《英语新闻阅读与写作》(双语课件PPT)-5 basic news lead 新闻开头的写法.ppt

Activity 1:
▪ Read the following news, and discuss in groups whether the leads tell you the most important or attractive information.
1. Chinese courts told to listen
▪ The courts must constantly listen to the public so they can carry out their work in a better way, Shen Deyong, executive vice president of the SPC, told a national conference on the publicity work of courts.
English News Reading and Writing
Chapter 5 :Basic News Lead
The Lead
1. What is a lead? ▪ Lead is the first paragraph in the news
story. 2. What can a lead do? ▪ Catch the reader’s attention ▪ Tell readers what’s important ▪ Pull readers into more detail
▪ The money funded 188 key projects covering infrastructure building, urban development, environmental protection and cultural conservation, the regional government said in a press release.

B.1950 C.1951
Thanks for watching~
Conቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱents
Introduction Body Background Comment Questions
When the news about “ female virtue school” broke in Fushun city , Liaoning Province , the whole country was enraged(激 怒).
When did Chairman Mao make his famous assertion "women hold up half of the sky” ?
Why was the institute closed? A. Because it couldn‟t recruit new students. B. Because it wasn‟t wellknown. C. Because its teachings went against modern social morality.
These school targeted families who had troubled teenagers or women who were in unhappy marriages , promised to solve their problems through its version of traditional culture.
Such “female virtues” had been widely accepted during China„s feudal(封建) era, Including obeying their father, husband and son ,guarding their virginity(贞操) and understanding that a woman without talent was virtuous. These rules were used as tools to enslave and suppress(压制) women.

• 3.Diamond theory has become a lead of system, it was against labour market, for the solution of various policy issues is very helpful. but his theory is far beyond the labour market can apply to other areas, can be used in the property market in economics and family economics and so on. this year's winner of their theory has been greatly improved the relevant market theory.
• • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. friction 摩擦 microscopic 微观 mechanism 机制 ,结构,技巧 relevant员: 085052320 • 085052321 • 085052323 • 085052325 • 085052326 • 085052327 马秀娟 刘 丽 齐妞妞 胡 娜 罗国月 张庆粉
The Price in Economic Sciences 2010
2010年三位诺贝尔经济学奖得主 2010年三位诺贝尔经济学奖得主 个人简介
彼得·戴蒙德(Peter A. Diamond)生于1940年 ,1960年毕业于耶鲁大学,获数学学士学 位;1963年,年仅23岁就获得了麻省理工 学院经济学博士学位,之后在加州大学伯克 利分校开始教学生涯。自1966年起至今, 戴蒙德一直在麻省理工学院任教。2002至 2003年,戴蒙德被推选为美国经济协会主 席。上月13日,美国总统奥巴马提名他为美 联储委员会理事。据了解,彼得·戴蒙德 (Peter Diamond)是世代交叠模型的提出者 ,社会保障、养老金和税收问题专家。

• 中国人民银行近日决定,自10月15日起将把 人民币存款准备金率下调1个百分点。
• Wen Bin, chief researcher of ChinaMinsheng Bank, said that the move would unleash 1.2 trillion yuan of capital into the market, but it would not change the central bank's stance ofsticking to a prudent and ne utral monetary policy, as its goal was to red uce financing costsof the real economy.
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
• 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上 保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。
political news
• Former South Korean president Lee My ungbak hasbeen jailed for 15 years for corruption.
• 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判 入狱15年。
• 该法院认定这位前领导人收受了电子公 司三星数十亿韩元,以此作为赦免其董 事长李健熙的答谢。不过三星方面否认 给了李明博这笔钱。
Key words
• commerce ['kɔmə:s] • n. 贸易,商业 • prudent ['pru:dənt] • adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的 • financing [fi'nænsiŋ] • n. 融资;财务;筹措资金
• Wen Bin, chief researcher of ChinaMinsheng Bank, said that the move would unleash 1.2 trillion yuan of capital into the market, but it would not change the central bank's stance ofsticking to a prudent and ne utral monetary policy, as its goal was to red uce financing costsof the real economy.
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
• 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上 保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。
political news
• Former South Korean president Lee My ungbak hasbeen jailed for 15 years for corruption.
• 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判 入狱15年。
• 该法院认定这位前领导人收受了电子公 司三星数十亿韩元,以此作为赦免其董 事长李健熙的答谢。不过三星方面否认 给了李明博这笔钱。
Key words
• commerce ['kɔmə:s] • n. 贸易,商业 • prudent ['pru:dənt] • adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的 • financing [fi'nænsiŋ] • n. 融资;财务;筹措资金
Reading News 新闻英语阅读课件

cry/say uncle Informal To indicate a willingness to give up a fight or surrender
average land temperature advocate: person who supports or speaks in favour of a chauases, proilicsye, entc by about 1.8 8CodleGgdraedeedssagFfikraehveereeennptshueatilFtilyscibanechceastmrhceeeemtnhiedph-l1ote9ni5gci0etss.t(-ssbienrrviinctg.e)no:tnh-sroeoyamlmruleeirdoin-nth1ee9wo5wrl0d husn.otil hehwaassdedpooseud jbustt stwoambonothsuagto. II•fkesao'msTeBoihlnltyehebgoiuofnskihcgneasssd,ethiisetnyhonegaexpsotr,fetsohrseetthshtleaeirpelaaerdssmopeifraedetvioeonroyopnsrtpuleldeTeanshttu'shruehioinrnuasskendheoaxalda.ygrgeebrattyerduaweayg. orrouripghotf sciuenstiwstas yaend s-tnaotitstinicfilaunesnactedthoerUanffievecrtesidty. of When liquid gushes out of something, or when something gushes a liquid, the liquid flows out very quickly and in large quantities.
average land temperature advocate: person who supports or speaks in favour of a chauases, proilicsye, entc by about 1.8 8CodleGgdraedeedssagFfikraehveereeennptshueatilFtilyscibanechceastmrhceeeemtnhiedph-l1ote9ni5gci0etss.t(-ssbienrrviinctg.e)no:tnh-sroeoyamlmruleeirdoin-nth1ee9wo5wrl0d husn.otil hehwaassdedpooseud jbustt stwoambonothsuagto. II•fkesao'msTeBoihlnltyehebgoiuofnskihcgneasssd,ethiisetnyhonegaexpsotr,fetsohrseetthshtleaeirpelaaerdssmopeifraedetvioeonroyopnsrtpuleldeTeanshttu'shruehioinrnuasskendheoaxalda.ygrgeebrattyerduaweayg. orrouripghotf sciuenstiwstas yaend s-tnaotitstinicfilaunesnactedthoerUanffievecrtesidty. of When liquid gushes out of something, or when something gushes a liquid, the liquid flows out very quickly and in large quantities.

• Anyone can take part in the competition. Well, almost anyway; the Associated Press notes that lawyers and politicians are banned, citing “an unfair advantage” in the proceedings.
• Last year’s winning entry came from Glen Boyland, who told a lie about competing in a snail-racing competition with Prince Charles.
Байду номын сангаас
A bishop of Carlisle reportedly holds what may be the greatest lie of all time in the competition,simply stating, “I have never told a lie in my life.”
Vettel can take nothing for granted
SAO PAULO - Sebastian Vettel can become Formula One's youngest triple champion without scoring a point in Sunday's season-ending Brazilian Grand Prix but Fernando Alonso has a more sensational script in mind. If Ferrari's Alonso retires from what promises to be a nail-biting race at Interlagos, the title will go to his Red Bull rival there and then - just as it will if the Spaniard fails to finish in the top three. The odds favour 25-year-old Vettel, who has a 13-point lead, overwhelmingly but Formula Onehas a habit of ripping up comfortable predictions and turning the seemingly inevitable into the incredible.

4. News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance, use, or interest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience. 新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中 的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或 趣味性。
• 软新闻:人情味较浓的社会新闻(社会花 边新闻、娱乐新闻、体育新闻、服务性新闻 等),形式上通俗,注重趣味性。它没有明 确的时间界定,多属于延缓性新闻,无时间 的紧迫性。它和人们的切身利益无多大关 系,向受众提供娱乐、开阔眼界、增长知 识、陶冶情操。
• the content of the reported events
2. News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西, 便是新 闻。而最好的新闻则是那种能够激起最大多数人最 大兴趣的东西。
• the issuing medium of the reported events
e.g. print news, broadcast news, TV news, online news, etc.
B. Identify news styles
There are mainly four news styles which are (1) news reporting (消息报道 ) (2) feature (特写) (3)editorial (社论) (4)advertisement (广告)
• 软新闻:人情味较浓的社会新闻(社会花 边新闻、娱乐新闻、体育新闻、服务性新闻 等),形式上通俗,注重趣味性。它没有明 确的时间界定,多属于延缓性新闻,无时间 的紧迫性。它和人们的切身利益无多大关 系,向受众提供娱乐、开阔眼界、增长知 识、陶冶情操。
• the content of the reported events
2. News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西, 便是新 闻。而最好的新闻则是那种能够激起最大多数人最 大兴趣的东西。
• the issuing medium of the reported events
e.g. print news, broadcast news, TV news, online news, etc.
B. Identify news styles
There are mainly four news styles which are (1) news reporting (消息报道 ) (2) feature (特写) (3)editorial (社论) (4)advertisement (广告)

It' s not the real question.
Why we live?
If it can brings us happiness , you just try to do it. To realized our value.
The philosopher Karl Marx told the world: “Labor or practice is the essence of man.”
The world is changing every second.
We calm down like water and smile. We will find our value.
Don’t worry
Thank you
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考! 部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!
The man-machine war at the end of March 15, human lost. Finally ,the "war” ended up with 1:4 . Korea decided to award "alpha go" of nine masters.
In the past , we can use robot to do something what nobody can do or will do. And we never think about this!
Intelligence quotient
Artificial intelligence
In 1946,the first computer was born.
It' s not the real question.
Why we live?
If it can brings us happiness , you just try to do it. To realized our value.
The philosopher Karl Marx told the world: “Labor or practice is the essence of man.”
The world is changing every second.
We calm down like water and smile. We will find our value.
Don’t worry
Thank you
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考! 部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!
The man-machine war at the end of March 15, human lost. Finally ,the "war” ended up with 1:4 . Korea decided to award "alpha go" of nine masters.
In the past , we can use robot to do something what nobody can do or will do. And we never think about this!
Intelligence quotient
Artificial intelligence
In 1946,the first computer was born.

A growing number of British newspapers began his things
• 越来越多 人了解了 他的事情
Then he met Jimmy Carr
Have been to downing street
Met Mr Cameron
His list an a is completed.. Has for the first item in the list of his effort: raise money for cancer research charity 1 million pounds...
All British newspapers reported, Raised 50 more than 500000 pounds less than 24 hours, completed his 1 million goals
全英国的报纸都报道了他,不到24小时就筹到了50超过 50万英镑,完成了他100万的目标。
可是,好景不长,1年之后hat he was unable to cure, so he started to write on the Internet share cancer story "Stephen's story“
• • • • •
他自知无法治愈,于是他开始在网上写“斯蒂芬的故事”分享抗癌故事 He gave his column a before leave this world 46 a list of things to do. And then start to this list to the... 他还给自己列了个在离开这个世界前要做的46件事情的列表。 然后开始为着这个列表努力着….

• A day prior to the accident, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council published draft regulations aimed at improving school bus safety, a move sparked by a nationwideoutcry following the deaths of 20 children in an overcrowded, nine-seat bus.
• The accident occurred around 6 pm on Monday when the busoverturned into a river. Twenty-nine pupils were aboard at the time, a publicity official from the city of Xuzhou, told China Daily.
• The accident occurred around 6 pm on Monday when the busoverturned into a river.
• At the accident ,12 pupils had dபைடு நூலகம்ed and 11 were injured, including three severely,after a few days, The death toll to 15 people.
• As of 11:30 pm on Monday, 12 pupils had died and 11 were injured, including three severely, Zhang said.The bus driver only suffered minor injuries.

• 中国民生银行首席研究员温彬表示,此举将把 1.2万亿元人民币的资金释放入市场,但这不 会改变央行坚持审慎和中性的货币政策的atement of the central bank said th at some of the liquidity unleashed will be used to payback the 450 billion yua n of the mediumterm lending facility th at will mature on Oct 15.
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
• 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上 保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。
political news
• Former South Korean president Lee My ungbak hasbeen jailed for 15 years for corruption.
• 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判 入狱15年。
• 央行的一则声明称,此次降准所释放的部 分流动性将用于偿还10月15日到期的 4500亿元中期借贷便利
• There are sufficient conditions for the R MB exchange rate to remain basically st able at areasonable and balanced level, it said.
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
• 该声明称,人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上 保持基本稳定的条件是充分的。
political news
• Former South Korean president Lee My ungbak hasbeen jailed for 15 years for corruption.
• 近日,韩国前总统李明博因贪污腐败被判 入狱15年。
• 央行的一则声明称,此次降准所释放的部 分流动性将用于偿还10月15日到期的 4500亿元中期借贷便利
• There are sufficient conditions for the R MB exchange rate to remain basically st able at areasonable and balanced level, it said.
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demanding."Our performance
The girl is writing. The beautiful girl is writing in the class. The beautiful girl is writing in the Math class. The beautiful girl is writing seriously in the Math class. The beautiful girl, who will attend a writing competition ,is writing seriously in the Math class. The beautiful girl, who will attend a writing competition ,is writing seriously in the Math class,when the teacher calls her name.
intelligence, too.Professor Alex Wade, from the University of
York, said: "Games such as League of Legends and DOTA 2 are complex, in socially-interactive research these would can games and suggest be a intellectually that your of
That seemed to be confirmed by the study, which
compared people's levels of skill in the games with their IQ. The better people were at playing, the more their intelligence score, it found.A similar study that looked at chess suggested that more conventional games are good markers of
Being good at video games is aபைடு நூலகம்measure of intelligence, study finds
If you're good at games, you might also be good at everything else.That's according to a new study that found two of the world's most popular video games act like IQ tests. Those who are the best at them also get the highest scores on traditional intelligence tests, suggesting that video games might actually make you smarter.Both games – League of Legends and Defence of the Ancients 2 (DOTA 2) – combine strategic thinking with quick reactions, and so could both reward and train up particular kinds of thinking.
demanding."Our performance
The girl is writing. The beautiful girl is writing in the class. The beautiful girl is writing in the Math class. The beautiful girl is writing seriously in the Math class. The beautiful girl, who will attend a writing competition ,is writing seriously in the Math class. The beautiful girl, who will attend a writing competition ,is writing seriously in the Math class,when the teacher calls her name.
intelligence, too.Professor Alex Wade, from the University of
York, said: "Games such as League of Legends and DOTA 2 are complex, in socially-interactive research these would can games and suggest be a intellectually that your of
That seemed to be confirmed by the study, which
compared people's levels of skill in the games with their IQ. The better people were at playing, the more their intelligence score, it found.A similar study that looked at chess suggested that more conventional games are good markers of
Being good at video games is aபைடு நூலகம்measure of intelligence, study finds
If you're good at games, you might also be good at everything else.That's according to a new study that found two of the world's most popular video games act like IQ tests. Those who are the best at them also get the highest scores on traditional intelligence tests, suggesting that video games might actually make you smarter.Both games – League of Legends and Defence of the Ancients 2 (DOTA 2) – combine strategic thinking with quick reactions, and so could both reward and train up particular kinds of thinking.