


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、单项选择 (共10题;共20分)

1. (2分)Go straight this street and ________, you can see the post office.

A . turn the left

B . turn to right

C . turn left

D . turn the right

2. (2分)—Do you know ________?

—Let me see. I remember it was on March 18th.

A . why did they move here

B . why they moved here

C . when did they move here

D . when they moved here

3. (2分)I'm a new reader . Could you tell me ? Certainly . Two weeks , and you can renew them.

A . how long can I keep the books

B . how long I can keep the books

C . when should I return the books

D . when I should return the books

4. (2分)— , Jack! It's late!

— Oh, no! I can't find my bag!

A . You're right

B . Thank you

C . Excuse me

D . Come on

5. (2分)She usually ______a shower at 8:40 p.m..

A . goes

B . wants

C . takes

D . gets

6. (2分)一 Look! sunny day it is! How about going hiking?

一 That's a good idea.

A . What a

B . How a

C . What

D . How

7. (2分)—Have you worked together with the local doctors for a long time?

—Yes, since I to the community.

A . has come

B . comes

C . had come

D . came

8. (2分)-- When will we go skating?

-- It depends when I will have free time.

A . in

B . to

C . at

D . on

9. (2分)——Could you please give the dictionary to Wang Feng?

——Yes, of course! I'll give it to him ________ he comes back.

A . since

B . before

C . as soon as

D . until

10. (2分)The head teacher with his students________that park if it________tomorrow.

A . is going to ;isn't rainy

B . are going to; isn't rainy

C . is going to; won't rain

D . are going to; doesn't rain

二、阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)

11. (10分)阅读理解。

I'm Fang Ming. On holidays my parents often take me to the zoo in our city because I like animals.

I have a lot of toy animals in my room. In the zoo I can see tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bears, giraffes and many other animals. Some animals are very friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and lions are very dangerous. That is why they have to stay in cages. But I don't think it's good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in cages can't be happy.

Tigers usually live in forests and mountains. They can run very fast. They catch and eat small animals like rabbits and deer,but now they live in small rooms. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk in the cages,and they want to get out. When they are tired,they sleep. I feel sorry for them.

(1)When does Fang Ming go to the zoo?

A . On weekends.

B . On holidays.

C . On Friday.

D . On weekdays.

(2)_______ are very dangerous animals.

A . Tigers and monkeys

B . Bears and elephants

C . Bears and lions

D . Giraffes and rabbits

(3)The writer thinks that animals should_______.

A . stay in cages

B . be healthy

C . live in mountains

D . be free

(4)Tigers eat ______ in the forests and mountains.

A . bears

B . deer

C . monkeys

D . birds

(5)What does the writer want to tell us?

A . Don't get close to the dangerous animals.

B . Animals are man's best friends.

C . Animals should live in nature freely.

D . Animals are man's enermy (敌).

12. (10分)阅读理解

In order to deal with the shortage (短缺) of women's restrooms in public places, unisex (不分性别的) public toilets have been introduced into many cities. Will you feel comfortable using such a public toilet? You're welcome to share your ideas.

Cathy (China)

Toilets should be separated into men's and women's. As a woman, I don't want to share the same toilet with men which will make me feel embarrassed. I don't think that making all the toilets unisex can solve this problem.

Mark (Australia)

I think increasing the number of women's toilets is the best choice. I always feel sorry for the ladies as there never seems to be enough toilets and they always have to wait in line.

Roger (the US)

In the United States, there are lots of public unisex toilets. The toilet here is a one-room toilet, so each person can be alone with a locked door. When a woman leaves, a man can go in. In my opinion, it is silly and very ________ for men and women (and kids) to mix together in the same room!

Nick (the UK)

There have been unisex toilets all over London for years. This just isn't a big deal. If the doors offer enough safety and protection, I don't have a problem with it in most situations. In France unisex toilets are also common, and they have been around for years.

(1)Why are unisex public toilets introduced?

A . Because sharing is quite popular nowadays.

B . Because unisex public toilets are very popular.

C . Because people are looking forward to them.

D . Because there aren't enough restrooms for women.

(2)How ill Cathy feel if she has to use a unisex public toilet?

A . Excited.

B . Embarrassed.

C . Upset.

D . Worried.

(3)What is Mark's advice?

A . It's better for men and women to share the toilet.

B . It's necessary to build more toilets for women.

C . It's better to offer much protection for unisex toilets.

D . It's necessary to change some men's toilets into women's.

(4)Which of the following words can be put in "______"?

A . dangerous

B . interesting

C . educational

D . possible

(5)What's the passage mainly about?

A . Why women's toilets are fewer than men's.

B . How unisex public toilets become popular.

C . Different opinions about using unisex public toilets.

D . Different ideas about how to build public toilets.

13. (8分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


In a faraway kingdom, there was a river. It was the home to many golden swans (天鹅). The swans spent most of their time in the river. Every six months, the swans would leave a golden feather (羽毛) as a paying for using the river. The soldiers of the kingdom would collect the feathers and gave them to the king.

One day, a homeless bird saw the river. "The water in this river seems so cool and nice. I will make my home here," thought the bird.

The minute the bird landed near the river, the golden swans noticed her. They came shouting, "This river belongs to us! We pay a golden feather to the king to use this river. You can not live here."

"I am homeless, brothers. I will also pay. Please give me a place to live in," the bird pleaded (乞求). "How can you pay for it? You do not have golden feathers," said the swans, laughing. They added, "Stop dreaming and leave at once." The poor bird pleaded many times. But the arrogant (傲慢的) swans still drove the bird away.

"I will teach them a lesson!" decided the bird, feeling angry.

She went to the king and said, "Oh, my king! The swans in your river are rude and unkind. I pleaded for a home but they said that they had paid to live in the river with golden feathers."

The king was angry with the arrogant swans for having driven the homeless bird away. He ordered his soldiers to bring the swans to his palace. In no time, all the golden swans were brought to the king's palace.

"Do you think our kingdom depends on your golden feathers? You can not decide who lives by the river. Leave the river at once or I will kill you!" shouted the king.

On hearing the king's words, the swans flew away sadly. The bird built her home near the river and lived there happily. She gave homes to all other birds who came to the river.

(1)The swans did the following things except that ___________.

A . they spent most of their time in the river

B . they paid a golden feather every six months for using the river

C . they laughed at the bird and drove her away

D . they loved the bird and lived with her happily

(2)What's the correct order of the following events?

a. The bird asked the king for help.

b. The swans made a home in the river long ago.

c. The bird lived near the river with other birds happily.

d. The swans were made to fly away by the king.

e. The poor bird pleaded for a home but was refused.

A . b-d-a-c-e

B . b- e- a-d-c

C . e-b-c-a-d

D . a- c- e-b-d

(3)The king ordered the swans to leave the river because he thought __________.

A . the river was not big enough

B . he had too many golden feathers

C . the swans should share the river with the bird

D . the bird would give him more golden feathers

(4)What can we learn from the story?

A . Practice makes perfect.

B . East or west, home is the best.

C . Bad guys have no good end.

D . Love me, love my dog.

三、任务型阅读 (共1题;共15分)

14. (15分)阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题。(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)

Foreign (外国的)visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there don't have names. In Japan, people use landmarks(地标) instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, "Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is just across the bus stop."

In the Midwest of America, usually there are not many landmarks. So people will tell you directions(方向) and distance. In Kansas(堪萨斯州), for example, people will say, "Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile."

People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map. They measure(测量) distance by telling time. "How far is the post office?" you ask. "Oh," they answer, "it's about five minutes' walk from here. "

You say, "Yes, but how many miles away is it?" They don't know.

People in Greece(希腊) sometimes do not even try to give directions because few visitors understand the Greek language. Instead of giving you the direction, a Greek will often say, "Follow me." Then he'll lead you through the streets of the city to the post office.


(1)Do most streets have names in Japan?(不超过5个词)

(2)Why do people in Los Angeles measure distance by telling time?(不超过10个词)

(3)How many countries does the passage tell us?(不超过5个词)

四、根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写正确的单词。 (共7题;共31分)

15. (1分)They finally solved the problem in a p________(合适的)way.

16. (1分)The river is very________(深的) , so don't swim in it.

17. (14分)词汇运用。根据汉语、音标、单词或单词首字母的提示,写出正确的单词形式。

(1)What a ________[?ter?bl] day!

(2)It's d________ to play football in the street because there are so many cars.

(3)She's from New York, a famous city of A .

(4)There are sixty m________ in an hour.

(5)Don't a________ late for the meeting next time.

(6)Doing more ________[?eks?rsa?z?z] can help you a lot in your study.

(7)He is a brave boy and saved three ________ (life) in this accident.

(8)I like Chaoshan food because it's ________ (美味的).

(9)In China, red is a ________ (象征) of good luck.

(10)Some of the students go on a ropeway ________ (cross) the river to school.

18. (5分)将下列内容英汉互译

(1)at the moment________

(2)a kind of……________

(3)clean the house________

(4)learn a dragon dance________

(5)sweep the floor________

19. (4分)将下列内容英汉互译

(1)sweep away________

(2)cook the meal________

(3)have a look at ……________

(4)at work________

20. (1分)Do you know that Erhu is one of the most traditional________(乐器) in China?

21. (5分)将下列内容英汉互译

(1)be on a school trip________

(2)go back________

(3)take photos________

(4)on sale________

(5)a few________

五、短文填空 (共1题;共10分)

22. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

I want to be a teacher ________ I grow up. I got the idea because of my mother. She is a university teacher. It seems that she isn't very busy. She only needs ________(go) to work for two days in a week. She can get up late and go home very early, much earlier ________ me.

________ (be) a teacher seems to be a very easy job. That was my first ________(think). But then I found that her job was not easy. After I became a middle school student, I found that my mother goes to bed very late. She is ________ checking her students' homework or preparing her classes for the next day. She does it many times a day ________ great patience. Once I asked her: "Why do you work so hard?

I bet some students don't take homework ________ (serious)." "That's ________ a teacher should do," she answered, "I should point out their mistakes."

I knew she meant it. She loves teaching and loves her students. To realize my dream, I should work harder to learn more knowledge. ________ (succeed) is always there for those who are prepared. I believe that I will be successful.

六、根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。 (共6题;共20分)

23. (5分)你能想象22世纪生活将会是什么样吗?

24. (5分)谁在帮她做家务呢?

25. (4分)妹妹问我是否可以帮她学英语。

My sister asked me ________ ________ ________ ________ her with her English.

26. (4分)他问我们最喜欢哪部电影。

He asked us ________ ________ ________ ________ best.

27. (1分)那家超市在那边。

That supermarket is________.

28. (1分)我们的物理老师多有耐心啊!


七、选词填空 (共1题;共10分)

29. (10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。

Molly ran into the car. She sat in the back seat (后座)________ her brother. Her mother and father sat in front. "Just think, tomorrow we'll be in New York City!" her mom said. Molly worried about the trip. She was________ that she wouldn't like being in a big city.

She looked out the car as her father ________to the airport (机场). She saw large green corn fields (玉米地). And the tall green flees grew best in the summer sun. It took them forty________ to get to the airport. The airport was busy The 10-hour flight (飞行) was not very ________for Molly. She didn't like looking out the plane. She read a book on the plane,________the book was a little boring.

When the plane ________the family climbed in a taxi. The ________ was full of cars. Molly couldn't see green anywhere. "This is a lot different than back home," Molly said. "Yes. Do you ________ it,

Molly?" asked her mother. "Well, I' m not very sure," said Molly, "but I'll try."

八、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)

30. (5分)书面表达



要求:1. 词数:80-100个。

2. 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

3. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。

参考答案一、单项选择 (共10题;共20分)











二、阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)















三、任务型阅读 (共1题;共15分)




四、根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写正确的单词。 (共7题;共31分)











五、短文填空 (共1题;共10分)


六、根据所给汉语句子完成英语句子,词数不限。 (共6题;共20分) 23-1、






七、选词填空 (共1题;共10分)


八、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)



八年级第二学期期中考试试题 英 语 考试时间90分钟 满分为120分 听力部分(共25分) 一、对话理解。(本题共15分,每小题1分) 第一节 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从各题所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号里。 听第1段对话,回答第1题。 ( )1.The woman has a _______. A .sore throat B. toothache C. stomachache 听第2段对话,回答第2题。 ( )2. What can the boy do for City Park Clean-up Day? A. Clean up the park. B. Stay at home . C. Mop the chairs. 听第3段对话,回答第3题。 ( )3. What chore does the man like doing ? A. Cleaning the floor. B. Doing the dishes. C. Cleaning the car. 听第4段对话,回答第4题。 ( )4. What was the man ’s sister doing when they were talking? A.She was answering the phone . B. She was wathcing TV. C. She was listening to the radio. 听第5段对话,回答第5题。 ( )5. what is the man going to do during the sports meeting? A. To play for his team. B. To be a volunteer. C.To organize the meeting. 第二节 听下面几段对话,每段对话后有两个或三个问题,从各题所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号里。 听第6段对话,回答第6—7题。 ( )6. Where is the girl going? A. Home. B. To the cinema. C. To the school. ( )7. How often does the boy go to the cinema at night? A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Once a week. 听第7段对话,回答第8—9题。 ( )8.Why does Jim get up so early every morning? A. Because he wants to take some exercise. B. Because it is very far from his home to his school. C. Because he wants to memorize something about his lessons. ( )9.Who cooks breakfast every morning? A. Jim ’s father. B. Jim ’s mother. C. Jim ’s grandmother. 听第8段对话,回答第10—12题。 ( )10. What’s Jimmy’s problem? A. Peter took his dictionary without asking B. Peter made his dictionary dirty. C. He lost Peter’s dictionary again. ( )11. How did Jimmy solve the problem? A. He asked Peter to give his dictionary back. B. He had a talk with Peter. C. He had a fight with Peter. ( )12. What does the girl tell Jimmy to do? A. To make friends with Peter. B. To ask his teacher for help. C. To take Peter’s things without asking. 第9段对话,回答13—15题。 ( )13. Where are the two speakers probably talking? 班别______________ 姓名_____________ 座号______________ · ···················································密··········································封······················· ··························线··········································· ·····


Unit1 When is your birthday? 【短语】 1.your mother’s birthday 你妈妈的生日 2. October tenth 十月十号 3. date of birth 出生日期; 生日 4. how old 多大(岁数) 1.她的生日her birthday party 2.几岁how old 3.英语测验English test 4.学校郊游school trip 5.篮球\足球比赛basketball\soccer game 6.艺术\音乐节art\music festival 7.三十八thirty-eight 8.英语节English Day 9.体育节Sports Day 10.校庆日School Day 11.举办图书特卖会have a book sale 12.在学校图书馆in the school library 13.这个学期this term 14.在下午\上午\晚上in the afternoon\morning\evening 15.来我们学校come to our school 16.来参加我的生日聚会come to my birthday party 17.过得愉快have a good time 18.我妹妹的生日my sister’s birthday 19.生日快乐happy birthday 20.再见good-bye 【句子】 1.你妈妈什么时候过生日?When is your mother’s birthday? 2.你父亲多少岁?50. How old are your father?He is fifty. 3.你的生日是什么时候?我的生日是六月四号。 W hen is your birthday? My birthday is on June fourth. 4.DATE OF BIRTH: March 21st. 出生日期:三月二十一日。 5.今天几月几号?1月1号。 What’s the date today?Today is on January first. 6.你想来参加我的生日聚会吗? Do you want to come to my birthday party?


八年级英语期中考试卷 一、单项填空 1.---Where did Tina go on vacation last summer? ---She ________ to Hainan. A. went B. goes C. is going D. will go 2.—Did you try paragliding yesterday?---Yes. I_________ I was a bird, It was so exciting! A. looked like B. made sure C. thought of D. felt like 3.---Who will go to the ______ for teeth cleaning with you, Mark? ---My father. A. guide B. dentist C. writer D. musician 4.---I hate vegetables, I _________eat them. ---But they’re good for your health. You should often eat them. B. usually B. often C. hardly ever D. always 5. ---________ do you have a sports meeting in your school. ---Twice a year. A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often 6.----__________woman is your mother? ----The one with long hair. A. What B. How C. When D. Which 7.—How do you like the book you read yesterday? ---Oh! It’s one of ______ books I’ve ever read. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 8.---How do you like the concert given by EXO? ---Exciting,___________ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well. A. though B. because C. so D. and 二、完形填空 Do you have lost of friends? What do you 36 friends and friendship? Are 37 very important to you? Some of your friends may have 38 ideas from you, and some like doing the same things as you. Do you like friends different from 39 the same as you? You may like the friends who have the same hobbies 40 you. But I don’t really 41 . I have 42 good friends, Peter and James. Peter is like me. I’m 43 than most of the students in my class, and Peter is also quiet. And we 44 like going shopping. On weekends, we often go to the supermarket to 45 something. But 46 friend of mine, James is quite different from me. He is more outgoing, and he likes 47 funny stories and often makes me 48 . He also likes books, so he often goes to the library and does some 49 there. You see, friends are not 50 to be the same. Do you think so? ( )36.A. talk about B. think of C. thank for D. look at ( )37.A. it B. they C. them D. we ( )38. A. easy B. interesting C. different D. same ( )39.A. or B. and C. though D. but ( )40.A. to B. with C. as D. at ( )41.A. like B. care C. show D. wonder ( )42.A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )43.A. quieter B. funnier C. friendlier D. smarter ( )44.A. all B. each C. both D. some ( )45.A. sell B. buy C. play D. eat ( )46.A. other B. others C. the other D. another ( )47.A. speaking B. talking C. saying D. telling ( )48.A. laugh B. wait C. run D. dance ( )49.A. sleeping B. cooking C. reading D. cleaning


八年级下册期中测试题(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共25分) ( )1. Wang Ping isn’t here. I want to her up now. A. wake B. stand C. call D. cheer ( )2. The twins after their mother. A. are B. looks C. take D. like ( )3.---What’s John? --- He has a sore throat. A. matter with B. the matter to C. the matter with D. the wrong ( ) 4. They have to put the sports meeting because of the bad weather. A. on B. out C. off D. into ( )5. The teacher is the exercise books to the students. A. giving away B. giving out C. giving in D. giving up ( ) 6. --- May I the book? --- Yes. You can it for two weeks. A. borrow; lend B. borrow; borrow C. borrow; keep D. lend; keep ( )7. The man the job to me last year. A. provided B. offers C. provides D. offered ( )8. He asleep as soon as he went to bed. A. went B. fell C. falls D. will fall ( )9. --- Could you please me a ride downtown? --- . A. gave ; Sorry B. gets ; Sorry C. give ; Sure D. get ; Sure ( )10. Why not him the good news? A. told B. tell C. to tell D. telling ( )11. Smoking is bad for your health. You should . A. give up it B. give up them C. give it up D. give them up ( )12. ---It’s too cold. Would you mind the window? ---Certainly not. Please do it now. A. not to open B. not opening C. don’t open D. opening ( )13. When the man downstairs knocked at the door, I . A. am doing housework B. was doing housework C. am going to do housework D. did housework ( ) 14. I tried two jackets on , but of them looked good. A. both B. either C. neither D. all ( ) 15. The rainstorm came while Ann her purse in the classroom. A. was looking for B. looked for


Unit 1 (疑问副词)什么时候月;月份 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月十一月 十二月 愉快的;高兴的 生日快乐! 年老的;旧的 ……多大年纪?……几岁了?聚会;晚会 看见;见到 再见! 第一 第二 第三

第八 第九 第十二 第二十 测验;检查 旅游;旅行 艺术;美术 (音乐、戏剧等的)会演节;节日亲爱的 学生 东西;事情 学期时间 (表示祝愿)过得愉快!(在)那里 Unit 2 特别喜爱的(人或事物) 学科;科目 科学 体育 音乐;乐曲 数学 语文;汉语;汉语的,中国的地理(学)

为什么 因为 星期一 星期一 星期五 星期六 无疑;肯定空闲的 妙极的;酷的星期二 星期三 星期四上午 下午;午后 说;讲 有用的;有益的 (表示开始的时间)从……开始从……到…… (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人完成;做好 课;一节课 小时 Unit 3 吉他

游泳 跳舞;舞蹈 画 国际象棋 下国际象棋 说(某种语言);说话说英语 参加;加入 俱乐部;社团 ……擅长于…… 讲述;告诉 故事;小说演出;节目 给……看,展示 或者;也不(用于否定句)说话;交谈 跟……说 (中国)功夫 鼓 敲鼓 钢琴 弹钢琴 小提琴 拉小提琴

人;人们 家;活动本部;到家;在家善于;对……有办法 使成为;制造 结交朋友 在今天 在某方面帮助某人 中心;中央 周末 (在)周末 教;讲授 音乐家向上 起床;站起 穿衣服;连衣裙 穿上衣服 刷;刷净;刷子 牙齿 淋浴;淋浴器(间) 洗淋浴 通常地;一般地 四十 (表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀从不;绝不


八年级英语下册期中试卷 考试时间:90分钟满分100分 Ⅰ. 听力部分(共20分) 一、根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分) ( )1. What does Peter like to read? ( )2. How does Simon go to school? ( )3. What is the boy doing? ( )4. Where is Tom's mother working now? ( )5. How many foreign countries has Bill been to? A. Two B. Three. C. Four. ( )6. How much did the woman’s daughter pay for her coat? A. $100. B. $150. C. $200. ( )7. Who will help the boy? A. His mother. B. His father. C. His brother. ( )8. What can the girl see in the garden? A. Flower. B. Trees. C. Flowers and trees. ( )9. What are the two speakers talking about? A. How to go to China. B. Where to spend the holiday. C. When to go to China. ( )10. Where are probably the two speakers? A. On the play ground. B. At the museum. C. In the bookstore. 二、根据你所听到的对话或短文,选择正确的选项。(本大题共10分,每小题1分) 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( )11. How long did Li Fang live in Shanghai? A. For 5 years. B. For 6 years. C. For 7 years. ( )12. What does Li Fang’s father sell? A. Apples. B. Football. C. Computers.


(满分120分,考试时间120分钟) 姓名:成绩: 一、单项选择:(共20小题,计20分) 1. Don't eat ____food in the evening. It's bad ____ you. A. too much; with B. much too; for C. too much; for D. much; with more exercise you take, ____you will be. A. healthier B. happier C. the healthier D. the weaker 3.—Are you going to Tibet for vacation —Yes, I want you to ____me with some information about it. A. drop B. show C. give D. provide 4.—What a heavy rain! Will it last long —_______We're getting into the rainy season now. A.Of course not B.I’m afraid so C.That's impossible D.I'm afraid not 5. You can ____a conversation with you partner to practice English. A.pick up B.make up C.look up D.catch up 6. It's too hot. I can't wait ____in the lake. A.to swim B.swim C.swims D.swimming 7. David found a little girl______on his way to school, and he called police for help. A. cry B. cried C. crying D. cries 8. We have activities these days. Everyone in our class is as________as a bee. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest 9. He knocked on the door but______answered. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 10. Before she went abroad, she spent plenty of time ____ English. A. to practice to speak B. practicing speaking C. to practice speaking D. practicing to speak 11. I will send you an email when I___________ in Canada. A. arrive B. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive 12. My brother is _____a hardworking student that he always gets high marks. A. so B. very C. such D. too 13. Many students have interests. Some interests are relaxing and________ are creative. others B. others C. another D. the other 14. Please _____ the book back tomorrow when you come. A. take B. carry C. return D. bring 15. Don’t worry. We have ________ time to leave. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 16. It’s time for class now, please stop __________. A. talking B. to talk C. to speak D. spoke 17. ---Hi, Jack! Why do you look so sad ---Well, I don’t know how to speak English well, Can you give me ____. A. some advice B. an advice C. some advices D. some suggestion


八年级下册期中测试题 姓名:分数: 第一部分听力 I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()1. A. Li Lei works hard at maths. B. Li Lei doesn’t like maths. C. Li Lei is bad at maths. D. Li Lei does well in maths. ()2. A. Jack is sad. B. Jack feels well. C. There’s nothing wrong with Jack. D. Jack doesn’t feel well. ()3. A. Jordan is a baseball star. B. I like Jordan best. C. Jordan is good at football. D. I have a basketball. ()4. A. I don’t like my work. B. I’m not happy with my work. C. I enjoy my work. D. I’m happy to find a new job. ()5. A. It’s hard to make a yearbook. B. It’s useful to make a yearbook. C. It’s interesting to make a yearbook. D. Be careful when you make a yearbook.

II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()6. A. Reading B. At seven C. Riding bikes D. Physics ()7. A. Maybe B. She is going home C. She likes drawing D. She is going to be a driver. ()8. A. You are welcome B. It doesn’t matter. C. That’s easy D. Don’t thank me. ()9. A. Not at all. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. It doesn’t matter. D. Really bad. ()10. A. The same to you. B. It’s all right. C. What’s the matter D. I’m fine. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分。) ()11. A. Playing games B. Running C. English D. Drawing ()12. A. basketball player B. A good doctor C. A worker D. A movie star ()13. A. Use English B. Listen to the radio C. Watch TV D. Read books ()14. A. Playing B. Reading C. Playing the piano D. Drawing ()15. A. Singing B. Drawing

鲁教版 五四制 六年级下册 英语教材全解

鲁教版五四制六年级下册英语教材全解 (本检测题满分:100分;时间:60分钟) 一、听力部分(满分20分) Ⅰ听句子选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分满分5分) A B C D E 1 _________ 2 _________ 3 _________ 4 _________ 5 _________ Ⅱ听对话及问题根据对话内容选择正确的答语。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分满分5分) 6 A Her bike is los t B There is something wrong with her bike C She doesn’t like riding 7 A He takes a bus B He rides a bike C He walks to school 8 A Thirty minutes B An hour C An hour and thirty minutes 9 A By ship B By air C By bike 10 A Less than two miles B More than two miles C Two miles Ⅲ听对话根据对话内容选择正确的答语。对话读两遍。(每小题1分满分5分) 11 How does Mr Li go to work? A He goes to work by bus B He goes to work by boat C He goes to work on foot 12 How does Mr Li’s wife go to work? A She goes to work by car B She goes to work by bus C She goes to work by boat 13 How does Mr Smith go to work? A He goes to work by car B He goes to work by subway C He goes to work by boat 14 How does Mr Smith’s brother go to work? A He goes to work by taxi B He goes to work by subway C He goes to work by motorbike 15 How does Tom go to work? A He goes to work by bike B He goes to work by subway C He walks to work Ⅳ听短文根据短文内容填空。短文读两遍。(每小题1分满分5分) Mr Brown has a car In the morning he 16 his children to school in his car Then he drives to work Mr Brown and his children do not have 17 at home but Mrs Brown does She does not go to work She stays at home She does some shopping and cleaning in the morning In the afternoon she 18 goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them Then she cooks 19 20 二、笔试部分(满分80分) Ⅰ单项填空(每小题1分满分10分) 21 —How does your sister go to school? — A Once a day B Two miles C By bus D Twenty


2005-2006(二)八年级英语期中考试英语试题 命题人佐龙二中杨志坤 I.听力测试(共20分)(读两遍) 一、句子理解从每小题的三个选项中,找出与你听到的内容意思相同或相近有联系的选项。( )1.A. The children are boating now. B. The children are in the boat now. C. The boat is out of water now ( )2.A.I will leave before they come back. B. I will leave after they come back. C. I will wait for them because they will come back ( )3 A I am at home B I am at a factory. C I am at a hospital. ( )4 A I went shopping in the morning. B. I played pingpong ball in the afternoon. C I went to the cinema in the evening. ( )5. A They started the work at 6:15. B. They started the work at 6:45 C. They started the work at 7:15. 二、对话理解: 听十段简短对话,选出一个与你所听到的每段对话相同的问题的答案( )6.A. Fifteen minutes B. Twenty minutes C. Five minutes ( )7.A. Pears B. Apples C. Bananas ( )8.A. By the river B. Near the lake C. Near the river ( )9.A. Pandas B. Bananas C. Monkeys ( )10.A. Tomorrow B. This afternoon C. This morning ( )11.A. The woman is asking the way. B. the woman is asking the time. C. The woman is asking the weather. ( )12.A. Jane is in England now. B. Jane is in Australia now. C. Jane is in America now. ( )13.A. The can’t find the pen. B. Th e pen is broken. C. The pen is under the desk. ( )14.A. Lin Tao went to see his uncle in the morning. B. Lin Tao may go to see his uncle in the evening. C. Lin Tao may go to see his uncle in the afternoon. ( )15.A. Liu Hai knows the word “danger”. B. Li Lei knows the word “danger”. C. Liu Hai doesn’t know the word “danger”. 三、短文理解根据你听到的短文内容和所提问题选择正确答案。 ( )16.The children will go to the A.bird-house B. panda-house C. zoo ( )17.They are not going to see there. A. elephant B. birds C. animals ( )18.Mary and Ann like very much. A. monkey B. birds C. animals ( )19.The children will go there tomorrow because A.it will be fine B. they don’t have to go to s chool B.they don’t want to stay at home. ( )20.A. Mary will give something to to eat. A. John B. Ann C. the monkeys


I、单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) ( )1. Tina,this isn’t schoolbag, it is mine. A.his B. her C. yours D.your ( )2.________ do you exercise? ——Three times a week. A. How long B. How often C. How far D.How many ( ) 3. I want to go there by _______ train,but my mother told me to take _______ taxi. A. /, a B. a, the C. /, / D the, a ( )4. Don’t forget _____ the door when you leave. A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed ( )5.—_____ will you come back? —In a week. A. How long B. How often C. How far D.How soon ( )6.The boss(老板) often made the workers _____ 15 hours a day in this company. A. to lock B. work C. to work D. lock ( )7. I have two sisters, one is a doctor, _____ is a teacher. A. another B. other C. the other D. others ( )8. Lucy’s hair is the same colour _____ her mother’s A. as B. with C. to D. about ( )9. The post office is about five _____ walk from here. A. minute B. minutes C. minutes’ D. minute’s ( )10. Doctor Wang often asks us _____ too much. A. don’t eat B. not eat C. not to eat D.doesn’t eat II.完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Sally is 96 years old. She has no sons or daughters. Her husband 11 fifteen years ago. But she didn’t move into a nursing home. She would like to 12 herself every day. Every night she spends two hours 13 kids with their maths for twenty years. All kids living on her street can get her help without payment(付费). She was a famous 14 before she retired from a middle school. She gets up early in the morning, then does sports, goes shopping or helps cleaners 15 the street. And she does these happily. When the kids come for help, she is always 16 and tries her best to help them. People asked her 17 __ . She said, “I love it, it makes me happy to help them.”She is always happy every day and always says hello to people around her 18 a smile. “I’ve decided to love everything around me. So I’m happy to do 19 . I’m thankful for those kids who come to me for help. Each kid is a 20 for me. I love each day to help them.”She said.


第二学期期中质量检测初二英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择填空(15分) 从每小题A、B、C中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. It’s cold outside. Would you mind________ the door? A. open B. close C. closing ( ) 2. What_______ the city________ in 2026? A. will, like B. will, be like C. is, like ( ) 3. My little brother hopes ________ rockets to the moon one day. A. to fly B. fly C. flying ( ) 4. —I don`t know your e-mail address. Could you please _____ here? —Sure. A. write down it B. write it down C. take it up ( ) 5.—Is she going to be ______ actor? —Yes. She is taking ______ lessons on weekends now. A. a, actor B. an, actor C. an, acting ( ) 6. —________does he want to be when he__________? —He wants to be a computer programmer. A. What, grows up B. How, grows up C. What, grow up ( ) 7. --Can you give me ________ money, Dad? --Yes, but only ______ dollars. A. a few; little B. few; a little C. a little; a few ( ) 8. Here are some tomatoes. Please ________ . A. cut it up B. cut up it C. cut them up . ( ) 9. —Will people live to be 300 years old? —_________. A. No, they aren't B. No, they won't C. No, they don't ( ) 10. —How many birds can you see in the trees? —I can see _________ birds in them. A. hundred of B. five hundreds C. hundreds of ( ) 11. He ________ his wallet everywhere,but he can’t _______it. A. looked, find B. looked,find out C. looked for,find ( ) 12. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _____ meat and do ______ exercise. A. less; more B. much; few C. fewer; less ( ) 13. Please don’t forget _________ the umbrella when you go outside on a rainy day. A. taking B. to take C. brings ( ) 14. ________yogurt do we need? A. How much cups of B. How many cups C. How many cups of ( ) 15. There are some visitors ________ around the Great Wall. A. travel B. traveling C. to travel
