新概念英语第一册 Lesson 12-看图识文
Whose is this handbag? 同义句: Whose handbag is this?
It’s Stella’s.
This is Stella’s handbag. 同义句:
This handbag car?
形容词性物主代词– 后面接名词
我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们 你们 他们 的的的
my your his her its our your their
我的母亲 他的父亲 你的姐姐 她的弟弟
它的牛奶 我们的老师 他们的学校 你们的领带
改为一般疑问句 1.This is Stella’s handbag. 2.That is her car. 3.Sophie is a student. 4.I am very well . 5.They are English. 6. Tim is an enginner.
Whose car is this?
Paul It’s Paul’s.
This is Paul’s car. 同义句:
This car is Paul’s.
pen my son
Whose is this pen? 同义句: Whose pen is this?
It’s my son’s.
This is my son’s pen. 同义句:
This pen is my son’s.
blouse my sister
Whose is this blouse? 同义句: Whose blouse is this?
It’s my sister’s.
This is my sister’s blouse. 同义句:
Lesson 12 The Evenlasting Witness
The Everlasting Witness
The Main Idea of the Text
Where there is war, there may be death Whenever a war death. breaks out, mothers may lose their sons or daughters, and wives may lose their husbands and also children may lose their fathers. And we should be aware of such a fact that not every soldier is ready or willing to go to a war, just Jerry in this story. Jerry went to the Vietnam War unready and got lost six months later, which meant a nightmare to his mother. One day his mother accidentally found him on a newsreel about POW (Prisoner of War), which was cut off by the government. In order to confirm it, she came to Mexico, where her sister lived.
indolent: indolent adj. laze; disliking efforts or activity Her husband was lost to her her. --She was so absorbed in the newsreel that she nearly forgot the presence of her husband. pertinent (to adj. connected directly with sth. that isห้องสมุดไป่ตู้to): being considered; relevant No emotion was pertinent pertinent. --when she watched those grand, shining new weapons for death, she could not help but become emotional, but she knew that it was not a time for her to bring in any emotion.
如鱼得水单词同义词 lesson 12
Lesson12Horticulture: 园艺,园艺学AgriculturecultivationfarmingAvalanche: n.雪崩BarrageDelugefloodlandslidetorrentSlab: n.块板,后板(金属,石头,木材,食物等四边形厚块)HunkingotlumppieceplaterodslicestonestripwedgeReplica: n.复制品,墓写品(尤指艺术家对自己作品的复制)ClonecopyfacsimileimitationlikenessminiaturemodelreproductionFarce: n.闹剧,滑稽戏,胡闹,愚蠢可笑的事AbsurdityBurlesqueSkitSlapsticktravestycaricaturecomedyjokemockeryparodyshamMockery: n.嘲笑,挖苦名词Farceshamtravesty名词ContemptderisiondisdainridiculescornHusky: adj.喉咙发干的,沙哑的GruffHoarsethroatyMuscularStockyStoutstrappingRapt:adj.全神贯注的,着迷的,狂喜的DelightedEcstaticenthralledinattentiverapturousspellboundSleek: adj.①(尤指头发或皮毛)因健康整洁而光滑②整洁的,时髦的,讲究的GlisteningPolishedSatinshinysilkyChaste: adj.(文笔)有德行的,纯洁的,贞节的CelibateMonogamousPlatonicsubduedunblemishedvirginalCensure: v.严厉批评某人,正式责备某人·名词Condemnationrebukereprimand动词BeratecastigatechastisechidedenouncedisciplinerebuffrebukereprimandreproachscoldReprimand: v.申斥,惩戒(某人)n.(当局的)申斥,惩戒动词AdmonishCastigatecensurechidecriticizedenouncerebukereproachupbraid·名词AdmonitioncensurerebukeEntangle: v.缠住,使牵连,使复杂ComplicateConfuseEmbarrassEmbroilenmeshensnareimplicateintertwineinterweaveperplexsnaresnarltangleunsettleMundane: adj.普通的,平庸的,碌碌无为的BanaleverydayhumdrumnormalprosaicworkadayNibble: n.半位元组,细咬,轻咬,啃V.一点点地咬,细咬,吹毛求疵EatGnawnipGobble: v.①狼吞虎咽地吃咯咯地叫,发出似火鸡的叫声DevourGulpguzzleswallowNimble:adj.①敏捷的,迅速的(指头脑)敏锐的,聪明的AdeptadroitagilebrightdeftlivelyquickskillfulswiftInnate: adj.(品质,感情)天生的,先天的,与生俱来的Deep-seatedElementalInbornIngrainedInherentinstinctiveintrinsicintuitiveMean:adj.低劣的,卑鄙的,普通的,吝啬的,简陋的,平均的,懒愧的,不舒服的形容词Greedyselfish形容词CallousDangerousdirtyevilhardnastyroughuglyviciousvile形容词HumbleMiserablepettyvulgar动词Determineimplyindicateinvolveportendpromiserepresentsayspellsuggest动词AimAnticipateDesignExpectMakePlanProposewantProvocative: adj.煽动的Challenging DisturbingExcitingInspirationalinsultingoffensiveoutrageousAlluringExcitinginterestingintriguingseductivesexyExtinct:adj.熄灭的,绝灭的(生物等),绝种的(习惯,制度等),废除的Highlight: n.加亮区,最显著(重要)部分vt.加亮,使显著ClimatefeaturefocalpointMores: n.(某群体或社会的)传统习俗Bearing: n.①举止,风度轴承方向,方向感DemeanormannerRelevanceReverie: n.①沉于梦幻或快乐的思想的情况,幻想②幻想曲ContemplationfantasymeditationtranceIntricate: adj.复杂的,错综的,难以理解的BaroquecomplexconvoluteddifficultlabyrinthinesophisticatedtangledtortuoustrickyWithstand: v.①抵抗,抵挡禁得起,耐得住CombatCopeDefyhold offrepelresistride outsufferthwarttolerateweatherPolemic: n.争论,辩论,(复)辩论法adj.引起争论的,好辩论的,辩论法的SpatLiteracy: n.识字,读写能力EducationKnowledgeLearningproficiencyImpede: v.妨碍,阻碍Blockcurbcut offdelaydeterdisrupthamperinterfereretardslowstymiethwartImpoverished:adj.穷困的,无力的,用尽了的BarrenDestitutedistressedindigentneedypoverty-strickenstrappedEmpirical: adj.完全根据经验的,经验主义的,(化)实验式ExperimentalfactualobservationalAdverse: adj.相反的,不利的,敌对的ConflictingdetrimentaldisadvantageousinimicalinjuriousnegativeunfortunateunfriendlyOffset: vt.抵消,补偿BalanceCancel outCounteractEqualNegateNeutralizeoutweighRedundant:adj.过多的,多余的,不需要的SuperfluousunnecessaryWean: v.使(小孩)断奶DiscourageFormative: adj.形成的,成长的DevelopmentalMotivate: vt.引起动机,给与刺激,激发DriveExciteGalvanizeInclineInspirepersuadepromptpropelprovokesparkspur swaytriggerReciprocate: v.①回报,报答,互惠②指(机件),(使)沿直线来回移动(如引擎的活塞)RepayretaliateRemiss: adj.玩忽职守的Randy: adj.①吵闹的,喧嚣的◎淫荡的,好色的Hale: adj.(老年人)健壮的,矍的Alias:别名,假名,(尤指罪犯使用的)化名adv.又名,别名名词AssumednamemonikerpseudonymstagenameHallucination: n.幻觉IllusionphantomCommentate: vt.评论,解说vi评论时事ClarifyconstruedecipherdepictdescribeexplainillustrateportrayreadsolvetranslateunderstandviewDeclareNotesayDeclareutterAssertclarifyconcludecriticizediscloseexplainexpressmentionnotenoticeobservepoint outreflectSag:v.松弛,下陷,下垂,(物价)下跌,漂流n.下跌动词Cave inDipdrop offfall offlanguishsinkslideslipslumpwiltDrape: v.①使随便地悬挂,任意地伸出②将(衣物,帘等)悬挂,披CloakClotheCoverdangleenvelopfoldhangsprawlswathewrapShove: v.推,推挤,推撞n.猛推CramDigelbowhustlejabnudgepokethrustDice: n.般子,色子v.①用般子赌博把(肉,蔬菜等)切成丁Terry: n.(制造毛巾用的)起毛毛圈,毛圈织物Plummet: n.垂球,测锤v.垂直落下,笔直下坠Collapsecrashdeclinedecreasedescenddipdivedropdrop downfallnose-diveplungesinkskidtumblePervade: v.蔓延,遍及,弥漫,充满,渗透InfusePenetratepermeatesuffuseHoroscope: n.星象,占星术Astrology。
2.Li Ming helped Mum with the housework _______ he arrived from school . (填空)
李明放学回家后帮妈妈做了家务活 .
3.I finished my homework _______ I went to bed last night . (填空)
10.make a crossword puzzle=do a crossword puzzle
11.有个好主意12. 在周一
12.造就一位英雄 13.谈论成功
14.考虑 15.选择一位非常棒的英雄
一.【要点1】be based on,“以…为基础/根据 ;根据…”:
1.The story is___________real life. 那故事是以现实生活为基础而写的.
1.Ithoughtit(my puzzle)________ (will)be fun because I did a lot of crossword puzzles when I was in Canada. 我认为那会很有趣,因为我在加拿大做过很多纵横字谜游戏 .
2.Then Ihada great idea.But whom________ (shall )my puzzle be about?Myhero ____________ (will not )be about somebody famous.It______ (will)be somebody whoI like very much. 后来我有了一个好主意.但我的谜语会是关于谁的呢?我的偶像不会是关于名人的.它会是某个我非常喜欢的人.
2.Ourcrossword puzzles are ___________ facts about our heroes.
初中英语同义词(近义词)归纳七年级上册1.h ello interj。
(表示问候)喂hi interj. (表示问候)嗨2.l ook v. 看起来seem v。
看起来3.t elephone n。
电话phone n. 电话4.m other n. 母亲(书面语)mom n。
妈妈(口语)5.f ather n。
父亲(书面语)dad n. 爸爸(口语)6.p icture n。
照片photo n。
照片photograph n. 照片7.d ear adj. 昂贵的expensive adj. 昂贵的8.c an modal v。
能;可以;会be able to 能;能够9.n eed v. 需要want v. 想要10.h ave v。
有own v. 有;拥有11.m any adj。
许多的;大量的(修饰可数名词复数)much adj。
许多的;大量的(修饰不可数名词)12.c lass n. 课(指一节一节的课)lesson n. 课;课程(指一篇一篇的课文)13.i nteresting adj.有趣的;令人感兴趣的fun adj。
有趣的;令人愉快的funny adj。
有趣的;好玩的14.b oring adj。
无聊的;令人生厌的dull adj。
单调的;枯燥的;无味的15.d ifficult adj。
困难的hard adj。
困难的16.e very adj。
每一;每个each adj。
每一;每个17.l ike v. 喜欢love v. 爱;热爱enjoy v. 热爱;享受18.h ealthy adj。
健康的;强健的fit adj. 健康的(一般只作表语)19.p eople n。
人;人民(本身是复数)person n。
人;个人(强调个体) 20.a lso adv。
也too adv。
也as well 也21.b ig adj。
大的large adj。
巨大的22.s mall adj. 小的;小号的little adj. 小的tiny adj。
冀教版英语六年级上册Lesson 12词汇详解课件
n.(名词) 座位
【发音】ea发 。 【近音词】sit 坐 【形近词】meat肉 【短语】have a seat坐下 【例句】This is your seat.
n.(名词) 皮带;腰带
【发音】e发 。 【短语】seat belt 安全带 【例句】That belt is very nice.
conj.(连词) 在……之前
【发音】第一个e发 。 【对应词】after在……之后 【例句】Please clean the room before
you go out. 出去之前请打扫房间。 【拓展】before还可以作介词,如 before
9 o'clock(九点钟之前)。
while you are driving a car. 开车时请系好你的安全带。
adj.(形容词) 安全的
【发音】a发 。 【反义词】dangerous 危险的 【例句】It's not safe to swim in the lake.
adj.(形容词) 激动的;兴奋的
【拼读记忆】 beቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱore
n.(名词) 手
【发音】a发 。 【近音词】head 头 【短语】hand in hand 手拉手地 【例句】His hands are dirty. 他的手很脏。 【联想】foot 脚 【加法记忆】
and 和;与;又
hand 手
adv.(副词) 接近
新概念英语第二册课后练习答案l e s s o n 1 2新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Less on 12练习答案Key to written exercises1 •关键句型练习答案A will sail (1.1); shall meet (1.2); will be (1.3); will set out (11.4-5); shall have(1.5);shall see (1.5); shall say (1.6);will be (1.6); will take part (1.7)C I shall go to the theatre …Reg and I shall see the firstperformanee …the producer will give a short speech. He will speak to …The play will be very …people will enjoy it very much.2 •难点练习答案1 He is not back yet. He will be back in ten minu tes.2 A new play is on at the Globe Theatre.3 When the con cert was over, We went home.4 They will set out/ off very early tomorrow morning. (Here be off is also possible.)5 You can't take the exam yet. You are not up to it.6 He will be away from home for two mon ths.7 She swam across the En glish Channel and set up a new world record.3 •多项选择题答案1. c根据课文第3-4 行Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed acrosstheAtlantic many times,只有c能够说明为什么Topsail is famous而其他3个选择都不符合逻辑。
初一英语同义词解析1. chick, chicken二者均可指小鸡,chicken还可以当鸡肉 The chicken is delicious.2. travel,trip, journey,travel是最常用的,trip指短期的旅途,journey指稍长的旅途, a three-day trip3. sport, game sport多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如打球,游泳,打猎,赛马等;game指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则 His favorite sport is swimming.4. a number of, the number ofa number of许多,谓语动词用复数。
the number of…的数目,谓语动词用单数。
The number of studentsis increasing.5. in front of, in the front ofin front of范围外的前面,in the front of范围内的前面 In the front of the room sits a boy.6. three of us, the three of usthree of us我们(不止三个)中的三个,the three of us我们三个(就三个人)The three of us---Tom, Jack and I went to the cinema.7. by bus, on the busby bus表手段,方式,不用冠词,on the bus表范围 They went there by bus.8. in a word, in wordsin a word总之,一句话, in words口头上 In a word, you are right.9. a girl可泛指所有女孩, one girl一个女孩 Can one girl carry such a big box?10. the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacherthe doctor and teacher指一个人,既是医生又是老师,the doctor and the teacher两个人,一个医生和一个老师 the doctor and teacher is11. family, house, homehome 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员. My family is a happy one. 12. sound, voice, noisesound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside.13. photo, picture, drawingphoto用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画Let's go and see a good picture..14. road, street, path, wayroad具体的公路,马路,street街道,path小路,小径,way道路,途径take this road; in the street, show me the way to the museum.15. class, lesson作"课"解时,两者可以替换.指课文用lesson. 指班级或全体学生用class. lesson 6; class 516. work, job二者均指工作。
He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.
Take part in/join/enter for
• join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体, 以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动。 take part in指参加群众性活动、会议劳动、 游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度, 起一份作用,有时与join in可互换 enter for 报名(参加)
He will arrive.
He died last year.
Let’s try
他 他这个参们本月军结书了有婚我。六1丢0年了年了三了。
He will be here for a long time. He has been dead for a year.
TTHhheeeybhoahosakvbeheaebsneebinneetnhe lmaorsamtrryfioefrdortfhosrriexetyeenars. myeoantrhs.s.
He has not yet returned.He will return in ten minutes.
He is not back yet. He will be back in ten minutes.
A new play is being performed
at the Globe Theatre.
Lesson 12 Goodbye and
good luck
New words and expressions
• luck n. 运气,幸运 Good luck = break your leg 祝你好运! Bless you! • lu碰ck巧-l,u靠ck运y气-luckilyb-yunlulucckky
初中英语同义词1above / over 在……上方almost / nearly 几乎;差不多also / too 也;同样among / between 在……之间around / near(by) 在周围arrive (at / in) / reach, get to 到达autumn / fall 秋天baby / child 孩子bad / ill, wrong 坏的;错的become / get, grow, turn 变得;成为begin / start 开始below / under 在……下面beside / near, next to 在……旁边;附近big / large, great 大的bright / sunny, shining 晴朗的busy / working 忙碌的centre / middle 中间certainly / of course 当然clever / bright 聪明的common / usual 普通的;通常的dear / expensive 昂贵的difficult / hard 困难的;艰巨的easy / simple 容易的;简单的enjoyable / pleasant 有乐趣的;使人快乐的every / each 每个fail / miss, lose 失败;丧失fall / drop 落下famous / well-known 著名的fast / quick(ly) 迅速的(地)fine / good, nice 好的;优的finish / end 结束;终点following / next 以下的friendly / kind 友好的game / match 比赛glad / happy, pleased 愉快的;高兴的go / leave 离去;离开healthy / fine, well 健康的helpful / useful 有益的;有用的high / tall 高的hope / wish, want 希望;想要house / home 家ill / sick 生病的journey / travel, trip 旅行;旅途knock / hit, beat 敲打;击中;打败know / understand 懂得;理解laugh / smile 笑like / enjoy, love 喜欢;热爱line / row 排;行列little / small 小的loud / noisy 大声的;嘈杂的maybe / perhaps 可能;大概noise / sound 声音OK / fine, all right 好吧;行own / have, hold 拥有;持有problem / question, puzzle 问题pupil / student 学生rainy / wet 下雨的;有雨的real / true 真正的;真实的receive / get 接受;得到ring / call, telephone 打电话rock / stone 岩石;石头room / space 空间;余地sad / unhappy, sorry 悲伤的;难过的say / speak, talk, tell 说话seem / look 看似several / some / a few 几个;若干个shout / cry, call 叫喊sleep / rest 睡觉;休息stay / live 逗留;居住street / road 街道;路sunny / bright, clear, fine 晴朗的take / need 需要terribly / badly, very 非常town / city 城镇very / quite, rather, greatly 非常;相当whether / if 是否whole / total 全部;总共zero / nothing 零初中英语同义词2idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression这些名词均有“思想、观点、观念”之意。
lesson的同义词(2)lesson的同义词例句1. The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles.这一价格包括两张从布里斯班到洛杉矶的经济舱机票。
2. There was very little snobbery or class-consciousness in the wartime navy.战时的海军中很少有势利眼,阶级意识也不强。
3. He was not perhaps physically the strongest in the class.他可能不是全班身体最壮的。
4. You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.你可以付费升级到商务舱。
5. He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.他认为7岁大的学生的测试分数和班级的规模有关系。
6. Angela says she longs to join an amateur dramatics class.安杰拉说她渴望参加业余戏剧班。
7. She has a first-class brain and is a damned good writer.她头脑相当灵光,是个非常棒的作家。
8. He comes from a completely uncultured, lower middle-class family.他来自中下阶层一个根本没什么文化的家庭。
9. The class was held hostage by a hooded gunman.全班同学被一个蒙面的持枪歹徒劫为人质。
10. There's no one available at such short notice to take her class.只提前这么短的时间通知,找不到人替她的课。
初中 词纳 七年person n. 人;个人 (强调个体 ) 1.hello interj. (表示问候)喂 20.also adv. 也 hi interj. (表示问候)嗨t oo adv. 也 2.l ookv. 看起来as well 也 seemv. 看起来 21.b i g adj. 大的 3.t elephonen. 电话l arge adj. 巨大的 phonen. 电话22.small adj. 小的;小号的 4.mothern. 母亲(书面语 ) little adj. 小的 momn.妈(口语) tiny adj. 极小的 5.f athern. 父亲(书面语 ) 23.example n. 例子;实例 dadn. 爸爸(口语) instance n. 例子;实例 6.picturen. 照片 24.store n. 商店 photon. 照片 shop n. 商店 photographn. 照片 25.very adv. 很;非常;颇 7.dearadj. 昂贵的 quite adv. 十分;非常 expensiveadj. 昂贵的 rather adv. 很;相当 8.canmodal v. 能;可以;会 26.sorry adj. 难过的 be able to能;能够s ad adj. 伤心的;难过的 9.needv. 需要 unhappy adj. 不高兴的 wantv. 想要 27.w h en conj. 当⋯ ⋯的时候 10.havev. 有 while conj. 当⋯ ⋯的时候 ownv. 有;拥有 28.h a ppy adj. 愉快的; 高兴的; 满意的 11.many adj. 许多的;大量的 pleased adj. 高兴的;满意的(修饰可数名词复数 ) glad adj. 高兴的much adj. 许多的;大量的 29.m ovie n. 电影(修饰不可数名词 ) film n. 电影12.class n. 课(指一节一节的课 ) 30.k i nd n. 种类lesson n. 课;课程(指一篇一 type n. 种类篇的课文) 31.someone n. 某人13.interesting adj.有趣的 ;令人感兴趣的 somebody n. 某人fun adj. 有趣的;令人愉快的 32.w h o pron.谁(主格)funny adj. 有趣的;好玩的 whom pron.谁(宾格 )14.boring adj. 无聊的;令人生厌的 33.student n. (中)学生dull adj. 单调的; 枯燥的; 无味的 pupil n. (小)学生15.difficult adj. 困难的 34.l earn v. 学习;学会 (强调结果) hard adj. 困难的 study v. 学习;研究(强调过程) 16.every adj. 每一;每个 35.about prep. 关于;涉及 (比较常用)each adj. 每一;每个 on prep. 关于;涉及(更加正式 )17.like v. 喜欢36.j oin v. 参加;加入 (加入某个组织love v. 爱;热爱 或团体并成为其中的一员)enjoy v. 热爱;享受 take part in 参加;加入 (加入某18.healthy adj. 健康的;强健的 项活动) fit adj. 健康的 (一般只作表语 ) 37.k i d n. 小孩;年轻人 (口语 )19.people n. 人;人民 (本身是复数 ) child n. 小孩(更加正式 )120.work n. 工作(不可数,无复数形式) 56.vacation n. 假期;休假21.job n. 工作(可数,有复数形式 ) holiday n. 假期;休假22.all pron. 全部;全体57.always adv. 总是;始终23.(指三者或三者以上 ) all the time 总是;一直both pron . 全部;都(指两者) 58.r emember v. 牢记;记住24.night n. 夜;夜间m emorize v. 记住;熟记25.evening n. 晚上59.special adj. 特别的;特殊的26.start v. 开始unusual adj. 不寻常的;不一般的27.begin v. 开始60.t est n. 考试;测验28.wish v. 希望;期望exam n. 考试29.(实现的可能性比较小)61.suggestion n. 建议;意见 (可数)hope v. 希望advice n. 劝告;忠告(不可数) (实现的可能性比较大) 62.delicious adj. 美味的30.next adj. 下一个的tasty adj. 味道好的;味美可口的31.following adj. 下一个的63.stand v. 忍受32.around adj. 在⋯⋯附近bear v. 忍受33.about adj. 在⋯⋯附近64.i dea n. 主意;想法34.hobby n. 业余爱好opinion n. 意见;看法35.interest n. 兴趣;爱好65.h a ve to 不得不;必须(表客观条件)36.七年级下册m ust 必须(表主观看法 )37.pen pal 笔友八年级上册pen friend 笔友66.as for 至于;关于38.center n. 中央;中心as to 至于;关于39.middle n. 中间67.l ook after ⋯照顾;照看40.between prep. 在⋯⋯之间(指两者) take care of ⋯照顾;照看41.among prep. 在⋯⋯这间care for 照料;照顾42.(指三者或三者以上 ) 68.l ook after ⋯well照顾好⋯;照看好⋯43.place n. 地方;地点take good care of 照顾⋯好⋯;照看好⋯44.spot n. 地点;场所69.m aybe adv. 或许;大概45.have fun 玩得开心;过得愉快p erhaps adv. 或许;大概have a good / great / nice / wonderfulprobably adv. 或许;大概time 玩得开心;过得愉快70.although conj. 虽然;即使;纵然enjoy oneself 玩得开心;过得愉快t hough conj. 虽然;即使;;纵然46.during prep. 在⋯⋯期间47.71.should modal v.应该in prep. 在⋯⋯期间b e supposed to应该48.get v. 获得;得到72.i llness n. 疾病receive v. 收到;接受sickness n. 疾病49.sometimes adv. 不时;有时73.angry adj. 愤怒的;生气的50.at times 偶尔;有时mad adj. 很生气的;气愤的51.news n. 新闻;消息52.74.get v. 变得information n. 消息;信息53.sure adv. 当然;的确become v. 变得certainly adv. 当然;的确75.stay v. 继续是;保持;维持of course 当然;的确keep v. 继续是;保持;维持254.until conj. 直到⋯⋯之时;在⋯⋯之前rubbish n. 垃圾55.till conj. 直到⋯⋯之时;在⋯⋯之前waste n. 垃圾;废物56.bike n. 自行车;脚踏车95.h a te v. 憎恨;憎恶57.bicycle n. 自行车;脚踏车dislike v. 不喜欢58.famous adj. 著名的;出名的96.t eenager n. (13至19 岁的)59.(正式用语)teen 青少年well-known adj. 著名的;出名的97.sea n. 海;海洋(口语)ocean n. 海洋60.finish v. 结束;完成98.r a t n. 老鼠61.end v. 结束;完成m ouse n. 老鼠62.tourist n. 旅行者;游客八年级下册traveler n. 旅行者99.space n. 空间(不可数)visitor n. 参观者;访问者;游客room n. 空间(不可数)63.ill adj. 生病的;不健康的100.alone adj. 单独的;孤独的64.sick adj. 不适的;患病的(指客观上只有独自一人)65.more than 超出⋯⋯lonely adj. 孤独的66.over 超出⋯⋯(指主观上感到孤独)ugh v. 笑;感到好笑101.sound n. 声音68.smile v. 微笑(泛指大自然的一切声音)69.view n. 观点;看法v oice n. 嗓音(主要指人的嗓子70.point n. 观点;看法发出的声音或鸟儿唱歌的声音)71.primary school 小学noise n. 噪音(指物体不规则振动elementary school 小学所发出的杂乱无章的声音)72.fast adj. 快的;迅速的102.except prep. 除;把⋯⋯除外quick adj. 快的;迅速的but prep. 除;把⋯⋯除外73.fast adv. 快地;迅速地besides prep. 而且;除⋯⋯之外quickly adv. 快地;迅速地103.happen v. 发生74.finally adv. 最后地;最终take place v. 发生at last 最后;终于104.plane n. 飞机in the end 最后;终于a irplane n. 飞机75.gift n. 礼物;赠品105.close v. 关闭present n. 礼物shut v. 关闭76.luckily adv. 幸运地106.semester n. 学期fortunately adv. 幸运地term n. 学期77.again adv. 再一次;又一次107.lucky adj. 幸运的once more 再一次;又一次fortunate adj. 幸运的one more time 再一次;又一次108.chance n. 机会;机遇78.hold v. 举行;主持o pportunity n. 机会;时机have v. 举行;主持109.tonight n. 今晚;今夜79.do the dishes 洗餐具this evening 这个晚上;今天晚上wash the dishes 洗餐具110.several adj. 几个的;数个的clean the dishes 洗餐具 a few 一些;若干80.trash n. 垃圾;废物mon adj. 普通的litter n. 垃圾usual adj. 普通的;通常的81.writer n. 作家;作者126.correct adj. 对的;正确的;准确的82.author n. 作家right adj. 对的;正确的83.not ⋯at all 一点也不127.helpful adj. 有帮助的84.not ⋯in the slightest 一点也不useful adj. 有用的85.right away 立刻;马上e up 用完;用光;耗尽86.at once 立刻;马上r un out of 用完;用光;用尽87.impolite adj. 无礼的;粗鲁的129.on display 展览;陈列88.rude adj. 无礼的;粗鲁的on show 展览;陈列89.take care 当心;小心130.give out 分发;发放90.look out 当心;小心hand out 分发;发放91.be careful 当心;小心131.set up 建立92.nearly adv. 几乎;差不多establish v. 建立93.almost adv. 几乎;差不多132.take after (在外貌、性格等方面 )94.all year round 一年到头;终年与(父母等)相像95.the whole year 一年到头;终年be similar to 与⋯⋯相像96.bookstore n. 书店133.by accident 偶然地;意外地97.bookshop n. 书店b y chance 偶然地;意外地98.elevator n. 电梯134.show up 出席;露面99.lift n. 电梯a ppear 出现;露面100.九年级全册135.alright adj. 合适的;可以的101.afraid adj. 害怕的;犯愁的all right 合适的;可以的102.terrified adj. 害怕的136.be used to 习惯于⋯⋯103.daily adj. 每日的;日常的become used to 习惯于⋯⋯104.everyday adj. 每日的;日常的get used to 习惯于⋯⋯105.even though 即使;纵然;尽管137.learn ⋯by oneself 自学⋯⋯106.even if 即使;纵然;尽管t each oneself ⋯自学⋯⋯107.get along with 与⋯⋯相处138.some day/someday/ one day108.get on with 与⋯⋯相处来日;将来某一日;有朝一日76.stuff n. 原料;材料 125.get along well with 与⋯⋯相处得好get on well with 与⋯⋯相处得好m aterial n. 材料;物质;原料be good with 与⋯⋯相处得好。
新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 11. b选b最为正确。
所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受。
3.b因为a. to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c. into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d. on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。
4.db. above(在……上方);c. ahead of (在……的前面,在……之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。
a. before 和 d. infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在……前面”的意思。
但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性方面的“在……前面”5.c因为用 a. Where, b. why, d. when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How提问,才能用Angry回答。
6.ab. they 只做主语; c. their只能做定语;d. us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。
7.da. none是代词,很少用在名词前面;b. any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c. not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did.. chair(椅子), c. armchair(手扶椅) d. class(班级) 这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。
冀教版六年级英语上册第二单元《lesson 12 Be Safe on the Way》
知识点 6 remember / rɪ membə(r)/ v. 记得 例句: Remember to write to me. 记得给我写信。 形近词: member(n.)成员 加法记忆法: re + member(成员)= remember 反义词: forget(v.)忘记 固定搭配: remember to do sth. 记得做某事
冀 教 版 英 语 六年 级 上 册
Unit 2 School in Canada
Today is the first day of school. Two boys and two girls meet at the bus stop. Sam: Hi, my name is Sam. Oba: Hello, I’m Oba.
例句: Please wash your hands before you have breakfast.在你吃早饭之前请洗手。
反义词: after(prep./conj.)在……之后
短语: the day before yesterday 前天
知识点 3 hand / hænd/ n. 手【三会】 例句: I have two hands. 我有两只手。 形近词: head(n.)头 短语: the day before yesterday 前天 魔法记忆:hand,hand 是小手,小手 hand 拍一拍。
They want to be safe while waiting for the bus. Al: I am always very careful. I always watch for cars and bikes...
新概念英语4答案【篇一:新概念英语第四册课后习题答案】txt>unit 1 cabdd bdaac ab unit 25 dbadd cacdb caunit 2 bcbdc acaad bc unit 26 cbcba cddab acunit 3 cabda cdaba cd unit 27 bcdcc accdd daunit 4 accab bcdaa bd unit 28 adcda bcada bdunit 5 cabab dacbb dd unit 29 ccadd ccada bcunit 6 caccc aaadb aa unit 30 cabdd bccac dcunit 7 dcaba bacda ac unit 31 aabad baddc bdunit 8 bdabd baabc bc unit 32 bdcba dbdca bcunit 9 cdbaa cabac ad unit 33 bdbad bccdc baunit 10 caabd cbbdc aa unit 34 dcacb dacdb caunit 11 aabdd daddb dd unit 35 cbcac abbdc cdunit 12 cabac cdaca ab unit 36 acbcc accdb acunit 13 acdac bdabc ad unit 37 cabac dbcdc bdunit 14 dbdcc accbd bd unit 38 caabb acbdd abunit 15 cadcd dbaca ca unit 39 bcada bddbd bcunit 16 abcca ddbab ac unit 40 dcdac addda dbunit 17 bbada bbdcd ca unit 41 acacd cbbbd bcunit 18 babcd cdccc ba unit 42 bccbd bdadc acunit 19 bbcad aabdd bc unit 43 dbabc cddac bbunit 20 bcadc ccbdb ca unit 44 aaaab bbbdc baunit 21 bdbba addab ca unit 45 cadac cacdc dcunit 22 cdacb adbcd ab unit 46 bbdbd abcda bdunit 23 cadcc dcabc ac unit 47 caadb cacdb bcunit 24 aaccb cadda cd unit 48 ccbcc ccdba ab新概念4 笔记 /nce/24278_2.shtmlunit 1 finding fossil man一、重点单词解释1、recount:v.叙述注意读音,重音在后。
lesson的同义词lesson表教训,训诫; 功课的意思,那么你知道lesson的同义词有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了lesson的同义词及相关知识,希望对你有帮助哦!lesson的同义词辨析class, lesson, lecture, course这些名词均含"课"之意。
class :从"班级"引申指学生在一起上课,还可表示"(一节)课"。
lesson :主要指教材中的一课或每次授课的单位时间。
lecture :指讲课。
course :指在一段时间内教完或学完的完整的课程。
lesson的词组习语learn one's lesson1. 吸取教训teach someone a lesson1. 惩戒,教训他们为我胆敢抱怨而给我颜色看。
they were teaching me a lesson for daring to complain.class A (或 B, C) drug1. A(或B,C)类毒品(根据其有害程度和上瘾程度划分为A,B或C类的某种毒品,私藏或出售将导致相应的法律处罚)class act1. (主北美)出类拔萃的人,气质超群的人,出色的事物in a class of (或 on) its (或 one's) own1. (尤指优秀品质、表现)无与伦比的,独一无二的,独具一格的the course of nature1. 正常的;可预知的每个人通常都有自己的观点。
each man would, in the course of nature, have his privateopinions.in course of —1. 在…过程中新的课本正在准备之中。
a new text book was in course of preparation.2. 在…期间他一生中帮助过许多人。
he was a friend to many people in the course of his life.in the course of time1. 总有一天;终究off course1. 偏离原路;偏离方向汽车偏离道路疾驰。
同义词les son与c lass的区别广阔天地的英语入门第一节:同义词les son与c lass的区别英语入门第一节:同义词les son与c lass的区别一、class与lesso n在着重指教学内容“课时”时,可互换使用We have four Englis h classe s/lesson s everyweek.每周我们上四节英语课。
Thereare no classe s/lesson s on Sunday.星期天没有课。
二、表示班级、同学们、开始上课、课堂、课堂活动时只能用cla ssThereare fiftee n classe s in our school.我们学校有15个班级。
Good mornin g,Class!同学们,早上好。
Classbeginat 9:00 in the mornin g.上午9点开始上课。
Don't talk in class.课堂上不要讲话。
三、表示课、第几课、学科、科目、功课时只能用lesso n.Please read the firstlesson.请读第一课。
Thereare 120 lesson s in Book One.第一册书有120课。
We studyChines e,Maths,Englis h and otherlesson s.我们学习语文、数学、英语和其它一些学科。
I can help you with your lesson s.我能帮你学习功课。
The girl is doingher lesson s.这个女孩正在做她的功课。
练习:1、We have two comput er lesson s/classe s everyweek.2、I have two comput er lesson s/classe s everyday.3、Thereare no lesson s/classe s on sunday.4、Please read the firstlesson.5、Thereare 32 lesson s in Book One.6、We studyChines e、Maths、Englis h and otherlesson s.7、I can help you with your lesson s.8、The boy is doinghis lesson s.9、Don't talk in class.10、Classbeginat 9:00 in the mornin g.11、Good mornin g,Class!12、Thereare fiftee n classe s in our school.。
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12. The LoonsSynonymsDEFORM, DISTORT, CONTORT, WARP means to mar (destroy or injure severely) or spoil by or as if by twisting. DEFORM may imply a change of shape through stress, injury, or some accident of growth e.g. “his face was deformed by hatred.” DISTORT and CONTORT both imply a wrenching from the natural, normal, or justly proportioned, but CONTORT suggests a more involved twisting and a more grotesque and painful result e.g. “the odd camera angle distorts the figure in the photograph” “disease had painfully contorted her body.” WARP indicates physically an uneven shrinking that bends or twists out of a flat plane e.g. “warped floorboards.”SynonymsCOARSE, VULGAR, GR O SS, OBSC E NE, R I BALD mean offensive to good taste or morals. COARSE implies rou ghness, rudeness, or crudeness of spirit, behavior, or language e.g. “found the coarse humor of coworkers offensive.” VULGAR often implies boorishness or ill-breeding e.g. “a loud vulgar belch.” GROSS implies extreme coarseness and insensitiveness e.g. “gross eating habits.” OBSCENE applies to anything strongly disgusting to the sense of decency and propriety especially in sexual matters e.g. “obscene language not allowed on the air.” RIBALD applies to what is amusingly or picturesquely vulgar or irreverent or mildly indecent e.g. “entertained the campers with ribald folk songs.”SynonymsRELIEVE, ALL E VIATE, LIGHTEN, ASSU A GE, M I TIGATE, ALL A Y mean to make something less grievous. RELIEVE implies a lifting of enough of a burden to make it tolerable e.g. “took an aspirin to relieve the pain.” ALLEVIATE implies temporary or partial lessening of pain or distress e.g. “the lotion (洗剂) alleviated the itching.” LIGHTEN implies reducing a burdensome or depressing weight e.g. “good news would lighten our worries.” ASSUAGE implies softening or sweetening what is harsh or disagreeable e.g. “ocean breezes assuaged the intense heat.” MITIGATE suggests a moderating or countering of the effect of something violent or painful e.g. “the need to mitigate barbaric laws.” ALLAY i mplies an effective calming or soothing of fears or alarms e.g. “allayed their fears.”SynonymsINFREQUENT, UNCOMMON, SCARCE, RARE, SPORADIC mean not common or abundant. INFREQUENT implies occurrence at wide intervals in space or time e.g. “infrequent family visits.” UNCOMMON suggests a frequency below normal expectation e.g. “smallpox is now uncommon in many countries.” SCARCE implies falling short of a standard or required abundance e.g. “jobs were scarce during the Depression.” RARE suggests extreme sca rcity or infrequency and often implies consequent high value e.g. “rare first editions.” SPORADIC implies occurrence in scattered instances or isolated outbursts e.g. “sporadic cases of influenza.”SynonymsAWKWARD, CLUMSY, MALADR OI T, IN E PT, GAUCHE [g u ] mean not marked by ease (as of performance, movement, or social conduct). AWKWARD is widely applicable and may suggest unhandiness, inconvenience, lack of muscular control, embarrassment, or lack of tact e.g. “periods of awkward silence.” CLUMSY implies stiffness and heaviness and so may connote inflexibility, awkwardness, or lack of ordinary skill e.g. “a clumsy mechanic.” MALADROIT suggests a tendency to create awkward situations e.g. “a maladroit politician.” INEPT often implies complete failure or inadequacy e.g. “a hopelessly inept defense attorney.” GAUCHE implies the effects of shyness, inexperience, or ill breeding e.g. “felt gauche and unsophisticated at formal parties.”Synonymsas adjective: CHOICE, E XQUISITE, ELEGANT, RARE, DELICATE, DAINTY mean having qualities that appeal to a cultivated taste. CHOICE stresses outstanding in quality or kind e.g. “choice fabric.” EXQUISITE implies a perfection in workmanship or design that appeals only to very sensitive taste e.g. “an exquisite gold bracele t.” ELEGANT applies to what is rich and luxurious but restrained by good taste e.g. “a sumptuous but elegant dining room.” RARE suggests an uncommon excellence e.g. “rare beauty.” DELICATE implies exquisiteness (extreme beauty of a delicate sort), subtlety, and fragility e.g. “delicate craftsmanship.” DAINTY sometimes carries an additional suggestion of smallness and of appeal to the eye or taste e.g. “daintysandwiches.”SynonymsRIGID, RIGOROUS, STRICT, STRINGENT mean extremely severe or stern. RIGID implies uncompromising inflexibility e.g. “rigid rules of conduct.” RIGOROUS implies the imposition(强迫接受) of hardship and difficulty e.g. “the rigorous training of recr u its.” STRICT emphasizes undeviating conformity to rules, standards, or requirements e.g. “strict enforcement of the law.” STRINGENT suggests severe, tight restriction or limitation e.g. “stringent standards of admission.”SynonymsDECLARE, ANNOUNCE, PROCL A IM, PR O MULGATE mean to make known publicly. DECLARE implies explicitness and usually formality in making known e.g. “the referee declared the contest a draw.” ANNOUNCE implies the declar ation of something for the first time e.g. “announced their engagement at a party.” PROCLAIM implies declaring clearly, forcefully, and authoritatively e.g. “the president proclaimed a national day of mourning.” PROMULGATE implies the proclaiming of a dogma, doctrine, or law e.g. “promulgated an edict of religious toleration.”SynonymsPONDER, MEDITATE, MUSE, RUMINATE mean to consider or examine attentively or deliberately. PONDER implies a careful weighing of a problem or, often, prolonged inconclusive th inking about a matter e.g. “pondered the course of action.” MEDITATE implies a definite focusing of one's thoughts on something so as to understand it deeply e.g. “meditated on the meaning of life.” MUSE suggests a more or less focused daydreaming as in r emembrance e.g. “mused upon childhood joys.” RUMINATE implies going over the same matter in one's thoughts again and again but suggests little of either purposive thinking or deep absorption e.g. “ruminated on past disappointments.”SynonymsSEVERE, STERN, AUSTERE, ASCETIC mean given to or marked by strict discipline and firm restraint. SEVERE implies standards enforced without indulgence or laxity and may suggest harshness e.g. “severe military discipline.” STERN stresses inflexibility and unsympathy of temper or character e.g. “stern arbiters of public morality.” AUSTERE stresses absence of warmth, color, or feeling and may apply to rigorous restraint, simplicity, or self-denial e.g. “living an austere life in the country.” ASCETIC implies abstention(节制)from pleasure and comfort or self-indulgence as spiritual discipline e.g. “the ascetic life of the monks.”SynonymsFLASH, GLEAM, GLINT, SPARKLE, GLITTER, GLISTEN, GLIMMER, SHIMMER mean to send forth light. FLASH implies a sudden and transient outburst of bright light e.g. “lightning flashed.” GLEAM suggests a steady light seen through an obscuring medium or against a dark background e.g. “lights gleamed in the valley.” GLINT implies a cold glancing light e.g. “glinting steel.” SPARKLE suggests innumerab le moving points of bright light e.g. “the sparkling waters of the gulf.” GLITTER connotes a brilliant sparkling or gleaming e.g. “glittering diamonds.” GLISTEN applies to the soft sparkle from a wet or oily surface e.g. “glistening rain-drenched sidewalks.” GLIMMER suggests a faint or wavering gleam e.g. “a distant glimmering light.” SHIMMER implies a soft tremulous gleaming or a blurred (unclear, indistinct) reflection e.g. “a shimmering satin dress.”SynonymsO DOROUS, FRAGRANT, R E DOLENT, AROMATIC mean emitting and diffusing scent. ODOROUS applies to whatever has a strong distinctive smell whether pleasant or unpleasant e.g. “odorous cheeses should be tightly wrapped.” FRAGRANT applies to things (as flowers or spices) with sweet or agreeable o dors e.g. “a fragrant rose.” REDOLENT applies usually to a place or thing impregnated(filled in) with odors e.g. “the kitchen was redolent of garlic and tomatoes.” AROMATIC applies to things emitting pungent often fresh odors e.g. “an aromatic blend of tobaccos.”SynonymsSMALL, LITTLE, DIM I NUTIVE, MIN U TE, TINY, MINIATURE mean noticeably below average in size. SMALL and LITTLE are often interchangeable, but SMALL applies more to relative size determined by capacity, value, number e.g. “a relatively small backyard.” LITTLE is more absolute in implication often carrying the idea ofpetiteness, pettiness, insignificance, or immaturity e.g. “your pathetic little smile.” DIMINUTIVE implies abnormal smallness e.g. “diminutive bonsai plants.” MINUTE implies extreme smallness e.g. “a minute amount of caffeine in the soda.” TINY is an informal equivalent to MINUTE e.g. “tiny cracks formed in the painting.” MINIATURE applies to an exactly proportioned reproduction on a very small scale e.g. “a dollhouse with miniature furnishin gs.”SynonymsCAREFUL, METICULOUS, SCRUPULOUS, PUNCT I LIOUS mean showing close attention to detail. CAREFUL implies attentiveness and cautiousness in avoiding mistakes e.g. “a careful worker.” METICULOUS may imply either commendable extreme carefulness or a hindering finicky (过分注意的, 过分讲究的, 过分周到的) caution over small points e.g. “meticulous scholarship.” SCRUPULOUS applies to what is proper or fitting or ethical (moral) e.g. “scrupulous honesty.” PUNCTILIOUS implies minute, even excessive attention to fine points e.g. “punctilious observance of ritual.”SynonymsCURIOUS, INQU I SITIVE, PR Y ING mean interested in what is not one's personal or proper concern. CURIOUS, a neutral term, basically connotes an active desire to learn or to know e.g. “children are curious about everything.”INQUISITIVE suggests impertinent (鲁莽的)and habitual curiosity and persistent quizzing e.g. “dreaded the visits of their inquisitive relatives.” PRYING implies busy meddling (管闲事) and off i ciousness (多管闲事)e.g. “prying neighbors who refuse to mind their own business.”SynonymsSWING, SWAY, O SCILLATE, VIBR A TE, FLUCTUATE, WAVER, U NDULATE mean to move from one direction to its opposite. SWING implies a movement of something attached at one end or one side e.g. “the door suddenly swung open.” SWAY implies a slow swinging or teetering (moving unsteadily) movement e.g. “trees swaying in the breeze.” OSCILLATE stresses a usually regular alternation of direction e.g. “an oscillating fan.”VIBRATE suggests the rapid oscillation of an elastic (弹性的) body under stress or impact e.g. “the vibrating strings of a piano.” FLUCTUATE suggests constant irregular changes of level, intensity, or value e.g. “fluctuating interest rates.”WAVER stresses irregular motion suggestive of reeling or tottering e.g. “the exhausted runner wavered before collapsing.”UNDULATE suggests a gentle wavelike motion e.g. “an undulating sea of grass.”SynonymsFANTASTIC, BIZARRE, GROTESQUE mean conceived, made, or carried out without adherence to truth or reality. FANTASTIC may connote unrestrained extravagance in conception or merely cleverness of decorative invention e.g. “dreamed up fantastic rumors to spread.” BIZARRE applies to the sensationally queer or strange and implies violence of contrast or incongruity (being unsuitable and inappropriate) of combination e.g. “a bizarre medieval castle built in the heart of a modern city.” GROTESQUE may apply to what is conventionally ugly but artistically effective or it may connote ludicrous awkwardness or incongruity often with sinister or tragic overtones e.g. “grotesque statues adorn the cathedral” “though grief-stricken, she made a grotesque attempt at a smile.”SynonymsLURE, ENT I CE, INV E IGLE, DEC OY, TEMPT, SEDUCE mean to lead astray from one's true course. LURE implies a d rawing into danger, evil, or difficulty through attracting and deceiving e.g. “lured naive investors with get-rich-quick schemes.” ENTICE suggests drawing by artful or skilfu means e.g. “advertising designed to entice new customers.” INVEIGLE implies entic ing by caj o ling (以甜言蜜语哄骗, 勾引)or flattering e.g. “fund-raisers inveigling wealthy alumni.” DECOY implies a luring into entrapment by artifice e.g. “attempting to decoy the enemy into an ambush.” TEMPT implies the presenting of an attraction so strong that it overcomes the restraints of conscience or better judgment e.g. “tempted by the offer of money.” SEDUCE implies a leading astray by persuasion or false promises e.g. “seduced by assurances of assistance.”SynonymsSWING, WAVE, FLOURISH, BRANDISH, THRASH mean to wield or cause to move to and fro or up and down. SWING implies regular or uniform movement e.g. “swing the rope back and forth.” WAVE usually implies smooth or continuous motion e.g. “waving the flag.” FLOURISH suggests vigorous, showy, graceful movemente.g. “f lourished the winning lottery ticket.(彩票)” BRANDISH implies threatening or menacing motion e.g. “brandishing a knife.” THRASH suggests vigorous, abrupt, violent movement e.g. “an infant thrashing his arms about.”SynonymsSULLEN, GLUM, MOR O SE, SURLY, SULKY, CR A BBED, S A TURNINE, GLOOMY mean showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood. SULLEN implies a silent ill humor and a refusal to be sociable e.g. “remained sullen amid the festivities.” GLUM suggests a silent low-spiritedness e.g. “a glum candidate left to ponder a stunning defeat.” MOROSE adds to GLUM an element of bitterness or misanthropy e.g. “morose job seekers who are inured to rejection.” SURLY implies gruffness and sullenness of speech or manner e.g. “a typical surly teenager.” SULKY suggests childi sh resentment expressed in peevish (easily irritated or annoyed) sullenness e.g. “grew sulky after every spat.” CRABBED applies to a forbidding morose harshness of manner e.g. “the school's notoriously crabbed headmaster.” SATURNINE describes a heavy forbi dding aspect or suggests a bitter disposition e.g. “a saturnine cynic always finding fault.” GLOOMY implies a depression in mood making for seeming sullenness or glumness e.g. “a gloomy mood ushered in by bad news.”SynonymsO BSTINATE, DOGGED, STUBBORN, PERTIN A CIOUS, M U LISH mean fixed and unyielding in course or purpose. OBSTINATE implies usually an unreasonable persistence e.g. “an obstinate proponent of conspiracy theories.” DOGGED suggests an admirable often unyielding and unwavering persistence e.g. “p ursued the story with dogged perseverance.” STUBBORN implies sturdiness in resisting change which may or may not be admirable e.g. “a person too stubborn to admit error.” PERTINACIOUS suggests an annoying or boring persistence e.g. “a pertinacious salesclerk refusing to take no for an answer.” MULISH implies a thoroughly unreasonable stubbornness e.g. “a mulish determination to have his own way.”Synonyms 1R I DICULE, DER I DE, MOCK, TAUNT mean to make an object of laughter of. RIDICULE implies a deliberate of ten malicious belittling e.g. “consistently ridiculed everything she said.” DERIDE suggests contemptuous and often bitter ridicule e.g. “derided their efforts to start their own business.” MOCK implies scorn often ironically expressed as by mimicry (imitative behaviour) or false d e ference (obedience) e.g. “youngsters began to mock the helpless wino.” TAUNT suggests mockingly provoking insult or challenge e.g. “hometown fans taunted the visiting team.”Synonyms 2COPY, IMITATE, MIMIC, APE, MOCK mean to make something so that it resembles an existing thing. COPY suggests duplicating an original as nearly as possible e.g. “copied the painting and sold the fake as an original.” IMITATE suggests following a model or a pattern but may allow for some variation e.g.“imitate a poet's style.” MIMIC implies a close copying (as of voice or mannerism) often for fun, ridicule, or lifelike imitation e.g. “pupils mimicking their teacher.” APE may suggest pres u mptuous (专横的), slavish, or awkward imitating of a superior origin al e.g. “American fashion designers aped their European colleagues.” MOCK usually implies imitation with derision e.g. “mocking a vain man's pompous manner.”SynonymsIMPASSIVE, ST O IC, PHLEGMATIC, APATHETIC, ST O LID mean unresponsive (aloof or indifferent) to something that might normally excite interest or emotion. IMPASSIVE stresses the absence of any external sign of emotion in action or facial expression e.g. “met the news with an impassive look.” STOIC implies an apparent indifference to pleasure or especially to pain often as a matter of principle or self-discipline e.g. “was resolutely stoic even in adversity.” PHLEGMATIC implies a temperament or constitution hard to arouse e.g. “a phlegmatic man unmoved by tears.” APATHETIC may imply a puzzling or de plorable indifference or inertness (immobility) e.g. “charitable appeals met an apathetic response.” STOLID implies an habitual absence of interest, responsiveness, or curiosity e.g. “stolid workers wedded to routine.”SynonymsQUICKEN, ANIMATE, ENL I VEN, VIVIFY mean to make alive or lively. QUICKEN stresses a sudden renewal of life or activity especially in something inert e.g. “the arrival of spring quickens the earth.” ANIMATE emphasizes the imparting (transmission of information) of motion or vitality to what is or might be mechanicalor artificial e.g. “happiness animated his conversation.” ENLIVEN suggests a stimulus that arouses from dullness or torpidity (麻痹)e.g. “enlivened her lectures with humorous anecdotes.” VIVIFY implies a freshening or energizing through renewal of vitality e.g. “new blood needed to vivify the dying club.”SynonymsTHIN, SLENDER, SLIM, SLIGHT, TENUOUS mean not thick, broad, abundant, or dense. THIN implies comparatively little extension between surfaces or in diameter, or it may imply lack of substance, richness, or abundance e.g. “thin wire” “a thin soup.” SLENDER implies leanness or spareness(瘦弱) often with grace and good prop ortion e.g. “the slender legs of a Sheraton chair.” SLIM applies to slenderness that suggests fragility or scantiness (单薄)e.g. “a slim volume of poetry” “a slim chance.” SLIGHT implies smallness as well as thinness e.g. “a slight build.” TENUOUS implies extreme thinness, sheerness, or lack of substance and firmness e.g. “a tenuous thread.”SynonymsTR A NSIENT, TR A NSITORY, EPH E MERAL, M O MENTARY, F U GITIVE, FLEETING, EVAN E SCENT mean lasting or staying only a short time. TRANSIENT applies to what is actually s hort in its duration or stay e.g. “a hotel catering primarily to transient guests.” TRANSITORY applies to what is by its nature or essence bound to change, pass, or come to an end e.g. “fame in the movies is transitory.” EPHEMERAL implies striking brevity of life or duration e.g. “many slang words are ephemeral.” MOMENTARY suggests coming and going quickly and therefore being merely a brief interruption of a more enduring state e.g. “my feelings of guilt were only momentary.” FUGITIVE and FLEETING imply pa ssing so quickly as to make comprehending difficult e.g. “let a fugitive smile flit across his face” “fleeting moments of joy.” EVANESCENT suggests a quick vanishing and an airy or fragile quality e.g. “the story has an evanescent touch of whimsy that is lost in translation.”swellSynonymsEXPAND, AMPLIFY, SWELL, DIST E ND, INFL A TE, DIL A TE mean to increase in size or volume. EXPAND may apply whether the increase comes from within or without and regardless of manner (as growth, unfolding, addition of part s) e.g. “a business that expands every year.” AMPLIFY implies the extension or enlargement of something inadequate e.g. “amplify the statement with details.” SWELL implies gradual expansion beyond a thing's original or normal limits e.g. “the bureaucracy swelled to unmanageable proportions.” DISTEND implies outward extension caused by pressure from within e.g. “a distended abdomen.” INFLATE implies expanding by introduction of air or something insubstantial and suggests a resulting vulnerability and liabili ty to sudden collapse e.g. “an inflated ego.” DILATE applies especially to expansion of circumference e.g. “dilated pupils.”SynonymsDISCOMP O SE, DISQU I ET, DISTURB, PERT UR B, A GITATE, UPSET, FL U STER mean to destroy capacity for collected thought or decisive action. DISCOMPOSE implies some degree of loss of self-control or self-confidence especially through emotional stress e.g. “discomposed by the loss of his beloved wife.”DISQUIET suggests loss of sense of security or peace of mind e.g. “the disquieting news of factories closing.”DISTURB implies interference with one's mental processes caused by worry, perplexity, or interruption e.g. “the discrepancy in accounts disturbed me.” PERTURB implies deep disturbance of mind and emotions e.g. “perturbed by her husband's strange behavior.”AGITATE suggests obvious external signs of nervous or emotional excitement e.g. “in his agitated state we could see he was unable to work.”UPSET implies the disturbance of normal or habitual functioning by disappointment, distr ess, or grief e.g. “the family's constant bickering upsets the youngest child.” FLUSTER suggests bewildered agitation e.g. “his declaration of love completely flustered her.”SynonymsQUALITY, PROPERTY, CHARACTER, ATTR I BUTE mean an intelligible feature by which a thing may be identified. QUALITY is a general term applicable to any trait or characteristic whether individual or generic e.g. “material with a silky quality.” PROPERTY implies a characteristic that belongs to a thing's essential nature and may be used to describe a type or species e.g. “the property of not conducting heat.” CHARACTER applies to a peculiar and distinctive quality of a thing or a class e.g. “remarks of an unseemly character.” ATTRIBUTE implies a quality ascribed to a thing or a being e.g. “the traditional attributes of a military hero.”。