



法律英语培训,最难发音的10个英语单词Many have said that sorry is the hardest word but they'd be wrong, linguistically speaking at least.很多人说,“对不起”是最难说出口的词。


According to a poll, the word we find hardest to pronounce is 'phenomenon '.根据投票调查发现,最难发音的单词其实是“phenomenon”(现象)。

Next in the top 10 of tongue-twisters are 'remuneration ', and 'statistics '.在十个最拗口的词中排在其后的是“remuneration”(报酬)和"statistics"(统计数字)。

Speakers also have a problem getting their tongue around ethnicity , hereditary and particularly , according to the body charged with recording public utterances.根据一个负责对人们在公共场合讲话进行录音的组织发现,讲话者在发音时会遇到困难舌头打结的还有:ethnicity(种族)hereditary(遗传的)和particularly(特别地)。

The British Institute Of Verbatim Reporters (BIVR) is the UK’s leading organisation for professionals involved in taking down speech at court and tribunal hearings.英国速记人员协会是英国数一数二的专业速记人员团体,这些速记人员负责在法庭和法庭听证会上进行速记。


cousin/'kʌzn/ n.堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄
eraser/i'reizə/ n.橡皮
dictionary/'dikʃənəri/ n.词典;字典
Wednesday/'wenzdei/ n.星期三
Thursday/'θə:(r)zdei/ n.星期四
/twelfθ/ num.第十二
twentieth/'twentiəθ/ num.第二十
Unit 6-7
trousers[ˈtraʊzəFra bibliotek]裤子




1. apple.- 音标:[ˈæpl]- 词性:n.(名词)- 速记:“a”像一个苹果,pp很像苹果把儿,le是常见的名词后缀。


2. book.- 音标:[bʊk]- 词性:n.- 速记:“b”像一本翻开的书的侧面,oo像两个眼睛看书,k像书的封底。

3. cat.- 音标:[kæt]- 词性:n.- 速记:“c”像猫弯曲的身体,“a”像猫的头,“t”像猫的尾巴。

4. dog.- 音标:[dɒɡ]- 词性:n.- 速记:“d”像狗耷拉的耳朵,“o”像狗的身体,“g”像狗的尾巴卷起的样子。


1. elephant.- 音标:[ˈelɪfənt]- 词性:n.- 速记:“e”像大象长长的鼻子,“le”可联想“了”,大象鼻子长长的太显眼了,“phant”发音类似“放它”,想象大象鼻子太长了,放它到别处去。

2. juice.- 音标:[dʒuːs]- 词性:n.- 速记:“ju”发音类似“桔”,可以联想桔子汁,“ice”是冰,桔子汁加冰的画面有助于记忆。

3. mountain.- 音标:[ˈmaʊntən]- 词性:n.- 速记:“moun”发音类似“忙”,tain像“天”,联想在山上很忙,看山连着天。


1. ambulance.- 音标:[ˈæmbjələns]- 词性:n.- 速记:“am”是“是”的意思,“bu”发音类似“不”,“lan”联想“拦”,“ce”联想“车”,可以理解为是不能拦的车,因为是救护车。

2. pestilence.- 音标:[ˈpestɪləns]- 词性:n.(瘟疫)- 速记:“pes”发音类似“拍死”,“ti”联想“踢”,“lence”联想“冷死”,想象对待瘟疫要拍死、踢走,不然就会冷死(被感染致死)。

3. sophisticated.- 音标:[səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd]- 词性:adj.(复杂的;世故的)- 速记:“so”联想“所以”,“phi”发音类似“飞”,“sti”联想“是提”,“cat”联想“猫”,“ed”是形容词后缀。



⑤circuit.['sə:kit]n.巡回, 线路电路,圈
①saucer.[ˈsɔ:sə]n.茶托, 碟子 WherБайду номын сангаас's my cup and saucer?.我的茶杯和茶托在 哪儿呢?
考研英语最难词汇 1000-4
generalize something from….
take the initiative in doing something.主动做某事
have one's reservations/doubts about.[daut] 持 保 generalize about something from… . 从 … 概 括 出 initial.a.[iˈniʃəl]a.开始的
a trivial loss.小的损失
knit somebody a sweater.给某人织一件毛衣
a trivial matter.小事,琐事
knit together.knit something together.紧密结合在
④quart.[kwɔ:t]n.夸脱(约 1L)
③precedent.['prɛsədənt]n.先例, 惯例
stumble over something.被…绊倒
Down the hatch.干杯
create/establish/set a precedent.[iˈstæbliʃ] 开 创先
④cultivate.[ ˈkʌltəˏvet]v.栽培,培养



100个最难的英语单词发音练习100 HARDEST English Words Pronunciation Practice(English with Lucy, Video on YouTube)Albeit/ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt/虽然、尽管althoughAlmond/ˈɑːmənd/扁桃树;杏仁The flat pale sweet nut of the almond tree used in cooking and to make almond oil.Anemone/əˈneməni/银莲花;海葵A small plant with red, white, blue or purple flowers that are shaped like cups and have dark centers.Antarctic/ænˈtɑːktɪk/南极洲;南极的Connected with the regions of the world surrounding the South Pole.Archipelago/ˌɑːkɪˈpeləɡəʊ/群岛,列岛A group of islands and the sea surrounding them.Arctic/ˈɑːktɪk/北极的;北极区Related to or happening in the regions around the North Pole.Asterisk/ˈæstərɪsk/星号;注上星号To mark something with the symbol (*).Athlete/ˈæθliːt/运动员A person who competes in sports.Bouquet/buˈkeɪ/花束;酒香A bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way.Brewery/ˈbruːəri/啤酒厂A factory where beer is made; a company that makes beer.Buoy/bɔɪ/浮标,救生圈;使浮起An object which floats on water to mark where it is safe for boats to go.Bury/ˈberi/埋葬;隐藏To hide something in the ground.Cache/kæʃ/计算机缓存;躲藏Part of a computer’s memory that stores copies of data that is often needed while a program is running.Candidate/ˈkændɪdət/候选人A person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job.Caramel/ˈkærəmel/焦糖Burnt sugar used for adding color and flavor to food.Chaos/ˈkeɪɒs/混沌,混乱A state of complete confusion and lack of order.Chauvinism/ˈʃəʊvɪnɪzəm/沙文主义;大男子主义An aggressive and unreasonable belief that your own country is better than all others.Clothes/kləʊðz/衣服The things that you wear, such as trousers, shirts and shorts.Cocoa/ˈkəʊkəʊ/可可豆;可可饮料Dark brown powder made from the crushed seeds (called cocoa beans) of a tropical tree.Comfortable/ˈkʌmftəbl/舒适的Feeling relaxed in a pleasant way.Coup/kuː/政变;使…颠倒A sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent.Debris/ˈdebriː/碎片,残骸Pieces of material that are left somewhere and are not wanted.Debut/ˈdeɪbjuː/初次登台;开张The first public appearance of a performer or sports player.Decrepit/dɪˈkrepɪt/衰老的;破旧的Very old and not in good condition or health.Defibrillator/diːˈfɪbrɪleɪtə(r)/除颤器A piece of equipment used to control the movements of the heart muscles by giving the heart a controlled electric shock.Dengue/ˈdeŋɡi/登革热A disease caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes.Deteriorate/dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/恶化;变坏To become worse.Dilate/daɪˈleɪt/扩大,膨胀;使扩大,使膨胀To become or to make something larger, wider or more open.Elite/eɪˈliːt/精英;精华(of a group of people in a society) small in number but powerful and with a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc.Epitome/ɪˈpɪtəmi/缩影;摘要A perfect example of something.Espresso/eˈspresəʊ/浓咖啡A strong black coffee made by forcing steam or boiling water through ground coffee beans.Et cetera/ˌet ˈsetərə/等等Used after a list to show that there are other things that you could have mentioned.Faux pas/'fəu'pɑ:/失礼,失态An action or remark that causes embarrassment because it is not socially correct.February/ˈfebruəri/二月The 2nd month of the year, between January and March.Film/fɪlm/电影;胶卷A series of moving pictures.Fiscal/ˈfɪskl/财政的,会计的Connected with government or public money, especially taxes.Foliage/ˈfəʊliɪdʒ/植物;叶子(总称)A leaf of a tree or a plant.Foyer/ˈfɔɪeɪ/门厅,休息室;大厅A large open space inside the entrance of a theatre or hotel where people can meet or wait.Genre/ˈʒɒrə/类别;流派;风俗画A particular type or style of film, art, music or literature that you can recognize because of its special features.Gif/ɡɪf/可交换的图像文件The abbreviation for ‘Graphic Interchange Format’.Gauge/ɡeɪdʒ/计量器;测量An instrument for measuring the amount or level of something.Heinous/ˈheɪnəs/可憎的;极凶恶的Morally, very bad.Heir/eə(r)/继承人;后嗣A person who has the legal right to receive someone’s money, property or title when that person dies.Herb/hɜːb/香草,药草A plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavor food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell. Hierarchy/ˈhaɪərɑːki/层级;等级制度A system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest.Hyperbole/haɪˈpɜːbəli/夸张的语句;夸张法A way of writing or speaking that makes something sound better, more exciting, more dangerous, etc. than it really is.Infamous/ˈɪnfəməs/名声狼藉的;无耻的Well known for being bad or evil.Ingenuity/ˌɪndʒəˈnuːəti/心灵手巧;精巧The ability to invent things or solve problems in clever new way.Interpret/ɪnˈtɜːprət/口译;解释To explain the meaning of something.Itinerary/aɪˈtɪnərəri/旅程;巡回的A plan of a journey, including the rout and the places that you visit.Jewelry/'dʒuːəlrɪ/珠宝Objects such as rings and necklaces that people wear as decoration.Liable/ˈlaɪəbl/有责任的,有义务的Legally responsible for paying the cost.Library/ˈlaɪbrəri/图书馆;文库A building in which books, CDs, newspapers, etc. are kept for people to read, study or borrow.Lingerie/ˈlænʒəri/女用贴身内衣裤Women’s underwear.Mauve/məʊv/淡紫色A pale purple color.Medieval/ˌmediˈiːvl/中世纪的;原始的Connected with the middle age.Meme/miːm/大脑模仿病毒;文化基因An image, video, etc. that is quickly passed from one internet user to another, often with slight changes that make it humorous.Miniature/ˈmɪnətʃə(r)/微型的,小规模的;缩图;微型图Very small; much smaller than usual.Mischievous/ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/淘气的;恶作剧的Enjoying playing tricks or annoying people.Monk/mʌŋk/僧侣;和尚A member of a religious group of men who live apart from each other in a monastery.Moot/muːt/无实际意义的;提出…供讨论;辩论会Unlikely to happen and therefore not worth considering.Niche/niːʃ/壁;合适的职业A comfortable or suitable job, role, way of life, etc.Nuclear/ˈnjuːkliə(r)/原子能的;细胞核的Using, producing or resulting from nuclear energy.Onomatopoeia/ˌɒnəˌmætəˈpiːə/拟声;声喻法The fact of words containing sounds similar to the noise they describe.Ordinance/ˈɔːdɪnəns/条例;法令An order or a rule made by a government or a person in a position of authority.Paradigm/ˈpærədaɪm/范例;词形变化表A typical example or pattern of something.Phenomenon/fəˈnɒmɪnən/现象;奇迹A fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully undersood.Picture/ˈpɪktʃə(r)/照片A painting or drawing, ect. That shows a scene, a person or thing.Pizza/ˈpiːtsə/比萨饼An Italian dish consisting of a round flat bread base with cheese, tomatoes, vegetables, meat, etc. on top.Plumber/ˈplʌmə(r)/水管工A person whose job is to fix and repair things such as toilets and water pipes.Prelude/ˈpreljuːd/前奏;序幕A short piece of music, especially an introduction to a longer piece.Prerogative/prɪˈrɒɡətɪv/特权;有特权的A right or advantage belonging to a particular person or group because of their importance or social position.Prescription/prɪˈskrɪpʃn/药方;惯例An official piece of paper on which a doctor writes which type of medicine you should have, and which enables you to get it from a chemist/drugstore.Probably/ˈprɒbəbli/大概;或许Used to say that something is likely to happen or to be true.Pronunciation/prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn/发音;读法The way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced.Prostrate/ˈprɒstreɪt/俯卧的;使…屈服Lying on the ground and facing downwards.Pseudonym/ˈsuːdənɪm/笔名;假名A name used by somebody, especially a writer, instead of their real name.Quay/kiː/码头A platform in a harbor where boats come in to load.Queue/kjuː/队列A line of people, cars, etc. waiting for something or to do something.Quinoa/ˈkiːnwɑː/藜麦A south American plant, grown for its seedsRaspberry/ˈrɑːzbəri/树莓A small dark red soft fruit grown on bushes.Regime/reɪˈʒiːm/政权;社会制度A method or system of managing or organizing something.Rendezvous/ˈrɒndeɪvuː/约会;会合An arrangement to meet someone at a particular place and time.Rural/ˈrʊrəl/农村的;乡下的Connected with or like the countryside.Salmon/ˈsæmən/鲑鱼A large fish with silver skin and pink flesh that is used for food.Schedule/ˈʃedjuːl/时间表A plan that lists all work that you need to do and when you need to do each thing.Silicon/ˈsɪlɪkən/硅A chemical element which exists as brown powder or a grey solid that is found in rocks and sand.Sixth/sɪksθ/第六Ordinal number 6.Specific/spəˈsɪfɪk/特殊的Detailed and exact.Specifiable/ˈspesɪfaɪəbl/可指明的;可列举的Something that can be stated, especially by giving an exact measurement, time, date, weight, etc.Status/ˈsteɪtəs/地位;状态The situation at a particular time during a process.Subtle/ˈsʌtl/微妙的;精细的Not very noticeable or obvious.Suite/swiːt/(一套)家具;套房A set of rooms, especially in a hotel.Temperature/ˈtemprətʃə(r)/温度The measurement in degrees of how cold or hot a place or thing is.Ticklish/ˈtɪklɪʃ/不安定的;难对付的Sensitive to being tickled.Triathlon/traɪˈæθlən/三项全能运动A sporting event in which people compete in three different sports, usually swimming, cycling and running.Valet/ˈvælɪt/贴身男仆A man who is employed for cleaning, pressing, laundering, etc. for patrons of a hotel.Vehicle/ˈviːəkl/车辆;交通工具A thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car or lorry.Wintry/ˈwɪntri/寒冷的;冷淡的Typical of winter; cold.Yolk/jəʊk/蛋黄The round yellow part in the middle of an egg.。



出镜率超高,但你却不太会说的单词们~~~ Beat generation 垮掉的一代Tea-ceremony 茶道Badger game 美人计Scene stealer 抢镜头的人Hooligan 阿飞,足球流氓Repeated offender 惯犯Double agent 双重间谍Mr. Big 黑社会老大Love child 私生子Hand-to-hand fighting 肉搏Box news 花边新闻Screen agers 整天看电视玩电脑的孩子June-December wedding 双方年龄悬殊的婚姻King’s English 标准英语Leap day/year 闰日2.29/年366Maid of Orleans 圣女贞德Narrow squeak(口)九死一生的脱险Ninja turtle 忍者神龟Poet laureate 桂冠诗人Ponytail 马尾辫Protestant 新教徒Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖Rat race 激烈的竞争Red-light district 红灯区Reader’s Digest 读者文摘Russian roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌Sexual harassment 性骚扰Short fuse 易怒的脾气Soft-soap 奉承讨好Silent contribution 隐名捐款Silly money 来路不明的钱Silver screen 银幕,电影界Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子Tenth-rate 最低等的,劣等的Vertical/lateral thinking 纵向,横向思维Wide-body 大部头的作品Wheel of life (佛教)轮回Xenomania 媚外Yearbook 年鉴年刊Zen 禅Paparazzi 狗仔队Show people 娱乐界人士Exotic dance 脱衣舞Bearish 行情下跌的Bullish 行情上涨的State prisoner 政治犯Stowaway 偷渡者,逃票的乘客Plainclothesman 便衣警察Police dog 警犬Police post 派出所Negligent homicide 过失杀人Impostor 江湖骗子ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院Espionage 间谍间谍活动Lifer 职业军人Mine 地雷水雷Panzer 装甲车坦克Off limits 军事禁区Q-boat 伪装成商船或渔船的武装船只Riot corps 防暴部队Standing army 常规军Sniper 狙击手Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角洲Brain drain 脑力人才外流Brawn drain 劳力外流Break- dancing 霹雳舞French windows 落地窗Funeral home 殡仪馆Taillight 车尾灯Visiting team 客队Runner-up 亚军Black referee 黑哨Foul play 犯规动作Standing broad jump 立定跳远Underachiever 差等生Hothouse 对儿童进行学前教育Whiz kid 神童优等生Newsbreak 重要新闻Needle trade 成衣业Massage parlour 挂按摩牌子的妓院Moonlight 作动词,干第二职业Mixed marriage 异族通婚Moon roof 汽车的顶窗Egghead 对知识分子的蔑称Dog days 七八月份的酷暑期,伏天Connoisseur 鉴赏家Box office 票房Bridesmaid 女傧相Bee (美)为互助友好而举行的聚会Bigtime 红极一时的,赫赫有名的Bank of issue 发行银行Cater ∏ 美国总统克林顿(卡特二世。



480个高考难认单词1shabby 破旧的,寒酸的shallow 浅的,肤浅的shaver 理发师,电动剃刀shuttle 梭;穿梭运行的车辆;航天飞机shrink 皱缩sideroadsideway sideways sighsign signal signature significance ski skippingrope snackbar sneakersneeze sniff2socket sour spaghetti specificsponsor stable starvation statisticsstatue status steep stainlessstress stubborn studio subjectivesubmit subscribe substitute arithmetic3suite surgeon surplus super superb superior survive suspect suspension swap swear swell symbol sympathy symphony symptom system talent tease authentic 4technology temporary temptation. tend terminal theme thermos theory thrill thriller tissue thunder tick tolerate tournament track tram transform transport transparent5trial triangle tube tunetutor twist tyre undertake underwear unemployment union universal unique urban upper vacant vague vain valid awesome 6abortion version vertical vestvia vice viewer victim virtue virus visa violence vinegar volcano volunteer vote voyage visual vital wag7waist walnut warehouse wax website wheat whale willingness wire widespread whisper whistle wrestle wrinkle yawn wrist witness yummy zip code zoom8yoghurt zebra tap originoval overlook paddle panic participate patent parrot pedestrian permanent pension pepper perfume pest phenomenon physical physician9physicist pin pine pineapple pint pioneer popcorn possession acquisition pregnant prejudice potential premier primitive procedure profession promote process psychology punctual10punctuation qualification quality questionnaire queue quilt quit racial radioactive razor receptionist recipe receipt recreation rectangle referee reference reflect regardless register11religion remote relevant reliable religious resemble reservation reviewer rhyme riddle ridiculous ripenring-road rigid robot rough rugby sacred sacrifice savage12Evident exhibition expand evolution explicit expose extension export eyewitness federal fantastic fantasy flexible flame finance file fiction ferry format foresee13fluency focus flour forecast fragile framework frequent fragrant brunch fundamental funeral function gifted capsule glue giraffe garbage generous generation personnel14guilty commitment graph gravity grill guarantee hatch harbour headline gymnastics compulsory leftover explicit herb holy hibernationhook hurricane identification hydrogen15initial innocent instrument institute interpreter irrigate interval insuranceladder kettle geometry justicelemonade lame lap locustlicense major majority maple16mature medal medium microscope ministry minority monitor moralmodem Moslem motivation mottomourn moustache multiply mustardmutton necktie negotiate nephew17niece nut numb nursingnutrition nylon obtain omeletteopposite optimistic optional orbitoutgoing outspoken outstanding P.E.18access abstract abnormal abrupt administration adequate adore adjustment agenda agent affection adolescent allocate algebra alphabet allergic amateur ambiguous ambition ambassador19anecdote ankle Antarctica anniversary appeal applaud applicant appendix approximately apron arch arbitrary ash association assumption assessment astronaut attraction attitude astronomy20avenue balcony bachelor awkward barbecue battery beddings beancurd belly beneath betray beneficial bookcase blouse botany bonus boycott bounce Buddhism bridegroom21freeway frontier furniture frostfloat flu fortnight fluent fibre fence flashlight fierce energetic embassy emergency equipment embarrass enterprise evaluate eraser22eagle dynamic dynasty eggplant elegant electrical drown dormitory document drawback due drum district distinguish dizzy distribute budget bureaucratic butcher burglar23directory disgusting discount dioxide delicate dignity dimension dilemma database decline deliberately decoration criterion cube cushion cuisine contradictory conventional cosy corporation 24conservative contemporary controversial considerate compensate compromise confidential concrete clarify clumsy collision clay characteristic chorus chimney chart carpenter cater catalogue catastrophe。



Anchor 锚Ghost v替人代笔n鬼Hostility n敌意Hospitality n 热情Be hostile to 对什么有敌意Military intelligence 军事情报Artificial intelligence 人工智能Armed a武装的Alternation n变化Alternatively=or 或者Loading procedure 加载程序Recommend v推荐Commend v表扬Place a high value on 赞美Pay tribute to 推崇Masterpiece n杰作Be proficient in 熟练主动变被动is great mastery of=be good at 擅长she is good at dancing=we are all deeply impressed by her great mastery of dancing outpouring n情感迸发bear ones head in the sand 逃避现实crown n王冠astronomy n天文学catastrophe n大灾难oriental n东方人oriented a 导向的prevail v流行reign v 统治占优势rear v抚养高耸n尾部fragile a脆弱的fracture 骨折a fraction of 一点点brittle a 脆弱的paramount a至上的summit n山顶climax n顶点高潮suspension n暂停termination n终止subsidy n补助金allowance n津贴rage n愤怒fury n狂怒recipe 食谱配方ingredients 配方distant a遥远的faraway a遥远的distant a遥远的mutual benefit 共同的利益presentation 演说abortion n流产失败trial 审判trail v追踪blaze a trail for 开辟道路bleed a new area of 产生新领域a dozen of 12个sponsor 资助set out to do =set about doing 开始做某事rut 车辙grey a灰色的lateral 侧面的bias 歧视偏见biased a有偏见的prejudice n偏见newsstands 报亭backer 资助人操盘人reneging on 否认fear 害怕assimilative powe 同化力expansion of enrollment 大学扩招outlay=expenditure n花费advisable a可取的适当的practicality n可行性intense pain 剧烈疼痛intensive industry 劳动密集型产业reasoned a 详尽论述的logical a 符合逻辑的democratic a民主的democratize v使民主化distribution n分店contribute to导致distribution channel 分销渠道promising a很有前途的compromise n妥协夫妻间prominent a杰出的tolerate 迁就一方对另一方verbal 口头的oral a口头的nonverbal a 非语言的competitive a 竞争的be competent for 胜任be qualified for 有什么资格的competently a胜任地rival v比n对手distinguish v区别辨别distinct a区别的distinguished a著名的独一无二的proportion n比例部分ratio 比率dolphins 海豚appropriate v私占a适当的necessity 必需品supplier n供货商supplement n 补充增刊origin 起源uniformity v统一casualness 随意性component 成分competent 胜任disclaim 否认declaim v到处演讲catch 捕捞hold the bread 养家糊口的人assessment n评价评估bear arms 持枪please bear with me for second 先听我说preoccupation n全神贯注be occupied with 专心于captive a被俘虏的capitulation 投降协议odds 几率at odds with 争吵against the grain 格格不入peculiar a古怪的strategy n战略tactic n战术strategically we should despise all our enemies,but tactically we should take them all seriously 战略上鄙视战术上重视Scheme v计划n 方案Schedule n时间表Plot n密谋情节Conspiracy n 阴谋Exclusive a独有的排他的Inclusive a包括的Generosity 大度的Firm a结实的Infirm a体弱的Confirm sb in 使某人坚定Affirm v断定证实Assert v断言Certify v证明Certificate n证书Testify v作证Corporation n 大公司Incorporate v包含Embody v使具体化Incorporate with 合并Dramatic a戏剧性的Dramatically a引人入胜的Rise up dramatically by30% 猛增30% Aggravate v加重加剧Boost 增强Boast v自夸Magnifier n放大镜扩大器Endurance n 耐力Feeble a 虚弱的Flourish n繁荣Nourish v 养育Nutrition n营养品繁荣vi thrive boom bloomAlien a外国的n外国人Alienate v疏远Attendance n出席Attendant n侍者服务员a伴随的Mythology 神话学Mysterious a神秘的Overlap n重合Lapse 小毛病v下滑Eclipse 没落Apocalypse n启示录Overwhelm v淹没压制Perceive 注意到察觉到Perception 洞察力Perceive n注意到Pilgrim n朝圣者Prestigious a威望的Lvy league 常春藤联盟Social status 社会地位indices 索引indulge in 沉溺于indulgent a 腐败的impulse n 冲动indulge v迁就water resistant 防水的revolutionary a革命的mankind n人类humankid n人humanities 人文学科creature n 生物being n生物span v衡阔范围spray 喷洒sprinkle 水花四溅spread v传播spanish a西班牙的Portugal 葡萄牙的Superstition n迷行Supernatural power 超自然力量Out of date 过时Feverish 发热Asset allocation 财产分配Index 复数indices 指标Similar 类似Intermarriage 通婚Generative 统一的Relatives 亲戚Windscreen n挡风玻璃Wind v蜿蜒Triumph 凯旋Frustration 失败Fiasco 惨败Windfall n横财Articulate a精致的清晰的Articulation 发音清晰关节Flase teeth 假牙Audience n听众Spectator 现场观众Auditorium 礼堂Discrimination n道德上的歧视Disputable a可争辩的Profound a深刻的意义深远的Prosperity n 繁荣Render v使得Surrender v投降=Bend ones knees Enlighten v启发Acquaintance n熟人Apprise v通知Appraise v评估Praise v表扬Blast n/v猛炸一阵Burst n/v 爆裂裂缝Dissolve v溶解Sink v下沉Vacant room 空房间Vanish v消失Lengthy a冗长的At length 终于Stretch n一片Panel n控制板Panel discussion 小组讨论Poorly a 很差Reluctant a 不情愿的In accompaniment with Attendant 紧随其后的Transaction n交易Withdrawal n取款Accuracy n精确性Precision n准确度没有错误Autonomous a自治的Autonomy n自治Cease v停止终止Halt n停止中止Pause n 暂时停顿Edition n版本Manual a手工的n手册Recurring 持续发生Thrill 惊悚Agriculture n农业Eradicate 消除Rush hour 尖峰时刻Rest on 基于Filter 过滤Explosion n爆发Initially a最初的Timescale 时间范围Inject v注射Projector 投影仪Flapship 旗舰产品Far-off 很久以前At length n详尽地Derided as 被认为Confirmation n确认Duplication n复制Steelworker 钢铁工人Interest rate 利率Stock market fluctuation 股市波动Harsh 残酷的Retirement money 退休金Contend v声称主张Curb 控制Be in charge of =take charge of 管理控制The state council 国务院Enthusiastic a热情的Inflation n通货膨胀Inflate v膨胀Flat a扁平的Deflation 通货紧缩Contraction 收缩Perspective n观点看法a透视的Snobbish a势力的Scorn 鄙视=despise=look down upon=turn up ones nose at =be contemptuous of Diffuse v 散布Explicit a清晰的坦率的Stick 木棍Mob 暴徒Spotlight 聚光灯Obsessed with 着迷Fragment v成碎片Demerit 缺点Disgrace n丢脸Speculate 推测Samples 样本Stray n流浪On-trend 潮流前线Item 项目Dirt-cheap 特别便宜。



高三积累阅读理解生僻单词1. Sarcasm(讽刺,挖苦): 一种尖锐、嘲讽的语言表达,通常用于表达与字面意思相反的含义。

2. Oscillate(振荡,摇摆): 来回或反复地移动或变化,如钟摆的摆动或意见的摇摆不定。

3. Insidious(隐蔽的,潜移默化的): 形容某事物在不被察觉的情况下逐渐产生影响或效果。

4. Obtuse(迟钝的,不敏锐的): 形容人反应慢或理解力差。

5. Pervasive(普遍的,渗透的): 形容某事物广泛存在或影响到各个方面。

6. Abstruse(深奥的,难懂的): 形容某事物深奥难懂,需要深入研究和理解。

7. Innate(天生的,固有的): 形容某特质或能力是生来就有的,不是后天习得的。

8. Oblique(倾斜的,间接的): 形容某物呈倾斜状态或某事物表达不直接、含蓄。

9. Candid(坦率的,直率的): 形容人说话或行事直接、不隐瞒。

10. Pensive(沉思的,忧郁的): 形容人陷入沉思或表现出忧郁的情绪。

11. Insolent(傲慢的,无礼的): 形容人态度傲慢、对他人不敬。

12. Lucid(清晰的,明白易懂的): 形容某事物表达清晰、易于理解。

13. Tenacious(顽强的,坚持的): 形容人性格顽强、不屈不挠。

14. Ethereal(轻飘的,空灵的): 形容某物质轻盈飘逸或某氛围空灵梦幻。

15. Elusive(难以捉摸的,逃避的): 形容某事物难以捉摸或某人故意逃避。

17. Austere(严厉的,朴素的): 形容人的态度严厉或生活作风朴素节俭。

18. Capricious(善变的,任性的): 形容人性格多变、喜怒无常或行为任性。

19. Dissolute(放荡的,无节制的): 形容人生活放荡不羁、无节制地追求享乐。

20. Grueling(繁重的,累人的): 形容工作、任务等非常繁重、耗费体力或精力。



1.Abstruse: recondite (the abstruse calculations of mathematicians)2.Acumen:Keenness of judgement or insight (financial/political acumen)3.Accoutre: to outfit and equip4.Alchemy: A seemingly magical power or process of transmuting5.Armada: a large group of moving things (an armada of ants are crossing the lawn)6.Adjure: to appeal ( adjuring her in the name of God to declare the truth)7.Adventitious: accidental8.Advert: to call attention ( advert to a problem)9.Adamantine: unyielding, inflexible (adamantine willpower)10.Addle: muddle, flummox, confuse( whiskey addle my brain)11.Afield: away from hometown( far afield)12.Amulet: talisman13.Ambulatory: not bedridden (an ambulatory patient)14.Antecedent: a preceding occurrence, cause or event15.Antediluvian: extremely antiquated16.Angst: anxiety and apprehension accompanied by depression17.Arable: fit for cultivation18.Arcanum: arcane; specialised knowledge and mysterious detail( arcane of the policeprocedure and the intricacies of litigation)19.Armistice: truce20.Arrant: being notoriously without moderation; extreme ( we are arrant knaves, all; believenone of us)21.Adumbrate: foreshadow22.Apothegm: a terse, witty and instructive saying; a maxim23.Appurtenance: appendage24.Aphasia: loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language25.Askance: with disapproval, suspicion or distrust26.Awry: askew; amiss27.Baroque: complicated and elaborate ( a baroque figure dressed in theatrical, but elegant,clothes)28.Brunette: having dark or brown hair29.Blaspheme: to revile; execrate30.Brook: tolerate (we will brook no further argument)31.Ballad: a narrative poem of folk origin(ballad composition)32.Ballerina: a principal woman ballet dancer33.Batten: 1. To thrive and prosper especially at another’s expense (slumlords who batten on thepoor) 2. Batten down the hatches:to brace yourself for difficulties34.Bard: a poet35.Blanch: become pale because you are frightened or shocked36.Bovine: stolid and sluggish ( I’m depressed by the bovine enthusiasm of the crowd’sresponse)37.Blunder: 1. a serious mistake caused by ignorance or confusion 2. to move clumsily orblindly38.Brim: 1. to be full to the brim( eyes brimmed with tears) 2. to overflow( the cup is brimmingover with chowder)39.Bibulous: marked by the consumption of alcoholic drink ( a bibulous revelry)40.Billet-doux: a love letter41.Bullion: gold or silver in the forms of bars42.Bungle: botch( the whole police operation was bungled)43.Burrow: 1. press your body close to someone( the baby burrowed her head into my shoulder)2.to make a hole or passage in the ground( the dog managed to burrow under the fence)3.tomove or progress as if by digging or tunnelling( suddenly the train burrows through the pinewoods)44.Bugaboo: 1. An object of obsessive, usually exaggerated fear or anxiety ( boredom, lazinessand failure these bugaboos, magnified by imagination, keep the workaholic running) 2. A recurring or persistent problem (the bugaboos that have plagued vision systems: high price and slow throughput)45.Bon mot: a clever remark46.Bustle: 1.to move around quickly, looking very busy( Madge bustled round the room puttingthings over) 2.busy and usually noisy activity( a continual bustle of people coming and going)47.Canter: run at a smooth gait which is slower than to gallop but faster than to trot48.Carouse: drunken revelry49.Cadre: a nucleus of trained personnel ( a cadre of sergeants and corporals who train recruits)50.Carte blanche: full discretionary power or authority ( was given carte blanche to furnish thehouse)51.Cadaverous: extremely pale, gaunt like a corpse( I saw a cadaverous face appear at a smallwindow)52.Cadence: general inflection and modulation of the voice53.Caballero: cavalier; gentleman54.Chaff: trivial or worthless matter55.Circumlocution: the use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language56.Collation: 1:the examination and comparing of information 2: a light mealplaisance: disposition to please or comply; affability58.Condign: adequate, deserved ( condign punishment)( condign censure)59.Consort: 1: in consort with doing something together with someone ( the prince ruled inconsort with his father) 2: conspire ( consort with the enemy)60.Convivial: merry and festive ( convivial atmosphere at the reunion)61.Conquistador: conqueror62.Cormorant: a gluttonous, greedy, or rapacious person63.Countermand: to withdraw ( countermand air strikes)64.Crux: the basic or critical point of feature ( the crux of the matter)65.Crass: witless and insensitive ( the government behaved with crass insensitivity)66.Croesus: a very wealthy man67.Crone: h ag68.Crepuscular: relating to twilight; active in the twilight69.Croon: to hum or sing softly ( croon a lullaby)70.Caveat: a warning or caution (a final caveat: most experts feel that…)71.Clarion: loud and clear ( a clarion call to resistance)72.Contemn: despise73.Conch: 海螺74.Chic: smart elegance and sophistication; fashionable75.Cynosure: an object that serves as a focal point of attention and admiration76.Cavil (at): to find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections77.Dabble: 1. splash or spatter as if with a liquid( the moon hung over the harbour dabbling thewaves with gold) 2.splash liquid gently and playfully 3. undertake something without serious intent( he dabbles in politics)78.Daub: paint or cover something( faces daubed with black mud)79.Debar: officially prevent someone from doing something( he was debarred from the golfclub)80.Desecrate: profane81.Debunk: expose or ridicule the falseness or exaggerated claims( debunk a supposed miracledrug)82.Deferential: respectful and reverential83.Depose: remove from office or power84.Detract: undergo reduction in value, importance, or quality(testimony that only detracts fromthe strength of the plaintiff’s case)85.Declivitous: craggy86.Deign: condescend ( deign to greet the servant who opened the door)87.Devolve: to pass on (the senator devolved the duties of office upon a group of aides)88.Dither: to be nervously irresolute in acting or doing89.Disburse: expend90.Discomfit: 1: embarrass, disconcert 2. To thwart the plans of91.Disquisition: a formal discourse on a subject92.Discrete: separate( there are two discrete breeding groups on the island)93.Discommode: trouble94.Disabuse:free from a falsehood or misconception( disabuse you of your feelings ofgrandeur)95.Dub: give a humorous name ( Mrs Thatcher was dubbed ‘The Iron Lady’)96.Dump: discard( dump the car and walk the rest of the way)97.Doldrums: a period of depression or unhappy listlessness98.Dolce vita: a life of self-indulgence99.Dos-a-dos: opposite to “vis-à-vis”100.Dote: pamper101.Donne: the set of assumptions on which a work of fiction or drama proceeds102.Dolour: sorrow; grief103.Doyen: bellwether; maven, proficient104.Diversion: 1.deviation 2. something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains105.Edacious: voracious106.Effluvium: the odorous fumes given off by waste or decaying matter107.Epigrammatic: expressed in a way that is short, clever and amusing108.Expostulate: to reason earnestly with someone in an effort to dissuade or correct;remonstrate109.Evangelical: characterised by ardent or crusading enthusiasm( an evangelical liberal)110.Excrescence:a usually unnecessary accretion ( Independent agencies were an excrescence on the Constitution)111.Endue: endow (endue her plenteously with heavenly gifts)112.Ensconce: to settle oneself securely and comfortably (she ensconced herself in an armchair) 113.Esurient: hungry and greedy114.Elegiac:of mourning sorrow for what is irrecoverably past(an elegiac lament for youthful ideals)115.Elysian: blissful and delightful116.Eidetic: marked by extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images 117.Fallow: ploughed but left unseeded during a growing season118.Faux pas: a social blunder119.Feral: existing in a wild or untamed state( a feral grin)120.Febrile: intensely and nervously active ( the news plunged the nation into a febrile, agitated state)121.Fecund:marked by intellectual productivity; fertility ( It has now become clear how extraordinarily fecund a decade was the 1890s.) ( the extraordinary fecundity and vitality of the city)122.Figment: something fabricated( a mere figment of the imagination)123.Filigree: delicate and intricate ornamental work made from gold, silver or other fine twisted wire124.Finesse: adroit manoeuvring; to bring about or manage by adroit manoeuvring (he finesses his way through tight places)125.Forswear: repudiate under126.Fusillade: a rapid outburst or barrage ( a fusillade of insults)127.Formidable:1.inspiring awe, admiration and wonder( though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a formidable combination) 2. difficult to undertake or surmount (a formidable opponent)128.Foible: a minor weakness or failing of character129.Foursquare: forthright130.Forestall: prevent or anticipate( He urged reforms in order to forestall trouble)131.Fount: source (Damascus is the fount of modern Arab nationalism)132.Frisky: energetic and playful ( a frisky kitten)133.Flippant: marked by disrespectful levity or casualness134.Furore: 1. Commotion 2. Frenzy135.Fustian: pretentious speech or writing that seems pompous136.Founder: 1.sink or collapse( a foundered marriage) 2. architect, initiator137.Gadfly: a persistent, irritating critic138.Genteel: marked by affected and somewhat prudish refinement139.Gelid: extremely cold ( a man of gelid reserve)140.Gloat: to express great often malicious pleasure or self-satisfaction ( gloat over your rival’s misfortune)141.Graft: (modern institutions grafted onto medieval traditions)142.Grandee: a man of elevated rank or station143.Grapple: fight or struggle with someone144.Grime: dirt that forms a black layer on surface (black with grime)145.Groove:be in a groove stick to rules146.Guffaw: laugh loudly147.Gurgle: flow in a broken, irregular current with a bubbling sound( water gurgling from a bottle)148.Happenstance: a chance circumstance149.Hortatory: marked by exhortation or strong urging150.Harrowing: agonizing151.Hamstring: hinder the efficiency of something (hamstrung by regulations and paperwork) 152.Hothead: someone who does things too quickly without even thinking153.Hospice: a shelter for travellers, pilgrims or the destitute154.Hovel: a small dirty place where someone lives, especially a very poor person155.Hull: to remove the outer part of a fruit or a seed156.Hector: to intimidate or dominate in a blustering way157.Hermetic: sequestered, cloistered(the hermetic confines of an isolated life)158.Harangue: 1. a tirade 2. to cast a tirade159.Idolatrous: given to blind or excessive devotion to something (self-righteous and idolatrous) 160.Implicit:1.implied(an implicit agreement not to raise tension) 2.inherent but not readily apparent(frustration is implicit in any attempt to express the deepest self)3.unquestioning( implicit trust)161.Illicit: unlawful162.Immure: confine within or as if within walls (he immures himself in books)163.Immanent: inherent( believed in a God immanent in human beings)164.Impalpable: intangible165.Impartial: unprejudiced166.Impish: mischievous167.Imprecate: to invoke evil upon168.Imposing: impressive as by virtue of size or power (the monarch’s imposing presence)169.Injunction: decree, edict170.Intercession: an act of interceding (+with)171.Interdict:forbid or debar (the role of the FBI in interdicting spies attempting to pass US secrets to the Soviet Union)172.Intertwine: entwine173.Intone: recite in a singing tone174.Invoke: 1. call on for assistance or support( stretching out her hands she had the air of a Greek women who invoked a deity) 2. solicit(invoked the help of a passing motorist) 3.resort to( shamelessly, he invokes coincidence to achieve ironic effect)175.Interim: in the interim meanwhile176.Intractable: very difficult to control or influence( what may be done to reduce the influence of intractable opponents)( the economy still faces intractable problems)177.Jar: hit something suddenly and shake it (Alice landed badly, jarring her ankle)(he jarred myelbow)178.Junto: faction; cabal179.Juggernaut: 1. Something such as a belief or an institution that elicits blind and destructive devotion 2.An overwhelming, advancing force that seems to crush everything in its path ( It doesn’t assume that people need necessarily remain passive when confronted by what appears to be the juggernaut of history.)180.Jilt: to deceive or drop a lover suddenly or callously181.Jiggle: move or rock lightly up and down in an unsteady and jerky manner182.Jonah: one thought to bring bad luck183.Kindred: having a similar or related origin, nature or character (kindred emotions)184.Kingpin:the most important person or element in an enterprise or a system( one of the alleged kingpins of Colombia’s largest drugs ring)pidary: 1.sharply or finely delineated(a face with lapidary features) 2. relating to precious stoneschrymose: tearful187.Luminary: celebrity188.Lore: accumulated facts, traditions about a particular subject189.Lucre: filthy lucre(money or wealth used to show disapproval)190.Lull :1.make someone feel calm or sleepy( the movement of the train gradually lulled me to sleep) 2.deceive somebody into trustfulness( lull me into a false sense of security)191.Lullaby: a soothing song with which to lull a child to sleepckadaisical: languid( lackadaisical driving techniques)193.Lecherous: lewd194.Lucullan: lavish and luxurious195.Luculent: clear and lucid196.Locus:nucleus ( the cunning exploitation loci of power; the insulation from normal American society)197.Masquerade: 1. Disguise or pretence( a masquerade of humility) 2.have a deceptive appearance( the stowaway masquerade as a crew member)198.Manna: something of value that a person receives unexpectedly ( the revealed documents were manna from heaven for journalists)199.Mano a mano: a face-to-face confrontation200.Maroon: abandon or isolate with little hope of ready rescue( travellers marooned by the blizzard)201.Mawkish: sentimental202.Morass: something that hinders, engulfs and overwhelm( trapped by a morass of detail) 203.Muse: 1.meditate 2.inspiration204.Mulish: obstinate, intractable205.Muckraking: searching for and exposing misconduct in public life206.Minatory: menacingitate: bring about an effect or a change ( all these factors militated to a different targeting priority)208.Minister: minister to give help to someone (minister to the needy)209.Motley: heterogeneous( a motley collection of constituencies) 2.varigated210.Mot juste: the exactly right word or phrasing211.Nicety: 1: a fine point or subtle distinction (the niceties of etiquette) 2. An elegant or refined feature ( the niceties of civilized life)212.Nugatory: trifling213.Nonpareil: peerless; having no equal214.Noblesse oblige: the obligation of honourable and responsible behaviour associated with high rank or birth215.Offhand: extemporaneous216.Oneiric: relating to dreams217.Orchidaceous: suggesting ostentatious luxury218.Olympian: superior to mundane affairs219.Overtone: an implication or a hint( an overtone of ire barely masked)220.Palter: to talk or act insincerely or misleadingly, to equivocate221.Plutocracy: government by the wealthy222.Pastiche: a melange ( In a city of splendid Victorian architectures, there is a rather pointless pastiche of Dickensian London down on the waterfront.)223.Panegyric: elaborate praise or laudation; an encomium224.Parvenu: nouveau riche225.Parole: 假释226.Patina: the attractive or impressive appearance ( the patina of charisma/wealth/knowledge) 227.Palladium: a safeguard as a guarantee of the integrity of social institutions( the Bill of Rights, palladium of American civil liberties.)228.Palate: the sense of taste( delicacies pleasing to the most refined palate)229.Par excellence: quintessential( a diplomat par excellence)230.Pelf: filthy lucre231.Perorate: to speak at great length, often in a grandiloquent manner; declaim232.Perspicuity: clearness and lucidity ( he was at pains to insist on the perspicuity of what he wrote)233.Persiflage: frivolous bantering talk234.Philistine: boorish, barbarous( our plastic, violent culture, with its philistine tastes and hunger for novelty)235.Piecemeal: in stages( articles acquired piecemeal)236.Pillage: plunder237.Pirouette: fast turn made on one toe or the front part of one foot238.Pitchfork: to put someone suddenly into a situation( She was pitch forked into this predicament)239.Piebald: spotted or patched in black and white240.Postulate: assume241.Plunder: pillage242.Plebeian: ignoble243.Plaintive: mournful and melancholy (plaintive cries of seagulls)244.Prankster: one who plays tricks on people to make them look silly245.Pristine: 1.uncorrupted by civilization 2. Clean (pristine mountain snow)246.Prescience: foresight247.Prejudicial: detrimental248.Progenitor: precursor; founder249.Polymath: a person of great or varied learning250.Pontifical: pretentious251.Proviso: a condition that you ask for before you agree to something252.Poseur: one who affects particular attitude, character or manner to impress others253.Posit: postulate, presume254.Prurient: lascivious255.Prolix: otiose256.Procrustean: exhibiting merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances(a private club with Procrustean standards for the admission of new members) 257.Propound: put forward for consideration; propose258.Puckish: impish and mischievous (puckish wits)259.Putative: supposed260.Patrician: typical of a member of the highest class in society(a patrician face)261.Quisling: a traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy occupying his or her country. 262.Revel: take great pleasure or delight( she revelled in her unaccustomed leisure)263.Recreant: 1: faithless 2. Cowardly apostate264.Rectitude: moral uprightness265.Refractory: unruly, contumacious266.Reprobate: a morally depraved person267.Resounding: a complete and celebrated ( resounding victory)268.Roseate: 1: rose-colored 2. Optimistic (a roseate outlook)269.Rapt: enraptured and engrossed( rapt in thought all evening)(with rapt admiration)270.Rambunctious (rumbutious): Boisterous and disorderly271.Ragamuffin: a poorly clothed often dirty child272.Rakish: jaunty273.Rapine: plunder274.Reactionary: extremely conservative275.Recourse: have recourse to use something to help you( we hope to solve this problem without recourse to further burrowing)276.Recrudesce: sudden return of reappearance of something( a worrying recrudescence of urban violence)277.278.Recumbent: prone and idle279.Repine: plain or fret (+against/at) 2.yearn for (immigrants who repined for their homeland)280.Rehash: bring forth again in another form without significant alteration( rehashing old ideas) 281.Rein: 1. the reins of power the control of a country or organisation 2.give free rein to someone give a lot of freedom 3.keep a tight rein on someone control firmly( her parents had kept her on a tight rein with their parochial views)282.Repeal: abolish283.Renunciation: (the renunciation of all secular pleasures)284.Restive: impatient or bored285.Retinue: entourage286.Roughshod: marked by brutal force (Stalin’s roughshod treatment of the kulaks)287.Rotund: chubby and plump288.Rhapsodise: to express oneself in an immoderately enthusiastic manner289.Risible: ludicrous; eliciting laughter290.Renege: fail to carry out a promise or commitment( reneged on the contract at the last minute)291.Saturnalia: bacchanalia; orgy292.Sate: to satisfy fully ( the careerist is never sated with power)293.Satyr: a lecher294.Seamy: sordid and base ( seamy tales of aberrant sexual practices, messy divorces, drug addiction, mental instability, and suicide attempts )295.Stolid: impassive (the incredibly massive and stolid bureaucracy of the Soviet system) 296.Saturnine: melancholy or sullen( saturnine complexion with the hypnotic power of a swaying cobra)297.Sacrilegious: profane298.Sangfroid: equanimity299.Sacrosanct: sacred and inviolable300.Salutary: effecting or designed to effect an improvement or wholesome(salutary advice)(salutary climate)301.Scant: 1.barely sufficient( paid scant attention to the lecture) 2.inadequately supplied(we were scant of breath after the lengthy climb)302.Scarecrow: 稻草人2. Something frightening but not dangerous303.Scabrous: 1.knotty 2. squalid304.Scaremonger: an alarmist305.Seditious: insubordinate, mutinous306.Singe: burn superficially307.Simper: 1: smile in a silly and coy way 2. Utter with a silly smile (simpered a lame excuse) 308.Sidle: to move sideways (sidled through the narrow doorway) (swindlers who sidled up to the tourists)309.Skein: 1. a long loosely wound piece of thread 2. a complex tangle(a twisted skein of lies) 310.Skittish: 1.lively 2. restive311.Sodden: very wet and heavy312.Soporific: somnolent313.Spurn: forgo314.Spangle: cover something with shiny spots ( his mackintosh was spangled with drops of rain) 315.Sphinx: sphinx’s riddle a mysterious puzzle316.Stately: formal and noble( the stately progress of the procession)317.Stultifying: so boring that you feel as though you are losing your ability to think ( stultifying exercise)318.Strut: walk proudly ( Ryan was strutting around the office, issuing decrees.)319.Staccato: marked by abrupt, disconnected parts or sounds320.Stilted: stiff321.Stodgy: commonplace and stuffy ( stodgy middle-class)322.Stricture: a restraint, limit or restriction323.Spoor: the track or trail or an animal324.Stopgap: a temporary expedient, makeshift( a stopgap measure)325.Stowaway: 无票乘客326.Subvention:provision of help, aid or support327.Symbiotic: having the relationship of mutual benefit or dependence328.Surly: bad-tempered, unfriendly, and often rude329.Superannuate: outmoded and obsolete ( nothing is more tiresome than a superannuated pedagogue)330.Supple: pliant and flexible; limber331.Synergy: the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects332.Toil: 1. labour continuously or work strenuously 2. to proceed with difficulty( toil over the mountains) 3. something that binds, snares, or entangles one( caught in the toils of despair) 333.Tactile:tangible or characterised by or conveying an illusion of tangibility ( Heaney must continue to be a poet rich in tactile language)334.Tarry: delay335.Tatterdemalion: a person dressed in ragged clothing336.Teeter: totter (teeter along in her high-heeled shoes)( teetering on the brink of revolution) 337.Tessellate: mosaic338.Tether:be at the end of your tether339.Threnody: dirge340.Tintinnabulation: the sound of bells341.Travail: toil342.Trawl: sift for information( trawl through all my lecture notes again)343.Turbid: 1.having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or suspended( turbid water) 2.in a state of turmoil (turbid emotions)344.Twiddle: fiddle with( couples are twiddling swizzle sticks while waiting for their tables) 345.Unsound: fallacious( an unsound conclusion)346.Unversed: inexperienced and unfamiliar347.Unsparing: callous, severe, frigid( an unsparing superior martinet)348.Unction: balm349.Unwonted: unusual ( her unwonted breach of delicacy perplexed him)350.Uncouth: crude and ungraceful351.Upshot: outcome352.Uxorious: excessively submissive to one’s wife353.Vulpine: cunning like a fox354.Vaunt: (much-vaunted)(much-vaunted economic miracle)355.Verve: 1. vigour 2. energy and enthusiasm on the expression of ideas( the play lacks verve) 356.Votary: a devout adherent of a cult or religion ( the votaries of Aphrodite)357.Wastrel: profligate358.Welter: a confused mass (a welter of papers and magazines)359.Warble: sing with thrills, runs or other melodic embellishments少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻- 百度文库360.Wellspring: a never-ending supply of a personal quality( a wellspring of courage within her which she could continually draw upon)361.Wrought: (wrought-up) nervous and excited11。



难念的英语单词Learning English can be a thrilling adventure, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. One such hurdle is mastering the pronunciation of certain words.The intricacies of English phonetics can be puzzling. Words like 'rhythm' and 'psychology' often leave learners stumped, as they seem to defy the usual rules of pronunciation.Even native speakers sometimes stumble over tongue-twisters like 'sophisticated' and'antidisestablishmentarianism'. The latter, with its 28 letters, is a notorious example of English's quirky spelling and pronunciation.Pronunciation guides and phonetic alphabets can be a lifesaver for those struggling with these tricky words. They offer a systematic approach to breaking down and pronouncing complex words.Practice, of course, is key. Repeating the words aloud, listening to native speakers, and even singing along to English songs can help internalize the correct pronunciation.But the beauty of learning English lies in its diversity and the joy of overcoming such linguistic obstacles. Each difficult word conquered is a small victory, a step closer tofluency.In the end, the challenge of difficult words is just another aspect of the rich tapestry of the English language, making the journey of learning it all the more rewarding.。



英国人评最难拼写的50个常用词Researchers, who carried out a study among 2,000 adults, found more than half frequently have issues spelling commonly-used words。


1. Embarrassment (尴尬)2. Fluorescent (荧光)3. Accommodate (调节)4. Psychiatrist (精神病医生)5. Occasionally (偶尔)6. Necessary(必要的)7. Questionnaire (调查问卷) 8. Mischievous (淘气) 9. Rhythm(韵律)10. Minuscule (草写小字) 11. Conscience (道德心) 12. Xylophone(木琴)13. Pronunciation(发音) 14. Graffiti (涂鸦) 15. Millennium (千禧年)16. Occurrence(事件) 17. Exhilarate (使愉快) 18. Restaurant (餐厅)19. Accessory (配件) 20. Guarantee (保证) 21. License (证件)22. Separate(分开的) 23. Believe(相信) 24. Colleague (同事) 25. Definite (确切的) 26. Humorous(幽默) 27. Weird(怪异)28. Symphony(交响乐) 29. Illicit(违法的) 30. Species (物种)31. Appearance (外貌) 32. Possession(财产) 33. Vacuum(真空)34. Changeable(多变的) 35. Queue(队列) 36. Acquire(获得)37. Receipt(收据) 38. Receive(接受) 39. Difficulty(困难)40. Foreign(外国的) 41. Discipline(纪律) 42. Equipment(装备)43. Business(商业) 44. Relevant(有关的) 45. Beautiful(美丽的)46. Technology(技术) 47. Neighbour(邻居) 48. Friend(朋友)49. Religious(宗教的) 50. Government(政府)。

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With nine letter and four syllables, the tongue-twisting "phenomenon" has been named as the most mispronounced word in the English language。


The word came first in a study of terms that are tricky to get your tongue around, with most people mixing up the letters M and N on a regular basis。


"Anaesthetist" came second because of quickly moving between the TH to the letters T at the end。


In third place was "remuneration", which is often mispronounced as "renumeration"。



Almost half of the 3,000 people surveyed admitted they often correct someone if they say something in the wrong way and a quarter of people said they thought mispronunciation showed a lack of intelligence。


But suprisingly in the list of admissions, Britons admitted that February was the 12th hardest word to spit out。


A spokesman for Spinvox, a voicemail to text message service, which carried out the research, said: "Phenomenon is very hard to say because of the structure of the word."


"There are some real tongue-twisters in the list and it's understandable how many people can get confused when pronouncing certain words. "

"A word one person finds easy to say, maybe difficult for the next person. Although it's worrying that some people find basic words such as February difficult to say."

The company found that other difficult words to feature in the poll include "regularly" at 11, "particularly" at 13 and "prejudice" at 17。


More than a third of people even say they avoid using words they know they struggle with altogether so they do not end up looking stupid。

