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1.Climate change has arrived and is _____ faster than many scientists expected.

A.uniting B.accelerating C.declining D.twisting 2.Kathy _________ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A.picked up B.took up

C.made up D.turned up

3.Stars ___________ their own light, while planets only ___________ the light.

A.give off; reflect B.give away; reflect C.reflect; give off D.reflect; give away 4.The desks and seats can be ____________ the height of any child.

A.adapted with B.adapted to C.adjusted with D.adjusted to 5.Our food and drink are ________.I will go to the supermarket to get more.

A.using up B.running out

C.running out of D.running away

6.So every culture has ________ a formal way to greet strangers, to show them we are not aggressive.

A.made B.got C.developed D.taken

7.At the meeting,Professor Wang_____some good advice and all the people present agreed with him.

A.came along B.came about C.came up with D.came out

8.It suddenly _______ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.

A.took place B.happened C.occurred D.was occurred 9.Don’t bother to look for my umbrella; it will _______ some day.

A.turn down B.turn out C.turn up D.turn over 10.After she found she had lost the car, she and her husband ______ to find it.

A.made up their minds B.made their minds

C.made up our minds D.made minds

11.I think a cold drink can_______you after the long journey in such hot weather. A.recover B.reward C.relieve D.refresh

12.What a woman! I just wonder how she manages to keep smiling after all that she has ______. A.figured out B.made up

C.taken away D.gone through

13.Lydia really regrets____ out of high school. She has really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision.

A.drop B.to drop C.dropping D.dropped

14.The apartments in the city center are always expensive. I can’t _____ one with all my money. A.take B.afford C.supply D.support 15.Several villages were________from the outside world,for all roads to those villages were destroyed.

A.cut up B.cut out C.cut off D.cut through

16.It's said that our mental abilities begin to _______ from the age 27 after reaching the highest

A.differ B.depress C.distribute D.decline

17.The generous donation from China to the sufferers in the killing Indian Ocean Quake—tsunami has ________ the Chinese people's unselfishness and internationalism.

A.let out B.brought out C.given out D.taken out 18.This problem may lead to more serious ones if _______ unsolved.

A.making B.remained C.keeping D.left

19.In only 10 years, our province has been _________ into an advanced industrial province. A.transformed B.entered C.regarded D.issued

20.The government has not yet ________ the seriousness of the crisis.

A.mastered B.seized C.grasped D.acquired

21.6.I don’t like the newspaper __________ people’s love of scandal(丑行)

A.catering to B.catered to C.fitting in D.fitted in 22.After the clock _____ twelve, the students walked out of the lecture room.

A.beat B.hit C.struck D.rang

23.—I’m still working on my project.

—Oh, you’ll miss the deadline. Time is _________.

A.running out B.going out

C.giving out D.losing out

24.—Would you please____________ that book on the floor?


A.pick up B.make up C.take up D.turn up

25.______himself to alcohol,the man seldom cared about his family.

A.Adjusting B.Approaching C.Abandoning D.Acknowledging 【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除







考查动词词义辨析。句意:气候变化已经到来,而且速度比许多科学家预期的还要快。A. uniting 使团结;B. accelerating 加速;C. declining 下降;D. twisting 使弯曲。分析句子,根据划线后“______比科学家预测的还要快”可知此处应是气候变化的速度。故选B项。2.A

