

关于动物的英文PPT 图文

关于动物的英文PPT 图文
灾区孩子的答案是:有房子住, 有好衣 服穿就 是幸福 。灾难 毁掉了 他们的 家园, 这些孩 子因此 没有了 家。人 们常说 :家是 每个人 的避风 港。是 的,没 有了避 风港的 孩子还 怎么谈 得上幸 福呢? 所以, 对于灾 区孩子 来说, 有房子 住,有 衣服穿 就是幸 福。www .28404 .com 学生的答案是:能取得理想的成 绩,考 上好的 大学, 就是幸 福。每 个莘莘 学子都 渴望自 己的努 力得到 回报, 考上理 想的大 学也是 他们所 追求的 目标, 所以, 对于学 生来说 ,取得 理想的 成绩, 考上好 的大学 就是幸 福。
The mammals
Snow leopard
Mammal is a constant, vertebrate, body hair, most of them are viviparous, the breastfeeding future generations, they are the animals in the history of the development of the most advanced stage, is most closely related to humans.
许多动物由于人类 活动的干扰使得领 地缩小,以及经济 利益的驱使受到猎 杀已经灭绝或处于 灭绝的边缘。
There are Less than 1600 wild giant pandas around the world and it belongs to the Chinese national animal protection level 国家一级保护动物
due to the outstanding body structure Tibetan antelope are killed by people who are driven by economic interests 大量偷猎



Social Skills
Course objectives
It is suitable for both boys and girls
Children should have basic English language skills to fully benefit from this course
such as snakes, lizards, crocodiles, etc.
such as butterflies, ants, bees, etc.
Lions are social animals that usually come out to hunt at dusk or dawn to make a living by hunting other animals.
Questions and Answers
Ask questions about the story content and encourage children to actively answer to deepen their understanding of the plot.
Role analysis
Listening to music and singing
Action coordination
Repetitive practice
Learn to sing the memory of a song
Dance arrangement
Based on the content of the song, arrange simple and interesting dance movements, so that children can express their understanding and love for animals through dance while learning to sing.


• They can be found in both land and water environments.
• They have a head and a tail, and flattened bodies.
• A tapeworm is a flatworm that can live inside the body of animals and humans. It can cause you to become sick.
skeleton is made of spiky fibers. • Water flows through the holes of their body
which enables them to catch food.
Corals, Hydras, and Jellyfish
environment. • They live in hot, dry deserts and in warm, wet
tropical rain forests.
Bird Characteristics
• Birds lay hard shelled eggs that hatch in their nest. • There are about 9,000 types of birds. • Birds are vertebrates that have wings and they are
Mammal Characteristics
• They include a wide range of animals: ape, lions, kangaroos, bats, and etc.


• 最后,小袋鼠长到育儿袋里再也容纳不下了,它只好搬到袋外来住。 可它还得靠吃母袋鼠的奶过日子,就把头钻到育儿袋里去吃奶。
• 经过三四年,袋鼠才能发育成熟,成为身高1.6米、体重100多公斤的 大袋鼠。这时候,它的体力发展到了顶点,每小时能跳走65公里路; 尾巴一扫,就可以致人于死地
• 澳大利亚之所以让袋鼠作为国徽上动物之 一,还有一个原因,就是它永远只会往前 跳,永远不会后退。希望人们也有像袋鼠 一样,永不退缩的精神 。
• 白头海雕是飞行的能手。它们在滑翔和鼓翼时的 飞行速度可达时速56至70公里,若飞行时抓着鱼, 其飞行速度仍可达时速48公里白头海雕一般只会 吱吱嘎嘎地叫。视觉是白头海雕最重要的一种感 觉。白头海雕视觉的清晰度超乎寻常,甚至比它 的色觉还要好。良好的视觉使它们能够更容易瞧 见猎物的藏身处。有些东西在人类看来不过是一 团米色的皮毛,而一只白头海雕却能清清楚楚地 辨出那是五只颜色各异的松鼠 。
鼠是最大的有袋动物,也是袋鼠类的代表种类, 堪称现代有袋类动物之王。
• 大赤袋鼠的形体似老鼠,仿佛一只特大的巨鼠。
• 袋鼠是澳洲的象征物,出现在澳洲国徽中, 以及一些澳洲货币图案上。许多澳洲的组 织团体,如澳洲航空,也将袋鼠作为其标 志。澳大利亚军队的车辆,舰船在海外执 行任务时很多时候都会涂上袋鼠标志。
美国2008年发行的钱币(白头海雕图案)人们还可以 在美国国徽和几种美国硬币的背面(包括25美分硬币) 找到白头海雕的肖像。 在1916年到1945年之间,美国总统旗 (Presidential Flag)中的白头海雕是朝着右方的。 在世界和平时美国国徽中的白头海雕会被改成脸向着橄榄树枝,



4.Classification: a. Holland Lop(荷兰垂耳兔) b. American Fuzzy Lop(美种
c. Jersey Wooly(泽西长毛兔) d. Lion Head(狮子兔) e. Netherland Dwarf(荷兰侏儒
1.Upper lip middle division, is a typical three petal mouths
1.Mainly fish, mussels, shrimp, crab, maggots, rodents, birds, insects and small animals for food
2.Live in forests, grasslands, semi desert, foothills
1.Relatively small, short neck, Located in the rear of the body and legs, go swaying gait
2.The duck can be divided into the dabbling and diving ducks, wood ducks 3 groups
6.Generally speaking, can live 100 years, According to the textual research
with more than 300 years, some even over a thousand years
1.Is very scarce, belonging to the national level protected animals 2.Body color is black and white, Feed on bamboo
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The South China tiger or South Chinese tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis), also known as the Chinese, Amoy, or Xiamen tiger, is a subspecies of tiger native to the forests of Southern China. The South China tiger is one of the smaller and it is the most critically endangered of any of the living tiger subspecies
The giant panda, or panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, literally meaning "black and white cat-foot")[2] is a bear[3] native to central-western and south western China.[4] It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the panda's diet is 99% bamboo.
➢The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native to Australia, and the only extant
representative of the family Phascolarctidae
hours, and play
games2 hours.
(*^__^Байду номын сангаас) 嘻嘻
❖ The Chinese alligator or Alligator is one of two known living species of Alligator, a genus in the family Alligatoridae. The Chinese alligator is native only to China. It is smaller than the other alligator species, the American alligator, growing to an average of 1.5 m (5 ft).
The koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia, from Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula.
I sleep 20 hours everyday, eat food 2
克罗斯河大猩猩Gorilla gorilla diehli Gorillas are the largest species of primates. Gorillas are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes which inhabit the forests of central Africa. Gorillas are divided into two species and (still under debate as of 2008) either four or five subspecies. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to that of a human, between 95 and 99% depending on what is counted,[3] and they are the next closest living relatives to humans after the two chimpanzee species.