最新中国政法大学 法律英语口语试题及答案整理

练习题一:请解释以下法律术语的含义:1. Tort2. Plaintiff3. Defendant4. Liability5. Jurisdiction答案一:1. Tort:指的是民事侵权行为,即一方在未经对方同意的情况下,通过自己的行为或不作为,侵犯了对方的合法权益,给对方造成了损害。
2. Plaintiff:原告,指的是在民事诉讼中提起诉讼的一方,即受到侵权行为损害的一方。
3. Defendant:被告,指的是在民事诉讼中被控告的一方,即被指控犯有侵权行为的一方。
4. Liability:责任,指的是法律上的义务或责任。
5. Jurisdiction:管辖权,指的是法院对案件的审理权限。
练习题二:请将以下英文法律名词翻译成中文:1. Contract2. Arbitration3. Injunction4. Intellectual property5. Negligence答案二:1. 合同2. 仲裁3. 禁令4. 知识产权5. 过失练习题三:请解释以下法律原则的含义:1. Presumption of innocence2. Due process3. Burden of proof4. Reasonable doubt5. Double jeopardy答案三:1. Presumption of innocence:无罪推定,指的是在刑事诉讼中,被告在未被证明有罪之前,应被认定为无罪。

作为国家政权机关的组成部分,要做到有法可依,有法必依,违法必究,执法必严The relationship between laws and your work?I am working in the XXX Conference. As a citizen, especially as a national civil servant, we should strictly abide by the laws and regulations. The difference is that Congress enacted law, we supervise the implementation and implement of laws . As a part of organs of political power for Government, we should to do ensure that are laws to go by, the laws observed illegally.2、怎样理解法的概念?法律是统治阶级的(国家)意志的集中体现和反映(阶级意志性和国家意志性)法律的基础是社会物质生活条件,其中社会生产方式是最具有决定性的因素法是一种行为规范,每个人都应该在法律的框架下生活、工作,我们必须要严格遵守。
How to understand the conception of Laws?The Laws is the directly reflects embodiment and reflection of (The will of class and the state) the ruling class (the state) will. The basic of the Laws is the material condition of social life, and the social mode of production is determinant factor.The Laws is a code of conduct, everyone’s life and work should be u nder the frame of law, we must comply strictly with these laws.。

法律专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is a fundamental principle of the legal system?A. EqualityB. JusticeC. FairnessD. All of the above2. The term "judiciary" refers to:A. The legislative branch of governmentB. The executive branch of governmentC. The branch of government responsible for interpreting and applying the lawD. The branch of government responsible for enforcing laws3. In the context of contract law, what is "consideration"?A. The thought process behind a contractB. The legal element that something of value is exchangedC. The written document of a contractD. The person who is bound by the contract4. What is the term for the legal principle that a person cannot be tried or punished twice for the same offense?A. Double jeopardyB. MitigationC. RecidivismD. Proportionality5. Which of the following is a type of legal document?A. DeedB. NovelC. MemoD. Invoice6. The term "pro se" means:A. Against oneselfB. On behalf of oneselfC. On behalf of anotherD. Against another7. What is the difference between "civil law" and "criminal law"?A. Civil law deals with disputes between individuals, while criminal law deals with offenses against the state.B. Criminal law deals with disputes between individuals, while civil law deals with offenses against the state.C. Both deal with offenses against the state.D. Both deal with disputes between individuals.8. What does the term "habeas corpus" mean?A. A writ requiring a person to be brought before a courtB. A legal document that ends a lawsuitC. A legal document that begins a lawsuitD. A writ that allows a person to be detained withouttrial9. In legal terms, "precedent" refers to:A. A legal principle or rule established in a previouscaseB. A legal document that is used as evidenceC. A legal principle that is always followed without exceptionD. A legal principle that is never followed10. What is the term for a legal dispute between two or more parties?A. LitigationB. MediationC. ArbitrationD. Negotiation二、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11. The legal principle of "innocent until proven guilty" is known as ________.12. A person who is not a lawyer but represents themselves in court is said to be acting ________.13. The process of a court determining the rights and obligations of parties in a dispute is called ________.14. A legal document that outlines the terms of a contract is known as a(n) ________.15. The area of law dealing with disputes over property is known as ________.三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)16. Explain the concept of "estoppel" in legal terms.17. What are the key differences between "common law" and "civil law" systems?四、案例分析题(每题15分,共15分)18. A company has been accused of breaching a contract with a supplier. The supplier claims that the company has failed to pay for goods delivered. The company argues that the goods were not delivered as per the agreed terms. Analyze the situation from a legal perspective, considering theprinciples of contract law.五、论述题(每题20分,共20分)19. Discuss the role of the judiciary in a democratic society and its importance in upholding the rule of law.答案:一、1. D2. C3. B4. A5. A6. B7. A8. A9. A10. A二、11. Presumption of innocence12. Pro se13. Adjudication14. Contract15. Property law三、16. Estoppel is a legal principle that prevents a person from asserting a claim or right that contradicts a previous position or statement they have made, especially when it would be unfair to allow them to do so.17. Common law systems rely heavily on judicial precedent, while civil law systems are based on comprehensive written codes. Common law is primarily developed through case law, whereas civil law is developed through legislative statutes.四、18. In this case, the supplier would need to provide evidence of the contract and proof of delivery of the goods. The company would need to show that the goods were not delivered according。

1)Please discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common law system.2)Please discuss the main features of the American court system.3)Please discuss the significance of jurisdiction.4)Please discuss the main characteristics of case law.5)Please explain a part of the Constitution that impresses you the most.6)Please discuss the significance of the case Marbury vs. Madison.7)Please discuss the main differences between substantive law and procedural law.8)Do you think the death penalty should be abolished?9)Please discuss the Miranda warning.10)Please discuss the function of voir dire.11)On what do you think it is proper for the appellate courts to focus?12)Please discuss the difference between torts and crimes.13)Please discuss the process of the creation of case law.14)Please discuss the difference between the binding precedents and persuasive precedents?15)Do you think it is reasonable to have a dual court system in America?16)Please discuss the different roles of judges and attorneys in court?17)Is it reasonable to choose common people as jurors?18)Please discuss the meaning of the right of judicial review of the court?19)Please discuss the difference between motive and intent?20)Please discuss the difference between information, complaint and indictment.21)Please discuss the difference between verdict, judgment and sentencing.22)Please explain the difference between preponderant evidence and proof beyond a reasonable doubt.23)Please discuss the main characteristics of adversary system.24)Please discuss a lawyer’s work before actually filing a complaint.25)How to prove the existence of false imprisonment?26)What is trespass? What is the basis for such tort? How to prove it?27)What is a contract? What are the sources of contract law in America?28)How do you define consideration? Why is it so important to the American contract law?29)How to prove the existence of false imprisonment?30)How to prove the existence of negligence?31)What is trespass? What is the basis for such tort?。

法学的英文考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 根据《联合国宪章》,联合国的六大主要机构不包括以下哪个?A. 联合国大会B. 国际法院C. 联合国安全理事会D. 世界银行答案:D2. 下列哪项不是国际法的渊源?A. 国际条约B. 国际习惯C. 一般法律原则D. 国内法律答案:D3. 国际法上的“用尽当地救济”原则是指:A. 国家在国际法院提起诉讼前,必须先在国内法院寻求救济B. 个人在国际法院提起诉讼前,必须先在国内法院寻求救济C. 国家在国际法院提起诉讼前,必须先通过外交途径解决争端D. 个人在国际法院提起诉讼前,必须先通过外交途径解决争端答案:A4. 根据国际法,以下哪项行为不构成对国家主权的侵犯?A. 未经允许进入他国领空B. 未经允许在他国领土上建立军事基地C. 未经允许使用他国资源D. 向他国提供人道主义援助答案:D5. 国际法上的“不干涉内政”原则主要是指:A. 不允许国家干预其他国家的内部事务B. 不允许国家干预其他国家的外交事务C. 不允许国家干预其他国家的经济事务D. 不允许国家干预其他国家的司法事务答案:A二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述国际法与国内法的关系。
2. 什么是国际法上的“国家责任”?答案:国际法上的“国家责任”是指当一个国家违反了国际义务时,根据国际法承担的责任。
3. 简述国际人权法的基本原则。

法律英语考试试题及答案Introduction:Legal English plays a crucial role in the legal profession, as it requires a comprehensive understanding of legal concepts, terms, and vocabulary in both English and the specific legal system. This article will provide a detailed analysis of various legal English exam questions and their corresponding answers. Through this examination, readers will gain a deeper understanding of legal English and enhance their proficiency in this field.Question 1: Explain the term "due diligence" in the context of contract law.Answer:Due diligence refers to the careful and thorough examination or investigation undertaken by a party before entering into a contract. It involves a comprehensive analysis of the terms, conditions, and obligations set forth in the contract. The purpose of due diligence is to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities, as well as to identify any potential risks or liabilities associated with the contract. By conducting due diligence, parties can make informed decisions and minimize the possibility of disputes or legal issues arising in the future.Question 2: Discuss the concept of "force majeure" in international law.Answer:Force majeure, also known as an "act of God" or "superior force," refers to an unforeseeable event or circumstance that prevents a party fromfulfilling its contractual obligations. These events are typically beyond the control of the party involved and cannot be reasonably anticipated or avoided. Examples of force majeure events may include natural disasters, wars, riots, or government actions. In international law, force majeure clauses are commonly included in contracts to protect parties from the consequences of unforeseen events. These clauses typically provide relief or exemption from contractual obligations in the event that a force majeure event occurs, allowing the affected party to suspend or terminate their obligations under the contract.Question 3: Define the term "judicial precedent" in common law systems.Answer:Judicial precedent, also known as stare decisis, is a fundamental principle in common law systems. It refers to the legal doctrine in which the decisions made by higher courts become binding on lower courts within the same jurisdiction. Under this principle, lower courts must follow the legal reasoning and interpretations of the higher courts in previous cases that are similar in nature. Judicial precedent ensures consistency, predictability, and stability in the legal system, as it allows for the uniform application of the law and the development of legal principles over time. However, it is important to note that judicial precedent can be overruled or distinguished when there are significant differences in factual circumstances or legal principles involved.Question 4: Explain the concept of "vicarious liability" in tort law.Answer:Vicarious liability is a legal principle that holds one party responsible for the actions or omissions of another party, even if they themselves did not commit any wrongdoing. This concept often arises in employer-employee relationships, where employers can be held liable for the actions of their employees performed within the scope of their employment. Vicarious liability is based on the idea that employers have a duty of care to ensure that their employees act responsibly and do not cause harm to others. By imposing vicarious liability, the law aims to provide a remedy for victims and encourage employers to exercise proper control and supervision over their employees.Conclusion:Understanding legal English is crucial for professionals in the legal field, as it enables effective communication and interpretation of legal concepts and principles. This article has provided an insightful analysis of various legal English exam questions, encompassing contract law, international law, common law systems, and tort law. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of these topics, aspiring legal professionals can enhance their knowledge and proficiency in legal English, thus paving the way for successful careers in the legal industry.。

法律英语试卷试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a legal term?A. ContractB. TortC. EquityD. Agreement2. The term "pro se" refers to a person who represents themselves in a legal proceeding without the assistance of an attorney. True or False?3. What does the abbreviation "LLC" stand for in the context of business law?A. Limited Liability CompanyB. Large Legal ContractC. Local Legal CouncilD. Legal Liability Certificate4. Which of the following is a type of legal document?A. MemorandumB. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)C. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B5. The principle of "stare decisis" is most closely associated with which legal system?A. Civil lawB. Common lawC. Religious lawD. International law6. What is the term for the legal process of resolving disputes outside the court system?A. LitigationB. MediationC. ArbitrationD. Negotiation7. In the context of intellectual property law, "patent" refers to:A. A right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an inventionB. A document that grants ownership of a work of literature or artC. A legal document that protects a brand name or logoD. A license to practice a profession8. Which of the following is a fundamental principle of criminal law?A. Presumption of innocenceB. Right to a fair trialC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B9. The term "precedent" in legal English refers to:A. A legal principle or rule established in a previous case that is binding in courtB. A document that outlines the facts of a caseC. A legal agreement between partiesD. A formal request for a court to review a case10. What does the term "actus reus" mean in criminal law?A. The guilty mindB. The wrongful actC. The criminal intentD. The legal defense二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. In legal English, "due process" refers to the fundamental legal rights that must be observed to ensure a fair trial.- The term "due process" is derived from the Latin phrase "due process of law."12. A "writ" is a formal written order issued by a court, typically directed to someone other than the parties in a case.- An example of a writ is a "writ of _habeas corpus_."13. The term "negligence" in tort law refers to the failure to exercise the degree of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation to prevent harm to others.- In order to establish negligence, a plaintiff must prove the defendant's duty of care, breach of that duty, causation, and _damages_.14. "Probate" is the legal process by which a will is proved to be valid or invalid.- The court that oversees probate proceedings is known as the _probate court_.15. "Jurisdiction" refers to the authority of a court to hear and decide cases.- There are different types of jurisdiction, including_personal jurisdiction_, subject matter jurisdiction, and territorial jurisdiction.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Define "actus reus" and "mens rea" in the context of criminal law.17. Explain the concept of "joint and several liability" in tort law.18. What is the difference between "specific performance" and "damages" as remedies in contract law?19. Describe the process of "discovery" in civil litigation.四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)20. Case Study: A company has been accused of patent infringement. The company argues that they were not aware of the patent and therefore should not be held liable. Discuss the legal principles that may apply to this case and the possible outcomes.21. Case Study: A tenant has been evicted from their apartment without proper notice. The tenant claims that the eviction was unlawful. Analyze the relevant legal provisions and discuss the tenant's potential remedies.五、论述题(共20分)22. Discuss the role of language in legal interpretation and the challenges it presents. Provide examples to support your argument.参考答案:一、选择题1-5: D T A B B6-10: B C A B B二、填空题11. "due process of law"。

Hello,大家好,这是我们宿舍118全体成员吐血整理的英语口语答案,均来自课后习题,如有错误,请自行改正,仅供参考,祝好!Unite1text a1.How was common law established?How was it expended around the world?(p1) (1)Originated in England,royal courts.When the common law unfair and rigid,the court created court of chancery based on many petitions from the subjects to grant relief to mon law is created through the interaction of judges and attorneys in the courtroom,(2)The British empire brought to all countries.Conquer and impose the law on colonies.such as Australia,India.They accept but with adaption to take into account the local customs;economic hegemony,like contracts and international arbitrators. 2.What does the common law include?What are the main characteristics of case law?(1)case law and equity law.Equity is also referred to as cases,which supplement strict rules of law where their application would operate harshly,to achieve natural justice.Most common law remedy is money damages,equity can enter injunctions (2)Based on the law in England;Has it source in previous decisions,legislation as an addition,parol evidence rule,stick to what was written in contract3.How different is the legal system of Louisiana from the rest of the United States? The legal system of Louisiana state is civil law while the other is common law tradition.The civil law was in place before the united states gained jurisdiction. French code influence4.What does civil law mean?How was it established and spread in the world?(p2)(1)literally means the law of the citizens of Rome.(2)originated in Rome,the law of the city of Rome,applied to only a citizen of Rome;Germanic influence canon law;Justinian Code;university of Bologna teaches rome law----sources,more universities following,was received in continental Europe.At first,as private law,codification,the french and german code5.what is the main difference between civil law and common law?There are many differences between civil law system and common law system. First,their original places are different;the civil law system originated in ancient Rome,and the common law system originated in England.Second,the main traditional source of the common law is cases,while the main traditional source of the civil law is legislation.Third,the civil law system pays more attention to substantive law;the common law system pays more attention to procedural rules.Another important difference between them is classification,the civil law is separated into public law and private law,the common law is separated into common law and equity.Civil law is prone to codification,while in common law,single and separate statues and regulations are more common.In common law system,judges are from lawyers,and enjoy highly prestige,while in civil law tradition,the ways to become a judge are different from those of lawyers. The amount of research an attorney must do.In common law,the attorney must research related cases,to see if they can be applied.6.What are the main source of law of the common law countries and civil law countries?Cases-primary source;legislation;but cases more relevant in civil law,and legislation more relevant in common law.7.What different attitudes do the civil law system and the common law system hold toward legislation and case law?Civil law jurists consider the civil code as an all encompassing document,cases are not the source of law;draft in general and abstract terms,the court has more discretion;in common law,legislation as an exception to the case law,the court interpret more restrictively,use specific term.8.Why do civil law students read law doctrine more than cases?Why is law doctrine considered a source of law in civil law countries and a highly respected one?(1)Law doctrine is the writing of law professors on what law is or should be,the source of law,while the case is the source(2)The university reintroduced the civil law in continental Europe,as a long history law professors enjoyed a high prestige,and many of them give helpful suggestion to the legislation and many drafts include the essence of their noble thoughts.9.Who play an important role in defining the law in civil law system,the law professors or the judges?What about the common law system?Law professors;judges10.Can you compare the legal method employed in American legal education and the legal method used in other countries?How do you comment on the case method and Socratic method?(1)In America,starts with the study of cases,legal education is original and unique, while in other countries,case method is not thought of,law is an undergraduate degree,legal education tends to be longer than in the U.S,teaching style:the professor exposes the law to students who take notes and do not intervene in class.(2)Case method,case matching and comparison;students have more interaction with professor,and discuss with their classmates,the clashes and meeting of different thoughts give them a vivid opportunity to lean from other and reflect on themselves. By expressing their own ideas and opinions,they can practice their ability to think, speak and analyses,to put what they have leaned into case analyses to be welled prepared for future career.Unite1text B1.How is case law created?Decisions of judges,or of other officials by the constitution or laws of a political entity to hear and decide controversies create case law,rules of general application. 2.What does a particular decision mean to the parties to a lawsuit,the lawyers, judges,and law students?(1)Immediate outcome,the result the tribunal reaches in their case.Eg,the plaintiff will or will not win the lawsuit and the defendant will or will not pay the damages the plaintiff has asserted.(2)A broader perspective,A source of general applicable case law or authority for determining subsequent controversies.The court will seek guidance from prior,similar te judges and lawyers will look to this specific case for a rule. (3)Classic case will serve a material in textbook for the students to analysis.3.What,why and when creates a legal system of precedent?(1)Past decisions;a mere series of decisions of individual cases does not in itself constitute a system of law.rules of action arise out of the solution of particular problems(2)Habits rooted in people,eg:laziness,saving energy and time; predictability;justice:all men are properly treated alike in like circumstances.(3)When the generalizations built upon past decisions are taken as normative for future disputes.4.What might happen if a court follows the precedent mechanically?A court following the precedent mechanically will at times perpetuate legal rules and concepts that are outlived their usefulness.The continuing problem in a legal system that recognizes past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases is how to maintain an acceptable accommodation of the competing values of stability in a law,served by adherence to precedent,and responsiveness to social change, which may call for the abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine.Social system meets infinite changes,the law once applicable may not accommodate the current circumstances,such as gay marriage;or new circumstances arise which the old case has no reference or guidance,such as certain information crime.5.what is the problem remaining in the legal system recognizing past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases?Territorial limitation--jurisdiction;only for like cases---factually(material facts)similar,future cases.6.Explain the difference between stare decisis and res judicata?The stare decisis is that the final decision,as a precedent or a potential precedent for future case,has its impact on the legal norm of the conduct.And the courts have never regarded as absolutely binding and can overrule even clear precedents when consideration of public policy requires a change in the case law.Past judicial decisions are formally and generally binding for the disposition of factually similar present controversies.The res judicata is an authoritative settlement of a particular controversy then before the court,it is addresses a decision’s impact in the individual case.and it have the absolutely binding even when the precedents changes,the particular case will not be reversed.The doctrine of res judicata bars a person from ever suing on the same claim again.Eg;the right of privacy.7.what is the doctrine bars a person from ever suing on the same claim again?What is the significance?res judicata,the decision is final and conclusive permanent in its aspect as a settlement of a particular case.may serve as general law for the future.8.Why does the case law process in American courts have comparative law ingredient?All the common law decisions of each state reflect common law principle.9.How does a court of last resort in one state make use of out state decisions?Not bound to follow,but will carefully consider,if reasoning persuasive,make use of as sources of guidance and justification Sometimes they cite and draw upon decisions from out state,these decisions are not full-fledged precedents,but persuasive authority,not binding but have great influence when there is no local precedent or local precedents are conflicting and unclear.An out state case is not authoritative and should not be assigned the same force as a true legal precedent.10.Can you explain the difference between the binding precedent and persuasive precedent?Binding precedent is precedent that a court must follow(it is law).it has legal force.All prior judicial decisions in a specific court's jurisdiction heard at that court's level or higher are considered to be binding precedent.Binding effect to the parties and judges but can be overruled and reversed if the result is errornus.In contrast,persuasive precedent is precedent that a court need not follow(it is not law,but as the name suggests,may be persuasive because it suggests a line of reasoning).All prior judicial decisions outside of that court's jurisdiction or from a lower court are considered to be persuasive only.11.the difference between overrule and reverse?The court overrules its own precedent,the prior decision continues to bind the parties to it,but the overruled decision is no longer authoritative as to subsequent controversies.A higher court reviews the lower court’s judgment and concludes the lower court has reached an erroneous result in that case,and reverse the decision.the lower court’s judgment is set aside and is no longer effective as to the parties.Unite21.what kinds of cases do the inferior courts deal with?what are some of the limits that are imposed on them?Civil jurisdiction defined in the amount of money in disputes;criminal jurisdiction is defined in term of the maximum jail sentence,maximum fine.Limited to civil suits involving relatively small amounts of money and to minor violations of the criminal law.2.What kinds of cases are the trial courts of general jurisdiction empowered to try?If a civil claim or criminal prosecution involves an amount of money or a potential criminal sentence,beyond the jurisdiction,it must be heard in a court empowered to try all kinds of cases,without monetary or subject matter limitation.3.What’s the function of court of last resort?Why are appeals to court of last resort limited?(1)The function of court of last resort is to review the action of the lower judicial tribunals of the state determines with finality review on what particular state’s law is and should be.The scope of judicial review is relatively narrow.It does nor retry the case on the merits or substitute its idea of justice for those of the trial courts.It only reviews the record of the proceedings to determine whether or not the lower court committed error on its procedure or in applying the substantive law to the facts of the case.(2)Appeals to court of last resort are limited.It’s because if every o claim the right of day in court and get appealed,it will lead to a vast increase in appellate litigation,especially in more populous states,and hopeless congestion of the dockets of the court of last resort which has to give its full attention to novel and socially important controversies.4.why are intermediate appellate courts established?What does the screening out function refer to?In response to the great burden of the appellate court and to strain out and dispose of the bulk---cases.It gives the court of last resort wide discretion over the granting of denial of applications for its appellate review.The“screening ort”function refers to make the intermediate appellate court the final tribunal for most cases to decrease the cases which are easy or old appealed to the court of last resort.5.What must be the jurisdiction of a district court based upon?What does the workload of the district court make up?(1)Based upon judicial power of the u.s.Specific,on the character of the controversy(arising under the constitution of the laws of the united states)or on the character of parties to the controversy.(2)6.What limitation are imposed on district court jurisdiction?under what circumstances can a case be removed to the federal court?Why?Limitation in some federal question and all diversity of citizenship cases.The matter in controversy must exceed50,000dolor.,but If the plaintiff file his suit in a state trail court,the defendant may in certain circumstances have the case removed to the federal court for the same district.If brought in the state court of the defendant’s residence,it can not be removed.7.How are trials conducted in the district court?What procedure is applicable? Procedure is uniform throughout the u.s and takes no account of the differences from state to state.the Federal Rules,namely the Rules of civil procedure applicable both to actions at law and cases in equity in district court throughout the country.8.Describe the us courts of appeals.What does en banc mean?The u.s has13judicial circuits each with its own court of appeals.the federal circuit is different in that its jurisdiction is defined in terms of subject matter rather than geography.federal appeals in both civil and criminal cases are heard by panels of threejudges,but for difficult or important cases,the full complement of circuit judges may sit en banc.(2)the legislation authorizes the summoning of district judges to sit temporarily in the courts of appeals when pressure of appellate business requires.All the judges preside over the case sitting in court.9.How can you get appeals reviewed by the Supreme Court?What is the policy underlying the discretionary nature of the supreme court appellate jurisdiction?You must first persuade the Supreme Court that the issues presented by your case are important enough,as issues of general federal law,to justify Supreme Court consideration.A disappointed litigant cannot secure Supreme Court review merely by contending,however persuasively,that the decision handed down against her was wrong.Always reviews by the Supreme Court can be secured only by a“petition for a writ of certiorari”,which the supreme court,in the exercise of the broad discretion conferred upon it by acts of congress,may grant or deny.Petition for a writ of certiorari.If four or more of the nine justices vote to take the case,the court will grant.(2)if appeal to the supreme court were available in all cases,the court will be stuck in overload ordinary appeals and unable to give full consideration to the great cases it must decide with finality as umpire of the federal system,authoritative guardian of the constitutional liberties and final overseer of the justice10.What do you think are the proper ways to supervise and discipline the judges? Under what circumstances the judges needs to be removed from the judgeship?The comment on impeachment of judges?(1)decent salary and good welfare to decrease to urge to corrupt(2)Well-structured procedure,such as avoidance,writ(3)Medias,public supervision(4)Enforceable and practical system of Responsibilities and penalty(5)The senate can impeach the judges,one hand,it indicates the supervision from outside branch,to deter the judges from malpractice,on the other hand,it also sticks to the principle of separation of power,that is the legislation can not dispose a judge directly but just impeachment.11.Can you explain diversity of citizenship?What court have jurisdiction over “diversity of citizenship”?Diversity of citizenship means suits between citizens of different states of the United States.Both federal and state courts have the jurisdiction over“diversity of citizenship”.If a plaintiff files the case in a state court of his own district,the defendant can remove it to a federal court of the same district.But if the plaintiff files it in the court of the defendant’s district,the defendant can’t remove it.It reflects the concern that a citizen of one state may not be fairly treated in its opponents residence12.What kind of case can be reviewed by the Supreme Court?The Supreme Court also considers cases on appeal from(or rejected for appeal by) State supreme courts,provided the case is of national importance and involvesconstitutional or federal law.The justices do not rule on state constitutional issues or state and municipal statutes.The Supreme Court decides to hear a case on three major factors:whether the case was an appeal by the federal court and is in conflict with the decisions of other circuits;the general importance of the case;and whether the lower court's decisions may be wrong in light of the Supreme Court's opinions.Unite3text B1.who has the authority to determine how the constitution is interpreted and applied toa particular case?who are entitled to such authority,which one has the final say?The supreme courts,among which the u.s supreme court has the final say2.Does the constitution vest judicial review on the supreme court?How will article3 be interpreted?No,the interpretation of the power in article3was extended to hear all cases arising under constitution.The provision creates the supreme court not its authority.not a grant of authority to exercise constitutional review in hearing them.3.How was the power of judicial review established?What is the significance of the case madison?By the court’s decision in the1803case of Marbury v.Madison.president adams nominated his secretary of state marshell to be chief justice.On the night before jefferson becoming president,marshell performing the duty of affixing the seal of the commission of new judges.through inadvertence,the commission of marbury,a justice of peace was not delivered to the new office holder and was withhold by the new secretary of state.Marbury sued for his commission,claiming a writ of mandamus in the supreme court,in deciding the case,to avoid the dilemma in it political belief and president’s noncompliance,marshell ruled that his appointment was complete once sighed by the former president,the remedy is mandamus,but the judiciary act is unconstitutional to grant the court to give mandamus,the court have no jurisdiction of the case.The importance of this case is the supreme court’s assumption to itself of the final authority to determine if the acts of congress was constitutional which profoundly enhance the court’s authority.Despite the lack of logical rigor in this case,it was the first strong pronouncement of the principle of judicial review.4.Why did chief justice marshell think the court had the power to review the constitutionality of legislation?People created the constitution to be fundamental supreme.part of the constitutional scheme is the federal government is a government of limited power.The branches exercise the authority people delegated to them in the constitution.Any act contrary to the constitution or beyond the power is void.the court apply the rule to particular cases,must of necessity expound and interpret that rule.To decide which rule to govern the case is of the essence of judicial duty.the constitution is law,court interpret law,then the court interpret the constitution.5.What is the supremacy clause?what will be the result if the court decides that a law is unconstitutional?(1)The federal judicial power included all cases involving constitutional interpretation.The federal judiciary is supreme in the exposition of the law of constitution.(2)Is void and have no binding effects6.What does judicial review means?Why it’s very important constitutional principle in us?Judicial review is established by Supreme Court in the case of Marbury v.Madison. The power of the court to examine legislation and other acts of Congress and to decide their constitutionality.The doctrine of judicial review also embrace the power of the Court to explain the meaning of various sections of the Constitution as they apply to particular cases brought before the Court.Because a series of Court decisions has affected a change in the way many constitutional clauses are interpreted,without amendment to the actual text of the Constitution.The court system ultimately decides whether or not they are allowable under the Constitution.8.What does checks and balances mean?How do you comment on this principle? Checks and balances is an intricate set to checks and balances the Constitution builds into the system of government.By preventing any one of the three branches from acquiring dominance over the others,these structural and procedural safeguards have preserved a fundamental,albeit not always neat,separation of powers. Comments:Although developed over two centuries ago,checks and balances continue to perform this essential function despite the dramatic societal,technological, economic,and political changes in the United States over the past two centuries.The Framers made the conscious decision of choosing constitutional generality over the overly specific civil codes of the European nations.By so doing,they wisely built in a flexibility to accommodate change to that a living instrument of government could be passed down to succeeding generations.Unit4text a1.list some of the typical forms of punishment what are the differences between civil law and criminal law?(1)Death,imprisonment,fine,removal from public office or disqualification from holding public office,probation,and restitution.(2)A private matter between the parties,a wrong against the society;can drop charge; must be prosecuted by the state;consequences and remedy;subject to prosecute the case.light circumstances and severe circumstances(3)In many cases,a person’s behavior may bring about both criminal and tort liability.2.How are civil damages categorized?When do they apply?General special and punitive.general damages compensate for any specific and demonstrable harm.Special damages involve compensation for conscious pain and suffering.Punitive damages awarded at the discretion of the jury or as required by statue,if it is found that the behavior of the actor was the was the result of an intentional disregard for the well-being of others.3.How do you distinguish between substantive laws from procedural law?Substantive law defines and regulates people's rights,duties,powers and liabilities; the actual rules and principles administered by the court including legislation and common law principles.Procedural laws are body of rules prescribing the manner,form,and order in which matters are dealt with and enforced.Procedure describes the process in which the case should proceed.Substantive law informs society as to what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable, whereas procedural laws direct the state as to the proper methods for apprehension and adjudication.A particular substances law must first be violated before the application of procedure law.4.What kind of legal rights that police must advice the suspect of before any interrogation in us?What’s the significant of the case of Miranda Arizona?(1)The interrogator must advise the suspect of a varieties of legal rights he has and without which an individual can not be lawfully arrested unless the police have probable cause to believe a crime has been or is being committed.Legal rights includes:A.he has a right to retain silent;B.anything he says may be used against him;C.he has a right to a lawyer;D.if he cannot afford a lawyer one will be provided free.It became known as the doctrine of Miranda Warnings later.(miranda warning)(2)Through the case of Miranda v.Arizona,which became a binding precedent,the Miranda Warnings were established.Then an individual cannot be lawfully arrested unless the police have probable cause to believe a crime has been or is being commited:That is,a paticular substantive law must be violated before the state will begin its investigation.5.how are crimes classified?Based on the seriousness of the crime and the subsequent punishment and the place of confinement of the convicted defendant,crime is classified into felony,misdemeanors and infractions.Infractions may never receive jail sentence as punishment,typically, involving violation of the motor vehicle code.6.what is the difference between felonies and misdemeanors?The grounds for distinction often vary from state to state.In some jurisdictions, imprisonment for any period of time only if a felony has been committed.Some state statues simply designate some crimes as felony and other as misdemeanors.(1)The length or place of punishment.more than six months in prison is considered to be a felony(some jurisdiction more than one year.)but,do not be confused,if the judge sentenced to the greatest maximum term imposed by law,even five month,it isa felony.(2)In presence rule.Can not arrest an individual for a misdemeanor unless the misdemeanor is committed in the officer’s presence.For a felony,the officer must arrest the individual if he reasonable believes the crime was committed by that person.(3)A jury trial is not granted to misdemeanor.7.what are the differences between motive and intent?p64(1)(2)the state is not required to prove defendant’s motive,but the proof can help convince the jury that the accused as guilty.fail to establish the motive(the why part) will not lead to acquittal while fall to establish an unlawful intent must result in acquittal.(3)The motives may serve as a justifiable reason for the defendant.(4)Good motive does not necessarily absolve the responsibility.Eg.The killing of a baby by her mother8.Explain the elements establishing criminal liabilityThese elements include mens rea,actus reus and causation.Mens rea,the'fault element'of a crime,attempts to ensure that only those who are morally culpable will be punished by the criminal courts.The actus reus element relates to the“doing”part of the crime.If a person does not have a legal duty to act and in fact does not act,then the person cannot be held legally accountable for the unlawful acts of others.Causation is considered to be the logical coming together of the mens rea and actus reus,resulting in a criminal wrong.9.explain the significance of mens rea,actus reus and causationThe elements of crime;only the three factors are all satisfied,there is a crime, otherwise,it is not.Only by analyses the three factors,can we draw a conclusion of whether a crime was committed or not.Among which,causation is difficult to identify, reeds to consider the intervening factors.eg.Unite6text b1.What should a lawyer do before filing a complaint to the court?First task-ascertain the facts,whether can be proved in court(not easy,because,the。

2023年司法考试卷二样题及解答英文版2023 Judicial Examination Paper II Sample Questions and Answers1. Question: Discuss the concept of judicial review and its significance in the legal system.Answer: Judicial review is the process by which courts review the actions of the executive and legislative branches of government to ensure they are in line with the constitution. This concept is vital in upholding the rule of law and maintaining the balance of power within a legal system.2. Question: Explain the doctrine of stare decisis and its role in common law systems.Answer: Stare decisis is a legal principle that requires courts to follow the precedents set by higher courts when deciding similar cases.This doctrine is essential in common law systems as it promotes consistency, predictability, and fairness in the judicial process.3. Question: Analyze the difference between civil law and common law legal systems.Answer: Civil law systems are based on codified laws and statutes, while common law systems rely on judicial decisions and precedents. Civil law systems are more structured and rely on the interpretation of written laws, whereas common law systems prioritize flexibility and the evolution of legal principles through case law.4. Question: Discuss the principle of separation of powers and its importance in democratic societies.Answer: The principle of separation of powers divides governmental authority among three branches – the executive, legislative, and judicial – to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. This principle is crucial in democratic societies to ensurechecks and balances, protect individual rights, and prevent abuse of power.5. Question: Evaluate the role of international law in shaping domestic legal systems.Answer: International law influences domestic legal systems by providing standards for state behavior, regulating global interactions, and promoting cooperation among nations. Domestic legal systems often incorporate international law principles through treaties, conventions, and customary practices to ensure compliance with global norms.6. Question: Examine the concept of human rights and the challenges in their enforcement.Answer: Human rights are inherent entitlements that protect individuals from discrimination, oppression, and abuse. However, challenges in enforcing human rights arise due to cultural differences, political obstacles, lack of resources, and resistance from authoritarianregimes. Efforts to uphold human rights require international cooperation, advocacy, and legal mechanisms.7. Question: Describe the role of alternative dispute resolution methods in relieving court congestion and promoting access to justice.Answer: Alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and arbitration, offer parties efficient and cost-effective ways to resolve conflicts outside of traditional litigation. These methods help alleviate court congestion, reduce backlog, and provide individuals with greater access to justice by offering flexible and collaborative solutions to disputes.8. Question: Identify the ethical considerations that legal professionals must uphold in their practice.Answer: Legal professionals are bound by ethical duties to uphold justice, integrity, confidentiality, and loyalty in their practice. They must adhere to professional standards, maintain client confidentiality, avoidconflicts of interest, and prioritize the interests of justice and fairness in their legal representation.These sample questions and answers provide a comprehensive overview of key legal concepts and principles relevant to the 2023 Judicial Examination Paper II.。

法律英语试题库及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct translation of "plaintiff" in legal English?A. 被告B. 原告C. 证人D. 律师答案:B2. The term "due diligence" in legal context typically refers to:A. 尽职调查B. 尽责调查C. 尽职尽责调查D. 尽职尽责尽责调查答案:A3. In legal English, "contract" is often used to refer to:A. 合同B. 契约C. 协议D. 协议书答案:A4. The phrase "in consideration of" is commonly used in legal documents to mean:A. 鉴于B. 考虑到C. 由于D. 因为答案:B5. Which of the following is not a type of intellectual property?A. 商标B. 专利C. 版权D. 商业秘密答案:D6. The term "tort" in legal English refers to:A. 侵权行为B. 犯罪行为C. 合同违约D. 民事纠纷答案:A7. "Jurisdiction" in legal English means:A. 管辖权B. 审判权C. 执行权D. 立法权答案:A8. The abbreviation "LLC" stands for:A. Limited Liability CompanyB. Limited Legal CompanyC. Legal Liability CompanyD. Legal Limited Company答案:A9. "Probate" in legal English refers to the process of:A. 遗嘱认证B. 遗嘱执行C. 遗嘱公证D. 遗嘱登记答案:A10. "Statute" in legal English is used to denote:A. 法规B. 法律C. 法令D. 条例答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The legal term for a formal written statement submitted toa court is a(n) _____________.答案:brief2. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a contract.答案:agreement3. The process of challenging the validity of a will is known as _____________.答案:contest4. A(n) _____________ is a legal professional who represents clients in court.答案:attorney5. The term _____________ refers to the legal principle that no one may profit from their own wrongdoing.答案:unclean hands6. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that grants a person the authority to act on behalf of another.答案:power of attorney7. The legal term for a formal written request to a court is a(n) _____________.答案:petition8. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that provides evidence of a debt.答案:promissory note9. The legal term for a formal written order from a court is a(n) _____________.答案:decree10. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale of real estate.答案:deed三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "lien" in legal English refers to a legal claim on property to secure the payment of a debt. (对/错)答案:对2. "Negligence" in legal English means the failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another. (对/错)答案:对3. "Indemnity" in legal English refers to the right to be compensated for a loss or damage suffered. (对/错)答案:对4. A "writ" is a legal document issued by a court that ordersa person to do or refrain from doing a specific act. (对/错) 答案:对5. "Affidavit" in legal English is a written statement of facts voluntarily made by a person under oath. (对/错)答案:对6. "Misdemeanor" in legal English refers to a less serious crime than a felony. (对/错)答案:对7. "Arbitration" is a form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third party makes a binding decision. (对/错) 答案:对8. "Eminent domain" refers to the power of the government to take private property for public use without compensation. (对/错)答案:错9. "Venue" in legal English refers to the geographical location where a legal action is brought. (对/错)答案:对10. "Custody" in。

法律口译期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 法律口译中,以下哪个词的翻译最需要谨慎处理?A. 权利B. 义务C. 责任D. 以上都是2. 口译员在翻译法律文件时,应遵循以下哪项原则?A. 逐字翻译B. 意译C. 直译D. 同声传译3. 在法律口译中,"due process"最恰当的翻译是什么?A. 适当程序B. 法定程序C. 正当程序D. 程序公正4. 法律口译员在翻译合同时,最应避免的是什么?A. 遗漏关键条款B. 增加额外内容C. 改变合同原意D. 以上都是5. 以下哪个术语在法律口译中通常不涉及?A. 证人B. 原告C. 被告D. 会计答案:1. D2. C3. C4. D5. D二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 在法律口译中,"plaintiff"通常翻译为________。
7. "Statute of limitations"在法律上指的是________。
8. "Affidavit"是指________。
9. 法律口译员在翻译时,应保持________,确保信息的准确传达。
10. 在法庭口译中,口译员应避免________,以免影响法庭的公正性。
答案:6. 原告7. 时效法规8. 宣誓书9. 中立性10. 表达个人观点三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述法律口译员在法庭口译中的职责。
12. 解释“法律术语的准确性”在口译中的重要性。
13. 描述法律口译员在处理跨文化差异时应注意的事项。
答案:11. 法律口译员在法庭口译中的职责包括准确无误地传达法庭上各方的发言,保持中立,不得添加或遗漏信息,确保法庭程序的顺利进行。
12. “法律术语的准确性”在口译中至关重要,因为法律术语通常具有特定的含义和法律效力,错误的翻译可能导致法律误解,影响案件的判决。
13. 法律口译员在处理跨文化差异时应注意尊重各方的文化背景,避免文化偏见,正确理解不同文化中的法律概念,并准确传达给法庭。

法律英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题,满分20分)1. Which of the following is not a legal term?A. PlaintiffB. DefendantC. LitigationD. Negotiation答案:D2. In legal English, "due process" refers to:A. A fair and just legal procedureB. A quick legal procedureC. A legal procedure without any delayD. A legal procedure with minimal paperwork答案:A3. The term "precedent" in law means:A. A previous case that sets a legal principleB. A document that records a legal decisionC. A legal principle that is not bindingD. A case that is not relevant to current legal issues 答案:A4. Which of the following is not a type of contract?A. Sales contractB. Employment contractC. Marriage contractD. Insurance contract答案:C5. "Tort" in legal English refers to:A. A civil wrongB. A criminal actC. A legal documentD. A legal remedy答案:A6. "Probate" is the legal process of:A. Dividing an estate after deathB. Filing a lawsuitC. Registering a trademarkD. Drafting a will答案:A7. "Jurisdiction" in law refers to:A. The authority to make legal decisionsB. The location of a courtC. The type of law being appliedD. The legal profession答案:A8. "Affidavit" is a legal document that:A. Is signed by a judgeB. Is a sworn statement of factsC. Is a request for a court orderD. Is a legal opinion答案:B9. "Statute" is a type of law that is:A. Created by judgesB. Passed by a legislative bodyC. Based on common lawD. Enforced by the executive branch答案:B10. "Moot" in legal context means:A. Unimportant or irrelevantB. A legal argumentC. A type of lawsuitD. A legal document答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共5题,满分10分)1. A legal dispute that is not resolved by negotiation or mediation may proceed to ________.答案:litigation2. The ________ of a contract is the formal agreement between parties.答案:execution3. A ________ is a person who has been granted the authorityto act on behalf of another.答案:agent4. The ________ is the highest court in many legal systems.答案:supreme court5. A ________ is a legal document that outlines the terms ofa contract.答案:deed三、阅读理解题(每题3分,共3题,满分9分)阅读以下段落,并回答问题。
中国政法大学 法律英语口语试题及答案整理

1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common law system. (P4 )There are many differences between civil law system and common law system.ⅠThe original places are different. The civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England.起源地不同,民法起源于古罗马,普通法起源于英格兰Ⅱ The main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of the civil law is legislation. Thus there are many codes in civil law countries instead of unwritten laws in common law system.普通法的主要传统渊源是案例法,民法的主要传统渊源是成文法。
因此民法国家用许多成文法典取代普通法国家的不成文法Ⅲ The civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays more attention to procedural rules.民法法系更多关注实体法,普通法更关注程序规则ⅣThe classification of law is different. The civil law is separated into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common law and equity.法的分类不同,民法法系分为公法和私法,普通法法系分为普通法和衡平法Ⅴ The role of judges and professors is another difference. Since theory and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system, professor plays the important role to expose laws to students. In the contrary, case-law is the main source of common law, thus the judges has the discretion to make laws while trialing cases.法官和学者的作用不同,因为理论和学说在民法法系中的重要性,学者在教授学生法律时十分重要。

法学生英文面试题目及答案Law Student English Interview Questions and AnswersIntroduction:In today's globalized world, the ability to effectively communicate in English is crucial for law students. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of common English interview questions for law students, along with appropriate answers to help prepare for such interviews. Each question will be followed by its answer, elaborating on the key points.1. Can you briefly introduce yourself?Answer: Certainly. My name is [Your Name]. I am currently pursuing a degree in law at [University Name]. I have a deep passion for justice and a strong interest in various branches of law, particularly international law and human rights. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively participated in moot court competitions and internships to enhance my practical legal skills.2. Why did you choose to study law?Answer: I chose to study law because I believe in the power of law to bring about social change and justice. Law provides a platform to protect individuals' rights and promotes a fair and peaceful society. Moreover, I am intrigued by the complexities of legal systems and enjoy the intellectual challenges that law offers.3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?Answer: One of my strengths is my ability to conduct in-depth research and analyze complex legal issues. I possess strong critical thinking skills, which enable me to break down complex problems and provide practical solutions. Additionally, I am an excellent communicator, both verbally and in writing, which helps me express legal arguments persuasively. As for weaknesses, I am constantly striving to improve my time management skills, as I sometimes find it challenging to balance multiple tasks simultaneously.4. Can you provide an example of a challenging legal case you have encountered and how you resolved it?Answer: Certainly. During my internship at a renowned law firm, I was involved in a complex civil litigation case. The central issue was a breach of contract between two multinational companies. To resolve the case, I meticulously reviewed the contractual agreements, conducted extensive legal research, and applied relevant precedents. I drafted persuasive legal arguments and participated in negotiations, which ultimately led to a favorable settlement for our client.5. How do you stay updated with current legal developments?Answer: To stay updated with current legal developments, I regularly follow reputable legal publications, such as law journals and blogs. I actively participate in seminars, conferences, and workshops conducted by legal experts. Additionally, I am a member of various legal associations and engage in discussions and networking opportunities with fellow law students and professionals.6. What are your career goals in the legal field?Answer: My primary career goal is to make a significant impact on society by working in a position where I can protect individuals' rights and contribute to the development of fair and just legal systems. In the long term, I aspire to become a respected legal professional, potentially specializing in international human rights law, and work for prestigious organizations such as the United Nations or international human rights bodies.Conclusion:In conclusion, this article has provided a list of common English interview questions for law students, along with appropriate answers. It is essential for law students to be well-prepared and confident when facing such interviews. By familiarizing themselves with these questions and answers, students can increase their chances of success and showcase their skills and passion for the legal field during the interview process.。
中国政法大学 法律英语口语试题及答案

1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common law s y s t e m.(P4)There are many differences between civil law system and common law system.Ⅰ The original places are different. The civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England.起源地不同,民法起源于古罗马,普通法起源于英格兰Ⅱ The main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of the civil law is legislation. Thus there are many codes in civil law countries instead of unwritten laws in common law system.普通法的主要传统渊源是案例法,民法的主要传统渊源是成文法。
因此民法国家用许多成文法典取代普通法国家的不成文法Ⅲ The civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays more attention to procedural rules.民法法系更多关注实体法,普通法更关注程序规则Ⅳ The classification of law is different. The civil law is separated into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common law and equity.法的分类不同,民法法系分为公法和私法,普通法法系分为普通法和衡平法Ⅴ The role of judges and professors is another difference. Since theory and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system, professor plays the important role to expose laws to students. In the contrary, case-law is the main source of common law, thus the judges has the discretion to make laws while trialing cases.法官和学者的作用不同,因为理论和学说在民法法系中的重要性,学者在教授学生法律时十分重要。

1、You think what is the birthday present your parents really want orappreciate?2、Do you have pressure for life and work?3、Do you like smoking ?why ?4、Do you think beauty salon can make people more beautiful?5、Which country would you like to do ?why?6、What do you usually do in your spare time ?why?7、How healthy are you ?say something about your eating habits8、What is your favorite sport?9、There are more and more cars in shang hai .what are theadvantages and disadvantages?10、Do you want to be a leader?why?1、say something about your favorite star/singer2、when you meet some difficulties,what make you strong?3、What was the important change in your life ?4、How do you think about your school life?5、What are the differences between the city and village in china?6、Do you like studying English?7、Do you like mcdonald and KFC?8、Do you think confidence is very important?why?9、What kind of company would you like to work for?10、Do you often make up your mind to do something but always fail?1、have you ever been cheated?2、What is the motto that you are very familiar with? Why?3、Do you want to be a CEO? Why?4、Do you regret for something you did in the past? what?5、What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?6、How do you think of the college students doing part-time jobs?what are the advantages and disadvantages?7、Can you describe one of your good friends?8、Do you want to be a lawyer?9、If you fail this time , what will do you next time?10、Do you remember when is your parents’birthday? how will youcelebrate it ?。

英法口语考试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听录音,选择正确答案。
(1)What time does the train leave?A. 7:00B. 8:00C. 9:00D. 10:00答案:B(2)Where did they go last weekend?A. The cinemaB. The parkC. The beachD. The museum答案:C2. 听录音,回答问题。
(1)How many people are there in the conversation?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four答案:B(2)What is the weather like today?A. SunnyB. RainyC. CloudyD. Snowy答案:A二、口语表达(共30分)1. 根据以下情景,用英语或法语回答。
(1)你的朋友邀请你去看电影,你如何回答?答案:Thank you for the invitation, I'd love to go to the cinema with you.(2)你正在一家餐厅,服务员问你想要点什么,你如何回答?答案:Je voudrais un café, s'il vous plaît.2. 描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
答案:My favorite season is autumn. It's a season of harvest and the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.三、阅读理解(共20分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择正确答案。
(1)What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of readingB. The benefits of exerciseC. The advantages of travelD. The joy of learning答案:D(2)Which activity does the author like the most?A. ReadingB. SwimmingC. TravelingD. Cooking答案:A2. 阅读以下短文,回答问题。
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1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common 1law system. (P4 )2There are many differences between civil law system and common law 3system.4Ⅰ The original places are different. The civil law system originated 5in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England.6起源地不同,民法起源于古罗马,普通法起源于英格兰7Ⅱ The main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the 8main traditional source of the civil law is legislation. Thus there are 9many codes in civil law countries instead of unwritten laws in common law 10system.11普通法的主要传统渊源是案例法,民法的主要传统渊源是成文法。
因此民法国12家用许多成文法典取代普通法国家的不成文法13Ⅲ The civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the 14common law system pays more attention to procedural rules.15民法法系更多关注实体法,普通法更关注程序规则16Ⅳ The classification of law is different. The civil law is separated 17into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common 18law and equity.19法的分类不同,民法法系分为公法和私法,普通法法系分为普通法和衡平法20Ⅴ The role of judges and professors is another difference. Since theory 21and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system,22professor plays the important role to expose laws to students. In the 23contrary, case-law is the main source of common law, thus the judges has 24the discretion to make laws while trialing cases.25法官和学者的作用不同,因为理论和学说在民法法系中的重要性,学者在教授26学生法律时十分重要。
相反的,案例法是普通法法系的主要渊源,因此法官在审27理案件时有造法的自由裁量权28Ⅵ The civil procedure: Adversary system (对抗式诉讼)of common law 29system needs the parties to show the case the jury or the judges. And the 30judges need to be neutral and impartial. Inquisitorial system(纠问式31诉讼) in civil law countries give the judges the power to investigate 32the case during the trail and also can ask the parties and the witnesses.33民事诉讼程序:普通法法系的对抗式需要双方把案件展示给法官或陪审团。
362 To discuss the main features of the American court system37(P17-19)38There are fifty-two court systems in the U.S. ----each of the fifty 39states has its own system of courts, one for the District of Columbia and40a federal system. They are independent systems of court.41美国存在52个法院系统,每一个州都有自己的法院系统,还有一个是哥伦比42亚特区的和一个联邦法院系统。
43In the state court systems, court structures and court nomenclature vary 44from state to state. But all the state court systems exhibit a hierarchical 45structure, in which the decisions of lower courts may be taken for review 46to a higher court. Typically a state system will include several tiers 47of court:48在州法院系统中,法院的结构和名称各不相同。
但所有的州法院系统都是一种49层级结构,低级法院的判决可能被高级法院所推翻,但型的州法院系统通常包括50以下几个层级:511) Trial courts of inferior jurisdiction522) trial courts of general jurisdiction533) appellate courts54下级管辖权的初审法院55普遍管辖权的初审法院56上诉法院57The trial courts of inferior jurisdiction hear civil suits involving 58relatively small amounts of money and minor violations of the criminal 59law. While the trial courts of general jurisdiction can hear all kinds 60of cases, without monetary or subject matter limitation.61下级管辖权的初审法院审理标的额相对小的民事案件和轻微的刑事违法案件。
63Every case should first be heard at the trial court. Then the party who 64loses at the trial court stage has a right to appeal case to the appellate 65court. Every state has its court of last resort, the appellate court which 66makes the final decision (subject to occasional review on ―federal 67questions‖ by the Supreme Court of the United States) of what the law 68is and should be. Most states have created intermediate appellate courts, 69empowered to finally dispose of the bulk of appellate cases.70每个案件都应该先在初审法院审理,输掉的一方有权将案件上诉到上诉法院,71每个州都有它的终审法院,受理上诉的法院会作出最终的裁决(受制于美国最高72法院作出的关于联邦问题的临时性的判决对法律的解释)大多数州都有中级上诉73法院,有权最终处理大多数经上诉法院审理的案子。
74The structure of the federal judicial system is similar to what is found 75in the various states. There are three levels of courts:76(1) U.S. district courts (trial courts of general jurisdiction) and 77various courts of limited jurisdiction78(2) U.S. courts of appeals (intermediate courts of appeals), and79(3) the United States Supreme Court. Not like the other courts in federal 80judicial systems which are created by congress, the Supreme Court is 81created by Constitution. There are a few specialized federal courts (e.g. , 82the claims courts or the tax court ) which operate like District court 83in their specialized jurisdiction.84联邦法院的结构类似于各州的结构,分为三层:85有普遍管辖权的联邦地区法院,和有各种有限管辖权的法院86联邦上诉法院(中级上诉法院)和87美国最高法院。