



专题01单项选择100题(考点全囊括)期末真题+名校模拟一、单项选择1.Doing exercise is a good way for us to build ________ up.A.myself B.ourselves C.we D.yourself 2.Alice spent her spare time in going to the cinema ________ doing some sports. A.instead of B.in front of C.next to D.because of 3.We can learn a lot ________ history ________ the stamps.A.about;at B.of;at C.about;from D.of;in 4.You must do your homework_________.A.for yourself B.by you C.by yourself D.to yourself 5.—You don’t look happy. What’s wrong?—I’m well. There is _______.A.something serious B.serious somethingC.nothing serious D.serious nothing6.—Zhao Liying is a famous actor.—Yeah, she is popular _______ many young people.A.for B.as C.with D.to 7.Zhou Jielun is famous ________ his music.A.as B.for C.with D.of8.I borrowed a lot of story books ________ Li Ming.A.of B.to C.for D.from 9.I’m afraid ________ meeting him.A.of B.to C.in D.at 10.—May I ask you _______ questions?—Sure. Go on.A.some B.any C.much D.few 11.We should sleep ________ eight hours a day, or it’s bad for our health.A.at most B.most C.least D.at least12.Bob likes playing football. Because it makes him ________.A.healthy B.health C.ill D.weak13.—What do you do ________?—I practice ________ exercise.A.everyday; everyday B.everyday; every dayC.every day; everyday D.every day; every day14.My brother learns English by ________ English videos. He thinks it is fun and useful.A.watch B.watching C.watched D.to watch15.The number of the trees around my village is getting ________.A.larger and larger B.higher and higher C.more and more D.less and less16.I want to invent a mobile phone that can be used in the rain. ________, I don’t know how to do that. A.So B.But C.However D.Because17.Roger spent ________ time but did ________ work than Betty.A.little; much B.less; more C.little; more D.less; much18.The _________ exercise you do before running, _________ you’ll get hurt while running. A.less; more easily B.less; the more easilyC.fewer; more easily D.fewer; the more easily 19.__________ it is raining, I think it is a good idea to stay at home.A.When B.Since C.If D.Although20.The time will not be __________ enough for my homework.A.near B.almost C.hardly D.nearly21.—Harry gave a good speech yesterday.—Yes, he did. ________, it was his first time to give a speech in public.A.In fact B.In short C.On the other hand D.Even though22.Gu Ailing is a great player. She ________ great interest in sports when she was very young. A.shared B.hated C.showed D.played23.Wendy was very ________ because she fought with her best friend yesterday.A.serious B.terrible C.unhappy D.active24.Many wild animals are ________, because people kill them for their fur and meat.A.on earth B.at last C.in danger D.in fact25.Tom’s children are going to ________ him to Rome next week.A.get B.follow C.arrive D.reach 26.Maria can swim ________ a fish.A.as well as B.as good as C.as long as D.as quick as 27.Don’t laugh. This is a ________ question: Do you really like your job?A.funny B.popular C.friendly D.serious 28.Soon Wolfgang played ________ his big sister, Nannerl.A.as better as B.as well as C.as good as D.as best as 29.—_______ kind of music do you like best?—Classical music.A.How B.Which C.What D.How many 30.Our school team _________ the football match yesterday.A.wins B.won C.beats D.beat 31.Friends are helpful to us and we should learn to ________ our happiness with them. A.share B.lend C.show D.give 32.—What do you think of Wu Song in the movie?—He is very ________ because he killed a tiger by himself.A.poor B.serious C.stupid D.brave 33.—Doctor, what should we do to ____________ the flu?—Do some exercise every day.A.choose B.prevent C.stretch D.force 34.My little brother has so many hobbies,________ singing and running.A.for example B.such as C.as if D.for35.I left my tape(磁带)at home. Can you _______ me yours?A.lend B.borrow C.keep D.give 36.Let’s play a game. Please keep our eyes ________.A.close B.closing C.to close D.closed 37.She likes lots of animals ________ dogs, cats and rabbits。



济南版2019-2020学年七年级上册生物专题复习:单项选择题100道姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题1 . 铁线蕨长得比苔藓植物高大的原因是:()A.有了茎和叶的分化B.根、茎、叶中有机械组织和输导组织C.叶柄较长D.具有了真正的根、茎、叶等器官2 . 下列关于细菌的叙述中,正确的是A.细菌的生殖方式是孢子生殖B.细菌没有成形的细胞核C.细菌都对人体都有害D.细菌既有单细胞的,也有多细胞的3 . 下列选项中,属于生物的是()A.树的枯叶B.电脑病毒C.兰花螳螂D.机器人4 . 吃梨时甘甜可口的梨汁,主要来自梨细胞的()A.液泡B.细胞核C.细胞膜D.细胞质5 . 下面是对“绿叶在光下制造有机物”实验的相关描述,其中不正确的是()A.该实验的原理:淀粉遇碘变蓝色B.该实验的步骤:遮光→照光→脱色→漂洗→染色→漂洗→观察C.该实验的现象:遮光部分不变蓝,照光部分变蓝色D.该实验的结论:光是光合作用的必要条件,淀粉是光合作用的产物6 . 每个多细胞生物体都不是细胞随意堆砌形成的,而是有组织、器官等结构层次的。

以下的叙述中正确的是()A.能接受刺激产生兴奋并传导兴奋的组织是结缔组织B.动物体的结构层次是:细胞→组织→器官→动物体C.一粒水稻种子属于一个器官D.贯穿于植物体的根、茎叶等器官内的组织是分生组织7 . 日常生活中,我们主要食用根部的一组蔬菜是()A.山药、土豆、洋葱B.洋芋、大蒜、甘蓝C.甘薯、萝卜、胡萝卜D.荸荠、塘藕、花椰菜8 . 下列不属于生物适应环境的是()A.在荒漠中生活的骆驼的尿液非常少B.仙人掌的叶变成了刺C.鲫鱼在淡水中生活D.蚯蚓疏松土壤9 . 下面表中的生物之间是吃与被吃的关系,数字是它们体内某种有毒物质的含量,能真实反应它们之间吃与被吃的关系的食物链是()生物A B C D E有毒物质90305002007A.A→B→C→D→E B.E→B→A→D→C C.C→D→A→B→E D.E→D→C→B→A10 . 1864年德国科学家萨克斯将绿色叶片放在暗处12h,再将此叶片的一部分用锡箔遮光后,进行曝光.光照一段时间后,用碘蒸汽处理叶片,结果发现叶片的曝光部分显蓝色,遮光部分显棕色,如图所示.该实验可以证明的是()A.光合作用既需要阳光又需要水B.光合作用需要水并能产生淀粉C.光合作用不需要水也能产生淀粉D.光合作用需要阳光并能产生淀粉11 . 深秋季节位于路灯旁的树叶比同株树上而远离路灯的叶子A.先黄B.晚一点黄C.一起黄D.永不黄12 . 下列有关生物实验的叙述,错误的是()A.制作洋葱鳞片叶内表皮细胞临时装片时,载玻片中央滴的是清水B.制作临时装片盖盖玻片时,让盖玻片的一边先接触液滴,然后缓缓放下C.绿叶在光下制造有机物的实验中,把叶片直接放在清水中加热脱色D.观察小鱼尾鰭内血液的流动实验中,管径最小的血管内红细胞单行通过13 . 白毛巾被绿色的菠菜弄脏,欲去除毛巾上的绿渍,宜选用()A.普通洗衣粉B.酒精C.沸水D.肥皂水14 . 下列农业生产采取的措施中,有利于植物进行呼吸作用的是()A.庄稼被淹后及时排涝B.刚移栽的植物遮阴处理C.适当降低夜间大棚内的温度D.收获的粮食入仓前晒干15 . 下列关于草履虫的说法中,正确的是A.草履虫体内有叶绿体B.草履虫的呼吸和排泄都是靠表膜完成的C.实验时,应从培养液的底层吸取草履虫D.在载玻片的液满上放几丝棉花纤维的目的是限制草履虫的运动16 . 对生物的生存来说,不是它生长的基本条件的是A.一定的生存空间B.适宜的温度C.营养物质D.时间17 . 在“绿叶在光下制造淀粉”的实验中,实验后向叶片滴加碘液,未变蓝的部位是A.光照部位B.遮光部位C.整个叶片D.叶片边缘18 . 光合作用的实质是()A.制造有机物、释放能量 B. 分解有机物、储存能量B.制造有机物、储存能量 D. 分解有机物、释放能量19 . 如图表示“绿叶在光下制造淀粉”实验的相关描述中,下列说法正确的是()A.滴加碘液和显色后,叶片上用黑纸片遮光的部分呈蓝色。



中考数学专题复习题:整式及其加减一、单项选择题(共10小题)1.单项式32xy -的系数是()A .3B .4C .2-D .22.下列代数式的书写符合规范的是()A .112a B .a 2÷5C .ab 6D .3b 3.多项式222a b ab a --的项数及次数分别是()A .3,3B .3,2C .2,3D .2,24.关于字母x y ,的多项式22338x kxy y xy --+-化简后不含xy 项,则k 为()A .0B .13-C .13D .35.若25a 4b n 与-27a m b 3是同类项,则m 、n 的取值为()A .m =2,n =3B .m =4,n =2C .m =3,n =3D .m =4,n =36.下面的说法中,正确的是()A .x +3是多项式B .(-2)3中底数是2C .335ab 的系数是3D .单项式-ab 2的次数是2次7.下列代数式中,符合书写规则的是()A .112xB .x ÷yC .m ×2D .3mn 8.小明在计算一个二项式的平方时,得到的正确结果是4x 2+12xy +■,但最后一项不慎被污染了,这一项应是()A .3y 2B .6y 2C .9y 2D .±9y 29.已知一个多项式与322853x x x -+-的和等于3221452x x x -+-,则这个多项式一定是()A .32461x x ++B .261x +C .261x -+D .265x --10.在多项式()a b c d --+-(其中a b c d >>>)中,对每个字母及其左边的符号(不包括括号外的符号)称为一个数,即:a -为“数1”,b 为“数2”,c +为“数3”,d-为“数4”,若将任意两个数交换位置,后得到一个新多项式,再写出新多项式的绝对值,这样的操作称为对多项式()a b c d --+-的“绝对换位变换”,例如:对上述多项式的“数3”和“数4”进行“绝对换位变换”,得到−−−+,将其化简后结果为a b c d +--,…下列说法:①对多项式的“数1”和“数2”进行“绝对换位变换”后的运算结果一定等于对“数3”和“数4”进行“绝对换位变换”后的运算结果;②不存在“绝对换位变换”,使其运算结果与原多项式相等;③所有的“绝对换位变换”共有5种不同运算结果.其中正确的个数是()A .0B .1C .2D .3二、填空题(共5小题)11.多项式322283a ab ac -+-是________次________项式,它的常数项是________.12.23m x y -与35n x y 是同类项,则m n +=________。



单项选择题专项练1.Thank you _______ your help. ()A.to B.for C.in 2.—What happened __________ you? ()—I fell down and hurt my leg.A.to B.in C.at3.—Did you go to the zoo __________ bike? ()—Yes, I did.A.with B.by C.to4.—Did you __________ fresh food in your grandparents’ home last week? () —No, I didn’t.A.eat B.ate C.eats5.He is going _________ on a trip to Xi’an. ()A.going B.to go C.go6.It was a bad day _______ also a good day. ()A.but B.or C.and 7.There _______ any computers in 1945. ()A.are not B.were no C.were not 8.John got a nice gift yesterday. He looked __________. ()A.sad B.happy C.tired9.I was short before, so I __________ ride my bike well. ()A.can B.couldn’t C.could 10.This is __________ good news __________ you. ()A.a; to B.a; for C./; for 11.There __________ a farewell party tomorrow evening. ()A.are B.was C.will be 12.Will you help me __________ my lost key? ()A.look for B.find out C.looking for 13.__________ did you go to Tianjin? ()A.What B.Where C.How14.I __________ a new bike yesterday afternoon. ()A.buy B.buys C.bought 15.I saw an animal. It __________ a little dog. ()A.looked like B.looks like C.look like 16.He jumped into the lake and __________ to it. ()A.swim B.swimming C.swam 17.—How __________ your holiday? ()—Great.A.was B.are C.were 18.I’m 46 kilograms and my sister is 43 kilograms. I am ________ than her. () A.taller B.shorter C.heavier 19.—How __________ are you? ()—I am 13 years old.A.tall B.old C.heavy 20.My brother is shorter __________ me. ()A.then B.than C.and 21.—What _______ he _______ this morning? ()—He played the violin.A.did; did B.does; do C.did; do 22.Did you __________ any gifts to your mother? ()A.give B.gives C.gave 23.How __________ your vacation? ()A.is B.was C.did 24.—How ________ are you? ()—I’m 1.64 metres.A.tall B.heavy C.long 25.This dinosaur is taller than both ____________ us together. ()A.and B.of C.for 26.My hands are bigger than _____. ()A.your B.yours C.him 27.I’m 48 kilograms. I'm ________ than you. ()A.heavier B.younger28.He is going to buy a storybook _____. ()A.last week B.tomorrow C.yesterday29.I am _____ music now. ()A.listen to B.listening C.listening to 30.My parents _____ to work by car, and my uncle _____ to work by bus. () A.go; goes B.goes; goes C.goes; go 31.Spring is coming! The sky is _____ and the sun is _____. ()A.bright; clear B.clearer; brighter C.clearest; brightest 32.I watched some _____ shows _____ TV. ()A.children; In B.children's; In C.children's; on 33.Peter _____ sick yesterday. ()A.feels B.feel C.felt34.—My father is ill. ()—___________A.He should take a deep breath.B.He should see a doctor.C.He should count to ten.35.If you see the yellow light, you must _______. ()A.slow down and stop B.drive quickly C.run fast 36.This sign means “_______”. ( )A.Keep to the right B.Talk quietly C.Take turns 37.—It's cold outside. ()—__________A.Take off your hat. B.Put away your scarf. C.Put on your gloves. 38.My aunt is a _______. She works at a university. ()A.scientist B.police officer C.pilot39.My mother is going to make mooncakes on _______. ()A.New Year's Day B.Mid-Autumn Day C.Children's Day 40.We need to ____________ water every day. ()41.On the bus, we ____________ give the seat to old people. () A.should B.sho uldn’t C.can’t 42.Kitty comes to school _____________ bike. ()A.by B.on C.in 43.Let’s go .()A.swiming B.swimming C.swim 44.There ________ some children in the classroom. ()A.is B.am C.are 45.—Can you come with me? ()—Yes, I ____________.A.can B.can’t C.could 46.She _____________ very short. ()A.is B.am C.are 47.—____________ are they doing? ()—They are watching TV.A.When B.What C.Which 48.—_____________ you in the kitchen, Tom? ()—Yes, I am.A.Is B.Am C.Are参考答案1.B【详解】句意:感谢你的帮助。



专题单项选择100题(重点知识)-2022-2023学年九年级英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分人教版人教版九年级英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(重点知识)专题01 单项选择100题1.─I'm sorry,Mr .Li. I have __________ my English homework at home.─Don't forget __________ it to school tomorrow.A.left;to bring B.forgotten;to take C.left;bringing D.forgotten;taking2.My daughter got up and dressed herself quickly when her alarm clock __________. A.ran off B.went off C.set off D.shut off3.__________ people visit the museum every year.A.Thousands B.Thousand of C.Thousands of D.Ten thousands 4.Twenty minutes later,the rainbow __________ in the sky. I couldn't see it any more. A.appeared B.disappeared C.covered D.discovered5.Eddie was sleeping _______ Millie was reading a magazine.A.until B.while C.before D.after6.Yesterday was our School Day. All the students in my class __________.A.made up B.stayed up C.woke up D.showed up7.─When did you __________,Jack?─I've _____for two years.A.be married;got married B.get married;been marriedC.married;got married D.been married;got married8.─All the oil in the world will __________ some day.─Yeah. What shall we use for power at that time?A.give away B.put away C.run out D.set out9.. The plane ______ when we got to the airport.A.had taken off B.was taken off C.will take off D.is taking off10.I saw the man put __________ apples in the basket and go out.A.the all B.whole the C.all the D.a whole11.─You're always studying hard!─Because I want to get good grades and I don't want to __________ my parents. A.drive B.disappoint C.examine D.pull12.Neither Jack nor his deskmate __________ from Canada. Both of them__________from Australia.A.is;is B.is;are C.are;are D.are;is13.If you __________,you'll finish the work soon.A.give up B.talk back C.go ahead D.pull together14.(易错题)We all knew that Li Yan was close __________ the match.A.win B.to win C.won D.to winning15.Many students said that they were willing to work hard to make their dreams__________ true. And this always makes them __________.A.come;happy B.to come;happy C.come;happily D.to come;happily16.─I'm worried about my grades in the final exams.─The result is important,but don't be __________ yourself.A.patient with B.hard on C.proud of D.sure about17.Welcome to our school ,ladies and gentlemen. _______, I’d like to introduce myself. A.To be honest B.To my surpriseC.To start with D.To tell you the truth.18.─Walking more is good for our health.─So I would rather __________ an hour's walk to work instead of __________ a car. A.take;drive B.take;to drive C.to take;driving D.take;driving 19.─Would you like to go with me to the party?─Wait a moment. I'll go with you __________ I buy some snac ks.A.as well as B.so that C.as soon as D.only then20.It __________ him three days to find a happy man for the king.A.spent B.paid C.cost D.took21.What should I do when I meet a person _______ the first time?A.in B.at C.on D.for22.We often _______ our friends’ homes without _______ them first.A.drop by; call B.drop by; calling C.visit; call D.visits; calling 23.She looks_____ because she has a ________vacation.A.relaxed , relaxed B.relaxing ,relaxingC.relaxed, relaxing D.relaxing ,relaxed,24.(易错题)Everyone except Mary and Lily _______ there when the meeting began. A.is B.was C.are D.were25.I think you should help him. _______ he is your good friend.A.Above all B.After all C.At all D.In all26.His friend got the good job after the manager saw how he _______ when he was waiting for the interview.A.imagined B.realized C.succeeded D.behaved27.—It's getting cold. Would you mind _______ the windows?—Of course not.A.closing B.to close C.closed D.to closing28.I cut the orange _______ and ate it _______ a fork.A.down;use B.up;use C.down;with D.up;with29.Be polite to the old,my dear! You _______ have good manners.A.prefer to B.are supposed to C.are used to D.are good at30.— What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in the US?— ________A.They’re supposed to kiss each other. B.They’re supposed to bow.C.They’re expected to shake hands. D.They’re expected to hug.31.—What kind of music do you like?—I like music that I can sing along _______ or dance _______.A.to;with B.with;to C.to;to D./;/32.—Do you prefer basketball with me?一No,I’d rather at home and watch TV.A.play;stay B.to play;to stayC.play;to stay D.to play;stay33.—What are you looking for?—I’m looking for the dictionary you lent me last week.A.who B.what C.that D.when34.I love the book that _______ by my brother last week.A.bought B.was bought C.were bought D.was buying35.The successful man has made _______ money,and he has helped many students with it.A.a great many B.quite a few C.the number of D.plenty of36.The artist received high from the art community for these sculptures. A.praise B.prize C.price D.pride37.—I'm afraid I can't perform well tomorrow.—_______ ! I'm sure you'll make it.A.That's a problem B.That's right C.Cheer up D.It's a pity38.(易错题)The organization can _______ the poor _______ food and drinks. A.offer;with B.offer;to C.provide;for D.provide;with39._______ your dream,and go for it. I believe you can succeed in the end.A.Hear from B.Take after C.Stick to D.Depend on40.--Let's go for a picnic on Saturday, James.-- _____. I have to do my homework at homeA.What a pity B.Don't worry. C.Best wishes D.How come? 41.They saw something strange in the sky. They thought it must be ____________ alien. A.a B./ C.the D.an42.-Do you know who the pen ____________?-Sorry,I don't know.A.belong B.belong to C.belongs D.belongs to43.-Listen,who's knocking at the door?Can it be Jim?-No,it can't be him. It must be ____________ .A.anyone else B.someone else C.else anyone D.else someone44.I have no fun ____________ too much homework every day.A.do B.doing C.done D.did45.I looked through my test paper again and again ____________ I wouldn't make any mistakes.A.so B.because C.so that D.when46.He is ______fat because he eats ______ meat.A.much too, much too B.too much, too muchC.too much, much too D.much too, too much47._____Roy ____Jean speaks good English, so they can communicate with these American students very well.A.Neither; nor B.Not only; but alsoC.Both ;and D.Either; or48.The bag must be ____________.A.Li Lei's and Li Ping' s B.Li Lei and Li Ping’s C.Li Lei's and LiPing D.Li Lei and Li Ping49.I saw Tom ____________ basketball with his friends when I passed the playground. A.to play B.plays C.play D.playing50.At the end of each day, you should make a list of ____________ next day.A.what will you do B.what you will do C.what did you do D.what you did51.The New Silk Road will offer a good _________ for more nations to communicate. A.chance B.change C.question D.habit52.Mrs. Brown is a teacher of _________, and her daughter is _________ girl.A.40 years old; a 8-year-old B.40-years-old; a 8 years oldC.40 years old; an 8-year-old D.40-year-old; an 8 years old53.The boy doesn’t do his homework _________, though he has _________. A.careful enough; enough time B.enough careful; time enoughC.carefully enough; enough time D.enough carefully; time enough54.Emma is such a good girl that she never _________ her parents.A.takes care of B.talks back to C.worries about D.listens to55. Sorry, your car ______ in front of the hotel.A.can put B.be not putC.can’t be put D.can be not put56.There is something wrong with his computer. He plans to get it ________ this afternoon.A.repairing B.repaired C.to repair D.repairs57.This kind of medicine _________ in a dry and cool place.A.keep B.must keep C.must be kept D.must be keeping58.If you want to stay healthy, you should _________ junk food.A.keep away from B.look forward to C.get along with D.come up with 59.At present all Chinese couples _________ to have two children.A.is allowed B.allowed C.are allowed D.were allowed 60.—Excuse me. It’s not allowed to take photos here.— _________ .A.Thank you very much B.Here you are C.That’s too bad D.It doesn’t matter61.The trousers with wide legs are in the newest _________. Many girls wear them. A.brand B.trade C.style D.product62.Mr. Lu divided us _________ four groups to practice the conversation.A.among B.into C.from D.by63.—Excuse me, sir, but is this umbrella yours?—Oh, sorry. I just took it _________. Mine is behind the door.A.by chance B.in chance C.in mistake D.by mistake64.Beth said nothing could stop her ____ her dream.A.to achieve B.from achieving C.in achieving D.for achieving 65.—Can you kick the ball to _________ end of the football field?—It’s hard for me. I think few goalkeepers can make it.A.another B.the other C.other D.the another66.Jim to hospital at once after he got hurt.A.sent B.is sentC.will be sent D.was sent67.﹣Where will the 2022 Winter Olympics____,Cindy?﹣In Beijing, the capital of China,the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympics.A.be taken place B.take placeC.take part D.be taken part68.If we continue to kill elephants for the ivory, we humans will lose them _________. A.in the end B.at the end C.in end D.at end69.- I had a good time in the study trip last week.- ________A.With pleasure. B.Thank you. C.OK! D.I'm glad to hear that. 70.— Alice, can you help me with my English homework?—_________. I’m good at English.A.Good luck B.You’re welcome C.With pleasure D.Never mind 71.__________ when I was in trouble, my best friends always help me.A.Pay attention to B.No matterC.According to D.Thanks to72.— Your sweater looks nice. Is it made __________cotton?— Yes, and it was made __________ Shanghai.A.of; by B.of; in C.from; by D.from; in73.You must be more careful and ______ the same mistake you’ve ever made. A.plan B.follow C.avoid D.enjoy74.It takes him twenty minutes __________ to school.A.to walk B.walking C.walks D.walk75.Both Mike and I ____ ready for the new high school life.A.be B.am C.is D.are76.My mother seemed __________ tired, so I asked her to stop to have a good rest. A.to get B.getting C.got D.to getting77.Most young people find ________ exciting to watch a football match.A.this B.that C.it D.one78.Mr. Wang decided to buy that bike __________ it was very expensive.A.even though B.so that C.because D.as if79.A year has four seasons and it________ twelve months.A.divide into B.is dividing intoC.divided into D.is divided into80.The soldiers were so tired that they could __________ keep their eyes open after a long journey.A.quickly B.hardly C.easily D.widely81.-----What are you going to do next month?-----I am going to travel to Germany, which is ______ European country.A.a B.an C.the82.I saw Li Ming ______ near the river on my way home.A.plays B.playing C.to play D.played83.— How does Tom go to the office?— He __________ drive a car, but now he __________ there to keep healthy. A.used to; is used to walk B.was used to; is used to walkingC.was used to; is used to walk D.used to; is used to walking84.My brother is a __________ young man. He often tells jokes to make us laugh. A.strict B.proud C.rude D.humorous85.She doesn’t feel _____ though she is ____.A.alone , lonely B.lonely , lonely C.lonely, alone D.alone , alone 86.Mrs. Smith wouldn’t leave the TV se t, __________ her children were waiting for their supper.A.if B.because C.even though D.as soon as87.The boy is such an excellent table tennis player in our school that we __________ him.A.are proud of B.are afraid of C.takes pride in D.takes care of 88.It’s said that the number of forest parks in Guang-dong __________ to more than 1,000 so far.A.increase B.have increased C.has increased D.increases89.--Wechat (微信) really influences people's life.-- _________ . It is easier for us to keep in touch with others.A.Mainly B.Exactly C.Simply D.Mostly90.— Mr. Chen said he __________ teaching English because he loved children.— Yes, and his love for children and teaching made him a great teacher.A.turned up B.gave up C.took up D.set up91.—Do you know where the post office is? I want to buy______.—Of course. Follow me, please.A.textbooks B.stampsC.shoes D.lanterns92.— Would you like to go swimming in the river, John?—Swim? Sorry, our teachers always tell us _________ in the river without parents’ company.A.don’t swim B.to not swim C.not swimming D.not to swim93.I spend fifteen minutes _________ to school every day.A.to walk B.walk C.walking D.walked94.This morning my mother asked me __________.A.why he is not hereB.where Julia went last weekendC.what time is itD.how did my brother do it95.— Could you please open the door for me, Jim?—_________? I didn’t hear clearly.A.Sure B.What C.Pardon D.Really96.I _________ a movie theater on the way to school.A.pass on B.pass by C.pass through D.pass away97.WeChat(微信)makes it more _________ for people to communicate with each other.A.convenient B.important C.necessary D.impossible98.Look at the picture on the right! She is going ________.A.into the library B.out of the post officeC.into the supermarket D.out of the bank99.Jack is so little a boy, but he always talks to others _________.A.polite B.politely C.impolite D.impolitely100.—What about this computer game? It’s _________.—But it’s _________interesting. Let’s buy that one though it’s not cheap. A.expensive; less B.expensive; moreC.inexpensive; less D.inexpensive; more参考答案:1.A【详解】句意:——对不起,李老师。



高考数学专题复习题:单调性与最值一、单项选择题(共9小题)1.下列命题中正确的是()A.y=cos x在第一象限和第四象限内单调递减B.y=sin x在第一象限和第三象限内单调递增C.y=cos x在[−π2,π2]上单调递减D.y=sin x在[−π2,π2]上单调递增2.y=2sin(3x+π3)的值域是()A.[-2,2]B.[0,2]C.[-2,0]D.[-1,1]3.“0<x<π6”是“sin x<12”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件4.已知函数y=sin x与y=cos x,在下列区间内同为单调递增的是()A.(0,π2)B.(π2,π)C.(π,3π2)D.(3π2,2π)5.已知函数f(x)=sin(x+π6)在x0处取得最大值,则x0可能是()A.π6B.π4C.π3D.π26.使cos x=1-m有解的m的取值范围为()A.m≥0B.0≤m≤2C.-1<m<1D.m<-1或m>17.如果f(x)=sinωx(ω>0)在区间[0,π3]上单调递增,在区间[π3,π2]上单调递减,那么ω的值为()A.2B.23C.43D.328.在△ABC中,角A、B均为锐角,且cos A>sin B,则()A.cos C>0B.cos C<0C.cos C=0D.cos C≥09.对于函数f(x)={sinx,sinx≥cosx,cosx,sinx<cosx,下列说法中正确的是()A.该函数的值域是[-1,1]B.当且仅当x=2kπ+π2(k∈Z)时,函数取得最大值1C.当且仅当x=2kπ-π2(k∈Z)时,函数取得最小值-1D.当且仅当2kπ+π<x<2kπ+3π2(k∈Z)时,f(x)<0二、填空题(共3小题)10.函数y=cos x在区间[-π,a]上单调递增,则a的取值范围是________.11.若a=sin1,b=ln(sin1),c=e sin1,则a、b、c三个数中最小的数为________.12.函数y=sin(ωx+π3)(ω>0)在区间(−π6,π3)上单调递增,则ω的取值范围是________.三、解答题(共3小题)13.已知函数f(x)=2cos(3x+π4).(1)求f(x)的单调递增区间;(5分)(2)求f(x)的最小值及取得最小值时相应的x值.14.设函数f(x)=√2sin(2x−π4),x∈R.(1)求函数f(x)的最小正周期和单调递增区间.(2)求函数f(x)在区间[π8,3π4]上的最小值和最大值,并求出取最值时x的值.15.定义在R上的函数f(x)满足f(x+1)=-f(x),且在[-4,-3]上单调递增,若α,β是锐角三角形的两个内角,求证:f(sinα)>f(cosβ).。





















高考数学专题复习题:数学归纳法一、单项选择题(共6小题)1.利用数学归纳法证明不等式1111()2321nf n ++++<- (2n ≥,且*n ∈N )的过程,由n k =到1n k =+时,左边增加了()A .12k -项B .2k 项C .1k -项D .k 项2.用数学归纳法证明:()()()1221121n n n ++++=++ ,在验证1n =成立时,左边所得的代数式是()A .1B .13+C .123++D .1234+++3.用数学归纳法证明等式()()()3412332n n n +++++++= ()N,1n n ∈≥时,第一步验证1n =时,左边应取的项是()A .1B .12+C .123++D .1234+++4.用数学归纳法证明:11112321n n ++++<- ,()N,1n n ∈≥时,在第二步证明从n k =到1n k =+成立时,左边增加的项数是()A .2k B .21k -C .12k -D .21k +5.已知n 为正偶数,用数学归纳法证明1111111122341242n n n n ⎛⎫-+-+⋅⋅⋅+=++⋅⋅⋅+ ⎪-++⎝⎭时,若已假设n k =(2k ≥,k 为偶数)时命题为真,则还需要再证()A .1n k =+时等式成立B .2n k =+时等式成立C .22n k =+时等式成立D .()22n k =+时等式成立6.现有命题()()()11*1112345611442n n n n n ++⎛⎫-+-+-++-=+-+∈ ⎪⎝⎭N ,用数学归纳法探究此命题的真假情况,下列说法正确的是()A .不能用数学归纳法判断此命题的真假B .此命题一定为真命题C .此命题加上条件9n >后才是真命题,否则为假命题D .存在一个无限大的常数m ,当n m >时,此命题为假命题二、多项选择题(共2小题)7.用数学归纳法证明不等式11111312324++++>++++ n n n n n 的过程中,下列说法正确的是()A .使不等式成立的第一个自然数01n =B .使不等式成立的第一个自然数02n =C .n k =推导1n k =+时,不等式的左边增加的式子是()()12122k k ++D .n k =推导1n k =+时,不等式的左边增加的式子是()()12223k k ++8.用数学归纳法证明不等式11111312324++++>++++ n n n n n 的过程中,下列说法正确的是()A .使不等式成立的第一个自然数01n =B .使不等式成立的第一个自然数02n =C .n k =推导1n k =+时,不等式的左边增加的式子是()()12122k k ++D .n k =推导1n k =+时,不等式的左边增加的式子是()()12223k k ++三、填空题(共2小题)9.在运用数学归纳法证明()121*(1)(2)n n x x n +-+++∈N 能被233x x ++整除时,则当1n k =+时,除了n k =时必须有归纳假设的代数式121(1)(2)k k x x +-+++相关的表达式外,还必须有与之相加的代数式为________.10.用数学归纳法证明:()()122342n n n -+++++= (n 为正整数,且2n )时,第一步取n =________验证.四、解答题(共2小题)11.用数学归纳法证明:()*11111231n n n n +++>∈+++N .12.数学归纳法是一种数学证明方法,通常被用于证明某个给定命题在整个(或者局部)自然数范围内成立.证明分为下面两个步骤:①证明当0n n =(0n ∈N )时命题成立;②假设n k =(k ∈N ,且0k n ≥)时命题成立,推导出在1n k =+时命题也成立.用模取余运算:mod a b c =表示“整数a 除以整数b ,所得余数为整数c ”.用带余除法可表示为:被除数=除数×商+余数,即a b r c =⨯+,整数r 是商.举一个例子7321=⨯+,则7mod31=;再举一个例子3703=⨯+,则3mod 73=.当mod 0a b =时,则称b 整除a .从序号分别为0a ,1a ,2a ,3a ,…,na 的1n +个人中选出一名幸运者,为了增加趣味性,特制定一个遴选规则:大家按序号围成一个圆环,然后依次报数,每报到m (2m ≥)时,此人退出圆环;直到最后剩1个人停止,此人即为幸运者,该幸运者的序号下标记为()1,f n m +.如()1,0f m =表示当只有1个人时幸运者就是0a ;()6,24f =表示当有6个人而2m =时幸运者是4a ;()6,30f =表示当有6个人而3m =时幸运者是0a .(1)求10mod3;(2)当1n ≥时,()()()()1,,mod 1f n m f n m m n +=++,求()5,3f ;当n m ≥时,解释上述递推关系式的实际意义;(3)由(2)推测当1212k k n +≤+<(k ∈N )时,()1,2f n +的结果,并用数学归纳法证明.。


















初中英语专题复习语法测试题(含答案)一、单项选择题(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)1. — _______ does your father go to work every day?— By bus.- A. How B. When C. Where D. Why2. Linda _______ to music while she does her homework. She thinks it helps her concentrate.- A. is listening B. listens C. listened D. will listen3. I can't believe ________ good grades Amy always gets in all her subjects.- A. what B. how C. why D. when- A. will B. would C. did D. do5. — How much ________ the shoes?— They ________ 200 yuan.- A. are / are B. do / cost C. is / cost D. does / cost6. The teacher asked us ________ so much noise in the classroom.- A. don't make B. didn't make C. not make D. not to make7. Peter ________ across the street when the accident happened.- A. is walking B. was walking C. walks D. walked8. We ________ our English test tomorrow, so we must study hard tonight.- A. will have B. has C. are having D. were having9. My little sister enjoyed ________ in the lake during the summer vacation.- A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. swam10. — _______ you finish your homework yet?— No, not yet. I'm still working on it.- A. Did B. Have C. Do D. Will答案1. C2. B3. B4. B5. C6. D7. B8. A9. C 10. C二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从下列单词中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思完整、正确。
















下列相关叙述错误的是()A.合成Cas9蛋白需要mRNA、tRNA、rRNA参与B.向导RNA分子中不存在碱基互补配对C.Cas9蛋白通过作用于磷酸二酯键对目标DNA进行切割D.识别序列选择切割位点的原理是碱基互补配对原则3.下列有关基因工程技术的叙述,正确的是()A.重组DNA技术所用的工具酶是限制酶、DNA聚合酶和运载体B.基因工程是在细胞水平上进行设计和操作的C.只要目的基因进入受体细胞,就能成功实现稳定存在和表达D.选细菌为重组质粒受体细胞,是因为质粒易进入细菌,且繁殖快4.下列关于DNA片段扩增及电泳鉴定实验的说法,错误的是()A.放入PCR仪前,需要对离心管进行离心,使反应液集中在底部B.配置琼脂糖溶液时,需要根据DNA片段的大小调节琼脂糖浓度C.电泳时需要的两种缓冲液分别含有核酸染料和指示剂D.电泳时,需要根据电泳槽阳极至阴极之间的距离设定电压5.下列关于“DNA的粗提取与鉴定”实验的叙述,错误的是()A.利用DNA不溶于酒精溶液,而某些蛋白质能溶于酒精溶液,可将DNA 与蛋白质分离B.将实验材料的研磨液倒入离心管中,离心后取沉淀物备用C.在用预冷的酒精沉淀DNA时,要用玻璃棒沿一个方向搅拌,防止DNA 断裂D.利用DNA能溶于2mol/LNaCl溶液的原理,可将提取的丝状物或沉淀物溶解于其中6.下列有关目的基因导入受体细胞和检测与鉴定的叙述,正确的是()A.用Ca2+处理植物细胞有利于重组Ti质粒的导入B.对目的基因进行扩增时,通过荧光标记技术实时定量测定产物的量C.将某种药用蛋白基因导入动物乳腺细胞中可获得乳腺生物反应器D.验证转基因抗虫棉是否成功时,通过RNA分子标记检测目的基因是否表达二、多项选择题(共4小题)1.科学家将苏云金杆菌中的Bt 基因(抗虫基因)利用农杆菌转化法导入棉花的愈伤组织细胞,并进行组织培养获得棉花植株。





下列相关说法正确的是()A.长翅与残翅,直翅与弯翅这二对相对性状的遗传遵循基因自由组合定律B.该昆虫产生的卵细胞的基因型有8种C.对该昆虫进行测交实验,子代表型有四种D.该昆虫与相同基因型的昆虫交配,后代中与亲代表型相同的概率为1/4 7.下列关于基因与染色体关系的说法中,正确的是()A.萨顿通过类比推理的方法证明基因就在染色体上B.染色体上的非等位基因都可以在减数第一次分裂后期自由组合C.摩尔根等人用荧光分子标记法测出基因在染色体上呈线性排列D.白眼雄果蝇与杂合雌果蝇杂交结果不能证明眼色基因只在X染色体上8.萨顿依据“基因和染色体的行为存在明显的平行关系”,提出“基因是由染色体携带着从亲代传递给下一代”的假说,下列说法中,不属于他所依据的“平行”关系的是()A.以染色体为载体的DNA,能进行复制B.基因和染色体在体细胞中都是成对存在,在配子中都只有成对中的一个C.非同源染色体上的非等位基因在形成配子时自由组合,非同源染色体在减数分裂中也有自由组合D.基因在杂交过程中保持完整性和独立性,染色体在配子形成和受精过程中,也有相对稳定的形态结构9.下列有关基因和染色体的叙述,错误的是()①非等位基因都位于非同源染色体上②摩尔根利用果蝇进行杂交实验,运用“假说一演绎”法确定了基因在染色体上③染色体是基因的主要载体,基因在染色体上呈线性排列④一条染色体上有许多基因,染色体就是由基因组成的⑤萨顿研究蝗虫的减数分裂,提出假说“基因在染色体上”A.①②⑤B.②③④C.①④D.②③⑤10.以下说法正确的是()A.基因在染色体上的提出者是摩尔根B.基因与染色体的行为存在平行关系C.控制果蝇白眼的基因在Y染色体上也有等位基因D.一条染色体上只有一个基因二、综合题(共5小题)11.萨顿提出“染色体可能是基因的载体”的假说,摩尔根起初对此假说持怀疑态度,他和同事设计果蝇杂交实验对此进行研究,杂交实验如图1所示,图2是果蝇的染色体模式图。



人教版英语八下期中复习专题单项选择(含解析)人教版英语八下期中复习专题——单项选择(含解析)一、单项选择(每小题1.5分, 共15分)1. The air in the morning is so fresh here that I ________ early to exercise.A. get upB. get onC. get offD. get down2. —Jack, you swam very well. Who taught you?—Nobody. I taught ________.A.IB. meC. myselfD. mine3. I don't have much money, but I'd like to buy my dad something reallyspecial, if you know what I ________.A. wantB. careC. meanD. prefer4. —My mother was badly ill in hospital yesterday. I had to look after her,so I didn't go to have the picnic.—________.A. Never mindB. I am sorry to hear thatC. No problemD. Good luck5. ________ our surprise, Larry came here earliest today.A. ToB. WithC. WithoutD. In6. You look too tired. You ________ rest and ________work too hard.A. should; shouldB. shouldn't; shouldn'tC. shouldn't; shouldD. should; shouldn't7. Lucy is used ________ a walk after dinner.A. to takeB. takingC. to takingD. take8. Did you agree ________ a party for him?A. hasB. to haveC. haveD. had9. Please let me tell you again ________ you won't forget.A. as long asB. ifC. so thatD. because10. He drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went ________ the road.A. offB. onC. alongD. behind二、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)1. —Why did he ________ to your life?—Because he taught me a lot. He was my idol.A. make a differenceB. made a differenceC. make a problemD. made a problem2. —Could you please help me ________, Tom? I can't work out the problem.—OK. Let me try.A. outB. upC. withD. after3. The Internet makes________ possible for everyone to get educationanywhere and anytime.A. itB. thisC. thatD. the4. If we want to make the world different, we should ________ ourselves first.A. seeB. noticeC. changeD. raise5. My sister ________ be lazy. But now she works really hard.A. used toB. is used toC. was used toD. were used to6. You could visit the sick people in the hospital to ________.A. cheer up himB. cheer him upC. cheer up themD. cheer them up7. Larry wants to fix up these bikes and ________ to the poor children.A. give away themB. give away itC. give it awayD. give them away8. —Dad, shall I do my homework tomorrow?—Better not, dear. Don't ________ what you can do today till tomorrow.A. put onB. put offC. put outD. put up9. —You should do what you can ________ your English, Li Ming.—OK, I will. Thank you, Ms. Hu.A. improveB. to improveC. improvingD. improved10. Luckily, I arrived home before it________.A. rainsB. is rainingC. rainedD. will rain三、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)1. —What would you like, pork or fish?—________. I prefer chicken.A. EitherB. NeitherC. BothD. Each2. —Could you go swimming with me this afternoon, Jane?—________, but I have to do the chores first.A. I'd like toB. Of course notC. I don't mindD. It's nothing3. —What does Huawei's newest smartphone look like?—It's wonderful! You can ________ it in half just like closing a book.A. handB. passC. foldD. cut4. Susan's mother was very happy today, because Susan ________ herlittle brother when she wasn't at home.A. agreed withB. depended onC. worked onD. took care of5. She got up early this morning ________ catch the first bus.A. in order toB. because ofC. in order thatD. so to6. —Where do you usually have lunch?—In the school dining hall. It ________ different kinds of food ________ us.A. sends; toB. provides; forC. adds; toD. shares; with7. —There was the thick haze(雾霾) in our city this spring. What doyou think of it?—I think________cars we drive, ________pollution our city will have.A. the fewer; the fewerB. the fewer; the lessC. the more; the fewerD. the more; the less8. —Jack, have you done the survey?—Not yet. I am in New York now. I'll finish it ________ I come back.A. wheneverB. as soon asC. beforeD. because9. I'm sure there is no need ________ you ________ with such a young man.A. of; to talkB. of; talkingC. for; talkD. for; to talk10. I can't play the guitar, and________.A. neither can my sisterB. my sister can't, tooC. so can't my sisterD. can my sister, either四、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)1. —What's wrong ________ you? You look unhappy.—My mother makes me do my homework instead of watching Operation Red Sea.A. fromB. withC. ofD. to2. —Did they make a decision at last?—No. Everyone had a different ________ about the plan. We need to have another discussion.A. opinionB. interestC. memberD. relation3. Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels ________ when getting on it.A. nervousB. interestedC. relaxedD. happy4. Please ________ this picture with that one, and then tell me thedifferences between them.A. compareB. adviseC. explainD. return5. Never put off ________ tomorrow what you can do today.A. untilB. beforeC. whenD. as6. I'm going to take him to some famous hutongs ________he can learnmore about China.A. becauseB. whenC. so thatD. even though7. Attention, please! Without permission, children are not allowed________ alone here.A. to swimB. swimmingC. swimD. swam8. —I ________ my best friend yesterday morning.—Why not call her up and say sorry to her?A. depended onB. looked forC. hung out withD. argued with9. The math problem is very difficult. I can't ________. Could you give me a hand?A. work it outB. work out itC. cut it outD. cut out it10. —Our team lost the basketball game and I feel very sad.—________. I believe you can do better next time.A. It's rightB. It's excitingC. It's not a big dealD. It's nota good idea五、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)1. There was no ________ in the old house. So I could see nothing.A. windB. lightC. woodD. cloud2. —Why did Jim sit in ________ when other students discussed theproblem?—Because he knew nothing about it.A. discussionB. troubleC. orderD. silence3. The rain beat ________ the window heavily and the little girl was veryafraid.A. fromB. withC. throughD. against4. We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining________.A. heavilyB. stronglyC. hardlyD. nearly5. More and more people ________ the importance of the eco-friendlylifestyle.A. missB. promiseC. realizeD. suggest6. My sister ________ her keys in the classroom.A. leftB. lookedC. forgotD. gave7. ________ I was talking on the telephone, David came in.A. BecauseB. WhileC. IfD. Although8. Let's keep ________ hard until we succeed.A. to workB. workC. worksD. working9. The news on the radio ________ that the strongest rainstorm may be inthe area we live in.A. toldB. reportedC. knewD. spoke10. He said he ________ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time.A. triesB. triedC. was tryingD. will try一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分,共15分)1. (新题)—Do you know Wu Minxia?—Yes. She was an excellent diver before. She married ________ Zhang Xiaocheng in 2017.A. withB. forC. /D. on2. Although ________ helped him, he was successful in the end.A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody3. —Mom, I want to drive to my grandparents' home.—Don't be ________. You are too young to drive.A. sillyB. noisyC. nervousD. sad4. —How shall we go to the park this time?—Let's go there on foot ________ taking a bus.A. insteadB. instead ofC. becauseD. because of5. —What was the weather like yesterday?—It was ________ cold and windy.A. a fewB. a bit ofC. a little bitD. a kind of6. Lucy often ________ me ________ my best friend. They both have long curly hair.A. thinks; ofB. reminds; ofC. helps; outD. leaves; out7. —The math problem is too difficult.—Don't worry! Let's find a good way ________ it.A. to solveB. solveC. solvingD. to solving8. The popular TV program ________ five years ago.A. hung outB. went outC. came outD. ran out9. When you are in your school dining hall during lunchtime, you mayfeel lonely ________ you can find someone to have lunch with.A. ifB. unlessC. afterD. because10. —Can you tell me when you are going to arrive there?—I'm not sure. But I'll ring you up as soon as I ______ there tomorrow.A. arriveB. arrivedC. will arriveD. am going to arrive参考答案一、1.A解析:句意为“这儿早晨的空气如此清新,以至于我早早起床去锻炼”。



现代文学专题复习资料一、单项选择题1. 1919年初,北京大学傅斯年、罗家伦等学生创立了( )。

A.青年杂志社 B.新潮社C.文学研究会 D.创造社2. 19 21年诗集《女神》出版,宣告了新诗的最终形成。

《女神》的作者是( )。

A.郭沫若 B.胡适C.刘半农 D.鲁迅3. 30年代中期,郁达夫移居杭州之后,是他游记散文创作的高峰期,除《达夫游记》外,还创作有( )等。

A.《漂泊杂记》 B.《屐痕处处》C.《西湖漫拾》 D.《湖上散记》4.田汉1920年创作完成的第一部剧本是( )。

A.《获虎之夜》 B.《梵峨嶙和蔷薇》C.《名优之死》 D.《咖啡店之一夜》5.“七月派”中最优秀的小说家是( )。

A.胡风 B.阿垅C.路翎 D.穆旦6.奠定凌叔华文坛地位的成名作是1925年1月10日在《现代评论》(第一卷第五期)上发表的( )。

A.《绣枕》B.《女儿身世太凄凉>C.《酒后》D.<资本家之圣诞》7.新诗史上第一部歌颂苏联十月革命和社会主义新生活的诗集是( )。

A.《女神》 B.《新梦》C.《前茅》 D.《恢复》8.七月诗派重要的诗论家是著有<诗与现实》、《人与诗》、《诗是什么》的( ’)。

A.田间 B.胡风C.艾青 D.阿垅9.私淑里尔克的一位中国诗人,以他取得的巨大成绩成就了他在文学史上诗哲的地位,他的《十四行集》,占据了40年代诗歌史上的第一座高峰,这位诗人是( )。

A.冯至 B.卞之琳C.穆旦 D.艾青10.得到“反映农村斗争的最杰出的作品”、“解放区文艺的代表之作”等高度评价的赵树理小说是( )。

A.《小二黑结婚》B.《李家庄的变迁》C.《李有才板话》D.《三里湾》二、多项选择题11.湖畔诗社诗人汪静之出版的个人诗集主要有( )等。

A.《湖畔》 B.《春的歌集》C.《蕙的风》 D.《寂寞的国》12. 40年代的“太平天国史剧”系列主要有( )等。

A.《金田村》 B.《李秀成之死》C.《孔雀胆》 D.《忠王李秀成》13.与蒋光慈作品风格相近的革命小说主要有( )等。



七年级七年级英语单项选择(50题)期末复习专题练习及答案一、选择题1.Living in_________ ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _________ advantage of every opportunity to develop.A.an; the B.an; /C.the; an D.the; /2.Being able to afford_____drink would be _____comfort in those tough times.A.the;theB.a;aC.a;/D./;a3.Mr. Smith, ________ headmaster of the school, told us, "________ sixth of students here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge."A./; A B./; The C.the; The D.a; A4.He was walking along the beach. All of _____ sudden, he saw a beautiful girl dancing ______ music.A.a; with B./ ; withC./ ; to D.a ; to5.---- I am afraid I have got _______ headache.---- So please stay in ________ bed for a few more hours.A.a, the B.the, a C.\, a D.a, \二、选择题6.— Who was calling you on the phone just now?— ________ was my mum.A.She B.That C.It D.This7.Life is like a one-way street. ________ will happen________ the same way again. A.Nothing; by B.Nothing;/ C.None; in D.None;on 8.—Do you have ________else to say for your mistake?—________but sorry.A.anything; Something B.something; EverythingC.anything; Nothing D.something; Anything三、选择题9.Cindy is always full of __________ because she takes a lot of exercise everyday. A.courage B.knowledge C.energy D.experience 10.—Have you heard of a new technology about TV?—Yes. It’s “8K TV”. I believe that it will make a great ________ to people’s life.A.surprise B.progress C.difference D.choice四、选择题11.—We must study hard to enter our ideal high school.—Exactly! Just as President Xi says,“Happiness is achieved ________ hard work.”A.through B.across C.along D.with 12.—Hi, Mom directed by Jia ling is a hit ________ this year.—It really is. It shows us the deep love between a mother and a daughter.A./ B.in C.on D.at13.________ Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.A.At B.On C.To D.In五、选择题14.—How do you like my new dress?—Well, if I ________ say, it is not suitable for you.A.may B.must C.have to D.should15.— Mum, why do I have to wash hands so many times a day?—You ________ be too careful, for your health.A.can’t B.mustn’t C.may not D.needn’t 16.—In China, many students have to stay up late to do their homework.—No worries. The government has realized the problem. I’m sure th ere ________ be good news soon.A.can B.should C.must D.need17.It’s amazing that the pen ________turn voice into text with few mistakes.A.can B.must C.may D.need六、选择题18.________ unusual music he is playing! All of us are losing ourselves in it.A.How B.What a C.What D.How a19.— _________ crowded Guanqian Street is!— Yes, because the number of people has kept _________ greatly since 1990.A.What; rising B.How a; raising C.What; raising D.How; rising七、选择题20.— ________ orange juice does she need?— Just a little.A.How much B.How long C.How many D.How far 21.—___________ will the project of Wuxi Metro Line 3 be completed?—It won't take long. Just in about three months.A.How long B.How far C.How soon D.How often八、选择题22.The school hall ________ next week to celebrate this year's Science & Technology Festival. A.is decorated B.will decorate C.is decorating D.will be decorated 23.—The film Coco ________ with the Oscar Award not long ago.—That’s great! It deserves such a high prize.A.presents B.presented C.is presented D.was presented 九、选择题24.Today many physical bookstores down with financial difficulties, inflexible management strategies and competitive pressure from online bookstores.A.had closed B.having closedC.being closed D.are closing25.Chinese people’s spending on overseas trips ______ year by year.A.had risen B.riseC.is rising D.rose26.--The concert won’t start till seven. Why____ so early?--You know I don' t want to be at the traffic there. It’s terrible during the rush hour.A.are you leaving B.do you leaveC.were you leaving D.had you left27.—Tom, what’s your sister doing?— She ________ her homework in the study.A.does B.will do C.did D.is doing 28.Betty can’t join us in the card game. She ________ the classroom.A.has cleaned B.was cleaning C.has cleaned D.is cleaning 29.—What’s that noise, Sam?— My little brother ________ his toy car.A.played B.is playing C.plays D.was playing 十、选择题30.Hurry up, _______ we’ll be late for the first bus.A.and B.but C.so D.or31.Would you like to go to the museum with me?I’d love to, ______ I’m afraid I have no time.A.but B.and C.or D.so32.—I don’t like reading ______ watching TV. What about you?—I don’t like reading all day , ______ I like watching TV news.A.and ; or B.and ; and C.or ; and D.or ; but 33.Put your books in the drawer, _____ they won’t get lost.A.or B.and C.but D.so十一、选择题34.—Could you please tell me ________?—Next Thursday morning.A.when we visited the Capital Museum B.when did we visit the Capital Museum C.when we will visit the Capital Museum D.when will we visit the Capital Museum 十二、选择题35.—I spent the whole night preparing my report.—Don’t stay up too late, or you will be tired out. Remember, .A.it never rains but it poursB.yo u can’t burn the candle at both endsC.you can’t put all your eggs in one basketD.the grass is always greener on the other side十三、选择题36.—I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory by myself last Saturday.—________ Why didn’t you tell me earlier?A.You did? B.I hope not. C.Have a good time. D.I can’t believe it.十四、选择题37.________ with life in the city, life in the countryside is much slower and more peaceful. A.To compare B.Comparing C.Compared D.Compare 38.Your hair is too long. You’d better _____.A.have it cut B.have cut it C.be cutting it D.to cut it 39.People are advised to avoid ________ their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. A.touch B.touched C.to touch D.touching 40.—What do you remember about Grade 7?―I remember________a prize in the s chool writing competition.A.to win B.win C.winning D.won 41.—Anyone shouldn’t _________ use fire outdoors.—Yeah, and we should pay attention to ________ our forests and grasslands.A.be allowed to; protect B.allow to; protectingC.be allowed to; protecting D.allow to; protected42.Sally practices _________ the guitar very hard for the coming contest next month. A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play 43.—To keep the students safe on their way to school, we have taken more action.— That sounds great. We should do what we can __________ the school bus accident.A.to prevent B.prevent C.to preventing D.preventing十五、选择题44.China’s high-speed railways ________ from 9, 000 to 35, 000 kilometers in the past few years.A.are growing B.were growing C.will grow D.have grown 45.What a pity! My new computer__________ a virus and it can't work now.A.catches B.caught C.is caught D.has caught 46.My mother is a teacher. She ________ English in our school since she graduated from university.A.taught B.has taught C.is teaching D.will teach47.With the wide use of e-business, the way of shopping we were used to a lot. A.change B.changing C.changed D.has changed十六、选择题48.Our class _______ forty-five students, in other words, forty-five students ______ our class. A.consists of, are made up of.B.is consisted of, make up.C.consists of, make up.D.is consisted of, are made up of.49.Whenever you ______ a present, you’d better think about it from the receiver’s preference. A.bought B.buy C.will buy D.have bought 50.Candy has decided to move to Taipei next year. When she studies in an art school there, she ________ with her aunt for five months.A.lives B.lived C.has lived D.will live【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1.B解析:B【解析】试题分析:考查冠词:第一空填an,生活在一个快节奏的世界,单词even以元音字母e开头,所以是an;第二空不填,固定词组take advantage of意思“利用”,句意:生活在一个快节奏的世界,我们面对较大的竞争,因此我们必须利用每个机会去发展。








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单项选择题专题复习第一课:1.大多数人类学家认为现代人类起源于()A.腊玛古猿 B.南方古猿 C.海猿 D.外星人2.人类最初经历的社会是()A.原始人群B.氏族社会C.奴隶社会D.封建社会3.根据人的体貌特征,世界人类分为()A.黑种人白种人B有色人种无色人种C.黑种人白种人黄种人D.黑色人种黄色人种4.下列说法不正确的是()A.在母系氏族中,人们“只知其母,不知其父”B.在母系氏族中,妇女在社会中占主导地位C.在父系氏族中,人们“只知其父,不知其母”D.在原始社会末,出现阶级压迫是人类的倒退5.把下列“完全形成的人”的字母代号填入表格。

A.坦桑尼亚奥都威峡谷“能人” B.德国尼安德特人 C.印尼爪哇人 D.中国丁村人进化阶段主要代表进化阶段主要代表早期猿人早期智人晚期猿人晚期智人6.父系氏族代替母系氏族的根本原因是()A.男子在生活中占主导地位B.男子是生产和生活的组织者C.男子主要从事打猎和捕渔D.社会生产力的发展和进步7.人和动物的根本区别是()A.使用语言B.建造房屋C.烧制陶器D.制造工具答案:1B 2A 3C 4D 5 早期猿人:A 晚期猿人:C、F 早期智人:B、D晚期智人:E、G 6D 7D 第二课:1.成为古代埃及文明标志是()①金字塔②空中花园③狮身人面像④汉谟拉比法典A ①②B ①③C ②③D ①④2.统一的古代埃及建立于()A.公元前3500年B.公元前3000年C.公元前15世纪D.公元前6世纪3.古代埃及发老权力的象征是()A.狮身人面像B。


金字塔4.最早在两河流域建立国家的是()A.苏美尔人B.阿卡德人C.非尼基人D.西伯来人5.两河流域的两河是指()①尼罗河②幼发拉底河③底格里斯河④恒河⑤印度河A.②③B.④⑤C.①⑤D.①④6.古巴比伦王国国王汉谟拉比统一连河流域是在()A.公元前3500年B.公元前19世纪C.公元前18世纪D.公元前16世纪7.来自中亚侵入古代印度征服当地居民的是()A.希腊人B.苏美尔人C.波斯人D.雅利安人8.在引导的种姓制度中被征服者属于()A.婆罗门B.刹帝利C.首陀罗D.吠舍答案:1.B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. C 7.D 8.C第三课:1.爱琴文明发祥于()A.迈锡尼 B.克里特岛 C.斯巴达D.雅典2.繁雅典荣主要体现在()①商业兴盛②手工业发达③广泛使用奴隶劳动④全体居民都能参加政治生活⑤文化兴旺A.①②③④ B.①②③④⑤ C.①②⑤ D.①②③⑤3.雅典进入全盛时期是在()A.伯利克里时期B.斯巴达克时期 C.屋大维时期D.凯撒时期4.公元前6世纪著名的奴隶制共和国是()A.斯巴达 B.罗马 C.雅典 D.迦太基5.罗马建立共和国的时间是()A.公元前8世纪 B.公元前509年 C.公元前27年 D.公元476年6.罗马成为地中海的霸主是在()A.公元前6世纪 B.公元前5世纪 C.公元前2世纪 D.公元2世纪7.为争夺地中海霸权,同罗马展开长期争夺战的是()A.埃及 B.希腊 C.波斯 D.迦太基8.罗马帝国的第一个皇帝是()A.屋大维 B.凯撒C.斯巴达克 D.伯利克里答案:1. B 2.D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7 . D 8. A第四课:1.5世纪,统一日本的是()A.倭奴国B.大和C.日本D.高丽2.颁布大化改新诏书的天皇是()A.中臣B.孝德C.明仁D.德川3.日本由奴隶社会向封建社会过渡的标志是()A .一世纪前后,奴隶制国家的出现B.5世纪大和国统一日本C .七世纪中期,大化改新D .十九世纪中期,明治维新4.伊斯兰教的创立者是()A.穆罕默德B.哈里发C.苏丹D.释迦牟尼5.伊斯兰教元年是()A.622年B.630年C.632年D.640年6.统一的阿拉伯国家建立是在()A.穆罕默德在麦加传教以后。


C.穆罕默德征服麦加以后D.穆罕默德病逝后不久,阿拉伯半岛基本统一.7.穆罕默德建立政教合一的国家是在()A.麦加B.麦地那C.巴格达D.大马士革8.下列事件在阿拉伯半岛的统一过程中起了加速作用的是()A.出走麦地那B.确定伊斯兰教历C.征服麦加D.穆罕默德病逝答案:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C第五课:1.在西罗马帝国的废墟上建立的最大的日耳曼人国家是()A.法兰克王国B.法兰西王国C.拜占廷帝国D.奥斯曼土耳其帝国2“我的附庸的附庸,不是我的附庸”这样的局面出现于()A.查里马特改革之前 B.查里马特改革之后 C.大化改新以前 D.大化改新以后3.基督教产生的时间是()A.公元前6世纪 B.公元前1世纪 C.1世纪 D.2世纪4.西欧封建社会时期,在精神和文化领域凌驾一切的权力是()A.君权 B.兵权 C.财权 D.神权5.拜占廷帝国就是()A.罗马帝国 B.西罗马帝国 C.东罗马帝国 D.奥斯曼土耳其帝国6.拜占廷帝国的首都是()A.安卡拉 B.君士坦丁堡 C.巴比伦 D.罗马7.西罗马帝国灭亡以后,东罗马帝国在历史上又延续了大约多少年()A.500多年 B.800多年 C.1000多年 D.1200多年答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C第六课:1.波斯帝国形成的时间是()A.公元前7世纪 B.公元前6世纪 C.公元前5世纪 D.公元前4世纪2.马其顿位于希腊的()A.东部 B.西部 C.南部 D.北部3.公元前4世纪地跨欧、亚、非三洲的大帝国是()A.波斯帝国 B.希腊 C.亚历山大帝国 D.罗马帝国4.下列哪个是地跨欧、亚、非三洲的大帝国A.波斯帝国 B.希腊 C.古代埃及 D.罗马帝国5.2008年北京将举办奥林匹克运动会。

今天奥林匹克运动会的名称来源于古代什么人四年一次的奥林匹亚赛会()A.印度人B.埃及人C.希腊人D.苏美尔人6.罗马帝国最初的二百年与我国哪个历史时期大致同时()A.秦朝 B.西汉 C.东汉 D.唐朝答案:1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B第七课:1.创立了包括“0”在内的阿拉伯数字的是()A.古代阿拉伯人B.古代腓尼基人C.古代印度人D.古代希腊人2.什么时期开始阿拉伯数字的写法与现在基本一致()A.10世纪 B.11世纪 C.13世纪 D.16世纪3.著名的旅行家马可·波罗是哪国人()A.阿拉伯 B.印度 C.英国 D.意大利4.生活在13世纪的意大利人如果想了解中国的历史,他会选择下列哪部书作为参考()A.《荷马史诗》 B.《三国演义》 C.《马可·波罗行纪》 D.《天方夜谭》5.以下哪一项不属于马可·波罗经历的事情?()A.17岁从威尼斯出发前往中国 B.在中国生活了17年 C.出使日本 D.与热那亚人作战6.马可·波罗一行何时来到中国()A.隋朝 B.唐朝 C.元朝 D.清朝7.把中国的四大发明传播到世界的是哪国人?()A.阿拉伯 B.印度 C.英国 D.意大利答案:1.C 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A第八课:1.古代埃及人最早使用的文字是()A.字母文字B.楔形文字C.甲骨文 D.象形文字2.象形文字大约形成于何时?()A.公元前3000年 B.公元前2500年 C.公元前2000年 D.公元前1500年3.为字母文字奠定了基础的文字是()A.楔形文字B.甲骨文C.象形文字D.金文4.当今世界上最通用的字母是()A.腓尼基字母B.希腊字母 C.拉丁字母 D.汉语拼音5.什么人创造了楔形文字?()A.古代埃及人 B.古代苏美尔人 C.古代印度人 D.中国人6.佛教产生的时间是()A.公元前7世纪 B.公元前6世纪 C.公元前1世纪 D.公元6世纪7.公元1世纪,基督教产生于()一带。

A.印度 B.罗马 C.麦加 D.巴勒斯坦8.伊斯兰教信仰的神是()A.释迦牟尼 B.耶酥 C.安拉 D.穆罕默德9.穆罕默德关于一神教的宣传,可以在下列哪部经典里查阅()A.《圣经》 B.《大藏经》 C.《诗经》 D.《古兰经》答案:1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.D第九课:1.如果想研究阿拉伯社会的历史,你会选择下列哪部著作()A.《荷马史诗》 B.《天方夜谭》 C.《巴黎圣母院》 D.《俄底浦斯王》2.物理学上的杠杆定律和浮力定律是谁发现的?()A.荷马 B.亚里士多德 C.雨果 D.阿基米德3《俄底浦斯王》作者是谁?()A.荷马 B.索福克勒斯 C.阿里斯托芬 D.埃斯库罗斯4.欧洲戏剧的故乡是()A.罗马 B.希腊 C.英国 D.法国5.下巴黎圣母院最古老的最高大的()A.天主教堂 B.佛教圣地 C.伊斯兰教圣地 D.东正教教堂6.“给我一个支点,我将撬动整个地球”是谁的名言()A.亚里士多德 B.希罗多德 C.阿基米德 D.哥白尼列7.伊斯兰教第一大圣寺是在()A.麦加城 B.麦地那 C.伊朗 D.伊拉克答案:1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A。
