英语四六级考试译文笔记 第16篇

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Those who support schools admitting students on the basis of (1.以……为依据)their ability believe making the school selection process a meritocracy(2.能力择优)introduces an element of (3.一些)competition which motivates some students to try harder. They also point to the fact that if the top students are mixed with the weakest students, it makes teaching at the correct pace very difficult. The most gifted students will find classes too easy while the bottom students

will struggle(4.吃力).

1- on the basis of



2.N-SING 单数名词(行事的)理由,根据If you say that you are acting on the basis of something, you are giving that as the reason for your action.

【搭配模式】:on N

•McGregor must remain confined, on the basis of the medical reports we have received...根据我们收到的病历报告,麦格雷戈的行动仍然必须受到限制。

•On the basis that recognising the problem is halfway to a solution, Mulcahy's comments yesterday should be well received.鉴于认识到问题的存在就相当于把它解决了一半,马尔卡希昨天的那番话应该会受到欢迎。


But it is an important failing given that the Fed sets monetary policy,

and the IMF gives countries advice, on the basis of their

forecasts. ()



替换表达:according to / based on


(1)consider / take / regard ... as a basis

点评:搭配不当,不存在consider/take/regard something as a basis的表达。

(2)take ... as admission basis

点评:搭配不当,admission不可以与basis搭配,这里应该改为admit students on the basis of…

2- meritocracy

范例中给出的句子中,making the school selection process a meritocracy 作introduces的主语,其中make为动词,the school selection process是宾语,a meritocracy为宾补。



UK[ˌmer.ɪ'tɒk.rə.si] US[-'tɑ:.krə-] noun countable or uncount able

■a social system or society in which people have power because of their abilities, not because of their money or social position 精英领导体制;精英管理的社会

•The prime minister claims he wants to create a

classless meritocracy in Britain.首相称他想在英国建立一个无阶级的精英治国社会。


A meritocracy sounds positively utopian. After all, what could be fairer than a society in which status is defined by achievement rather than hand-me-downs? But the reality is more

complex. ()


3-an element of


an element of sth

■a small amount of an emotion or quality 少量;有点,有些

•There was certainly an element of truth in what she said.她说的话当然也有些是真的。

•Don't you think there's an element of jealousy in all of this? 你不觉得所有这一切都是妒嫉在隐隐作祟?

•We walked quietly up to the door to preserve the element of surprise.我们轻手轻脚地走近门口,想制造一个惊喜。


Most elections have an element of uncertainty about them. Not Russia's. This weekend, barring a miracle, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin's handpicked successor, will win the Russian presidency by a landslide. ()


替换表达:a small amount of

4- struggle

