
经济学专业英文简历篇一:PersonalInformationSex:femaleObjectiveToobtainanofferofacceptanceintotheMasterPrograminEconomicso rrelativeareaEducationBackground09/20XX-07/20XXxxxxUniversitySchoolofEconomics,DepartmentofEconomicsGPA:3.0/4.0(overall),XX/4.0(major)Degree:BachelorProfessional&ResearchExperience20XXResearchonDevelopmentEconomicsofxxUniversityEconomicsCo llegeDescription:Peasantworker’slivingconditionsandreasonofenteringintocityinxxPosition:leaderofthegroupResponsibilities:designedthequestionnaireandsentitoutrandom lyinxxx.Organizedthememberstoinvestigateandposedthereport——DynamicReasonAnalysisontheMigrationofRuralLabortoUrbanAreas 20XXxxxUniversityEconomyInvestigationofxxx,xxprovince,Responsibilities:Assisttheprofessortomunicatewiththelocaler nmentandenterprises,collectingthedatumandposedthethesis——ResearchReportonself-supportingeconomicmodelofxx20XXresearchonthedataofChinaxxandChinaxx,Description:Analyzedthepresentstatusandfuturedevelopmenttre ndofChinaxxandChinaxxfromtheviewpointofindustrialeconomicsandanalyzedthepresentstatusandfuturedevelopmentsituationofChinaxxindus try.20XXxxBusinessStrategyCompetitionDescription:Thepetitionsimulatestheinternationalcosmeticmar biningwithallthe mainfactors,eachgroupoperatesasuppositionalcosmeticpanyonth einterandpeteswithanothersuppositionalone.Finalpetitionresu ltliesonthepriceofstock.Thoughtheinterenvironmentisthesuppo sitionalone,theprofessionalknowledgeandskillsandthemanageme ntofapanyissimilarwiththerealone,sothejoinershouldgiveaplet edecision-making.Achievements:Practicedmyprofessionalknowledgeandtheoperatio nabilityinEconomics,andimprovemyabilityofanalysisandplannin g.20XXxxUniversityChallengeCupDescription:Awardfor5.4YouthScienceofxxxUniversityChallenge Cup,whichisthemostInfluentialhonorinxxxUniversity,isthehigh estprizeintheextracurricularactivatesofxxUniversity.Achievements:Designedatopicaboutfinancialmarket,Ididagoodresearchonthecu rrentsituationboutChinesefinancialmarket,andimprovemyresearchabi lityandoperationwithmyclassmates.Publication&PaperResearchReportonself-supportingeconomicmodelofxxpublishedon FutureEconomist,xxxUniversity.DynamicReasonAnalysisontheMigrationofRuralLabortoUrbanAreasAnalysisonDevelopmentalRestrictFactorofChineseThirdIndustryTheInventorofxxx,AnalysisofMarketingStrategyofxxInterDevelo pmentCo.,LtdReportofAnalysisofxxxIndustryAnalysisReportofResearchofRuralAgricultureDevelopmentSocialActivities2003-20XXPlanerofYouthVolunteerAssociationofxxxUniversity2003-20XXVolunteerofLoveSocietyofxxUniversity2003-20XXEnglishCultureCommunicationAssociationxxUniversity 2003-20XXMemberofConsultationSocietyxxUniversity2003-20XXMemberofOutsideDepartment,GreenLifeSociety,xxxUniv ersity20XX-20XXMemberofSlipperAssociationxxxUniversityStandardTestTOEFL:627TWE:5.0Date:08/19/20XXGRE:1190TWE:5.0Date:06/06/20XXComputerSkillsProficientinofficesoftwaresuchasword,excel,PowerPointandFrontPage,ExcellentabilityofcartographyandwebpagemakingProficientinphotoshop,dreamweaver,fireworksandMacromediaFla shHavingthefoundationofprogramme(ClanguageandVB)ComprehendingaspandphpProficientineconomicssoftware:eviews,spssandsas 经济学专业英文简历篇二:PersonalInformationSex:femaleDateofBirth:Nov17th1977Health:excellentHomeAddress:SchoolAddress:room404,No.3building,P.O.Box406SanTangYuan,YangjiangCityGuangdongCommercialCollege Chigang,Guangzhou512000510320TelofDorm:TeloftheDepartmentOffice:(020)84097773(020)84099088-3206OBJECTIVE:ToobtainapositoninthefieldsofTaxation,FinanceAccounting,Man agement,Executive,AdministrationandEducation,etc.EDUCATION:1.Sep,1990~June,1992StudiedintheYangchunNo.1MiddleSchool2.Sep,1992~June,1996StudiedintheYangjiangNo.1MiddleSchool3.Sep,1996~June,1999Dept.OfTaxation,GuangdongCommercialCollege(GD,China)BachelorDegreeinEconomics,expectedinJune1999.MajorinInternationaltaxationMajorCourses:FinancialAccounting,PrinciplesofAccounting,Pri nciplesofPublicFinance,PrinciplesofTaxation,PublicBudgeting, ChineseTaxationSystem,InternationalTaxation,TaxationAdministration,TaxationDetection,ComputerApplicationinTaxationAccounting,ComputerApplicationinTaxationManagement,SOCIALACTIVITY:DuringCollege:1.ActedassecretaryofStudyDepartmentofStudentCouncil2.ThereporterofbroadcastingstationinschoolREWARDS:1.Wonthefirst-classScholarshipin19962.Jointheitemsof4*100raceand100metersraceoffemaleinthematch ofdepartmenteveryyearEXPERIENCE:1.Jan,1997ExperiencinginthetaxationbureauofYangjiang2.Aug,1997JoinedtheSummerHolidayactivitiesheldbytheLeagueOr ganizationinYangjiang3.Jan,1998StudiedputeroperationinthepropagandizebureauinYan gjiang.4.Aug,1998WenttothetaxationbureauinYangjiangtoseetheworksys temofthetaxationinGD.5.Jan,1999WenttoseethelifeinthecountryinGD6.Aug,1999StudiedauditskillintheCheckSubstationofTaxationBu reauinYangjiang.SPECIALSKILLS:nguage:English(GET4ofcollegeEnglishTest)FluentlyinMandarin,Cantonese,andthelocallanguageofHakkaputer:BandTwoofGDComputerLevelTestExperiencedinWindows,Office97,Foxpro,Foxbase,Excel7.0 INTEREST&OTHERSKILLSMusic,Dancing,Travel,ReadingBegoodatWritingandRunning。

下面搜集了经济学免费英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!经济学免费英文简历模板No.67, Lane123 Job Road,, Job District, Shanghai, 200070 |(+86)13xxxxxxxxx|@.comEDUCATIONUniversity of PennsylvaniaThe Wharton SchoolPhiladelphia, PAMay 2014Roy and Diana Vagelos Program in Life Sciences and ManagementGPA: 3.59/4.00•Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Economics, Concentrations in Finance and Operations & Information Management College of Arts and Sciences•Candidate for Bachelor of Arts in BiologyRelevant Coursework (*Fall 2013): Advanced Corporate Finance*, Fixed Income Securities, Computer Simulation ModelsSt. Stephens High SchoolSalt Lake City, UTGPA:4.00/4.00Valedictorian (out of 353 students)June 2010•SAT I: Critical Reading 750, Math 750, Writing 700WORK EXPERIENCEPrescott Financial RestructuringSummer Financial AnalystNew York, NYJune 2013 - August 2013•Valued pharmaceutical company seeking $125MM drug acquisition using trading and transaction multiples methodologies•Assisted in developing dynamic sum of parts cash flow model to testsensitivities to health career-related variables•Conducted 11 discounted cash flow and comparables analyses for portfolios of loan and stock positions•Created presentation books, including deliverable for fairness opinion of M&A transaction in media sector•Profiled development pipelines for trading comparisons, focusing on biotechnology companies in cancer treatment•Participated in due diligence meetings with clients to refine the details of financial dataWharton Finance DepartmentFinance 101 Teaching AssistantUniversity of PennsylvaniaJanuary 2013 - May 2013•Held regular office hours, monitored and updated online discussion forum to address questions and concerns•Devised problem sets, graded student tests and submissions, and proctored examsGalenea CorporationSummer InternCambridge, MAJune 2012 - August 2012•Designed and conducted tests on schizophrenic murine models to identify key molecular targets on calcineurin pathway•Identified and validated one new target; gained exposure to use of EEG, brain slicing and sectioning technology•Developed experiments and tested the efficacy of therapeutic compounds on metabolic pathwayChildren’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaResearch AssistantPhiladelphia, PASeptember 2011 - May 2011•Produced literature review for outcomes study;summarized articles relating obesity to pre- and post-surgery outcomes•Assisted in statistical analysis of Medicare information; verified key variables for outcomes study•Met with medical professionals to ensure accuracy of scientific evaluation and analysisLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCEAsian Pacific American Heritage WeekUniversity of Pennsylvania, PAEvents ChairFebruary 2012 - Present•Managed six committees totaling 30 people, each executing a different event•Developed timelines and held weekly meetings to ensure tasks were completed under budget•Forged collaboration with United Minorities Council to add diversity to annual fashion showMarketing Co-ChairFebruary 2011 - November 2011•Ran committee to publicize the 13 events associated withAsian-American culture week•Developed marketing strategy, created themed logo, and designed flyers, programs, t-shirts and other promotional materialAsian Pacific Student CoalitionUniversity of PennsylvaniaVice Chair of Cultural ProgrammingDecember 2011 - Present•Collaborated with other minority coalitions to promote intercultural awareness on campus•Executed annual candlelight vigil and activities fair; planned Pan-Asian culture show targeted for freshmen recruitment•Hosted community events to build relationships andspark interest in collaboration among organizationsVice Chair of University RelationsDecember 2010 - December 2011•Crafted resource guide for reference by executive boards of the 20 member organizations•Met regularly with administrators to address minority concerns including mental health, recruitment and retention etc.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION•Languages:Bengali (conversational), Spanish (conversational)•ComputerSkills:VBA, HTML, PHP, SQL, Python, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop•Honors:Benjamin Franklin Scholar, Dean’s List 2010-2011, National Merit Finalist, AP National Scholar•Activities:Tutor (Statistics, Accounting, Finance), PEER Mentor, Life Sciences & Management Student Advisory Board职场新人:面试时要把握自我推销的重点小王,传媒大学编导专业学生,刚进入传媒行业没多久,他目前的职位是节目摄像师,他最终的目标是成长为一个独立制片人。

下边产生经济学专业大学生英文个人简历模板,热烈欢迎阅读文章!经济学专业大学生英文个人简历模板( 86) 13xxxxxxxxx@.comEducationBrown University3.75 GPAProvidence, RI Expected graduation May 2014Courses include Principles of Economics, Honors Calculus, and Intermediate Microeconomics (Mathematical)Upper Dublin High School4.86 GPAFort Washington, PA, 2006-2010National Merit Scholarship Winner, A.P. Scholar with Distinction (score “5” on 9 A.P. tests), Science Research Competition winner (Regional and State), Latin and Physical Education Department MedalsLeadership ExperiencePennsylvania Junior Classical League State Treasurer; Local Vice President 2009-2010•Plan state convention•Keep record and write checks for organization’s financesBrown/RISD Hillel Programming BoardCo-chair of Holidays’ CommitteeProvidence, RI•Plan observance and celebration of Jewish Holidays for the campus communityTemple Sinai United Synagogue YouthPresident (12th) Vice President (11th)Dresher, PACommunity Service ExperienceAlgebra in MotionProvidence, RI•Tutor Hope High School Students in math and scienceTOP SoccerThe Outreach Program for SoccerBrown University, Providence, RI 2012-2013•Assisted in weekly soccer program for children with disabilitiesAthleticsBrown University Polo Team/United States Polo Association Providence, RIUpper Dublin Varsity Track/Cross Country TeamsCaptainFort Washington, PA 2006-2010Brown University Intramural Soccer CaptainProvidence RI•Recruited and organized team-membersInstitute of Dance ArtistrySenior/Apprentice Repertory Company Providence RIMusicBrown UniversityViola Providence, RI•Symphony Orchestra•Chamber EnsembleEmploymentWoods ServicesEquestrian AssistantLanghorne, PA Volunteer Summer 2009, Employment Summer 2010•Provided equestrian therapy for individuals with physical, intellectual, and emotional disabilities•Cared for two horses (feeding, grooming, maintenance of coral) Skill SetsLanguages:Proficient in Latin; Minimal ChineseTechnical:Comfortable with both PC and Mac Operating systems; MS Office proficiency including Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and Outlook招聘面试中提问的技巧无论你面试的是哪种工作中,在未有掌握另一方是不是会录取你的情况下问一些与工作中不相干的难题将是一个比较严重的不正确。

July 2007 -2007 in August County, Hebei Xinle primary school teachers
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: June 27, 1985
National: Han
Graduate institutions: the French Business School of Hubei Institute of Economics
Accounting standards: A national accounting of their qualification certificates, financial accounting and to master the basic operation of basic accounting, accounting laws and regulations, the basis of self-accounting, computerized accounting knowledge
Third, personality characteristics
Have a strong sense of responsibility seriously and carefully, any heart, down-to-earth, thinking has its own unique perspective, and be good at learning, communication, have a good sense of teamwork, the concept of strict time.
【优质】经济学毕业生英文简历-范文模板 (3页)

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金融专业简历英文Curriculum VitaeName: Emma JohnsonAddress: 123 Main Street, City, State, CountryPhone: (123) 456-7890Email:*********************Objective:Highly motivated and driven finance professional seeking a challenging position in the field of finance. I have a strong academic background and relevant work experience in financial analysis and investment banking. I am seeking an opportunity to utilize my skills and knowledge to contribute to the success of a reputable organization.Education:Bachelor of Science in Finance, University of XYZ, City, State, Country (2015-2019)Relevant Coursework:- Financial Accounting- Managerial Accounting- Corporate Finance- Investment Analysis- Financial Markets and Institutions- International Finance- Risk Management- Portfolio ManagementSkills:- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills- Proficient in Microsoft Excel and other financial analysis tools - Excellent written and verbal communication skills- Ability to work well under pressure and tight deadlines- Solid understanding of financial markets and investment products - Strong attention to detail- Team player with exceptional interpersonal skillsWork Experience:Financial Analyst Intern, XYZ Corporation, City, State, Country (Summer 2018)- Conducted financial analysis and performed industry research to support investment decisions- Prepared financial models and forecasts- Assisted in the preparation of investment reports for clients- Participated in team meetings and contributed to discussions on investment strategy- Assisted with ad hoc projects as directed by senior analysts Investment Banking Analyst Intern, ABC Bank, City, State, Country (Summer 2017)- Assisted senior analysts and bankers in analyzing financial statements and company performance- Conducted industry research and analyzed market trends- Prepared pitch books and presentations for client meetings- Participated in due diligence activities for potential mergers and acquisitions- Collaborated with cross-functional teams to execute financingtransactionsAdditional Experience:Finance Club President, University of XYZ, City, State, Country (2017-2018)- Organized and led weekly club meetings and events- Managed club budget and coordinated fundraising activities- Invited industry professionals to speak at club events- Mentored junior finance students and provided guidance on career developmentFinance Tutor, University of XYZ, City, State, Country (2016-2019)- Provided one-on-one tutoring to undergraduate finance students - Assisted students with understanding financial concepts and problem-solving- Prepared study materials and practice exams for students- Helped students improve their performance in finance courses Publications:"An Analysis of the Impact of Interest Rates on Stock Prices" - Journal of Finance Research, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2019. Languages:- Fluent in English- Proficient in SpanishCertifications:- Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I CandidateReferences:Available upon request如何建立健康的生活方式在现代社会中,人们过上健康的生活方式变得越来越重要。

经济管理专业英文简历模板制作经济管理专业英文个人基本简历姓名:网国籍:中国无照片目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:河南身材:160 cm?kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:33 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及人才类型:普通求职?:市场/营销推广经理/主管:销售经理、销售主管、区域销售经理工作年限:9职称:无职称心得体会求职类型:全职可到职-随时月薪要求:3500--5000希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:fujian 10000 wang food co、, managertheir industry:fast-moving consumer goods(food,beverages,cosmetics)product positioning,market planning,launch new products and packaging of the recommendations and views of the established price system,team building and management,market analysis;sales plan formulation and implementation of steps to control the market,sales management and control costs、object report: the number of subordinates,generalmanager:40proved by: zhang xiong leave technical reasons: differentperformance: as a sales manager in theperiod,the adjustment of the market direction and mode of operation;developed a performance assessment methods,andestablish regular meetings on the system,to someextent,increased staff enthusiasm for the business;an effective solution to the problems left over byhistory;to reverse the shrinkage of the market situation and improve the distribution of customer enthusiasm;on sales rose to million yuan from million yuan、hengan international group regional manager sales departmenttheir industry: fast-moving consumer goods (food,beverages,cosmetics)layout from the market,sales comwork development,progressive sound,ka system of management and marketing program development and implementation of the implementation of the multi-level circulation distribution,distribution management and customer incentives,the establishment of the price system and control,product with a reasonable structure,the flow of market promotion and control measures,such as a theoretical basis and practical experience、for different stages of development companies and the different characteristics of the local,the annual distribution plans,the work of promoting the quarter,and monthly building and management,how to mobilize the team,team spirit and individual initiative;the market direction forthe development phase of the quantitative targets and the completion of steps to promote,market and competitive analysis of products,sales data collection and evaluation work, is a certain practical experience、object report: the number of affiliated regional manager:60proved by:李昌耀reasons to leave: the search for greater development platformperformance: i have several years working effectively completed the resource integration of regional markets,improve the layout of the distribution to end markets to reach more than85% coverage of annual sales growth from18 million to32 million yuan、教育背景毕业院校:河南财经学院最高学历:毕业-1996-07-01所学专业一:经济管理所学专业二:受教育培训经历:河南财经学院经济管理大专美国汤姆斯顾问公司销售管理针对企业营运进程中管理,制定业务及相关的工作流程,范文写作设定完成时间及排除障碍,有效提高工作效能和执行力。

经济类英文简历模板经济学专业的同学除了要熟悉自己专业的经济知识之外,在英文简历上也是需要花费功夫的,下面为各位提供经济类英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!经济类英文简历模板一personal informationname : sex : femaledate of birth : nov 17th 1977 health : excellenthome address : school address :room 404 , no. 3 building , p.o. box 406san tang yuan , yangjiang city guangdong commercial college chigang,guangzhou51xx 510320tel of dorm : tel of the department office :13xxxxxxxxxxobjective :to obtain a positon in the fields of taxation , finance accounting , management , executive , administration and education , etc .education :1.sep , 1990 ~ june , 1992studied in the yangchun no.1 middle school2.sep , 1992 ~ june , 1996studied in the yangjiang no. 1 middle school3.sep,1996~june , 1999dept. of taxation , guangdong commercial college (gd , china )bachelor degree in economics , expected in june 1999 .major in international taxationmajor courses : financial accounting , principles of accounting ,principlesof public finance , principles of taxation , public budgeting ,chinese taxation system , international taxation ,taxation administration , taxation detection ,computer application in taxation accounting ,computer application in taxation management ,social activity :during college :1.acted as secretary of study department of student council2.the reporter of broadcasting station in schoolrewards :1. won the first-class scholarship in 19962. join the items of 4*100 race and 100 meters race of femalein the match of department every yearexperience :1. jan , 1997 experiencing in the taxation bureau of yangjiang2. aug , 1997 joined the summer holiday activities held by the league organization in yangjiang3. jan , 1998 studied computer operation in the propagandize bureau in yangjiang .4. aug , 1998 went to the taxation bureau in yangjiang to see the network system of the taxation in gd .5. jan , 1999 went to see the life in the country in gd6. aug , 1999 studied audit skill in the check substation of taxation bureau in yangjiang .special skills :1. language : english ( get 4 of college english test )fluently in mandarin , cantonese , and the local language of hakka2. computer : band two of gd computer level testexperienced in windows , office 97 , foxpro , foxbase , excel 7.0interest & other skillsmusic , dancing , travel , readingbe good at writing and running经济类英文简历模板二--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 section 40*B# Willow dormitoryTop University, Beijing 1000**13xxxxxxxxxxEducation 教育背景Sep.2003- Ri Yue School of Management, Top UniversityPresent M.A. (Management Science, expected)Sep.1999- School of Management University of ChinaJun.2003 B.S. (Management Science)Work Experience 工作经历Aug.2004-Sep.2004 Management Case Center of Top University, BeijingProject Manager (Part-time)As the main principal, taking active part in the project of the Survey of Brand Loyalty in China, including the layout of the forms, data collecting and information analysis;Partly participating in further research in above project, including dealing with data and modeling.May.2004-Jun.2004 Harvest Fund Management Co., LTD BeijingResearch Assistant (Internship) Business Development Dept.As the main principal, making the in-depth research and carrying out development of the brand-new product of open funds;participating the further evaluation of the performance of the Open Funds in China;Mar.200-Apr.2004 Top University Tarzan Center for Supply Chain System R&DResearch Assistant (Part-time) BeijingBeing a main project director, doing the Survey of Manufactures of Shoes in China;Taking part in the preparatory arrangements of the International Conference on the Supply-Chain in Top University.Extra-curriculum-Activities 社会工作Feb.2000-sep.2000 Students Union, UC Leader of the Activity SectionSep.1999-sep.2000 Students Union of School of Management, UC Vice-ChairmanSep.2001-Dec.2002 students Union of School of Management, UC ChairmanFeb.1999-Jun.2003 Department of Management Science, UCMonitorScholarship and Awards 获奖经历Oct.2004 Outstanding Study Award TUOct.2002 Outstanding Scholarship (the most Excellent Scholarship) UCOct.2001 First Class Scholarship for Excellent Student UC Oct.2000 Second Class Scholarship of Excellent Student UC Oct.1999 Excellent Scholarship for Freshman UCOther Information 其他信息English Skills:Good command of English for reading, writing and speaking, passed CET-6Computer Abilities:Excellent in analytical tools such as SAA、EXCEL、SPSS Self-evaluation:Passionate, confident, full of patience, highly interested in challengesHobbies:Football、Badminton; Chinese writing、Debate.---来源网络整理,仅供参考。

Biographical notes:Job intentions; economics, management, marketing-typeName: xxx Sex: MaleDate of birth: January 1, 1987 state of health: goodGraduate institution: Nanjing University of Finance and Economics (undergraduate 自考) Professional: International Business (the direction of asset evaluation) Graduation Time: July 2009Phone: xxxAddress: xxxEducational Background:2005 - 2007, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics International Business professional (college)2007 -2009 Nanjing University of Finance and Economics in International Business professional (the direction of asset evaluation) (undergraduate)Degree programs: English (b), assets evaluation, assessment of mechanical and electrical equipment, construction assessmentUndergraduate courses: English (b), assets evaluation, assessment of mechanical and electrical equipment, construction assessment, Mao Zedong Thought, the international business negotiation, management principles, international marketing, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international business management, international tax for International SettlementsEnglish level:Basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing abilityStandard test: 4 countriesI have been, I think one thing, as long as I would like to do, and strive to do, we can do better! Lazy people can not, be willing to learn, I believe that as long as efforts can be successful!Personality characteristics:I am easy to get along with, easy to adapt, learning ability; treatment work with a reliable, patient, able to bear hardships and stand hard, be good at the face of pressure, like to find an easy way out.Work attitude: the spirit of learning from basic attitude, and actively and earnestly to work, businesses and individuals to achieve a win-win situation.<>。

那么怎样才能在面试时克服、消除紧张呢 (1)要保持”平常心”。

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20XX xxx University Economy Investigtion of xxx, xx province, Responsibilities: ssist the professor to communicte with the locl government nd enterprises, collecting the dtum nd composed the thesisReserch Report on self-supporting economic model of xx 20XX reserch on the dt of Chin xxnd Chin xx, Description: nlyzed the present sttus nd future development trend of Chin xx nd Chin xx from the view point of industril economics nd nlyzed the present sttus nd future development sitution of Chin xx industry. 20XX xx Business Strtegy Competition Description: The competition simultes the interntionl cosmetic

经济管理系英文简历模板下面是由应届毕业生网推荐的经济管理系英文简历模板Basic materialName yjbysSexual don't: maleDate of birth: in June 1988Education materialGraduate years: in July 2012The highest degree: maGraduate institute, shenyang university of technologyThe professional: business management, technology economy and managementIn living ground: liaoning provinceJob profile/job objectivePosition type: full-timeExpected monthly salary: negotiableExpected location: liaoning provinceExpected position: managementIntroduces himself:I have a strong sense of responsibility, professionalism and team cooperation spirit, good sense of service and communication ability, executive ability, strong work initiative; Has the rich student cadres and social practice experience, any work is to improve and self-training opportunities, hope that unit of choose and employ persons can give me a chance to show themselves.Working experience/social practice experienceTime work positionJune 2008 - August 2009 hisense group, assistant to the general managerCampus rewardGet time to obtain award schoolIn December 2009, shenyang university scholarshipIn March 2010 the school excellent league member shenyang university of technology【经济管理系英文简历模板】。
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那么怎样才能在面试时克服、消除紧张呢? (1)要保持”平常心”。