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Important part of Chinese culture, a special mode
图:剪花娘子— —库淑兰 Colorful lady--by Shulan Ku
(4)中国剪纸也是一种民间传统装饰艺术 Also a traditional decoration arts
图:每逢新春佳节, 全国各地都有贴窗 花的习俗
(4)按照图案进行 Tailor with the outline
(5)展开即成 Unfold and it is done
二折叠法(two folding)
三折叠法 Three folding
四折叠法 Fore folding
五折叠法 Five folding
六折叠法 Six folding
希望大家剪得这只蝴蝶能够为大家 带来美好和幸福的未来!也希望大家像
蝴蝶一样美丽、快乐、自由! Wish these butterflies can bring the blessedness and happiness for us.
And wish everybody will be as beautiful, happy and free as the
Dragon and phoenix--most respected totem in China, hope for the perfect marriage
(5)中国剪纸的创作者主要是热爱生活的普通农村妇女 Usually Paper-cutting creator is the common women living in the countryside
Wishes for prosperity of the extended family and
better off.
中国剪纸蕴含着极其丰富而美好的文化意蕴,作 为传统文化的继承者和发扬者,我希望在座的每位同 学都能通过这一艺术形式的学习,从而深入了解和喜 欢我们的文化!
Chinese Paper-cutting carries lots of contents and vast culture. As a successor and promoter here, I hope you will be interested in the broad and profound Chinese culture through Paper-cutting.
Chinese New Year
People paste the paper-cuttings on the window
图:窗花《莲年有 余》——莲花、鲤鱼 寓意年年丰收吉祥
Window papercutting
lotus and fish--means good harvest and blessing
Peach means longevity
Peony represents the wealth and lucky
Coin --- well-off life
The whole picture shows the good wishes for the descendants
图:蝴蝶的“蝴”与幸福的 “福” 谐音,表达了对美好 生活的向往
a monochrome paper-cutting
dyeing paper-cut
Pile-up paper-cut
paper carving
撕纸 Paper-tearing
图:剪纸《鸳鸯戏 水》——鸳鸯在中国寓 意成双成对,寄托了对 新人的美好祝愿
Love duck---they come in a pair conveying the best wishes for the new couple
图:剪纸《龙凤呈祥》— —龙和凤作为中国最尊贵 的图腾,表达了新人的完 美结合
(6)中国剪纸表现着创作者对生活的美好祝愿 P.C conveys the creators’best wishes towards life
图:老鼠是中国的“子神”, 桃子寓意长寿,牡丹体现了 富贵吉祥,钱币表达了富足 的生活,整幅作品寄托了创 作者对子孙后代健康、富贵、 吉祥、幸福的祝愿
Mouse is the “protector angel of children”
图: 中国传统婚俗中也有贴剪纸的习惯 Paper-cutting is also a custom in traditional marriage
图:窗花《喜上眉 梢》——喜鹊、梅花都 是传达喜悦心情的图案, 体现了结婚的喜庆气氛
Window paper-cutting
Love birds and plum blossom ---deliver the delightful air of the marriage
heritage in China
Shulan Ku---Conferred with the title of MASTER OF INDUSTRIAL FOLK ART by the UNESCO
(2)中国剪纸历史悠久,距今已有1000多年的历史 Chinese Paper-cutting has a long history of more than 1000 years
中国剪纸艺术 Chinese Paper-cutting
重庆大学艺术学院视觉传达系教师 重庆大学民间艺术研究中心成员 况成泉 Institute of Folklore Culture Chongqing University : Lecturer:Chengquan Kuang
1、了解剪纸的主要特点、文化属性和分类 2、熟悉剪纸的常见纹样和寓意 3、掌握剪纸的基本技巧和创作方法 4、能够独立完成基本的剪纸创作任务
beautiful butterfly.
❖ Thank you!
图:对马团花——中 国最早出现的剪纸 (复原图) symmetrical horses and flowers---
the earliest papercutting has been discovered in China yet.
(Recovered version)
(3)剪纸是中国传统文化的一个组成部分也是传统文化的 一个特殊符号
❖ 剪刀、美工刀、铅笔、垫板 Scissors, Knife, Pencil, subplate(avoid the table from being carved)
❖ 纸张要用比较薄的,一般会用宣纸。教学最好用写春联 的红纸,颜色喜气。 Paper selection---choose the thiner paper, usually Xuan Paper. Better to use the red one which implies happiness.
Butterfly(hu)---similar pronounce with blessing(fu), wishes for a good life
族人丁兴旺,生活富裕的愿 望
Fish (yu)---similar pronounce with more (yu) or abundant (yu),


折 剪 纹
花 瓣 纹
旋 转 纹
牙 牙 纹
月 牙 纹
四、中国剪纸的步骤 Procedures
(1)准备正方形的红纸 Prepare the square red paper (2)对折 Fold into a half
(3)绘制图案 Draw the outline
★ 1、剪纸艺术简介(用时8分钟) 2、剪纸分类(用时3分钟)
★ 3、剪纸的工具、方法和流程(用时5分钟) 4、现场剪纸创作演示(用时2分钟)
Paper-cutting is the first non-material cultural