Samuel Taylor Coleridge.ppt


Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incensebearing tree; And here were forests ancient as the hills, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
相识、相知、相爱 然后分离 然后分离,才是多数 相识、相知、相爱,然后分离 才是多数 人悲哀的故事。 人悲哀的故事。 ——塞缪尔 塞缪尔 泰勒 柯勒律治
Thank you for your attention~!
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)
• Born:1772 in Devon, England • Education: 1782 in Charity School of Christ's Hospital in London • 1791 in Cambridge university • 1793 graduated without taking a degree • 1798 went to Germany (with Wordsworth) for learning philosophy • Friendship: Charles Lamb, Robert Southey, William Wordsworth

Samuel_Taylor Coleridge

Samuel_Taylor Coleridge

In November, 1793, he left the college and enlisted(参军) in the Royal Dragoons(皇家骑兵)using the false name "Silas Tomkyn Comberbache", perhaps because of debt or because the girl that he loved, Mary Evans, had rejected him. His brothers arranged for his discharge a few months later under the reason of "insanity" and he was readmitted(再次接纳) to Jesus College, though he would never receive a degree from Cambridge.
Coleridge in 1795, age 27.At the university he was introduced to political and theological(神学的) ideas then considered radical(激进的), including those of the poet Robert Southey. Coleridge joined Southey in a plan, soon abandoned, to found a utopian(乌托邦 的)commune-like society, called pant isocracy(乌托邦), in the wilderness of Pennsylvania(宾西法尼亚州). In 1795 the two friends married sisters Sarah(wife) and Edith Fricker, but Coleridge„s marriage proved unhappy. He grew to detest(厌恶) his wife, whom he only married because of social constraints, and eventually divorced her.

怀旧音乐风泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)个人主题ppt模板

怀旧音乐风泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)个人主题ppt模板

l o r e m
i p s u m
d o l o r
s i t
a m e t
e l i t
c o n s e c t e t u e r m a e c e n a s
a d i p i s c i n g
consectetuer adipiscing elit
magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna. nunc viverra imperdiet enim. nunc viverra imperdiet enim.
l o r作者信息: e m i p s u m s i t a m e t
d o l o r
c o n s e c t e t u e r
a d i p i s c i n g e l i t
Ta y l o r S w i f t
magna sed pulvinar ultricies purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna
l o r作者信息: e m i p s u m s i t a m e t
d o l o r
c o n s e t e t u e r
a d i p i s c i n g e l i t
Ta y l o r S w i f t


采取根据完成工作数量而奖励工人等激励措施 的办法,提高工人的工作意愿和责任感。
Taylor泰勒是一位管理学先驱,他以其倡导的“科学管理”理论而著名。这份PPT 课件将介绍他的背景和成就、贡献、方法以及对管理学和现代工业的影响。
Taylor泰勒出生于宾夕法尼亚州,成长于富裕 家庭,享受过良好的教育和生活。
他在五年时间内把他所在的企业的产能提高 了5倍,成为了40年代美国最有影响力的工 业家之一。
Taylor泰勒的科学管理理论引领了现代管理学的发展,规范了工业制造流程,提高了效率, 降低了成本。他对管理学和现代工业产生了深远的影响。
未来的科学管理注重以人为本,注重企业文化,是从“如何用人才最佳组织来促进企业市场 竞争”而产生的。
他在史蒂文斯理工学院学习机械工程,并获 得了良好的学业成绩。
Taylor泰勒被誉为“现代工业管理之父”,是美 国工程院院士、美国机械工程师协会院士、 英国皇家统计学会会士。



2. Literary Career
• Lyrical Ballads • Two groups of poems-the demonic: • 1) The Rime of Ancient Mariner • 2) Kubla Khan • 3) Christabel (ballad form, Gothic horror) • the conversational: 4) Forest at Midnight 5) Dejection: An Ode • Tragic Drama: Remorse
• He traveled to Germany with Wordsworth in 1798 • and studied the philosophy of Kant’s idealism; • Back to Lake District, he became addicted to opium, which destroyed his health. • He gave his famous series of lectures on literature and philosophy; those on Shakespeare were particularly successful. • In 1810 he quarreled with Wordsworth and their friendship never reached its former intimacy.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
1.Personal Background
• His father was a clergyman but died when C. was at the age of 9----he tended to be lonely and precocious; • University life (at Cambridge) bored him--he felt idleness but was full of dreams in mind; and left without a degree. • With Southey he set up an utopian plan of establishing an ideal democratic community in America, which failed and led him to an unhappy marriage.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge共24页文档

Samuel Taylor Coleridge共24页文档
He and Southey married two sisters. His marriage was not happy. Later, he separated from his wife.
About his health
Throughout his adult life, Coleridge suffered from crippling bouts of anxiety and depression. Coleridge suffered from poor health that may have stemmed from a bout of rheumatic fever and other childhood illnesses. He was treated for these concerns with laudanum (鸦片酒), which fostered a lifelong opium addictione was 3.(真正的学霸…… )
He studies at Cambridge, but like Wordsworth, he left it without taking his degree.
He made friends with Robert Southey at the university and they planned to found a utopian society----Pantisocracy (大同世界) in the wilderness of Pennsylvania but failed.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (21 October 1772 – 25 July 1834) was an English poet, literary critic and philosopher who, with his friend William Wordsworth, was a founder of the Romantic Movement in England and a member of the Lake Poets.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge共19页文档

Samuel Taylor Coleridge共19页文档
Down to a sunless sea.
So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls and towers were girdled round : And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incensebearing tree ; And here were forests ancient as the hills, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.
Life Se his famous series of lectures on literature and philosophy; the lectures on Shakespeare were particularly successful.
Died in Highgate, London on 25 July 1834 of heart failure compounded by an unknown lung disorder
Writing Style of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
1 amazing imaginations 2 symbolism 3 manifold figurative techniques
"The influence of Coleridge, like that of Bentham, extends far beyond those who share in the peculiarities of his religious or philosophical creed. He has been the great awakener in this country of the spirit of philosophy, within the bounds of traditional opinions. He has been, almost as truly as Bentham, 'the great questioner of things established'; for a questioner needs nor necessarily be an enemy." (John Stuart Mill, from Coleridge, 1840)

Samuel Taylor Coleridge 柯勒律治

Samuel Taylor Coleridge 柯勒律治
breath, Found Death in Life, may here find
Life in Death
1798 The Rime of the Ancient Mariner《古舟子咏》 1798 Kubla Khan 《忽必烈汗》 1816 Christabel 《克丽斯塔贝尔》
rheumatism(风湿病), which gradually
destroyed his health, happiness and
poetic creativity
Death He died in Highgate, London on July 25, 1834 (62), providing his own epitaph(墓志铭):
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
Graveyard (墓地)
• Beneath this sod
A Poet lies; or that which once was he.
O lift one thought in prayer (祷告)for S.T.C.
That he, who many a year with toil (辛苦)of
A few months later under the reason of "insanity" (精神病 ) and he was readmitted (再次接纳) to Jesus College, though he would never receive a degree from Cambridge.



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威廉·华兹华斯_最终版 ppt课件

威廉·华兹华斯_最终版 ppt课件

In the autumn of 1798,Wordsworth,Dorothy,and Coleridge traveled to Germany. While Coleridge was intellectually stimulated by the trip, its main effect on Wordsworth was to produce homesickness.
The Reign of Terror estranged him from the Republican movement, and war between France and Britain prevented him from seeing Annette and Caroline again for several years.
Because of lack of money and Britain's tensions with France, he returned alone to England the next year. The circumstances of his return and his subsequent behaviour raise doubts as to his declared wish to marry Annette, but he supported her and his daughter as best he could in later life.
He returned to Hawkshead for his first two summer holidays, and often spent later holidays on walking tours, visiting places famous for the beauty of their landscape. In 1790, he took a walking tour of Europe, during which he toured the Alps extensively, and also visited nearby areas of France, Switzerland, and Italy.

Samuel Taylor Coleridg

Samuel Taylor Coleridg

Literary works
Kubla Khan 《忽必烈汗》 3) Christabel 《克里斯特贝尔》 4) Biographia Literaria《文学传记》 a literary criticism, in which he emphasizes the importance of imagination.
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
• It tells a strange story in the form of ballad. • Three guests are on their way to a wedding party, but one of them is detained by an ancient mariner. The mariner tells him of his adventures on the sea.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge 柯尔律治 (1772—1834)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge P24
The other two lake poets beside Wordsworth are Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey. In his youth Coleridge suffered acute pain in the head and to ease the pain, he took opium. For the rest of his life he became a slave to the drug.
Literary works
1) Lyrical Ballads: “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” “古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”. The poem is considered his masterpiece. It is also considered one of the masterpieces of the romantic poetry.

英美文学Samuel Taylor Coleridge

英美文学Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“这儿是冰雪,那儿是冰雪,到处都是冰雪茫茫; 冰雪在怒吼,冰雪在咆哮,像人昏厥时听到隆隆 巨响!“终于飞来了一头信天翁,它穿过海上弥 漫的云雾,仿佛它也是一个基督徒,我们以上帝 的名义向它欢呼。“它吃着丛未吃过的食物,又 绕着船儿盘旋飞舞。坚冰霹雳一声突然裂开,舵 手把我们引上了新途!“南来的好风在船后吹送; 船旁紧跟着那头信天翁,每天为了食物或玩耍, 水手们一招呼它就飞进船中!“它在桅索上栖息 了九夜;无论是雾夜或满天阴云:而一轮皎月透 过白雾,迷离闪烁,朦朦胧胧。”“上帝保佑你 吧,老水手!别让魔鬼把你缠住身!——你怎么 啦?”——”是我用弓箭,射死了那头信天翁。”
With sloping masts and dipping prow, As who pursued with yell and blow... The ship drove fast, loud roared the blast, And southward aye we fled. And now ther came both mist and snow, and it grew wondrous cold: The ice was here, the ice was there, The ice was all around At length did cross an Albatross, Thorough the fog it came; As if it had been a Christian soul, We hailed it in God's name.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

The motiveless malignity leads to punishment:

Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯尔律治生平介绍

Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯尔律治生平介绍

As can be seen in the
language style: Coleridge
uses narrative techniques such as personification and repetition to create a sense of danger, the supernatural,
or serenity, depending on
the mood in different parts of the poem.
Major Influence
• The Rime of the Ancient Mariner & Kubla Khan • Biographia Literaria (prose work)
• “perhaps the greatest of English critics, and in a sense the last.” • Eliot suggested that Coleridge displayed “natural abilities” far greater than his contemporaries.
Today Kublai is a wellknown historical figure.
Kubla Khan /ˌk ʊblə ˌk ɑːn/ is a
poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, completed
in 1797 and published in
experiences of a sailor who has returned from a long sea voyage. The mariner stops a man who is on the way to a wedding ceremony and begins to narrate a story. The wedding-guest's reaction turns from bemusement to impatience to fear to

塞缪尔 泰勒 柯勒律治

塞缪尔 泰勒 柯勒律治
塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
人物概要 人物历程 作品介绍 《古舟子咏》
中文名:塞缪尔· 泰勒· 柯勒 律治 别名:湖畔派诗人 出生地:英格兰西南部德 文郡 英文名:Samuel Taylor Coleridge 籍贯:英格兰西南部德文郡 性别:男
《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner )
塞缪尔· 泰勒· 柯勒律治的国籍是哪里?
塞缪尔· 泰勒· 柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)威廉· 华 兹华斯(William Wordsworth)罗伯特· 骚塞(Robert Southey)
《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner )
全诗是一个充满了奇幻之美的的航海故事。全诗探索人生 的罪与罚问题,诗人把热爱宇宙的万物泛神论思想和基督 教思想结合起来,宣传仁爱和基督教的赎罪思想。诗中的 水手的心理活动刻画得细致入微,老水手杀掉信天翁表示 他拒绝社会给他的礼物,他除掉了深爱自己并代表超自然 的事物,也就除掉了对这个世界的感情,最后水手内心发 生转变,以新的态度对待自然,为此他才得以解脱出来。
Engraving of a scene from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The frozen crew and the albatross(信天翁) by Gustave Doré
A statue of the Ancient Mariner at Watchet Harbour(沃切特海港), Somerset(萨默赛特), England
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when he was 8 years old)
Education: 1782 in Charity School of Christ's Hospital
in London 1791 in Cambridge university 1793 graduated without taking a degree 1798 went to Germany (with Wordsworth)for
Life experience
Writing style
Kubla Khan
Born:21 October,1772 in Devon, England
Died: 25 July, 1834(aged 61)
Family Background: father of vicar (died in 1781
1 amazing imaginations
2 symbolism
3 manifold figurative techniques
"The influence of Coleridge, like that of Bentham, extends far beyond those who share in the peculiarities of his religious or philosophical creed. He has been the great awakener in this country of the spirit of philosophy, within the bounds of traditional opinions. He has been, almost as truly as Bentham, 'the great questioner of things established'; for a questioner needs nor necessarily be an enemy." (John Stuart Mill, from Coleridge, 1840)
Pantisocrary (failed)
Marriage: Sarah • Frick (sister of Southey’s wife) Health: got Rheumatic pain, and took opium Works: Remorse, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,
Kubla Khan
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan 忽必列汗在上都曾经 A stately pleasure-dome Alph, the sacred river, ran 这地方有圣河亚佛流奔, Through caverns measureless to man 穿过深不可测的洞门, Down to a sunless sea. 直流入不见阳光的海洋。
learning philosophy
Friendship: Charles Lamb, Robert Southey, William
Wordsworth (1800 in Keswick)
Ideological content: egalitarianism, utopian society,
The first stanza describes the beauty and mystery of Xanadu with rich and exotic images. ['zænə.du:] 行宫,世外桃源
The second part shows the savage and violence of life outside of the “pleasure dome.” It describes nature and images of evil and war mixed together.
Kubla Khan, Biographia Literaria, The Constitution of Church and State
Coleridge’s cotta
Writing Style of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
There are 3 pre-dominant features ----
Kubla Khan
The poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Coleridge describes images from the poet’s imagination. The wonderful kingdom of the ancient Kubla Khan and the setting that surrounds it is described with dreamlike vividness. In this poem Coleridge is expressing heaven and hell through his own eyes just as Milton did in 'Paradise Lost'.
Kubla Khan
"Kubla Khan; or, A Vision in a Dream: A Fragment" is a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, which takes its title from the Mongol and Chinese emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty. Coleridge claimed that the poem was inspired by an opium-induced dream but that the composition was interrupted by a person.