牛津版高中英语必修二Unit3 Amazing people复习归纳训练及答案

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牛津版高中英语必修二Unit3 Amazing people复习归纳训练一、词形转换

1.explorer (v./ n.) explore, exploration

2.curious (n.) curiosity

3.fortune (adj.) fortunate

4.connection (n.) connect

5.punishment (v.) punish

6.scientific (n./ n.) science, scientist

7.requirement (v.) require

8.entrance (v.) enter

9.discourage (n./ adj./ adj.) discouragement, discouraged, discouraging

10.devotion (v.) devote

11.murder (n.) murderer 12.various (n./ v.) variety, vary

anization (v.) organize

14.survival (v.) survive

15.warning (v.) warn

16.breathe (n.) breath

17.entrance (v.) enter

18.disturb (n./ adj./ adj.) disturbance, disturbing, disturbed

19.inspire (n.) inspiration

20.apply (n./ n./ adj.) application, applicant, applied


1. 启程去……set sail for...

2. 一具保存完好的木乃伊 a well-preserved mummy

3. (偶然)遇见;发现come across/run across/run into/meet with

4. 在……入口处at the en trance to…

高考the College Entrance Examination

5. 太巧了!What a coincidence!

6. ……之后不久shortly after…

7. 导致,结果是result in=lead to=bring about=contribute to=give rise to=cause

由……产生result from/arise from/arise out of

8. 被选为足球队的队长be elected (as) captain of the football team

9. 符合要求meet/satisfy/suit the requirements

10. 原产于某地be native to 是……的所在地be home to

11. 各种各样的all kinds/sorts of=a variety of=varieties of=various

12. 发射火箭send up/launch a rocket

13. 比……好be superior to 比…差be inferior to

14. 掌管;控制(某事/物)be in control (of something) 由某人掌管be in the control of sb.

15. 质量好的of good quality

16. 对……乐观be optimistic about

17. 敬佩look up to 轻视look down on/upon

18. 实现某人的梦想live one's dream=realize one's dream=make one's dream come true 19.踏上泰坦尼克号set foot on the Titanic

20. 载入史册go down in history

21. …, 结果却……(出乎意料) …, only to do…

22. 除……之外,也,还as well as

23. 因为…获得诺贝尔奖win the Nobel Prize for

为某人赢得…地位win sb. the status of

24. 对…好奇be curious about 出于好奇out of curiosity

25.与…有关be in connection with

26. 广泛使用come into widespread use 开始形成/存在come into being/ existence

27. 与…取得联系get in touch/ contract with 保持联系keep in touch/ contract with

失去联系lose touch/ contract with

28. 以全速at full speed 以…的速度at a speed of 以光速at the speed of light

29. 使得梦想成真make the dream a reality

30. 在太空in space in history/ nature/ society

31. 至今仍然是个谜remain a riddle/ puzzle/ mystery to this day

32. 被描述为be described as



1.I’m sorry to d____________ you so late, but my car’s broken down and I am wondering if I can use your phone.

2.The students got d____________ when the teacher told them few of them got a good mark in the exam.

3.-I’m going to London tomorrow.

-What a c_________________ . I’m going up there too.

4.Don’t chew the tablets before s________________ , or you may throw them up.

5.On the wall at the e_________________ is a sign which says “No Photos”, meaning that we mustn’t take any photos in the museum.

disturb; discouraged; coincidence; swallowing; entrance


6.-T he town is so beautiful! I just love it.

-Me too. The character of the town is well preserved. ____________

7.The police claimed that the man was murdered but they have given no proof. ____________

8.The dog had such devotion to its master that it would not leave him, even when he was dead. ____________

9.His patience and hard work finally paid off with a gold medal. ____________

10.The police have arrested two suspects in connection with the bank robbery. ____________ 保存;谋杀;忠诚;得到回报;与…有关


11.His ____________ (survive) is still uncertain; he has been very badly hurt and may die.

12.Though the ____________ (explore) had met with lots of dangers and difficulties, they finally went through the forest.

13.Smith doesn’t want to be involved in the ____________ (organize) of the conference, although he is willing to attend and speak.

14.The ____________ (warn) design was put there for the benefit of the public.

15.Her ______________ (punish) is to perform 20 hours a week of public service for a year.. survival; explorers; organization; warning; punishment


