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பைடு நூலகம்
缩写 ICONs ICOR INLO inv.doc.,attach. IOU IOV IPO J., Jour. lifo, LIFO M.O. MBO MO,M.O. mo. Mos. NIFO no a/c NO. (no.) NOP NOW a/c NPV method .B.,O/B O.E.,o.e. O.F. O/a o/a O/d o/d, o.d., O.D. O/s OA OAAS OB OBV OD OEC OFC OI OII ok. opp opt. ord. OVA OW P.O.D P.O.R. P/E ratio PMO POR REVOLVER ROA ROC ROE ROE ROI ROP ROS ROS Rto RTO 英文全称 index currency option notes incremental capital-output ratio in lieu of invoice with document attached I owe you inter-office voucher initial public offering journal last in,first out money order management by objectives money order month months next in, first out no account number net open position negotiable order of withdrawal net present value method order book omission excepted ocean freight on account on account of on demand overdrawn outstanding open account operational accounting and analysis system other budgetary on-balance volume overdraft original equipment cost open for cover original issue overseas investment insurance all correct opposite optional ordinary overhead variance analysis offer wanted pay on delivery payable on receipt price-eanings ratio postal money order pay on return revolving letter of credit return on asset return on capital ratio of equity return on equity return on investment registered option principal ratio of sales return on sales ratio round trip operation 中文 指数货币期权票据 资本-产出增量比 代替 附提货单的发票 借据 内部传票 首次发售股票 日记帐 后进先出法 邮汇 目标管理 汇票 月 月 次进先出法 无此帐户 编号、号数 净开头寸 可转让存单帐户 净现值法 订货簿 遗漏除外 海运费 赊帐 记入......帐户 见票即付 透支 未清偿、未收回的 赊帐、往来帐 经营会计分析制 其他预算 持平数量法 透支 设备原值 预约保险 原始发行 海外投资保险 全部正确 对方 可选择的 普通的 间接费用差异分析 寻购启示 货到付款 货到付款 收益率 邮政汇票 收益 循环信用证 资产回报率 资本收益率 股本利润率 股本回报率 投资收益 记名期权本金 销售利润率 销售收益率 比率 往返作业
缩写 SOYD TBD policy 英文全称 sum of the year's digits method to be declared policy 中文 年数加总折旧法 预保单,待报保险单
缩写 a/c no. Acct.No. b.o.m. b.o.p. B/L original BO BOM BOT BOY Brok. C.O., C/O c.o.d, C.O.D. C.W.O. c/o CMO COBOL Col. Coll. Coll. Com. comm. conv, cv, cvt Cor. D.C.F. method D.O.G. D/O DB method DDB method Dls, Dol(s); Do, dto. Doc(s) Doc. code doc. att. Dols. DOR E&O.E. e.a.o.n. EDOC EOA EOD EOM EOS EOY ESOP F.O.C. F.X., FE, FOREX FDB method FIFO FIO fo. FOCUS for'd., fwd FOX FX broker HIBOR hifo Hon'd I.B.O. IBOR 英文全称 account number account number bill of materials balance of payments bill of lading original buyer's option beginning of month balance of trade beginning of year broker or brokerage cash order cash on delivery cash with order carried over Collateralized Mortgage Obligations Common Business Oriented Language column collateral collection commission convertible corpus discounted cash flow method days of grace delivery order declining balance (depreciation) method double declining balance (depreciation) method dollars ditto documents document code documents attached dollars date of request errors and omissions excepted except as otherwise noted effective date of change effective on or about every other day end of month end of season end of year Employee Stock Ownership Plan free of charge foreign exchange fixed rate on declining balance method first in, first out free in and out folio Financial and Operations Combined Uniform Single Report forward; forwarded Futures and Options Exchange foreign exchange broker Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate highest-in, first-out honored invoice book outward inter-bank offered rate 中文 帐户编号、帐号 帐户编号、帐号 用料清单 收支差额 提货单正本 买者选择交割期的远期合同 月初 贸易余额 年初 经纪人或经纪人佣金 现金汇票、现金订货 货到付款,交货付现 订货付款,随订单付现 结转后期 担保抵押贷款债务 通用商业语言 帐栏 担保、抵押物 托收 佣金 可转换的、可兑换的 本金 现金流量贴现法 宽限日数 发货单 递减余额折旧法 双倍递减余额折旧法 元 同上、同前 凭证、单据、文件 凭证(单据)编号 附单据、附件 美元 要求日 如有错漏,可加更正 除非另有说明 有效更改日期 大约在.......生效 每隔一日 月底 季末 年终 职工持股计划 免费 外汇 定率递减余额折旧法 先进先出法 自由进出 对折、页码 财务经营综合报告 转递 期货和期权交易所 外汇经纪人 香港银行同业拆借利率 高入先出法 如期支付的 销货发票簿 银行间的拆借利率