

教 师 ,不 仅 要 传 道授 业 解 惑 ,更 重 要 的是 教 会 学 生 如何 做 人 、如何 做事 。 中学 生正处 在人 生观 、价 值 观逐 步
故事 。教 学 这 一 课 时不 仅 只 重 视 语 言知 识 的讲 授 ,更 应
该 向学 生 介 绍 爱 迪 生 的坎 坷 经 历 及 坚韧 不 拔 的精 神 , 从 而激 励 学 生 在 面 对挫 折 时抱 有 不 惧 失败 、不 畏 困难 的 态
学生 与 人 相 处 要 有仁 爱之 心 ,真 正 的 “ 爱 ”应 该 是 学 会 “ 倾听 ” “ 付 出” “ 尊重 ” “ 包 容 ”; 其 次 ,借 助 单 词 与 其衍 生词 的联 系赋 予 其更 深 的意义 。如讲 授 “ l a wy e r ” 时 ,可 以 引导 学生 联 系 “ l a w”一词 ,告 诉学 生 法律 对 一 个 国家 的重 要性 ,使他们 养成 遵 纪守法 的 良好 习惯 。
四、利用 短文讲授 英 语 短 文材 料 是 经 过 教 材 编 辑 人 员精 心 选 择 的 ,具
单词 的讲授 是 英语 教学 的基 础 ,往往 形式 单一 ,需要 创 新讲 授 方法 。首 先可 以通 过单 词 的拆 、分赋 予 单词积 极
的含 义 。如 学 习 “ n e ws ” 时, 可 以认 为是 n o r t h 、s o u t h 、 we s t 、e a s t 四个 词 首 字 母 的 组 合 , 并 告 诉 学 生 “ 获 取 信
这 些 问题进 行 小组讨 论并 发言 ,这 个过 程就 会无 形地 使 学 生 思想 受 到 触动 。课 后还 可 以以 " wh a t wi l l y o u d o w h e n y o u c o me a c r o s s wi t h d i mc u l t i e s ”为主 题 开展 英语 短多对话 都 隐含着 人与 人 之间 相处 的 礼 貌礼 仪和 方式 方法 。授 课 时,教 师不 应只 关注 对 话 中的 短 语或 语法 ,还 应 从整体 上 向学 生阐述 对话 的含 义 ,告诉 学生在 与人 交往 中 “ 哪些 话 该说 、应该 怎样 说 、哪 些事 该
初中英语论文 以人为本的英语课堂


英语作文怎样教好学生How to Teach Students Effectively。
Teaching is a noble profession that requires dedication, patience, and creativity. As a teacher, your goal is tohelp your students learn and grow, and to inspire them to become lifelong learners. Here are some tips on how toteach students effectively.1. Know your students。
Every student is unique, and understanding their individual needs and abilities is crucial to effective teaching. Take the time to get to know your students, their interests, and their learning styles. This will help you tailor your lessons to their needs and make learning more engaging and enjoyable for them.2. Set clear goals。
Setting clear goals and objectives is essential to effective teaching. Make sure your students know what they are expected to learn and achieve, and provide them with a roadmap to get there. This will help them stay motivated and focused, and give them a sense of accomplishment when they reach their goals.3. Use a variety of teaching methods。


如Unit 3 中“A Good Heart to Lean on”一课的主题是如何做一个好心人。
在本课的Lead-in阶段本人设计了这样的任务活动:一、假定学生被邀参加一个电视谈话节目(Talk show),其中一位同学充当主持人的角色,另一位是被采访对象,当主持人问及“你的父亲在你心目中是怎样一个形象”的问题时,学生可以用自己熟知的英语语句告诉大家,这可以让全班同学回顾父亲在他们成长过程中给他们的支持和关心,不但锻炼了学生的语言能力,而且为下面的课堂内容作了铺垫。
二、询问学生是否能说出父亲的口头禅,教师可以根据实际列举一些常用口头禅,如“Go and ask your mother.” “When I was your age...”等,学生参与积极,课堂气氛活跃。

例如Senior Book One Lesson Eighteen。
在学习saving the earth一文时,教师应结合课文内容教育学生要热爱我们的地球,热爱我们的生活环境,保护大自然学了no smoking一完后要教育学生从小做起,从自身做起不要加入吸烟者的行列,吸烟有害于他人,有害于自己。
通过对computer和science of farming两文的学习要使学生懂得科学技术就是生产力,鼓励他们掌握现代科学文化知识为实现祖国的现代化而贡献力量。

教孩子们怎样做人英语作文Being a good person is not just about being kind and polite to others, but also about being honest and responsible. It's important to teach children the value of integrity and the importance of keeping their word.One way to teach children how to be good people is by setting a good example for them. Children learn by observing the behavior of those around them, so it's important for parents and teachers to model the kind of behavior they want to see in their children.Another way to teach children how to be good people is by encouraging them to be empathetic and understanding towards others. It's important for children to learn how to put themselves in other people's shoes and to consider how their actions might affect others.In addition to teaching children to be kind and empathetic, it's also important to teach them the value ofhard work and perseverance. Children should be encouraged to set goals for themselves and to work hard to achieve them.Teaching children how to be good people also involves teaching them the importance of being respectful towards others. Children should be taught to treat others with kindness and to respect people from different backgrounds and cultures.It's also important to teach children the value of giving back to their community and helping those in need. Children should be encouraged to volunteer and to find ways to make a positive impact on the world around them.In conclusion, teaching children how to be good people involves setting a good example, encouraging empathy and understanding, promoting hard work and perseverance, teaching respect, and instilling a sense of social responsibility. By instilling these values in children from a young age, we can help shape them into kind, responsible, and compassionate individuals.。

教孩子如何做人英语作文Teaching Children How to Be Good People。
As parents, one of our most important responsibilities is to teach our children how to be good people. This means instilling in them values such as honesty, kindness, respect, and empathy. Here are some tips for teaching your children how to be good people:1. Lead by example. Children learn by watching, so it's important to model the behavior you want to see in your child. If you want your child to be honest, be honest with them. If you want your child to be kind, be kind to others.2. Teach empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Encourage your child to think about how others feel and to consider their perspective. This will help them develop empathy and compassion.3. Encourage kindness. Teach your child to be kind to others, even when it's difficult. Encourage them to help those in need and to stand up for what is right.4. Teach respect. Respect is an important value that teaches children to treat others with dignity and kindness. Teach your child to respect others' opinions, beliefs, and differences.5. Encourage honesty. Honesty is a crucial value that teaches children to be truthful and trustworthy. Encourage your child to tell the truth, even when it's difficult.6. Teach responsibility. Responsibility teacheschildren to take ownership of their actions and to be accountable for their behavior. Encourage your child to take responsibility for their mistakes and to learn from them.7. Encourage gratitude. Gratitude teaches children to appreciate what they have and to be thankful for the people in their lives. Encourage your child to express gratitudeand to show appreciation for others.In conclusion, teaching our children how to be good people is a crucial responsibility. By modeling good behavior, teaching empathy, kindness, respect, honesty, responsibility, and gratitude, we can help our children become kind, compassionate, and responsible adults.。

老师教你怎样做人作文英语Title: Learning Life Lessons from Teachers。
Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping our character and guiding us through life's challenges. From their wisdom and experience, we glean valuable lessons on how to navigate the complexities of being human. In this essay, I will delve into the profound teachings I've received from my teachers on how to conduct oneself.Firstly, teachers have emphasized the importance of integrity. They have instilled in me the virtue of honesty, teaching that it forms the bedrock of trustworthy relationships and builds a reputation of reliability. Through their actions and words, they have shown that integrity is not merely about adhering to rules but about upholding moral principles even when faced with adversity.Moreover, teachers have taught me the significance of empathy and compassion. They have encouraged me to walk inothers' shoes, to understand their perspectives, and to offer support without judgment. By fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding, they have demonstrated that kindness is a universal language that transcends differences.Additionally, teachers have imparted lessons on resilience and perseverance. They have encouraged me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and to persist in the face of setbacks. Through their encouragement and belief in my potential, they have empowered me to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger than before.Furthermore, teachers have emphasized the importance of lifelong learning. They have nurtured my curiosity and thirst for knowledge, inspiring me to explore new ideas and expand my horizons. By fostering a love for learning, they have equipped me with the tools to adapt to an ever-changing world and to continuously evolve as a person.In conclusion, teachers serve as invaluable guides onour journey through life, imparting wisdom and shaping our character in profound ways. From lessons on integrity and empathy to resilience and lifelong learning, their teachings transcend the confines of the classroom and leave an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. As I continue to navigate the complexities of being human, I am grateful for the invaluable lessons I have learned from my teachers, which will continue to guide me on the path to becoming the best version of myself.。

老师教怎样做人英语作文600The Teacher's Guidance on the Art of Being Human.In the hallowed halls of learning, where knowledge and virtue intertwine, the role of a teacher transcends the mere dissemination of facts and formulas. They serve as mentors, guiding students not only through the intricacies of academia but also on the path of personal growth and moral development.From the earliest days of childhood, educators instill in young minds the values that shape their character and guide their actions. They teach the importance of honesty, integrity, and respect, laying the foundation for responsible citizenship and ethical conduct. Through stories, parables, and real-life examples, they demonstrate the power of kindness, empathy, and compassion, fostering a sense of responsibility towards others.As students progress through their educational journey,teachers continue to play a pivotal role in shaping their moral compass. They encourage critical thinking, fostering the ability to discern right from wrong and to makeinformed decisions. They engage in discussions aboutethical dilemmas, exploring various perspectives and considering the potential consequences of different choices.Through literature, history, and the arts, teachers expose students to the complexities of human nature and the challenges faced by individuals throughout history. They analyze characters' motivations, actions, and the impact of their decisions, providing valuable lessons about the consequences of both virtue and vice.In the classroom, teachers create a safe and supportive environment where students feel comfortable expressingtheir thoughts and feelings. They listen attentively toeach student's perspectives, valuing their unique experiences and contributions. By fostering open dialogue and respectful discourse, they promote tolerance, understanding, and the ability to engage in constructive debate.Beyond the classroom, teachers serve as role models for their students. They embody the values they teach, demonstrating integrity, fairness, and empathy in their interactions with others. They show their students that they care about their well-being and are invested in their success both academically and personally.The teacher's guidance on the art of being human extends beyond the confines of the school day. Through extracurricular activities, clubs, and community service programs, they provide opportunities for students to practice and apply the values they have learned in the classroom.By participating in volunteer work, mentoring younger students, or advocating for social causes, students develop a sense of purpose and belonging. They learn the importance of giving back to their community and making a positive impact on the world.The teacher's influence on students' moral developmentis profound and long-lasting. The values they instill and the lessons they teach shape students' character, guiding their actions and choices throughout their lives. They help students become responsible citizens, ethical leaders, and compassionate members of society.In the tapestry of human civilization, teachers hold a special place. They are the weavers who blend knowledge, virtue, and experience to create the fabric of our shared humanity. Their guidance on the art of being human is agift that transforms lives and leaves an enduring legacy that transcends generations.。

在英语课堂中如何培养学生的好品质英语作文In an English classroom, cultivating good qualities in students is just as important as teaching them language skills. Here are some effective ways to foster positive traits in students while teaching English:1. Encourage good behavior: Set clear expectations for behavior in the classroom and reward students for following them. Praise students when they show respect, kindness, and cooperation towards their peers and teachers.2. Teach empathy: Use reading materials and discussions to help students understand different perspectives and develop empathy towards others. Encourage students to consider how their words and actions impact those around them.3. Promote teamwork: Assign group projects and activities that require students to work together towards a common goal. Emphasize the importance of communication, collaboration, and compromise in achieving success as a team.4. Instill a growth mindset: Encourage students to embrace challenges and mistakes as opportunities for growth. Teach them that effort and perseverance are key to learning and improvement, rather than innate talent.5. Foster resilience: Help students develop resilience by teaching them to bounce back from setbacks and persevere through difficulties. Encourage them to stay positive and find solutions to problems, rather than giving up easily.6. Model good behavior: Lead by example by demonstrating the qualities you wish to see in your students. Show respect, patience, and empathy towards your students and colleagues, and they will be more likely to emulate your behavior.7. Provide opportunities for self-reflection: Encourage students to reflect on their actions and consider how they can improve their behavior and attitudes towards others. Help them set goals for personal growth and support them in achieving them.By incorporating these strategies into your English lessons, you can create a positive and nurturing learning environment where students can develop not only their language skills but also important qualities that will serve them well in all aspects of their lives. Remember, teaching is not just about what you say, but also about the values and behaviors you model for your students.。

笔者根据所在的浙江杭州地区近年来一直使用的《义务教育课程标准实验教科书PEP》教材中研究所得,很多教学内容中都蕴含着德育教育的材料,以笔者所教的四、五年级为例:摘 要:随着教育改革的不断更新,学生的品德教育已经逐步成为热点话题。
关键词:小学英语教学 渗透 德育表1-1 四年级上表1-2 五年级上单元内容德育教育内容Unit1My…classroom 礼仪教育Unit2My…schoolbag 同学交往、相处教育Unit3My…friends…团结友爱教育Unit4My…home 爱家教育Unit5…Dinner’s…ready 用餐礼仪教育Unit6Meet…my…family 人生观教育单元内容德育教育内容Unit1What’s…he…like 文明礼貌教育Unit2My…week 珍惜时间教育Unit3…What…would…you…like 用餐礼仪教育Unit4What…can…you…do 爱劳动教育Unit5There…is…a…big…bed 拜访风俗教育Unit6In…a…nature…park 热爱大自然教育30从以上列表可以看出,该教材所涉及的德育内容广泛,与学生的生活密切相关,包括文明礼貌、爱国主义、团结友爱、热爱劳动、环境教育等德育内容。


学会做人,学会做事的英语作文英文回答:Learning to Be a Person and to Do Things.In the journey of life, we embark on a continuous quest for personal and professional growth. The path to becoming a well-rounded individual who both possesses a strong character and excels at their pursuits requires conscious effort and a commitment to lifelong learning.To learn to be a person involves cultivating a set of virtues and values that guide our interactions with others and shape our inner selves. It entails developing empathy, compassion, and a sense of responsibility towards ourfellow human beings. It means being honest, trustworthy, and adhering to ethical principles, even when it is not easy. By embracing these qualities, we cultivate a strong moral compass and build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.Learning to do things, on the other hand, encompasses acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies that enable us to effectively perform various tasks and achieve our goals. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Whether it is mastering a new language, developing technical expertise, or honing our creativity, the pursuit of knowledge and skills empowers us to make meaningful contributions to society and lead fulfilling lives.However, becoming a well-rounded individual does not happen overnight. It is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort, reflection, and a willingness to learn from both our successes and failures. By embracing both virtues and skills, we create a holistic foundation for personal and professional excellence.中文回答:学会做人,学会做事。

老师教你怎样做人作文英语英文:As a teacher, I believe that being a good person isjust as important as being successful in academics. In my opinion, being a good person means being kind, respectful, and considerate towards others. It also means being honest, trustworthy, and having integrity in all that you do. 。
One way to be a good person is to always treat others with kindness and respect. This means being polite and considerate in your interactions with others, whether it's your classmates, teachers, or even strangers. For example, holding the door open for someone, saying "please" and "thank you," and offering to help someone in need are all simple ways to show kindness and respect.Another important aspect of being a good person is being honest and trustworthy. This means being truthful in your words and actions, and keeping your promises. Forinstance, if you borrow something from a friend, be sure to return it in the same condition you received it. Being honest and trustworthy builds a good reputation and earns the trust of others.Furthermore, having integrity is crucial in being agood person. This means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. For example, if you find a lost wallet, returning it to its rightful owner shows integrity and honesty. It's important to always strive to do the right thing, even when it may be difficult.Overall, being a good person is about how you treat others and the choices you make in your daily life. Bybeing kind, respectful, honest, and having integrity, you can build strong relationships and earn the respect ofthose around you.中文:作为一名教师,我认为成为一个好人和在学业上取得成功一样重要。

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如“never put off what you can do today until tomorrow”,这是初三课堂讲授宾语从句时的一个典型例句,教师在讲解语法的同时,应该将这句话的意思准确无误地告诉学生,让学生明白“今日事今日毕”这样一个做事的基本原则;再如“where there is a will there is a way”,这是初二讲授状语从句的一个例句,在讲授语法的同时,应该将“有志者事竟成”这样的信息传递给学生,让他们明白成长中不仅要有远大的理想,更需要培养自己坚忍不拔的意志力。
如“a: i do beg your pardon for the mistake i’ve made. b: it’s ok. that can happen to the rest of us.”这个很简单的问答,就可以向学生传递两种品格,一是要勇于承担责任并真诚地道歉,二是要宽容别人的过失,要善于换位思考。
如“a man who never gave up”这一课讲述了爱迪生坚持钻研最终取得成功的故事。
课堂上让同学们围绕“why could edison become an inventor”“what do you think you can learn from edison”这些问题进行小组讨论并发言,这个过程就会无形地使学生思想受到触动。
课后还可以以“what will you do when you come across with difficulties”为主题开展英语短文写作练习,让学生真正从爱迪生的故事中产生共鸣。
在学“stop pollution”这课时让学生看看自己的周围,地上的废纸、桌上的乱涂乱画都是污染环境,告诉他们保护环境是每