%According to the Xu's cycle description of the development rule of integrated circuits, integrated circuit develop from soft programming to hard programming, then to-hard and soft dual programming direction. Programmable device has become the theme of the times, more and more demand for programmable device test, a variety of innovative testing technologies and solutions of the programmable logic device have been published. This paper introduces the concept and classification of the programmable devices first. Then made a introduction of the mainstream automatic test equipment (ATE); Then describes the test method of programmable devices in detail; This method has strong versatility, can be widely used in all kinds of programmable devices testing, such as PLD, PROM, CPLD, FPGA. It is of great significance for the industrialized testing of programmable logic devices.【期刊名称】《电子与封装》【年(卷),期】2016(000)001【总页数】4页(P12-15)【关键词】可编程逻辑器件;ISP;ATE;测试【作者】解维坤【作者单位】中国电子科技集团公司第58研究所,江苏无锡 214035【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN407常见的可编程逻辑器件有PROM、PAL、GAL、PLA、CPLD、FPGA等,它们主要由可编程的与阵列、或阵列、门阵列等组成,可通过编程实现一定的逻辑功能[1]。
二、问题分析1. 高成本:传统的封测封装流程中,需要大量的人力和物力投入,导致成本较高。
2. 低效率:由于流程繁琐且耗时长,导致生产周期较长,无法满足市场需求。
三、方案设计为了解决上述问题,我们可以采取以下措施:1. 自动化设备投入通过引入自动化设备来替代人工操作,可以大幅降低人力成本,并提高生产效率。
2. 流程优化对封测封装流程进行优化,简化繁琐的步骤,减少不必要的环节。
3. 质量控制加强质量控制是确保封测封装产品质量可靠性的关键。
4. 供应链管理优化供应链管理是实现成本降低的重要手段。
5. 环境友好在设计方案时要考虑环境友好因素。
四、实施计划1. 调研阶段:对市场需求进行调研,了解行业发展趋势,并与相关专家和企业进行交流,收集信息和建议。
测试成本高昂是封装测试行业面临的另一个挑战,它可能影 响企业的盈利能力和市场竞争力。
由于封装测试涉及的环节多、工作量大、人力资源需求高等 因素,导致测试成本高昂。此外,测试效率低下和准确度不 高等问题也会增加测试成本。这可能对企业的盈利能力和市 场竞争力产生负面影响。
• 建立监控机制:建立有效的监控机制,对 测试过程进行实时跟踪和监控,确保测试 工作的顺利进行。- 收集和分析数据:收 集和分析测试过程中的数据,了解测试效 果和问题,为后续的优化和改进提供依据 。- 及时调整和改进:根据监控结果和分 析数据,及时调整和改进测试方案和方法 ,提高测试效率和质量。
• 选择合适的实施人员:根据测试 任务和需求,选择具备相应技能 和经验的实施人员,确保测试工 作的顺利进行。- 明确责任分工 :根据实施计划,明确每个实施 人员的责任分工,确保每个环节 都有专人负责,避免出现职责不 清的情况。- 提供培训和支持: 为实施人员提供必要的培训和支 持,帮助他们熟悉测试流程、掌 握测试技能,提高测试效率和质 量。
封装测试行业行业痛点与解 决措施
汇报人: 2023-12-28
• 行业痛点 • 解决措施 • 实施方案 • 案例分析
测试效率低下是封装测试行业面临的主要问题之一,它可能导致项目进度延迟 、成本增加和产品质量风险。
在封装测试过程中,由于测试环境配置复杂、测试数据管理繁琐、测试脚本编 写工作量大等因素,导致测试效率低下。这使得测试周期延长,测试成本增加 ,甚至可能影响到产品的上市时间和质量。
立对3DIC测试挑战的ATE解决方案Advantest V93000准备就绪
![立对3DIC测试挑战的ATE解决方案Advantest V93000准备就绪](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ba14c4f09a89680203d8ce2f0066f5335a8167f5.png)
立对3DIC测试挑战的ATE解决方案Advantest V93000准备就绪Scott Chesnut;Bob Smith【摘要】三维集成电路(3DIC)的出现需要具备自动测试设备开发能力才能解决这些结构带来的挑战。
Advantest引进了每个引脚时钟域、多端口硬件、并发测试框架、协议感知以及smar Test程序管理器,可有效解决3DIC的测试挑战。
%The advent of three dimensional integrated circuits (3DIC) requires that automatic test equipment develop capability to address the challenges brought on by these structures.Such capability is found in test solutions which provide multiple clock domains, granular hardware porting per 3DIC layer, powerful test languages to control this hardware and collaborative software development environments where each layer's test development team can seamlessly merge their efforts together and be ready for production quickly. Advantest's introduction of clock domain per pin, multi-port hardware, concurrent test framework, Protocol aware, and smartest program manager address the test challenges of 3DIC in an effective manner. They allow production solutions to be architected to the degree of granularity required by the development teams.【期刊名称】《电子工业专用设备》【年(卷),期】2012(041)010【总页数】7页(P34-39,63)【关键词】三维集成电路/硅穿孔;单封装系统;自动测试设备【作者】Scott Chesnut;Bob Smith【作者单位】Advantest America;Advantest America【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN4073D芯片属于多系统实体,其面临的测试挑战远远超过以往的单封装系统(SiP)和/或系统级芯片(SOC)。
郑传俊Zheng Chuanjun上海宏测半导体科技有限公司研发总监5657SCI-TECH INNOVATIONSAND BRANDS创新人物多任务并发测试概念来自于中大功率分立器件测试,但即使是中大功率分立器件测试,参数的测试也是由多台独立的测试机分站测试完成的。
在低成本数模混合式 ATE上应用并发技术,不仅能够满足用量巨大的消费级电子芯片设计封装测试企业的成本要求,而且使客户利用较少的测试资源完成相同甚至更多的测试产出,每一测试站上相对独立的 DUT板也将简化某些敏感模拟 IC测试中外围器件对其的影响。
“以一颗电源管理类器件为例,采用单任务顺序测试,完成全参数测试,测试时间约 1.6 s,采用并发技术后,将参数进行分拆,只需增加少量的硬件资源,其测试时间可以缩短一半,达到约880 ms,同时又以较低的成本将 UPH 提升至4k,保证了测试效率与精准度,性价比极为突出。
ATE基本原理ATE全称为Automated Test Equipment,即自动化测试设备。
当然LDO 的输出稳定时间一般都在微秒级(几十到上百微秒),所以调试时不太会遇到此类问题,但有的时候我们需要测试芯片内部的基准电压,但又没有办法直接进行测试,只能通过其他的引脚间接测试,如图1为LED驱动芯片的部分线路图,。
例如,DIP 封装在早期的集成电路中应用广泛,其引脚从芯片两侧引出,安装方便,但占用空间较大;BGA 封装则通过在芯片底部形成球形引脚阵列,大大提高了引脚密度,适用于高性能、高集成度的芯片;CSP 封装则在尺寸上做到了极致,几乎与芯片本身大小相同,具有更小的体积和更好的电气性能。
• 169•在高速数字集成电路的测试过程中,自动测试机台ATE 和测试夹具扮演了非常重要的角色。
由ATE 脚端界面电路带宽限制和测试夹具损耗所形成的信道损耗对测试结果的准确性有重大影响。
集成电路测试是整个集成电路生产制造流程中非常重要的一环,对于数据速率高达几十Gbps 的高速数字集成电路芯片而言更是如此。
在高速数字集成电路的测试流程中,自动测试机台(Automatic Test Equip-ment , ATE )的使用非常广泛。
在利用ATE 测试高速数字集成电路的过程中,需要使用某种测试夹具将ATE 测试通道和待测芯片(Device Under Test , DUT )连接起来。
这样DUT 输出波形经过测试夹具到达ATE 脚端界面电路的接收器后,ATE 就可以对DUT 输出结果正确与否进行判断。
实践中,测试夹具的损耗和ATE 脚端界面电路接收器的带宽限制都会对DUT 输出波形产生衰减。
随着集成电路数据速率不断提高,这种衰减可能导致ATE 接收到严重失真的信号从而给出错误测试结果。
因此我们必须采用某种方法对上述两种损耗进行补偿,才能保证ATE 测试结果的准确性。
目前针对测试夹具损耗和ATE 脚端界面电路带宽限制的补偿主要有两种方法:去嵌和均衡。
1 信道损耗补偿方法一:去嵌去嵌是一种对测量数据进行后处理的方法,以去除测试夹具损耗或ATE 脚端界面电路带宽限制对测试数据的影响。
信号从DUT 的I/O 封装管脚出发,途经测试夹具和ATE 脚端界面电路,到达ATE 接收器,这期间所经受的损耗可用图1中“原始模型”部分来描述:DUT 输出依次经过两个低通滤波器LPF 。
其中第一个LPF 代表测试夹具以及DUT 插座的损耗,第二个LPF 则代表ATE 脚端界面电路的带宽限制。
芯片ate设备技术参数芯片ATE设备技术参数一、什么是芯片ATE设备?芯片ATE(Automatic Test Equipment)设备是一种用于对集成电路芯片进行测试和验证的专用设备。
二、芯片ATE设备的技术参数有哪些?1. 测试通道数:芯片ATE设备通常具有多个测试通道,每个通道可以同时测试一个芯片。
2. 测试精度:芯片ATE设备的测试精度是指测试结果与实际值之间的偏差。
3. 测试速度:芯片ATE设备的测试速度是指每个测试通道每秒钟可以完成的测试次数。
4. 芯片支持范围:芯片ATE设备需要支持多种类型的芯片测试,包括数字芯片、模拟芯片、混合信号芯片等。
5. 测试电压范围:芯片ATE设备需要能够提供不同的测试电压,以适应不同芯片的工作电压要求。
6. 测试功率范围:芯片ATE设备需要能够提供不同的测试功率,以适应不同芯片的功耗要求。
7. 测试温度范围:芯片ATE设备需要能够在不同的温度条件下进行测试,以模拟芯片在不同工作环境下的性能。
8. 测试接口:芯片ATE设备需要提供与被测试芯片进行通信的接口,常见的接口包括JTAG、I2C、SPI等。
9. 软件支持:芯片ATE设备需要配备相应的测试软件,以实现测试程序的编写、执行和分析。
10. 数据存储和输出:芯片ATE设备需要能够将测试结果进行存储和输出,以便后续的数据分析和报告生成。
一、三维封装技术的基本原理与类型三维封装技术基于多种不同的实现方式,主要包括硅通孔(Through-Silicon Vias, TSV)、微凸点互联(Micro Bumps)、芯片堆叠(Chip Stacking)及中介层(Interposer)技术等。
微凸点互联则为芯片间提供了灵活的机械和电气连接点,而芯片堆叠允许不同功能的芯片直接堆叠,形成高度集成的系统级封装(System-in-Package, SiP)。
随着数字集成电路的普及,数字集成电路测试技 术逐渐成为主流,如JTAG测试、边界扫描测试等 。
随着集成电路规模的扩大和复杂性的增加,自动测 试设备(ATE)逐渐成为主流的测试工具,能够实 现高效、高精度的测试。
功能测试是集成电路测试中的基础测试,主要目的是验证集成电路的功能是否符合 设计要求。
随着集成电路封装的小型化,测试的难 度也在增加,因为小型化封装可能导致 引脚间距缩小和引脚数量增加,使得测 试的准确性和可靠性受到影响。
采用先进的探针卡和连接器技术,以提 高测试连接的稳定性和可靠性。同时, 开发和应用更先进的测试算法和软件, 以应对小型化封装带来的挑战。
根据测试需求,选择合适的测试设备,如测试机台、探针台、负 载板等。
性能测试通常需要在不同的环境 条件下进行,以模拟实际工作情
可靠性测试是为了评估集成电路在长 时间工作或恶劣环境下的稳定性。
可靠性测试的结果可以用来评估集成 电路的可靠性和寿命,以及预测潜在 的故障风险。
可靠性测试通常包括寿命测试、高低温 循环测试、湿度测试等,以模拟实际使 用过程中可能遇到的各种环境因素。
集成电路设计与制造的技术挑战集成电路(Integrated Circuit,IC)是现代电子技术的基石,被广泛应用于计算机、通信、医疗、军事等领域。
此外,硅基光电子集成电路(Silicon Photonics)技术的发展为高速数据传输提供了解决方案。
基于PXI 协议的ATE 测试平台的软件架构设计牛孝忠,唐藓富,吉 鹏上海御渡半导体科技有限公司,上海 201306摘要:随着集成电路复杂度的越来越高,集成电路测试难度也相应增加,部分芯片的制造成本大部分用于芯片测试,芯片成本是芯片生产制造中重要的考量标准。
如何实现高性能、低成本的测试需求是一个难题,而自动测试设备结合PXI 系统大大降低了芯片测试成本的高性能,让这一难题得以解决。
文章通过对PXI 协议进行阐述,列举大量ATE 测试平台关系进行分析,促进国内半导体产业的发展,从而验证半导体产业对整个微波射频芯片市场的自动化测试领域有巨大的示范和推动作用。
关键词:PXI 协调;自动测试设备;ATE 测试中图分类号:TP274.4基金项目:本文系国家重点研发计划重大科学仪器设备开发专项(项目编号:2017YFF0106701)资助。
0 引言芯片在测试过程中需要测试电压、电流和时序几百上千次,功能测试为确保器件的完全正确甚至测试百万次。
要实现如此高难度的测试,靠人工肯定是无法实现的,因此用到集成电路自动测试设备(ATE,Automated TestEquipment)也成为一种必然。
PXI 系统组成由高性能模块化仪器和其他具有专用同步和主要软件功能的 I /O,适用于从设备检验到自动化生产测试等测试测量应用。
在PXI 系统中,PXI 模块、I/O 模块由机箱背板获取电源和通信总线。
在不同的测试需求中通过一个或多个工程软件工具来定制不同的PXI 系统,通过嵌入式控制器或外部主机控制PXI 模块和I/O 模块等。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!ATE线路板测试原理。
一、半导体测试技术1. ATE测试系统ATE(Automatic Test Equipment,自动测试设备)是半导体测试中不可或缺的工具。
2. 测试程序开发测试程序是ATE测试的核心,它定义了如何对芯片进行测试。
3. 参数测试与统计分析参数测试是对芯片性能参数进行测试和分析的过程。
二、半导体封装技术1. 封装材料与工艺半导体封装材料和工艺对产品的可靠性和性能起着至关重要的作用。
2. 封装技术趋势随着半导体产品的不断发展,封装技术也在不断演进。
本文以具体电路为例,在TR6836 测试系统上对交流参数的两种测试方法进行可靠的分析验证。
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ATE solutions to 3D-IC test challenges The rea diness of Advantest’s V93000Scott Chesnut scott.chesnut@Robert Smith robert.j.smith@Florent Cros florent.cros@Lakshmikanth Namburi lakshmikanth.namburi@Advantest AmericaSan Jose, California USAAbstract—Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D-IC) require that automatic test equipment develop capability to address the challenges brought on by these structures.Such capability is found in test solutions which provide multiple clock domains, granular hardware porting per 3DIC layer, powerful test languages to control this hardware and collaborative software development environments.Advantest’s introduction of clock domain per pin, multi-port, concurrent test, and protocol aware software, MEMS probes, and SmarTest program manager address the test challenges of 3DIC in an effective effectively. They allow production solutions to be architected to the degree of granularity required by the development teams.Keywords—Protocol aware, Clock domain per pin, multi-port hardware, concurrent test framework, Protocol aware, SmarTest program manager, PLL Keep Alive, 3DIC TSV, 25uM pitch, MEMS Probes, ATE, BIST, JTAG, Pico Ampere Meter, interposer, spatial translation, MEMS, planarity, probes, cantilever, beam.I.I NTRODUCTION3D chips are multi-system entities whose test challenges dwarf those presented by yesterday’s System in a Package (SiP) and/or System On a Chip (SOC). Substantial infrastructure must be readied in order to position any Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) to succeed in a production test environment. A good approach to understanding what the real challenges are would be to eliminate those with already known solutions.Past efforts to reduce test time, increase test coverage, and coordinate the software efforts of large groups of test engineers have solved 2D related production test problems. While these solutions had been developed for reasons other than 3DIC/TSV production test, we find they may lend themselves well to the task. Many of the perceived 3DIC/TSV test problems actually already have solutions. What follows is a description of how the existing features of Advantest’s V93000 might address many of these challenges.A.Test Program Software Maintenance – SmarTest ProgramManager.Historically, a chip had one function. As more functions where added they became systems on a chip and then the migration to system in a package occurred. 3DIC systems in a stack add even greater complexity.Whether 3D stacks are assembled from Known Good Die (KGD) or Pretty Good Die (PGD) it can be assumed that “some” level of test will occur at both the chip level and then the stack level. Without assurance that chip layers are somewhat functional, a single layer’s defect can result with failing of the entire stack. Test costs become prohibitive as many good die are lost due to a single bad layer.Testing die before and after stack assembly requires use of variations of the same test program. One program version is used for the single die, another for the assembled stack. This is because test at the chip level will target its subcomponents while test at the stack level will exercise mission mode system level performance.It is likely that the same program be used for both activities with the difference being in how it perceives its current purpose. That is, a well architected test program can receive instructions from an operator or prober/handler and branch into chip or stack level test.Whether testing PGD, KGD, on the chip or stack level, use of the same program to test both reduces the correlation burden between chip test and assembled stack test. Proper maintenance of these program variations will require tighter book keeping than in the past.3D structures, being built from multiple separate chip layers have associated with them legions of test, product and design engineers responsible for performance of each layer. Large groups of people who, while in the past never had reason to collaborate, in the future will find it absolutely necessary. Since each layer represents man years of test development effort, the test programs of each engineering group will haveto be integrated into a single large master test program whose purpose is test the entire stack or portions of it as it is built.Collaborative test development software packages must enable graceful checking in and out of test program modules with a minimum of inter-group interaction and/or miscommunication. Ideally, it would also address multi-platform customer concerns because the intellectual property of a given test is expected to come from bench data, EDA tools, Verilog simulations and/or competing testers.A method of handling this task is found in Advantest’s SmarTest Program Manager. While the product has many features which ease program generation, version control, translation, and test time reduction, it also allows effective collaboration between any number of engineers who independently debug, modify, and re-integrate changes into the master test flow. Already a highly mature product SmarTest Program Manager lends itself well to the task of 3DIC test software development, integration and maintenance.B. Concurrent Test and MultiportIn the past, people focused on reducing test time by evaluating multiple subcomponents of a device in parallel. The more that could be run in parallel, the greater the test time savings. Older testers having single clock domains and primitive synchronization software had difficulty addressing this challenge.The Advantest V93K enables 128 separate clock domains for digital/analog/RF testing. Separate clocking makes possible the Multiport and Concurrent test features of the V93K hardware and software. This highly granular resource control allows mission mode test to be accomplished. Improved test coverage occurs because each DUT core can interact autonomously and asynchronously with the tester if actually operating in the target application.The Advantest V93K enables 128 separate clock domains for digital/analog/RF testing. Separate clocking make possible the Multiport and Concurrent test features of the V93K hardware and software. This highly granular resource control allows mission mode test to be accomplished. Improved test coverage occurs because each DUT core can interact autonomously and asynchronously with the tester as actually operating in the target application.While this feature has been in use on 2D products for years, its usefulness becomes apparent during 3DIC stack assembly test. Assuming that access to the TSV pads are on the top of every layer to be assembled, and assuming that the probe technology used to make contact to them exists, we might see the bond/build up process as shown in the figures below.During 3DIC assembly, the signal type and speed of the accessible TSVs of each layer will be different. The TSV signals exposed on the top of the interposer layer will differ from those exposed on the top of the CPU layer. Similarly, those of the CPU layer will be different than those of theSRAM layer, and so on. A single master test program can test separate layers as they are placed on the growing stack. This master test program will use each of the many configuredFigure 2 SmarTest Program Manager facilitatescollaborative program development.Figure 3 Concurrent test of IC cores by converting serial tests to parallel through the use of concurrent test framework and multiport configurable hardware.Figure 4 Step 1: Port A of the tester resource set is usedto interrogate the first stack layer – the interposer.Figure 5 Step 2: Port B of the tester resource set is used to interrogate the second stack layer - the CPU. Figure 6 Step 3: Port C of the tester resource set is used to interrogate the second stack layer – the SRAM.ports, each architected to serve the needs of every layer. In this way as layers are bonded on the stack and as the profile of the accessible signal sets change, a new test program need not be loaded into the tester. Multiple separate programs will not be needed.C. Clock Domain per PinAdvantest’s Multiport allows the hardware assignment granularity required to test discrete 3DIC layers and cores within each layer. As mentioned previously, another such feature is clock domain per pin capability of Advantest’sPS1600 and PS9G digital pins. Such functionality allows each layer or layer sub function to operate in any of up to 128 total asynchronous clock domains, each supporting independent periods resolved to 3nS. This can be considered a requirement for future 3DIC designs because the integration of multiple IP cores on stack layers will require multiple clockfrequencies/domains. Mission mode setup and operation becomes an issue as more layers of the stack are assembled because direct access to sunken layers will become obscured. The only way to operate the partial stack will be if the ATE can achieve this functionality. Hence ATE targeting 3DIC test needs to be a flexible multi clock domain instrument as well as one supporting Multiport.As seen in Fig. 7, the Advantest test equipment can be configured to operate each individual layer at its required asynchronous clock rate. Stack layer clock rates will have to be provided whose frequencies are dissimilar to the point of only being fractionally related to those around them. Multiple free running clocks will have to be provided to different layers again at different rates. PCI express, PXI, SLIM bus, etc. protocols will be expected to run simultaneously on different parts of digital hardware while unrelated RF/mixed signal activities occur autonomously as well. Data bus rates of multiple layers can be expected to have unique timing requirements unto themselves.D. Protocol Engine per PinAs the 3D chip is built and tested, bottom layers will have been designed to communicate with others which are not yet present. Again, this type of communication is expected to be done in mission mode. A tester will have to become the“surrogate stack” until future layers are assembled. It will be required that the ATE act to perform the virtual functions of the remaining un-built stack layers in order to facilitate the mission mode testing of the targeted layer as well as the layers underneath it. It becomes necessary to use protocol aware to make the stack “think” it is talking with the rest of itself even though it’s yet not there. A tester implementing protocolaware allows the tester to act as the remaining un-built portion of the stack.But physical challenges occur as the stack layers are built up. These stem from the fact that the X-Y locations of a given signal set will change from layer to layer. That is, pads whose purpose was to send/receive PCIE signals at topological location A on layer 1 may be found at location F on layer 2. This is generally known as the “spatial translation” of a given signal set from layer to layer.To compound the problem, on layer 2 the pads at location A may be required to perform I2C protocol not PCIE. Normally, to accommodate this would require a separate probearrangement for each layer meaning a separate probe card for each layer and a separate way of handling the protocol change. Alternatively, since the V93000 port granularity allows forFigure 8 As stack layers are added, the tester must mimic the function of future, not yet present layersEarly in the assembly/test processLater in the assembly/test processreassignment of digital pins from one port to another in a dynamic fashion, this exception is handled. Probe card pins which test I2C on one layer can be reconfigured as PCIE on another. This is because the V93000 supports the Protocol Engine per pin which means the same pin can test eitherprotocols (or any other for that matter) on the same probe pin (same X-Y layer location) across all of the layers.Unfortunately, if the type of spatial translation is occurring between layers and moves from digital to RF or mixed signals, this solution falls apart because the function of the testerresource changes entirely thus requiring reassignment of probe card wiring to a different tester resource or a local relay implementation. Possible solutions to this problem are:1. Develop a JEDEC (Joint Electronic DeviceEngineering Council) standard which enforces strict TSV signal type assignment rules. But this will require all layer vendors to observe definedconventions. As of the date of this writing, JEDEC has yet to develop a complete standard.2. Design every tester pin to accommodate every signaltype: RF/Power/Mixed Signal/Digital. This is an impractical, expensive, and multi-man year solution to develop.3. Re-route probe cards for every layer. This requiresmultiple separate probe cards - one for every layer which would be expensive.4. Use interposers to perform the spatial translation.While this adds to the assembly burden, it is aflexible solution which could handle physical layout exceptions. But as such requires that all interposers be individually tested.The most practical currently available solution to this problem would be to introduce interposers between layers to route signals of a given type to a region of the probe card wherethese tester resources have already been assigned. In this way, repositioning of the probe arrangement by way of another probe card is not required (eliminating the requirement for multiple probe cards and the time to change them).E. InterposersThere has been recent focus on the use of interposers toperform the intra-layer spatial translation. This is so not only for the reasons specified above (to avoid spatial translation of digital to RF signals and to address mechanical pitchmismatches) but also because use of them relinquishes chip designers from the responsibility of routing signals to the TSV x/y locations required by the next/previous layers of the stack. While the JEDEC consortium outlines the standard JESD49A, which suggest conventions where by these designer might compromise their efforts it is not complete; a simpler solutionmay the use of interposers.The word “interposer” comes from the Latin, interpōnere,meaning 'to put up between'. In the context of 3DIC test an interposer will perform the spatial translation of signals coming from one layer’s X/Y positions to that of the next layer. The interposer will be “put in between” layers in order to route signals using conductive paths.Interposers can be used to route signals of a given nature toprobe card pins which are already assigned to that type ofFigure 12 Simplified Interposer Concepts. Signals from bottom sidebeing routed to a different location on the top. Same side signalsbeing routed to different locations.Figure 9 PCIe port being tested on layer 1 at locations A.Figure 10 Locations A on layer 3 is tested as a memory interface. Location F now tests the same PCIe pins as on layer 1 now spatially translated from locations A on layer 4.Figure 11 Locations A tests I2C protocol.Location F interfaces with PowerManagement and is concurrently tested at anasynchronous rate using a differentcommunications protocol.X-Y Locations ―A‖ test functionfrom PCIe to Memorytester resource signal (RF/mixed signal/digital/power). This eliminates the requirement to swap probe cards during intra-layer production test of the stack.The number of TSVs found in future 3D devices is expected to be large - hundreds or thousands on top and bottom of each layer. The conductive traces on interposers will be comprised of very small geometries and tax the limits of mechanical fabrication tolerances. Because of this, a great number of the traces (if not all) are to be tested if for no other reason than to check process variations.To test interposer trace connectivity in production will require more than just continuity. The current carrying capability of each trace is expected to be very low – too low for standard ATE parametric instrumentation to be able to resolve. While Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) techniques can be used to validate/characterize line length, continuity, and possibly impedance, it cannot verify current carrying capability(conductance). The Advantest Pico-amp Measure Card, can do all of these. Line length is verified by resistivity per cubic millimeter and knowledge of ideal trace volumetric and or cross sectional dimensions.It is a requirement that interposer test be as thorough as that found in Known Good Die. By the time an interposer is to be attached to the stack it must be 100% functional. It will make sense to bond the interposer on the die layer without testing the TSV it lays on. All that will need to be evaluated will be the bonding process. This occurs during the normal course of that layer’s mission mode test.The described approach solves the spatial translation problem associated with digital signals positioned on the RF tester resource x/y locations on the probe card. If signals of a given type (RF, digital, mixed signal) are routed to pre assigned probe card regions where these tester resources are already connected, the requirement of having to probe RF signals withdigital hardware is eliminated. The interposer will always reroute the signal to the appropriate area of the probe card matrix where the required tester resource is assigned.So with the use of a fully tested known good interposer, the problem of spatial translation to conflicting tester resources is solved. Probe is done after interposer assembly. Contact to the relevant TSVs by the proper tester resource is achievedbecause such signals are routed to quadrant containing probes connected to the appropriate tester resource.Because the use of the interposer allows routing of signals to the locations of dedicated probes, could we conclude that issue is solved.But designers may not assign next layer TSV locations at the same location as the interposer probe locations. This means that the interposer must perform two purposes: 1) to route signals to the location of dedicated probes and 2) to route signals to the location of the next layers input/output TSVs. Therefore the interposer design mentioned in Fig. 14 must change to resemble that of Fig. 15.Here the input and outputs of the interposer are located differently than that of the probe points. Placing the probe points on signal traces as suggested creates new but tractable problems. The first is that, if left exposed, the probe points might contact TSVs on the layer above it. There might be anyFigure 15 Interposer traces which contain probe card pads whose location is different than the signal output/inputs introduce reflection stubs.Figure 13 Actual Interposer Implementation. [1]Figure 14 Interposers can be used to reroute signals of a given type to predetermined probe card location where a tester resourceassignment conversion is observed. This methodology eliminates the requirement to rearrange tester resource assignment on the probe card by way of the use of another probe card during production test.number of solutions to this problem, for instance, by locating the probe points in inert locations of the next stack layer.The next problem is that of reflective stub introduced by the trace path stubs to the exiting TSV. These stubs can create reflections which could corrupt the signal integrity at the probe point. This can be solved based on knowledge of the frequency of the signals being probed. Given that the stubs are expected to be very short, (less than 3 mm) and that typical RF transmission frequencies (the highest expected in such anapplication) are approximately 5GHz, if the dielectric constant (Er) of the interposer where chosen to be as low as possible, interference from such reflections can be considerednegligible. The same can be said for high speed digital signals except that their susceptibility to reflective perturbations is far less because of the greater noise margin inherent in digital signals.F. 3D, Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) and Precision Parametric TestingThe benefits of “die stacking” into 3D structures are higher reliability, lower power consumption and higher speedperformance. This stacking will require individual die being very reliable and have very high test yield. Ideally, a single manufacturer would have complete control over each die’s electrical quality, performance, and physical construction. This would insure that stacking would have a very high probability of a fully functional product.However, in reality, it is unlikely a single company would manufacture all die layers required to make a complete 3D system product. Several manufacturers are expected tofabricate all of the different layers. If a die is added to the 3D stack which does not meet the stringent performancerequirements, a non-function 3D product would result. Worse would be a reliability failure in the field of the finished product. This would result in recalls and lost revenues.As TSVs pass through a die they could pass by critical active areas and cause undesirable effects in performance. It will be important that all signal routings using TSVs be well plannedand understood across all vendor designs in 3D systems.TSVs will also create new device leakage and dielectric paths. Resistance and capacitive paths created by these TSVs willhave to be monitored and understood. Thousands of new TSV are to be added as each new layer is added to the stack. Each such path could affect the stack performance and powerconsumption. Hence signal and power paths will require high accuracy testing. Engineers must be able to measure lowleakage current levels in order detect possible defects before a new die is added to the stack. The same will hold for total system leakage after the stack has been assembled.Having precision measuring ability early in the manufacturing process is a requirement as device process teams will monitor TSV diameter, height and oxide thicknesses as a function of signal and power paths. Checking thousands of TSVs or just a sampling of critical ones will prove nontrivial.Hence parametric testing will be required during theevaluation of individual die and during the die stack up phase. Quality precision parametric measurements of the TSVs, bumps, both C4 and micro C4 is key to successful 3D manufacturing. Today’s testers provide some precision parametric testing capability on a limited amount of pins. Using this solution is unacceptable as it would lead to a two pass test strategy unless a highly accuracy parametric parallel test solution is available.A highly parallel test solution would provide the ability to measure nano-Ampere (nA) or pico-Ampere (pA) accuracy and accurate resistance measurements in the milli-ohm ranges across many pins in parallel. Advantest’s precision, highly parallel DC test solution provides a solution. The Advantest pico-Ampere option provides 100 pins of precision nA and pA current measurement ability in true parallel fashion.Figure 16 3D stack die yield as a function of number of die in stack. Figure 17 3D TSV process capacitance, resistance, and leakage paths. Figure18 Block diagram of a single channel of the Advantest 93000 pA tester.Fig. 18 is a block diagram of a single pin’s architecture of the 100 pin Advantest highly parallel precision parametricmeasurement system. Each of the 100 pins is identical and can be independently programed on a per pin basis. One pass testing of digital data, standard PPMU, and precision PA parametric provides true one pass testing at wafer sort.G. Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) Probes If 3D devices become more prevalent, wafer probes andprobing techniques need to be re-evaluated. Thinned devices used in 3D stacking will need to be thoroughly tested to ensure high reliability before they can be used in a system leveldevice. These thinned cannot withstand the force and pressure exerted by conventional probes. This force and pressure is magnified as device pitch and technologies shrink anddensities increase. Conventional probes can cause damage by destroying devices at wafer level or worse by physically overstressing a die or TSV structure. This overstressed die can cause a failure of the 3D stack device over time. Probe contact planarity across a TSV arrays is essential for uniform contact resistance.Conventional metal MEMS probes can use vast areas of space(millimeters of length) in their construction to achievecompliance. These construction techniques will limit their use because of pitch and required higher densities which may cause probe misalignment.Advantest’s MEMs probe solution addresses many of these problems. Using multi-level metal MEMS processing, microlithography and through-mold electro-depositiontechniques, Advantest creates MEMs probes whose electrical and mechanical characteristics more closely match thatrequired by these challenges. Shown below in Fig. 21 is a completed Advantest MEMS probe photo.This fabrication process allows for high levels of consistent planarity from tip to tip as well as across the complete MEMS probes structure. Utilizing these techniques Advantest MEMS probes can be consistently fabricated to exacting standards. This tip to tip planarity process translates into much better compliance and less overdrive stress on thinned wafers.Another benefit of this is consistent path contact resistance as deflection is consistent across the probe array.Figure 21 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image of probe array showing high level of view of fabricated probe and sub-micron tip to tip planarity.H. ConclusionAlthough the number of 3DIC TSV devices in production around the world is very small, if it were to ramp suddenly, test engineers might find themselves without knowledge of available solutions. What has been described are the features of Advantest’s V93000 and how they might address many of the 3DIC TSV test challenges as viewed from the perspective of system experts.We have described how, using the currently available and mature features of the Advantest 93000 test system, theproblems associated with software revision control, multiple clock domains, multiport and concurrent test usage are provided by this tester platform. Use of the Pico Ampere Meter to thoroughly test interposers may be a requirement because they cannot be tested fully once assembled on the stack. The use of interposers as described will eliminate the necessity of swapping probe cards during production as stack layers are assembled, because spatial translation of layer signals to the appropriate tester resource is achieved. Also utilizing MEMS probe designs will allow testing of thinned wafers with minimal pressure allowing test of structures more consistently and more repeatedly. This will translate into higher and more consistent wafer and die yields.R EFERENCES[1] Image obtained from: MEMS Journal:/2010/04/overview-of-tsv-process-options.htmlFigure 19 Wafer Thinned to 50umFigure 20 Probe planarity problems。