本文句子仅供参考请大家阅读!1、"The enemy approaches, and I will be ready." 敌人已经来临,而我已准备好了。
2、"Wele to Summoner's Rift." - 欢迎来到召唤师峡谷。
3、"Victory awaits those who seize it." - 胜利属于那些抓住它的人。
4、"I may be outnumbered, but never outmatched." - 可能我人数不足,但绝不会被打败。
5、"You will remember Yorick Mori, for I will not be forgotten." 你们会记住约里克·莫里,因为我不会被遗忘。
6、"I long for a worthy opponent." - 我渴望一个有价值的对手。
7、"I am the harbinger of destruction, the bringer of pain." 我是毁灭的先兆,痛苦的带来者。
8、"I am the death that walks, the terror that stalks." 我是漫步的死亡,徘徊的恐惧。
9、"Never underestimate the power of the scout's code." - 绝不要低估斥候守则的威力。
暗影之拳 - 阿卡xxAs balance dictates奉均衡之命。
Without question毫无疑问Whatever's necessary绝不手软Mark acquired.标记已做好。
Another unworthy opponent.哼,又是一个不自量力的。
For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "sutra" you keep mentioning…我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎So many noobs… will matchmaking ever find true balance?菜鸟真多……匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?Deftly, I travel.我随影而来,随影而去。
Didn't we just run by this same tower Are you sure you don't want to want to ask fordirections?刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么?你真的不想问问路么?确定一定以及肯定么?Understoodxx了Through twilights veil在暮光的帷幕下穿行?Tread lightly.动作要轻Agreed赞成Remain focused保持警惕Hesitation is the seed of defeat.不要错失良机。
Symmetry in all things对称存乎万物之间。
We travel the same path我们是一条道儿上的。
I suggest you run, I want to savor this.你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。
牛头酋长 - xx塔Stampede!将他们冲散!You must follow你必须跟着俺I know the way俺知道该怎么做。
L O L英雄联盟各英雄中英台词LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】暗影之拳 - 阿卡丽As balance dictates奉均衡之命。
Without question毫无疑问Whatever's necessary绝不手软Mark acquired.标记已做好。
Another unworthy opponent.哼,又是一个不自量力的。
For the last time, I'm a Kama master, I don't know this "sutra" you keep mentioning…我强调最后一遍,您一直念叨的经文,我这个忍镰大师根本听不懂哎So many noobs… will matchmaking ever find true balance?菜鸟真多……匹配系统找得到真正的平衡么?Deftly, I travel.我随影而来,随影而去。
Didn't we just run by this same tower Are you sure you don't want to want to ask for directions?刚才我们路过的不就是这座炮塔么你真的不想问问路么确定一定以及肯定么 Understood明白了Through twilights veil在暮光的帷幕下穿行?Tread lightly.动作要轻Agreed赞成Remain focused保持警惕Hesitation is the seed of defeat.不要错失良机。
Symmetry in all things对称存乎万物之间。
We travel the same path我们是一条道儿上的。
I suggest you run, I want to savor this.你们还是逃命吧,我想体验下追杀的快感了。
魔蛇之拥卡西奥佩娅:You found me beautful once...你也曾见过我的美……As you wish.如你所愿Say please...要说“请”……Don't make me beg...别让我求你嘛……Of course...当然……Don't be coy...别害羞……Tell me everything.告诉我一切,I'm listening.我在听。
You're no fun...你真无趣。
Aren't I a snake in the grass?我是不是草丛里的一条蛇呀?Surrender to me!拜倒于我吧!Feel my embrace!感受我的拥抱吧!Succumb!屈服吧!I strike!我打!No mercy!杀无赦!I'll take care of everything...我会好好地解决一切的……How cold blooded.多冷血吖Eventually, they all come crawling back到头来,他们还是全部爬回去了嘛。
You think I'm a freak? Let me get on your level你们觉得我是怪胎?看我不把你们打回原形!Let me help shuffle off your mortal coil世界上最大的痛苦,莫过于知道自己很美,却不敢照镜子。
They say the key to beauty lies in grace and poise, what do you think?如意如意,随我心意,快快显灵!……恩?我刚才好像念了一些奇怪的咒语Don't you find me beautiful?你是否觉得我很漂亮?宝石骑士塔里克Functional and stylish既时髦又实用。
I think I'll let you suffer for a while!我想我会让你难受一阵子的!You shall be crushed你将被碾碎!I will wheep for you我会悼念你的。
lol各个人物的台词【经典版】1) 我日复一日地把自己弄得伤痕累累,只是为了看到你为我查看伤口时的柔情。
——阿木木2) 若想解决纷争,必先陷入纷争。
——审判天使3) 在瓦罗兰,我是一个无恶不作的大海盗。
——海盗船长4) 誓言,禁固在身上,带上你的画卷,一起流浪。
——流浪法师5) 我在时光中穿梭,只为找回曾经美好的时光。
——时光守护者6) 亡命天涯,只是为了追寻你的足迹。
——法外狂徒7) 没有你的世界,我感到孤独。
——暗裔剑魔8) 我蒙上自己的双眼,只想记住最后看你的那一眼。
——盲僧9) 炽热的铁拳砸不开你面前的牢笼,不甘放弃的努力,只为了有一天能砸开牢笼见你一面。
——皮城执法官蔚10) 蒙多想去哪就去哪,可我就是想去你心里。
——祖安狂人lol各个人物的台词【最新版】1) 让我的双手,成就你的。
——李青2) 轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来;我轻轻的补刀,和对面抢先到二。
——赏金猎人3) 当你与死亡共舞时,要当领舞。
——惩戒之箭4) 我生于黑暗,我也将死于黑暗,我要我的银弩终结这世间的邪恶。
——暗夜猎手5) 要小心那些一无所有的人。
——维鲁斯6) 物是人非,可我依旧穿着嫁衣,在黑夜中寻找你的身影。
——寡妇制造者7) 征战沙场,只为守护我们的家园。
——德邦总管8) 德玛西亚人从不退缩!——赵信9) 擎被熄灭,双翼被截掉,空中的死神已然坠落,但是我依然幻想能带着你在空中翱翔。
——英勇投弹手10) 有些事绝对不会无趣。
l o l英雄出场台词集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]英雄登场台词亚托克斯———这场战争将成为我的杰作阿狸———我们心有灵犀,不是吗?阿卡利———奉均衡之命阿利斯塔———没什么可以把俺击退阿木木———我还以为你从来都不会选我呢艾维尼亚———冰凤展翅安妮———火焰,是我最喜欢的玩具艾希———世间万物皆系于一箭之上奥瑞利安索尔———自然如此阿兹尔———恕瑞玛,你的皇帝回来了巴德———?布里茨———发动机已启动,随时可以出发布兰德———准备好进入火焰世界了吗?嘿嘿嘿嘿布隆———心脏,是最强壮的肌肉凯特琳———好戏开场了蛇女———我的毒,没有解药虚空恐惧———你想要你所知的世界毁灭一是吗?飞机———王牌飞行员,申请出战诺手———只有我才能带领我们走向胜利皎月———一轮新月正在冉冉升起德莱文———欢迎来到德莱联盟蒙多———蒙多~艾克———时间,不在于你拥有多少,而在于你怎么使用蜘蛛———蛛网之内,只有蜘蛛才能安然无恙寡妇———黑夜,就是我的面纱,哈哈哈哈哈哈Ez———是时候表演真正的技术了稻草———听候您的吩咐,主人剑姬———我渴望有价值的对手小鱼人———要我吃掉它们加里奥———石像展翅船长———不管是烈火还是深海,都取不走我的命盖伦———人在塔在纳尔———纳尔~渣渣~酒桶———您买单,我就来男枪———我与死亡同行人马———见识下暗影岛之力吧大头———确实是个明智的选择俄洛伊———说教无益,折断的骨头是更好的课本刀妹———我的剑刃愿为您效劳风女———风之化身,听候您的差遣皇子———犯我德邦者,虽远必诛武器———开打开打杰斯———为了更美好的明天而战烬———我与杀戮之中盛放,亦如黎明中的花朵金克斯———规则,就是用来打破的卡里斯塔———所有背叛者都得死扇子妈———要永远相信你的灵魂死歌———?极悲,极乐,平和,每个必经阶段都有其美妙之处卡萨丁———必须维持力量的均衡卡特———我已经做出了我的选择天使———迎接审判吧凯南———均衡,存乎万物之间螳螂———改变就是好事千珏———执子之魂,与子共生大嘴———用餐时间到了妖姬———黑玫瑰将再次绽放盲僧———我用双手,成就你的梦想曙光女神———黎明就在眼前丽桑卓———所有人都将诚服,只是时机未到奥巴马———人终有一死,而有些人则需要一点小小的帮助璐璐———见到你很高兴光辉———真是个深思熟虑的选择石头———坚如磐石蚂蚱———等待湮灭树精———现在,让我们先打一场吧剑圣———我的剑,就是你的剑好运姐———好运,不会眷顾傻瓜猴子———俺老孙来也金属大师———我将带来巨大的痛苦莫甘娜———我会叫他们好受的娜美———我的命运,由我做主狗头———生与死轮回不止,我们生,他们死深海泰坦———大海无量豹女———狂野,将使他们感到畏惧梦魇———拥抱黑暗吧努努———该我们了,呜~狂战士———所到之处,寸草不生发条———我们会帮你杀敌,这肯定很有趣潘森———能死在我的脚下,是上天给予他们的恩赐波比———我不是英雄,只是个拿锤子的约德尔人奎因———正义,展翅翱翔龙龟———一起找点乐子吧雷克塞———(吼叫)鳄鱼———所有人都得死狮子———今晚,猎个痛快瑞文———断剑重铸之日,骑士(其势)归来之时兰博———我们战斗吧光头———灾难始终慢我一步猪女———值得我信赖的,只有力量小丑———来次魔术戏法,怎么样?慎———您果然深思熟虑龙女———在敌人眼里,我就是恐惧炼金———要来一杯吗?亡灵勇士———交给我吧战争女神———我总能拿带买路钱,要么拿钱,要么拿命蝎子———我的毒刺不会让你失望的琴女———只有你能听到我的话,召唤师,今天我们演奏哪一首曲子?星妈———只要我还活着,就不会有人遭受苦难乌鸦———早起的鸟儿有虫吃辛德拉———我的能量无穷无尽塔姆———叫我国王,叫我恶魔!河水会遗忘那些已被淹没的名字岩雀———命数如知,当为磐石泰隆———刀下生,刀下死宝石骑士———我曾踏足山边,也曾进入低谷,二者都让我受益良多提莫———提莫队长,正在待命锤石———我们要怎样进行这令人愉悦的折磨呢?小炮———一日为班德尔炮手,终生为班德尔炮手巨魔———巨魔时间到了蛮王———我的大刀早已饥渴难耐了卡牌———胜利女神在微笑老鼠———哈呵!你想要什么兽灵行者———我们的狂怒,你驾驭不住螃蟹———永恒的生命,无尽的折磨维鲁斯———罪恶将知道,什么是痛苦薇恩———让我们来猎杀那些陷入黑暗中的人吧小法———如果我俩角色互换,我会让你看看什么叫残忍虚空之眼———知识,来源于分解蔚———先打一拳,打的时候再把问题问遍机械先驱———加入光荣的进化吧吸血鬼———血流成河狗熊———熊霸天下狼人———狩猎的时候到了泽拉斯———我来让你见识一下正真的魔法把!召唤师赵信———长枪依在亚索———死亡如风,常伴吾身掘墓———死亡,仅仅是个开始扎克———我,为了战斗而生劫———无形之刃,最为致命炸弹人———来,炸个痛快时光守护者———就知道你会选我婕拉———感受荆棘的拥抱吧。
-by 贾克斯4、死后能做的最棒的事情是什么?就是碾碎你的敌人,看着他们先你一步而去,并聆听他们怯懦的哭喊。
-by 诅咒巨魔8、真正的大师永远都怀着一颗学徒的心。
-by 易大师9、卑微的我拿起手弩隐匿在你的左右,守护着你,即使你永远也不知道。
——瘟疫之源10、无论刮风还是下雨,太阳照常升起 -by 雷欧娜11、太阳不会揭露真相。
-by 黛安哪12、过去那个爱笑的我已经不在了,现在的我只剩下魔法与记忆以及这个丑陋不堪的身躯,孤独地在这个世界徘徊。
——水晶先锋13、体型并不能说明一切! -by 提莫14、国王们来来去去,但留下的只有金币。
-by 战争女神15、锒铛之人常说:即使一无所有,也要未雨绸缪。
-by 男枪16、顺我者昌,逆我者亡,此乃天意。
-by 卡牌17、我可以想去哪就去哪,可我只想进入你的心里。
-by 冰女20、在瓦罗蓝我是一个无恶不作的大海盗,而成为海盗的原因是为你保驾护航,这样,你才不会被大海吓到…——海盗船长21、我每一次的沉默只是为了和你在一起,如果可以,我愿意放弃我的长剑——英雄联盟之德玛西亚之力22、在瓦罗兰,我是一个无恶不作的大海盗。
-by 刀妹24、正义,要么靠法律,要么靠武力!-by 盖伦25、放下了手中的武器,我知道你已厌倦,目送你离开,亮起黄昏的路灯,照亮你回家的路。
英雄联盟英雄语音英文台词篇一:英雄联盟英雄台词(中英文)(非完全版)Y ouw an nap la yto o?I tllb efu n!你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟!Ta ket ha t!尝尝这个!Y ouw an nap la yto o?I tllb efu n!你也要来玩儿么?很好玩的哟!Do ntma kem ehu rty ou!再烦我就打你哟!Y ous me lll ik e。
B ur ni ng!你闻起来像??烧焦了一样!Th isw ay!这边儿Tr ytok ee pup!别掉队吖!Ha vey ous ee nmyb ea rTi bb er s?那个??你看见过我的小熊吗?Be at enb yali tt leg ir l!你们好犀利,败给小萝莉,羞羞脸T hec yc leo fli fea ndd ea thc on ti nu es.Wew il lli ve,th eyw il ldi e.生与死,轮回不止。
A nt hr op om an cy.Di vi na ti onb yen tr ai ls.死亡祭祀就要开始。
Ib ri ngd ea th.死亡与我同在。
S oo n,t he rew il lben ot hi ng.很快,这儿就什么都不会剩下了。
lol英雄座右铭50句1. "In the face of darkness, ignite your resolve and shine brighter."2. "With every defeat, there is a lesson to be learned."3. "Strength lies not in the muscle, but in the mind."4. "Only by working together can we achieve victory."5. "Never underestimate the power of determination."6. "Be patient, for success comes to those who wait."7. "A true hero always protects those in need."8. "Adaptability is the key to surviving any battle."9. "In the midst of chaos, remain calm and focused."10. "Believe in yourself, for doubt is the true enemy."11. "Success comes not from talent alone, but from hard work and dedication."12. "Never be afraid to take risks in order to achieve greatness."13. "Learn from your mistakes, but never dwell on them."14. "A true hero is one who fights for justice, not personal gain."15. "Every setback is an opportunity to come back stronger."16. "A kind heart is the weapon that transcends all others."17. "Trust in your abilities, for doubt only weakens the spirit."18. "Never let fear hold you back from embracing your true potential."19. "Resilience is the armor that protects the soul."20. "Lead by example, for actions speak louder than words."21. "In the face of adversity, rise above and overcome."22. "Victory is not guaranteed, but the pursuit of it is worthwhile."23. "Recognize your weaknesses, but never let them define you."24. "True strength lies not in overpowering others, but in lifting them up."25. "Embrace your uniqueness, for it is your greatest asset."26. "Humility in victory, grace in defeat."27. "A hero never hesitates, for hesitation leads to missed opportunities."28. "One's worth is not measured by their victories, but by their character."29. "Growth comes from stepping out of your comfort zone."30. "A true hero is one who brings hope to the darkest of times."31. "Forgiveness is the ultimate act of strength."32. "Never back down from a challenge, for that's when true heroism is born."33. "The greatest battles are fought within oneself."34. "Perseverance is the difference between mediocrity and greatness."35. "Success is sweeter when shared with others."36. "Never lose sight of your goals, even in the face of adversity."37. "A hero knows when to fight and when to walk away."38. "Trust in your instincts, for they are your greatest ally."39. "The greatest battles are won with strategy, not brute force."40. "A hero's legacy is defined by the lives they touch."41. "In teamwork, there is strength."42. "Never give up, for miracles happen when you least expect them."43. "In the darkest hour, heroes are born."44. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."45. "A hero is one who sacrifices their own needs for the greater good."46. "Your past does not define you; it is the choices you make that shape your future."47. "True heroes are humble in victory and resilient in defeat."48. "Take pride in your abilities, but never let arrogance cloud your judgment."49. "A hero is driven by purpose, not personal glory."50. "The true essence of heroism lies in the power to inspire others."。
LOL英雄联盟各英雄中英台词引言英雄联盟(League of Legends,简称LOL)是一款风靡全球的多人在线游戏。
1. 剑圣 - 亚托克斯(Aatrox)•中文台词:“只有在死亡面前才能找到自己。
”•英文台词:“Only in the abyss can we find ourselves.”2. 放逐之刃 - 锐雯(Riven)•中文台词:“当忏悔初现,不再重复往事。
”1•英文台词:“The time for talking is over.”3. 迅捷斥候 - 提莫(Teemo)•中文台词:“他们明明看不见我。
”•英文台词:“Size doesn’t mean everything.”4. 无极剑仙 - 易(Yi)•中文台词:“武当,如来。
”•英文台词:“Wuju, I endure.”5. 德邦总管 - 赵信(Xin Zhao)•中文台词:“保卫那些无法保护自己的人。
”•英文台词:“Protect the faithful.”总结本文为大家介绍了LOL英雄联盟中几位英雄的中英台词。
他还有哪些话语呢?下面是店铺为您分享的lol选螳螂时说的话,来看看吧!lol选螳螂时说的话精选:畏惧虚空吧关于lol螳螂时说的话:Ah...delicious哦美味Endless hunger 无尽的饥饿In the shadows阴影中Limb from limb 肢解Death from afar远道而来的死亡A different view不同的视角Isolate and devour孤立然后吃掉They can't keep up他们无法跟上Evolve and overcome进化然后克服I sense worthy prey我感觉有价值的猎物I will soar over them我将掠过他们My wings are restless我的翅膀躁动不安This world is delicious!这个世界美味无穷!They will not expect this!他们绝对想不到会是这样!They won't know what hit them他们不知道是什么攻击了他(laughs) You're barely worth eating!(笑)你没有什么值得吃掉的!If I eat you, will I learn how to die如果我吃掉你,我会懂得如何去死么?lol螳螂介绍:伤害:50(+3.2)攻击距离:125护甲:15(+3.8)魔抗:30(+1.25) 生命值:430(+85)生命回复:7.4(+0.7)法力值:260法力回复:6.95移速:325定位:打野战士英雄背景虚空掠夺者一头来自虚空、名为卡兹克的恶毒掠食者渗入了瓦洛兰,准备吞噬这块大陆上最有潜力的生物们。
剑魔:This battle will be my masterpiece阿狸: Don't you trust me?阿卡丽: As balance dictates.阿里斯塔: Nothing can hold me back!阿木木: I thought you'd never pick me德莱厄斯诺手: They will regret opposing me戴安娜皎月: A new moon is rising蒙多: Mundo!德莱文: Welcome to the League of Draven.伊莉丝蜘蛛女皇: Only the spider is safe in her web伊芙琳寡妇: The night is my veil伊泽瑞尔 EZ: Time for a true display of skill费德提克稻草人: Your bidding, master!菲欧娜剑姬: I long for a worthy opponent菲兹小鱼人: Let me at 'em!杰斯: I fight for a brighter tomorrow金克丝: Rules are made to be broken... like buildings! Or people!卡莉丝塔: Death to all betrayers卡尔玛: Always trust your spirit卡尔萨斯死歌: Agony, ecstasy, peace. Every passing has a beauty all its own卡萨丁: The balance of power must be preserved卡特:Violence solves everything!凯尔天使: Into the fray玛尔扎哈: Oblivion awaits茂凯大树: I do your bidding... for now.易剑圣: My blade is yours女枪: Fortune doesn't favor fools莫德凯撒铁男: I shall bring great suffering悟空: I will be the best莫甘娜: We'll bring them pain娜美: I decide what the tide will bring内瑟斯狗头: The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die锐雯:What is broken can be reforged!兰博:"Let's get in the fight!瑞兹:Let's go, let's go!瑟庄妮猪妹:Trust nothing but your strength萨科小丑:How about a magic trick?慎:A demonstration of superior judgement.希瓦娜龙女:They are nothing before me辛吉德炼金:How about a drink?塞恩老司机:Rest is for the living希维尔:I always take my toll - blood, or gold.特朗德尔巨魔:Time to troll!泰达米尔蛮王:This'll be a slaughter崔斯特卡牌:Lady luck is smilin图奇老鼠:What doesn't kill you just isn't finished yet 乌迪尔:Our rage is beyond your control厄加特:Eternal life... endless torture韦鲁斯:The guilty will know agony薇恩:Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness维迦小法:Know that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy基兰时光:I knew you would do that..婕拉:Feel the thorns' embrace俄洛伊:I'm not big on sermons - broken bones teach better lessons{!。
lol英雄励志的话语50句1. "Keep pushing forward, like a true warrior on the Summoner's Rift."2. "Believe in yourself, and your abilities as a champion."3. "No matter how many times you fall, you can always rise again."4. "Every defeat is a lesson, learn from it and become even stronger."5. "Success is not given, it is earned through hard work and dedication."6. "Give it your all, leave nothing behind on the battlefield."7. "You are destined for greatness, embrace it."8. "In the face of adversity, show your true strength."9. "Don't be afraid to take risks, sometimes it's the only way to win."10. "Stay focused, never lose sight of your goals."11. "Failure is not an option, keep fighting until the end."12. "Your perseverance will be rewarded, just keep going."13. "A true hero is forged through challenges and struggles."14. "You have the power within you, unleash your full potential."15. "No one can stop you when you believe in yourself."16. "Dream big, and work hard to make it a reality."17. "Success is not measured by victories, but by the impact you make."18. "Remember, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey."19. "Stay humble, even when you achieve great things."20. "Every defeat is an opportunity for growth."21. "Be the leader your team needs, rally them to victory."22. "Don't let setbacks define you, rise above them."23. "Your determination will set you apart from the rest."24. "Embrace the challenges, for they will make you stronger."25. "Success is sweetest when it is hard-earned."26. "Believe in the power of teamwork, together you are unstoppable."27. "Forge your own path, don't be confined by the meta."28. "Never underestimate the underdog, they often surprise you."29. "Stay adaptable, always be open to new strategies."30. "Fear is just an illusion, conquer it and become fearless."31. "Your skills are your greatest weapon, hone them to perfection."32. "Learn from the best, but never stop innovating."33. "Keep your chin up, even in the face of defeat."34. "Every setback is an opportunity for a comeback."35. "Stay disciplined, even when the odds are against you."36. "Trust in your instincts, they can lead you to victory."37. "Remember, the game is not over until the nexus falls."38. "Stay positive, a negative mindset only leads to failure."39. "It's not about the fame or fortune, it's about the love for the game."40. "Treat every match as an opportunity to improve."41. "Learn from your mistakes, but don't dwell on them."42. "Be the hero you always dreamed of becoming."43. "Success is not guaranteed, but your effort can make all the difference."44. "Embrace the grind, for it is the path to greatness."45. "Let your passion fuel your determination."46. "Never give up, even when the odds seem insurmountable."47. "Your legacy will be defined by your actions on the battlefield."48. "Stay humble in victory, and gracious in defeat."49. "Believe in the power of teamwork, it can change the outcome of any battle."50. "Remember, every setback is just a setup for a comeback."。
选择诺手时说的话精选:只有我才能带领我们走向胜利德莱联盟正在召唤你诺手说的话补充:"Scurry, weakling."滚吧,弱者。
"Death by my hand."由我亲手送你上路。
"Exploit every weakness."砍翻每一个弱者。
"Carve a path."杀出一条血路。
"I will not rest."我永不停息。
"Strength above all."力量至上。
"Never retreat!"永不撤退!"I have my orders."我有我的主张。
"Unmatched power"无与伦比的力量。
"With overwhelming force."随着势不可挡的力量而来。
They will regret opposing me."他们将会后悔与我为敌"Witness true strength."见证真正的力量吧。
"Stay alert."保持警惕。
"Noxus will rise."诺克萨斯将会崛起。
"My destination is clear."我的目的很明确。
"I do not tolerate cowardice."我不会容忍那些懦夫。
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剑魔:This battle will be my masterpiece阿狸: Don't you trust me?阿卡丽: As balance dictates.阿里斯塔: Nothing can hold me back!阿木木: I thought you'd never pick me艾尼维亚冰鸟: On my wings安妮:You wanna play too? It'll be fun!艾希: All the world on one arrow阿奇尔沙皇: Shurima! Your emperor has returned!机器人布里茨: Fired up and ready to serve.布兰德火男: Ready to set the world on fire? Heheheh...布隆: The heart is the strongest muscle凯特琳女警: I'm on the case卡西奥佩娅蛇女: There is no antidote for me科加斯大虫子: You'd wish the world you know to end! Yeeeesssss...库奇飞机: I'm up to snuff, and gots me an ace machine!德莱厄斯诺手: They will regret opposing me戴安娜皎月: A new moon is rising蒙多: Mundo!德莱文: Welcome to the League of Draven.伊莉丝蜘蛛女皇: Only the spider is safe in her web伊芙琳寡妇: The night is my veil伊泽瑞尔 EZ: Time for a true display of skill费德提克稻草人: Your bidding, master!菲欧娜剑姬: I long for a worthy opponent菲兹小鱼人: Let me at 'em!加里奥石像鬼: A guardian is always prepared.普朗克船长: Prepare to be boarded盖伦: My heart and sword always for Demacia纳什之牙: Gnar gada!古拉加斯酒桶 : If you're buying, I'm in格雷福斯男枪: Dead man walkin赫卡里姆人马: Behold the might of the Shadow Isles黑默丁格大头: Indeed, a wise choice艾瑞莉娅刀妹: My blade is at your service迦娜风女: The tempest is at your command嘉文四世皇子: By my will, this shall be finished贾克斯武器: Let's do this!杰斯: I fight for a brighter tomorrow金克丝: Rules are made to be broken... like buildings! Or people!卡莉丝塔: Death to all betrayers卡尔玛: Always trust your spirit卡尔萨斯死歌: Agony, ecstasy, peace. Every passing has a beauty all its own卡萨丁: The balance of power must be preserved卡特:Violence solves everything!凯尔天使: Into the fray亚索: Death is like the wind; always by my side凯南: The eyes never lie卡兹克螳螂: Isolate and devour克格莫大嘴: Time to feast乐芙兰妖姬: The Black Rose shall bloom once more李青盲僧: Your will, my hands蕾欧娜女坦: The dawn has arrived.丽桑卓: I will bury the world in ice卢锡安: Everybody dies. Some just need a little help璐璐: Pleased to meet you拉克丝光辉: Tactical decision, summoner!墨菲特石头人: Rock solid玛尔扎哈: Oblivion awaits茂凯大树: I do your bidding... for now.易剑圣: My blade is yours女枪: Fortune doesn't favor fools莫德凯撒铁男: I shall bring great suffering悟空: I will be the best莫甘娜: We'll bring them pain娜美: I decide what the tide will bring内瑟斯狗头: The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die诺提勒斯泰坦: Beware the depths豹女: hey will fear the wild魔腾: Embrace the darkness努努: Here we go奥拉夫: Leave nothing behind!奥利安娜发条: We will kill your enemies. That will be fun潘森: They are privileged to die at my feet!波比: Valoran will know harmony奎茵: Justice takes wing拉莫斯龙龟:OK雷克顿鳄鱼:As I live, all will die雷恩加尔:Tonight we hunt锐雯:What is broken can be reforged!兰博:"Let's get in the fight!瑞兹:Let's go, let's go!瑟庄妮猪妹:Trust nothing but your strength萨科小丑:How about a magic trick?慎:A demonstration of superior judgement.希瓦娜龙女:They are nothing before me辛吉德炼金:How about a drink?塞恩老司机:Rest is for the living希维尔:I always take my toll - blood, or gold.斯卡纳蝎子:My stinger brings ugly death娑娜琴女:Only you can hear me, Summoner. What masterpiece shall we play today索拉卡:Let me guide you斯维因乌鸦:The early bird guts the worm辛德拉:So much untapped power泰隆男刀:Live and die by the blade塔里克:More than just precious stones, I bring you an ancient power提莫:Captain Teemo on duty锤石:What delightful agony we shall inflict崔斯塔娜小炮:"Once a Bandle gunner, always a Bandle gunner! 特朗德尔巨魔:Time to troll!泰达米尔蛮王:This'll be a slaughter崔斯特卡牌:Lady luck is smilin图奇老鼠:What doesn't kill you just isn't finished yet乌迪尔:Our rage is beyond your control厄加特:Eternal life... endless torture韦鲁斯:The guilty will know agony薇恩:Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness维迦小法:Know that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy维克兹大眼:Knowledge through... disintegration蔚:Punch first. Ask questions while punching维克托:Join the glorious evolution弗拉基米尔吸血鬼:The rivers will run red沃利贝尔:Let the storm follow in my wake沃里克狼人:Let's make this fun泽拉斯:I will be free赵信:To the arena约里克:Death is only the beginning扎克:I was made for this... literally.劫:The unseen blade is the deadliest吉格斯炸弹人:This'll be a blast!基兰时光:I knew you would do that..婕拉:Feel the thorns' embrace俄洛伊:I'm not big on sermons - broken bones teach better lessons。