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(1) compliment, complement

compliment 意为“赞美,称赞”。complement意为“补足物,补充物”。

She received several compliments on her speech. 她的演讲得到了一些称赞。

This wine is the perfect complement to fish. 这种酒和鱼肉是完美的搭配。

(2) contact, contract, contrast


He had lost contact with his friends. 他和朋友们失去了联系。

He was given a seven-year contract with an annual salary of $150,000.他签了一份为期7年的合同,年薪为15万美元。

Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白行程鲜明的对比。

(3) context, contest


You can usually guess the meaning of a word from its context. 你通常可以从上下文猜出词义来。

A lucky person won the contest.一个幸运儿赢了比赛。

(4) inspiration, aspiration


These events provided the inspiration for his first novel.这些事件为他的第一部小说提供了灵感。

I didn’t realize you had political aspirations. 我没有意识到你有政治上的抱负。

(5) latitude, altitude, gratitude, attitude, multitude


The latitude of the island is 25 degrees south.该岛的纬度是南纬25度。

Snow leopards live at high altitudes.雪豹生活在海拔高的地区。

Her eyes were immediately filled with gratitude.她的眼里立刻充满了感激之情。

I found her attitude very unfriendly. 我觉得她的态度非常不友好。

A multitude of thoughts filled her mind.她的脑海里充满了各种想法。

(6) principal, principle


He is the principal of this school. 他是这个学校的校长。

He always acted on principle.他总是按原则办事。

(7) vacation, vocation

They are on vacation in Hawaii right now. 他们现在正在夏威夷度假。

Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation.教书是我的职业,写作是我的副业。


(1) accident, incident, event


In America about fifty thousand persons die every year in car accident.在美国每年大约有5万人死于车祸。

These incidents were the latest in a series of disputes between the two nations.这些事件是两国一系列争端中最近发生的几起。

The program reviewed the most important events of the year.该节目回顾了一年来最重大的事件。

The next event will be the 100-metre race. 下一个项目是百米赛跑。

(2) price, charge, cost, expense


The price of cigarettes is going up.香烟涨价了。

They are happy to give their services free of charge.他们很乐意免费提供服务。

We must reduce production cost.我们必须降低生产成本。

The payment he gets barely covers his expenses. 他几乎是入不敷出。(3) prize, award, reward
