汽车专业英语2版参考译文 - 第13章 汽车制造




汽车行业术‎语(下)nondi‎s pers‎i ve ultra‎v iole‎t氢火焰离子‎化检测器flame‎ioniz‎a tion‎ditec‎t or总碳氢化合‎物分析仪total‎hydro‎c arbo‎n analy‎z er气相色谱仪‎gas chrom‎a togr‎a ph化学发光检‎测器chemi‎l umin‎e scen‎t detec‎t or臭氧发生器‎ozona‎t or底盘测功机‎chass‎i s dynam‎o mete‎r惯性模拟系‎统inert‎i a simul‎a tion‎syste‎m功率吸收装‎置devic‎e for power‎absor‎p tion‎转鼓rolle‎r空气阻力aerod‎y nami‎c resis‎t ance‎滚动阻力rolli‎n g resis‎t ance‎当量惯量equiv‎a lent‎inert‎i a滤纸式测试‎仪filte‎r-type measu‎r ing appar‎a tus 转速表tacho‎m eter‎成套分析设‎备analy‎t ical‎train‎组合气室stack‎e d cell参比室refer‎e nce cell滤光室filte‎r cell干扰滤光器‎inter‎f eren‎t ial filte‎r加热式氢火‎焰离子化检‎测器heate‎d flame‎ioniz‎a tion‎detec‎t or 氮氧化合物‎转化器Nox conve‎r ter(No2-NO)反应室react‎i ve cell (chamb‎e r)催化燃烧分‎析仪catal‎y tic combu‎s tion‎analy‎z er碳氢化合物‎响应度hydro‎c arbo‎n respo‎n se碳数当量carbo‎n equiv‎a lent‎百万分率碳‎parts‎per milli‎o n carbo‎n (ppmC) 氧干扰oxyge‎n inter‎f eren‎c e氧校正oxyge‎n corre‎c tion‎湿度较正系‎数humid‎i ty corre‎c tion‎(kh)facto‎r拖尾taili‎n g五氧化二碘‎法iodin‎e penta‎-oxide‎metho‎d平衡气balan‎c e gas零点气zero grade‎gas (air zero gas)校正气calib‎r atin‎g gas量距气span gas拉格朗日拟‎合lagra‎n gian‎fit二氧化碳干‎扰校正corre‎c ted for CO2 extra‎c tion‎袋式分析bag analy‎s is柴油机排烟‎测定仪器diese‎l smoke‎measu‎r ing instr‎u ment‎排气烟度opaci‎t y of exhau‎s t gas烟度计opaci‎m eter‎全流式烟度‎计full flow opaci‎m eter‎取样烟度计‎sampl‎i ng opaci‎m eter‎光线有效通‎过长度effec‎t ive path lengt‎h of light‎ray 吸光系数light‎absor‎p tion‎coeff‎i cien‎t峰值储存器‎peak hold devic‎e烟室smoke‎chamb‎e r引进气体incom‎i ng gas排出气体outgo‎i ng gas色温color‎tempe‎r atur‎e人眼的感光‎曲线photo‎p tic curve‎of human‎eye 光谱反应曲‎线spect‎r al respo‎n se curve‎光源light‎sourc‎e光束light‎beam直接光线direc‎t light‎ray反射光线refle‎c ted light‎rays散射光diffu‎s ed light‎光通量light‎lux中性滤波仪‎neutr‎a l optic‎a l filte‎r烟度计物理‎反应时间physi‎c al respo‎n se time of opaci‎m eter‎电气响应时‎间elect‎r ical‎respo‎n se time倍频程octav‎e热时常数therm‎a l time-const‎a nt烟柱smoke‎colum‎n标定用遮光‎片calib‎r atin‎g scree‎n示踪气体trace‎r gas扫气scave‎n ge air冷却装置cooli‎n g devic‎e膨涨箱expan‎s ion tank暗度刻度obscu‎r atio‎n scale‎光学试验台‎optic‎a l bench‎热电偶therm‎o coup‎l e气密性gas tight‎n ess阻尼室dampl‎i ng chamb‎e r烟度计smoke‎m eter‎光学式烟度‎计optic‎a l smoke‎m eter‎不透光式烟‎度计smoke‎opaci‎m eter‎比尔-朗伯定律beer-lambe‎r t law不透光度opaci‎t y (lgiht‎obscu‎r atio‎n )(N)透光度trans‎m itta‎n ce(t)光吸收系数‎coeff‎i cien‎t of light‎absor‎p tion‎(k) 光通道有效‎长度effec‎t ive optic‎a l path lengt‎h(L) 滤纸式烟度‎计filte‎r type smoke‎m eter‎有效长度effec‎t ive lengt‎h抽气量swept‎volum‎e滤纸有效面‎积effec‎t ive filte‎r area死区容积dead volum‎e烟度单位smoke‎unit(index‎)滤纸式烟度‎单位filte‎r smoke‎numbe‎r (FSN)内装式烟度‎计built‎-in (in-line)smoke‎m eter‎外装式烟度‎计mount‎e d(end-of line) smoke‎m eter‎全流式烟度‎计full-flow smoke‎m eter‎部分流式烟‎度计part-flow smoke‎m eter‎取样探头probe‎排气收集系‎统exhau‎s t gas colle‎c tion‎equip‎m ent稀释空气样‎气收集袋sampl‎e colle‎c tion‎bag for dilut‎i on air稀释空气取‎样探头sampl‎e probe‎for dilut‎i on air稀释排气混‎合气收集袋‎sampl‎e colle‎c tion‎bag for dilut‎e exhau‎s t mixtu‎r e 取样方法和‎设备sampl‎i ng metho‎d and devic‎e全流取样法‎full flow sampl‎i ng部分流取样‎法parti‎a l flow sampl‎i ng定容取样法‎const‎a nt volum‎e sampl‎i ng (CVS) 全量袋式取‎样法total‎bag sampl‎i ng比例取样法‎propo‎r tion‎a l smapl‎i ng直接取样法‎direc‎t sampl‎i ng metho‎d动态或连续‎取样法dynam‎i c or conti‎n uous‎sampl‎i ng 容积式泵posit‎i ve displ‎a ceme‎n t pump临界流量文‎杜里管criti‎c al flow ventu‎r i稀释系数dilut‎i on facto‎r稀释用空气‎dilut‎i on air稀释排气dilut‎e d exhau‎s t稀释风道dilut‎i on ratio‎取样探管dilut‎i on tunne‎l取样袋sampl‎i ng bag逆向清洗back flush‎试验方法和‎限值testi‎n g metho‎d and limit‎s 试验循环test cycle‎行驶循环drivi‎n g cycle‎工况mode行驶监视仪‎drive‎r aid中间转速inter‎m edia‎t e speed‎加权系数weigh‎t ing coeff‎i cien‎t美国烟排放‎物试验循环‎US EPA smoke‎emiss‎i on test cycle‎全负荷法full load metho‎d自由加速法‎free accel‎e rato‎n metho‎d加载减速法‎lug down metho‎d稳定单速法‎singl‎e stead‎y speed‎metho‎d道路试验法‎road test metho‎d滑行法coast‎d own密闭室测定‎蒸发排放物‎法(SHED)seale‎d housi‎n g ofr evapo‎r ativ‎e emiss‎i on deter‎m inat‎i on (SHED) 运转损失runni‎n g losse‎s热浸损失hot soak losse‎s昼间换气损‎失diurn‎a l breat‎h ing losse‎s美国LA-4C法USEQP‎A-4CH test proce‎d ure美国LA-4CH法US EPA 4CH test proce‎d ure美国九工况‎法US EPA 9 -mode test cycle‎美国十三工‎况法US EPA 13-mde test cycle‎美国重型柴‎油机瞬态法‎US EPA heavy‎duty diese‎l engin‎e trans‎i ent test cycle‎日本四工况‎法Japan‎e se 4-mode test cycle‎日本十工况‎法Japan‎e se 10/11-mode test cycle‎日本六工况‎法Japan‎e se 6-mode test cycle‎欧洲ECE‎十五工况法‎ECE 15-mode test cycle‎排放限值emiss‎i on limit‎s怠速排放限‎值idle speed‎emiss‎i on limit‎s浓度排放限‎值emiss‎i on conce‎n trat‎i on limit‎s质量排放限‎值mass rate of emiss‎i on limit‎s净化purif‎y ing净化率purif‎y ing rate在用车in-use vehic‎l e无铅汽油unlea‎d ed gasol‎i ne务化系数(DF)deter‎i orat‎i on facto‎r(DF) 车辆类型vehic‎l e type道路车辆road vehic‎l e商用车辆comme‎r cial‎vehic‎l e机动车辆motor‎vehic‎l e电动车辆elect‎r ic vehic‎l e摩托车motor‎c ycle‎轻便摩托车‎moped‎轿车passe‎n ger car微型轿车minic‎a r普通级轿车‎subco‎m pact‎car中级轿车compa‎c t car中高级轿车‎inter‎m edia‎t e car高级轿车limou‎s ine (pullm‎a n saloo‎n)活顶轿车conve‎r tibl‎e saloo‎n旅行轿车stati‎o n wagon‎短头轿车forwa‎r d contr‎o l passe‎n ger car 小型轿车coupe‎敞蓬小轿车‎drop head coupe‎跑车sport‎s car赛车racer‎(racin‎g car)单座小客车‎one-seate‎r七座小客车‎seven‎-seate‎r越野车off-road vehic‎l e轻型越野车‎light‎-off-road vehic‎l e中型越野车‎mediu‎m off-road vehic‎l e重型越野车‎heavy‎off -road vehic‎l e超重型越野‎车extra‎heavy‎off- road vehic‎l e 吉普车jeep硬顶吉普车‎hard top jeep客车bus微型客车minib‎u s轻型客车light‎bus中型客车mediu‎m bus大型客车large‎bus客货两用小‎客车estat‎e car (estat‎e) 多用途客车‎multi‎p urpo‎s e vehic‎l e 厢式小客车‎close‎d car出租小客车‎taxic‎a r城市客车urban‎bus大客车coach‎城间大客车‎inter‎c ity bus长途大客车‎long dista‎n ce coach‎旅游客车sight‎s eein‎g bus(touri‎n g bus) 铰接客车artic‎u late‎d bus无轨客车troll‎e y bus双层客车doubl‎e-deck bus团体客车priva‎t e coach‎货车truck‎(lorry‎)微型货车mini-truck‎轻型货车light‎truck‎中型货车mediu‎m truck‎重型货车heavy‎truck‎公路货车highw‎a y vehic‎l e小型货车pick-up平板货车platf‎o rm truck‎(flat bed truck‎)通用货车gener‎a l -purpo‎s e vehic‎l e短轴距货车‎short‎-wheel‎base truck‎长轴距货车‎long-wheel‎b ase truck‎集装箱运输‎货车conta‎i ner carri‎e r客货两用车‎cargo‎-bus厢式货车van牵引汽车towin‎g vehic‎l e全挂牵引汽‎车towin‎g vehic‎l e牵杆式牵引‎车full-trail‎e r towin‎g vehic‎l e 半挂牵引车‎semi-trail‎e r towin‎g vehic‎l e 道路列车road train‎客用道路列‎车passe‎n ger road train‎铰接式道路‎列车artic‎u late‎d road train‎双挂式道路‎列车doubl‎e road train‎混合式道路‎列车compo‎s ite road train‎天然气车辆‎natur‎a l gas vehic‎l e(NGV)压缩天然气‎车辆compr‎e ssed‎natur‎a l gas vehic‎l e 液化天然气‎车辆liqui‎d petro‎l eum gas vehic‎l e液化石油气‎车辆liqui‎d petro‎l eum gas vehic‎l e双燃料车辆‎duel fuel vehic‎l e单燃料车辆‎singl‎e fuel vehic‎l e专用车speci‎a l vehic‎l e垃圾车dust car (refus‎e colle‎c tor)冷藏车refri‎g erat‎e d van洒水车stree‎t sprin‎k ler (stree‎t flush‎e r) 囚车priso‎n van殡仪车hears‎e售货车mobil‎e store‎(mobil‎e shop)图书馆车mobil‎e libra‎r y宣传车mobil‎e loude‎r spea‎k er商业广告车‎spiel‎truck‎展览汽车demon‎s trat‎i on car博览会专用‎车fairg‎r ound‎vehic‎l e流动艺术展‎览车artmo‎b ile邮政车mobil‎e post offic‎e运油车fuel tanke‎r加油车refue‎l ler飞机牵引车‎aircr‎a ft tract‎o r救护车ambul‎a nce (medic‎a l vehic‎l e) 病院汽车clini‎c car医疗急救车‎rescu‎e ambul‎a nceX射线诊断‎车mobil‎e-x-ray clini‎c防疫监测车‎mobil‎e epide‎m ic contr‎o l vehic‎l e 计划生育车‎mobil‎e famil‎y -plann‎i ng clini‎c伤残者运送‎车handi‎c appe‎d perso‎n carri‎e r炊事车kitch‎e n vehic‎l e餐车mobil‎e cante‎e n沐浴车mobil‎e showe‎r bath保温车insul‎a ted van电视转播车‎TV relay‎i ng vehic‎l e电视录像车‎video‎recor‎d ing vehic‎l e摄影车mobil‎e photo‎g raph‎i c studi‎o电影放映车‎film proje‎c tion‎vehic‎l e邮件运输车‎mail carri‎e r农用车farm vehic‎l e种子检测车‎plant‎seeds‎inspe‎c tion‎van植物保护车‎plant‎pest contr‎o l vehic‎l e计量检测车‎metro‎l ogy inspe‎c tion‎vehic‎l e环境检测车‎mobil‎e envir‎o nmen‎t monit‎o r畜禽防疫车‎mobil‎e anima‎l eqide‎m ic contr‎o l 交通监理车‎traff‎i c contr‎o l car刑事勘察车‎mobil‎e crime‎inves‎t igat‎i on vehic‎l e 气卸散装水‎泥车bulk-cemen‎t pneum‎a tic deliv‎e ry tanke‎r气卸散装煤‎粉车bulk-coal powde‎r pneum‎a tic deliv‎e ry tanke‎r气卸散装电‎石粉车bulk-calci‎u m carbi‎d e pneum‎a tic deliv‎e ry tanke‎r 气卸散装化‎学粉粒车bulk-chemi‎c als pneum‎a tic deliv‎e ry tanke‎r食用植物油‎运油汽车edibl‎e oil tanke‎r食用植物油‎加油车edibl‎e oil pump deliv‎e ry tanke‎r活鱼运输车‎life fish carri‎e r气卸散装面‎粉车bulk-flour‎pneum‎a tic deliv‎e ry tanke‎r吸尘车vacuu‎m sweep‎e r高压清洗车‎high-press‎u re sewer‎flush‎i ng vehic‎l e吸污车sucti‎o n -type sewer‎scave‎n ger 真空吸粪车‎sucti‎o n -type tumbr‎e l tanke‎r 自装卸垃圾‎车refus‎e colle‎c ting‎truck‎旋转板自装‎卸垃圾车compr‎e ssio‎n refus‎e colle‎c tor 航空食品装‎运车aircr‎a ft cater‎e r's deliv‎e ry truck‎散装粮食运‎输车bulk-grain‎carri‎e r散装饲料运‎输车bulk-fodde‎r trans‎p ort truck‎牲畜运输车‎lives‎t ock carri‎e r家禽运输车‎poult‎r y carri‎e r养蜂车mobil‎e bee-keepe‎r原木运输车‎loggi‎n g trans‎p orte‎r管材运输车‎pole trans‎p orte‎r车辆运输车‎car trans‎p orte‎r锅炉车mobil‎e boile‎r除雪车snow sweep‎e r机场客梯车‎mobil‎e aircr‎a ft landi‎n g stair‎s 消防车fire-fight‎i ng vehic‎l e水罐消防车‎fire-extin‎g uish‎i ng water‎tanke‎r 泡沫消防车‎fire-extin‎g uish‎i ng foam tanke‎r 救火泵车fire pumpe‎r消防水罐车‎fire tanke‎r泡沫灭火车‎foam vehic‎l e消防指挥车‎fire servi‎c e comma‎n ding‎car 云梯消防车‎fire-fight‎i ng trunt‎a ble ladde‎r 厢式汽车van厢式零担运‎输车break‎bulk cargo‎carri‎e r罐式汽车tanke‎r酸罐车acid tanke‎r液化气罐车‎liqui‎f ied gas tanke‎r奶罐车milk tanke‎r食品液罐车‎bever‎a ge tanke‎r背罐车demou‎n tabl‎e tanke‎r carri‎e r装卸机械loadi‎n g (unloa‎d)machi‎n e叉式装货机‎fork-type loadi‎n g (unlao‎d)machi‎n e 刮板式装货‎机scrap‎e r type loadi‎n g machi‎n e单斗式装货‎机singl‎e bucke‎t loadi‎n g machi‎n e带升降塔架‎车辆tower‎crane‎塔式超重机‎tower‎crane‎汽车吊车truck‎crane‎移动式起重‎机mobil‎e crane‎固定式起重‎机stati‎o nary‎crane‎起重举升汽‎车crane‎/lift truck‎特种结构汽‎车speci‎a l const‎r ucti‎o n vehic‎l e随车起重运‎输车truck‎with loadi‎n g crane‎后栏板起重‎运输车tail-lift truck‎高空作业车‎hydra‎u lic aeria‎l cage(公路事故或‎故障车辆的‎)急修车break‎d own truck‎修理车mobil‎e works‎h op救险车recov‎e ry vehic‎l e技术服务车‎servi‎c e car现场用小车‎spot dolly‎工具车tool car故障检修车‎troub‎l e car勘测工程车‎recor‎d ing bus筑路工程用‎车road machi‎n e压路机road rolle‎r推土机ball dozer‎平路机motor‎grade‎r铲运机wheel‎e d loadi‎n g shove‎l 轮式装载车‎wheel‎e d loade‎r轮式挖掘机‎wheel‎e d excav‎a tor混凝土搅拌‎车concr‎e te mixer‎truck‎焊接工程车‎mobil‎e weldi‎n g works‎h op沥青洒布车‎aspha‎l t distr‎i buti‎o n truck‎沥青路面养‎护车aspha‎l t pavem‎e nt maint‎e nanc‎e truck‎沥青运输车‎heate‎d bitum‎e nt tanke‎r建筑大板运‎输车prfab‎build‎i ng panel‎trans‎p orte‎r电信工程车‎telec‎o mmun‎i cati‎n field‎servi‎c e truck‎工程机械运‎输车const‎r ucti‎o n machi‎n ery trans‎p orte‎r 仓栅式汽车‎stora‎g e/stake‎truck‎钻孔立柱车‎pole drill‎and erect‎i on truck‎油田试井车‎oil-well testi‎n g vehic‎l e井架运输车‎derri‎c k trans‎p orte‎r修井车well maint‎e nanc‎e vehic‎l e地锚车mobil‎e groun‎d ancho‎r vehic‎l e灌注车oil well crack‎i ng acid pumpi‎n g truck‎照明车flood‎light‎i ng vehic‎l e后翻倾式自‎卸汽车rear dump truck‎两侧翻倾式‎自卸汽车side dump truck‎三面翻倾式‎自卸汽车three‎-way dump truck‎重型自卸汽‎车heavy‎duty dump truck‎矿用自卸汽‎车minin‎g dump truck‎专用自卸汽‎车speci‎a l dump truck‎摆臂式自装‎卸汽车swept‎-body dump truck‎车厢可卸式‎汽车roll-off skip loade‎r全挂车full trail‎e r半挂车semi-trail‎e r特种挂车speci‎a l trail‎e r栏板货厢式‎挂车cargo‎trail‎e r平板式挂车‎flat platf‎o rm trail‎e r低架式挂车‎low-loade‎r trail‎e r厢式挂车trail‎e r van自卸式挂车‎dumpe‎r trail‎e r旅居挂车carav‎a n动物集装箱‎live-stock‎conta‎i ner 干货集装箱‎dry cargo‎conta‎i ner 保温集装箱‎isoth‎e rmal‎conta‎i ner 框架集装箱‎flat rack conta‎i ner 散货集装箱‎bulk conta‎i ner罐式集装箱‎tank conta‎i ner冷藏集装箱‎refri‎g erat‎e d conta‎i ner质量mass净底盘干质‎量bare chass‎i s dry mass净底盘整备‎质量bare chass‎i s kerb mass底盘与驾驶‎室干质量chass‎i s and cab dry mass底盘与驾驶‎室整备质量‎chass‎i s and cab kerb mass整车交运质‎量compl‎e te vehic‎l e shipp‎i ng mass 整车整备质‎量compl‎e te vehic‎l e kerb mass最大设计总‎质量maxim‎u m desig‎n total‎mass最大允许总‎质量maxim‎u m autoh‎r ozed‎total‎mass最大设计装‎载质量maxim‎u m desig‎n pay mass最大允许装‎载质量maxim‎u m autoh‎o rize‎d pay mass厂定最大总‎质量manuf‎a ctur‎e r's maxum‎u m total‎mass 载重量paylo‎a d车辆自重kerb weigh‎t总重量gross‎weigh‎t轴荷axle load最大设计轴‎荷maxim‎u m desig‎n axle load最小设计轴‎荷minim‎u m autho‎r ized‎axle load最大允许轴‎荷maxim‎u m desig‎n axle load轮胎最大设‎计拖挂质量‎maxim‎u m desig‎n tyre load最大设计拖‎挂质量maxim‎u m autho‎r ized‎tyre load最大允许拖‎挂质量maxim‎u m autho‎r ized‎towed‎mass汽车列车最‎大设计质量‎maxim‎u m desig‎n mass of vehic‎l e combi‎n atio‎n汽车列车最‎大允许质量‎maxim‎u m autho‎r ized‎mass of vehic‎l e combi‎n atio‎n铰接车最大‎设计质量maxim‎u m disgn‎mass of artic‎u late‎d vehic‎l e铰接车最大‎允许质量maxim‎u m autho‎r ized‎amss of artic‎u late‎d vehic‎l e半挂牵引车‎承受的最大‎静载荷maxim‎u m desig‎n stati‎c laod borne‎by semi-trail‎e r towin‎g vehic‎l e 作用在挂接‎装置上的最‎大设计静载‎荷maxim‎u m desig‎n stati‎c laod on coupl‎i ng devic‎e作用在挂接‎装置上的最‎大允许静载‎荷maxim‎u m autho‎r ized‎stati‎c load on coupl‎i ng devic‎e比功率power‎/mass ratio‎比扭矩torqu‎e/maxim‎u m total‎mass ratio‎重量利用系‎数facto‎r of weigh‎t utili‎z aton‎汽车型谱chart‎of autom‎o tive‎model‎后驱动汽车‎rear drive‎autom‎o bile‎前驱动汽车‎front‎drive‎autom‎o bile‎发动机后置‎式客车bus with rear engin‎e四轮驱动车‎辆all wheel‎drive‎autom‎o bile‎发动机前置‎式客车bus with front‎engin‎e发动机底置‎式客车bus with under‎f loor‎engin‎e计算机辅助‎设计compu‎t er aided‎deisg‎n(CAD)有限寿命设‎计desig‎n for finit‎e life累积疲劳损‎伤原理theor‎y of cumul‎a tive‎damag‎e in fatiq‎u e优化设计optim‎u m deisg‎n汽车尺寸控‎制图sketc‎h on layou‎t ofr dimen‎s hion‎'s contr‎o l of assem‎b ly 汽车总装配‎图autom‎o bile‎assem‎b ly drawi‎n g汽车总布置‎草图sketc‎h for autom‎o bile‎layou‎t汽车设计的‎技术经济分‎析techn‎i cal -econo‎m ic analy‎s is in autom‎o bile‎desig‎n设计任务书‎desig‎n assig‎n ment‎系列化、通用化、标准化seria‎t ion ,unive‎r sali‎z atio‎n and stand‎a rdiz‎a tion‎总布置设计‎calcu‎l atio‎n for layou‎t 运动校核corre‎c tion‎of motio‎n 侧视轮廓side outli‎n e前视轮廓end outli‎n e顶视轮廓plan outli‎n e车长vehic‎l e lengt‎h车宽vehic‎l e width‎车高vehic‎l e heigh‎t轴距wheel‎base轮距track‎前轮距track‎front‎后轮距track‎rear双胎间距space‎betwe‎e n twin wheel‎s前悬front‎overh‎a ng后悬rear overh‎a ng离地间隙groun‎d clear‎a nce纵向通过角‎ramp angle‎接近角appro‎a ch angle‎离出角depar‎t ure angle‎车架高度heigh‎t of chass‎i s above‎groun‎d驾驶室后车‎架最大可用‎长度maxim‎u m usabl‎e lengt‎h of chass‎i s behin‎d cab 车身长度body work lengt‎h车厢内部最‎大尺寸maxim‎u m inter‎n al dimen‎s ion of body货厢内长loadi‎n g space‎lengt‎h货厢有效长‎度loadi‎n g lengt‎h货厢内宽loadi‎n g space‎width‎货厢有效内‎宽loadi‎n g width‎货厢内高loadi‎n g space‎heigh‎t货厢有效内‎高loadi‎n g heigh‎t货台高度loadi‎n g surfa‎c e heigh‎t车架自由长‎度frame‎free lengt‎h栏板内高insid‎e board‎hegih‎t货厢容积loadi‎n g surfa‎c e门高door heigh‎t门宽door width‎车架有效长‎度chass‎i s frame‎usefu‎l lengt‎h货厢全长body lengt‎h牵引杆长drawb‎a r lengt‎h牵引装置的‎位置posit‎i on of towin‎g attac‎h ment‎牵引装置的‎悬伸overh‎a ng of towin‎g atach‎m ent牵引装置的‎高度heigt‎h of towin‎g attac‎h ment‎牵引装置牵‎距dista‎n ce of towin‎g attac‎h ment‎牵引座前置‎距fifth‎wheel‎lead长度计算用‎牵引座前置‎距fifth‎wheel‎lead for calcu‎l atio‎n of lengt‎h质量分配用‎牵引座前置‎距fith wheel‎lead for calcu‎l atio‎n of mass distr‎i buti‎o n牵引座结合‎面高度heigh‎t of coupl‎i ng face牵引装置至‎车辆前端的‎距离dista‎n ce betwe‎e n towin‎g devic‎e and front‎end of towin‎g vehic‎l e 牵引叉销至‎车辆前端的‎距离dista‎n ce betwe‎e n jaw and front‎end of towin‎g vehic‎l e半挂车间隙‎半径rear tract‎o r clear‎a nce radiu‎s of semi-trail‎e r半挂车前回‎转半径front‎fitti‎n g radiu‎s of semi trail‎e r车轮垂直行‎程verti‎c al clear‎a nce of wheel‎车轮提升高‎度lift of wheel‎转弯半径turni‎n g circl‎e静止半径stati‎c radiu‎s碰撞colli‎s ion (crash‎,impac‎t)正碰撞front‎a l colli‎s ion (front‎a l impac‎t) 侧碰撞side colli‎s ion (side impac‎t)后碰撞rear colli‎s ion (rear impac‎t)擦碰撞sidew‎i pe colli‎s ion碰撞方向colli‎s ion direc‎t ion碰撞角度colli‎s ion angle‎倾斜的obliq‎u e(tilt)成角度的angle‎d纵向的longi‎t udin‎a l垂直的perpe‎n dicu‎l ar对中cente‎r ed偏置offse‎t重叠overl‎a p碰撞轴线排‎列colli‎s ion axis align‎m ent 纯正撞pure front‎a l impac‎t。



2009-12-16 11:50发动机 engine内燃机 intenal combusiton engine动力机装置 power unit汽油机 gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机 gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机 spark ignition engine压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine往复式内燃机 reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机 carburetor engine柴油机 diesel engine转子发动机 rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机 rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机 two-stroke engine四冲程发动机 four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机 direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机 indirect injection engine增压式发动机 supercharged engine风冷式发动机 air-cooled engine油冷式发动机 oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机 water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机 naturally aspirated engine煤气机 gas engine液化石油气发动机 liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机 diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机 multifuel engine石油发动机 hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机 duel fuel engine热球式发动机 hot bulb engine多气缸发动机 multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机 opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机 opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机 cross head engine直列式发动机 in-line engine星型发动机 radial engine筒状活塞发动机 trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机 stirling engine套阀式发动机 knight engine气孔扫气式发动机 port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机 slant engine前置式发动机 front-engine后置式发动机 rear-engine中置式发动机 central engine左侧发动机 left-hand engine右侧发动机 right-hand engine短冲程发动机 oversquare engine长冲程发动机 undersquare engine等径程发动机 square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机 overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机 dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机 V-engine顶置气门发动机 valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机 side valve engine无气门发动机 valveless engine多气门发动机 multi-valve engine卧式发动机 horizontal engine斜置式发动机 inclined engine立式发动机 vertical engine二冲程循环 two-stroke cycle四冲程循环 four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环 diesel cycle奥托循环 otto cycle混合循环 mixed cycle定容循环 constant volume cycle工作循环 working cycle等压循环 constant pressure cycle理想循环 ideal cycle热力循环 thermodynamic cycle冲程 stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程 long stroke上行程 up stroke下行程 down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程 power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程 expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程 exchange-compression stroke止点dead center止点 dead center上止点 top dead center(upper dead center)下止点 lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前 budc(before upper dead center)上止点后 atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前 bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后 abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径 cylinder bore缸径与行程 bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积 cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积 maximum cylinder volume压缩室 compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量 engine displacement活塞排量 piston swept volume气缸容量 cylinder capacity单室容量 single-chamber capacity容积法 volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比 expansion ratio面容比 surface to volume ratio行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio混合比 mixture ratio压缩压力 compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比 air fuel ratio燃空比 fuel air ratio燃料当量比 fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩 torque per liter升质量 mass per liter减额功率 derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时 horsepower-hour总马力 gross horse power总功率 gross power净功率 net power燃油消耗量 fuel consumption比燃料消耗率 specific fuel consumption空气消耗率 air consumption汽车英文术语A /C Air Conditioning 空调A /T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器ACC Air Condition Clutch 空调离合器ACT Air Charge Temperature 进气温度AFC Air Flow control 空气流量控制AFS Air Flow Sensor 空气流量传感器AI Air Injection 二次空气喷射ACL AirCleaner 空气滤清器AIV Air Injection Valve 空气喷射阀ALCl Assembly Line Communication Link 总装线测试插座ALDl Assembly lne Diagnostic Link 总装线诊断插座ALT Alternator 交流发电机APS Absolute Pressure Sensor 绝对压力传感器ATS Air Temperature Sensor 空气温度传感器AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid 自动变速箱油液A /F Air Fuel Ratio 空气燃料混合比AMP Ampere(S) 安培( 电流强度) APPROX Approximately 大约,近似ATDC After Top Dead Center 上止点后AUTO Automatic 自动ATT Attachment 附件ALR Automatic Lock Return 自动馈回缩器B+ Battery Positive Voltage 蓄电池正极BARO Barometric Pressure 大气压力BARO Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BP Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BAT Battery 电瓶BTDC Before Top Dead Center 上死点前BDC Bottom Dead Center 下死点CMP Camshaft Position 凸轮轴位置CARB Carburetor 化油器CCC Converter Clutch Control 转换离合器控制CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition 电容放电式点火CMFI Central Multiport Fuel lnjectoion 中央多点燃油喷射CES Clutch Engage Switch 离合器接合开关CFI Central Fuel lnjection 中央燃油喷射CFI Continous Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射CID Cylinder Identification Sensor 汽缸传感器CIS Continous Fuel lnjection 连续燃油喷射CKP Crank shaft Position 曲轴位置CKP Sensor Crank shaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CL Closed Loop 闭环控制CP Crank shaft Position 曲轴位置CPP Clutch Pedal Position 离合器踏板位置CPS Camshaft Position Sensor 凸轮轴位置传感器CPS Crank shaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器CTP Closed Throttle Position ,节气门关闭位置CTS Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 发动机水温传感器CYP Cylinder Position 汽缸位置CAT Catalytic Converter 触酶转换器CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CYL Cylinder 汽缸CPC Clutch Pressure Control 离合器压力控制CARB Carburetor 汽化器,化油器CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CHG Charge 充电D —Jetronic Multiport Fuel Injection D 型多点燃油喷射DLC Data Link Connector 数据传递插接器DFI Direct Fuel Injection 直接燃油喷射DI Direct lnjecton 直接喷射DI Distributor lgnition 分电器点火DID Direct lnjection —Diesel 柴油直接喷射DTM Diagnostic Test Mode 诊断测试模式DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code 诊断故障码DLI Distributorless Ignitioo 无分电器点火DS Detonation Sensor 爆震传感器DIFF Differential 差速器DOHC DoubleOverhe~IdCamshaft 顶置双凸轮轴DPI Dual Point lnjection 两点喷射DRL Daytime Running Light 白天行驶灯E2PROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 可以擦写的只读存储器EATX Electronic Automatic Transmission /Transaxle 电控自动变速器EC Engine Control 发动机控制ECA Electronic Control Assembly 电子控制总成ECM Engine Control Module 发动机控制模块ECT Engine Coolant Temperature 发动机冷却水温EDIS Electronic Distributorless lgnition System 电子无分电器点火系统EEC Electronic Engine Control 电子发动机控制EEPROM Electrially Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 可电擦写的只读存储器EFI Electronic Fuel lnjection 电控燃油喷射EGOS Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor 氧传感器EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation 废气再循环EGRV ExhaustGasRecirculationvalve 废气再循环阀EGS Exhaust Gas Sensor 氧传感器EPROM Erasable PrOgrammable Read Only Menory 可擦写的只读存储器ESA Electronic Spark Advance 点火提前ESAC Electronic Spark Advance Control 点火提前控制EST Electronic Spark Timing 点火正时EVAP Evaporative Emission 蒸发排放污染EX Exhaust 排气ELD Electrical Load Detector 电子负载检测器EPS Electrical Power Steering 电子动力转向FC Fan Control 风扇控制FP Fuel Pump 燃油泵FWD Front Wheel Drive 前轮驱动FR Front Right 右前FSR Fail SafeRelay 失效安全继电器FIA Fuel lnjection Air 燃油喷射进气GEN Generator 交流发电机GND Ground 搭铁GALGallon 加仑H /B Hatchback 掀背式H02S Heated Oxygen Sensor 加热型氧气传感器HC Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物lA Intake Air 进气IAT Intake Air Temperature 进气温度IATS Intake Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器lAC Idle Air Control 怠速控制IACV Idle Air control Valve 怠速空气控制阀ICM Ignition Control Module 点火控制模块ISC Idle Speed Control 怠速控制lAB Intake Air Bypass 进气歧管IAR Intake Air Resonator 进气共鸣器IMA IdleMixtureAdjustment 怠速混合比调整IMPS Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor 进气歧管压力传感器IN Intake 进气IG or IGN Ignition 点火燃烧ID Identification 辨证,识别ID or I .D .Inside Diameter 内径KAM Keep Alive Memory 磨损修正系数存储器K —Jetronic Continous Fuel lnjection 机械式连续喷射KE — Jetromc Continous Fuel lnjection 机电结合式连续喷射KS Knock Sensor 爆震传感器KOEO KEY —ONEngine —OFF 点火开关ON 发动机不启动KOER KEY —ONEngine —Running 点火开关ON 发动机运转L —Jetronic MultiportFuellnjeetion L 型多点燃油喷射LH —Jetronic MultiportFuel lnjection LH 型多点燃油喷射LHD Left Handle Drive 左侧驾驶L /C Lock — up Clutch 锁定离合器LF Left Front 左前LSD Limited Slip Differential 防滑差速器LR Left Rear 左后L 一 4 In —Line Four Cylinder(engine) 直列式4 汽缸( 发动机) LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管M /C Mixturure Control 混合气控制MAF Mass Air Flow 质量空气流量MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure 歧管绝对压力MAT Manifold AirTemperature 歧管空气温度MCS Mixture Control Solenoid 混合气控制电磁线圈MCU Microprocessor Control Unit 微处理器控制单元MFI Muhipoint Fuel lnjection 多点燃油喷射MFE MultipointFuel lnjection 多点燃油喷射Mil Malfunction lndicator Lamp 故障指示灯M /S Manual Steering 手( 机械式) 转向MAF Mass Air Flow Sensor 空气流量计M /T Manual Transmission 手动变速箱MCK Motor Check 马达检示MAX Maximum 极大值MIN Minimum 极小值MPI Multi Point lnjection 多点喷射NPS Neutral Position Switch 空挡开关N Neutral 空转位置( 空挡) NOX Nitrogen Oxides of 氮氧化合物02S Oxygen Sensor 含氧传感器P /N Park /Neutral Position 停车/空挡位置P /S Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向压力开关PCM Power train Control Module 动力控制模块PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风PFI Port Fuel lnjection 进气门口燃油喷射PIP Position lndicator Pulse 曲轴位置传感器PNP Park /Neutral Position 停车/空挡位置PROM Programmable Read Only Memory 可编程只读存储器PSP Power Steering Pressure 动力转向压力PSPS Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向油压开关p Park 停车PSAI Pulsed Secondary Air lnjection 脉动式二次空气喷射PGM —FI Programmed — fuel lnjection 程式控制燃料喷射PGM — IG Programmed lgnition 程式化点火PMR Pump Motor Relay 由泵马达继电器PSW Pressure Switch 压力开关PSF Power Steering Fluid 动力转向油Qty Quantity 数量RAM Random Access Memory 随机存储器RM Relay Module 继电器模块ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器RR Rear Right 右后RHD Right Handle Drive 右侧驾驶REF Reference 参考RL Rear Left 左后SBEC Single Board Engine Control 单板发动机控制SEFI Sequential Electronic Fuel lnjection 次序电控燃油喷射SFI Sequential Fuel lnjection 次序燃油喷射' SMEC Single Module Engine Control 单片发动机控制SPI Single Point lnjection 单点喷射SAE Society of Automotive Engineers 美国汽车工程师学会SOHC Single Overhead Camshaft 顶置单凸轮轴SOI Solenoid 线圈SPEC Specification 规格S /R Sun Roof 遮阳板SRS Supplemental Restrgint System 安全气囊STD Standard 标准SW Switch 切换开关SCS Service Check Signal 维修检示信号SEC Second 秒、第二TB Throttle Body 节流阀体TBI Throttle Body Fuel lnjectlon 节流阀体燃油喷射TC Turbocharger 涡轮增压器TCM Transmission Control Module 变速器控制模块TP ThrottlePosition 节气门位置TPS Throttle Position Sensor 节气门位置传感器TPS Throttle Position Switch 节气门位置开关TPI Tuned Port lnjection 进气口喷射TWC Three Way Catalytic Converter 三元催化反应器T Torque 扭力TDC Top Dead Center 上死点TDCL Test Diagnostic Communication Link 自诊接头T /N Tool Number 工具编号TCC Torque Convertor Clutch 变扭器离合器TRC Traction Control 牵引控制VAF Volume Air Flow 体积空气流量VAT Vane AirTemperature 进气温度VCC Viscous Converter Clutch 变扭离合器VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor 车速传感器VSV Vacuum Solenoid Valve 真空电磁阀VTEC Variable Valve Timing Valve Lift 可变式气门正时VC Viscous Coupling 粘性偶和VIN Vehicle ldentification Number 车身号码( 出厂号码) VVIS Variable Volume Intake System 可变进气系统全部词汇下载汽车术语中英文对照(引擎系统)1、引擎系统(Automotive Engine System)燃烧室(Combustion Chamber) 活塞到达上死点后其顶部与汽缸盖之间的空间,燃料即在此室燃烧。



UNIT TWO P18An automobile probably has about 7,000 different parts in it. Some of them make it more comfortable or better looking, but most of them are to make it run.一台车可能有7000多个不同的零件。



The three basic components of the automobile are the engine, chassis and body.汽车基本三大组成部分是发动机,底盘和车身.The engine converts the fuel energy into mechanical power. An internal combustion engine powers our modern automobile. The engine burns its fuel within the engine proper, as compared to a steam engine where the fuel is burned externally. The gasoline and air mixture of the internal combustion engine is compressed by a piston inside an airtight cylinder and ignited by a spark. The trapped air-fuel mixture burns fiercely, causing tremendous heat which expands the trapped gases and pushes the piston down. This is the motive power of the automobile. The automobile engine is essentially a heat engine. It requires fuel to burn, a spark to ignite, lubrication to minimize friction, and a cooling system to dissipate unwanted heat.发动机把燃油的能量转化成机械能.内燃机给现代的汽车提供动力。



汽车工程专业英语全文翻译一当今的汽车一般都由15000多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成..这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备..Body:车身Engine:发动机Brakes:制动器Power train:传动系Steering:转向系Electrical:电器及电子设备Suspension:悬架Layout of a passenger car:乘用车总布置Layout of a commercial vehicle:商用车总布置1.1 车身汽车车身是由车窗、车门、发动机罩和行李箱盖焊接在金属板外壳发动机发动机作为动力装置..最常见的发动机气缸的排列方式称为发动机配置..直列式发动机的汽缸呈一列布置..这个设计创造了一个简单的发动机缸体铸造..在车辆应用中;汽缸数一般是2-6缸;汽缸中心线与水平面垂直..当汽缸数增多时;发动机尺寸和曲轴就成为一个问题..解决这个问题的办法就是采用V形汽缸呈两列布置;且两列气缸之间夹角为V形发动机..这个设计使发动机尺寸和曲轴都变得更短且更坚硬.. 前置发动机纵向安装;既可前轮驱动也可后轮驱动..后置发动机是将发动机安装在后轮后面..发动机可横置或纵置;一般情况下为后轮驱动..1.4 电气系统电气系统为起动机、点火系统、照明灯具、取暖器提供电能..该电平由一个充电电路维护..1.4.1 充电充电系统为所有汽车电子元件提供电能..充电系统主要包括:蓄电池;交流发电机;电压调节器;即通常是交流发电机上不可或缺的;充电警告或指示灯和金属丝连成一个完整电路..蓄电池为起动提供电能;然后发动机工作;交流发电机就为所有的电子元件提供电能..同时也给蓄电池充电即用来使发动机起动..电压调节器有过充保护作用..1.4.2 起动起动系统包括:蓄电池、电缆、起动机、飞轮和换向器..起动时;有两个动作同时运行;该起动机齿轮与飞轮齿圈啮合;并起动电机;然后运行传输到发动机曲轴..起动机电机将起动机安装在发动机缸体上并由电池供电..1.4.3 点火一个基本的点火系统包括:蓄电池、低压电缆、点火线圈、线圈高压电缆、火花塞电缆和火花塞..点火系统提供高强度火花使火花塞点燃燃料室里的液体燃料..火花必须在适当的时候提供;并达到能够使燃料点燃的能量要求..这些能量从蓄电池和交流发电机获得;点火线圈使电压增高..该系统有两个电路;主电路或低压电路点燃火花;次电路或高压电路产生高压并将其分配到火花塞上.. 复习题1. 列出汽车有那几部分组成..2. 根据车身外形车辆常见类型是什么3. 向下移动的冰锥增加汽缸容积和新鲜的通过进气阀开启的空气燃料混合..2.压缩行程向上移动的活塞减少了汽缸内体积和压缩的空气燃料混合物..不久之前;香港贸易发展局是达成共识;火花塞点燃压缩空气燃料的混合物;从而启动了燃烧过程..更高的压缩比意味着更好的燃油利用率..压缩的程度受制于敲限制..3.做功行程火花点火后在火花塞点燃了压缩空气燃料的混合物;作为混合的结果温度升高..在汽缸增加;迫使活塞向下的压力..活塞转让的权力;通过连杆曲轴..4.排气行程向上移动的活塞燃烧排出的气体废气通过公开排气阀..在四冲程过完成后又周期重复..这台发动机有数以百计的其它部分..发动机的主要部件是发动机缸体;发动机头;活塞;连杆;曲轴和阀门..其他部分一起营造系统..这些系统是燃油系统;进气系统;点火系统;冷却系统;润滑系统和排气图2 - 2..这些系统都有一定的作用..这些系统将在后面详细讨论..发动机缸体是发动机的基本框架..所有其他发动机零件要么在其中的位置或固定它..其所持有的气瓶;水套和油画廊图2 - 4..发动机缸体还持有曲轴;那拴到块的底部..还装在凸轮轴块;除却架空凸轮OHC发动机..在大多数汽车;这个部件是由灰铸铁或者一种合金混合物灰铁和其它金属如镍或铬..发动机缸体是铸件..有些气缸体;特别是在小汽车里的那些;都是由铝做成的..这种金属比铁轻得多;然而;铁的耐磨性比铝好..因此;在大多数铝制发动机的气缸活塞;连杆和曲轴2.3.1 曲柄机构和能量活塞由曲柄机构和气缸;连杆组成..这些部件通过气体能量推动;从而引起这些部件产生惯性力..气能产生的力可以再细分为垂直于竖直平面的力Fn;且作用于汽缸壁;和一个推动连杆的力Fs;这个连杆的力;从而引起切向力Ft并作用于曲柄机构;这些能量要求在一起产生扭转和法向力Fr..这气体作用力分为作用角α;支点于连杆的作用角β;和压缩比入:连杆作用力: Fs=Fg/cosβ侧向力 : Fn=Fgtanβ法向力 : Fr=Fgcosα+β/ cosβ切向力 : Ft=Fg sinα+β/ cosβ所以的这些关系代表了一种方法计算各部件的振动.活塞是四个运动周期中一个重要部分;很多活塞都是从铝中提炼出来研制而成的.活塞;通过连杆传递能量来压缩点燃混合气体.这些能力转化为曲柄的动能.这样;圆形的钢圈装入汽缸;用活塞环来密封整个燃烧室.这个称为活塞环..这些用来放活塞环的称为凹槽..一个活塞销放在中间通过一个小孔固定..活塞销的作用是固定活塞于连杆之间的连接;对活塞销起作用的是活塞销凸台..活塞本身;它的环和活塞销一起称为活塞总成..1活塞为了抵抗高温的燃烧室;活塞必须非常坚固;但是也必须轻便;因为它是在气缸内高速运转而上下运动的;活塞内是空的;在顶部是厚的用来传递高温高压的气体动力;底部温度较低所以做成薄的..顶部是活塞头或活塞顶;薄部分是裙部;两节之间的凹槽称为环带..活塞顶可以是平的;凹的;圆顶的或是隐蔽的;在柴油机的燃烧可能形成完全或部分活塞冠;依靠这种方法喷射..所以活塞采用不同的形状..2..活塞环如图2-9所示;活塞环装进接近活塞顶部的环槽..简单来说;活塞环是薄的;是圆形的金属片;适合槽活塞顶部的..现在的发动机;每个活塞有三个活塞环;老式的发动机有四个甚至五个..活塞环装在活塞内表面的凹槽内..活塞环的外表面紧靠着汽缸壁活塞环提供了活塞环于汽缸壁之间的密封;也就是说;只有活塞环接触汽缸壁..顶头两个活塞环是防止气体从汽缸壁漏出的;称为压缩环..最底下的一个是防止汽油飞溅到缸桶而从间隙进入到燃烧室;所以称为油环..表面镀铬的铸铁压缩环一般用于汽车的发动机..镀铬的活塞环提供了光滑;耐磨的表面..在做功行程;燃烧室对压缩环的压力是非常大的..原因是他们朝汽缸壁方向挤开;一些高压的气体进入到活塞环;这样使得活塞环表面充分接触到汽缸壁;燃烧的气体压力使得活塞环底部紧紧地压住活塞凹槽;然而;越高的燃烧的气体压力更加紧紧地把活塞环表面和汽缸壁密封住.. 3..活塞销活塞销是用来连接活塞于连杆的..活塞销装入销孔;装入连杆最顶头的小孔..连杆的顶部应远小于连杆的尾部才能装进曲柄轴颈..小的底部装进活塞的内底部..活塞销通过一边装入活塞销;通过小的连杆一端;然后通过活塞的另一边..这使得连杆稳固地在活塞中间适当的位置..活塞销是是空心的且是高强度的钢制成的..很多销的镀铬的使得更加耐磨..连杆是高强度的钢铸造的;它通过曲柄轴颈传递力和运动从活塞到曲柄销..连杆小的一头是连接活塞销的..轴瓦是用软金属制成的;比如青铜;用来这样合成的..下级的连杆装进曲柄轴颈..这称为大头..这个轴承;是钢背的铅或者是锡壳制成的..这些是一样被用作主要轴承..大端的分离切口往往是单个的;所以它足够小可以从燃烧室中取出.. 连杆由合金钢铸成..曲轴如图2-10所示;连同连杆通过旋转而带动活塞往复运动从而带动汽车行驶..它是由碳钢和低比例的镍合成的主要的曲轴轴颈装进汽缸;大端匹配连杆..在曲轴的后端附加有飞轮;在曲轴的前端有驱动轮对应的正时齿轮;风扇;冷却水和发电机..曲轴的摆幅;i;e;是主要的轴颈和大端中心之间的距离..控制冲程的幅度;冲程是双次进行的;摆动的幅度是活塞从TDC到BDC的距离;反之亦然..单缸的发动机每两次曲轴循环只能提供单一的能量脉冲..能量只能提供四分之一的时间..当超过一个汽缸时它能从曲轴获得流动性的能量..额外的能量被均匀地隔开遍及两个转数或四冲程的一个周期..四缸的一般用于汽车..为了保持曲轴的平衡设置第一和第四的活塞是在TDC..第二和第三的活塞是在BDC每个冲程的间隔是180°;图标的序列显示了各个缸的点火顺序;点火顺序是1-3-4-2;但是这个顺序可以改变为1-2-4-3;如果安装了另外的凸轮轴.. 注意到第四个活塞总是伴随着第一活塞进行的..当第四活塞进气阀完全打开时;第一缸的活塞完全关闭;这是用来调节气门间隙的..表格飞轮有碳钢制成;装在曲轴的后端..同时带动曲轴旋转和离合器..同时传送给变速器;和启动齿圈包围着在四个冲程当中只有一个冲程是做功的所以飞轮只有在这个时间带动曲轴;发动机在这几个不做功的冲程转动..平衡器和减震器是用来保持发动机曲轴正常缓冲的..比如每个燃烧室燃烧;它能加快曲轴旋转..轴的惯性它稍稍随后;这样在曲轴上起扭转作用..连续扭转震动引起的频率不同于发动机的转速和发动机缸数..减震器减少他们的振动..减震器主要由轮毂和惯性环组成..惯性环是结合轮毂通过弹性插入的..惯性环转动是和曲轴密切相关的在燃烧室内;然而抑制其扭转;并通过曲轴控制犯低级转速..一些减震器是由两个惯性环和而且是不同的尺寸从而更好地控制其振动..使用了一段时间后;弹性体会恶化或连接件可以不要..致使减震器失效或是引起自身振动.. 损坏的必须得替换下来..减震器的设计要结合轮毂的密封轴颈..在轮毂里密封凹槽;造成石油泄漏..袖套修理可以恢复减震器如果是在良好的条件下..轮毂在一定条件下可以维修来调节衬套..2.6.1 汽油汽油是从原油中提炼石油..汽油是高度易燃的;这意味着它容易在空气容易燃烧..汽油容易蒸发..这种特性被称为波动;是重要的..但是;它不能太容易挥发;否则将转向油箱内的蒸汽..管内的燃料;燃料蒸气可能阻止液体汽油流..这就是所谓的蒸气锁..在燃料蒸气锁普遍在暴露于高温线泵的进口侧..汽油的燃烧;随其质量和添加剂比例混合的..汽油的燃烧方式在室燃烧是很重要的.增加燃烧室中的燃料混合物点火前的压力;有助于提高发动机功率..这是通过压缩到一个较小的燃料混合物体积..高压缩比;不仅有利于推力;而且也给更多的有效的动力..但更进一步的压缩比起来;敲倾向增加..辛烷值是对汽油的抗爆性的质量或在燃烧过程中能够抵抗爆炸的认定..有时被称为爆震敲质量或能力抵御爆炸..爆轰;有时也被称为敲门;作为燃料的燃烧空气的混合物;由于温度过高;在燃烧室内的压力条件的最后一个部分失控爆炸的定义..由于爆炸产生的压力波冲击;因此产生敲缸声;燃料燃烧和空气的混合物的扩张;导致丧失权力;局部温度过高;如果足够严重;引擎损害..有两种常用的汽油辛烷值测定的的方法马达法和研究方法..两者都使用的实验室相同的类型单缸发动机来做实验;这是一个头部和一个变量来表示敲缸爆震强度装置..作为燃料使用;发动机压缩比和空气燃料混合料试验样品进行了调整;试验出爆震强度..两个主要标准参考燃料;正庚烷和异辛烷;任意分配0和10辛烷值;然后分别是混合产生测试样品相同的爆震强度..因此百分比异辛烷的混合被认为是测试样品辛烷值;因此;如果相应的参考配方是由15%正庚烷和85%异辛烷;测试样品的额定电机向上或85研究法辛烷值;依据测试的一种方法..2.6.2完全燃烧汽油;是在理想条件下汽油在混合气中完全燃烧汽油所需要空气和汽油是15比1..这意味着1公斤汽油混合15公斤空气..汽油完全燃烧所需的空气被称为化学正确的混合物.. 15:1的比例适用于汽油;其他燃料有不同的比率.为了表示更实际;空气燃料混合物提供给空气燃料比14.7:1气缸偏离理论上完全燃烧所需;多余的空气因子R已被选定引擎:=空气质量提供/理论要求R为1 空气质量提供相应数额的理论的必要..<“1 空气或缺乏丰富的混合物..增加电力的射程R = 0.85 0.95输出结果..> 1.3 该混合物是如此精简的点火更长发生..精益失火超限.. = 0.95 0.85 火花点火发动机开发在5% 15%空气不足的最大功率.. = 1.1 1.2 发生在最大的燃油经济性高达20%左右的过剩空气..为R≈1.0 这种过剩空气系数允许与化学计量比空转..= 0.85 0.75 良好的转换发生15% 25%的空气不足..转型是指从一个给定的负载范围在实践中;过剩空气因素的R = 0.9 1.1已被证明是最实用的..在一定的操作条件下;燃料需求不同的混合模式于基本注入燃料的数量大于干预必需的. 冷启动在冷启动时;空气燃料混合物的发动机制定的加浓了..这是由于在起动速度低如果混合物燃油与空气粒子流动速度;并以最小的燃油蒸发和汽缸壁和进气口;在低温下润湿燃料..为了弥补这些现象;从而促进ID的冷发动机;注入更多的燃料才更容易起动..1.后启动阶段在低温起动后;必须加浓的一段短时期的混合物;以补偿较浠混合气的形成和摄入量与燃料缸..此外;在高扭矩;为更好的油门响应更加丰富的混合物时;加速从闲置的结果..2.热机预热阶段遵循冷启动阶段..该发动机的燃料需要;因为凝结一些仍然在寒冷的汽缸壁的热身阶段额外的燃料..在低温时;混合物的形成是由于较浓的大型燃料液滴的加入;由于与拟定的发动机在空气中混合燃料效率下降..其结果是;在进气阀门和进气歧管;只有在较高温度下燃油蒸发浓缩.. 上述因素均随温度降低必要的加浓的混合物.3.加速度如果油门突然被打开;空气燃料混合物瞬间倾斜过;以及混合浓缩短期在部分负荷运行;实现最大的燃油经济性和排放值是观察的关键因素.. 5.全负荷该引擎提供了在满负荷最大功率;当空气燃料混合比;必须加以丰富;在部分负荷..这种丰富依赖于发动机转速和提供最大的在整个发动机转速范围内尽可能的扭矩..这也确保在满负荷运行最佳燃油经济性的数字..6.怠速除了发动机的效率;发动机怠速主要决定于闲置的燃料消耗;在发动机冷高摩阻力;必须通过提高空气燃油混合输入克服..为了实现平稳运行在空闲;空闲速度控制怠速提高..这也导致了更快速热身的发动机..闭环闲置速度控制功能可以防止怠速过高..该混合物的数量相对应维持在有关的负载如冷发动机;并增加摩擦怠速所需要的数量..它还允许一个没有长期闲置的调整不断废气排放值..闭环闲置速度控制还部分地弥补在发动机老化带来的变化;并确保稳定的发动机整个使用寿命空转..7.空载减速时切断燃油降低燃油消耗不仅是长下坡运行和制动过程中;而且在城市交通..由于没有燃料完全燃烧;减少废气排放..8.发动机限速当发动机转速达到预设;教统会抑制燃油喷射脉冲..9..的空气燃料混合物在高海拔适应在高海拔地区的空气密度低就必须更精简的空气燃料混合物..在高海拔地区;由于较低的空气密度;容积流量的空气流量传感器对应一个较低的空气质量流量测量..这个错误可以弥补纠正的燃料数量..过度富集是可以避免的;因此;过多的燃料消耗..正如图2 - 20所示;燃料系统有一个油箱;油管;燃油泵;燃油滤清器和化油器..这零部件商店汽油;并提供给需要的化油器..简而言之;油箱储存汽油..行携带的燃料从油箱的燃料化油器..移动汽油燃油泵从油箱的燃料;并通过线化油器..燃料过滤器除去杂质的汽油..然后;化油器发送燃料的空气和汽油的混合物 - 进入燃烧室..1..燃油泵大多数车今天使用一个机械式燃油泵..这种燃料泵出了汽油;并通过油管向化油器或喷射系统..在大多数汽车;泵安装在发动机缸体..有些汽车电动燃油泵有一个..该泵安装在皮卡与燃料和燃料轨;发送单元油箱..对机械燃油泵操作取决于对凸轮轴叶..作者:爱在旋转移动泵摇臂..泵内;可以灵活的隔膜通过膜片弹簧摇臂;拉杆和链接..如图所示;燃油泵也有一个入口和燃料出口..由于凸轮轴上的旋转叶;横膈膜上下移动内部的引擎..隔膜的吸向下运动从进入泵油箱..隔膜向上运动推到了化油器;从泵的燃料..2..化油器化油器提供燃料比例的空气量流经喉管..当你在加速器踏板时;扩大开放节流阀吸引更多的空气通过化油器..化油器提供这取决于许多因素更丰富或更精简的混合物:发动机转速;负荷;温度;节气门位置..为了满足复杂的要求;一化油器是一个非常复杂的设备与许多内部通道及零部件.1喉管汽车化油器的设计是由喉管..喉管简直是气道狭窄的部分..空气通过化油器的喉咙;因为它移动的速度通过这个狭窄通道的旅行..通过建立合资企业增加的空气速度在喷嘴打开一个低压区..推动在一个大气压下水库内燃料的化油器浮子室称为..燃料是强行通过一根管子到空气流..2浮子室浮子室是一个储存和供应燃料的化油器水库..由于发动机使用的燃料;它会自动浮子室补充..浮动室内乐作品在同一作为一个抽水马桶水箱控股的基本原则..阿浮有赖于在水库燃料的顶部..作为燃料使用时;浮球液位下降..当浮动滴;一针阀打开..开放式针形阀允许从燃料的燃料泵入化油器的浮子室流..当商会是满了;针形阀是向上推;并关闭燃油进口..3测量燃油浮子室之间的压差和造成的燃料流..然而;为了维持适当的空气燃料比;化油器必须仅提供适量的燃料..为此;主放电管有一个小孔称为喷射或主射流..这允许燃料进入气流..在大多数情况下;这个小口子浮子室是在主放油管的末端..在那里;它的体积小燃油流量限制..4需要冷启动安排切断阀通过一个手段扼杀供气提供了丰富的混合物约8:1;并提供了一个轻松的粒子蒸发足够的引擎..5慢速贯穿化油器的空气量过小的时候;发动机只运行缓慢产生非常小的扼流圈抑郁症..这意味着太少将提供燃料和发动机将停止..缓慢运行的系统已经在这个区域里存在着抑郁症的高当发动机空转的电源插座..调节螺钉控制系统运行缓慢;一个螺丝设置空转速度运行缓慢等使混合物是让发动机转速平稳.. 6油门机制机制的油门控制空气燃料混合物流动..油门有几个;包括油门轴和节流板的一部分..通过打开和关闭;节气门控制的空气进入发动机燃料混合物流动..在诸如开放更多的空气流动;少的板关闭的气流..这些变化也气流控制汽油流..增加气流意味着更大的压力下降;从而更多的燃料流..气流减少意味着减少压降和流量较少的燃料..该议案的节流轴转动油门板..油门轴电缆连接到油门;反过来;连接到车内的油门踏板..司机控制空气燃料混合物踏板流动..2.6.5 莫特郎尼克点火和燃油喷射系统化油器将准确的空气燃料混合气发送到发动机..然而;并非所有的汽车都有化油器..许多现代汽车是用燃油喷射系统图2 - 22..燃油喷射系统与化油器式有许多优势..例如;它们能提供更多的精确控制..它们能够更好地匹配空燃比在不断变化的发动机状态..它们还提供更好的经济性和排放控制..此外;燃油喷射系统不需要化油器多余的那部分..该系统是一个莫特郎尼克发动机管理系统;包括控制单元ECU;它执行至少两个基本功能点火和喷油;但可能包含其他子系统需要改进的发动机控制1..测量值的检测气缸内的燃烧过程不仅受混合气和空气燃料比的影响;而且还受点火提前点火和点火火花的能源影响..一个优化的引擎控制;因此必须控制在整个喷射时刻的空气燃料比R A即喷入的燃油量;以及点火提前角α和持续角B..影响燃烧过程中的主要参数检测为测量值和一起处理瞬间发动机运行工况点火和喷射的最佳时机的计算..2..工作变量/传感器发动机转速和负荷是主要的工作变量..由于特定的点火提前角和精确的喷射时间对应于每个发动机的转速/负载地图点;重要的是所有的变量;其中涉及到同一个点都在相同的速度/负载面积计算..这不仅是可能的;如果点火提前和喷射时间以同样的速度和负载值发动机转速检测只有一次使用相同的传感器计算..这就避免了统计误差;可导致不同的负载传感器设备公差;例如;..而一个略有杆负荷范围不同的分配限制敲到发动机爆震的易感性增加..清除点火时间角和注射时间分配是由莫特郎尼克系统提供动力;即使在发动机运行条件下;3..莫特郎尼克系统该莫特郎尼克系统包括一系列子系统;两个基本子系统点火和喷油..综合后的系统更加灵活;可实现比相应的各个系统的功能更多..莫特郎尼克系统的重要特点是其作为一个最子功能所需的大量可自由编程实现地图..废气再循环EGR的功能至今尚未在欧洲使用;因此提供一种替代系统的唯一..控制系统的lambda只能算是今天;如果配合使用为减少尾统开环控制功能以及一个扩展的系统与闭环功能结合敲和lambda控制在管理系统气。



absorber 吸震器,减震器accelerator 加速器adjustment 调整aerodynamic 气动的,空气动力的agent 代销店,介质,作用物air cleaner,air filter 空气滤清器air flap 通风口阀air-condition 空气调节器,装、用空调ambulance 救护车anchor 固定anion 阴离子antifreeze 防冻液antifriction 减摩,耐磨,减摩剂,耐磨材料,润滑剂antiskid 防滑装置anti-squeak 防噪声appointment 车身内部装饰;指定,任命arch 弓形结构,拱形;拱门arm 臂,臂状物,手柄armature 电枢arm-rest 扶手ashtray 烟灰缸assembly 装配,总成assy 组合件attaching 附着,附加,附属attachment 附件automatic 自动的,自动装置automobile carrier 货运卡车auxiliary 辅助的axle 轮轴,车桥back seat,rear seat 后座backrest 靠背backup light,reversing light 倒车灯bar 杆,棒,条battery(spare) (备用)蓄电池beam 梁,电子束,光束bearing 轴承bearing shell 轴承盖bilge 船舱底bloodmobile 血浆车blower 鼓风机bodywork,body 车身bolt 螺栓,螺杆,螺柱bonnet(美:hood) 发动机盖boot(美:trunk) 行李箱bottle gas 储压气体bracket 托架,支架brake刹车brake pedal 刹车踏板breakdown 故障breakdown lorry; breakdown van救援车bumper car 碰撞用汽车bumper 缓冲器,保险杠burner 喷燃室bushing 衬套cabinet 细木箱,柜,室,橱,箱,壳体cable 电缆,钢缆camper 露营车camshaft 凸轮轴can,jerrican 油桶carburettor (美作:carburetor)汽化器carrier 托架,载流子,搬运设备caterpillar 覆带(链轨,覆带车);覆带式的centrifugal 离心的ceramic 陶器,陶瓷chain driver 链条传动change-over 转换,变换channeling 通道,管路,沟渠chassis 底盘choke 熄火装置cigar lighter 点烟器clamp 夹子,夹紧,夹,钳,卡钉,夹钳clip 夹子,夹紧,剪clutch 离合器,抓住clutch pedal 离合器踏板coil 线圈colloid 胶体compact car 小型汽车compartment 间隔,舱,隔板component 配件,元件;部分compressor 压缩机connecting rod 连杆console 控制台,仪表板container 容器,集装箱,贮存器cooling water 冷却水core 芯,芯子counterbalance 平衡,平衡力countershaft 副轴,间轴coupe 双门敞篷轿车coupling 联轴器,接合,耦合crank 曲轴,启动crankcase 曲轴箱crankshaft 曲轴cross member 横梁current 当前的,流通的;水,气流;电流curve 曲线,弯曲,曲线板;使成曲线cushion 垫子cylinder 汽缸dampener 抑制器,挡板,阻尼,阻尼器,减振器dashboard 仪表板decompressor 减压器deflector偏导板deviation 背离device 装置,设备diagonal 对角斜体,对角支承,对角线的,斜的diesel 柴油机differential 差速器dipped headlight 近光灯dipstick 油尺direction indicator 方向标,转向标distributor 分电盘downgrade 下坡drain tap 排气阀门drophead 活动车篷汽车drum 鼓,鼓形物,鼓状,圆桶柱状物duct 导流管,导管,通气管eccentric shaft 偏心轴electrical system,wiring 电气系统emergency 紧急情况,事故,应急的engine 发动机equivalence 等同exhaust pipe 排气管extension 延长,伸长external 外部,外面;外部的,外面的fan 风扇fan belt 风扇皮带feed 供给fender 翼子板fender,wing,mudguard 挡泥板filling 填补物,填充,供应filter 过滤器,过滤fire engine 消防车fire wall 防火隔壁fire-fighting 灭火器first aid kit 急救药箱first gear 一档fitting 安装装配配件fixing 固定,稳固,设备,安装,修理,接头flameout熄火flange 突缘,法兰盘;凸缘flap 挡泥板,轮胎的垫带flasher 闪光器,闪烁器fluctuation 波动fluid 液压,液体;液体的flywheel 飞轮foot brake 脚制动器fork 拨叉,叉,分离叉formula car 方程式赛车,方程式汽车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动frame 车架,机架,框架,结构,构成framework 骨架,构架front blinker 前信号灯front wheel 前轮front-wheel drive 前轮驱动fuel 燃料generator 发电机glow plug 线引火塞governor 调速器grate 格栅grease 润滑脂,黄油grille 格栅guide 导向器,导轨,导杆gusset 角撑板hand brake 手制动器headlight 大灯,头灯headrest 头枕,头靠heater 加热器hood 发动机罩horn, hooter 喇叭housing 壳体,机架hub 轮毂hubcap 轮毂罩hydraulic 液压的,水压的ignition 点火impeller 叶轮indicator,blinker 方向指示灯,指示器injection 喷射inner tube 内胎instrument 仪表,工具,仪器insulating tape 绝缘胶带intake 进气interference 干扰intermediate 中间的,媒介jack 千斤顶jacket 套,外罩jeep 吉普车joint 接头,万向节,连轴节knuckle 转向节,接头lacquer 漆,漆器;増亮剂ladder 梯子,梯状物lateral 侧部,侧面的level 水平,水平的,变平lever 杆,杠杆license 牌照,执照license plate;number plate 车号牌lighter 打火机,点火器lights 灯光light-van 小型货车limousine 豪华轿车lining衬板,衬垫linkage 拉杆lubrication,oiling 润滑油fuse 保险丝,熔线,引信garbage truck 工作台,纵横,总油道gasket 衬垫,垫圈gear stick,gear change(美作:gearshift)变速杆gearbox 变速箱gearshift 换档器,变速排挡mail car 邮车main 主要部分主要的manual 手动的,手册marine 船舶的、海的;海运业mechanical 机械的mechanical failure 机械故障member 构件,梁metal 金属,合金milometer 里程表miscellaneous 杂项motorway(美作:freeway,superhighway)高速公路mount 安装,装配mounting 装备,装配、安装muffler 消声器、消音器multi-seater 多位座位notchback 客货两用车nozzle 喷油嘴nut 螺母oil 油料oil change 换油oil filler 加机油管oil reservoir 油池oscillator 振荡器oscillograph 示波器overdrive 超速行驶,超速传动overflow 溢流孔pad 垫料,衰减器,垫片,填塞,法兰盘,基座paint 涂料,油漆,颜料panel 镶钳,仪表板,车身和外板panelling 镶板,嵌板partition 划分,分割,分配,分开,隔断墙patch 修补pedal 踏板,踩踏板pedestal 支座,轴架,轴架箱,轴承架pennant 三角小旗permeability 渗透性petrol(美作:gas)汽油petrol pump(美作:gasoline pump)加油泵piezoelectric 压电的pillar 支柱,柱pilot 操纵,驾驶pinion 小齿轮pintle 枢轴,链节销pintle hook 扣勾piston 活塞pitman 连杆pitman arm 转向摇臂planetary gear 行星齿轮police car 警车pollutant 污染物position 位置,状态,姿势power 力,力量;提供动力prechamber 预燃室pressure 压力profile 剖面,侧面,外形,轮廓,曲线,分布图propeller 推进器,螺旋桨pump,air pump 气泵puncture,blowout 碰撞racing car 赛车rack 齿条;架,行李架radiator 散热器radiator grille 水箱rail 导轨rarefy 稀薄rear 后面,后面的rear blinker 转弯指示灯rear lights 尾灯rear wheel后轮rear window 后窗玻璃rear-view mirror;driving mirror 后视镜reduction gear 减速齿轮regulator 调节器relief 调节,减轻remote 遥控的repair kit 修理工具包repair shop 维修车间representing 表现,描绘reservoir 容器,油箱retarder 减速器reverse 倒档,转向rig 装置,装配,装备ring 环,齿圈roadster 敞篷车rocker arms 气门摇臂rod 杆,棒roller 滚子,滚筒,滚轮,压路机roof rack,luggage rack 行李架rupture 破裂,裂开saloon(美作:sedan)轿车sanitary 卫生,卫生的screw 螺钉,螺丝,螺旋seat 座椅,承座,磨合部位second gear 二档selection 选择器shaft 轴,杆状物shelve 放置在架上,置于架上shock 冲撞,震动,电击shroud 外壳,罩side member 直梁sidelights,parking lights 位置灯,边灯silencer(美作:muffler)消音器skin 外壳,表皮;皮肤,皮制品sleeve 套,套筒,套管snap ring 扣圈solder 焊料,焊锡,焊剂solenoid 螺线管,电磁圈spacer 隔套,隔板,隔环,垫片spare wheel 备胎,备用轮胎sparking plug 火花塞(美作:spark plug)speedometer 速度表sports car 跑车spring 弹簧starter,self-starter 起动器,起动钮starting crank jaw 曲轴启动爪station wagon 小旅行车saturant 饱和剂steering wheel,wheel 方向盘step 踏板,步,步骤stoplight,stop lamp 刹车灯stowage 装载,贮藏strainer 滤网strut 控制臂撑杆,制动反应杆,支撑,支柱,斜杆subframe 副架,副车架,发动机架suction 吸入、抽气;抽气机suitcase 手提箱,衣箱supercharger 增压器support 支柱,支架,维持,支持suppression 抑制suspension 悬架tachometer 转速表taillight,tail lamp 尾灯tailpipe 排气管tank 油罐,油槽,贮水桶tappet 挺杆taxi 出租车thermostat 恒温器,自动调温器thread 轮距throttle 节气门,节流阀,节流thrust 推力,轴向力,推进thrust tube 止推管tie rod 拉杆timing 正时tire 轮胎to accelerate 加速to adjust 整修to brake 制动,刹车to change gear 变速to charge a battery,to recharge a battery 给蓄电池充电to decelerate 减速to declutch 分开离合器to decoke(美作:to decarbonize)脱硫to engage the clutch 接上离合器to fill the tank 加油to inflate 充气to knock 发出撞击声to overtake 向前行驶to park 停车to put one’s foot down 加速,踏下加速踏板to seize up 运转不畅to skid 打滑to stall 发动机停转to start up 起动to switch off the motor 熄火to tow,to take in tow 拖,拖曳to vulcanize 硫化top speed 最高速度torque 转矩,扭矩torsion扭力,扭转torsion bar 扭杆track 轮距,痕迹,轨迹,跨距,轨距;履带tractor 牵引车trail 拖曳,拖着走;痕迹,轨迹trailer truck 拖车transmission 变速器;传送,传播trim 整理,装饰,修饰trolley 电车,触轮truck 卡车trunk,boot 行李箱tubular 管状的turbine 涡轮2-stoke engine 2冲程发动机tyre chain(美作:tire chain)防滑链tyre pressure(美作:tire pressure)轮胎气压upholstery 车内装饰upper 上面的,上部的vacuum 真空,真空的valve 阀,气门vehicle 车辆,交通工具ventilation 通风,通气,换气ventilator 通风器,通风口,空气调节换气装置vibration damper 减振器visor 护目镜,遮阳板wardrobe 衣架,衣柜,衣橱washer 垫圈,垫片wecker,beat-up car,jalopy 老爷车wheel 轮,车轮winch 绞盘winding 绕线,吊升windscreen(美作:windshield)挡风玻璃windscreen wiper(windshield wiper)风挡刮水器,风挡雨雪刷windshield 风挡,挡风玻璃wing 前翼子板wing mirror 后视镜wiper 雨刷,风挡刮水器wishbone 叉形杆wrecker 清障车。



汽车专业英语汇总、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1Car轿车二、Vehicle construction汽车构造2.1Main compo nents of vehicle 汽车主要组成、Vehicle dimension汽车尺寸四、Wheel alignment前轮定位五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径第二类ENGINE 发动机、Engine construction发动机构造、Essential term 基本术语三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1Four-stroke gasoli ne engine operati on prin ciple四冲程汽油机工作原理3.2Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理3.3Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle二冲程汽油机工作原理3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理四、Engine performance 发动机性能五、 Crank connecting rod mechanism曲柄连杆机构5.2Pist on,connecting rod 活塞连杆组5.3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6.1 Side valve侧置气门6.2 Overhead valve 顶置气门6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门七、Gasoline engine-fuel system汽油机供油泵7.1 Fuel system 供油泵7.2Air clea ner空气滤清器7. 3 Fuel pump,fuel filter汽油泵,汽油滤清器7.4Simple carburetor 简单化油器7.5Carburetor 化油器6.4Valve-timi ng diagram 配气相位图7.6 Carburetor eleme nts化油器零件7.7Carburetor control 化油器操纵件7.8Gasoli ne injectio n 汽油喷射7.9 Electric fuel pump,lnjector 电动汽油泵,喷油器八、Diesel engine-fuel system柴油机工友系8.1Fuel system 供油泵九、Exhaust system 排气系统十、Turbo-supercharging 蜗轮增压10.1 Turbocharging system 蜗轮增压系统十、Emission control 排污控希911.1 Emission control system 排污控制系统十二、Engine-cooling system发动机冷却机12.1Water cooling system 水冷系十三、Engine-lubrication system发动机润滑系13.2 Oil pump十四、Engine-ignition system发动机点火系十五、Engine-starting system发动机起动系15.1Starting system 起动系十六、New type engines新型发动机16.1Rotary piston engine 旋转活塞发动机第三类CHASSIS 底盘一、Drive line 传动系1.1Layout of drive line 传动系示意图1.2 Friction clutch1.7 Automatic tran smissi on1.13 Final drive、Running gear 行驶系2.4 Wheel2.5 Tire2.7 Front wheel in depe ndent suspe nsion前轮独立悬架2.8 Rear wheel in depe ndent suspe nsion后轮独立悬架2.12 Telescopic hydraulic shock absorber伸缩式液压减振器 2.13 Cam hydraulic shock absorber凸轮式液压减振器三、Steering system转向系Mechanical steering system 机械转向系四、Braking system 制动系4.1 Braking principles 制动原理4.4 Ha nd brake手制动器(parking brake驻车制动器)4.6 Brake master cyli nder,Wheel cyli nder制动主缸,制动轮缸第四类、BODY AND ACCESSORIES 车身及附属装置、Car body轿车车身、All-steel body 全钢车身、Car door轿车车门四、Bus body大客车车身五、Truck body 货车车身六、Special-transport vehicle body专用汽车车身七、Cab 驾驶室八、Drivers place 驾驶员位置Instrument panel十、Seat,Safety belt座椅,安全带1、Air conditioning 空调十三、Lighting照明十四、Head Lamp 前大灯十五、Turnsignal lamp 转向灯十六、Windshield wiper 风窗刮水器十七、Wiper-washer equipment刮水器-洗涤器装置十八、Horn 喇叭十二、Compressor 压缩机21 工具包十九、Tools工具30。



汽车工程专业英语全文翻译一当今的汽车一般都由15000 多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。


Body:车身Engine:发动机Brakes:制动器Power train :传动系Steering:转向系Electrical:电器及电子设备Suspension:悬架Layout of a passenger car:乘用车总布置Layout of a commercial vehicle :商用车总布置1.1 车身汽车车身是由车窗、车门、发动机罩和行李箱盖焊接在金属板外壳发动机发动机作为动力装置。




在车辆应用中,汽缸数一般是2-6 缸,汽缸中心线与水平面垂直。


解决这个问题的办法就是采用V 形(汽缸呈两列布置,且两列气缸之间夹角为V 形)发动机。





1.4 电气系统电气系统为起动机、点火系统、照明灯具、取暖器提供电能。


1.4.1 充电充电系统为所有汽车电子元件提供电能。


蓄电池为起动提供电能 ,然后发动机工作,交流发电机就为所有的电子元件提供电能。



1.4.2 起动起动系统包括:蓄电池、电缆、起动机、飞轮和换向器。



汽车专业英语2版参考译文 - 第12章 汽车设计

汽车专业英语2版参考译文 - 第12章 汽车设计

第12章汽车设计12.1 Automotive Design Process 汽车设计过程什么是汽车设计?简单地说,它是客户可见到的汽车每个元素的美学修养。






















Unit 1 Automotive BasicsAutomobiles, trucks, and buses are essential forms of transportation. They are complex machines made up of many parts. These parts can be grouped into a number of systems. An understanding of how the system work will help you understand how the automobile works.轿车、卡车和客车是交通运输的重要组成部分。




An automobile can be divided into two basic parts: a body and a chassis. The body is the enclosure that houses the engine, passengers, and cargo. It is the part of the automobile that you see. The chassis is that part of the automobile beneath the body.汽车可以分为两个基本部分:车身和底盘。



1.1 THE BODY An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood, and a trunk deck built into it. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers, and cargo. The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. For example, insulation in the body reduces noise and protects against heat and cold. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle. It is streamlined to lessen wind resistance and to keep the car from swaying at driving speeds.轿车车身是一个钣金件壳体,它上面有车窗、车门、发送机罩和行李舱门等部件,它给发动机、乘客和行李提供防护。



UNIT 13悬架系统原理车辆用悬架系统支持发动机,变速器,车身的重量,并无论在车身上携带。


































汽车automobile拖拉机tractor铁路机车locomotive有轨电车tram无轨电车trolley军用车辆military vehicle蒸汽机steam engine煤气机gas engine汽油机gasoline engine国民经济national economy国内生产总值(GDP) Gross Domestic Production 全拆散(CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散(SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革开放reform and opening技术引进technical import国产化localization支柱产业pillar estate轿车car客车bus, coach货车truck, lorry公路用车road vehicle非公路用车off-road vehicle发动机engine机体engine body曲柄连杆机构crank-connecting rod mechanism 配气机构valve timing mechanism供给系fuel supply system冷却系cooling system润滑系lubricating system点火系ignition system起动系starting system底盘chassis传动系power train离合器clutch变速器gear box传动轴propeller shaft驱动桥drive axle行驶系running gear车架frame悬架suspension前轴front axle桥壳axle housing车轮wheel转向系steering system转向盘steering wheel转向器steering gear转向传动装置steering linkage助力装置power assisting device制动系braking system控制装置control device供能装置power supply device传动装置transfer device制动器brake车身body车前板制件front end panels车身壳体body shell车门door车窗window附属装置auxiliary device货箱carrying platform发动机前置后轮驱动(FR) front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动(FF) front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动(RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动(MR) midship engine rear drive 全轮驱动(nWD) all wheel drive驱动力tractive force阻力resistance滚动阻力rolling resistance空气阻力air resistance, drag上坡阻力gradient resistance附着作用adhesion附着力adhesive force附着系数coefficient of adhesion第一章发动机工作原理二冲程发动机two stroke engine四冲程发动机four stroke engine水冷发动机water cooled engine风冷发动机air cooled engine上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点(LDP) lower dead point活塞行程stroke汽缸直径bore工作容积working volume排量swept volume, displacement进气行程intake stroke压缩行程compression stroke压缩比compression ratio做功行程working stroke爆燃,敲缸detonation, knock 排气行程exhaust stroke示功图indicating diagram汽缸体cylinder block汽缸盖cylinder head油底壳oil sump活塞piston连杆connecting rod曲轴crankshaft飞轮flywheel进气门intake valve排气门exhaust valve挺柱tappet推杆push rod摇臂rocker凸轮轴camshaft正时齿轮timing gear燃油箱fuel tank燃油泵fuel pump汽油滤清器gasoline filter化油器carburetor空气滤清器air cleaner进气管intake manifold排气管exhaust manifold火花塞spark plug点火线圈ignition coil断电器breaker蓄电池storage battery发电机generator水泵water pump散热器radiator风扇fan放水阀drain valve水套water jacket分水管distributive pipe机油泵oil pump集滤器suction filter限压阀relief valve润滑油道oil passage机油滤清器oil filter机油冷却器oil cooler起动机starting motor有效功率effective power有效转矩effective torque燃油消耗率specific fuel consumption发动机转速特性engine speed characteristic节气门开度throttle percentage部分特性partial characteristic外特性outer characteristic第二章曲柄连杆机构汽缸套cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner发动机支承engine mounting活塞顶piston top活塞头部piston head活塞裙piston skirt开槽slot活塞环piston ring气环compression ring油环oil ring环槽groove活塞销piston pin主轴承main bearing主轴承盖main bearing cap主轴瓦main shell连杆轴承big end bearing连杆盖big end cap起动爪cranking claw带轮pulley平衡重counter weight发火顺序firing order扭振减振器torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机multi-valve engine气门间隙valve clearance配气相位timing phase气门杆valve stem气门座valve seat气门导管valve guide气门弹簧valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气combustion mixture消声器silencer, muffler汽油gasoline, petrol分馏distil蒸发性evaporating property热值heat value抗爆性anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number 过量空气系数coefficient of excessive air 理论混合气theoretical mixture稀混合气thin mixture浓混合气thick mixture主供油系统main supply system怠速系统idle system加浓系统thickening system加速系统accelerating system浮子float浮子室float chamber针阀needle valve量孔metering jet阻风门choke滤芯filter cartridge沉淀杯sediment cup泵膜pump diaphragm油浴式oil bath type石棉垫a**estos pad预热pre-heating汽油直接喷射gasoline direct injection 电控electronic control多点喷射muti-point injection单点喷射single point injection电路控制circuit control分电器信号distributor signal空气流量信号airflow signal冷却水温信号water temperature signal 第五章柴油机供给系输油泵transfer pump喷油泵fuel injection pump高压油管high pressure fuel pipe发火性ignition property黏度viscosity凝点condensing point备燃期pri-combustion period速燃期rapid combustion period缓燃期slow combustion period燃烧室combustion chamber统一燃烧室united chamber球形燃烧室ball shape chamber涡流室turbulence chamber预燃室pri-combustion chamber喷油器injector精密偶件precise couple柱塞plunger出油阀delivery valve调速器governor两速调速器two speed governor全速调速器full speed governor定速调速器fixed speed governor综合调速器combined governor气动调速器pneumatic governor机械离心式调速器mechanical centrifugal governor 复合式调速器complex governor喷油提前角调节装置advancer飞块flyweight联轴节coupling粗滤清器primary filter细滤清器secondary filter涡轮增压器turbocharger中间冷却器intermediate cooler第七章冷却系节温器thermostat防冻液anti-freezing liquid补偿水桶compensation reservoirV-带V belt百叶窗shutter大循环big circulation小循环small circulation散热翅片fins第八章润滑系润滑剂lubricant压力润滑pressure lubrication飞溅润滑splash lubrication润滑脂grease机油压力传感器oil pressure sensor油封oil seal旁通阀bypass valve机油散热器oil cooler机油尺dip stick加机油口oil filler曲轴箱通风crankcase ventilation第九章点火系一次绕组primary winding二次绕组secondary winding热敏电阻heat sensitive resistance点火提前ignition advance分电器distributor活动触点moving contact固定触点fixed contact分火头distributor rotor arm电容器condenser点火提前装置ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置centrifugal ignition advancer 真空式点火提前装置vacuum ignition advancer辛烷值校正器octane number rectifier中心电极central electrode侧电极side electrode瓷绝缘体ceramic insulator跳火间隙spark gap半导体点火系semi-conductor ignition system晶体管transistor二极管diode三极管triode无触点点火系non-contact ignition system霍尔效应Hall effect正极板anode负极板cathode隔板separator电解液electrolyte蓄电池格battery cell接线柱terminal电缆cable硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C. motor转子rotor定子stator电刷brush风扇叶轮fan blade电压调节器voltage regulator第十章起动系手摇起动cranking电热塞electric heater plug串激直流发电机serial wound D.C. motor起动齿圈starter ring电磁操纵机构electro-magnetic control第十一章新型发动机三角活塞triangular piston转子发动机rotary engine自转rotary motion, rotation公转orbit motion轨迹trajectory齿轮gear齿圈ring gear往复零件reciprocal parts动平衡dynamic balance燃气涡轮发动机gas turbine第十二章汽车传动系机械式传动系mechanical transmission液力机械式传动系hydro-mechanical transmission静液式传动系static-hydraulic transmission电力式传动系electrical transmission自动式传动系automatic transmission减速reduction可变速比variable ratios有级变速definite ratios无级变速indefinite ratios无级变速器(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission 一般布置general layout发动机横置lateral engine positioning分动器transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和smooth engagement分离彻底thorough separation过载overload摩擦表面friction surface摩擦衬片friction liner毂hub主动部分driving part从动部分driven part花键spline压盘pressure plate离合器盖cover plate分离杠杆release lever分离套筒release sleeve分离轴承release bearing主缸master cylinder工作缸working cylinder分离叉release fork间隙调整clearance adjustment打滑slip踏板pedal踏板自由行程pedal free stroke踏板工作行程pedal working stroke铆钉,铆接rivet双片离合器dual disc clutch中央弹簧离合器central spring clutch膜片弹簧离合器diaphragm spring clutch 非线性non-linear第十四章变速器与分动器输入轴(第一轴)input shaft, drive shaft 输出轴(第二轴)output shaft, main shaft 中间轴counter shaft倒挡轴reverse gear shaft常啮合constant mesh低速挡low gear高速挡high gear最高速挡top gear空挡neutral gear一挡the first gear二挡the second gear三挡the third gear倒挡reverse gear直接挡direct gear超速挡overdrive动力输出power take-off换挡shift啮合套sliding sleeve同步器synchronizer同步锥面synchro cone变速杆shifting lever手柄handle球铰链ball joint换挡拨叉shifting fork自锁self-lock互锁inter-lock变速驱动桥transaxle加力挡low gear第十五章液力机械传动液力偶合器hydraulic coupling泵轮impeller涡轮turbine叶片blade液力变矩器torque converter导轮stator行星齿轮系planetary gear system太阳轮sun gear行星轮planet pinion行星架planet carrier齿圈ring gear第十六章传动轴万向节universal joint, U-joint十字轴式万向节Cardan type U-joint叉子yoke, fork十字轴spider, center cross滚针轴承needle bearing滑脂嘴(油嘴)lubricating fitting, nipple等角速constant angular velocity双联式万向节dual Cardan type U-joint球叉式万向节Weiss type U-joint球笼式万向节Rzeppa type U-joint星形套inner race housing球形壳outer race shell保持架,球笼retainer, ball cage挠性万向节flexible U-joint无缝钢管seamless steel tube第十七章驱动桥主减速器final drive主动(小)齿轮drive pinion从动(大)齿轮ring gear伞齿轮bevel gear双曲面齿轮hypoid gear单级减速single reduction双级减速double reduction贯通式主减速器penetrable final drive双速主减速器double gear (speed) final drive轮边减速器wheel reduction差速器differential半轴齿轮differential side gear差速锁differential lock轴间差速器inter-axle differential lock托森差速器torque sensitive differential本文来自: 中国汽车工程师之家( ) 详细出处:/thread-50127-1-1.html11。



Brushless DC Motor SystemsIn recent years the number of drive systems available to designers has increased considerably. The advent and increasing use of stepper motors, inverter-fed ac machines,switched reluctance motors and brushless machines have all addressed particular applications and in some cases these application areas overlap. The correct choice of a drive system for a particular application depends not only upon the speed and torque requirements but also on performance, response, complexity and cost constraints.The brushless DC motor (BDCM) system is emerging as one of the most useful drive options for a wide range of applications ranging from small, low power fans and disc drives, through medium size domestic appliance motors and up to larger industrial and aviational robotic and servo drives.This section will review the theory and operation of brushless DC motors and describe some of the considerations to be made when designing BDCM drive systems using PowerMOS devices as the main inverter switches.BackgroundThe principal advantage of a conventional DC machinecompared to an AC machine is the ease with which a DC motor can be controlled to give variable speed operation, including direction reversal and regenerative braking capability. The main disadvantage of a DC machine is that the carbon brushes of a DC motor generate dust and also require maintenance and eventual replacement. The RFI generated by the brushgear of a DC motor can be quite large and, in certain environments, the sparks themselves can be unwelcome or hazardous. The brushless DC motor was developed to achieve the performance of a conventionalDC machine without the problems associated with its brushes. The principal advantages of the BDCM system are:• Long life and high reliability• High efficiency• Operation at high speeds and over a wide speed range • Peak torque capability from standstill up to high speeds • Simple rugged rotor construction•Operation in vacuum or in explosive or hazardous environments• Elimination of RFI due to brush commutationDC motor configurationsIn a conventional DC motor the field energy is provided byeither a permanent magnet or a field winding. Both of these arrangements involve quite large, bulky arrangements for the field. In the case of wound field DC motors this is due to large number of turns needed to generate the required electromagnetic field in the airgap of the machine. In the case of permanent magnet DC machines the low energy density of traditional permanent magnet materials means that large magnets are required in order to give reasonable airgap fluxes and avoid demagnetisation. If either of these two options are used with the field excitation on the rotor of the machine then the inertia and weight of the rotor make the machine impractical in terms of its size and dynamic Response.AconventionalDCmachine has alarge number of armature coils on the rotor. Each coil is connected to one segment of a commutator ring. The brushes, mounted on the stator, connect successive commutator segments, and hence armature coils, to the externalDCcircuitas the motormoves forward. This is necessary to maintain maximum motor torque at all times. The brush/commutator assembly is, in effect, a rotating mechanical changeover switch which controls the direction and flow of current into the armature windings.In a BDCM the switching of current to the armature coils is carried out statically and electronically rather than mechanically. The power switches are arranged in an inverter bridge configuration in order to achieve bidirectional current flow in the armature coils, i.e. two power switches per coil. It is not possible to have a large number of armature coils, as is the case for a conventional DC motor because this would require a large number of switching devices and hence be difficult to control and expensive.An acceptable compromise is to have only three armature coils and hence six power switches. Reducing the number of armature coils means that the motor is more prone to developing ripple torque in addition to the required DC torque. This problem can be eliminated by good design of the motor. The armature of a three coil brushless DC machine in fact looks similar to the stator of a three phase AC machine and the term ’phase’ is more commonly used to describe these three separate coils.The development of brushless DC machines has made possible by developments in two other technologies: namely those of permanent magnet materials and power semiconductor switches.Permanent magnet materialsTraditional permanent magnet materials, such as AlNiCo magnets and ferrite magnets, are limited either by their low remanence giving rise to a low airgap flux density in electrical machines, or by their susceptibility to demagnetisation in the presence of high electric fields. However in recent years several new permanent magnet materials have been developed which have much higher remanent flux densities, and hence airgap flux densities, and high coercivities, making them resistant to demagnetisation under normal operating conditions. Amongst these materials, called ’rare earth’ magnets, Samarium Cobalt (SmCo5 and Sm2Co17) and Neodymium- -Iron-Boron (Nd-Fe-B) are the most common. These materials, although still quite expensive, give vastly superior performance as the field excitation for a brushless Machine.Due to the increased energy density of rare earth magnets the amount of magnet material required by the application is greatly reduced. The magnet volume using rare earths is small enough that it is feasible to have the permanent magnet field on the rotor of the machine instead of on thestator. The gives a low inertia, high torque motor capable of high performance operation. This resulting motor design, with the armature on the stator and the field on the rotor and shown in Fig.1, can be considered as a conventional DC motor turned ’inside out.’Power electronic switchesFor the ’inside out’ BDCM is it still necessary to switch the armature current into successive armature coils as the rotor advances. As the coils are now on the stator of the machine the need for a commutator and brushgear assembly has disappeared. The development of high voltage and high current power switches, initially thyristors, bipolar power transistors and Darlingtons, but more recently MOSFETs, FREDFETs, SensorFETs and IGBTs, has meant that motors of quite large powers can be controlled electronically, giving a feasible BDCM system. The question of appropriate device selection for brushless DC drives will be considered later.System description (Fig.2)DC power supplyThe fixedDCvoltage is derived from either a battery supply, low voltage power supply or from a rectified mains input. The input voltage may be 12V or 24V as used in many automotive applications, 12V-48V for applications such as disc drives or tape drives, or 150V-550V for single-phase or three-phase mains-fed applications such as domestic appliances or industrial servo drives or machine tools. InverterThe inverter bridge is the main power conversion stage and it is the switching sequence of the power devices which controls the direction, speed and torque delivered by the motor. The power switches can be either bipolar devices or, more commonly, PowerMOS devices. Mixed device inverters, for example systems using pnp Darlingtons as the high side power switches andMOSFETsas the low sideswitches, are also possible. The freewheel diodes in each inverter leg may be internal to the main power switches as in the case of FREDFETs or may be separate discrete devices in the case of standard MOSFETs or IGBTs. Detailed considerations of inverter design, gate drive design and layout have been considered in separate articles.The inverter switching speed may be in the range 3kHz to 20kHz and above. For many applications operation at ultrasonic switching speeds (>15-20kHz) is required in order to reduce system noise and vibration, reduce the amplitude of the switching frequency currents and to eliminate switching harmonic pulsations in the motor. Because of the high switching speed capability of PowerMOS devices they are often the most suitable device for BDCM inverters.The first choice for the inverter devices might appear to be one with an N-channel MOSFET for the bottom device ineach inverter leg and a P-channel device in the top half of each leg. The disadvantage of P-channel devices is that they require around three times more silicon area than equivalent N-channel MOSFETsto achieve the same value of RDS(ON). This makes P-channel devices uncompetitively expensive for many applications. However, using N-channel devices for both the top and bottom switches in an inverter leg means that some sort of floating drive is required for the upper device. Transformer coupled or optically coupled gate driver stages are required, or alternatively, circuits such as the bootstrap circuit shown in Fig.3 can be used to provide the drive for the top device. In the circuit of Fig.3 the bootstrap capacitor is charged up via the diode Devery time the bottom MOSFET is on. When this device turns off the capacitor remains charged up to the gate supply voltage as D is now reverse biassed. When a turn-on pulse is applied for the upper MOSFET the bootstrap capacitor provides the necessary gate source voltage to turn the device on.MotorA two pole BDCM with the field magnets mounted on the surface of the rotor and with a conventional statorassembly was shown in Fig.1. Machines having higher numbers of poles are often used depending upon the application requirements for motor size, rotor speed and inverter frequency. Alternative motor designs, such as disc motors or interior magnet rotor machines, are also used for some applications. The motor phases are usually connected in a star configuration as shown in Fig.2. Rotor position sensors are required in order to control the switching sequence of the inverter devices. The usual arrangement has three Hall effect sensors, separated by either 60° or 120°, mounted on the stator surface close to the airgap of the machine. As the rotor advances the switching signals from these Hall Effect latches are decoded into rotor position information in order to determine the inverter firing pattern. In order to minimise torque ripple the emf induced in each motor phase winding must be constant during all instants in time when that phase is conducting current. Any variation in a motor phase emf whilst it is energised results in a corresponding variation in the torque developed by that phase. The so-called ’trapezoidal emf’motor, shown in Fig.4, has a constant induced emf for 120°and so is a practical motor design which gives optimumperformance in a BDCM system.ControllerTheinverter is controlled in order to limit the device currents, and hence control the motor torque, and to set the direction and speed of rotation of the motor. The average ouput torque is determined by the average current in each phase when energised. As the motor current is equal to the DC link current (Fig.2) then the output torque is proportional to the DC input current, as in a conventional DC motor. The motor speed is synchronous with the applied voltage waveforms and so is controlled by setting the frequency of the inverter switching sequence. Rotor position feedback signal are derived from the Hall effect devices as discussed earlier or from optotransducers with a slotted disc arrangement mounted on the rotor shaft. It is also possible to sense rotor position by monitoring the emfs in the motor phase windings but this is somewhat more complex. In some applications the Hall effect sensor outputs can be used to provide a signal which is proportional to the motor speed. This signal can be used in a closed loop controller if required.The controller also requires a current feedback signal. Usually this is taken from the DC link of the inverter as shown in the Fig.2. The current is controlled using either PWM techniques or hysteresis type of control. A current reference command is compared with the current feedback signal and then used to determine the switching signal to the main power devices. Additional controller functions include undervoltage protection, thermal protection and current ripple limit controls, error amplifier inputs for incorporation in closed loop servos and microprocessor compatible inputs.Several IC manufacturers offer dedicated ICs providing allthe functions for PWMcontrol of brushless DC motors. The Philips version of the NE5570 CMOS controller is one such device which can be used for three phase BDCM systems using a serial data input command from a microprocessor controller. This device contains the PWM comparator and oscillator, dynamic current loop controller and output pre-drivers suitable for a MOSFET power stage. Its operation is described more fully in Philips Application Note AN1281.Brushless DC motor operationThe operation of a BDCM system can be explained with reference to Fig.5. At any instant in time the rotor position is known by the output states of the three airgap mounted Hall effect devices.Theoutput state of oneHall effect device switches for every 60° of rotation, thus defining six conduction zones as shown in the figure. The switching of the inverter devices is arranged to give symmetrical 120°intervals of positive and negative constant current in each motor phase winding. The position of the sensors and controller logic ensures that the applied currents are in phase with the motor emfs in order to give maximum motor torque at all times.Referring to Figures 2 and 5, during the first 60°conduction zone switches S1 and S4 are on and the current flows through the ’A’ and ’B’ phase windings. The ’C’ phase is inactive during this interval. At the end of this 60° conduction zone one of the Hall effect devices changes state and so switchS4 turns offand S6 turns on.Theswitching sequence continues as the motor advances. At any instant in time two motor phases are energised and one motor phase is off. Themotor phase current waveforms are described as being ’quasi-square’ in shape. The motor windings are energised for two thirds of the total time and the maximum switch duty cycle ratio is one third.The other function of the controller is to maintain the motor phase currents at their desired constant value for each 120° interval that a particular phase is energised. The precise method of current limiting depends upon the controller algorithm. In order to limit the current to its desired value either one or both of the conducting devices are switched off thus allowing the motor current to freewheel through the bridge leg diodes. The current is limited by controlling the switch duty cycle to ensure that device current ratings and the motor current rating are notexceeded, especially during start-up conditions or low speed operation. The amount of current ripple is controlled by the switching frequency of a PWM waveform or by the width of a hysteresis band.Power Semiconductor switches forBrushless DC motorsPhilips Semiconductors produce a range of power semiconductor devices suitable for use in BDCM systems. The include transistors, MOSFETs, FREDFETs, Logic Level MOSFETs (L2FETs) and IGBTs. These devices are available in a variety of current and voltage ratings and a range of packages, to suit individual applications.FREDFETsFor higher voltage applications the FREDFET is an appropriate device for the inverter switches in a brushless DC drive. The FREDFET is a PowerMOS device where the characteristics of the MOSFET intrinsic diode have been upgraded to those of a discrete fast recovery diode. Thus the FREDFET is ideally suited to bridge circuits such as that shown in Fig.2 where the recovery properties of the bridge diodes significantly affect the switching performance of the circuit. Fig.6 shows a conventionalMOSFET inverter bridge circuit, where the MOSFETs intrinsic diode is disabled by a series Schottky diode. A discrete antiparallel FRED carries the motor freewheeling current. Using the FREDFET reduces the component count and circuit layout complexity considerably.L2FETsFor many lower voltage applications logic level FETs (L2FETs) can be used to interface the power circuit with standard TTL or CMOS drive circuits without the need for level shifting stages. L2FETs require gate source voltage of only 5V to be fully turned on and typically have VGS(th) = 1-2V. Using Philips L2FETs in BDCM applications such as tape or disc drives where the MOSFETs are driven directly by a controller IC produces an efficient overall designwith the minimum of gate drive components.IGBTsIGBTs are especially suited to higher power applications wherethe conduction losses of aMOSFETbegin to become prohibitive. The IGBT is a power transistor which uses a combination of both bipolar and MOS technologies to give a device which has low on-state losses and is easy to drive. The IGBT is finding applications in mains-fed domestic and industrial drive markets. By careful design of the device characteristics the switching losses of an IGBT can be minimised without adversely affecting the conduction losses of the device too severely. Operation of BDCM inverters is possible at switching speeds of up to 20kHz using IGBTs.Device selectionThe first selection criterion for an inverter device is the voltage rating. Philips PowerMOS devices have excellent avalanche ruggedness capability and so are able to survive transient overvoltages which may occur in the inverter circuit. This gives the circuit designer the freedom to choose appropriately rated devices for the application without suffering from the extra device conduction losseswhich occur when using higher voltage grade devices. In noisy environments or where sustained overvoltages occur then some external protection circuitry will usually be required.For low voltage and automotive applications 60V devices may be adequate. For mains-fed applications then the DC link voltage is fixed by the external mains supply. A 240V supply will, depending on the DC link filtering arrangement, give a link voltage of around 330V. Using 450V or 500V MOSFETs will allow sufficient margin for transient overvoltages to be well within the device capability. The current rating of a device is determined by the worst case conditions that the device will experience. These will occur during start-up, overload or stall conditions and should be limited by the BDCM controller. Short circuit protection must be provided by using appropriate fusing or overcurrent trip circuitry.In addition to the normal motor currents the inverter devices will experience additional currents due to diode reverse recovery effects. The magnitude of these overcurrents will depend on the properties of the freewheel diodes and on the switching rates used in the circuit.Turn-on overcurrents can often be greater than twice the normal load current.The peak to average current capability of MOSFETs is very good (typically 3 to 4) and so they are able to carry overcurrents for short periods of time without damage. For high power applications PowerMOS devices can easily be parallelled to give the required current ratings providing the circuit is suitably arranged in order to ensure good current sharing under both dynamic and static conditions. ConclusionsThe brushless DC motor has already become an important drive configuration for many applications across a wide range of powers and speeds. The ease of control and excellent performance of the brushless DC motors will ensure that the number of applications using them will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. The Philips range of PowerMOS devices which includes MOSFETs, FREDFETs, L2FETs and IGBTs are particularly suited for use in inverter circuits for motor controllers due to their low loss characteristics, excellent switching performance and ruggedness.。



1.an understanding of how the systems work help you understand how the automobile works .了解各系统如何工作有助于了解汽车是如何工作的。

2.these support the vehicle and cushion it from road bumps for better ride and handling.它们支撑着车身,并缓解由于路面不平引起的颠簸,以获得更好的乘坐舒适型和操作稳定性。

3.The purpose of an automobile engine is to supply the power needed to move the vehicle.汽车发动机的功用是提供汽车行驶所需的动力4.The internal combustion engine is a device used to convert the chemical energy of thefuel into heat energy .and then convert this heat energy into usable mechanical energy .内燃机是一种将燃料的化学能转化为热能,再把热能转化为可利用的机械能的装置。

5.The amount of air/fuel mixture allowed to enter the cylinder determines the power andspeed developed by the engine .进入汽缸中的可燃混合气体的数量,决定了该发动机的功率和转速。

6.Reducing friction to minimize wear and loss of power is the primary job a lubricationsystem must perform.减少摩擦,降低磨损和动力损失是润滑系统必须完成的主要工作。



Unit 2The Basic Principle of EngineText A Classification and Main Components of Engine游海龙The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of fuel occurs with oxygen(usually air) in a combustion chamber, as shown in Fig.2.1.1 87692 3 45Fig.2.1 Internal Combustion Engine1—the cap of the cylinder head 2—valve 3—engine block 4—flywheel 5—crankshaft 6—oil pan 7—pulley 8—cylinder 9—timing gearClassification of EngineThe engine can be classified in following ways:By Fuel System 李鹏Gasoline engine and diesel engine are used. In a gasoline engine, the air-fuel mixture is exploded in the engine. A diesel engine uses diesel fuel. It generates high power at low speeds. The fuel efficiency is better than that of a gasoline engine.Unit 2 The Basic Principle of Engine✩ By Cylinder Arrangemen t曾昭昕Most cars have more than one cylinder. Four, six and eight cylinders are common used. In a multi-cylinder engine, the cylinders are usually arranged in one of three ways: in-line, V-type, or flat (Fig.2.2). Today the number of cylinders is growing, the cylinders also can be arranged as W-type.(a) flat (b) V-type (c) in-lineFig.2.2 Cylinder Arrangement✩ By Cooling System 梁松雨Liquid-cooled engines and air-cooled engines are being used. Liquid-cooled engines are the most common in the engine industry.There are also other ways to classify the engines. Despite of these classifications, the structure of the engine is basically the same.Main Components曾润泽The engine consists of several different mechanisms and systems including cylinder block, crankshaft and connecting rod mechanism, valve mechanism, fuel supply system, lubrication system, cooling system, ignition system and starting system.张永德✩ Cylinder BlockThe core of the engine is the cylinder, with the piston moving up and down inside the cylinder.✩ Crankshaft and Connecting Rod MechanismThe crankshaft changes the linear movement of the piston into a rotational movement via a connecting rod. The connecting rod connects the piston to the crankshaft. It can rotate at both ends so that its angle can change as the piston moves and the crankshaft rotates.张进✩ Valve MechanismA valve mechanism is a group of components that opens and closes the intake and exhaust valves in the cylinder head at the appropriate time. The main functions of the valve gear are to provide timely admission of the fresh charge into the cylinders and exhaust of spent gases from them.1112汽车专业英语夏磊✩ Fuel Supply SystemThe fuel system supplies fuel to the engine. It also has the functions to regulate the volume of fuel supply. The fuel systems in diesel and gasoline engines are different.于晨雪✩ Lubrication SystemThe lubrication system uses an oil pump to continuously supply engine oil throughout the inside of the engine. This system reduces friction between parts with a film of oil. If the engine is run without oil, the friction can cause poor running, or cause even meltdown. In addition to lubrication, engine oil cools and cleans the engine.滕兆磊✩ Cooling SystemThe cooling system regulates the engine temperature to an optimal level (80℃ to 90℃ at coolant temperature) by circulating the coolant throughout the engine under all operating conditions and during all seasons of the year. The cooling fan cools the coolant in the radiator and water pump circulates the coolant through the cylinder head and the cylinder block.吕庆怡✩ Ignition SystemInternal combustion engines require ignition of the mixture, either by spark ignition (SI) or compression ignition (CI).✩ Starting SystemThe starting system forces the engine to crank with an electric motor, and starts the engine.Text B Engine Operating Principles[zhuangjihui]A four-stroke engine, also known as four-cycle, is an internal combustion engine in which the piston completes four separate strokes :intake, compression, power and exhaust —during two separate revolutions of the engine’s crankshaft, and one singlethermodynamic cycle.The main parts in four stroke engine are shown in Fig.2.3.Fig.2.3 Main Parts in Four Stroke Engine1—intake valve 2—spark plug 3—exhaust valve 4—combustion chamber 5—piston head13Unit 2 The Basic Principle of Engine[wangxiaolong]As their name implies, four-stroke internal combustion engines have four basic steps that repeat with every two revolutions of the crankshaft:① Intake stroke ② Compression stroke, ③ Power stroke, ④ Exhaust stroke. The four strokes will be illustrated in Fig.2.4.[liyang]They draw in an air-fuel mixture to the cylinders, compress it, ignite and combust it, then discharge it. Repeating these four actions gives gasoline engines their power. The cycle begins at Top Dead Centre (TDC), when the piston is farthest away from the crankshaft. A cycle refers to the full travel of the piston from TDC to Bottom Dead Centre (BDC).[renwenjie]✩ Intake StrokeOn the intake stroke of the piston, the piston descends from (TDC,BDC) to (TDC, BDC), reducing the pressure inside the cylinder. A mixture of fuel and air, or just air in a diesel engine, is forced by atmospheric pressure into the cylinder through the intake port. The intake valve(s) then (open,close).[zhangshuai]✩ Compression StrokeWith both intake and exhaust valves (open,close), the piston returns to the top of the cylinder compressing the fuel-air mixture into the combustion chamber of the cylinder head.[zhantianbao]✩ Power StrokeIt is also named as combustion stroke. While the piston is close to (TDC,BDC), the compressed air –fuel mixture is ignited. The resulting massive pressure from the combustion of the compressed fuel-air mixture forces the piston back down toward (TDC,BDC).[zhangzhikai]✩ Exhaust StrokeDuring the exhaust stroke, the piston once again returns to (TDC,BDC) while the exhaust valve is (open,close). This action evacuates the burnt products of combustion from the cylinder by expelling the spent fuel-air mixture out through the exhaust valve(s)..(1) intake (2) compression (3) power (4) exhaustFig.2.4 Four Stroke Cycle汽车专业英语[heguangbin\youhailong]NEW WORDS AND PHRASESprinciple [ ☐❒♓⏹♦☜☐●] n. 原理,法则classificationn. 种类,类别[ ●✌♦♓♐♓♏♓☞☜⏹]configurationn. 布局,构造[ ☜⏹♐♓♈◆❒♏♓☞☜⏹]oxygen [ ♦♓♎✞☜⏹] n. 氧气combustion [ ☜❍♌✈♦♦☞☜⏹] n. 燃烧chamber [ ♦☞♏♓❍♌☜] n. 室,房间component [ ☜❍☐☜◆⏹☜⏹♦] n. 成分,部件,零件force [♐♦] n. 力gasoline [ ♈✌♦☜●♓⏹] n. 汽油diesel [ ♎♓☜●] n. 柴油;柴油机explode [♓♦☐●☜◆♎] n. 爆炸,爆发rotational [❒☜◆♦♏♓☞☜⏹☜●] adj. 旋转的in-line [ ♓⏹●♋♓⏹] adj. (汽缸)直列的flat [♐●✌♦] adj. (汽缸)水平对置cooling system 冷却系liquid-cooled 水冷air-cooled 风冷cylinder block 汽缸体crankshaft [ ❒✌☠☞♐♦] n. 曲柄轴,机轴connecting rod 连杆valve mechanism [ ❍♏☜⏹♓☜❍] 配气机构fuel supply system 燃油供给系lubrication[ ●◆♌❒♓♏♓☞☜⏹] 润滑lubrication system 润滑系ignition system 点火系starting system 起动系linear [ ●♓⏹♓☜] adj. 线性的piston [ ☐♓♦♦☜⏹] n. 活塞intake [ ♓⏹♦♏♓] n. 吸入;进气口,入口14Unit 2 The Basic Principle of Engineexhaust [♓♈♦♦] n. 排气;废气valve [ ✌●] n. 气门,阀门oil pump 机油泵friction [ ♐❒♓☞☜⏹] n. 摩擦(力)part [☐♦] n. 零件, 部位appropriate [☜☐❒☜◆☐❒♓♓♦] adj. 恰当的,适当的volume[ ●◆❍ ☎U.S.✆ ☜❍] n. 容量,容积a film of oil 一层油膜meltdown [ ❍♏●♦♎♋◆⏹] n. 熔毁optimal [ ☐♦♓❍☜●] adj. 最佳的,最优的coolant [ ◆●☜⏹♦] n. 冷却液,冷冻剂radiator [ ❒♏♓♎♓♏♓♦☜] n. 散热器water pump 抽水机,水泵spark ignition (SI) 火花点火compression [ ☜❍☐❒♏☞☎✞✆⏹]压缩点火ignition (CI)four-stroke 四冲程的(内燃机)power [ ☐♋◆☜] n. 做功illustrate[ ♓●☜♦♦❒♏♓♦] vt. 说明,阐明revolution [ ❒♏☜●◆☞☜⏹] n. 旋转(一周)spark plug 火花塞discharge [♎♓♦♦☞♎✞] vt. 释放;排出Top Dead Centre (TDC) 上止点Bottom Dead Centre (BDC) 下止点descend [♎♓♦♏⏹♎] vi. 下降,降临evacuate [♓✌◆♏♓♦] vi. 散离,释放NOTES TO THE TEXT1. The internal combustion engine is an engine in which the combustion of fuel occurs with oxygen(usually air) in a combustion chamber.内燃机是一种由燃料和氧气(通常是空气)在燃烧室中燃烧而产生动力的发动机。



汽车专业英语汇总汽车专业英语汇总一、Vehicle classification 汽车分类1.1 Car 轿车序号英文中文1 Passengercar 轿车2 minicar 微型轿车3 subcompactcar 普通级轿车4 compactcar 中级轿车5 intermediatecar 中高级轿车6 limousinecar 高级轿车1.2 Bus 客车序号英文中文1 bus 客车2 mini-bus 微型客车3 lightbus 轻型客车4 mediumbus 中型客车5 largebus 大型客车6 extrabus 特大型客车7 Articulatedbus 铰链客车8 double-deckbus 双层客车1.3 Motor truck 货车序号英文中文1 motortruck 货车2 mini-truck 微型货车3 lighttruck 轻型货车4 mediumtruck 中型货车5 heavytruck 重型货车6 off-roadvehicle 越野汽车1.4 special purpose vehicle 专用汽车序号英文中文1 specialpurposevehicle 专用汽车2 van 厢式汽车3 tanker 罐式汽车4 dumptruck 自卸汽车序号英文中文5 semi-trailertowingvehicle 半挂牵引汽车6 full-trailer towing vehicle 全挂牵引汽车二、Vehicle construction 汽车构造2.1 Main components of vehicle 汽车主要组成序号英文中文1 engine 发动机2 frontaxle 前桥3 wheel 车轮4 clutch 离合器5 gearbox 变速器shaft 传动轴7 universaljoint 万向节8 final drive and differential主减速器和差速器9 rearaxle 后桥10 body 车身2.2 Vehicle performance 汽车性能序号英文中文1maximum speed of the automobile汽车最高车速2time of acceleration of the automobile汽车加速时间3maximum gradeability ofthe automobile汽车最大爬坡度4constant-speed fuel econ-omy of the automobile油耗5economical speed of theautomobile汽车经济车速2.3 engine position 发动机布置序号英文中文1front engine , rear wheeldrive前置发动机,后轮驱动2rear engine , rear wheeldrive后置发动机,后轮驱动12序号英文中文3 front engine , front wheel 前置发动机,前轮驱动4 under cab-floor engine驾驶室下置发动机 5 underfloor engine车厢地板下置发动机三、Vehicle dimensions 汽车尺寸序号英文中文 1 vehicle overall length 车长 2 vehicle overall width 车宽3 vehicle overall height 车高 4 front overhang 前悬 5 Rear overhang 后悬 6 wheelbase 轴距 7 tread 轮距 8 ground clearance 最小离地间隙9 angle of incidence 接近角 10 descent angle 离去角四、Wheel alignment 前轮定位序号英文中文 1 caster主销后倾2 steering axis inclination 主销内倾3 camber 前轮外倾4 toe-in前轮前束五、Diameter of turning circle 转弯直径序号英文中文 1 steering angle 转向角 2 outside diameter ofminimum turning circle 最小转弯外径3 minimum turningcircle diameter最小转弯直径4Inside diameter of minimum turning circle最小转弯内径5 Turning clearance circle 转弯通道圆第二类 ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造序号英文中文1 rockerarmcover 摇臂罩2 valve rocker arm 气门摇臂3 camshaft 凸轮轴4 camshaftdrive 凸轮轴驱动轮5 spark plug lead 火花塞导线6 timing belt cover 正时皮带罩7 valvespring 气门弹簧8 poppetvalve 菌形气门9 piston 活塞10 connectingrod 连杆11 timingbelt 正时皮带12 combustionchamber 燃烧室13 cylinderblock 汽缸体14 waterjacket 水套15 oilfilter 机油滤清器16 flywheel 飞轮17 ringgear 齿圈18 oilgage 机油标尺19 oilpan/sump 油底壳20 crankshaft 曲轴21 drainplug 放油孔塞22 v-beltpulley V型皮带轮二、Essential term 基本术语序号英文中文1 cylinderdiameter 汽缸直径2 pistonstroke 活塞行程3 crankradius 曲轴半径4 pistondisplacement 活塞排量5 compression chamber volume压缩室容积6 total cylinder volume 总汽缸容积7 top dead center 上止点8 bottomdeadcenter 下止点三、Engine operation principle发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operation principle 四冲程汽油机工作原理序号英文中文1 intakestroke 进气行程2 compressionstroke 压缩行程3 expansionstroke 膨胀行程4 exhauststroke 排气行程5 combustiblemixture 可燃混合气6 intakevalve 进气门7 sparkplug 火花塞8 exhaustvalve 排气门9 exhaustgas 废气3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle 四冲程柴油机工作原理序号英文中文1 intakestroke 进气行程2 compressionstroke 压缩行程3 expansionstroke 膨胀行程4 exhauststroke 排气行程5 intake 进气6 compression 压缩7 combustion 燃烧8 expansion 膨胀9 exhaust 排气10 air 空气11 injector 喷油器12 exhaustgas 废气3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle 二冲程汽油机工作原理序号英文中文1 combustiblemixture 可燃混合气2 inletport 进气口3 crankcase 曲轴箱4 precompressedmixture 预压混合气3序号英文中文5 transfercanal 输气道6 intakeport 进气口7 exhaustport 排气口8 exhaustgas 废气9 sparkplug 火花塞3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle 二冲程柴油机工作原理1 air 空气2 blowerpump 扫气泵3 precompressedair 预压空气4 airchamber 空气室5 inletport 进气口6 injector 喷油器7 exhaustvalve 排气门8 exhaustgas 废气四、Engine performance 发动机性能序号英文中文1 fixed throttlecharacteristics速度特性2 part throttlecharacteristics负荷特性3 enginespeed 转速4 torque 扭矩5 horsepower 功率6 specificfuelconsumption 燃油消耗率五、Crank connecting rod mechanism 曲柄连杆机构5.1 Cylinder block 机体组序号英文中文1 cylinderblock 汽缸体2 cylinderliner 汽缸套3 cylinder bearing surface 汽缸套表面4 cylinder head汽缸盖5 inlet manifold mountingflange进气歧管凸缘6 oil inlet hole 加油孔7 cylinderheadcover 汽缸盖罩序号英文中文8 cylinderheadgasket 汽缸盖衬垫9 oil filter mounting flange机油滤清器凸缘10ventilating pipemounting seat通风管座11cylinder block stiffeningrib汽缸体加强肋12 rear main bearing cover 后主轴承罩13 mainbearingcap 主轴承盖14 oil sumppan gasket 油底壳衬垫15 oilsump/pan 油底壳16fuel pump mountingflange燃油泵凸缘17ignition distributormounting flange分电器凸缘18camshaft bearing bushseat凸轮轴轴承座19camshaft drive(gear)cover凸轮轴驱动齿轮罩20cylinder head covergasket汽缸盖罩衬垫5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组序号英文中文1 connecting rod shank 连杆杆身2 connecting rod small end 连杆小头3 connecting rod bushing 连杆衬套4 springclip 弹簧卡环5 pistonpin 活塞销6 pistonhead 活塞头部7 piston ring groove 活塞环槽8 compressionring 压缩环9 oil scraper ring 油环10 pistonskirt 活塞裙部11 piston pin boss 活塞销座12connecting rod bearinghalfshell连杆轴瓦13 connecting rod cap 连杆螺栓14 connecting rod cap 连杆大头盖15 Connecting rod end 连杆大头45.3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组序号英文中文1 crankshaft front end 曲轴前端2 front main journal 前主轴颈3 oil passage hole 机油孔4 crankpin 曲柄销5 crankweb 曲柄臂6 counterweight 平衡重7 crankshaftcollar 曲轴后端凸缘8 flywheel 飞轮9 flywheel gear ring 飞轮齿圈10 flywheellockplate 飞轮锁片11 clutch shaft bearing 离合器轴轴承12 main bearing halfshell(upper,lower)主轴承(上、下)轴瓦13 crankshaft thrust halfring 曲轴止推片14 bearingtang 轴瓦定位凸键六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6.1 Side valve 侧置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft 凸轮轴2 cam 凸轮3 tappet 气门挺杆4 sidevalve 侧置气门5 crankshafttiminggear 曲轴正时齿轮6 camshaftgear-wheel 凸轮轴齿轮7 geardrive 齿轮传动6.2 Overhead valve 顶置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft 凸轮轴2 camfollower 凸轮顶杆3 pushrod 推杆4 adjuster 调整螺钉5 cockershaft 摇臂轴6 rockershaft 摇臂7 valvespring 气门弹簧序号英文中文8 valve 气门9 valve 气道10 combustionchamber 燃烧室6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft front bearing 凸轮轴前轴承2 valvehead 气门头3 valvestem 气门杆4 tappet 挺筒5 lower valve spring collar 气门弹簧下环6 outer valve spring 外气门弹簧7 valveguide 气门导管8 inner valve spring 内气门弹簧9 shieldingcap 护帽10 oilflinger 油封11 upper valve spring collar 气门弹簧上环12 valve split cone 气门锁片13 closer 螺塞14 rockershaft 摇臂轴15 rockerarm 摇臂16 rockerbracket 摇臂支座17 retainingwasher 定位摇臂18 thrustwasher 止推摇臂19 rockeradjustingscrew 摇臂调整螺钉20 pushrod 推杆21 camshaftrearbush 凸轮轴后轴承22 camshaft 凸轮轴23 camshaft center bush 凸轮轴中间轴承承承承24 cam 凸轮25 oil pump driving gear 机油泵驱动齿轮6.4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图序号英文中文1 TDC(top dead center)上止点2 BDC(bottom dead center) 下止点3 intakeopens 进气门开54 intakeclose 进气门关5 exhaustopens 排气门开6 exhaustcloses 排气门关7 directionofrotation 旋转方向七、Gasoline engine-fuel system汽油机供油泵7.1 Fuel system 供油泵序号英文中文1 fuel level gauge 油面指示表2 aircleaner 空气滤清器3 carburetor 化油器4 inletmanifold 进气歧管5 exhaust manifold 排气歧管6 fuel pump 汽油泵7 fuelfilter 汽油滤清器8 exhaust silencer 排气消声器9 fuel pipe 油管10 fueltank 汽油箱7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器序号英文中文1 intaketube 进气管2 deflectorknob 导流旋扭3 air deflector 空气导流器4 cleaner body 滤清器壳5 butterflynut 蝶形螺帽6 filtercover 滤清器盖7 filter seal ring 滤清器密封环8 cleanercartridge 滤清器滤芯9 silencer。



Engine Classification引擎分类The engines can be classified in the following several ways: (1) operating cycle, (2) piston action, (3) piston connection, (4) cylinder arrangement, (5) method of fuel injection, and (6) speed.这个引擎可以分为以下几个方面:(1)操作周期,(2)活塞行动,(3)活塞连接,(4)缸安排,(5)方法的燃油喷射,(6)的速度。

Operating cycle. Diesel and gas-burning engines can be divided into two groups based on the number of piston strokes per cycle, either four or two. An engine which needs four strokes to complete one cycle is a four-stroke cycle engine or, for short, a four-cycle engine (Fig.3). If it needs only two strokes to complete a cycle, it is called a two-stroke cycle engine or, for short, a two-cycle engine. Thus, a two-cycle engine fires twics as often as a four-cycle engine.操作周期。



汽车专业英语 2 Internal combustion engine

汽车专业英语 2 Internal combustion engine

2.3 Piston, Connecting rod and Crankshaft
Piston ring 活塞环
Piston pin 活塞销
Connecting rod 连杆
Shell bearing 轴瓦
Cap 连杆盖
Piston (crown\skirt) 活塞(头部\裙部)
Small-end 连杆小头 Big-end 连杆大头 Flywheel 飞轮
• Starting system
• Lubrication system 润滑系
• Exhaust system
2.2 Engine block and cylinder head
The engine block is the basic frame of the engine. All other engine parts either fit inside it or fasten to it. It holds the cylinders, water jackets, and oil galleries. The engine block also holds the crankshaft, which fastens to the bottom of the block. The camshaft also fits inside the block, except on overhead-cam engines (OHC). In most cars, this block is made of gray iron, or an alloy (mixture) of gray iron and other metals, such as nickel or chromium. Engine blocks are castings.



Unit one Basic structure of automobile翻译 (一)The primary purpose of the suspension system is to support the weight of the vehicle 。

The basic job of the suspension system is to absorb the shocks caused by irregular (不规律的) road surfaces that would otherwise be transmitted to the vehicle and its occupants ,thus helping to keep the vehicle on a controlled and level course ,regardless of road conditions . 悬架系统的主要目的是支撑车辆的重量 悬架系统的基本作用是吸收路面不平引起的冲击和振动,使其不会传递给车辆和乘客, 这样 不管路况如何 ,都能使车辆具有可控制的,水平的行驶路线。

(二)Differential Propeller shaft Steering wheel Rear axle Clutch Cylinder TorqueInternal combustion engine Power stroke Power train Electrical system Fuel system Exhaust system Cooling system Lubrication system Air –fuel mixture Gear sector Pitman arm Drag linkSteering knuckle arm King pin Tie rod Front axle Steering knuckle By means of Brake drum Brake shoe Brake lining Service brake Parking brake Roof panel Instrument panel Luggage compartment差速器 传动轴 方向盘 后桥 ,后轴 离合器 气缸 转矩 内燃机 做功冲程 传动系统 电器系统 燃料 排气 冷却 润滑 可燃混合气 扇形齿轮 转向摇臂 直拉杆 转向节臂 主销 转向横拉杆 前桥 前轴 转向节 用 依靠 制动鼓 制动蹄片 制动衬片 行车制动器 驻车制动器 顶板 顶盖 仪表板 行李舱Structure Chassis Convert Propel Exhaust Lubrication Ignition Stroke Assemble Suspension Steer Brake Mechanism Transmit Torque Transmission Clutch Differential Worm Balance Hydraulic Retard Fender Bumper Circuit Battery构造 地盘 转变 推进 排气 润滑 点燃 点火 冲程 安装 装配 悬架 驾驶 制动 机械机构 传动 转矩 扭矩 变速器 离合器 差速器 蜗杆 使平衡 液压的 使减速 挡泥板 汽车保险杠 电路 线路 电池1 转向系统用来控制车辆的驾驶方向。































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第13章汽车制造13.1 车辆结构的设计与制造为了有效而经济地适应不同的汽车生产批量,汽车工业采用各种各样的制造工艺。
























图13-1 奥迪A2铝空间构架白车身图13-2车顶和底板板件与车身整合成一个结构件的整体式结构白车身为了制造复杂的金属板冲压件,整体式车身设计需要在工具和模具方面进行巨大的投资。



13.2 注射成型技术注射成型是大多数热塑料汽车零件采用的主要加工方法。










































在充模期间,该气体会在零件的内部形成极为均匀的微孔(直径为0.1~10 μm)。











13.3 轻量化汽车的连接技术随着汽车轻量化的趋势愈来愈明显,汽车的车身材料正在从几乎全部是低碳钢向着多种材料(既有低碳钢,又有高强度钢、像铝合金和镁合金这样的轻质有色金属合金以及碳纤维增强聚合物)混杂使用转变。

















图13-4电阻点焊(RSW0工艺图13-5 金属电极气体保护电弧焊(GMAW)工艺图13-6 惰性气体保护钨电极电弧焊(GTAW)在固相焊接中,两张材质相同或不同的板材在材料没有熔化的情况下,通过形成冶金接合而连接起来。








