How Google Works 54页PPT,中英对照




示例:搜索新浪文教频道中关于鲁迅的信息。 搜索:“鲁迅 site:‖
冒号后不能有空格,否则,“site:‖将被 作为一个搜索的关键字。此外,网站域 名不能有“http‖以及“www‖前缀,也 不能有任何“/‖的目录后缀;网站频道则 只局限于“频道名.域名”方式,而不能 是“域名/频道名”方式。诸如“金庸 site:/1/‖的语法是错误的。
Google用大写的“OR”表示逻辑“或”操作。搜索 “A OR B”,意思就是说,搜索的网页中,要么有 A,要么有B,要么同时有A和B。 “+‖、“-‖和“OR‖的混合查询减少冗余信息,很多 时候就起到缩小搜索结果的范围,以提高查询结果 命中率。


①在使用“-”进行逻辑非搜索时,请确保在“-” 符号 之前有一个空格符,而不是在它之后。

4.3搜索的关键字包含在网页标题中 ―intitle‖和“allintitle‖是对网页的标题栏进行查询。 网页标题,就是HTML标记语言title中之间的部分。 网页设计的一个原则就是要把主页的关键内容用简 洁的语言表示在网页标题中。因此,只查询标题栏, 通常也可以找到高相关率的专题页面。

5, Google 学术搜索

爱因斯坦于1905年发表的划时代的首 篇相对论论文--关于狭义相对论的On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies( 《论动体的电动力学》)

3.4,搜索引擎忽略的字符以及强制搜索 GOOGLE对一些网路上出现频率极高的词(主要是英文 单词),如“i‖、“com‖,以及一些符号如“*”、“.‖ 等,作忽略处理,如果用户必须要求关键字中包含这 些常用词,就要用强制语法“+‖。 示例:搜索包含“Who am I ?‖的网页。如果用“"who am i ?"‖,“Who‖、“I‖、“?‖会被省略掉,搜索将只 用“am‖作关键字,所以应该用强制搜索。 搜索:“"+who +am +i"‖

























创新思维与创业教育 第2章-拓展创新能力

创新思维与创业教育 第2章-拓展创新能力

强调工作所带来的使命 感与成就感
用明确的愿 景进行激励
充分相信和运 用集体智慧
平等自由 地展开竞

如果企业拥有适宜创新的氛围和制度,人的创新潜能能够得到激发,创新人才容易扎根,核心团队和整个企业中也更 容易发现创新型人才。
【拓展阅读】 Google董事长新书预测未来所需人才
Google对未来人才的定义为: 1. 学习的能力比IQ更重要。 2. 拥有弹性的领导力。 3. 谦虚,好相处。
除了学习能力、解决问题的能力、沟通能力,不怕失败、不断探索的勇气同样重要,包括美国前劳工部长、首位进入美国联邦政府 内阁的华裔部长赵小兰在内的诸多人士都认为,害怕失败,就没有创新。
2.2 如何进行创造性思考
Dormi:装修学生宿舍有市场 大学生做起宿舍家居生意
Dormi是由几个广东外语外贸大学的学生共同创办的宿舍家居区域性电商。主要是针对广州大学城的在校大学生,提 供宿舍家居装饰用品等服务。
装饬宿舍带来市场 余梓熔说,他和几个同学出于相同的兴趣运营了这个创业项目。共同点就是喜欢装饬自己的宿舍。
1.2.3 如何培养创造性思维
多维思 考
求同求 异
任意组 合和联

尝试从不同角度、不同位 置、不同思维方式等方面
把思维带到完全不同的角 度或方向,甚至天南海北
大量不相关的东西放在一 起,任意组合,联系,启
新的观念和方法 【例】传统行业企 业运用新的微信和 微博营销策略

2021年人教版英语 九年级2b翻译打印版

2021年人教版英语 九年级2b翻译打印版




























google 英文 学生讲课精品PPT课件

google 英文 学生讲课精品PPT课件

- The company's mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful", and the company's unofficial slogan – coined by Google engineer Paul Buchheit – is "Don't be evil". In 2006, the company moved to its current headquarters in Mountain View, California.
• The domain name for Google was registered on September 15, 1997,and the company was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was based in a friend's (Susan Wojcicki) garage in Menlo Park, California. Craig Silverstein, a fellow PhD student at Stanford, was hired as the first employee.
Alexa lists the main U.S.-focused site as the Internet's most visited website, and numerous international Google sites (, etc.) are in the top hundred, as are several other Google-owned sites such as YouTube, Blogger, and Orkut. Google also ranks number one in the BrandZ brand equity database. The dominant market position of Google's services has led to criticism of the company over issues including privacy, copyright, andcensorship

新世纪实用英语第二册 第二单元 课文 A谷歌

新世纪实用英语第二册 第二单元 课文 A谷歌

阅读前1. 你用过谷歌搜索引擎吗?2. 哪个搜索引擎你更喜欢,谷歌还是百度?谷歌改善员工工作环境的做法没有一家公司可以做到挽留住每一个员工。

























chapter10王关富 商务英语阅读 译文.doc

chapter10王关富 商务英语阅读 译文.doc

第10 课主课文译文杰克.韦尔奇执掌通用电气之道有关韦尔奇的评介近年来有许多,大都介绍了他如何把一个老字号的美国产业巨人改造成一个具有强劲竞争力的全球增长型的发动机,如何精明地把一个老牌制造商带入了服务业,如何通过六百多项收购和有力打入了海外新兴市场完成了对通用电气公司的改造。
















GlyphWorks Quick Start Guide2.2Copyright: © nCode International 2005234G l y p h W o r k s 2.2—I n t r o d u c t i o nHow to use these tutorialsWelcome to the ICE-flow GlyphWorks 2.2 tutorials. This introduction covers: • Conventions used in the tutorials• How to get more information from the GlyphWorks online documentation • An overview of the contents of each tutorialIntroduction5IntroductionThere are 5 tutorials designed to get you quickly up to speed with the GlyphWorks 2.2 advanced engineering software. These tutorials are designed to get you up and running via a series of step by step procedures.By working through the tutorials you will learn how to use the advanced functionality of GlyphWorks. More importantly you will learn how to process data files and carry out fatigue analyses.The tutorials should take about an hour each to complete and assume no prior knowledge of GlyphWorks or other nCode products such as nSoft.Each tutorial builds on what you learned from the previous tutorials, so you should do them in sequence. For example, the input file used in the fatigue analysis in tutorial 4 is produced at the end of tutorial 3.Conventions used in the tutorialsThe page layout of the tutorials is designed for ease of navigation: the procedures to follow are shown in the green panel, while more detailed explanations of the analysis and screen shots are shown in the body of the document.The procedure Panel gives concise instruc-tions on what glyphs and files to choose , and what analysis options to use in the examples.A description and intro-duction to the work and analysis is contained in the main body of thedocument along with rele-vant screen shots to help you through the analysis.Information panels give you theory and a conceptual background to the tutorial.Where you see this icon there is a link tomore detailed GlyphWorks helpIntroduction6Getting more information!GlyphWorks (which is a part of the ICE-flow suite of programs) has comprehensive online documentation (over 800 pages of it). We have put signposts into the online documentation pointing to where you can get further information about the topic you are doing. For example:How to access the GlyphWorks online documentationThe on-line documentation is available from within GlyphWorks. •You can view the GlyphWorks manual by selecting from the menu ‘Help | On-line Manual ’ .•Alternatively you could view the entire collection of ICE-Flow manuals by select-ing the Help submenu from the left hand side applications bar and select the Con-tents document.•The document intro_help.pdf tells you how to locate any information in their 800 pages using Adobe Acrobat’ssearch feature.See glyphref.pdf page 27 for more detailIntroductionFurther TrainingAs its name suggests, this guide is intended as a Quick Start into GlyphWorks. Whilst preparing the guide I have tried to introduce each topic by a brief technical description of the analysis being undertaken. This guide is aimed at expert fatigue engineers and students alike, but if anyone would like more detailed information on these topics con-sider doing one of the GlyphWorks training courses. More information about them can be found on the nCode website or by contacting nCode.Introduction78G l y p h W o r k s 2.2—T u t o r i a l 1Data import and displayLearning objectivesThis tutorial shows you how to operate the GlyphWorks 2.2 interface, and how to carry out essential tasks.The topics are:Topic 1 – Learning about test names and channel namesTopic 2 – Starting a GW project—an introduction to the GlyphWorks interface Topic 3 – Displaying data files in GlyphWorks—Glyphs and their properties Topic 4 – Carry out a simple rainflow analysis—using multiple glyphs in a flow Topic 5 – Exporting data from GlyphWorks to an ASCII CSV file for use in MS ExcelTopic 6 – Importing data into GlyphWorks from an ASCII CSV filePre-requisitesICE-flow GlyphWorks 2.2 must be installed on your PCThe following tutorial files must be installed in your working directory. Vib01.dac to vib05.dac Strainrosette.csvTutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorks9Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksTopic 1In this topic we learn about some standard file naming techniques that you can use to make your data analysis flow more easily. We introduce the concept of breakingdown data in the form of ‘Tests’ and ‘Channels’GlyphWorks can handle all sorts of data from a simple single channel test to a complex multi-test multi-channel configuration. If you only measure small amounts of data then this functionality is probably irrelevant, but if you handle lots of measured data and need to process it automatically then this will save you hours of work.Developing a Test ProgramSuppose we are designing a new anti-roll bar (or sway bar) for a car. We need to make sure that the anti-roll bar works properly on all road surfaces, under all loading conditions from a single occupant to fully laden.To make sure we have covered all eventualities we develop a testing program that measures the response of our anti-roll bar for each ‘Event’ that it might see. Our test program might look something like this:-Now we could choose to measure all the events in one long time signal but we often prefer to separate them into separate test files so it’s easier to see how the anti-roll bar responds to each event. We can either separate them as we measure them, starting a new file just before each test, or we can use GlyphWorks to separate them later.What Are Channels?Once we have determined the Tests we wish to perform over all the various events that our roll-bar is expected to see, we must determined what parameters we want to measure. In this example we might observe the vertical displacement at each wheel along with the torque in the bar. To do this we need twoextensometers for displacement and probably four strain gauges to calculate the torsion. We therefore need to measure 6 channels of simultaneous data as given below:-File Naming Convention:GlyphWorks is designed to handle this sort of data automatically. If you give it a number of tests as input, it will process each of them in turn. Each test, however, can comprise a number of channels of simultaneous measurements and these are all processed simultaneously by GlyphWorks. This makes it really easy therefore to take the raw strain channels obtained above and run them through an equation to derive the torsion moment. GlyphWorks can automatically determine the channel numbering from the file naming convention or from the raw data acquisition files. If the data filenames ends with a pair of numbers then GlyphWorks assumes that these are the channel numbers as shown here. This allows up to 99 channels per test. You can change the properties if you need touse more channels, i.e. 999, 9999, etc... Test Number SurfaceRoad Speed Weight % 01 Smooth straight road 50 50 02 Slow curve 50 50 03 Belgium block 30 50 04Etc...ChannelNumber Transducer01 Vertical Displacement Offside Wheel [mm] 02 Vertical Displacement Nearside Wheel [mm] 03 Torsion Strain Gauge 01 [µε] 04 Torsion Strain Gauge 02 [µε] 05 Torsion Strain Gauge 03 [µε] 06Torsion Strain Gauge 04 [µε]…\TestName02.dac …\Test0102.dacVarious tests shown as folders in a tree Expanding on the test will show each channel of measured data. You can pick 1 channel at a time or process all chan-nels simultaneously.10Property Editor:This shows the calculation properties of the selected Glyph. Each calcula-tion Glyph has a number of properties depending on the type of calculation it performs. Most ofthese are set to sensible defaults by GlyphWorks;however, the user might want to change these for a particular calculation.You can make the property editor larger by drag-ging it’s frame. Alternatively, the property editor is used so regularly that we can view a full sized version by right clicking on the required Glyph and selecting Properties from the menu. (See later examples)Topic 2In this topic we launch the GlyphWorks pro-gram and setup a project folder containing example data for later analysis. •Create a new working directory on your computer and copy the training files here.• Start the ICE-flow GlyphWorks pro-gram•Select the working directory you have just created as your new project folder•Click the GlyphWorks application button from the application toolboxGlyphWorks offers you a choice of project folder. This is the loca-tion on the hard disk where all data pertaining to this project isstored. When GlyphWorks is running you can pick measured data from any input source; hard disk, network or Library data manage-ment system. The folder chosen here is used for GlyphWorks to store any working data you produce.Application Toolbox:nCode GlyphWorks is a suite of engi-neering applications. Each application is launched from the toolbox positioned along the left hand edge of the screen. Applications are grouped logically to help you find the tools you need.Analysis History:This shows the history of things done in GlyphWorks so far and is used for undo and redo functions.Diagnostics and Progress: This shows a detailed account of the calculation progress so far and any errors or warnings found in the calculation process. It helps the user fix any problems quickly and determine how long a complicated calculation is likely to take. Analysis Workspace:This is the workspace where you create your analysis process. Analysis proc-esses are created by dragging calcula-tion Glyphs from the Glyph Palette and dropping them onto the workspace.These are then linked by Pipes to create a calculation flow.Glyph Palette:This palette contains the actual calculation Glyphs. These are dragged onto the workspace to construct the analysis process.Available Data Tree :This tree lists all the available data files for analysis. GlyphWorks will auto-matically load all files in the project folder. The user can add additional files to the tree using the menu ‘File | Open Data Files…’Data files listed here can originate from many sources including the hard disk, network or a Library data management system. They do not have to be stored locally in the project folder. The tree merely stores a link to the original data so you can find it quickly and easily.Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksAvailable Data, Tree or Table View:The available data pane can be viewed as either a tree or a table. The tree resembles a standard directory tree, only GlyphWorks allows data to be re-grouped in different ways to improve search-ing. The tree branches can be re-grouped by right clicking on the tree. The following options are available:1. Type of data, followed by test name followed bychannel2. Type of data, followed by channel followed by test3. Disk directory name, followed by test followed bychannelThe available data can also be displayed in tabular format as shown here. In this view, the data can be sorted in different ways by clicking on the appropriate column title. The tabular viewshows more information than the tree view; however, most people find the tree view clearer.These buttons are used to add or remove all tests.The selected tests and chan-nels are shown in this pane. These are imported into GlyphWorks by clicking the ‘Add to File List’ button.Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksTopic 3In this topic we look at some typical measured stress data within GlyphWorks.•From the Available data tree, expand the ‘Time Series ’ branch and find the data called ‘vib(dac)’.• Expand ‘vib(dac)’ to see all 5 data channels. •Drag ‘vib(dac)’ onto the work space to create a new Time Series input Glyph and click the Display option to see the plots. •Press the Glyph Maximize button to makethe display full screen•Use the mouse and Tool box to zoom in and out of the plots. Notice the horizontal slider bar over the plot and see how you can scroll through the data by moving it.•Experiment with Cursor coordinates optionon the Tool bar. Click on the plot and read various data values.•Use the ‘Next / Previous Channel’ buttons to navigate through all the channels. Notice there are 5 channels in this data.• Try using overlay and cross plots from the Tool bar.• Use the properties option to display all 5 channels simultaneously.•Zoom-in on a small region of data and ex-periment with the different line stylesfrom the properties options. •When you are quite comfortable with thegraphics options go to the next task.You can drag data directly from the data tree onto the workspace. GlyphWorks automatically recognises the type of data and provides the appropriate data import Glyph.The Time Series Glyph has a preview ‘Display ’ option that provides an interactive plot of the data on the Glyph. This can be viewed full screen by pressing the Glyph maximize button in the top right hand corner of the Glyph.You can zoom in on a block of data by simply clicking either side of the area you are inter-ested in or by dragging the mouse over a win-dow of data. All chan-nels will automatically zoom in on the time interval chosen.Full plotFull X or YRound Y axis to nearest whole numberSwitch between Log and linear axesZoom in-out on X and Y axesMost commonly used graphical display options are available from the tool bar shown below. This will allow you to quickly zoom on the full plot or zoom in and out in stages. You can scroll through your data and change the axes between log and linear. You can also scroll through multiple data channels using the ‘Next / Previous channel’ buttons.Graphical Display ToolTutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksSeparate, overlay or cross-plot multi-ple channelsCursor tracking ofdata pointsChange font sizeSelect or de-select all datapointsRefreshShow cursor coordinatesScroll bar on/offNext / previouschannelNext / previoussection of dataChannels can be incre-mented / decremented in order by one channel at agroup would be 5-8.Frequently used graphical options are shown on the tool bar while the remaining options can be found in the Glyph properties panel byright clicking on the plot and selecting ‘Properties…’ from the menu. The Plotting options are listed under the ’XY Graph ’ tab as shown below.The properties are all listed under generalized headings shown in the left hand tree menu. Click the heading required and the avail-able properties for that appear in the right hand pane. Press the ’OK’ button to apply the properties.Style Options:These let you edit the appearance of the graphical plots. Channels can be shown separately, overlaid on the same axes, or as a cross plot of two channels showing the value of one on the X axis and theother on the Y axis.You can display up to 8 channel plots in one display; although the default is usually set to 4. You toggle between successive channels using the ‘Next / Previous Channel’ buttons.Various axis, grid and colour options are also available from this form.Data Lines:This allows you to change the appearance of the plot. You can change colour, pen thickness, the style of line and the shape of any markers used. Markers are used to highlight the data making it easier to distinguish between channels. Markers do not repre-sent measured points on the data as there are usually too many to plot neatly. However, you can choose the ‘Points’ option to show the actual measured points if required.Labels:To change the label headings, fonts and the style of numbering.Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksAxis Limits:These allow you to vary the format and limits of the axes. The for-mat can be Log or Linear, and the limits can be set precisely by entering the desired range.Topic 4In this topic we set up a very simple rainflow analysis and view the results in a 3D histogram. We learn how to use analysis Glyphs with Pipes to channel data through a calculation. •Using the data you loaded in the previous task, drag the ‘Rainflow Cycle Counting ’ Glyph onto the workspace and connect this to the ’Time Series Glyph’ from the previous topic.•Drag a ‘Histogram Display ’ Glyph on to the workspace and connect this to the output of your ‘Rainflow Cycle Counting’ Glyph. Right click on the Rainflow Glyph and select ‘Properties…’ from the menu. Look at the various options available. Right click on any option and select ‘Help on Property…’ from the menu to see what this option means. Don’t worry if you don’t understand some-thing at this stage, we’ll consider the Rain-flow Glyph in greater detail later. • Run the process to see the rainflow matri-ces•Maximize the Histogram Display andchange its properties to show a single chan-nel.• Rotate the 3D histogram by dragging the mouse and see how it follows the mouse. •Use the toolbar buttons to see the differentplotting options available.Input data flows into the GlyphOutput data flows out of the GlyphInput pads on the leftOutput pads on the rightAll connectors are colour coded to represent the type of data that passes through themUsing Glyphs and Pipes:Glyphs are pictorial representations of analysis components. There are input Glyphs, output Glyphs and various function Glyphs. Input Glyphs provide a source of data, like a link to a time history file; Output Glyphs provide a sink for the data, either by graphically displaying the data or by writing to the file system, and Function Glyphs take raw data in and pass process data out.Glyphs are linked together using Pipes connected to pads on the Glyphs themselves. Data flows into a Glyph through the left hand pad and flows out through the right hand pad.Input Glyphs only have pads on the right and output glyphs only have pads on the left.Pads are colour coded to represent the type of data that flows through them, The colour codes are shown below. Pipes can only be used to connect like coloured pads. (Note Grey pads can take any data.)To link two pads with a pipe simply click on one of the pads to be joined, GlyphWorks will then highlight all the compatible pads on the other Glyphs. Simply move the mouse over the other pad and click on it.Pipes can be removed by right clicking on the pipe and selecting ‘Disconnect’ from the menu. Alternatively, pipes are automatically removed if you delete a Glyph.Quick Tip: You can drag a Glyph from the Glyph palette and drop it on the pad of another Glyph. This will automatically create a pipe between them if they are compatible.Blue RedGreenGrey Time Series DataHistogram DataMetadataAny Data TypeColour conventions used for PadsMaximize PlotTutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksAdvanced Properties:These options are available by right clicking on the plot and se-lecting the ‘Properties…’ option from the menu. The advanced property form is similar to that seen earlier for the Time History Display; however, you’ll notice some features specific to 3D plotslocated on the ’Styles—Plots’ option shown below.Viewing Options:Isometric, top, left & rightView as block histogram or surface plot Full PlotScale all plots to the same axislimitsChange font sizeSelect or de-select all datapointsNext / previouschannelChannels can be incre-mented / decremented in order by one channel at a time or by groups of chan-nels. So if channels 1-4 are currently showing, the next group would be 5-8. The mode of increment / decrement is chosen by holding the button down and then picking from themenu shown.Top view of a Surface plotThe number of displays shown on each plot can be changed from this option form.The rotation angle and zoom can also be selected here. This is changed interactively by dragging the mouse over the plot; how-ever, more control is offered by allowing the user to type in the numerical angle required.The graph can be shown using histogram towers or as a surface plot while colours can be used in different ways to enhance the display.Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksTo interactively Rotate the Graph, simply left click on the plot and drag the mouse in the direction required.3D Histogram DisplayThe rainflow results are shown using the 3D histogram display Glyph. This can display up to 8 interactive histograms in one dis-play. The Glyph automatically configures the display to show up to 4 plots for multi-channel data. The number of plots shown can be changed using the Advanced Properties options (right click).Maximize the plot by clicking on the button in the top right hand cor-ner of the Glyph. A typical plot is shown below. It can be rotated by clicking and dragging the mouse. The most common options are provided on the Tool bar shown at the bottom of the page. If you get a little lost after dragging, press the ‘Isometric’ button to return to normal. Another useful option is the ‘Top’ view option. This makes for a particularly pleasing graph when used in conjunction with the ‘Surface’ option.Hint: If you want to clear the input files and look at another set of data then simply right click on the TSInput Glyph and select ‘Remove Tests’ from the menu. You can now drag another set of data from the Available data tree and drop them on the TSInput Glyph.You can also drop several tests on the TSInput Glyph at once; however, you can only view one test at a time.Topic 5In this topic we export Data to both Binary and ASCII output files. •Using the GlyphWorks process created in the topic 3, add the Histogram Out-put Glyph and rerun the process. •Edit the GlyphWorks process and add a Data Value Display Glyph. Export the histogram to a CSV file and look at this file in MS Excel.•Edit the GlyphWorks process and view the numerical values of all channels in the input time series using the ValueDisplay Glyph.Binary Data Output:Output data from GlyphWorks can be written in a file for later use by other programs. This might be report generation using ICE-flow Studio, test rig drive signals, input to FE-Fatigue analysis or Multi-body simulation, etc.Binary data is output using the appropriate output Glyphs; these being Time Series, Multi-column or Histogram data.By default, the Output Glyph uses the same filename as the input but appends ‘_out’ to the end of the filename. You can change the output name via the Glyph Properties. Right click on the Glyph andselect ‘Properties’ to get the following options:Select type of Binary format to use: either DAC or S3 format.Meta data can also be stored with the plot. Metadata contains information on the settings used in the analysis as well as statistical quanti-ties and titles and units.GlyphWorks can be instructed to automatically overwrite existing files or Ask for user confirmation first.The new data can be added auto-matically to the Data tree if required; otherwise the user must press the data refresh button to load the new data.The output filename is automatically assigned based on the following options: 1. Use existing filename with a given suffix 2. Use existing filename with a given prefix 3. Use a new filename 4. Use the existing filename but write to another directoryTutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksASCII Data Output:Data can also be written to ASCII files for use by programs that can-not read Binary files; these include FE analysis packages, Spread-sheets, Mathcad, Matlab, etc.ASCII data is output using the ‘Data Values Display’ Glyph. This can be used to give a numerical view of the data on screen but is also able to output to CSV (Comma Separated Values) files by clicking the ‘Export’ button on the Glyph. The user is prompted for a file-name.The Data Value Glyph does not show all data points by default but instead shows 1 in 10 points. This default can be over-ridden usingthe right-click ‘Properties…’ option.Enter the channels to export. Channel numbers can be written as a comma sepa-rated list or using a range of channels expressed in the form; ‘1-3’ , etc...Select the preferred bin labels for histogram data. Cells can be labelled using the centre value or the minimum value covered by the bin.Enter the number of significant figures to use for each value. Internally GlyphWorks main-tains a precision of approxi-mately 12 significant figures but this is probably excessive and can result in large file sizes.This only applies to Time Series and Multi-column data. Data might not be required for all values in a time series so this allows the user to select to output every 10th point or every 1 sec-ond for example.Remember you can view help on any of these options by right-clicking on the option and selecting ‘Help on Property…’ from the menu.Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksdata in the same format you can save your translation settings The CSV file shown here contains measured Time Series strainEnter ASCII filename for translation. This can con-tain any format of ASCII data including CSV(Comma Separated Val-ues), Space separated, tab separated, etc.Time Series files have no separate time axis. The time for each point is calculated knowing the starting time (Base Time) and the constant Sam-ple Rate.Multi-column files have a separate time axis that doesn’t have to be measured at a constant sample rate and may also contain a date column for long term measured data.Wizard values and automate the translation. The option to save a setup file is offered on the final wizard form.Header lines are included at the top of most ASCII files to describe the data present and provide other information like the sample rate, units, etc. ASCII Translate needs to know how many header lines are pre-sent so it doesn’t confuse these with the actual measured data. It can also use some of this data to automatically assign units and titles to the plots.There are many ways of formatting ASCII files and it is unfeasible to detect the format automatically. ASCII Translate provides a data preview window so the user can choose the formatting options from the ’Fields’ and see whether these are satisfactory.Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorksTime Series data does not contain a separate time column so the user must enter the Sample rate and time base (starting time). The actual time values for each point can then be calculated.The user can change the label and units used for the X-axis. By default these are assumed to be Time meas-ured in Seconds.ASCII Translate produces a binary output file that can be used di-rectly by GlyphWorks. GlyphWorks can read a number of binary formats and the user can select the preferred format and filename. The filename defaults to the original ASCII filename while the format defaults to the GlyphWorks standard format. The choice of format largely depends on the user’s requirements and is discussed in the information box opposite.At the end of the translation a summary log is produced so you can make sure everything went as expected. You also have the option to Save the Setup file so you can re-run the conversion quickly on other similar files.Translating Multi-column data:Multi-column data always requires a time column and optionally a date column where data is measured over a long period of time.The translation process is the same as for Time Series data except a Wizard form is offered for you to enter whether the data contains date as well as time, and the date formatting used. You must also enter which columns pertain to the time and date.Tutorial 1—Data Import and Display in GlyphWorks。


• And other Online Marketing activities
2 Navigate
• Unique Call to action
3 Convert
• Sale, Lead, Branding, etc.
Google Confidential and Proprietary
The Web Analytics Process
Topics to be covered in this session: • Introduction to Web Analytics • The Google Analytics User Interface • Key Reports in Google Analytics • Account structure and linking • Website Optimiser
Google Confidential and Proprietary
What is Web Analytics?
Demonstrate how visitors find your website, how they navigate and if they convert
1 Find
Success Online Online-Success To be successful on the web You need Web Analytics!
Google Confidential and Proprietary 9
Setting Up Google Analytics
Step 1 – Sign up
• Visit to sign up for a Google Account • If you’re an AdWords user, you can log into your AdWords account

Unit 4 Science and Technology

Unit 4 Science and Technology
2) [C] something that protects, shelters, or hides 屏 障;阻隔物
e.g. We planted a screen of trees to keep out the wind.
e.g. The police attacked the teahouse that was opened as a screen for illegal drug dealing.
视频聊天已经是现今家庭成员之间保持联系的一种普遍 方式。
2) [C; U] the visible part of a television transmission 录像;影像
e.g. Multimedia teaching includes the use of video and film in class.
Leading in 导入
2. Lecture:Text A:even in real life there were screans between us 讲授新知
3. Summary 课堂小结

Leading in
In 1946, the University of Pennsylvania in USA produced the first computer – ENIAC. It took up to180 sq.m and weighed 30 tons. After 60 years, computers have taken several significant technical revolutions and they have been advancing rapidly. Some of them are as light as a piece of paper and small as your nail. They are easy to carry and the speed of the CPU is 10 million times faster than it was in 1946. Therefore, it is obvious that the main trends of computer development are ‘getting smaller’ and ‘enhancing speed’. Because of practicability and universality, computers have embedded into our lives and most fields cannot research without them. In other words, computer techniques expedite other subjects and consequently affect on human progress



谷歌运营内幕大揭秘--《重新定义公司》谷歌CEO [美]埃里克·施密特Eric Schmidt副标题谷歌是如何运营的How google works序言曾明,一个组织最重要的职责不是管理激励,而是赋能。








案例,早期创始人之一拉里·佩奇搜索川崎H1B,一款摩托车型号,出来结果全是跟H1B有关的没有摩托车,认为算法有问题,对搜索人要求太高,打印出来,这些结果糟透了,these are suck,贴在台球厅,有技术人员在玩,一周后,一个员工来找他,做了一个新的算法,这个东西后来创造了可以给谷歌带来四十亿美金的产品add words, 非广告部门,也不是这个专业。








全新版进阶英语第四册 课文翻译及语言点U3 How to Get a Job at Google

全新版进阶英语第四册 课文翻译及语言点U3 How to Get a Job at Google

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第4册Unit 3 Job HuntingText A How to Get a Job at Google目录课文:How to Get a Job at Google (1)课文翻译:怎样在谷歌谋得一份工作 (4)语言点(Language Focus) (6)How to Get a Job at GoogleBy Thomas L. Friedman1 Last June, in an interview with Adam Bryant of The Times, Laszlo Bock, the senior vice president of people operations for Google — i.e., the guy in charge of hiring for one of the world’s most successful companies — noted that Google had determined that “GPA’s are worthless as a criteria for hiring, and test scores are worthless. ... We found that they don’t predict anything.” He also noted that the “proportion of people without any college education at Google has increased over time” — now as high as 14 percent on some teams. At a time when many people are asking, “How’s my kid gonna get a job?” I thought it would be useful to visit Google and hear how Bock would answer.2 Don’t get him wrong, Bock begins, “Good grades certainly don’t hurt.” Many jobs at Google require math, computing and coding skills, so if your good grades truly reflect skills in those areas that you can apply, it would be an advantage. But Google has its eyes on much more.3 “There are five hiring attributes we have across the company,” explained Bock. “If it’s a technical role, we assess your coding ability, and half the roles in the company are technical roles.For every job, though, the No. 1 thing we look for is general cognitive ability, and it’s not I.Q. It’s learning ability. It’s the ability to process on the fly. It’s the ability to pull together disparate bits of information. We assess that using structured behavioral interviews that we validate to make sure they’re predictive.”4 The second, he added, “is leadership — in particular emergent leadership as opposed to traditional leadership. Traditional leadership is, were you president of the chess club? Were you vice president of sales? How quickly did you get there? We don’t care. What we care about is, when faced with a problem and you’re a member of a team, do you, at the appropriate time, step in and lead. And just as critically, do you step back and stop leading, do you let someone else? Because what’s critical to be an effective leader in this environment is you have to be willing to relinquish power.”5 What else? Humility and ownership. “It’s feeling the sense of responsibility, the sense of ownership, to step in,” he said, to try to solve any problem — and the humility to step back and embrace the better ideas of others. “Your end goal,” explained Bock, “is what can we do together to problem-solve. I’ve contributed my piece, and then I step back.”6 And it is not just humility in creating space for others to contribute, says Bock, it’s “intellectual humility. Without humility, you are unable to learn.” It is why research shows that many graduates from hotshot business schools plateau. “Successful bright people rarely experience failure, and so they don’t learn how to learn from that failure,” said Bock.7 “They, instead, commit the fundamental attribution error, which is if something good happens, it’s because I’m a genius. If something bad happens, it’s because someone’s an idiot or I didn’t get the resources or the market moved. ... What we’ve seen is that the people who are the most successful here, who we want to hire, will have a fierce position. They’ll argue like hell. They’ll be zealots about their point of view. But then you say, ‘Here’s a new fact,’ and they’ll go, ‘Oh, well, that changes things; you’re right.’” You need a big ego and small ego in the same person at the same time.8 The least important attribute they look for is “expertise.” Said Bock: “If you take somebody who has high cognitive ability, is innately curious, willing to learn and has emergent leadership skills, and you hire them as an HR person or finance person, and they have no content knowledge, and you compare them with someone who’s been doing just one thing and is a world expert, the expert will say, ‘I’ve seen this 100 times before; here’s what you do.’” Most of the time the nonexpert will come up with the same answer, added Bock, “because most of the time it’s not that hard.” Sure, once in a while they will mess it up, he said, but once in a while they’ll also come up with an answer that is totally new. And there is huge value in that.9 To sum up Bock’s approach to hiring: Talent can come in so many different forms and be built in so many nontraditional ways today, hiring officers have to be alive to every one — besides brand-name colleges. Because “when you look at people who don’t go to school and make their way in the world, those are exceptional human beings. And we should do everything we can to find those people.” Too many colleges, he added, “don’t deliver on what they promise. You generate a ton of debt, you don’t learn the most useful things for your life. It’s [just] an extended adolescence.”10 Google attracts so much talent it can afford to look beyond traditional metrics, like GPA. For most young people, though, going to college and doing well is still the best way to master the tools needed for many careers. But Bock is saying something important to them, too: Beware. Your degree is not a proxy for your ability to do any job. The world only cares about — and pays off on — what you can do with what you know (and it doesn’t care how you learned it). And in an age when innovation is increasingly a group endeavor, it also cares about a lot of soft skills — leadership, humility, collaboration, adaptability and loving to learn and re-learn. This will be true no matter where you go to work.怎样在谷歌谋得一份工作托马斯·L·弗里德曼1 去年6月,在接受《纽约时报》的亚当·布赖恩特采访时,谷歌公司的人力运营高级副总裁拉兹洛·博克——也就是负责为当今世界数一数二的成功企业招聘员工的那个人——曾提到,谷歌已经明确了一点,“平均成绩绩点作为一个招聘依据是毫无价值的,考试分数是毫无价值的。



➢ How much——多少?做到什么程度?数量如何?质量水平如何?费用
淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。
定义 淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。
我有几位好朋友,万事指导有方向, 你若想问其姓名,名字不同都姓何, 何时何故什么人,好像弟弟和哥哥, 何时何地怎么做,姓名颠倒叫几何, 若向七贤常请教,即使笨人又如何。
简单、方便,易于理解、使用,富有 启发意义。
淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。
请替换文字内容,修改文字内容,也可以直接复制你的内容到此。请替换文字内 容,修改文字内容,也可以直接复制你的内容到此。
淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。

Unit9 Explaining how something works

Unit9 Explaining how something works

Unit9 Explaining how something worksCLIVE HARRIS: Can I get you a cup of tea or something?克莱夫.哈里斯:给你拿杯咖啡或别的?MS WONG: No, thanks, I' m fine.黄女士:No,谢谢,不用了。

CLIVE HARRIS: Please have a seat.克莱夫.哈里斯:请坐。

Well, Sally, you’re seen the company. You’re seen our products.萨利,你参观了公司,也见过了我们的产品。

What do you think?你认为怎么样?MS WONG: You have a wide product range, but they’re all dependent on the same chip technology.黄女士:你们的产品样式很多,但都依赖同样的芯片技术。

I think we may be able to supply you with some of the necessary circuitry我认为,我们可以为你提供必要的电路元件...but, of course, we need to speak further about this. ……当然,我们还要就此再深入交谈。

CLIVE HARRIS: Well, thanks for coming in.克莱夫.哈里斯:噢,谢谢你的来访。

MS WONG: It has been most interesting.黄女士:这次参观很有意思。

DEREK JONES: This is the latest prototype.德里克.琼斯:这是最新的模型。

PHIL WATSON: How does it work?菲尔.沃森:怎么用?DEREK JONES: Say something to the boss.德里克.琼斯:对“大老板”随便说点什么。

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问题是,今天的大多数企业,他们的目的是让风险最小化, 而不是让自由和速度最大化。信息和数据被严格保密,却 没有用作共享。在过去的年代,犯错成本高昂,人们赞赏 三思而后行,而他们的设计就是那个年代遗留的产物。决 策权被掌握在少数人手中。
换言之,绝大部分公司在设计方面都行动太 缓慢!
然后,在你想象的那个未来上做赌注。大赌 注有时候比小赌注更容易实现。
这种改变速度空前,而且仍在加速。摩尔定 律已经应验,科技正在失控。
占据主导的不再是企业,而是消费者,人们 抱着前所未有的期待。企业不再可能借一款 低劣的产品就侥幸成功,即使成功了也不可 能持续太久。一个很好的例子就是,低劣的 产品会收到很低的评分,这使得市场灵活而 真实。在今天,优质的产品才能获胜。
我们发现,只有吸引聪明的创意人员作员工, 并为他们创造出开放式成长的环境,事业才 能长久地保持成功。
首先,你需要吸引那些聪明的创意人员,他 们可不容易糊弄。
你得从企业文化着手。创意人员在意他们工 作的环境。
所以,尽早开始规划企业文化。作为团队你 在乎什么,工作和决策的方式是怎样的,这 些都要考虑并梳理成文档。
现在你已经吸引并组建了一个充满创意人员 的团队,你需要给他们一个放养的环境,让 他们可以自由成长。
这从你制定决策的方式开始。正确的方式可 以让他们知道,自己原来可以产生很大影响。 如果决策方式不对,就会扼杀了他们的志气。
大部分考虑长远的企业都标榜自己制定的决 策能够达成共识,但他们不理解什么是“共 识”。
好的策略基础有三根支柱:1、创造基于独 特科技洞察的优秀产品;2、为增长而不是 利润做调整;3、知道竞争对手的情况,但 不随同。
好了,现在要把那些创意人员招进公司。切 记,你要做的最重要的事就是招聘。
很多人都这么说,但他们还是把事情委托给 人事相关人员。每个人,每!一!个!人! 都要在招聘环节上肯花费精力。
并不是每个人都同意就能称之为“共识”, “共识”意味着每个人都能发声,每个人的 意见都能被听到,最终大家团结地站在最好 的决策那一边。
交流和制定决策同样重要。和决策一样,大 多数领导者都认为自己很擅长交流,当然, 他们大多数都错了。
尽量让交流保持开放。让信息流动得更快一 些,信息的声量更大一些,让更多人能参与 进去。
正确做好这些事,然后你的事业就有机会涅 槃,获得巨大变革。
但是请记住,作为 CEO,你还必须是个 CIO (首席创新官)。创新不能被拥有或任命, 它需要被允许。命令创意人员让他们进行创 新,这不一定有效,正确的方式是放任他们 去做。
设定一个实现起来很困难的目标,然后漂亮 地失败。
听那些在一线实践的人的话,不要听那些空 谈。让他们做产品的原型,而不是空泛的 PPT。
同时,企业的力量也发生了巨变。个体或小 团队可以拥有巨大的影响力。他们可以创造 出崭新的想法,再历经测试、失败,再重新 开始,最后成功获得全球市场。
这些拥有最大影响力的人,我们称之为“聪 明的创意人员”。
他们是结合了知识、商业专长和创造力的产 品人。如果你把当今的科技工具放到他们手 中,并给予他们发挥的自由,他们可以以一 种出奇的速度,创造出奇的产品。
然后按照企业文化中的标语说的那样那样生 存下去。
最好是以小团队的形式工作,让大家保持关 系紧密,并抓住偶然发现的联系好好培养。
接下来要考虑的便是策略。大多数人开创一 份冒险事业前都会做商业计划。但是事物变 化得太快,任何完全 MBA 式的商业计划都 必定在某些至关重要的方面是错的。
聪明的创意人员知道这一点,他们会担心, 一份规规矩矩的商业计划会妨碍他们的自由。
(乔纳森刚进入 Google 的时候,他的第一 个产品中就有这样一份计划。拉里· 佩奇 (Google 现任 C计划上,而 应该以策略为基础。你可以有计划,但要心 里有数,这份计划可能会有很大变动。计划 是可变的,策略却很稳定。
有什么变得不一样了?有哪些人们的假设已 经不再正确?为什么事物似乎发展得越来越 快?
科技正在改变商业的方方面面。全世界的信 息和媒体都是在线的。移动设备让人们可以 随时随地联系任何人。云计算将一个超级计 算机收入你的口袋中。
因此,多年以来的准入门槛也不复存在。现 存的企业极易受到竞争和干扰的影响。
当乔纳森和施密特刚加入 Google 的时候, 我们以为自己已经知道了关于成功经营的所 有诀窍。
但我们很快就发现自己对经营的见解全都错 得离谱。
我们需要制定出一套新的商业规则,让公司 在互联网时代也能站稳脚跟。以下是我们总 结的经验。
我们首先抛出一个施密特最爱问的问题:现 在和之前有什么区别?
以上步骤并不仅适用于企业家,也不仅对高 科技事业有效。机会到处都是,创意人员到 处都是。心怀抱负,想要建立创意团队来争 取机会的人也到处都是。
试着去想象那些不可思议的事物,因为它们 其实很有可能发生。