翻译: 包埋过程 包埋过程是在较低温度下(约750℃)进行 的. 相关的组分被装进装有混合粉末(一种活性 涂层材料, 含有铝, 催化剂(氯或者氟化物), 和 热压载, 如氧化铝)的箱子里. 高温下气态的氯 化铝或氟化铝可以从超耐热合金内部转移到表 面. 反应过程结束之后, 即得到所谓的“绿色 涂料”, 但这种涂料因其非常薄而且易碎, 所以 不可以直接使用. “绿色涂料”经过随后的扩 散热处理(在1080温度℃热处理几个小时) 后导致其内部发生进一步的扩散,最终形成理 想的涂层。
What are superalloys ? For examples. Where have superalloys been used ? Give some applications. Discuss the future of superalloys .
练习题2. Translate the following into Chinese
The historical development in superalloy processing have brought about considerable increases in superalloy operating temperatures. 随着高温合金加工技术的发展使得高温合金的操 作温度获得了相当的提升。 Single-crystal superalloys ( SC superalloys ) are formed as a single crystal using a modified version of the directional solidification technique, so there are no grain boundaries in the material. 单晶高温合金(SC高温合金)是利用改进后的 定向凝固技术合成的单晶,因此材料中不存在晶 界。 源自
材料类专业英语English:A materials science and engineering major aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the composition, structure, properties, and processing techniques of materials. This discipline covers a wide range of materials, including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites, and involves the study of their behavior under different conditions. Students will learn about the methods used to analyze and characterize materials, as well as the principles behind material selection and design. With a focus on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, students will acquire the ability to develop and test new materials, as well as optimize existing materials for various applications. Graduates from this major can pursue careers in industries such as manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, and electronics, where they can contribute to the development of new materials and the improvement of existing products.中文翻译:材料科学与工程专业旨在为学生提供对材料的组成、结构、性质和加工技术的全面理解。
adhesive[胶]allotropic[同素异形的amorphous[无定形的,非晶的anion[负离子]apuy[适当地]austenite[奥氏体]bainte「贝氏体binary isomorphous system[二元匀晶系统]Burgers vector[柏氏矢量]cadmium[镉]canon[正离子]carbide[碳化物Cast Iron[铸铁cementite[渗碳体]ceramic[陶瓷]chloride[氯chromium[铬]composite materials[复合材料cordinate system[坐标系统covalent bond[共价键crystal structure[晶体结构]crystallinity[结晶度ddiy[塑性deteriorative[劣化]dislocation[位错]edge dislocation[刃形位错]equilibrium[平衡]eutectic[共晶的eutectoid[共析的ferrite[铁素体fractional[分数的,部分的,相对的gain[晶粒grain boundary[晶界hase[相hexagonal dose-packed[密排六方的hexagonal[六方的]hypereutectoid[过共析hypoeutectoid[亚共析ion[硅Ionic Dond[离子键]isotherm[等温线lamellae[薄片]lattice[空间点阵,晶格]lever law[杠杆定律liquidus line[液相线martensite[马氏体]martensitic transformation[马氏体相变metallic bond[金属键]microstucture[显微组织monoclinic[单斜的nickel[镍nitride[氮化物]non-crystalline[非晶的]orthorhombic[正交的]parentheses[括孤]pearlite[珠光体periodic table[元素周期表phase diagram[相图]」phase transformation[相交]」point defect[点缺陷]polarize[极化polyethylene[聚乙烯polymerization[聚合]prism[棱镜]proeutectoid[先共析体provoke[诱发]reciprocal[倒数recrystallization[再结晶rhombohedral[菱方的screw dislocation[螺形位错]skew[歪斜]smal-(or low)angle grain boundary[小角度晶界sodium[钠solar cell [太阳能电池]solid solution strengthening[固溶强化solidus line[固相线solute[溶质solvus line[溶解度曲线spiral[螺旋形的]stifness[刚度]strucure[组织]synthesis[合成tetragonal[四方的tetrahedron[四面体thermoplastics[热塑性塑料]thermosets[热固性塑料tie linc[连接线]tilt boundary[倾侧晶界]translucent[半透明的]triclinic[三斜的troley[石油twin boundary[李晶界unit cell[晶胞vacancy[空位valence electron[价电子]Van de Waals bond[范德华键①材料科学是研究材料的加工、组织、性能和功能之间关系的科学。
Magnetic Permeability
• Magnetic permeability or simply permeability is the ease with which a material can be magnetized. It is a constant of proportionality that exists between magnetic induction and magnetic field intensity.
磁感应强度 磁场强度
• This constant is equal to approximately 1.257×10-6 Henry per meter (H/m) in free space (a vacuum). In other materials it can be much different, often substantially greater than the free-space value, which is symbolized
• Mass can be thinly dsitrbuted as in a pillow, or tightly packed as in a block of lead.
• 质量可以像枕头似地稀疏地分布,也可以 像铅那样紧紧地堆积在一起。 • The space the mass occupies is its volume, and the mass per unit of volume is its density.
• Mass (m) is a fundamental measure of the amount of matter. Weight (w) is a measure of the force exerted by a mass and this force is produced by the acceleration of gravity. • Therefore, on the surface of earth, the 因此,在地球表面,物体的质量由物体的重量和重力加速度 mass of an object is determined by 所决定。 dividing the weight of an things on the Since we are typically comparing object by 9.8 surface(the acceleration of gravity on the m/s2 of the earth, the weight of an object is commonly used rather than calculating its mass. surface of the earth).
2.6 semiconductorFollowing the discussion of intrinsic ,elemental semiconductors we note that the fermi function indicates that the number of charge carriers increases exponentially with temperature. This effect so dominates the conductivity of semiconductors that conductivity also follows an exponential increase with temperature(an example of an arrhenius equation ).This increase is in sharp contrast to the behavior of metals.We consider the effect of impurities in extrinsic,elemental semiconductors.Doping a group IV a material(such as Si) with a group V a impurity (such as P)produces an n-type semiconductor in which negative charge carriers(conduction electrons)dominate.The “extea”electron from the group V A addition produces a donor level in the energy band structure of the semiconductor.As with instrinsic semiconductors,extrinsic semiconduction exhibits arrhenius behavior.in n-type material, the temperature span between the regions of extrinsic and insrinsic behavior is called the exhaustion range .A p-type semiconductor is produced by doping a group IV a material with a group III a impurity(such as Al).The group III A element has a “missing”electronproducing an acceptor level in the band stucture and leading to formation of positive charge carriers (electron holes). The region between extrinsic and instrinsic behavior for p-type semiconductors is called the saturation range . Hall effect measurements can distinguish between n-type and p-type conduction.Compound semiconductors usually have an MX composition with an average of four valence electrons per atom .The III-V and II-VI compounds are the common examples .amorphous semiconductors are the non-crystalline materials with semiconducting behavior.Elemental and compound material are both found in this category .To appreciate the applications of semiconductors,we review a few decades.the solid state rectifier (or diode) contains a single p-n junction .Current flows readily when this junction is forward biased but is almost completely choked off when reverse biased.the transistor is a device consisting of a pair of nearby pn junctions.The net result is a solid state amplifier. Replacing vacuum tubes with solid state elements such as these produced substantial miniaturization of electrical circuits.Further miniaturization has resulted by the production of microcircuis consisting of precise parrerns of n-type andp-type regions on a single crystal chip.The major electrical properties needed to specify an intrinsic semiconductor are band gap,electron mobility,hole mobility,and conduction electron density (=electron hole density ) at room temperature.For extrinsic semiconductors,one needs to specify either the donor level (for n-type material) or the acceptor level (for p-type material).2.7 compositesOne category of structural engineering material is that of composites .These materials involve some combination of two or more components from the “fundamental”materal types .A key philosophy in selecting composite materials is that they provide the “best of both worlds”that is ,attrative properties from each component. A classic example is fiberglass.The strength of small diameter glass fibers is combined with the ductility of the polymetric matrix.The combination of these two components provides a product superior to either component alone .Many composites,such as fiberglass,involve combinations that cross over the boundaries of different kinds of materials. Others,such as concrete,involve different component from within a single material type.In general,we shall use a fairly narrow definition ofcomposites.We shall consider only thode material thata combine different components on the microscopic(rather than macroscopic )scale .We shall noot include multiphase alloys and ceramics ,which are the result of routine processing.Similarly,the microcircuits be discussed later are not include because each component retains its distinctive character in these material systems. In spite of these restrictions,we shall find this category to include a tremendously diverse collection of materials,from the common to some of most sophisticated.We shall consider three categories of composites mateials. Conveninently ,these categories are demonstrated by three of our most common structural material ,fiberglass ,wood,and concrete .Fiberglass(or glass fiber reinforced polymer ) is an excellent example of a human made fiber reinforced composite.The glass-polymer system is just one of many important example .The fiber reinforcement is generally found in one of three primary configutations: aligned in a single direction ,randomly chopped,or woven in a fabric that is laminated with the matrix.Wood is a stuctural analog of fiberglass ,that is ,a natural fiber reinforced composite.The fibers of wood are elongated,biological cells. The matrixcorresponds to lignin and hemicellulose deposits.concrete is our best example of an aggregate composite, in which particles rather than fibers reinforce amatrix common concrete is rock and sand in a calcium aluminosilicate (cement)matrix.While concrete has been a construction material for centuries ,these are numerous c composites developed in recent decades that use a similar particulate reinforcement concept.The concept of property averaging is central to understanding the utility of composite material.an important example is the elastic modulus of a composite .The modulus is a sensitive function of the gemetry of the reinforcing component.similarly important is the srength of the interface betweeen the reinforcing component and the matrix .We sahll concentrate on these mechanical properties of composites in regard for their wide use as structural materials.So caaled “advanced”composites have provided some unusually attractive features,such as high strrenth to weight ratios.Some care is required in citing these properties,as they can be highly directional in nature.2.6there are numerous uses of piezoelectrics. for instance, plates cut from a single crystal can exhibit a specific naturalresonance frequency(i.e., the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that causes it to vibrate mechanically at the same frequency); these can be used as a frequency standard in highly stable crystal controlled clocks and in fixed frequency communications devices. other resonant applications include selective wave filters and transducers(e.g., for ultrasonic cleaning and drilling) and non-resonant devices(e.g., accelerometers, pressure gauges, microphone pickups) are dominated by ceramic piezoelectrics.2.7.3 fiberglass was a convenient and familiar example of fiber reinforced composites. Similarly ,concrete is an excellent example of an aggregate composite. As with wood,this common construction material is used in staggering quantities. The weight of concrete used annually exceeds that of all metals combined.For concrete, the term “aggregate”refers to a combination of sand(fine aggregate) and gravel(coarse aggregate). This component of concrete is a “natual”material in the same sense as wood. Ordinarily ,these materials are chosen for their relatively high density and strength. A table of aggregate compositions would be complex and largely meaningless. In general, aggregate materials are geological silicates chosenfrom locally available deposits. As such, these materials are complex and relatively impure examples of the crystalline silicates. Igneous rocks are common examples. “igneous”means solidified from a molten state. For quickly cooled igneous rocks ,some fraction of the resulting material may be non-crystalline, corresponding to the glassy silicates. The relative particle sizes of sand and gravel are measured(and controlled) by passing these materials through standard screens(or sieves). The reason for a combination of fine and coarse aggregate in a given concrete mix is that the space is more efficiently filled by a range of particle sizes. The combination of fine and coarse aggregate accounts for 60 to 75 percent of the total volume of the final concrete. Modern concrete uses portland cement,which is a calcium aluminosilicate. There are five common types of portland cement. They vary in the relative concentrations of four calcium containing minerals. The matrix is formed by the addition of water to the appropriate cement powder. The particle sizes for the cement powers are relatively small compared to the finest of the aggregates. Variation in cement particle size can strongly affect the rate at which the cement hydrates. As one might expect from inspecting the complexcompositions of portland cement, the chemistry of the hydration process is equally complex.In ploymer technology, we noted several “additives”which provided certain desirable features to the end product. In cement technology , there are a numble of admixtures,which are additions providing certain features. Any component of concrete other than aggregate,cement,or water is, by definition ,an admixture. One of the admixtures is an “air entrainer”which reminds us that air can be thought of as a fourth component of concrete. The air entrainer admixture increases the concentration of entrapped air bubbles, usually for the purpose of workability(during forming) and increased resistance to freeze thaw cycles.Why concrete is an important engineering material, a large numble of other composite systems are based on particle reinforcement. Particulate composites refer specifically to systems with relatively large size dispersed particles(at least several micrometers in diameter),and the particles are in relatively high concentration(greater than 25 and frequently between 60 and 90) of small diameter oxide particles. The oxide particles strengthen the metal by serving as obstacles to dislocation motion.2.7.2 like so many accomplishments of human beings, those fiber reinforced composites imitate nature. Common wood is such a composite, which serves as an excellent structural material. In fact, the weight of wood used each year in the Uited Sates exceeds the combined total for steel and concrete. We find two categories , softwoods and hardwoods. These are relative terms, although softwoods generally have lower strengths. The fundamental difference between the categories is their seasonal nature. Softwoods are “evergreens”with needlelike leaves and exposed seeds. Hardwoods are deciduous( i.e., lose their leaves annually)with covered seeds( i.e.,nuts)The microstructure of wood illustrates its commonality with the human-made composites. The dominant feature of the microstructure is the large number of tubelike cells oriented vertically. These longgitudinal cells are aligned with the vertical axis of the tree. There are some radial cells perpendicular to the longitudinal ones. As the name implies, the radial cells extend from the center of the tree trunk out radically toward the surface. The longitudinal cells carry sap and other fluids critical to the growth process. Early seaon cells are of larger diameter than later season cells. This growthpattern leads to the characteristic “ring structure”which indicates the tree’s age. The radial cells store food for the growing tree. The cell walls are composed of cellulose. The strength of the cells in the longitudinal direction is a function of fiber alignment in that direction. The cells are held together by a matrix of lignin and hemicellulose. Lignin is a phenol propane network ploymer, and hemicellulose is ploymeric cellulose with a relatively low degree of ploymerization. Related to this ,the dimensions as well as the proper ties of wood vary significantly with atmospheric moisture levels. Care will be required in specifying the atmospheric conditions for which mechanical property data apply.2.7.1 let us begin by concentrating on fiberglass, or glass fiber reinforced ploymer. This is a classic example of a modern composite system. A typical fracture surface of a composite shows fibers embedded in the ploymeric matrix, such fibers may have different composition since each is the result of substantial development that has led to optimal suitability for specific applications. For example, the most generally used glass fiber composition is E glass, in which E stands for its especially low electrical conductivity and its attractiveness as a dielectric. Its popularity in structural composites is related tothe chemical durability of the borosilicate composition. We should note that optimal strengh is achieved by the aligned, continuous fiber reinforcement. In other words, the strength is highly anisotropic.The fiber reinforced composites include some of the most sophisticated materials developed by man for some of the most demanding engineering applications. Important examples include boron reinforced aluminum, graphite epoxy, and al reinforced aluminum. Metal fibers are frequently small diameter wires. Especially high strength reinforcement come from “whiskers”which are small, single crystal fibers that can be grown with a nearly perfect crystalline structure. Unfortunately , whiskers cannot be grown as continuous filaments in the manner of glass fibers or metal wires.2.5polymerpolymers are chemical compounds that consist of long,chainlike molecules made up of multiple repeatinf units.The term polyner was coined in 1832 by the Swedish chemist Jins Jacob Berzelius from the Greek pols,or "many" and meros,or "parts."Polymers are also referred to as macromolecules,or "gaint molecules"-a term introduced by the German chemist Hermann Staudinger in 1992.Some gaintmolecules occur maturally.Proteins ,for example ,are natural polymers of amino acids that make up much of the structural material of animals;and the polymers deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) and ribonucleic acid(RNA) are liner strands of nucleotides that define the genetic make up of living organisms.Other examples of natural polmers are silk ,wool.natural rubber,cellulose ,and shellac.There materials have been known and exploited since ancient times.Indeed,people in what is now Switzerland cultivates flax,a source of polymeric cellulose fibres,during the Neolithic Period,or New Stone Age,some 10 000 years ,while other ancients collected proteinaceous wool fibers from sheep and silk fibers from silkworms.About five millennia ago,tanners produced leather through the cross linking of proteins by gallic acid forming the basis of the oldest industry in continuous production.Even embalming,the art for which ancient Egypt is famous is based on the condensation and cross linking of proteins with form aldehyde.Early developments in polymer technology,taking place in the 19th century,involved the conversion of natural polymers to more useful products-for example,the conversion of cellulose,obtained from cotton or wood,into celluloid,one ofthe first plastic.Before the 1930s only a small number of synthetically produced polymers were available commercially,but after that period and especially after World War II,synthetic compounds came to dominance.Derived principally from the refining of petroleum and natural gas,synthetic polymers are made into the plastics,rubbers,man-made fibres,adhesives,and surface coatings that have become so ubiquitous in modern life.As an important materials,the polymers are available in a wide variety of commercial forms:fibers,thin films and sheets,foams and in bulk.A common synonym for polymers is "plastic",a name derived from the deformability associated with the fabrication of most polymeric products.To some critics,"plastic" is a synonym for modern culture.Accurate or not,it represents the impact that this complex family of engineering materials has had on our society.Polymers are distinguished from our previous types of materials by chemistry.Metal,ceramics.and glasses are inorganic materials.The polymers discussed here are organic.The student should not be concerned about a lack of background in organic chenistry.This passage is intended to provide any of the fundamentals of organic chemistry neededto appreciate the unique nature of polymeric materials.We begin our discussion of polymers by investigating polymerization,the process by which long chain or network molecules are made from relatively small organic molecules.The structural features of the resulting polymers are rather unique compared to the inorganic materials.Ingeneral,the ,elting point and rigidity of polymers increase with the extent of plymerization and with the complexity of the molecular structure.We shall find that polymers fall into one of two main categories.Thermoplastic polymers are materials that become less rigid upon heating,and thermosetting polymers become more rigid upon heating.For both categories,it is important to appreciate the roles played by additives,which provide important features such as color and resistance to combustion.As with ceramics and glasses,we shall discuss important mechanical and optical properties of polymers.Mechanically,polymers exhibit behavior associated with their long chain molecular structure.Examples include viscoelastic and elastomeric deformation .Optical properties such as transparency and color,so important in ceramic technology,are also significant in the selection of polymers.2.5.1 PolymerizationThe term polymer simply means "many mers" where mer is the building block of the long chain or network molecule.There are two distinct ways in which a poly merization reaction can take place.Chain growth(also known as addition polymerization)involves a rapid "chain reaction" of chemically activated monomers.Step growth(also known as condensation polymerization)involves individual chemical reactions between pairs of reactive monomers and is a much slower process.In either case,the critical feature of a monomer,which permits it to join with similar molecules and form a polymer,is the presence of reactive sites,that is double bonds(chain growth) or reactive functional groups (step geowth).Each covalent bond is a pair of electrins shared between adjacent atoms.The double bond is two such pairs.The chain growth reaction converts the double bond in the monomer to a single bond in the mer.The remaining two electrons become parts of the single bonds joining adjacent mers.2.5.2 Thermal Plastic PolymersThermoplastic polymers become soft and deformable upon heating.This is characteristic of linear polymeric molecules.The high temperature plasticity is due to the ability of the molecules to slide past one another.This is another example of a thermally activated,or Arrhenius process.In this sence ,thermoplastic materials are similar to metals that gain ductility at high temperatures.The key distinction between thermoplastics and metals is what we mean by "high" temperatures.The secondary bonding,which must be overcome to deform thermoplastics,may allow substantial deformation around 100,whereas metallic bonding generally restricts creep deformation to temperature closer to 1000 in typical alloys.It should be noted that,as with metals,the ductility of thermoplastic polymers is lost upon cooling.2.5.3 Thermal Setting PolymersThermosetting polymers are the opposite of the thermoplastics.They become hard and rigid upon heating.Unlike thermoplastic polymers,this phenomenon is not lost upon cooling.This is characteristic of network molecular structures formed by the step growth mechanism.The chemical reaction "steps" are enhanced byhigher temperatures and are irreversible,that is,the polymerization remains upon cooling.In fabricating thermosetting products,they can be removed from the mold at the fabrication temperature (typically 200 to 300).By contrast,thermoplastics must be cooled in the mokd to prevent distortion.It might also be noted that network copolymers can be formed similar to be the block and graft copolymers.The network copolymer will result from polymerization of a combination of more than one species of polyfunctional monomers.2.5.4 AdditivesCopolymers and blends were discussed above as analogs of metallic alloys.There are aeveral other alloylike additives that traditionally have been used in polymer technology to provide specific characteristics to the polymers .A plasticizer is added to soften a polymer.This addition is essentially blending with a low molecular weight (approximately 300 amu) polymer.A filler ,on the other hand .is added to strengthen a polymer primarily by restricting chain mobility.it also provides dimensional stability and reduced cost.Relatively inertmaterials are used.Examples include shortchanger cellulose (and organic filler) and asbestos (and inorganic filler).Roughly one third of the typical automobile tire is a filler (i.e.,carbon black).Reinforcements such as glass fibers are also categorized as additives but produce such fundamentally different materials (e.g.,fiberglass) that they are properly discussed later on composites.Stabilizers are additives used to reduce polymer degradtion.They represent a complex set of materials because of the large variety of degradation mechanisms(oxidation,thermal,and ultraviolet).As an example,polyisoprene can absorb up to 15% oxygen at room temperature with its elastic properties being destoryed by the first 1%.Natural rubber latex contains complex phenol groups that retard the room temperature oxidation reactions.However,these naturally occurring antioxidants are not effective at elevated temperatures.Therefore ,additional stabilizers(e.g.,other phenols,amines,sulphur compounds,etc.)are added to rubber intended for tire applications.Flame retardant are added to reduce the inherentcombustibility of certain polymers such as bustion is simply the reaction of a hydrocarbon with oxygen accompanied by substantial heat evolution.Many polymeric hydrocarbons exhibit combustibility.Others,such as polyvinylchloride(PVC),do not.The resistance of PVC to combustion appears to come from the evolution of the chlorine atoms from the polymeric chaim.These halogens hinder the process of combustion by terminating free radical chain reactions.Additives that provide this function for halogen free polymers include chlorine,bromine,and phosphorus containing reactants.Colorant are additions to provide color to a polymer where appearance is a factor in materials selection.Two types of colorants are used,pigments and dyes.A pigment is an insoluble,colored material added in powered form.Typical examples are crystalline ceramics such as titanium oxide and aluminum silicate,although organic pigments are availble.Dyes are soluble,organic colorants that can provide transparent colors.2.5.5 Viscoelastic DeformationAt relatively low temperature,polymers are rigid solids anddeform elastically.At relatively high temperatures,they are liquidlike and deform viscously.The boundary between elastic and viscous behavior is again known as the glass transition temperature,Tg.However,the variation in polymer deformation with temperature is not demonstrated in the same way.For glassws,the variation in viscosity was plotted against temperature.For polymers,the modulus of elasticity is plotted instead of viscosity.There is a drastic and complicated drop in modulis with temperature for a typical,commercial thermoplastic with approxinately 50% crystallinity.THe magnitude of the drop is illustrated by the use of a logarithmic scale for modulus.At "low" temperatures (well below Tg),a rigid modulus occurs corresponding to mechanical behavior reminiscent of metals and ceramics.However,the substantial component of secondary bonding in the polymers cause the modulus for these materials to be substantially lower than the ones found for metals and ceramics,which were fully bonded by primary chemical bonds (metallic,ionic,and covalent).In the glass transition temperature (Tg) range,the modulus drops precipitously and the mechanical behavior is leathery.The polymer can be extensively deformed and slowly returns to itTys original shape upon stress removal.Just above Tg,arubbery plateau is observed.In this region,extensive deformation is possible with rapid spring back to the original shape when stress is removed.These last two regions(leathery and rubbery) extend our understanding of elastic deformation.Sometimes the elastic deformation meant a relatively small strain directly proporyional to applied stress.For polymers,extensive,non-linear deformationcan be fully recovered and is ,by definition,elastic.This concept will be explored shortly when we discuss elastomers,those polymers with predominant rubbery region.2.5.6 ElastomersTypical linear polymers exhibits a rubbery deformation region.For certain polymers known as elastomers,the rubbery plateau is pronounced and establishes the normal room temperature behavior of these materials.(For these materials,the glass transition temperature is below room temperture.)This subgroup of thermoplastic polymers includes the natural and synthetic rubbers (such as polyisoprene).These materials provide a dramatic example of the uncoiling of a linear polymer.As a practical matter,the complete uncoiling of the molecule is not achieved,but huge elastic strains dooccur.The stress-strain curve for the elastic deformation of an elastomer shows dramatic contrast to the stress-strain curve for a common metal.In that case,the elastic modulus was constant throughout the elastic region (stress was directly proportional to strain).While the clastic modulus (slope of the stress-strain curve) increases with increasing strain.For low strains,the modulus is low corresponding to the small forces needed to overcome secondary bonding and to uncoil the molecules.For high strains,the modulus rises sharply,indicating the greater force needed to stretch the primary bonds along themolecular "backbone".In both region,however,there is a significant componrnt of secondary bonding involved in the deformation mechanism,and the moduli are much lower than those for common metals and ceramics.Tabulated values of moduli for elastomers are generally for the low strain region in which the materials are primarily used.Finally,it is important to emphasize that we are talking about elastic or temporary deformation.The uncoiled polymer molecules of an elastomer recoil to their original length upon removal of stress.2.5.7 Stress RelaxationFor metals and ceramics,we found creep deformation to be an important phenomenon at high temperatures (greater than one half the absolute melting point).A similar phenomenon,termed stress relaxation,occurs in polymers.This is perhaps more significant to polymers.Because of their loe melting points,stress relaxation can occur at room temperature.A familar example is the rubber band,understress for a long period of time,which does not snap back to its original size upon stress removal.2.4(88)Chemical substitutions in the BaTio3 structure can alter a number of ferro electric properties.For example,BaTio3 exhibits a large peak in dielectric constant near the Curie point-a property that is undesirable for stable capactior applications.This problem may be addressed by the substitution of lead (**) for (**),which increases the Curie point;by the substitutionof strontium,which lowers the Curie point;or by substituting Ba with calcium,which broadens the temperature range at which the peak occurs.Barium titanate can be produced by mixing and firing barium carbonate and titanium dioxide,but liquid-mixtechniques are increasingly used in order to achieve better mixing,precise control of the barium titanium ratio,high purity,and submicrometre particle size.Processing of the resulting powder varies according to whether the capacitor is to be of the disk or multilayer type.Disks are dry pressed or punched from tape and then fired at temperatures between 1250 and 1350.Silver-paste screen printed electrodes are bonded to the surfaces at 750.Leads are soldered to the electrodes,and the disks are epoxy coated or wax impregnated for encapsulation.The capacitance of cermic disk capacitors can be increased by using thinner capacitors;unfortunately,fragility result.Multilayer capacitors overcome this problem by interleaving dielectric and electrode layers.The electrode layers are usually palladium or a palladium-silver alloy.These metals have a melting point that is higher than the sintering temperature of the ceramic,allowing the two materials to be cofired.By connecting alternate layers in paralled,large capacitance can be realized with the MLC.The dielectric layers are processed by tape casting or doctor blading and then yer thickness as small as 5 micrometres have been achieved.Finished "build" of dielectric and electrode layers are。
材料科学与工程_专业英语_Uni...Unit 3 Structure-Property Relationships of MaterialsToday’s materials can be classified as metals and alloys, as polymers or plastics, as ceramics, or as composites; composites, most of which are man-made, actually are combinations of different materials.译文:当今的材料可以分为金属和合金,聚合物或者塑料,陶瓷或复合材料;复合材料,它们大多数是人造的,实际上是不同材料组合而成。
A pplica tion of these m ateria ls de pe nd on their pr ope rties; theref ore, w e ne ed to know w hat pr operties are re quired by the a pplica tion and to be a ble to re late those s pecifica tion to the m aterial.译文:这些材料的应用取决于它们的性质;因此,根据应用的场合,我们需要知道什么样的性质是必需的,我们需要能够把这些详细说明同材料联系起来。
For exam ple, a la dder m ust w ithsta nd a des ign loa d, the w eight of a pe rs on us ing the la dde r. H ow ever, the m ateria l property that ca n be m easured is s tre ngth, w hich is af f ecte d by the loa d a nd desig n dim ension. S tre ngth values m us t theref ore be applie d to dete rm ine d the la dde r dim ensions to e ns ure saf e us e. Therefore, in ge ne ral, the s truc tures of m etallic m aterials have ef fects on the ir prope rties.译文:比如,一个梯子必须能经受住设计的载荷,也就是使用这个梯子的人的重量。
Abscissa 纵坐标Acicular 针状的Age hardening 时效硬化Anisothermal 非等温的Annealing 退火Antimony 锑Athermal 变温的Band theory 能带理论Bearing 轴承Blast furnace 高炉Body-centered lattice 体心晶格Brinell hardness 布氏硬度Calcium 钙Capacitance 电容Capacitor 电容Carbide 碳化物Case hardening 表面(渗碳)硬化Catalytic 接触反应的Cellulose 纤维素Cementite 渗碳体Characteristic spectrum 特征谱Chromium 铬Coagulation 凝结Cobalt 钴Coercive 强制的Coke 焦炭Conduction band 导带Crust 壳层Cupola 冲天炉Deoxidiser 脱氧剂Deplete 使耗尽,使衰减Depletion 减少Diamagnetic 抗磁性的Dielectric strength 介电强度Dielectric 介电的Diffraction 衍射Diffusion 扩散Dilatometric 膨胀的Dipole 偶极子Disintegrate 分解Dislocation 位错Disperse 弥散的Dispersion strengthening 弥散强化Displacement 位移Dissolution溶解Domain 磁畴Electrical conductivity 导电率Eutectoid 共析的,共析Exhaustive 详尽的Fermi energy 费米能级Ferrimagnetism 亚铁磁性Ferrite 铁素体Ferromagnetism 铁磁性Flaky 片状的Forging 锻造Galvanization 镀锌Gauge length 标距Grain 晶粒Granular 粒状的Hcp 密排六方Heat capacity 热容Heterogeneous 异质的Hole 空穴Hypereutectoid 过共析Hypoeutectoid 亚共析Hysteresis 磁滞Incubation 孕育期Indentor 压头Inductance 感应Inter friction 内耗Interstitial 间隙的Iridium 铱Irreversible 不可逆的Kinetics 动力学Ladle 钢(铁)水包Lamellae 片Lattice 点阵Lead 铅Limestone 石灰石Logarithmic 对数的Magnesium 镁Malleable 可锻的Manganese 锰Martensitic microstructure 马氏体组织Mean free path 平均自由程Microscopy 显微术Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量Mold 模具Molybdenum 钼Monel 蒙耐合金Nickel 镍Niobium 铌Nitride 氮化物Nodular 球状的Opaque 不透明的Ordinates 纵坐标Ore 矿Orient 取向的Osmium 鋨Palladium 钯Paramagnetism 顺磁性Pauli exclusion principle 泡利不相容原理Pearlite 珠光体Pearlitic microstructure 珠光体组织Peculiarity 特性Percent elongation 延伸率Percent reduction in area 断面收缩率Permittivity 介电常数Phonon 声子Photon 光子Pig iron 生铁Platinum 铂Polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯Polyester 聚酯Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯Polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯Porosity 多孔Precipitation 析出Proportional limit 比例极限Quasi 伪Quench 淬火Radiographic 射线照相术Refraction 折射Refractory 耐火的Relaxation 松弛Remanence 剩磁Reserve 蕴藏Rhodium 铑Robust 强健的Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度Rupture 断裂Ruthenium 钌Shaft 轴Shrinkage 收缩Slag 熔渣Sole 唯一的Solid solution 固溶体Sorbite 索氏体Specific heat 比热容Specific 比率的Substitutional atom 置换原子Superposition 重叠Supersede 代替Surmount 战胜Tap 口Tempering 回火Tenacious 坚韧的Tensile strength 抗拉强度Tetragonal 四角的Tetragonality 正方度Texture 织构Tilt 倾斜Tin 锡Titanium 钛Tolerance 公差Toughness 韧性Troostite 屈氏体Tungsten 钨Valence band 价带Vanadium 钒Viscosity 粘性Wrought 可锻的Yield strength 屈服强度Yield 屈服Young’s modulus 杨氏模量。
材料科学与工程专业英语 (1).
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2. 实际上,固体材料的所有重要性质可以概括分为六类:机械、电学、热学、磁学、光学和腐蚀降解性。
3. 除了结构和性质,材料科学和工程还有其他两个重要的组成部分:即加工和性能。
4. 工程师与科学家越熟悉材料的结构-性质之间的各种相互关系以及材料的加工技术,根据这些原则,他或她对材料的明智选择将越来越熟练和精确。
5. 只有在极少数情况下材料在具有最优或理想的综合性质。
3. 汉译英Interdispline dielectric constantSolid materials heat capacityMechanical properties electro-magnetic radiationMaterials processing elasticity modulus1.直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。
It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationship between the structural elements of materials and their properties .2.材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题。
Material engineering mainly solve the problems of materials processing and materials application.3.材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能。
材料科学与工程专业英语07-unit 10
![材料科学与工程专业英语07-unit 10](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ab00ff22bd64783e09122bab.png)
Compressive strength 压缩强度 Tension:拉伸 Concrete:混凝土 CMC: ceramic matrix composite Chemical insensitivity:化学活性 Pyrex glass:耐热玻璃 Transparent:透明的 Eg: gap energy 禁带能量 Percent transmission:透光百分率
Flame kiln:明焰窑 Electric furnace:电炉 Reaction sinter: 反应烧结 Vapor deposition:气相沉积 Plasma spray:等离子喷涂 Microvave furnace:微波炉
Finishing process 表面处理
Slip casting:注浆成型 Injection molding:注模成型 Hot pressing:热压成型 Hiping:Hot isostatic pressing 热等静压 Rapid prototyping:RP 快速原位成型
High-temperature processing 高温成型
Special English for Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to ceramic materials
Clay:粘土 Pottery:陶器 Refractory:耐火材 料 Silica:氧化硅 Iodine:碘 Paraffin wax:固体 石蜡
【精品】材料科学与工程(Materials Science and Engineering)专业英语讲义word版
![【精品】材料科学与工程(Materials Science and Engineering)专业英语讲义word版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/65673af280eb6294dd886c93.png)
材料科学与工程专业英语Materials Science and EngineeringUnit1Materials Science and EngineeringMaterials are properly more deep-seated in our culture than most of us realize. 材料可能比我们大部分人所意识到的更加深入地存在于我们的文化当中。
Transportation, housing, clothing, communication, recreation and food production-virtually every segment of our lives is influenced to one degree or another by materials.运输、住房、衣饰、通讯、娱乐,还有食品生产——实际上我们日常生活的每个部分都或多或少地受到材料的影响。
Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been int imately tied to the members’ abilities to produce and manipulate materials to fill their needs. 从历史上看,社会的发展和进步已经与社会成员生产和利用材料来满足自身需求的能力紧密地联系在一起。
In fact, early civilizations have been designated by the level of their materials development.事实上,早期文明是以当时材料的发展水平来命名的。
(也就是石器时代,青铜器时代)The earliest humans has access to only a very limited number of materials, those that occur naturally stone, wood, clay, skins, and so on. 最早的人类只能利用非常有限数量的材料,象那些自然界的石头,木头,黏土和毛皮等等。
材料科学专业英语词汇(整理版)材料科学专业英语词汇(整理版)以下是一些常用的材料科学专业英语词汇:1. 材料科学 - Materials science2. 材料工程 - Materials engineering3. 物理性能 - Physical properties4. 化学性质 - Chemical properties5. 结构性能 - Structural properties6. 材料强度 - Material strength7. 弹性模量 - Elastic modulus8. 硬度 - Hardness9. 腐蚀性 - Corrosiveness10. 耐磨性 - Wear resistance11. 热导率 - Thermal conductivity12. 电导率 - Electrical conductivity13. 密度 - Density14. 能量吸收 - Energy absorption15. 环境影响 - Environmental impact16. 金属 - Metal17. 陶瓷 - Ceramic18. 聚合物 - Polymer20. 玻璃 - Glass21. 晶体 - Crystal22. 金属合金 - Metal alloy23. 电子材料 - Electronic material24. 纳米材料 - Nanomaterial25. 材料测试 - Materials testing26. 材料设计 - Materials design27. 材料拓扑优化 - Materials topology optimization28. 材料制备 - Materials synthesis29. 材料表征 - Materials characterization30. 材料耐久性 - Materials durability31. 材料再循环 - Materials recycling希望这份材料科学专业英语词汇整理对你有帮助!。
材料科学与工程专业英语Materials Science and Engineering is a multidisciplinary field that combines knowledge from various disciplines, such as chemistry, physics, and engineering, to study and develop new materials with desired properties and applications. It is an important and rapidly evolving field that plays a crucial role in various industries, including electronics, aerospace, energy, and healthcare.Materials scientists and engineers investigate the structure, properties, and processing of different materials, such as metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites. They aim to understand the relationship between the atomic and molecular structure of materials and their macroscopic properties, such as strength, conductivity, and corrosion resistance. By manipulating the composition, structure, and processing of materials, they can tailor their properties to meet specific requirements.In order to effectively communicate and collaborate with researchers and industry professionals from different countries and backgrounds, it is important for materials science and engineering professionals to have a strong command of English. English is the universal language of science and engineering, and proficiency in English is necessary to read, write, and present research papers, attend conferences, and communicate with colleagues and collaborators.In addition to the basic language skills, materials science and engineering professionals also need to develop a specialized vocabulary and knowledge of technical terms in their field. This includes understanding terms related to crystal structure, phasetransformation, mechanical properties, and characterization techniques. They also need to be familiar with the latest research and developments in the field and be able to discuss and present their work in a clear and concise manner.Furthermore, materials science and engineering professionals should also be aware of the ethical and safety considerations in their work. They need to understand and follow ethical guidelines in conducting research, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of their results, and protecting intellectual property rights. They also need to be aware of the potential hazards and risks associated with handling and processing materials and follow proper safety procedures to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. Overall, a strong command of English and specialized vocabulary is essential for materials science and engineering professionals to effectively communicate and collaborate in their field. It not only allows them to stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments but also enables them to present their work and ideas to a wider audience, contributing to the advancement of the field and the development of new and innovative materials.。
Aluminum alloys are best known for low density and corrosion resistance. Electrical conductivity,ease of fabrication, and appearance铝合金是最知名的低密度和耐腐蚀性。
的导电性,易于制造,并且外观Magnesium alloys have even lower density than aluminum镁合金具有更低的密度比铝metallic 金属的corrosion 腐蚀ductile 延展ball bearing 滚珠轴承multiphase 多相wrought 加工的,精细的malleable 可锻的有延展性的Smelt 熔炼,精炼More than 90% by weight of the metallic materials used by human beings are ferrous alloys.超过90%(重量)用于人类的金属材料是铁类合金。
Within the steel category, we shall distinguish whether or not a significant amount of alloying elements other than carbon is used.对于钢的区分,我们要弄清楚的是是否含有有效量的合金元素而不是碳的含量。
◆low alloy and high alloy steels.低合金钢和高合金钢。
◆These alloy additions are chosen carefully because they invariably bring with themsharply increased material costs. They are justified only by essential improvements in properties such as higher strength or improved corrosion resistance这些合金元素都经过精心挑选,因为他们总是给他们带来大幅增加的材料成本。
1.Translate the following into Chinesematerials science Stone Agenaked property Bronze ageoptical property integrated circuit mechanical strength thermal conductivity •“Materials science” involves investigating the relationships that exist between the structures and properties of materials. In contrast, “Materials engineering”is, on the basis of these structure-property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a predetermined set of properties.材料科学涉及材料到研究材料的结构和性质的关系。
•Virtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical, and deteriorative.实际上,所有固体材料的重要性质可以概括分为六类:机械、电学、热学、磁学、光学和腐蚀性。
•In addition to structure and properties, two other important components are involved in the science and engineering of materials, namely “processing” and “performance”.除了结构和性质,材料科学和工程还有其他两个重要的组成部分,即加工和性能。
④Alloys specially designed for highly demanding applications such as jet engines , may contain more than ten elements .
Metallic materials have large number of nonlocalized electrons , and many properties of metals are directly attributable to these electrons.
③The strength of metals suggests that these atoms are held together by strong bonds.
④An element’s atomic number indicates the number of positively charged protons in the nucleus. The atomic weight of an atom indicates how many protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
二、composite materials
nonlocalized electrons
advanced materials
专业英语总结Stock 原料Extrusion 挤压Reaction injection moulding process 反应注射模型Blow moulding 吹塑模型Thermoforming 热成型Calendering 压延成型Whisker 晶须Eutectic 共晶组织Eutectoid共析的Transportation vehicles 交通工具Propulsion 推进器Vacuum melting 真空熔炼Investment casting 熔铸Catalyst 催化剂Net export 净出口额Turbine disk 涡轮盘Turbine blade 涡轮机叶片Combustor 燃烧室Periphery 外缘Leading edge 前缘V ocabularyMetallic 金属的Polymeric高分子的Ceramic 陶瓷的Composite 复合材料Electronic 电子学Organic 有机物Inorganic 无机的Ferrous 铁素体Nonferrous ?非铁素体Conductor 导体Insulator 绝缘体Furnace 加热炉Wear resistance 耐磨性Brittleness 脆性Fiber 纤维,光纤Intermetallic 金属间化合物Crystalline 晶态,晶粒Ductile 韧性Composition 构成Coordination number 配位数Atomic packing factor 原子堆垛密度FCC BCC HCPEdge/ screw dislocation 韧型、螺型位错Grain boundary 晶界Stacking fault 堆垛层错Impurity 杂质Vacancy 空位Passive-film 钝化膜Pitting corrosion 点蚀Stress-corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀断裂Concentration 浓度Driving force 驱动力,推动力Yield strength 屈服强度Toughness 韧性Dispersion 弥散Austenite 奥氏体Bainite 贝氏体Martensite 马氏体Cementite (iron carbide; Fe3C) 渗碳体Pearlite 珠光体Ferrite 铁素体Artificial ageing 人工时效Heat treatable 可热处理的Extrusion 挤压Drawing 拉拔Anneal 退火Recrystallization 再结晶Grain size 晶粒尺寸Grain refinement 晶粒细化Precipitation 沉淀物?Synthesize 合成Carbide 碳化物Oxide 氧化物Sensor 传感器Sinter 烧结Self-combustion 自燃Hydrothermal 水热?Precursor 前驱体Sol 溶胶Gel 凝胶Sialon 塞隆Extrusion 挤压Injection moulding 注射成型Blow moulding 吹塑成型Whisker 晶须Anisotropy 各向异性Reinforce 加强,强化Eutectic 共晶组织Eutectoid 先共析,共析体1 How types can materials be divided into? What types of metallic materials are there?2 What are the main crystalline defects(晶体缺陷)? Pls give a detailed description.3What are the principle types of heat treatment of steels?(钢的热处理原理)4Which is used to express the magnitude(量)and direction(方向)of dislocation(位错)of lattice distortion(晶体畸变)?答案:柏氏矢量Burgers Vecror5What act as the anode and cathode of a pitting corrosion cell respectively?6Which strengthening method can achieve good strength and ductility? Pls write down the relationship or equation.7What are the principle types of heat treatment of steel? What are the main affecting factors?8By which way the aluminium alloy can be strengthened?9How many ways to strengthen materials? And what are they?10What’s the effect of gr ain refinement on the mechanical properties?11What is PVD and CVD?12Which process or technique can be used to produce powders, monoliths, fibres, coatings and composites?13What is the most important processing and fabricating techniques for thermoplastics?14Which moulding processes are generally used for shaping thermoplastics?15What are the two main ingredient of metal matrix composites?16Pls give three types of metal matrix composite.17What is the remarkable characteristics of fibre-reinforced metals compared to the most metals and alloys?18What is the function of homogeneous or heterogeneous composite nanostructure?。
1.Materials have always been important to the advance of civilization..P1 材料一直在(人类)文明的前进中起到重要的作用,所有的时代都以他们的名字来命名,从石器时代开始经历了铜器时代和铁器时代发展到现在,我们仍有大量的特制的材料去使用,我们的确是生活在一个材料的时代。
2.Metals and alloys generally have the characteristics of good electrical…….P4金属以及合计一般来说都有以下的一些特性:了好的导电和导热能力,相对高的强度,高刚度,延展性(塑性)以及成型性,和抗冲击性,他们对于结构件和受载荷件是特别的有用处的。
3.Much of the information about the control of microstructure or phase structure……P25 相图,它可以方便的,简洁的去展示大多数的关于特定的合金系统的微观结构和相结构方面的控制信息,它也叫做平衡或者组分相图。
4.The first step in the determination of phase composition is to located the……P27 确定相图的组成成分的第一步就是要去找到在相图中的温度—成分点,对于单相区和双相区有不同的方法被使用。
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United 1 材料科学与工程材料在我们的文化中比我们认识到的还要根深蒂固。
这个大约是过去的 60年中获得的认识使得材料的性质研究成为时髦。
Unit 2 Classification of MaterialsSolid materials have been conveniently grouped into three basic classifications: metals, ceramics, and polymers. This scheme is based primarily on chemical makeup and atomic structure, and most materials fall into one distinct grouping or another, although there are some intermediates. In addition, there are threeother groups of important engineering materials—composites, semiconductors, and biomaterials.译文:固体材料被便利的分为三个基本的类型:金属,陶瓷和聚合物。
Composites consist of combinations of two or more different materials, whereas semiconductors are utilized because of their unusual electrical characteristics; biomaterials are implanted into the human body. A brief explanation of the material types and representative characteristics is offered next.译文:复合材料由两种或者两种以上不同的材料组成,然而半导体由于它们非同寻常的电学性质而得到使用;生物材料被移植进入人类的身体中。
METALSMetallic materials are normally combinations of metallic elements. They have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons; that is, these electrons are not bound to particularatoms. Many properties of metals are directly able to these electrons.be bound to 被约束于。
be attribute to 归属于。
Metals are extremely good conductors of electricity and heat and are not transparent to visible light; a polished metal surface has a lustrous appearance. Furthermore, metals are quite strong, yet deformable, which accounts for their extensive use in structural applications.科技英语在讲述科学真理的时候通常用主动语态。
如: Metals are extremely good conductors of electricity Deformable译文:金属是十分好的电和热的导体,它们对可见光不透明;一个抛光的金属表面有光辉的外表。
CERAMICSCeramics are compounds between metallic and nonmetallic elements; they are most frequently oxides, nitrides, and carbides. The wide range of materials that falls within this classification includes ceramics that are composed of clay minerals, cement, and glass.that引导的定语从句译文:陶瓷是介于金属和非金属元素之间的化合物;它们通常是氧化物,氮化物和碳化物。
These materials are typically insulative to the passage of electricity and heat, and are more resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments than metals and polymers. With regard to mechanical behavior, ceramics are hard but very brittle.more…. Than…..with regard to….译文:这些材料是典型的电和热的绝缘体,并且它们比金属和聚合物更加耐高温和耐苛刻的环境。
POLYMERSPolymers include the familiar plastic and rubber materials. Many of them are organic compounds that are chemically based on carbon, hydrogen, and other nonmetallic elements; furthermore, they have very large molecular structures. These materials typically have low densities and may be extremely flexible.译文:聚合物包括常见的塑料和橡胶材料。