



1. 此类属于无提示词填空。

2. 代词有人称代词,物主代词,反身代词,不定代词something, another, other, others, both,

every, each, all, none, either, neither, else等,指示代词this ,it, one/ones等。* 注意区别it/ one/

that 的指代意义;

3. 只有介词with 后可以接复合宾语,如:

With his mother helping him, he could finish the project in time.

With books in his hand, Mr. Wang asked who had taken his books by mistake.

4. 起连接作用的副词有however, therefore, thus, instead, besides, otherwise, though, then等,这



5. it 的考点很多,有指示代词,形式主宾语,强调句型及一些特定句式,如:

It’s time to do…/

It is the first time that…/

I hate it

It is not long before…/

It is …..since… /

when people talk with their month full.

6. 连词的填空也属于无提示词填空,在连词部分已作专题讲解。


1. The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult to tell one from the other.

2. I cannot, ________, approve of your design.

3. Experts think that _______ recently discovered painting may be ________ Picasso.

t go outing. ________, they played cards at home.

4. As it was raining hard, they didn’

5. _______ all the children playing in the yard, he went out to look for the lost watch.

6. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me ________ the bus arrived.

7. He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, _______ he felt happy since crop did “higher.

8. I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized the villagers who had

gathered around me were arguing as to ________ should have the honor of receiving me as a

guest in their house.

9. The robbers came in at about 22:00 on Saturday _______ left at 7:00 on Sunday.

10. To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered _________.

11. We have plenty of beautiful lilacs. Some are red, ________ are purple.

12. Wise man love truth; _____ fools shun it.

13. It rained on and on for several week. __________, the construction of the bridge was delayed.

14. If things done can be undone, _______ there will be no regret in the world.

15. Look at the price of that bike! It is practically the same as _________ of a motorcycle.

16. I’d love to buy a yacht. I am thinking of buying a small but modern ___________.

17. He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder _______ had been

his teacher.

18. There once lived a monk called Shan in a village in China. He had earned a great name for

1_______, but he was very arrogant(傲慢). Qiu Jun heard of 2________ arrogance and wanted

to teach the monk a lesson. He went to meet Shan, 3_______ neither greeted him nor

acknowledged his presence. Just then a servant of the monk came 4_______ a m assage, “The

son of an army officer is coming to see 5_______.” The monk said:”I’ll go and greet him.”

son had welcomed the son of the army officer with great respect. After the army officer’s

departed, Qiu Jun asked Shan the reason for 6_______ double-faced behavior. “Why i s

7_______ that you greeted the army officer’s son so respectfully, yet behaved so arrogantly to

t get 8_____ wrong. For me, greeting means

us?” Shan the monk had a quick reply, “Please don’

mischief and hit

not greeting and not greeting means greeting.” Qiu Jun understood the monk’s

10_______ logic, beating you means

9_______ hard on his head with his stick. “According to

not beating and not beating you means beating. Therefore I have to give you a beating.”immediately realized the 11_________(foolish) of his actions and started showing respect to

12_________ he met, irrespective of their status.

Keys: 1. it 2. therefore/however 3. a , by 4.

Instead 5. With 6. until 7. but 8.

who 9. and 10. another 11. others

12. while/whereas 13. Therefore 14. then

15. that 16. one 17. who 18.(1. himself

2. his

3. who

4. with 5, you ,6 . his 7. it

8 it 9 him 10 your 11 foolishness 12



第一集语法填空核心考点考点突破 ——冠词——与名词共生共存 【考向聚焦】 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,常放在名词前面帮助说明名词的含义。冠词分为不定冠词a,an和定冠词the两种。纵观近三年高考题可知,冠词一直是必考容。其考查的重点主要有:冠词的基本用法;在固定结构中和具体语境中的用法;冠词的特殊用法;冠词在句子中的位置。对应学生用书P1 用适当的冠词填空 1.(2013?,21) The “Chinese Dream”is ________ dream to improve people's wellbeing and ________ dream of harmony,peace and development. 解析考查冠词。根据句意,中国梦是一个……的梦和一个……的梦,可知,两空都用不定冠词a。 答案a;a 2.(2013?,32)Animals are obviously ________ lower form of life than ________ man. 解析考查冠词。第一空表示“一种生命的形式”;第二空man表“人类”,不用冠词。 答案a;不填 3.(2013?,22)It was________cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across________night sky. 解析考查冠词用法。第一空“一个寒冷的冬夜”,应用不定冠词a;第二空“夜空”,指独一无二的事物用定冠词the。 答案a;the 4.(2013?,19)Marco Polo is said to have sailed on ________ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in ________ thirteenth century. 解析考查冠词。第一空指独一无二的事物用the;第二空为固定短语,表示在多少世纪“in the-th century”,需加定冠词。 答案the;the 5.(2013?,15)People develop ________ preference for a particular style of learning at ________ early age and these preferences affect learning. 解析考查冠词。短语a preference for...意为“对……的偏好”;at an early age意为“在年纪很小时”,故均填不定冠词。 答案a;an 6.(2013?,32)The parents were shocked by ________ news that their son needed ________ operation on his knee. 解析考查冠词。第一空news后带有that引导的同位语从句,故应该特指;第二空译为“他们的儿子需要做一个手术”,使用不定冠词。 答案the;an 7.(2012?新课标全国)Sarah looked at ________ finished painting with ________ satisfaction. 解析考查冠词的用法。句意:Sarah满意地看着那幅完工的油画。根据painting


语法填空解题指导与训练 题型解读:语法填空这种题型的显著特点都是将语言知识或语法知识放在语篇中进行考察. 与原有题型对比: 少了选项的干扰多了水平的发挥 能力要求: 词汇量 构词法的变化和运用 较强的句子分析能力与语法运用能力 对文章大意的理解及上下文语义、语境的逻辑判断及推理能力 考查内容与形式: 动词:非谓语动词,助动词,情态动词,时态; 并列连词; 从句引导词; 代词:人称代词,物主代词,不定代词; 介词:搭配用法; 冠词; 名词:名词词组; 构词法:形容词,比较级、最高级,固定搭配,,副词,派生词。 解题技巧: *快速通读全文,把握中心意思。 *弄清文章的体裁和题材、写作主线。 *注意分析长句和复合句的句子结构。 *注意上下文的联系。 *根据上下文,分析空白处应填的词语的词性和语义。 *对所填词语的语法形式是否准确进行检查。 常用考查项: 1 非谓语动词:to v., ved, ving 2 助动词:do,did,does,will,shall,has,have,had(在时语态中考查) 3 情态动词:can,should,must 等。(考查基本用法,猜测,虚拟等) 4. 短语动词 5. 并列连词:and,or,but,so等 6. 三大从句引导词。 7. 代词:人称代词,物主代词,不定代词等。 语法填空(1) On her 80th birthday,Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl Buck was asked if she wished to be young again.She quickly replied,“W ish to be young again? No,for I have learned too much to lose if.I am a far 1 (value)person today than I was 30 years ago,or 20 years ago,or 15,10 or even 5.I have learnt so much 2 I was 70.” Buck understood that life isn’meant to be lived on b ell curve(钟形曲线).We don’t go up for


高考语法填空专项训练介词 介词是高考中的一个重要考点,在高考中都两空是专门考查介词的,占语法填空的五分之一.该题要求“在空格处填入一个适当的词”的限定,所以我们要重点关注简单介词(一个单词),主要考点: 1.时间 at, in, on时间点和时间段by 不迟于,到……时为止after 在……之后before在……之前for 一段时间during在……期间within在……期间,不超过since自从…throughout 贯穿……期间until/till直到from…to…从……到between在…之间over 在……期间,过完一段时间 2.方位 into 进入out of从……出来(a)round 围饶着或在……的各处 towards向或朝着to到或向from从 up沿……而上 off从……离开或下来at朝着或向着for到…去 down沿..而下 at在某一点或在(某物)旁in在某一范围内on在某物的表面上between在(两者)之间 above在……的上头或高出below在…下面或低于among在(多者)之中around在……周围 inside在……的里面outside在……的外面before在……之前behind在……的后面 over在……的上方或上面under在……的下面或下方;beside/by在……的旁边near 在……的附近 beyond在……的那一边,远于,超过(某事物的范围) across在……的对面或那一边against 靠着 across从一边到另一边by/past从某人或某物的旁边经过 over从某人或某物的上空经过through从某事物的里面经过.

2020高考英语考前冲刺语法填空短文改错精准训练 专题03 冠词介词名词代词(含答案)

专题三冠词、介词、名词或代词 考点提示:冠词、介词、名词或代词 练习重点:了解和掌握冠词和名词之间的修饰关系; 了解和掌握介词和名词之间搭配关系 掌握固定短语中的介词和各种介词的基本用法 掌握高频的名词词形变化 了解和掌握代词和名词的之间的替代关系 了解和掌握代词种类和基本用法 1 Do you shop online with websites 1 Taobao? When you make 2 order on Taobao, the money you pay doesn’t go directly to the sellers. Instead, it goes through Alipay, which keeps your money 3 a while. After you receive your goods and click the “ confirm receipt(确认收货)”button, Alipay then gives the money 4 the sellers. This process is called “ third party online payment”. There is a transfer station(中转站),or 5 third account , between sellers and buyers to make online shopping safe. Buyers don’t need to worry about paying 6____ goods and then receiving nothing. Sellers also get rid 7 the risk of receiving no money after sending out goods. These transfer stations are usually set up by payment service companies such as Alipay, Tenpay and Yeepay. Among them, Alipay is 8 biggest in China. It has more than 210 million active users, according to Xinhua. While most online sellers and shoppers like the third party online payment system, banks are not very satisfied 9 it. That is because companies like Alipay are fighting over money with the banks. Users can invest in financial products 10 Alipay and make money. Thus lots of people choose to put money in Alipay rather than in banks. 参考答案 1. like 2. an 3. for 4. to 5. a 6. for 7. of 8. the 9. with 10. through 2


语法填空专题训练——名词变形填空练习 1.The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct _________ (proceed) in applying for a visa. 【12湖北】 2.You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future______ (refer).【12江 西】 3.— You are always full of _________ (strong). Can you tell me the secret? (07福建) 4.Dogs have a very good _________ (sensitive) of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. (08浙江) 5.The _________ (music) shoes were covered with mud due to a heavy rain, so I had to ask them to take those muddy shoes off before they got on my bus. (09江西) 6.Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be one of the most popular _________ (choose) for a wedding in some countries. (07浙江) 7.I fear mouse, because when I was young, I was frightened by a group of __________ (mouse). 8.___________(deer) are so cute that people like them. 9.There are many beautiful ________ (beach) in Shenzhen. 10.Do you know that a cow has four _________(stomach). 11.Many _________(路人) stopped to appreciate his fascinating music. 12.He refused the _________ (Smith) invitation to dinner yesterday, because he had an important meeting then. (98上海) 13.Since German is one of the official languages of Switzerland, it’s no wonder large numbers of _________ (Switzerland) can speak German. 14.I _________ (true) believe that their darkest days are now behind them. 15.Other genetic _________ (similar) suggest that they both have a single, common ancestor about 300 years ago. 16.When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside in _________ (favorite) of younger men. (2018湖北卷﹚ 17.I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond_________ (recognize) (2010安徽﹚ 18.Those who suffer from headache can get _________ (relieve) from this medicine. 10山东 19.Inside her house, some of her _________ (furnish)looked so old. 20.The advisers help you talk through your problem but they don’t give you any direct _________ (solve).10浙江 21.In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a _________ (sign) for everyone to stand up. 09湖北 22.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living _________ (expensive).07天津 23.Always read the _________ (instruct) on the bottle and take the right amount of pills.(06福建) 24.The _________ (express) on his face told me that he was angry. (2006湖北﹚ 25.It is said that dogs will keep you _________ (companion)for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. (2006江西﹚


语法填空之冠词 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,只能附在一个名词上说明这个名词。 ?冠词分为: 定冠词the(特指)不定冠词 a /an (泛指) 一:使用定冠词的场合 1 .I met a girl yesterday,The girl is a nurse. 2.Please open the door. 3. The earth moves round the sun. Jieyang is in the east of Guangdong. 4. The telephone was invented by Bell. The lion is a wild animal. 5. Snow White is the most beautiful girl in the world. He got the first prize in the English contest. 6. the poor /rich / dead / living / wounded 7. The Greens came to China in 2011. 8. We visited the Great Wall yesterday. the Yellow River the Pacific Ocean the United States the Student Times the Ming Dynasty in the 1980’s 9.固定词组中in the morning/afternoon/evening in the end in the beginning in the middle of on the contrary on the other hand In the hope of in the presence of in the future in the distance by the way play the piano a/an区别:a 用于辅音音素前;an 用于元音音素前 1.He has____ 11-year-old daughter. 2.Our daughter sent us ____SOS for some more money. 二:不定冠词的基本用法 1.表泛指 A bird has wings. Even a child can answer this question. The police caught a thief. 。 2. 表示数量“一”,意思和one差不多 Rome was not built in a day. The work will be finished in a day or two. 3. 表示价钱、时间、速度等的“每一”(=per) We meet twice a we 4. 用于序数词前表示“又一”、“再一”。 We'll have to do it a second time. We have put forward a third plan. 5. 用于具体化了的抽象名词前。 He was a success in business. 。It’s a pleasure to talk with you. 6. 在专有名词前表示“某一个”: A Mr Smith wants to see you. 9.用在一些固定搭配中和习惯用法中,要注意记忆! all of a sudden as a matter of fact in a hurry pay a visit to play a trick on have a try play a joke on have a rest take a look It’s really a bargain. in a minute / in a word / after a while catch a cold / keep an eye on 三:当堂训练:短语:用a/an /the 填空 ___ boy ___ window ____eagle ___ rich __ Shantou Airpot ____ American ___hero ___ honor ___ youngest student have___ area of win ___ second place ____ gift ____ idea _____ Mr.Smith on ____ contrary play ____ trick on keep ___ eye on on ____ other hand in ____ presence of in ___ word in ____ distance as ___ matter of fact catch ____ cold in_____ future make ____ living



语法填空专项训练---代词 代词在连续两年的广东高考语法填空中都有两个小题,占语法填空的五分之一。可见,代词在所有语法项目中占分的比例最大,是语法填空的重要内容。主要考点有: 考点1:人称代词 人称代词的主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作动词或介词的宾语。 考点2:物主代词 形容词性物主代词只能在名词前作定语,名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,在句中作主语、宾语、表语或与of连用作后置定语,但不能作定语。如: 考点3:反身代词 反身代词在句中可以作enjoy, teach, hurt, buy, introduce等动词和by, for, to等介词的宾语,还可以作主语或宾语的同位语,可译作“亲自,本人”,但不能作主语。 考点4:指示代词 指示词有this, that, these, those, such等。注意以

下4点: (1) this, these是时间或空间上的“近指”,可与here连用;that, those是时间或空间上的“远指”,可与there连用。 (2) 指上文提到的事一般用that,有时也用this,指下文的事只能用this。 (3) 打电话时,用this来介绍自己,用that来问对方,不用I或you。 (4) this和that还可表示程度,意为“如此,那么”,相当于so,作状语。 考点5:疑问代词 疑问代词有what, which, who, whom, whose等。用法要点如下: (1)what除可用来询问人的身份外,一般指物;which可指人也可指物;who, whom, whose一般指人。 (2)有一定范围时,用which,意为“(其中的)哪一个”,可接表范围的of短语;没有一定的范围时,用what,意为“什么”,不能接of短语。 考点6:表示两者或多者的不定代词 都都不(一个也不) 任一 两者both n either either


语法填空专项训练---介词 介词是高考中的一个重要考点,在高考中都有两空是专门考查介词的,占语法填空的五分之一。该题要求“在空格处填入一个适当的词”的限定,所以我们要重点关注简单介词(一个单词的介词),主要考点有: 1.表示时间介词有 at, in, on表示时间点和时间段by 不迟于,到……时为止after 在……之后before在……之前for 表示一段时间during在……期间within在……期间,不超过since自从…throughout 贯穿……期间until/till直到from…to…从……到between在…之间over 在……期间,过完一段时间 2.表示方位的介词有 into 进入out of从……出来(a)round 围饶着或在……的各处along沿着 towards向或朝着to到或向from从up沿……而上 off从……离开或下来at朝着或向着for到…去down沿..而下 at在某一点或在(某物)旁in在某一范围内on在某物的表面上between在(两者)之间above在……的上头或高出below在…下面或低于among在(多者)之中around在……周围inside在……的里面outside在……的外面before在……之前behind在……的后面over在……的上方或上面under在……的下面或下方;beside/by在……的旁边near在……的附近beyond在……的那一边,远于,超过(某事物的范围) across在……的对面或那一边against 靠着 across从一边到另一边by/past从某人或某物的旁边经过 over从某人或某物的上空经过through从某事物的里面经过。 3. 表示原因的介词有because of, owing to, due to, for, with, at ( at常放在表示情感变化后的动词、形容词或名词后表示原因,相当于“听到或看到”)等。 4. 表示方式、方法或手段的介词有 By 乘、坐、骑(接交通工具), 靠、通过in用(某种语言或材料,如墨水, 抽象的文具in ink, in pen, in pencil等) with用(具体的工具),和……一起;through通过(实践或书本)等 。 5. 表示“除……外”的介词有except, besides, but, except for等。 6. 表示“数量”的介词有about(大约), around(大约), over(超过)等 表示“关于”的介词有on, about等; 表示“所属”“部分与整体关系”的介词有of 表示(增加/减少,相差,高出等的)程度的介词有by 以及as(当作,作为),like(像…一样)等。 7. 能接复合宾语的介词有with和without 8. 短语中的介词。“动词+介词”短语,look after, care for,congratulations on等; “动词+副词+介词”短语catch up with, get on with, work hard at, do well in等; “动词+名词+介词”take are of, take notice of等; “名词+介词”,effect on等。 解题技巧:

语法填空专项练习三 代词

语法填空专项练习三代词(1) 代词的定义:代词是代替名词或一句话的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词和不定代词九种。 代词在语法填空中的考查方式有两种情况,一是像(人称代词、物主代词、反身代词这样的词为给出提示词的形式考查,有时在一些固定搭配或常用口语中,也会以纯空格的形式来考查,但情况较少。二是像指示代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词和不定代词常已纯空格的形式考查。本次复习主要先着重掌握人称代词、物主代词、反身代词。其考查形式多为给出提示词,但在一些常用语、谚语或日常用语中常以纯空格的形式考查。 Challenge yourself 请自己默写出这些词: 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词 一、 表示 " 我、 你、 他、 她、 它、 我 们、 你 们、 他们 " 的 词叫 做人 称代 词。人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格做主语,宾格做宾语,也可以做表语或同位语。有时人们常用she/her 指代船只、汽车、国家、城市、家乡等,以表达其喜爱之情。注:在电话中this代替我,that代替你,如: --Is that ? --- Yes, this is he. 二、表示“我的、你的、他的、她的、它的、我们的、你们的、他们的”这种所有关系的代词叫做物主代词。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。形容词性物主代词置于名词之前做定语,名词性物主代词相当于名词,(=形容词性物主代词+名词)如:---Whose bag is it? --- It’s my bag .= It’s mine. 三、表示“我自己、你自己、他自己、她自己、它自己、我们自己、你们自己、他们自己”等的词叫做反身代词。反身代词第一, 二人称构成是由形容词性物主代词加"-self " (复数把f变为v再加es, -selves )。 解题技巧:1. 做主语就填主格; 2.做动词或介词的宾语就填宾格; 3.表示所有关系就填物主代词,(或是一些固定短语中,如常考的有:earn one’s living谋生,keep one’s word守信,lose one’s way迷路,change one’s mind改变主意,make up one’s mind下决心,try one’best尽某人最大努力,to one’s+情感名词令某人...的是,on one’s way to 在去...的路上,feel one’s way 摸黑走,meet one’s need满足某人的需要等); 4.表示某人自己就填反身代词;句意要表达某人自己之意时,就填反身代词;(这些都是常以给出提示词的形式考查) 5.人称代词、物主代词和反身代词以纯空格的形式考查情况 t s the milkman. 4.指时间、天气、距离或环境等。 如: It is nine o’clock now. It is rainning hard outside. It is a long way to the factory, 作形式主语,常见结构有: It is/was no use/good/fun doing sth. 做什么事是(没有)有用的/ 有好处的/有乐趣的 It is/was +adj.(difficult, hard,important, possible, necessary, easy, not easy, impossible,kind等)+ (for/of sb.) + to do sth. 做什么事(对某人来说)是......的。 It is /was a pity that.....可惜的是.... It is/was a fact that..... 事实是..... It is/was no wonder that.....难怪.... It is/was certain that..... 一定是.... It is/was necessary that..... 有必要.....


(一) 冠词填空(零冠词用/表示) 1 My brother was born in _______ spring of 1990. 2 I like ______ music, especially _______ music of the film. 3 Mr. Smith is ______ most learned scholar and you can turn to him for help. 4 How sweetly she sings! I have never heard _______ better voice. 5 Beijing is ______ second largest city in China. 6 My trip to Tibet was really ________ unforgettable experience. 7 His mother’s sudden death came to him as _______ shock. 8 This watch is _______ 18th century watch, which has been passed down from my great grandpa. 9 I think it really _______ honor for me to speak here. 10 This lab used to be in _______ charge of Mr. Wang. 11 I know there is ______ Mr. Smith next door, who has gone on ________ business. 12 He devotes most of his time to _______ football. And I am sure he promises ________ excellent footballer. 13 Don’t lose heart. Please have ______ second try. 14 Nowadays the most popular means of communication is to send _______ short messages by mobile phone. 15 Can you imagine what _______ fun we had during our tour in Paris? 16 Those who are rich should help ______ poor. 17 When stealing the thief was caught by ______ arm by a policeman. 18 In some factories workers get paid by ______ piece. 19 It is a bad habit to go to work without ______ breakfast. 20 _______ Chinese language seems much more difficult to learn than English. 21 John is _______ university student from ______ European country. 22 Teachers play _______ active and important part in building up students’ character. 23 _______ Zhangs live on the second floor. 24 Cotton is grown in _______ north of China. 25 It is known to us all that _______ light travels faster than _______ sound. 26 As _______ matter of fact he is lying again. 27 A tower is seen in _______ distance. 28 In case of fire please press _______ red button. 29 _______ number of the students in our school will reach as many as 3,000 this year. 30 I can’t remember where I read this story. But I remember reading it in _______ American magazine. 31 Shenzhen has ________ population of more than 10 million. 32 _______ days I spent with Catherine in Beijing were so wonderful. 33 _______ mice are often found in ________ dirty places. 34 A bullet hit the solider and he was wounded in ______ leg. 35 I earn 10 dollars _______ hour as a cashier on Sundays. 36 Why not come over and play _______ chess with me tonight? 37 He loved writing and his first novel was ______ great success when it came out. 38 In 1864, Lincoln was elected ________ President of the United States for the second time. 39 We are twins and look _______ same. 40 Towards ________ evening a clod rain began to fall.

语法填空专项指导 2

语篇填空题专项指导 一.题型特点 Ⅰ考点分析 1. 根据句子结构确定词性 句子基本结构 1.提示词: 结合语法填空题的特点,给出提示词的题目一般要考查的考点为:动词时态、语态、动词的单复数、非谓语动词、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级、及同源词转化等。 答案可能是一个单词、两个单词或两个以上单词。 2. 纯空格题:答案只有一个词 1)语法词所谓的语法词和语境之间关系不是很大,一般通过语法结构就可以答题。语法词包括以下几类: 第1类:介词; 第2类:并列连词(and, so , but ,or);定语从句的关系词;名词性从句的连接词; 状语从句的从属连词(although /though , till/until出错较多);疑问代词疑

问副词等 第3类:先行it (形式主语、形式宾语)、虚义it及存在句中的引词there; 第4类:强调结构中的that, who; 一些固定结构;倒装结构的功能词2)语境词主要是通过上下文才能填出来的词,主要包括: 第1类:冠词a(an) the 第2 类:代词 1)不定代词:some, any , no 以及它们的合成词,one ,none ,all ,every ,each, other , another , either , neither , both , half ,many , much , little , few 等2)人称代词 3)形容词性物主代词 4)反身代词 5)指代词 二、解题思路 做语法填空题时,可以用一种由大及小的思路去(其根据是此题的特点---语境与语法相结合)思考答案。也就是说,可以从“篇章,句子,词汇”三个层面去思考。 1.通读全文,把握语篇 通读全文的目的是把握好文章的大意,为下一步“填空”做好“语义”上的准备,因 为“语义”决定了空白处应填一个什么意思的词语并采用什么样的语法形式。 大忌:不要读一句就填一个答案,仅仅看空格前后局部的结构,迅速作答。这似乎加快了答题的速度,但事实上会使你欲速则不达。 2. 结合语境,依据句法、词法知识填空。 基本了解文章大意后,就可以动手填空了。分析句子结构与空格、边读边填,遇到一时想出来的答案,不要用太多时间停留在此题上,先跳过去,做后面的题,待填完其他空格后,再回过头来细细推敲此空的语义,填入最佳单词。 3.验证复查。 将所有答案填入空格,并把整篇文章从头至尾读一遍,看其在逻辑、语法结构、搭配方面是否无误。 三、解题技巧 Ⅰ.提示词 (1)给出动词填空的解题技巧。 首先,判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。然后按照以下两点进行思考:技巧一:若句中没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要 考虑时态和语态。 1. If I _________ (elect) as vice president of our English club, I __________ (organize) all kinds of activities to enrich our school life. 2. That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her invitation, ______ (close) my book and walked away. 3. In Logan, three people ______ (take)to a hospital, while others were treated at a local


中考英语语法填空专项训练 新化十四中刘剑文 一、 教学目标: 1. 让学生了解语法填空题考察内容; 2. 让学生掌握语法填空题解题技巧; 3. 引导学生养成英语语言知识日常积累的好习惯,提高学生的英语素养。 二、 教学重点: 总结中考英语语法填空题的解题技巧 三、 教学难点: 学生掌握中考英语语法填空题的解题技巧 四、 教学过程 Stepl 导入: 用一个学生错误较多的语法填空题案例来导入新课。 Step2?语法填空题题型解读: 两种题型:(1)无提示词,共三空,考点一般为冠词、连词、介词等 虚词。(2)用所给词的适当形式填空,共七空,一般每空填一个单词, 最多不超过三个单词。主要考察名词的单复数形式、形容词和副词的 比较级和最高级、谓语动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词的各种形式以 及词形之间的转换。 Step3?语法填空考点突破: (1)无提示词例题: 1. Tom is an 18-year-old boy. 2. Teachers are very friendly to us. 3. We had to put off the sports meeting because it rained heavily. 4. My sister is good at English, but she is weak in math. 5. Jim works hard, so he gets good grades. 无提示词题型解题技巧总结: 1、 名词前一般用.冠词(特别注意元音音素开头的名词)或介词 ; 2、 并例的两个或多个单词、短语或句子之间设空,一般填入连词, 表并例用 and ,表选择用 or ,表转折用 but ,表原因用 because 表结果用so 。 3、 介词固定搭配需牢记。 1. Mary has read (read) the book since three o (2) 提示词为动词的例题: clock.


冠词语法填空 1.Nowadays, how we can take good care of old is becoming a hot and serious topic. 2.I could always go outside and take look around. 3.He tapped her on shoulder and began talking. 4.I should be very interested to meet man who threw the stone you mentioned in the newspaper. 5.There are still nice people who wanted to give others hand in this world. 6.Jane has been writing a children’s book for many years. 7.more learned a man is, the more modest he usually becomes. 8.The parents were shocked by news that their son needed Operation on his knee. 9.Tom is gifted in writing music. And he wants to be Beethoven one day. 10.This is 127—minute documentary directed by Zhang Yimou, which has raised the public’s awareness to protect the environment. 11.My new neighbor, whom I introduced to you other day, had heart attack last night. 12.I should say yesterday’s party big success.
