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Spreadsheets:matrix 电子表格:矩阵

Random:sociometric/bernoulli/multinomial 随机:计量社会学/伯努利分布/多项分布Import:DL/multiple DL files/VNA/pajek/krackplot/negopy/raw/excel matrix 输入export: DL/multiple DL files/VNA/pajek/krackplot/negopy/raw/excel matrix 输出css

Browse 浏览

Display 显示

Describe 描述

Extract 解压缩

Remove 移动

Unpack 解包

Join 加入

Sort 排序

Permute 交换

Transpose 调换

Match net and attrib datasets 匹配网和属性数据集

Match multiple datasets 匹配多重数据集

Attribute to matrix 属性到矩阵

Affiliations(2-mode to 1-mode) 联系2模到1模

Subgraphs from partitions 子图分割

Partitions to sets 集合分割

Create node sets 创造节点设置

Reshape 变形


Block 块

Collapse 塌缩

Dichotomize 对分

Symmetrize 对称

Normalize 标准化

match marginals 匹配页边

recode 再编码

reverse 相反

diagonal 对角线

double 双倍

rewire 重新布线

matrix operations:within dataset-aggregations/cellwise transformations;between datasets-statistical summaries/boolean combinations

矩阵操作:内部数据集-集合/ cellwise变换;中间数据集:统计摘要/布尔结合

Union 并运算

time stack 时间栈

intersection 交集

bipartite 双向的

incidence 影响

linegraph 线图

multigraph 多重图

multiplex 多元的

semigroup 子组


Consensus analysis

Cluster analysis:hierarchical/optimization/cluster adequacy簇:分层/优化/聚类功能

Scaling/decomposition: 规模/分解

metric MDS/non-metric MDS/factor analysis/correspondence/eigenvector&eigenvalus/SVD


Similarities 相似性

Dissimilarities&distances: 不同&距离

Univariate stats 单变数统计

Count combinations 计数组合

Frequencies 频率

Testing hypotheses:node level-regression/anova/t-test; mixed dyidic-categorical attributes/continuous attributes; QAP-QAP correlation/QAP relation crosstabs/QAP regresstion


Matrix algebra 矩阵代数学

Scatterplot 散点图

Dendrogram 柱状图

Tree diagram 树状图

Network: 网络


Density密度/E-I index EI索引/transitivity 传递性/clustering 聚类系数coefficient 相互作用/reciprocity互惠性/homophyly同质性/krackhardt GID/simmelianp-embedded ties 连带/Distance 距离/Reachability 可达性/No. of geodesics 捷径序号/maximum flow 最大流/point connectivity 点连接/geodesic cube 捷径方阵

Regions 区域:components成分/BI components BI成分/k-core K核

Subgroups 子组:cliques派系/N-cliques N派系/N-plan N 宗派/K-plex K从/lambda set/factions/f-groups

Paths 路径

Ego networks 个体中心网络:ego basicmeasures 个体中心网络密度/structural holes 结构洞/brokerage roles 经手费/egonet homophily /egonet composition-continuous alter attributes 个体中心网络强度和异质性/categorical alter attributes/honest broker indes诚实经纪人索引

Contrality 中心度

Degree 度/eigenvector 特征向量/alpha centrality 能力/influence 影响/hubs&authorities/colseness 接近性/beach centrality 到达中心度/information 通知/freeman betweenness 自由中间度-node betweenness节点中间度-hierarchical reduction 分节减少-edge betweenness 边缘中间度/proximal betweenness最接近中间度//flow betweenness 流中间度/fragmentation 总体分裂性/contribution centrality 贡献中心度/multiple measures 多重方式

Group centrality 组中心度

Core/periphery 核/外围 catergorical/continuous

Roles&positions 角色&位置:Structual结构-profile轮廓/concor/optimization优化;Automorphmic自同构;Exact精确的;Maximal regular最大规则;


Compare densities 比较密度

Compare aggregate proximity matrices 比较合计邻接矩阵

Balance counter 平衡计算器

2-mode 2模
