.I am particularly drawn to your company's innovative approach to marketing and its commitment to delivering high-quality products to consumers. I am eager to contribute to your team and help drive the company's growth and success.Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can contribute to the success of your company.Sincerely,。

新标准大学英语视听说4答案【篇一:新标准大学英语视听说教程4答案】xt>p3-3true statements are : 2,8p3-51. joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for lift off uk.2. andy wants joe’s job as a producer.p3-61-d 2-d 3-a 4-cp4-71. it’s not always very easy working with2. how did he end up in london3. the least experienced person4. he’s good at his job5. he is confident and very competent6. i get on with him quite wellp4-81-b 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-bp6-21,2,3,4p6-41. she needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job.2. she doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview.3. she doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4. that you need to be well prepared for an interview. it boils down to preparation, presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.p7-51. professional job coach2. research on the position and the company3. having not practiced with some of the questions4. how you present yourself5. what the interviewer is actually looking for6. preparation, presentation and understanding7. in relationship to the job8. some examples in your life9. dealing with problemsp7-71, 3,5,7,8,9,10,11p8-31-b 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-ckeys to unit 2a good readp14-2joe: 1andy: 2 janet: 3,4p14-33. it is a feature programme which reviews recently published books.4. none of them have read all of the books.5. he’s annoyed.6. it features new books that may have a london angle, but not necessarily.7. because charles dickens’ books are always on tv.8. she knows quite a lot about dickens because she is studying his work at university.9. it’s a biography which describes the london locations which are the settings for many ofdickens’ books.10. yes.p15-6place of birth: portsmouthdates: 19th centurytype of writing: novelssetting of stories: around the law courts in the center of londonother features of writing: he describes hardship, poverty and crime in london.most famous novels: oliver twist, david copperfieldp15-61-a 2-b 3-d 4-c 5-cp16-71. he wasn’t b eing at all fair.2. sometimes he really gets on my nerves3. keep his problems away from the studio4. he was born in portsmouth5. he set most of his stories in6. whereabouts in london are his stories set7. some of his stories take place8. cheer up9. i’ll get over itp16-81-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-ap18-227p19-41. borrow books2. look at an art exhibition3. connect to the internet4. let you borrow computer games5. with books and photographs6. in schools and universitiesp19-510. it is a national library11. you can find books and other printed materials.12. the british library adds millions of items to its collection every year.13. no, not at all, although some reading may take new forms (like reading from computerscreens or mobile phones), reading books will remain popular. p19-6name: the british librarylocation: londonyear the new building opened: 1998items collected: books, sound recordings, music, maps, newspapers, and magazinesnumber of items added yearly: three millionp20-21. it began over 20 years ago2. about once every four or five weeks3. 104. the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5. modern novels, classics, non-fiction like history and travel writingp20-31.-d 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-bp21-71. i’m not a professional literary specialist2. their close links with well-known writers3. the home of many well-known writers4. the memorial of great british writers5. rich in its literary history6. because of the recent series of films7. because it was the home of the three sisters8. also made into successful films9. around the english-speaking world10. whose work contributeskeys to unit 4 money talksinside viewp38-11. janet: 136andy:2457p38-21. what janet was doing at the market with joe.2. he is right about andy being late quite often.3. he says something unexpected has come up.4. so that he can check his schedule.5. at 2.30.6. the city of london.p39-42-5-1-4-3p39-51-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-cp40-61. what does; have to do2. so we’re not actually3. basically4. you come in here on the left5. moving through to this room6. what about this room on the left7. and this room here below containsp40-71-b 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-boutside viewp42-2true statements: 4567p42-31-b 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-bp43-54-3-5-7-1-2-6p43-61. if we’re not happy2. make all of that better3. make more choices4. still thinks about money5. of having the money6. would get solved7. gives us more choiceslistening inp44-21. they were exchanging metals for goods.2. they first appeared in europe.3. coins appeared in lydia around 700 bc.4. the drachma was used as a standard form of money in large parts of asia and europe.5. around 960 ad, in china.6. they can be seen as early banks.7. it was applied all over the world.p44-31. we exchanged things, didn’t we【篇二:本科新标准大学英语-视听说4-完整答案大放送】p> unit 1inside viewconversation 12. janet : go ba ck to china,do my master’s (which means going back touniversity),live in london,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at london time off,update my cv and look for jobs together. andy: leave london,go to china,look for jobs together. 3. the true statements are 2 and 8. conversation 25.1.joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for lift off uk.2.andy wants joe’s job as a producer.6.1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c)7.1 it’s not always very easy working with 2.how did he end up in london 3.the least experienced person 4.he’s good at his job5.he’s confident and very competent6.i get on with him quite well everyday english8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) outside view2. the true statements samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4.4. 1.she needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job 2.she doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that mightlead her failure in a job interview.3.s he doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4.that you need to be well prepared for an interview. it boils down topreparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.5. 1.professional job coach2.research on the position and the company3.having not practised with some of the questions4.how you present yourself5.what the interviewer is actually looking for6.preparation,presentation and understanding7.in relationship to the job8.some examples in your life9.dealing with problems 7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. listening in passage 13. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(d) 5(c) passage 27. the us: typical working hours:9-5office clothes:for men,jacket and tie or pen neckshirt,sometimes jeansmeal breaks: one hourovertime:yes;paid for each 15 minute period after the first hourholidays:two weeks a year;three weeks after five yearsretirement age: men:65; women:62 or 63pay day:twice a month; at the beginning and middle of the monthcompany benefits: lease a company car; apension plan and a health care planbrazil: typical working hours:8-5 or 9-6,but people usually work longer office clothes:casual and informal,but neat andtidy meal breaks : one hourovertime:yes,very often;not paid holidays : 30 working daysretirement age :men:65 or after 30-35 years’ work; women : after 60 pay day: some companies may twice a month; others once a monthcompany benefits: it depends:maybe a company car,living accommodation,school for children,lunch and travelcosts,gasoline,health insurance…unit 2inside view conversation 12.joe:1 andy:2 janet:3,43. 1.it is a feature programme which reviews recently published books2.none of them have read all of the books3.he’s annoyed4.it features new books that may have a london angle,but not necessarily.5.because charles dickens’ books are always on tv6.she knows quite a lot about dickens because she is studing his work at university .7.it’s a biography which describes the london locations which are the settings for many of dickens’ books. 8.yes.conversation 25.portsmouth ; 19th century ;novels ; around the law courts in the centre oflondon ; he describes hardship,poverty and crime in london ; oliver twist,david copperfield6.1(a) 2(b) 3(d) 4(c) 5(c)7. (1) he wasn’t being at all fair(2)sometimes he really gets on my nerves (3)keep his problems away from the studio (4)he was born in portsmouth(5)he set most of his stories in(6)whereabouts in london are his stories set (7)some of his stories take place (8)cheer up(9)i’ll get over iteveryday english8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(a)outside view2. the statements mentioned are:2 and 7 4. 1.borrow books2.look at an art exhibition3.connect to the internet4.let you borrow computer games5.with books and photographs6.in schools and universities5.1.it is a national library2.you can find books and other printed materials3.the british library adds millions of items to its collection every year.4.no,not at all,although some reading may take new forms,(like reading fromcomputer screens or mobile phones),reading books will remain popular.6.listening in passage 12. 1.it began over 20 years ago2.about once every four or five weeks3.ten4.the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5.modern novels,classics,non-fiction like history and travel writing 3. 1(d) 2(a) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b)passage 26.7. 1.i’m not a professional literary specialist 2.their close links with well-known writers 3.the home of many well-known writers 4.the memorial of great british writers 5.rich in its literary history6.because of the recent series of films7.because it was the home of the three sisters 8.also made into succesful films 9.around the english-speaking world 10.whose work contributesunit 3.inside view conversation 11.2-8-4-3-1-6-7-52.the true statements are:1,2,5,6 and 8conversation 24. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(b) 5(c)5. 1.started talking about fashion 2.she’s giving out free tickets 3.made up your mind4.the london fashion scene5.as far as i’m concerned6.the way i see it7.that will look good11.it’s getting lateeveryday english6. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a)outside view2. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(a) 5(d)3. 1 (h) 2(c) 3(g) 4(f) 5(d) 6(a) 7(e) 8(b)4. 1.because they fitted really well2.in new bond street3.she thinks london has a more casual style4.camden is known for its daring and sometimes outrageous styleslistening in passage 13.【篇三:新标准大学英语_视听说4_答案】合教程:题型作文,翻译,unit 5,6,7听说教程:题型听力,unit 7,9,10的长对话和listening in的passage 1, 2阅读教程:题型阅读,unit5, 6, 7, 8unit 7inside viewconversation 12. janet 1,5,6 andy 2,3,4,73. 1. 1oo pounds per week2.one of the most expensive cities3.shared with three other people4.110 pounds per week5.outside business hours, in his own time6.for a new job as well7.make private calls at workconversation 25. 1(d) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5 (b)6. 1.it’s just round the corner from where2.it’s really convenient for work3.it’s fairly cheap4.it’s fashionable now5.it’s always been an advantage6.can you tell me something about it7.to be paid on topeveryday english7. 1(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)outside view1. 1(d) 2(e) 3(f) 4(b) 5(a) 6(c)3. 7-4-2-6-3-5-14. 1.there are as many semi-datached houses as terraced houses2.lots of people live in flats3.because builders use local materialsed to make roofs5.”an englishman’s home is his castle”6.there are large diy stores and garden centres5.1. houses or flats2. got a few houses3.sixty per cent4.some detached houses5.can look very different6.differences in age7. traditional thatched cottages8.spend a lot of time and money9.into a castlelistening inpassage 12.1.nine 2. early 30s3.1000004. 4835.male6.40-50 per cent3.1. next spring 2. and hospitals 3. the next four years4.three quarters5.charities; 26and 45 6.family or friendspassage 26 man 2,3,6,7,9 woman 1,4,5,87. 1(d) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(d)8. 1 in their 20s.2.jobs are hard to find,students have fees to pay back and rents are high3.they are adult kids because they don’t seem to mind moving back with their parents4.his mum cooked and he saw his friends5.he is a scriptwriter6.she worked in a supermarket7.the pay was low and she had no chioce8.she is a department managerunit 9starting point2. 1(a) 2(b)inside viewconversation 1test squeeze: girlfriendhacked off with : tired of,dissatisfied withfancy…? would you like …?a pint : a drink of beerdown the local : in the pubon me : my treat / i will pay2.an old school friend of andy’s3.go for a drink4.andy’s girl friend5.she can’t understand his accent or what he said6. he explains what jack said to janet4. the expressions that are used are:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 91.hello,friend.what are you doing?2.it is a nice surprise to see you,jack.3.how is your life progressing ?4.quite well.5.i hope to meet you again in the pub.6.i could not understand at all.7.i have no idea what he meant.8.wait a moment.9.now i understand.conversation 25. 1.(a) janet (b)janet (c)joe (d)janet (e)joe2.it refers to the english language.3.shakespeare.4.andy.6. 1.(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c) 6(b)7. 1. it’s hard to say2.it depends3.but on the other hand4.you know5.take shakespear, for example.6.such as7.like8.a very kind person9.is very jealous10.shakespear in the raineveryday english8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(a) 6(a)outside viewwatching and understanding2. 1.speak to americans2.an opportunity for communication3.go out into the community4.try to learn as much about our culture5.feel more confident; appreciate our culture3. 5-3-6-2-4-14. 1.there are so many different ways of teaching english.2.it also varies as to whether you’re taking private lessons with a tutor,or if you’re ina large classroom situation.3.however, there is also an advantage to be able to take a class with students from,notjust your country , but other countries as well.4.so therefore,you can communicate with other people,which is again,what it’s allabout .5.so students really enjoy meeting each other and being forced to speak in english.5.1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)listening inpassage 1listening and understanding2.1.2,0002.6,0003.australia4.three5.200 years ago6.203. 1(c) 2(b) 3(a) 4(b) 5(d) 6(d)passage 2listening and understanding6.1.dog 2.bees 3.dolphins 4.vervet monkey 5.monkey7.1.if animals have communication systems that are like human language .2.rules or grammar and intended meaning.3.no.4.because they have large brains and appear to respond to one another’scommunications.5.in america.6.hurt and sorry.7.because another chimpanzee took her magazine.8.no.presentation skills3. d-g-c-a-f-b-eunit 10inside viewconversation 11. 1.a2.d3.b4.e5.c2. 1.it’s the greatest love story .2.it’s famous for its cinemas and theatres.3.it’s one of the great clubs in london.4.they’re unbelievably cosy.5.the history of london.6.it’s a really important part of the life of the country.7.it was great to work for .8.for giving her another chance.3. 1.how wonderful it was for me to see it2.incredible3.i’ll have a half of bitter.please4.tomorrow at midday5.to give andy a handconversation 25. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c)6. 1.i’ve had so much fun2.you’ve ha d a good time here3.can stay in touch4.you’ve been such a good friend to me5.i learned a bit at uni.6.in the futureeveryday english7. 1(a) 2(b) 3(b)outside view2. 7-5-4-3-1-6-23. 1.exciting jobs,right2.they’re all under 30,right3.about your diet and your nutrition4.and making a lot of money5.passionate about windsurfing6.looking at the wind7.how we’re going to prepare8.that magical balance9.not to be afraid5.dr green 5,6,7jeremy 1,2,3,46.1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c)listening in2. 1.62-year-old2.an island3.american plane4.to be taken back home5.in surprisingly good health6.he had no family7.successful businessman8.800 dollars3. 1.the mast was broken.the rudder also broke so there there was no means of directing theboat.2.to repair his boat and sail to hawaii.3.near hawaii4.by catching fish and drinking rainwater.5.reading newspapers and watching videos on a small television.6.it floated along with no direction for four months.7.he had had a bad car accident.8.if you travel at sea you take what you find.if you are scared you will die.listening and understanding6. 5-7-4-6-2-1-37. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)。
we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案(最全最新)第二单元

大学英语新标准视听说教程4 答案we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案(最全最新)Unit 2 ConsumerismWarm UpAnswer the questions:last thing I bought was a packet of instant noodles. This bag ofinstant noodles is made in China.2. I think it is mostly good.Listening and Speaking/Lesson AListening:A. Listening for gist:1. A scientist who is calling for a change in our shopping habits.2. Some of the ways that our purchasing preferences are hurting theenvironment.B. Listening for details:away 2% trash. Repair reuse recycle.billion 95 80. bike walk. 250 twentyfive thousand disease.eat meat.Listening and Speaking/Lesson BListening1:A. New words andexxxxxpressions:B. Pre-listening task:C. Listening comprehension1:our stuff comes from.of the products we buy are made or grown somewhere else.C. Listening comprehension2:statistics designed electronics resources African diamondsListening2:A. Listening for gist: 一二四B. Listening for details:twelve fires a dollar% millionVideoBefore You WatchAbout the video:Vocabulary matching: Global warming fossil fuels greenhouse gases carbon footprintWhile You Watch:A. Watch the video:左:water water右:waste cold transportB. Watch again: e g b 进行中C. Answer the following question:Eating cheeseburgers affects the environment in many ways. First youhave to feed the cows. You need a lot of water to grow the food for them.Then you need wheat to make the bread that the hamburger goes on. Thatneeds water too. Once you have the beef you have to transport the meatfrom one place to another. You also have to keep it cold. To do all ofthese things you need a lot of energy. And this produces a lot of CO2.And carbon dioxide isn’t the only greenhouse gas that’s created. Cowsalso produce another greenhouse gas called methane when they make waste.And cows create a lot of waste. When you add it all up the result is avery big number.Unit test*Part 1Section A; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;Section B3 54 2 1Part 2CET-Oriented StudyListening practice: 1. A 2. D 3. C。

Unit 1 Nine to fiveInside viewConversation 1Janet What a wonderful view!This is such a great city. Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?这是一个多么美妙的景色啊!这是一个伟大的城市。
你是否厌倦了住在伦敦,安迪?Andy"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;for there is in London all that life can afford."”当一个人厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,因为在伦敦生活能负担得起的。
”Janet This is a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?这是一个由塞缪尔·约翰逊的报价,不是吗?Andy Correct! So do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?正确的!那么你有什么计划在牛津大学当你完成吗?Janet I've got another year to go, and then I suppose I'll go back home. 我有一年去,然后我想我会回家。
Andy And will you find a job?你会找到一个工作吗?Janet I think I'll have to do my Masters before I look for work. But I must admit London is very special. Do you think you would ever leave London? 我想要做我的主人在我找工作。

Unit 1 Nine to fiveInside viewConversation 1Janet What a wonderful view!This is such a great city. Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?这是一个多么美妙的景色啊!这是一个伟大的城市。
你是否厌倦了住在伦敦,安迪?Andy"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;for there is in London all that life can afford."”当一个人厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,因为在伦敦生活能负担得起的。
”Janet This is a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?这是一个由塞缪尔·约翰逊的报价,不是吗?Andy Correct! So do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?正确的!那么你有什么计划在牛津大学当你完成吗?Janet I've got another year to go, and then I suppose I'll go back home. 我有一年去,然后我想我会回家。
Andy And will you find a job?你会找到一个工作吗?Janet I think I'll have to do my Masters before I look for work. But I must admit London is very special. Do you think you would ever leave London? 我想要做我的主人在我找工作。

大学英语视听说教程4答案篇一:新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版(最全最新版本_______含单元测试答案)新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案〔最全最新版本含单元测试答案〕 Unit1 enjoy yourfeelingsIIC BD A DListening InTask 1what a clumsy man!Keys: A C D C BTask 2causes of depressionKeys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain(5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse(10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxietyTask 3 happiness indexKeys: B D A A CLet’s TalkKeys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learnFurther Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Big John is coming!(S1) owner(S2) running(S3) drop(S4) run(S5) local(S6) yelling,(S7) lives!〞(S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall.(S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?〞Task 2 Reason and emotionKey : A B C C DTask 3 Every cloud has a silver liningKey : T F F T FViewing and speakingKey : (1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15) £60 (16)cheapUnit1 Test1.C D B C D2. (1)over (2) companionship (3) lover (4) definition (5 scarce (6) diary (7) sight (8) Thank God, I ve done my duty Thank God, I ve done my duty (9) In a workforce made up entirely of happy people, the competitive edge would soon be lost (10) It may take centuries before philosophers and scientists can arrive at a clear definition of happiness3. B A D C C4.A D C A B C B D A AUnit 2If d a e h i b c jII BACDB2.Correct answer篇二:本科新标准大学英语-视听说4-完整答案大放送New Standard English Book 4Unit 1Inside viewConversation 12. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live in London,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together. Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together.3. the true statements are 2 and 8. Conversation 25.1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK.2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer.6.1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c)7.1 It’’s good at his job’s confident and very competent 6.I get on with him quite well Everyday English8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) Outside view2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4.e doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview.3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down topreparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.5. 1.professional job coach2.research on the position and the company3.having not practised with some of the questions4.how you present yourself5.what the interviewer is actually looking for6.preparation,presentation and understanding7.in relationship to the job8.some examples in your life9.dealing with problems7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11. Listening in Passage 13. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(d) 5(c) Passage 27. The US: typical working hours:9-5Office clothes:for men,jacket and tie or pen neck shirt,sometimes jeansMeal breaks: one hourOvertime:yes;paid for each 15 minute period after the first hourHolidays:two weeks a year;three weeks after five yearsRetirement age: men:65; women:62 or 63Pay day:twice a month; at the beginning and middle of the monthCompany benefits: lease a company car; apension plan and a health care planBrazil: typical working hours:8-5 or 9-6,but people usually work longer Office clothes:casual and informal,but neat and tidy Meal breaks : one hourOvertime:yes,very often;not paid Holidays : 30 working daysRetirement age :men:65 or after 30-35 years’ work; women : after 60 Pay day: some companies may twice a month; others once a monthCompany benefits: It depends:maybe a company car,livingaccommodation,school for children,lunch and travelcosts,gasoline,health insurance…Unit 2Inside view Conversation 12.Joe:1 Andy:2 Janet:3,43. 1.It is a feature programme which reviews recently published books 2.None of them have read all of the’s annoyed4.It features new books that may have a London angle,but not necessarily.5.Because Charles Dickens’ books are always on TV6.She knows quite a lot about Dickens because she is studing his work at university .’s a biography which describes the London locations which are the settings for many of Dickens’ books. 8.Yes.Conversation 25.portsmouth ; 19th century ;novels ; around the law courts in the centre ofLondon ; He describes hardship,poverty and crime in London ; Oliver Twist,David Copperfield6.1(a) 2(b) 3(d) 4(c) 5(c)7. (1) He wasn’t being at all fair(2)sometimes he really gets on my nerves (3)keep his problems away from the studio (4)He was born in Portsmouth (5)He set most of his stories in (6)Whereabouts in London are his stories set (7)some of his stories take place (8)Cheer up(9)I’ll get over itEveryday english8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(a)Outside view2. the statements mentioned are:2 and 7 4. 1.borrow books2.look at an art exhibition3.connect to the Internet4.let you borrow computer games5.with books and photographs6.in schools and universities5.1.It is a national library2.You can find books and other printed materials3.The British Library adds millions of items to its collection every year.4.No,not at all,although some reading may take new forms,(like reading fromcomputer screens or mobile phones),reading books will remain popular.6.Listening in Passage 12. 1.it began over 20 years ago4.the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5.modern novels,classics,non-fiction like history and travel writing 3. 1(d) 2(a) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b)Passage 26.’m not a professional literary specialist 2.their close links with well-known writers 3.the home of many well-known writers 4.the memorial of greh in its literary history6.because of the recent series of films7.because it was the home of the three sisters 8.also made into succesful films 9.around the English-speaking world 10.whose work contributesUnit 3.Inside view Conversation 12.the true statements are:1,2,5,6 and 8Conversation 24. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(b) 5(c)’s giving out free tickets 3.made up your mind4.the London fashion scene5.as far as I’m concerned6.The way I see it7.that will look good8 e and pick up on their styel 9.only for a few rich people 10.if you ask me’s getting lateEveryday English6. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a)Outside view2. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(a) 5(d)3. 1 (h) 2(c) 3(g) 4(f) 5(d) 6(a) 7(e) 8(b)4. 1.Because they fitted really well2.In New Bond Street3.She thinks London has a more casual style4.Camden is known for its daring and sometimes outrageous styles Listening in Passage 13.篇三:新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4答案(2022年校对)最新版新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版4答案〔全新版本〕 Unit 1 enjoy your feelings!IIC BD A Dl Listening InTask 1what a clumsy man!Keys: A C D C BTask 2causes of depressionKeys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain(5)self-esteen (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse(10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxietyTask 3 happiness indexKeys: B D A A Cl Let’s TalkKeys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learnl Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Big John is coming!(S1) owner(S2) running(S3) drop(S4) run(S5) local(S6) yelling,(S7) lives!〞(S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall.(S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking. (S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?〞Task 2 Reason and emotionKey : A B C C DTask 3 Every cloud has a silver liningKey : T F F T Fl Viewing and speakingKey : (1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15) 60 (16)cheapUnit 2 Beauty can be bought If d a e h i b c jII BACDBIII2.Correct answerthe enddiscountsT-shirtsbig-name brandsInterchangeable piecesblack trousersseveral timessimpleststylish and fashionableV let’s talkTask 1wealthyclothing stylesfigureslimmerconstructionlightlargerformalbrightly coloredthe rich and the poorone classoccasionsPoorer peopleFurther listening Task 1CAABATask 2BABABTask 3She chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them.She has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match. If shewears that with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up.If she wears a T-shirt with the black dress slacks, she is more casual. If she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the T-shirt into casual chic.Her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping. Viewing and speaking Task 1(1) combining clothing with newtechnology(2)(3) brand-new style new industrial designsolutions(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Unit 3 Watch out when nature strikes back electronics and fashion into your collar went into partnership with bring them together the modern-day worker 600 pounds to what we might expect11/ 11。

Unit 1 Nine to fiveConversation1Li:What a wonderful view! This is such a great city!Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?A;"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford"Li:That's a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?A:Correct,so do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?Li: I've got another year to go and then I suppose I'll go back home.A; And you will find a job?Li:I think I have to do my Master's before I look for work.But I must admit London is very special.Do you think you would ever leave London?A:Sure, I'd love to come to china one day, and I like traveling. But i think I'll always come back here.Li:Well, your roots are here and there are so many opportunities.A;But have you ever thought of living in London for a year or two?Li:Yes, but what could I do here? I had planned to become a teacher.But i have often thought if there was a job i could do here in publishing,maybe as an editor, I'll go for it.A:That's sounds like a great idea.I think that would really suit youLi:Maybe I should update my CV and send it to one or two publisher.A:Don't make it look too goodLi:Why not?A;Well,if you enjoy working with London Time Off, we don't want you working with anyone elseLi:Oh, working with you and Joe it's great fun and really interesting. I couldn't think of a better way to find out about a cityA;So maybe you should think about applying for a job with usLi:But do you think I'd stand a chance(有可能,有希望)?I mean, I'm not sure if Joe likes meA:Don't even think about it!Joe is very straight talking and I promise you that you'd know if he didn't like you.Li:Perhaps we should both update our CVs and look for jobs togetherA:Hey,right!That would be fun.Conversation2Li:Talking about future plans,how do you see your career developing?A:My career?Well, I like working for London Time Off.It's a part of a larger media company called Lift off USA,so there are lots of opportunities.But... Li:But...What?A:It's not always very easy working with Joe.I mean,I kind of think he has a different agenda(different way of thinking from Andy不一样的想法).I like his work, but sometimes I don't think his heart is in his job.Li:How did he end up in London?A:He did media studies in the States,and then found work as a gofer(杂工)at Lift off USA in New York.Li:What's a gofer?A:Go for this,go for that.It's a word for the least experienced person in the film and TV industry.Then he came to London and got a proper job as a researcher at Lift off UK,and then after a few years he got the producer's job in London Time OffLi:He is good at his job,isn't he?A:Yes,he is confident and competent at what he does,so the people who work with him rate him quite highly(speak highly of).Li:Except you?A:No,I rate him too.And I get on with him quite well,although we are not best budies or anything like that,it's just...I want his job!Li:Now we know your little secret.I promise I won't tell anyoneA:Janet,there was something I was going to ask you...Li:Sure,what is it?A:I was wondering...oh,it's nothing.Anyway,all this talk about your future career is making me thirsty.Let's go for a drink.Li:Who is round ?A:You...Conversation2 P3-6选择题答案 bdacPassage1“It’s not enough to ask what successful people are like...It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel阐明the 1.logic逻辑;理由behind who succeed and who doesn't."This is the basic idea of an intriguing有趣的book called Outliers局外人, by the American journalist Malcolm Gladwell. The book 2.explores探索 the factors which contribute to促成 people who are 3.extremely非常地 successful in their careers, for example, the role that family, culture and friendship play.Gladwell examines检查the causes of why the 4.majority大多数 of Canada ice hockey冰球players are born in the first few months of the calendar日历year, what the founder建立者of Microsoft Bill Gates did to achieve his 5.extraordinary非凡的 success, and why the Beatles 6.managed to能够redefine 重新定义the whole of popular music in the 1960s.Gladwell points out that the youth hockey league in Canada 7.recruits招收from January the first, so that players born early in the year are bigger, stronger and better athletes than others born later in the year. And because they have this 8.advantage优势 at the start of their sports career, they ‘re given extra 9.coaching辅导, and so there’s a greater chance that they ‘ll be picked for an elite精英的 hockey team in the future.He calls this 10.phenomenon现象accumulative累积的advantage, a bit like the idea that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Success depends on the 11.process过程 by which talented有天赋的 athletes are 12.identified 确认 as much as it does on their own abilities.Another 13.aspect方面 which contributes to success is the 10000 hour rule. Great success demands an 14.enormous大量的 amount of time for practice and training. For example, the Beatles performed live in Hamburg Germany more than 1200 times over four years, much more than the 10000 hours Gladwell 15.claims宣称 is necessary for great success. So by the time they returned to England, they had developed their talent and sounded completely different from any other group.In the same way, Bill Gates had thousands of hours’ worth值…的量 of programming编程 because he had 16.access使用to a computer at his high school. He also became a teenager just at the right time to take advantage of the test最新的developments in computer technology. All through the book, Gladwell repeats his claim that it’s not just talent or 18.genius天才 which 19.determines决定 someone’s success, but opportunity, advantage and even simple good luck.Outliers has met with extraordinary success, matched比得上 only by Gladwell ‘s own career for 25 years in journalism新闻业. As a result, many critics 评论家have seen it as an autobiography自传, in which the writer appears to be 20.apologizing道歉;辩解 for his own personal achievements. But the idea that you have to be born at the right moment, in the right place and in the right family, and then you have to work really hard is a thought-provoking 引人深思的way of revisiting our traditional view of genius and great achievement. It’s certainly worth reading, as long as只要 you don't take it too seriously.Passage1 P8-3选择题答案bdacUnit 2 A good readConversation1Joe: OK, when you finished chatting, let's get down to work.Andy: OK, sure.Janet: Fine by me. What's on the agenda?Joe: First up today is Read all about it! Now, I assume everyone has read all the books for the future? Has anyone read any of the books?Andy: Well, Joe, there are over 20 new books coming out next month, so…Joe: I'm sorry, I really think that's quite unacceptable. It's your job! What about you, Janet?Janet: I'm sorry but this is the first time I've worked on Read all about it! And I didn't know I was meant to read all the books.Andy: Have you read them?Joe: No, but that's why you're my assistants. You're meant to assist me. Andy: It's true that we need to read the books, Joe, but we haven't…Joe: OK, there you go. You are always making excuses!Andy: And what's more, we haven't even chosen the books yet.Joe: OK, let's get down with it. What's on the list?Janet: I suppose we're looking for books with a London angle(伦敦视角)? Andy: Not necessarily.Janet: Is it OK to look for non-fiction too?Joe: Absolutely.Janet: OK, here's an idea. There's a new biography(自传) of Charles Dickens which I'm reading.Andy: Sounds good-his books are always on TV.Janet: You see I'm studying Dickens at university, and I noticed it in the bookshop last week. It's really interesting.Joe: OK, tell us more.Janet: Well, it's a description of the London locations where he set many of his books like Oliver Twist and David Copperfield.Andy: Sounds right up your street(拿手的)!Joe Well done, Janet. Maybe you can show Andy how to plan the feature. OK, that's it everyone. Let's get to it!Conversation2Janet: What's the matter with Joe today?Andy: No idea. He's a bit like that sometimes. He gets annoyed with me, but I don't really know why.Janet: He wasn't being at all fair. How often does he get like this? Andy: Well, I suppose it's not very often. But sometimes he really gets on my nerves(使某人心烦意乱).Janet: Don't let it get to you. He's probably got too much work, and he's stressed.Andy: Well, he should keep his problems away from the studio. Anyway, you're the expert on Dickens, tell me something about him.Janet: Well, Charles Dickens was one of the most popular novelists in 19th century Britain. Many of his novels first appeared in magazines, in short episodes. Each one had a cliffhanger at the end that made people want to read the next episode(集,一集).Andy: And was he a Londoner?Janet: He was born in Portsmouth but his family moved to London when he was ten years old.Andy: And he set most of his stories in London, didn't he?Janet: That's right. He knew the city very well.Andy: Whereabouts in London are his stories set?Janet: Around the Law Courts in the centre of London. He worked as a court reporter and many of the real life stories he heard in court inspired some of most famous characters in his novels.Andy: I think some of his stories take place south of the river?Janet: That's right, especially around Docklands. The thing was…Dickens was a social commentator(社会评论员) as much as he was a novelist-his stories describe the hardship, the poverty, and crime which many Londoners experienced in the 19th century. It makes me want to read some Dickens again. Maybe I'll just go shopping for a copy of Great Expectations.Andy: Anyway, you did me a huge favour. That was a real brainwave(突然想到的妙计,灵感) to suggest the new biography.Janet: Cheer up Andy. It wasn't your fault.Andy: No, it's OK, I'll get over it. Go on, off you go and enjoy your shopping! Conversation2 P15-6选择题答案abdccPassage1M:So how long has your book group读书会 been running?C:Well, let me see, it's over 20 years now. I think it's actually one ofthe oldest book groups around, because it was only about 20 years ago that they started to become 1.fashionable流行的 in the UK.M:And how often do you have meetings?C:We meet about once every four or five weeks, although we try to avoid meetings in the summer holidays, and during the run-up to(前奏,预备期)Christmas when we all start to get busy with other things.M:And how many 2.members成员 do you have?C:We're ten in all, although it's rare that everyone can 3.attend参加. M:And what happens during the meeting?C:Well, we usually meet at one of our homes, and we start 4.fairly非常地late, around 8:30, and the 5.host主人 prepares dinner, and sometime during the meal, someone asks "So what did you think of the book?" and that's when the discussion starts.M:It sounds quite rmal随意的,不正式的.C:It is, yes, and sometimes if we haven't enjoyed the book, the meal becomes more important than the discussion. But it's fairly 7.rare罕见的 that no one likes the book, and it gets quite interesting when opinions about it are 8.divided有分歧的.M:And what sort of books do you read?C:Oh, all kinds, actually, not just novels, although I must admit that beinga member of the club makes me read more modern fiction小说 than I might do9.otherwise相反地. But we also read the 10.classics名著, you know the novels we all read or should have read 30 years ago, and it's quite good fun to revisit them, to see if our views of the books have changed. We re-read Thomas Hardy recently, and 11.whereas而 I used to love it when I was a student, this time I thought it was exasperatingly惹人恼火地12.dull无聊的. And we read non-fiction纪实文学, quite a lot of history and travel writing. A couple of the members like 13.poetry诗歌, which I don't, but you know, we're 14.tolerant 宽容的 of each other's choice, and it gives us a chance to try things we wouldn't usually read.M:And how do you choose the books?C:Well, at the end of the evening the person who hosts the dinner-basically 基本上, the cook- has the right to choose the next book.M:And that works OK?C:Yes, although there's quite a lot of stress on choosing something that will earn everyone else's 15.respect尊重. And we've got one member who likes science fiction, so we try not to go to his place too often!Passage1 P20-3选择题答案 dacabUnit 3 Fashion statementConversation1Tanya: Hey! That looks good on you! You should try it on.Janet: No thanks, I’m just looking.Tanya: Go on, try it on. I can tell it suits you.Janet: You seem to want me to buy something. And I’m not sure I want to buy anything at all.Tanya: Well, yes .I’m pretty sure you want to buy something.Janet: How do you know?Tanya: Well, it’s my job to know what women want to wear.Janet: How do you know what I want to wear?Tanya: I can just tell. Most women don’t hold things up like that unless they know they want to buy it, but either they haven’t got the money or they are nervous about impulse buying.Janet: So what type of Tanya am I then?Tanya: No money.Janet: Yeah! You are right, but how do you know?Tanya: If you were nervous about impulse(心血来潮的,一时冲动的) buying, you’ll feel good that you’ve made a careful decision.Janet: That’s pretty smart. What is your job then?Tanya: I’m a buyer for a store in New York City. I’m here for London Fashion Week. Hey, do you want to go? I have some free tickets for the catwalk show this afternoon.Janet: Well, I’m not sure. I’m waiting for a friend for a friend, actually ,and…Joe: Hi, Janet!Janet: Joe! What are you doing here?Joe: Why the surprise?Janet: It’s just…I didn’t expect to see you. That’s all. Er, this is …Tanya: Hello, I’m Tanya Feinstein. Is this the friend you were waiting for…Janet: NO. Yes!Tanya: So would you both like to come this afternoon?Janet: Tanya has invited us to the catwalk show this afternoon.Tanya:Look at this. Oh, it’s perfect. I’ll try it on. I’ll leave you two to make up your minds.Conversation2Joe: Who is she? Is she a friend of yours?Janet: No, she just came up to me and started talking about fashion. She’s a buyer for some New York fashion store.Joe: But why she invited us to a catwalk show?Janet: She’s giving out free ti ckets. Part of her job I think.Joe: So do you want to go?Janet: I suppose so. Have not got any money for shopping, so why not? Tanya: OK, you guys made up your mind?Joe: You sure you got a couple of tickets for us?Tanya: Sure!Joe: Thanks. So what is your take on the London fashion scene then? Tanya: As far as I am concerned, the clothes shops in London are some of the best in the world. The way I see it, if I want haute couture(高级时装) I can go to Paris or Milan. But if I want street fashion that will look good in New York too, I come to London. The kids here all have this unique style. Joe: But they can not afford designer prices.Tanya: In London the fashion tends to start on the streets. It gets popular among the kids, and then the designers come and pick up on their style, turn it into designer clothes. Whereas in Paris or Milan, it is more of a top-down process(从上至下的过程).Janet: Top-down?Tanya: Sure. The big name designers create these wonderful clothes but they are really only for a few rich people.Joe: So you think it is different in London?Tanya: I sure do. And. if you ask me, New York as well. Anyway, you ready? Joe: Sure. Why not? Janet?Janet: Well…Oh well, it is getting late. So, I suppose so.Tanya: OK, follow me .Let us get a cab.Conversation2 P27-6选择题答案 bdabcPassage1Presenter: How often do you change your clothes during the day?Penny: Um I think it all depends on what I’m going to do. Um it might be as many as three times if…Presenter: Three times.Penny: Yes, if I was … if I was going to go to gym, for instance, having dropped the children off at school I’d be wearing an outfit一套服装 for…just a 1.casual休闲的 outfit for doing the school run, then I’d go to gym and get changed and then if I was going out in the evening I’d change again. Presenter: Yeah. How about you?Penny: Yeah, I think it depends what happens during the day. Most of the time though I just put on my clothes for work. I go to work I come home. Um maybe take something off, like er my shoes and change into a pair of 2.slippers 拖鞋 or something, just a pair of sneakers 运动鞋. Um but there are times when if I go to gym, like Penny said, or if we are going out, my wife and I are going out for some 3.occasion场合, I have to change into something a little nicer.Presenter: And, and so what would, what would be the occasion when you changed into something nicer? It would be different from a work…?Eric: Yeah like going to someone’s house for dinner or going out for dinner, or going to some kind of event.Presenter: Yeah, yeah. Would that be the same for you?Penny: Definitely当然了. Going to the 4.theatre剧院, um or meeting friends for a drink, yes.Presenter: So you’d always change for a social 5.circumstance情形;环境? Penny: Definitely makes it feel more of an occasion.Presenter: OK, and what about the clothes you are wearing at the moment, how would you know, what made you choose these clothes this morning?Penny: Well I am going for an interview in an hour’s time so I’ve got to look quite smart整洁的;优雅的 and presentable拿得出的;像样的 so that’s why I am looking smarter than I 6.normally通常地 would do in the day. Presenter: I think you have got a head start占得先机 here because you look very presentable.Penny: Ah thank you.Presenter: How about you?Eric: I am able to go to work in fairly casual clothes so you know it’s fairly relaxed, nice and easy, anything I’m comfortable with but as long as it’s clean and boss says it’s alright.Presenter: And so you dress for fort 舒适or do you think you are fashion conscious有意识的as well?Eric: Maybe a little bit fashion conscious yeah. You don’t want to stand out like a sore thumb很显眼 and people make fun of you, you know for some reason, but at the same time you want to have your own bit of individuality 个性.Presenter: I think you are discreetly不显眼地 fashion conscious, would you agree with…?Penny: Yes and another a good 8.trick窍门 I always do is carry my high heels 高跟鞋 in my hand bag and go in my trainers运动鞋 you see, and then I can 9.charge向…冲去 along and jump on the bus and then, and then look…Presenter: And you manage high heels?Penny: Yes once I’m there and haven’t got to move around too much. Presenter: Very impressive令人印象深刻的, very impressive. What do you think your clothes say about your 10.mood心情or your personality? Do you change depending…if you get up in the morning do you put on certain clothes depending on how you feel?Penny: Definitely, yes. If I’m feeling maybe a bit down I do not want to wear black because it’s quite draining精疲力尽的 and also as you get older it’s draining too, so I might put on some warm colors or which um, I don’t know, sort of make your skin look lighter and your eyes 11.sparkle闪烁 a little more. Um I, I change…I would say I have got a lot of different colors clothes according to my mood.Presenter: Yeah, and what about you? Do you change 12.dramatically引人注目地 in the evening when you go out on town on the razz狂欢 you know? Eric: Well not really. Um yeah I might put on a nicer pair of shoes or maybe er get out of my jeans and put on a nicer pair of 13.pants裤子, something like that. But um for the most part, it’s a young anization机构 that I work for and the boss is fairly young so we all dress um with a 15.youthful 年轻的 thought in mind.Presenter: Thank you.Unit 4 Money talksConversation1Andy: So what happened then?Janet: I saw some wonderful clothes, and had a wonderful day.Andy: But what were you doing there with Joe? I thought you were meeting with me.Janet: You were late.Andy: Ah, yes. You got me there.Janet: Joe is right you know. You are late quite often.Andy: Ok.Janet: I didn’t know what to do because l didn’t know you were on you way.And Tanya offered me the free tickets and then Joe just turned up.Andy: Oh well. Look, I’m really sorry I didn’t… Oh, I’d better take this. Hi, Andy speaking. Oh, yes of course. Hi, Mr. Pearson. Are we still on for today? It’s the guy we’re meeting today. Yes, we’re already here. Something unexpected has come up. OK, sure,we will have to make another arrangement to meet. That’s fine, no problem. So when would it be convenient for you?I think that’s OK, but can I check my schedule? Can you hold on for a moment, please? He can’t make it this morning. Are we clear this afternoon? Janet: I think so, yes.Andy: That’s OK. Could we make it at 2:30 rather than 2:00? Well, let me think. How about at our local, the Duke of York? Would that be OK with you?... Sure, no problem. See you this afternoon. Bye!Janet: What’s he coming to talk about?Andy: The city. The financial capital of the world… Next to New York, of course. I’d better tell Joe about th e change of plan.Conversation2Janet: So what does the world high finance have to do with our website? Joe: Well, I thought we could do something on the Bank of England Museum- It’s really quite interesting.Janet: So who exactly is Tim Pearson?Joe: He works there and he’s coming along today to plan our interview and a tour round museum.Janet: So we’re not actually doing any firming?Andy: No. Just asking more about the Bank and the museum.Tim: Hi.Joe: Hi, Tim.Andy: Hi, Tim.Janet: Hi, I’m Janet.Tim: Hi, Janet. Right, so where do you want to begin?Joe: I’ve got a plan of the museum. Can we go through it with you? Tim: Fine. Basically, the Bank of England Museum tells the story of the Bank of England. There’s also a collectio n of Bank notes and gold bars. Andy: Any free samples?Tim: Sorry, no chance! Now, you come in here on the left, past the museum shop. Then the first room you enter is a reconstruction of a late 18th century banking hall.Janet: And moving through to this room, on the top right hand site? Tim: That’s the story of the early years at the Bank from when it was founded in 1964.Janet: What about this room on the left?Tim: That’s the bank’s collection of silver goods, a pile of gold bars. And this room here below contains a description of how the modern economy works.Janet: So is our paper money always backed by its value in gold?Tim: Yes, the notes they gave or received were originally receipts for the loans in gold. But gradually these paper receipts replaced the gold and became bank notes.Janet: So is the Bank independent or controlled by the government?Tim: The Bank was given its independence in 1997.Janet: And why didn’t the Bank help the economy during the credit crunch in 2008?Tim: Well, it’s a bit difficult to explain…Andy: Take your time, Tim, we’d really like to know.Tim: Well, uh…Conversation2 P39-5选择题答案 bcdacPassage1Presenter: With me today is Tara Black, author of The History of Money. Tara, before we had money, we exchanged交换things, didn’t we?Tara: Yes, that’s right. In the Stone Age, people exchanged things like salt or 1.cattle牛. But of course the problem is that the things you exchange don’t last持久. And so money was introduced as a more 2.permanent永久的way ofpaying for things. And of course, money’s also a lot easier to use. You can carry it around with you very easily.Presenter: So when did people start changing from exchanging goods to paying for things with money?Tara: Well, as far back as 5000 BC, people in China and the Middle East were exchanging 3.metals金属 for goods.Presenter: As long ago as that?Tara: Yes. The first silver银ingots金银铸块、锭…Presenter: Silver bars条? Tara: Yes, they appeared around 2200BC in Europe and were used as 4.currency货币. Coins then appeared in Lydia around 700 BC. Presenter: Lydia?Tara: Lydia is a country in what’s now known as Turkey土耳其. Then other countries followed their example and started 5.producing制造them. A Greek 希腊的coin, the drachma德拉克马,希腊原货币单位, became the 6.standard标准的form of money in large parts of Asia and Europe.Presenter: And the first paper money?Tara: Paper money was first used in china around 960 AD.Presenter: It’s always China, isn’t it?Tara: Quite often, yes.Presenter: So as well as being long-lasting持久的;耐用的and 7.convenient 方便的, a big advantage of coins and paper money is that they have a standard value标准价值.Tara: Yes, they’re known as 8.representative代表的money. Every coin or paper has a certain value that doesn’t depend on the 9.actual实际的value of the paper or metal.Presenter: And how did banks started?Tara: Both the early Persians波斯人and the Ancient Egyptians埃及人had storehouses仓库where they kept their country’s grain粮食- we’re talking about 3000 BC. They exchanged the grain for promissory note期票;约定支付的票据. This 10.meant意味着 a written promise to pay back a 11.sum金额of money to someone. Really, these storehouses can be seen as the first banks.Presenter: I see.Tara: So over a great many centuries banks became places where money was 12.deposited存and lent贷. And they 13.guaranteed保证that a note票据of a certain value could be exchanged for a certain amount of silver. Presenter: And then there was the gold standard金本位, wasn’t there? Tara: Yes, the gold standard was 14.applied应用 all over the world from 1870 to 1915 but it was slowly 15.abandoned抛弃.Presenter: When did it become easier…Unit 5 Gender studiesConversation1Andy: I loved the question you asked Tim Pearson about financial crisis. Janet: Well, I shouldn’t have asked it. After all he is an expert! Andy: There you go again, you’re always putting yourself down. You don’t know how to take a compliment(称赞,恭维).Janet: True. I never find it easy to accept praise. Do you think women have been conditioned to accept criticism(批评,指责)?Andy: Well, I think that’s gender stereotyping(对...产生成见,模式化). Do you think that men are good at accepting compliments?Janet: Well, they seem to be able to deal with criticism much better. Andy: Don’t you believe it!Janet: Anyway, thank you, I accept your compliment.Andy: Not only that, but I think yo u’d make a really TV presenter. Janet: I’m not so sure. I haven’t seen many women in television here. Andy: Well, in the media in general, I can assure(确保,使确信) you that there are lots of women in presenting and management roles.Janet: Well, maybe, but I’m Chinese as well. I don’t think I’ll be accepted as a presenter on a British TV programme.Andy: Gender and racial stereotyping. I mean, it depends on what job and sometimes where you work in London, of course, but generally, Londoners are proud of their multi-ethnic community. Especially the Chinese, because cookgreat food!Janet: Now who’s doing the stereotyping! But seriously, look at all these smart women walking to work. Are they all secretaries or managers?Andy: OK, it’s a good point. I think that m any women manage to get middle management jobs in most professions. But it’s true that a lot of them talk about the glass ceiling.Janet: What’s the glass ceiling?Andy: It’s the situation where a woman is successful in a company, but then she hits the glass ceiling- this invisible(不可见的,隐形的) barrier which stops her going any higher in her career.Conversation2Janet: So what do you think causes the glass ceiling?Andy: It’s partly prejudice by men about women’s abilities in management. But it’s also when women take time off to have children; they don’t always recover the same power when they return to work.Janet: It not fair.Andy: You’re right, it’s not fair. I read here that only five to ten percent of the top companies in America and British are run by women.Janet: That’s extraordinary! In China there appears to be more women in top jobs, but I may be wrong.Andy: And look, here are some more statistics. About 60 percent of university graduations in Europe and North America are women. And something like 75 percent of the eight million new jobs in Europe have been filled by women. Janet: So the percentage of women in the total workforce is growing. Andy: You got it! But women in the UK are in a slight majority—there are more women than men.Janet: Do you think it’s especially bad in the UK, and in London especially? Andy: Not really. Some jobs which were traditionally done by women, like nursing, are now also done by men, and like engineering which are done by women. And there are plenty of women’s footbal l teams!Janet: Women’s football! We have women’s football in China too.Andy: Mind you, their matches don’t get many spectators!Janet: I give up. What else has changed?Andy: I think fathers spend more quality time with their children today. But I bet y ou it’s still the women who spend most looking after the children and the home.Janet: I guess that’s true everywhere.Andy: Anyway, I am going home to watch the match on TV. The local women’s team, of course.Janet: It’s typical of you men! You always bri ng it back to football! Andy: And that’s typical of you women! You always bring it back to gender stereotyping.Conversation2 P51-5选择题答案bccabPassage1Presenter: Has feminism女权主义,男女平等主义gone too far in the way men are shown in advertisements? Do you think there are too many ads now in which men are shown as 1.stupid愚蠢的 or weak?Speaker 1: 2.Definitely当然, yes. I can think of three ads right now where men are shown as stupid. The one that 3.annoys使恼火;生气 me most is the one where this guy is doing this DIY job and he’s no good at it. And his girlfriend is standing by waiting to do the job herself. Fine, if it was one ad, but it’s not, it’s a whole 4.attitude态度 now to men. It’s not good for us, it’s not good for women either.Speaker 2: Um, well, yes, I do feel that feminism has gone too far. I mean, great, women have made a lot of 5.progress进步 in the last 40 years, but it shouldn’t mean we treat men as 6.inferior(等级或地位) 低等的,次要的, which is what we see in quite a few ads these days. So no, I don’t really like the way men are 7.portrayed描绘 in advertisements.Speaker 3: Has feminism gone too far in advertisements? No way! Feminism has only just begun, there’s no real 8.equality平等 of pay in this country, and men still have all the top jobs. Women continue to be shown as 9.objects。

Unit 1 Nine to fiveInside viewConversation 1Janet What a wonderful view!This is such a great city. Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?这是一个多么美妙的景色啊!这是一个伟大的城市。
你是否厌倦了住在伦敦,安迪?Andy"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;for there is in London all that life can afford."”当一个人厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,因为在伦敦生活能负担得起的。
”Janet This is a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?这是一个由塞缪尔·约翰逊的报价,不是吗?Andy Correct! So do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?正确的!那么你有什么计划在牛津大学当你完成吗?Janet I've got another year to go, and then I suppose I'll go back home. 我有一年去,然后我想我会回家。
Andy And will you find a job?你会找到一个工作吗?Janet I think I'll have to do my Masters before I look for work. But I must admit London is very special. Do you think you would ever leave London? 我想要做我的主人在我找工作。

Unit 1 Nine to fiveInside viewConversation 1Janet What a wonderful view!This is such a great city. Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?这是一个多么美妙的景色啊!这是一个伟大的城市。
你是否厌倦了住在伦敦,安迪?Andy"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;for there is in London all that life can afford."”当一个人厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,因为在伦敦生活能负担得起的。
”Janet This is a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?这是一个由塞缪尔·约翰逊的报价,不是吗?Andy Correct! So do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?正确的!那么你有什么计划在牛津大学当你完成吗?Janet I've got another year to go, and then I suppose I'll go back home. 我有一年去,然后我想我会回家。
Andy And will you find a job?你会找到一个工作吗?Janet I think I'll have to do my Masters before I look for work. But I must admit London is very special. Do you think you would ever leave London? 我想要做我的主人在我找工作。

Unit 1OutsideviewConversation 1Li:What a wonderful view! This is such a great city!Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?A;"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford" Li:That's a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?A:Correct,so do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?Li: I've got another year to go and then I suppose I'll go back home.A; And you will find a job?Li:I think I have to do my Master's before I look for work.But I must admit London is very special.Do you think you would ever leave London?A:Sure, I'd love to come to china one day, and I like traveling. But i think I'll always come back here.Li:Well, your roots are here and there are so many opportunities.A;But have you ever thought of living in London for a year or two?Li:Y es, but what could I do here? I had planned to become a teacher.But i have often thought if there was a job i could do here in publishing,maybe as an editor, I'll go for it.A:That's sounds like a great idea.I think that would really suit youLi:Maybe I should update my CV and send it to one or two publisher.A:Don't make it look too goodLi:Why not?A;Well,if you enjoy working with London Time Off, we don't want you working with anyone else Li:Oh, working with you and Joe it's great fun and really interesting. I couldn't think of a better way to find out about a cityA;So maybe you should think about applying for a job with usLi:But do you think I'd stand a chance(有可能,有希望)?I mean, I'm not sure if Joe likes meA:Don't even think about it!Joe is very straight talking and I promise you that you'd know if he didn't like you.Li:Perhaps we should both update our CVs and look for jobs togetherA:Hey,right!That would be fun.李:什么是美好的景色!这是这样一个伟大的城市!你有没有厌倦过伦敦的生活,安迪?当一个人厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,因为在伦敦,所有的生活都能承受李:那是约翰逊塞缪尔的语录,不是吗?答:对,你在牛津结束的时候有什么计划吗?李:我还有一年要走,我想我会回家。

Keys to unit1P3-3True statements are : 2,8P3-51.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK.2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer.P3-61-d 2-d 3-a 4-cP4-71.It’s not always very easy working with2.How did he end up in London3.the least experienced person4.He’s good at his job5.He is confident and very competent6.I get on with him quite wellP4-81-b 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-bP6-21,2,3,4P6-41.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job.2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure ina job interview.3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation, presentationand understanding what the interviewer is looking for.P7-51.professional job coach2.research on the position and the company3.having not practiced with some of the questions4.how you present yourself5.what the interviewer is actually looking for6.preparation, presentation and understanding7.in relationship to the job8.some examples in your life9.dealing with problemsP7-71, 3,5,7,8,9,10,11P8-31-b 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-cKeys to unit 2 A good readP14-2Joe: 1 Andy: 2 Janet: 3,4P14-33.It is a feature programme which reviews recently published books.4.None of them have read all of the books.5.He’s annoyed.6.It features new books that may have a London angle, but not necessarily.7.Because Charles Dickens’ books are always on TV.8.She knows quite a lot about Dickens because she is studying his work at university.9.It’s a biography which describes the London locations which are the settings for many ofDickens’ books.10.Yes.P15-6Place of birth: PortsmouthDates: 19th centuryType of writing: novelsSetting of stories: around the law courts in the center of LondonOther features of writing: He describes hardship, poverty and crime in London.Most famous novels: Oliver Twist, David CopperfieldP15-61-a 2-b 3-d 4-c 5-cP16-71.He wasn’t being at all fair.2.sometimes he really gets on my nerves3.keep his problems away from the studio4.He was born in Portsmouth5.he set most of his stories in6.Whereabouts in London are his stories set7.some of his stories take place8.Cheer up9.I’ll get over itP16-81-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-aP18-22&7P19-41.borrow books2.look at an art exhibition3.connect to the Internet4.let you borrow computer games5.with books and photographs6.in schools and universitiesP19-510.It is a national library11.You can find books and other printed materials.12.The British Library adds millions of items to its collection every year.13.No, not at all, although some reading may take new forms (like reading from computerscreens or mobile phones), reading books will remain popular.P19-6Name: The British LibraryLocation: LondonYear the new building opened: 1998Items collected: books, sound recordings, music, maps, newspapers, and magazinesNumber of items added yearly: three millionP20-21.it began over 20 years ago2.about once every four or five weeks3.104.the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5.modern novels, classics, non-fiction like history and travel writingp20-31.-d 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-bP21-71.I’m not a professional literary specialist2.their close links with well-known writers3.the home of many well-known writers4.the memorial of great British writers5.rich in its literary history6.because of the recent series of films7.because it was the home of the three sisters8.also made into successful films9.around the English-speaking world10.whose work contributesKeys to Unit 4 Money talksInside ViewP38-11. Janet: 136 Andy:2457P38-21. What Janet was doing at the market with Joe.2. He is right about Andy being late quite often.3. He says something unexpected has come up.4. So that he can check his schedule.5. at 2.30.6. The City of London.P39-42-5-1-4-3P39-51-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-cP40-61.what does; have to do2.So we’re not actually3.Basically4.you come in here on the left5.moving through to this room6.What about this room on the left7.And this room here below containsP40-71-b 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-bOutside viewP42-2True statements: 4567P42-31-b 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-bP43-54-3-5-7-1-2-6P43-61.if we’re not happy2.make all of that better3.make more choices4.still thinks about money5.of having the money6.would get solved7.gives us more choicesListening inP44-21.They were exchanging metals for goods.2.They first appeared in Europe.3.Coins appeared in Lydia around 700 BC.4.The drachma was used as a standard form of money in large parts of Asia and Europe.5.Around 960 AD, in China.6.They can be seen as early banks.7.It was applied all over the world.P44-31.we exchanged things, didn’t we2.exchange don’t last3. a lot easier to use4.Coins then appeared5.started producing them6. a big advantage of7.has a certain value8.exchanged the grain9. a certain amount of silver10.1870 to 1915P45-66-3-1-7-2-5-4P45-71-b 2-a 3-a 4-a 5-cKeys to U5 Gender StudiesP50-11Andy: 1,3,5,7Janet: 2,4, 6P50-2True statements: 1,4,6,8,9P50-41.only five to ten percent2.about 75%3.women4.nursing5.engineering6.football7.menP51-51. b2. c3. c4. a5. bP52-61.It’s fair.2.I may be wrong.3.about 60% of4.the percentage5.are in a slight majority6.Mind you7.I give up8.I bet you9.it’s typical of you menP52-71. b2. a3. b4. a5. aP54-31-b 2-d 3-d 4-c 5-cP55-41.in the economic and political sectors2.based on3.such jobs as teaching and nursing4.make their own money5.in the number of families6.very well looked after7.although the system is8.it will be difficult when9.who might be able to10.been responsible for less well paid than men11.are rewardedP56-31.An ad in which a man is shown as being no good at a DIY job.2.That feminism has gone too far; it treats men as inferior.3.There is no real equality of pay; men still have the top jobs but they aren’t always shown assuper-masculine.4.It is good that men aren’t always shown as super-masculine, because this is more realistic.5. A car insurance ad, which shows a woman as a smart boss and a man as dumb idiot.P57-51.logical2.nurturing3.spatial4.verbalP57-66-3-4-1-5-2P57-7Men: 1,3,4,7Women: 2,5,6P57-81.the result of upbringing2.learn to speak earlier3.in intelligence tests4.are better at language skills5.less interested in women6.have better social skills7.boys and girls quite differentlyKeys to U6 All in the pastP62-2True statements: 1,2,6P63-31.It’s his favorite view in the whole of London.2.It’s well worth a visit.3.If she can go up the tower.4.People need permission from their MP to go up the tower.5.Because it’s the most important government building in the country.6.In the summer.7.To do the research.8.To phone a friend who works at the Houses of Parliament to see if she can meet them.63-51. 18592. 18703. Westminster Hall4. the 11the century5. two6. the people (everyone in the country who has the right to vote)7. the prime minster63-61-c 2-a 3-c 4-b 5-a63-71.is widely believed to be2.No, that’s not what I’m trying to say3.It would appear that4.It seems that5.there’s little doubt that6.it’s widely thought that7.is considered to be8.But what’s even more amazing isP65-81-b 2-a 3-aP66-24-8-3-7-1-2-6-5P66-31.no more than 170 kms2.more than nine million3.five or six4.19125.over 1,5006.five or six7.more than one and a half million8.Liverpool and SouthamptonP67-41-a 2-c 3-d 4-dP67-51.the biggest navy in the world2.what it was like3.brought tea4.to put up the sails5.passenger ships6.in maritime history7.the world’s biggest cruise ship8.five or six hours9.furniture and toysP68-2True statements: 6P68-31.15332.15363.15584.15685.15876.1603P68-41-b 2-b 3-c 4-d 5-d 6-d68-71.Pompeii2. a guide to the town3.almost 2,000 years ago4.August5.two days6.twoP69-81.Well, turn around … what do you see?2.Yes, it could erupt again.3.Yes, he was praying.4.Not until 1748.5.There were two owners – they had a small business.6.It says, “Welcome, money.”7.We think it was a mirror although we haven’t had …Keys to U8 Architecture: frozen musicInside viewP86-2True: 1,5P86-31.Because Cathy is very busy.2.She says she’ll do her best but can’t make any promises.3.I’m Joe Varese, we spoke on the phone.4.London architecture as well as the exhibition.5.He wants to check the sound level.6.The London Skyline, past, present and future.P87-41.The domed building at the top of the page. Or it’s in the middle of the skyline on Page 86.2.About 400 years, I’m guessing. I don’t really know.3.I can see it under the word “exhibition” on Page 86.4.No, you can almost count the really tall buildings.5.It is the trend but maybe they do not allow them for some reason.P86-61-c 2-c 3-b 4-d 5-a 6-aP86-71.one of the most recognizable2.to everyone’s astonishment3.Yes, absolutely4.That’s absolutely right5.I’m not convinced you’re right6.As you might expect7.ExactlyOutside viewSize, architecture, train system, sculpture, airport, lake shoreline, music, sports teamsP90-31-a 2-b 3-a 4-c 5-a 6-dP91-41.the third largest2.18713.curtains of glass4.15 years5.70 seconds6.840 flights7.29 miles8. a wonderful sports historyListening inP92-2Terminal 3: the newest terminal of Beijing AirportMarch 2008: date it became operationalNorman Foster: a famous British architectThree kilometers: extend of the terminalThree and a half years: time it took to build the new terminalRed and gold: traditional Chinese colors usedSaving energy: reason for the roof design19,000 pieces of luggage: number per hour the baggage system can handleP92-41.became operational in March 20082.glass and steel3.light and heat/19,000 pieces ofte December 20075.French architect6.the amount of sunlight7.glass curtain8.the gardens and treesp93-61-c 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-c 1-3-4-2-5P92-71.He is one of Spain’s great architects.2.Bones.3.The Dancing House.5.Thirty-three years.6.It is the tallest hotel in the world and it looks like a sail.7.1997.8.Stucco.PronunciationP95-4Arrivals HallnewestoperationalMarch 2008third runwaya rail linkcentersecond largestfamous British architect Norman Fosteralmost three kilometersonly three and a half yearsp95-6The terminal is only one of a number of new buildings that have made Beijing a leading example of 21st century architectural design. Another design success is the capital’s new National Center for the Performing Arts, which opened in late December 2007.The center, which has created huge interest all over the world, is based at West Chang’an Avenue, just west of the Great Hall of the People and Tian’anmen Square.Keys to U9 words of wisdomInside viewP98-2latest squeeze: new girlfriendshacked off with: tired of, dissatisfied with, fed up withfancy…?: would you like…?a pint: a drink of beerdown the local: in the pubon me: my treat, I’ll payP98-31.She’s a friend from work.2.An old school friend of Andy’s3.Go for a drink.4.Andy’s girlfriend.5.She can’t understand his accent or what he said.6.He explains what Jack said to Janet.P98-41.Hello, friend. What are you doing?2.It is a nice surprise to see you, Jack.3.How is your life progressing?4.Quite well.5.I hope to meet you again in the pub.6.I could not understand at all.7.I have no idea what he meant.8.Wait a moment.9.Now I understand.P99-51.a-Janet b-Janet c-Joe d-Janet e-Joe2.It refers to the English language.3.Shakespeare.4.Andy.P99-61-a 2-a 3-a 4-c 5-c 6-bP100-71.It’s hard to say2.it depends3.But on the other hand4.You know5.Take Shakespeare, for example6.Such as7.like8. a very kind person9.is very jealous10.Shakespeare in the RainP100-8 Everyday English1-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-a 6-aOutside view1.speak to Americans2.an opportunity for communication3.go out into the community4.try to learn as much about our culture5.feel more confident; appreciate our culturep103-35-3-6-2-4-1P103-41.There are so many different ways of teaching English.2.It also varies as to whether you’re taking private lessons with a tutor, or if you’re in a largeclassroom situation.3.However, there is also an advantage to be able to take a class with students from, not just yourcountry, but other countries as well.4.So therefore, you can communicate with other people, which is again, what it’s all about.5.So students really enjoy meeting each other and being forced to speak in Englsih.P103-51-b 2-d 3-a 4-a 5-bListening inP104-21.2,0002.6,0003.Australia4.three5.200 years ago6.20P104-31-c 2-b 3-a 4-b 5-d 6-dP105-61-dog 2-bees 3-dolphins 4-Vervet monkey 5-monkeyP105-71.If animals have communication systems that are like human language.2.Rules or grammar and intended meaning.3.no.4.Because they have large brains and appear to respond to one another’s communications.5.In America.6.Hurt and sorry.7.Because another chimpanzee took her magazine.。

New Standard English Book 4Unit 1Inside viewConversation 12. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live inLondon,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together.Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together.3. the true statements are 2 and 8.Conversation 25. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK.2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer.6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c)7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with2.How did he end up in London3.the least experienced person4.He’s good at his job5.He’s confident and very competent6.I get on with him quite wellEveryday English8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Outside view2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4.4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead herfailure in a job interview.3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down topreparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.5. 1.professional job coach2.research on the position and the company3.having not practised with some of the questions4.how you present yourself5.what the interviewer is actually looking for6.preparation,presentation and understanding7.in relationship to the job8.some examples in your life9.dealing with problems7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11.Listening inPassage 13. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(d) 5(c)Passage 27. The US: typical working hours:9-5Office clothes:for men,jacket and tie or pen neck shirt,sometimes jeansMeal breaks: one hourOvertime:yes;paid for each 15 minute period after the first hourHolidays:two weeks a year;three weeks after five yearsRetirement age: men:65; women:62 or 63Pay day:twice a month; at the beginning and middle of the monthCompany benefits: lease a company car; apension plan and a health care plan Brazil: typical working hours:8-5 or 9-6,but people usually work longerOffice clothes:casual and informal,but neat and tidyMeal breaks : one hourOvertime:yes,very often;not paidHolidays : 30 working daysRetirement age :men:65 or after 30-35 years’ work; women : after 60Pay day: some companies may twice a month; others once a monthCompany benefits: It depends:maybe a company car,living accommodation,school forchildren,lunch and travel costs,gasoline,health insurance…Unit 2Inside viewConversation 12. Joe:1 Andy:2 Janet:3,43. 1.It is a feature programme which reviews recently published books2.None of them have read all of the books3.He’s annoyed4.It features new books that may have a London angle,but not necessarily.5.Because Charles Dickens’ books are always on TV6.She knows quite a lot about Dickens because she is studing his work at university .7.It’s a biography which describes the London locations which are the settings for many ofDickens’ books.8.Yes.Conversation 25. portsmouth ; 19th century ;novels ; around the law courts in the centre of London ; Hedescribes hardship,poverty and crime in London ; Oliver Twist,David Copperfield6. 1(a) 2(b) 3(d) 4(c) 5(c)7. (1) He wasn’t being at all fair(2)sometimes he really gets on my nerves(3)keep his problems away from the studio(4)He was born in Portsmouth(5)He set most of his stories in(6)Whereabouts in London are his stories set(7)some of his stories take place(8)Cheer up(9)I’ll get over itEveryday english8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(a)Outside view2. the statements mentioned are:2 and 74. 1.borrow books2.look at an art exhibition3.connect to the Internet4.let you borrow computer games5.with books and photographs6.in schools and universities5. 1.It is a national library2.You can find books and other printed materials3.The British Library adds millions of items to its collection every year.4.No,not at all,although some reading may take new forms,(like reading from computerscreens or mobile phones),reading books will remain popular.6.Listening inPassage 12. 1.it began over 20 years ago2.about once every four or five weeks3.ten4.the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5.modern novels,classics,non-fiction like history and travel writing 3. 1(d) 2(a) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b)Passage 27. 1.I’m not a professional literary specialist2.their close links with well-known writers3.the home of many well-known writers4.the memorial of great British writers5.rich in its literary history6.because of the recent series of films7.because it was the home of the three sisters8.also made into succesful films9.around the English-speaking world10.whose work contributesUnit 3.Inside viewConversation 11. 2-8-4-3-1-6-7-52. the true statements are:1,2,5,6 and 8Conversation 24. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(b) 5(c)5. 1.started talking about fashion2.She’s giving out free tickets3.made up your mind4.the London fashion scene5.as far as I’m concerned6.The way I see it7.that will look goode and pick up on their styel9.only for a few rich people10.if you ask me11.it’s getting lateEveryday English6. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a)Outside view2. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(a) 5(d)3. 1 (h) 2(c) 3(g) 4(f) 5(d) 6(a) 7(e) 8(b)4. 1.Because they fitted really well2.In New Bond Street3.She thinks London has a more casual style4.Camden is known for its daring and sometimes outrageous styles Listening inPassage 1Passage 27. 1-6-4-5-2-38. 1(a) 2(d) 3(c) 4(b) 5(c)9. 1.they will not be following ; during similar events2.had been told by her model agency ; if she lost weight3.taking your weight in kilos ; a more accurate measurementment on or interfere in ; would use their common sense5.who are promoting size zero models ; design and promoteUnit 4Inside viewConversation 11. Janet: 1,3,6 Andy:2,4,5,7.2. 1.What Janet was doing at the market with Joe2.He is right about Andy being late quite often3.He says something unexpected has come up4.So that he can check his schedule5.At 2.306.The city of LondonConversation 24. 2-5-1-4-35. 1(d) 2(c) 3(d) 4(a) 5(c)6. 1.what does; have to do2.So we’re not actually3.Basically4.you come in here on the left5.moving through to this room6.What about this room on the left7.And this room here below containsEvertday English7. 1(b) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(b) 6(b)Outside view2 the true statements are:4,5,6 and 73. 1(b) 2(a) 3(c) 4(c) 5(b)5. 4-3-5-7-1-2-66. 1.if we’re not happy2.make all of that better3.make more choices4.still thinks about money5.of having the money6.would get solved7.gives us more choicesListening inPassage 12. 1.They were exchanging metals for goods.2.They first appeared in Europe.3.Coins appeared in Lydia around 700BC.4.The drachma was used as a standard from of money in large parts of Asia and Europe.5.Around 960AD,in China..6.They can be seen as early banks.7.It was applied all over the world.3. 1.we exchanged things,didn’t we2.exchange don’t last3.a lot easier to use4.Coins then appeared5.started producing them6.a big advantage of7.has a certain value8.exchanged the grain9.a certain amount of silver10.1870 to 1915Passage 26. 6-3-1-7-2-5-47. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Unit 5Inside viewConveration 11. Andy : 1,3,5,7 Janet:2,4,62. the true statements are:1,4,5,6,8 and 9Conversation 24. 1.only five to ten per cent2.about 75 percent3.women4.nursing5.engineering6.football7.men5. 1(b) 2(c) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b)6. 1.It’s not fair2.I may be wrong3.About 60 per cent of4.the percentage5.are in a slight majority6.Mind you7.I give up8.I bet you9.It’s typical of you menEveryday English7. 1(b) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(a)Outside view2. the issues that are mentioned are : equal pay,day care centres for children,choice of jobs,financial independence,family helping with childcare,afterschool care,choosing between a career and a family, and making a valuable contribution to society3. 1(b) 2(d) 3(d) 4(c) 5(c)4. 1.in theeconomic and political sectors2.based on3.such jobs as teaching and nursing4.make their own money5.in the number of families6.very well looked after7.although the system is8.it will be difficult when9.who might be able to10.been responsible for11.less well paid than men12.are rewardedListening inPassage 13. 1.An ad in which a man is shown as being no good at a DIY job.2.That feminism has gone too far; it treats men as inferior.3.There is no real equality of pay;men still have the top jobs but they aren’t always shownas super-masculine.4.It is good that men aren’t always shown as supermasculine,because this is more realistic.5.A car insurance ad,which shows a woman as a smart boss and as a dumb idiot. Passage 25. 1.logical 2.nurturing 3.spatial 4.verbal6. 6-3-4-1-5-27. men : 1,3,4,7 women : 2,5,68. 1 the result of upbringing2.learn to speak earlier3.in intelligence tests4.are better at language skills5.less interested in women6.have better social skills7.boys and girls quite differentlyUnit 6Inside viewConversation 12. the true statements are: 1,2 and 6.3. 1.It’s his favourite view in the whole of London.2.It’s well worth a visit3.If she can go up the tower4.People need permission from their MP to go up the tower.5.Because it’s the most important government building in the country .6.In the summer7.To do the research8.To phone a friend who works at the Houses of Parliament to see if she can meet them Conversation 25. 1.18592.18703.Westerminster Hall4.the 11th century5.two6.the people (everyone in the country who has the right to vote )7.the prime minister6. 1(c) 2(a) 3(c) 4(b) 5(a)7. 1.is widely believed to be2.No,that’s not what I’m trying to say3.It would appear that4.It seems that5.there’s little doubt that6.it’s widely thought that7.is considered to be8.But what’s even more amazing isEveryday English8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a)Outside view2. 4-8-3-7-1-2-6-53. 1 no more that 170 kms2.more that nine million3.five or six4.19125.over 15006.five or six7.more than one and a half million8.Liverpool and Southampton4. 1(a) 2(c) 3(d) 4(d)5. 1 the biggest navy in the world2.what it was like3.brought tea4.to put up the sails5.passenger ships6.in maritime history7.the world’s biggest cruise ship8.five or six hours9.furniture and toysListening inPassage 12. the true statement is :63. 1. 1533 2.1536 3.15584.15685.15876.16034. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5(d) 6(d)Passage 27. 1 Pompeii2.a guide to the town3. almost XXXXyears ago4.August5.two days6.two8. 1.Well,turn around…what do you see?2.Yes,it could erupt again3.Yes,he was praying4.Not until 17485.There were two owners-they had a small business6.It says,”welcome ,money”7.We think it was a mirrior although we haven’t had…Unit 7Inside viewConversation 12. Janet 1,5,6 Andy 2,3,4,73. 1. 1oo pounds per week2.one of the most expensive cities3.shared with three other people4.110 pounds per week5.outside business hours, in his own time6.for a new job as well7.make private calls at workConversation 25. 1(d) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5 (b)6. 1.It’s just round the corner from where2.It’s really convenient for work3.it’s fairly cheap4.it’s fashionable now5.it’s always been an advantage6.Can you tell me something about it7.to be paid on topEveryday English7. 1(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Outside view1. 1(d) 2(e) 3(f) 4(b) 5(a) 6(c)3. 7-4-2-6-3-5-14. 1.there are as many semi-datached houses as terraced houses2.Lots of people live in flats3.because builders use local materialsed to make roofs5.”An englishman’s home is his castle”6.There are large DIY stores and garden centres5. 1. houses or flats2. got a few houses3.Sixty per cent4.Some detached houses5.can look very different6.differences in age7. traditional thatched cottages8.spend a lot of time and money9.into a castleListening inPassage 12. 1.nine 2. early 30s3.1000004. 4835.male6.40-50 per cent3. 1. next spring 2. and hospitals 3. the next four years4.three quarters5.Charities; 26and 45 6.family or friendsPassage 26 Man 2,3,6,7,9 Woman 1,4,5,87. 1(d) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(d)8. 1 In their 20s.2.Jobs are hard to find,students have fees to pay back and rents are high3.They are adult kids because they don’t seem to mind moving back with their parents4.His mum cooked and he saw his friends5.He is a scriptwriter6.She worked in a supermarket7.The pay was low and she had no chioce8.She is a department managerUnit 8Inside viewConversation 12. the true statements are :1 and 53. 1. Because Cathy is very busy2.She says she’ll do her best but can’t make any promises3.I’m Joe Varese , we spoke on the phone4.London architecture as well as the exhibition5.He wants to check the sound level6.The london Skyline, past, present and futureConversation 25. the topics that are mentioned are : 1,2,4,5,7 and 86. 1(c) 2(c) 3(b) 4(d) 5(a) 6(a)7. 1.one of the most recognizable2.to everyone’s astonishment3.Yes,absolutely4.That’s absolutely right5.I’m not convinced you’re right6.As you might expect7.ExactlyEveryday English8. 1(a) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a)Outside viewWatching and understanding2. size,architecture,train system,sculpture,airport,lake shoreline,music,sports teams3. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c) 5(a) 6(d)4. 1. the third largest2.18713.curtains of glass4.15 years5.70 seconds6.840 flights7.29 miles of8.a wonderful sports historyListening inListening and understandingPassage 12. terminal 3: the newest terminal of Beijing AirportMarch XXXX: date it became operationalNorman Foster: a famous British architectThree Kilometres: extent of the terminalThree and a half years: time it took to build the new terminalRed and gold :traditional Chinese colours usedSaving energy : reason for the roof design19000 pieces of luggage : number per hour the baggage system can handle3. the true statements are: 2,4,5 and 64. 1.became operational in March XXXX2.glass and steel3.light and heat /19,000 pieces ofte Dcember XXXX5.French architect6.the amount of sunlight7.glass curtain8.the gardens and treesPassage 26. 1(e) 2(a) 3(d) 4(b) 5(c) 1-3-4-2-5Listening and understanding7. 1.He is one of Spain’s great architect2.Bones3.The Dancing House4.Two5.Thirty-three years6.It is the tallest hotel in the world and it looks like a sail7.19978.StuccoUnit 9Starting point2. 1(a) 2(b)Inside viewConversation 12. latest squeeze: girlfriendHacked off with : tired of,dissatisfied withFancy…? Would you like …?A pint : a drink of beerDown the local : in the pubOn me : my treat / I will pay3. 1.She’s a friend from work2.An old school friend of Andy’s3.Go for a drink4.Andy’s girlfriend5.She can’t understand his accent or what he said6. He explains what Jack said to Janet4. the expressions that are used are:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 91.Hello,friend.what are you doing?2.It is a nice surprise to see you,Jack.3.How is your life progressing ?4.Quite well.5.I hope to meet you again in the pub.6.I could not understand at all.7.I have no idea what he meant.8.Wait a moment.9.Now I understand.Conversation 25. 1.(a) Janet (b)Janet (c)Joe (d)Janet (e)Joe2.It refers to the English language.3.Shakespeare.4.Andy.6. 1.(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c) 6(b)7. 1. It’s hard to say2.it depends3.But on the other hand4.You know5.Take Shakespear, for example.6.Such as7.like8.a very kind person9.is very jealous10.Shakespear in the rainEveryday English8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(a) 6(a)Outside viewWatching and understanding2. 1.speak to Americans2.an opportunity for communication3.go out into the community4.try to learn as much about our culture5.feel more confident; appreciate our culture3. 5-3-6-2-4-14. 1.There are so many different ways of teaching English.2.It also varies as to whether you’re taking private lessons with a tutor,or if you’re ina large classroom situation.3.However, there is also an advantage to be able to take a class with students from,notjust your country , but other countries as well.4.So therefore,you can communicate with other people,which is again,what it’s allabout .5.So students really enjoy meeting each other and being forced to speak in English. 5. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Listening inPassage 1Listening and understanding2. 1.2,0002.6,0003.Australia4.three5.200 years ago6.203. 1(c) 2(b) 3(a) 4(b) 5(d) 6(d)Passage 2Listening and understanding6. 1.dog 2.bees 3.dolphins 4.Vervet monkey 5.monkey7. 1.If animals have communication systems that are like human language .2.Rules or grammar and intended meaning.3.No.4.Because they have large brains and appear to respond to one another’scommunications.5.In America.6.Hurt and sorry.7.Because another chimpanzee took her magazine.8.No.Presentation skills3. d-g-c-a-f-b-eUnit 10Inside viewConversation 11. 1.a2.d3.b4.e5.c2. 1.It’s the greatest love story .2.It’s famous for its cinemas and theatres.3.It’s one of THE great clubs in London.4.They’re unbelievably cosy.5.the history of London.6.It’s a really important part of the life of the country.7.It was great to work for .8.For giving her another chance.3. 1.how wonderful it was for me to see it2.incredible3.I’ll have a half of bitter.please4.tomorrow at midday5.to give Andy a handConversation 25. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c)6. 1.I’ve had so much fun2.you’ve had a good time here3.can stay in touch4.you’ve been such a good friend to me5.I learned a bit at uni.6.in the futureEveryday English7. 1(a) 2(b) 3(b)Outside view2. 7-5-4-3-1-6-23. 1.Exciting jobs,right2.They’re all under 30,right3.about your diet and your nutrition4.And making a lot of money5.passionate about windsurfing6.looking at the wind7.how we’re going to prepare8.that magical balance9.not to be afraid5. Dr Green 5,6,7Jeremy 1,2,3,46. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c)Listening in2. 1.62-year-old2.an island3.American plane4.to be taken back home5.in surprisingly good health6.he had no family7.successful businessman8.800 dollars3. 1.The mast was broken.The rudder also broke so there there was no means of directing theboat.2.To repair his boat and sail to Hawaii.3.Near Hawaii4.By catching fish and drinking rainwater.5.Reading newspapers and watching videos on a small television.6.It floated along with no direction for four months.7.He had had a bad car accident.8.If you travel at sea you take what you find.If you are scared you will die.Listening and understanding6. 5-7-4-6-2-1-37. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)。
新标准视听说第四册答案Unit 3

Unit 3.Inside viewConversation 11. 2-8-4-3-1-6-7-52. the true statements are:1,2,5,6 and 8Conversation 24. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(b) 5(c)5. 1.started talking about fashion2.She’s giving out free tickets3.made up your mind4.the London fashion scene5.as far as I’m concerned6.The way I see it7.that will look goode and pick up on their styel9.only for a few rich people10.if you ask me11.it’s getting lateEveryday English6. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a)Outside view2. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(a) 5(d)3. 1 (h) 2(c) 3(g) 4(f) 5(d) 6(a) 7(e) 8(b)4. 1.Because they fitted really well2.In New Bond Street3.She thinks London has a more casual style4.Camden is known for its daring and sometimes outrageous stylesListening inPassage 13.Penny Eric1 She changes up to three times He usually stays in work clothes2 Because of what she’s doing:the school It depends on what happens:maybe change run,gym clothes,to go out in the evening shoes or change to go out somewhere3 She’s going for an interview so she wants to He wants to be fairly casual,relaxed,andlook smart comfortable4 She’s discreetly fashion conscious:She carries He’s alit tle fashion conscious:he wants to high heels in her bag and then changes into have his own bit of individualitythem5 She wears different colours according to her He dresses with a youthful thought in mind moodPassage 27. 1-6-4-5-2-38. 1(a) 2(d) 3(c) 4(b) 5(c)9. 1.they will not be following ; during similar events2.had been told by her model agency ; if she lost weight3.taking your weight in kilos ; a more accurate measurementment on or interfere in ; would use their common sense5.who are promoting size zero models ; design and promote。
we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案 第一单元(最全最新)

大学英语新标准视听说教程4 答案we learn 全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程4答案(最全最新)Unit 1 SuccessWarm UpAnswer the questions:1. Answers will vary. Possible answer: He was exploring new territory. Antarctica isfreezing and also dark for most of the year.2. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Bill Gates started his own company Microsoft andachieved great success in his career. He also donates a lot of money to charity.3. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Learning from our mistakes and failures can helpus succeed in the future.Listening and Speaking/Lesson AListening:A. Listening for gist: determination; hard workB. Listening for details: 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. BListening and Speaking/Lesson BListening1:A. New words andexxxxxpressions:1.magic2.astronaut3.crew4.misson5.failure6.turn down7.field8.rocketC. Listening comprehension1:1.Important lessons from failure.2.We learn to be careful and to learn from our mistakes.C. Listening comprehension2:pressure; turned down; lessons; mistakes; climb;Listening2:A. Listening for gist: AB. Listening for details:1.a.heavy; b.didn't work; c.expensive2.stopped selling3.iPhone; iPadVideoBefore You WatchAbout the video:Vocabulary matching: 1.Antarctica; 2.adventure; 3.peak; 4.severeDiscussion:1.He was climbing Qomolangma when a severe storm killed 12 climbers including someof his team.2.He is in Antarctica to be a part of the first team to climb Rakekniven Peak.While You Watch:A. Watch the video: 1 6 4 7 2 5 3B. Vocabulary matching: 1. A 2. BC. Answer the following question: Jon’s team had succeeded in reaching the top ofRakekniven safely. He put the flag there to commemorate their success.After You Watch:1.Answers will vary. When Krakauer puts the flag from Qomolangma into the mountain inAntarctica he is succeeding after a significant failure. During the video we see that Krakauer is enjoying the climb. After Qomolangma he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted t o climb again. So he probably feels very happy to be enjoying climbing again and to have had a safe and successful expedition with his team in Antarctica.2.Answers will vary.Unit test*Part 1Section A1.magic;2.determination;3.accomplish;4.connect;5.frozen;6.steeply;7.eventually;8.spoilt; 9.crack; 10.intelligenceSection B11.D 12A 13.C 14.A 15.BPart 21. A2. D3. D4. A5. B6. C7. C8. B9. B 10. CCET-Oriented StudyListening practice: 1. D 2. A 3.B。
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New Standard English Book 4Unit 1Inside viewConversation 12. Janet : go back to China,do my master’s (which means going back to university),live inLondon,become a teacher,work in publishing,apply for a job at London Time Off,update my CV and look for jobs together.Andy: leave London,go to China,look for jobs together.3. the true statements are 2 and 8.Conversation 25. 1.Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK.2.Andy wants Joe’s job as a producer.6. 1(d) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c)7. 1 It’s not always very easy working with2.How did he end up in London3.the least experienced person4.He’s good at his job5.He’s confident and very competent6.I get on with him quite wellEveryday English8. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Outside view2. the true statements Samantha agrees with are:1,2,3 and 4.4. 1.She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job2.She doesn’t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead herfailure in a job interview.3.She doesn’t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4.That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down topreparation,presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.5. 1.professional job coach2.research on the position and the company3.having not practised with some of the questions4.how you present yourself5.what the interviewer is actually looking for6.preparation,presentation and understanding7.in relationship to the job8.some examples in your life9.dealing with problems7. the pieces of advice the speakers give are:1,3,5,7,8,9,10 and 11.Listening inPassage 13. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(d) 5(c)Passage 27. The US: typical working hours:9-5Office clothes:for men,jacket and tie or pen neck shirt,sometimes jeansMeal breaks: one hourOvertime:yes;paid for each 15 minute period after the first hourHolidays:two weeks a year;three weeks after five yearsRetirement age: men:65; women:62 or 63Pay day:twice a month; at the beginning and middle of the monthCompany benefits: lease a company car; apension plan and a health care plan Brazil: typical working hours:8-5 or 9-6,but people usually work longerOffice clothes:casual and informal,but neat and tidyMeal breaks : one hourOvertime:yes,very often;not paidHolidays : 30 working daysRetirement age :men:65 or after 30-35 years’ work; women : after 60Pay day: some companies may twice a month; others once a monthCompany benefits: It depends:maybe a company car,living accommodation,school forchildren,lunch and travel costs,gasoline,health insurance…Unit 2Inside viewConversation 12. Joe:1 Andy:2 Janet:3,43. 1.It is a feature programme which reviews recently published books2.None of them have read all of the books3.He’s annoyed4.It features new books that may have a London angle,but not necessarily.5.Because Charles Dickens’ books are always on TV6.She knows quite a lot about Dickens because she is studing his work at university .7.It’s a biography which describes the London locations which are the settings for many ofDickens’ books.8.Yes.Conversation 25. portsmouth ; 19th century ;novels ; around the law courts in the centre of London ; Hedescribes hardship,poverty and crime in London ; Oliver Twist,David Copperfield6. 1(a) 2(b) 3(d) 4(c) 5(c)7. (1) He wasn’t being at all fair(2)sometimes he really gets on my nerves(3)keep his problems away from the studio(4)He was born in Portsmouth(5)He set most of his stories in(6)Whereabouts in London are his stories set(7)some of his stories take place(8)Cheer up(9)I’ll get over itEveryday english8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(a)Outside view2. the statements mentioned are:2 and 74. 1.borrow books2.look at an art exhibition3.connect to the Internet4.let you borrow computer games5.with books and photographs6.in schools and universities5. 1.It is a national library2.You can find books and other printed materials3.The British Library adds millions of items to its collection every year.4.No,not at all,although some reading may take new forms,(like reading from computerscreens or mobile phones),reading books will remain popular.6.Listening inPassage 12. 1.it began over 20 years ago2.about once every four or five weeks3.ten4.the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5.modern novels,classics,non-fiction like history and travel writing 3. 1(d) 2(a) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b)Passage 27. 1.I’m not a professional literary specialist2.their close links with well-known writers3.the home of many well-known writers4.the memorial of great British writers5.rich in its literary history6.because of the recent series of films7.because it was the home of the three sisters8.also made into succesful films9.around the English-speaking world10.whose work contributesUnit 3.Inside viewConversation 11. 2-8-4-3-1-6-7-52. the true statements are:1,2,5,6 and 8Conversation 24. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(b) 5(c)5. 1.started talking about fashion2.She’s giving out free tickets3.made up your mind4.the London fashion scene5.as far as I’m concerned6.The way I see it7.that will look goode and pick up on their styel9.only for a few rich people10.if you ask me11.it’s getting lateEveryday English6. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a)Outside view2. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(a) 5(d)3. 1 (h) 2(c) 3(g) 4(f) 5(d) 6(a) 7(e) 8(b)4. 1.Because they fitted really well2.In New Bond Street3.She thinks London has a more casual style4.Camden is known for its daring and sometimes outrageous styles Listening inPassage 1Passage 27. 1-6-4-5-2-38. 1(a) 2(d) 3(c) 4(b) 5(c)9. 1.they will not be following ; during similar events2.had been told by her model agency ; if she lost weight3.taking your weight in kilos ; a more accurate measurementment on or interfere in ; would use their common sense5.who are promoting size zero models ; design and promoteUnit 4Inside viewConversation 11. Janet: 1,3,6 Andy:2,4,5,7.2. 1.What Janet was doing at the market with Joe2.He is right about Andy being late quite often3.He says something unexpected has come up4.So that he can check his schedule5.At 2.306.The city of LondonConversation 24. 2-5-1-4-35. 1(d) 2(c) 3(d) 4(a) 5(c)6. 1.what does; have to do2.So we’re not actually3.Basically4.you come in here on the left5.moving through to this room6.What about this room on the left7.And this room here below containsEvertday English7. 1(b) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(b) 6(b)Outside view2 the true statements are:4,5,6 and 73. 1(b) 2(a) 3(c) 4(c) 5(b)5. 4-3-5-7-1-2-66. 1.if we’re not happy2.make all of that better3.make more choices4.still thinks about money5.of having the money6.would get solved7.gives us more choicesListening inPassage 12. 1.They were exchanging metals for goods.2.They first appeared in Europe.3.Coins appeared in Lydia around 700BC.4.The drachma was used as a standard from of money in large parts of Asia and Europe.5.Around 960AD,in China..6.They can be seen as early banks.7.It was applied all over the world.3. 1.we exchanged things,didn’t we2.exchange don’t last3.a lot easier to use4.Coins then appeared5.started producing them6.a big advantage of7.has a certain value8.exchanged the grain9.a certain amount of silver10.1870 to 1915Passage 26. 6-3-1-7-2-5-47. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(c)Unit 5Inside viewConveration 11. Andy : 1,3,5,7 Janet:2,4,62. the true statements are:1,4,5,6,8 and 9Conversation 24. 1.only five to ten per cent2.about 75 percent3.women4.nursing5.engineering6.football7.men5. 1(b) 2(c) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b)6. 1.It’s not fair2.I may be wrong3.About 60 per cent of4.the percentage5.are in a slight majority6.Mind you7.I give up8.I bet you9.It’s typical of you menEveryday English7. 1(b) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(a)Outside view2. the issues that are mentioned are : equal pay,day care centres for children,choice of jobs,financial independence,family helping with childcare,afterschool care,choosing between a career and a family, and making a valuable contribution to society3. 1(b) 2(d) 3(d) 4(c) 5(c)4. 1.in theeconomic and political sectors2.based on3.such jobs as teaching and nursing4.make their own money5.in the number of families6.very well looked after7.although the system is8.it will be difficult when9.who might be able to10.been responsible for11.less well paid than men12.are rewardedListening inPassage 13. 1.An ad in which a man is shown as being no good at a DIY job.2.That feminism has gone too far; it treats men as inferior.3.There is no real equality of pay;men still have the top jobs but they aren’t always shownas super-masculine.4.It is good that men aren’t always shown as supermasculine,because this is more realistic.5.A car insurance ad,which shows a woman as a smart boss and as a dumb idiot. Passage 25. 1.logical 2.nurturing 3.spatial 4.verbal6. 6-3-4-1-5-27. men : 1,3,4,7 women : 2,5,68. 1 the result of upbringing2.learn to speak earlier3.in intelligence tests4.are better at language skills5.less interested in women6.have better social skills7.boys and girls quite differentlyUnit 6Inside viewConversation 12. the true statements are: 1,2 and 6.3. 1.It’s his favourite view in the whole of London.2.It’s well worth a visit3.If she can go up the tower4.People need permission from their MP to go up the tower.5.Because it’s the most important government building in the country .6.In the summer7.To do the research8.To phone a friend who works at the Houses of Parliament to see if she can meet them Conversation 25. 1.18592.18703.Westerminster Hall4.the 11th century5.two6.the people (everyone in the country who has the right to vote )7.the prime minister6. 1(c) 2(a) 3(c) 4(b) 5(a)7. 1.is widely believed to be2.No,that’s not what I’m trying to say3.It would appear that4.It seems that5.there’s little doubt that6.it’s widely thought that7.is considered to be8.But what’s even more amazing isEveryday English8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a)Outside view2. 4-8-3-7-1-2-6-53. 1 no more that 170 kms2.more that nine million3.five or six4.19125.over 15006.five or six7.more than one and a half million8.Liverpool and Southampton4. 1(a) 2(c) 3(d) 4(d)5. 1 the biggest navy in the world2.what it was like3.brought tea4.to put up the sails5.passenger ships6.in maritime history7.the world’s biggest cruise ship8.five or six hours9.furniture and toysListening inPassage 12. the true statement is :63. 1. 1533 2.1536 3.15584.15685.15876.16034. 1(b) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5(d) 6(d)Passage 27. 1 Pompeii2.a guide to the town3. almost 2000years ago4.August5.two days6.two8. 1.Well,turn around…what do you see?2.Yes,it could erupt again3.Yes,he was praying4.Not until 17485.There were two owners-they had a small business6.It says,”welcome ,money”7.We think it was a mirrior although we haven’t had…Unit 7Inside viewConversation 12. Janet 1,5,6 Andy 2,3,4,73. 1. 1oo pounds per week2.one of the most expensive cities3.shared with three other people4.110 pounds per week5.outside business hours, in his own time6.for a new job as well7.make private calls at workConversation 25. 1(d) 2(b) 3(a) 4(a) 5 (b)6. 1.It’s just round the corner from where2.It’s really convenient for work3.it’s fairly cheap4.it’s fashionable now5.it’s always been an advantage6.Can you tell me something about it7.to be paid on topEveryday English7. 1(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Outside view1. 1(d) 2(e) 3(f) 4(b) 5(a) 6(c)3. 7-4-2-6-3-5-14. 1.there are as many semi-datached houses as terraced houses2.Lots of people live in flats3.because builders use local materialsed to make roofs5.”An englishman’s home is his castle”6.There are large DIY stores and garden centres5. 1. houses or flats2. got a few houses3.Sixty per cent4.Some detached houses5.can look very different6.differences in age7. traditional thatched cottages8.spend a lot of time and money9.into a castleListening inPassage 12. 1.nine 2. early 30s3.1000004. 4835.male6.40-50 per cent3. 1. next spring 2. and hospitals 3. the next four years4.three quarters5.Charities; 26and 45 6.family or friendsPassage 26 Man 2,3,6,7,9 Woman 1,4,5,87. 1(d) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a) 5(d)8. 1 In their 20s.2.Jobs are hard to find,students have fees to pay back and rents are high3.They are adult kids because they don’t seem to mind moving back with their parents4.His mum cooked and he saw his friends5.He is a scriptwriter6.She worked in a supermarket7.The pay was low and she had no chioce8.She is a department managerUnit 8Inside viewConversation 12. the true statements are :1 and 53. 1. Because Cathy is very busy2.She says she’ll do her best but can’t make any promises3.I’m Joe Varese , we spoke on the phone4.London architecture as well as the exhibition5.He wants to check the sound level6.The london Skyline, past, present and futureConversation 25. the topics that are mentioned are : 1,2,4,5,7 and 86. 1(c) 2(c) 3(b) 4(d) 5(a) 6(a)7. 1.one of the most recognizable2.to everyone’s astonishment3.Yes,absolutely4.That’s absolutely right5.I’m not convinced you’re right6.As you might expect7.ExactlyEveryday English8. 1(a) 2(a) 3(b) 4(a)Outside viewWatching and understanding2. size,architecture,train system,sculpture,airport,lake shoreline,music,sports teams3. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c) 5(a) 6(d)4. 1. the third largest2.18713.curtains of glass4.15 years5.70 seconds6.840 flights7.29 miles of8.a wonderful sports historyListening inListening and understandingPassage 12. terminal 3: the newest terminal of Beijing AirportMarch 2008: date it became operationalNorman Foster: a famous British architectThree Kilometres: extent of the terminalThree and a half years: time it took to build the new terminalRed and gold :traditional Chinese colours usedSaving energy : reason for the roof design19000 pieces of luggage : number per hour the baggage system can handle3. the true statements are: 2,4,5 and 64. 1.became operational in March 20082.glass and steel3.light and heat /19,000 pieces ofte Dcember 20075.French architect6.the amount of sunlight7.glass curtain8.the gardens and treesPassage 26. 1(e) 2(a) 3(d) 4(b) 5(c) 1-3-4-2-5Listening and understanding7. 1.He is one of Spain’s great architect2.Bones3.The Dancing House4.Two5.Thirty-three years6.It is the tallest hotel in the world and it looks like a sail7.19978.StuccoUnit 9Starting point2. 1(a) 2(b)Inside viewConversation 12. latest squeeze: girlfriendHacked off with : tired of,dissatisfied withFancy…? Would you like …?A pint : a drink of beerDown the local : in the pubOn me : my treat / I will pay3. 1.She’s a friend from work2.An old school friend of Andy’s3.Go for a drink4.Andy’s girlfriend5.She can’t understand his accent or what he said6. He explains what Jack said to Janet4. the expressions that are used are:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 91.Hello,friend.what are you doing?2.It is a nice surprise to see you,Jack.3.How is your life progressing ?4.Quite well.5.I hope to meet you again in the pub.6.I could not understand at all.7.I have no idea what he meant.8.Wait a moment.9.Now I understand.Conversation 25. 1.(a) Janet (b)Janet (c)Joe (d)Janet (e)Joe2.It refers to the English language.3.Shakespeare.4.Andy.6. 1.(a) 2(a) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c) 6(b)7. 1. It’s hard to say2.it depends3.But on the other hand4.You know5.Take Shakespear, for example.6.Such as7.like8.a very kind person9.is very jealous10.Shakespear in the rainEveryday English8. 1(b) 2(a) 3(a) 4(b) 5(a) 6(a)Outside viewWatching and understanding2. 1.speak to Americans2.an opportunity for communication3.go out into the community4.try to learn as much about our culture5.feel more confident; appreciate our culture3. 5-3-6-2-4-14. 1.There are so many different ways of teaching English.2.It also varies as to whether you’re taking private lessons with a tutor,or if you’re ina large classroom situation.3.However, there is also an advantage to be able to take a class with students from,notjust your country , but other countries as well.4.So therefore,you can communicate with other people,which is again,what it’s allabout .5.So students really enjoy meeting each other and being forced to speak in English. 5. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)Listening inPassage 1Listening and understanding2. 1.2,0002.6,0003.Australia4.three5.200 years ago6.203. 1(c) 2(b) 3(a) 4(b) 5(d) 6(d)Passage 2Listening and understanding6. 1.dog 2.bees 3.dolphins 4.Vervet monkey 5.monkey7. 1.If animals have communication systems that are like human language .2.Rules or grammar and intended meaning.3.No.4.Because they have large brains and appear to respond to one another’scommunications.5.In America.6.Hurt and sorry.7.Because another chimpanzee took her magazine.8.No.Presentation skills3. d-g-c-a-f-b-eUnit 10Inside viewConversation 11. 1.a2.d3.b4.e5.c2. 1.It’s the greatest love story .2.It’s famous for its cinemas and theatres.3.It’s one of THE great clubs in London.4.They’re unbelievably cosy.5.the history of London.6.It’s a really important part of the life of the country.7.It was great to work for .8.For giving her another chance.3. 1.how wonderful it was for me to see it2.incredible3.I’ll have a half of bitter.please4.tomorrow at midday5.to give Andy a handConversation 25. 1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c)6. 1.I’ve had so much fun2.you’ve had a good time here3.can stay in touch4.you’ve been such a good friend to me5.I learned a bit at uni.6.in the futureEveryday English7. 1(a) 2(b) 3(b)Outside view2. 7-5-4-3-1-6-23. 1.Exciting jobs,right2.They’re all under 30,right3.about your diet and your nutrition4.And making a lot of money5.passionate about windsurfing6.looking at the wind7.how we’re going to prepare8.that magical balance9.not to be afraid5. Dr Green 5,6,7Jeremy 1,2,3,46. 1(a) 2(b) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c)Listening in2. 1.62-year-old2.an island3.American plane4.to be taken back home5.in surprisingly good health6.he had no family7.successful businessman8.800 dollars3. 1.The mast was broken.The rudder also broke so there there was no means of directing theboat.2.To repair his boat and sail to Hawaii.3.Near Hawaii4.By catching fish and drinking rainwater.5.Reading newspapers and watching videos on a small television.6.It floated along with no direction for four months.7.He had had a bad car accident.8.If you travel at sea you take what you find.If you are scared you will die.Listening and understanding6. 5-7-4-6-2-1-37. 1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b)(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。