
1、开环直放式霍尔电流传感器当原边电流I P流过一根长导线时,在导线周围将产生一磁场,这一磁场的大小与流过导线的电流成正比,产生的磁场聚集在磁环内,通过磁环气隙中霍尔元件如HG-302C进行测量并放大输出,其输出电压V S精确的反映原边电流I P;一般的额定输出标定为4V;开环霍尔电流传感器的优点是结构简单,可靠性好,过载能力强,体积较小,开环式霍尔电流传感器一般线性度角差,且原边信号在上升和下降过程中副边输出会有不同;开环式霍尔电流传感器精度通常劣于1%;一般开环电流传感器采用的霍尔是HG-106A,HG-106C,HG-166A,HG-302A,HG-302C,HG-362A,SS495A,SS495A1;2、闭环磁平衡式霍尔电流传感器磁平衡式电流传感器也称补偿式传感器,即原边电流Ip在聚磁环处所产生的磁场通过一个次级线圈电流所产生的磁场进行补偿,其补偿电流Is精确的反映原边电流Ip,从而使霍尔器件如HW-300B,HW-302B处于检测零磁通的工作状态;当主回路有一电流通过时,在导线上产生的磁场被磁环聚集并感应到霍尔器件上,所产生的信号输出用于驱动功率管并使其导通,从而获得一个补偿电流Is;这一电流再通过多匝绕组产生磁场,该磁场与被测电流产生的磁场正好相反,因而补偿了原来的磁场,使霍尔器件的输出逐渐减小;当与Ip与匝数相乘所产生的磁场相等时,Is不再增加,这时的霍尔器件起到指示零磁通的作用,此时可以通过Is来测试Ip;当Ip变化时,平衡受到破坏,霍尔器件有信号输出,即重复上述过程重新达到平衡;被测电流的任何变化都会破坏这一平衡;一旦磁场失去平衡,霍尔器件HW-300B,HW-302B就有信号输出;经功率放大后,立即就有相应的电流流过次级绕组以对失衡的磁场进行补偿;从磁场失衡到再次平衡,所需的时间理论上不到1μs,是一个动态平衡的过程;因此,宏观上看,次级的补偿电流安匝数在任何时间都与初级被测电流的安匝数相等;一般来说闭环式电流传感器比开环电流传感器的精度更高,闭环霍尔电流传感器等特点是精度高,响应快,频带宽;闭环式霍尔电流传感器由于工作在零磁通状态,磁芯的非线性及磁滞效应不对输出造成影响,可以获得较好的线性度和较高的精度;闭环式霍尔电流传感器精度一般可达0.2%;闭环霍尔电流传感器一般采用的霍尔是HW-300B,HW-302B,HW-322B;3、霍尔电压闭环传感器霍尔电压传感器的工作原理与闭环式电流传感器相似,也是以磁平衡方式工作的;原边电压V P通过限流电阻Ri产生电流,流过原边线圈产生磁场,聚集在磁环内,通过磁环气隙中霍尔元件如HW-300B,HW-302B输出信号控制的补偿电流I S流过副边线圈产生的磁场进行补偿,其补偿电流I S精确的反映原边电压V P;霍尔电压闭环传感器采用的霍尔是HW-101A,HW-105A,HW-108A,HW-300B,HW-302B;。

Model SC42 and FF40/FS40/FD402/4-electrode design for Conductivity Flow fittings, Subassemblies and Immersion fittings18th EditionThe sensor, model SC42 and associated fitting program is designed to meet the most common installation requirements in terms of material compatibility, process connections and flowdynamics.Model SC42 sensor, available in various materials such as Epoxy, Stainless Steel, PTFE and PVDF, is intended to suit most processconditions. The sensor is provided either with a Amphenolconnector to fit the Yokogawa WU40 cable or Variopin connector to fit with Yokogawa WU10/WE10-cable. A wide range of flowand immersion fittings makes it possible to install the sensor in a permanent or semi-permanent location. The fittings of stainless steel might be used in sanitary applicationsAll sensors have a pre-calibrated cell constant and a built-in temperature element for automatic temperature compensation. Sensors with the Variopin connector are equipped with an ID-chip in which callibration information is stored for easy setup when connected to a SENCOM Smart Adapter model SA11-C1. For metal sensors a 3.1 material certificate is included. The sensors, except those equipped with Variopin connector, are ATEX certified for installation in zone 0 environments when connected to a certified intrinsically safe Yokogawa analyser, model SC202S or FLXA21 or a certified intrinsically safe circuit with defined output parameters (refer General Specifications of each sensor for details).GeneralSpecificationsFeatures• Built-in temperature resistor: Pt1000• Fast temperature response• Plug and cable form a water tight connection to IP67• Selection of cell constant 0.01 cm -1 to 10 cm -1• Sensor with 8 pin Variopin with ID chip for SENCOM SA11-C1 use • ATEX/IECEx certified • W ide range of sensors to suit most process conditions including ultra-pure water applications • Wide range of mountings• Standard quality inspection certificate with delivery of sensor2GS 12D07J01-01E-ESpecificationsGeneral SpecificationsModel SC42Measuring elements 2(EP16) series4-electrode for SC42-EP08 (EP18); SC42-FP/FV08 (TP/TV08) Pt1000 temperature sensor MaterialsWetted parts sensor: Body SC42-SP/SV : Stainless Steel AISI 316L SC42-EP : Glass filled epoxy resin SC42-FP/FV : PVDF, GlassSC42-TP/TV : Glass filled PTFE, Glass Electrodes SC42-SP/SV : Stainless Steel AISI 316L SC42-EP : G raphite impregnated with epoxy resin SC42-FP/FV : Platinum SC42-TP/TV : Platinum O-ring SC42-SP/SV : Viton SC42-FP/FV : VitonSC42-TP/TV: Kalrez™F or the -FP/FV and -TP/TV the supplied O-ring for sealing in the fitting is Viton. Insulation -SP/SV : PEEK 450G, FDA migration tested Connector: Amphenol: Contacts : gold plated Plug : Polyamide Variopin: Contacts : gold platedMaterial : Nickel-plated brass Insulation : PEEK, UL94-V0IP class: IP67Functional specifications (at 25°C)Temperature element SC42 : Pt1000 to IEC 751 Nominal Cell Constant SC42-SP/SV24 : 0.1 cm -1 SC42-SP/SV34 : 0.01 cm -1 SC42 (EP08) : 10 cm -1 SC42-EP14 (EP18) : 1 cm -1 SC42-EP15 (EP16) : 1 cm -1 SC42-FP/FV : 10 cm -1 SC42-TP/TV : 10 cm -1Note: T he SC42 temperature sensor is designed formeasurement compensation and for indication. It is NOT designed for process temperature control. Dynamic specificationsResponse time temperature t 90 SC42-SP/SV24 : < 3 min. SC42-SP/SV34 : < 1 min. SC42-EP04 (EP08) : < 3 min. SC42-EP14 (EP18) : < 2 min. SC42-EP15 (EP16) : < 3 min. SC42-FP/FV : < 1 min. SC42-TP/TV : < 1 min.Operating range C onductivity at actual process temperature : 1 µS * C.C. – 200 mS * C.C. See Fig. 1: Measuring range of conductivity sensorsFig. 1 Measuring range of conductivity sensorsTemperature SC42-SP/SV : 0°C to 150°C (32°F to 302°F) SC42-EP : 0°C to 110°C (32°F to 230°F)SC42-FP/FV : 0°C to 110°C (32°F to 230°F) SC42-TP/TV : 0°C to 110°C (32°F to 230°F)Pressure SC42-SP/SV : 0 to 10 bar (0 to 142 PSIG)SC42-EP : 0 to 10 bar (0 to 142 PSIG)SC42-FP/FV : 0 to 10 bar (0 to 142 PSIG)SC42-TP/TV : 0 to 2 bar (0 to 28 PSIG) C able length for Sensors with Amphenol connector or Variopin connector directly connected to FLXA analyzer : m ax. 60 meter with WU10 orWU10 in combination with WF10 cable and BA10 junction boxF or sensors with suffix -VS combined with SA11-C1 : O ptional 3 meter WE10 cablecombined with SA11 Smart AdapterSA11-C1 Smart Adapter : D irectly connected to the analyzerusing a WU11 cable up to 100 meters orConnected to a BA11 connetion box using WU11 cable upto 100 m. The BA11 connection box is connected to the analyzer using a WU11 cable up to 100m Regulatory standards(only for SC42 with Amphenol connector) ATEX : D irective 2014/34/EUby applying: EN 60079-0 EN 60079-11 EN 60079-26 Certificate no . II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4… T6 Ga ECExApplying standards : I EC 60079-0 : IEC 60079-11 : IEC 60079-26 Certificate no. : I ECEx DEK 14.0032X Ex ia IIC T4…T6 Ga Conformity: E AC (Eurasia) TS (Taiwan)3GS 12D07J01-01E-EElectrical data for ATEX/IECEx : F or sensor input circuit connectedtoA certified intrinsically safe circuit with the following maximum values:Ui = 14.4 V; Ii = 116.5 mA; Pi = 0.342 W orCertified intrinsically safe Yokogawa ContactConductivity transmitter Model FLXA21 series orModel SC202S series.T he effective internal capacitanceCi and the effective internal inductance Li of the sensordepends only upon the properties and length of the integral cable. Special conditions (X): T 6 for Tamb. -30°C to 40°C T5 for Tamb. -30°C to 95°CT4 for Tamb. -30°C to 130°CI mpact on the product shall be avoided.Electrostatic charges on the enclosure shall be avoided.From the safety point of view the circuits shall be assumed to be connected to earth.Regulatory standards (all types) CE: Decision 768/2008/ECPressure : D irective 2014/68/EUApplying article : 4.3 (Sound Engineering Practice)- RoHS2 : Directive 2011/65/EU Applying category : 9 (Industrial monitoring and control instruments)Shipping detailsPackage size (LxWxH) : 300 x 95 x 73 mm (11.8 x 3.7 x 2.9 inch) Package weight : 0.3 to 0.8 kg (0.7 to 1.8 lbs), depends on sensor type Environmental conditions Storage temperature: -30°C to 50°C (-22°F to 122°F)Installation of SC42 sensorsTo install the SC42 conductivity sensors in a permanent or semi-permanent location, Yokogawa can supply a range of flow andimmersion fittings. These fittings and sub-assemblies are available in different materials to give the best solution for any process considering chemical resistance, pressure and temperature specifications. Flow fittings are available with optional flange adapters. When installing the SC42 sensor in a fitting, an O-ring is necessary. This O-ring is available in different materials to improve chemical resistance.If the SC42 sensor is supplied with an O-ring, the O-ring in the fitting must be removed.Typical installation of SC42 sensor in FF40 Flow fittings/ FS40 Flow fitting assembliesFrom a practical point of view, the best mounting place for aconductivity sensor is in a by-pass with a sample valve. For these applications the following Flow fittings/Flow fitting subassemblies are ideal: Model FF40: Flow fitting, Model FS40: Flow fitting subassemblyWhen using the sensor in combination with a Flow fitting or Flow fitting subassembly, the process flow has to be taken into account when mounting the sensor. For an example see figure 2Fig. 1 Pressure vs temperature4GS 12D07J01-01E-Ein FF40-P22/FF40-V22 *) in FF40-S22 *)Modelcode FF40 Flowfitting:Model code Suffix code Option code Description FF40 Flow fitting Material - P22 Polypropylene (PP) - S22 Stainless steel (AISI 316L) - V22 Polyvinylchloride (PVC)Optional Flange adapters /FP1 DN15 PN10 PP (NPT ½” Male lap joint) /FP2 DN25 PN10 PP /FP3 ½” ANSI 150 lbs PP /FP4 1” ANSI 150 lbs PP /FS1 DN15 PN10 SS AISI 316 /FS2 DN25 PN10 SS AISI 316 /FS3 ½” ANSI 150 lbs SS AISI 316 /FS4 1” ANSI 150 lbs AISI 316Material Certificate /M 3.1 according to EN-10024 for Stainless steel wetted parts*Note: Not possible for sensors with suffix code -EP165GS 12D07J01-01E-EFlange adapters are available for the FF40-P22 (option /FP*) and for the FF40-S22 (option /FS*)Type DN15PN10 DN25-PN10 1/2” 150 lbs 1” 150 lbs L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2 L1 L2FF40-S22 226 123 236 133 8 7/8” 4 13/16” 9 5/16” 5 1/4”FF40-P22 247 123 236 112 9 3/4” 4 7/8” 9 5/16” 47/16”6GS 12D07J01-01E-EModelcode FS40 Subassembly for Flow fitting Model code Suffix code Option codeDescription FS40 SubassemblyMaterial - F22 Polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) - S22 Stainless steel (AISI 316L)- S23 Stainless steel (AISI 316L) for EP16 model sensor - V22 Polyvinylchloride (PVC)Mounting - WE Weld-in socket for - S22 and - S23 Glue-in socket for - V22- PA Parallel thread, only for - F22, (ISO 228/1-G11/4”) - TP Tapered pipe thread (11/4” NPT)- DFF or insertion type sensor with collar piece DN25 in combination with - S23Material Certificate/M3.1 according to EN-10024 for Stainless steel wetted parts7GS 12D07J01-01E-E8GS 12D07J01-01E-ETypical installation of SC42 sensor in FD40 Immersion fittingThe immersion fittings are for installing the SC42 sensor in tanks, open vessels or drains. If the fitting is mounted in a tank with agitator or if it is placed in a fast flowing process, care must be taken that the fitting is adequately supported. For this reason several mounting flanges can be ordered.Modelcode FD40 Immersion fittingModel code Suffix code Option code DescriptionFD40V28 Immersion fitting PVCFD40S28 Immersion fitting Stainless Steel AISI 316L Immersion - Between 05 and 20 decimeter depth (Example 06 = 6 dm. = 0.6 m.) - NC No Cable Flange - FN No Flange- F1 PVC flange DN50 PN10 - F2 PVC flange ANSI 2” 150 lbs- F3 Stainless Steel flange DN50 PN10 - F4 Stainless Steel flange ANSI 2” 150 lbsStyle code * B Protection hose /PH5 For 5.5 meter mounting cable /PH10 For 10 meter mounting cable Mounting cable /C05 Length 5,5 meter* /C10 Length 10 meter*Material Certificate /M3.1 according to EN-10024 for SS wetted parts*Note: I f it is necessary to use the fitting with another mounting cable length, this cable can be ordered separately as WU40 model(Amphenol connector) or WU10/WE10 (Variopin connector).Model code Suffix code DescriptionWU10Universal sensor cable Conn. type -V Variopin Cable type -D Dual Coax Cable length -02 2 meters -05 5 meters -10 10 meters -15 15 meters -20 20 metersModel code Suffix code Description WU40Sensor cable Cable length - LH01 1 meter - LH02 2 meters - LH05 5½ meters - LH10 10 meters - LH15 15 meters - LH20 20 meters- LH2525 meters9GS 12D07J01-01E-EDimensions SC42 sensors.10GS 12D07J01-01E-ESC42-EP04 (EP08)11GS 12D07J01-01E-EWiring SC42 sensors The SC42 sensors are provided with a fixed connector. The standard cable used to connect the sensor with Amphenol connector to the analyser is the WU40. The standard cable used to connect the sensor with VP connector to the analyzer is the WU10. These cables are available up to 25/20 meters. When a longer cable run is necessary (maximum cable run is 60 meters), this can be done by using the WF10 extension cable in combination with the BA10 connection box.3.5 Modelcode SC42Model Suffix Code Option code Description SC42** C onductivity Sensor 2- or 4- electrodes + Pt1000Materials -E Epoxy / graphite -S Stainless steel AISI 316L / PEEK -F PVDF / Glass / Platinum -T PTFE / Glass / Platinum Mounting P Plug-in type, plug-socket connector V P lug-in type, VarioPin connector with SENCOM ID-chip*Cell constant 0 C = 10 cm-1 1 C = 1 cm-1 2 C = 0,1 cm-1 3 C = 0,01 cm-1Type 4 2-electrode, flow cell 5 2-electrode, insertion cell 6 2-electrode, insertion cell with DN25 collar 8 4-electrode, flow cell Options N/A*Note: Suffix V not ATEX/IECEx certified. Suffix V not in combination with suffix -E (Epoxy).**Note: 3.1 Material certificate according to EN 10024 is standard delivered with this sensor.GS 12D07J01-01E-ESubject to change without notice Printed in The Netherlands, 18-1905 Copyright©。
CK Switches KSC系列液体氮触摸开关数据手册说明书

T a c t i l e S w i t c h esKSC SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMTFeatures/Benefits• Positive tactile feeling • J or G terminations • Various heights • IP67SpecificationFUNCTION: Momentary actionCONTACT ARRANGEMENT: 1 make contact = SPST, N.O.TERMINALS: J bend & Gullwing type for SMT SEALING: IP67 except KSC5 (IP50)Liability LimitationThis datasheet does not provide enough information forapplications that require a certain level of quality or safety such as automotive, medical systems, or safety equipement. Please contact customer service for the contractual specification package.EnvironmentalSilver Gold OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 85˚C -40˚C to 125˚C STORAGE TEMPERATURE:-55˚C to 85˚C-55˚C to 125˚CProcessSOLDERING: Depending on the application, this component issuited to the following methods:– Terminals being silver or gold plated over a nickel barrier, the use of slightly activated flux is suitable.– Soldering on double wave machine for vertical versions: soldering time ≤ 5 sec.– Cleaning according to typical washing processes.– Lead free reflow soldering process in accordance with IEC61760-1.Typical Applications • Automotive• Medical instruments • Industrial electronics• Network infrastructure and IT • ElevatorElectricalSilver Gold MAXIMUM POWER: 1 VA 0.2 VA MAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 32 VDC 32 VDC MINIMUM VOLTAGE: 20 mV 20 mV MAXIMUM CURRENT: 50 mA 10 mA MINIMUM CURRENT:1 mA*0.1 mADIELECTRIC STRENGTH (50 Hz, 1 min.): ≥ 250 Vrms CONTACT RESISTANCE: ≤ 100mΩINSULATION RESISTANCE (100 V): ≥ 10M ΩBOUNCE TIME: ≤ 1 ms* Ultra low current with 10 µA - 1 VDC version are available upon request for KSC2 and KSC4PackagingTape and Reel (see series for quantity information)NOTE: Specifications listed above are for switches with standard options.Note: KSC Series is subject to variants. Please contact customer service for other options.Tactile SwitchesKSC SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMTJ J BENDG GULLWINGTactile SwitchesKSC XA SeriesSoft Sound Tact SwitchHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Features/Benefits • New soft sound • Extended cage • IP67• Long life• J terminations • Tape & reelTypical Applications• Automotive interior & openings(gear shift paddle, steering wheel, window lifter, seat adjustment modules, trunk & door handle modules)• Medical & industrial electronics (front panel, instrumentation)T a c t i l e S w i t c h esKSC SLT SeriesLong Travel Tact SwitchHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Features/Benefits • Long travel • Soft sound • IP40• J & G terminations • Tape & reelTypical Applications • Automotive interior • Front panel• InstrumentationTypeForce (N)Life (cycles)Travel (mm)KSC SLT 221J LFS 2.4 +/- 0.7200,000 1.35 +/-0.25KSC SLT 221G LFS 2.4 +/- 0.7200,000 1.35 +/-0.25KSC SLT 223J LFG 2.4 +/- 0.7 200,000 1.35 +/-0.25KSC SLT 223G LFG 2.4 +/- 0.7200,000 1.35 +/-0.25KSC SLT 241J LFS 3.5 +/- 0.9200,000 1.35 +/-0.25KSC SLT 241G LFS 3.5 +/- 0.9200,000 1.35 +/-0.25KSC SLT 243J LFG 3.5 +/- 0.9200,000 1.35 +/-0.25KSC SLT 243G LFG3.5 +/- 0.9200,0001.35 +/-0.25SpecificationFUNCTION: MomentaryCONTACT ARRANGEMENT: 1 make contact = SPST, N.O.TERMINALS: J bend & Gullwing type for SMTMechanicalMAXIMUM APPLIED FORCE: 40N* VALID ONE TIME. MAXIMUM ALLOWED TRAVEL TO AVOIDOVERLOAD ISSUES IS 1.70MM.ElectricalSWITCHING POWER MAX.: 1.0 VA 0.2 VAMAXIMUM POWER: 1.0 VA 0.2 VA MAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 32 VDC 32 VDC MINIMUM VOLTAGE: 20 mV 20 mV MAXIMUM CURRENT: 50 mA 10 mA MINIMUM CURRENT:1 mA1 mADIELECTRIC STRENGTH: ≥ 250 Vrms CONTACT RESISTANCE: < 100mΩINSULATION RESISTANCE: Initial measurement: ≥ 1GΩ After damp heat: ≥10MΩBOUNCE TIME: < 5 msEnvironmentalOPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40°C to +85°C (Silver) -40°C to +125°C (Gold)STORAGE TEMPERATURE: -40°C to +85°C (Silver) -40°C to +125°C (Gold)ProcessCompatible with the lead free reflow soldering process.PackagingIn reels of 1,000 pieces.Dimensions of reels according to EIA RS481 or IEC 2863.External diameter 330 mm ± 2 mm.2 2.4 N 4 3.5 NActuator2 Soft Silver GoldTactile SwitchesKSC SLT SeriesLong Travel Tact SwitchJ J BendG Gullwing6,2+0,36,2+0,30,70,0540,10,1+0,20,12,70,15+0,3-0,13,3 mini6,8+0,3-0,12,8 m a xLAYOUT - PADSCALE : 5**6,2+0,36,2+0,30,70,0540,10,1+0,20,12,70,15+0,3-0,1( 0,5 )( 15 )7,6+0,2-0,1100,32,8 m a x5LAYOUT - PAD SCALE : 5**TAPE & REEL400,330,03SECTION B-BSECTION A-A0,1T a c t i l e S w i t c h esKSC1 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMT+0,36,2 0+0,36,2 0+0,20,1 02,9 ma xø 21,5 m i n4˚ maxR 0,2smooth surfaceHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Termination JJ bend G GullwingKSC1 without actuator 2,5 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 2,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mmTactile SwitchesKSC2 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMTHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.KSC2 soft actuator 3,5 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 2,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mmT a c t i l e S w i t c h esKSC3 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMTHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Termination J J bend GGullwingKSC3 hard actuator 3,5 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 2,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mmTactile SwitchesKSC4 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMTHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.KSC4 soft actuator 5,2 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 1,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mmT a c t i l e S w i t c h esHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, selectdesired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.• SPDT NC-NO function • Silicone actuator • J or G terminations • Tape & reel • IP67PackagingIn reels of 1,000 pieces.Dimensions of reels according to EIA RS481 or IEC 2863.External diameter 330 ± 2 mm PCB LayoutTypical Applications • Automotive• Medical equipment • Industrial electronicsTypeForce (N)Operating Life (operations)Travel (mm)KSC441J DCT 70SH LFS 4.75 +/-1.25300,0000.85+0.35/-0.25KSC441G DCT 70SH LFS 4.75 +/-1.25300,0000.85+0.35/-0.2540,16,206,86,2 00,70,053,3 mini0,10 02,9 m a x5,20,22,70,10,850,05414312Visual poka yoke CSCALE 5LAYOUT - PADSCALE : 51 -2 NC 1 -3 NOHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, selectdesired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Features/Benefits • • • • • TypeForce (N)Operating Life (operations)KSC421G 70SH LFS PF 1.8+/-0.45300,000KSC421J 70SH LFS PF 1.8+/-0.45300,000KSC422G 70SH LFS PF 1.8+/-0.451,000,000KSC422J 70SH LFS PF 1.8+/-0.451,000,000KSC441G 70SH LFS PF 4 +/- 1300,0004 +/- 1300,000KSC442G 70SH LFS PF 4 +/- 11,000,0004 +/- 11,000,000KSC461G 70SH LFS PF 6.25+/- 1.75300,0006.25+/- 1.75300,000T a c t i l e S w i t c h esHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, selectdesired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Features/Benefits• Extended cage for mechanical stop • Silicone actuator • J termination • Tape & reel • IP67- Life time is 300,000 cycles at 20N actuation force- The extended cage can be used as mechanical stop for the activationbutton- Overload value reaches 200N (one time)PackagingIn reels of 1,000 piecesDimensions of reels according to EIA RS481 or IEC 2863External diameter 330 ± 2 mmTypical Applications • Industrial electronics • Consumer• Medical equipment • Automotive interiorTypeForce (N)Life Travel (mm)KSC421J 70SH LFS OF 1.65+/-0.45300,0000.5+/-0.25KSC441J 70SH LFS OF4.0+/-1.0300,0000.65+0.3/-0.26,2+0,3 06,2+0,30,70,0540,13,9 m a x0,14,7250,12,50,13,3 mini6,8+0,3-0,15,10,2**1How To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, selectdesired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.• Silicone actuator• J terminations • Tape & reel • IP67Type Force (N)KSC2 TE 01J LFS 1.60 ±0.6KSC2 TE 31J LFS 2.80 ±0.7KSC2 TE 41J LFS4.00 ±1.0T a c t i l e S w i t c h esHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, selectdesired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.• Silicone actuator • J terminations • Tape & reel • IP67• Game controllers/ Drones • Industrial applications • Medical applicationsTactile SwitchesKSC5 SeriesTact Switch with Rocker Option for SMTHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Termination J J bend G GullwingKSC5 hard actuator 5,6 mm highT a c t i l e S w i t c h esKSC6 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMT+0,36,2 0+0,36,2 02,9 m a x+0,20,1 01,6ø 4,7ø 2,97,7How To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Termination J J bend G GullwingKSC6 hard actuator 7,7 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 950 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 380 ± 2 mmTactile SwitchesKSC7 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMTHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Termination J J bend G GullwingKSC7 soft actuator 4,4 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 1,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mmT a c t i l e S w i t c h esKSC8 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMT1,15ø 2,96ø 4,7+0,36,2 0+0,36,2 02,9 m a x 4,9+0,20,1 0How To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.KSC8 hard actuator 4,9 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 1,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mmTactile SwitchesHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Color20 Light grey 40 Red 80 White 90 BlackKSC9 SeriesSealed Tact Switches for SMTKSC9 hard actuator 7,7 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 950 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 380 ± 2 mmR0,2510,2±0,1ø 6,35ø 615,4±0,4SWITCH WITH CAPT a c t i l e S w i t c h esKSC10 SeriesSealed Tact Switches for SMTHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Termination J J bend G GullwingKSC10 soft actuator 4,9 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 1,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mmNote: KSC10 offered with yellow actuator as standard, hardness 55 Shore+0,3B–95Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to changeTactile Switches26 May 22KSC11 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMTHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.Features/Benefits • Hard actuator • Long life• Positive tactile feeling • IP67 sealed • SMTElectricalMAXIMUM POWER: 1 VAMIN. / MAX. VOLTAGE: 0.02V / 32V MIN. / MAX. CURRENT: 1 mA / 50 mA DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 250 Vrms CONTACT RESISTANCE: ≤ 100 mΩINSULATION RESISTANCE: (100V): 1000 MΩBOUNCE TIME: ≤ 5 msSolderingThis component is suited to the following methods:– Cleaning according to typical washing processes– Lead free reflow soldering process in accordance with IEC 61760-1PackagingIn reels of 1,700 piecesWidth of carrier tape: 16 mm Dimensions of reels: 380 mmTypical Applications • Gaming/ Drones • Industrial •Medical• High-end consumer • AvionicsN E WT a c t i l e S w i t c h esB–96Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to changeN EW26 May 22KSC11 SeriesSealed Tact Switch for SMT6,2+0,36,2+0,30,70,0540,16,8+0,3-0,1LAYOUT - PAD**。

100A 系列 CSNF161...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 CSNG251..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
230A 系列 CSNS230-500&600..................................................................................................................................................... 20 CSNS230-700&800..................................................................................................................................................... 21
示乐思 探头 数据手册说明书

SIGLENT探头数据手册CN01ASIGLENT探头数据手册无源探头1X/10X 1X/10X 1X/10X 1X/10X10X 10X 10X 10XSIGLENT探头数据手册10X单端有源探头1.5GHz 1GHz 1GHz2.5GHzSIGLENT探头数据手册差分有源探头>2.5 GHzSIGLENT探头数据手册电流探头DC-200kHz DC-1MHz DC-300kHz DC-300kHzSIGLENT探头数据手册DC-50MHz DC-100MHz DC-12MHz DC-5MHzSIGLENT探头数据手册23℃ ,60%RH, 附近无载流线,被测导线穿过中心测试,负载阻抗1MΩSIGLENT探头数据手册高压差分探头70MHz 100MHz 70MHz 100MHzSIGLENT探头数据手册50MHz 50MHzSIGLENT探头数据手册高压探头DC-40MHzSIGLENT探头数据手册逻辑探头16 16 16SIGLENT探头数据手册近场探头300kHz to 3 GHz 300kHz to 3 GHz 300kHz to 3 GHz 300kHz to 3 GHzSIGLENT 探头数据手册关于鼎阳鼎阳科技(SIGLENT )是通用电子测试测量仪器领域的行业领军企业。
同时,也是通用电子测试测量仪器行业第一家A 股上市公司。
公司总部位于深圳,在美国克利夫兰和德国奥格斯堡成立了子公司,在成都成立了分公司,产品远销全球80多个国家和地区,SIGLENT 已经成为全球知名的测试测量仪器品牌。

JB/T 7490-2007
引脚说明:1.+15V 2.-15V 3.Vout 4. 0V OFS 零点调节 GIN 幅度调节
1.传感器通电后,当被测电流从传感器箭头方向穿过,即可在输出端测得同相电压值。 2.传感器的输出幅度可根据用户需求进行适当的调节。 3.可按用户需求定制不同额定输入电流和输出电压的传感器。
LKHS -□ -□ □ -□ □ □
外形 40
注:L 表力创、K 表示开合、H 表 hall(霍尔)、S 表 Sensor(传感器),S 表 single(单)、 D 表 double(双)。 例如:目前开发的双电源±15V 供电、输出为 0~4V、内孔直径尺寸为 21mm 量程为 100A 的 开合霍尔电流型号为:LKHS-21-D15-100A
Spectrex 40 40UFL 双光感应器产品说明书

Headquarters: 8200 Market Boulevard | Chanhassen | MN 55317 | USATel: +1 (973) 239-8398 | +1 (800) 452-2107 (US only) | Fax: +1 (973) 239-7614 | Houston: +1 (832) 321-5229E-mail:*********************|40/40UFL ULTRA FAST UV-IRCombined Explosion and High Sensitivity Flame DetectorExplosives & munitions Offshore Oil & Gas Onshore Oil & Gas Petrochemical plants Storage tank farms Aircraft hangars Chemical plantsPower generation facilities Pharmaceutical industry Printing industry• UV/IR Dual-Sensor• High-Speed Response - 20 msec to flash fire • Solar blind• Automatic Built-In-Test (BIT) - to assure continued reliable operation• Heated window - for operation in harsh weather conditions (snow, ice, condensation)• Multiple output options for maximum flexibility and compatibility- Relays (3) for Alarm, Fault and Auxiliary - Analogue output for fast detection - 0-20mA (stepped)- HART Protocol for maintenance and asset management - RS-485, Modbus Compatible• High reliability - MTBF - minimum 150,000 hours • Approved to Safety Integrity Level 2 (SIL2 – TUV)• 5-Year warranty• User programmable via HART or RS-485• Hazardous area zones:- Zones 1 & 2 with IIC gas group vapors present - Zones 21 & 22 with IIIC dust type present • Ex approved to: - ATEX & IECEx - FM/FMC/CSA - TR CU (EAC)• 3rd party performance - EN54-10 (VdS) - FM3260WarehousesAutomotive industryWaste disposal facilities Aerospace industryHydrogen Fuel Cell IndustryHydrogen Vehicle Parking & Refueling Battery Charging Areas Refinery HydrogenationSpace Industry Hydroxyl PropellantStatic Fuel Cell Systems40/40R40/40U-UB 40/40L4-L4B 40/40UFL 40/40L-LB 40/40I 40/40M The new SharpEye UV-IR High-Speed Optical Flame detector 40/40UFL is designed to meet two major requirements:- High-Speed Response (20 msec)- High Reliability (immunity to false alarm)This detector is based on our well known military detector used in Armored Vehicle Explosion Suppression System combined with the industrial UV-IR detector 40/40LB.The 40/40UFL can detect hydrocarbon-based fuel and gas fires, hydroxyl and hydrogen fires, as well as metal and inorganic fires.The UV/IR flame detector senses radiant energy in the short wave section of both the ultraviolet and infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The signals from both sensors are analyzed for frequency, intensity and duration. Simultaneous detection of radiant energy i n both the UV and IR sensors triggers a n alarm signal.The UV sensor incorporates a special logic circuit that helps prevent false alarms caused by solar radiation.Spectral Response UV: 0.185 - 0.260 µm; IR: 2.5-3.0 µm Detection RangeFuel ft / m Fuel ft / mFuel ft / m (at highest Sensitivity Setting n-Heptane 66 / 20 Ethanol 95% 25 / 7.5 LPG*43 / 13for 1ft 2 (0.1m 2 Gasoline 66 / 20 Methanol 26 / 8 Polypropylene Pellets 43 / 13 Diesel Fuel 49 / 15 IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) 43 / 13 Ammonia** 20 / 6 JP5 50 / 15 Hydrogen* 37 / 11 Silane**6 / 1.8Kerosene 50 / 15 Methane*26 / 8 16 / 5Adjustable Time Delay Up to 30 secondsField of View Horizontal 100º; Vertical 95º Built-in-Test (BIT) AutomaticTemperature Range Operating: -67°F to +167ºF (-55ºC to +75ºC) Option: -67ºF to +185ºF (-55ºC to +85ºC)Storage: -67ºF to +185ºF (-55ºC to +85ºC)HumidityUp to 95% non-condensing (withstands up to 100% RH for short periods) Heated OpticsTo eliminate condensation and icing on the window Operating Voltage 24 VDC nominal (18-32 VDC)Power Consumption Standby: Max. 90mA (110mA with heated window)Alarm: Max. 130mA (160mA with heated window)Cable Entries 2 x 3/4" - 14NPT conduits or 2 x M25 x 1.5mm ISO Wiring12 - 22AWG (0.3mm 2 - 2.5mm 2)Electrical Input Protection According to MIL-STD-1275BElectromagnetic Compatibility EMI/RFI protected to EN61326-3 and EN61000-6-3SPST volt-free contacts rated 2A at 30V DC Analogue Output 4-4.7V at detectionBIT Fault:2mA ± 10% UV: 12mA ± 5% Resistance Loop: 100-600 ΩNormal: 4mA ± 10% Warning: 16mA ± 5%HART Protocol Optional HART communications on the 0-20mA analog current (FSK) - used for maintenance, Dimensions Detector 4" x 4.6" x 6.18" (101.6 x 117 x 157 mm)Weight Detector (St.St.) 6.1 lb (2.8 kg) Detector, aluminum 2.8 lb (1.3 kg)Tilt mount 2.2 lb (1.0 kg)Environmental Standards Meets MIL-STD-810C for Humidity, Salt & Fog, Vibration, Mechanical Shock, High Temp, Low Temp Water and DustIP66 and IP67 per EN60529, NEMA 250 6PPerformance EN54-10 (VdS) FM3260Reliability IEC61508 - SIL2 (TUV)Tilt Mount 40/40-001 789260-1 (3" pole) *777263 (Plastic)Duct Mount 777670 USB RS485 Harness Kit 794079Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb Ex tb op is IIIC T96°C Db Ex tb op is IIIC T106°C Db (-55°C ≤ Ta ≤ +75°C) (-55°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C)FM/FMC/CSA Class I Div. 1, Groups B, C & D Class II/III Div. 1, Groups E, F & GTR CU (EAC) 1 Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb X Ex tb op is IIIC T96°C Db X (–55°C ≤ Ta ≤ +75°C) 1 Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb X Ex tb op is IIIC T106°C Db X (–55°C ≤ Ta ≤ +85°C) 1 Ex db eb mb op is II T4 Gb X Ex tb op is IIIC T98°C Db X (–55°C ≤ Ta ≤ +75°C)。
KSC12 说明书V1.0

〖手册目标〗 本手册主要对安全注意事项、开关磁阻电机及控制器的原理、安装、调试、参数设定及维护等内容进行
§1.5.1 产品标识..............................................................................................................1-2 §1.5.2 应用范围..............................................................................................................1-2 §1.6 使用条件 ...........................................................................................................................1-2 §1.6.1 正常使用条件 ......................................................................................................1-2 §1.6.2 特殊使用条件 ......................................................................................................1-3 §1.6.3 工作条件..............................................................................................................1-3 §1.6.4 法定规章..............................................................................................................1-3

二.技术参数符号参数名称LKHS-21-S12单位原边额定输入电流50AIPN原边电流测量范围0——±60A IP副边额定输出电压4±1.5%V VOUT电源电压12(±5%)V VC电流消耗VC=12V<20mA IC绝缘电压在原边与副边电路之间3kV有效值/50Hz/1分钟VD线性度<1%FS εLV零点失调电压<±25mV 0磁失调电压<±20mV VOM失调电压温漂每变化10℃,误差变化绝对值不大于标准值误差值的50%。
VOT响应时间≤5us TRf频带宽度(-3dB)DC—20kHz 工作环境温度-20—+60℃TA贮存环境温度-40~+85℃TSR负载电阻≥10KΩL标准JB/T7490-2007三.外形尺寸:引脚说明:1.+12V 2.0V 3.Vout 4.0V OFS零点调节GIN幅度调节四.使用说明1.传感器通电后,当被测电流从传感器箭头方向穿过,即可在输出端测得同相电压值。
五.产品选型型号说明LKHS-□-□□-□□□外形规格21内孔直径尺寸40电源类型S12单电源12V电流量程50A50A 100A100A 200A200A注:L表力创、K表示开合、H表hall(霍尔)、S表Sensor(传感器),S表single(单)、D表double(双)。

1. 产品概述CSA200-G050T01是一种能在原边、副边完全隔离条件下测量直流、交流、脉冲以及各种不规则波形的电流传感器,它主要用于要求准确度高的计量检定和计量校准领域,以及要求高灵敏度、高稳定性和高可靠性的电能质量分析、功率分析仪、医疗、航空航天、导弹、舰艇等领域。
2. 技术特点⚫极高的准确度⚫极好的线性度⚫极高的稳定性⚫极高的灵敏度⚫极高的分辨率⚫极低的温度漂移⚫极低的失调电流⚫极低的插入损耗⚫抗干扰能力强⚫响应速度快⚫极低的噪声⚫极小的角差⚫宽频带⚫模拟量输出3. 应用场合⚫计量检定与校准⚫实验室电流测量⚫仪器仪表(如功率分析仪)⚫医疗设备(如核磁共振MRI)⚫电池组检测⚫电力控制⚫电源⚫舰船⚫新能源⚫轨道交通⚫航空航天⚫工业测量4. 电气性能项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大原边额定电流I PN-- -- ±20 -- Adc 测量范围I PM1分钟/小时-- -- ±24 Adc 工作电压V c全范围±12 -- ±15 Vdc 电流消耗I c I PM范围内±10 ±50 ±80 mA 电流变比K N输入:输出500:1 -- 额定输出电流I SN原边额定电流--±40--mA测量电阻R M Vc:±12,I PN:±20 Adc 0 -- 150 ΩVc:±12,I PM:±24 Adc 0 -- 120 ΩVc:±15,I PN:±20 Adc 0 -- 200 ΩVc:±15,I PM:±24 Adc 0 -- 150 Ω5. 精度-动态参数项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大精度X e输入直流,@25±20℃-- -- 0.04 % 线性度εL-- -- -- 20 ppm 零点失调电流I o25±10℃-- -- 15 uA 零点失调电流I oT全工作温度范围内-- -- 30 uA 响应时间t r-- -- -- 1 us 电流跟随速度di/dt -- 200 -- -- A/us 频带宽度(- 3 dB) F -- 0 -- 100 kHz6. 一般特性项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大工作温度范围T A-- -40 -- +85 ℃存储温度范围T S-- -55 -- +95 ℃质量m 58±5 g 7. 安全特性项目符号测试条件数值单位最小标称最大耐受电压原、副边之间副边与外壳之间V d50Hz,1min 5 kV瞬态隔离耐压原、副边之间V w50us 10 kV 相比漏电起痕指数CTI IEC-60112 275 V8. 外形尺寸及端口定义8.1、外形尺寸(单位:mm)图1 外形图外形图说明:外形尺寸、安装定位尺寸公差按照GB/T1804-2000 C级标准执行。

第四章录井仪传感器培训手册一.CAN总线型传感器系统使用要点1. 总线通讯稳定性问题按CAN规范以125Kbps通讯速率,主干电缆长度可达到500m,接入的CAN节点可达到64只。
如果出现通讯不稳定现象(指某些节点时不时出现超时,或搜索节点时某些节点时有时无,甚至同一节点搜索到一次以上),一般应注意以下几点:a.是否正确配接了终端电阻终端电阻应有两个,其一接在主干电缆的末端三通上,另一个已焊接在CAN 适配卡上。

闭环式霍尔电流传感器基于磁平衡式霍尔原理,及闭环原理,当原边电流 IP 产生的磁 通通过高品质磁芯集中在磁路中, 霍尔元件固定在气隙中检测磁通, 通过绕在磁芯上的多匝 线圈输出反向的补偿电流,用于抵消原边 IP 产生的磁通,使得磁路中磁通始终保持为零。 经过特殊电路的处理,传感器的输出端能够输出精确反映原边电流的电流变化
� � � � � � � � � 辅助电源:±15V 范围(±14V~±16V) 响应时间:≤30ms
频宽:3kHz 失调电流:0.15mA 工作温度:-25~70℃ 存储温度:-40~80℃ 输出负载:根据不同辅助电源、输入信号、输出信号而定
输入过载能力:输入量程最大值 2 倍可恢复正常工作
输入信号(A) 输出信号
50、100、200、300 50/100mA
1000 200mA
2000 400mA
工作场所:无雨雪直接侵袭、无腐蚀性气体和剧烈震动的场所; 工作环境温度:-25℃~+70℃;贮存环境温度:-40℃~+80℃; 工作环境相对湿度:<95%RH,不结露; 海拔高度:≤2000m; 采用螺丝固定安装; 接线端子采用绿色可插拔端子
型号:AHBC-LTA 辅助电源:DC ±15V 输入:200A 输出:100mA 作者简介:张奇峰,男,本科,江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司,主要研究方பைடு நூலகம்为电量传感器 设计,Email: 2880263324@ 手机:18860995106 QQ:2880263324
霍尔传感器 HS01-C 系列电流传感器 说明书

霍尔传感器·HS01-C 系列电流传感器 “BingZi 兵字”/传递品质安全典范HS01-C 系列电流传感器一、特点1.立式卧式两种穿芯方式,接线端子引出,使用灵活方便,外形美观;2.利用霍尔效应及磁补偿原理,被测回路与测试回路绝缘度高;3.用于测试直流、交流、脉动电流;4.全封闭,机械和耐环境性好,电压隔离能力强,安全可靠。
二、使用环境条件1.工作温度范围:-20℃~+75℃;2.相对湿度:温度为40℃时不大于90%;3.大气压力:860~1060mbar (约为650~800mmHg)。
三、工作频率范围:0-150kHz 。
四、绝缘耐热等级:B 级(130℃)。
五、安全特性:1.绝缘电阻:常态时大于1000M Ω;2.抗电强度:可承受工频6000V/1分钟;3.阻燃性:符合UL94-V o 级。
5.副边连接:+:+15VDC -:-15VDC M:电流输出端0:±15电源相对零点九、典型应用●直流变频调速,伺服电机牵引●直流电机牵引的静态转换●不间断电源(UPS)●开关电源(SMPS)●电焊机电源。
ColliHingh 市电检测传感器说明书

检测电压范围:85-280V AC
在典型电气连接中:市电电压在85-280V AC时,U≤0.3VDC;断电时U=5VDC。
本型号市测试传感器适用于单相市电检测,电压测试范围不可高于280V AC。
第 1 页共 1 页。
TDK EPCOS GMR1310H102J 电容式电流传感器说明书

Dimensions: [mm]Product Marking:Marking744864040774486404077448640407Test Setup:1´ (GND)Port 11Port 33´ (GND)74486404077448640407T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 7448640407Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-FC of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektroniks’ specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product.•The use of solvents may affect the marking of the component.Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the component. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODSBir006.0002022-11-16DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-FC Common Mode Power LineChoke ORDER CODE7448640407SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyCHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODSBir006.0002022-11-16DIN ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-FC Common Mode Power LineChoke ORDER CODE7448640407SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。

Sensors and Switches in Oil Rig ApplicationsA Crown Block Measure weight on drill line via cable tension Load cells: 41, RMB Power GenerationUnit Measure oil, water, and hydraulic fluid pressurePressure sensors: FP2000, MLH, IP IS, PX2, PX3, SPTEmergency shutdownSwitches for ESD:WOID AccumulatorUnit Measure inlet/outlet pressure with high accuracy Pressure sensors: FP2000, STJEE Drilling Cab Control/monitor operations activityMICRO SWITCH basic switches: BZ, V7, V15W, SXMICRO SWITCH toggle switches: TL, NT, TS, TW, ET, ATKey, rotary, and e-stop switches: custom Limitless™ operator interface: WOIFRig Hydrau-lic Lift Measure hydraulic pressure, weight, force/strain or movement, monitor raising or lowering deck for directional drillingPressure sensors: FP2000, IP ISLoad cells: 41H Drawworks Measure torque, load/weight/position while guiding pipe into positionLoad cells: 41, RMMICRO SWITCH switches: BX, LSXIIron Roughneck Measure torque while attaching pipe using hydraulic pressure or load measurementsLoad cells: 41Pressure sensors: FP2000, IP ISM Water/ Storage Tank Measure tank liquid levelsSwitches: HDLS, WLS non-contact Pressure sensors: MLH, LL-V, SPT, PX2N Top Drive Monitor torque/twisting movement to ensure right amount of force is appliedTorque sensors: customMeasure weight on drill bitLoad cells: 41Measure hydraulic pressure and feed information into control systemPressure sensors: FP2000, 811FMOn/off control and operator alerts to enhance safety Limitless™ operator interface: WOIO Traveling Block Measure weight on the drill line via cable tension Load cells: 41R Deadline Anchor Measure tension on deadline/drilling line cable Load cells: 41, RMT Choke Manifold Measure valve position/choke valvesMICRO SWITCH hazardous area switch: CX, VPXU Mud ReturnLine Measure drilling mud pressure to monitor and control mud flowWing Union sensors: 434, 435, 437V Mud Shaker Position sensing or on/off applications Switches: HDLS, WLS, WOIW Mud Cleaner Position sensing or on/off applications Limit switches: HDLS, WLS, WOIY Mud Pump Measure pressure and flow of mud mediaWing Union sensors: 434, 435, 437On/off or emergency start/stop applicationsLimitless™ operator interface: WOIMud pump stroke count, position sensing, or on/offapplicationsMICRO SWITCH limits: EX, BX, HDLSZWinchMeasure direct and indirect loadsCanister load cells: MPB, 3130, 3156, 3127ABBlowOutPreventorMonitor RAM position via hydraulic volumetric orpressure behind the piston(“pinch offs”)Pressure sensors: A-105, TJEADDrill BitMeasure pressure or differential pressure at hightemperature and pressure rangesPressure sensors: SAEFluidManifoldMeasure drilling fluid pressurePressure sensors: FP2000Wing Union sensors: 434, 435, 437Measure valve positionLimit switches: CX, WCX, VPXAFMud Tank/ReservoirMeasure tank liquid levelsPressure sensors: FP2000, IP IS, SPTMonitor tank valve positionLimit switches: BX, LSX, HDLS, WLSSensors and Switches in Oil Rig ApplicationsMLH Series• All metal wetted parts for use in wide variety of fluid applications • No internal elastomeric seals mean no o-ring compatibility issues • Range: 50 psi to 8000 psi (inclusive) • Accuracy: ±0.25 %FS BFSL• Rated IP65 or better for protection from harsh environmentsIP IS Series• Rugged, all-welded stainless steel and Hastelloy ® wetted parts for durability • Compatible with a wide variety of media• Range: 7 bar to 350 bar | 100 psi to 5,000 psi • Accuracy: ±0.15 %, ±0.25 % BFSL • Fully configurablePX2 and PX3 Series• Cost effective, highly configurable and highly durable • Compatible with a wide variety of harsh media• Broad compensated temperature range with industry-leading Total Error Band • Range: 1 bar to 46 bar | 100 kPa to 4.6 MPa | 15 psi to 667 psi (PX2)• Range: 1 bar to 46 bar | 15 psi to 667 psi (PX3)• Accuracy ±0.25 %FSS; TEB ±2 %FSS (-40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F])SPT Series• Rugged, stainless steel in a small size package • Absolute, gage, sealed gage, vacuum gage• Range: 0 psi to 3 psi, 0 psi to 5000 psi; ±0.25 % accuracy • Reliable semiconductor technology, NEMA 4 design • Calibrated and temperature compensatedModel TJE• Rugged, all-welded, stainless steel construction• Built for applications requiring high accuracy and temperature stability• Unique “true gage” design hermetically sealed against atmospheric contamination • Range: 1 psig/a to 60000 psig/a; accuracy: ±0.10 %• Intrinsically safe availableSuper TJE Series• Ultra precision pressure sensors with up to ±0.05 % accuracy • True gage, absolute and differential (wet/wet)• Durable, stainless steel for use in rugged environments• Range: 10 psig to 7500 psig (pressure); 50 psid to 750 psid (differential)• Intrinsically safe options available811FM Series•All-welded, stainless steel construction for use with liquid, gas or corrosive vapors • Range: 2 psig/a to 10000 psig/a• Accuracy: ±0.25 %•Dual pipe thread pressure fitting for easy bulkhead mounting • Explosion proofModel S• Rugged, high-frequency stainless steel • Extremely small size, fits into tight spaces • Range: 100 psig to 15,000 psig• Operating temperature range: -54 °C to 149 °C [-65 °F to 300 °F]• Accuracy: ±1.0 %Model A-105•Rugged, unitized stainless steel design with heavy sidewalls • Thin diaphragm design able to measure low pressures • Flush mount design with miniature footprint • Can be used in corrosive fluid environments•Range: 100 psig to 15,000 psig; accuracy: ±0.5 %LL-V Series• Designed for vertical entry into a tank•Complete fluid submersion; corrosion resistant to most fluids •True gage design with all welded stainless steel construction• Range: 20 inH 2O to 50 psig; accuracy: ±0.1 %Models 434, 435, 437 Wing Union Pressure Sensors• Rugged design with Inconel ®X-750 or NACE-compliant Inconel ®718 wetted parts •Built to provide durability with abrasive or corrosive media • Accuracy: ±0.1 %FSS BFSL (Model 435) high accuracy, or±0.2 %FSS BFSL (Model 434, 437) standard accuracy•Wide port aperture (Model 437) for use with more viscous media• Compatible with WECO ® 1502, 2002, 2202; intrinsically safe option available • Protective cage option (Model 434, 435, 437)Rotary Switches• 3- and 4-position options• May be engineered with lever or knob actuator• Integral connectors (Metripak 280 and Sumitomo)• Environmentally sealed designe-Stop Switches• Provides positive contact closure and opening when the switch is operated • Environmentally sealed design (IP67 sealing)• UV-resistant knob for outdoor use •Knob available in a variety of colorsMICRO SWITCH Toggle Switches (Sealed and Unsealed), TL, NT, TS, TW, ET, AT Series• Broad product range meets a variety of electrical and load requirements • Sealed models built to withstand harsh, wet, dusty, and dirty environments• 2 or 3 position, momentary and/or maintained action; 1-, 2- or 4-pole circuitries • IWTS (integrated wire termination system) for ease of assembly & maintainabilityModel RM• Rod end in-line tension load cell• Rugged design with stainless steel, all-welded construction• Load ranges from 2000 lb to 200,000 lbs; ±0.22 % to 0.29 % accuracy • Low sensitivity to extraneous loadsModel MPB• High capacity load measurements in a small size load cell • Rugged stainless steel construction• Load ranges from 15,000 lbs to 2,000,000 lbs • Accuracy: ±0.25 % full scaleModel 3130• Carbon steel, fatigue-resistant load cell• Extremely resistant to extraneous bending and side loading forces • Load ranges of 500,000 lbs to 1,000,000 lbs • Accuracy: ±0.30 % full scaleModel 3156• Carbon steel, fatigue-resistant load cell• Extremely resistant to extraneous bending and side loading forces • Load ranges of 25,000 lbs to 150,000 lbs • Accuracy: ±0.30 % full scaleModel 3127• Carbon steel, fatigue-resistant load cell• Extremely resistant to extraneous bending and side loading forces • Load ranges up to 2,000,000 lbs.• Accuracy: ±0.30 % full scaleMICRO SWITCH Premium V-Basic Switches, V7 Series • Best suited for higher cost-of-failure applications• Designed for 100k operations at full load or 10M for mechanical life • Current ratings from 0.1 A to 25 A • UL/CSA, ENEC approvalsMICRO SWITCH Premium Miniature/Subminiature Basic Switches, SX Series • Best suited for higher cost-of-failure applications • Small size and light weight• Current ratings from 0.1 A to 25 A • UL/CSA, ENEC approvalsMICRO SWITCH Watertight Miniature Switches, V15W Series• Miniature-sized basic switch designed for harsh-duty, wash down areas • Rugged, highly accurate machine control for turning circuits on and off • Compact, lightweight, and long-lasting • UL, cUL, ENEC, CQC approvalsMICRO SWITCH Hazardous Area Switches, CX Series• Hazardous atmosphere outdoor use – watertight, dust-tight • Superior reliability and repeatability• Rotary converts in seconds to clockwise, counter-clockwise, or both-way operation • IP66; NEMA 1, 3, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 13 sealing • UL, CSA, ATEX, IEC Ex approvalsMICRO SWITCH Hazardous Area Valve Position Indicator, VPX Series• Certified for ATEX, IEC Ex, CE, and cULus specifications for global applications • Die-cast aluminum housing and various sealing (NEMA 4, 4X, 6, and 13)• Versions available in both snap-action switches and intrinsically safe inductive proximity switches• Versions of the VPX with proximity switches carry an Intrinsically Safe (IS) rating MICRO SWITCH Hazardous Area Switches, EX Series • Designed for dangerous indoor or outdoor locations • Superior reliability and repeatability• Smallest UL-listed housings available for use in hazardous locations• O-ring seals render switches weather-proof, water-tight, dust-tight • UL, CSA, ATEX, IEC EX approvalsMICRO SWITCH Heavy-Duty Limit Switches, HDLS Series • Three series offer rugged, die-cast body and epoxy coating• Boss-and-socket head design for secure head-to body retention • Multiple mounting and actuator options • UL, CSA, CE, CCC approvalsLimitless™ Wireless Operator Interface, WOI Series• Enables operator indication from locations where wiring is too costly or not pos-sible• Flexible operator type options (push button, rotary or key switch, etc.)• Reduces installation/maintenance costs with no wires, conduit, connectors, etc.• Eliminates issues with wire connection integrity on moving equipmentLimitless™ Wireless Non-Contact Switches, WLS Series• MICRO SWITCH HDLS heritage combined with the latest wireless technology • Enables presence/absence detection where wiring is an issue or not feasible• Reduces installation/maintenance costs due to no wires, conduit, connectors, etc.• Eliminates wire connection integrity issues on moving equipmentOperator ControlsMICRO SWITCH Limit SwitchesLimitless™ Wireless SolutionsHoneywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 000756-4-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA.January 2017© 2017 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.。

| S SERIES (SLA, SDLA, SDLM)35 TO 150 AMP COMMERCIAL THERMAL CIRCUIT BREAKERSPECIFICATIONSThe KLIXON® S series thermal breakers are designed to protect wiring and meet the harshest environmental requirements. The sealed circuit breakers are weatherproof for protection against moisture, dust, grease, fuel vapors and other harsh environments. The S series breakers are lightweight and designed to interrupt short circuits or overloads and combine trip-free protection with fast response time. Typical applications are protection of wire and cable of accessory circuits, equipment and battery protection on heavy trucks, buses, construction equipment, offroad vehicles, marine, recreational vehicles (RVs) and electric (hybrid) vehicles, and battery chargers.The S series is available in both open and sealed body configurations with manual and automatic reset options.FeaturesIntroduction• 30VDC, 35 to 150 Amps• Open and sealed assemblies, manual and automatic reset options • Ignition protected• UL Recognized E69772Page 3CONTACT USSensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems that incorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETS ARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USE OF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARD TO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS, Americas+1 508 236 2551electrical-protection-sales@Europe, Middle East & Africa +3 174 357 8156*********************.com Asia Pacific***************************.comChina: +86 (21)2306 1651India/ Middle East: +91 (40)4033 9611Japan: +81 (45)277 7104ORDERING OPTIONSDERATING CURVEExample : SLA-35-: NoneI: Optional mounting nutsPerformance characteristics are based on room temperature (77°F, 25°C). Consult Derating curve for ambient temperatures significantly higher or lower than standard room temperature.Example: At 77°F (25°C) the device is calibrated to hold at 100% of rated current (1) and trip at 135% of rated current (2). At 140°F (60°C), the same device will hold at approximately 78% of ratedcurrent (3), and trip at approximately 115% of rated current (4).。
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应用霍尔效应开环原理的电流传感器,能在电隔离条件下测量直流电 流.
符号 参数名称
LKHS-40-S12-100A LKHS-40-S12-200A LKHS-40-S12-1000A 单位
单电源 12V
注:L 表力创、K 表示开合、H 表 hall(霍尔)、S 表 Sensor(传感器),S 表 single(单)、 D 表 double(双)。
JB/T 7490-2007
引脚说明:1.+12V 2. 0V 3.Vout 4. 0V OFS 零点调节 GIN 幅度调节
1.传感器通电后,当被测电流从传感器箭头方向穿过,即可在输出端测得同相电压值。 2.传感器的输出幅度可根据用户需求进行适当的调节。 3.可按用户需求定制不同额定输入电流和输出电压的传感器。
LKHS -□ -□ □ -□ □ □
外形 40
S12 电源
在原边与副边电路之间 3KV 有效值/50Hz/1 分钟