选修6 unit3词汇

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想要做某事: feel like doing sth./would like to do sth.
想要某物: feel like sth./would like sth. feel like(feel 作系动词):
翻译: 你想要吃个苹果吗? ①Would you like an apple?
2.那个孩子什么时候退学的? When did the child quit school?
2. effect n. 结果;效果;作用;影响 effective adj. 有效的,产生深刻印象的 affect vt. 影响,疾病侵袭,感染某人
例句: ①影片对他影响极大。 The film has a great effect on him. ②这项计划上个星期已经实行了。 The plan had come into effect last week.
例句: 1. 我觉得有必要让孩子养成早期的习惯。 I found it necessary to accustom my child to getting up early. 2. 我应该让自己适应这里的环境。 ①I should accustom myself to the environment here. ②I should be/become accustomed to the environment here.
in these conditions.
②We’ve been advised not to
travelling in these conditions.
take the risk of
3.他吃的太多,锻炼少,因此他现在处于要生病的危 险中。 He ate too much and exercised a little, so now he is at risk of being ill. 。
②医生说每个人都有染上艾滋病的危险。 The doctor said that everyone was at risk of AIDS. ③这个工人又迟到了,他冒着受罚之险。 The worker was late again;he took the risk of being punished./ he risked being punished.
4. addicted (adj.)入了迷的;上了瘾的
他沉迷于电脑游戏。 He gets/is /become addicted to (playing ) computer games. 讨论归纳: 对……着迷;对……上瘾 get/be/become addicted to (doing) sth.
In spite of/ despite her wounded leg, she
managed to get up the stairs.
10. get into
例句: 1.他染上了吸烟的习惯。 He got into the habit of smoking.
2. 假如你陷入困境,我会帮你。 I will help you if you get into trouble/ some difficulties.
讨论归纳(Discussion and Conlusion)
at risk (of) 处于(……的)危险之中;冒(……的)风险
take the risk of …冒险做某事;冒做某事的危险/风险 冒险做某事(risk作v.时) 冒险做……
1. 他们知道自己冒着被捕的危险。 They knew they risked being arrested 2. 我们受到警告,在这种条件下不要出行。 ①We’ve been advised not to risk travelling
get into翻译为:染上(坏习惯),陷入
get into作“陷入”,讲时,
trouble,difficulty 等名词作宾语。
1.那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。 The girl has got into the habit of playing with her hair while reading.
由于……: be due to sth.
预计/预期做…… be due to百度文库do
翻译: 1.Her absence was due to the storm.
The train is due to leave at 3:00
7. ashamed (adj. )
in spite of/despite翻译为:
尽管,介词短语 在句中的位置: 句中、句尾皆可
1.尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。 She can’t see very well in spite of/ despite her glasses. 2.尽管腿受伤了,但她设法上楼梯。
1.他的孩子们沉迷于(看)电视。 His kids get/are/become addicted to (watching) TV.
2.他对唱歌上瘾。 He get/are/become addicted to singing.
5. accustom (v.) 使习惯于
felt /was ashamed of: 对……感到羞耻
因惭愧而不情愿; 因尴尬而勉强:
be ashamed to do
You should be ashamed of yourself for telling
such lies. 2. 我不耻于哭过。
I’m not ashamed to have cried.
8. feel like /would like
例句: 1.冬天你想早起吗? Do you feel like getting up early in winter? Would you like to get up early in winter? 2. I feel like a drink./ I would like a drink. 我想要喝一杯。 3.The wallet feels like leather. 这个钱包摸上去像是皮的。

life?/accustomed yourself to your school life?
(习惯了你在学校的生活)? become accustomed to 2. The boy has /accustomed himself to speaking English in public. 那孩子已经习惯于在公众面前说英语了。
讨论归纳(Discussion and Conlusion)
have an effect on sth./sb.
come into effect
1.你所说或所做的每一件事都会对别人产生影响。 What you say or do will have an effect on others. 2.该新的法令将在九月初开始生效。
StepⅠ Lead –in(导入) 读一读:
1.quit 2. effect 3. risk 4. addicted 5. accustom
6.due to 7.feel like 8.ashamed 9. in spite of 10.get into
Step II Self-learning and discussion(自学,讨论):
He got into trouble with the police while
he was still at school.

StepIII Presentation展示 StepIV Comment点评

StepV Practice 练习
StepVI Reflection反思 StepVII Application应用 与名师对话相应练习题;背过用法及相应例句。
1. quit vt. 停止做某事;离开 例句: 1.他退伍后得到现在这份工作。 He got his present job after he quit/quitted the army. 2.这个学生没时间,因此不得不放弃去旅行。 The student has to quit travelling because he has no time.
Unit 3 A healthy life

一.Teaching aims(教学目标): 掌握本单元重点单词及短语的用法

二、Important and difficult points(重难点): 如何将单词正确熟练地运用到习题实战中及现实生 活中。

三、Teaching contents and procedures (教学内容及步骤):
accustom sb./oneself to (doing) sth.
become accustomed to (doing) sth.
1.Have you got/been accustomed to your school
The new law will come into effect at the start of September.
3. risk n. 风险,危险 v. 冒……风险
例句: ①各龄年龄组的人都受影响,但有些年龄组的风险更高。 People of all ages are affected, but some group are more at risk.
② Would you like to eat an apple?
③ Do you feel like an apple?
④ Do you feel like eating an apple?
9. in spite of/despite
例句: 1.尽管天气不好,他们的假日还是过得极为愉快。 They had a wonderful holiday, despite/in spite of bad weather. 2.尽管天很冷,她仍穿着短袖。 Despite the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves. In spite of the cold weather, she still wears short sleeves.
讨论归纳(Discussion and Conlusion)
quit the army
quit school quit work 退伍 退学 下班
quit doing 放弃做某事;停止做某事
1.她30岁时戒了烟。 She __________smoking when she quitted was 30 years old.
6. due (adj. )
例句: 1.这个队的成功很大程度上是她努力的结果。
The team’s success was largely due to her effors.
We are to due to arrive in Beijing on Friday.
1.她对她在舞会上的行为感到羞耻。 She felt /was ashamed of her behaviour at the party. 2.他不好意思请求帮助。 He was too ashamed to ask for help. 3. 我真不好意思说我向她撒了谎。 I’m ashamed to say that I lied to her.