
哨兵(sentinel) 哨兵是一个哑对象,其作用是简化边界条件的处理。 类似于以前学习时讲到的头节点。加入哨兵将原来的双向链表转变成一个有哨兵的双向循环两表。L.nil代表哨兵。一图胜千言,如下:
如果有很多个很短的链表,慎用哨兵,因为哨兵所占用的额外存储空间会造成严重的存储浪费。哨兵并没有优化太多的渐进时间界,只是可 以使代码更紧凑简洁。 指针和对象的实现 对象的多数组表示: next和prev中的数字指的是对应数字的下标,有趣!
通常情况下,当数据量足够大时,一般满足 θ(1)>θ(N)>θ(NlogN)>θ(N^2) (>代表优于)
1.算 法 基 础
1.1 插 入 排 序
时间复杂度:O(N^2) 思想:每次从右至左跟已排序数列进行对比,放入合适位置。两次遍历,一次相当于摸牌,另一次相当于具体的查找算法。
1.2 分 治 法
关于链接法采用双链的一些解释: 简单讲,删除就是从x对应的链表里删除x,双链表的删除加入哨兵只需两行,但是单链表的话只能指定x.next=null,但是在这之前需 要先将x.prev.next指向x.next,由于是单链,所以没有prev,只能一直next找下去,相比双链多了查找的时间耗费。
将问题分解为几个规模较小但类似于原问题的子问题,递归的求解这些子问题,然后再合并这些子问题的解来建立原问题的解。 (分解-解决-合并) 归并排序 时间复杂度O(NlogN)(O还是θ——theta,都差不多)
O渐进上界Ω渐进下界,o和ω 具体看数学定义最清楚。
1. 维护堆的性质 通俗的讲,就是保持数组的最大堆性质。思路比较简单,比较parent节点和孩子节点,找到最大值,如果最大值是某个孩子节点,交 换,递归运行。对于树高为h的节点来说,该程序时间复杂度为O(h)

如图所示,数组为{2, 1, 4, 3, 5}2.上述过程形成的是一个二叉树,其中叶子节点都为数组元素,非叶子节点刚好4个,这是二叉树的性质。
9.2-29.2-3 写出RANDOMIZED-SELECT的一个迭代版本【算法思想】:递归:在函数中调用自身的程序过程。

1. 算法的定义和分类算法是一种解决问题的有限步骤的有序序列。
根据算法解决问题的方式不同,算法可以分为以下几类:- 穷举法:穷举法是一种基本的解决问题方式,通过枚举所有可能的情况来解决问题。
- 分治法:分治法是一种将问题分解为更小的子问题来解决的算法。
- 动态规划:动态规划是一种通过将问题分解为更小的子问题来解决的算法。
2. 算法设计的基本原则在设计算法时,我们需要遵循一些基本原则,以保证算法的正确性、效率和可读性。
以下是一些常用的算法设计原则:- 简单性:设计的算法应该尽可能简单易懂,避免过度复杂的实现。
- 效率:设计的算法应该具有较高的效率,能够在合理的时间内解决问题。
- 可读性:设计的算法应该具有较高的可读性,便于他人理解和修改。
- 鲁棒性:设计的算法应该具有较高的鲁棒性,能够处理各种异常情况。
3. 算法分析的方法在设计完算法之后,我们需要对算法进行分析,以评估算法的性能。

第一课课程细节;绪论:算法分析,插入排序法(Insertion Sort),归并排序(Merge Sort) 阅读:1-2章发测验02 演示课1 算法的正确性发《作业1》3 第二课渐进记号(Asymptotic Notation)。
递归公式(Recurrences):置换法,迭代法,主方法阅读:3-4 章,除了§4.44 第三课分治法:Strassen 算法,费氏数列,多项式乘法。
阅读:28 章第2 节,30章第1节5 演示课2 递归公式,松散性阅读:Akra-Bazzi 的讲义6 第四课快速排序法,随机化算法阅读:5 章1 到 3 节,7 章收《作业1》发《作业2》7 演示课3 排序法:堆排序,动态集合,优先队列阅读:6 章8 第五课线性时间的排序法:时间下界,计数排序法,基数排序法阅读:8 章第1 到3 节收《作业2》发《作业3》9 第六课顺序统计学,中位数阅读:9 章10 演示课4 中位数的应用,桶排序阅读:8 章第 4 节11 第七课散列,全域散列阅读:11 章1 到3 节收《作业3》发《作业4》12 第八课散列函数,完美散列阅读:11 章第5 节13 演示课5 测验1 复习收《作业4》14 评分后的作业4可以在中午拿到15 测验116 演示课6 二叉搜索树,树的遍历阅读:12 章1 到 3 节17 第九课二叉搜索树和快速排序法之间的关系;随机二叉搜索树的分析阅读:12 章4 节发《作业5》18 第十课红黑树,旋转,插入,删除阅读:13 章19 演示课7 2-3树,B-树阅读:18 章1 到 2 节20 第十一课高级数据结构,动态顺序统计,线段树(区间树)阅读:14 章收《作业5》发《作业6》21 第十二课计算几何,区间查询阅读:33 章1 到 2 节22 演示课8 凸多边形阅读:33 章3 节23 第十三课van Emde Boas树,优先队列阅读:van Emde Boas 的讲义收《作业6》发《作业7》24 第十四课平摊分析,表的复制,可能法阅读:17 章25 演示课9 竞争分析,自我排序列26 第十五课动态规划,最长公共子序列,最优二叉搜索树阅读:15 章收《作业7》发《作业8》27 第十六课贪婪算法,最小生成树阅读:16 章1 到 3 节,23 章28 演示课10 贪婪算法和动态规划的范例29 第十七课最短路径1,Dijkstra算法,广度优先搜索阅读:22 章1, 2 节;第580 - 587 页,24章 3 节收《作业8》发《作业9》30 演示课11 深度优先搜索,拓扑排序阅读:22 章3 到 5 节31 第十八课最短路径2,Bellman-Ford算法,DAG最短路径,差分约束阅读:24 章1, 2, 4, 5 节32 第十九课所有点对最短路径,Floyd-Warshall,Johnson 的算法阅读:25 章收《作业9》33 第二十课不相交集合的数据结构阅读:21 章34 评分后的作业9可以在中午拿到35 第二十一课带回家发下测验2 ; 道德,解决问题(强制参加)发测验236 没有演示课- 解答测验2!37 没有课算法程序比赛开始(非强制参加)收测验238 第二十二课网络流,最大流最小割切定理阅读:26 章1 - 2 节发《作业10》(选答)39 演示课12 图的匹配算法(注:最大二分匹配)阅读:26 章3 节40 第二十三课网络流,Edmonds-Karp 算法参赛答案截止41 第二十四课随堂测验;比赛颁奖;后续课程的讨论《作业10》解答。

算法导论小笔记算法导论(CLRS)笔记Note on CLRS(Outline & Draft, 2011)Jian Xiao1第2章Getting started1. Merge sort相关的扩展问题1)链表实现V.S.数组实现。
Divide阶段,如何快速找到链表的中点?另外,如何减少Divide/Combine的时间(相比数组实现)?2)In-place merge的方法。
3)归并树:把Merge sort的中间过程都记录下来,所形成的树。
2. 两数和问题。
这个问题扩展以后是一个subset problem,为NPC问题。
第3章Growth of Functions1. 全部5个渐进符号的确切含义第4章Recurrences1. Substitution方法,Recursion tree方法计算复杂度2. Master Theorem及其不能被三种case覆盖的其他情况Master Theorem的证明3. Chip testing problem4. Monge arrays,凸四边形不等式,最优二叉查找树DP算法的优化第5章Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms1. 用Biased-Random产生Uniform-Random分布。
2. In-place、O(n)的uniform random permutationIn-place、O(n)的各个position等概的排列1iamxiaojian@/doc/d1*******.html,3. Coupon collector’s problem4. On-line hiring problem第6章Heapsort1. 两种建堆的方法:逐个插入的O(nlogn),以及自底向上调整的O(n)算法2. Heap sort可能存在效率的地方:每次删除堆顶,都是把某树叶放置于堆顶,然后调整;但是,树叶一般比较大,放于堆顶后,几乎总是要进行多次的比较才能恢复堆的结构。

目录方程组的几何解释 (2)矩阵消元 (3)乘法和逆矩阵 (4)A的LU分解 (6)转置-置换-向量空间R (8)求解AX=0:主变量,特解 (9)求解AX=b:可解性和解的解构 (10)线性相关性、基、维数 (11)四个基本子空间 (12)矩阵空间、秩1矩阵和小世界图 (13)图和网络 (14)正交向量与子空间 (15)子空间投影 (18)投影矩阵与最小二乘 (20)正交矩阵和Gram-Schmidt正交化 (21)特征值与特征向量 (27)对角化和A的幂 (28)微分方程和exp(At)(待处理) (29)对称矩阵与正定性 (29)正定矩阵与最小值 (31)相似矩阵和若尔当型(未完成) (32)奇异值分解(SVD) (33)线性变换及对应矩阵 (34)基变换和图像压缩 (36)NOTATIONp:projection vectorP:projection matrixe:error vectorP:permutation matrixT:transport signC(A):column spaceN(A):null spaceU:upper triangularL:lower triangularE:elimination matrixQ:orthogonal matrix, which means the column vectors are orthogonalE:elementary/elimination matrix, which always appears in the elimination of matrix N:null space matrix, the “solution matrix” of AX=0R:reduced matrix, which always appears in the triangular matrix, “IF00”I:identity matrixS:eigenvector matrixΛ:eigenvalue matrixC:cofactor matrix关于LINER ALGEBA名垂青史的分析方法:由具象到抽象,由二维到高维。

算法导论读书笔记【篇一:《算法概论》读书笔记及读后感】《算法概论》读书笔记12计转1 12130907 李酉辰第0章本章较为简短,没有深入系统地涉及某些内容。
主要以fibonacci 数列的例子,让我体会了递归和递推思想的差别。
《算法导论》读书笔记 附录A习题解答

A.1-4 求。
A.1-5 求的值。
A.1-6 利用求和公式的线性特征证明。
A.1-7 求的值。
A.1-8 求的值。
A.2-1 证明有常量上界。
A.2-2 求和的渐近上界。
A.2-3 通过分割求和证明第个调和数是。
A.2-4 通过积分求的近似值。
A.2-5 题略。
A-1 求和的界

所以就引入本章的重点:如何解递归式?分治法适用的情况分治法所能解决的问题一般具有以下几个特征:1. 该问题的规模缩小到一定的程度就可以容易地解决2. 该问题可以分解为若干个规模较小的相同问题,即该问题具有最优子结构性质。
3. 利用该问题分解出的子问题的解可以合并为该问题的解;4. 该问题所分解出的各个子问题是相互独立的,即子问题之间不包含公共的子子问题。
MIT麻省理工学院 算法导论公开课 Problem Set 4 solution

Introduction to Algorithms October 29, 2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.046J/18.410J Professors Erik D. Demaine and Charles E. Leiserson Handout 18Problem Set 4 SolutionsProblem 4-1. TreapsIf we insert a set of n items into a binary search tree using T REE-I NSERT, the resulting tree may be horribly unbalanced. As we saw in class, however, we expect randomly built binary search trees to be balanced. (Precisely, a randomly built binary search tree has expected height O(lg n).) Therefore, if we want to build an expected balanced tree for a fixed set of items, we could randomly permute the items and then insert them in that order into the tree.What if we do not have all the items at once? If we receive the items one at a time, can we still randomly build a binary search tree out of them?We will examine a data structure that answers this question in the affirmative. A treap is a binary search tree with a modified way of ordering the nodes. Figure 1 shows an example of a treap. As usual, each item x in the tree has a key key[x]. In addition, we assign priority[x], which is a random number chosen independently for each x. We assume that all priorities are distinct and also that all keys are distinct. The nodes of the treap are ordered so that (1) the keys obey the binary-search-tree property and (2) the priorities obey the min-heap order property. In other words,•if v is a left child of u, then key[v]<key[u];•if v is a right child of u, then key[v]>key[u]; and•if v is a child of u, then priority(v)>priority(u).(This combination of properties is why the tree is called a “treap”: it has features of both a binary search tree and a heap.)Figure 1: A treap. Each node x is labeled with key[x]:p riority[x]. For example, the root has key G and priority 4.It helps to think of treaps in the following way. Suppose that we insert nodes x1,x2,...,x n, each with an associated key, into a treap in arbitrary order. Then the resulting treap is the tree that wouldhave been formed if the nodes had been inserted into a normal binary search tree in the order given by their (randomly chosen) priorities. In other words, priority[x i]<priority[x j]means that x i is effectively inserted before x j.(a) Given a set of nodes x1,x2,...,x n with keys and priorities all distinct, show that thereis a unique treap with these nodes.Solution:Prove by induction on the number of nodes in the tree. The base case is a tree withzero nodes, which is trivially unique. Assume for induction that treaps with k−1orfewer nodes are unique. We prove that a treap with k nodes is unique. In this treap, theitem x with minimum priority must be at the root. The left subtree has items with keys<key[x]and the right subtree has items with keys >key[x]. This uniquely defines theroot and both subtrees of the root. Each subtree is a treap of size ≤k−1, so they areunique by induction.Alternatively, one can also prove this by considering a treap in which nodes are inserted in order of their priority. Assume for induction that the treap with the k−1nodes with smallest priority is unique. For k=0t his is trivially true. Now considerthe treap with the k nodes with smallest priority. Since we know that the structureof a treap is the same as the structure of a binary search tree in which the keys areinserted in increasing priority order, the treap with the k nodes with smallest priorityis the same as the treap with the k−1nodes with smallest priority after inserting thek-th node. Since BST insert is a deterministic algorithm, there is only one place thek-th node could be inserted. Therefore the treap with k nodes is also unique, provingthe inductive hypothesis.(b) Show that the expected height of a treap is O(lg n), and hence the expected time tosearch for a value in the treap is O(lg n).Solution: The idea is to realize that a treap on n nodes is equivalent to a randomlybuilt binary search tree on n nodes. Recall that assigning priorities to nodes as theyare inserted into the treap is the same as inserting the n nodes in the increasing orderdefined by their priorities. So if we assign the priorities randomly, we get a randomorder of n priorities, which is the same as a random permutation of the n inputs, sowe can view this as inserting the n items in random order.The time to search for an item is O(h)where h is the height of the tree. As we saw inlecture, E[h]=O(lg n). (The expectation is taken over permutations of the n nodes,i.e., the random choices of the priorities.)Let us see how to insert a new node x into an existing treap. The first thing we do is assign x a random priority priority[x]. Then we call the insertion algorithm, which we call T REAP-I NSERT, whose operation is illustrated in Figure 2.(e) (f)Figure 2: Operation of T REAP-I NSERT. As in Figure 1, each node x is labeled with key[x]: priority[x]. (a) Original treap prior to insertion. (b) The treap after inserting a node with key C and priority 25. (c)–(d) Intermediate stages when inserting a node with key D and priority 9.(e) The treap after insertion of parts (c) and (d) is done. (f) The treap after inserting a node with key F and priority 2.(c) Explain how T REAP-I NSERT works. Explain the idea in English and give pseudocode.(Hint: Execute the usual binary search tree insert and then perform rotations to restorethe min-heap order property.)Solution: The hint gives the idea: do the usual binary search tree insert and thenperform rotations to restore the min-heap order property.T REAP-I NSERT (T,x)inserts x into the treap T(by modifying T). It requires that xhas defined key and priority values. We have used the subroutines T REE-I NSERT,R IGHT-R OTATE, and R IGHT-R OTATE as defined in CLRS.T REAP-I NSERT (T,x)1T REE-I NSERT (T,x)2 while x =root[T]and priority[x]<priority[p[x]]3 do if x=left[p[x]]4 then R IGHT-R OTATE (T,p[x])5 else L EFT-R OTATE (T,p[x])Note that parent pointers simplify the code but are not necessary. Since we only needto know the parent of each node on the path from the root to x(after the call toT REE-I NSERT), we can keep track of these ourselves.(d) Show that the expected running time of T REAP-I NSERT is O(lg n). Solution:T REAP-I NSERT first inserts an item in the tree using the normal binary search treeinsert and then performs a number of rotations to restore the min-heap property.The normal binary-search-tree insertion algorithm T REE-I NSERT always places thenew item at a new leaf of tree. Therefore the time to insert an item into a treap isproportional to the height of a randomly built binary search tree, which as we saw inlecture is O(lg n)in expectation.The maximum number of rotations occurs when the new item receives a priority lessthan all priorities in the tree. In this case it needs to be rotated from a leaf to the root.An upper bound on the number of rotations is therefore the height of a randomly builtbinary search tree, which is O(lg n)in expectation. (We will see that this is a fairlyloose bound.) Because each rotation take constant time, the expected time to rotate isO(lg n).Thus the expected running time of T REAP-I NSERT is O(lg n+lg n)=O(lg n).T REAP-I NSERT performs a search and then a sequence of rotations. Although searching and rotating have the same asymptotic running time, they have different costs in practice. A search reads information from the treap without modifying it, while a rotation changes parent and child pointers within the treap. On most computers, read operations are much faster than write operations. Thus we would like T REAP-I NSERT to perform few rotations. We will show that the expected number of rotations performed is bounded by a constant (in fact, less than 2)!(a) (b)Figure 3: Spines of a binary search tree. The left spine is shaded in (a), and the right spine is shaded in (b).In order to show this property, we need some definitions, illustrated in Figure 3. The left spine of a binary search tree T is the path which runs from the root to the item with the smallest key. In other words, the left spine is the maximal path from the root that consists only of left edges. Symmetrically, the right spine of T is the maximal path from the root consisting only of right edges. The length of a spine is the number of nodes it contains.(e) Consider the treap T immediately after x is inserted using T REAP-I NSERT. Let Cbe the length of the right spine of the left subtree of x. Let D be the length of theleft spine of the right subtree of x. Prove that the total number of rotations that wereperformed during the insertion of x is equal to C+D.Solution: Prove the claim by induction on the number of rotations performed. Thebase case is when x is the parent of y. Performing the rotation so that y is the new rootgives y exactly one child, so C+D=1.Assume for induction that the number of rotations k performed during the insertionof x equals C+D. The base case is when 0 rotations are necessary and x is insertedas a leaf. Then C+D=0. To prove the inductive step, we show that if after k−1rotations C+D=k−1, then after k rotations C+D=k. Draw a picture of aleft and right rotation and observe that C+D increases by 1 in each case. Let y bethe parent of x, and suppose x is a left child of y. After performing a right rotation, ybecomes the right child of x, and the previous right child of x becomes the left childof y. That is, the left spine of the right subtree of x before the rotation is tacked onto y, so the length of that spine increases by one. The left subtree of x is unaffectedby a right rotation. The case of a left rotation is symmetric. Therefore after one morerotation C+D increases by one and k=C+D, proving the inductive hypothesis.We will now calculate the expected values of C and D. For simplicity, we assume that the keys are 1,2,...,n. This assumption is without loss of generality because we only compare keys.�For two distinct nodes x and y , let k = key [x ]and i = key [y ], and define the indicator random variableX 1 if y is a node on the right spine of the left subtree of x (in T ),i,k =0 otherwise .(f) Show that X i,k =1if and only if (1) priority [y ]> priority [x ], (2) key [y ]< key [x ], and(3) for every z such that key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ],we have p riority [y ]< priority [z ].Solution:To prove this statement, we must prove both directions of the “if and only if”. Firstwe prove the “if” direction. We prove that if (1) priority [y ]> priority [x ], (2) key [y ]<key [x ], and (3) for every z such that key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ]are true, priority [y ]< priority [z ], then X i,k =1. We prove this by contradiction. Assume that X i,k =0. That is, assume that y is not on the right spine of the left subtree of x . We show thatthis leads to a contradiction. If y is not on the right spine of the left subtree of x ,it could be in one of three places:1. Suppose y is in the right subtree of x . This contradicts condition (2) becausekey [y ]< key [x ].2. Suppose y is not in one of the subtrees of x . Then x and y must share somecommon ancestor z . Since key [y ]< key [x ], we know that y is in the left subtreeof z and x is in the right subtree of z and key [y ]< key [z ] < key [x ]. Since y isbelow z in the tree, priority [z ]< priority [x ]and priority [z ]< priority [y ]. Thiscontradicts condition (3).3. Suppose that y is in the left subtree of x but not on the right spine of the leftsubtree of x . This implies that there exists some ancestor z of y in the left subtreeof x such that y is in the left subtree of z . Hence key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ]. Sincez is an ancestor of y , priority [z ]< priority [y ], which contradicts condition (3).All possible cases lead to contradictions, and so X i,k =1.Now for the “only if” part. We prove that if X i,k =1, then statements (1), (2), and (3) are true. If X i,k =1, then y is in the right spine of the left subtree of x . Since y is ina subtree of x , y must have been inserted after x ,so p riority [y ]> priority [x ], proving(1). Since y is in the left subtree of x , key [y ]< key [x ], proving (2). We prove (3) by contradiction: suppose that X i,k =1and there exists a z such that key [y ]< key [z ]< key [x ]and priority [z ]< priority [y ]. In other words, z was inserted before y . There arethree possible cases that satisfy the condition key [z ]< key [x ]:1. Suppose z is in the right spine of the left subtree of x .For y to be inserted into theright spine of the left subtree of x , it will have to be inserted into the right subtreeof z . Since key [y ]< key [z ], this leads to a contradiction.2. Suppose z is in the left subtree of x but not in the right spine. This implies thatz is in the left subtree of some node z in the right spine of x . Therefore for y tobe inserted into the right spine of the left subtree of x , it must be inserted into theright subtree of z . This leads to a contradiction by reasoning similar to case 1.3. Suppose that z is not in one of the subtrees of x . Then z and x have a commonancestor z such that z is in the left subtree of z and x is in the right subtree of x .This implies key [z ] < key [z ] < key [x ]. Since key [y ]< key [z ]< key [z ], y cannotbe inserted into the right subtree of z . Therefore it cannot be inserted in a subtreeof x , which is a contradiction.Therefore there can be no z such that key [y ] < key [z ] < key [x ] and priority [z ] < priority [y ]. This proves statement (3). We have proven both the “if” and “only if” directions, proving the claim.(g) Show that(k − i − 1)! 1 Pr {X i,k =1} == . (k − i +1)! (k − i +1)(k − i )Solution: We showed in the previous part that X i,k =1if and only if the priorities of the items between y and x are ordered in a certain way. Since all orderings are equally likely, to calculate the probability we count the number of permutations of priorities that obey this order and divide by the number of total number of priority permutations. We proved in (e) that whether or not X i,k =1depends only on the relative ordering of the priorities of y , x , and all z such that key [y ] < key [z ] < key [x ]. Since we assumed that the keys of the items come from {1,...,n }, the keys of the items in question are i,i +1,i +2,...,k − 1,k . There are (k − i +1)!permutations of the priorities of these items. Of these permutations, the ones for which X i,k =1are those where i has minimum priority, k has the second smallest priority, and the priorities of the remaining k − i − 1 items follow in any order. There are (k − i − 1)! of these permutations. Thus the probability that we get a “bad” order is (k −i −1)!/(k −i +1)!= 1/(k − i )(k − i +1).(h) Show thatk −1 � 1 1 E [C ]= =1− . j (j +1)k j =1 Solution:X For a node x with key k , E [C ]is the expected number of nodes in the right spine of the left subtree of x . This equals the sum of the expected value of the random variables i,k for all i in the tree. Since X i,k =0for all nodes i ≥ k , we only need to consider i <k .� � � k −1 �k −1 � E [C ]=E [X i,k ]=E X i,k i =1 i =1 k −1 =Pr {X i,k =1}i =1 k −1 � 1 =(k − i )(k − i +1) i =1 k −1 � 1= j (j +1)j =1 1To simplify this sum, observe that j (j 1+1) = j +1−j = − 1 . Therefore the sumj (j +1) j j +1 telescopes and we have 1 E [C ]=1− . kIf you didn’t see this, you could have proven that the equationk −1 � 1 1 =1− j (j +1)k j =1 holds by induction on k . In the proving the inductive hypothesis you might have 11discovered 1 − = .j j +1 j (j +1)(i) Use a symmetry argument to show that1 E [D ]=1− . n − k +1Solution: The idea is to consider the treap produced if the ordering relationship amongthe keys is reversed. That is, for all items x , leave priority [x ]unchanged but replacekey [x ]with n − key [x ]+1.Let T be the binary tree we get when inserting the items (in increasing order of priority) using the original keys. Once we remap the keys and insert them into a newbinary search tree, we get a tree T whose shape is the mirror image of the shape ofT . (reflected left to right). Consider the item x with key k in T and therefore has key n − k +1 i n T . The length of the left spine of x ’s right subtree in T has becomethe length of the right spine of x ’s left subtree in T . We know by part (g) that the expected length of the right spine of a left subtree of a node y is 1− 1/idkey [y ],so the expected length of the right spine of the left subtree of x in T is 1− 1/(n − k +1), which means that 1 E [D ]=1− . n − k +1(j) Conclude that the expected number of rotations performed when inserting a node into a treap is less than 2.Solution:11 E [number of rotations ]= E [C +D ]=E [C ]+E [D ]=1− +1− k n − k +1 ≤ 1+1=2. Problem 4-2. Being balancedCall a family of trees balanced if every tree in the family has height O (lg n ), where n is the number of nodes in the tree. (Recall that the height of a tree is the maximum number of edges along any path from the root of the tree to a leaf of the tree. In particular, the height of a tree with just one node is 0.)For each property below, determine whether the family of binary trees satisfying that property is balanced. If you answer is “no”, provide a counterexample. If your answer is “yes”, give a proof (hint: it should be a proof by induction). Remember that being balanced is an asymptotic property, so your counterexamples must specify an infinite set of trees in the family, not just one tree. (a) Every node of the tree is either a leaf or it has two children.Solution: No. Counterexample is a right chain, with each node having a leaf hanging off to the left(b) The size of each subtree can be written as 2k − 1, where k is an integer (k is not the same for each subtree).Solution: Yes.Consider any subtree with root r . We know from the condition that the size of this subtree is 2k 1 − 1. We also know that the size of the subtree rooted at the left child of r is 2k 2 − 1, and the size of the subtree rooted at the right child of r is 2k 3 − 1. But the size of the subtree at r is simply the node r together with the nodes in the left and right subtrees. This leads to the equation 2k 1 − 1=1+(2k 2 − 1)+(2k 3 − 1),or 2k 1 =2k 2 +2k 3. Now we show that k 2 =k 3. This is easy to see if you consider the binary representations of k 1, k 2, and k 3.Otherwise, if we assume WLOG that k 2 ≤ k 3, then we have 2k 1−k 2 =1+2k 3−k 2. 2Now, the only pair of integer powers of 2 that could satisfy this equation are 21 and 0 . Thus k 3 − k 2 =0,or k 2 =k 3, and the left and right subtrees of r have an equal number of nodes. It follows that the tree is perfectly balanced.(c) There is a constant c>0such that, for each node of the tree, the size of the smallerchild subtree of this node is at least c times the size of the larger child subtree.Solution:Yes1. The proof is by induction. Assume that the two subtrees of x with n nodes in itssubtree has two children y and z with subtree sizes n1 and n2. By inductive hypothesis,the height of y’s subtree is at most d lg n1 and the height of z’s subtree is at most d lg n2for some constant d. We now prove that the height of x’s subtree is at most d lg n.Assume wlog that n1 ≥n2. Therefore, by the problem statement, we have n2 ≥cn1.Therefore, we have n=n1 +n2 +1≥(1+c)n1 +1≥(1+c)n1 and the height hof x’s subtree is d lg n1 +1≤d lg(n/(c+1))+1≤d lg n−d lg(1+c)+1≤d lg nif d lg(1+c)≥1. Therefore, for sufficiently large d, the height of a tree with n nodesis at most d lg n.(d) There is a constant c such that, for each node of the tree, the heights of its childrensubtrees differ by at most c.Solution: Yes1. Let n(h)be the minimum number of nodes that a tree of height h thatsatisfies the stated property can have. We show by induction that n(h)≥(1+α)h−1,for some constant 0<α≤1. We can then conclude that for a tree with n nodes,h≤log1+α(n+1)=O(lg n).For the base case, a subtree of height 0has a single node, and 1≥(1+α)0 −1forany constant α≤1.In the inductive step, assume for all trees of height k<h, that the n(k)≥(1+α)k−1.Now consider a tree of height h, and look at its two subtrees. We know one subtreemust have height h−1, and the other must have height at least h−1−c. Therefore,we known(h)≥n(h−1)+n(h−1−c)+1.Using the inductive hypothesis, we getn(h) ≥(1+α)h−1 −1+(1+α)h−1−c−1+1≥2(1+α)h−1−c−1.Suppose we picked αsmall enough so that (1+α)<21/(c+1). Then (1+α)c+1 <2.Therefore, we getn(h)≥2(1+α)h−1−c−1≥(1+α)h−1.1Note that in this problem we assume that a nil pointer is a subtree of size 0, and so a node with only one child has two subtrees, one of which has size 0. If you assume that a node with only one child has only one subtree, then the answer to this problem part is “no”.�11Handout18: Problem Set4SolutionsTherefore, we satisfy the inductive hypothesis.Note that if we plug this value for αback into h≤log1+α(n+1),we getlg(n+1)h≤≤(c+1)l g(n+1).lg(1+2c+1)(e) The average depth of a node is O(lg n). (Recall that the depth of a node x is thenumber of edges along the path from the root of the tree to x.)Solution: No.√Consider a tree with n−n nodes organized as a complete binary tree, and the other √ √n nodes sticking out as a chain of length n from the balanced tree. The height of√√√the tree is lg(n−n)+n=Ω(n), while the average depth of a node is at most�√√ √(1/n)n·(n+lg n)+(n−n)·lg n√√=(1/n)(n+n lg n+n lg n−nlgn)=(1/n)(n+n lg n)=O(lg n)√Thus, we have a tree with average node depth O(lg n), but height Ω(n).。


这本书一共四位作者,Thomas H. Cormen,Charles E. Leiserson和Ronald L. Rivest是来自MIT的教授,Clifford Stein是MIT出来的博士,现在哥伦比亚大学做教授,四人姓氏的首字母联在一起即是此书的英文简称(CLRS 2e),其中的第三作者Ronald L. Rivest是RSA算法的老大(算法名字里面的R即是指他),四个超级大牛出的一本书,此书不看人生不能算完整。
再介绍一下课堂录像里面授课的两位MIT的老师,第一位,外表“绝顶聪明”的,是本书的第二作者Charles E. Leiserson,以逻辑严密,风趣幽默享誉MIT。
第二位,留着金黄色的络腮胡子和马尾发的酷哥是Erik Demaine,21岁即取得MIT教授资格的天才,1981出生,今年才25岁,业余爱好是俄罗斯方块、演戏、琉璃、折纸、杂耍、魔术和结绳游戏。

另外,我推荐每学一个算法,就去各个OJ(Online Judge)找一些相关题目做做,有时理论让人很无语,分析代码也是一个不错的选择。

主要是三个步骤:1)分解:将数组A[p....r]划分为2个子数组A[p....q-1]和A[q+1....r],使前一个每个元素都小于A[q],后一个数组,每个元素都大于A[q](q在划分过程中计算)2)解决:递归调用快速排序,对2个子数组进行排序3)合并:因为2个子数组是就地排序,所以合并不用操作,数组已排序看到这个合并,就想到啊,和归并比,一个从小到大,一个从大到小,差距就是这么大,快排么得合并开销,一下就省了很多啊,说明,方向很重要啊,如同那句,同样一个B,S与N 的差别,大家都懂的。
快速排序的实现代码如下:1//===============================================================2// Name : Qsort.cpp3// Author : xia4// Copyright : NUAA5// Description : 快速排序的实现6//===============================================================7#include <iostream>8#include <vector>9#include <fstream>10#include <algorithm>11#include <ctime>1213using namespace std;14const int MAX = 1000 ;1516void WriteToFile(vector<int> v)17{//将v写入文件,纯看排序结果是否正确,也可以写个test()18int i;19 ofstream result("Qsort.txt");20if (result.fail())21 {22 cout << " open data error " << endl;23 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);24 }25for (i=0 ; i<v.size() ; i++)26 {27 result << v[i] << " " ;28 }29 result.close();30}31int Partion(vector<int> &A,int p ,int r)32{//数组划分33int x=A[r];//x都感觉没用34int i=p-1;35for (int j=p ; j<r ;j++)36 {37if ( A[j] <= x )38 {39 i++;40 swap(A[i],A[j]);41 }42 }43 swap(A[i+1],A[r]);44return i+1;45}46void Qsort(vector<int> &A, int p ,int r)47{//递归快排48if (p < r)49 {50int q = Partion(A,p,r);51 Qsort(A,p,q-1);52 Qsort(A,q+1,r);53 }54}55int main(int argc, char **argv)56{57 vector<int> v;58int i;59for (i=0 ; i< MAX ;i++)60 v.push_back(i);61 random_shuffle(v.begin(),v.end());//打乱6263 Qsort(v,0,v.size()-1);64 WriteToFile(v);6566return 0;67}说到代码,很惭愧的,/chinazhangjie/archive/2010/12/09/1901491.html张杰同学的c++模板类实现,(这里也得感谢Tanky Woo,看了他的总结,得以看很多的链接),果然我写的只是C的扩充啊,像用vector只是防止溢出,也就是数组来使用,一些操作也只是作为一个扩充。
超详细MIT线性代数公开课笔记 完整版

第三行: 0 0
1 2 关键第二行: -3 1 0 3 8 0 4
1 0 3 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 1
2 1 8 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 8 1 0 4 1 4 1 -3 [1 2 1] 1 [3 8 1] 0 2 2 0 [0 4 1] 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 4 1 E21A 1 2 1
* * * 例如消成这样 0 * * 0 0 0
回代 Back-Substitution
做方程的高斯消元时,需要对等式右侧的 b 做同样的乘法和加减法。手工计算 时比较有效率的方法是应用“增广矩阵” (augmented matrix) ,将 b 插入矩阵 A 之后形成最后一列,在消元过程中带着 b 一起操作。 (Matlab 是算完系数矩阵再处 理 b 的。 )
在列图像中,我们将系数矩阵写成列向量的形式,则求解原方程变为寻找列向 量的线性组合(linear combination)来构成向量 b。
2 1 0 y 1 2 3
向量线性组合是贯穿本课程的重要概念。对于给定的向量 c 和 d 以及标量 x 和 y,我们将 xc+yd 称之为 c 和 d 的一个线性组合。 从几何上讲, 我们是寻找满足如下要求的 x 和 y, 使得两者分别数乘对应的列向
1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 6 3 8 1 12 0 2 - 2 6 0 2 - 2 0 0 5 - 10 0 4 1 2 0 4 1 2 2 此时我们将原方程 Ax=b 转化为了新的方程 Ux=c,其中 c= 6 。 - 10

《算法导论》复习笔记Chapter 22 基本图算法22、1-1 有向图邻接链表,计算节点出度与入度的时间复杂度?O(V+E)开一个degree[]数组,大小为结点个数,复杂度O(V);遍历邻接链表,经过边uv时,计算出度degree[u]+=1,计算入度degree[v]+=1,复杂度O(E) 22、1-4 将一个多图变成等价无向图,用邻接链表表示,时间复杂度O(V+E)多图就是允许重复边与自循环边的图。
复杂度O(E)再次遍历u的连边,将mark[v]初始化整体复杂度O(V+E)伪代码:SOLVE(G,G’)1 for each vetex u∈G2 for each v∈ G、Adj[u]3 if mark[v]==false4 mark[v]==true5 Addedge(G’,u,v)6 for each v∈G、Adj[u]7 mark[v]=false22、1-6 图G的邻接矩阵表示,给出一个O(V)的算法来判断有向图G中就是否存在一个通用汇点。
MIT算法导论公开课 期末答案

leaves. Since leaf costs M , and the total cost is dominated by the leaves, the �each � ∈ �3 � � ∈ � solution is � M n/ M = � n3 / M .
Handout 36: Final Exam Solutions
Problem 1. Recurrences [15 points] (3 parts)
Give a tight asymptotic upper bound (O notation) on the solution to each of the following recur rences. You need not justify your answers. (a) T (n) = 2T (n/8) + Solution: ∈ 3 n.
Handout 36: Final Exam Solutions
Problem 4. True or False, and Justify [35 points] (7 parts)
Circle T or F for each of the following statements to indicate whether the statement is true or false, respectively. If the statement is correct, briefly state why. If the statement is wrong, explain why. The more content you provide in your justification, the higher your grade, but be brief. Your justification is worth more points than your true-or-false designation. T F Let A1 , A2 , and A3 be three sorted arrays of n real numbers (all distinct). In the comparison model, constructing a balanced binary search tree of the set A 1 � A2 � A3 requires Δ(n lg n) time. Solution: False. First, merge the three arrays, A1 , A2 , and A3 in O (n) time. Second, construct a balanced binary search tree from the merged array: the median of the array is the root; recursively build the left subtree from the first half of the array and the right subtree from the second half of the array. The resulting running time is T (n) = 2T (n/2)+ O (1) = O (n).

《算法导论》复习笔记Chapter 22 基本图算法22.1—1 有向图邻接链表,计算节点出度和入度的时间复杂度?O(V+E)开一个degree[]数组,大小为结点个数,复杂度O(V);遍历邻接链表,经过边uv时,计算出度degree[u]+=1,计算入度degree[v]+=1,复杂度O(E)22。
1—4 将一个多图变成等价无向图,用邻接链表表示,时间复杂度O(V+E)多图是允许重复边和自循环边的图。
复杂度O(E)再次遍历u的连边,将mark[v]初始化整体复杂度O(V+E)伪代码:SOLVE(G,G’)1 for each vetex u∈G2 for each v∈ G。
Adj[u]3 if mark[v]==false4 mark[v]==true5 Addedge(G’,u,v)6 for each v∈G。
Adj[u]7 mark[v]=false22.1—6 图G的邻接矩阵表示,给出一个O(V)的算法来判断有向图G中是否存在一个通用汇点。
伪代码:判断是否存在通用汇点 O(V)HAS_UNIVERSL_SINK(G)1 i=j=12 while i≤V and j≤V3 if G[i][j]==14 i=i+15 else j=j+16 if i>V7 return false8 else return CHECK(G,i)CHECK(G,u)1 for each vertex v∈G.V2 if G[u][v]=13 return false4 for each vertex v ∈ G.V5 if G[v][u]==0& u!=v6 return false7 return true检查点u是否是通用汇点【宽度优先搜索】22。