
②Hands clap/rub one's hands in excitement ③ jump /dance with joy 词块二(发怒): anger/rage/outrage/annoyance/irritation/furious burn/explode with anger怒火中烧 blow up at sb 冲某人发火 fly into a fury/ fly off the handle大发 雷霆 Facial expressions: ①glare at ②eyes shine with anger.闪烁着愤怒的光 芒 Body languages: ① gnash [næʃ] (气得咬牙切齿) the teeth咬牙切齿
② with eyes open wide Body languages: ①sb froze with terror, too scared to move an inch
②hands/palm sweat ③shake/quiver/tremble with fear,unable to utter['ʌtə] v.说;出声 a single word
④sit on pins and needles如坐针毡 ⑤scream at the top of one's lungs声嘶力竭地尖叫 ⑥make one's hair stand on end 毛骨悚然 ⑦one's throat tightened and knees felt weak.嗓子发紧,膝盖发软 词块四(悲伤) sadness/sorrow/grief sad/ sorrowful /grieved/ heart-broken Facial expressions:①Tears roll/stream/run down one's cheeks.

The spot of red was what first caught Randy Heiss’s attention. He was hiking the remote expanse of land behind his ranch (大牧场) in Patagonia, Arizona, a town near the U.S.-Mexico border, and covered the grass was a balloon—or at least the remains of one. Heiss walked toward it with his dog, Feliz, thinking he should pick up the latex (乳胶) pieces and throw them away.That’s when he noticed the balloon’s string was attached to a piece of paper.“Dayami,” it read on one side, in a child’s writing. A hand-drawn bow accompanied the word.Heiss turned the paper over quickly. It was a numbered list, all in Spanish. “My Spanish isn’t very good, but I could see it was a Christmas list,” he said.Heiss was charmed. He thought that a child had tried to send Santa Claus a Christmas wish list by balloon, something he used to do himself when he was a kid. Nobody had ever returned the letters Heiss had sent into the air, but he wondered whether he couldn’t find the child who had sent this one.It would be difficult, but Heiss knew about 20 miles to the southwest, just across the border, was the city of Nogales, Mexico, with a population of about a quarter million. “Based on the prevailing wind (盛行风), I was pretty sure that’s where it came from,” he said.Heiss brought the note home to his wife, who is fluent in Spanish and helped him translate the list. They determined that Dayami, probably a girl, had asked for a doll, a dollhouse, clothes, and art supplies among other things.Heiss then posted about his request on the Internet, attaching photos, hoping some of his friends in Nogales might know the girl’s family.A few days passed with no leads; Heiss worried that time was running out before Christmas. Therefore, he decided to send a private message to Radio XENY, an AM radio station based in Nogales if they could help.续写要求:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 至少使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became
理解是起点,表达更挑战。 frightened, and without another thought, he started to run. 注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
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s“Tu部hrper分sisue才itdc.a不“sWe至!hSy于hise 偏sthhie离nlkos主oIk’题mingt。haet
me like that?” bank thief!”
破解新高考 读后续写新题型
备考策略建 议
1 考试改革
2 新课程标准
高考评价体 系
全国教育大 会
实施1 学业水平改革
“综合评价” 改革
实施3 高校招生改革
实施4 英语考试改革
坚持全面考核……坚持自主选择……坚持统筹兼顾, 促进高中改进教学,服务高校选拔学生。
中学英语教学和评测从读后续写的研发 和操作中可以得到以下几点启示: 1.将写作与阅读教学结合进行是提高学生 英语写作能力的有效途径。 2.应关注学生综合语言运用能力的培养。
2024届新高考英语 读后续写语篇解读与做题技巧点拨

Para 1: We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me. Para 2: I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.
越野赛那天,来自小镇和周边的七所小学的小学生们正在热身,身体残疾的 David却独自待在篱笆旁。原来,教练担心其他孩子会嘲笑他,就让他自己决定是否 参加比赛,于是他决定放弃比赛。虽然他患有脑疾,但是他的同学们都把他当成正常 的孩子看待。无论其他同学做什么,David都总是尽最大努力参与其中。为了这次越 野赛,他也是一场训练都没有落下过。
and let him decide.”
I bit back my frustration(懊恼). I knew the coach meant well—he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.
All the kids including those from other schools erupted into a big applause, cheering for his determination and persistence.
动作描写 现在分词作伴随状语
新高考英语写作精讲+解题演示: 读后续写 (解析)

1.(2023秋·海南高三期末统考)I always believe in the saying: Things will eventually sort themselves out. In the face of difficulty and trouble, I can always persuade myself to do my work first without enough conditions.Yesterday, we just moved into a new house and spent all our money. So we had to go through the rest of the month until my husband got paid.Today, my daughter, Laurie, went to school. After a while, out-of-breath and tired, our little girl ran back a block because she’d forgotten to tell me that it was her turn to bring cupcakes for the class-—today! I answered her with a promise to reach her classroom at noon with the cupcakes. She ran to school again, happy.Two minutes later, imagining Laurie’s trusting smile when I delivered on the promise, I searched in the boxes for baking tins and the mixer. I confidently set them on the counter and then opened the refrigerator, only to discover there were no eggs! How would I make cupcakes without eggs?I tried to figure out how I could fix the problem. Could I borrow some from neighbors or friends? Could I buy some on credit(赊账)? It was almost 9: 30 and I was running out of time. A little voice inside me whispered, “Start to do your work first! Things will eventually sort themselves out.” “Okay,” I said to myself, “I have to try my best to keep my word to my little girl and the worst result that might happen is that I bake ‘cakes’ with no eggs.”The next step was an act of faith. I turned on the oven and measured all the materials as my little son lined the tins with paper cups. We’d just finished making the frosting(糖霜)when I heard the mailman close the box at thefront door. Of course! The mailman could send us a refund (退款)check or something in the mail! I rushed to the door to get the mail and was shocked by what I found.注意:1.续写词数应150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

A friend of mine, named Jack, received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Jack came out of his office, a street urchin(顽童)was walking around the shining car.“Is this your car, sir?”he asked.“Yes, my brother gave it to me for Christmas.”Jack answered.The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it did cost you nothing? Sir, I wish…”he hesitated.Jack smiled, thinking of course he knew what the boy wanted, but what the boy said surprised him greatly.“I wish,”the boy went on, “that I could be a brother like that.”Jack looked at the boy in surprise, and then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”“Oh yes, I’d love to ”the boy answered cheerfully.After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, “Sir, would you mind driving in front of my house?”Unexpected at the abrupt request, Jack looked at the house the boy was pointing at. Submerged(淹没) in flourish(茂密的) head-high weeds and biers(荆棘) was a shabby, seemingly abandoned cottage, with a mud alley leading to its weather-beaten wooden door. Jack smiled a little. This time he was sure he knew what the boy wanted.“Will you stop where those two steps are?”the boy asked.“Of course. I don’t mind waiting for a few minutes.”Promised Jack, expecting the boy to take some companions back to show off his lucky experience.Satisfied with the response, the boy got out and ran up to the steps. Jack got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car.原文的不长和难度不大,但要带着目的去读,方能关注有用信息。

When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher asked me to enter a writing contest, I said no without thinking. I did not love writing. My family came from Brazil, so English was only my second language. Writing was so difficult and painful for me that my teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic by acting out a play, where I played all the parts. No one laughed harder than he did.So, why did he suddenly force me to do something at which I was sure to fail? His reply: “Because I love your stories. If you’re willing to apply yourself, I think you have a good shot at this.”Encouraged by his words, I agreed to give it a try.I chose Paul Revere’s horse as my subject. Paul Revere was a silversmith (银匠) in Boston who rode a horse at night on April 18, 1775 to Lexington to warn people that British soldiers werecoming. My story would come straight from the horse’s mouth. Not a brilliant idea, but funny, and unlikely to be anyone else’s choice.What did the horse think, as he sped through the night? Did he get tired? Have doubts? Did he want to quit? I sympathized immediately. I got tired. I had doubts. I wanted to quit. But, like Revere’s horse, I kept going. I worked hard. I checked my spelling. I asked my older sister to correct my grammar. I checked out a half-dozen books on Paul Revere from the library.I even read a few of them.When I handed in the essay to my teacher, he read it, laughed out loud and said, “Great. Now, write it again.”I wrote it again, and again and again. When I finally finished it, the thought of winning had given way to the enjoyment of writing. If I didn’t win, I wouldn’t care.注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Since the age of three, Chelsie Hill had dreamed of becoming a dancer. “The only thing that I loved was dance,” she told the press. That ambition nearly ended one night in 2010. Hill, then a 17-year-old high schoolsenior in Pacific Grove, California, was in a car accident that put her in the hospital for 51 days and left her paralyzed (使瘫痪) from the waist down. Most people would be frustrated and quit any hope of a dancingcareer. But for Hill, it was just the beginning.Far from being an obstacle, her wheelchair encouraged her. “I wanted to prove to my community—and to myself—that I was still ‘normal’,” she said. “Whatever normal meant.” Normal for her meant dancing, soHill did it in her wheelchair right alongside her non-disabled high school dance team. “Half of my body wastaken away from me, and I have to move it with my hands,” Hill said. “It definitely took a lot of learning and patience.”After graduation, Hill wanted to expand her dance network to include women like her. She met peopleonline who had suffered various spinal cord (脊髓) injuries and shared her determination, then invited them todance with her. “It was such an amazing experience.” Hoping to reach more people in a larger city, Hillmoved to Los Angeles in 2014 and formed a team of dancers with disabilities she calls the Rollettes. “I wantto break down the stereotype (偏见) of wheelchair users and show that dance is dance, whether you’rewalking or you’re rolling,” she said.Dancing on wheels, the Rollettes discovered, can be just as fast-paced, artful, and fulfilling as the foot-based variety. It’s so powerful to have teammates in their life and helps them to draw out their potential capacities. In disabled dance competitions around the country, the six-member team is having fun, and as the audiences’ excited reactions indicate, the fun can influence others easily, which is really amazing.续写要求:1. 所续写短文词数应为150左右;2. 至少使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

2023新课标英语高考读后续写第一部分:概述1. 关于2023年新课标英语高考题型的改变和读后续写题型的介绍2023年新课标英语高考将会出现一些新的变化,其中包括新的题型——读后续写。
第二部分:读后续写题型解析2. 读后续写题型的特点及考查内容读后续写题型通常包含一段短文,要求学生根据所给的内容和提示,续写出合理的延续内容。
3. 有效的读后续写策略为了在读后续写题型中取得较好的成绩,学生需要掌握一些有效的策略。
第三部分:提高读后续写成绩的方法与技巧4. 拓展阅读量,提高阅读理解能力阅读是提高读后续写成绩的重要方法之一。
5. 提高写作水平,丰富词汇及句型除了阅读,提高写作水平也是很重要的。
6. 多进行应试训练,增强解题能力学生还需要进行多次的应试训练,增强自己的解题能力。

01 思维导图
03 精彩摘录 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 阅读感受 06 作者简介
写作 进行
《新高中英语读后续写》是一本针对高中英语教学的辅导书籍,旨在帮助学生提高读后续写的能 力。本书的内容主要包括以下几个方面: 本书首先从阅读理解的角度出发,介绍了如何通过阅读文章获取关键信息,理解文章的主旨和细 节,并帮助学生培养阅读思维。同时,本书还介绍了如何根据文章中的线索和提示进行推理和判 断,从而更好地理解文章。 在阅读理解的基础上,本书进一步介绍了如何运用写作技巧进行读后续写。本书详细阐述了如何 根据文章的主题和风格进行写作,如何构建段落和句子的逻辑关系,以及如何运用修辞手法增强 文章的表达能力。同时,本书还提供了多种思路拓展的方法,帮助学生打开思路,发挥想象力, 写出富有创意的续写内容。
这本书给我最大的感受就是:教育需要创新,需要不断学习新的知识和技能。 只有不断更新自己的教学理念和方法,才能更好地适应新时代的教育需求。这本 书也让我深刻地认识到:教育的目的不仅仅是传授知识,更重要的是培养学生的 核心素养和综合能力。
《新高中英语读后续写》是一本值得一读再读的好书。它不仅为我们提供了 丰富的教学资源和实用的教学方法,更引导我们在教育的道路上不断探索、创新。 我相信这本书会给广大的一线教师带来很多启示和帮助,让我们一起为教育事业 注入新的活力!
高中英语 山东卷读后续写高考解读28页PPT

6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Tபைடு நூலகம்ank you
高中英语 山东卷读后续写高考解读
11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。

(1)读后续写不是随心所欲,是要在引导语(开头语) 和提示词的帮助下完成续写部分。如《考试说明》样题 中规定“应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语 (10处)”。这些关键词语类似于传统写作中的要点提 示,如人物、地点、事件,但是不同点在于这些关键词 语并不是全用。这样考生可根据自己的理解有很大的自 主权。
“No trouble at all. I’d be glad to help.”
-- 精品--
The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the backseat. After placing it on the ground, he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm.
另外,所续写部分不能脱离各自段落的首句开头语,即: 不能另起炉灶。这些开头语与传统写作中的开头语类似, 在某种程度上引导你的思路向哪方面发展。
-- 精品--
(2)续写短文多以记叙文故事类文章或者夹叙夹议类 文章为主,故事情节有曲折、有起伏,但是,故事线索 的逻辑性比较强。这样考生能够根据提示词语,顺着原 来文章的思路续写文章,并适当发散。 (3)读后续写要求读写并重。与阅读理解题一样,读 后续写同样需要对本篇文章精确理解,这样所续写部分 才不至于偏离主题,就这方面而言有点类似阅读理解题 中 对 文 章 后 续 发 展 的 推 断 , 如 “ What would happen next?”。
-- 精品--